Winter Sports Answers

1. How many people are there in a curling team? 4

2. Which 1993 American comedy film is loosely based on the Jamaican bobsleigh team’s debut entry into the 1988 Winter Olympics in ? Cool Runnings

3. Which two sports are included in the Winter Olympics biathlon? Skiing & Shooting

4. Which female member of Team GB won a gold medal in the event at the ? Lizzy Yarnold

5. Which four-lettered winter sport is the French word for ‘sledge’ or ‘toboggan’? Luge

6. In which country did the take place? South Korea

7. Which country has won the most medals in speed skating? Holland

8. Eric Heiden competed in the Lake Placid games of 1980; he won an amazing 5 gold medals but in which sport was this? Speed Skating

9. In what year were the Winter Olympics first separated from the Summer Olympics? 1994

10. In Skiing, which event has more ‘gates’ the Super-G or the Giant Slalom? Giant Slalom

11. What nationality was the famous skier Franz Klammer? Austrian

12. Which country has the most Winter Olympic medals? Norway

13. What is the crouched position in downhill racing on smooth straight slopes called? Egg Position

14. Canadians Jamie Sale and David Pelletier received gold medals in this sport at the 2002 Winter Olympics following a judging controversy, what was the event? Figure Skating, pairs

15. Calgary and which other Canadian city are the two Canadian cities that have hosted the Winter Olympics? Vancouver