~IIlC" 1940 ~ws Skateboarders, school leaders disagree over use of school yard By Shirley A. McShane slstlble to teens on skateboards (skatmg) nght on the benches Staff Wnter and In-lme skates (donated by famlhes as memo- The smooth blacktop surface But what some of them leave nals to loved ones), the seats and the curves and curbs of the In theIr wake has school are being destroyed and mutl- parkmg lot and cuI de. sac at admmlstrators and parents RIchard Elementary School In funous See SKATEBOARDS, Grosse POinte Farms are Irre- "The skateboarders are page 20A Developtnent Have mural, will travel of MacklMoross Grosse Pointe Farms WEEK AHEAD resident Jan Hulme, an mterior designer who sparks debate Saturday, Oct. 4 owns BorderlDg on Art, center In commemoration of St gets assistance from By John Lundberg Grosse Pomte Woods real- FrancIs of ASSISSI, patron Staff Wnter "We have to be careful about saint of ammals, a number of dent Beth IDem in trans- uSlllg the largest parcel of land In an effort to do what's best ammal bleSSing ceremonies portlDg one of Hulme's that we have" for the pubhc, lines are bemg wIll take place today St. palDted creations into drawn In the sand over what The report, comptled by Paul Cathohc Church on Grosse Pointe Memorial should be developed on the Kathenne Beebe & AsSOCIates, Lakeshore In Grosse POinte Church. 16 Lakeshore in parcel of land at Mack and IS Simply another phase m the Farms Wlll hold a bleSSing of GroNe Pointe Farms. Moross m Grosse Pomte development of the property the pets at 10 a m on the From Thursday, Oct. 2 - Saturday. Oct. 4, the Farms Because the report SIded WIth church lawn the community center, Gaffney church Is the site of an The cIty counCIl last week event entitled "Rooms and Gandelot Implored the • accepted a report from an counCilnot to rush to Judgment with a Pointe of View" urban planner, who concluded Chnst Church-, where the public can tour on how to develop the site 960 Jefferson, two blocks the Farms has two optIons for 14 designer showrooms developing the property that There were several alterna- east of the RenaIssance decorated by 22 interior tives that were suggested for Center, WIll host Its own has sat vacant for over two decorators, shop at the years semor houslllg development In bleSSing of the ammals Marketplace Boutique. the area, but both Gaffney and inSIde the hlstonc church at and enjoy some cuisine. OptIon one calls for a full- Gandelot dIsmissed the sites as 11 a m All creatures great Tickets are $8 at the servIce community center that "unrealistic" and small are welcome WIll house numerous recre- door; proceeds benefit "Nobody has ruled out senior Habitat for Human.lty. atIonal and meeting spaces, • the other option proposes a hOUSing for the Mack and bUIldmg for semor housmg and Moross area," Danaher s81d. The 23rd annual Univer- "We are contmumg to look at sIty LIggett School AntIques a scaled down community cen- ter all the options The report (by Show IS today and Sunday, Morningside traffic not a problem, the urban planner) was based Oct 5, from 11 a m to 5 P m At Issue IS that part of the on facts gathered over 18 AdmISSIon IS$6 The event IS report that concluded the best months Her findings were held In the mIddle school at according to Woods city officials use for the land leaned toward obJectIve, straight forward and 850 Bnarchff Dnve, Grosse By Jim Stickford completed a study of traffic Nothmg needs to be changed the full-servIce commumty cen- consIstent WIth the futunng Pomte Woods Staff Wnter patterns on MorningsIde In the But thIS answer dId not please ter CounCIl members Lisa study conducted five years As a part of ongoing efforts area of Barnes and Our Lady some reSIdents who hve m the Gandelot and Ed Gaffney ago" objected to that use and are to make automobIle traffic flow Star of the Sea school and area If developed, the full-servIce Monday, Oct. 6 m the safest and most conve- church. Cpl Joseph CardOSI, the mSlstent that semor housmg remam m the plans commumty center mil consIsts ment pattern for all, the The conclUSIOnof the study CIty'Straffic officer, completed a of an Ice nnk, a competitIOn, The Grosse Pomte Woods Grosse Pomte Woods public presented at the Sept 15 coun. "ThIS report IS one of the leIsure and wadmg pool, a CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 safety department recently cil meetIng was SImple tools (but) not the final arbiter See TRAFFIC, page 20A gymnaSIum, a track, a teen pm In the mumclpal buIld- of how the counCIl bases Its Ing at 20025 Mack Plaza center, a fitness center and (final) deCISIOn(to develop the 7,000 feet of orgamzatlOnal • land>," Gaffney saId "I have a meeting rooms If optIOn two IS responslblhty to the people selected, a scaled down versIOn The Grosse POinte Farms who elected me ThIs commum- WIll be erected alongside of CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 ty ISaging (and) semor housmg 60,000-80,000 square feet pm m CIty hall, 90 Kerby IS a noble goal " devoted to semor hOUSing Gandelot saId the Farms After acqumng the property counCil was unanImous m Its The Grosse POinte school In 1994, the Farms have razed consensus last year that semor a number ofbuJldlngs and pur- board meets at 8 p m In the hOUSing should be bUIlt at Wlcklng LIbrary at Grosse chased some adjacent homes Mack and Morass She saId for the purpose of developing POinte South HIgh School, 11 that perceptIOn changed after Grosse POinte Boulevard the SIte The counCIl last week the last electIOn She remams rezoned the property as a com- adamant that senior housmg mumty seTVlce dlstnct to be placed at the SIte accommodate Its plans Wednesday, Oct. 8 "I think some people are "I would feel bad to go to being narrow In theIr thmk- Wayne County those property owners we Ing," she saId CommIssIoner Chnstopher bought the land from and tell F Cavanagh conducts a town Mayor John Danaher and them we are bulldmg an Ice meeting from 5 to 8 p m at councilman Peter Waldmelr nnk (there)," Gandelot saId the Grosse POinte War Jr, while strongly commItted Danaher saId the final deCI- Memonal, 32 Lakeshore, to semor housmg, saId the sIon of what to do mth the land Grosse POinte Farms Call counCIl should heed the adVIce mIl not be made untIl after the (313) 224-0920 or (313) 224- of experts when developmg the general election In November 7204 for more information land The next counCIl meetmg IS ~Mack and Moross IS not the scheduled for Oct 6 Phol<>sby SUZ)/&nchback be~t Site m the city for semor "Weare Just trying to be good hOUSing,"Waldmelr sllld ~It IS stewards for the property," INSIDE the best SIte for the commumty Waldmelr sllld Opmwn. .6A Obztuarzes . .. lOA SenIOrs ... .11A Autos . 12A Schools. 14A Busmess 18A Home: Grosse Pomte Woods Entertamment .. 7B Age: 47 Sports lC Family: WIfe, Beckl son, Classified ads 5C Family fun BIll,13 More than 1,500 people attended Occupation: Account exec- the Grosse Pomte War Memorial's utIve WIth AT&T annual Family Fun Day on Sept. 2 held along the War Memorial's lake- Claim to fame: Recently front lawn. The event mcluded music completed an 11,000 mIle, by the ShorellDe Concert Band, mid- 11-day motorcycle compe way games and a giant sUde, a swap tltlOn, the Iron Butt Rally and shop, a Bungee Rnn and chU- dren's activities. Conquering her fear Quote: About the Iron Butt of heighta t. City of Grosse Pointe res- Rally "The Journey IS the Ident Kimberly CODely, right, and adventure, the destma- friend. who took a ride ODthe giant tIon IS the excuse" Inflatable sUde. See story, page 4A Bill Kraus I.DlrORI \1 . ~~2-n2')4 • [)IS!'I \'1 \1)\ I rnI">I,,\(,: " ....2- ,;(it) • CI \C,SII ,II I): ' ....2.f,q(lt) • (IRe L L \TlO\,: )4,-0;;-;, • PRODLCTIO,,\ ....."2.hI)4(1 • ~

r- ( C__ .AU •• ng., , l R04 <) Hom.llon e) Ingmow M ~860? 1>11I19)091~ SEQUENCE 4. (ROOj96R 1~56 Inx 1 \ 11119? ?~?3 t'mo omq I@cr!> rom o.nea, o 9)tJ.'.'O".LR'ohhm\ <)utf' :l~:i • • • Q (, ond HCl'o'pn MI 49411 (61111 R~i\ Rnt> In. 16161 8~161A7 ,..mt!IlII ~,.,?8n VoH'V'o~A ...-. 2A October 2, 1997 News Grosse Pointe News 50 years ago this ,veek ~esterda~'s headlines

50 years ago this week Within proximity and raised have been scheduled to mform on Jefferson In Grosse Pomte • The Lake Shore Coach concerns about the threat of the pubhc of the particulars of Park, destrOying the two story Lmes rates are to Increase to the lead pellets to water fowl the $86 ml1hon In Improve- storefront and dlsplacmg the 15 cents, effective Nov I, for and fish A gun club represen- ments proposed for the Grosse owner and hiS family The fire fares from Grosse POinte to tative emphaSized the group Pomte Pubhc Llbranes The was called In to the Park pubhc DetrOit Fares from DetrOit has had a perfect safety record bond Issue and I-mIll hike Wlll safety department around (Grrmd ('lrC\!. Park\ to Grosse In Its 16-year hiStory be on the Nov 3 ballot Plans 10 30 p m and brou!(ht under POinte Shores, Grosse Pomte • A proposed Jomt meetmg are to double the shelf capacity control by firefighters around Woods and St Clair Shores of the Grosse Pomte Woods and tnple square footage 3 30 a m Firefighters battled a WlIIbe 20 cents The Increases City Council and the • Neither North nor South hea vy fire load due to all the are necessary, accordmg to the Southeastern Michigan high schools WIll have march- plastic, cleanmg solutions and president of the coach hnes, to Transportation Authonty Ing bands on their football solvents offset raises m wages and oper- (SEMTA) IS scheduled for Oct fields dunng haltbme Interest • Park busmessmBn ating costs. 9 The topiC of WscusslOn Wlll m the program has dwmdled Diamond Phillips wants to • More than 1,000 persons be the Woods' prevIOus notice of Students say the bands were bUild a three-story, 26-umt witnessed ceremOnies, mtent to termmate Its agree- the target of abuse at games condominIUm complex on the presided over by Cardinal ment Wlth SEMTA for opera- and their peers tend to think of north Side of Jefferson between Mooney, m which St Joan of tion and subSidy of the Lake those who participate as the long-vacant Lakepolnte Arc School - the first perma- Shore Coach Lmes The five "SISSies"and "Wimps" Olds dealership and Crown nent bwldmg urut of the pansh Pomtes and St Clair Shores S years ago this week Cleaners In Grosse Pomte - was formally dedicated The pay a percentage of the $5,000- • A SUSpiCIOUSblaze nps Park a-month operatmg subSidy to pansh was founded In 1928 through the Crown Cleaners - Sh~rley A McShane and serves a portion of Grosse SEMTA,lfneeded SEMTAhad Pomte Woods and St Clair a defiCit of $15,162 for the last Shores quarter Richner to have fall office hours • The bwldmg boom In the • The Grosse POinte Pomtes and the growmg popu- Symphony Orchestra opens Its State Rep Andrew 90 Kerby lation mwcates a need for con- 20th season With a featured Richner Wlll be holding spe- He Will be at the Grosse struction of new schools, an performance by a rock ensem. Cial office hours m a vaMety POinte Shores first floor con- eight-month survey conducted ble of DetrOit Symphony of locations on Monday ference room on Oct 20 at by the school system reveals Orchestra mUSICians,known as mornmgs between 9 and 10 795 Lakeshore. On Oct. 27 MetamorphOSIS • The first pubhc heanng on a.m., beginning on Oct 6 and he Will be In the Grosse Grosse Pomte Park plannmg 10 years ago this week ending on Nov 10 POinte Woods commumty ended m confuSion as the meet- • Henry Ford II IS dead at Richner Will be at the City center and on Nov 3, he Will mg progressively developed m 70 He had been suffenng from of Grosse Pomte city hall be m the Harper Woods city a Babel of vOices and Ideas and pneumoma Son Edsel Ford conference room on Monday, hall conference room, 19617 finally was termmated by man- srod In a prepared statement Oct 6, at 17147 Maumee On Harper Avenue. He VISitSthe ager Eventt B Lane The pur- that his father was a great Oct 13 he Will be in the Grosse Pointe Park first floor pose was to give mterested Cit- mdustnal leader and a dedi- Grosse Pomte Farms city conference room at 15115 E. Izens a first glimpse at maps cated supporter of CIVIC and hall mam conference room at Jefferson on Nov 10. and plans prepared for future humamtanan causes Henry development of the Village Ford II was the first son of Property owners disagreed Edsel and Eleanor Clay Ford Need help with your classified ad? Club holds fashion show over such thmgs as mmlmum and the first grandson of Cal! our fnendly, expert sales representatives for advIce I The College Women's Club opened its season with a lot sizes Henry Ford, founder of the (313) 882-6900 fall fashion show and membership tea last Wednesday 25 years ago this week Ford Motor Co He retired m afternoon, Sept. 24, at Mrs, Hugh Stalker's home on 1980 as board chBlrman and • The Farms council nar- r-- -DO YOU KNOW Middlesex in Grosse Pointe Park, Hosteas Mrs. Stalk- rowly approves a request made was generally credIted With er. left. welcomes a new member, Mrs. John Lindsay, by the Grosse POinte Trap steenng the car company back WHAT HEALTH RISKS ARE POSED right, as general chairman Mrs. Glenn D. Curtis looks Shooting Club to use Pier Park to health on. (Grosse Pointe News, Oct. 2, 1947. Photo by Fred on Saturdays and Sundays • A senes of public forums Runnells.) from October to Apnl BY A SEwER WATER BACKUP? Opponents Cited safety con- cerns for boaters and children r------.. WHAT EFFECTS A SEWER WATER BACKUP I Don't sell I POSES TO YOUR PROPERTY VALUES~ WHAT YOU AND YOUR CITY Easter Stll Socit~of SoutheasterD MidiiIID,IDC, : your BABY! : CAN DO ABOUT rrt lP If It's time for your "baby" to I I leave home, donate that TIm GROSSE POINTE BACKUP • 21100 Nort!lwe~ern Hwy" I precIOUsold car or boat to the I PREvENTION AsSOCIATION I Volunteers of Amenca I inVites you to attend a meetmg at Donating ISSImple, fast, and Grosse Pointe Community Suite9)0 to donatecalltoll.freeI.R88.140.KIOS • easy GiftS qual,f\ as tax I EducationIBames School I deductible contnbutlons for I &luilifiel~MI4~01; (54J1), those who !lemlZe Receipts 20090 Mommgslde, Grosse POinte Woods I ISSUed I on SATURDAY, OCT. 4th The volunteers of Amenca from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. I has been serving MichIgan s I I needy ,oncc 1896 Funds I denved from lour vehlde can I Speakers will mcIude an mdoor air qualIty bIOchemist I house and feed a homeless to diSCUSShealth nsks, an engmeer to diSCUSScauses VICTORIA PLACE I mother and her chIldren for I House of Shoppes and an attorney to address nghts and remedies. 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. r , 1 I t ,A o @ 0 & Q October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News Fire on Neff extinguished without any water delays By John Lundberg Several residents In the area dId not cause a delay (and) was Staff Wnler commented about the faulty not 8 problem at all " Ii A Ii"auIt y va Ive stem on a fiIre h)-dr.lIlt <.Iud "ul:lge~[,t!

Receive $25 off you r Johnston & Murphy purchase made the day of the show. Wimbledon Racquet Club & Their Staff have been named "The Best Kept Secret in Town!" .';. '~ ALL NEW MEMBERSHIPS ~,/ ...... 20% OFF ~--~'., Call Nancy Rivard ~ 810-774-1300 ~ 17000 KeroIleYal. Grosse Pomte .(313) 882-7000 IItlours' Mon.SaI1o-9' Sun Noon.S

) " ----~--~, ...... Aft OffICI .. 80~ 5 Hom Iron 50gonow M ~8601 ,.. 1517) 797093~ SEQUENCE 18001 9683H6 .. fox1S17179l 74Z3 ICOTT IlOIIINJOII ""m~1 dmQ 1On 'S com Pre:stde",t ••• IOMAL ..... 97~ ROhh" 5"". Z52 Glond Hoven MI.49417 1~161641>en6 1m 16161 847~747 .mail dmQ20n0v000te com October 2, 1997 4A News Grosse Pointe News -Pointer competes in 8th annual Iron Butt Rally • By Margie Rems Smith State Um\er~lty and doctors, people WIth col- smell the grapes You're out m - Assistant Editor He h\ed In E"st Engll~h lege educatIOns and substan- the elements and more alert Se\ enty-nllle motorcycllstb Village until three year~ ago tial mcomes " "If you want to find the partIcipated m the Iron Butt when he tll;, Wife Beckl and The old stereotype of the safest, surest way to travel • Rally, an 11,000 nllle, 11-da) theIr SOli Blll, 13, 010\ ed back abies such as weather and road awake teenage outlaw motorcychst IS from pomt A to POint B, travel- : cross countq motorcycle com to GrOSbe POlnte Wood;, a fe" condltlonb He also ha:. to plan "It was the only way I could no longer valid, Kraus Said "I Ing by motorcycle IS probably petition blocks from where he grew up time to eat and sleep get four or five hours of unm- grew up watchmg grade B not the way to go " BIll Knus of Grosse Pomte He got hIS first motorcycle "You're dolO!! ca1c\llatH1n~ ternlpt<>d wo'"') free del'p " hl' motorcvcle film~ like the Hell's The Iron Butt Rallv was a WUU<.b tuuk lil" dlduenge when he Wd;, 17, but dldn t pur- either mentally or WIth a cd1cu- ~ald Angels movie;, at dnve ms good challenge of hIs time man- He's 47, an account executive sue the sport as a hobby, or lator, all the time," Kraus said Today, the average age of a agement skills, hiS ablhty to with AT&T, marned, the father Kraus saId he usuallv set hIS "Ith any degree of senou~ne~s, "You ha\e to predIct If you have motorcycle owner I;' the mid- plan and strateglZe, Kraus of a teenage son He owns two cruise control at 76 and limIted for another 25 years Kraus time to get certam bonus 40s Motorcycles are expensIve Said "It also requIres a love for - motorcycles Other compelltors hImself to 10 to 12-mlnute currently own;, two motorcy- POints Bonuses get more and Most cost more than the aver spendmg ndlculous amounts of were mostly profesblOnal peo stops for gas and food "My goal cles a BMW and a Honda Gold more complicated the further age car" time on a motorcycle" pIe, he said - neurosurgeons, Wmg "'as to do 200 miles every three you get mto the rally Near the hours m five segments each Beckl Kraus often accompa He completed the other four attorneys, an 3lrhne steward "WhICh one I use depends on end the POint values also get day It's tedlUs Durmg the mes her husband as a passen- legs of the Journey - Daytona and SIXwomen The Sixth place my mood and where I'm gomg," better" rally my longest day was 1,320 ger on shorter tnp;, They both Beach, Fla, by 3 p m on willner was a grandmother he saId "The Honda l~ a tour- For mstance, one of the miles" smd ndmg a motorcycle IS less Thursday, Aug 28, Orange, Sixty one riders fimbhed Ing bike, made for long dIS- bonuses requIred a photo WIth Kraus saId he packed some tmng than travehng m a mill!- Cahf, by 4 pm on Sunday, Kraus completed the rally In tances It's bIg, heavy, made for two of the four faces of Mount food (mostly Power Bars and van Aug 31, Yakima, Wash, by 5 : the mIddle of the pack - 31st long ndes It can pull a traIler Rushmore VISIble Because beef Jerky), several water bot- "In the van, you're 10 a com- p m on Tuesday, Sept 2, and • He also accumulated enough or carry a passenger" Kraus arnved at Mount tles, a few articles of c1othmg, a fortable seat The Windows are back to the ChIcago suburb by bonus pomts to earn a gold Kraus ha~ been WIth AT&T Rushmore In the mIddle of the calculator, a laptop computer, rolled up The heat or the air 11 a m on Fnday, Sept 5 medal classification for 17 years He's an account mght, the bonus optIOn forced and an assortment of maps He condltlomng IS on, the stereo IS "It was a way to meet won- It was Kraus' first Iron Butt executive, spendmg hiS work- hIm to sleep some ....here also had a good luck mascot on, you're relaxed," Kraus saId derful people from all over the "It's a great game mvolvmg days In front of a computer, on "I got a motel room In RapId prOVIded by hiS 13-year-old son "!t's bonng country - people who love to : people, motorcycles and the the phone, gomg to meetmgs CIty, S D ," he saId, "so I could Bill "On a motorcycle you're nde long distances on motorcy- ~ entire Umted States," he said, With clients and attending to get the photograph at sunnse HIS motorcycle, a Honda actively managing traffic You cles," Kraus Said : "and all you need to play the detaIls Motorcycles offer a mce Some of the people sleep on Crllid Wmg, has a mckname, feel temperature You feel the "I remember somethmg 1 • game IS a motorcycle and some escape from the office routine their motorcycles But I need a Kraus said - Moby Wmg BIll wmd You smell the country- read dunng the competition," : good maps" he saId "They're a get-away," room" Side You smell the fanns You he saId "The Journey IS the :-: Kraus first read about the he saId found a small stuffed Beluga Because he knew he would- whale m a local toy store and smell the orchards In Napa adventure, the destinatIOn IS :" competItion In a motorcycle He raIsed show dogs - n't be able to sleep If he was gave It to hIS dad "I camed It Valley, for mstance, you can the excuse" :.. magazme SIX years ago "It Lhasa apsos - for eIght years womed about wakmg up on m the trunk," Kraus said, "for • sounded like a wonderful "We retired a champIOn dog III time, Kraus deVised a wake-up good luck" : adventure," he said The rally 1990 and J wa;, looking for a Insurance plan It mcluded an Kraus teaches classes III ~ debuted In 1984 and wab new hobby," he said "I got obnoxIOUS alarm clock used by motorcycle safety at Macomb : repeated each of the next three mterested In motorcycles truckers called a Screammg Commull!ty College Most of years The Iron Butt agam" Meame In addItion to the hIS students are begmmng ::' AssociatIOn took over the rally The 1997 Iron Butt Rally alann, he would ask the motel cychsts who want to earn a : III 1991 and It has become an began at noon Monday, Aug 25 manager for a wake up call and motorcycle endorsement . .: every.other.year event WIth ItS In a suburb of Chicago The he also would a;,k Beckl to call "Most are profeSSIOnal peo- = startmg and endmg pomts first and shortest leg of the hIm to make sure he was ple," he said "Lots of Judges :- rotated to dIfferent sectIOns of rally reqUIred cyclers to be m : the Umted States Gorham, Mame, by 6 P m :. The rally consIsts of five Tuesday, Aug 26 :: check pomts located around Kraus arnved In Gorham :; the country Competitors must WIth more than two hours to : be present at each checkpomt spdre Along the way, he :- wlthm a two-hour wmdow earned bonus POints by haVIng :: They also have the optIOn of hiS pIcture taken In front of the :. boostmg their standings m SIgn that says "Welcome to : order to wm gold, SIlver or Hell, MichIgan", by stoppmg at : bronze medals by vIsIting a certam gas statIOn In Port =- optional bonus destmatlOm Huron to get a gas receIpt, by : Bonuses may be as mtngumg havmg hIS photo taken m : as a VISIt to the remams of the Nlagra Falls, by V1Sltlllg a park :: Branch DaVIdIan compound or m Toronto, by haVIng a gentle- : a stop at the Los Angeles man SIgn some paperwork III : County morgue to purchase a Cornwall, Ontano, by gettmg ;, toe tag or they may mvolve less another gas receipt m ~ exotIc tasks such as gettmg a Montreal, and by vlsltmg :: toll receipt from the Crlllden Madawaska, Mame, the north- Gate Bndge or takmg a picture easternmost tip of the Umted of RIpley s Believe It or Not States ~ Museum m Santa Rosa, Calif In order to complete the Kraus was born 10 DetrOIt reqUIred legs of the rally 10 the • and grew up In Grosse Pomte allotted tImes - and earn ~ Woods HIS family moved to bonus pomts - each competi- northern MIchIgan, where he tor has to plan hIS bonus chOIC- • completed high school He es, calculate hiS speed and diS- :. graduated from MichIgan tance, and conSIder other van- .~ Village Locksmith ~ Home Repair Co• .. Baldwin Brass .. Baldwin Mail Slots .. Colony Brass and Painted Mail Boxes I .. Handcrafted Chaenomeles ~ Copper Mail Boxes .. IlJ 24Hour Emergency " Service ", • •• I•

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HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSI 18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 - Fax 884-8392 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect October 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 fRESH GROUNDCOffEE SPECIALS :~::D $6~:a ~)I KONA BLEND $709 ~ v,:> DECAF LB. • '. '. BONE.IN SPLIT 99~ ALL COKEPRODUCTS CHICKEN BREAST...... LB• $ 99 MICHICA CROWN It WHOLE 459 • 12 Pack Cans 2 MciNTOSH APPLES 38 LB. PORK TENDERLOIN...... LB. + dep. TENDER lt -IJ-~-n-CO-K-E-P-RO-D-U-C-T-S GREEN BEANS 58 LB. - 6 PK 20 OZ HOMECROWN 2 $300 @ $ . 9' BLUEBERRIES...... PINTS lt , ~ :5~dep. SPiNACH 78 PKG. ALSO CHECKOUT OUR OTHER IN. STORE BARTLETT BEVERAGE SPECIALS S8lt MILLER BRAND PEARS...... LB. "2 '. :;=:9 CAN CAsRUC~.~ 6 FOR$100 . $300 MAll.IN

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Andrew Richner, who represents the Drive to limit Pointes m the LegIslature, as a member RIchner attended the meetmg, and mdlcated that a group of legIslators lake pollution already has been organized to support the campaIgn to battle lake pollutIon Moreover, the Macomb water quality gains support Opinion board IS expected to employ someone to ake St Clair last week won new coord mate the actiVIties of the many supporters for an area-wIde cam- southeast MichIgan groups now con- cerned about or mvolved WIth ways to paIgn to sharply reduce the pollu- cldes, pesticIdes, and other pOisons to Park. an attorney who grew up m L limIt pollution of the lake tIOn of the lake and clean It up so control weeds Macomb County and chaIrs the Macomb Macomb County last week also that sWlmmmg and other recreatIOnal *New creatures that have been dls- wmmlttee, told the Grosse POInte News announced It IS gettmg $100,000 In state actl\ ItIes once more can he enJoyahle char~!'(l mto the 18K(' by ~e"'-gomg yes th:It the commlaCC'" plan of a~tlvn ~..Il" lunds to mom tor the lake and Its tnbu- expenences sels fOT cooperatIon of Wayne, Macomb, The support was expressed at a well- tanes The funds WIll enable the county *Sewage disposal, especIally durmg Oakland and St ClaIr countIes lo the to mcrease the number of water quahty attended dIscussIOn seSSIOn sponsored by heavy ram storms which often IS respon- attack Dn lake pollutIOn the Grosse Pomte League of Women tests to be made by county health techni- Sible for costly treatment of storm water ThIS cooperatIOn WIll be established Voters on Sept 23 WIth John Hertel, m addItIOn to raw sewage cmns under a seven-member water qualIty Among other representatIves of local, chaIrman of the Macomb County Hertel, a former Wayne County board board that wIll serve as an advocate for state and county agencies were Grosse ComnllssIOn, as the mam speaker chaIrman, IS probably the only person Lake St Clair and Its tnbutanes, and PolOte Farms councIl member ElIzabeth Hertel and several members of the ever to have served as chaIrman of two also oversee ImplementatIOn of elements Gandelot, and JIm Murray of the office of Macomb Blue RIbbon CommIssIon he had dIfferent county boards He IS also a for- of the Blue Ribbon commIttee report appomted early thIs year emphasIzed Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara. mer state senator, and the current presI- True, there also are state, federal and four major areas of concern mvolvmg the dent of the state faIr board. We congratulate the Grosse Pointe lake even internatIonal agenCIes that exercIse League of Women Voters and Macomb Hertel and hIS colleagues explamed the some degree of oversIght WIth respect to County CommissIon chaIrman Hertel for *Industrial dIscharges into the lake Macomb County commIttee's report and from the St. ClaIr River Lake St ClaIr and the rIven; as well as the success of the meetmg lo lOforming the importance of obtammg the coopera- the overflows that chscharge mto It *PollutIOn mvolving runoff water from Grosse Pomters about the problem and tIon of other communities m southeast In additIon, Gov John Engler has suburban residences as well as nearby MIchIgan WInning greater support from thIS com- farms, many of whIch are usmg herbl- appomted a new task force to help handle mUnity for the cleanup and future care of J Russell LaBarge of Grosse POInte the problems of the lake, WIth Rep the lake -, .. , 'f : - , , , , 'f . .L Robert G. Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED-88209900 DISPLAYADVERTISING PRODUCTION 882~294 Barban Yu:be<:k Vethacke 882.3500 , Pubhsher John MinniS 882-6O'lC MU&Jt Reins SmJlh. Manaber Roser B Hagl"S Advt.'1"t1-f"lng Managt. r A<;<;lstantEdltor/Ft.ature- Edllor Edllorand General Fran Velilldo. Kim M Kozlowski .t\<,,''ilstant to tht> Shawn MutC'~ :>13-5,94 Robert B. Ed~ar A,'U ..Ia.nt M.l1l.1g(r Ad\.i!rltsmg Managet" A"SOClaIt' MaNger Manager Chuck JCntah\l' and N.aton.11 , , :>13-,575 Nl,'w~p.1Ip"r A"N)('"IiIflon , . • " . - . , 10' , ~o. , It's time for campaign reform ven though the U S. Senate now McCam-Femgold bIll "Isn't a cure-all for MeRE TRPSH-mLK has begun to debate the major the money chase that now grlpS our polIt- E bIpartIsan bill to overhaul cam- Ical system, but It IS a cntIcal reform If we paIgn financmg, the prospect for are to restore confidence m the democrat- ON PAGE ~e final congressIOnal approval m the cur- IC process" rent sessIOn IS not very bnght He CIted a public opmlOn poll shOWIng III That became clear last week when that the pubhc IS losmg hope m reform • • • House Speaker Newt GmgTlch told "WhIle 75 percent of the people want to reporters that any bIll that passed m the restore hmlts on campaIgn contnbutlOns House would have to mclude several pro- and reform our campaIgn finance laws, VISIOns that Democrats have saId are only 33 percent think Congress WIll do unacceptable to them so," he reported One of those prOVISIons would curtail Perhaps, however, If the speaker holds the abIlIty oflabor umons to spend money up campaIgn reform leglslatlOn, on pohtlcal campaIgns That proposal IS PreSIdent ClInton could make the case to anathema to Democrats who count on the publIc for the 1998 congressiOnal elec- unions to match some of the funds the tiOns that hIS party favors campaIgn GOP raIses from corporatIons reform, but Speaker GmgrIch doesn't In fact, the GOP far outspent the The New York Ttmes saId last week that Democrats lo last November's electIOn. "the SItuatIOn now offers an unusual poht- DemocratIc Sen of MIchIgan, Ical opportunity for PreSIdent ClInton, m a news letter on finance reform, report- who IS uslOg campaign finance to deflect ed that the GOP spent $548 mIlhon and attentIon from his own campaIgn fund- the Democrats $332 mzlhon for a record- raISlOg problems" settmg $880 mIllIon last year. If public opmlOn polls stIll back reform HIS column supported the bIpartIsan gomg lOto the 1998 campmgn, the GOP McCam-Femgold bIll, whICh became the would be well adVIsed to go along WIth the subject of Senate debate last Friday, WIth bIpartIsan McCam-Femgold bill or face a Senate vote promised some tIme thIS the pOSSIble loss of some members and Letters week perhaps even control of Congress on the In hIS column, LeVIn contended that the issue Skateboarders qualIty be the determlnmg fac- tor In any reorgarnzatIon, not Improved Tigers wind up third aren't all bad More letters an organizatIOnal system or To the Editor: on page 8A trendy educatlonese concepts he DetrOIt Ttgers finally achIeved It's me agam You mIght What does the Grosse Pomte Cobb who won It five tImes between 1909 commumty want trendy orga- theIr goal of playlOg one game and 1917. remember me from my last let- ter a few Issues back I'm the nizatIOn or qualIty teachmg? over 500 for the first tIme lo sev- Several first-rate pItchers also emerged. T complamlng skateboarder I Pubhc School System's mstru- eral seasons, but then lost lost two mental mUSICprogram JustlO Thompson was the best, WInning am proud to say that my letter Joseph F. Bauer, teacher out of three agamst Boston and three 15 and losing 11, WIth an ERA of 3 02 that was taken senously, the PTO The recommendations of the Grosse Pointe schools more agamst the Yankess lo c10smg out study commIttee do not put hIm fifth m the league WIllie BlaIr at RIchard IS consldenng gIV- theIr season won more games, 16, and lost only 8 WIth Ing skateboarders a nght to address the question of the But even If they dIdn't WIn qUIte as an ERA of 417 skate at RIchard quality of the educatIOn reach- Clean the beach? Ing the students In Grosse many games as they lost, the Ttgers Thny Clark lived up to expectatiOns, hlt- Everybody IS wllImg to, To the Editor: proved to theIr fans, theIr management other than (pnnclpal) Mr<; Pat Pomte They are pnmanly con- tmg 32 homers and knockmg In 117 runs. cerned Wj"b Implementmg the I drove by the Grosse POInte and the rest of the American League that Meek Recently we were pass- He not only gave the TIge!"" a better field- two currently trendy "educa- Farms publIc beach at the 109 through RIchard to get to they have made great stndes III the 109 first baseman than Cecil FIelder, but tlOnese" concepts of the use of northwest corner of the resI- rebUlldmg process he also exceeded FIelder m homers After the HIll and we were stopped dents' park recently There by Mrs Meek LuckIly I ran stnng experts and vertIcal In fact, the Ttgers finished the season as breakmg hIS thumb, Fielder hIt only 13, alIgnment were two tires httenng the the best fielding club m the major leagues, away when I saw her but my beach Includmg one m Saturday'S game agamst fnends didn't The concept "stnng expert~ one season after haVIng been the worst In the TIgers IS very ambIguous Dr Joanne I don't mmd the use of the I got off scot-free but my tIre m landscapmg A tIre, addItion, the TIgers set a club record for Who knows? The Ttgers mIght even Erwm (the "expert" on the fnends got m trouble She pamted whIte around a tree as fewest errors III franchise hIStory WIth 92, challenge for the champIOnship of the called the police and the police study commIttee) told me that a stnng expert 16 anyone who a planter ISclass I don't mmd four fewer than the prevIOus record Eastern DIVISion of the Amencan League officer was about to let them go a tIre or two along WIth a And for the first tIme m years, the but Mrs Meek demanded they feels comfortable teachmg before the new stadIUm IS ready to receIVe stnngs deserted refrigerator and a TIgers also claImed the majors' leadmg take actIon She said we were them Usmg that defimtlon, VIrtu- rusted car chaSSIS m a DNR base 'itealer m Bnan Hunter who fimshed trespassmg At least, the 1997 season must be rated ally every mUSICteacher In the deSIgnated wetlands area, pro- WIth 74 stolen bases, 12 more than run- a success The team wound up thud m the TrespassIng on public prop- moting WIldlife, but the tIres erty? Now my fnends have dlstnct could be conSIdered a nerup Chuck Knoblauch of Mmnesota Amencan League East, and showed great stnng expert The purpose of are out of place on the lake been stuck WIth commumty Hunter was the first TIger to claim the overall Improvement over 1996 when It "vertical alignment" IS to pro- shore servIce because of Mrs Meek The Grosse POInte Farms base-stealIng tItle since the legendary Ty was the worst team lo the major leagues VIde contmUlty to a program What has the world come to - public beach IS a pure Wlldhfe now It'S a mIsdemeanor to Instead, thIS admmlstratlOn has moved staff to multI-level sanctuary The geese and skateboard on RIchard proper- ducks have done an outstand- ty? assIgnments WIthout regard to Engler, GOP off and running contmUlty of student contacts mg Job decoratmg the shore I or program know certaIn cItIzens have he RepublIcans proved at theIr Issue consldermg whether they will Scott Meyers recent rally on Mackmac Island If the admmlstratlOn were adopted the Lakeshore Islands choose a new runnmg mate to replace Lt City of Grosse Pointe for beautification I heSItate to that they are ready for a 1998 Gov Conme Bmsfeld truly mterested In a quahty T Instrumental mU~lc pre-gram, cntlclze the Grosse Pomte campaIgn to elect Gov John Farms public beach, for the Engll'r to a thIrd term But what about the Democrats? they would have begun by Time to get definmg ~uccess 10 mstrumen- debns-Iaden look may be the The governor hImself also shows that he Instead of gettmg an early start by plck- tal mUSIc By staffing Brownell newest thmg, and I may be 1<; ready by startmg out-state VISits to mg a foe to run agam'it Engler, the to the truth WIth only part.tlme Instrumen- steppmg on some senSItIVe remmd people of hIS record, and wntmg Democrat'! apparently are gomg to walt To the Editor: tal teachers, the admllllstra- esthetIC soul article., for The DetrOIt News to explam untIl the August pnmary next year to It IStIme to get past the sub- tlOn has degraded the quality Stili, one occaSIOnally finds some brave soul bathmg there "om I' of hI" vIews learn Just who theIr challenger WIll be JectIVe rantmgs of membeT"l of of mstructlOn for the student.~ Perhaps dredgmg the comer WIth the que'itiOn of the governor's the community and the care- at Brownell (Why are the pro- Those already In the field contend that fully worded ml~dlrectlOns of would ease thIS E Coh-ogtcal thIrd term .,ettled early - or at least grams at PIerce and Parcells there IS plenty of time, but that fact only the lldmlnl~tratlOn and learn stIll Intact?) disaster .lpp,lr('ntly settled - the Repubhcans can serves the Democrat., If they pick 'lomeone the truth about the reorgamza- It IS up to the commumty to "tart theIr orgamzmg WIth only a smgle John W.Coe who already IS well known tlOn of the Grosse Pomte demand that objectIVely based Grosse Pointe Woods • { ! , -.1-';;--""'""- - r I A

• • a Q perpetuatIOn of stereotypes Indldn

Grosse Point~ N~ws October 2,1997, Page 7A

, I JAY MASINICK .!X_i _ A friend Heenan played, (rated a par tor puts that at about 22,500 GoAwA>' 69) IS "The Woods" books U~TlL. you CA~. to the end The event has been a Pomte They miSS us when we're Their help tradition for the last 35 years "Lately, we've been gettmg bet- gone and mourn m thClr own ter-quallty books," noted Ann speCial way, but one member of speaks volumes a funeral processIOn roIling Saturday was final clearance Schumacher, who IS the L U (I '. Silently down Kensmgton last $4-a-bag day at the AAUW group's recordmg secretary and week still Used Book Sale 10 the Woods fifth-time chalnnan of the book -JlLJ ~,-' _l UI.J!..-:J made FYI do Commumty Center, and the sale "Now, a lot of them are m .-J~L a double take place was loaded WIth happy excellent conditIon, practically lLJ n.J - new" II -- -)~I.J~' After the bargam hunters, 10adlOg up Among the busy ladles help- Any volunteers allergIC to -J) J{.JLJ I[ -Jell long hne of .uuL! cars passed Ing out then were volunteers books? I asked, remembenng J,ULJ 1 j[ Ulil the corner of Carolyn Barth, Ruth Cain, how Doc has been sneezlOg St Paul, the Margaret Garmhaus, Lee lately when she walks lOto the • TJ-lATs A BOLD funeral Hennes, Judy Livingston, room m the house where some ;1--,, Ginny McCaig, Mary 2,800 of our own collectIon are A55UM!"nON I~ home's service J Pantano, Pat Pokorny, Cris qUietly moldenng rLL MISS ') - vehicle a sta- tion wagon Staats, Ann Schumacher Ann laughed "Quite a few WATCHING With four flags on top, brought and Carolyn Sullivan are, but theIr dedicatIon over- THE BIG up the rear "We actually have about 100 comes their allergIes In the back of the vehIcle volunteers In the PolOtes," said "We love people who love FREIGHTERS. books," she said "Thmgs lIke was a steel-Wire cage, and Carolyn Su11ivan, wh0 IS the CD-ROMS don't do It _ there's inSide the cage, lookmg prop- markmg chairman, mchargI' erly forlorn, was a medIUm- of settmg pnces "About 50 or somethmg speCial about hold. Sized black and white dog 60 volunteers meet all summer 109 a book" Just to mark the books" On the way out, I held the Charter school oversight The annual four-day sale IS a door open for a lady carrylng a Scoring some major fundral"er for the bulgmg bag Marianne Yared McGuire funds It had opened Without a general public schools, but we high Pointes Amencan ASSOCiatIOn of "This IS the third day rve Treasurer, Stale Board of curnculum or textbooks, miS- have safeguards 10 place for Umverslty Women, With all been here," she Said "I bought EducatIOn used public funds after recelV- regulation and mOOitonng It11 cost you about $75 to proceeds gomg to fund women's more books than I thought I Recently one of my State 109 them, lacked certified them While those safeguards read It directly from the book scholarships "ThiS year we was gOing to " Board of Education (SBE) col- but you can get the best of It teachers, allowed students to may not always work to the had about 750 boxes at about If you have an FYI tip, leagues wrote a commentary nght here In FYI In the latest take profiCIency tests home optImum, they nevertheless 30 books per box," said call Ken Eatherly at (313) that cntlClzed me for demand- edition of "Amencan Suburbs, and did not supefVlse students gIVe us a framework from Carolyn FYI's pocket calcula- 822-4091. 109 accountability for charter whIch to Judge educational lev- Rating GUIde and Fact Book" schools The allegatIOns deserved (by Toucan Valley responses whIch I attempted to els and perform finanCIal accountabl1lty Publications), the Farms IS Not only was I mIsquoted, I obtam from Department of was apparently smgled out as rated tops 10 MichIgan as a EducatIon personnel at the great suburb m which to hve an object lesson because I time of the exchange Ifmy col- DIligence 10 momtonng - And m the same pubhca- asked too many questions at league belIeves that IS a double these safeguards keeps nearly tlOn the Woods came In fifth the August board meeting In all our schools operatIOn very standard, so be It I beheve It IS and the Park 11th from the top, response to senous allegatIOns mYJob well. Why IS It that diSCUSSion stateWide (The other POIntes of wrongdomg made agamst of charter school oversight ehc- were below the mmlmum pop- charter schools Charter school devotees Its accusatIOns of double stan- ulatIOn size of the study) beheve the marketplace IS dards? Do cftarter school advo- DemographiC qualities that Had eIther the offiCial tran- their watchdog Their prevail. cates and owners have some- were conSIdered mcluded adult scnpt or VIdeo tape of the board 109 VIew IS "the marketplace thing to hide? meeting been checked to sub- Will dictate what happens With educatIon levels, mcome, com- mumty stability, adequacy of stantIate the quote, the error the schools If the schools are It does MIchIgan's children houslOg, low cnme rates and would have been detected and I domg a poor Job, parents Will great harm to allow the newly ease of commuting would have been spared a per pull their children out and they created charter schools or any One mterestmg statistiC IS Does Your Heart Good. sona! and Vltnohc attack in Will close" That, to me, IS not other school to shortchange the Farms' top-ranked average newspapers across the state the way to mOOitor a school them educatIOnally It IS also a number of rooms, 7 3 per great dlssefVlce to Michigan's .. When the State Supreme Parents should not have to Citizens to let overSight of pub- house Court ISSUed Its deCISion on endure their child's failure as If lic tax money go unchecked as 111 bet even that 0 3 of a charter schools In July, It It were an expenment No one It enters the pnvate pockets of room IS about as nice as It can American HeartAssociation declared the schools to be pub- be V wants to see theIr children charter school owners hc because they are supported used as laboratory mice 10 by pubhc funds But the court expenmental classrooms It IS unfortunate that we He's a tiger also said the SBE should pro- where few educatIOnal stan- need to mterrupt helping the VIde leadership and general dards are Imposed or met To truly public schools attam in the Woods SupefVlSlon - as outlined m lower class Sizes, updated beheve the marketplace Will "It poured 10 the mornmg the State ConstitutIOn - over automatically handle educa- bUlldlOgs, and computer fluen- and was beautiful the rest of them To exercise leadership tIon IS nothmg more than a cy to focus on InvestIgatmg the the day," Said Park Mayor and supefVlSlOn calls for hold- cruel and cymcal tnck on our senous allegations made Palmer Heenan of the weath- TheUwer (rmt 109 charter schools, 10 particu- children agamst charter schools To er at the 26th blenmal GOP lar, accountable because they aVOIdthe task IS tantamount to Leadership Conference held on As a responSible member of have no clear system of public defymg our duties as members Mackmac Island a few week- freih fine food the board, It IS my duty to oversight of the State Board ends back ensure the 20,000 boys and Pomte Repubhcans who, Also at the August meeting, gIrls enrolled In charter schools I stand firmly, Without apolo- qUIckly distinguished them- ~rmhou~e (he~e • ~pread~ a fonner teacher at the Walter are getting an educatIon that IS gy, behmd my call for high selves as winners In extra cur- French Academy (a charter at least as thorough and ngor- standards of accountablhty for neular sports, revealed the middle and high school In ous as the expenence offered European 8read~ • E~tateOil~ charter schools - for the good man termed by East Side LanslJlg) made a senes of the 1 6 mllhon children who of our chtldren I challenge my Repubhguru Tim Beck as "the charges c1almmg the school attend regular public schools colleagues on the board to do dean of the Grosse POInte may- AneTea~• Gift8a~~e~ was so anXIous to receive state Yes, we have problems In the the same ors" (haVIng been elected seven ,~1m times, mcludlng thIS year) =~ "John Peb, of the Shores, who's an aide to U S Sen Spencer Abraham. won the 5K marathon," ~ald Palmer With due modesty, he added ceIebtate The Great Lakes that one Palmer T Heenan won the golf t(JUrnament, shooting a 72 "That's three below my age," he pomted out FYI wonders If the Pomty --- M!CH!GAN name of one of the two 18-hole cour'ICs Involved had anything to do With It One IS called "The 8q Kercheval Ave., Grone Poinu fal'Jrn, MI482lb (111H&gby Jewel" and the other, on which

----~------~~~~ ~~x- :~ \ ( . C.. POlIAft ...... ,.. e) 804 <: Hom lIon Saginaw M 48602 1517J 7970934 18001968 1456 SEQUENCE /axISI7) 792 2423 "mo I dmg 10em com .' ••• IOUL 0fIJlICII 9/6 ROhh", S••• 252 Grond Hoven M149 .. 17 II> I>J 841> Sn6 /ox [6161 84N\747 ,.rnt'IIi",,"n?~ ...... ,....-. October 2, 1997 8A Letters Grosse Pointe News

An insult Connne Martm at (313) 884- the school grounds and our res- phySICian legally and Without 1551 Idential block The storage sensatlOnahsm to her memory Agam, we would like to offer area IS too vast The act prOVides these stnn- To the Editor: our thanks to the Fowler fami- L.M.Hooth gent safeguards agamst abuse Letters welcome ly, as well as the many people That a !lag ~ as flown at half City of Grosse Pointe The request for final rehef who contnbuted or bought The Grosse Pomte News welcomes your Letters to the mabt over Buckmgham Palace must corne from the patient A Items at the sale Your generos- Editor All letters should be typed, double-spaced, Signed and for the first time In Bntlsh hIs- psychlatnst must certify the Ity IS most apprecIated A strong and hmlted to 250 words Longer letters Will be edited for length tory, and that Queen Elizabeth patient IS a mentally compe- And a very speCial "thank and all letters are subject to editing for content Include a made a pubhc address regard- interested family tent adult The attendmg you" to Chip, a sophomore at daytime phone number for venficatlOn or questIOns Ing the death of the Pnncess of To the Editor: phySICian and speclahst In that Umverslly LIggett School, for The deadlme for letters IS 3 pm Monday Waleq - both und"r pubhc I read years ago that It IS not Illness must attest that the 11I~ull~elfi~h Il.lea Mdny, IIIdny Send letters to EdItor, Grosse Pomte Ne\\s, 96 Kercheval, pressure or was told to do so by the responSlblhty of parents to patient IS termmaJ (SIX months ammals WIll benefit from your Grosse Pomte .'arms, Mlch 48236, or fax them to (313) 882- her advIsers - both were far pave the road for their chll. or less to live) The patient IS kindness, ChIp 1585 more Insultmg to the memory dren, but to prOVide a road adVIsed of all other optIOns for of the Pnncess than If neither Martha E. Schroeder map Parents of a couple of comfort care Then there IS, at had taken place Vice President, young boys defimtely lived up least, a one-week waltmg pen- Grosse Pointe Animal I dare say, however, that this to thiS theoryl ad for reconsideratIOn Adoption Society concept Ib too subtle for the Upon readmg m your paper If you agree thIS optIOn IS • • • proletanat to understand on Sept 4 about the dIsappear- needed, as 60 percent of polled Please JOin our campaign Isabel Marshall Against ance of some equIpment at the MIChigan voters do, please get Grosse Pointe Frank Lamia Salon, they real- mvolved Sign a petitIOn By athletic field Ized that the Items, mnocently Del' 31,350,000 signatures are for healthier babies. brought horne by their children needed Better stilI, call (toll- Animals benefit improvements to make a go-cart, were not free) (888) 217-0700, for mfor- thanks To the Editor: meant for the trash, but rather matlon or petitIOns to CIrculate March of Dimes At the Sept 22 meetmg, the set outSide while cleanIng yourself Let's have as much to donation councIl of Grosse Pomte Farms mSlde the salon Not only were compassIOn for one another as We deliver small miracles Th the Editor: at>proved the Site plan reVIew the Items promptly returned, we have for our sutTenng pets When Joyce Fowler deCIded for the Grosse POinte South but the children were mstruct- Violet M. Dudley It was tlme to ~clean house" High School proposal for struc- ed to personally apologIZe for Grosse Pointe Park tural Improvements to the and hold a garage sale, her son, the mlsunderstandmg Merlan's Friends Will pre school athletic field ChIp, suggested they donate At that time, I realized, I sent a forum at Jefferson Our Yll'om /s the proceeds to the Grosse The athletic department IS was Just as much to blame for Avenue PresbyterIan Church POinte Ammal Adoption planmng to construct a bnck temporanly placmg the eqUip- on Sunday, Oct 19, at 1145 Celebral/ny.her SOCIety (GPAAS) Joyce wall under the eXIsting bleach- ment near where the trash IS am, featunng John O'Halr, thought that was a great Idea ers for storage space The stored pnor to pIck-up Wayne County prosecuting and began sohcltlng fnends bleachers are approxImately It IS refreshmg III these attorney and the co chair of 40th Birthday! and neighbors to donate Items 200 feet long WIth the handl' times, when all we seem to Menan's Friends Petitions for the sale And donate they cap ramps, thiS metal struc- hear and read about are trou- Will be available 7£an.ks grandma.l dId' ture IS almost 100 yards long bled children and theIr msm- £love you :7Jalli, ChIp, Joyce and husband, Each school day the parkmg terested parents, to find a f8ll1- Recycling Jack, spent hours collectmg, lot and street Side are com- Ily umt where honesty, respect 'JIG.fe, 71ndy & Colleen cleamng, sorting and arrang- pletely occupied WIth students' and responslblhty are a staple testament cars However, there IS a space of their dally hves mg the articles In preparatIOn To the Editor: for the "bIg event" They pnnt- of 4 feet from the ground to the Smce thiS mCldent, I have I read your Sept 18 article ed and handed out fhers solid metal bleachers that had the good fortune to meet on the proposed dlsbandmg of 88 Kercheval announcmg the sale and placed allows a welcome VIew of grass and become fnends WIth thiS Grosse Pointe CItizens for on.the.Hill an ad m the Grosse Pomte and sunlight to the Fisher very honorable family It IS a Recycling With great mterest News They InVIted fnends and Road re~ldents across the famdy, such as thiS, that ThIS group has had a huge Grosse Pointe Farms street A bnck wall WIll prevent restores my faith m the behef Impact on our commumty over 1~ neighbors over for a preVIew that scene the mght before the sale that strong, IIlterested famlhes the last 10 years The smcen- H~@ 885.4028 The picture of the bnck wall Thanks to theIr generosIty are our world's greatest asset ty and senousness of their and hard work, nearly $1,300 presented to the counCIl Frank Lamia approach to very complex was raised for GPAAS' These showed the arborvitae trees Grosse Pointe Woods Issues served us well We owe ANNUAL KNIFE SALE funds WIll be used to buy crates planted m front ofthe fence, as a debt of gratitude to Fran and to prOVIde vetennary care, an aid of concealment of the Petition for Dignity Schonenberg and the leaders All Our Cutlery On Sale wall However, each year some food and shelter for homeless Of the orgamzatlon trees die and have to be and abandoned ammals m our in Dying Act Every curbSide recychng bm Now through October 11th replaced Also, there are five that we use IS a testament to , care maple trees m the parlong lot ALL HENCKELS 20% OFF* GPAAS IS a recogmzed To the Editor: the effectIveness and VISIOn of that need attentIOn i 501(c)(3) non-profit corpora- Dr KevorkIan gets a lot of thiS group, and a tnbute to the Including Professional, tion DonatIOns are tax In an area behind the attentIOn for hiS actiVIties, but mtelhgent responsiveness of deductible and gratefully Corn tech BUlldmg, a metal we have a better Idea our CIVICrepresentatives Four Star & Twin Star accepted If you would like to fenced structure approXImate. "Menan's Fnends" IS a group of Thank you, Fran Iy 80 feet long and 20 feet WIde, SCISSOrs,Sharpeners, Blocks & Block Set~ donate money, time or artIcles CItizens workmg to put the Schonenberg and CitIzens for such as crates, collars, leashes a recent structure, could have Digmty 111 Dymg Act on the Recychng Let's all keep thmk- *(Excludmg Best Buy, & SpecIal OrdeN) been a storage space location J or food, f'ontact Martha ballot III 1998 We beheve ter- mg globally and actmg locally Schroeder at (313) 821-3262 or I feel thIS bnck wall WIll mmally III patients should be Mike Mengden ~ t __ ~'!h .. 1 detract to the appearance of able to get help from a WIlhng Grosse Pointe Farms


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-.- - .... •f l I A l o • • a Q October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 9A Mayor Archer announces '1997 Angels' Night Anti-Arson' effort

Mayor Dennis W Archer three mghts of the Halloween ted to puttmg a stop to any kicked ofT DetrOIt's annual penod - Oct 29-31 activIty that may harm the anti-arson campaign on Sept Pnnted matenals explammg progress made over these last 16 by announcmg that the the programs Will be produced three years" effort would be renamed thp m !"pghsh, ~p'\m~h 'lnd Detro.t's } outh ::Ilso ::Ire "Angels' Night Anti-Arson ArabiC encouraged to become a part of Campaign" m recognitIOn of The neighborhood patrol pro- the Halloween anll-arson cam- the dedicated efforts of thou- gram asks teams of volunteers paign by obeymg the sands of volunteers over the to deter arsomsts by patrolling Halloween and regular cur- last three years streets m areas where arson IS fews, and to be good cItIzens "Throughout the past three hkely to take place Block and good students throughout years, the volunteer angels of clubs, CB patrols, commumty the year our community have worked orgamzatlOns and churches are Once agalO, an emergency together to keep our neighbor- encouraged to patrol a two to curfew for Juvemles Will be m hoods safe and our streets three block radIUS around their effect on Oct 30 It IS unlawful qUiet durmg the three-day neighborhoods for youths 17 years old and Halloween penod," Archer The Adopt-A-House program under to be on DetrOit streets said "It IS m recognitIOn of this seeks volunteers to watch or from 6 p m Oct 30 to 6 a m on canng spmt that I have named adopt speCific vacant bUlldmgs Oct 31 the city's effort to stamp out m CIty neighborhoods on Oct "Parents and young people arson over the last three days 30, and throughout the three- should make plans to observe of October the "1997 Angels' day Halloween penod "ThiS the curfew," says Archer Night Anti-Arson Campaign " BUlldmg IS BelOg Watched" Additionally, Archer encour- Thanks to the record number SignS are posted on adopted aged all reSidents to JOin m the of men and women who have bUildings and placed on lawns Halloween anti-arson cam- volunteered to patrol our City'S of adopted structures paign by takmg the follOWing neighborhoods, turn on their For the porchJlght program, steps porch hghts, and/or adopt a volunteers are encouraged to • Turn on outside hghts at vacant or abandoned bUilding, turn on their porch hghts, or your home or busmess from Detroit has been able to bnng any outdoor lights, between dusk until morning the number of arson related dusk and dawn • Report any SUSpiCIOUS fires durmg the three-day Eyes and ears volunteers are actiVity to the DetrOIt Pohce Halloween penod to a new low asked to regularly look out Department by dialing 9-1-1 The mayor called on each their wmdows to make sure no • If your refuse or bulk col- neighborhood and commumty SUSpICIOUS activIty IS takmg lection IS scheduled for Oct 31, to moblllze again this place, and to call 9-1-1 If they place your container or bulk Halloween penod to contmue do see somethmg out of the Items at the curb before 7 a m protectmg the city ordlOary on the morning of the collectIon Whole Boneless "The splnt of cooperallon For the orange nbbon cam- day, rather than on Oct 30 Be and community that our CIti- paign, DetrOlters are asked to sure to remove your refuse con- Fresh Pork zens have shown IS Vital to the wear an orange nbbon tied m a tamer from the curb Immedi- continued success of thiS, and bow to show their support for ately after your refuse IS col- Tenderloin all volunteer efforts m the fight against Halloween lected DetrOIt," said Archer ' arson It also asks that they tie SAVE $3.00 Lb The pnmary elements of the an orange nbbon around trees To volunteer for any of the anti-arson program are and lamp posts 10 their neigh- above mentioned programs or Neighborhood patrol programs, borhoods to let would-be arson- for more informatIOn, call the Adopt-A-House program, porch IStS know that they are belOg Halloween Volunteer Hotlme bght campaign, eyes and ears watched at (313) 224-4415, or VlSlt any program, and the orange nb- "DetrOlters have taken own- of DetrOit's neighborhood city bon campaign Volunteers are ership of their neighborhoods," halls, recreatIOn centers, pohce needed for these programs all Archer saId "They are commlt- precincts or fire statIOns 'Supper Club's' open at Cottage Hospital

Semors (age 55 or better) are InVlted to enJoy • Thursday, Dec 11- "Hohday Festival" the "LlfeWlse 55 Supper Club" - an evenlOg • Thursday, Jan 8 - "Greek Specialties" of dmner, live entertainment and a speCial film • Thursday, Feb. 12 - "Be My Valentine" - held the second Thursday of each month at No reservations are reqUired Cottage Cafe from 4 30 untIl 6 30 p m at Henry The supper Includes a specl8l entree WIth two ford Cottage HospItal, 159 Kercheval Ave 10 Flomlo Side dishes, salad, roll With butter, dessert and SEEDLESS Grosse Pomte Fanns. beverage for $5 25 The schedule IS as follows The featured film IS shown 10 the lower level 5.L& Bag Thursday, Oct 9 - "Oktoberfest " boardrooms at 5 30 P m and at 6 15 P m • Thursday, Nov 13 - "ThanksgIVing Bnng your parkmg deck ticket for free vah- Each Harvest" dation Navel Oranges At last, a cure for unwanted calls, faxes SAVE $1.70

'I'1red of recelVlng unwanted their names added to hsts of Box 9014, Farmington, NY and unsoliCited telephone consumers who do not WIsh to 11735 marketmg calls - which receIVe telephone marketmg The FCC's brochure IS always seem to come at dm- calls These hsts are prepared available on the FCC's ner time - or unsolICIted and dlstnbuted by the Internet site at httpJ/www advertlsmg on your fax Telephone Preference Semce fcc gov/ccblconsumer_news! machme? of the Direct Marketmg Consumers can get a free The Federal ASSOCiatIOn, which can be copy of the brochure by callIng Communications CommiSSIon reached by mall at: Telephone the FCC's toll-free NatIOnal has publIshed a brochure Preference Service, Direct Call Center at (888) 225-5322 tellmg consumers about their Marketmg AsSOCiation PO or 'MY (888) 835- 5322 nghts under the Telephone Consumer ProtectIOn Act (TePA) and the FCC's rules The free brochure also tells consumers about actions they can take to reduce the number of unsoliCited telephone mar- ketlOg calls and unsollClted advertisements sent to their fax machmes Under the FCC's "do-not- call" rules, a person or'entlty (a busmess for example) plac- 109 hve telephone soliCitatIOn calls to your home must maIO- taln a record of your request not to receive future tell' phone solICItatIOns from them Your request must be hon- ored for 10 years Tax-exempt 5-lb Bag F,rs' Of Tile Season! non-profit orgamzatlOns are IDAHO not reqUIred to keep do-not- call hsts The FCC's do-not. POTATOES call rules also do not apply to Fridav Be Saturday ~ calls placed to busmess tele- phone numbers Nishts in October Also explamed are the AdulfS: $7.00 • Children under 12: $5.00 hours soliCItation calls can be call for lIOUrreservafton foda)/{ made to your home, caller IdentificatIOn reqUIrements, restnctlOns on computenzed RUBY FARMS Kroger Graddt1OmS Rd ) Turn R!Qh! DIRfCTIOI JSFROM DOWNTOWN PORT HURON Plea .. join our campaign Old lapeer Rd '0 "'bl>otlsford Ro TLm Rlgr\! for healthier babies. 9 M1+es l'fom [)o'WOlown PRKES & ITEMS GOOD THRU SUNDAY,OCTO.ER 5,1997 March of Dimes b.'.lDol s-. _AI UIIIdiIfoo... We deliver small m~rocles Slom.IIol VM A' ~ Or c.lMiir SIIN.

