V ^ T tr a g t Dailbr N<t P rcas R ob Th« Wctthcr ForMMt of C. Wertiwr BtfOMi For tko Woek Eadodi‘V BoptomlMr M> IM l Fair, cooler tofllgkt, ootiiMor aMe lata taolcbt aad «ai^ Law Mar M. TMoiagr 13,369 mostly sanDy, waim. Htj[k 78 ta Mombor •( tiM AndK 4,r'- M. Biiroou of CIrraUtlon Maneheiter^A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY; OCTOHER 9. 1961 (Claaalflod AdvertUlag oa Pago 18) VOL. LXXXL^ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n vE CEN1S T o S a v e N H R R Court Bars State N..V, ew s Trustees Ask Roundup Review of Flies to See D el ay Asked Blue Laws On Phone Co. Washington, Oct.' 9 (A*)- Supreme Court refused today Rate Hearing to reconsider its May 29 de­ i Sam Rayburn cision upholding sta^ie blue, New Haven, Oct. 9 Oommerce Commission approve, the trustees wU' be ent- Waterburj’, Oct. 9 laws against commercial ac­ The trustees of the New Ha­ powered to borrow the money from State Sen. William J. Ver- tivities on Sundays. ven Railrpad look toward a commercial baftks, with the loans riker today asked the State Reconsideration was asked in a $15 million loan as the only guaranteed by the federal govern­ Public Utilities Commission petition filed by a firm using the ment. name "Two Guys from Harrison- P re sid e n t immediate hope of keeping (PUC) to .postpone for 30 git;,. I, , ' The trustees said the certlftcates Allentown, Inc.,” with a store near Ill the line alive. would be cashed from time to days the Oct. 23 hearing on Allento\vn, Pa., and Jn petitions One of them, William JT. Kirk, time, depending on tne situation, the Southern New England from five orthodox Jews having said the debt-stricken railroad, now ’They said they “ cannot and do no^ stores in Philadelphia. In Midwest operating under trusteeship, "can’t Intend to operate the raiiroad on telephone Company’s petition The high tribimal on May 29 = ill provide service beyond next month repeated bbrrow'ing.” for rate increases. ruled on blue law cases from Mary­ unless it receives permission to Verriker said he made the re­ land and Massachusetts as well as borrow the money. (Continued on Page Two) quest in a letter to PUC Chairman from Pennsylvania. Chief Justice Next Month The two other trustees, Harry Eugene S. Loughlln. He said the Warren said in the ruling that most W. Dorlgan and Richard Joyce scheduled date, “luider the most .fa­ Blue Laws are of a secular rather Newport, R. I., Oct. 9 (/P)— Smith, gave no deadline for a pos­ vorable circumstknees,” leaves a than a religious character, with President K^ennedy undertook sible end to the New Haven but Death' Toll 4 short time in which to prepare basic purposes of preventing over­ agreed the loan was necessary. The properly an adequate opposition. work and unfair competition. today a sad, "sentimental joUT' alternative, they said, was "to stop T^e Waterbury legislator la Sen­ The Supreme Court also refused ney to Texas to comfort ailing running the railroad.’* On State Roads ate chairman of the General As­ to review a Federal Communica­ Sam Rayburn. The gloomy picture was painted sembly’s Finance Committee, which tions Commission order canceling / ‘- 0 The President switched plans and at the first news conference held drew up the tax increase bills the IP-ll sward of Channel 10 in ordered his Air Force Jet to head by the three trustees sine they were Over Weekend passed by the 1916 session. The tax Miami. Fla., to Public Service Tele­ for ballas, Tex., instead o f back named last Aug. 3. ' bills included boosts in public util­ vision. Inc. *v A to Washington at the close o f a As Kirk put it, the life of the ity company taxes. The cajicellation came after a weekend here—beside and on the New Haven, which filed for reor­ By ASS^KTATED PRE.S8 Verriker also suggested in his Hou.se investigating subcommittee a. Four persons died in traffic ac­ ganisation July 7 under the Fed­ letter .that copies of the telephone developed that FCC member Rich­ The 79-year-old Speaker of the eral Bankruptcy Act, is "greatly in cidents in Connecticut over the company's petition for increased ard A. Mack had accepted financial House is gravely ill in a Dallas hos­ Jeopardy.” weekend, including a 20-year-old rates be sent to every municipality favors from Thurman A. White- pital, combatting incurable cancer. ■The tnistees said "much of the Marine and his bride. I in the state. .side, a Miami attorney, during a Distinguished national leaden passenger operations cannot be op­ The Marine, Frank Mitchell, and j Verriker listed as another rea- contest among foiir bidders for and politicians have been