Richard C. Brusca Ernest W. Iverson ERRATA
IdefeFfL' life ISSN 0034-7744 f VOLUMEN 33 JULIO 1985 SUPLEMENTO 1 ICA REVISTA DE BIOL OPICAL Guide to the • v , Marine Isopod Crustacea of Pacific Costa Rica . - i* Richard C. Brusca Ernest W. Iverson ERRATA Brusca, R. C, & E.W. Iverson: A Guide to the Marine Isopod Crustacea of Pacific Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop., 33 (Supl. 1), 1985. Should be page 6, rgt column, 27 lines from top maxillipeds page 6, rgt column, last word or page 7, rgt column, 14 lines from top Cymothoidae page 8, left column, 7 lines from bottom They viewed the maxillules to be * * page 8, left column, 16 lines from bottom thoracomere page 8, left column, last line Anthuridae page 22, rgt column, 4 lines from bottom pleotelson page 27, figure legend, third line enlarged page 33, rgt column, 2 lines from top ...yearly production. page 34, footnote (E. kincaidi... page 55, figure legend Brusca & Wallerstein, 1979a page 59, left column, 15 lines from bottom Brusca, 1984: 110 page 66, 4 lines from top pulchra Headings on odd pages should read: BRUSCA & IVERSON: A Guide to the Marine Isopod Crustacea of Pacific Costa Rica. ERRATA FOR A GUIDE TO THE MARINE ISOPOD CRUSTACEA OF PACIFIC COSTA RICA location of typo correction 5, rgt column, 2 lines from bottom Brusca, in press 6, rgt column, 27 lines from top maxillipeds page 6, rgt column, last word 7, rgt column, 14 lines from top Cymothoidae 8, left column, 7 lines from bottom •.viewed the 1st maxillae to be-. page 8, left column, 16 lines from bottom thoracomere page 8, left column, last line Anthuridae page 22 rgt column, 4 lines from bottom pleotelson page 27 figure legend, third line page 33 rgt colvmn, 2 lines from top ...yearly production.
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