COItI'OtlAII ...-en. BO"- $ !-iom.I'on S09,now M 48602 4, 111717920934 SEQUENCE 18001968 3~56 la.11171 792 2421 SCOTT .. INION f"mml dmq IOcr So

Gardens East m Clmton Memonal Church for 30 years Pomte Farms on Saturday, clally bndge TownshIp Funeral arrange- She also was a member of the Oct 4, for Grosse POlllte Woods Mrs Dever IS sUfV1ved by ments were handled by the Alhance Francalse and at reSIdent Inez Ruth P1etra, who three sons, Donald, Dr. Cr81g Chas Verheyden Funeral retirement played bndge WIth dIed on Saturday, Sept 20, and Peter, a SIster, Mrs Arhne Home m Grosse Pomte Park the Amencan AssoclatlOn of 1997 FItzgerald, and eight grand. Memonal contnbutlOns may Umverslty Women, and was Mrs P1etra, 81, was born III chlldren be made to AssumptIOn Greek also a member of the Women's DetrOIt and receIVed her She was predeceased by her Orthodox Church, 21800 CIty Club undergraduate degree from husband, Donald Breen, m Marter Road, St ClaIr Shores, Mrs Mlnam enjoyed playmg Wayne Umverslty She was a 1952 and by her second hus. Mlch,48080 bndge throughout her hfe She' teacher In the DetroIt pubhc band, ForbeS K Dever, m 1983 ";"0 ellJoy~ lSlil te Park dogs WIll dog's owner WIll have the pooch . "It's gomg to be a doggone ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 13 have thel on Saturday, Oct on a cham and run along the good day," saId Solomon 4, at 1 p III the Tompkms dog's SIde as It runs the course "There WIll be pnzes for all. Descnpllon of propeny Commercial propeny between Kerby Road and Moross Road east of Mack Avenue Commumt Center In TIme WIll be deducted for every The Idea IS to allow reSIdents (Lot Numbers ClAIB. FIAIAIB1, AIA3B2, FIAIAIB2. FIAIAIB3, CIA2A2, C2A2B, FIAIA2, Wmdmlll P te Park obstacle that the dog mISses, to show off thelf dogs We've CIAI, C2AI,AIAI,AIA2,AIA3A,AIA3BI, C2BI, FIA2, F2, ZXOLA) The Park holdmg Its sec- saId Solomon made thiS an event for kids, r ond annual teur dog show The contest IS hmlted to 20 and encourage Park reSIdents The Idea be d It, saId the dogs and there IS a $10 regls- to turn out" city's director parks Terry Solomon, !s to ve a show for St. John-Bon Secours Senior group the average dog "Everyone 10\ their dogs," hosts its fourth October MusicFest SBld Solomon • t It seems St John-Bon Secours Semor Madame CadIllac Dance that every dog sh is for pedi- Community Will host Its fourth Theatre Refreshments WIll be =- ---- greed dogs Most pie don't =. annual October MuslcFest on served and faCility tours WIll be r-r'''"'''l • -_ ...... _ .._~ own pedigreed d . So last Sunday, Oct 26, from 1 p.m to available To RSVP, call the .....- year we deCided to n d a show 4pm Semor Commumty at (313) 1:., for the non-pedlgre competi- Semors and adult guests are 343-8265 - tIOn dog" lDVlted to attend thIS free The Semor CommunIty IS a """'.- At thl. year's sho event featunng stage perfor. collaborative effort of the - will be four categones mances of mUSICians and SiSters of St Joseph and the - to compete m, Solorn dancers, Includmg the Sisters of Bon Secours and The fir,t category IS be Pleasant Moments Vllltage offers a continuum of semor The second IS timed Dancers, Die Rhmelanders and care ...

PORK ROAST in a Cradel $299 Ib PORK ROAST Bone'n PROPOSED ZONING MAP AMENDMENT NO. 13 3-41b Avg. E IIIDGE MWTHERfORO CUVW ACORN >.E T SAUVI( Mm 71D Ml •• $16.99 SQUASH 29~ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECfION 301 OF LEGS LB. ORDINANCE NO 192, THE ZONING The City of Grosse Pointe Farms Ordains: OF LAMB . $6.99 ELORIDA ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE Sectlonl. GRAPEFRUIT 2/99~ Seasoned TO PROMOTE. PROTECT AND PROVIDE FOR. LEG $9.99 ROMAINE IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, Section 301 (Zomng Map) of the Zomng Ordmance of LAMB 79~ SAFETY, COMFORT, CONVENIENCE AND of the City of Grosse Pomte Farms, bemg Orchnance LETTUCE No 192, as preVIOusly amended, IS hereby further Whole lB GENERAL WELFARE IN THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS, THE CONSERVATION OF amended to zone certain land CS Commumty FYERS PROPERTY VALUES IN THE CITY. ITS Service Dmnct (which land preViously was zoned CHARACTER AS A RESIDENTIAL B-2 Commercial Dlstnct), as wa~ mdlcated on COMMUNITY, AND THE GENERAL TREND Zomng Map Amendment No 13 of the City of THEREIN OF BUILDING AND POPULATION Grosse POlOteFarms. which map IS attached hereto DEVELOPMENTS, TO ESTABLISH DISTRICTS and made pan of thIS OrdlOance IN THE CITY. TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AND STRUCTURES THEREIN AND TO Section 2. REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE LOCATION OF TRADES AND BUSINESSES. AND THE Tn all other respects, Ordinance No 192, as WHITEFISH LOCATION OF STRUCTURES DESIGNATED preVIOusly amended, shall remam m full force and effect FILLETS $399lB FOR SPECIFIC USES, TO REGULATE AND N080NE LIMIT THE HEIGHT AREA, BULK AND lOCATION OF STRUCTURES, TO REGULATE Section 3. 69 KRAB CAKES S3 lB AND DETFRMINF THE AREA OF YARDS. AND OTHER OPEN SPACIOS, TO LIMIT AND This Ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days BAY RESTRICT THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF after ItS enaClment or upon ItS publlcatron, FAMILIES WHICH MAY BF HOUSED IN whIchever ISlater SCALLOPS $429lB DWELLINGS, TO PROVIDE FOR MINIMUM Cheese OFF.STRFET PARKING FACILITIES FOR ~ ENCHILADAS. MOTOR VEHICLES, TO PROVIDE FOR THE MOUSSE ADMINISTRATION AND FNFORCEMENT OF PATE' $969lB THIS ORDINANCE. TO PROVIDE FOR A BOARD OF APPE-ALS AND ITS POWERS AND COOkED Refrred CABBAGE BEANS. , •. , , , , The Best From Brazil DUTIES, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE PENALTIES Shane L. R... 1de 29 99 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF ROLLS $3 lB BRAZIL CERRADO... S4 LB. ~nacted OOn2l97 THIS ORDINANCE" Pubh shed 10102197 I [ IIf ..,~ ')1---- r J ,II ... t , A D October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Seniors 11A The man who was released from his silent world by love "Locked In" IS a booklet Just agam communIcate She spent at me on the ground and askE-d, Ralph commented that hiS 37 pages long but It dehvers a many hours trymg to thmk of a m a loud VOIce,'Pehrson, who VISionwas gomg from hght to message of the power of love, way to reach him Her perse- the hell told you to dismount?'" dark and back agam. The next courage and comDlltment wor- verance paid off She got an When the call came to go mormng he passed out m the thy of a volume-long book Idea She slowly spoke each let- overseas, hiS UDI t wall sent to Iutchen and fell to the floor. It relates the story of Ralph ter of the alphabet When San FranCISco and from there The next day they VISited the Pehf" on. II quadnp'eglc who Ralph wanted to speak a "ord, to Gumea where the .Japanese doctor who checked hIS blood was struck down by a bram he could hft lus eyebrows for were on one Side of the pressure The doctor said It stem Infarctlon the letter he wanted, continu- Drenamour River and lus unIt was okay and sent lum home. Brain stem mfarctlOn IS a Ing until he could spell a word Prime Time was on the other Side. Every "I lay down on the couch," he blockage at the base of the With thiS method he mght they repelled the enemy remembers "When I woke up 1 neck In the spmal cord achIeved what mattered most By Marian Trainor but they came back the next was paralyzed I reahzed then It leaves the VlctlIDhelpless, to him - he could communi- day I was a quadnplegtc 1 could unable to do anythmg WIthout cate be entered mto the machme to After graduation from high When that campaIgn was not do anytlung WIthout help' help The only voluntary move- It was an arduous task but It fonn a code The code Willthen school, he went to Walsh over. the Unit headed for Leyte "Because so many people ment that remamed for Ralph meant so much to hIm to real- be translated Into a smgle College and took a Job as an m the Pluhppmes. "Our land- have worked so hard to help was raising hiS eyebrows Ize he had not lost hiS capacity word accountant Later. he attended mg was not WIthout inCIdent," me, 1 have learned to accept Fortunately there was no brain to think and be able to express To commumcate hIS feehngs, mght classes at Umverslty of he recalls. "We were heaVIly what has happened to me and damage. More than anything, hiS mward gratltude for the needs and messages, Ralph DetrOIt and went on to earn a strafed by enemy aIrplanes We what I have In hfe • he saId "I he mourned hiS loss of speech good hfe he had once known memonzed over 900 three- CPA drove on to Cangarra. As we also decided that God IS not He longed to talk With hiS Wife, Commumcatlon became eas- number codes The booklet He had made hiS mark. but got close to the CIty,we smelled angry WIth me Virguua (Gmny) Ier for Ralph and Gmny when took over 1 5 years to create It he wntes; "I was looking for an odor It was the smell of "He Just has a different plan Gmny reahzed thiS need. hiS doctor found a Hanm-Volce IS a tnumph of the hllIDan Will somethmg else Somethmg decaymg flesh We heard about for my hfe Two works lDSp1red She firmly beheved that hIS MachIDe The machme ISoper- to respond - even In the Dlldst even a good Job couldn't fulfill " a planned invaSion of Japan me One IS a poem called, faith and courage could be ated by an assistant - usually of enonnous mfficulty Then he met VirgIma "Mom, 1 And our regiment was to be a 'Invictus,' by Wtlham Ernest tapped and he would once Gmny Three numbers must It was an enonnous task for Just met the gIrl I love and if sacnfiCIal umt Henley. The other IS a mUSical Virginia, who carefully wrote she won't have me, I'll spend "Then we heard a rumor The recordmg 'Walk WIth God,' Cottage offers program on down hIS thoughts She was the rest of my hfe travehng," Japanese had surrendered. We wntten by my Wife." rewarded one day when Ralph. he said They were married In sailed for Japan, where we Both of these are mcluded m buoyed by a sudden rehef from 1940 actually saw General the booklet as well as pho- issues affecting the elderly passIve silence. blinked out, "I Then the ineVItable hap- MacAurthur and Yamasluta tographs of Ralph and hiS fam- loveyoul" pened. He was drafted He SIgnthe Japanese peace treaty Ily Also mcluded IS an epilogue Dlness and medicatIon, the descnbe treatments for suc- wntten by C Ronald Phelps, loss of fnends and loved ones, cessfully meeting the chal- Ralph's story begms m enhsted and Jomed the 112 It was over!" Back home there was a chIef chaplam serVIce, the mablhty to get around or to lenges of growrng older Detroit - where he grew up Cavalry Umt at Camp happy reuI'uon WIth hIS WIfe, Veterans Admlmstratlon remember as well as you used The program IS a free com- Part of the fun of groWIng up Funston Gmny, and their son, Joe Life Medical Center to - some thIngs are to be mumty program, presented by mcluded two great sets of Ralph recalls fallmg off Ius was good As a tribute to her husband, expected as we age But you the Mental Health ServIces grandparents, the JOyous hoh- horse "As I lay on the ground, Then one mght they went to VirgIma Pehrson privately had don't have to gIVe up on the department of Henry Ford day parties and gomg fishmg countmg my nbs, our sergeant dinner at the Chop House and 3,000 booklets pubhshed good tlungs m hfe Just because Cottage Hospital For reserva- WIth hiS uncles rode up to me. He took one look you're gettmg older tions. call (313) 640-2244 Jom Suzanne Keller. Ph D., Henry Ford-Cottage genatnc psycholOgist and clm- Hospital IS located at 159 Ical manager for the Henry Kercheval Ave, one mile south Ford Cottage HospItal Partial of Moross, In Grosse Pomte Attention all HospitalizatIOn Program, to Farms. learn how you can keep the Free parkmg m .the deck WIll glitter in the golden years for be prOVIded Bnng your tlcket Medicare recipients: yourself or someone you care With you to the program for about validation Plan to attend the Cottage Other mental health servIces' community program. "Gettmg programs commg up mclude With 2,000 top doctors, and Old Doesn't Have to Hurt - "New Hope for Schlzophrenla,~' Genatnc Issues,~ on Thursday, on Friday, Nov 7, 1130 a m to) 40 leading hospitals and Oct 16, from 7 to 8 30 P m. m 1 p.m., "What Every Parent t the hospital boardrooms - Needs to Know About lower level Adolescent SUICide," on health centers ... Keller Willexplore the durer- Thursday, Nov 13, 7 - 830 ences between depreSSIOn,anx- pm; and "Overcommg Holiday all near you in Oakland, lety and stress. She WIll dls- AnxIety & DepreSSIOn," cuss their symptoms, causes, Tuesday, Dec 2, 11 30 a m to 1 effects and proVlde tips and p m "'40 leading ~aconnb, ~ayne,(}enesee hospitals and 'Senior Expo '97' on Oct. 9 health centers and Washtenaw counties ... Area semors hving in the on personal care and leisure including: Grosse Pomtes, St. ClaIr tIme topICS you've never been closer to Shores, Harper Woods, Fraser Two luncheons Will be and RoseVIlleareas age 50 and served Seating IS hmlted - Beawnont the extra benefits & cost advantage older are especially mvited to attend the Sixth annual The luncheons are free, cour- "Semor Expo '97," on Thursday, tesy of Kroger Supennarkets M-CARE Senior Plan provides over Oct 9, at 9 a m - 3 pm, at Inc , and Marcluon Catenng - BOUiford AssumptIOn Cultural Center, The expo ISa commumty ser- your current Medicare coverage. 21800 Marter Road m St Clair VIce of the Metro East Shores Chamber of Commerce - Chelsea (MECC) New DImenSIons m • No Medicare deductibles The featured keynote speak- LIVIng Committee and Community er W11lbe Jerry Hodak from Assumption Cultural Center • Prescription drug coverage WXYZTV. Events of the day are as fol- Any profits denved are used - Genesys • Surgical care coverage lows Free health screenings by the MECC for projects and mformatlon aImed at ImproVIng the health • Worldwide emergency coverage Health care and hfestyle and well-bemg of reSidents In busmess -exhibits Workshops our community , - Oakwood • Virtually no paperwork IDJamsQEngliSb ~ntiqm - Providence r , Largesl Anuque Siore In Southeastern MIChigan ------Find out more about one of our informational A New 40 fOOl Container from England R.ecelVed Every 60 Days! - St_John meetings in your neighborhood. Call us today. 8e .English Primitlve Pine Pieces. Ele • Wardrobes • Harvest Tables. o:!'II ~ ~ • Collectables and Smalls • ~ ~ - St. Joseph MondAy-Friday 9 to 5 WE BUY AND SE.ll1 Mercy Macomb 1(800)810-1699 Saturday 10to 5 (810) n7-1651 19717 East Nine Mile 51 ClaJr Shores - Between 1-94 and Harper - U of M Medical Bill Knapp's Restaurant Bill Knapp's Restaurant 20300 13 Mtle Road Center 5365 12 Mile Road Warren RoseVIlle AI -.... AIIOCe HIMy'. ~ T...... _ ...... IIIlIl ... October 9 - 9 30 AM October 15 - 9 30 AM soc WIIIdcNr FtIIlIIM -And More ... October 16 - 9 30 ,\M November 5 - 9 30 AM Services for ...... -Il1o ...... October 23 .. 9 30 AM Older Citizens c...... L4ow1loalll November 6 - 9 30 AM CIrMIIlIII'. Bakers Square Restaurant MIrpIwI..RIce CIIImI AowI .. thanks the - 13602 14 Mile Road generous CIlIInII T_1lolI ....AMc...... Warren a-HII - merchants...... October 8 - 9 30 AM ~Fll-.e- patron~ and Mr. c'. DI_ Oetober 22 - 9 30 AM underwnters. NT Dol DIlInIMo'. _..... November 5 - 9 30 AM Henry Ford ..... DIlralI u.. _ COllage Ho\pllal EdIII-.Il *" ...... , and Henry Ford ...... ,...'-II _T ..... Health Sy~tem. ~~o..- s....•AoIIst for makmg Its .. eo., Pc. T1ltWIIbIJ QcMlI .... L ~~~ou~~Righl .J fiNt Strolling TIlIltft .... iloioi, IIIaddIlIc P!~ Supper and SIlent .... UIlcIIIIm7'. Dol Auction. on llfMl___LIllIs .. A-.c c:... \'IlIlIIe'-" Septcmber 19. 'kIoIlo'. 8IIWI M-CARE Sel1lor Pl.m I~ a product of M-CARE, a Health Mamtenance Orgalll/atlon (HMO) with a Medicare ("onlra('\ Anvone entnled to Medicare may applv*, mc1udmg tho~e under age 61) entitled to Medlcart> on the 1997. a ...... IMm of Sonal SenlTlty DI~"bl1l1y Bt>nefil~ "'Must live In Macomb, Oakland, Wayne. Genesee or Washtenaw wonderful ---s,..,...,..,...... TIP .... iloioi, cwe.., counlle~, and not he recelVmg Medicare benefil~ for ('nd-~tage renal dl~ea...e or ho~plce cart> (lInle~~ yOll are ~ucce~~ ...... c.,ot .. a current M..CARF member or In an eXl~tlng employer !{f0up) 97-o58A-SM

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October 2, 1997 12A Automotive Grosse Pointe News Beltz personified Oldsmobile engineering excellence This year Oldsmobile cele- Oldsmobile 10 the Winter of CooperatIOn was not the famtly's Cadillac dealershIp m brates Its 100th anmversary 1947 as a semor clerk 10 prod. order of the day at GM m Scottsdale, Anz , ISthe largest The Lansing-based General uct engmeenng those years Competition exclUSive Cadillac dealership Motors diVIsIOnhas been A very competent englOeer among the diVISions was as responsible for some of the m the world, pomted out that and a man With leadership keen then as It IS today every car on hiS showroom best englneenng and most skills. Beltz was tapped 10 the bE>twpen the corporatIon and floor except th!' new C''lter'l I~ handsome cars to ever come late 1950s to work WIth col- other domestIc and Import a front-dnve out of the North Amencan leagues mcludlng Howard auto mdustry producers So If Olds could Kehrl, Bob Dorshlmer, Harold demonstrate It had the best "I always admired John One of Oldsmobile's most Metzel and Don Perkmson on high-compressIOn v-s 10 the Beltz from afar," Lund said popular general managers was a project deSignated XP784 Rocket engJne back In the late "He had personahty, effective- John Beltz, a gJfted engJneer ThiS was to becomt' the Autos 1940s or that It could bUild a ness and a great followmg at and perSUBSlVeadmlmstrator Toronado, the first regular- quahty front-dnve vehIcle lIke General Motors I wouldn't say who advanced to diVision gen- production front-dnve car to Toronado, the 4-4-2 models, amhty to amalgamate Ideas the Toronado m the mld- he was a man of VISion,but he eral manager In the late be bUIlt In a U S factory smce the Regency He rode In at 1960s, It didn't have to share 19608 Wlthm OldsmobIle and to was known for bemg hard- the Cord of the 19308 least one Indy Pace Car" the lImehght - or the prod- workmg and a good admlOls- Beltz passed away In May of 10 msplre people to work togeth- Introduced 1965 as a Beltz's gJ.ft.sIncluded the uct, at least for a short tlme- 1972 at the age of 46, follow- er. Bennetts said trator" 1966 model, the Toronado was WIth the rest of the GM famIly At the get-go, plans called Ing a battle WIth cancer Here powered by a high-output 425- "The other diVISions? We for the XP784 front.dnve pro- IS a portion of hiS story, based cm, 385-hp V8 hnked to a hated thmr guts," Joked Bob on InteTVIews With some of the Thrbo-HydraMatic automatic Jeet to be a vehicle about the Lund, retIred GM Vice preSI- sIze of the Chevrolet Corvalr, people who worked With him It had pop-up headlIghts, a dent and former Chevrolet They were great years for Strata-bench front seat, an powered by a V-6 engine. But and Cadillac general manager subsequent marketmg studies Oldsmobile. the 1950s, 1960s eleetnc clock, optIOnal leather "If another diVISiondid some- mdlcated there was a bigger and 1970s The names alone, mtenor and a relatively flat thmg better, we'd adopt It But market for a V-S Wilham names lIke Starfire, Jetstar 1, floor Weighing m at 4,633 for each diViSionworked very DynamIc Eighty-Eight, the standard model, the front- Mitchell oversaw styhng. competItIvely on ItS own m all JackIe Cooper, an OIds dealer Cutlass Supreme, 4-4-2, dnve luxury fastback coupe areas - englneenng, sales In Oklahoma City smce 1952, Hurst/Olds, Vista Cruiser, rode around on 15-lnch and marketmg, styling We HolIday 98 and Toronado, wheels was among the Oldsmobile had a fnendly competition franchise holders who would were worthy of awards If only "The Toronado was a unique that generated new Ideas for theIr emotIOnal magnet. car deSign," said Fntz be asked to sell the ultra-mod. Ism "WIth the Toronado, we ern luxury coupe Bennetts, retired Oldsmobile watched," he said "Nobody Oldsmobile had earned the public relatIOns director "GM "I drove one and sold a num- had dOlle It. We wanted to see ber of them to doctors," saId reputation of being General had a hand m It - we had to what would happen" Motors' engmeenng diViSion Cooper. "I remember the tires show It was functIonal We The Toronado turned out to Lansmg teams already had had It exclUSively John (Beltz) Oue of Beltz's most Importaut acbievcmcuts at wore out qUickly" be a good lesson In front-wheel produced the HydraMatic Oldsmobile was the trout-wbeel-drive Totouado. was Involved WIth the dnve Lund, wh08e said hiS automatic transmiSSIOn and See AUTOS, page 13A the high-compression Rocket V-8 engine. They were the first In three decades to work senously to develop a front- wheel-dnve vehicle Olds offered some performance P!1ckages that were among the best So It was natural that engi- neers should represent the diVISIOnas Its general man- agers John B Beltz was one of them The fonner Olds chief engJneer was named diViSiongeneral manager In 1969. A graduate of the Umverslty of MichIgan With a degree m mathematics and SCience,Beltz JOlOed

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•p, •• & Q October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 13A Autos ------_

From page 12A power trtam "They were excitIng: said "The Toronado was a real Cooper, who at one bme Kehrl, who worked on the accomphshment," Kehrl s8ld sold 150-200 OldsmobJles a engIne transaxle team for the "The Cord had had terrIble month, saId the '50s, '60s and 4-4-2 handhng problems and people '70s were great times m "The problem with high had thiS perceptIOnabout which to be a dealer Dealers output engInes IS they are front dnve " Changing th(' gn'at at hlgh "p('pd, hut tpnd had dost!! worluug relatIOn- throttle angle ch.anged the to Idle very rough at lower ships With field staff Factory steenng production schedules were speeds: he saId "Fuel InJec- GaugIng the market was good tIOnwould have helped that, another Beltz strength, Kehrl "Hot cars - you could get but there wasn't any good fuel !>ald"He had a keen under- InJedlon then" them when you needed them," standmg of what people said Cooper, a hands-on deal- The Hurst Olds featured a would hke m an Oldsmobile ~ special Hurst-bUIlt floor er who enJoys seiling to hiS The groundwork laId by Beltz customers and who answers mounted shlf'ter for the manu- and others helved move Olds al transmiSSIon No one else hIS own phone "It was more fun then ~ up to third In sales m the offered that shlfter, he s8ld domestic market a few years The muscle cars attracted Retired Olds engIne engI- later, dunng Kehrl's tenure the attentIOn of regulatory neer F Gibson Butler con. Beltz hked to talk With deal- agencies including NHTSA curred In those decades, he ers, he said Kehrl suggested the cars said, "OldsmobJle was And hke most engIneers, Oldsmobile_We had an weren't really safe at the high Beltz was deeply Involved in the Olds 4-4-2, the division's volume entry in the mus- Beltz was mterested In cars, speeds they could attam enclave of engIneers We often cle car market. This Is a '71 Olds 4-4-2. he said "They (engineers) When the Insurance compa- ate lunch together at the may have dIfferent reasons, nIes qUIt Insunng them, they MaSOnICTemple Our famdles but they all love them," he began to disappear from the were close. We worked long Said market hours and did most of the Beltz was anxIous to pro- In addition to great talent, (engme) work mSlde " mote the 4-4-2s and Hurst Olds had another advantage Pete Estes worked WIththe Olds, muscle cars of the '60s as It worked ItSway to the motor group, he said Bob Stempel spent time at Olds People were well-tramed and dedIcated In hiS career, Butler was associated With the Rocket V-B, the Jetfire aluminum engme of the early 1960s and fuel injection pro- Jects He IS completely at home WIth talk about four- barrel carburetors, valve-m- head deSign and cam profiles - "they are the brainS of the engIne.~ The 'furbo-HydraMatic tops of the sale~ and engJ- over by hiS bosses, said the quahty control, before gomg transmiSSion hnked to the neenng heaps 100 miles one-time Cadillac general to Olds,~ Kehrl said "I had Toronado v-a proVIded The two-hour dnve thdt manager been there seven years when Increased torque and was separates OldsmobIle In By the same token, It was John dIed I dIdn't aSPire to more effiCIentthan the regu- Lansmg from the 14th floor of unusual for Olds people to the Job" lar HydraMatlc, he explamed the General Motors BUIlding chmb to the 14th floor Kehrl, Front dnve has umque m DetrOit's New Center area eventually an executive vIce It was tough keepmg the steenng and handhng con- hkely Increa~ed the indepen- preSident of the corporatIOn, Olds ship afloat, as Beltz was cerns, said Howard Kehrl, dence of the dIVISion Lund thought he mIght have been SIckfor an extended penod of who moved Into the general remembers that, With hiS the first time, he said manager posItion follOWIng office as Chevy general man. Beltz's untimely death from ager then In the GM BUIlding, "I was accused of being Now,25 years later, at least cancer In the spnng of 1972 he frequently was summoned partial to Olds when l was one colleague VISItShIS grave "When I got to Olds, the upst81rs Even Clark Street, downtown," he remInIsced site each May, to remember Toronado was well under then the site of CadIllac head- "I may also have been the the hfe of one of Oldsmobile's way,~said the engmeer and quarters and a couple of miles first Olds general manager most popular and respected retired GM VIcepreSident "I John Beltz. 1926-1972 from the New Center, wasn't who dIdn't start at Olds - I general managers, John went to help work on the too far for hIm to be called was at Chevrolet, In charge of Beltz

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OfFICII 926."'O"ALRnOOm' Su•• 252 Gmnd H(']v~n MI 49417 1616) 8468126 in> 161618476747 Pf'N"IiInm ....~.r.-.- 14A October 2, 1997 Schools Grosse Pointe News Looking for an international experience? Attend this Oct. 18meeting By Shirley A. McShane Tht, focus IS on what }ou can fanllhe~ Staff Wnter gIVe rather than whdt you can Learnmg about other cul- ~/ All the world's a classroom If ta"e trom the program" ture" helps the students under- ;tudents are mterested In par People to People, whIch Yoab btand ....orld alTalrs and gain a ~ ~,.~ f" tlclpdtmg In an mternatlOnal "taTted by PreSIdent DWIght D deeper understanding of their program EIsenhower m 1956, prepare" OlIn trddltIons and values ~~~?.;... People to People Student )-oung people (Sixth grader. FranCIS Said students pay ~or"~~.. ~. /' l Ambassador Program, II hlch through semors m hIgh schoo)) what she calls a reasonable , 'I has grown qUite popular with for their roles as respon"lble rate that mcludes tram,porta- ~j~'1t. students In the Gro~<;e Pomte Amf'nC'nn ntl?f"nc: h, nffe-'i'1g hpp (\\,(U""C3S, lodblng :Jon:!food fl/~ Harper Woods and 5t Clair .

..o NEW AIuuvALS OF 1997 Grosse POinte News and The ConnectIon newspapers are planning theIr 3rd anr>ualspeCialedItIon featunng the babies of Buy life insurance and save the past year We hope you (and the Iirtle onel Will partICipateby supplying us WIth a photograph of your chIld (only 1997 babies, on your home and car. please) for publ,catlon In thIS section

ThIS tablOid WIll be published In January. 1998 Your child s _ hen lO\l !lLll l~)L1rI,fe nN,nnce from LISthrough Alllo picture, along WIth other 1997 babies. WI/) be the main attractlonl News and advertiSing about clothmg. feeding, educatIng and canng for your child Will also be Included It Will WCN.nell> InsLlr.mce, loull rrLCl\e '['('e,,I d'''OutH' on be very Informat,ve as well as a commemorative edItion for youl I'HII homc, mobile hnrne or car msur.mce We'll Pleasesend a cute. clear photo (Coloror black & white, home or '1' e lOll monel As an mde['('nJenr Anro studiO produced, preferably smaller than a 5x7) to Grosse Pomte News & The Connection 96 Kercheval Grosse Pomte Farms C)'"le" agcnr, we rake ~'feat IOlcrcSIm MIChigan 48236 AttentIon Kim KozlowskI. Display AdvertiSing Complete the informatIon Slip With your childs full name. date of lOU -" "ell a~ lour horne ~nd C~r We birth and hospItal and return It With your photo PleaseInclude thIS information on the back of the photo lrt 'f'tLl,It,r, III llbtlfmg p<.orlc _ Your picture must be received In our office no later than Monday Illd rhe rlml"''' thl) 0" n December 22nd. earlier would aSSISt our production schedule (Late November and December birth photos may be submitted untIl January 6 1998 1 V#uhJ-0wnn71murruu:e l.te Home Ca Bus ness We look forward to prodUCIngour annual -Baby EdItion" and are 74""~~. sure you want your little one Included A Irmlted number of extra Dollcy Holder The ColIlSloo Shop copIes WIll be available for purchase to give to famIly and 17311 E Nine Mile fnends Eastpolnte The Grosse POinte News & The ConnectIon requIre a S I 0 00 fee (313) 343-ex:XXJ ($ 15 00 for tWinS) to cover productIon costs Please Include a 18118 Mack Avenue check money order or credit card number WIth your photo Grosse POinte .: Call 0,. Drop by...ttwe GrOS~ Pomte News BOYDS BEARS & FRIENDS'" A. CONNECIJoN announces a Royal Visit from III I W 10 , " , r t 5 Prince Harnalot ... our first time ever!!! 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms. Michigan 48236 Special Event Piece for 1997 Attention: Kim Kozlowski. Display Advertising f3131 882.3500 FAX 882.1585 HIS MaJesty, Pnnce Hamalot will appear ------Send photo and payment to' S10.00 per child Grosse POInte News & The Connection SATURDAY, TIu-BaJle.r 011997 S15.00 for twins 96 Kercheval OCTOBER 4TH Grosse POinte Farms. MichIgan 48236 Please Pnnt and Include thfS Information 10:00 A M - 5:30 PM Attention, KIm KOZlOWSki, Display Advertising on the back of the photo & Chlrd~Name IFlrst & SUNDAY, Lastl, _ OCTOBER 5TH Parents' Name IFlrst & LastJ _ 12 "IOON- 5pM Date of B.rth--- Hospltal ,Phone _ $20 00 BOYD Purchase Enters You To Win The Visa #------Exp: Date __ ....>...- _ RIght To BuyA First Edmon' 3!:MC. ~-~ Slgnature _ A serf addressed. stamped envelope would assIstIn returning the photo shoula you want It back Thank C;;.and plea,. return no later than December 22nd, '997 ~~ ber birth Mat teeI until Janua 6, 1998 85 KFRCHEVAL AVf • (,RO',Sf POINTI FARMS' JI1 884 4422

l D @ 0 • Q October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Schools 15A

Fire prevention week

In preparation for Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 5-H), stu- dents at the GroSBe Pointe Academy had a number of ape- clal visitol1l, .. weD as a chance to learn what to do in the event of a fire by going through the MSmoke House."

Groue Pointe Farms pubUc lafety officer Don Dewey, in the picture at the immediate left, Instructed thiJd.grader Katie RatUff, and third-grader Blayue McGuire. far left, on how to drop onto aU fours and crawl out of a bumiDg bulld- ing. Chlldren also heard from nurses in the bUl1l UDJt at Children's Hospital how to avoid getting burned and what happens when chlldren aren't careful.

Fire Prevention Week is a national observance isaued by Presidential Proclamation since 1925 to In~ aware- ness of the clangel1lof fire and to educate the pubUc on how to stay Nfe from fire. All is forgiven (well, almost> for library patrons Attention all Here's some news hbrary patrons WIll be glad to hear The Grosse Pomte Public Library, m Its first observance of NatlOndl Customer Semce Week, Oct. 6-11, WIll institute a number of Medicare recipients: permanent land some temporary) changes along WIth some spp- clal programs Begmnmg Monday, Oct 6 patrons no longer Will be charged 25 cents to reserve books and VIdeo and multi-medIa fines WIll be With 2,000 top doctors, and reduced from $2 to $1 a day. These changes were brought about, sail!. hbrary representatives, because of some complamts from 40 leading hospitals and hbrary patrons AddItionally, the poltcy that a patron couldn't renew a booJ,. more than tWIce - even If It wasn't on a w81tmg hst - Will be health centers ... ehmmated permanently Patrons now may renew a book as many times asthey feel necessary aJ near you in Oakland, For thIS week only, all fines and overdue fees wl1l be forgIven Other features for Customer Semce Week !Delude a used fur- leading mture and equIpment sale at the Central Branch on Thursday, ~o Macomb, Wayne, Genesee Oct 9, from noon to 4 p m A used book sale WIll take place on hOSpllals and the Central Branch terrace on Saturday, Oct 11, from 9 a m to health centel'i and Washtenaw counties ... 4'30 p m Ram date WIll be Sunday, Oct 12, from noon to 4 30 induding: pm you've never been closer to - Beaumont the extra benefits &= cost advantage M-CARESenior Plan provides over - Botsford your current Medicare coverage. GROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS - Chelsea Community • No Medicare deductibles The Annual MeellDg of the Grosse POlDte War Memonal Assoclatlon will be held al the Grosse POlUle War Memonal, 32 • PI e~cription drug coverage Lakeshore Dnve, Grosse Pomle Farms, on Tuesday, October 14, 1997 al - Genesys 8 00 P m to hear reports of Officers, 10 elect Dlreclors and to lransaci • Surgical care coverage such other busmcss as may properly come before Ihe meellDg An election WIll be held to filllhe vacancies caused by Ihe explra- • Worldwide emergency coverage lIOn of the lenns of office of Mrs. Beverly Hall Bums, Mr Henry - Oakwood DeVnes, Mr Thomas Drurnmy and Mrs Behne Obeld • Virtually no paperwork All persons who havc conlnbuted funds 10 the Grosse POlDleWar Memonal AssociatIon are Members of Ihe Assoc,ation and will be enll- - Providence tied 10 VOleat the meetmg By order of the Board of Directors r------,Find out more about one of our informational - St.John meetings in your neighborhood. Call us today. A. David Mikesell G PN. 09/25/97 & 10/02/97 Secretary - St.Joseph Mercy Macomb 1(800 )810-1699

- U of M Medical Bill Klldpp'S Re<;taurant Bill Knapp's Re<;tauranl Center ')36') 12 Mile Road 20300 13 Mile Road Il~'mJ~. Warren RO'Ievllle October 9 - q 30 AM October 15 - 930 AM - And More ... October 16 - q 30 I\M November 5 - q 30 AM O( tober 23 - q 30 AM DElICBTE55E N/ 8BH NOH'mbcr 6 - 9 30 AM Bakers Square Re~ldurant NOW OPEN 13602 14 Mile ROdd "Vdrren 7 days a week October R - q 30 AM October 22 - 9 ~oAM serving 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily November 5 - q ~O AM bar open longer live piano music Thurs."Fri."Sat. 8900 E. Jefferson L--M:~ ~":;~~.'R;ght .J 1 1/2 Miles east of Belle Isle Bridge

next to Irma Henderson Park M-( \RI' "'1 mOl 1'1.111I' ,I pi odl!( t of \1-( ,\RJ:. ,I He,llth Mallllelldnce Orgdlll/atlOn (HMO) WIth rt MedICan' and Marina COIlUd( I \molle ( 1l111lcd 10 Mechc,lre m .. ~ d<;(,or ho'pICt. CdTe (un less you dTC LOOK FOR THE SIGN .1 (1I11( III \1 ( \RI !II( lllhel 01 111 ,Ill eXl'tlllg emploH'r gTOllp) 313-8~4-1000 fn-" ~ DONATE YOUR VEHICLE (800) 543.LUNG COME SEE WHAT ALL THE ~I II to the American Lung AssOCiation of Michigan RUMORS ARE ABOUT J\\\\\\ll~\ • Get a generous tax break! I It's qUick and easyl ::I:AMENCAN LUNG ASSOCIATION. U •TOWingIe:; freel I It's good for your communltyl I 0(-.,..

M to b l' ' .1 ...... - P'" ~. .... -=:-::::'t.."",~....--..Ibln E__ ::r:- ". r:~...,,_'-.'...."... \ t • CCMtIlOllAft 0fIIICUt AOA 5 Ham.fton ,.. e> ~og now M 4860:1 (~17) 7910914 SEQUENCE {80019683456 10' (SI1) 792:1413 ICOn "INION pm<:"l' dmq IOcr.!» ("om Prendent .... otIAL 0 .... 0:16 Rooo n, Su,t.25:1 (,rand Hoven M' ~9"'17 (6161 8.46 8116 10' 1616) 8416747 .maiI dma:1Chwooo1e com October 2. 1997 16A News Grosse Pointe News i Theft from car theft and attempted theft of steal hIS 7-year-old son's bICy- Grosse POinte City pohce are Mirror smashed three Chrysler products cle When he saw thIS, he ran PUBLIC SAFETY REPO-RTS between 11:45 a m Saturday, after the thief and was able to investigating the theft of ~e..er Gro",!!..POInte Shore" polIce al Items from a van parI-I'd m 1995 Plymouth Voyager The Sept 27 and 11 30 p m hold on to hIm until Park pohce are InHl[ftlgatlnga car \ andal and makmg comments and Sunday, Sept 28 .arnved The mCIdent took the 700 block of Rl\ ard Sept \ ehlcle was parked In front of Ized In the 500 block of gestures to employees In front The first theft took place place at about 6 15 pm, 26 the house The VIctIm heard Lakeshore Sept 28 of the busmess The man could between 1145 a m Saturday Thursday, Sept 25 According to reports, the \ IC- "orne nOIsesearly that mornmg AccordIngto report~, the VIC- not produce ID and refused to and 10 15 a m Sunday A 1991 At about noon on Sunday, hm reported a CD player, a ~ell tim said the dnver s "Ide mIr- when the vandalism may have phone and bunglasbes mIssing occurred There are no sus- gwe hIs name when questlOned Dodge Shadow parked m the Sept 28, another Park reSIdent ror ",as broken bet",een 9 am- by police The man was arrest~1400l block of Wayburn was saw a youth toWIng another from hIs van that \\as pdrked noon on hiS 1995 Chevy pects In custody I'd and locked up WIth a $200 broken mto by smashmg the blcvcle In the area of Mack and In the dn\('\\,,) of th(' n'<\ LUHUJloJ. L}Jun fUllhl...1 unt.-..,ti bond driver's vent wmdow The Maryland He thought thIS was dence There are no suspect" In gatlOn, the car door below the I custody Egg attack .' • steenng column of the car was strange and stopped the bICy- mirror wa" also 'cratched Bike destroyed damaged, but apparently the chst to talk to hIm ThIS There are no ~ubpectb In cus- Grosse POInte Farmb police Grosse Pomte Farms pohce thIef was unable to "hotWIre" allowed the actual owner of the tody detamed two Grosse Pomte Car vandalized are Investlgatmg a bIke hteral- the vehicle bIke to catch up '11th the thIef, Grosse Pomte CIty polIce are ~ouths suspected of peltmg & pa"bmg car WIth eggs - one Iy destroyed while locked at a The second mCldent took who had Just taken the bIke InvestIgatmg the slashing of a Traffic arrest rack at St Paul's school Sept place between 8 p m Saturday from a home m the 1300 block stnkmg the dnver In the head tIre on a car parked m th(' 500 Gros,e POinte Shore- polIce 24 and 11 20 p m Sunday A 1992 of Beaconsfield block of NetT Sept 27 Accordmg to reports, the dn- arrested a DetrOIt man Sept \ er reported the mCldent whIle AccordIng to reports, the Plymouth four.door car was The two men held the sus- Accordmg to reports, the \'1C- 26 after a traffic btOPrevealed dnvmg down Mt Vernon girl's FUgI bike had Its seat, stolen from the 1400 block of pect until Park offiCIalsamved tIm reported the car was the man \\as dn\lng WIth four wheels and brakes removed, Its Maryland DetrOIt police made at the scene Both suspects parked m the rear yard of the to\\ ard Kercheval He reported suspensIOns and posseb"lOn of bemg struck In the head Wlth wheel nms gouged, Its gears an arrest m the case, after were released Into the custody propertv where he found the mdnJuana bent Inward, ItS gear cable recovenng the vehicle and of theIr parents The cases a~e rear tire \\ as slashed an egg and several other stnk- According to reports, the mg hIScar After further Inves- damaged and Its frame bent catchmg two men they belIeve beIng handled by the Parks There are no suspects m CUb- man was stopped after polIce The bIke was worth $300 to be the thieves It has yet to youth officers tody tigatIOn, 4-5 youths were spot- obsen I'd hIS car speedIng on ted near the scene and two There are no suspects m cus- be determmed whether DetrOIt Lakeshore near Deeplands were detamed by polIce One of tody or Park officials WIllhave Juns. Smash and grab Bits n' pieces After the man was placed - John Lundberg dIctIon In the case. the suspects was m possessIOn Grosse Pointe Woods publIc Grosse Pomte Shores polIce under arre~t. he admItted that I The thIrd mCldent took place of 17 eggs safety officers received a report are mvestlgatmg the return of the drug \\a~ m hiS vehicle They were released to theIr Boding over between'7 and 11 30 pm A remnants of Shores street The man was taken to the sta 1993 Plymouth four-door was of a car broken Into between 8 parents The eggs were p m Wednesday, Sept 24 and 8 SignS returned to the statIOn tIon, \\ here he po"ted a $200 destroyed Grosse POinte Park pubhc stolen from the 1300 block of Sept 28 bond and was released safety officers were called to a Lakepomte. The car was recov- a m Thursday, Sept 25. AccordIng to polIce, a 1997 Accordmg to reports, a home In the 800 block of ered by DetrOIt polIce m the Bad conduct 400 block of Lakepomte in the GMCvehIcle parked in the dn- WoodsreSIdent returned sever Light smashed Beaconsfield at about 9 50 a m. Grosse Pomte Farms pohce Monday. Sept 22, to investi- city It's IgmtIon was tampered veway of a home In the 1200 al pieces of broken SignSafter Grosse Pomte Farms police dlscovenng them on Cook arrested a RoseVIlleman Sept gate a report of a burnIng odor WIthand the air bag was nuss- block of Roslyn was broken are mvestIgatmg a car vandal- 25 after complaInts about hIS commg from the house's base- mg Into They were found In the mid- Ized III the 400 block of dle of the road The pieces were behaVIOrIn the 19000 block of ment The thIef smashed the pas. Champine Sept 27 Mack Upon mvestIgatlon, officer senger SIde front wmdow and logged In the property book Accordmgto reports, the VIC- Caught in the act There are no suspects m cus- Accordmg to pohce, the man dIscovered that the furnace stole a bnef case worth $300 tIm reported the left tall lIght was reported as bemg drunk had been turned on only about The case also contamed over tody and fnIrrOrsmashed out of her of bike theft 30 mmutes. earlIer But the Grosse POInte Park pohce $100 m eqUIpment water valve to the boiler was took Into custody a couple of - JIm Stu:kford shut off ThIS caused the unit JuvenIle bIke thIeves who were Cnme Stoppers lnc offers to overheat. The furnace was captured by Park reSIdents rewards of up to $1,000 for shut down for repairs At the corner of Vernor and mformatlOn leadmg to an Park offiCIalswere called to a Lakepomte a man saw a arrest of persons responsIble for home m the 1200 block of teenager from Detroit try to cnmes Call (810) 445-5227 Wayburn on Saturday, Sept 27 at about 6 pm to investI- gate smoke conung from the basement of a tWO-unitfamIly Cityor

When fire offiCIals Investl. INVITATION TO BID gated they dIscovered that the furnace was operatIng WIth an Sealed bids WIllbe a=:pled by the Clly Oerk no tarer than 10 am, Thwsday, "extremely" dIrty filter whIch October 16, 1997 On the follOWIng' caused the smoke. The UnIt was turned offuntIl It could be TRUCK WTI1f AERIAL UfT IDspected for damage

Speclficahons avatlable In the Public Service Department. 15115 Easl Bad week for Ielfer.lOD,Grosse Pomte Park, MichIgan 48230


I epARMS~T Choose the ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882-0220 355 FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 OPEN 8 10 5 30 P m DAILY Wed 'III Noon. Closed Sunday · best place to UPS PICK-UP DAilY SALEPRICESGOODOCTOBER2nd. Oct 8th Introducing Choice Tender Butterjlied AgedAmerican Au Gratin & Cream EYEOF ROUND PORK CHOPS lOIN Stuffed park your mone!'- CHICKEN BREAST ROAST ~"$389 LAMB CHOPS 350 $599 .~ $299 ltZ'l:7 LH ... ~ $799 1 HOlJR LB ~ LB~ ~~ lB Long-Term Cooked & Cleaned Oscar Meyer Homemade Fresh • I JUMBO SHRIMP BACON CHIli or CHICKEN ATlANTIC Parking ~ • $1399[8 $329 NOODlE SOUP :~~I~~~(~,I~OL~,~ Ou,Homemade ~E{; 1601 pkg l "(;:-,,';.':1 $299 .9 $599 ~ ~I!0/o Cockl.oISaure l,991b mmCL~ll01 ""~. LB~' LB ~ nl!!% ~APY' FRESH FROZEN CANADIAN LOBSTER MEAT $9.97 11.3oz. can UttQAPr NEW!! German AR80RIO BREMNER • FRENCH Cambozola RIC'D BUTTER JtIQQ1IqJ SAUSAGE CHEESE n WAFERS Blo

frammg techmques" Start bj lookmg through, around, over and under a foreground object Photogra.ph~/ tha t totally or partlally frames a more Important subject behmd By Monte Nagle For example, hangmg frame depth-of-field Often times, a branches Will add mterest to Often, frammg effects are so small aperture such as f-Il to f. the sky and Will gIVe extra natural that a Vlewer may not 22 '11'111 be needed to maximize emphaSIS to the landscape or be aware of them In a photo- depth-of.field so that fore. seascape m the background graph Yet If the frammg were ground objects and background An overhanging roof adds absent, It would be missed and subjects Will both appear m accent to a street scene the pIcture's Impact dlmm- focu~ m the final pnnt Ished By usmg your camera's An archway Will direct atten. depth-of-field scale and depth tlOn to the subject inSide, and a Look for unusual frames preview button, you'll be able foreground rock formatIOn Wlll such as a car door, an out- to attam the zone of sharpness gIVe substance and foundatIOn stretched arm or a tWlstmg your shot requires to an overall scene nver or fence Frames that con- Usmg a Wide-angIe lens Will trast With the area they sur. mcrease depth-of.field even Even portraIts can be made round, either In color or tonal further and WIll help you to more dramatic when a wmdow values, Will be exciting, too eaSily get foreground objects m IS used as an Impromptu the scene Because many of the The trees acted as the "frames" you'll be usmg WIll be So get yourself caught m a perfect Mframe" for Monte close to the camera, you Will photographic frameup you'll Nagler's picture of Bond have to pay careful attentIOn to be glad you did' Falls in Michigan'. Upper Peninsula. GRAND OPENING! AAA Michigan helps cars win race against winter SPIRIT OF CANA V::I~~~;~~~; Motonsts In Wayne County can Win the race agmnst Winter by Mile Road, (313) 477-2487 and 30255 Plymouth Road, (313) THE QUALITY dnvlng to one of AAA MIchigan's free Wmter Car Care inspectIOn 522-3520, Plymouth, 40855 Ann Arbor Road, (313) 455.5170, AND VALUE OF OUR SItes between Oct 1 and Nov 1 Now m ItS 18th year, the pro- Waterford, 5100 DIXie Highway, (810) 673-6947; Westland, 165 INTERNATIONAL WINE gram proVIdes motonsts With a 12-pomt mspectlOn of potentIal Wayne Rd , (313) 728.9580; Woodhaven, 19800 West Rd , (313) AND GOURMET FOOD problem areas before Winter hits 675-4011 E:lCCluslVeEastside retailer of Sydney Bogg Chocolates The Wayne County locations of the Winter Car Care mspectlOn For the first time, Penske Auto Centers, located at most Include Penske Auto Cente{" III ;)cdrborn, 5851 Mercury Dr, Kmart locations stateWide, Will Jom AAA MIchigan m thiS part- (313) 271-1525; DetrOit, 3900 E Outer Dr, (313) 368.1137; Syd;;~ynB;'gg, nership to prevent winter dnvmg problems There IS no obliga. Garden City, 29600 Ford Road, (313) 427-3120, Lmcoln Park, tlon to purchase any semce from Pen skI' Auto Center or a par- Detroit~ Best Candy Maker 3710 DIX Highway, (313) 389-3610, Llvoma, 33400 W Seven ticipating semce center Motonsts Will have potential problems detected by Winter Car AAA Michigan suggests the following inspection: Care techmclans and also receive a brochure WIth mformatlOn Sweetheart: $1300/1b on emergency safety gUidehnes and AAA Michigan car care tips Cr~ams, Ch!ws, . The 12 potential Winter problem areas cheeked. 6- Baner,: To e!tml,,"te corrosion clean term, CriSps, FrUIt Nuts • Battery load and termmals nals and cable ends wlth a wIre brush dipped • Antifreeze level and strength In a bdkmg soda and water solution • 011 • Brakes ~:!:?'1Y: $1250/Ib. Badlrtor: Check strength 10 the radiator With • Power steenng flUId a hydrometer Recommended level Is minus 36 Chews 6' Crisps degrees • Automatic transmiSSIOn flUid • Belts and hoses "a" 313-886-2455 • Air filter WlIullllield W'Uher/ wiper bladel: Make FREE DELIVERY ON CASE ORDERS • Washer flUId fREE PARKING IN REAR <;llfP re';f'rYOlr IS HlIed wah C)()lvcnt Replace wiper blades If needed • Wiper blades HOURS 'O.~pm Tue5 Wed Thu Sat 10.m-9pm Fr, • Lights/Signals Gift baskets our specialty • TIre pressure and wear. 20927 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS 1Ielb: Press on the nuddle of each belt to test (ACROSS fROM TRAnORIA ANOIAMOI tension If a lJ

BoteB: Check for leaks bulges or cracks art 'For 'Beautiful J-{omes Make 'ure clamps are secure Regardless of credit hiStory, ~ call for same day approval and 9reat '13uilding,5 011, linke, uenmd .. ioD aDd pcnrv ReeriaC CommonPoint Mortgage fI1dd 1mlJ: Check ad and fluid levels Follow CASH FASTI1-800-968'2221 On a large scale... owner s manual dIrectIOns or small••• we have it all. Air m&er: Hold It up to a "ght If you can t CHRIS DYER'S /-, .see through \t replace It 20% Pre - Holiday CLEANING SERVICE Sale on Entire Gallery tireI: Inspe<:t "ear Check pressure wHh a "/ Hdu1fie700%Jht/!leffiSt~lme' gauge when tires are cold Inflate to Ihe /~\(~ !$ • Collier C.CHAUNDY manufacturer s recommended pressure 25 minimum '\ Pncl~ .~ , InternatIOnal Fme Art I $15 per room I If-- \ Li&hU aad Iipals: Activate to make sure all \,$IOpertrafflc II ~ « work area Wtelcends 888-772-DYER 248-545-4719 OPEN 7 DAYS ART'S LIQUOR PLUS 14945 Kercheval • Grosse Pornte Park MI 48230 om- Phone: 313-822-9614 • - • Package LIq uor • Wine- • Domestrc Beer. Impot1ed B~r • Ktg Beer • Invest In A Diamond , PIZza' Fred! SandwIch ... full LIne of Groce" ... lOUD' Money Orders' Check CashIng' Copy & fa. ServtC1!S• 5% ~~.Premium Rate MELODY FARMS MELODY FARMS MOLSON ICE 1 GALLON MILK ICE CREAM ~ 12 PK. BOTTLES Money Market Or Regular . MILL£R HIGH LIFE, $5 1/2% 99-, 99 Savin~ Account At $1 '$2';;' • BUSH &0 BUSH LIGHT 2% Republic Bank. 12 PK CANS • TAU Of' TURKEY $299LB BUY ANY TWO AMERICAN CHEESE BREAST it loure lookt~ tor. premIUm rale 4CroUJ1t 1h.11offers hi$er 11dds ------SAME 9~ OR MOZZARELLA ana ronlt'!lI(Tl(C -Iool 00 Iurthcr dun our Dwnond \Ioon \1Ir1." BOILED HAM SANDWICHES 69 ~('( 99 or Dumond .1.11~ l,crount Bot.~l(COIJn~ offer eaI1 ml l(COS to LB $1 $1 GET ONE FREE! ,1; LB Higher Return, \1lUt 10000 W ~lth • IOOIle\ mmer acooum 1'00 lul e lhe added ALL 3 LITERS" Lower &lArut, l\41bhilltl oI,heOO P1u.~eJlh dqxJslIOf ~ FDIC IOsured 4 LITERS WINE 7~0 ml BEE R ... f~ With a $5,000 99 .Ingtenoolc COOKS 750 ml Bud $12 lJ $8 Bud Light ,.. & Of' REPUBLIC • Carlo Rossi 49 CHAMPAGNE mi"imum. • Paul Masson MIller High Life' '4 12 99 Miller Llgllt I0'"'' c:'~, ~BANK • LlVln ston Cellars JACK DANiElS 4 p.1ck,/S4 Miller GD. WHm onl) •.....~•...... BUY ONE LARGE PIZZA PEPSI & COKE HI OPf \ \ IlI\\Io\n \f (01 \T WIl\\: ~_ CHEESE .. CHEESE &. PEPPERONI • 2 Iiter'i 1~1I1PW - 01: 11",1 I~ ""~1I~ R'l'~~' RAnll~h, n tn-r"" & PEPPERONI ~~; $499 hl,a Item, 7';( each '~' ... , per"""le I"Oids lAP\'!e"ectve ~~) 0-.1 '" "~Cl1> ,111"9'OII!lotI_e ~ AND GET... \~ .. Ia, I.,.." am pili flI,,,"I,~1 11111 _. -, ,~II Im"esl' ~red ~ Ill). earn, 511'1~f'lil IIMU'19 e.", 117\ m IIllIbelow $1roI earns 00 "'''!$! f ... "'I red",e ea"""i' ~ """""'" oIllrol requred Items ",nm!.<, f)"m \ .. " I,., P ollf f lOll 1,iI~I~II llOIle(Ma~~-lJmlem(l'.1tl,,3bycliecl Exira $899 t,r.: ';!:P\ ONE FREE FAYGO 75ft each ~., N ..~ ~IITFR 1,"11111_",,11111 -; 11i-H l!nlm!ed. pmo'llr",",c_IIllIATJ.l_r!WIIs 00_'''0lJ~ 1_$1 Z~-i.. ... II I ... I I \ ( I I \ I I' I I: ... II \ \ I H \ \ " I \ I, l~XP~_('~~:l??~_~__~I~lvL?tte!l'h('~e:!~F~!~lO~(, mo~eyforyour winning-ticke!. t ..

