Paleozoic Cumaceans (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Peracarida) from North America

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Paleozoic Cumaceans (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Peracarida) from North America Contributions to Zoology, 72 (I) 1-16 (2003) SPB Academic Publishing hv, The Hague Paleozoic cumaceans (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Peracarida) from North America ² Frederick+R. Schram Cees+H.J. Hof Mapes³ & Snowdon² ¹, Royal+H. Polly 1 Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University ofAmsterdam, Post Box 94766, 1090 GT 2 Amsterdam, Netherlands,; Dept. ofEarth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol 3 BS8 IRJ, UK; Dept. of Geological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701, USA, e-mail: mapes@oak. cats, Keywords:: Cumacea, North America, Paleozoic, Peracarida Abstract forms inhabit the fine sand and coarse silts perfect for fossilization (Schram, 1986). Bachmayer, (1960) Thiee new species of are described from North malacostracans recorded a poorly preserved cumacean-like speci- America in the UpperMississippian Into Formation ofArkansas, men Palaeocuma hessi from the Callovian, Middle and the Pennsylvanian Eudora Shale of southeastern Kansas. of France’. These Jurassic, Subsequently, Malzahn (1972) appear to be the oldest fossils attributed to the Cumacea and studied two Permian are well-preserved species of the only the third collection of fossil cumaceansanywhere to be described. Permian genus O. and O. Previously depicted forms occur in the Opthalmdiastylis, inflata costata, and Jurassic of Europe. We herein double the numberof described from the marl beds ofZechstein I, Kamp-Lintfort, fossil cumacean species and suggest some adjustments necessary Germany. These latter taxa are noteworthy in that tothe higher ofthe accommodate taxonomy group to apomorphic they exhibit lobed as the features of distinctly eyes, generic the fossil and Recent forms. name implies. This describes paper three new species of Car- Contents boniferous cumaceans from the lino Formation (Up- per Mississippian) of northwestern Arkansas, and the Eudora Shale (Pennsylvanian) of southeastern Introduction 1 Localities and Kansas. our not methods I Although specimens are as com- Systematics 4 pletely preserved as the Jurassic and Permian ma- Neocumacea 4 theseCarboniferous terial, nonetheless, species are Ophthalrncumacea 4 related clearly to the younger specimens. We ef- Ophthaldiastylis parvulorostrum 5 extend the for the Cumacea fectively range into a Carbocuma imoensis 1 Securicaris time frame for which we also have the earliest fos- spinosus 9 Lhscussion sils for other 12 peracaridan groups, viz., the Isopoda, Acknowledgements 15 Tanaidacea, Pygocephalomorpha, Lophogastrida, References ] 5 and Spelaeogriphacea. Introduction Localities and methods e m°dern Cumacea are These specimens are in the fossil a very successful group invertebratecollections ofthe 0 P erac aridan San Diego Natural History Museum (SDSNH). Two localities malacostracan crustaceans with ‘Hound are involved (Fig, 1). 1215 species (Watling, pers. comm.). Never- 6 css unt 'l now ’ only three species of fossil cuma- SDNHM locality 3191:- Imo Formation, Upper °eans Mississippian; Jve t* een described, these despite the fact that Peyton Creek, Van Buren County, The Arkansas. outcrop is Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 09:24:55AM via free access 2 F.R. Schram et al. - Paleozoic cumaceans from North America Fig. I. Geographic information for cumaceanlocalities. Site 1 (SDSNH locality 3191), Imo Formation., U. Miss; Peyton Creek, Van Buren Co., Arkansas; outcrop just south ofthe northern border of Van Buren Co., on US Highway 65, about 6.4 km. southeast of Leslie, Searcy Co. (NE 1/4, sec. 11, T13N; R15W; Leslie 7 1/2 quadrangle).Site 2 (SDSNH locality 3267), Eudora Shale, Penn; Tyro Quarry, Montgomery Co., Kansas; 2.7 km. northeast of Tyro (NE 1/4, SE 1/4, sec. 30, T34S, RISE; Tyro 7 1/2 Quadrangle). Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 09:24:55AM via free access Contributions to Zoology, 72 (1) - 2003 3 located south of the Van Buren border the U.S. just County on glomerate. Intermediate diversity between levels 1 Highway 65, about 6.4 km southeast of Leslie, Searcy County, and 3. Molluscs are less common than in level 1. Arkansas. Specimens were either collected on the surface or Level 3: From the concretionary shale. The higher obtained from bulk samples that were not in situ. diversity and abundance of palaeocopid ostracodes indicates a shallow marine environment, somewhat The fauna is quite extensive. Schram and Mapes further offshore and with more normal than described salinity (1984) a single carapace of a new genus levels 1 and 2. Gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods and species of decapod crustacean, Imocaris tuber- are but no echino- from this site (including goniatites) common, culata, associated with a molluscan derms. dominated fauna of ammonoids, gastropods and Level 4\ From limey shale above the limestone. Most bivalves. Hoare and Mapes (2000) recorded a total diverse fauna in this level, including the cumaceans of 49 taxa of ostracodes from the Imo Formation. in indicates normal marine Sohn question. Assemblage (1940) listed 364 species representing 82 salinity, deeper water, more calcareous sediment genera of Mississippian ostracodes. In addition, a with less terrigenous clastic additions in an off- variety of molluscs are known (Hoare et ah, 1982, shore environment. Abundant bryozoans and echi- 1988, 1989; Hoare and Mapes, 1985; Jeffrey et ah, noderms, but few cephalopods. 