phoning erated profitably and thereljore hls wife. Sandra, also 20, of 169 j son for his objejtlon to the Oct. 23 Channel 10. or dropping in to see him. Kennedy cannot be continued imless ade­ Hill Ave., Stamford, were killed hearing date the current election FCC ,ruled that three of the con­ himself has been kept informed quately financed by public funds.” Sunday night when their sports campaign in Waterbiirj'. He said testants engaged in improper con­ constantly of Rayburn’s condition. "The trustees stand ready,” they car ran off the Merritt Parkway that he was "extremely busy” in duct designed to influence the out­ He has ^ e n checking for several said, "to provide such passenger near the Rocky Craig Road over­ his role as Democratic 'Town Com­ come and thus were disqualified days to find out whether tt would service Ss federal, state and muni­ pass in Stamford and struck a mittee qhairman. from holding a TV licen.se. It ruled be wise for him to visit the Speak­ cipal authorities may decide is es­ tree on the grassy divider. ers bedside. State Polige were unable to give out WKAT, Inc., and North Dade sential, provided the railroad is Video, Inc., in addition to Public The decision to make the trip properly smd adequately compen­ an explanation of the accident. Archbishop Improves Hartford, Oct. 9 (.V—Hartford Service Television. The TV chan­ was reached this momlnij'. sated for this inherently unprofit­ The car was completely wrecked. A* the man w-ho served longer^ A 76-year-old Waterbury wom­ Roman Catholic Archbishop Henry nel was ordered transferred to the able service." fourth applicant. L. B. Wilson. Inc. than any other as Speaker, as “ Mr." The conference afforded an op­ an, Mrs. Margaret Michaud, Pond J. O’Brien, .stricken late last month with a heart attack, has been taken Public Service Television ap­ Democrat” to both political friends portunity for the trustees to make St., died Sunday of injuries suf­ and foes, Rayburn was a powerful public what they called some of fered in a crash in Naugatuck off the critical list at St. Francis pealed to the Supreme Court to ' review the ca.«e after the U.S. r. ’. tetd ally of the President in Congress. their “ tremendous problems” since Saturday. Police said she was. a Hospital. j This was reported today by a Court to Appeals here upheld the He left Washington a month before assuming their duties. It was held passenger in a car that struck a Congress adjourned to go home to Friday, but with the provision that utility pole. spokesman for his office, who said FCC action in a 'decision last July the Archbishop spent a comfort­ 6. Cincinnati Red pitcher Joey Jay release.s first pitch of fifth World Series game today as New York Texas and try to get rid o f what he the trustees’ comments would not In Bridgeport, 75-year-old sEdd was lumbago in an aching be released to the public until last Jeanne Driscoll was struck and in­ able night and appears to be pro­ The Supreme Court in announc­ Yankee second ba.senian lets the ball go by for a called strike. Cmcdnnati catcher is John Edwards ing its refusal to review the case back. night. jured fatally Saturday as she was gressing satisfactorily. and umpire is Ed Runge of American League. (A P Photofaxi. Kennedy will mis* Rayburn’s ad­ ’They have sought U.8. District crossing a street. She died- about The pi-elate entered St, Francis also announced that it would not ■ ^ ......- ...—« ..i.i-ii. ..... ............ allow damages to B. Wilson, vice tmd help. But he scarceW.is Ootirt permission to borrow $16 three hours after the accident. Sept. 18 for treatment for a re­ In a poelUon to broach with Ray- million to keep the New Haven spiratory condition, and was then i Inc. bum a discussion of a possible suc­ running for the next iO to 12 laid low two days later by the ) A petition by Wilson asked the Rayburn Gets cessor. For rega^ess of what hs months. heart ailment. He has been on the i court to order damages because 199 to 202 the firm had "suffered because of may suspect, Raybbm has not been An Oct. 17 hearing before Fed­ critical list since then. told by his doctors that cancer is eral Judge Robert P. Anderson is Hartford, Oct. 9 (/P) — ’The State the delay occassloned by the filing” Yauks Lead 5-0 Test Injection striking down his long lustrous set on the petition for $15 million Motor Vehicle department’s daily of Public Service Television’s re: record of automobile fatalities as ■ Extended Forecast career in pintles. In trustees' certificates, with pri­ quest for a high court review.
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