$ 2 7' ? g ? ? .st •. , ~ez,_ ..._.0 c t..Y be b' e t ...... _~-:_I....._&...__t_.~__.._...-=:::::~ _~:u ::: :::2-; \ 4 CCMtI'OIIAft 0fIII?CU0 ,., 804 S Hom.lron e, Sog now M 48607 151717970934 SEQUENCE 'C. 180019683456 .. lox 1517J 797 7473 pmo I dmgl Oon; com .... OtlALOIPf9CII 9?tJ Robhms. StJllfl 252 Grand Hover. MIA9417 161618468176 In, 16161847<1747 .moil dma?CInovoo",. com October 2, 1997 18A Business Grosse Pointe News Stock market heads into new year; DJI nears 8,000 Last wel k \\ a, a do nothmg cent' You're kIdding? No, It\ Cobb, so no one would bother turned out fair But many Ileek The truel HOII are your ~tock, or mterrupt him I loved faIled along the way I sold market domg lalel)) Let's STOCKS watching the chalk boys eras- mme out In 1941 churned talk... mg and scnbbhng the stock "After the war, many around, up Estate planning III trades on the bIg quote board MIchigan compames "went do"n, down- Back to the future! Mam of m front of the two rows of public" Among those I pur- Up o.JgaHl FVl u, prell' I not to thmk \ ery lall')er chaIrs where we sat After the chased were Frank's Nursery, thl' wel'k dehbel atd) about the future was open on Saturdays, from Intestate property IS diVIded closmg bell, we drove to the Hazel Park Race Track, KIrsch ended Fnda), The wntemplatlOn of death I' 10 a m until noon The TIgers' ballpark, old Na\'ln FIeld After Corp, the DetrOit LIOns, Sept 26, the very dl,turbmg to not a fe" of accordmg to law among many games started at 3 p m heirs, m accordance \11th the lunch, we cheered the TIgers, Aeroqulp Corp and Ford Motor DJI gamed u~ "''here there ISa WIll there "My father and I would pIck wm or lose' What a thnlhng Co less than five degree of kinship, sometlmes By Joseph I' usuallv a \lay' To put It even up Ty Cobb at the Whittier way to spend Saturdays' "I think the stock market ISa Mengden POints to more bluntly, do you hale a leaVingthe WIdowWith msuffi- around 830 a m on Saturday Clent funds to rear the small "Stocks have been my way of great opportumty for all young close at \\ liP home game days We would hfe I bought my first shares m peoele, If they do their home- 7,922 18 Except for Fnda) 's children Please, please, Youd be surpnsed to know dnve downtown to the E A l please If you don't have a will, 1932 When prohibItion ended, wo~k,and have patlence " 74-pomt ralh, the DJI \\ould how often the anSI\er IS NO' Pierce & Co offices on I was 12 years old In a short Thanks, Don, for shanng hale been m negative terntory Even If)ou do presentl) have a do It now' Gnswold Street (EAP&Co was For larger estates (over time, Detro:t had 30 brewenes, your memones Withus for the week WIll doe~ It reflect your pre later merged mto Mernll which offered shares to the But the \ olume for the five. sent state m hfe) Has It been $500,000) LTS recommends Lynch) Mr Cobb's broker was engagmg a quahfied estate- pubhc at $1 per share It was a day week approached 2 bllhon updated In the past three Mr Lyman Crane, of Grosse "take-your-chOlce" gamble I shares traded on the NYSE, planner/attorney (often called years? Does It reflect a recent Pomte They wanted my father bought 100 shares each of Joseph Mengden IS a Grosse which translates IOta a lot of a "probate lawyer") The WIlls marnage ,eparatlOn, dIvorce to bnng me along, so one of us Goebel and Tlvoh The Goebel's Powte City reSident and former smlhng brokers of husband and WIfe can be or death) Have addItional chIl- could SIt on each Side of Mr stock dId great and TIVoli chairman of First of Michigan The American Stock dren been born, or guardIans "tied together" Many near- Exchange compIles a Secuntles named? wealthy people utIhze "h\'lng Broker/Dealer Index, whIch WIth millions of "umversal trusts" to aVOIdProbate Court mcludes 12 wldelv held .,ecun. 1\111form," advertised on radIO Estate planning IS a very ties firms that are publicly and TV,you'd thmk that every- techmcal field, WIth ever- traded A fe" come to nllnd one had a WIll In a WIll,you changmg tax rules Smce LTS Memll L,nch (MER), Morgan "peclf\ who vou want named as IS not licensed to practtce pro- Stanley Dean WItter (MWD) "personal representative" (for- bate law, we suggest you con- (the longe"t name on Wall merh called the "executor") tact your tax ad\'lser The only Street), Salomon Inc (SBI and how you want your net way to beat, no, reduce, death Pame Webber (PWJ) and A G property (after payment of taxes ISto do forward planmng Edwards Inc lAGE) Goldman debt~ and expenses of dymg) whlle you're h\'lngl Sachs ISa partnershIp and not dl\'1ded among your heirs or pubhcly owned, yet' other named partIes You can Vignettes Last week, The Travelers also dIrect the makmg of char- of times past Group (TRV), whIch o"ns the Itable bequests or establIsh LTS IS mdebted to reader SmIth Barnev brokerage firm, trusts under the WIll for the and former Grosse Pomter Don announced an agreement to benefit of others West, who recently wrote us a acqUIreSalomon Il'c (SB) 10 a If a person dies Without a letter (care of the editor) from $9 billion stock swap \11ththe Will,the decedent's property IS blessmg of Warren Buffet, Vero Beach, Fla Don shared deemed "mtestate" and, In WIthus hIS remlmscences, and Salomon's largest shareholder MIChigan IS handled by the we quote hIm, mth permISSIon Contmued merger~ are expect- Probate Court of the county In ed WIthinthe financl8l servIces which the decedent reSided "In 1925 and 1926, Ty Cobb Industry, which now has The assIgnment of the Judge of was managmg the DetrOit embraced the commercIal the Probate Court In MIchigan banking Industry, smce bank- TIgers They s81dhe was mak- IS usually by rotation The mg $10,000 a year, whICh was Ing regulatIOns have been Judge has power to appoint the relaxed BIG money, back then Mr Santa's helpers personal representative, whIch Cobb was separated from hiS The ASE's Securities may be a fnend of the Judge In WIfe and he hved at the Christmu comes very early for employees at the Nature Nook store in Grosse BrokerlDealer Index I~up how MIchIgan, the personal repre- Whittier Hotel by himself In Pointe City_ This year, the branch will be the hub of all Christmas decorations for much thISyear-to-date? 72 per- sentative does not have to be a those years, the stock market the other nine stores in the company. This ~Santa'5 Workshop" will custom- design huudreds of artificial Christmas arrangements to suit the taste of each store's clientele. Business Peo~le I>uring the coune of the holiday season, employees will create: over 350 table top arrangements; 200 branch french horn wreaths; 150 wall wreaths; 100 &Wags: and over 400 miniature lighted Christmas trees. Grosse Pomte Park reSident Margaret Shannon was Does Your Heart Good recently named In the seventh edItIOnof The Be~t Lawyers In Amenca, 1997-1998 Shannon • Amencon Heelrt AsSOCtofion ISa partner m the health care law area of DetrOIt-basedHomgman MIller Schwartz and Cohn The attorneys named In thiS year's hst were Yeu and selected through a confidential peer-evaluatIon New Stock process consisting of m-depth and open-ended phone mteTVlewsWIthmore than 15,000 Your Car Shannon lawyers natIOnWIde Birdbaths

Grosse Pomte reSident Michael Schott has jomed South Selected styles Beach Be\ erage Co as a partner and an Investor He Willalso I serve as preSident and chief executive officer 50% OFF Schott pre\'lously served as preSIdent of Snapp!e Beverages [tJ[I] and chIef operating officer ofAnzona Beverages by Tom Fraser & Bob Hoover Sales lIgl SeMce IIIgr Now $29.99 ea Grosse Pomte Woods reSIdent Sam Ventimiglia has quah- fied to receive the AsSOCiatIOn'sPreSIdents CounCilAward from SPORT.UTILITY Re ular Price $59.99 the Leadmg Producers Round Table of the NatIOnalASSOCIatIOn VEHICLES of Health Underwnters The award recognIZesprofeSSIOnal In recent ) ears the bUYIng pubhc excellence In the sale of health and dlsablhty Income msurance has embraced to a remarkable degree and ISthe cntenon for membership In thIS elite group of sales Ihe 'port ul,hty 'ehlcle segment of the Massarellts hght truck market Between the years and management leaders 1990 and 1995 sport ubhtv sales chmbed by 48 percent Cuslomers now Grosse Pomte Farms re~ldent Marcus purcha~ more than 1 7 mlilion or Concret~ these vehicles each year WIth sales Hodgkinson was recently named \'Ice presI- expecW I<> reach 2 mllhon by the end dent of the DetrOIt-based Urban SCIence,Inc of the deead. A large degree of the Gorgeous! populant) of SUVs has 10do ",th theIr Hodgkmson WIlloversee \Iorldwlde product off road capab,hlles \Iost sport utlbty ~~e~~~r~~t les ~ BIG Plants! development, marketmg and sales for the com- huyers choose 4WD models even If they seldom venture off the road because Many Colors! p:lnY He most recentl) dIrected the company's more wWlng capaC1l) than the tvplcal mternatlOnal operatIOns from Its offices In car and theIr \.all nde he,ghllmparu. a Now $89.99 $5.99 each England sen&:;C ofsecunly to dnvers Sports ul.ht) .. htel.. and Ioght Hodgkmson has a M S Il1 computer sCIence lru{'ks can add all sorts of fun to )our Regular Price $13999 Hodgkinson and economics and bu~me~s from Darmstadt IofebecaUSE of the ,.rsallhtv th" offer LImIted Quantities Avatlable 3 Plants for $15 At RIr.KF TOYOTA our serv,ce Techmcal Umverslty m Germany and IS an 11- department IS one of the most modern )ear employee "Ith Urban Selence and complete ,n the area We guarantee our work our products a'ld our <;;ervlce~ Plea"e ~top In at our Gro«e POIntl re"dent Laune Thomas was recently pro. conHn,enllocat,on at 25420 Van D'ke Entire Collection Green Up Your Lawn moted to ~enlOraudIt for Pnce Waterhouse Phone 758 Z()()() We know vou are bus) v.htch means ""e VwT1le }QU up qUickly so )OU are out of here In no Bon Secour, Ho\ Ql.ALI1Y l1!J. Marchese ha~ recpntl) jomed BI-County r -!"'-~-= ( ommumt) Ho~pltal ~tafT In the department IOU, FUter & I Take 25% Off I B of Pulmonary/Cntlcal Care I -- I Lube U~ed I Vlarche.,e 1Sa waduate ofWavne State l Illvpr"tv and complpled h" re'ldency and I'10<1Ulo4quon,of(':::" I Tm"Otlll oil I ml( mohlp at St ,John Ho-pltal and Medical I • (R nnlrk Trn:ol. hrf)-Ool~ petrnt€:'d ('l'nter HI' al~o compll'tl'd a fpl1ow~hlpat ~(n .....&1 T\1X"" Altcr €:'kmrnt with I Hours I anll.flnlinhec'k 00 .. and ifl

Staying on financial track when switching jobs AccordIng to recent statIs- weeks or months Although 401(k) plan, or If you've dl'Cld- a few weeks With the cost of tIcs, the average employee WIll cash ISworth more up front, by I'd to maIlage your retrrement health care today, an UnIn- We are pleased chaIlge Jobs at least five tImes receiVIng regular payments funds on your own, you can sured Illness or surgery can SWItching Jobs - whether you over tIme, you may be able to open a "rollover" or "condUIt" result m finanCIal rum If you are leaVIng your Job because contInue receiVIng full bene- IRA A rollover IRA gives you worked for a company Wlth 20 to announce you found a new one or been fits, such as healtil InsuraIlce more Investment opttons than or more covered employees, "downSIzed" out - can have a most employer-sponsored you'll most likely have the slgmficant Impact on your cur- plans - a good feature If you option under federal law rent and future finanCial Protect your are Investment savvy (COBRA), to contInue your pre- ROBERT A. REID health. The Michigan retirement funds OtherWlse, you might fare bet. sent health insurance at your AsSOCIatIOnof Certified Public ter haVlng your old or new com. own expense In most cases, First Vice President Accountants (MACPA) sug- In most cases, when you pany manage your funds you pay the same rate your gests you take the bme to leave your old Job, you have An Important caveat When company was paYIng, plus an negottate your leave-taktng so three optIOns of what to do you choose to take your retIre- adminIstratIve fee of up to 2 and you CaIl maxImIZe any earned WIth your 401(k) or other tax- ment funds out of your former percent COBRA Insurance severance and carefully coordI- sheltered retirement money employer's plan, have your old covers you for 18 months, after nate your benefits You can leave your money In employer transfer the funds that, you're on your own MARTIN D. REID your employer's plan, transfer directly to the new plan's As a worker who IS not ehgi- It to your new employer's plan trustees Should you request a ble for group Insurance under Second Vice President Make the most of a or roll it over mto an check for the proceeds, your COBRA, you may be able to IndIVIdual RetIrement Account employer must WIthhold 20 purchase a short-term policy buy-out package (IRA) Whatever you deCIde, be percent for federal Income from a natIOnal Insurer to fill have joined the A typical severance package sure to vest all of your J1lbre- taxes, even If you Immediately the gap while you shop for a gIves you a week or two of pay ment funds Generally, If you depoSit It In a new plan What's plan that meets your famIly's for each year of serVIce, but It Grosse Pointe office WIthdraw any funds before you more, you are reqUired to needs IS pOSSible to negotIate your reach the age of 59 1/2, you'll replace the 20 percent from Even If you have a new Job, of Roney & Co. way to more If you're beIng pay a 10 percent penalty plus your own pocket Wlthm the 60 offered severance, ask to see don't assume Insurance cover- mcome taxes on the amount days allotted for a rollover age from day one Some compa- your company's formal sever- WIthdrawn OtherwIse, the amount Wlth- aIlce package; then find out mes require a waIting penod Your former employer must held and not Included m your before health Insurance what former coworkers In sim- allow you to keep your retIre. rollover Wlll be conSidered a becomes effective and some Ilar SItuations were offered ment money In the 401(k) plan WIthdrawal and thiS "WIth- RoNeY &co. KnoWlng a company's pohcy plans exclude coverage for pre- you set up through the compa- drawal" IS subject to both taxes eXIstIng condItions for up to 12 People who know Roney, recommend Roney and how others have been ny, proVIded you have more and penaltIes months tompkll:' FJnanClal Ser.IU.., "IOU" 192.., treated In the past may help than $3,500 In the account You "-"ember 'le,"" VorL. Srnd" t.xth ..tnll: In .. JIKIl;)IP'( you obtain a betier offer. won't be allowed to make any Bridge gaps in FtndIng out the facts about OffiCL'l Throughout Mll.hl('lJn Oh tlJnJ IndlJnJ Some companIes give you a addItIOnal contnbutIons, but your health care and other ben- chOice between takIng your your rettrement funds WIllcon- health insurance efits before you sWltch Jobs Will severance In a lump sum or tinue to grow tax-deferred 15Kerth".1 A,enue' Gro,,,, PI"nle FJrm, M14121<\ Don't put your family at nsk help you plan for a more secure I" 3J 885 9470 • \\\\\. wne,

For auto, home and life - Allstate 'oun' m~fM>dband, Being ingcxx:lhands is the only place to be:" I6'.1: Mack Ave. at Yorkshire (3I;5) 885-7I40 CAVy?> Fresh Meat &: Produce, Fine Wines, Beer &: Liquors 9 a m biB p m dally From Around the World ~ r.- lOam tll2pm Sun :J ~ I VlSAp

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.- rt ~s p , •• e .,s ... ll,I'I ••• '. .. ( t • COII.. ==Q:"~-lUIn 0fIIICUt ,., 804 <; H()ml~On e) $ogmow M 48602 15171 79?091. SEQUENCE 18001968 j4\6 In' 1117)79? 2.?J f'moj dmq 100 s com .... OIl .. L 0MCI0 9?6Rohhn. $"'.252 G(on~ How.,., MI 49417 1616) 846 ann 10> 16161 8.7 <'>7.7 ...... ;11 A..._')A",. __ ...... ~ _ 20A October 2, 1997 News Grosse Pointe News

"It's a smdll percentage of of puttmg up elabordte chams McMillan a year ago and the to nde their skateboards, "he people who (know how to do Skateboards and barncades It'~ pretty hard reconfigunng of the area was emphaSIzed that school proper- the tnck maneuvers that to ~top them from ~katmg " From page 1 sald It wa~n t untll the advent pnmanly WIth ~tudent safety ty IS not an optIOn mvolve skatmg on the bench- Slgn~ have been posted at m mmd McMIllan, m effect, of the new playground configu es)," he said "Skatl'boarders Sean Green, an employee at lated and the fimsh has been the ~chools thdt have proved to had cut through the center of ration that the ~kateboardlng have thIS bad reputatlOn and Blke~, Blades and Boards taken off," saId RIchard pnncI- be mo~t entIcing, whIch u~ual- the school's playfield and dnd bidding be~ame a nUl we're not all destructive, rebel- sportmg good store m Grosse pal Pat Meek "They have bent Iy are the ~Ite~ WIth the most admmlstrators dnd parents sance hou~ dehnquents " Pomte Park saId there Isn't a back tree~ that have been recently repaved parkmg lots, had long worned about stu- skateboard park m the Pomtes planted, they htter, they have "ThIS Wd" a commumt) Meyer~ ~ald the problem IS he saId dents crossmg the road at taken paint off the curbs and effort, many people spent He speculated that If there there I~n't anywhere m Grosse Meek Said not only are the lunch and at recess havl> l{nnc!ce-d ovpr the- bIke manv hour' and ~ fr"'1t rip 11 of were such a place In or around POlnt!' f"r t('ens to nde thLlI bk,Hd)odrdt'r~ ddmaglng racks" money on thiS and It'S for the Meek said the school has the area, It mIght solve some of board~ - except their dnve school property, but also they whole commumtv" Meek saId ways SignS posted prohlbltmg skate- these problems The nearest The attractIve park-hke set- rearrange the orange traffic "It'~the lack of ~espect for the boarding and m-lme skating skate park IS m RoseVIlle ting behind the school at RIdge "We can't skateboard at cones set out for particular and McKinley In Grosse POinte property and for the effort put Assembhes have been held to WhIle It Isn't far away, Green RIChard or at the hbrary or In purposes and nde around the forth by ~o many people (that's dISCUSSthe SituatIOn With ~tu- Said It does mvolve dnvmg the Farms was recently redevel- the street," he ~ald, noting that teacher s parking lot, posmg a so frustratmg ") dents at RIchard and at the under-16 skater to and from oped In a massIve effort he has had hIS board confiscat- safety hazard and msurance between the school system, the nearby mIddle school Pohce the sIte and It costs money But SIxth-grader Scott ed by pohce In the past for nd- hablhty have been called on several cIty and parent volunteers who And whIle Meyers saId he Me)ers, who has wntten two Illg In the ~treet "There have been some near- raJ~ed a portIOn of the money OCl3SlOns and have tIcketed the heard that the RIchard PTO IS letters to the edItor of the "We know there's a problem," mlsse~ when teachers are leav- to pay for the project teens and confiscated theIr consldenng glVmg skateboard- Grosse Pomte News on the saId Chns Fenton, assIstant mg the parkmg lot at the end eqUIpment Meek has been pnnclpal at subject, ~ald all skateboarders supermtendent for busmess ers a place to skate at RIchard, of the day," Meek Said Although Meek sympathIzes RIchard for three years and shouldn't be Judged ahke and support servIces "OutSIde PTO member Mary Weber saId IrOnically, the clOSing of WIth the kIds wanting a place that IS not true Traffic From page 1 did not plea~e everyone who school 15 reopened Mayor KalaJlan also saId that her MIchIgan and letting them heard them Rosetta KalaJlan, Robert Novltke rephed that It'S CardOSI pOinted out that study companng traffic pat- mam concern was the parkmg make recommendatIOns He who hves on Hlgble Court off of dIfficult to measure traffic for there haven't been five auto- terns In the vlclmty of SItuatIOn around the school saId that AAA has the exper- Mornmgslde, wanted to know something that hasn't hap- mobIle aCCIdents around Star MorningsIde and Oxford when parents are droppmg off tIse to make an mformed deCI- when the study was done and pened yet of the Sea wlthm the last year He compared traffic volumes and plckmg up students sIon free of pohtlcal pressures why Cardo~1 dId not walt untll KalaJlan went on to say that and that a poorly placed stop between 1991 and July 1997 Woods publIc safety dIrector When councIlman ErIC school v.as back m ~e~slOn He traffic around Star of the Sea SIgn can actually cause the and looked at the number of Jack Patterson S31d that It'S Steiner suggested adding extra rephed that the study com- between 7 30 and 8 a m IS ter- number of car aCCIdents to automobIle aCCIdents In the legal for parents to park stop SIgnS around the school, pared traffic rates over several nble mcrease area The traffic studIes he around the school and that CardOSI saId that the state has years and many of the penods "I cannot walk until 8 o'clock Mayor NOVltke asked that looked at were performed on school offiCIals have worked sta'ldards that must be met studied were dunng the school because I cannot cross the CardOSI and Patterson reVIew Sept 17, 1991, May 28, 1992, WIth the cIty to bnng traffic befl're stop SIgnS can be year street at MorningSIde and theIr mfonnatJon In the hght of May 10, 1995 and June 23, onto school grounds and off the Installed One of them IS that KalaJlBn dlso asked why the HIgbie," Said KalaJlan "You streets suggestlOns from the counCIl 1997 there must be five aCCIdents and the publIc and come back cIty dId not mclude any proJec- cannot get across the street Patterson suggested present. CardosI concluded that traf- Wlthm a year In the area In to make a presentatIOn at the tions of traffic rates If Barnes because traffic IS so heavy" mg all the cIty datd to AAA of fic volume on Mormngslde questIOn Oct 20 counCil meetmg was low and that peak volume hours cOincIded WIth school pIckup and drop off times at Grosse POinte North HIgh School and Our Lady Star of the Sea School When examining the five aCCIdents that happened In the area studIed dunng the penod exammed, CardOSI con- cluded that, "no smgle factor was the cause of the aCCIdents along MorningsIde, all accI- dents vaned m type and time WIth the amount of aCCIdents on Mornmgslde, the current traffic control deVICes In place are workmg effectIvely and no counter measures are needed for traffic flow or vehIcles parked m the area A maJonty of the aCCIdents were caused by dnver error and not due to the deSIgn of the roadway ~ But CardOSI's conclUSIOns Excessive lead in Farms drinking water reported Recent tests of tap water mdlcate some homes m Grosse Pomte Farm~ exceed the feder- al government's hmlt for lead The Farms water department IS Involved m a program to reduce lead m dnnkmg water The US EnVironmental ProtectIOn Agency has recently lowered the allowable levels of lead m dnnkmg water from 50 to 15 parts per bllhon Mandated by EPA regulatIOns, the Farms must dlstnbute EPA speCIfied language as part of a local pubhc educatIOn pro- gram addreSSing lead In dnnk- mg water Recent samphng has mdlcat- ed that elevated lead m the Imdgme ,IOU re 16 You should be h'l\mg tht lime dnnklng water IS eIther from oller program~ that prm Ide .\oung mother~ dnd bUlldmg plumbmg or the ser- 01 vour Ide But ln~tead .\ou're ha\Ing a bab, 'tour vIce Ime to your bUlldmg Idthers With pre-nata) Cdre, lounscl.ng, edu~atlOn and Although the Farms IS not reqUIred to Imtlate corrosIon cmplo,\ ment relcrral~ control treatment until 1998, cIty offiCIals are currently ~udden 1.\ \ ou ha\ e no plilt e 10 turn But, IOU re nol revlewmg methods to begm treatment thIS year "lone Thou~dnd, 01 teen' ju,1 I.kc IOU gl\ I' birth m,lIlOn ,\nd e\en though the number 01 hlrth~ ha\e Although It IS conSIdered that the relative fisk to pubhc C\ cn I e health from lead III dnnkmg water IS beheved to be mlmmal J he future doe~ not .11\\.1\ ~ hold great dollar .\ou dandle ,\ our gIft not onl,\ help~ teen~ In normal water use condl- tlOn~, there are steps a home proml ...e for .1 lecn,lge mother \\llh il thlld owner can take to reduce expo- In tn,,,, Inll t hou ...and ... 01 other people \\ ho rell sure • FIrst of all, have your But \\lth lour help, thC\ tdn ilt le,,,,t h.l\c on the Unttcd \\ ,1\ dnnklng water tested to deter- hopl 1 he united \\ il\ ...uppor .... 16 mine If It contams excessIve Prcgn,Jn~ \ t,1n ~en.lInh hd\ e ,In dflet t on .I concentratlOns of lead Testmg the water I~ es~enhal because .Igen, Ie... In Ih~. tn-tountl .. rea thilt United way In-I ear-old ...future But Ihen, ~o lan, ou you cannot see, ta~te or smell lead m dnnklng water For more mformatlOn about havmg your water te~ted, call your local water suppher The MichIgan Department of Pubhc Health or the local cIty or county health department can proVIde you WIth Informa tlOn about the health effects of leael and how you can have your chIld te~ted The state's phone number IS (517) 335- 9216 For more informatIon ahout hOlA'to have the water In your GMAC home te'ted for lead, mll the FINANCIAL SERVICES Farm, water department at 8856600

'.- II' 1 1 __ ..... \ COtIPOltAn 0fIPICn0 , I 8004 <) HOmll!on I log now M14860~ 1'1'119 0914 SEQUENCE IROOl96R 14S6 10' 1\11) 192 ~~23 scon IlOIIINION l"'mo' dmq I tto s ("om f> fOsldenl o ••• tONAL O"1CIt 910 Robb 0' I '" 252 • • • Q CJ ann HoW'n Ml .49411 1<1101a.

Health page 5 Meeting's focus: Everyone must help Lake S1.Clair By Amy Andreou Miller And It IS gomg to take Special Writer " everyone - from ordmary Cltl An old 5aymg I~ that "BIrd" , 'J Len" to pollbcans at every do not foul theIr own nest" level - to put mto actIOn any Yet, experts who have ~tudled ... plan, any set of posItive the dechnlng quality of Lake I""""" adlOn5 to Improve and ,tdbl ~t Clair during the past SlX IILe the lake month5 50] that we, as Cltl- All of the Great Lake~, and Lens of WktOfU tl1 It H1Lhnt.- r dilapIdated <:;('pLIL l.\nk "'yc:;. l.akp Sot ClalT 1~ the runotT millions of people. and is the busiest lake in the world for from there," Hertel said I~ no,"" a pdrt of II III be on" of terns 10 Macomb County Irom thL lLrt,h

"'1'>~ ...... ,-<.~ '" J1..., ~


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46 • , jf ------•t \ C4...... __ ...... rr ...... , I I AO.4 <; Horn lion ,. ~og now MI 4M07 ,.. A 1~171/9) 0934 SEQUENCE ! 18001968 14~6 lo,l~ 7) 7922471 f"mo I rlmq I (tCI s. ,om 0 ••• 'ONAL o.ne .. 9)tJ R('lhl-- n'S SU'P 2S') • • .. Q (,rnno Hnvpn MI49411 I~ 61 R~6 8176 10> 1616) R41M47 ,.rnC:JIt dmo )@no\l'OQ~f" (om October 2, 1997 28 Clubs Grosse Pointe News ~etings \ Fox Creek no charge to hear the speaker children are welcome The only, the commumty IS wel- group WIllmeet at 2 p m at a PEO Questers come member's home For informa- Chapters S, T, AD, DB, CV The topIC of Straus' remarks tion, call (810) 776.5535 and DY of the PEO SIsterhood The Oct 2 meetmg of Fox will be "Charter Schools Three WIll meet at 7 p m Monday, Creek Questers WIll begm at Years Into the Expenment ~ Catholic Oct 13, at Grosse Pomte 1230 p m at the home of LeIla Woods Presbvtenan Church L) Itch for d .hort bU.lness Alumni Club Ann Steben Will pre.,ent a meetmg and dessert before Valparaiso The Catholic Alumm Club of report on the mternatlonal departing for a tour of PewablC DetrOIt IS a non-profit orgam- conventIOn PEO IS a phIlan- Pottery Co-host for the day IS Guild zatlOn of smgle Cathohcs 21 thropIC and educatIOnal Mary SteIger. The first meetmg of the new and older who have earned women's orgamzatlOn mterest- Questers InternatIOnal IS an season for the ValparaISo bachelor's degrees and are free ed In provldmg more opportu- orgamzatlOn wIth headquar- Umverslty GUIld will be at to marry m the Cathohc mtles for higher educatIOn for ters In PhIladelphIa that pro- noon Monday, Oct 6, at Chnst church The group plays volley- women motes preservatIon and the Kmg Lutheran Church, ball Indoors on Tuesdays m restoration. raIses funds for 20338 Mack m Grosse POinte October For more mformatlon, scholarshIps to help students, Woods Bring your faVOrite call Teresa at (248) 557-6183 Marygrove and whose members chensh sandWIch, dessert WIll be pro- before 10 p m alumni hIstory, genealogy and Vided at a cost of $2 The East SIde chapter of the antiques For membershIp Make reservatIons WIth Panhellenic Alumm mformatlOn, call RIta Brennan Dorothy Layher at (313) 881- Trial Garden winners AsSOCiatIOnWillhold ItS annual at (313) 882-3786 5113 Association Wbmers of the Trial Garden awards,from left, are: meetmg on Sunday, Oct 12 at Detroit Alumnae Panhellemc second-place winner Marieke Allen, representing the AAUW Farm, Garden AsSOCiatIOnWIll meet at 7 30 AssumptIOn Cultural Center m Deeplands Garden Club; first-place winners MarceUne p m Tuesday, Oct 7, at FIrst St ClaIr Shores Wroble and Carol;yn Nantroop, representing the The Amencan AssocIation of Association Umted Methodist Church, Tea WIll be served at 3 pm, Groue Pointe Park Garden Club. Winners from the Umverslty Women, Grosse 22124 Gamson m Dearborn followed by a tour of the sacred The Grosse POinte Branch of Junior League Garden Club are not shown. The POinte branch, and League of Iconographv of Assumption Women Voters, Grosse Pomte the Woman's National Farm theme wu -butterfly gardens." Awards were present- branch, WIll co-sponsor the and Garden AsSOCIatIOnWIll Woman's club Greek Orthodox Church ed at the anoual tea on Sept. 11. Servmg on the committee October meetIng of each group meet Friday, Oct. 3, at the The Grosse Pomte Woman's Beverly Donaldson was the chairman of the Trial featurmg Kathleen Straus, Herb Garden at the Grosse Club WIll meet at 12 30 p m are Grosse POinters Janet Garden committee. Judges were Pat Adams of Mel- preSIdent of the State Board of Pomte Academy, where mem- Wednesday, Oct 8, for tea and ,Drolshagen, Jean Ballew, RIta drum-Smith, James Farquhar of Grosse Pointe In Campbell, Hope Brophy, Rose Education, on Thursday, Oct 9 ber Mary Krueger WIll dIscuss a program the Crystal Florists and Michael sands, a horticulturist at Bene Ballroom of the Grosse POInte Evanskl, Pat Shmma and Isle Collllervatory. EstabUshed in 1952, the Trial Gar- at the Harper Woods "Cuhnary Herbs" Ginger DINatale, and St Clmr Commumty Center, Harper at The busmess meetmg and War Memonal dens are managed by the Groue Pointe Garden Cen- Shores reSidents SIster Jan Allard The DetrOIt AAUW and lunch WIll be at the home of The speaker wtll be Wendy ter and supported by the DePetris Fund, contribu- Soleau and Florence Karrer LWV are also taking part In Barbara Perez WIth co-host- Evans, who teaches art history tions from local garden clubs and the Groue Pointe To make a reservatIOn, call the evenmg seSSIOn,whIch WIll esses ShIrley Ireland, June at Wayne State Umverslty and War Memorial. Local clubs contribute more than Fnschkorn and Betty Colton a hIStory survey at the DetroIt EvanskJ at (313) 886-6036 or 1,000 hours oftbne to the Trial Gardens. Include a bnef business meet- Soleau at (810) 772-4554 mg at 6 pm, dInner at 6 30, Institute of Arts Her topIC WIll DetrOIt Zoo and the speaker at 7 30 pm be "The Splendors of AnCIent Jack A Doerr and Mrs John The Single Way Egypt" The program will lOclude a Cost of the dmner IS $21, Louisa S1.Clair M Veale A box lunch WIll be The Single Way, a group of to\.tr of the Wlldhfe checks payable to AAUW-GP Members who are bnngmg The LoUIsa St Clair chapter prOVided for $8 50 should be sent to Jean Interdenormnatlonal Chnstlan guests must make reservatIOns of the NatIOnal Society of the Interpretive Gallery and an Single adults, WIll sponsor a explanation of the summer McDonald, 23251 N Rosedale by noon Saturday, Oct 4 Call Daughters of the AmerICan For reservatIons, call Elfnda tnp to Blake's CIder MIllon Ct, St ClaIr Shores There IS (313} 885.8232 or (313) 885- RevolutIon WIll meet at 10.30 camp program. Hostesses are Leete, Barbara Saan or Saturday, Oct 4 Teens and Mrs E?gene M Benson, Mrs 4994 a m Thursday, Oct 16, at the Graechen Stewart Lake St. Clair From page IB The lake's changing pubhc and pnvate mannas to water WhIle storm water IS sent at the meetmg last week, world that ordmary CItIzens put on ~ogical composition clean out boatwells, have also not harmless and probably as well as members of the To become more mformed theIr lawns been detnmental to the lake should receIve some treatment Hertel said hIgher levels of League of Women Voters, and about steps anyone can take to "Now runoff from agncultur- Instead, efforts to use before bemg released mto the the audIence all concluded metals, such as copper, In help Improve Lake St Clair, alland IS mmor compared to aquatIc vegetation harvesting lake, It IS certainly less harm- Lake St Clmr have lulled var- that It IS gomg to take every- contact the Grosse Pomte the amount of weed kIllers, should be used, experts sug- ful than raw sewage IOUSorganlsms that ate bacte- one to unprove the quahty of League of Women Voters, fertIlizer and pestiCIdes used gested na. Thus, the amount of Expendmg money for the most Lake St ClaIr - a cruCially Macomb County Chairman of on suburban property,~ he growth of weeds on the bottom Sewage disposal effiCIent and effectIve treat- Important natural resource the Board of CommIssIoners saId of the lake has quadrupled "The bIggest problem WIth ment of raw sewage should be that prOVides drmkmg water, John Hertel, or the Pointes' He added that even golf a hIgh pnonty, he said In 1978, 16 percent of the the lake, I thmk, IS one we and IS also the most actively state representative Andrew course groundskeepers, believe have the most control over Hertel, other politiCians pre- used recreatIonal lake m the Rtchner. It or not, u'le less chemicals on bottom of the lake was covered Wlth weeds Now, 80 percent of That is the problem of sewage theIr greens than the average the lake bottom IS covered dIsposal," Hertel SaId cItizen uses on hIS or her prop- With weeds, and the weeds He saId many commumtles erty have, among many negative - some of the Grosse Pomtes, Blue RIbbon CommISSIOn thmgs, wreaked havoc on some commumtles m Macomb members as well as audience recreatIOnal watercrafts and Oakland counties - do members saId that more peo- Also, chermcals such as not properly treat sewage He ple have to learn that "you aquatic herbiCIdes, used by said they are spendmg mll- To HonOR the don't have to have a perfect, hons of dollars to treat storm green, expansIve lawn ~ Rather, people should be encouraged to have pachysan- dra ground covenng, Wild- ~"YouWant The Best Care For The One You Love" If )00 are uymg to balance the demands of won and fanllly while canng for your p.arenl flowers and shrubs to take up Call us today for full details .•. or drop in and visit more space than grass In Mother of Jesus theIr yards In addItIOn to runoff, the CALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS three other major problems I that plague Lake St ClaIr, iASocialCenterServicesof utheranof Mit:higan 1111 accordmg to the Blue RIbbon CommISSIon,are 4950 Gateshead 1) Industry dlschargmg tox- near Mack and Moross 881.3374 inS mto the lake and the St I Partiallyfundedby the UMed Wa Clair RIver 2) The negatIVely changmg bIOlOgicalstructure of Lake St Clair due to new crea- Date: Sunday, October 5, 1997 tures, such as zebra mussels, bemg mtroduced, and 3) Sewage dIsposal Time: 2:30 p.m. Industrial Discharge One of the major sources of Place: Sf. Isaac Jogues mdustnal dIscharge has been from the CanadIan-based 21120 Benjamin Impenal Chemicals lndustnes, Corp, which St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48081 obtamed permIts In the fall of 1<)96to dump 750 million gal- (810) 778.5100 lons of toXICchemicals, Inc1udmg phosphorous and Rev. Ronald Victor, Pastor arsemc, mto the St Clair RIVer 'Mary Vahant efforts by ordmary ~n you Jofhw her, you wUl not go astray, US cItIzens to stop ICI have 1l&n you pray to her, you wUl not rftspalr, not worked Local and state- AWeddiugGIlt level pohtlCans saId dealmg 1l&n you tfun( of her, you wUf not err, With Canada IS a cla.slc They.U Never Return ••• 1l&n .she fwUs you up, you u'lff !WtJaU, example of somethmg federal- A Subscription to 1l&n .sheprottet.s you, you wUf not Jear; level pohclans must handle as part of their efforts to help 1l&n.sfre kalis you, you wUl amve .saJefy, Lake St CI8Ir Gr~ Pointe News Sfre ~ps frer Son from stnK.lIIg u.s, To thiS effort state Sen While others are RIVingtoasters. Irons and things Withclocks In Sfre f(<"'" _ treat .....: H...rtel "aid ------~--- , -.-~- .·r .,. I t A October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Faces & nlaces 38 Holiday Mart will welcome 19 new vendors ThIrty-five shops from 11 tery, art, holIday decoratIOns, terned after the nonVIolent dItTerent states WIllbnng lInens, Jewelry, UnIque c1oth- demonstratIOns of the late Dr. umque gIfts to the 1997 109, gourmet food and tradI- Martin Luther King Jr., and HolIday Mart from Oct 16.19 tIonal c10thmg as well as chIlo stnves to affirm Focus HOPE's at the Grosse POInte War dren's toys, books, games, mISSion to overcome raCIsm, Ml'mnn"l 'I? Lakeshore:n dot!"-.....nt; ~"1d :lcccs,scnes poverty and ~IlJu.stlcc Grosse POInte Farms General chaIrmen for thIS Walkers who raIse at least Heart Walk NIneteen new shops WIllJom year's mart are Deborah $50 WIllreceive a Walk '97 T. old favontes at the annual Shumaker and Nancy shIrt After the walk, there Groue PolDte's first Heart Walk, a fundraiser for the American Heart Aasocia- fund raIser for Planned Smith, both of Grosse POInte WIll be refreshments and the tion, was held Sept. 28. The 4.2-mile walk attracted between 200 and 250 par- Parenthood of Southeastern Park, and Carol Smith of Jazz stylmgs of David Myles ticipants and raised more than $38.000, accordlDg to Sally Owen, Clinton Valley MIchIgan Grosse Pomte Farms and Mylestones For more regional director of the AHA. The walk raised nearly $10,000 more than. expect- Planned Parenthood otTers Honorary chaIrmen are Mr. mformatIOn, call (313) 494- ed. commumty educatIOn and and Mrs. Fred Mallender n 5500 or log on to "The Heart Association appreciates the wonderful turnout for this first-time famIly plannIng programs, of Bloomfield Hills and Mr. wwwfocushope edu event lD Grosse PolDte," Owen said. Includmg prenatal care and and Mrs. Donald E. Walkers got an energetic start on the Heart Walk route, below, which began workshops on AIDS, chIld McKnight of Grosse Pomte Blue ribbon baker: and ended at the Grosse PolDte War Memoriai. Three members of the Gro.. e development, parentmg and Farms Jamee Marie Chancey of PolDte United Methodist preventIon of chIld sexual For more mformatIOn about Grosse Pomte Farms claImed Church team of AHA abuse Teen Theatre, call (313) 963- seven bakIng awards at the wallters are shown at the Teen Theatre IS one of Its 2870 1997 MIchIgan State FaIr right. From left. are Pat specIal programs Young peo- She won first place blue nb- Stewart of Grosse PolDte ple from tn-county area high Kerby dinner: A Coney bons for her pumpkIn bread, Woods, and Bert Baker schools are chosen to present Island Dmner, a fundralser for banana bread and snowball and Kerry Baker, both of programs to teens promotmg the Kerby Elementary School cookies She received second Grosse PolDte Shores. responsIble sexual attitudes fifth grade Camp Storer tnp, and third place nbbons for her Bert Baker is wearine and behavIOrs The actors and WIllbe held from 5 to 7 p m poppy seed bread and spIce the heart association's actresses address problems Thursday, Oct 2, m the school cake, and an honorable men- red cap, which desig- and pressures that young peo- gym 'I'1ckets are $4 50 For tIon for her buttermilk choco- nates wallters who have ple face concern1Og their sexu- more InfOrmatIOn, call (313) late cake survived heart attacks alIty A Planned Parenthood 343-2267 and strokes. He had educator guIdes dISCUSSIOns Dog walkers: The first heart bypass surgery after the presentatIons HOPE walk '97: The Greyhound Walk For LIfe WIll Dine months ago. "I'm The first shoppIng opportu- Focus HOPE Walk, a peaceful be held from 9 am to1pm back to 100 percent mty at the Holiday Mart WIll demonstratIon for CIVIland Saturday, Oct 4, at the Ed!lel now," he said. be the Patron PreVIew Party human nghts, WIllbegIn at & Eleanor Ford House In from 5 30 to 9 30 p.m 1 30 p m Sunday, Oct 12, in Grosse Pomte Shores Thursday, Oct 16 The event the Focus' HOPE complex, WIllmclude cocktaIls and com- 1400 Oakman Blvd at LaSalle Walkers are asked to get plimentary hors d'oeuvres m DetroIt pledges from co-workers, from Grosse POInte restau- ThIS year's theme IS friends and family members rants ChIanti Villa Largo, "MakIng hIS work lIve on," a for theIr stroll around the Lucy's, Sparky Herbert's and tnbute to the late Rev. grounds of the Ford estate. '!bm's Oyster Bar TIckets to William T. Cunningham's Dogs are encouraged to walk, the preVIew are $40 10 WIsh that hIS work at Focus too, to help save greyhounds advance or at the door Call HOPE contInue Participants from all over the nation who (313) 884-7624 are asked to raIse pledges are In danger ofbemg Holiday Mart shoppIng from the communIty destroyed after theIr racIng hours are 9 30 a m to 6 P m Proceeds WIll support tech- days are finIshed Fnday, Oct 17,930 a m to 5 mcal trammg, food programs, In honor of World Pet Day p m Saturday, Oct 18; and chIldhood educatIon, commu- and of St FranCIS of AsSISI, noon to 5 p m Sunday, Oct nIty arts and speCIal projects the patron samt of anImals, 19 AdmISSIonIS $5 ParkIng IS of Focus HOPE there WIllalso be a bleSSIng of free and lunch WIllbe aVaIl- Eleanor Josaitis, executive the pets at 11 a m. For more Pride of the Pointes able at the Mart Cafe on director of Focus HOPE, WIll informatIon, call (800) GO- Fnday and Saturday lead thIS year's eight-mIle HOUND Shops WIllfeature all kInds walk ThIs IS the 20th year for AIr Force AIrman Scott A. Sean P. Gramling, son of and Shirley H Coates of of antiques, garden Items, pot- the annual event It was pat- - Margie Rems Smith Spindler, son of Paul and Lon Mr and Mrs Edward T Grosse POInte Park, receIved Sp10dler of Grosse POinte GramlIng of Grosse Pomte practIcal work In milItary lead- Woods, graduated from baSIC Park, was named to the honor ershIp at the Army Reserve mIlItary tramIng at Lackland roll hst at the UniversIty of Officer Trammg Corps Babies AIr Force Base In San AntOnIO, Dallas Gramhng IS maJonng Advance Camp In Tacoma, Texas In phyblC" Wash Andrew Willett Paternal grandparents are Jacobs of Carmel, Ind., and Patrick E and ClaudIa James Rohrer of Vincennes, Grosse Pomter Scott K. Grosse Pomter Thomas C. Mary A. Kohler of Grosse Brown Garman of Grosse Po1Ote Ind Paternal grandparents are Houghton earned a master of Szmrecsanyi earned a bache- POInte and Susan Elaine Frank and Wendy W Brown Woods PatnCIa and Joseph Wenzler of bUSIness admInIstration lor of fine arts degree from the of Moraga, Calif, are the par- Washington of Grosse Pomte the CIty of Grosse Pomte degree from the Richard DeVos Columbus College of Art and Park were named to the dean's ents of a son, Andrew WIllett Great.grandparents are Graduate School of DeSIgn Brown, born Aug 12, 1997 Otis Daniel Fuqua lIst for the summer quarter at Sam and Amy Fuqua of Joseph1Oe Wenzler of '!bledo, Management at Northwood the DetrOIt College of Maternal grandparents are Umverslty Lisa Ritter of Grosse Pomte Howard and Barbara Willett of Boulder, Colo., are the parents Delons Heatherson of Farms earned a bachelor of BUSIness of a son, Otis Damel Fuqua, Deerfield Beach, Fla, Mary Grosse POinte Shores Paternal Douglas Wolfe, son of Mr arts degree, cum laude, from grandparents are Frank and born Aug 14, 1997 Maternal Ruth and Harold Mossle of Harvard-Radcliff College grandparents are Barbara Washington, Ind, and Leola and Mrs Norman Wolfe of VirgInIa Brown of Moraga, RItter majored 10 Amencan Bornstem of Amherst, Mass, and James Rohrer of Elnora, Grosse POInte Park, graduated CalIf. Maternal great-grand- from Taylor Umverslty hIstOry and lIterature mother IS Florence Willett of and 11m Bornstem of LIncoln, Ind Mass Paternal grandparents • • the CIty of Grosse Po1Ote. Christine C. Hull, daugh- Andrea L. Patillo, daugh- are Jean B Fuqua of Grosse Matthew Lee Gushee ter of Mark Patillo of DetrOIt, POinte Farms and the late Mr and Mrs Peter H ter of Hamet Hull of Grosse POInte Farms, graduated from Sofia Camille Garman James M. Fuqua Gushee of Whitefish Bay, Wis., are the parents of a son, Demson Umversity With a Patnck Shawn Garman and James Frederick Matthew Lee Gushee, born bachelor of arts degree WIth a Mana Garman of San AntonIO, Aug 2,1997 double m~or 10 studiO arts and education Texas are the parents of a Wenzler Maternal grandparents are daughter, Sofia CamIlle Melissa and Peter Wenzler of Mr and Mrs DaVId C Belfus • Garman, born Sept 4, 1997 Grosse Pointe Farms are the of WhItefish Bay Paternal Katrine Koski, daughter of Maternal grandparents are Dr. Joanne KoskI of Grosse POInte parents of a son, James grandparents are Mr and Mrs NURSING HOME Niconar Caballero and Dolia Fredenck Wenzler, born Aug RIchard B Gushee of Grosse Farms and Ronald Koski of Dora Caballero de MIranda of Rochester, graduated from ~5EASTJEFFERSON 31, 1997 Maternal grandpar- Pomte Farms DETROIT. MICH. DaVId, Chmque, Panama ents are Sharon and Stephen Great-grandparents are Mr Lake Forest College WIth a degree m phYSICS 821-3525 and Mrs Donald SchmIdt of UAUTY NURSING CARE Mequon, WIS, and Dr Frank Suggestions for Features? Belfus of Whitefish Bay Call 343-5594 ",\ .41&..~ 1'-'.' VILLAGE _ 75thAnniilersarlJ INTRODUCING T.OY KIRIUM COMPANY SALE playmobil t411! 25%OFF ~ The Whole Month of October ourennre~ collection of 15% or, 411. PI.AYiAOJII. IIliAl Robert~'en _. FabriCS '- r "I SHAPED BY THE SPIIlIT OF SPOilT 'x1IeEndsQcr 31st ., ~ g, _____~ r_ .. .. .• , \\1ndow ShoPPIIIJ At Its Best ;nce 1922 _ With hundreds of sets, the fun never ends! Stock up for Christmas.

16900 Kercheval • Grosse POinte, MI 48230 I 313-882.1300 ~~~~~~~~P.~~Zw~li ' ~ (313) 884-9595 ~ \ \ . \ - I;:' PI :;~~~~~"'------"~---_.4"'''.-''''_oI!.e--ilI''''''-5''''l:-..-'-- - ~~~~ ~ e 804 ") Hom.llon ' Sognow loll ~8602 S .. 151717920934 EQUENCE" 18001968 3~56 • lox I\ 17179~ ~~~3 ICOn IlOIIIIIIOII emo I dmq IOcr s. com Pres. den! .... OfIAL 0ftIICI0 9,6 Robhm. Su,te ~5~ Grand Hoven Ml49.(17 16161 B~6 8716 In' (61618~7 67~7 .. ~,*"",')~.,..",*, October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News 48 Churches : The Pastor's Corner Happy 5758 By Roger Skully Cantor, G P Jewish Council Today 1Sthe birthday of the world Happy 5758 The begJnnlng of the Hebrew month uf Tl~hrtH un Thursdav Oct 2 IS cl'lebrated bv Jews the world over as Rosh Hashanah - the New Year The mood of the holy days from Rosh Hashanah through Yom KJppur, The Day of Atonement (a lO-day penod known as the Days of Awe) ISone of somber, pemtentlal introspectIOn Both as a commumty lInd indiVIdually, the focus IS on change and self-Improvement The recogmtlOn of past wrongdomg and the desire to set one's hfe on a more POSI- tive and Godly path are the mam themes Commumty IS an essential mgredlent III the celebration of the hohday It cannot be celebrated alone JeWish prayer requires a mmyan, or quorum of 10 adult Jews where the holiness of God and HIS KJngshlp are to be pro- claImed This sense of commumty IS a part of Judaism which does not elevate mdlVldual asceticIsm, but urges us to be partiCIpants m everyday hfe With others To hve correctly m one's commumty IS the road that , <11>''' Jud8lsm pursues The prayers use an allegory of a book On Rosh A number of l5O-yearmemben of St. Micbael's Church gathered recently to plan the church's golden IUlIliversary Hashanah It IS opened and God wntes III It all of the celebratlon. StancUng. from left. are P. Gibson. V. Ceruttl. R. Chandler. H. Strate. L. Wright. R. Rhein. P. Haug and C. prophecies for the commg year Who Will hve, who Will die, Sullivan. and everythmg 1Il.between is recorded On Yom Kippur, Seated, from left, are E. Ceruttl, H. Watts. G. Wright and M. Chandler. Not shown is J. DarUDg. the book IS closed However, smce God IScompaSSIOnate, true repentance can alter an unfavorable deCISion We Wish our fnends and St. Michael's Church celebrates its 50th year neighbors l'shana lova tecotevu may you be mscnbed 10 Members, former members The golf club and the caddy supportmg parish, With crated by McLaren m 1975. the book ofhfe for a good year (ofhfel The church organ was renovat- As Yom Kippur approaches, the mood becomes one of and fnends of 8t Michael's house are long gone, but the Yeoman as Its first rector, III Episcopal Church, 20475 church IS growing and WIllcel- January 1952 ed m 1988 In 1994, the church, mtense mtrospectlon We ask that He hear our prayers ItS offices and Yeoman Hall Sunmngdale Park In Grosse ebrate ItS first 50 years along By October 1954, an expand- and be merCIful With us We also, m the hauntmg Kol were air condItioned, and m Nldre melody, request that vows which we have been Pomte Woods, will celebrate With approximately 300 cur- ed pansh house was dedIcated the church's 50th year begm- rent and former panshlOners In 1958, 8t Michael's Thnft 1996, a new courtyard garden unable to fulfill be nullified. was dedicated "May our oaths not be oaths," so that we can begm WIth mng on Saturday, Oct 11, at a The groundbreakmg for the 8hop was opened dmner and dance church bulldmg took place In a fresh slate Of course thiS only apphes to oaths WIth For more mformatlon about God, not With our fellow man. We must approach our fel- The evenmg WIll feature a October 1950 The church was Other additions and renova- VIdeohiStory oCthe church that dedicated In September of the tions to the bmldmg were com- the 50th anniversary celebra- low man and resolve any dIsputes dIrectly. tion, call the church at (313) To encourage resolution of problems such as these, Includes mtefV1ews With two followmg year pleted m 1961 and 1986 The 884-4820 Jud81sm pomts out that a Sin against one's fellow man IS former rectors, the Rev Edgar 8t Michael's became a self- memonal garden was conse. mdeed a Sin against God and VIce-versa. And so the Yeoman and the Rev James emphaSIS IS on hVlng m community With one's fellow man McLaren, and the current rec- We blow the shofar (a ram's horn, which has a fairly tor, the Rev Robert Nelly Jewish Council plans Yom Kippur celebration non-melodiC sound) to herald the commg of the New Year A proceSSIOnWith a bagpiper TraditIon says to use a ram's horn slllce a ram was used WIll enter the church on The RehglOus Committee of Oct 11 A chIldren's serVIce religIOn and culture for the for sacnfice mstead of Isaac Sunday mornmg, Oct. 12, led the Grosse POinte JeWIsh Willbe held at 2 p.m Saturday benefit of Its membershIp and InCidentally, the Torah portlOn read for thIS hohday IS by Bishop Stewart Wood and Council has arranged for the Yom KJppur WIll conclude With the commumty of metropolttan the story of the bllldmg of Isaac by Abraham ThIs IIlCI- Nelly Wood WIlloffiCiate at the JeWIsh hohday Yom KJppur to a memonal serVIce at 3 p m DetrOit's east Side, and to offer dent marks the acceptance of God by Abraham and the morning's Euchanst celebra- be celebrated at Reform ser- Rabbi Nicolas Behrmann, a an educational and SOCial beglnnmg of the covenant relationship that the JeWish tton and luncheon WIll be VIces m Grosse Pomte, follow- member of the counctl, WIll forum for Its members People have had With Him ever smce. served after the worshIp ser- 109 the observance of Rosh conduct the serVIces The council welcomes atten- The Impulse to cleanse ourselves and to seek forgiveness VIce Hashanah on Wednesday and dance at these serVIces. IS umversal The message of Rosh Hashanah speaks to all A group of Episcopalians led Thursday, Oct 1 and 2 The observances are held people by Yeoman conducted the first under the auspIces of the For mformatlOn on member- serVIce of 8t Michael's mIsSIon Yom KJppur observance WIll Grosse Pomte JeWish Council shIp m the Grosse Pomte We all pray for a year of hfe, happmess and peace We JeWIsh CounCIl, call (810) 821- thank you for giVIng us hfe, sust81nmg us, and allOWIngus church m the caddy house of begm Fnday evening, Oct 10, The council's objective ISto pre- the old Renmore Golf Club on WIth Kol Nldre at 8 pm and serve and promote the hentage 5410 or wnte PO Box 25031, to reach thiS hohday season and tradItIons of the JeWIsh DetrOit, 48225 Those who Wish to worship WIth us can get more mfor- Oct 26,1947 resume at 9 30 a m Saturday, mabon by calhng (313) 821.5410 I:shana Thva to all our Grosse Pomte fnends and neigh- bors WORSHIP SERVICES Jazz Forum begins Oct_8 First English Ev.lutheran Redeemer United The Marcus Belgrave tured m the Jimmy Wllkms Vernier Rd at Wedgewood Dr Qumtet and vocahst Joan orchestra for many years, Methodist Church CH~~~~EOUFN~~E~ST Gros'C Pomte Woods 20571 Vermer Just W of 1.94 • • Crawford start off the fall sea- recently completed a season 884-5()40 . H Wood \..~. Kercheval at LakeDOmte son of the Jazz Forum at 8 p m tounng With the show "Am't 830& II ()()am WorshIp ~2035 s -' Gro"e Pomte Park 812-3823 Wednesday, Oct. 8, at the MlsbehaVln' " 945 a m Sunday School 1030 a m WorshIp mSunday Worshll' 1030 a m Grosse POinte Unltanan Other concerts thiS fall Will Dr Walter A Schm'dt. Pastor 9 15 a m Sunday School Tuesday- Thnft Shop 10 30 - 3 30 ~ for all a es WedneSday. Church, 17150 Maumee feature the Claude Black Rev Barton L Beebe ASSOCiate Paslor Amazmg Grace Semol' 11 - 3 00 Marcus Belgrave IS an mter- Qumtet With George Benson Grosse Pomte Umtanan COME JOIN US :.:: S1. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL nattonally-known trumpet and Ramona Collms, on Nov CHURCH Christ the King player who performs III the 12 The top brass palMng of Church f GROSSE.' Lmcoln Center Jazz Orchestra trumpeters John Trudell and ~ 20475 Sunningdale Park "Science & Religion" ~ POI NTE Lutheran Church under Wynton Marsalis and IS Bob MOJicaWIll take place on Grosse Pomte Woods, 884-4820 Mack at Lochmoor Sundsy UNITED on call for work at clubs and Dec 3 10 30 a m Service & Church School 884-5090 The Jazz Forum has been 800am Holy ,,"chamt festIVals throughout the world 10 15 a m Church School 17150 MAUMEE CHURCH 8 15& 1045 a.m Woohlp Sel'l,ce The group for hIS Jazz actively presentmg the best of IOJO.m Choral Eu..llanst .. 881-0420 9 30 • m Sundaj School & AfFlUAmJ WITH THEuce AND ABC Bible Classes Forum appearance Includes claSSICJazz smce 1990 Season (N"""')' Av.,lable) I!IJ tickets for three concerts are 2AO CHALFONTE AT LOTIiROP Nursery Provuled such world travelers as 884-3075 Vaughn Klugh on guitar, Don $25 IndIVIdual tIckets may be St. James Lutheran Church p~! ------Randy S. BoeUer, Pastor Mayberry on bass and Bert purchased for $10 by calling 170 McMillan Rd near Kercheval '/ "God's Fin!J,ers rllOOllly A Holurland, Asst. Pastor (313) 961-1714 TIckets at the Grosse POInte Farms' 884 0511 ~.~" 4i ~. Josepb P Fabry, PlSloTemerltll5 Mynck on drums Vocahst ~~ at Work 9110 Sunday School (all ages) ------Bruce Smlllger, \IUS1C DIrector Joan Crawford, who was fea- door are $12 1000 A M FAMilY WORSHIP ~ 945 Coffee Hour'Feliowsh'p St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church 376 LothroD lit CMHonte (CRIB ROOM AVAIL.ABLE) ~ .!10 15 The Hol) Euchanst 88i-6670 1CHXl A M CHURCH SOtOOt. ~~istnrit ~ ~tNoon 1230pm 900& 11 15 a m Worship Rev E A Bray,Pastor Entertainment books offered ~ The Hol) Euchanst & Devillions 1010 am EducallOn for All ~ 4lffarim~rs' The Outreach Mmlstry counts on fine dmmg, casual mryWed~ay Nursery Available .... \ 'J1 Grosse Pomle Ile'I ffed IWms, PMg Group of Grosse Pomte Umted dmmg, amusements and trav- (Matms, First Sunday of the Month SilO a.m '-'f( ~1'1~ WOODS (tl~urdy Methodist Church IS selhng el This year's book combmes -Nursery Avallable- Rev CIvisIapher frtt, PMg 11. ~••~:III PRESBYTERIAN Since 1842 the Entertamment '98 all the metro area lOto one ALL ARE WELCOME Pr Tro G Willie Grosse Pointe .~I Church An~lr('an Indq1f'nd£71t Ultimate Book as a fundr8lser huge book - usable now - A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE for Its many community chan- and the cost ISstili only $40 THE SUBJECT FOR THIS UNITED '9950 Maet< (beIweee 1928 Book of Common Prayer grams, the MethodIst at the office of Grosse POInte CHURCH SUNDAY Children's Home, the Gift of Umted Methodist Church at 1000 a m The Forum 8 lO • m Holy Commun,on "Unreality" A Fnendly Church for 1015 Adull BIble Siudy Readmg program, Focus 211 Moross m Grosse POlllte All Ages "The Begmmng of Grosse Pomte" HOPE and many other commu- Farms dunng normal office II 00 Holy CommunIon First Church of Christ, 211 Moross Rd. by MIke Skmner Church School + Nur;ery mty programs hours For more mformatlOn, of Grosse Pomte Entertamment '98 offers dls- call (313) 886-2363 Scientist Grosse Pointe Farms THURSDAY Grosse Pointe Farms, 9 00 & II 15 a m Worship Hlsroncal Sooety 12 10Pm Holy Communion 282 Chalfonte Ave. 10 15 a m Sunday School MlITln.,.' on Hrm P/4uJ Assumption Church presents 11 00 a m WorshIp a' tll. T"nn.1 4 blocks We~t of Moross Fr•• ~tc.rtd Parlang • Ford &mIg. I+-THE UNITED lin,er tit Wt>Odwturl & }./f.,.on Sunday 10 30 a m Nursery Services Available The Rn Rich8n1 W InRJIJJs. religious education seminar Sunday School 1030 am ~I METHODIST CHURCH dunng Worship RtdOl" AssumptIOn Greek Orthodox begin at 7 pm, followed by a Wedne~day 8 00 P m A STEPHEN MINISTRY .. KenMll1 J S.. mman, Church, 21800 Marter m 8t diSCUSSIonpenod at 8 p m and andtOGOS _ Orpnlsl one!C1lolTllllOter ClaIr Shores, Will offer "Learn refreshments at 8 30 p m ALLARE WELCOME 886-4301 313-259-2206 More About the Holy Orthodox Faith," a senes of adult educa- The semmar ISfree and open The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church GT'o!>!>epointe Bapbd: ChuT'ch tIOn classes to all adults 18 and older who "~ahh\t'\(o(j IRflli 'The Pr't'b)'1enan 0Jurd'I (USA~ The qemmar Will be held on want to learn more about the REV. DR. V. BRUCE RIGDON, preaching A C"'","M>C~--t, Ca-~ Ct..~ Thesdays, Oct 7 through May Orthodox faith and Its tradi- HOl.Y COMMUNION 26, excludmg holy days and tions For more mformatlOn, New Member Class ./O:(J().//:()()a.m. C~u.L~ ~~a...dCo<~ holidays PresentatIOns Will call (810) 779-6111 9 00 a m & II 00 a m - WONh,p Servlce~ 1000 a m Church &hool for ChIldren & Youth Sundo4 School. 945 AM TO RESERVE DISPLAY ADVERTISING SPACE 8 4~-12 I~ Cnbrroddler Care Sundo4 ~ON'h,p - II 00 'AM CALL 882-3500 7 10 am F-£umeOlcalMen\ Fnday Breakfa~t 21336 Mack Avenue G,.,me Po,nte WooJ~ A STEPHEN MINISTRY and tOGOS Congregation Phone (313) 881-3343 By 2:00 p.m. Friday 16 Lake<;hore Drive, Grosse Pointe Fanns 1182-5330