1994; Malinky and Mapes, 1983; Mapes, 1987; Level 5: From just below the limestone in limey Mapes et ah, 1986). On the basis of ammonoids shale. Diversity declines by more than 50% from (Saunders, 1973; Saunders and Work, 1999) the Level 4. Lower reflects the decline in formation diversity is dated to late Chesterian, Elviran Stage calcareous-deposition with an increase in terrig- (E2b to E2b-c), equivalent to the Arnsbergian Stage elastics. enous Assemblage represents a shallow in Europe. marine offshore environment. Salinity, water depth, The faunal composition of the Into formation substrate, depositional rate and temperature fluc- differs from that of the Chesterian faunas of the tuations all affected the faunal diversity. Appalachian and Eastern Interior. Webband Suther- land (1993) show the laterally varying lithologies SDNHM 3267: - Eudora Shale, in locality Pennsylvanian; Tyro a short distance of the Imo Formation and dras- Quarry, Montgomery County, Kansas. Quarry is located 2.7 tically different local environments. The inverte- km northeast ofTyro, Montgomery County, Kansas. brate faunas previously described from the Peyton Creek road section indicate The cut a general deepen- cumacean specimens came from the upper dark ■ng of in shore marine water a relatively near envi- gray shale facies, thought to represent somewhat ronment. there fluctuations in the Also, were amount less oxygenated conditions than those of the un- of clastic At medium shales and terrigenous deposit being deposited. derlying gray (Malinky Mapes, least 3 storm have been observed in the The Eudora deposits 1982). Shale is very fossiliferous. There section (Hoare and Mapes, 2000), and the diver- is a highly diverse molluscan fauna, though only a shy of ostracodes varied between dif- few considerably genera are common, with 9 genera of bivalves, lerent levels within the formation, generally increas- and cephalopods, especially bactritoids (Mapes, ing from 1 to 5. level level 1979), while gastropods are less common. Scapho- pods, rostroconchs and hyoliths are found even less Level /: black shale. Concretionary Assemblage frequently. For the most part the molluscs in their dominated the dark shale by widespread platycopid ostracode, gray occur as pyritized internal moulds. the dominance Cavellina, of which and the low Non-molluscan fossils are rare and include a few indicates diversity an unstable, well-oxygenated, fragmentary sponges, bryozoa and brachiopods, near-shore environment with much terrigenous clas- echinoid fragments, crinoid columnals and blastoids, tlc deposition. Common in this level are; articu- and lophophyllid corals. The microfauna includes lated echinoderms, bivalves, gastropods, orthoconic conodonts, ostracodes and agglutinated foramini- eephalopods are ammonoids common yet goniatite fers. Vertebrates are diverse and abundant as frag- are rare. mented specimens in the phosphate nodule hori- Level 2: Just below a crinozoan storm con- zon at the base of the dark shale grain sequence, which Downloaded from Brill.com10/04/2021 09:24:55AM via free access - 4 F.R. Schram et al. Paleozoic cumaceans from North America probably represents a storm deposit. The faunal shelfcharacteristic of the Paleozoic taxa. Currently, and 8 of Bodo- analysis of the facies by Malinky Mapes (1982) families living cumaceans are recognized: indicates the upper dark shale bed was deposited triidae, Ceratocumatidae, Diastylidae, Gynodia- in an oxygen-poor, normal marine, off-shore envi- stylidae, Lampropidae, Leuconidae, Nannastacidae, ronment. The high organic contentand total pyritiza- and Pseudocumatidae. tion of the diverse fauna also indicates the dark gray facies was deposited under reduced oxygen levels. The and dark shale facies of the Infraorder gray gray Ophthalmcumacea Malzahn, 1972 Eudora Shale, near Tyro, Kansas are similar to other Shale in - from Eudora exposures the region as indicated Diagnosis. Distinctly lobed eyes, free cepha- faunal by common elements including conodonts lothorax, bearing well-developed facets; carapace and crinoids. lacking pseudorostra, but with anterolateral lappets The materials were generally studied initially extending forward; large ventral
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