.r -,-. , . l J t A October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Health 58 Time cha.ngedepression By Suzanne Keller, Ph.D. Grieving can be a several-step process Special Writer Dayhght-sav1Og time ends on Sunday, Oct 26, bnngmg Mllhons Df peDple are do,' I heard one woman say" to five dayb of benavement fa110 I' ab anger subSIdes Yet mournmg In the wake of the Mourning together may have .lnd then It'" "uppobed to be Df IS us earher dayhght In the mDrOlng but alsD earher dark- thl" spectrum emotIOns deaths of Pnncess Diana .lOd blunted the bharp edgeb of loss back to busmesb aq ubual," "he part of the heahng process, she ness m the eveOlng WIth thlb yearly change come pDsslble Mother Teresa but the tasks of felt after Pnnces~ Dlana'~ and smd "Anyone who haq lo"t prvbl ...mo fUI lJHhYIJU.l]" ""Id deahng WIth gnel follow SImi- Mother Teresa's deaths for someone know" that you are • Loved oneb may choose to SDme Df the mDre CDmmDn problems mclude decreased lar patterns for all of those left many people across the world not back to normal Each indi- I{'ave mementos m the funeral soclahzatlon m the eveOlng, less time outdoors for pleasur- behind, said Kay Thorstemson, Out of the media glare, Vidual gneveq In theIr own casket, such as a rosary, a able activIties, and for some, the possIbIlity fDr mcreased a chaplam and bereavement though, mourners deahng WIth way It may take weeh, favonte tie, a bpeclal note (as depreSSion coordInator for the HospICes of loss of a IDved one should months or even ye.lrS to come was left by Pnncess Diana's All summer lDng we have enJDyed Dutdoor actiVIties The Henry Ford Health System accept that the hardest times to termb WIth the losq .lnd rem. qonl» or find solace In choosmg Increased hght created by dayhght-savmg time allowed fDr "Gnef and loqs can bnng us may ~tlll he ahead tegrate It back Into your life' the bunal outfit Such Wishes recreatIOnal actlvltleq Dutdoors as late as 10 p m m June together as we have seen from Thorbte1O"on said the person In additIOn to bereavement should be honored by famIly and July This added dayhght alsD allDwed for gardenmg the mDurnlng of the past left behmd IS often surrounded support groups offered through members week," saId Thorstemson, who by compabslOnate fnends, fam- the Ho.plces of Henry Ford and yard wDrk. leadmg tD a feehng of accDmpllshment • Be SUppDrtlve of those left works WIth bereaved mdlVIdu Ily and support from their com- Health System, Thorstelnson behind throughout the gnevmg WIth the autumn time als at the Henry Ford West muOlty In the Imtlal phase of offers these tips for deahng procesq Do not expect mourn- change hDwever, limited Bloomfield HospIce, one ofnme gnevmg WIth gnef or supporting loved ers to snap back Into hfe as If actiVIties, whether recre- Henry Ford Hospice programs "But I can't tell you hDw ones In theIr tIme of need nothmg has changed Heahng atIOnal Dr functIOnal, can- available m southeast many times a WIdow or Widow- • Expect that anytime peo by shanng IS a potent force, nDt be accDmpllshed befDre MIchIgan er begins to feel the loss the pie lose someone through Thorstemson sBld But be sure dusk This hmltatlDn can "Many of us - whether tenth day after the funeral," death, their feelings of gnef to offer support after everyone add stress to the 1OdlVIdu- Chnstlan, JeWish or IslamIC - ThDrstemsDn saId While the may shDw themselves 10 a else has returned tD their als who can see the leaves find It mDre heahng to gneve tenth day IS no magic number, broad range of way~ Feelmgs respectIve hves communally As we saw, many that IS often when the bUllt-m pllmg up 10 theIr yards of dlsbehef, numbness, even • As mourners deal With people aren t even able to artic- support for those gnevlng With httle time available anger - at their loved one or theIr tasks of gnef, guide them ulate theIr gnef begins to falter, she added at GDd - are all nDrmal, after wDrk to remedy the to the WIde array Df reSDurces ~It was Just what I had to "In our culture, we get three Thorstemson said GUIlt may available for them While situatlDn It also can lead everyone does not gneve m the to a feeling of "cabIn fever" same way, there IS plenty of because of decreased time Deciphering breast cancer risks suppDrt avaIlable Dut In the fresh air Bereavement support groups Many mdlVlduals do not By Dr. Vicki L. Seltzer an earher age, The Amencan atlOn or a late menDpause, hav- are helpful for those who are like to dnve 10 the dark- PreSident, Amencan College of College of Obstetnclans and Ing a first chIld after age 30, or comfortable talking about theIr ness, nDr dD they hke tD be ObstetriCians & Gynecologists GynecolDglsts recommends never haVIng children loss Others may find help by October IS NatIOnal Breast away frDm hDme after that women have theIr first Although most breast can- chDDsmg the nght book The Cancer Awareness Month mammogram at age 40, have cers are nDt related to heredi- dark With the earlier counselor said thIS "blbhother- Breast cancer awareness IS the test every one to two years tary nsks, sCientists are mak- Dnset of darkness, many apy" should be conducted first Important for all women dunng their 40s (dependmg on 109 remarkable dlscovenes at the hbrary, where a shelf peDple Dpt to decrease AlthDugh some women are at nsk status), and get annual about hereditary factors Two search can reveal a bDDk tD Suzanne Keller their soclallzatlDn times hIgher nsk than others, 75 per- mammograms begmmng at genetIc mutatIOns - BRCA1 assist With that person s and go directly home frDm cent of women who develop age 50 and BRCA2 - may tell us umque needs Keeping a JDur- wDrk This decrease m DpportUnities for sDclahzatlDn can breast cancer have no major Any abnormahtv that a more about how some cancers nal also IS helpful, partIcularly preCipitate ISDlatlOn, leadmg tD pOSSible Increased depres- nsk factors, and therefore all WDman Identifies In her breast, develop for thDse who feel theIr gnef IS sion. women should be properly no matter how young ~he IS, tOD pnvate or too mtense to DepreSSIOn IS a constellation of symptoms, mclud10g a screened should be brought tD the atten- MDst eVIdence suggests that share WIth others decreased ablhty to expenence happ1Oess, mcreased tear- The predICtion "one m eIght tion of a phySICian for most women estrogen Thorstemson saId SImple fulness, gUilt and anxiety, as well as decreased appetIte, WDmen w1l1develDp breast can- ND one knDws exactly what replacement therapy dDes not thmgs can give meaOlng In the cer" represents a woman's •sleep, concentratlDn and memory causes ~reast cancer Genetic mcrease the nsk of breast can- years ahead chance of haVIng the dIsease If and hlstoncal studies have cer, althDugh a recent study SDme mdlVIduals may even feel that It IS nDt wDrth "Often people are comforted she hves tD ag,e 85 It's more given us some mformatlOn to reported a shghtly Increased go1Og on WIth theIr hves, because they feel hopeless and by hononng their loved one's helpful to remember that, m help predIct who has a greater nsk after prolonged use The helpless, thmkmg theIr sltuatlDns wJlI never get better memDry With a ceremony held general, the nsk of develDpmg chance Df develDpmg the dIS- natlOnal Women's Health on the day of theIr death Or DepreSSIOn can be caused by blDlDglcal changes WIthm breast cancer mcreases With ease, but thIS IS stIli only a Initiative study currently perhaps yDUWIll place a speCIal an mdlVIdual's body or by too many stressors 10 Dne's life age At age 20, women have crude measure under way may glVe us more photograph In your home or Whatever the cause for depresslDn, the symptoms may be Dnlya 1 10 2,500 chance ofhav- Your risk of developmg answers, but results are st1ll donate your time Dr money to a wDrsened With the thDughts ofwmter and earher darkness mg the dIsease By age 50, the breast cancer IS higher If you years away cause or charity that the approachmg rate Jumps to 1 In 41 have a family history of breast The good news When detect- deceased person loved" Researchers have found that the rate Df depreSSIOn gDes cancer (ebpeClally m a mDther ed early, breast cancer IS usual Women should begin per- up In the mDnths of November, December, January and or sIster) However, most Iy curable Perform a monthly Call (800) 492-9908 for a forming breast self-examma- February Some researchers believe that the major cause breabt cancer patient'! have nD breast belf-exam, get an annu- bereavement SUppDrt group or tlons by age 20 If women have famIly h.story of the dIsease of thiS Increase 10 depresslVe symptoms IS hnked tD al brea-.t exam by a doctor and the Hosp.ces of Henry Ford no reaSDn for theIr phYSICian tD Other known nsk factors wlk to your doctor .lbout rou decreased daylight and the lessenmg of positive remforce- Health System program near recommend a mammogram at mclude early onset ofmenstru- tine mammograms ments that are correlated With daytIme actiVIties Other you researchers contend that It IS the combmed effect of decreased dayhght and colder weather, as eVIdenced by greater numbers of dlagnDsed depreSSIons 10 northern ch- mates, that are tD blame Whatever the reason, It would be benefiCIal to plan ahead for the winter months to prevent cases of the "blues" from DCcumng Planning actiVIties outsIde, on a regular baSIS, as well as Ittakes more than a 401k to plannmg socializatIOn times away from hDme, are two good ways to ward off possible depreSSion Usmg lunch or break times to get out mto the fresh aIr also may be help- ful to fight off the wmter blahs But what about older adults and Increased darkness? As WIth younger adults, a semor cItizen's nsk for depreSSIOn ~ ensure y~~~~~~~ mcreases m the Winter months Older adults have even more dIfficulty gettmg out after dark Because their eyes do nDt adjust as qUIckly to changing hght, mght VISion \ ] ~..... your tifdependenie, too. often IS a problem for semor cItizens ThIs group of indI- VIduals alsD has an mcreased nsk of falhng and senSItiVIty L}ou're a woman approachmg i5. \ou're tD cDld which keeps them mdoors and Isolated frDm Dthers 10, probabh thmkmg about mid-Me changes Taking prevenh\e measures no\\ \\,11help The earher darkness encourages earlier bedtimes for semors Earlier bedtimes may lead to sleep dIsorders For ensure \our health and IOdependence later mstance, If an older woman goes to bed at 8 pm, she may __ MENOPA~SE cause~ ,our bod\ 10 lo,e natural awaken at 2 or 3 am, haVIng had a full SIXor seven hours Dfsleep ~ fill! estrogen, mcreaslng your nsk for heart d.Isease, The ear her nSlng may lead to anxIety and fear that she ~ osteoporosIs and breast cancer, after menopause Will not be able to get back to sleep This can have a snow- ball effect on future sleep patterns HEART DISEASE ISthe \0 I killer of Amencan "omen To All In all, decreased daylight can have an adverse effect reduce your nsk of heart atlack, Improve }our diet. begin a regular on all indiVIduals, With Dlder adults being even mDre sus- ficrCJSC program, and d.I<;cu,~hormone replacement \\lth }our ph\~IClan ceptible If the above quggestlOns to Increase pleasurable activI- OSI'EOPOROSIS, d.Imlfll<;hedbone den<;l~, affect<;more than .W million aging tIes are nDt successful, be sure to seek help to overcome women, weakemng the s~eleton Spomaneou<; fractures ma} occur A bone den<;l!) Wintertime depreSSIOn AlsD, be aware that IfyDu are feel- testIS now available at Bon Secours mg the "time-change blues," your older relatives, neigh- bors and fnends are feehng It too If you are feehng BREAST CANCER affect<;I In eve" 8 women More than 90% of the<;e\\omen ~urme If depressed for any of the abo"e reasDns, It would be a good e time to take stock and get the help that you deserve No cancer ISdetected early Take three Important steps lo\\ard breast health monthl} breast one needs to feel badly because of depresslDn There IS self-exam, annual phySIcal. and mammographv, If recommended by your phvslclan help avaIlable You can feel better If depreSSIOn seems to fDllow you all of the tIme, you may want to come to Henry Ford Cottage HospItal on So, make ~our )ear-. ahead shme Schedule vour next ph\'~lcai. or call us for a pnma" care National DepreSSIOn Screening Day, Thursday, Oct 9 phySICIan referral Free, pnvate and confidential depre~slOn screenmg for adults Will be offered by mental health prDfesslOnals on a drop In baSIS m the lower level boardrooms from 8 to 10 For .. fonna.on, call Boo Secnur< WO!11en, llealthCarc a m and from 7 to 9 p m EducatIOnal matenals Will be 1.800.303.7314, 't'" available, and mdlVIdual referrals Will be proVlded where appropnate BON SECOURS WOMEN'S HEALTHC ARE In addItion, a free luncheDn lecture on depreSSIOn, fea- tunng Dr Dan G Guyer and Dr LIsa MacLean, Will be Pr(lgn',,"~' mee/rCl/le u 1/" /II(' human tOllch presented at 11 30 a m I ,.,,- K< n 'c IP .. _I \~ I ....I F I IIII If("\' (Ml fm Call (313) 640-2244 for reservatIOns for the free lunch and dl~us~lOn IW\ Sf:( 01 RS x. 111:\1'1\ HIi'll! (on\(,1 1I0\I'IlHS "RU;r\1 SI'III/m."iulII '9-- (,mul \(',nf0l' (,1'(,(11/lNtI'/I" k:ltllring n per~nll;llih C'lIthia lalll'. Suzanne Keller, Ph D, l~ program manager for Henry \\I.tlll{,~II.I\ \nq"mll, ... I!. ';pl11- ')plll. Dinller. l1\'allll ,\ \\r1II1{"~~tl;~pla" alltll11nr{". Ford CottaRI' Ho~pltar~ adult and gerw.trlc partw.l ho~pl- \.1111;";011 .;,!'; 1'1"("""l:'~II";llinll rn(l,ir{"!I. talzzatlOn program \""I11I11inll IlIhllfal I {'1I1,-r ! I XliII \brllT \1. Clair \hor('~ fnf ;lIlofl11alioll. "Ill (ollllllllllil\ I.tlll,alinll al Xll1---').-.--.

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SIDS: New campaign Henry Ford Health System, Recipes must be delicious, is saving lives of babies American Cancer Society easy, but quick is the key We hve In a world of two hours before servmg Cut Every year m the Umted promote breast cancer awareness • Create a smoke-free zone Hamburger Helper and Pasta mto squares States nearly 6,000 babies die around your baby BabieS Hundreds of volunteers ACS offers mutually benefi- Wlll be spreadmg the mes- clal results Maglc The only tlme-consummg a sudden, unexpldmable death exposed to smoke have an Even the chICken compaOles part ISthe chllhng process Sudden Infant Death sage of the hfesavmg Impor- "Henry Ford has some Increased risk of SIDS and are pre-seaSOnIng meat to The rest of the preparatIOn IS Svndrome (RIDSI 1. q\llck, oth('" dl~e'l~(,s tance of mammowams dur- wonderful rt'source~ Rnd mg Tell.A.Fnend a mamma- avenues that wlll help us mak" Ilf" "d~ICI fOJ th" fd~t ~lI11VI" EIlJoy tlll~ J"hLlou~ unpredictable and, In most track workmg class We open \ an at IOnon Jello at a late- gram awareness 'event to be reach our outreach goal," slUd cases, happens to healthy Bed sharing cook books and magazmes m season barbecue when the babies between 1 month to 1 held on Tuesday, Oct 7 Cal Morgan, Vlce preSident year old • Infants need their own The event marks the begrn- for the southeastern regIOnof search of new Ideas, only to temperature Isn't so stIflIng sleepmg area Adult mattress- nmg of a new relatlOnslup the Amencan Cancer Society find comphcated recipes or and foods can be out longer It IS the leadmg cause of es, beddmg and blanket~ are Or, present It at a hohday between Henry Ford Health "Most of all, the orgarnzatlOn nutntlonal breakdowns that Infant death m Michigan and too soft for babies scare us on to the next page feast there IS no cure System's Cancer Center, really cares about breast can- • When babies share the bed Health Alhance Plan and the cer and wants to show that The good news? Smce the With other family members We can season our own announcement and Implemen- Amencan Cancer SocIety concern In a very tangtble they are at a greater nsk for (ACS), to help promote can. way chicken WIth Simple spices, tation of the American SIDS and we can be our own help to A LA ANNIE cer awareness "Each orgamzatlOn wJ11be Academy of Pedlatncs' "Back hamburger Without knockmg More than 6,000 women m contnbutmg a network of vol- To Sleep" campaign, there has Prenatal care ourselves out been a 30 percent reduction m Mlclugan W111be diagnosed unteers and a wealth of expe- • Gettmg proper prenatal W1th breast cancer thiS year nence Worktng as a team I hope to feature recipes SIDS cases across the United that are not only dehclous, but States care IS one of the best ways to Of those, about 1,500 WllldIe Wlll help both organIzations By easy to prepare as well "One of the most Important prevent SIDS and gIve your from the disease combme their indiVidual Annie baby a healthy start on hfe "Joinmg forces with ACS strengths to reaching a com- No, I'm not a chef I'm a bar- thmgs parents can do to help tender who loves to cook I Rouleau- reduce the nsk of SIDS IS to • Don't smoke dunng your WIllhelp all of us reach more mon commumty goal of fight- pregnancy StudieS show the people WIth education about mg cancer. " love to watch my family and Scheriff put babies on their backs or fnends enjoy my efforts from Tlsk of SIDS IS hIgher for breast cancer," slUd Dr. Ray Mammography IS a type of Sides to sleep," said Dr Sophie the kitchen Womack, neonatologlst at The babies whose mothers smoked Derner, dl1'eCtor of the sys- X-ray used speCIfically for the DetrOit Medical Center and dunng pregnancy tern's cancer center "Our breast. It IS an effective • Don't use alcohol or drugs My first recIpe IS a favonte board member of the Michigan hope IS that all of our efforts breast cancer screenmg tool whJ!e you are pregnant dish of my enbre family, one SIDS AIhance WIll result lD a Significant because It detects even early Always ask your doctor before that my mother has been Annie Rouleau-Scherlf{ hves The academy's recommenda- mcrease in the early detec- changes lD the breast. takmg any medIcatIOn prepanng for years My East In the City of Grosse POinte tion came after a number of tIon of breast cancer and that Mammogra phy often shows a Wlll lead to a reduction m cancer that cannot be felt by SIde cousms always called It She IS the daytime bartender studies showed that babies Other tips for parents "Aunt Marguente's Good Red at Lucy's Tavern on the HIll who slept m the prone pOSition, breast cancer deaths n self-examinatIon or by a Jello " My SIster, who lives In Her reClpes and cookmg tiPS on their stomachs, were at a • If pOSSible,breast feed your The ACS IS trymg to reach phySICian It IS Important MeXICOCIty, renamed It wlll appear tWice a month m slgmficantly hIgher nsk for baby Research shows breast- 10 000 women stateWIde to that all women over 40 have fed babies have a lower mCI. rez'Iund them to get their routine mammograms and "Amencan AmbrOSia" and fea- the Grosse POinte News SIDS MIChigan mfants have tured It m a cook book that IS benefited greatly from thiS rec- dence of SIDS mammogram at the appro- perform regular breast self. pnate tIme Henry Ford exammatlOns filled With reCIpes from around ommendatIOn the world "'We've seen a drastiC reduc- Local SIDS statistics Health System WIll try to Accordmg to the ACS, CPR classes tion m the number of SIDS • The CIty of DetrOlt and help them reach the halfway about 25 percent of women Aunt Marguerite's deaths In the last few years," Wayne County account for 35- mark by contactmg 5,000 who receIve regular mamma- Learn how cardIOpulmonary Womack said "But we stili 40 percent of MIchigan SIDS women To do so, 1,000 grams report th~y do so Good Red American resuscItatIOn (CPR) can save a have work to do, parents to cases annually employees and patients are because of a mend S sugges- Ambrosia hfe by attendmg Bon Secours teach" • SIDS IS the No 1 cause of needed to make the conumt- bon Volunteers Wlll recelVe Hospital's BaSIC Life Support The Michigan SIDS AIhance mfant deaths In MIchIgan ment to call five of theIr SIS- mformatlOnal matenals 1 can (8-13 oz.) crushed for the Layperson (BLS A&D) IS makmg sure parents know • Afncan.Amencan mfants ters, fnends or neIghbors on about breast cancer and pineapple with juice one-rescuer class It mcludes the facts about SIDS are at a hIgher nsk for SIDS Tell-A-Fnend Tuesday to mammograms and a hst of 2 small boxes strawben-y reSUSCItatIOn techmques, dIS- Unfortunately, because SIDS IS • Recently, MIchigan has encourage them ti get a local faclhtles offenng mam- cussions about baSIC anatomy an unexplamable disease, the expenenced a dramatic drop m mammogram mography screenmg, mclud- JeUo 2 C. hot water and phYSIOlogy, hearthealthy myths about It are very preva- SIDS rates In 1990, the num- "We know that women are 109 free lllammography hfestyles and warnIng SignS of lent and hard to dispel ber of Michigan SIDS deaths mterested m supportmg and through MIchigan's Breast 8-10 oz. frozen strawber- ries heart attack "We see many parents who was 257 In 1995, the number promotmg one another's and Cervtcal Cancer Control 1.2 bananas, mashed The class IS scheduled for 6 beheve SIDS IS caused by the was 148 health and well-bemg," Program for women who to 10 p m Wednesday, Oct 8, Demers slUd. "We're countmg quahfy. 1 pint sour cream mfant's cnb," Womack Sald or Wednesday, Dec 10, m the on our mends 10 the system "Even though SIDS IS some- SIDS facts Bon Secours Pnvate Dmmg times referred to as 'cnb to help us reach our goal." For more mformatIon, call MIXthe first five mgredi- • SIDS IS not caused by ents together and pour half Room (lower level) The cost IS death,' the cnb IS not responsI- "baby shots" The cooperative relatIon- the American Cancer Soctety $12 per person ble for SIDS death slup between Henry Ford and at (800) 925-2271. the mIxture mto a 9 x 13 glass • SIDS ISnot caused by SPit. dish ChJll unttl firm, about For more mformatIon or to "The hardest part IStrymg to tmg up or choklOg prereglster, call Bon Secours convmce parents they are not two hours Spread sour cream • SIDS IS not "cnb death" on the firmed layer Pour Commumty Health EducatIOn to blame, that SiDS IS no one's Cnbs play no role In how Technology helps study at (81O) 779-7900 between 9 fault" remaining Jello mIxture mfants die from SIDS (unchilled) on top of the sour a m and 4 p m Mondays After 30 years of research, • SIDS ISnot child abuse cream layer ChJlI for at least through Fndays SCientists stilI don't know the • Most babIes who die from cause of migraine headaches complete answer to preventmg SIDS are healthy before they SIDS But there are many dIe In the Umted States, 18 per- Leading the study IS Dr ways to reduce your child's cent of women and 6 percent of Seemant Chaturvedl, neurolo. Your Skin • SIDS IS not contaglous It by Lisa A. Manz-Dulac, MD nsk cannot be passed from one men suffer WIth mlgrame glst at The DetrOit MedIcal headaches Sununer There IS no safe way to tan "The very best defense baby to another 1 Center and aSSIstant professor agamst SIDS IS awareness," • It IS no one's fault when a of neurology at Wayne State tans As sum- USIng UV rarnab.on Contrary to Womack said "Parents need to Doctors at The DetrOIt Umverslty Chaturvedl recent- mer retreats, some tanmng '

. [ t o @ • & Q October 2, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 78 Hemingway never ate there, but it's still fun to visit A lot of HemmgwdYbuffs VI~ltthe Seney Museum, the Toledo on Lake Ene, Just over sWlmmmg, as well as fitness specIalties Mohican Re~ort OhIOUmverblty, myalmd live In the northwestern Fox RIver dt the RaJlroad an hour'b dnve south of faCIlitIeSdnd game rooms focubebon birding dnd offerb materl, Deer Creek near Lower Peninsula of Michigan Bndge (where NIck Adams DetrOIt What'b nice ISthat a park photo seminars, wildlife artist Many places around Columbub, Hue~ton Woods stood at the beginning of "Big Of cour~e these park~ are atmosphere, rather than a workshops and blrdmg tnps near CmcInnatl and Dayton, CharlevOIx and Peto~kev hke 1\'l' H[',rt['d R!\ cr" .:mdthL pupul..lr in ..,Ufhnh ....l , ..,0 pUjJU l,.UrHnlt..i~.tal4iu"d, •.u~\t,.uL~ Sdlt I"UJk r"-~U) t fu,,-u:,t,-') un PUUUCl ::"uu t-.L.tJloJ JH:"U to claim that the famed author Ea"t Branch campground and lar, In fact, thdt cdbm reserva The Awaybls Package ISdvall- wines WIth a WIn<-makers' Cleveland (stay here and see slept or ate there Except the fish hatchery hons are often sold out the able at all eIght resorts from Dmner pdckage No, 7 8 and the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame, Acorn Cafe m CharlevoIx, Back at the Perry Hotel on day they become available Nov 1 to Apnl 30, excluding an OhIOWines Weekend Jan too ), Shawnee near whIch proudly proclaims Sunday, there Willbe a back But all of thebe resort parkb certain holidayb and theme 23. 24 If you are wllhng to Portsmouth, Mohican near "Hemmgwa} Never Ate Here" packing demonstration by also operate yedr-round, offer- weekends Guests receive two travel a bit further, Burr Oak Akron, Salt Fork near Ernest would have apprecI- Fred Svoboda, entitled "The Ing a Widerange of fall and mghts' lodging, a welcome Resort offers an "Appalachian Zanesville and the prevIOusly ated that Thmgs Nick Adams Carned to Wintertime acllvltleb at very pack, breakfast for two each Weekend" package Jan 1617, mentIOnedMaumee Bay near Not everyone reahzes that the BIg Two-Hearted RIver," good pnLes You'll find snow- morning and dinner for two that features mountain musIc Toledo Hemingway did spend much of followed by comments by mobiling, sledding, cros~-coun- one evening Rates range from and crafts, clog ddncers, story- ReservdtlOns and a brochure hiS chIldhood and early adult- Lonan Hemmgway, the try skung, hIking, Ice skating $199 to $305 Sunday through tellerb, a fiddle contest and a hstlng the paLkages may be hood at the family cabin on author's mece, who stili and bird-watching Many also Thursday and $209 to $335 Sunday worshIp service obtaIned by calhng the OhIO Walloon Lake reSides and practices law m offer such Indoor sports as Fnday and Saturday The eIght resorts are Burr State Park Resortb at (800) Several relatives hve there Petoskey The final event will babketball, volleyball and Some of the re~ort, focus on Oak near Athen~ (home of AT-A-PARK(282-7275) stilI So httle wonder that the be a walking tour of MIchIgan Hemmgway Society Hemingway's Petoskey, led by has Its headquarters In Brad Leach, cIty planner and Petoskey and that the city's Hemingway buff (l did thiS quaint Perry Hotel will be the walk WIth Brad Just a couple New releases offer choices of good, bad and ... site of the MIchigan of months ago and had great Three recent compact dlscb - ab orchestrator and as Schulhoff, dIed m NaZIdeath London Records ISto be con- Hemingway SOCIety's1997 fun and a look at some of the devoted to orchestral musIc conference on Oct 17-19 composer of melodIes - by camps gratulated for proving that Inner neighborhoods of this offer mUSIcthat ranges from letting the musIc speak for Some of the musICcontaln~ charming town) the musIc stilI speaks to us grand to sad to bad Itself, gently nudgmg the elements that might btlll long after Itb NaZItorturers MeanwhIle, the city of musIcians to nse naturally to unnerve some of today's audi- have met theIr fate Petoskey ISputting on ItS first Respighi: Roman climaxes and linger lOVIngly ences Ernst Krenek's opera, Hemingway Festival to com- Festivals: Fountains of over the more reflectIve "Jonny splelt auf," for Tan Dun: Symphony clde WIththe conference Rome; Pines of Rome; moments mstance, Includes whIstles, 1997 - Heaven, Earth, DetaIls are stIll being Orchestra dell' Accademia The orchestra responds bands, sIrens and electnc arranged Mankind; Cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Nazionale di Santa Ceclia, beauttfully to Gatti, who was bells In Its measures, along Hong Kong Philharmonic. The conference fee IS $130 Rome, Daniele Gatti con. appOinted Its mUSICdIrector With a startling aIr raid siren Tan Dun conducting per person and Includes a ducting m 1992 That It succeeds so that Interrupts the final cho- (Sony Cla~slcal) 1998 membershIp to the SOCI (Sony ClaSSical) well should come as no sur- rus ety For informatIOn, wnte Ratmg ** Rating **** (out of 4) pnse, smce thIS ISthe ensem- Much has been made of PO Box 2039, Petoskey, DanIele Gatti ISthe nSlng ble that gave the world pre- Chmese-born composer Tan 49770-2039, or check out the young Italian maestro whose mIeres of all three works OFF TnE RECORD Dun's Symphony, composed to society's web sIte at wwwfree- podIUmsuccesses m both mark the reumficatlOn of It's called" An ExcurSIOnto way neticommunlty/clVlcJhem- opera and symphomc mUSIc Compositions Hong Kong With China The the SItes of BIg Two-Hearted Ingway Lodging ISnot includ- cause some to see him as a Condemned by the Third 72-mlnute work, telecast last RIver," and the program IS ed In the conference lee For dIrect successor to earlier Reich; Various ensembles July dunng the handover cer- packed WIthactIVItIes that room reservatIons, call the Itahan conductors hke Arturo (London Records) emOnIes,features famed cel- WIllInterest anyone who'd lIke Perry Hotel at (800) 456-1917 Toscamm and GUIdoCantelli Ratmg list Yo-YoMa and a to know more about or the VISitors Bureau at (616) While such compan sons An often****overlooked aspect blanzhong, a set of 65 bronze Hemmgway's Upper Peninsula 347-4150 mIght be a bIt premature, of the NaZI'sbrutal reglme IS bells buned m Chma m 433 references Note The June 1997 Issue GattI's conductmg (l saw him the musIc they condemned B C and unearthed m 1978, It begIns on Fnday With an of NatIOnal GeographIc maga- lead a rather routine Lync Dubbed "Entartete Muslk" (m some 2,400 years later afternoon book faIr (wIth zine contained an article titled Opera of ChIcago productIOn Enghsh, "Degenerate MUSIC"), As It turns out, the bells books by and about guess "Hemingway's Many Hearted of "Madama Butterfly" a few It supposedly relegated to are the big stars of the who?), then a dInner WIth Fox RIver" wntten by Nick seasons back) mark hIm as a obhVIona large number of But there are also less stn- recordmg, which qUickly speaker Jack Jobst, who Lyons and Illustrated WIth maestro to watch works deemed mappropnate dent works, like Haas' showed up In the "top 10" teaches at MIchIgan Technical great photos of the UP It's It's common practtce these to their homfic cause extremely mOVIngStnng recordings on Billboard College and ISan expert on excellent readIng whether or days to demgrate Ottonno But the scores for much of Quartet No 2 and Ullmann's charts WhIle Dun uses them the U P and Hemingway sto- not you can make thiS U P R!"Splghl'sImmensely popular that condemned musIc sur- "Der KaIser von Atlantis," a spanngly, their somber sound nes, partIcularly "BIg Two- tnp WIththe Hemmgway fans tnlogy of symphomc poems as VIved,and London Records IS cabaret opera about Death Instantly transports )OUto Hearted RIVer" • • • glitzy travelogue musIc In Issumg a senes ofrecordmgs gOingon stnke It was com- another time The next day the group WIll The state of MIchIgan has fact, hIS orchestral reflectIOns of It under the general tItle posed m Terezm, the "model" leave by motor coach for many great state parks, but on the festivals, fountams "Entartete Muslk " camp set up by the NaZIS,the The rest of the symphony IS MIchigan's Upper PenInsula what It doesn't have ISmany and pmes of Rome (where he A CD sampling some of thl<; text for ItS final ana wa~ far less persuasive where they wJlIVISitthe Two so called "resort parkb," where died m 1936) contmue to musIc shows how valuable actually wntten on the back Alternatmg bet"een Impro- Hearted RIver at High Bndge, there are actual cabinS, lodges mtngue listeners wise much of It IS Some of the of the transport hsts of pns- VIsedmeandenngs and tonal- near Newberry (Fact and conference centers to enough to refuse to dismiSS damned composers represent- oners bemg sent from Terezm based portIOns(one of which Hemingway loved the name of accommodate guests year- musIc Simply because It has ed here, hke Ernst Krenek to their death In AuschWitz mcludes a dIrect quote from thiS nver and "borrowed" It In round become popular and Enc Wolfgang Korngold, It ISImpoSSIblenot to be hIS wntlng, he never actually However, the state of OhIO the finale of Beethoven'" 9th GattI's respectful readings managed to escape Germany moved by the Vltahty and fished or camped there) has eight such resorts, one of Symphony), It soon becomes make a strong case for these and bUIldcareers In exIle hopefulness contained m The group WIllthen travel them, Maumee Bay Resort & tedIously unlnterestmg pieces He underscores Otl,ters, 11kI'Vlktor Ullmann, score~ composed under such on to Seney where they WIll Conference Center, ISnear Resplghl's t" 0 greatest glfts Pavel Haas and Erwin agonizing cIrcumstances Maybe you had to be there Award winners and bon. orary co-ehairmen of MWayne County - the Artists Among Us" Include (in the front row, from left) Nancy Prophit; Dorothea Krieg: Bunny Homan. pres- Ident of the Grosse Pointe Arts Council; Carol Hen- nessey: Mary Hickey: MarybeUe Suczek. hon- orary co-chairman of the event: and Emmajean Woodyard. president of the Wayne County Council for the Arts. In the back row, from left. are Michael Der- byshire: Tom Mayshark of Ambleslde Gallery: and Alex Suczek. honorary co- chairman. Local artists shine Tree- peeping at county competition The first "Wayne County - MUSICwas prOVIded by the anyone? the ArtiSts Among Us" PreVIew CalVIn Brooks Tno and Onlta Formerly Mr. Lou's Blue Rose Cafe Party, supporting and promot- Jackie Sanders When \\as the last tlmc \OUvlsllcd Ford House' If The Best of Show was 16117 Mack Avenue mg Wayne County pamters \OUha\en t been our guest latch FalliS the tlmc to and sculptors, was held at awarded to Grosse F'>lnte resI- 882M9700 Ambleslde Gallery Sept 12 dent Dorothea Kneg, Award of catch us at our best In the ne,t month \ ou II be The show, whIch runs through Ment was gIVen to POinter treated to a 'lr1ual c,ploslOn of cnmson ..clio" ..10- Oct 4, IS a collaborative effort Nancy Prophlt, and two of the Ict copper magcnta and orang.::Fall colors at Ford NOW A DANCE CLUB WITH LIGHT SHOW between the Grosse Pomte Arts three honorable mentIons went House Bnng Ihe \\ hole famlh for a ,?/Ilded four or CounCil and Wayne County to GrOi'se POInters MIchael eomc 10one of our speCial.::,cnts • Live 01 • Couches CounCIl for the Arts and fea- DerbyshIre and Carol tures Wayne County artists Hennessey The thIrd Oct. 9 Star gazing over Lake 5t Clair 7 p m • Newly Remodeled • Cigars Honorary co-chaIrmen are Honorable MentIOn went to Oct. 18 Floral Photograph, 9 a m Marybelle and Alex Suczek Mary HIckey of Dearborn Oct. 25 Saturday Morning Blrd"al" 7 30 a m • Martini's on Sunday The Juror was Electra Call the Ambleslde Gallery at (313) 885.8999 for show Call (313) 884-4222 for spCClalevcnt Stemelos, professor of art at FRE~ \D~IIS."J~w 'fI~IS.\D! the Untver~lty of MichIgan hours tlC"ct rc~crvallon~or for rcgular tour ",mr information Com" and be our guest • .I' .,. J • Rummage sale at G.P. Methodist again Our gatcs arc op"n ,I'; . The women of Grosse POinte men's clothing, as well as a Methodist Church Will hold WIdevanety of mfant and chll- their fall rummage sale on dren's clothes a1*.-.\ Thursday, Oct 9, from 830 EDSEL & ELEANOR a m to 1 pm at the church, [ntere~ted buyers can also 211 Moross In Gro'lse Pomte take the opportumty to .,hop FORD HOUSE Farm~ for toys, Jewelry, antIque." books and tape~ For more

Therl" will be c10thmg for the mformatlOn, call the church To tCCC1VC InlOrrn

--:::::.'l1::;:::.:;sar;--::: ::iE* ;;; •• _ ...... ~... • t!!!i. COltPOllAn 0fIIICU1 804 S Horn lion

151717920934Sogmow M14860, SEQUENCE_ _ 4. IBOOI 9683456 10. (517) 7912413 ICOn ... 11lIOII e-mail dmg lOem com Presu;e.nt .... HAL 0f'fIat 91(, Robb", S",'e 252 Gronn Hoven MI .. 9,(17 1616J B46 8116 10.161618476747 emat drrxliOnovoool. com October 2, 1997 88 Famil features Grosse Pointe News Dance with dad dren, ages 7 through 12, then IntrigUing adventures By Madeleine ~(J a m to 5 p m The IMAX Little pnncesses, ages five reveal some of the tncks of hIS The Children's Museum of Theatre ISopen until 9 p m on and up, can put on their party trade dunng It's MagiC at the the DetrOit Pubhc Schools, 67 Call (313) 873-8100 at (313) 343.2074 or the Woods Saturdays AdmiSSIOnIS $6 75 dresses and make a date Wlth Grosse POinte War Memonal, E KIrby m DetrOIt, offers a Branch at (313) 343-2072 for adults, $475 for youths dad to attend their first ball, a Saturda), Oct 4, from 930 to senes of adventures for young ages 3 to 17 and semors over Daddy Daughter Dance at the 11 a m The fee IS $12 Call Soccer clinics mmds and SPirits On The Soccer Nomads and the the age of 60 Call (313) 577- Grosse Pomte War Memonal, (,H3l881.7511 Saturday, Oct 11, from noon to Parenting styles DetrOit Rockers Will lend their 8400 32 Lakeshore In Grosse POinte 2 pm, youngsters ages 4 Learn about three styles of talents to a pair of free recre- Farms, on Fnday, Oct 10, from through 12 can learn to parentmg and explore the Promote the positive atIOnal level soccer chlllcs On causes and effects of substance Cultural adventure 7 to 8 30 p m FestiVIties Fmd out what }ou can do to expres!> themselves Wlth body ::>aturday, Oct 11, from 1 to abuse III famIly bfe dunng a 1'reat your children to a cul- Include mUSIC,danCing, family promote POSitive self-optimism and faCial movements rather 330 pm piavers age'! 6 to 14 F!lrmlv Dyn!lmlco prf'O!'pt9tlon tural adventure WIth a tour of photo. b:>-SUl;:>-B"I.chblick thlill wouls III II free 111 your "Oil or daughter with can pobsh their skills at the by Jacque Martm-Downs, MA, the Museum of AfrIcan- and refreshments an EnhanCing Your Chl1d'!> Pantomime Play Workshop Green Acres Elementary MSW,of the Hegira PreventIOn Amencan History, 315 E ReservatIOns are- required Self-E~teem program lead by Each Saturday In October, at School, 4655 Holmes In Program, on Thursday, Oct 9, Warren III Detroit, the largest 1'1ckets are $10 per couple, $3 psychologl~t Terry Rudolph, 11 a m and 1 pm, VIsitors can Warren At that same field, on at 7 pm, In the ChIldren's faclhty of ItS kmd III the world for a second daughter and $5 Ph D, on Thursday, Oct 9, discover the queen of the con. Sunday, Oct 12, from 11 a m Home of DetrOit, 900 Cook III Among the excltmg exhibits IS for a 4X6 photo Call (313) 881- stellatlons In a Planetanum from 7 to 8 30 pm, at the to 1 30 pm, coaches can learn AFRICA One Contment, 7511 Demonstration entitled The Grosse Pomte Woods Grosse Pomte War Memonal to enhance player's ball skills, Many Worlds, an overview of Story of CaSSIOpeia The AdmiSSIOnIS $5 Reservations The fee IS $5 conduct cardlo vascular dnlls, hfe on the contment through Museum IS opened to the pub- are reqUIred Call (313) 885- Major magic Advanced reservations are reVIew the rules of the game VIdeo presentations, photogra- hc Monday through Fnday, 3510 ProfeSSIOnal magiCian recommended Call (313) 881- and motivate players phy and artifacts The museum Gordon Russ Wlll dazzle chll- 7511 from 1 to 4 p m and on ReservatIOns are required Call Clown around IS open Tuesday through Saturdays from 9 a m to 4 P m Sunday, from 930 a m to 5 (810) 795-5196 You won't have to run away Story times to JOIn the circus when the p m AdmiSSIOnIS $3 for adults Jom httle fnends and neigh- Rmglmg Brothers and Barnum and $2 for children Call (313) Detroit's offerings: theater, jazz, 494-5800 bors, ages 3 to 5, at the Grosse & BaIley bnng The Greatest Pomte Pubhc Llbranes for sto- Show on Earth to Joe LoUIS Entertaining art, symphony, ice skating nes, songs and finger plays Arena, 600 CIVIC Center m experiments Thddler 1'1me Willbe offered at DetrOit, through Sunday, Oct The Cranbrook Institute of In what must certainly be Saturday evemngs and 10 10 am, Tuesdays, Oct 7 5 TIcket holders can try on cos- SCience, 1221 N Woodward m a first for the venerable State of the Arts Sunday afternoon through Nov 11, 111 the Woods tumes and expenence c1own- Bloomfield Hllls, makes learn- DetrOIt Opera House, Its Maestro Neeme Jam Branch, 20600 Mack m Grosse mg, Juggling and the trapeze Ing fun With a total hands-on stage Wlll be turned mto an returns on Thursday, Oct 9, POinte Woods, 1Uesdays, Oct 7 With an lllteractive Three Rmg expenence m the phYSIcal SCI- Ice nnk thiS fall ChampIOn With a program of claSSICS through Nov 11 and Adventure program held one ences VIa 26 mteractlve sta- skater Dorothy Hamill WIll that have been used m recent Wednesdays, Oct 8 through hour pnor to each perfor- tIOns displayed m an star m a tounng Ice show set films Least famlhar are Nov 12, In the Central Branch, mance Show times are Expenment Gallery, through to the musIc of George and three excerpts from a score 10 Kercheval m Grosse POlnte Thursday and Fnday at 7 30 Sunday, Jan 4 Opemng on Ira GershWln, under the title by the French composer Farms and Thursdays, Oct 9 pm, Saturday at 11 30 am, Saturday, Oct 11 and runnmg "The Memory of All That Artur Honneger for a film through Nov 13, 111 the Park 3 30 and 7 30 p m and Sunday through Sunday, Jan 4, IS a GershWIn on Ice" about Napoleon Branch, 15430 Kercheval m at 1 and 5 p.rn 1'1ckets range photography exhibit captunng A performance on the A&E Particularly evocative IS Grosse Pomte Park Preschool from $1050 to $25 Call (313) the complex components of Channel, broadcast from Los the Adagletto from Mahler's Storytlmes wlll be held m the 983-6606 modern commumcatlOn tech- Angeles' Umversal Symphony No 5 This was Woods Branch at 1 and 2 pm, nology, Mlcroscapes AmphItheatre, recently pro- used as theme musIc m Science fun and fans of South Amencan Tuesdays, Oct 7 through Nov The DetrOit SCience Center, The Hidden Art of High Vided a satlsfY1llg preVIew 111 and Mncan native musIc "Death Vemce~ WIth 11, 111 the Central Branch at Technology The Museum IS The costumes and sets are Marlon Brando and ISa piece 5020 John R m DetrOit, offers The museum's box office 1045 a m and 1 p m on entertammg and educatIOnal open Monday through laVIsh and the choreography number IS (313) 833-2323 that Jarvi can be expected to 1Uesdays, Oct 7 through Nov Thursday, from 10 a m to 5 IS Imaginative and beautiful famlly fun Now showmg, on a The DSO turns to a perform WIth hiS own umque 11 and Wednesdays, Oct 8 pm, Fnday and Saturday, Along With HamIll's always flair rotatmg hourly schedule 111 the hghter form of musIc thiS through Nov 12 and In the Center's lMAX Dome Theatre, from 10 a m to 10 p m and beautiful skatmg, the show IS weekend as well, With some Concludmg thIS concert Park Branch, at 1 pm, on Sunday from noon to 5 p m an attractive opportumty for WIllbe Mozart's Plano are the thnlhng films Super powerful memones of two Thursdays, Oct 9 through Nov Speedway, SpeCial Effects and those of us WIth long memo- Concerto III D mmor, K 466 blockbuster films Guest 13 All chlldren must be accom. Destmy m Space The DetrOit AdmiSSIon IS $7 for adults, nes to recapture the JOYof Portions of It were heard m Conductor John Maucen Will pamed by a parent or SCienceCenter ISopen Monday $4 for children ages 3 to 17 and the GershWIn brothers' lead performances of film the film on Mozart's bfe, guardian AdmiSSion IS free semors over the age of 60 or words and mUSIC,and for "Amadeus" The entire con. through Fnday from 9 30 a m scores from "Ben Hur" and Call the Park Branch at (313) to 2 pm, Saturday from 12 30 free for members Call (248) newer generatIons to discover certo WIllbe presented here "Cleopatra ~ One of the most 343-2071, The Central Branch to 5 p m and Sunday from 11 645-3200 them stunmng mUSical mterludes WIth BraZIlian-born Cnstma An added comfort IS the ever to appear m a film was OrtiZ at the plano fact that Sight hnes m our the mcredlble processIonal Performances WIllbe newly refurbished opera for brass chOir from Alex Thursday and Saturday house are good from Just North's stunmng score that evemngs and Sunday after- about every one of the 2,700 accompamed Ebzabeth noon It ISa welcome appear- seats Taylor's tnumphal parade as ance of a new and hIghly The Opera House WIllhost Cleopatra commg mto Rome promising plamst on the three performances m DetrOit Also on the program Willbe Orchestra Hall stage o THE GR LL on Nov 8 and 9 There WIll mUSICof famed mOVIecom- For tIckets and mformatlon be one evemng show at 8 posers Mlklos Rosza and concemmg addItional works :i b$S"t,"Wt!il <. pm Saturday, and two, at 2 Franz Waxman on the program, call (313) and 8 p m Sunday As usual, Performances are Fnda 833-3700 tickets are avatlable from Would like to extend to our valued customers 1'1cketMaster (248) 645-6666 or the Opera House box two special dinners, avallable every night office' (313) 874-7464 MOVIngfrom the mega- during October. spectacle to theatre that IS both intimate and educatIOn- al, a stage presentation IS King Crab Legs - $13.50 bemg added to the attrac- tlOns'at the Detroit Institute Prime Rib au jus - $13.50 of Arts that WIllennch the expenence of the "Splendors of Egypt" eX}l1bltThe WIld 18431 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe • (313) 885-3141 Swan Theatre of Ann Arbor WIllperform a story based on the ancient myth of the gods OSlns and ISIS Their stones In conjunction With the exhbltlOn Splendors of AnCient Egypt the DIA and Wild Swan Theater present reflect both the values of _ ancient Egyptian life and th baSIS of the culture's obses- Ancient Ef:hoes: sIon WIth the after-life 111 a human mterpretatlOn that should be appeahng to chil- dren and adults ahke ~Ies tram [£~pt Performances are sched- uled for Saturdays, Oct 18 and 25 and Nov 29, Fnday, Dee 26, and Monday, Dee 29 Another umque attraction WIth speCial appeal for Jazz enthUSiasts WIllbe at the museum tomorrow, Fnday, Oct 3. PeruVIan smger Susana Baca uses Afro- PeruVIan perCUSSIOn,Andea pan pipes and guitar to accompany her songs They reflect a combinatIOn of PeruVIan IndIan and Mncan mUSIcaland rythmlC tradi- tIons This IS a cultural field nch m Ideas for Jazz mUSICians

s.turdays. Oct. 18,25, Nov. 29. 101m & I pm OCT. 1-5 Fridl)', Dec. 26 & Monell)'. Dec. 29, 111m & 2 pm * SHOWTIMES " TO BUY nCKETS: Enter the fascmaling world of anCient Egypt Amencan Sign language ISinte- Wed. OCT. 1 • 7:30 PM * ARENA BOX OFFICE &, Egypt WIth thiS play about the myth of grated Into the production For ages OPENING NIGHT WILD OSInS and ISIS kmg and queen of SWAN five and older TICKm ONLY$5 FOR lHI.-.TU KIDS UNDER 121 TICkets: $7; members $5. ClII (313) 833.2323. Co are Mond~v cour"" .. and adv"nture .. h..ted through Saturday, from 10 a m presented by the Presbytena~ Nutrition news In the Grosse Pomte War comedy, through Wednesday, the stage of the FIsher to 6 pm Call (313) 884-0100 Women of Grosse POInte DIscover how to make your Memonal's Fall catalog Chart Dec 31 Performances WIllrun Theatre, 432 FI;,her BUIldIng Memonal Church, Thursday, meals both nutntlOus and deh. new profeSSIOnal paths With a Wednesday through Sunday at on W Grand Boulevard In Fine furnishings Oct 2 through Saturday, Oct CIOUSdunng a free NutntlOnal Career Transltlon program 8 pm WIth addItIonal shows DetrOIt, through Sunday, Oct Contemporary FurmtutL 4, In the Church's FellowshIp Semmar presented by Dr offered on Saturday, Oct 4, on Fndav and Saturday at 26 Performance tImes are DeSIgns by John Flowers are Hall, 16 Lakeshore In Grosse DaVId Jantz, Dr Ken from 9 30 to 11 30 a m The fee 1030 pm The cast performs Thesday, Wednesday and now available along WIth bra;,~ POInte Farms ThIs benefit Hutcheson and nutrItIOnIst IS$5 Get answers to the ques. an ImprOVIsatIOnal comedy set Fnday at 8 pm, Thursday at 1 sculpture by Jamce TrImpe also Includes a Marketplace Ron Kosloff, on Monday, Oct 6, tlOns many women ask as they after each performance on and 8 pm, Saturday at 2 and 8 tradItional furmshmg;" BoutIque, Arts And Crafts at 730 pm, In Chnst the Kmg age dunng a program entitled Sunday and Thursday and p m and Sunday at 2 p m antIques, country French Gallery, EntICIng Cafe, Lutheran Church, 203~8 Mack Estrogen Is It Right For You? after the 10 30 p m shows on TIckets range from $1950 to reproductIons and accents, at HabItat for HumanIty dIsplay m Grosse Pomte Woods on Thursday, Oct 9, from 9 30 Fnday and Saturday TIckets $51 50 Call (313) 872-1000 the Ashley-ChrIS Gallery, and semInars The show WIllbe ReservatIons are requested to 11 a.m The fee IS $3 Waken are $12 on Sunday and Palace rock 15126 Kercheval m Gro",;( open on Thursday and Fnday Call (313) 881-7677 your ImagmatlOn WIth a Wednesday, $14 on Thursday, Fleetwood Mac rocks at the Pomte Park Gallery hour;, are from 10 a m to 8 p m and Tuesday, Oct. 7 CreatiVIty Sweetens Anythmg $17 50 on Fnday and $19 50 on Palace of Auburn HIlls, 2 Tuesd Thursday, Dec 4 Contemporary that same date, at 2 pm, fam- Performances WIllbe offered In through spnng 1998 Through IlIes can enJoy a free story- rotatmg repertory on concepts Saturday, Feb 28, take In tellIng presentatIOn entItled Wednesday at 2 pm, OIls on canvas by French Contemporary MasterpIeces Heroes and HeroInes of Egypt Thursday and Fnday at 8 p m ImpreSSIOnIst LoUISJaquet are SelectIOns From the On Sunday, Oct 5, from noon and Saturday at 2 and 8 p m featured at Gallene 454, 15105 Permanent CollectIOn to 4 pm, get In tune WIth the TIckets range from $10 to $17 Kercheval In Grosse POInte Fabulous Monsters Fantasy past dunng a free MUSIcal Call (313) 577.2972 Park The gallery IS open Manonettes from the Paul Instruments of AnCIent Egypt Thursday and Fnday from McPharhn CollectIOn runs Egyptian opera through Sunday, Nov 2 Drop-In Workshop At 2 pm, The EgyptIan opulence of noon to 6 P m and Saturday Recommended admISSIon I'>$4 on that same day, reVIew the GIUseppe VerdI's Aida opens from 10 a m to 4 pm, or by mfluences of anCIent Egypt on appomtment Call (313) 822- for adults and $1 for chIldren the MIchIgan Opera Theatre's Call (313l 833.7963 the bUlldmgs around us dunng Season at the DetroIt Opera 4454 the free lecture, Egyptomama House, 1526 Broadway In and Amencan ArchItecture 6OSuppIo booIwp, DetroIt, through Sunday, Oct 1II01lI, w1lb for Ibort Speaker Martha Sharp 5 Performances are slated for "OUI" 38 26 OowD'. Joukowsky, assocIate professor Saturday at 8 pm and 61 ScuIIl. at Brown UnIversIty, offers a IOUdl 0( ~ Sunday, at 2 pm TIckets range DO YOU dIC bonier 40~ free lecture on the Brown from $18 to $96 Call (3131874- ••• DOWN enliII Umverslty ExcavatIons at the want to be in the metro calendar? I Af\or-bIIll 42 Elf 7464 Great Temple of Petra, Jordan, Then fin out thIS form send It to 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte 4S Defnud Farms, 48236. or fax to (313) 882-1585 by 3 P m Fnday 2;:::- 47 "-of Our at 8 pm, on Tuesday, Oct 7 Dracula dances 3_ Lna" TransylvanIa's most famous Event _ c1t- 48BIftbnaI'& TIckets for the DIA's 26th cItIzen comes to lIfe liS the 4 CnbboI'e boIncrer annual WassaIl Feast, a Date--- " _ IOOI't 49T_ DetrOIt holIday tradItIon PIttsburgh Ballet Theatre keeper SOMqnoIer bnngs Dracula to the stage of llme _ S Home 0( of WIIet. scheduled for Thursday dIC luz .... f.... through Saturday, Dec 11 to the DetroIt Opera House a~ the Place _. _ 6 Soua1Il on SI BodICr 13 and Dec 18 to 20, at 630 first presentation In the • beeper Cost _.___ _ _ 7 Dumond ll&

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LIsa IS haVlng a Fall Open House, one day only Thursday, October 2, "GRAND OPENING With 25% OFF all Fall items Store CELEBRATION" Thursday, Oct. 2 - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. hours are 10:00 a.m till 8'00 p m Monday, October 6th thru Saturday, Friday, Oct. 3 - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. October 11th Bnng your friends and enJoy a glass ''There's always something Saturday, Oct. 4 - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. You'll Enjoy of cheer, some great eats and a happenin' at Jacobson's" beautiful hne of wools, SIlks and new • DehclOUS gourmet food samphng. Grosse Pomte MemorIal Church, excitmg blends in nch fall tones. American Spoon has amved! 16 Lakeshore in Informal m-house modelIng WIll be • 10% OFF all gIftware and home Grosse Pointe Farms. NOW YOU MAY ENJOY acceSSOrIes. held all day ... at 19583 Mack Avenue, SHOPPING AT JACOBSON'S • 10% OFF Yankee and A.I. Root Grosse Pointe Woods, (313) 882-3130. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Candles TJ.ckets are $8 a person UNTIL 9:00 P.M. • All gift basket orders placed m- CredIt cards accepted. Jacobson's IS now open 10:00 a.m. to store and for October dehvery also 9 00 p.m. Monday through Saturday 10% OFF Proceeds to benefit and on Sunday Noon to 500 pm Habitat for Humanity New owners Mike & Lisa Rennell mVlte you to come and Jom Earn Extra Money For The the celebratlOn! • 14 desIgner showrooms KISKA JEWELERS Holidays. Seasonal Bonus opportu- Bring a friend, it's worth a visit New fall merchandIse has mty and a generous dIscount for full • 22 desIgners from southeastern, MI at... 20129 Mack Avenue, Grosse or part-time pOSItIOns Apply in • An art gallery arrIved ... We have a large selectlOn Pointe Woods (313) 886-2352. • Marketplace Boutique with great of beautIful SWISS made TISOt person. I holiday and gift Items for sale watches in men's and ladies deSIgns Personnel Office • Seminars (including appraisals) in a varIety to choose from, all WIth a price range to suit your taste. Bridal Day At Jacobson's • Wonderful cuisme: lunch & dinner Saturday, October 4. Formal fashIOn at 63 Kercheval on-the-Hlll, show featuring bridal gowns, bndes- (313) 885-5755. maIds and mother-of-the-brIde !.?ll(I.()"Hl& with a dresses 11'00 a.m In the Bndal IJ~',.~ <'J"'l'"I. Salon RSVP (313) 882-7000 Ext. I ...outk 0/ 'tNf.J 482. Says "Thank you" Finest of Kitchen Cookware to our participatmg designers. pOINTE Clinique gift ",ith Purchase. FALL COOKING CLASSES at Your talent IS mspinng! ReceIve your gift WIth any Chmque THE POINTE PEDLAR ... purchase of $15 or more Now Altered Spaces, loe. Joeepb KeeIl8ll It Assoc , Monday-October 13 from 6:30 Nanette Plerskalla Ltd through October 11 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. "StIr Fry for Bethany Lowe CENTER Cosmetic Department Everyone!" Wlth DC Watt Jan 71mmer 1- Kathleeo McGovem Studto 7ltt!~m't of Jntenor Delnp. Sandra Baer DesIgn Assoc Mark Johnson David Yurman Gold Collection Wednesday - October 15 from James Evan Willuuns Thank-you to all the particIpants Paula Lancaster Show Now through October 4 GreggWh,te on the 1st Annual Grosse Pointe 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. "Fall Meals" Rick C81"mody Lucy While Fine Jewelry Department AmerIcan Heart Walk. Call for with Elame Caulfield of Pomte Sharon Cupmpany Hosiery and more mformatlOn call (313) 885- LJDda Golden, [FDA Denm' 0 Grady I 4028 at 88 Kercheval on-the-Hlll Amy Wemstem I SocIally Your>; n .. ,p • Urao Detnros,loo Organize Unlimited .1. Hart Schaffner & Marx and I J.. Hulme W"ddnower Antiques We'll get you and your house ready Johnston & Murphy Collection I Bordenng on Art LlOda W,lhalllMll Show. Thursday, October 9 from 4'00 for moving day. Call early for the p.m. to 8 00 p.m easiest move with the least Men's Department aggravation to you. Insured, bonded and confidential. Ann Mullen, Joan Vismara. (313) 331-4800 New Dimensions Classes. Enroll your daughters, ages 12 to 15, in thIS WIth the cooler days approachmg, comphmentary 2-day semmar. Young the NOTRE DAME PHARMACY has ladles WIll learn about proper pos- the answer to keep you warm ture, poise and hair and skm care. Afghans WIth U of M and Wayne Sindbads Restaurant Presents .•. Seminar dates are October 13 and 20 State logos (other afghans can be A Dmmg InstitutIOn .. Servmg the from 4'00 p.m to 5:45 pm. For ordered). Plus, a new lme of products finest (fresh) seafood, Angus steaks, reservatlOns call Cmdy Brown (313) Wlth the U of M logo. luggage I D 882-7000 sandwiches, hquor and Wines Try tags & straps, fanny packs, toIletry our Sunday Brunch 11:00 a m. to ~)1f?~%& Children's Department kits, key and combmatlOn locks, 2:30 p m. Perfect for prIvate parties, travel umbrella, pIllows, garbage A umque mternatIOnal marketplace meetmgs or any Special OccaslOns. Mossimo Jeans have arrived In cans, even cookie tms.. at 16929 for children of all ages .. FREE SHU'ITLE TO ALL RED Ms J Receive a comphmentary Kercheval m-the-VIIlage (313) 885- Infant & Children's Furniture & WINGS GAMES WIth our kitchen phone book with a purchase of $50 or 2154. open after the games... Call for Accessories • Linens more of Mosslmo Jeans mformatIOn (313) 822-8000 at 100 St. Origmal Art • 'lbtal DeSIgn Services Ms.J. Clair on-the-Rlver Handmade BaptIsm Gowns Russian Hand PaInted Heirlooms Career Suit Event is Now 'lbys from Around the World through October 4. VIew the beau- ~ 810/776-8826 tiful fall collectlOns from Herbert I ~ Grossman, LIllI Ann and Kasper, as 24 Hour 23211 Marter Rd (Marter & Jefferson) St Cla,r Shores well as a new collectIOn of Evan Towing & Road Service M T. W !0-6, Thurs, Fn, 10-8, Sal IQ.5, Closed Sun PIcone sUltmg made exclUSively for Jacobson's Hononng AAA m all the Pomtes and !r.arw?.:1CO ~ Dress and Suit Department Surroundmg Area - S;\L()j\j- Complete Auto Semce & RepaIr Trish McEvoy Fall Color ForeIgn & Domestic Going to homecoming? Make Makeovers. Fnday, October 10, your appomtment now for that speCIal 10:00 a m to 7'00 p m. For an Jus's S£fuit£nt£r, Int. appoIntment, please call (313) haIrstyle, mamcure and make-up at 15302 E Jefferson at Beaconsfield Francesco's salon. 17007 Kercheval Creative ~elutiens 882-7000. Cosmetics Grosse Pomte Park m-the-Village, (313) 882-2550 Are you overwhelmed by the (313) 822.5434 thought of gettIng orgamzed? There I Erno Laszlo Skin care Clinic. IS always a solution to each SItuatIOn Saturday, October 11, 11 00 a m to For kItchen, basement, garage or 5 00 p m For an appomtment, please home office. Call Kathleen Frazho I I call (313) 882-7000 810-776-3317. HaVlng a luncheon or a brunch? Cosmetics. I Make It easy on yourself Try one of our dehclOus qUIches. QUIche Ideal looks for fall outings! VISit I Lorrame, ChIcken Broccoh, Ms J for the latest m colorful polar Asparagus & Ham or Tomato-Omon Ed Maliszewski fleece and actIvewear Jackets and Zucchml Carpeting Ms.J. JOSEF'S Our 84th annual FAIRCOURT DENTAL Distinctively yours, St. John. .'8.:,\( .. P\~l nn:s Octohpr Salp Great deSigns and tabrIcs to I 21150 Mack, Grosse Pomte All Onental Rugs are complement and please you Woods, (313) 881-5710 When you care enough to have the I 25%-- 50% OFF St. John Salon. at 21435 Mack Avenue, very best.. 20040 Mack Avenue, (810) 776-5510. Grosse Pomte. (313) 882-2000 To advertise in this column call .. (313) 882.3500 by 2:00 p.m. Fridays t.

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Classified Index page 5

Prep footbilll page 2

South's Rice follows Dad's footsteps into prep Hall of Fame

By Chuck Klonke AS,ocldtlOn H.lll of Fame at the letter, then called hIS moth- tIOn ceremome~ It was men- Cannon: RIce "aId "It was the remember my dad ,

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, \ COtlPOllAnO...al. , 1 804 ~ Ham.llon 50g now M148601 ,.. (\'1) 1970914 SEQUENCE I~OOI96B 14\6 10< {\171192 74:11 SCOTTIOIIINION NllOlr dmq I@cr !> rom P f"!>rlenl ."tONAL0",", o 9?t.~ohhn .. ';utf' 257 Q • • & Grand HO\lpn MI .49.417 16161 R46 B176 10,16161 R41 <\747 prr.al dma]@novoacJIp(rIm October 2, 1997 2C s orts Grosse Pointe News Halftime adjustments payoff for Blue Devils By Chuck Klonke after the Blue DeVIls came South Jumped ahead 7.0 on sneak It m," Mcleod said "He's effective ground attacks of the "There were always five or Sports Editor back from a 13-7 halftime an 80-yard dnve early m the big enough and that way we Grosse Pomte South coach season, rushing for 261 yards SIXguys nght there whenever defiCIt to beat the Crusaders game It was capped by a don't nsk losmg the ball on a Josh Lorence picked up 125 we punted We had some good MIke McLeod and hIs staff put 20-13 In the Macomb Area seven-yard pass from Mike handoff" their halftime mtermlsslon to yards and Dan Gnesbaum hud punt returns, too We averaged Conference Blue DIVISion Kasehtz to Enc Dunlap When the Blue DeVIls 77 yards m 11 cames about 14 yards on returns." good use last week game Andrew Hendne added the marched 60 yards WIth about "IVAnGe C'rPllGeNorth \ dId- South IS now 12m the dl\"l extra pomt fill" lIlmUWll Idt 111 the glU11e -The backs ran hard and the South hopes to climb over n't run the same offense It did slon and 2-2 overall Kasehtz picked up several and got to the one, It was hne IS startmg to Jell," McLeod agamst (Grosse Pomte) North the 500 mark Saturday when "TheIr quarterback ran the yards on scrambles dunng the Kasehtz who got the call agam said the Blue DeVIls host Port last week, but we made some optIOn very well," McLeod said touchdown march and he scored the winning "We threw less than we have adjustments at halftIme and Huron m theIr homecommg "He had a 50-yard touchdown South started the second touchdown all season, but the runmng game held them to one first down 10 run We dId a good Job of con- half with a good dnve, but "The whole offenSIve lme did game was domg so well we fig- the ~econd half," McLeod said tammg (WIll) LeWIS He had came up empty The next bme a great Job throughout the ured, 'why change?'" "We have to find a way to only 65 yards Our whole the Blue DeVils got the football glOme and especially on that Mcleod said another key to stop (running back Tony) defense was outstandmg. they did score - on a one-yard dnve," McLeod saId "We South's success was the play of Washmgton and their defense Rice--- "James Feagm had another run by Kasehtz pulled (guard) Thatcher Sloan the punt team has so many dIfferent looks," great game and Matt Van "I've told the Iuds that If they on every play At the end of the "Hendne kicked the ball well McLeod saId Deweghe and Dave BIlbrey From page IC don't score from inSIde the game he was a very bred young and Pat Reynolds and Shanta "They'll be tough but I thmk. played extremely well at hne- three, I'm gomg to have man" Santos stood out on coverage," the kIds reahze that after (Port Grosse Pomte HIgh He then backer" Kasehtz keep the ball and South had one of Its most the coach said • Huron) beat North last week" played football and baseball at Olivet Rice coached football at Unbeaten Knights attract a following on the road South for 25 years, meludmg the last SL'I( as head coach HIS By Chuck Klonke 16-0 last week and let five yards, but JImmy got up the Cranes "Wood and Renard (Morey- teams compIled an overall 168- Sports Editor Lutheran North back into the and the other Iud didn't It was Stacheclu recovered a fumble Greer) must have been m on 40 73 record that Included 15 It was almost hard to tell game" Just hke old-bme football " at the Cranbrook 45 and on the percent of the tackles," HIlls league championships and five wroch Side was the home crowd ThIs tIme It didn't happen ULS completed the third. first play, he hit Brian saId "Renard had hiS usual 10 state playoff appearances when UOlvers!ty LIggett ULS stretched Its 16-0 half- quarter sconng WIth a 54-yard Bruenton for a 25-yard gam tackles and Jimmy sacked the He took over the golf team School's football team played at time lead to 35-0 by the end of pass from A J Stacheckl to After a penalty nulhfied an quarterback tWIce and had two after retmng from football and Cranbrook last Saturday the thIrd quarter tight end Kyle Denham It was apparent touchdown run by other tackles for losses" has been successful 10 that There were so many ULS "We Just took Cranbrook the first high school touchdown Jasoh Cooper, Espy scored on a HIlls also praIsed the work of sport, too, wmOlng champI- fans It looked hke last year's nght out of the game, offen- for Denham, a seOlor, who has 35-yard run the offenSIVelme. LIOns-Green Bay game at the onshIps In four of five seasons sively and defensively, m the assumed a bigger role In the Jack Elsey recovered a fum- "We had great blockmg as a And thiS year's Blue DeVIls SJlverdome. thIrd quarter," HIlls saId "We KnIghts' passing game the last ble on the enswng kickoff, set- umt: the coach saId squad IS contendmg for anoth- "That was one of our bIggest probably played at 80 percent couple of weeks tmg up fuddle's 37-yard field er Macomb Area Conference crowds ever," saId KnIghts effiCIency In the thud and Cranbrook scored on a 30- goal on the final play of the "KeVin IS the qUickest back Red DIVISIontitle. coach Gary HIlls after ULS fourth quarters " yard run III the fourth quarter, first half In the league, but the Ime cre- It's the competition that won -41-6 to Improve to 4-0 KeVin Espy, who scored four but ULS answered the touch- "We got great speCIal teams ated some holes I could have keeps RIce coachmg overall and m the Metro touchdowns and ran for 244 down WIth a 76-yard sconng coverage all game from Elsey, run through Once he gets "The JOyof competitIOn ISone Conference. "That's what wm- yards In 17 carnes, got the sec- run along the sIdehne by Espy. Anthony Legree and Scott through the hole, he has only a mngdoes." of the legaCIes my parents left ond-half sconng explOSIOn The KnIghts started slowly SImpson," Hl1ls said. "Those couple guys to beat If he does, me," he said "We played mb- One of the most encouragmg started with a 74-yard run on m a penalty-filled first quarter, two scores at the end of the he goes 70 yards, unot, he stl11 bage and chess after dlnner to thmgs that came out of an optIOn play but Espy scored on a 30-yard first half sent us off as hIgh as has a 10-yard gam " see who would do the dlshes Saturday's game was the way Fullback Jim Wood then run WIth 29 seconds left In the we've ever been - espeCially the KnIghts showed some "Smce I've been coachmg, scored on a 10-yard run up the penod and John Riddle added the field goal There's some- ULS hosts Lutheran East I've never talked about win- "luller mstmct " middle. It was a play that the first of hIS two extra pomts thmg about a field goal m high Fnday at 4 15 P m mng or lOSing. I've always told "I think we've learned how to made Htlls' personal hIghlIght to give ULS a 7-0 lead school that really gives every- my players to Just compete and WIn, but untl1 now we hadlJ't film The one-touchdown lead body a lift" "It'll be a good test because showed the abIhty to put our play hard and have a good time "He had the safety to beat stood untd the KnIghts got on HIlls saId the defenSive (Phllhp) Condon IS the best opponents away," Hdls said dOing It My teams were and he Just put down hIS shoul- the scoreboard tWIce m the effort was as good as any the pure thrower m the league," always prepared the best they "That's all we talked about at der and bowled him over: Hills final nunute of the first half - KnIghts have dIsplayed all Hills said "And they've got a could be, but you can't control halftIme. We said we were up saId "They both bounced back both as a result of turnovers by year couple of real quick backs • everythmg once the game starts" RIce has a lot of fond memo- nes of hIS coaching career Port Huron cuts turnovers, han'ds North first defeat "Someone once saId 'life Isn't By Chuck Klonke touchdown runs of eight, 57 made up of years but of Aubrey scored 011 a seven-yard to the Port Huron 18, but saId "We were 10 a desperatIon moments' and that's true: Rice Sports Editor and 81 yards and rushed for run and Gene Baratta added turned the ball over on downs SItuatIOn" saId "I have so many moments Frank Sumbera wasn't sur- 264 yards m 30 carnes. the extra pomt early m the sec. That set up Washmgton's 57- Chad Cooper led the North pnsed that Port Huron dldn't that I remember hke they hap- North's Nick Aubrey had ond quarter. A key play 10 the yard run to put the BIg Reds defenSIve charts WIth four solo look anythmg like an 0-3 foot- pened yesterday another good game as he dnve that started at the North ahead tackles among hiS 13 stops "When I was coaching base- ball team when It met hIS picked up 144 yards m 21 car- 27 was a 48-yard run by The Norsemen made a bId to Tony Stnckland had 12 tack- ball we had a WIld half Innmg Grosse Pomte North squad last nes Fullback Paul ValenCIa Aubrey to the Port Huron 22 regain the lead when they weekend les, two of them solos, whl1e agamst Anchor Bay that ended added 55 yards on the ground The Big Reds came nght drove from theIr 27 to the Port Bordato had three solos and 12 WIth us gettmg a tnple play "I felt all along they'd be a "They were able to control back and scored on a short run Huron 12, but a controversial tackles And there were a lot of out- tough team," Sumbera saId the possessIOn time: Sumbera and made the two-pomt con- below the WBlStbloclung call Jerry Cardanl had 10 tack- standing football plays that after the BIg Reds handed the sBld "It Isn't often that a run- versIOn to lead 14-7 agamst North sent the ball les, Mike Schornak orne and Norsemen theIr first loss of the won or lost games I can tell nmg back WIll have more car- North took advantage of Port back to the 43 Joe Galhes eIght Each ofthose season, 26-14 second by second how they nes than ours. But that was Huron's only turnover of the "We've watched the films three players had two solo happened And there were so "They've played some good theIr strategy - to keep the game 10 the final mmute of the over and over and stilI haven't stops. many wonderful kIds who teams. When they lost to Mott ball out of Nick's hands" first half Gary Bordato inter- been able to see It," Sumbera North hopes to get back on played for us over the years " last week they lost five fum- Port Huron opened the scor- cepted a pass WIth 36 seconds 881d track Saturday when the RIce smiled when he reflect- bles They dIdn't have any fum- mg WIth a three-yard run that remamlng North used the Port Huron got the ball back Norsemen ViSIt -Ford II m a ed on what got hIm mto the bles agamst us " capped a 60-yard march, but remBlmng time WIsely, got a on downs and Washmgton MAC crossover game. Hall of Fame Running back Tony the Big Reds missed the extra key first down from ValenCia broke loose for hIS 81-yard "They have a good quarter- Washmgton did most of the "One thmg IS longeVity I got pomt and scored WIth eight seconds touchdown to chnch the VlcUr back, good receIvers and a damage agamst North He had old," he saId "Another thmg North went ahead when left on a 24-yard pass from ry huge offenSIve hne," Sumbera that nearly all of us who were Bnan Kaslborskl to Aubrey "We had only 1.20 left, so we saId. "It doesn't get any easier." mducted last week had m com- Baratta kicked the extra pomt had to try to tackle the football North IS 3-1 overall and mon was a supportIve WIfeand Tough week ends to send the teams off at half- and force a fumble," Sumbera 2-1 m the MAC Blue faml1y You couldn't coach as time tied 14-14 many years as I have WIthout a "I thought we had weath- lOVIngand understandmg WIfe on encouraging note ered the storm when we were "My WIfe, Denyse, never put tIed at halftIme because (Port any pressure on me when I'd Huron) had played the better By Chuck Klonke ed five assIsts and three steals spend long hours coaching half," Sumbera saId Sports Editor Meghan McGahey had 14 BRACE The Big Reds controlled the Dunng football season, I'd get Gro~se Pomte South's gIrls pomts, five rebounds, two ball most of the thIrd quarter, up at 5 a m on a Sunday and basketball team closed out a aSSISts and two steals, whl1e but North stopped them on the work until 5 or 6 In the tough week on an encouraging Beth Howson had eIght pomts evemng" Norsemen's 28 note, even though the Blue and five steals YOURSELF ..• "They seemed to get Just WhIle RIce was coaching at DeVils lost to Sterhng HeIghts South, hIS children, Russell enough yards to move the There were also two players sticks," Sumbera saId and Jane, were athletes at "We traded by 14 pomts WIth who came off the bench and Grosse Pomte North North marched from Its 20 w@(W°~~ ~@~ four minutes to go and really proVided a spark dunng the "Here I was a member of the stepped It up," said coach South comeback North Boosters Club and I was Peggy Van Eckoute after coachmg at South, but every- South's 58-52 loss to the one was very supportive and "Jodie NyenhUIS scored four Stalhons m the Macomb Area pomts m the last four mmutes understanding," he saId Conference Red DIVISIongame There were some major and played good defense and Amy Grant had three bIg changes In football dunng "We had It down to five rebounds," Van Eckoute saId RIce's years as coach pomts and had every opportu- "The compleXIty of the game The loss to Utica was a bit OIty to come back and beat more dlsappomtmg IS the biggest thmg," he saId them I told the team the next "We started to emulate what day m practIce that they had the colleges were domg As "If we had played hke we did played much better than they agamst Sterling HeIghts, we theIr passmg game became played on 'IUesday (m a 49-38 more sophistIcated, so dId ours would have had a good cham'e loss to Utica). We're playmg all to beat UtIca: Van Eckoute "Youalso have to work hard- the tough teams m the league er to stay competItIve In my said In a row and we Just have to last three or four years coach- work on gettmg better It's not mg football we'd work 11 "We Just weren't m sync, that we can't beat them - we offenSIvely and defensIVely" monthG of the year The only Just haven't" time we took off was from the The Chleftams held a 21-16 halftIme lead and gradually end of the season until after South mIght have done even ThanksgIVing Then It was added to It m the second half ~eyIess remole pwr wnclaw5I1odward And ~omethmg that formances by the Blue DeVils DeVIls WIth a 2-2 mark m • SERVICE HOURS' would have madp Jack Rice M - Thurs 8 30 II 00 1997 SU8UR8ANS AND TAHOES Calthn ShapIro led the way league play and a 3-3 overall T W-F 830600 MondOIl Friday proud WIth 18 pomts and also collect- \,. ~-- 730-600 record IN-STOO< FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. - - • , , , .------T------,c.~r.- October 10, 1997 S t .G.ro.ss.e.p.O.in.te.N.e.W.s -.J?or s 3C South boys first North nips state swim champ

There were a lot of factors 10 backstroke, so It was qUIte a Felkens, 200 and 500 freestyle, Grosse POlOte North's VIctOry feat for her to come nght back Reck, 200 freestyle and 100 at invitational over defendmg state Class A for the relay,~ O'Connor ~31d butterfly, Kopf, 50 and 100 gIrls sWImming champIOn Then North's No 2 relay freestyle, Lmdsey Knost, 50 By Chuck Klonke WI"" ",lid "TIIl;Y glVl:'us a goon Blrmmgham Seaholm last team "f J..nt. Kupf, Kun Sports Editor frt'l:'<>tylt'and 10U breaststroke, parameter as to where we are week Felkens, Lauren Janutol and CorOilhe, 100 freestyle and 100 Wmnlng the Carl Schoensee The course IS flat, Just like "It was a combmatIon of self- Mary Cornllhe beat Seaholm's backstroke, Carly Piper, 200 Memonal InvitatIOnal was Metro Beach where we'll run less captalOS, great dIVIng per- second team to clinch the two- freestyle and 100 backstroke, ImpreSSIve enough for Grosse the league meet and the formances and superb efforts POlOtVIctory Atrasz, 100 butterfly and all POinte South's boys cross coun- regIonal ~ by our relay sWImmers,~ coach CorOillie swam an out stand- three relays, and Lllsa try team, but the way the Blue Mike O'Connor said after the mg relay leg to catch the Bergmann, 100 backstroke DeVIlsdid It added luster to the Other outstanding perfor- Norsemen's 94-92 VICtory Maples' SWImmer from behmd achievement North followed ItS Impres- mances came from Nate Vlsger, "Our co-captams, Rachelle and ensure the Norsemen's VIC- sive Win over Seaholm With a "Everybody came In under Steve Kynaston and Chas Atrasz and Cortney PIper, sac- tory 134-52 VIctory over Macomb 18 mmutes - that's big time DabrowskI nficed sure WIns m their best The diVIng sweep was also Area Conference Red DIVISion for us,~ said coach Tom Wise "All three of them had big JoDDle Vasae events to SWIm10 off events for cruCial to North's. victory nval Fraser whose team finished atop unprovements," Wise said them to help the team " Diana Anderson won the event Outstanding performances DIVIsIonI WIth 66 pomts Earher, South beat Grosse North needed a first and 10 Spite of a back IOJUry,while came from Felkens, 200 Royal Oak KImball was sec- POinte North 18-41 as Petersen third place In the 400-yard teammates Kelly Jesmg and freestyle and 100 backstroke, ond WIth 169 pomts and Utica led the way WIth a WInnmg freestyle relay - the final Kabe Lufty were second and Nicole Seleno, 200 and 500 took third WIth 192. time of 17 28 event of the meet - to upset third, respectively freestyle, Genna Sorget, 200 Vasse-- the Maples Andrew Petersen led the Roth and Bosley were the "The divers were able to pull and 500 freestyle, Atrasz, 200 Seaholm's top relay team South delegabon WIth a fifth- next two Blue DeVIlsacross the From page lC off their sweep despite haVing 1Mand 100 breaststroke, Carly place time of 16'40, while line at 1736 1 and 17362 was ranked second 10 the state a short bme to warm up 10 a seized It Piper, 200 1M and 100 back- teammate Justm Bosley was "Our fourth runner, Bnan and Included state champIOn pool that was made available "Her talent and deSire IS a stroke, Kopf, 50 freestyle, nmth In 1701 Steele, put a lot of pressure on and All-Amencan sWimmer only at the last mmute," Reck, 50 and 100 freestyle, Following them across the North's No.3 man and Jeff gIVen We worked out spilt Jenny Vanker, but the North O'Connor said times she hit to the letter and Wouczyna, 500 freestyle, Juhe fimsh hne were Bnan Steele Pilley made a move to get team of Atrasz, Jenny Reck, Other contributors to the Paavola, 500 freestyle, (17.22), Parker Roth (17:23), everybody gOlOg,~Wise saId the competitIOn from the 14- Carly PIper and Cortney PIper North VIctory were NikkI team field brought It all togeth- Bergmann, 100 backstroke, Fred Pope (1729), Jeff PIlley beat the Maples Wouczyna 10 the 200 mdlvld- The coach also praIsed the er" and Knost, 50 freestyle and (17 42) and Ben Visger (17 57) efforts of Bill Crawford, Bob "Cortney had Just swam the ual medlev and 500 freestyle, 100 breaststroke "The times were real good," Bossler and Dave MajeskI Vasse wasn't the only South runner who had an outstand- Ing day at the Center Lme Salvo '89 meet North girls improve Sophomore Beth Auty ran splits four the third-fastest time In South history (18-54) and IS the in loss to Blue Devils fourth gIrl to break 19 minutes contests "The 20-rnlOute barner 10 By Chuck Klonke belund South's Beth Auty and cross coun try IS a magIcal The Grosse Pomte Soccer Sports Editor Heidi Crowley mark," Zaranek saId "To break ASSOCiatIon Salvo '89 travel Even though Grosse Pomte "Enn's goal IS to get mto the 19 minutes IS rare and excep- team split a pair of recent North's girls cross country 19s and she ran a 20-25," tional Beth ran the finest race games, mppmg the team dropped a 20-36 deCISion Cooper sald of her young career" BlnnlOgham Backfire 1-0 and to Grosse Pomte South last Betsy Huebner was the sec- And there was more IOSlOg3-2 to a strong VARDAR week, North coach Scott ond North runner to cross the Sophomore Heidi Crowley squad Cooper had nothmg but praIse line, followed by Beth Gmger, (1937) and Jumor Knstm for Ius runners Julie MIelke and Andrea RItter (1955) each broke 20 Enc Szandzlk scored the "That was probably the best Veryser. minutes for the first time thiS only goal of the Blrmmgham race we've ever run," Cooper "Beth IS a semor who'd never season and Jumor Katy Kraft, contest midway through the SaId MOur placement was the been under 22 and she ran a Just missed WIth a 2001 first half The assist went to way we wanted and It was good 21'17," Cooper said The performance eXCited Tim Deters to get our top SIXgIrls m the Sernor Andrea Szabo broke Zaranek 21s (mmutes) Five of the top Into the Norsemen's top 12 for "If you add up the times of The Backfire played a strong SIX had their best times and the first hme WIth a strollg per- our top five and compare It to second half, but good defense the SIXth was only three sec- fonnance any of our teams since we from Grosse Pomte's Colin onds off her best." Later m the week, North began (cross country) 10 1979, Maloney and Robbie Fisher Cooper offered a challenge to hosted ItS annual Semor It ranks No 1," he said "And and excellent goaltendmg by hiS leadmg runner, Enn InVItatIOnal and Lenahan ran the season Isn't over yet Our Michael Wolcott preserved the Grosse Pointe North diving coach Tom Mulhern is Lenahan another good race, taktng first entire team ISshowmg tremen- lead "I've been asklOg her to run shown with the three divers who finished 1-2-3 in the place overall. dous Improvement" Norsemen's 94-92 victory over defending state Class A WIth faster kids," the coach The gtrls ran In teams of two, South has season-best times DaVid Szandzlk played a swimming Birmingham Seaholm. From left. are XeUy saId "And she ran WIth some of and Port Huron had the first- from 48 runners Among the strong all-around game at mid- Jesnlg, Katie Lufty and Diana Anderson. the top South gIrls Enn's first place team best were freshmen Elizabeth field for the Salvo mile was faster than she does North's team of Mielke and Osburn and Kate Fmkelstaedt, on the open track. I thmk she Ginger took second place, while who ran 2102 and 2206, VARDARbroke a 2-2 be on a Sports found out she can run WIth the team of Lenahan and respectively penalty kIck WIth about two good runners" Jenmfer Spmdler was fifth Sophomores Knstm NIckel, minutes left In the game and Deadline? ~ Lenahan was thIrd overall Enca Hill, Lauren 10 a.m. . A GOOD DEAL Mardlroslan, Katy Day and See SALVO, page 4C ---,. FROM MeredIth Zielke all had excel- Monda ,. lent races . A GOOD JOE .Norsemen shape up Jumors Mane Maurer (2206), KIm Smale (23 27) and cityoror a pa,'pon a' proof of 10:00 AM TO 1:00 PM tnbuted to losses to Notre Damman and Alex Chapman meets cltl7en,hlp at the timeof filing Wllhlbe Cily Clerk '>uchnommating North lost 22-33 to Romeo, Dame, Cranbrook, Lutheran completed the Norsemen's petlllOn,_properly cxeculed along Withproof of clI17en'hlp mU,1be then beat Utica m a tie-break- Northwest and Southfield sconng er after tymg 28.28 Chnstlan Annand Bove shot a 39 for filcd wllh the Cily Clerk nOllater Ihan lwelvc 0 clock (12 no) noon The Utica meet was deCIded Top scorers for ULS have the JUnIor varsIty, while KeVIn SATURDAY.OCTOBER11 1997 when DeWitt - North's Sixth been John StaOlszewskl, Andy Gee and Jeff Hiller also had T.W. KRESSBACH, Adamo and Chnstlan Auty runner - fimshed ahead ofthe , good scores G PN CfN25197 10102197 & 10109197 City Clerk

=;;.~ ••• I•••••• ILI_I.!'-"-----;r---.-r~--;----.-

COlIIlOtlAn80~ S Homhon 0RIKDa " e> Saginaw MI 48602 1\171792 093~ SEQUENCE [8001968 3~56 10.[5171792 2423 emOlI rlmQ I Ocr s com ...... L 0MCI0 926 Robbin. SUlle 252 Grand HO\l"8n MI 490417 [6161846 8n6 10.[6161 8~1<>7~7 ...ftWOIIIII A...... >A...-...... _ OCtober 2, 1997 _4C __ S{!Orts Grosse Pointe New. Knights blank three more foes By Chuck Kionke half and broke a scoreless "LoslOg one of their two best Sports Editor deadlock. K1sh notched hIs sec- players set them back," DaVId Backhurst can do ond goal of the game in the Backhurst S8ld of Northwest, somethmg very few high school first Dllnute of the second half whIch was outshot 17-9. soccer coaches can do. on an asBl8t from NIck Clark. Thomas POZlOS returned to "I can remember each of the "We had four players out the hneup after miSSIng two goals that were scored agamst with inJuries or illness so Nick weeks with a sprained ankle us and the Dllstake that led to started hiS first game," and Immediately made his them; said the Umverslty Backhurst 881d. "He got a Criti- presence Celt With a goal and Liggett School coach. cal assISt that gave us a little an assist in ULS' 2-0 non- Backhurst has a good memo- breathmg room." league victory over Southfield ry, but It doesn't have to be The Knights held a 20-7 shot Chnstlan. . exceptional to recall the goals advantage and goahe Dan "Playing back-to-hack days the Krughts have allowed tillS Fernn recorded the shutout was a challenge for us," year There have been so few of ULS struggled a bit early Backhurst 881d them agmnst an mspired Lutheran A Dl8Jor factor in the victory "We've allowed three goals 10 Northwest squad, but eventu- over the Eagles was the defen- 11 games, ~ Backhurst sald ally the Kmghts pulled away. sIVe play of Matt Nowak. "We have a good shot at the .One of their best players "Matt marked their top record of 13 we set last year suffered a major inJury when offenSlve player, Lael Bryant, "But on the flIp side, we've he collided with Fernn early in and shut tum off completely: only scored an average of 1.8 the game and there was about 8ackhurst S8ld. "Matt played goals per game. That's pretty a 2o-mmute wait whtle EMS an outstanding game." low." came," Backhurst said "They Mark Gotfredson opened the ULS chalked up three more carried the play for the next 10 sconng with a diVlDg header off Vlctones last week to improve DUnutes until K1sh scored a a crossing pass from POzi08 to 9-1-1 overall and 4-0 10 the goal." about 10 minutes Into the AAAChamps Metro Conference. Kish took a crossing pass game. The Angels won the Clau AAA playoff champioll8bip in the Oroue Pointe One of the moves Backhurst from Mark Gotfredson to open Pozios added the insurance Woods-Shores Little League. In the front row, from left, are Matt Cuamagno, made to beef up the offense the scoring. About two minutes goal with nine Dllnutes left Chris Vishey, Ryan Vishey, CaltOn Kefgen, Shawn Hunter, Jeff lIlller, Jake was to switch Jonathan Kish later, Steve Gotfredson rifled a after taking a short crossing Krystoforsld and Joe Fazi. In the middle row, from left, are Matt Lane, Trevor from sweeper to forward and shot from 20 yards past the pass from Mike DiLoreto. DePalma, Jim Howard and Dan Rozycki. In back, from left, are Bryan Lane, Tom Kuh scored two goals each in Crusaders' goalie. It came on a ULS had three more games Miller, coach Joe Howard and Dana Hunter. victones over Metro foes free luck and wa:; asSISted by thIs week. The Knights played Lutheran East (2-0) and Brad Cenko at perenmal league contender Lutheran Northwest (4-0). A strong throw-1o by Kees Lutheran North Tuesday. They "East gave us a better battle Janeway set up Mark return home to face a strong than ever before," Backhurst Gotfredson for a goal 15 rom- Lutheran Westland squad said "They're a heavily semor utes into the second half. Kish Thursday and complete the Norsemen cruise past MAC foes team~ completed the scoring on a goal week With a game at K1sh took a pass from Rami that was assisted by Scott Clarenceville Friday It was typical Grosse POInte Simmon had eight pomts lenged Zayat Dlldway through the first Vallee North defense last week as the Sarah Smith and Mana Norsemen beat two Macomb Colletti added seven pomts "The team played excellent Area Conference Red DIVISion apiece for the Norsemen defense and was very unselfish foes In girls basketball. on offense; s81d coach Gary North led 28-2 at halfbme South on a roll after slow start North Improved to 3-1 in the Bennett and coasted to a 51-19 VIctory diviSIOn and 3-3 overall with a over Fraser. 50-20 thumpmg of L'Anse Sunmon led the way with 19 Grosse Po1Ote South's soccer DeVIls the victory Laptsh also Berscbback and Jordan Ellis Claire KotWick collected Creuse North. pomts and 10 rebounds, while team has been on a roll since made a key defenSive play, by put heavy pressure on the eight POInts, five steals and The Norsemen Jumped out to Snuth had 10 points KotwIck startIng the season With an 0- deflecting an open-goal shot by Utica and PHN defenses. two aSSISts, while Lmdsay a 16-0 lead and was never chal- had five assists and five steals 5-1 record the Huskies. South coach Mark HlIDll1ton The Blue DeVIls have won In both contests, South full- said that it took a while for the SIX games 10 a row, includmg backs Schoenherr, Laplsh, team to adJust to eight new ULS, Country Day fit to be tied two key Macomb Area Matt Barry and Dwyer starters. Conference White Division McDuffie, stalled the oppo- Haml1ton has been pleased road victones over UtIca (4-0) nents' attacks, while goalkeep- with the way the team has Nothmg was decided when real mterestmg to see who Last weekend, ULS firushed and Port Huron Northern (2-1). er Matt Ostrowslu made key adapted to his passing style, the two top-ranked girls tenms nses best to the occasIon." seventh 10 the tough The Clueftams had tied the saves when he had to. rather than the kick and run teams 10 DiviSIOn IV meet last In the most dramatic match Cranbrook InVltational. Blue DeVIls for the diviSIon Halfbacks MIke Bramlage, style that many teams use. week of the ULS-Country Day meet, Winning two po1Ots apiece championshIp last year and Ben Dickson, 'Ibm Lueders and The Blue Devils have also No 1 Umverslty Liggett the Kmghts' Sheena and SeJal for the Krughts were Stephanie was the pre-season favonte to Potenga controlled the mId. done a good job of utilizing School and No 2 DetrOit Pankh secured the tie With a 3- Roehl and Allison IbcCl at No. 1 repeat field, while forwards Krauss, their speed. Country Day played to a 4-4 6, 7-5, 6-4 VIctory at No 4 dou- doubles and Chnstma Oney at Eric Krauss got South start- tie bles The Pankh SiSters trailed fourth singles ed WIth an early goal. Then "It was a tightly-contested 5.4 10 the second set when they Juhe Megler, Wrigley, fullback Justm Schoenherr match," said Kmghts coach started their comeback. Schulte-Trux and the doubles picked up a loose ball at rmd- ULS is at its best Chuck Wnght "Most of the Kendall Wngley posted a 6- team of Berger and Sdverston field. He forced the Utica flights could have gone either I, 6-2 Win at No 2 singles and each collected one pomt defense to comnut to him and UmverBlty LIggett School's way. Matlte Schulte-Trux won 6-4, "We dId all nght,~ Wright passed to Ken Potenga, who take 1Oto the fourth quarter. basketball team played only The difference in the "Country Day was mlssmg 6-1 at third smgles ULS' other Bald "We were competItive in beat the ChieftalDs' goalkeeper third one game last week and it was quarter was ULS' to hit Its No 2 SIngles player, but we WInners were the second dou- every flight agalDst many of on a shot to the far post. ability one to remember. the medium range sbots. feel that we can reverse some bles team of Mehssa Berger the top teams In the state.~ John Berschback scored, "It was our best all-around "We made our 10 to 12-foot- of the other matches when we and Amy Silverston, who post- East Grand Rapids took first assisted by Dmitri game," said coach John Bandos ers, ~ Bandos said. play them agaIn " ed a 6-4, 6-4 VIctory. place at Cranbrook. Inempolldes, Just before half- ULS, Country Day and time. Berschback notched his after the Knights' 48-29 Metro North Muskegon are the three second of the game in the sec- Conference VICtory over Karsh Knope led ULS with favontes to Win the DIVISion IV ond half. Lutheran East. 13 points but freshman Results, highlights "We dIstributed the po1Ots. Shawna Brown scored nine title In the Port Huron Northern "We haven't seen North game, South took the lead late Everyone played well and we and Kell Bonner and Allison Muskegon, but Country Day's in the first half Krauss headed played good defense. We hIt Johnson added eight apiece. coach thmks they might be a from GPSA leagues a comer kick across the goal our free throws and we finally Victoria Hills chipped in with won a third quarter. ~ httle stronger than the two of mouth and Potenga beat the SIX. Brown also had four steals. us because they're a semor Huslaes' goalie. The latter was a fonmdable "Bonner and Johnson spht team," Wnght said "But once UNDER-8 HOUSE AssIsL Chns Hancock (Neon) PHN tied the game early in obstacle for ULS. It had strug- time at the No. 3 position, so Eagles 5, Jaguars 0 you get to the state meet, any- the second half off' a comer gled in the tlurd quarter m that's 16 points out of that one Gi>als Tony Casano 3. KeVln Zak. EagI"" I, Orioles 0 most of its games but the thlOg can happen It should be Max Stemer (Eagle.) lack. spot, ~ Bandos said. Goal Brendan LePore (Eagles) Knights outscored the Eagles Ass,S'" Casano. Zak. Ian Osborn Commen... Jennifer Mabk of t.he With time running out, The victory gave the Knights !Eagles) Eagles had an outstanchng game on South's Matt Laplsh headed in 14-8 to turn a 22-11 halftime a 4-1 Metro Conference record Comments Brad Menchl, Nick defense. whIle teammate N.cholu a comer lack to give the Blue advantage into a 36-19 lead to and a 4-3 overall mark. Salvo DIehl and Stephen DeLorenzo played Schre>ber made several fine passes strong games for Ihe Eagles Max Schultz. M.Kenzle Sterr and From page 3C N.cholaa StelT all played well for the Eagles 3, Panthen 0 Onoles r------.., Goal. Thny Casano 2, MllJIStemer (Eagles) then held off some heavy pres- Chargers 2, Lio .... 0 NOTICE OF LAST FOR sure by the Salvo AsSIS'" Casano, Brad Menchl, Goals Patnck Gusbne 2 (C!IarRers) KeVlnZak (Eagles) AssIst. Alex JOIlCll (Chargers) RECEIVING VOTERS REGISTRATIONS Comment, Justm Schoenherr and Comments Gusbne opened the FOR THE GENERAL ELECnON Max Kennedy played excellent defeDBe sconng on a smart play oft'a goalltJc:k, Jake Mandel scored 10 the TOeEHELD for the Eagles Damel FIsher had a then got t.he second on a mal cro8llIng first half for Grosse PolOte and strong game for the Panthers pass from Jones Jay WilballUlturned TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ... fee? Spencer MacGflff tied the In a solid fourtb-quarter perfOl'lll8Del! game WIth about five mInutes Jagu ..... 4, Lio .... 0 m goal to seal the VIctory Patnck Goals Andy Vander Schaaf 2. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thaI all qualified electors of the Clly of Grosse Pomte Park, Clly of Grosse left Greg Carmody assisted on Houm showed excellent ball eootrol for Olyv,a Brown, Adam Evanskl the LIons.whIle Ell Thomas had a good Pomle and City of Grosse POinte Fanns, City of Grosse POlnle Woods, Grosse Pointe Township and Lake the first goal (Jagua .. ) all-around game Jerry Graney nearly Township, who are not duly reglslered and who desIre to vote In the General Election on T1Iesday, AssI.... Evan.k., Charlie Cullen 2, got the tyIDggoal for the LIons before November 4,199'1 mast repter with the efty Clerk on or before MONDAY, OCTOBER 6,1991 Ben Boyce(Jaguars) Gustlne notched ilia sec:ond WHICH IS THE LAST DAY UPON WHICH REGISTRATION OR TRANSFER OF The Salvo controlled the Commen'" Shannon Alberts and REGISTRATIONS MAY BE MADE. game In the second half With Jams Wise turned In fine oft'en",ve UNDER.12 BOUSE strong offenSive pressure from eft'ort.. for the LIOns Holly Spencer, AneDaI I, S&. Clair SbOlW For the above purposes City Offices WIllbe open dunng office hours as follows. Brendan SymlOgton, Ryan Cohn Molt and Brad Scherer had out- Goals JImmy Ihstefano (Anenal) sUmd,ng defenSIVe game. for the Commenla MIke Fayad. Daniel CITY OF GROSSE FARMS Deane and Matt Naber Jsgusrs Lalonde and Jonathan RedZlnlak POINTE . Mon-1'ues-Thurs-Fn 830 a m. 10430 pm, Wed 8.30 am helped set up the Anenal goal John 90 Kerby Road to6'OOpm andonOcl6,83Oam t0430pm Bean 5, Pandlers 0 J.... ph dId a good JOb at .weeper and 885-6600 Earher, the Salvo lost to Gi>als Matthe.. Peyser 3. Chnstme Ian Decker W8Jl OQtstandmgat atopper Warren Carpathia 4.1 and beat Bedway.Austen Broolul(Bea... ) forArsenal Other strong perfonnallCe8 CITY OF GROSSE POINTE Mon-1'ues-Thurs-Fn 8 30 a.m to 4 30 pm., Wed 8:30 am 10 Blrmmgham Dotted FC 5-] AssIst MatthewTanmger(Beara) came from Robert Uppleger. Joeeph 17147 Maumee 6.00 p.m and on Oct 6, 8.30 a.m to 4.30 p.m Tnngale and Smyly Barclay 885-5800

Carmody scored the only Bean 7,H.wb 0 UNDER.14 HOUSE CITY OF GROSSE WOODS Goal. Austen Brooks 7 (Beara) Mon thru Fn 8 30 a.m to 5'00 pm, and on Oct 6, 8 30 a.m Grosse Pomte goal agamst Comments The Hawke had llOOd GPSA Red I, 8CS Paathen J 20025 Mack PIau 10500pm CarpathIa. assIsted by drfen8lve plsy from MIchael Berg and Goala J,m Brescol1 (Red). John 143-2445 Symmgton Naber. Enc Jeffrey BI. zoIT Kruczynskl (Panthers) Szandllk and Deane played ASSISts MIke BourgeoIS, Tim CITY OF GROSSE PARK. Mon thru Fn 8 00 a.m to 4.30 p.m , and on Oct 6, 8'00 a m well for the Salvo RobInson (Red} 15115 E Jefferwn 10430pm Bean 0, Jagu ..... 0 Comments GPSARed had an exeel- 822-6200 ('ommen'" The Bearo ouotamed lent team effort Charlie CampanellI, Syrnmgton and Matt F8Iver the'r offense WIth fine paSSIng and Robert DehgJanls. Nathan Dupea, LOUISE WARNKE dtlbhhnl! by Charhe Crockatt. D.VJd Hull and John Kenney eurted SHANE L. REESIDE each scored tWIce agamst CIty Clerk Matthew Tanmger Aleunder offenSIvepre .. ure Jeremy ea.. Jared CIty Clerk Blrmmgham, whIle Deters Thmov.k, and others The Jaguara had Glenn, John Salvador and Julltln City of Grosse Pomle Woods City of Grosse POinte Fanns notched the other goal fine play from goalkeepera Cohn M""- Sudomler were otrong al mIdfield Adam Evanakl. Holly Spencer and DefenSIve standouts .. ere .left' THOMAS KRESSBACH JANEBLAHVT Cbarl.. Cullen Hohlfeldt. KeVIn Morath. Tim ftoq City Manager-City aetk City Clerk Brad Jensen and Mandel and Joe Stelmark Panthers goahe City of Grosse POInte City of Grosse POinte Park played well m settmg up the Mark McCallum had several e"cellent UNDER-8 HOUSE oaveo Joe Sepoo and .lefT Lenda played offense and Wolcott had a & well at fullback. while JUR1n B'I'U G PN 09f25f97 1002J97 strong dl fenslve Kame' Goal Ke~~s~?Neon) gave a atrong effort at mtdrteld ,

-_ ...... -.....,.. . ._------[ -, ,~...... I t ' A 1 o @ • & ~ Thursday. October 2, 1997 Grosse POinte News I The Connection 313-88r-6~OO CLH551FIE 1t1VERTI51NG D£ADUNES ---- n fOX: J13~J43-5569 REAl ESWE fOIl SAlE & ANNOUNCEMENTS 301 de"'ol 604 Anllque/Clos~c 909 BKycIe RepOl" 952 lockllMh U 962 Slofm, And Screens RENTAlS & ll£Al ESWE 100 Persooojs 302 Convole.cenl Co,o 1:1:15 f"" .. gn Malnlenonco 953 MusIC InslTu_t ROpOl' 973 TiJeWor!. 964 Sew", C!eonlOg Serv co 974 VCR Rope" RESOURa 101 P'O)'ets 303 DayCore 606 Joecs/4wheel 910 BoalR.p""s/ 954 Pomhng/deco,ohng 965 (You- Home Sedlool 102 lost & FOIHld 304 General 1/J7 .kJnh... MamJononce 956 P",t C001r'" Sew'ng Moehlne Repo" 975 Vo< uum Sales/ Serv ce 966 Scow R"""""",I MONDAY 12 NOON \03 A!tomey'/tegols 305 House CleanIng 608 Pens Ti,,,, Akmm 911 8nd/Block Woo 951 Pl.Jmblng & InstoJlohon 976 V"'~"'han ServJce 968 Stucco 1c.llorl:ic/idoydooedal.\ 104 Insuronco 306 HouseSrlt1ng 6t:I9 Renlols/Ieollng 912 Bolldlng/RemooIeIlng 958 PooIServ,co 977 WoIIWos!llng 0 969 S....Imffi ng Pool ServKe 980 Wmdows C1ASSIflEDS ------307 NwsesAIOeS 610 SportsCOll 913 Bo"nellMoeh,neRepo" 959 PowerWosh'ng 970 TUESOAYl2 NOON 308 ()/f,ce CIeonJn9 611 Trucks 914 Corpenlry 960 RoollOa SeMa. TV /Rad,o/CB Rad,o 981 Window Wo,h,ng SP£<:1Al SERVICES 971 lpl"'f'\h-"1" ... ''''.,.,I,... .."., Ic.llodioll ------613 Wonted To Buy 916 Carpel Inlloliohon Prepayment .. requved Wo 107 CoIenng MERCHANDtSE 614 Auto Inw,once 917 PIo Porn And ServJce 923 ConStrudlon't;a , "":1::.~5 17 '0 per 114 MusocEducohon 406 Esfole Sales 654 Boot Storage/ clockong 925 Dedc.s/Pahos I CLH5SIFIEO HOVEHTrSING Ilo prepayment 119 TranlpO<1atlon/T,a.eI 410 Household Soles 659 Snowmobles 932 EngrC\'1ng/P"nh"9 NAME CLASSIFICATION # _ or aecfrt approvol 120 Tutorng Educohon 411 JIIwe/ry 6I/J Trollers 933 bcCCl\'Ollng Cal lor ,- or lor """" 121 Draperl'" 412 MI5'elloneou. Mcles 661 W_ Sports 0 934 Fences ADDRESS ------CITY --.2IP _ mlonncmon Phone Jines ClIn I 22 Dro"molung/ Ahercrhorll 413 MuIiCailnslruments ------935 F"eplac", be~onMonday& 123 Decorof1ngSeMce 414 OIf.ce!bull""" Equopmenl RfAlESTATHORRENT' 936 fIoOrSand'ng/lleI.n,sf,.ng PHONE 'WORDS __ TOTAl COST PER WEEL-- ~ Mam"'lP 124 Slipcovers 415 Wonlec! To Buy 'Seeov< Mogo%",. Secbon 937 Furncxe Repo" / pIecue Call1llrly~ 125 FmallClal 416 Sports Equopmenl 'f0<.riic0ne" lor 01 CIoss,fied InllolJahon ServJcesp o 1 W1< __ IJ 2 Wks __ J 3 Wks __ .l4 W1cs__ .l--W1cs __ ClASSIfYING ~ aNsoRsIIP- 417 Tools II Reel E.toto F", Re<11 od. 938 FUf.. lIJre Relml""ng/ We reserve nght Ie da,.fy HEIJl WANTED REAl ..., FOR S., • U~ng AMOUNT ENCLOSED :J:IE .l •• _ eocf, under Its ANIMA1S200 Wonted 939 Glc", AutomaIrie ad :3i I"Of>'KI'e Help Genera "". """ SIGNATURE ,EXP DATE _ heepub!" 201 HelpWontecl Baby.1Ie< 500 An,molsAdop!APet 'SeeOUld Comeloty!.oll "" 942 Garages R...... b,hrylor dcrss,hecl 204 Help Wonled Dome>llc 505 le ,tler 1/J3 Gene

100 PERSONALS 101 PRAYERS 114 MUSIC EDUCATION 120 TUTORING EDUCATION 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL BEANIE BABIES Grosse Pointe. News NOVENA to St Jude GUITAR lessons college GROSSE POINTE APPLICATIONS accepted Collectlon.Connect,on May the Sacred Heart of student, your home or LEARNING CENTER Buy - trade tor fu IV part time cash ~?~FpS?N Jesus be adored, glon- mine Sean 313881- • Tutonng All Subjects lers, stock clerf<..tklng t.'I;:perll, ...nuu Annlversanes Black! • ee Airport Shuttle white & color Reasona- Named Best of DetroIt" SLIP covers & upholstery, pcopk ro fill the follO\\- LOg: po.<;;II!On...... Personal Shopping ble Bemard (313)885- by Detroit Monthly Chll- cloth and p1ashc Chief Engineer tile Errands & Appointments 8928 dren & adults 810-286- Ass .. tant food and _r.age "'anal!" 2728 COMPARE OUR PRICES PIT sako Coordinator Door i., Opcn REO Wing hckets- 313. Call Us Today Engineer • Cook 88Hl764 111 HEALTH & NUTRITION And Relax Tomorrow!! ~ apply in penon or by fax at the fora 313-881-4443 LOANS: bUSiness per. River Place Hotel ...sonal, consoJldahOn and Season 101 PRAYERS CERTIFIED personal train !OOO R" e, Place Dr er Weight management, Door-to-Door SeMCel credit reparr Toll Free Dt.rroH \t! 48207 of NOVENA to St Jude fitness evaluations, ex- call 1-800-457-1788 ext 'IH-2.,9 ~744 May the Sacred Heart of erclse programs Linda ~~ 402 Tifton Consulting E o.E Jesus be adored, glon- Stone 313-882-9812 (SCA Network) SUCCESS fted, loved and pre- -- _ served throughout the MASSAGE therapy by +~ TIRED of CreditOrs? Free debt consohdahOn Ap- world, now and forever Betsy Bred

-,------( -...,..-, ...... :--_.. "'-~e:-- ... c.. POlIAn ....-.. 80~ S Hamllt"" SagInaw MI 48602 " e> 1517179i 09H SEQUENCE IBOOl9683456 .. fox 15171792 i423 emo ~ rlmg 1 Oem com INIOtIAL 0fIIICIa 9'}6 ~obi>ms SUllo 252 Grand Hoven Ml ..9417 1616) B~6 Sn6 fnx 161618~7<17~7 ......

200 HILP WANHD GENIUL ~======~ ...... ------...--- ...... ==~======" HP WANTED CLERiCAl " UIVSITIER DENTAL/MEDI

...... ,.. , ,,~ ... t o Thursday, October 2,1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 302 SITU A TlONS WANTED 30) SITUATION) WANTED 400 MERCHANDISE 400 MUCHANDISE CONVAlESCENT CARE HOUSE CI£ANING 401 A~~lIANm ANTIOUES ANTIOUES 404 IICYClES 406 mATE SALES 407 FIREWOOD COMPETENT TEAM work houseclean ANTIQUES Including Jun- IN.HOME G E range with miCro 20" bikes $15 & up 10 ESTATE Sale Everyth,ng FIREWOOD, Free slack- Ing Over 20 years expe- Ior secretary, Bamsfer 4 CARE SERVICE wave $175 G E dish speeds $20 & up 810 goesl Plano sola end Ing. free delivery Free lIence References stack bookcase, Edison TLC Eldel1y washer $50 Good can 777-8655 tables Duncan Phyle box of starter wood available Susan 810 phonograph. Lane hope Lwytf'lJavU ~oul1y. overnight rates dltlon call 3 f 3 884 3432 drop leaf table (seats Mixed hardwoods $60 7 773-6696 chest tea waqon Expenencedlnthe 406 ESTAT( SALES 12) new glass top table days a week eventng THE HOUSE-KE.TEERS lamps, children s Wicker Grosse POinte area G E. range 30" self (42X72) with 4 uphol calls welcome 313882 CLEANING SERVICE pieces and much more !4.nt~ues 885 Westchester Frtday LJcensed & Bonded cleanmg oven anached stered chairs tnple 1069 Saturday 1 00- 5 30, Sally (810)772-0035 microwave exhaust Saturday 10- 5 No pre- dresser twin bed com Sunday 10 00- 5 30 KlRCHEVAL Established Since 1984 ProfesSional, Bonded and 15302 excellent condition sales Cherry elagere 2 plete, breakfast set FIREWOOD- Quality. well 23215 Nine Mack Dr, Insured teams ready to Grosse POinte Pori: $200 (313)864 3593 sofas chest and dress (seats 8) linens lamps seasonced hardwoods HOME health care aide. St Clair Shores (be- clean your home or el. 011 pain lings oriental crystal dishes clothes Beech oak maple loo~ eg for full I,ma ""v " f,~re!J''''' C'o: ...... Gcd/ DVIC MnhnglJn}' E~pll"e (ly:)u It:~b REFRIGERATOR, Jenn- rug. lr"aamlll WOIl( out miscellaneous Free ~".) W uililvery and Excellent refllrences. mus secrelary bookcase, Extenor WindOWS Air Side by Side, 21 5 cu bench ant,q ues Cuck hide a bed October 3 stacking available Tru reasonable 810-754- Servmg the Grosse POinte ATTIC CRAFT oak slack bookcase, b,c feel $650 Oven 00 clocks and picture 4 9 4 22936 Edge deau Landscapmg. 8fO 1018 area for 14 years frames TV s kitchen 2962215 & ANTIQUE MALL walnut and burl veneer range. Amana gas. wood SI Clair Shores (2 MajOr Credit Cards and glassware clothing LET me help you get to 24518 Harper $200 (313)8245935 blocks west of Marter) cyltnder secrelary, hOliday wares more doctor appolnfments Accepted St Clair Shores assist you with meals. 313-582-4445 large mahogany WASHER, dryer Window more morel Cash Only WE BUY BOOKS 4 blocks south of 10 mile .AND LIBRARIES and IIghf hou se keeping E-mail (810)n6-4790 breakfront bookcose, air conditioner Best of- '65 Face Cord Call 313-823-4510 be- mlghtygreek@ New Dealers Welcome ler 3138814127 BEIGE tweed COUCh.ster .JOHN KING mahogany breakfront 3"13-96" -0622 tween 9am- 5pm amen tech nef eo record cabinet. 5/8th Dellveled FURNITURE reflnJshed. boakcase, mahogany brown CanadJan mink. Michigan s Largest Bookstore WOMAN seeking house- 402 ARTS .. CRAfTS Soce 196'5 810.264-9725 NURSES aides, excellent repaired, stnpped, any Edwordlan dreSSing Blssle floor cleaner. pink • CI,p and Save Ih s ad. Grosse POlnfe releren- keeping or light outdoor type of caDlng Free es- cest, mahogany games area rugs miscellane- =~= ces Pat 810-777-2598. work Grosse POinte ref- timates 313-3456258. 405 FU~NITU~E COUNTRY IN THE INN ous (810)268-1392 Clndy,810-771 1588 erences 313-521-1210, 810661-5520 table, Venetian mirror, Dora FOLK. BASSETI sectlonaV 0110- MARINE CITY mahogany buffets, DECORATIVE ART REMAINS of estate sale 'BOOKS 307 SITUATIONS WANT!II man. 7 pieces, off- POINTE CARE SERVICES ANTIQUE WAREHOUSE chtna cabtnels, c 1890 & ANTIQUE SHOW COUCh,chair, glassware, Bough. & Sold Full, Plr1 TIme Or Uve-fn NUR)() AIDES white Good condltJon I Per.onll C.re. 105 N Fairbanks (M-29j oak mantle. c 1890 Fn • Oct 24,4 9 PM kitchen Items books. KSTORE miscellaneous Satur- LIBRARY BOO (313)882-6220 Companionship NURSE'S ASSistant avail- In Belle River Plaza Sat Oct 25 9 AM-4 PM In."ree! • Bonded bross bed, mirrors, day, October 4th 10- 4 Z48-S


...... A.... ~ 80~ S Hom,~Ofl ~oglnow MI ~B607 ISI71 797 093~ SEQUENCE 180019683456 ~. 10.15171792 2413 emCYlI dmg IOcm com RMtOIIAL ..... 976 Robbm, Surt.752 Grand Haven M149 .. 17 1616)8468126 ,.~~~,.-10./6161 847.s/~7 Thursday, October 2,1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

409 GARAGE/YARD/ 409 GARAGE/YA~D/ 409 GARAGE IYARD/ 401 FURNITU~E 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 412 MISmLANEOUS 601 AUTOMOTIVE USEMENf SAI£ US£M£NT SAU US£MENT SALE 415 WANTED TO IUY IAS£MENT SAlE ARTICLES CHRYSlII CHERRYWOOD entertain 1068 Bedford Grosse ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD MOVING sale' Saturday, YARD Sale' 167t New- OLD sol,d oak desk excel- PAVING CASH 1987 Chrysler 5th Avenue, ment oenter $350 Inlay POlnle Park between SALE 9 4 Furniture, exerc,se castle Great baby lent condiMn $135 An- For Jewelry, Watches, 81,000, no rust, leather dining table $35 Oak Jefferson and St Paul 273 Chalfonte corner of equipment plus many Items, exercIse eqUJp- tlque trunk, $35 2 lcart Doamonds Antique Jewelry Intenor power every- with glass top coffee ta Fnday Saturday Sun- Touraine Grosse POinte mlsc Items 19770 ment, men's clothing, art deco pnnts $100 Anything Made of Gold th~ng clean, $2,000 ble $20 negot,able day 9 to 4 Many pnze Farms Saturday Oclober WoodSide Harper children s clothing & each Men s su,ts or Silver Call after 6pm, (810)778 0964 Ilems 2 dining tables 4 1000 to 3 00 no pre- Woods games, home appltan (46XT), etc 313881 Will travel for transactions ------with chairs Fenestra sales Mahogany Duncan ces & much more Sal- 8929 (313)881 7386 CHIPPENDALE mahoga Windows and screens Phyle dining table wi pads MOVING sale, 1443 Bea d Oc Db 9 In excess of $1000 1994 Dodge Shadow 2 ny table 8 chairs, Ad I h Id d & I h consfleld Saturday & ur ay, t er 4 4 P. Buckley Moss framed $3 800 SOlid Teak hand u I c I an maternl extra eaves ma ogany door auto air slereo, The Gold Shoppe ty clothes Xmas Ilems buffel 8 lyre back dlnong Sunday October 4th 5th YARD sale Leather bags, pnnts "Skating Party" low mileage $5 875 22121 Grat,ot carved armone $3500 and much much morel chairs Sectional sofa, cof- jewelry deSigner 1985, "WInter s Barn" See at 16820 Kercheval Mahogany Chippendale ----- 1 d d bl M I MOVING Sale, Fnday clothes children's toys 1988 $600 810781- EastpOinte MI 48021 settee and comer 1170 Harvard Grosse ee an en la es ap e Salurday 10 ooam beds de t bles 50 S retro ' • books, porcelain flgur. 3327 (810)n4-0966 1993 Dodge Intrepid ES, chairs Queen carved 4 Pomle Park Saturday c~ o~c d ~i)::() .. ' 4 cha,rs 6 oopm Baby Items '1es kJtc'len Items, fur _ Qreal shaoe 77K posler 000, $l,t>OO 810- 9 5 Multi lamlly attIc Teacart "Dresden Plate' coliectll>Jes, clothing, nlture Great deals I Frl- QUEEN sofa bed beige WANTED 010 poM<.aro~ $7 9001 best 313 882- cOins Call John at 313 436-6443 treasures, towels bed pattem qUilts OccaSional etc 9293 Carnley (off day, Saturday, Oclober herringbone, $150 Will 5554 after 5 00 8813051 CONSIGNMENT ding furniture toys chairs mirrors beds Chi- Morang, between Harp 3 d 4th 10 3 deliver 4 solid maple er & Cadieux) r , am pm kitchen chairS, $75 Dog 1990 Dodge Caravan ap- FURNISHINGS drapes plants, clothes na mcludes Rosenthal 627 Washington craie, 24X36 $45 3t3- WANTED- pressed steel proXimately 90 000 at SECOND SEASON spools 01 Ihread much "Pastorale' Lenox "eter. <£> toy trucks, busses miles loaded, new tires more MOVING TO CONDO 882-0351 3860 W 12 Mile Rd nal" HaViland & Limoges, planes Gas powered & brakes Excellent con Berkley 1212 Three Mile Drive Johnson EnglIsh china 1022 HARVARD ROAD SHELVING, toasters m,x- race cars, factory deSign dillon black $5,500, Fine Quahty Grosse POinte Park Oc- "Rose ChlnlZ plus casual Fnday and Saturday Something for everyone ers slicers, chairS ta cars, quarter scale cars (313)885-9306 EclectiC mix tober 3, 4, 5 9am 4pm Silver hollow ware, Crystal, 900 to 4 00 Beautiful oak comer bles cabinetry, file cabl' peddle cars box toys etc (pre 1960's) Buy 1 1985 Dodge StatlOOwag- Reasana bly pnced 1265 Devonshire Satur IncIudIrlg 20 S IIn descent Erlormous.G t Colossal-S I cabinets, 1930's crystal nets, glassware, china piece or whole collec- on, 8t 00294-661t Cail (248)4t4 9026 day Oclober 4th stemware LInens AnIl' R 19an ICS a e chandelier, 1950'0_ reslaurant smallwares l tion Top $$ paid Leave after6pm DINING room table w,th 8 ooam 2 OOpm De ques InCIude cu rIy map Ie am or hlne range dryers, like new Lots more 313-886- message Dave 810 dded h I ht s'gner clothes Appllan- dresser wI m~rror and curly MOVING! 4443 Radnor, chalnsaw, vanety of 8720 1985 Dodge Caravelle se- 777 9162 pa c airS, Ig maple commode ca 1830 Detrol!, off Mack, next to doors, blinds, Mtkasa STEEL BUildings new, en dan, auto, air Runs wood Pnoe negotiable ces, much more' Windsor chaIrs, cane- I f Country Inn Furniture, P aoe settings or 12, glneeredl 40x 60x 12 WOOD burning stove for greal $1,650 810-775- 313-884-6950 2 family sale October 2nd, seated chairs, Vlctonan mlsc Sunday, 10 to 4 housewares Toys, Little was $15500 balance small bUilding Call 5393 ENGLISH carved estate 3rd 41h 22237 Barton rosewood chall Cut glass, ------Tlkes, Including Climb 'n $8,940 50x loox 16 (313)371 3069 1995 Eagle Talon ES, Ex. dining room set ca 1920 (12 Mile & Harper area) pressed glass Framed MOVINGI Fnday, Satur- Slide Tree house, table was $26200 balance cellent co nd Ilion Black Table With leaves, 6 hl- 900 to 400 Children s map at Pans Plus lots of day, 9 to 4 36701 Theo. and chaIrs, kitchen, $17,931 60x 200x 16 416 S'O~TS EQUIPMENT AMI FM cassette Power back challs, Sideboard plus size clothing and small Items and dore, near 16 and Harp- bIkes, nice kid's clothes, was $62500 balance Windows! locks AI r STRENGTH! AerobiC Nor- cabinet oak solids and much more kitchen stuff er Furniture rug, golf InclUding Winter wear & $39,972 1 800 406- $10,500 (810)7831095 diC Track, works out veneers Need some 20624 S Maple 1/2 block FINAL sal~ C',eanng out clubs,h Id t stroller,L t house-f boots, neWborn to size 5126 rk (313)884 9272 ff ~ 0 I ems 050 good 6 349 Mernweather, 90% of your body Train. 1993 Eagle Summit 2 wo south of Vem,er, 0 1940's to 1950's stuff, stuN I Farms Saturday, 9.3 SUPER Nlntendo 2 con- IIIg manual, onglnally door all, 5 speed, new FORMAL dining set white Wedgwood Household, furniture, etcetera Girl'S trolle s pi 32 I $1,000, asking $375 tiles, excellent condition, I d ay bed S t MOVINGJ Garage sale r us coo ash & bJlch BuNet, chi- damP~O_4 a ur- clothes Saturday- Sun- gamesl All excellent 313882-3871 61,OOOK $5,0001 best na cabmet 6 chairs ay, day, 1000- 500, 16500 Saturday & Sunday Oc. cond,tlon, great package 500 ANIMAL (313)886-9717 ' $400 Blue Henredon 20913 Ridgemont, Harper Chandler Park Dnve tOber 4th & 5th 12- 4 $SO, free merchandise deal $300 firm ADOPT A PH _ 1995 LeBaron GTC con- couch, $175 810774- Woods B'g yard sale (corner of Outer Dnvel ~~~e ~~~~;onwoo'::~ "Chnstmas around the (313)343-9655 GROSSE POinte Ammal vertlble, fUlly eqUipped 5082 Fnday, Saturday 10 4 FRIDAY. Sunday, 900- Household furniture World" and gifts by THE Grosse POInte Public Adoption Society 8 Leather 30K $11,8001 MAHOGANY 21807 Statler Lots of ev- 500 3465 Baijour tools Lawn equtpment 'House of lloyd' Call library 's holding a sale week Bnttany Spaniels offer 313-882-3909, INTERIORS ery1hlng Thursday Fn. Bake sale All proceeds toys Hunter green Sue, 313-885'1652 of used furnllure and 9 week COllte- Shep 313-886-4232 (Fine Furniture day 10 00- 400 No for food baskets for the matching lounge chairs, 2 zlg zag sewing ma- eqUipment on October pupptes kittens, from 6 1989 Maseratl Chrysler & An1Jque Shop) Pre-sales _n_e_ed_y______TV's John Deer ndlng chines, 1 cabinet, 1 port. 9 1997 from Noon to weeks to 9 months 313- TC 1 owner garage 506 S Washmgton 22836 Gary Lane Marterl GARAGE Items only mower, snowblowe~, en- able $45/ each 400pm at 10 Kercheval 884-1551 or 3t3-821- kepi, no winter dnvlng, Royal Oak MI Jefferson area Part of 21901 Martks Court St tertalnment center Too (313)881-7883 Avenue lIems to In- 3262 $24 995 (810)759-0659 (5 blocks North of SubdIVISion sale Fabu- Clair Shores, between 8 many rtems too list Ab- 9 piece dining room set c1ude desks hie cab" GROSSE POinte A",mal 1991 Mercury Marquts, 696 Freeway at 10 Mtle lous assortment of chll- & 9 Mack & Marter Fn- solutely no lunk Ctrca 1920 $1 400 2 nets computers, pnnllng Clime male spamel, clean $2,500 313-822- Take Woodward! dren's clothes Boy, day 9. t Saturday 9. MULTI f Iy I S beige cam~lback love- press tables, display M S ) ami sa e tuff racks microfiche read- male beagle black lab, 4709 aln treet eXit newborn! 2T gJrls new 11 and morel Toys, linens, seats, $4001 each Chip- ers, ~halrs, etc Cash shepherd mlX cute cats -19-9-5-P-I-yrn-o-ut-h-N-eo-n-V-ery- breaklronV china cabmets born to 5 Dressy & cas- -G-A-R-A-G-E--I-S--- lewelry Fnday- Satur- pendale flame stitch tap- and ca (made by Kittinger Baker, ual coals & snowsUits S d sa e aturday, day, 1000 to 400 860 estry sofa, $500 Walnul rry & killens (313)822-5707 good condition Air, au- Drexel 1 made III Eng Octagon playpen, Wicker un ay, 10 10 3 Many Trombley buffet, $150 Antique TREADMill, $100 Ken- HUSKY- Beautiful blue to, power brakes land more) SIdeboards changing table plus ILe~s Baby Items, oak ,ce box, $250 Anti more gas stove $50 eyed, red coated, sweet $5,600 (313)885-1099 (plain & With Inlay) buffets mlsc baby Items' & toys clot es newborn to 3T OAK treslle table With 4 que Victrola, $350 China cups Many other female Spayed and 1m. 1994 Plymouth Sun- servers, consoles, sofa la Also mlsc household b 1893~ ~ashte~w, chairs, settee chair WIth (313)881-2520 miscellaneous munlzad No one has dance 29000 miles bles,endtables Banquet lIems & computer eqUip- etw~en elyand ea- ottoman, small appllan- AIR-DYNE I 830 (313)521.7712 time for her Dr Pillsbury Excell~nt condition & tradllional dining room ment Thursday, Fnday, _co_n_s_e_ld______ces, boys 10- 14 Sizes, ' mage 313-8860300 $6,750 313-885.8803 tables (Chippendale, Sher Saturday 9. 3 No pre- GARAGE sale' 19619 chtna chIcken collection, stepper, Health-Max unl- 4 I 3 MUSICAL aton, HepplewhJte, Dun- sales Cash only Maxtne, south 9 Mile, Itnens, much more versal gym, rock,ng INSTRUMENTS MICHIGAN Anh-Cruelty 1996 Sebnng Factory SOCiety, servmg lhe am. warranty, many extras I can Phyle, more) Ma ------west Harper October 4 23208 Glenbrook Fn- ellalr 2 SWivel rockers, Abandon Your search! hogany highboys, low. 29714 Taylor; 12/ Harper & 5 9- 4 Aaln or Shllle day- Saturday 900 am 80' couch, Charm.Glow mals since 1935 Animal Excellent condition boys chests dressers 4 October 4, 5, 8am-4pm Nopresales ' gasgnll (313)881.1556 AREAS LARGEST rescue, adopllOns cruel- 21 500 miles Must see SELECTION OF poster mahogany beds Clothes, alarms, gifts ----- OCTOBER 2, 3 4, lOam. ALUMINUM storm door, ty Investlgatloos & hu- $14,400 (810)776-5517' QUALITY USED PIANOS mane educallOn Satel. (Queen full, twin & tradl- 3 Family Garage Salel GARAGE Salel 912 Bar. 5pm 19816 Alger, 32 x 80 Black $25 Stelnway, BaldwIn, KawaJ lite adopllOn, October 4 602 AUTOMOTIVE tIOna! size beds) Chlppen 1875 Oxford Fnday, 9. nngton Fnday, October South of Harper, be- Pnme doors (4) w~en, Yamaha, and many others at Petcare Superstor, 9 fORD dale & mlSC antique sofas 2 Saturday 930- 12 3rd Saturday, October tween 8 & 9 mile $25 each Stereo eqUip- M,le & Grabot, East- Michigan Plano Company 1988 Conllnental Signa- wing chairs & occaSional Furniture ' baby & _4_t_h_9_4______RUMMAGE SALE! ment, CD casselle & re- pomte, between noon & (248)548-2200 ture, 82,000 miles, chairs Handmade Onental household Items No GARAGE salel October ce,ver, $501 each Men's 4 313-891-7188 ru9s (room size runners presales Cash only I 3rd and 4th, 10 to 5 Grosse POinte Woods hockey skates, Mega Please call aheadl brown! brown lealher, 503 HOUSEHOLD PHS sharp all records scatter rugs more) 12607 E Outer Dnve, Presbytenan Church #1070, $95 313-640- ABBEY PIANO CO, Grandfather clocks (Eng 4316 Audubon multi faml' near Warren 1954 FO~ SALE $4000 (313)882-2573 IIsh, Scottish Amencan) Iy 9arage sale A little bit -______Mack at Torrey Road ROYAL OAK 248 541-6116 GIANT Schnauzer, young 1989 Festlva Excellent FlOOrlamps leaded table of everything at bargaIn GARAGE sale, 18' sall- Fnday, Oct 3,9a 6p ANDERSEN casement an- USED PIANOS female needs the best condItion 4 speed, arr, lamps, OJIpainting (School pnces Saturday, Octo- boat and trailer, fuml- Saturday, Oct 4,9a-12n gle bay window,S unit Used Spmets Consoles home, minimal adoption new brakes! muffler of the Masters) MlITors ber 4th, 10-5 If raln- no ture, tools, books, RUMMAGE sale I Thurs- WIth screens, 9'4"X18", Upnghts & Grands fee (810)754-4147 $2,500 810-775-5865 (Gilt, mahogany hand _s_a_le______cIothes and mlscellane- day, October 9th, 9to 7 terratone clad $2501 PIANOS WANTED painted, Venetian more) so's chrome table, $150 ous ThUrsday, Fnday, Fnday, October 10th, 9 best 313881-6714 TOP CASH PAID SHEP mix Spayed fe- 1993 LIncoln Mark VIII, S Saturday, 9- 3 1826 male needs 1 d09 Black beauty, all the ecretary desks, partners Mangle Ironer, $75 Boumemouth to 1 St Peter's Luther- BEANIE babies, $10 810- BABY Grand p,ano ele- home Very lovable toys, excellent cond,llOn, table desk large & small 40's- (7) wooden shut- an 23000 Grabot, East. 832-9696, leave num- gant dark wood With (810)468-4652 warranty, must see I flat lOp desks ters (2'x 23"), $tOI each GARAGE sale, 1861 Sev- pointe, north of 9 mtle ber, Will call back bench, delivery, tumng, 313-882-0078 Too much to list I Old clgarl cookie boxes, em October 2nd. 4th 9. -R-U-M-M-A-G-E-Sa-'-e-G-r-oss-eBEANIE babies, book- and warranty, $3,495 WHITE German Shepard, ----- _ 6 months Shots up to 1991 Ltncoln Continental, (248)-545-4110 collecllble, dishes, bed 5pm Furniture, tools, POinte Methodist, 211 case, magazines of anti- Other pianos from $799 date $450 Call Charlie burgundy, IIghl gray In- d~9 Fnday, Saturday children's toys Moross, Grosse Pomte ques 313-886-8224, Call for details Michigan or JeSSica, (810}n5 tenor, very good condJ- 1 -6 22707 Clalrwood, GARAGE sale, October Farms Thursday, Octa- evemngs 313-343- P,ano Company SOFA and love seat, blue 3413 tlon, $6,0001 best Days, south 9 Mile 4th. 7th 18948 Washte- ber 9th 830 am. 1 00 5979, days (248)548-2200 and white stnpe, good 810-739-6450, eve- condItion $300 ANNUAL sub- dIVISion ga- naw, Harper Woods, 10- pm BEAUTY salon eqUip- GUITARS, banjOS and 50S LOSTAND fOUND nings, 248-852-4510 (313)640-9149 rage sale 30 homes 6 Furn,ture, clothes, SALE. set of antique fine ment 7 hydraUlic chwrs, mandolins, ukes 1990 Lincoln Mark VII, V8, participating Mlscella- dog cages, mlscellane- 3 dryers, etc, (313)839- wanted Collector 886. FOUND, Grosse POtnte SOFA, custom automatIC, loaded, non made, neous household, furnl- ous china for 12 (mint) set 3004 4522 Farms, beautiful affec- good cond Itlon smoker, clean, $58501 $125 ture, antiques, arts and -G-A-R-A-G-E-saJ-e---fu-m-,-tu-re-,of Italian everyday tionate, female cat (810)n65493 crafts, baby and child- dIShes, other practical BROWN aluminum storm OLD Masters Vlolm BUilt best 313-881-4224 anllques, clothes, baby h h Id I Black tiger stnpes on SUPER s,ngle watert>ed ren s 11ems Inciudlllg Come & seel 1652 Haw- ouse 0 Items, ug. Windows (11) Standard In Stainer style- The cmnamon background 1988 L,nco!;'l Towncar, toys and furniture, cloth. gage, racing bikes Fn- sIZes 313.8233531 German Strad Re- wi1h bookcase head- thorne 9. 4 Saturday & d S d S nda Call (313)881.7799 white, blue carnage top, Ing from Infants thru plus Sunday ay, atur ay, u y, BUNK bed set (Honkle worked by Michael Bod- leather, 101,000 miles, board Like new, must FOUND, male Sibenan sizes 5t Clatr Shores, 1000, 1748 Brys 313- Ou1ngger) desk chall, ak on 1923 Just retur- excellent condition, well see $225 (313)884 Husky Yound adult Ex between 8 & 9 mile, be- GREAT Sale' Mother IS 881-0134 double dresser, $700 blshed by Rolf Wunder- matntalned $4500 313. 9409 cellent WIth children and tween Jefferson and moving 3448 Bucking. SATURDAY only, 9-4 Changing table $50 IIch & appraised by Curt 882-7423 evenings other dogs (313)881 THOMASVILLE dining Marter at Westbury Oc ham Fnday Saturday, quality Items, Indoor and Drawers $30 Tele- WunderlICh & Sons at room set, oak 7 years 1259 1996 Muslang Cobra con- tober 2nd- 4th 9to 5 Sunday 9 till 5 30 outdoor fumrture, bikes phone desk, $50 Unhn- $650 For the senous vertible, red! black leath- old Table 2 leaves 6 GROSSE POlnle Animal BEST garage sale In HOUSE plant sale MOVing day bed, electromcs, Ished toy chest, $20 student 313-882-8145 er 460 mach CD, adult chairs $900 Tubular CliniC black beatle! Grosse POInte, 1512 abroad Must sell over tools, Chnstmas tree, Freezers upnght Ken- STEINWAY 5' 75" grand owned Stored wmers, steel bunk beds attach. spaniel m,x black Lab Hampton October 4, 50 plants, from Ivy to toys books, c1othmg, more $150, chest $50 plano Mahogany toned 6000 miles $25,0001 ed 3 shelf umt Plat miX, Shepherd mix bea. 9a m. 4p m FortIes OrChids Saturday Oc- much more 475 Cola- Stovel oven $50 313- walnut excellent cond,- best 313-886-9532 fo rms, mattresses and gle White! gray female walnut table & china tOber 4, 9- 12 only 290 mal Court 882-1347 tlon Please call for de- IInens $200 313-885- cat orange tiger kitten, 1994 Mustang V6, au1o, cabinet miscellaneous __M_o_r_oss -S-A-TU-R-D-A-Y-o-n-Iy--9-00-- CANNON Color Bubble tails Mlch'9an P,ano 5075 orange! white kitten low miles, power every- furnrture tea cups, HUGE garage sale' Fn. 4 00 Housewares, Jet pnnter for com puler Company, (248)548 thtng till crUise, stereo WHITE Techllne bedroom Black! white male cal treasures Seeing IS be. day Saturday 9 to 6 books, clothIng mlscel- BJC 4000 Used abou1 4 2200 cassette Needs Noth- fumlture Like new TWin (313)8225707 lIeVlng' Sunday, 9 to 2 1002 laneous Pnced to go times Will negotiate Ing $9975 Agent 313- bed With trundle dress- KITTENS. Found dog BIG yard and fu rnrture Audubon, at Jefferson 1167 Kens Ington, 810-779-8559 415 WANTED TO IUY 885-8300 839-4462 er mirror vanrty comer mostly Rottwetler 313 evenrngs uM and bookshelf Ask sale Tools books toys HUGE garage sale, lot's of _G_r_o_ss_e_P_Dl_nt_e_P_a_rk__ CONCEPT II rowing ma- 1955- 1975 automobtle 521 3669 tng $1 500 (313)886 doors records tables lIems Includmg china SATURDAY, 9 to 2 Ga- chllle, askJng $550 lIke parts, accessones man 1989 Mustang black, LOST. Schnauser gray 2805 lamps antique furnIture, cab,net mlCOwave oven rage sale 663 Pember- new I 3 months old 8to- uals, advertiSing, memo- good dependable trans. Saturday 10- 6 1712 & stand Telephone ton, comer of Avondale, 778-4181 male, Reward 313-886 409 G4UGE/YARDj rabtlla, etc 8t 0-293- portatlon red leather In- Fischer Ind,an Village, stand Hitchcock Chairs In the Park south of Jef- 5343 tenor all aulo 83 000 IASEMENT SAlE 0957 After 6pm, 810- DetrOll & coffeetable T V en- A GOLF, 2 sets of men's 601 AUTOMOTIVE ------ferson efngerator, clubs, nght and left hand 293-0957 miles $3 100 or best 1 DAY only I Saturday 9 COUNTRY CLUB tertalnment center, Ya. oven light fixtures, sets, also Jumor sets CHRYSLE~ (313)8815592 4 t011 North Renaud, WOODS ASSOCIATION hama cabmet WJlh btkes, baby and toddler BUYING old furniture 1991 Acclaim lE,V6, load- 1991 Sable GS, loaded Grosse POtnte Woods 6 Block Garage Sale speakers, lamps, wall lIems (313)882-5558 glassware, china, and ed, power WIndows! Itke nejY docu mented LooI< fo r the oversized other Interesllng lIems Bournemou1h Newcastle, hangings, and other fur------HOT wheels, red Jeep, 2 locks bit Cruise, cas maintenance hIStOry, bowhng pin PreslWlck Sevem Mure assorted glass- SATURO"V, 9 00- 2 00 new 12 volt battenes John , 313-882-5642 selle $3,975/ best 75K, $5800 313-331- Broadstone Lrttlestone ware Including Toara Toys, ch,ldren's clothes, $150 Evemngs 810- 1023 Canterbury Grosse FINE chtna dinnerware Agenl, (313)885-8300, 7604 Vanous Items Clothes Jewelry Bike House- miscellaneous house. 774-s.s39 and sterling SIlver flat- 839-4462 evenings POinte Woods Toys 1989 Sable LS fUlly load- clothes baby stuff furniture electromcs toys hold rtems, kitchen lIems ~e Ite~o:5 p~~n~~ MEADE 45" reflector tele- ware Call Jan or Herb 1987 Charger clean, runs ed leather moonroof, Household Fnday Octo- Sat and antiques & muc~ mor~ 21413 Park scope, Wlth tnpod (810)731.8139 urday, OCtober 4th WIllow ISP 0 13 mile 25mm eye piece $325 great $1200 or best of- repainted rebuilt trans. ber 3rd 8 4 Saturday GUITARS, ban/OS, mando. miSSIOn new !ires, 800-1'00. between Harper & Lillie WINTER coats walnu1 best 810293-5950 fer (313)884 0060 October 4th 8 2 IIns and ukes wanted clean $3,500 313-884- FALL GARAGE SALE Mack Thursday thru doors, LrtlIe TIkes, art. Collector 686-4522 1992 Chrysler New York. 7763 1033 Whinier Fnday Sat. to benefrt "lChlgan Saturday 9 5 work lunrooge clothes NEW baby clothes and er, mint condlllOn 1 urday 10 3 Antiques M , ...... ' 'gear (0-4T) portllcnb, Chamber Orchestra and MOVING sale October 3rd toys 1128 Notttngham, bouncers lreadmlll In- OLD LIOnel and other owner full power, 11419 1991 Thunderbln:l, V-6 fumrture toys house RESPOND INC & October 4th 10- 3 837 Grosse POInte Park electnc tra Ins, pedal Somerset, Detrort 313 automatIC, fully loaded, hold rtems UnlVersrty at CharleVOIX Moorland North of Ver. 9am 2pm, Saturday sert pads 313-886-4228 cars steel trucks, and 5278024 excellent condmon toys 313-372-0569 $4500 810 n9-5864 or 27301 Granl (11 Mile! Fnday 9am 5pm mer West off Lakeshore ----.----- NEW India Bljar 8X11 rug, 1992 Chrysler Lebaron 2482136525 1-94) October 3 4 9 30- Saturday 9am 3pm Sewing machine Out- hunter green! wine OLD wooden dud< hunlmg convertIble completely 5 00 Collectibles elec Including collectlbles,f,ne door furnrture, mlSC 1444 Yorkshire, Fnday, $2,500 Plano Gerhard decoys wanted Gash loaded 45,000 mIles AUTO LOANS tronlCS tumllure small china vintage household Saturday, 10- 4 Hertzman (t900} Some- $300 peld 810-774-879<1 $7400 Anzona car 810- GOOD PEOPLE tools adult' children's records books MOVING salel Household thing for everyone' Anll- Lots of quality firewood, SHOTGUNS, nfIes and 409 5922 WITH POOR CREDITI fall WInter c10thlng mlS 67 Chry Newport Custom Items baby stuff mater- ques fumlture books, $50 (313)886-5747 NO CREDIT celleneous All In good handguns Parker, 1987 Chrysler 5th Avenue GARAGE sale 1923 nlty Saturday 9 to 2 blkes mlSCellaneous TVs 19 color, both ,n very Browning Wtnchester, WE CAN HELP YOU condllion RaIn or shine mint You see, you II Fleetwood Sunday 10/5 401 Barclay corner household linens much good cond,llon, $60 00 Colt Luger others Col No early birds buy $4300 8t 0 296- GRATIOT CAR CO. 105 Chaijonte Farms morel each (3t3)884-0076 lector (248)478-3437 3121 810-791-0300

---~----~~~~4.W.--~I---+~--~._.~_._._.~-~ .. t Thursday, October 2,1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 603 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE b03 AUlOMOTlVE bOS AUlOMOTIVE b05 AUTOMOTIVE b 11 AUTOMOtiVE "2 AUTOMOTIVE GENERAL MOTORI GENERAL MOTOR I bSI 10ATS AND MOTORS GENEUL MOTORS FOREIGN FOREIGN TRUCKS VANS 1992 BonneVIlle SSE, dark 1985 Cadillac Coupe Dev 1994 PontlllC Grand Pnx. 1995 Honda CIVIC OX Customized & restored 1990 Ford Ranger newer 1989 Plymouth Grand 1976 Bayllner Saratoga redJ gray leather. full 111e.wire covers. new excellent COndltlOll, coupe black. power 1981 VW Cabnolet con engine chrome wheels. Voyager SE V6 Good 24 6 • 350 engme new m power, no sunroof, ex- IIres. 31.000 aelual loaded. $9 650 sunroof. lInted wmdows. vertlble Less than looks runs excellent condition 86 000 miles 1991 very low hours l cellent condltJon, 62K mlles Very clean Rinke (313)885-2651 CD player, 29.500 miles. 7,000 miles on rebUilt $27501 best 810-463- 313.8828154 ProfeSSionally main- $9.850 313-884.5237 Cadillac. (810)757-3700 1987 Pontiac Grand Am excellent $11.500 810 engine Sport nms, all 1216 tained, great fishing or 1986 Toyota automallc 1989 Bonneville lE, very -3-ca-rs-f-o-r-sa-Ie-1-19-88--Pon-- LE. 2 door. runs great 7740314 new front suspension. pleasure boat Excellent 1990 FORD F 250 XL power Windows clean ------new brakes all new condltlonl With trailer at clean, loaded. $3.500 bac Fiero Red. air au. new tires. $1.500 or 1995 Honda Del Sol, ex- electncal. new Inlenor. 4 9L. air. dual gas tanks runs great $1 500 or a great pnce $5,500 810-n6-7167 after 6 00 tomatlC. new brakes. best (810)447-0147 cellent condlllon updated gell & Cab""le $4,550 810 779 5864 best offer (313)884 l (810)7792207 Of $1,500 1989 1995Satum-SU light $10.000 313-885.7500. package Alpme FM or .!4B 21J 6b25 0060 pm Dodge (810)3592659 1991 BuICk RMlna Excel Daytona. red loaded plum, automatJc, ABS, J13-885-9321 stereol CD With blau 1990 Ford Bronco II, Eddie 1991 Voyager SE low Ie cond I Turbo Cleanest one In traelion air loaded ------punkt speakers Sacn- Bauer Edition loaded, miles new brakes 1987 Bayllner. 19 capn nt ruon. ow miles town $3.800 1975 Moon- roof' CasseUe 1994 Honda Accord EX f,ce at $3.700 313881 hlg h mileage very clean shocks and tires Excel CUddy trailer III water. M(8~~t)n8~ $10.500 Bncklm. auto aJr only CrUise, 56K hlQhway excellent condition. 4233,313-885-1085 $4 5001 best offer 810. lent condition $7 600 or 130 OMC Volvo Penta. 13.500 miles Must sell I $9499 810-772- moonroof. 35,000 miles 7764770 best offer 313822 low hours excellent 1989 BUick leSabre. Cus. $8.500 313-886-7164 ~ • $13.995 or best 810- MERCEDES 1990 190E condition. many ameni------___ n3-5391 26, one owner Book up RANGER 1994 XL T, EXT 2437 tom, 73.000 miles 1991 Chevrolet Cavalier. 1992 Satum, 4 door. red. 5 -______to dale. non-smoker 1m ties $5.995 Call cab. 44.000 miles. 5 1994 Voyager 4 cylinder, $4.900 313-886-8341, 44.000 miles New bres. speed, high mileage 1993 Honda Accord LX, maculate condition (313)884 7547 speed. 4 cylinder, alt 73K clean well main 313-886-4090 burgundy. grayl black In $9991 best (313)884- aulo, air. AMlFM cas. Days 810-754-4434, Extended wa rranty Ex talned. $75001 best 22' Pearson Great family 1995 Cadillac Sedan Dev- tenor Call for appomt- 4339 seUe white $11.0001 evenings 313-886 0372 cellent condlbon 31 3-882 5554 after boat1 4 salls. trailer. life Illes, 17 In stock. all ment 313-881-97n ELDORADO 1991, excel best 810-716.3035 $9,650 313.822 5791 500 Jackets new IInes awl loaded Starting at -l990--C-h-e-vro-le-t-co-rv-e-tt-e lent condrIJon. black. -l989--H-ond-a-P-re-l-ud-e-.-e-x-.B~:7 ~~r~~ B~~ ~~~r 612 AUTOMOTIVE gnp Winter storage 1991 while Dodge Cara- paid I 313 882-5748 $16.950 Make an offer' Convertible. hardtop In- 81,000 miles $9,500 cellent condilion malnta- vertlble Excellent condl. VANS van ES excellent condi- Rinke Cadillac, eluded Leather red. 810-285-1322 nance records, auto. air. tlon. $1,5001 offer 810 1991 Aerostar XL. excel tion Leather Intenor. 1989 Sea ray 175 hip 110- (810)757-3700 56,000 miles. one own. SEIZED Cars from $175 new tires. struts. brakes. 405-4755 lent condition. no rust. 100 000 miles $3900 20' cuddy. trailer extras. 111M Cadillac Fleetwood er, 6 month warranty In- Porsches. Cadillacs, $5700 (313)839-3390 313-885-0918 low hou rs excelle nt ~""'a~ eluded I $16.850 Rinke bOb AUTOMOTIVE 78 000 miles. $6 500 B'~lr-'" ve')' low Cadillac. (810)757-3700 Chevys. BMWs, Cor. 1989 Honda CIVIC SI, JmS/4-WHHl (810)n6-5468 condition low pnce SCHOOL bus lull SIZe, (313)8849044 mileage Excellent con- veUes Also Jeeps. 84,000 miles, good con- 1991 Bronco XLT. 78.000 1994 Chrysler Town & 1978 International ex- drlJOn FUlly loaded 1997 Chevy lumina, dark 4WO's Your Area Toll dltlOn $2000 313-821- miles ve')' COndl bSJ IOATS ~UTS "NO good Geuntry. fully loaded cellent condition $1800 Dark blue 810-na- green, Immaculate, like Free 1.800-218-9000 2622 lion. $9,000 (810)n6- SERVICE brand new condilion 10- 313-259-8325 6907 new $13.900 (810)n9- Ext A-5803 for current ------___ 5468 Side & out dark blue MARINE WOODWORK 6274 listings 1989 Honda Prelude SI b 13 AUTOMOTIVE 1992 Cadillac Eldorado, Power sunroof, air. ster. 1994 Chevy Blazer S.10 WIth beige leather, WANUO TO IUY Custom deSIgned & bUIll Frost beige, leather. 1997 Grand Am SE, black, SEVILLE STS 1995, Car- eo casseUe! removal Tahoe 4X4 loaded, 43,000 miles $14.800 Cabinetry Repans, dry-rot CASH lor Cars I Licensed 313-881.8806 23 Years Expenence new body style, excel. 6,000 miles. $13,5001 mme WIth beachwood. face. full power Very clean 4 door, extended dealer Free lOWing lent condrtlOlll $13.850 best Must sell 313-372- vel)' rare colors, eve')' ve')' mcel $3,975 Agent warranty, $14.500 Have POrtfoliO 1991 Dodge Caravan ex. Pager 810-610-8511. of. & References Rlflke Cadillac, 1566 opbon, perfecL $28.500 (313)885-8300. 839- (810)790-3248 cellent condlbon $5,700 (810}757-3700 Mike 810-610-8511 or lice 810 779-2222 or best 313-261-8686 1994 Grand Pnx SE, 4 313-882-6570, 4462 evemngs 1993 Eddie Bauer Bronco. ALL Junk cars warlted ~ 1988 Cadillac Sedan Dev- dOOr, Immaculate, full -1-96-9-M-e-rc-ed-e-s-3-00--S-E-L 4X4, 70,000 miles, ex- 1990 Dodge conversion Top dollar paid Serving 1I1e. whlte, 4 door, mint! power, 40.000 miles 63 Right hand dnve cellent condition. too Ram 250 318v8 Load Grosse POinte Harper Ongmal owner $5.500 $10.750 313-884-9285 Excellent condllton. reo many extras to list Must ed. clean, 4 captain Woods. St Clair Shores WINTER storage (covered (313)886-2865 ------1967 Chrysler Newport, stored 55.000 onglnal sell 313'822-8095 chairs 99K miles high & DetrOit s eastSide or open) lor boats up to 1992 Grand Pnx sedan, Custom 4 door sedan 1 I way $6.1001 best 26 With shon ng or on 1987 Cadillac Eldorado, automatiC, power every. owner All anginal, ml es $15.000 313 1991 Ford Explorer, fully 810-779-8797 (810)n8-0926 your trailer BoUom leather, WIre wheels, thing $6,900 810-665- $4,000 735 Umverslty 886-8720. 313-885- loaded, 2WD 40 V-fi, bl4 AUTOMOTIVE washing also available 1987 Dodge 250 Ram 64,000 miles, Great con. 2548 at Charlevoix Shown 8034 excellent condition AUTO INSURANCE (313)882 9268 dittOn' $6,950, Rinke Fnday & Saturday. 9am. -1-983--P-o-rsc-h-e-9-44-,-2-8-K $4,950 810-779-5864 converSion van Excel- Cadlilac. (810)757-3700 50 NICE USED CARS 3pm onglnal miles. 5 speed, or 248-213-6525 lent condition Runs AUTO Insurance- Low $2500-$7500 great 120,000 miles down payment. $125 bS7 MOTORCYCl£S 1987 Cadillac Brougham Safety Inspected 1966 Plymouth Fury. new condrIJon, new IIres! 1988 Ford Ranger Extend $5,300 or !:lest Pager. Doesn't matter what 4 door, 50 litre. dark 30 Day Warranty beautiful light blue! whrte timing belt. $7,500 313- ed Black. 302 engine- 810-401-1704 your dnvlng record s 1994 Hartey DaVldson blue, leather. high miles Financing For All Flonda car. 318 auto- 331-6064 20,000 miles. new trans- Eleelra Glide low Rider "'- ...... Ient cooo .....- 31'" G -01 ca C V 8 65K ------mlSSlon & trans case 1985 Dodge 314 ton 1 like Partners Insurance 885-0990""'- ""''' or rati r o. malIC " aJr, ongl- 1995 Saab 900 SE turbo CD $5,4001 best offer owner. extras. $1 495 810-774.9955 Black pamt, saddle (Grallot Just N 0114 Mile) rm miles- excellent con. coupe, loaded. leather. (810)293.2707 313-882.1164 or 313- bags chrome wheels 810-791 -0300 drIJon $3900 313-881- 5 speed $1 7,500 248- 9233793 $18.950 (810)n5-1460 1986 Cadillac Fleetwood 2303,313-881.2141 557-0409 1996 GMC Jimmy, 4 door 651 SOATS ANO MOTORS 1987 Ford 150 Econoline, :~r :a:::~~e~n~~~ 1~~, ~=~b;~~IyRI:~:r CLASSIC 1976 Mercedes -1-99-3--T--t---'Co'---Il- ~~~'ed. bl$a~~,'6~ea::;, 1981 Honda Nighthawk $2 900 { )886- AI 69000 Ie 450SE great shape . oyo a ro a. work van. 50L fuel In- 1986 210cc Mercury Sail- 6.000 miles, like new tIon • 313 arm.. ml s, 31"'782.3196 42.000 miles, well main- 313-881'9892 Jectlon runs good, power outboard New 3 4769, after 6pm clean! $7.750 Rinke ,;r ta ed I $1,200 313-n6-7167 $1.500 (810)n40982 gallon tank, $450 Cadillac. (810)757.3700 ---A-C-----l,.,-E In. cean. super 1992 GMC Jimmy 4 x 4 alter 6 00 pm 1986 Cadillac Eldorado PONTI 1983 6000 • sharp. 4 door. 4 cylln While. 76.000 miles after 5pm (313)881-1549 Tan, good condltJon 1996 Ponliac Sunflre, 2 4 door. V6, automatic, der $8,300 (313)839- $12,2001 best offer 313- 1994 GMC Suburban SLE. 119,000 miles. $1,950 door, 15.000 miles, must 76K Clean I $2,350 0472 Pager (313)219- 884-7198 bbO TRAIllRS 810-776-4385 810-747 sell. $10.500 or best of. (810)n6-5356 3068 9 passenger. 2 wheel MORGAN 36'1 NlM 3 5688 . • fer 313-372-1566 R R SI ------1996 Grand Cherokee dnve, loaded, very mce' Cabin crUiserl racer '96 t OlLS oyce 1964 I ver 1973 Tnumph TR6, new fUlly loaded excellent $18995 Agent 313- and '97 DetrOit NOOD WilDERNESS 26' 1988. 1993 Grand Am lE. excel- 1992 Saturn Sll, while, Cloud III 57.000 miles paint, new top Runs cOl1dltlon, must see I 60K 885.8300. 839-4462 winner $40K firm No excellent conOlllon, awl" lent condrlJOn $6,900 automatiC, air, only 46K, Restored, award WInner. great low miles hlQhway miles evemngs brokers 313-885-3097 ~ds el~;~1 ~~3;:~ (313)885-6249 $6,500 313-882.7282 $39,000 313-884-5374 $5.500 or besl 313- (313)886-5331 1994 Grand Caravan SE, Chuck 0075 605 AUTOMOTIVE loaded. 7 passenger, _ FOR{lGN 886-7632 1994 Jeep Wrangler SE. CITY OF HARPER WOODS -l993--V-o-lksw--ag-e-n-P-assa--t only 22,700 miles, auto- 84.000 miles $11,500 fI!/tt. POUCE DEPARTMENT 1994 BMW 3254s. green GLX Station wagon. 6 matlc, air. CD. sound 313-821.6128 Please look for all ~ WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN WIth gray leather, great cylinder. loaded, moon bar, extended warranty, 1991 Lumina APV van, Rental ads in our Special condition, no aCCidents. roof, auto, BBS wheels, hUrlter green With tan 76.000 miles $4.950 S t-on under 20,000 miles. etc 313-886-2558 hard top A steal at firm 810-263-3085 __ ec I The IQlK;I. good IIres, $23,900 1- ,.,..-_ $14.900 313-8820766 IMfOUNDBlI AlAHDONm VEHICLES 1995 Plymouth Grand - • 888-594-1396 1992 Volkswagen Passat, 1997 Wrangler. 4 cylinder, M PlJIlSUANT TO PA 104 AN AUCT10N Will ec HBD ON blue. great condition. Voyager SE. 38K miles. \ '- OCTOBER 9 1997 AT lOiXl A M AT WOODS TOWING 1993 BMW 325 IS, red, 82K, $6.0001 besl 313. 5 speed. black, soft top, $15.900, excellarlt con- 1_,. L.:JJ fl ( l.. dltlon 313-881-6227 o lOCAlED AT 22500 E NINE MIlE ROAD ST ClAlR SHORfS MI automatIC. CD. 2 door, 596-7138 low miles $15000 t:.&., , TO SEll THEfOllOWNG IMPOUNDED/ABANDON£D VEHICLES 43,000 miles, leather. --,:--_ (810)294-4229 1993 Plymouth Grand Cirosse fuinte ~WS V warranty Excellenl1 1990 VW Jetta Carat, b03 AUTOMOtiVE Voyager. LE 42.000 A.~ 1992 VW PASSIJ oWR VIN WVWFIW31 XNE327301D $19.500 (810)nl'2564 113,000 miles Callfor. miles Excell ent condl' E lM2If01«)A CX500C M/C VIH- JH2PCOI 09CM305733 PARTS TIRlS AlARMS 1995 Honda CIVIC LX. ma car, one owner. all hon 33 litre V6 all DEADLINE: 19M CHEV SUIUIlIAN s{W V1N: lGNER l6lC4Jf19905J power steenngl brakes, maintenance records LEER flat truck bed cap r power. loaded Child YourHome. Mondays 12-noon $200 313-884-2022 automatIC, wr. 4 door, Excellent COndrtlon seats Infmlty stereo (Call for Holiday Close Dales) AAIlANGEMEMS CAN ec MADE TO Vl£W THE VEHICLES PrIIOR 25K, $10,750 313-885- $4.995 313-884-9132 611 AUTOMOTIVE $11.900 (313)882-4892 For more mformatum plea~ecall TO THE AUCT10N BYCAllING WOODS TOWING TRUCKS I'J (810) 77>5220 CASH OIl CERTlFfEDCHECK ONlY 8636 1984 VW Jena GLI Ve')' 1992 Plymouth Voyager. 313-882-6900 CITY Ol' HAAPER WOODS 1980 Mercedes 4SO SL good conditIOn. 5 speed, 1985 GMC Sierra plck- up excellent condlltan MICKEY D TOOD CITY CLERK Mint condition, $19.000. black, $1,400 (313)640- WIth cap. 25.000 miles 57000 miles $5500 313-885-5222 9491 $3.500 313-881-2512 313-882-9065 018([T08Y o f N 5(8YI[l5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• R1IiiiIUDi Mid ,,;e fm~~5! ..~;,;;,;.,•••••••••••••••••••••••• Some Classrflca1ions 907 ~ASEMENT THOMAS KLEINER ANDY'S MASONRY EXPERT Bnck Repair 902 ,\lUMINUM SIDING are required by 1_ to \'IlHRPROOfING BASEMENT All chimney, masorlry Tuckpolntlng, chimneys, be licensed. Check with WATERPROOFING bnck water proofing re porches steps Specl

••••••r-=:::=='--::::::ia:: :'~~=.::':. --_ ..-"_.----( _.._-,--;"'1-"'"""...... -..--...--- e.. POIlAn 0MCIISt 804 S HamIlton ,., e) Saginaw M ~ 8602 15171797093~ SEQUENCE 18001968 3~56 lax 1517) 792 2~n ~ol €imgIOcfls-com .' .... OUL 0ftIICIt 926 Robbon, Sule 252 Grand HOVflon M1 .. 90417 1616) 846 8n6 lox 1616 8476747 .".,.dMa?_a>tn Thursday, October 2,1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

931 f UUITURI 911 IRICK/ILOCK WO~K 9 17 I'LAm~ING 930 ElECTRICAL SERVICES 944 GUHlRS REFINI\NING /UPNOIS TERING 946 HAUliNG .54 PAINTING/DECORAIING 954 PAINTING/DECOllATING J.W. KLEINER SR PLASTER & Drywall repair KEN'S ElectriC licensed FURNITURE refinished GUTTERS- Installed reo BRIAN'S PAINTING QUALITY wallpaper Instal- MASON CONTRACTOR and palntong Grosse master electriCian Resl repaired stnpped any paired dea ned ProfeSSional palntmg Inte lallon Reasonable pn. SERVING THE POinte references Call denllal commercial In type of caning Free es Screens Power wash nor and exterior Spe ces free estimates Call POINTES FOR 35 YEARS Charles 'Chlp Gibson dustnal 8tO 979 8806 t,mates 345-6258, 661- Ing Free e511mates LI clallzlng In all types of Mary 313 331 5916 Brick, block and stone 313884-5764 5520 censed, Insured North- paontmg Caulking win. work and all types QUALITY workmanshJp 943 LANDSCAPERS/ eastern Improvements, dow glazing and plaster of repairs PLASTER repairs paint S & J ELECTRIC Pal ntong plaster, car. GARDENE~S Inc 313372 2414 repair All wor!< guaran. Bnck & Flagstone Patios mg Cheap' No Job too Resldenflal CommerCial pentry all home repaIrs teed For Free EStl & Walks Porches small I Call anytIme In No Job Too Small AFFORDABLE landscap POINTE Gutter Malnte Local & 15 years experience nance Repair & spot. mates and Reasonable Chimneys Tuck POlntmg sured (810)7742827 313-885.2930 Ing Hedgel tree trim Long Distance Insured references P'ltes ('3" 872-2046 Patching mlllg :OPOl18SS tall IcO)s ~Ie....njilg Matl,.ue & SEAVER'S Home Mamte Agent for Seavers Home V,olatlons Corrected cleanupsl Expenenced! responSIble Grosse nance Plaster drywall EXPERT drywall & plasler Maintenance, 682 0000 Speaallzmg In Small Jobs SERVING THE dependable 313886 Pomte reSident Rodg Globcil Van Lines textures painting 16 er,313.884-5687 repair ProfeSSional STEVE'S Painting Inte"orl Free Estimates/Licensed GROSSE POINTES 9513 Dom years In Gros.e Pomte paonllng slrlPPlng stam. Extenor SpecialiZing In 313 882-0717 SINCE 1965 882.0000 945 HANDYMAN mg varnIshing All work plastenng and drywall ATTENTION landscapersl backed by 24 years ex CUSWORTH Dispose of yo ur grass ~ penence 810754.3514 repairs, cracks, peeling 912IUILDING/REMODElING ... CEMENT WO~K ALL In One Home Re ______palnl Window glazlng- ELECTRIC INC cllPPIngs & leaves pairS Code Violations FRANK'S Wallpaper Re. caulking Also paont old EMPIRE BUIlders Addl HISTORIC restoration Ex Master licensed & Competitive rates 822-•• 00 Clean-up, /Ix up 313- " Large 0 nd Smo IIJobs moving 3rd generation aluminum Siding 313- llOns Frammg drywall pert repair porches Insured (313}885 9090 371-8326, Jim Bock- • P,anas lour speclaltyl since 1940 stateWide 874-1613 plaster, electncal finish chImneys The Brock "Resldenllal- Comme rClal stanz • Appliances Pamtlng patchIng and ed basements Drop Doctor RIchard Pnce ATTENTION landscapers "Fast Emergency Service drywall repair 313.451. WALLPAPER ce,llngs licensed! In Licensed 882 3804 diSpose of your leaves CALL Bud Extenor paint. " Saturday, Sunday SENIOR CITIZENS Competitive rates Ing and Window frames Service 1444 REMOVAL _s_u_red__ 81_0_'7_7_8_'2_3_35__ PULCINI Construction DISCOUNT BY TIM (313)885.9090 recaulked Also other " Semor D I$Counts GHI Palntong, mtenorl ex. ElI:pCfjef1CCd quallfV You rece,ve honest house repairs 313.882- tenor ProfessJOnal, ex LANCE NEWTON 886-4448 Owned & Operated work depend .. ble quality workmanship on EXPERIENCED gardener 5686 penenced, references low@st price 15215 MACK By John Steininger CONSTRUCTION all cement work water available for home or -C-A-R-P-E-N-T-R-Y-,-p-Iu-m-b-,-ng-, Free estimates Insured 771.4007 Complete Home proofing Commercial! bUSiness Call 313-341. electncal Roofing, Vinyl T1850 E. Jefferson Greg, 313 5271853 Improvement Residential Free Est" TOMA 5839 Siding Palnllng, power MPSC.L 19675 l!l C!Jtl C!.Jt! l!l Licensed males 810.773-3310 LIcensed Insured HAVE Hammer Will Trav washing Code VIolatIOn ell Guner cleaning, Infe- 1-810-296-2537 ELECTRIC FIVE SEASONS repairs Free estimates ~ liKE'S PROFlSSIDUl ~ 919 CHIMNEY ClEANING FREE ESTIMATES nor! extenor painting, QUALITY affordable kltch. BOB TOMA TREE SERVICE Licensed, msured Landscape Renovation drywall work & repair ens Save $$$ deal dl Licensed Master Northeastern Improve. ~ PAINTING ~ Tree Tnmmrng, removal, Reasonable rates, free reet LIcensed bUllderl Electrical Contractor. ments, Inc 313372. stumping, shubbery EASTPOINTE estImates RiCk, 810- ~ & IAUPAPDtNG ~ dlstnbutor Personal SAFE FLUE 885-8030 2414 sculpting 790n52 ~ InterioriEJtenor Includes ~ se Mce gua ranteed CHIMNEY SERVICE DEPENDABLE, competi- MOVING AND repalnng damaged plaster, ffi) Reasonable Rates Snow Plowmg, Leaf INTERIOR & extenor r:a 313886.5163 • Ch,mney CleJn~ng tive Home repairs ~ cra<:klI, peeling paint, ~ • Caps and Free Estimates. Clean Up, Gutters STORAGE CO. painting Taping, spack- painting, drywall, plas- ~ Window g'8ZIng, C8ulldng, j5l NEW DESIGNS, INC Sueem Commercial Residential Cleaned ellng Painting old aluml' ~ paln~ng aluminum sldlng iSl COGlplrifH_pllllprl»'oHM'IIl~",", Inslalled New, Repairs, Renova- tering, cleaning, plumb. TOP SOILJGRADING num & vmyl Siding Rea- ~ Top Quality material ffi) Custum Kttcht>hS & Baths • Mortar and tions, Code Violations, George Sperry Ing References Call UOI.'Jl-"iot-d& Insured Damper sonable Call Pete any- r:a Reasonable prices. ~ Service Upgrade 313-882-1873 Reft'rt"n(('C; Repair Free estimates .. 19th yr 884.8380 time, 313-871 8047 ~ All work Guaranteed ~ IQ7" u:<;Iv. ()(I(j Dnv~ • Animal RemO\JI FRANKS Handyman's HJ.I'}'H "",,-.oJ ... \.<1 L1CdJSED & INSURED INTERIOR pamtlng expe • ~ Call Mike anytime ~ Certlfll~ '\.1astc!S\\l'{'P 810-n8-4331 Service SpeCialiZing m 3) 884-91 PACKING & MATERIAl S rlenced, reasonable small repairs, (810)791- r:a 777.8081 ffi) TOM TREFlER 933 EXCAVATING ANTIOUES & PIANOS rates and quality work K & K LAWN Be SHRUB 6684 f-Hlcle ESTIMATlcS Call KeVin 810778- I!J~I!J 914 CARPENTRY 882-5169 BOOKS & ZERILLI: Exca- SERVICES, INC, LANDSCAPE DESIGN HANDYMAN- For all your 8774 vaMg & landscaping home Improvement prol- Bob Breitenbecher Custom Wall GARAGE & MAINTENANCE INTERIOR, extenor Sewers, waterproofing, ects Grosse POinte ref. Coverings STRAIGHTENING Sod InstaliatlOn, Top SOil, Spackling, wallpaper COACH LIGHT cement and removal, erences Lany 810.758. Owner Grosse Poonte And RebUilding Shrub & Tree Tnmmlng/ Wmdow glazmg Free Contractors water sef\llce Quality, 5896 Replace Rotten Wood CHIMNEY SWEEP CO M.P.S.C. L21290 profeSSional work at rea. Removal, Clean ups, estImates licensed In MICHAEL SATMARV Crack & Cement Repair Sta!e LICensed Fertlll~atlon, Guner HANDYMAN. pall1tmg, 5154 sonable rates I Free esti- sured Northeastern 1m. To Pass City Code Cleaning caulking, plastenng dry. WEEKLY TRIPS 313-885-8155 . - mates, licensed, msur. provements, Inc 313- Guaranteed Chlmne}s Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES wall, minor plumbing TO NORTHE~N ... Caps SCreens ed We do It alii 810. Call For Free Estimate Licensed & Insured 4159393 and electncal, mise 372 2414 ii~~~~~I~~i~~~~~, Installed Licensed Insured (313)417-0797 810-n4 0235, Dan MICHIGAN INTERIORS 1- Alllmal Removal BY DON L YHN John Price 934 FENCES & WALLPAPERING al Cemffed& HONEST and dependable 882-0746 LANDSCAPING done at "Husband.WJfe Team $15.00 Per SIngle Roll Insured Carpentry, palntrng, AARDVARK FenCing "low budget" rates, yard 947 HEATING AND COOLING PROFESSIONAL carpen. plumbing, and electncal "Wallpapenng wtth ibis ad ~I Resldenllal, light com. dean. up weed remov- ter 30 years expen. If you have a problem or All WEATHER "Painting 810-294-7 3 ~ merclal Custom wood al, tree tnmmmg 10 ence Doors wllJdows need repairs 0 r any In Heating Be Cooling charn.lrnk Free esti- years expenence Refer. 885-2633 decks po rches Rea- stallmg Call Ron 810. sales, ServIce mates 313-4382829 ences 810-445-0422 sonable rates Call Rog- 920 CHIMNEY REI'AIR 573-6204 Installation J l PAINTING Griffin Fence Company ResldentlalJ Commercial INTERIORlEXTERIOR er anytime, 313-871- ADVANCE Mamtenance MAC'S TREE AND PAPAS Construction Bath Grosse POinte Power Washing 8047 Inc Reparr rebulid 'AII Types Of Fencmg SHRUB TRIMMING & kJtchen remodeling, 682-0747 RepaInting WINTERS CARPENTRY screens replace step COMPLETE WORK code Violations, plumb. 'Sales Aluminum Siding REMODELING and counter flashings Reasonable Rates lng, electncal repairs, Be 'Installatlon RepaIrs 949 JANITORIAL SERVICES Vanety of colors Mantels bookshelves, (313)884-9512 Quality Service pall1tm g Licensed 81 0 'Senlor Discount Window puttyl caulking baseboard crown any ------Call Tom 810-776-4429 n6-2542 822.3000 800-305 9859 KRISP N'Klean Commen- Grosse POInte R efe rences and all types of cuslom J & J cal, reSidential Jamtonal Fully Insured woodworkmg CHIMNEY MODERN FENCE MELDRUM Tree Service service WlI1dows, While Cedar Specialists PAT THE COPHER Free Estimates K,tchens & Baths SYSTEMS, INC. Inexpensive tree trlm- HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE complete home cleaning 885-0146 Licensed & Insured MICH. L1C. It 71-05125 Servmg the Grosse POinte mmg Stump and tree • Small Home Aepal rs and more If It needs since 1955 • Gutter ng & RepaJrs CRAIG WINTERS Chimneys repaired removal I References • Small Irs cleaning, make It "Knsp JOHN Quentin Gamarra 313 884-1295 rebu lit, re-Im ed 29180 Gratiot RoseVille 313881-3571 Insured -Plumbl n' Klean 7 days, 313- Intenor, eX1enor paint 810-n6-5456 • IV AnI Gas flues re-Iined • SKIing k InslallabOn 894.8077 Ing 23 yea rs expen 916 cum INSTAlLATION Cleamng Glass Block .36 FLOOR SANDING/ ence Neat, clean, pro- RHlNISHING SHRUBS & stumps re- '''.....''for more 9541'AINTlNG/DECOllATlNG feSSIonal (810)293- GARY'S Carpet Service Certified, Insured Informallon moved by responSIble 4610 Installation, restretchlng 795-1711 A-1 Hardwood Roors Grosse POinte resident 774-0781 AFFORDABLE Intenorl KINLEY & CO iI Repairs Carpet & pad TUCKPOINTING & chlm Hallaways & spotless extenor painting, dry. JOHN'S PAINTING Grosse POinte's finest available 810.n4- ney repair ResponSible clean. up Call Rodger, 946 HAULING wall, plastenng, Siding Intenor- Extenor Special. Quality and low pnces 7828 Grosse Pomte res,dent 313-884-5887 painted 20 years expe. IZlng In repalnng dam Free estJmates nence C E G Painting aged plaster, drywall & JERRY'S Carpet Installa- Please call Rodger 313. DEBRIS! Rubbish removal 313-640-9349 Free estimates li- cracks peeling paint, lion and Repair Service 884.5887 STUMP REMOVAL and hauling available l censed 810.757.7232 Window puttying and Over 25 years expen SERVICE QUick and thorough 313.32C>-4336 caulkJng, wallpapenng ence 810-776-3604 925 DECKS/PATIOS AATCO HARpWOOp REASONABLE ANATOl'S Paln~ng Exte- Also, pamt old aluminum FREE ESTIMATES MOVING-HAULING POINTE Pavers, walk- nor. II1tenor Scraping, SIding All wor!< and ma. 917 PLASTERING We Install and finish new QUICK SERVICE Appliance removal, ways, patiOS, porches, sanding, plastenng, pn. tenal guaranteed Rea- hardwood, sand and re- 81D-445-0225 Garage yard, basement, and dnveway edges In- mer, Window glazll1g, sonable Grosse Pornte AFFORDABLE plastenng finish elustmg hardwood cleanouts Construction 957 PLUMBING a. stalled Careful and re caulkll1g Free Esti- references Fully InSUred 25 years expenence or install pre-finished debns Free estimates INSTAllATION sponslble Grosse POInte TEE'S LAWN mates (313)875-3932 Free estimates guaranteed wo rk free service and honesty are MR. B'S 313-882-3096 estimates msured Lou reSident Pressure free Please call 6825038 COMPLETE SPRINKLERS 810..759-0457 BOCKSTANZ'S Palntll1g Blackwell 810-n6 washing and sealing (313)343-5380 WINTERIZING plastenng, wallpapenng NUGENT Painting & Pow- PLUMBING 8687 avaliable Call Roger We promptly return calls, REMOVAL OF AL.L: Prompt EffiCient Service Low pnces, quality work- er Washing Intenorl ex- SERVICE 313.884 5887 Appliances ANDY SqUires Plastenng COMPLEX I.N C. LICENSED I INSURED manship References tenor plasterl drywall reo MARTIN VERTREGT Concrete! Dirt & Drywall Stucco repair 930 ElEGlllCAL SERVICES Custom hardwood stairs, Call Jim, 313-371-8326 paIrs II1sured, free esti- Licensed Master Plumber 31 0-783-5861 Construcl1on Deb n5 Spray textured Ceilings Circular spira! Wood mates 313-245-1817 Grosse POinte Woods Garage Demolition (810) 755 2054 COLVILLE doors, Windows Custom BOWMAN Pall1tlng Inten Basement Clean out PAINTING, wallpapenng, 886-2521 floonng laYing, sanding, orl Extenor ResldenMI CEILING repairs water ELECTRIC CO. Can Move! Remove wall washing Jan, 884- New work repairs, ceramIC tile, marble, gran. 26 years expenence damage cracks paint. Ranges Dryers Servlces, Anything 8757 Judy, 810-294- renovations, water Ite stone Call Gary 810-790-0030 Ing wallpaper removal Doorbells 4420 heaters sewer cleamng, Antique restoration PHILIP WASSENAAR plaster, texture or VIOLATIONS MerRY-LAWN code vlolallons True European 313-823-1207 PROFESSIONAL wallpa. smooth Licensed con FAST EMERGENCY BRENTWOOD Pall1tlngi All work g~aranteed professionals per hanging by Denlelle tractor Joe 681 1085 LANDSCAPING SERVICE 313-871.9605 -C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-D-S- Wallpapenng 30 years 18 years expenence DAVE'S Sewer Cleamng, of quality & seMce to 774-9110 248.723-0945 • Landscape DeSign References available Plumbing Repair If II'S EMPIRE BUIlders Drywall, POlntes, Shores, Harper plaster framing electn & Construction throughout the Grosse broke, we'll fix II LI- FLOOR sanding and hn- H~M JIIlII. Woods Free estimates cal hmshed basements FIRST POInte and Birmingham censed & Insured Free Ishmg Free estimates • Irngatlon Systems ~/1JlU lVI/II BIll, 810-776-6321 or EL.ECTRICAL CO. areas Free estimates estimates Semor diS- Drop ceilings licensed! Terry Yerke (810)n2. " Sod Replacement 810.771-8014 10~o off Insured 810-778-2335 JOHN, Master Electncal Call (313)682'7816 count 313-526.7100 3118 SIAROI HIM! With thiS ad 810-n6-1007 313.885-3410 o Emergency Service G&G FLOOR CO 954 PAINTlNG/DI(OIlATiNG 9S4 PAINTING/DECOllATING Violations, Renovations E Be J Plastenng Drywall Doorbells Ranges Dryers Wood floors only plaster, stucco 810 Senior Citizen DIscount 313-885-0257 598-8753 313-714- No servtce call charge Floors of d,5hnctton • ~!ro!r~~erxemenr~ 0131 since 1964 ~:~ ~'9;::Ople Bob Grabowski •• LorKIscape Design & 918 CEMINT WO~K .11 ([MINT WORK Founder I PreSIdent ins.Jolkrtlon LICensed InSUred, • foil Clean-Up member of The SpeclahZIJlg In Inleno

'--.... .f ' J ... ! I t ' A I Pr Thursday, October 2,1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 9~7 PLUMIING l 971 TElEPHONE INHAllATION 9~9 POWlR I'IASHING 9.0 ROOfiNG SERVin 960 ROOfiNG SERVICE 960 ROOfiNG SERVICE 960 ~OOfING SE~VI(E 914 V(R REPAIR INSUllATION DAN ROEMER AAA Power Washing, ALL PRO ROOFING RESHINGLE, repair, aH ALL types outlets, cable, AA1 CO VCR, TV micro PLUMBING deck cleaning, painting ProfessIOnal roofs, gutters, types Flashing, tuck. com puter networks, etc wave Home calls Repairs remodelmg, code SenIOr Citizen discount Siding new, repaired pointing Free estimates Evenings and week $9 95 Nobody beats our work, flxtu res Insured 810-n4.4048 Reasonable Rehable Licensed, Insured ends fleXible (313)882- pnces SenIOr discounts Water heaters Installed 21 years expenence Northeastem Improve- 2079 licensed 810 754 3600 Licensed and Insured 960 ROOfiNG IERVIC! LICENSED/INSURED mants, Inc 313372- 973 IILE WORK 917 WAll WASHING n2.2614 John Wllhams 2414 INCORPORATED DIRECT A&K CONSTRUCTION 313-885'5813 ROOFING RepairS reshln. ALL types of ceramIC tile Jill Wall washmg by ma COMPLETE A quality job lit a lair ------9hn9. chimney screens, Installabon 30 years ex. chine No dflp No mess PLUMBING ROOFING prlcel 10 years penance Call for fraa Results guarant"p'i & ~;~~ent lea~~~~~ SERVICE experience in roollng !!1JJdl.tMl~ estimate 810-nl-4343 810-771.7299 DRAIN business. !.l. work Insured Seaver's, RESIDENTIAL ._~y Don't Forget. ______MADAR Malntence Hand Llcensed-l nsured (313)8820000 COMMERCIAL r can your ads in Earlyl 521-0726 313-794-5440 CERAMiC kJtchen coon. wall washing and Win TEAR OFF ClassJffed Advertising *Free Esbmates 313-249-5490 C E.G. Roofing repairs, ters, bathrooms, walls, dows Free estimates & flat roofs, gutters, Siding, RESHINGLE 882-6900 floors Water damage, references 313821 *Full Product Warranty Some Classifications carpentry, chimneys Do regroutlng Any type li. 2984 are requIred by law to CERTIFIED *Senlor Discount ADVANCE Maintenance my own wor'll 15 years APPLICATIONS OF 964 5EWU -n4-n94 Pager LICENSED - INSURED cense #42882 Evans. 372.2414 censed/ Insured, 810 Advertising Father & Sons 81Q-466-0285 (313)835.6124 7782335 R.B. CODDEIS Since 1949 Fanuly BustnesS smce 1924 886-0520 965 SEWING MACHINE FREE on.srte estlmates 882-6900 BU MA~-rER PLUMBERS TONY Commercial & reslden Smce 1936 Smce 1936 Shl ngle Roofs REPAIR 882.0029 CALL tlal Complete services 9.",~70 313.5 Flat Roofs TUNE.UP SpecIal In your from vinyl and laminate FAMOUS maintenance. 3\0.7 O",'f,~ 1 Rubber roofs new L S. WALKER CO. '7 Po 2 '20;5 hamel $29 95 All to Pewablc and gramte seMng Grosse POinte and repair Plumbing Drain Cleamng. ~oQ.'f it ~.D. Foley {,f:t/ makes, all ages all Expenenced Grosse Since 1943 Licensed All Repairs Free nome Impl"ovement Co. • Tear offs parts stocked 38 years POinter Great rates, ref. bonded, Insured Wall Estimates' Reasonablel Servmg 'the Palnles' for over 50 years • Chimney repairs expenence 313-885- erences, Insured 313- Washing! carpet clean Insured TEAR orrs. RfCOVr;RS • Nl;I\vywr;IGHT SNINOLr;s 7437 823-6233 mg 884-4300 81 0-286-1799 SINGLE PLY ROOfiNG' Expr;RT WORKMANSNIP We Do Our Own Work 88B-&585 PROFESSIONAL tile 313.705-7568 pager Ucensed Ill: Insured 966 SNOW REMOVAL GEORGE OLMIN work Bathrooms, kitch- WINDOW CLEANING ens, entrance halls, re- SERVICE pairs Excellent service DISCOUNT GENTILE ROOFING 40 YEARS IN THE Compebbve pnces 313- $ PLUMBING $ J &JROOFING ~ Alte n~on Getters POINTES Ware a fun way to say 392.0065, Pager 313- • For all Your (810) 445.6455 OR 1800-459.6455 • Shingle TellMlfh USee this ad" 691-8757 810.791.0070 Plumbing Needs SEE HOW AFFORDABLE QUALITY CAN BE! • Flat Dede; • Sewer $60 10 year wor1


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Focal Pointe Design: Ask Mr. Hardware: House Shopping: Details make Crack fall Seewhafs the difference! maintenance! open Sunday! Page 8 Page 3 Page 5

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N ~~" .. ~' --~t----I I I .....~.._IlIII'=-~ r J. Page 2 YourHome Thursday, October 2, 1997

Fall care is the key to a Colin' Photo by R.osh SI11Rrs healthy lawn in the spring While some people may be look- spring. ing forward to the end of the lawn If weeds are a problem, the next THE COVER ••• and garden season, professionals month prOVIdesthe best window and "those In the know" realize of control. Cooler temperatures '" Spacious townhouse with sweeping lake views. Prestigious that this is the most important allow the weeds to be more succu- ~ gated community in secluded and peaceful location. .. ); season of all. In fact, this is the 'lent, thereby allowing herbicides • Call for a private showing. start of the 1998 growing season. to be more effective. "Whatever ,~ This is not the time to think, we can do to encourage developing t "What can I do to wrap things up." strong root systems in the fall ", t I' Quite the contrary. This is the only makes the plants more viable i, time to think, "What can I do to next spring," explains Larry '~ make my lawn and landscape look Wright, president of the better next spring." Metropolitan Detroit Landscape I Everything you do now will Assoc. (MDLA)."It is very easy to 'I' ~ ,,~'"' "-'v? ~#v~~~ 4"'~~4t".,y~"'~~t- ....$'''''W\t'~:'e~~~~k have a direct impact on the health pick out those lawns and land- and beauty ofyour lawn and land- scapes that have been properly scape when things green up next tended to in the fall. They are the April. If dead spots abound, they ones that look the very best in the ~aros A8enc~ IQQ:pfe

- ----=-~------, I , ~I I Thursday, October 2, 1997 YourHome Pag!L The how-to's of driveway crack filling and house caulking Beline's Then trim the expanded foam flush with a razor knife. Caulk Best Buys Ask over the foam with cement and Mr. mortar patch for that invisible 595 \'ORTH BRYS DRI\'E Hardware look. Or use roof and tar mastic if GROSSE POI\TE ,rOODS By prior repair jobs were done with a $375,000 Blair black crack filler. IDEAL FOR YOUR FAMILY: five bedrooms, three Once the crack is filled, Gilbert full baths, two powder rooms; library/den with wood trimmed, and caulked, your job ~ floors and natural fireplace; spaciQUS kitchen will be a thing of beauty and a job With large eating area; founalliving room and dining that will last a long time. fOOIngreat torentmainmg; large family foom~ mastef' _witb __ in~ dtming fOOO) and Before you caulk the driveway, ,bath; fa_~ltanlwooc.tf'loo[s. Here are a couple ofhome main- walk around the house to check _fk« tenance projects that are best for holes around faucets, electrical done in the fall. service cables, etc. After you foam Driveway crack filling. Are the cracks in the driveway, it is there large cracks in your drive nice to use up the excess on other $123,000 and patio? Are there any next to holes in the house. the house? Take a small box with you while CLEAN, BRIGHT ANDTASTBFULLY DECORATED Let's fill them now for two rea- RANCH. three bedrooms, one bath; updated kitchen and you are foaming. Use it to carry baths; refinished baniwood floors; new: gas forced air sons: the foam from area to area - and centtat air cooditioaing. roof, brick: pavu patio; First, it's important to keep foam can be very messy and hard recently finished recreauon room with fUll bafh~large water from getting under the to clean up. fencc(!+in y~ twotal' gamge. cement. If the dirt below is wet Caulking around the windows, when the frost comes this winter, doors, thresholds and other cracks then the frost will heave, or raise, in your house could be done now the slabs of cement. The drier the that you have a caulk gun in your dirt, the less it will expand when hand. Drafty windows can be the • it freezes. Water expands when it cause of an uncomfortable area in $139,000 freezes - dry dirt doesn't. the house. Because ofthis, get the THREE BEDROOM CHARMING COLONIAL' one and one half baths with full bath m basement; many updates Second, a well-caulked drive- latex caulk when you purchase includmg gas forced atr furnace, central air conditioning, way will help keep the basement the foam and cement caulk. kil£ben cabinets; living room witil natural fifeplace; some dry. The water that collects Now is also a goodtime to check harowood floors; close tosehooJs; two car garage, between the driveway and the the flashing around the chimney. Possession itclosmg, house could be running down the A little tar and some membrane wall to the footings. Sometimes a cloth now, could save ceiling and basement leak is up to 30 feet paint repair later. away from the sagging driveway. These chores are perfect for the The easiest way to seal large old saying, "If you can't find the $145,000 cracks is to fill the void with spray t.ime to do it right, when will you WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAmNG FOR Mid.rise condo on St. foam first. Spray foam is an find the time to do it over?" Do it Clair Shores golf course~spacious and freshly painted; two aerosol styrofoam in a can. You right the first time. bedrooms, two fuR baths~ Ialmdry room; enclosed parking~ tennis have a choice of the expanding or Send any questions or com. court; sp3~exetclse room. MontbIy Association fee $189, lmme&ate.occupaney. non-expanding variety. When ments to: Blair c/o Gilbert's Pro , , ' using the expanding spray foam, Hardware 21920 Harper, St. Clair my favorite, only fill one-third of Shores MI 48080, (810) 776-9532, the crack and let the foam expand. e-mail [email protected] $259,000 PRACTICAL ELEGANCE. SpacIOus three Home maintenance and repair workshops bedroom, two and one half bath Coloma! in new subchvislOn Open floor plan BUIlder's model With Are you interested in doing trouble areas in the home and many upgrade~ QUick access to freeway, some basic repairs around your how to do the repairs while they metro park. Quiet possession. house or apartment? Maybe are still minor. Practice minor you're not quite sure how to begin repairs with experienced teach- or whether it's something you ers. Some of the classes included should have a professional do? in the series are home mspection, hiring a contractor, plumbing, $159,000 Michigan State University electrical, heating and weather- JUST A FEW BLOCKS FROM THE LAKE Clas~lc old Extension-Macomb and the City ization. \ mtaee four bedroom. one and one half balh. open IIvmg room of Roseville's Community \\1th natural fireplace. great for e\el)day lI\mg and Development Block Grant Classes will be held on entertainment large formal dlnmg worn C07) famIly room. Program are co-sponsoring a Mondays, beginning Oct. 20, at third floor poteolla! for studlO/home office, funclional kitchen series of classes in home repair the Guest Community Center, with adjQinmg mudroom (6~6x 5 6), t~ car gm$t. ~ioos • _~.t~, ~p'')$ses$'~)lk" ,,' '" " and maintenance for Roseville 16221 Frazho, Roseville, from ...... "'~...... ::.:... ..~\ ... '...... ::-....,.t ...~....~ .....~-:- residents. 6:30 to 9 p.m. Classes will meet on For More Information, Please Contact ... four Mondays: Oct. 20, Oct. 27, The classes are geared toward Nov. 3 and Nov. 10. homeowners and tenants who BELINE OBEID - 343-0100 have very little experience with This series is free to income eli- Certified Residential Specialist home repair work. However, they gible Roseville residents, but reg- do include helpful hints for partic- istration is required. Grosse Estate Co. ipants with some "do-it-yourself' Prudential ~ POi::a~ background. For more infonnation or to reg- Learn how to spot potential ister, call (810) 445-5423 http://www.beUne.com FAX.(313) 417.0044 [email protected] Page 4 YourHome Thursday, October 2, 1997 ~~~~~~:~s~"~~U~~'?~b~~~~n~!rhe~eeb~~J:~~~~~s~£-in m~i~~usS~~~ntal bundle up for winter or natural fare of inverte- tify habitat preferences ofbirds in changes we wish to avoid. visit warmer climates for brate eggs, hibernating winter. Thus, MAS has increased We welcome participants from a month or more, our insects, other arthropods knowledge of Michigan's birds all 83 counties in Michigan. feathered friends do like- and seeds of next year's while marveling at their abilities Survey forms will be mailed in wise. B I a ck - cap p e d plants. to survive in hostile conditions. October. chickadees remain while Twenty years ago the Michigan is experiencing chipping sparrows fly Michigan Audubon Society changing weather patterns. Land To participate in this valuable south. Sometimes (MAS) enlisted Michigan uses around us, both near and far, survey, send your name, address, evening grosbeaks or common residents to begin a winter bird are being altered. How will such telephone number, county and redpolls appear In winter, mean- feeder survey. Because the modifications in our global envi- township to: Michigan Audubon dering south from their summer research committee understood ronment influence our everyday Feeder Survey, c/o Kalamazoo homes farther north. the value of this work, MAS lives? Nature Center, P.O. Box 127, For the birds that remain in learned which species can be Reports on numbers and distri- Kalamazoo, MI 49004-0127. For winter, some of us brave wind, attracted to which feeders. bution ofbirds during six consecu- additional information, call cold, ice, rain and snow to supply MAS identified seasonal tive months, including winter, Monica Evans at (616) 381-1574. them with food, grit and water. changes in feeder use by resident Between November and April, and migrant species and exam- 854 Pemberton birds visit sunflower, thistle, saf- ined seasonal variation in distrib- Grosse Pointe Park flower, mixed seed feeders and ution of Michigan's birds. The suet cakes between searches of records permit MAS to monitor trees, shrubs and still-standing the year-to-year fluctuations- in lD Builders' pre-license seminar offered mOOIE Pass the Michigan state designed for people who want to builder's license examination with subcontract the construction of MAXON the help of a 16-hour comprehen- their own homes, for building INCORPORATED REALTORS'" sive pre-license seminar offered trades people who want to work beth pressler by Grosse Pointe Community legally, as well as for real estate (313)813-3765 Education in cooperation with investors and developers. The cost (888)8864060 Oakland Builders Institute. of the seminar is $170 plus a $20 Handsome Center Entrance Enghsh Colomal bUilt by Walter Mast m popular ~South-()f-Jeffersonft The seminar will be held on textbook fee. location' Recently rehmshed hardwood floors. updated Kitchen With all appliances mduded Tuesdays and Thursdays, Oct. 14 Pre-registration is required no Panelled Den overlooking private backyard Games Room In basement Newer gara~e door One Year Home Warranty prOVIded' A wonderful reSIdence convemently located to laKe 5t Clair, shol> - 23, from 6 - 10 p.m. at Barnes later than Friday, Oct. 10, to pmg, schools, and parks school, 20090 Morningside Drive, Grosse Pointe Community E-mail Beth bethpres@lxnetcom com VISitBeth's Homepage www2 clevernet{lop/re/eap Grosse Pointe Woods. Education. For more information, • 83 kercheval avenue. grosse pOlOte farms. michigan. The pre-license class is call (313) 343-2178.


25 FAIR ACRES, GROSSE POINTE FARMS For an appointment call: Incredible family home - Rebuilt and redecorated - 9,500 square foot Colonial. Completely organized for Sally [oe • 885-2000 SCHWEITZER fast paced living. Efficient use of space and RESIDENTIAL magnificent use of color and design. View of lake, VoiceMail: REAL ESTATE A~I~ Olned aII1 ~ Ue!rber 01COOweI Bner AesIdertaI Alliliales Ire pool, pool house and playhouse. (810) 704.5353 74 Kercheval, On The Hill

1 , Thursday, October 2, 1997 YourHome Pag~


Purchase Construction FHANA IUiU First-TimeNomebum 16760 Jefferson $310,000 2- 4pm Affordable Housing Programs 854 Pemberton $269,000 2- 4pm 676 Middlesex $449,000 2- 4pm Pre-.roved Conventionals At Flagstar Bank, we have the products 24 Hawthorne and service to get the job done! 39 Shorecrest Circle

GROSSE POINTE WOODS 19700 Blossom Lane $224,900 2- 4pm 19950 Norton Ct. $249,900 2- 4pm 1325 Roslyn $189,900 2- 4pm 1545 Roslyn $159,900 I- 4pm 2060 I Wedgewood $179,900 I- 4pm Kathleen A. Borucki 810-786-8376 20687 Fleetwood $126,500 2- 4pm 20283 Lancaster $126,900 2- 4pm 21202 Newcastle $122,900 12- 4pm 21544 Newcastle $119,900 2- 4pm . 21336 Prestwick $114,900 2- 4prn 21228 Sloan $129,900 2- 5pm 20648 Woodland $127,000 2- 4pm Thomas G. Speer Kim A. Fuhrmann 313-376-5609 313-210-1156

23280 Doremus Reduced 2- 4pm 21228 Sloan $129,900 2- 5pm 22560 Van Court Stop by! 2- 4pm 1065Woodbridge Must see! I- 4pm Krys K. Schroeder Chet Allen 313-376-8236 810-345-4447 30206 Lund $174,000 I- 4pm To List Your "Open House" Please Call ._-(i} 19251 Mack Ave L£NDER (Pointe Plaza) (313) 882-6900 Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236

• :LU~ I Thursday, October 2, 1997

~.. Farms. VERY SPECIAL OFFERING. Shores. LAKE ST CLAIR WATER- Farms. Exceptional home With large St. Clair Shores. CANAL FRONT Over 9,000 square feet of family irving FRONT. Lake front home with porch- foyer; spacIous first floor includes home loaded with updates. All new space SIX bedrooms, large keeping es, lakeSide deck and separate car- easy floor plan With lIbrary, everything"! Four bedrooms, three room with fIreplace, state-of-the-art nage house wIth wonderful loft space family/entertainment rooms leadrng to and one half baths, two car attached kitchen, den and family room. Pool, and upper deck. Picturesque home terrace and pool area. Multr-flre- garage, large lot WIth view of water. pool house and play house. ~ 37005 for all seasons 'D' 36645 (GPN-H- places. $1,285,000. 'It 34485 (GPN-F- Call for details. $485,000. 12' 33075 (GPN-H-25FAI) 44LAK) 87KEN) (GPN-GW-42LAV)

Woods Beautiful free flOWing ranch Farms. Attractive Side entrance v. Ith dramatic sweep of rooms and Colonial featUring large master bed- parklike backyard EnJoy the sun- room With private bath. SpacIous splashed patio and sapphire blue room sizes throughout. Freshly deco- waters of the Inground pool and Win a Cadillac Catera" - THE CADDY mAT ZIOS'" rated Newer kitchen. $264,500. cabana $299,000 11' 34295 (GPN-F- Slartmg thIS fall, you could "decorate your driveway" 'It 34385 (GPN-F-68-MOR) 19-WIl) Wlth a brand new 1998 Cadtllac Catera for t\JXl years.

Or, you could ....'Tna week-long Canbbcan vacatIon for '''-0. I4 Call or VISIt your local Coldwell Ba.nker- office to frnd out how. ....C::~-r"1iiiiI: ii=it~...... THE CAOOY THAT ZIGS.

ww~ ur:hllac.c(lll! w\\"" c(lldv.oelibankerrorn 'Abbrevlated Sweepstakes Rule." No Purchase Necessary. Sweepstakes only open to legal U S reSidents 2t years of age or older except employees and family members of Coldwell Banker@, HFS Incorporated, Preferred Holtdays. Inc and General Motors thiS sweepstakes IS VOid ,n DC NJ KY MD MO MT NE OK RI and Puer10 RICO and where prohibited othelWlse by law Sweepstakes City. SPACIOUS CENTER ENTRANCE expires on 11/15/97 To enter contact yoor local Coldwell Banker affiliate Sweepstakes sub/eet to the St. Clair Shores. Very dIfferent and COLONIAL with free flOWing floor Ofhclal Rules wfllCh may be obtained at pal1lClpatlng Coldwell Banker franchised offICes or by send. In9 a stamped self addressed #10 envelope for receipt by 1/31198 to Coldwell Banker Sweepstakes unique home. One of the most popu- plan featunng three bedrooms, updat- Rules, PO Box 3065 MINord CT 06460 Sponsored by CoJdwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. 6 Sylvan Way Parsippany NJ 07054 lar areas In St. Clair Shores (near the ed kitchen, nine foot cetlmgs, natural @ 1997 Coldwell Banker Real Eslate Ccrpora\lon An Equal Oppcr1unrty Company 6) Equal HOUSing lake) The house IS Immaculate All fireplace, family room, hardwood Oppor1unrty Each Office ISan Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Rea/ Estate CorporalJon In Canada. each OffICe IS an Independently Owned and Operated member new. Windows, furnace, central air, tloors except breakfast nook Broker of Coldwell Banker Affiliates of Canada and roof Natural fireplace and much $205,000 ~ 32845 (GPN-GW-23STC) more $195,000. 1t 34265 (GPN-F-80- DOR)

Harper Woods. COUNTRY LIVING Harper Woods. FOUR BEDROOM Harper Woods. Perfect for MOVING Woods. AFFORDABILITY and more. IN THE CITY wIth thIS three bedroom BUNGALOW. With one and one half IN' Newer carpet Includmg base- Second floor corner unit In the one and one half bath brrck ranch. baths, multi fireplaces, updated elec- ment. Kitchen bright With wall glass Berkshlres. lIVing room and two spa- Large family room and garden room tncal, freshly painted With some new block Natural fireplace In liVing CIOUSbedrooms overlook rear custom overlookmg patlo and pool. Home carpeting, formal dining, two car room. location great. Grosse POinte courtyard Custom draperies through- Warranty. $155,000. ~ 32935 (GPN- attached garage, huge lot. $119,900. schools. $119,700. 'It 34265 (GPN-F- out. $119,000. ~ 34335 (GPN-F-SO- GW-650LD) 'It 32945 (GPN.GW-75EAS) 09LOC) VER) ~"o EVERY PROPERTY. EVERY DAY UNTIL IT'S l1li • Internet Site www.coldwellbanker.com • Homefacts™ (810) 268-2800 "It • Real Estate Buyer's Guide SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE F.llped the beL...... ------...... -_ ... Grosse Pointe Farms 886-5800 • Grosse Pointe Woods 886.4200 • Grosse Pointe Hill 885-2000

I , .. Shores. PRIVATE AND SPACIOUS Woods. STUNNING COLONIAL Shores. CLASSIC GOOD LOOKS Shores. Open Sunday 1.4 p.m. 24 Wonderfully located custom bUIlt located on private, beautifully land- Brick center entrance Colonral offers Hawthorne. Great location Cape home. Sunken great room, large hVlng scaped corner lot. Family room with good location on cul-de-sac, three Cod WIth new, large family room with room and den, master bedroom sUite wet bar, refngerator and Franklin bedrooms, newer kitchen and fur- beamed ceiling, sky lights; newer fur- with two dressing areas and baths. stove. Cozy library. Newer carpeting, nace. Two car attached garage. nace and central aIr condltionmg; Private walled courtyard and large lot. drapes, roof and more. $314,500. $325,000. 'If 36855 (GPN-H-76COL) newer kitchen, frnlshed basement $459,000. tt 36815 (GPN-H-81 WOO) 'If 33055 (GPN-GW-400XF) $310,000 tt 32975

Woods. BEAUTIFUL CAPE COD. Woods. Great find! Three bedroom Park. FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL Farms. Field stone Cape Cod' 1995 Beatification Award. Newer bnck ranch In pnme Woods area. featuring formal dinmg With bUIlt-in Situated on half lots SpacIous room kitchen and baths, family room With Attached heated two car garage, shelVing, lIbrary/den, liVing room sizes. Gumwood paneled den, vaulted ceiling, fireplace and Pella Florida room that leads to park like With gas fireplace, neutral oak kItchen detailed plaster moldings. FInished doors to deck. Finished basement. backyard, easy floor plan. $249,900. Includes appliances Cedar closet, recreatIOn room With natural fIre- $257,500. tt 36885. (GPN-H-64BER) tt 34565 (GPN-F-BO-REN) alarm system, Home Warranty place. Great closet and storage space. $229,000. 'If 33025 (GPN-GW- $212,000. tt 34215 (GPN-F-70-BEL) 2BBUC)

Woods. Move nght In and enJoy the Woods. PRICE REDUCED on thiS Woods. Open 1.4 P.M. Sunday. 1545 Woods. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY natural flreplace, large backyard With Immaculate ranch With three bed- Roslyn. Completely updated, new Beautifully mamtamed three bedroom brick patro, and the neutral decor to rooms, updated bath, large country kitchen and appliances, walks out brick home large liVing room, family your new home This home has cop- kitchen, central air conditioning, nat- onto very large deck Newly renovat- room With natural fireplace. Central per plumbmg and lots of updates ural fireplace, large screened porch, ed bath With cathedral ceding Bay air and two car garage. $157,000 tt Don't miss out' $184,900. tt 34185 wonderful floor plan. $184,500 Windows In lIVing and dining room 36625 (GPN-H-78RID) $159,gOO 'If 1414') (GPN-11-BRY) 'If 33245 (GP"-.;-GW-61HAW) ~\'<: . ? f ~ 'i"...... ,. f' ~"'h 't.

Harper Woods. PRICE REDUCED' Harper Woods. GROSSE POINTE Harper Woods. LOADS OF POTEN- Harper Woods. CUTE AND AFFORD- You'll be be anxIous to move rnto this SCHOOLS Bnck ranch With generous TIAL. Two bedroom ranch on huge ABLE Two bedroom ranch WIth three bedroom charmer. Nicely Sized rooms. Kitchen With eating lot New roof, furnace and updated detached garage Immediate occupan- updated WIth new cabinets In space BUIlt-In dishwasher, natural electrical. Home being sold Ii As Is", a cy Recreation room In basement. kitchen, fresh decor In frvlng room f,replace, new frvlng room carpeting, wonderful Investment! $65,000. $59,990. 'If 36665 (GPN-H-97KIN) and dining area. $114,900 tt 37025 large covered patio. $109,000. tt 36565 (GPN-H-75EAS) (GPN-H-36PRE) tt 33405 (GPN-GW-52LAN)

~ o EVERY PROPERTY. EVERY DAY UNTIL IT'S SOLD™ • Internet Site www.coldwellbanker.com • Homefacts™ (810) 268-2800 'U' • Real Estate Buyer's Guide ..SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE lte •• .... Grosse Pointe Farms 886.5800 • Grosse Pointe Woods 886.4200 • Grosse Pointe Hill 885.2000

---."4------...~I1111•. _-====~;;;:;ii-=====----.,-III!P'-- ...... ~ '. ,- ...... - ,. Page 8 YourHome Thursday, October 2, 1997 Thursday, October 2, 1997 YourHome PaQ2.2-

Visit Our Showroom 1730 I Mack Ave. (across from Staples)

oca By Margaret K. Fitzgerald Special Writer Pirrellos' signature generations. Frank senior was a custom cabinetmaker, style. and his son has spent many years absorbing his father's ou know where it IS. Every home has Inside, the store technical expertise. The younger Pirrello has always ne. That funny, awkward "problem" showcases a vari- been drawn to detail work and takes special pleasure in spot.And it's really starting to annoy you. ety of products. finding new ways to incorporate various architectural Maybe it's an oddly shaped dressing area, There are cabi- elements to create a new "look and feel" for a room. or the plain, empty-looking hallway. nets, countertops, erhaps the kitchen needs a little sinks and bookcas- Columns, cornices and cherubs . zz.You just on't know what to do about it. es. Focal Pointe Focal Pointe carries the Orac Decor Collection of issing some detail. Architectural enhancements .... a distinctive interpretation of a brownstone. The two-story carries three cabi- decorative polyurethane products, one of the Pirrellos' h Ices, moldings, and decorative hardware can embellish a bay not only adds interest to the exterior, but extra square net Imes: Merillat. favorite product hnes. Inspired by a variety of popular (Top photo) room, addmg a dimension of beauty that enlivens your decor. If footage to the interior. Note the detail on the cornice mold- historical and claSSicaldesigns, the collection offers one- Pirrello remodeled you are considering ways to accomplIsh thiS, visit Frank Pirrello Jr.and Dynasty-Omega, ing at the roofline, and the cherubs over the first-floor and Jay Rambo. It':>; stop shopping for those in pursuit of a more graceful this elegant bath- Frank Pirrello Sr.at Focal POinte Design, 1730 I Mack Ave., Just across windows, all by Orac Decor. also specializes in and elegant doorway, or room or home exterior. room. It features the street from Staples. In addition to full bath and kitchen remodel- , I This family r')om used to be a screened porch. The "These products look lust like wood," Pirrello Jr.said. Italian ceramic ing, Focal Pointe can help you recreate your liVing spaces. Let them unusual hardware Pirrellos created the cathedral ceiling to add "They are great for either Interior or exterior applications. They don't blister, rot, expand, contract or pop. Orac Decor backs floor tiles, a hand- show you how decorative architectural motifs can "dress up" your and other decora- tive accessories. architectural interest. The cCfireplace"on the right is its product with an excellent warranty. They are lightweight, strong. and extremely attractive, with a high degree of detail." pointed decorative home In ways you've never imagined. actually removeable, designed to facilitate access to The house at 1217 Cadieux in Grosse POinte Park is a fine example of one of the Pirrellos' recent prolects.lt was at one mosaic in the neo- A house becomes your home when It reflects a bIt of who you are. Whimsical cabinet the room's heat register. Orac Decor polyurethane time a boxy, plain-Jane colonial. On a recent trip to Chicago, Pirrello Jr. was inspired by the charm of the brownstones he saw angle shower stall, Focal Pointe ISan excellent resource. "We are particularly Interested knobs from Trout moldings were used for ceiling cornices and door there. Back at the Cadieux house, he recreated the entrance to the home by building out a two-story bay,and topped it off fixtures by Kohler, in detail work, and In helping our clients to envision a more defined, Studios, sleek steel surrounds. with a verdigris copper turret Orac Decor moldings, cornIces, and onlays of cherubs embellish the rooflme. He redesigned and a Corian distinctive home," said Pirrello Jr. hardware from the extenor window moldings as well, and painted everything in gemstone hues of amethyst and deep green agamst a putty countertop. The At Focal Pointe, you can choose from an extensive selection of Siro, and heavy pol- background. shower stall was polyurethane moldings and medallions to bring distinction to a hvmg- Ished brass from Ginger and Allied Brass are just some of the products available "If a customer calls me, looking to add raised panels on the walls, some crown mouldings and a new mantel, we are able to previously a closet. room, or shop for solid brass hardware in an antique verde or silver at Focal Pointe Design. do just that," said Pirrello Jr."Smaller, more detail-oriented projects are just as important to us as the more extensive remod- finish to give a custom look to your kitchen cabinets. Whether you "I saw a void in the market on thiS Side of town," Pirrello Jr. said. "There wasn't anybody carrying a comprehensive line of the more unusual, higher-end eling jobs that we handle."Thelr attention to detail applies also to the way in which they structure their jobs, with eIther father are planning a complete overhaul of your kitchen, or are Simply look- or son overseemg every proJect. "We're a small operation," noted Pirrello Jr."My father and I still actively work In the field." ing for ideas to enhance your home inSide or out, Focal POinte car- brands of kitchen and bathroom hardware.We wanted to make these products Looking for something different, something which has eluded you until now~ Come to Focal Pointe DeSign. Decorate with ries a distinctive hne of products to get you started. In addition, the locally available:' The result is a rather unique offering of some of the best classic architectural deSigns, because the classics never go out of style. firm can install things like Vinyl Siding and replacement windows, and products on the market are prepared to take on a variety of general remodeling projects. Authorized Conan dealer Focal Pointe Design is located at , 730 I Mock Ave., across from Staples Office Supply. Store hours are Monday A new store with a new look Focal Pointe Design is a DuPont-Conan authOrized fabrication facility. This through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call them at (3 13' 884-8884, or stop in and see how their designs can transform means that Focal Pointe technicians are certified by DuPont in the fabrication On the local front of home design and remodelrng stores, Focal your home. The Orac Decor POinte DeSign .is the new kid ~n the block. But it brings a lot of expe- and installation of Coriao solid surfaces, which have a variety of applications. Collection is rience. Both Pirrello Jr. and Pirrello Sr. have worked in the construc- Conan surfaces are backed by a to-year warranty and have a superb track inspired by a tion mdustry all their Irves. Maggie Gosclki, preViously with record when it comes to durabIlity and performance. Prized for its ele- variety of histor- gance and design flexibility, Conan also IS favored for its depth and .a""'''....I"t'~ "..,.lit wftImtfcoIlTtout Stu... Customcraft, IS the office manager. Pirrello Jr. ical and classic bought the bUIlding a year ago, sensmg warmth of color. and Its ~lChly textured appearance. Focal ,.".,. ,....1'1 1ft.. ~.,!J •• ell••• I, «aI.arlel Md moN ,. designs. Pointe's fabrication faclhty IS on Eight Mile in Warren. All _: ; [ Pii'''f'IJ1blE II that thiS locatIon would best SUIt ..Jr~~ Lightweigh~ custom woodwork and Corian surface fabrication is ... cnwe ...... ,., ...... ~"'"J-,~r' ..--.... ~ ~ ~ ": the majority of his eastside cus- /~~t~"'" "" strong and completed there ",,__ ','';:: .;;>- ,~).>o tomers. After careful restora- .£'~;..' "'." The Pirrellos havebeen In the reSidential remodel- extremely tlon of the interior and attractive with redeSign of the exterior, the ing and commerCial construction business for three " a high degree building IS an example of the of detail. unique creative VISion whICh IS the

" \'" , ,,"" "* ;~~.JJ~4;~~A~f~~:~~~ <'- ~-'(~~"

__ !I ------.- I - Page 10 YourHome Thursday, October 2, 1997 THE GOING RHTE Nail down troublesome Mortgage Rates as of september 19, 1997 Phone Number 30 Yr. Rxed Points 15Yr. Rxed Points 1Yr. ARM Points 0Ihet Progs , JI8NJF AlIbco Mortgage (eOO) 731.ooot 6,875 225 6.&2$ 2 5.25 2 squeaky floorboards JIBN Able MortgageGroup (248} 932-4040 7 2 6 625 2 5375 2 Nagging squeaky floorboards neath. To fix a squeaky floor cov- AccepIanc& Mortgage COlp. (800} 828087SQ 7.125 2 6.7S 2 5.25 2 ' JlBNJF can drive even the sanest person ered with long, piled carpet, drive AeqUl.MulUalMortgageCorp (248l680-8827 7125 2 675 2 5 2 JIB bonkers. a wallboard screw through the Ameriean Finance & lnveStmen1 (800) 562-6614 6.15 3.125 6.375 2.5 $.75 G JlBNIF The following is an easy fix-it. carpet and pad - into the floor AmenplusMortgageCorp 1248)740-2323 6875 2 65 225 55 0 JIB yourself project guaranteed to Joist - and countersink the Capital Mortgage ftmdjng (246}LOWRATE 1 3 6.5 3 5.125 • 2 v JI8,f make your life a little quieter. screw-head into the subfloor. This Charter NationalBank (313)285-1900 7125 2 675 2 575 2 J!BiF Floors and stairs squeak when will release any trapped pad Chase Manha\1atl (24&) 645-6486 7.125 2 6.87S 2 4.815 2 JNIf wooden floorboards or structural under the screw-head and allow C!llzens Bank (248)691-6510 7125 1875 675 1875 55 1 JN/F beams rub against each other. The the carpet to lie flat. CMIMortgage~ (888)~ 1 .2 6.75 2 5.2S.2 JleNJF bndging between the joists can Shimming may be required if Comenca (BOO)292.1300 725 2 675 225 525 175 JIBNIF squeak when the floor above flex- floor joists are not tight against CommunitY 8ank 01Oeatborn (313)V4-1000 1.125 2 6.15 2 5.5 2, JrdNIF es under traffic. Floorboards may the subfloor in the area that is CommunrtyFederalCredWnlon(313) 451.3414 7 2 6875 2 5 1 JIB also creak if they have not been squeaking. ~HooItloans (21,8}262-8580 7.125 1.15 _ "2 :;.,SJ5 ~ t) ~ 'JNIF properly nailed to the subfloor. You will need to wedge shims CredrtUnionONE (248)544.1442 7 2 675 2 5 2 J Likewise, water pipes or air ducts between the joist and subfloor and D&adlom Fai ~ ~ {3~~-8301" IJ2$ 2 . K7S 2.~; 5, - 2 JI' may also make noises as they rub tap them into place. Don't pound Dearbom FederalSavings (313)565-3100 7 2 6875 2 5 2 the shims into place because this against floor joists. OURfinaIldal sera (800) 361.'~ 125 , t' 6.875" J."" .?.125 2; Y % :J "If at all possible, it's best to fix will lift the floor and cause more D & N Bank (BOO)236-9252 7375 2 6675 2125 5375 2 JIBIF squeaks from underneath the squeaking, Perkins says. BIte Mongag& COql. (810)323.fOOO 7 2 8.625 2 5 ~ JiB Squeaking over a large area floor or staircase," says Tom ExecutecMortgageCorp (248) 855-8800 7125 2 6 625 2 5 25 2 JIB may indicate that the joists under Perkins, an expert with The FideldyNational Mortgage l800) 251-5104 1.125 2 6.375 2 5.5 1 JiBNIF Home Depot "But if you can't get the floor are shifting slightly and giving inadequate support to the FirstAlliance MortgageCo (248)433.9626 725 2 675 2 5 25 2 J/BNIF to the area because it's covered by FitstfedefalofMichgian (SOO}OW..mt 7.125 2 U75 2 4.875 2 JlVIF a finished ceiling, it is possible to subfloor. Steel bridging, attached between joists, may keep the First InlemabonalMortgage (248) 540-1065 7375 0 7125 0 525 0 JlBNIF work on squeaks from the top 1s!NatlonaI FInancial (800) 26HI202 1.625 0 1:rt5 0 &.25 0- JlBNif side." joists from moving from side to side and stabilize the subfloor. Firs! of AmencaMortgageCo (313) 953-8000 7125 2 65 2125 5125 1375 JIBIBI For surface nailing, use 8d fin- FW$1Town Mortgage _ (248) &6W)44 1.125 2 6..&7S 2 Sj7S 2 • 'JI9N1F ish nails. Locate the floor joists If the squeaks persist, check pipe hangers, heating duets and Ragstar Bank FSB (800) 72 FIRST 7125 2 675 2 5375 2 J/BNIF and nail directly into them for a Fl$.IeFini.vlCial~1nG. (24&}~161 1 ~ 6.&25, ." 2~ :,,; : ~ " ~ IN( more permanent fastening job bridging to see if anything is rub- GailabnMortgageCo (313}994.1202 7 2 6625 2 51252 JIB that won't come loose. bing. If that's the case, loosen GW£ Mongag&CotpL ~) 964-GMAC 7 3 6.5 ,». ! -'::5.25 ': ';a'1: ';' 'J/PIi!F;, Carpeted floors can sometimes tight pipe hangers and separate Great Lakes NationalBank (800) 334.5253 7125 2 675 2 5375 2 JJBN be fixed from above if you cannot wooden bridging members to ~WeGtem~ :". (246)&19-01" 1~ ,.1 ~ 7.~ ..J" .~:. vU2S ,1f.l: get to the subfloor from under- eliminate the noise. t::"'; Group One Mortgage (313-953-4000 7125 2 675 2 5 2 BNIF GuanfiaA MQrtgag$ (24$) 642.7SQO 7 2 6.6- «'~Z "l'II' ~, 'Pi y ~ . HuntlngtooMortgageCompany (800)538.1812 725 2 675 2 575 2 JlBNIF JMC MoI1gage CO!Jl (248) 489-4020 6.815 2.5 6.5 2 5 3 oW JohnAdams MortgageCo (800)239-9109 7125 2 675 2 6125 1 JlBNIF Key$lOne MIJr1gage (800) ~ 1 1.15 6.5 1.75 5 1.14 Jl9 The gift of a piece of silver for a about it? MackinacSavingsBank (248) 553-3555 7625 0 725 0 5875 0 JJBNIF new baby is an idea that dates A. Ebenezer B. Tracy worked in MaIPsIreet Mortgage (800) 9(lO.1313 7.s () 725 ~ 525 1 ..va back to the 18th century. Many Lisbon, Conn., from about 1764 to Mf{;hlganMortgageLenders (8001435.6052 725 2 6875 2 5 375 2 JIBN people gave a small shallow bowl 1803. Tracy was one of the most Michlgan NabonaIBank (800)CAU.-MNB 7j15 2 6.875. 2.125 5.5 2 _ Jl8NIF called "a porringer," or a bowl prolific makers of Windsor chairs with a spout called a "papboat." of his day. He specialized in writ- MortgageSpecialist 1248)280-9696 725 2 6875 2 5625 2 JIB Others sent a rattle, knife, fork, ing-arm chairs. N80 Bank (800) 583-4&36 1.~ v 0 7.4 ~ 0 -'1 () J/fW1F spoon, plate or cup engraved with Today a signed Tracy Windsor is NorthAmentan Mortgage (800) 7Q0.6262 7 25 2 6 75 2 5 25 2 JJBN IF the child's name and birth date. worth thousands of dollars. No!1hwest Morlgilge COIp. (&00) 782~7" Nfl HR Nfl Jl8N1F By the 1850s, the silver-plate • Old Kent MortgageCorp (8001792.8830 725 2 6875 2 525 2 JNfF makers as well as the sterling-slI- Q. I collect tea leaf ironstone Peoples Stat&8ri (810) 979-45015 1.25 2 6.15 2 NR .w ver shops were offenng items dec- and recently was told that it was Pioneer Mortgage (248)344-1544 7 125 2 6625 2 475 2 JIB orated with nursery rhyme illus- made by many manufacturers. Is Plus 4 Mortgage (&Xl) 'lO-PlUS4 7AlS 1 7.125. 1 U15 1 JlBNIF trations, cats, dogs, bunnies and that true? PreSidentialHomeFinance (800)358.5626 7375 0 7125 0 6125 0 JIB Quaity Mortgage Corp (810)254-6150 7 1.815 6.15 2 S.15 2 8 • other popular chlldren's designs. A. Tea leaf ironstone - sturdy Mugs became popular, and white pottery with gold tea leaf Realtl FU'ldlngMortgageCorp (248)553-8900 6875 2 65 2 5 2 JIB many can stIll be found. There are deSIgns pamted on It - has been RepublIc Bancolp Mortgage (800) 758-0753 7.125 2 6.815 2 <4875 2 JNIF vanous ways to determine the made smce 1813 m England. Rock FinanCIal (BOO)731-ROCK 7375 15 6875 2 55 15 JIF value of a Victonan silver chIld's Many variatIons were made. Ross Mortgage Cctp. (000)521-5362 7.125 2 6.75 Z ' $.375 2 JNIF mug. SterlIng ISworth more than When the pattern's popularity SecuntyNation!Mortgage (8001887.7662 725 1 6875 I 575 0 JNfF plated sIlver. Some deSIgns such expanded to the United States, ~~ ~~ ~ 3 m 3 ~3 ~ as Palmer Cox Brownies or American manufacturers started SourceOne Mortgage (248)399-4500 7 75 0 7 375 0 5 625 0 JiSiFNIBI Sunbonnet girls give added value making the pattern. Some is still SLCIalr Mol1g8ge Cotp. (248) 2Il)«flI8 7.~ 0 725 0 6.25 0 J1PJI1f to the plated wares. An engraved being made. SI James SeNlClng Corp (800)B3HOO5 7 625 0 7 375 0 6 0 JIB date is always a plus. Tea leaf ironstone by any maker s.tardF«lerlllBri (a»)HOtiE.f(M) 7 2 &.7S 2 5 2 JWV!F The maker of the solid silver is considered collectible. Soobelt Na1tonalMortgage (810)254-8670 725 2 6 75 2 5 75 2 JIB

pieces is important. A cup by an • ~~&lMM (248}848-~ 7' 2 .,6454- 11 U t N .va important silversmith might be TowneMortgage (810) 979-2100 7375 175 7 15 6875 1 BNfF Jam the fun at antiques auc. worth $500, while an average ~lbtfagt~.f2l.f A ~7""t2 ; ,. """ ' s.m • 'M ' "J8 maker's cup would be worth about twns. For a copy of the Kovels' WOOd WIde FiIlClooal (248) 647.1199 7125 2 675 2 525 2 .w "How to Go to an Auction" booklet, $125. YorkAnllldllf. (248}88Sf1«), 1$" 0 7.125 0 U1t'~.' > r;, '" • send $2 along with a self- Average01Ratesand Porl1es 718 1 72 6 81 172 5 41 152 Q. The mark "EB Tracy" is addressed, stamped (55 cents) No. carved on the bottom of myoId 10 envelope to: Kovels, P.O. Box Windsor chair. Can you tell me 22900, Beachwood, Ohio, 44122.

I I I Thursday, October 2, 1997 YourHome Page 11

313-88~-6~OO YOUHHOME [LI._~nDVERTI5ING fOX: J1J-34J-556~

D£ADUNES Frequency dl$counls grve

-;;:k--,\'-.-. ------...... -...... ------i------~------.-'-.--:"'..:::-----:- P_-' - ...... ~ • Page 12 YourHome Thursday, October 2, 1997

701 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX 702 APTS/fLAT-S/DUPLEX 70S HOUSES FOR RENT 705 HOUSES FOR RENT 707 HOUSES FOR RENT/ DETROIT /WAYNE COUNTY S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY POINTESjHARPER WOODS POINTES/HARPER WOODS S"C.SjMACOMB COUNTY CHARMING East English fr- - ~ CHARMING 4 bedroom HARPER Woods- 2 bed- ST. Clair Shores, 3 bed- VIllage lower flat 2 bed- t\ Grosse POinte Woods room, bungalow, ga- room brick ranch with of- room, 1 bath, Ilvmg bO ftJfl. EnjOf ~\:'\\' home, with newer coun- rage, pets negotiable. fice, 1.5 baths, much room with fireplace, din- try kitchen. All laundry $675. Rental Pros, more. Call for details. Ing room, kitchen with " fb':f.1 "\~'5" ~ and kitchen appliances (313)882-Rent $950 per month. breakfast nook, refriger- 'R; ... ;:- Included. Central air, 2 (3~3)839-7947 IMMACULATE 3 bed- ator, stove and dish- 600d 1Jl1;. HOW MUCH car garage. $1,150. per washer. garage With LONGER month, 1 1/2 month se- room, garage, central 709 TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS opener. $650 per month, CUrity. Subject to satis- air, applrances, lawn & FOR RENT 2 Bedrooms, CAN YOU snow service, no pets Includes heat and water. factory credit. HARPER Woods, sharp Security depOSit & 1 1.5 month security, no 2 Bath Apartments ~ LIVE Johnstone & Johnstone 1st floor 1 bedroom con- year lease reqUired. pets. Open house Octo- WITHOUT 884-0600 do. Near St. Johns. All Fireplace, $9001 month. (313)886- ber 5, 1- 3pm, 5919 WATER? appliances, $450 month- FARMS, 3 bedroom 1.5 7164 Yorkshire Harbor Club South washer/dryer, white bath home. Across from ly. 248-594-7433 Apartments Be Yacht 1-941 Morang area: clean, Rlchad Elementary LAKEPOINTE. Grosse Euro-kitchen, Harbor has ... LAKESHORE Village, 2 qUiet one bedroom school. Fireplace, air, Pointe Park, furnished. Affordable 1 Be 2 bedroom townhouse. apartment, utilities In- clubhouse. hardwood floors, nice Short term rental Availa- bedroom lakefront opts. Full finished basement, cluded. $380 plus se- kitchen, family room, ble October. Kessler & Pool, deck RIGHT ON LAKE ST.CLAIRI central air, newer kitch- cUrlty.313-884-3312 breakfast nook, 2 car Company. (313)882- Enjoy: en and bathroom. All ap- overlooking garage, great location, 2646 LARGE 1 bedroom apart- - New Euro-styfe pliances. 810-774-9470 beautiful home, $1,650 ment. Mack! Cadieux. Lake St. Clair. Kitchens LOVEL Y 2 bedroom Har- - Private Yacht Horbor a month, security depos- bor Island house. 2 ONE bedroom condo, Riv- Heat, water $5001 It, good credit reference. month 810-726-0004 (South of - Free Heat and Water baths, hvmg room, din- iera Terrace for rent. - Enormous Wood Available October 15th Ing room, fireplace, With $625. per month. Land- MOROSS: clean duplex, Metropolitan Beach) Decks Be Patios or November 1st. 810- boatwell. $850, Bob. lord pays heat. 313-886- new carpet! paint. $520 - Pool 8c F'Jtness Facility 979.2900- Polly, 708- (313)824-4624 5067 763-0293- Deb. plus security. 313-884- - Water-front Clubhouse 706 HOUSES FOR RENT 8tO.469.2628 - friendly "Boat.Town" ST. Clair Shores, spacious 3312 FOUR bedroom, three & DETROIT/WAYNE COUNTY atmosphere one half baths. Cotswold one bedroom condo, NICE upper one bedroom, 131 Little Mack, modern 1 CADIEUX Mack 3 bed- newly remodeled, carpet MAkE YOUR fRiENds JEAlous, Style home in the Park. kitchen, full bath. cedar bedroom, appliances, room bungalow. Fresh throughout. All new ap- CAll ANd Mov£ ..iN TodAy! Elegant rooms, library, closet. LIving room, sun verticals. $495/ month. carpet, pamt. Finished plIances, melt/ding mi- porch, central air, deck. Grosse POinte an- 810-415-6507 IMMEdiATE AVAilAbiliTY basement, 2 car garage. crowave, washer and gleaming wood floors. nex.313-881-4295 (810) 791 ...1441 Lease. $650. 313-884- dryer. Central air and EASTPOINTE. 9/ GratIot. MinImum one year lease. 3939 carport. Heat and water SMALL upper flat, 1 bed- SpacIous 1 bedroom ()Ol( l lft'/.f.r tie boat!/ Credit report & references Included. Must see to room. Includes carpet, townhouse style apart- required. $2,200 per DETROIT- 3 bedroom, apprecIate! $650. per ceiling fans, aIr. Excel- ments WIth basement, 70S HOUSES FOR RENT month plus utilIties. brick, 2 baths, 2 garage. month. 810-598-9890 lent, safe East English newly decorated, air, ap- POINTES/HARPER WOODS Johnstone & Johnstone, $495. Rental Pros, pliances included. Con- Village area. $375 plus ATIENTION Landlords! (313)884-0600 (313)882-Rent venient location! $495 ST. Clair Shores- 2 bed- deposIt. 248-203-7890, Call us first. We have an month. Senior dIscount. GROSSE Pointe Farms; 3 MOROSS/ Harper: three room, 1 1/2 bath, appli- after 4. inventory of qualified Call 313-885-8300 ext. bedroom, brick Cape bedroom ranch, two ga~ ances, air, full base- 702 APTS/FLATSjDUPLEX tenants looking for your 204. Cod bungalow I 1 1/2 rage. Credit check, se- ment, attached garage. home. Kessler Reloca- S.C.S/MA(OMB COUNTY baths. Neutral decor. curity depOSIt. 313-882- 13/ Jefferson area. $750 GROSSE POinte Woods, 2 tion. 313-882-2646 $870. Johnstone & 5539 month. 313-885-1350. (SECURED) Two bed- bedroom upper. COin Johnstone; (313)884- room, two full bath, laundry/ storage in 711 GARAGES/MINI HARPER Woods Grosse 0600 RADNOR, 1st house off overlookmg St. Clair basement. $595. Availa- Pointe Schools, 3 bed- Mack- 3 bedrooms, all STORAGE FOR RENT Shores Golf Course. Ap- ble 1011 No petsl The room ranch, $975 per GROSSE Pointe Park- appliances, garage. .. .. pliances, deck, pool, ga- Blake Co 313-881-6102 month plus Utilites. Furnished, rent by the Alarm system. Central • YOURCAR, IN ' YOUR GARAGE I rage. $975. (313)882------Stove and refrigerator, month. Beautiful 4 bed- air $700/ month. 313- Classified Advertising Engineered garage interiors 7154 (810)n3-7447. room, 2 bath. Perfect for 886.5255 an IDEA that sells! Alternative storage systems executives and famIlies 707 HOUSES FOR RENT / 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX 702 APTS/FlATS/OUPLEX 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX relocating. Details: 313- S.C.S/MA(OMB COUNTY (810) 778.2166 S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY S.C.S/MACOMB COUNTY 885-8843 or 313-660- ~ III Ask fOr Tom I 0101 12/ Jefferson- SpacIous 2 JL bedroom ranch, base- GROSSE POinte Woods, 3 712 GARAGES/MINI ment, garage, fireplace, STORAGE WANTED bedroom bungalow, FlOrida room, air. No basement, fenced yard, pets $875, plus securi- WANTED! Garage space stove, refngerator, no ty, credit check, referen- for old car, not regularly garage, off street park- ces.810-296-0470 dnven. 313-886-5860 109, $850, references. 714 LIVING QUARTERS (313)885-0197 13/ LIttle Mack, beautiful 3 TO SHARE bedroom ranch, applian- GROSSE POinte Woods- 2 ces, verticals, large lot, ROOMMATE needed to bedroom, new carpet. -- Private Basement - Close to Shopping and deck. $8251 month. share 2 bedroom flat, ing, freshly pamted -- Central Air Fine Restaurants (810)415-6507 non- smoker, no pets, $950. month. Sandy, $450 per month plus Conditioning - Swimming Pool & 313-331-0330 A Victorian EastpOInte up- half utilities. (313)640- per flat, 2 bedrooms, for- GROSSE POinte Woods- 2 7727 -- Carports Clubhouse mal dining, appliances, bedroom ColOnial, fami- basement, garage Available ly room, screened ROOMMATE needed: $584. (810)781-2567 porch. $975. 313-884- non-smoker, brand new 0501. EASTPOINTE- LeXington, Beaconsfield duplex, Stephens, Kelly area. $4001 month plus utillt. HARPER Woods home- Cute 3 bedroom alumi- les 313-884-1947 looking to share rent num ranch, carpeted, 7160FFICE/

• I I ThursdaYI October 2, 1997 YourHome Page 13 716 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 716 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 116 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 721 VACATION RENTALS 721 VACATION RENTALS FOR RENT FOR RENT 723 VACATION RENTALS FOR RENT FLORIDA FLORIDA NORTHERN MICHIGAN APPROX. 1000 SQUARE HARPER WOODS MODERN, non-smoking, BEACH Resort. Treasure foot office available. SANIBEL HARBOUR CLAIR faU colors or bow 19959 Vernier near 1-94 13'X13' office near East. Island. Great view Pool, Grosse Pointe Park. RESORT & SPA, hunters, lake front cab- Eastpointe Plaza Bldg. land Mall. Easy access spa, cable, kitchen.' Ideal for attomeys, ac- FT. MYERS ins and house, firepla- to 1-94. Fax, voice mail Weekly. 1-800-318-5632 2/2 Condo 1 Private Beach! ces. (248)626-4383 countants, Insurance Comer suite, 4-5 rooms, phone, security and util- Sleeps 6 and/or travel agents. lots of windows, new ities included. Storage ENGLEWOOD Florida, 2/ 4 Diamond Resort HARBOR Spnngs 3 bed- Available soon. Contact carpeting $700/month. and secretarial availa- 2 condo on gUlf course. Glorious Sunsets & Views! room condominium: 313-822-0012 Also 3 room intenor suite, ble.810-773-4600. Monthly. 519-978-1705 Apnl- December, tennis, minutes to shop- $600/month. Rent includes APPROXIMATELY 1,400 $700/week; December- ping, golf. 313-865- heat/air, janitor, parking. PRICE REDUCED FOR sq. ft. prime location in FLORIDA- 2 bedroomsl Apnl, $1,400/ week. 4142, 313-886-1000, Available NOW. QUICK SALE! Grosse Pointe Farms. baths, gated, pool, golf, (248)583-5309 Jennifer. Don't miss this opportunity 313-885-7979 tennis. November 2Oth- GROSSE POINTE to purchase a beautifUl, February 15th. $1500 SIESTA Key, 1 & 2 bed- HARBOR Springs cozy COLONIAL EAST 377 Fisher Road professional office building per month. 313-824- room condominiums. Condo on golf course. S1. Clair Shores Fisher News BUilding located on Mack Avenue 7023. Pool, beach & more. Sleeps 8. Nubs Nob. 9 Mile and Harper in Grosse Pointe Farms. 941-349-5600. 313-823-1251. 600 sq. ft, Single office on second fl. Over 1,200 sq. ft. in excel- LAUDERDALE by the VENICE- Private home, all utilities, 5 day janitor, All utilities included. lent condition with new Sea! Ocean front 2 bed- HARBOR Springs- Hamlet furry furnished, 2 bed- near expressway, Available Oct 1s1. landscaping. This unique room, 2 bath condo. Di- Village. 4 bedroom con- rooms, 2 baths, Florida reasonable. opportunity to invest in rectly on private sandy do. Sleeps 10- 12. Avail- room. Available starting (810)IT8-Q120 313-882-0899 Mon-Fri 9-5 prime Grosse Pointe beach. Pool. 4th floor. able for fall coror tours, January. 313-884-4990 golfing, hunting & skIIng. DOWNTOWN M1. Clem- property won't last long. Available December, HARPER WOODS- Newly Fax 313-882-8960. Ski In- ski out access to ens- newly renovated Priced to sell at $147,000. March, April (no Apnl 7- decorated, very nice 1,600 722 VACATION RENTALS Nubs Nob. 810-977- Historic loft offices. Pri- sq. ft., suites or smaller Call: (313)882-0628 15). Weekly $1,000; 2 8509 vate bathrooms, free offices. Very reasonably for details weeks, $975 per week. OUT OF STATE 313-885-0605 parking. $500.- $750. priced. Easy access, 1-94 GULF Shores: 3 bedroom, LELAND Michigan, fall (at Vernier).Call Mr. Rob- SMALL office (7x 10). gross. Call 313-822- 2 bath, ocean front or 2 colors, modernized log erts 313-886-2900 or Timo- 17901 E. Warren, De- LOCATION, location. 2020 bedroom, 2 bath gulf cabin, sleeps 4, $2001 thy Sinclair, 810-540-1000. trOIt. $1101 month Sharp 1 bedroom, 1 EASTPOINTE view. Resort amenities week. (616)386-7280 IMMEDIA TE occupancy. (313)885-1900 bath Gulf condo. Availa- Include tennis court, In- Completely remodeled. 724 VACATION RENTALS 20818 Harper, Harper ble thru January 10 door pool. Weekly, Keyed restrooms, near ST. Clair Shores. 800- RESORTS Woods. 1,200 sq. ft. $2,300/ month. X-ways. 200 sq. ft.- 4400 sq. ft. Excellent monthly rates. 517-694- $1,000. per month. (941 )349-6383 7479 STROMNESS Island 2700 sq. ft. rate. Lahood Realty, (313)882-5420 between lodge, off Middle Chan- 810-776-5440 313-885-5950. NAPLES, Flonda best on VAIL: 2 bedroom, 2 bath 11 a.m.- 9 p.m. nel, near Harsens Is- 5 star Vanderbilt Beacll. HARPER between 81 9. 721 VACATION RENTALS condo. Call Agnes 248- land. Beautiful 45 acre LEASE or sale. 3,800 sq. 2 bedroom, 2 bath con. 588-0079 1200 sq. ft building. FLORIDA Island With 2 cottages. ft., all open wIth high do, pool, tenOls, luxury. Lease. Stieber Realty,. 4 Senior women would like 723 VACATION RENTALS Dally or weekly rates. cellmgs. Harperl 8 1/2 $2,495 to $5,295 per 810-775-4900. NORTHERN MICHIGAN Rent cottages or whole MIle Road. Broker pro- to rent 2 bedroom, 2 month. 703-533-0367, bath, Condo, February Island for any event. SMALL executive surte in tected. 810-778-6340 & or E-Mail: BOYNE Country, 3 or 4 Perfect for company pIC- Harper Woods available March In the Sarasota- MRob3613aol.com, or bedroom Chalet. SkIIng, VenIce area. (313)885- niCS. Great for fishing or for immediate occupan- Visa & Mastercard http://cyberrentals. com/ snowmobiling. 810-954- 6167. duck hunting. 810-791- cy. 313-371-6600 Accepted FURobeFLF .html 1720. 810-778-4367 9524.

: F 0 n n ~. ...:.\..:.~\~~. SOL E E L ESIOIE "~':~~~:':".n".: :": :": . . . 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE aoo HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 2,300 sq. ft. English Cot- FORECLOSED. Govern- BY Owner. $127,900, HARPER Woods- By NE a OPEN Sunday 12- 4. 3930 ment homes. Save up to o tage, 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 Harper Woods. 3 bed- centered enterance pil- Neff, 5 room Bungalow. bath, formal dining rooms, 1- 1/2 baths, so- 50% or more on repos- owner, 3 bedroom bun- lard Colonial on North By owner Best offerl sessed homes. Llttlel no room, newly updated lar famlly/ dining room, galow, well maintained, Oxford Immaculate & (313)642-0553 down payment. Bad kitchen, fInished base- low utilities, Grosse With many updates, completely updated In- credit OK. Toll free 1- ment, Flonda room, nat- POinte Schools. 313- close to schools 19342 Side & out Brand new 888-436-7973 ext. 644 ural fireplace, Parquet 882-7768 WoodSide Asking kitchen WIth granite (SCA Network) floors throughout. Less $77,900. Call 313-521- counter top, new appli- than 1/2 block from 4081 for appointment. ances, new Windows. BY owner: 438 Moross, GOVERNMENT Fore- Windmill POinte Park. New tile throughout. 3 Farms. 3 bedroom closed homes from pen- NEW lIsting. 1326 Haw- 518 Barnngton. By ap- bedrooms, 2 1/2 brand ranch, fireplace, nies on your $1.00 De- thorne Awesome FIeld- pOintment only. 313- new baths Whirlpool $145,000 AppOintment linquent Tax, Repo's, stone Cape Cod 3 bed- 822-9958. RefInished hardwood only. 313-884-9760 REO's Your Area Toll room, new kItchen, new floors, 2 fireplaces, rec Free. 1-800-218-9000 bath, family room, up- Grosse POinte Park- room In basement, 2 car Ext. H-5803 for current dates galore! Over Three Bedroom, two 3 bedroom, f,nlshed base- COURVILLE 4600- Beau- attached garage, alarm listings. 1,600 square feet. and one half bath, ment, air, more. 5511 tiful 3 bedroom bnck, 1- system. Large profeSSIO- $204,000. LUCido & As- fireplace, alarm Courville. $95,000. Call 1/2 bath, completely up- nally landscaped lot With HARPER Woods: soc. 313-882-1010 system. Marble entry for appointment, dated, new furnace/ inground sprinkler sys- sharp 1200 square foot and floors & Flonda (313)885-4685 carpet/ ceramic tile. tem. $340,000. Shown 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath OPEN Sunday, 2- 4. room Newly 81 0-445-09311 313-885- by appolntement only. bungalow. Hardwood 23280 Doremus, St remodeled kitchen. 3 BEAUTIFUL Cape Cod on 0877 313-885-5741 Clair Shores. Near Lake Car garage, Large lot. CUl-de-sac, Grosse floors throughout, natu- & parks. Pnce. reduced $295,000. (313) 886- • POinte Woods, 3 bed- DETROIT'S BEST BUY ral fireplace. New fur- Sharp 3 bedroom brick nace, central alf, finish- A great "raised" Colomal 1816. Open Sunday rooms. Move In condi- OPEN Sunday 1- 4 39 With 1st floor maste r tion, 2.5 baths, den fam- bungalow. Updated kitch- ed basement. 20663 EI- Shorecrest Circle (west 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. en, central all', formal din- SUite, plus 4 bedrooms Ily room, new kitchen, I

-.r ~ 111i:1a,;l\,':; " ....J, Page 14 YourHome Thursday, October 2, 1997 813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 820 BUSINESS 803 CONDOSjAPTSjFlATS 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE HOMES OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE ST. Clair Shores. spacIous ST. Clair Shores Country HARBOR SPRINGS, 3 MT. Clemens is Hot! Well 3 bedroom ranch With Club ranch, 2 bedroom,. story Townhouse. Fur- known downtown eatery ATTORNEY attached garage, central 2 bath, attached garage, ntshed 3+ bedrooms, 2 With sprrrts. High profile Will represent you at the air and baseboard heat, 1st floor. $104,900. Ka- 1/2 baths" central air, location. Motivated seil- closmg of your home 1,450 square feet. thy Lenz, Johnstone & fireplace. patios, outdoor er. Ask for Joe Sowerby. Attorney B.J. BELCOURE 27420 Ursuline. 810- Johnstone 313-886- heated pool, tennis Anton, Zorn & Associ- 313-882-2323 772-4552. Open Sunday 3995, 313-884-0600. courts, clubhouse, play- ates 810-469-8888 1-4. ground. Near Nubs and SALE- Grosse Pointe 1238 AUDUBON ST. Clair Shores, 19533 Boyne Highlands. Sur- REDUCED Danbury Es- THE kind of house you Beauty Salon. Write: 2,500 square Ridgemont, 2 bedroom rounded by Little Tra- tates. Grosse Pointe steal Ideas from. Cus- 18640 Mack, P.O. Box feet, very large townhouse, 1.5 baths, verse Bay golf course. Schools. 1900 sq. foot. tom Woods ranch In 36184, (branch) Grosse rooms, fireplace family room, finished By owner. $89,900. 810- cape cod. Immaculate process of being com- basement, private patio, POinte Woods, MI 48236 condition 3 bedrooms, 2 in master suite, 979-0566 pletely remodeled. Stili covered carport, $125 SUCCESSFUL Christian 1/2 baths, formal dining family room. tIme to pick your colors. per month association business man seeks In- room, family room WIth Open Sunday, TRAVERSE CITY CONDO $289,900. Call George , fee, $72,500. Century dividuals who would like fireplace. Many updates. 2 bedroom, 3 bath with Hallmark Quality $299,500. (313) 21 Americana (313)525- to earn $50,000 to $154,900. Century 21 cathedral ceiling, new Homes, 810-763-4757 884-8145. 6500 $100,000 plus yearly: Gold, 810-286-4600. furnace/ windows/ kitchen WARREN and drive free company WOODBRIDGE EAST and carpeting. Shared MOVE-IN CONDITION paId cars: Call 1-800- RIC,HMOND- Custom 303 (ONDOSjAPTSjFlATS Open Sunday 1-4. 1065 beach front with dockage. Open Sunday 1 to 4. 742-4313. quality story brick Woodbndge. Sharp, 2 Tennis courts and pool, 2 2300 square foot split home on 2 1/2 acres. 15 Mile/ Jefferson. 400 on bedroom, 2 1/2 bath brick $82,900. level 4 bedroom, 3 baths. the Lake. 2.400 sq. ft. townhouse. Finished base- 800-328-4668 Corner lot. 4 bedrooms, Den, formal living & din- 3 baths, full 12 block Pool, clubhouse, tennis ment. Move in condition. 313-885-3448 MapSOf ing rooms. Family room basement. 2 1/2 car & your own boatwell. Stieber Realty with fireplace, 1st floor Grosse Pointe heated garage. Pole $225,000.313-521-5600 810-775-4900 818 SALE OR LEASE laundry. barn WIth cement and & 30206 Lund 19712 Fleetwood, Balfour GROSSE POinte, 15224 electric $269,900. 806 FLORIDA PROPERTY $174,000. Square Condo Units. 1 Kercheval, zoned retail. Harper Woods (810)727-5019 810-558-9430 bedroom, beautiful area, INDIAN Rocks Beach Approximately 4,000 upper unit, appliances, (near Clearwater). A square feet. Previously Only $1.95 ST. CLAIR SHORES car- port, patio, base- gem within walking dis- used as Psychiatric clin- (in office) brand new custom bUIlt,3 ment, $49,500. tance of Gulf of Mexico ic. 313-824-7900 or 313- bedrom brick & Vinyl ranch (810)949-9378 beach. 2 bedroom 2 570-3218 Complete featUring full basment; on bath condo, tile and car- BERKSHIRES, Vernier & 820 BUSINESS Street Index a huge 75x 232 ft lot. peted floors, working Mack, 1st floor, 2 bed- OPPORTUNITIES $114,900 fireplace, wet bar, hot room, 2 full baths, fire- BEAUTY shop for sale- Grosse Pointe tub, deep water slip, place, qUiet 1,400 sq. ft. $10,000. $4,000 down. News ST. CLAIR SHORES 1040 OXFORD minlmul mamtences. rear unit overlooking Must sell. Call Frank brand new custom bUilt 4 NORTH. Quiet $159,900. Call after 5pm swimming pool and Palazzolo, 810-726- bedrom brick and Vinyl col- private back- (813)595-2077. 800 HOUSES FOR SALE omal With full basement, yard, three bed- beautifully landscaped 5509, Pager: 810-403- great room, 1st floor laun- rooms, two and grounds, carport, lots of LONGBOAT Key, Florida. 3030 one half baths. dry, 2 car attached garage closets/ basement stor- 2 bedroom, 2 bath Con- Clarence ESTATE planning. Amaz- age. 313-884-9784 do, updated kitchen, on a hugh 75 x232 ft. lot, Honkanen, ing new moneymaker! $139,900 Coldwell Banker CLEAN 1 bedroom lower new carpeting, com- Earn $1,100 to $2,700! pletely furnished. Excel- Lee Real Estate, ask for Schweitzer. 810- co- op unit In Harper weekly. Leads in training Harvey (810)771-3954 704-6012. Woods. Immediate oc- lent furniture. Boat dock provided. Organizational cupancy. Very close to available. $135,000. & management skills ST. Clair Shores- on Jef- 313-885-3929 shopping and freeway. helpful. FleXIble part- 748 NOTRE DAME ferson, south of 11 Mlle. Days: 810-778-2272, 813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN time hours. 24 hour Grosse Pointe, Beautiful, spacious 3 Don't Forget- Evenings: 810-228-7417 HOMES message. 1-800-297- one block from bedroom brrck ranch, the Village, large Call your ads in Early! WATERFRONT, sunrise & 1382 family room With natural LAKESHORE Village. Two lot, two car sunset, 3 bedroom va- flreplace, 2 full baths, bedroom! one bath HAIR Salon, men's and garage. Classified Advertising cation home on a point central aIr, full base- townhouse. Newer win- women's, 6 chairs, 4 $134,900. Eric between 2 lakes With ment, patiO, 2 car at- 882-6900 dows, air, updated kitch- shampoo, 2 tannrng Goosen, GRI - 650' frontage near Gay- tached garage, double en. (810)773-9184 for beds, St. Clair Shores. Goosen Realty FAX 343-5569 lord. $189,900. 810-774- lot Gillen Realty. appomtment to see. Askrng $15,000. Services. 810- 3500 or 313-881-2520. 773-7138. (313)886-3665 $69,000 (810)264-1449


:-FOR SALE BY OWNER • 1265 BISHOP ROAD -: Imnuuulate Grosse Pointe Park Colonial • Great location: Walkmg distancE' to the village, neighborhood schools and parks • Three spacious Lovely Cape Cod adjoining the Pointes. Three bedrooms, Two bedrooms, one and one and one half baths, hardwood Aoors throughout. Many updates half baths. Exceptional including: new furnace with central and electronic air, roof, family room with alarm system. Professionally landscaped with inground gas grill cathedral ceiling. and lighting. Grosse Pointe school System. Must see at this Price $154,900! By Appointment. (313) 882-0994 • $259,900 • ••- •• Please call for appointment (313) 886-9163 .

I I "r'~ I Thursday, October 2, 1997 VourHome Page 15 , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EAL ESTATE 830 GROSSE POINTE SHORES 834. GROSSE POINTE PARK Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone No !.istings Available _ 734 Pemberton 3/2.5 Renovated French colonial $299,500 313-821-0500 - ~------~ ------~ --- ~ ------!05~ Lakesh~ !i/3-.:.! _ _~,500 sqJt Tappa~_~~_. __$~2~OO~~~::!!8~~620~ 854 Pemberton 4/2.5 Open Sunday 2- 4. Handsome 831 GROSSE POINTE WOODS center entrance English colomal' ______H~ig_bl_.e_M_a_x_on,~~ $269,O~ 313.886-3400 Address Bedroom/Bath DescriptIOn Price Phone I 2050 Kenmore 3!.!.~ Open dally with appomntment $135,000 313'882-~414 19700 Blossom Lane 5/2 Open Sunday 2- 4. Outstandl ng curb appeaJl Professionally 835. DETROIT I landscaped Higbie Maxo~_Jnc. -..J224,!00 313:!'.!J!:..3i0f!. Address Bedroom/8ath Description 1325 Roslyn 4/2 Open Sunday 2- 4 Bungalow gone Price Phone colonial I Immaculate wonderul No Listing~Available ~______hom~HigbieMaxon, Inc. _ $189,0~~~886-3400

832 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 836 HARPER WOODS Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone No Listings ~vailabre _ 20663 Elkhart 3/1.5 ------_ _ ~ery clean, tota!!y update~ __ $.!J~,50~_~3-884-9502 20687 Fleetwood 3/1. Open Sunday 2- 4. BeautifICation award winner' Grosse POinte Schools -833 GROSSE POINTE CITY Higbie Maxon, ~nc. $449,900 313-886-3400 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 19342 Woodside 3/1 Bungalow Close to schools WIth No Listings Available _ _ _ _ m~.':ly~pdates ~~OO __313-5.!l-4081 21228 Sloan 3/1.5 Open Sunday 2. 5. Brick ranch ______NFP, 21/2 car garage J129,90~3~3'863-740~ 834. GROSSE POINTE PARK Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 837 ST. CLAIR SHORES Ellair Road New constructloni vacant lols Address Bedroom/Bath Description avaIlable Our budder IS ready Price Phone to discuss constructIOn 22505 Pointe Drive 3/2.5 Lake acess, under constructIOn Call 313-882-3731 '. R.G. Edga.!...!Associates. S!!L 313-886-6010 ------Bishop Rd-.------NEW CONSTRUCTION Four 22560 Van Court 3/2 Open Sunday 2- 4. Detached lots remaining Our bUilder IS condo on canal Boat space, awaltmg our call to coordinate 1st floor master bedroom & bath 313.886.4200. constructmg your dream home Coldwell Banker Schweitzer Pager, _-.B.G.~d.8..a~& ASSQciates. _ _ <;all_ 313-886-6010 Real Estate. Call 810-704-6011 ------Windmill Pointe Drive. Magnlflclent Lake St Clair view IS Just the beginning In desulbmg thiS elegant English Tudor style ItG. Edgar & Associates. Call 313-886-6010 ------840. ALL OTHER AREAS 676 Middlesex 4/2.5 Open Sun. 2-4 Beautiful colonial. Excellent conditIon, wonderful Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone ~ _lan~scaplng ~igbie M~xon, Inc. $449,900 313.886.3400 ------No Listings Availa~~ _ _


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... '- --- ...... , T'r"~.lll __. ;Ill'~ _«tllIIlMlt1li._ ..... j I ~I I .11 _ . ~------:-~ -_. i~a_A f f I I' -I, Page 2 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe News/The Connection • Fall Home Improvement Make the most of a small kitchen

"erybody 10\ c<; stones about ~pace and constructIOn limitatIOn<;often Include <;ome open ~torage space Use artIficial lighting effectIvely kitchen mak.covers In which a make It imposc;lble to expand a kitchen Open "helves and plate racks create the Undercabmet lighting and IIghtmg mSlde Ewall 1'1 removed here, another is beyond its present dimen<;ions. IlIu~ion of Increased depth and add vi<;u- glass cabInets highlight the depth of the pushed out there and, VOila, the family However, there still are ways to max- al intere<;[. SpecIfymg some cabinets room. ha~ a wonderful new kitchen With all the imize the <;paceavailable and mamtam a with glass doors accomphshes the same Use accent colors strategically. An room they need for storage, food prepa- comfortable, welcoming environment, objective. eye-catching color used sparingly, ration and Ju"t plaIn "hangmg around." according to Paul Radoy, manager of Let in the light Natural light WIll behind a shelf or on a backspla~h, can Unfortunately. budget con"tramts. design services for Merillat Indu<;tnes, make the room seem more <;pacious, so draw the eye and suggest added depth the nation's largest manufacturer check out the pOSSibilities for adding a More cabinet ideas for kitchens and of cabinets for the home He window or skylight. If your kitchen has a other rooms can be found in Merillat", offers these tips: wlOdow but a dismal view, con<;ider a product guide, which ISavailable free by Use lighter colors. The pale, gla'ls-block window or backsplash that calling 1-800-575-8763, Ext. 6086. natural tone<; of maple are very WII! let In the light. popular nght now and are perfect for cabmet~ In small kltchem, a<; are whItewashed woods and solid whites Choose light-colored TopTips for Kitchen Remodeling fIoonng and countertops. • Design an island counter, and • Make it inviting for everyone in Maximize storage pos'libllt- position cooking tasks sociably the household. Accommodate children tle<; Select cabInets with roll-out toward the center of the room. with varying counter heights or a sep- tray'l that make it ea"ler to get at • To give your kitchen a fresh, new arate activity area with a chalkboard. thIng~ stored In the back of the cabInet Consider Includmg one look without completely remodeling • Make sure your appliances fit it, replace old appliances, paint the tall utility cabInet with multiple your cooking and design needs. Jenn- roll-out tray" or a pantry cabmet cabinet doors, replace old counter- 'Air offers a full line of kitchen appli- tops, add decorative tiles, and alter ances with fUD

.. 4

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Nothing mvs »-elcome home llJ...eWAVERLY ...... Ii!i..~~ ,,'I" GAS GRlLLS Dynamic Cooking System '4, Se/e,1 (rom the jre<;hcolors and ,Iwrmlflf? pattem<; that maJ...e WAVERLY "aI/paper<;, borden and home ftHluoll'l a ....ear round delight. ~() one Inak('~ it ho[n(' like Wi\VERlJY~ POIN1'E PAlNl' & DECORA1'lNG CEN1'ER 19655 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI.

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I I ~I Fall Home Improvement • Grosse Pointe Newsffhe Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 3

COMPLETE BUILDING EXPERTS 22621 Harper • Just south of 9 Mile Rd. • Additions • Bathrooms 777-4160 • Garages • Windows • Recreation Rooms • All types of Exterior Siding • Dormers • References Available We Do The Complete Job Inside And Out.

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Pointe Windows, Inc. For All Your Window Needs ~~II. 22631 Harper, U1 f Just South of 9 Mile }"r Jl.~ •. ~.772-8200 Page 4 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe NewsfThe Connection • Fall Home Improvement r : ~ .-;---Iiil~~~,~-:~.-=•.--~,).~ _~. ::~~~~ __ :.:..i_ :~...:...:...~~ Squeaky floors have met their match ne of the most annoying problems homeowners have is with squeaky A•U •T·U •M •N I~.:l,l floors. Even though squeaks are a problem, people have learned to live with :.1 them, b$x:ause there hasn't been an easy way to solve the I IS A PERFECT TIME . O problem - until now. ;tt, FOR PLANTING ,lJLrl Screwing the floor members together is the most effective way of ensuring that \> '.! TREES, SHRUBS, EVERGREENS, AND PERENNIALS 1:'!'f. your floors won't allow movement and squeaks. There is a new product called 1 Squeeeeek No MoreTM that will allow the floor members to be screwed down ~ ":j without having to pull the carpet up. This new tool uses a special screw that pass- t., tlI1 es through the carpeting without causing any damage. Now, you can screw your carpeted or hardwood floors down in three easy steps, TRUCK LOADS OF NEW ~ I. : .1 without having to go below the floor or pull the carpet up. For Inote infonnation. ~I P~ANTS COMING WEEKLY ~ call O'Berry Enterprises at 1-800-459-8428. . " Bid P' St 30% OFF ,. · STEP 1: Locate the floor joist using l the technique in the instructions, 11_" :11, a e me raw WEEPING JAPANESE 1_' 'i , I for Winter Mulching of MAPLES, 'Then. push the Alignment and Depth Control Fixture finnly into Ple carpet. I.' •. , Azaleas and Rhododendrons PERENNIALS, ,. • " !!,~.~"J • HOSTAS AND MORE )~,.' ~1 ~, SPECIAL ORDERS AVAILABLE ~~f ~ Top 5011• Woodsy Loam • Shredded Pine Bark • Wood Chips l.'1 I'Ii f" t '. ~ 14300 Toepfer rrFie,. ~ , .. j 81/2 Mile between "URSERY, 'NC. ~t ;~'\ G~atlo~&~~~:enherr ,-----..., ~l STEP 2: Place your weight around rJ:' ~ "The Home of Woodsy Loam" OPEN MON.-FRI. ~ the fixture, and drive the scored screw down as far as the fixture wilt jILl ~TOEPFER 0 (810) 779-3388 8ams~;p.m. ~f allow it to go. ~f .c _ =~ .'l 8 Mile l VISA j l'r...L J 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ' Jf--~--~-~--~'::-4-_l~',.". ~t~:~.~.~.~'~~'~ ~'-~~~.t..,..r,

STEP 3: Place the gripper part of the fixture over the screw head, then rock the fixture left to right snapping the head off. The screw breaks at the weak spot that is consistently just m below the surface of the floor. 10 Roof Failure Warning Signs You Can't Afford to Ignore

1. MISSING SHINGLES Blown off In high Windsor storms 2. AGE 15 years IS the normal life r-:------:-t expectancy of organic shingles, ones most commonly used In the 70's Shorten your list. SAVE $10 3. CURLING EDGES Due to water absorption Intothe back of the shingle On Your First CURLING EDGES 4. COLOR VARIATIONSbetween areas CRACKING Cleaning Visit of shingles Call 5. CUPPED SHINGLE TABS Abn()(mal ~~.'O- sha~ shingles ~~~7.,r; _ 8. CRACKED SHINGLES From cold weather and Wind P""..,Af~ Merry 7 DISCOLORED ROOF DECKING a"". ~/w..- Water damage 10 lhe InSide wall of 1'1fIt ~ ~ w:rJ-J4- alflc FISH MOUTHING MISSING SHINGLE TABS 1iI-H,~~ 8. BLISTERING Caused bV mOisture Maids! !.-It~~ wllhln or under the shingles 886 0520 ~ ~,..."., ~ NATIONAL 9 INTERIOR CEILING STAINS From • ...... ROOFING leakage through attic 25 & 30 Year Warranties 313. 885. 3360 New customers only CONTRACTORS Available BUilders LIcense Not valid with other offers. IMJASSOCIATION 10 BRITTLE TEXTURE Shingles break No 59540 • Ins red L ..J off when walked on U 810. 498. 9165 16929 Harper Ave., 1 Blk. South of Cadieux

I f Fall Home Improvement • Grosse Pointe Newsffhe Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 5 New Rules Contemporary chapter to cleaning by the book ost peoplc learned how to affmr clean from their mother'i, who If everyone pitches in, cleaning WIll Mlearned to clean from their be faster and maybe even fun. To mothers, who probably "wrote the book" encourage family harmony in house- on cleaning. But whIle our mothers work, try these ideas: taught us well, times have changed, as • Be as specific as possIble when del- have lifestyles and c1eanmg products. egating housework. likewIse, it makes good sense to change • Let famIly members select chores the rules to fit modem life. that are most appealing to them. Much of what we learned doesn't fit • Lcarn that "good enough" is good today's needs. The old rules dIctated reg- enough. 't I. ularly scheduled scrubbmg of everything New Rule No.5: New rules call for L ~~i under the roof, and perfection was the new tools. Draperies and Interiors \ goal. "The New Rules of Cleaning" give Challenge old notions of "must and you freedom to throwaway time-con- mustn't use." Dishes once were the suming habits and encourage less vigor- domain of the dishcloth, and tub clean- Celebrating ous activity on a more flexible, forgiving 109 was conducted only with a sponge. Our schedule. So, if you want to feel good Not any more! One sheet of Bounty about cleaning, you just might have to Rinse & Reuse, an extra thick and 30th Anniversary break the rules. durable paper towel. retams its strength The New Rules when wet, so it can be rinsed, wrung out New Rule No.1: Get a new attitude and reused to complete an entire tough - Visit Our Studio - about what "clean" really means. clean-up before being thrown away. Replace the pursUIt of perfection with Bounty Rinse & Reuse teamed up Designer Fabrics & a more reahstlc approach. There is more with cleaning experts and busy moms to to life than cleanmg. develop "The New Rules of Cleaning." War r-Coveri ngs New Rule No.2: Clean when it's This free informational booklet provides Artwork • Uphol stery needed, not when "scheduled." tips and suggestions that make house- Focus time and energy on frequently work less time-consuming and perhaps Carpet • Accessories used rooms, such as the kitchen and more enjoyable. "The New Rules of Blinds • Shutters bathroom. Clean other rooms on an "as Cleaning" help bridge the gap between needed" baSIS. the household responsibihties of our Lighting • Furniture New Rule No.3: Seize 60 seconds. mothers and the demands of today's Window Treatments ConsIder cleaning a work in progress. busy schedules. A few mmutes of cleaning here and there For a free copy of "The New Rules of Displays really do add up. Break down big Jobs so Cleaning" - mcludmg a sample of they can be tackled a bit at a time. Bounty Rinse & Reuse - call toll-free New Rule No 4' Make It a family 1-888-4-NEW-RULES A full Service Interior Design Studio Did You KnOW ••• A tool kit is a must for every house, regardless of whether the occupants an: expe- rienced do-it-yourselfers or can barely tell a screwdriver from a butter knife. With On Staff Designers Available a basic toolbox. a minor problem can be taken care 'of before it turns into a major For Consultation catastrophe. The following is a list of tools that should be a part of every house- held's tool kit. . • Good hammer. • Adjustable wrench. • Toilet plunger. September marks Nitsa's Draperies and Interiors 30th year m the wmdow • Retractable tape measure. • Pair of pliers. • Pair of work gloves. treatment and design field and we are over]oyeQ with our success 10 thIS very • One small and one medium-size screwdriver. competitive market! Our EastSIde Family tradition prides Itself on our old world • Power drill. along with a complete set of bits. craftsmanshIp and customer satlsfactlon. We create all of the wmdow treatments, • Inexpensive pair of wire cuners. pIllows, table covenngs. bedding and more right in our on-site workroom. Our • Utility knife with a razor-sharp blade. staff of expert seam'itresses takes great pride In their work to guarantee that • Roll of electrical tape and roll of masking tape. every clIent IS delIghted With the fimshed product. • Pac es of nails and screwsin all sba and sizes. Our convenIently located showroom IS a COMPLETE HOME DESIGN CENTER featuring the fine'lt m wall covenngs, carpeting and area rugs, Window • Garages covenng'i that mclude drapene'i, valance'l. blind ...and '1hutters. Our acce'isorie'l Torn Down and Iightmg are truly umque. Vl<;Hu<;on the '1outhwe'lt corner at 28983 Llule Mack (jU'it 'iouth of 12 MIle) • Garages/Vinyl Sided Nlha"l De"'lgn ...taff ha...ycar'l of expenence In custom boat, commercial and home mtenor'l, uph01'ltery, and beddmg - JU'it to touch the 'iurface of our broad • Garage Doors spectrum of <;ervlccs. Our de'ilgncr'l - NIcholas D Avoum, Thoma'l Bushouse Solid Vinyl Siding. Custom Aluminum Trim. Now Money Down. Bank Financing and ClOd! Hlck'i - can help you 'lave money. lIme and co-;tly ml'ltakes. The busICr MAKE YOUR OLD GARAGE LOOK NEW BY ADDING NEW SIDING, TRIM, our lives become, the more the need and de<;lfe for comfort and luxury Thclr commitment and pa'l'ilon for de,',lgn can 'ipdl Into your bath, bedrooms and all SHINGLES & OVERHEADDOOR (16'x7') to your structurally sound garage (2-car starting at $2395) your personal hvmg "pace". Let thcm help you 'Ilmphfy all your declslon'l • from light and hrccly 10 ,formal elegance - we havc -;omeone to addre'ls your need'i c/Vit1.a .i !]:)'tap£7.i£1. and ffnt£7.io't.i YOUR COMPLETE HOME DESIGN CENTER DETROIT TOLL FREE Vmt our showroom or ~('hedule and tn-home de~lgn (on~uftatlOn Same Location 45 Years (313) 839-4012 Open Sun.-Sat. - Dally 9-7 1-80O-S01-4012 810-772-1196 -. .(;. ue'!f*d' ::to I ( October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe News/fhe Connection • Fall Home Improvement Make basement steps slip-proof ometimes wood or concrete steps call the Bondex customer hot line at leading down to your basement (800) 225-7522 S can be slippery They're u"ually COLD YET? narrow and steep, and If you're hurrying down them 10 slippers or stockmg feet, It's warm you can WInd up gomg for qUIte a nde. The old-fa"hioned way to make steps inside my slip-proof was to affix self-adhesive Four Seasons nonslip tape or treads to each step. A Sunrooms newer method IS to coat the steps with a slip-resI"tant fimsh. Bondex recently Addition! introduced Skld- Tex, a nonslIp crystal- clear acryhc spray, specially formulated for easy use on Intenor and extenor .'>ur- Actually, it's comfortable year 'round faces to help prevent slIps and falls. the Outdoor Living ... Indoors spray is made wIth a umque cry"tal-c1ear ingredIent that IS tougher than epoxIes, prOVIding a umform safety coating that is long-lastIng and extremely durable Aerosol Skid-Tex adheres to mo"t sur- faces, mcludmg wood, concrete, metal, glo%y-painted surfaces and ceramic tile. It is Ideal for use on porch steps, base- ment stairs, laundry area.'>, handraIls, Basement and porch steps can be ramps, walkways, patIO blocks, SWIng made slip-resistant with the help of FOURSEASONSSUNROOMS sets, skateboards and other areas where a Skid- Tex, a new nonslip crystal-clear slip-resistant surface IS deSIred. acrylic spray from Bondex. The finish OF SOUTHFIELD This spray can be found at hardware is very durable, and the spray can be 2251 7 Telegraph Road stores, home centers, mass merchants used on both interior and exterior sur- and paint stores. For further Information, faces. Southfield, MI 48034 248-352-4250 Pssst: Spray paint is decorator's secret

ecorators and mtenor designers through of waterborne aerosol products worth their chintz and color for home use. Waterborne expertise Dswatches will tell you: PaInt is makes pOSSIble, for the first time, spray the fastest way to change the look of a paintmg on such materials as fabric and room, and spray paint is the qUIckest craft foam. Decorative techniques, like and easiest way to apply paint. Faster stencilmg, are made easier, tOO. Latex than you can say "quick-drying formu- spray ISalso appropriate for outdoor use: la," spray paint can transform attic and Wicker accessories and intricate yard-sale fmds into treasures and wrought iron are made infinitely easier mstantly coordinate accessories to to paint with the convenience of an match a room's decor. . aerosol. With aerosol spray, the sky's the lImIt. Traditional spray paint has been Imagine, for instance, stenciling FALL HARDY HOLLAND f~~fI Joined by a formulation newcomer, moons and stars on a porch or a bedroom MUMS BULBS .W)) latex paint. The world's first-ever latex wall, or in orbit around a breakfast nook, spray paint, LiVIng Color from Krylon, for an out-of-this-world look. You can ~~$2.00 WE CARRY MOST ~ ~. I ~~~~ OFF is beIng haIled as a major step forward ~. ~, VARIETIES. • eaSIly create a decorative sisal rug or ""£ '(~L1MIT 10 W/COUPON In spray-paint performance and conve- floor mat In a subtle geometric deSign XPI 10 /91 QUANTITY DISCOUNTS nience. USIng masking tape and spray paint. The excItIng new.'>for decorator.'> and Fabnc, too, can be spray painted, giving crafter" I" the technological break- any room a coordinated look. . 'Early autumn SaVings-- • ~ G,,,dt,,hN ~ ~joh XHowardMi ...... __ IIIIia _ , 4,~ Uock~ By ~~ -\:1'!" lief' I Top QUALITY ~wJI{ -- I MICHIGAN PEAT I I~:'t Over 400 Clocks To Choose From I & TOP 501 L l' c:. J I I $ 69 ,...~ I II I, 40-0/o:500/~--OFFl IREG $249 1BAG ~ I '40 L8 BAG LIMIT 10 -.\ I I J11 I Safe epneC5 .Stm I' 7 , 0111 '3.9~Y" I ------.J L'!!.~~!.o.l"_ ~~~ ~~~7 _.J i,1 • rr0C [)01lvcry & Set Up • 2 Ycar Warranty _~' • Mo.,t Major (redll Lard., A< ccpl0d • Fxpert Clo( k Repair .~ ~ Jl\nsl'uiUl'

I I , Fall Home Improvement • Grosse Pointe Newsffhe Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 7 Talking the talk of the home-improvement contractor: Tips for getting the job done fter the heavy rains, strong cate of Insurance. A contractor's tern. Things to dISCUSSWIth the con- • Ask the contractor about both the winds and blIstering heat of insurance protects his or her busi- tractor include how roofing, VInyl workmanshIp and manufacturer's A spring and summer, many ness, as well as sIding, windows warranty. You should be very clear homeowners need to know how to your home. r and patIO door'i about whom to call with a problem. get home-repair and -improvement This Insurance f can work together • Make sure that the contractor i~ jobs done before the holidays and should include as a system to aware of all product offenngs and cold temperatures draw near - and workers' com- maximize your benefIts. Look for WIndows, patIO they need to make sure the Job IS pensation, fire home's beauty door<;, shIngle" and vinyl e;ldIng done right the first time. and extended while saving time made of long-lastmg matenals that InstallIng SIdIng, wmdows or a coverage, and and money on offer no-hassle maIntenance and new roof IS a bIg Job and a big commercial maintenance. It's easy cleamng The right wIndowe;, investment. That's why It pays to general lIabilI- also Important to shIngles and SidIng also can help hire a professional contractor who ty Insurance. discus'i how each enhance the aesthetic appeal of a offers proven experience, good cre- The contractor element of the home, which is why the contractor dentials and a Wfltlen estimate. also should roofing system - should dISCUC;S color and style Because each element of your know, explaIn ndge vents, soffit options with you as well. By choos- home's exterior works together as a and comply vents, underlay- ing products that work together as a system, it's also important to find a with local ments, shIngles - sY'item, you can create a e;turdy and contractor who can dISCUSSthe ben- buIlding codes. simIlarly work aesthetIcally appealIng extenor efits of a system~ approach to your • Request together as a tIght • Request from the contractor a home's exterIor. from the con- and effIcient certificate of completIOn Thl~ docu- To make sure you're choosing the tractor a wnt- system. ment wIll ensure that when your best, get several bide;, and don't base ten contract, house is sold, the home Improve- your decision strictly on price. Here work schedule • Make sure that ment you made IS reflected In the are a few tips to ensure that you hIre and payment the contractor is re"ale value. Homeowners can the right home-improvement terms. The committed to expect approximately a 51-percent contractor. contractor It pays to hire a professional con- supervising the return on investment for residing • Make sure the contractor is needs to pro- tractor who offers proven experience, job during all and a 43-percent return on invest- lIcensed, has a good reputation, and vide you WIth good credentials and a written esti- phases of work ment for replaced wmdows, accord- has no previous complaints against all of this mate and understands the systems and inspects the Ing to the NatIOnal ASSOCIatIOnof him or her. Your local Better information approach to your home's exterior. job completely Real Estate Appraisers. Business Bureau can provide this before begin- when it is fin- informatIon, as well as a contractor- ning the job. ished. He or she For more mformation on choosing liability report and company infor- also should thoroughly clean up all a home-improvement contractor or mation and history. • Make sure the contractor material surrounding your house, to receive lIterature about products inspects the job and has a thorough leaving your yard in the same shape in the Owens Cormng extenor sys- • Ask the contractor for a certifi- knowledge of the entire exterior sys- he or she found it. tem. call 1-800-GET-PINK.

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- - .. -~-- ~. \ t Page 8 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe News/fhe Connection • Fall Home Improvement GAS LOGS.•. A WARM IDEA FOR WINTER! Interiors shine in silver Burnes & Howe ecorators who forecast where ,>ervlces, napkm nng'>, and de~k and van- mtenors are headed predict a 'l11- Ity acce~'lories to sleek vases and bowls. 24 u GAS 6 LOG SETS There's no need to worry If silver com- .FUlL ROUND SETS give you deep bark patterns for the real wood look of the actual tree Dvery future. Takmg thclr cue • SPLIT SETS for the true color and character of wood bark and grain, the way you burn real wood from women's fa~hion and the populan- plements your existing decor - silver • Everything necessary to enjoy a tire' Heavy Duty Steel Log Grate Steel ty of silver Jewelry, silver - both the looks great With everything. For this rea- Burner Pan Clamper Hardware tor Gas Hookup Realistic Simulated Ash metal and the color - IS showing up In son, silver home and table accessories & Burning Embers and 5/8 Inch Steel Grate home decor in more than grandma's tea also make much-appreciated guts. Here J:~~''l-I~'<::1 ..... ~""-l.\1AA Jl are tips to achieve sterhng accents for SAV£ :.. I.' SAVE :.~ I l service. Designer" say there's a nchne'is 6()SI "- 3(J!5 ~ to silver without bemg ostentatious. your home: Silver hues shme at home 10 sterling • High-polished, staInless bath acces- by. - - ~~. stlver and tones of stamless ~teel, 'lories update the vanity. Toothbrush GNARLY OAK SET TEXAS OAK SET COMBINATION OAK holders, soap dishes and towel racks cre- PJl.lQJN') .OGS • s»H" Pl\OT lUll ~O\JN() ,oc,s • SAm'< PILOT Sl'I.ITMlUNO lOGS. s»EN PILOT chrome and mercury glass. From hlgh- ate a sleek, clean REG 00 tech, metal mesh ~G95 J5!l!l5 299 pendmg more metalhc nbbon or thread time at home for work and entertam- • Adorn a dressing table or men''l ment. Recogmlmg that people now are bureau With a collectIOn of new and focusing more on dre'>'>lOg up their "The Hottest Selling vIntage silver and crystal vamt)' home'i, fa'lhlOn and Jewelry de,>igner'l acce'i'lone'l. I Professional like CalVin Klem, Ralph Lauren, John Silver bnng'i an undef'>tated appeal to VIKING J* Range for Hardy and Stephen Dweck, among oth- er'l, are offenng artful ,>IlverchOICe..,for home decoratmg - 'lubtle. yet sophl,>tI- Home Use!" 'loph.'ltlcatcd Ilvmg Their '>Ignature cdted It I'>a trend that I~ 'lure to remam --..~ ,>tyllOgappear'> on eve!) thmg from tea '>trang mto the next century .... ' ~ ..t;...------T, • Sub-;:ero • V-Line • Gagganau. Franke .. • Vlkmg • Vari- Vent ~6;i1J,i;£$t II • Scotsman • All Major • Best Brands HURST APPLIANCE 23210 Greater Mack • St. Clair Shores (810) 790.9400 778-8670 23141 Katzman. Clinton Twp. 48035

,., - "_.- -- to J I I I Fall Home Improvement • Grosse Pointe News/fhe Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 9

. , " \ -. . ~ " , . A Stroke Of Brilliance 19487 Mack Avenue' Grosse Pointe Woods ~ Four Blocks North of Morass Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30.5:30 Fri. 7:00-6:00' Sat. 7:30-5:00 Page 10 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe Newsfrhe ConnectIon • Fall Home Improvement -Winterize your yard for next spring

eady to hedd indoor" for winter') recut by the blade Into fmer partlcle<; Walt I Your lawn Jnd gJrden Al.,o, 100" for one that converts ea~lIy to R need you now morc thJn e\ er mulchmg and offer" the latest feature ... EnJoy tho"e Indli.lll "ummer day" gCltJllg for comfort and conVClllence. your y Jrd c1e,med up, \\ Il1terIlcd, dnd CHOOSING A MULCHING reddy to bounce bJc).. Jnd "grecn up" TRACTOR better thdll c\er nc\t "pnng Whdt equlp- For d large )'drd (hdlt an acre and mcnt do you necd') You'll he pled"ed to marc), you'll \\dnt the power and com- hear It'" no dlffercnt from the machIne" fort only offered on a tractor Con"'lder you med . Gra'>'i bdgger., arc available Sale Ends October 18 1997 Layaways & previously sold Items excluded WIth rich nutnent .... The c1lppmg., al.,o on the 42-mch and 46-mch model.,. They provide the lawn with a slight protectIve range m 'i17e from IS-horsepower 42- covenng agam"t wlllter Use your Illch cut to 20-hor<;epower 50-inch cut mulching mower on fallen leave., If they and range m price from around $1,400 to are dry and m a relatIvely thm layer. $2,400. Repeat this proce"" on the la.,t two or "We've deSigned thiS product lIne three mow., of the "ea~on for be"t result". from the ground up WIth features found One of the country\ be"t-known only on high-end premIUm tractor". lIke brand., m lawn care, Scott." ha., extended John Deere and Cub Cldet It ha~ been It" lme of grass fertilizer., and .,eed" to created for 'boomer' -aged con<;umer.., mclude power eqUIpment Scott., tractor., who are movlllg to a mldlevel tractor. It and walk-behmd mower" all convert ha'i the refmement. attentIon to detaIl, Quick]y to mulcher." WIth no tooh u"ed, dnd extra bell" and whl'>tlc" they prefer," from either baggmg or "Ide dl"chargmg. "ay" product "poke"per~on Steve If you're shoppIng for a good Richman mulchmg mower, look fiN for a deeply MULCHING WITH drawn deck to create the be"t "uctlOn A WALK BEHIND Thlnlc.,lgn create" an airflow that .,tand.., Smaller ydrd" can be handled ca"Jly by gra.,,, up for cuttmg, then keep., gra"" d wdlk-bchllld mower. Scotts walk- partIcle., III the aIr <;0 that they Cdn be Experts in Continued on page 11 Professional Remodeling Specializing in: Replacement Windows - Wood & Vinyl Siding • Trim. Gutters Additions. Baths. Kitchens COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL • GRANULAR TURt HJNGICIDE & INSECTICIDE • GRANULAR BLENDED FERTILIZERS FREE ESTIMATES • AERATION & POWER RAKING 29927 Harper • TREE: • SHRUB FOLIAR CARE • WI:,E:D CONTROL st, Clair Shores \, n 01, (Jl "" ['''1111, • II 'I) \\, I. \1 ( I,m \h, l( \ f IT I~)"ITl 810-777-6633

I I --~- ..r'~f Fall Home Improvement • Grosse POinte Newslfhc Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 11 Winterizing your yard Continued from page 10 den"ely populated neIghborhood", behind mower" have the Il1du"try\ deep- becau"e lhey .1re lighter and <,mdller e"t deck" for <;upenor alrllow. A "mgle- Murrdy'.., 20-mch Rear Bdgger walk lever heIght adju"tment y to maneu- heIght of the cut on 6-hor"ep()\\cr 21-111Ch plug. "0 there dre no ex trd part.., or too,,", mower are t1uto- to $469 All Scott" tractor" and mower'> mallcdlly "edled when the rear hagger I" Jrc "old .1t Home Depot "lore" nJtlOn- not III u..,e A rolled qeel edge on the wide deck Improve" that dll-importdnt dlrtlow Pnce" range trom $179 to $3 17 at retail- Another brand to loa).. for 1I1 w<\l)..- bchmd mower<; '" Murray, one 01 the er" ndtlonwldc All product'> mentIOned after 3n J convertablhty from mulchlllg be'lt-known brand" III outdoor power equIpment toddy. They after a "electIOn to hdgglllg to mowing of fIve value-pnced mower" that were So, now you've gotten your lawn and developed after market re"earch "hawed garden ready for wmter'<; flr"t fro..,1.All thut consumers wanted <;maller. more that\ left to do I~ throw some log~ on the maneuverable mowers. The re<;ultmg fIre, put your feet up and walt for a beau- tIful "green up" next e;prmg! product~ are great for todav\ more COMPLETE REMODELING • Kitchen Design Service • Mini-Cultivator has many uses • Traditional to Contemporary Styles • • Licensed & Insured • "pnng. For maxImum Impact, create bulb ulchIng and mowmg are OPEN MON -FRI 9-5, SAT 10-4, TUES 9-7 great for keepmg that pam- beds WIth large groupmg" of the <;anle M pered look tor your lawn color, m'itead of ..,mall patche<; di<,pcr<;ed • Established 1974 • Thl., fall, go the extrd mile for your around the yard A e;mallcultIvator IS real- VISIT OUR SHOWROOM grd~~. Prep It for next spnng WIth a ly a tllTIe-<;aver(and d back-'ldver) for thl" N deep-down dethatchmg wee)..end project. 13 MI Over the <;ummer, longer grd<;<;cllp- U"e thI" cultlvator to qUIckly turn 294-2333 plng __fall down around the root" dnd over the ground flr<;t, "0 thdl the "oJ! I" buJ!d up, becommg thatch. Removmg 'ioft dnd rcady for ca"y pldlltmg WIth a 31435 Utica (at Groesbeck) Fraser thatch lete; aIr m and Improve<; the root "pdde or dIbble. Sear,,' Mml-Cultlvator "ye;tem, helpmg to achIcve that healthy: adJuc;tc;for WIdth. allowmg you to cultI- green look next spnng. To get the job vate more ground m a mInimal amount done, Sears offer'> a dethatchmg acces- of tIme. ..,ory on He; lightweIght (a mere 23 pound<;) and ea"y-to-use MInI- READY GARDEN SITES r------, Cultivator (around $220 at Sear., <;tore" FOR NEXT SPRING 1$:-')fN) ~)I?I?:"TIIY natIOnwIde). ThIS neat httle plecc of Your "ummer vegetable garden or : • , :SIlt)l) eqUIpment ha~ a long h~t of u<,e., annual garden need<; to he turned under m preparation for next <;pnng and "um- mer'e; pldntIng__ U..,e your Mml- ! DELIVERY !SOIJl~I~I1~IU~S? PLANT MASSES OF BULBS FOR EARLY SPRING COLOR Cultivator to tad.le thl" Job. and CUltI- I Buy Bulk & Save I ~ Free Design Assistance vate mulch mto garden<; to credte a nch WIth the lawn loolmg good. you may Complete Supply Yard want to turn your Mml-Cultivator toward bed of fertile ..,011waltmg for next year's Lv:!i!~~:!~__~f;2}E2!2?J ~ pldntmg Cultivator" can be u..,ed to tum the bulb bed., Fall j<;pnme bulb-plantmg Ir------, I ~QUIck~ DelIvery. time, and the"c carly bloomer'> can gIve compo"t bed.., too, makmg your own fer- J6)()1 (.I~I" I() • ~ .: cj] 100% Warranty your yard a great burst of color In early uh7er for next spnng. I .. I Our Low Prices On : i; Large Selections I BIRD FEEDERS : ~ Many Display Areas LI & FEED ..II '.'We Treat You Like Family I Exp. 11/30/97 I oj 11/2r------,1)llI(~I~::~1 10 Year Guarantee Hours: Dig Down Method - Peastone Backfill I!Any One Tree or Shrub! SOULLIERE 8-7 M-F Walls Repaired 8-6 Sat. IICoupon Value up to $30 I u~ / Wall Straightening I Bracing II I ..z/O/k'b.A'~"',!/ 10-4 Sun. II One per household • *Off Reg. Price I :?Jo~<,1-g-~, ~M/t>/ Wall Replacemertt L. ..J No Harm To Shrubbery • Spotless Clean Up I I Exp. 11/30/'17 I FREE .STlMAT8S

... ---'.-- Page 12 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe Newsffhe Connection • Fall Home Improvement Fruit-Inspired paint stamps C's add personal touch to decor ecorative pamt stamping IS a Green and Buttercup, both from the 'Hmple and mexpenslve way to American Accent<;@ Country Home col- landscaping Dbring personal style to your lection by Rust-Oleum, m a pie pan or decor Whetlier your motif IS celestial or other contamer. • Tree Trimming • Holiday Decorations Southwestern. you can tran~form the 3. Apply the paint to the stamp with • Top • Thin • Christmas Lights ordmary into the origmal. The <;eason's either a brush or by placmg the stamp • Shape • Wreaths • Roping fresh fruits and lush colors mspired into the paint. Be careful not to get any • Garden Maintenance • Shrub Trimming Rust-Oleum designers to redecorate the pamt on your tab. For a weathered look, • Design/Construction desk and cabinet shown. blot the stamp on newspaper or scrap While wood IS an ideal surface for paper. stamping, so are fabric, masqnry and 4. Place the stamp on the desired sur- (810) 757..5330 metal. Household items like place mats, face, and pre<;s down on the stamp - step stools. toy boxes, shelve." lamps mcluding Its outer edges - for two to and other accessones can be beautified three seconds. To remove, carefully lift by a personal touch. Follow 1hese steps the stamp <;traight up, usmg the handle so to create the apple and pear stamps the paint does not smear. ~hown: 5. Remove paint from the stamp with a rag. (It's OK If some of the paint Materials for apple/pear stamps remaill'l ) • Poster board or foam rubber 6. USing a paIntbrush, paint the • Craft kmfe stamp with an even coat of American • Pamtbrush Accents Farmhouse Red by Rust- • Rag Oleum, leaving one of the apple's • Pie pan~ or container<; for pamt upper corners unpainted. • Pencil 7. Place the stamp on top of the fi~t • Newspaper or scrap paper Impnnt, and hold for several seconds. To • Buttercup, Spnng Green and remove, carefully 11ft the stamp straIght Farmhou<;e Red from Amencan up, using the handle. Accents@ Country Home collectIOn; 8. For the apple's stem, USing Cmnamon from Amencan Accents Cmnamon from American Accents Garden collection; Maple Sugar, Moss Garden collection, paint a thin hne Green and Colomal Red from Amen can with a paintbrush. (You also can draw Accents Heritage collection, all by Ru<;t- the stem in pencil first and then paint D~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oleum@ over it.) Apple Stamp Pear Stamp 1. Trace an apple (sans 'item) on poster 1. Trace a pear (sans stem) on poster 8GLASS BLOCK BASEMENT WINDOWsl board or foam rubber. For easy handlmg • board or foam rubber. For easy handling, t"'7 t~ al<;o trace a tab (which will be bent also trace a tab (which will be bent • '-1 t'Jf. -'J n\; It \'h';':' 'c' <" ~",~ "~'J.,d'1~ 'iUS~f)tnsnowers rJ upward for use as a handle) along one upward for use as a handle) along one Side of the apple. Cut out the figure With Side of the pear. Cut out the figure with a ,~:"rll)&. .' ',. ~,'d; b~aIJt~ LJ a sharp craft knife. (Your stamp should sharp craft knife. You also can use a real . E' M A American Made [g resemble a cookie cutter. however, your pear, cut lengthwise, as your stamp. Serving ntlre etro rea Commercial & Residential ~ tab Will be on the Side of the stamp, 2. Pour a small amount of American PITTSBURGH CORNING • Ucensed & Insured ~ rather than its top, to prevent smeanng Accents Moss Green mto a pie pan or ,...------.., CJ when you remove it.) You also can use a container. Apply the pamt to the stamp real apple, cut lengthwise, a<;your stamp. PCBLOCK'~ : ~i With enher a paintbru<;h or by placmg the Do.it.yourselt: $4795 ! 2. Next, mix equal amount<; of Spnng Continued on page 13 HANDY MAN EASTSIDE, InstaJ~! ~ SPECIAL ; with Ad i ~~.J .. iii Fall is the time for f~~i =; GLASS BLOCK; BE.~~~!~ ~ ,\ $2895 , ' Windows 46UI ~ l,J ()UTDOOR FURNITURE . :; 32 X 12: Basement & Garage ; 3 ~i~dows : 0 I Refinishing & Resfrapping ; SALE ON 32 X 14 ! . I minimum I fiJ I .. - I EVERYSIZE ! Replacement Wmdows I New orders only' El Don't be without your furniture next •• ' WITH AD! ~~!!~ 3863 East 10 Mile L."(Fresh!~ ~~n I ~J Spring! Giveyour set a fresh new look r .. (Just west of Ryan) hv and Savemoney by Refinishing! Expert WorkmanShip on all brands Of OPEN: Wrought Iron & Aluminum including MON.-FRI. 9-5: SAT. 9-12 WOOdard,Tropitone & Brown Jordan.

(810) 75&.4804 OR (810) 756.972 KE N'S CASUALS ,'~~W'i- .• ... 1352 Combermere. Unit L, Troy, MI. 48083. 248 585.6629 ~ ~---.I'~~.._-- _ ~~ .. -"'------",.

I I ." Fall Home Improvement • Grosse Pointe NewsfThe Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 13 Inspiring fruit stamps Continued from page 12 '>tamp into the pie pan or container Be up, u~lOg the handle. careful not to get any pamt on your tab. 7 For the pear's ~tem, using Moss For a weathered look, blot the stamp on Green, paint a thin line with a pamt- .No More Wind & Rain newspaper or scrap paper. brush. (You can draw the stem 10 pencil .No FreeZing Cold 3. Place the stamp on the deSired sur- first and then paint over It.) .No More Broiling Sun face, and press down on the stamp - Now that your creative JUIces are .No More Insects mcludmg its outer edges - for two to flowing, don't stop with the ~tamps - -Totally Insulated- three seconds. To remove, carefully lift u"e the colors from the fruits as accent For Year 7l nAJl..~e! the stamp stra1ght up, using the handle so colors for other furmshmgs or acces- ~ the paint does not smear. sories. For example, paint cabinet knobs 101 lfSes ••• -:>------4. Remove paint from the stamp with a or drawer pulls 10 Buttercup, use .Hot Tub Enclosure rag. (Remember, it's OK if some of the Farmhouse Red to refresh picture frames .Recreation / Exercise paint remains.) and wood accessones, or repamt nearby .Home Office 5. Using a paintbrush, pamt the stamp furnishmgs - like chair" and footstools .Dining / Kitchen with an even coat of Amencan Accents - in a complementary color. .Family Room Colonial Red. For a free brochure of decoratmg tips =-----"'- 6. Place the stamp on top of the first and pamtmg techniques, wnte to Rust- imprint, and hold for several seconds. To Oleum "Decoratmg Ideas," P.O. Box remove, carefully lift the stamp straight 9021-P, Clinton, IA 52736. Make small rooms more spacious

here's no need to feel trapped If bemg monotonous, select dIfferent your house has a small hvmg shades and textures of the cho"en color. T room. Rather than barely fur- Use a contrasting color, like a darker mshing it, there are ways to give the shade of the natural, for all wood tnm. room a spacious look. The following Then, add pamting" or prInts to the decorating tricks, courtesy of LeslIe walls. One large palOtmg makes a Lmsley, author of "Leslie Linsley's 15- greater Impact than a group of small Mmute Decorating Ideas" (St. Martm's paintings. Gnffin), will help make a "mall livmg Arrangements - How the furniture room look larger. is arranged makes a big difference. If Add mirrors - MlITors Visually you want to create seating for ~IX m a expand any space. If the room is too rec- ~mall hvmg room, you might conSider a tangular and seems too narrow, arrange love seat In place of a full-Size ~ofa. Add the furniture in a square shape away two medium-size cu"hlOned chmr<; and We Specialize in a from the walls. Mmor the narrow wall two small occa"lonal wood chaIr'> to fit Complete Selection of to reflect the furniture arrangement. on either ~Ide of a wmdow or de~k Don't overcrowd - Choo"e a few These chair" can be pulled over to Vertical Blinds, good furniture pieces with clean hnes, become part of an intimate '>eatmg and take away clutter. One large piece arrangement when needed Horizontal Blinds, can be the focal pomt of the room. ThiS Make the room homey - A homey Pleated Shades, piece can be a sofa, armOire or even two teelmg can be achIeved With the u'>eof love seats opposite a large coffee table earth tones, honey-colored wood'>, a Silhouettes, Color coordinate - Use one color soft-textured blanket over the '>of.1and .1 on all furnIture, rugs and walls. To avoid pile of books placed on a t.1ble Luminettes, and Wood Blinds .

KEEP THE SECURITY OF .------, YOUR HOME or BUSINESS IN TIP TOP SHAPE :CUSTOM VERTICAL BLINDS: I {3tweu '1I.. i ';fUt 1fI~ I SECURITY SYSTEM CHECK I ~~n_ 'Piet«Ite I :~~~A~~~~~~~ES' $ 00 • All Contact" on Wmdo\\\ & D()()f\ MOST • Touchpad • Slrem • Backup Baltcnc\ : ~l$ 00: 59ALARMS • Pamc & MedICal' Clean All Smoke Delector\ I I IF YOU HAVE "G01JD PROTECT/ON" THERE IS NO CHARGE CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULEI [a;:p) GROSSE POINTE ALARM, INC. L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J ~ A~ 17006 Mack Ave. GREAT DISCOUNTS ON A HOUSE FULL OF BLINDS! ==-= Grosse Pointe Park (313) 884-3630 (810) 949-0478 • LicensedContractors • (313} 261-9810

-.~.. - Page 14 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe NewsfThe Connection • Fall Home Improvement Color technology advances to create a richer, more varied palette for vinyl siding nve down any new neIghbor- Once Upon a Time hood street, and take a look at FIfteen years ago, the vast majority of D the colors people have chosen vinyl siding chosen by homeowners was for their home exteriors. One thing Will white. More recently, that amount has be evident: Richer color palettes, includ- fallen to well below 50 percent, since ing darker colors, are people's taste has having a renaissance. changed towards richer, Unttl now, hIgh-main- more sophIsticated col- tenance paint on wood ors. With today's varied was the only way to palette, homeowners are get this look. no longer limited to For people who white or pastels. have wanted the con- WIth the largest selec- venience and easy care tion m the industry, MANUfACTURIRS of vinyl sldmg com- CertainTeed's bmed with the beauty MonogramTM siding is AND INSTAllERS of ncher colors, there now available in a total IS an answer. Once of 28 colors. Four of - VINYL WINDOWS <:vailable only In light these shades are dark -BAYS pa'ltel colors, "blended" shades: advanced vmyl siding Frontier Blend, TImber -SOWS now ISmaking the leap Blend, Weathered Blend • DOOR WALLS to mclude a richer, and Arctic Blend, all of deeper color palette. In which are created with 1100 IT.YOUR. the past, technology hadn:t progressed to the SpectraGrain MVFTM process that INOVAI the pomt where vinyl siding could mam- replicates the appearance of semItrans- WINDOW AND DOOR INC. tain darker colors without fading in the parent wood siding. The palette also SElFERS sun. But, today, a company named includes three rich solid colors: Rustic CertainTeed has the technology to create Cedar, Granite Gray and Bam Red. All WElCOME" rich solid and blended colors in its vmyl these colors coordinate with the compa-

-Bill Henderson, siding. The result is unparalleled beauty ny's 31 colors of decorative trim and sof- 35570 Mound Rd. in Sterling Hts. PresIdent and performance in home exteriors. fit, many of which are also available in It's All Science additIonal rich, darker shades like Sable (810) 978.8800 -or- call toll-free (800) 886.7900 Other sidings focus on lighter tones, Brown, Ivy Green and Pacific Blue. because rich colors don't weather well. A Color for Every Taste But, CertamTeed's do. They are created Keeping up with developments in with PermatekTM color science, a color is one important way CertainTeed unique combmatIOn of proprietary keeps Its SIding collectIOn fresh and cur- Certavin@ resin, superior microingredi- rent. For example, the company IS a ents and state-of-the-art pigment chem- member of The Color Marketing Group, Istry. For Its darker colors, CertainTeed which tracks and predIcts emerging also utilizes Centrex@, a highly durable color trends and forecasts colors for the polymer. ExclUSIve to the company, coming years. The 1,400-member group Centrex IS combined WIth unique heat- represents companies from many mdus- distortion modifiers that help ensure tries, ranging from fashion and graphic long-term weatherability in colors that deSIgn to automotive and exterior prod- would otherwIse qUickly fall. ucts - all of which must stay on top of As a result, CertainTeed 15 the indus- changing tastes. try's color leader, and all of ItS sidmg So, if you want the beautiful, rich col- products are covered by a lIfetime limit- ors that paint allow'l, but don't want all ed warranty. So, you have the a'isurance the hassle associated With them, look no your house WIll look great now and further. CertainTeed's Monogram sldmg decades from now. ISJust what you've been waltmg for.

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I I . - "f '''- - Fall Home Improvement • Grosse Pointe News/fhe Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 15 Innovative valve system overcomes longtime plumbing challenges tmATING &- hose unsightly vent pipes stIck- ing fixture IS activated and water dram.'> COOLING ing up from your home's roof are out of the system, negative pressure T more than just an eyesore, causes the valve to open, allowing air to they're also a potential source of prob- enter a.'> needed to equalize pressure. lems. The flashing around these pipes is When the flow stops, gravIty closes the Your WarnJest Friend a common source of roof leaks, and the valve, preventing sewer gas from enter- pipes themselves give pests an avenue ing. In Town into your home - not to mention the In additIOn to elimmating the problem way they break up an otherwise attrac- of roof leaks and pest intruSIOn, the tive roofline. Studor AIr Admittance Valve IS also Those vent pIpes are there to let air more environmentally fnendly, since it IOto the plumbing system and equalize prevent<; sewer gases from venting into Somehow a ... the pressure as water drains out. ThIS is the atmosphere and pollutlOg surround. necessary in order to maintain the trap Ing areas. It al<;olowers bUIldmg co<;tsby eliminating the need for costly thank-you pIping systems, and It gives '/ deSIgners additIOnal fleXIbIlIty by enabling the ImtallatIon of island just smks and other freestandmg fix- note tures, which can be difficult to vent. The valve is available 10 both didlit_ MinI-Vent and Maxi-Vent Sizes, which accommodate pIpe sizes from I V4 Inches to 4 inches. Each quite enough. features an exclusive screening that prevents vermm from enter- mg the system. The long-lastmg valves are designed to operate trouble-free through 1.5 mIllIon cycles - the equivalent of 80 years of average service. ... This atr-admIttance system is Because vent pipes don't go through the roof, acceptable for Installation m VIr- Studor Air Admittance Valves reduce the possi- tually all building-code jUnsdIC- bility of roof leaks and improve the appearance tIons III the United States and ofahome. meets or exceeds all applicable performance requirements of seal, the water barrier that is formed in ASSE standards and the SBCCI, BOCA, the "water trap" of the drainpipe to pre- CABO and IPC plumbmg codes. It is vent sewer gases from entermg the acceptable as an alternative matenal by Free "year parts and IaIIor warranty. building. IAPMO (UPC) plumbmg codes. To We appreciate manners as much as the next guy, Now, there's a way to elimmate those aVOIdany problems, if you would like to but we thought we'd give you something you could troublesome vent pipes: The Studor Air use Studor valves in new construction or use a little more. That's why for a limited time remodeling proJects, you should contact Admittance Valve offers an attractive we're ()ffering a free lO-year manufacturer's parts your local bUilding-code offiCIals for and cost-effective alternative. and labor extended warranty with our already reli- Unlike complex and expensIve vent- specIfic approval <;tatus for your area. able Trane XV and XL gas furnaces. And, in addition ing systems that penetrate the roof, this These valve<; are avaIlable through a to peace of mind, you'll get the quiet, comfortable valve i<;a liimple deVIce that IS mounted nationwIde network of representatives. • out of Sight, usually beneath a counter, m For more IOfonnatlOn, contact Studor economy you am get only from Trane. Ifs our little way an attic or behmd a wall When a plumh- Tne at 1-800-447-4721 of saying "Thanks." Call your e ., participating Trane dealer TIIAIIE~ ::liIstwe TOur JIsrhle ToIts NIJt1mU Beauty today. It'sHard To Stop A Trane':' , ',' ProfUslOnaJ Care & Maintenance from MAR8LElIFE 90 Days Same As Cash Offer Expires October 31, 1997

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------_.__..-.-~-----:.~ -..- \ • - Page 16 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe NewsfThe Connection • Fall Home Improvement Nature's influences are seen in home decor By Barbara Bosse and even lImestone effects are being he 1990s might well be referred u<;edto mimic the styles of historic peri- to a<; the "new renaissance," a ods from ancient Greece and Rome to T rebirth of baSIC Ideals and a Colonial America. Should your style be respect for nature. ThIS has sparked an traditIonal or contemporary, there is a overwhelming interest in natural materi- Fountamhead@ stone pattern to adorn als that has resulted in one of the every style with a touch of the natural. longest-lasting style trends in recent When marrIed WIth other natural materi- years. als, mcluding woods and metals, these What is this fascination for natural faux stones, like solid surface, are thmgs? Design experts agree that now, responsIble for a great many distinctive more than ever before, there is a need to home-furnishings styles of the '90s. create comfortable, calm living enVIron- On the practical SIde, Fountainhead is ments as a counterpoint to today's hectic extremely durable and is the ideal sur- ~ MEETYOURENEMY daily lifestyles. Incorporating elements facing solution for countertops, wet bars, like water, sand and unfinished woods kitchen islands, tabletops, vanity tops, The Dust Mite into home decor is an attempt to create a and just about any area to which easy ~ ~ 42,000 live In one comfort zone, a soothing repose away maintenance and good looks are of ounce 01dust from the bustling, stressful world. prime importance. In fact, that like-new It's not surprising, then, that some of appearance easily can be maintained for the most popular materials being used many years WIth ordinary household .GREAT LAKES AIR • TECH INC. today are natural and faux stone prod- cleaners. Even minor scratches and INDOOR AIR QUALI" SPECIALIST ucts. Fountainhead by Nevamar@, a stains are removed easily. And, the Duct cleaning could be the healthiest home improvement through-color, durable, synthetic solid- matching sinks and bowls are the obvi- investment you will ever make. surfacing material that appeals to the ous choice to complement Fountainhead senses via warm, rich colors and pat- The Hepa-Aire System we use to clean your duct system is the countertops. terns, has added four new distinctive So, whether you've created your own most powerful, efficient and technologically advanced items to its already extensive palette. personal design or intend to employ the equipment available. The very subtle look of Matrix and the assistance of an intenor designer, archi- more colorful Classix patterns are both tect or kitchen dealer, Fountainhead suitable for use with a variety of woods combines the desire for the natural look 810.997.1769 and cabinetry. A further evolutIOn to the with durability and performance. It is Xpressions and Cornerstone patterns recommended that installations be provides a natural look that resembles accomplished by a Fountainhead-accred- "NOBODY'S As PICKY ABOUT stone, but provides the performance ited fabricator, who can work with you capabilitIes of solid surface. from the plannmg stages through com- Easier to maintaIn and repaIr, pletIOn of the project to create that ele- CARPET CLEANING." Fountainhead solid surface gant countertop with a simple rounded offers a pattern and color selec- edge for the kitchen you've been thmk- tlOn to complement any style of ing about or even that beautIful inlaid Carpet home decof, ensuring that your table you know WIll look just perfect in chOIces always will look fresh your dining room. and new, never outdated. While A toll-free consumer hot line is avail- 00 some natural products have able to obtain the locatIon of a dealer in Per Room* design and maIntenance I1mIta- your area. Call 1-800-777-7888, and let $18 tlOns, the uses of Fountainhead 2 room minimum Fountainhead by Nevamar@ turn your 5 rooms only $87. by Nevamar are limited only by home mto the warm, comfortable "away Imagination. from It all" haven you've been searchmg 12'X18' average room size. Granites, marbles, slates, sandstone for Fumiture $ 00* 7'sofa or 2 chairs Sectionals specially priced. Offer expires 11/1&97. •Some restrictions apply. (800)696-1260


I I ,- l • Fall Home Improvement • Grosse Pointe News/The Connection • October 2, 1997 Page 17 Smoothtops make holiday cleanup easy eeping your kitchen presentable Most smoothtops today are made with is a special chaJlenge during the Ceran@ glass-ceramic panels developed Kholidays, when you are likely to by Schott. Not only has it been exten- spend more time preparing food to enter- sively tested, but Ceran has been used in tain family and friends. Europe for 25 years. The Ceran logo IS Purchasing an attractive smoothtop range or cook- top before this hectic time of year begins is We're MORE...than just lumber! especially practical - and not just for its sleek, glistening appearance. The flat, nonporous ... surface of these stoves HOME IMPROVEMENTS makes them easy to clean. Spills have literal- ly nowhere to run and can be wiped away easi- 8tO 191-1200 ly. This gives a smooth- top a big advantage over a conventional electric range with its coils and For Professional Installation and Service: drip bowls that store up grease and grime. • CUSTOM KITCHENS & BATHS' Smooth tops offer other advantages that make • ANY SIZE ADDITIONS • BEAUTIFUL BASEMENTS • them particularly conve- • PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED DECKS • ment during the holidays, • DISTINClIVE EXTERIOR DOORS • but are also a plus throughout the year. The • PREFERRED REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • flat surface gIves the Smoothtop ranges, like this one from Maytag, are easy • FUNCTIONAL GARAGES / SHEDS • cook more usable counter to clean, leaving more time to spend with holiday guests. • UNIQUE INTERIOR TRIM & DOORS • space. Even whIle the burners are turned on, the GORGEOUS STAIR SYSTEMS' INSURANCE REPAIR. surface around the heating zones evidence of unparalleled engmeering remains cool to the touch. expertise. The burners of a smooth top heat up as Accordmg to Chuck McClinch, business qUickly as those of a coil range. No spe- manager for Schott Corp.'s Appliance CIal cookware is needed, but as with any Group, "It's been our experience that after electric range, pots and pans wIth years of U'iC, smooth tops WIthCeran resist 'imooth, flat bottoms work be'it. a lot of wear and tear. People find It hard to Smoothtops are available from all of belIeve that something thi'i beautiful can the major apphance manufacturers in a al'io be thl'i practical." variety of styles to fit almost every bud- For a free copy of the brochure, "Your get. They now account for more than one Pocket GUide to Ceran Gla'i'i-Ceramic m four of all electnc ..toves sold, and Rangetops," wnte Schott Corp .• mdustry analysts expect thl'i portion to Technical Gla'is Dlvl'ilon, 3 Odell Plaza, grow to half the electric range market Yonkers, NY 10701 eventually. ... Save money by using America's largest handyman service. Insured, bonded, guaranteed.



Closed Sunday so our employees may go 10 church and spend the day Wllh the,r family I

1------1. -----~...-- ...... ------....--- . - , .1 Page 18 October 2, 1997 • Grosse Pointe News/The Connection • Fall Home Improvement Bathrooms get _dressed-up treatment - - The ageless beauty of CLASSIC COLUMNS oJonger the stepchildren of basic color and design carried from to grace the interior or home decor, bathrooms are room to room. Even freestanding pat- exterior of any structure. Ncoming into their own~ deco- terns without bedroom coordinates ratively speaking. A handsome and have been given the custom treatment The designs of columns are plea$ing look can be created in that _ and are being inttoduced in correlated importar).t - but often neglected - accessory groupings. rigorously based on For example, Croscill Home timeless Orders of room without expensive renovations. New designs for shower and wincklw Fashions, a leader in the home-prod- Architectures. curtains and a vast range of acces- ucts industry, offers everything, Each detail, from the sories are focused on adding attractive incluWng wall borders, this way. There ... design of the capital to the swroundings to the stark tUes and are many diverse colors and styles. 'but proportions and shape of ceramic components of most conven- in general. patterns are keyed to blend the column sh'aftfollows tional bathrooms. wi;h or CQmplement popular tile col- the standards of classic Many of the newest decorative bath- «5, assuring a fasmon-wise retreat column design. room ingredients are coordinated with For more infonnation on the newest be.droom designs t.o create, if not a bath products, write to CrosciU Home Products~ Dept. MS, 261 Fifth Ave., Available in many master suite, at least a sense of a well- New York. NY 10016. styles & sizes tOOught-out decorative plan with the

The duUest bathroom will take on a sunny disposition with Botanical

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tic of old prints1 is reprlJdueed in today ~ warm tonalities. The coUection, from Croscill Home Fashions, also features a coordinated bedroom ensemble.

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