~IIlC" 1940 ~ws Skateboarders, school leaders disagree over use of school yard By Shirley A. McShane slstlble to teens on skateboards (skatmg) nght on the benches Staff Wnter and In-lme skates (donated by famlhes as memo- The smooth blacktop surface But what some of them leave nals to loved ones), the seats and the curves and curbs of the In theIr wake has school are being destroyed and mutl- parkmg lot and cuI de. sac at admmlstrators and parents RIchard Elementary School In funous See SKATEBOARDS, Grosse POinte Farms are Irre- "The skateboarders are page 20A Developtnent Have mural, will travel of MacklMoross Grosse Pointe Farms WEEK AHEAD resident Jan Hulme, an mterior designer who sparks debate Saturday, Oct. 4 owns BorderlDg on Art, center In commemoration of St gets assistance from By John Lundberg Grosse Pomte Woods real- FrancIs of ASSISSI, patron Staff Wnter "We have to be careful about saint of ammals, a number of dent Beth IDem in trans- uSlllg the largest parcel of land In an effort to do what's best ammal bleSSing ceremonies portlDg one of Hulme's that we have" for the pubhc, lines are bemg wIll take place today St. palDted creations into drawn In the sand over what The report, comptled by Paul Cathohc Church on Grosse Pointe Memorial should be developed on the Kathenne Beebe & AsSOCIates, Lakeshore In Grosse POinte Church. 16 Lakeshore in parcel of land at Mack and IS Simply another phase m the Farms Wlll hold a bleSSing of GroNe Pointe Farms. Moross m Grosse Pomte development of the property the pets at 10 a m on the From Thursday, Oct. 2 - Saturday. Oct. 4, the Farms Because the report SIded WIth church lawn the community center, Gaffney church Is the site of an The cIty counCIl last week event entitled "Rooms and Gandelot Implored the • accepted a report from an counCilnot to rush to Judgment with a Pointe of View" urban planner, who concluded Chnst Church-DetroIt, where the public can tour on how to develop the site 960 Jefferson, two blocks the Farms has two optIons for 14 designer showrooms developing the property that There were several alterna- east of the RenaIssance decorated by 22 interior tives that were suggested for Center, WIll host Its own has sat vacant for over two decorators, shop at the years semor houslllg development In bleSSing of the ammals Marketplace Boutique. the area, but both Gaffney and inSIde the hlstonc church at and enjoy some cuisine. OptIon one calls for a full- Gandelot dIsmissed the sites as 11 a m All creatures great Tickets are $8 at the servIce community center that "unrealistic" and small are welcome WIll house numerous recre- door; proceeds benefit "Nobody has ruled out senior Habitat for Human.lty. atIonal and meeting spaces, • the other option proposes a hOUSing for the Mack and bUIldmg for semor housmg and Moross area," Danaher s81d. The 23rd annual Univer- "We are contmumg to look at sIty LIggett School AntIques a scaled down community cen- ter all the options The report (by Show IS today and Sunday, Morningside traffic not a problem, the urban planner) was based Oct 5, from 11 a m to 5 P m At Issue IS that part of the on facts gathered over 18 AdmISSIon IS$6 The event IS report that concluded the best months Her findings were held In the mIddle school at according to Woods city officials use for the land leaned toward obJectIve, straight forward and 850 Bnarchff Dnve, Grosse By Jim Stickford completed a study of traffic Nothmg needs to be changed the full-servIce commumty cen- consIstent WIth the futunng Pomte Woods Staff Wnter patterns on MorningsIde In the But thIS answer dId not please ter CounCIl members Lisa study conducted five years As a part of ongoing efforts area of Barnes and Our Lady some reSIdents who hve m the Gandelot and Ed Gaffney ago" objected to that use and are to make automobIle traffic flow Star of the Sea school and area If developed, the full-servIce Monday, Oct. 6 m the safest and most conve- church. Cpl Joseph CardOSI, the mSlstent that semor housmg remam m the plans commumty center mil consIsts ment pattern for all, the The conclUSIOnof the study CIty'Straffic officer, completed a of an Ice nnk, a competitIOn, The Grosse Pomte Woods Grosse Pomte Woods public presented at the Sept 15 coun. "ThIS report IS one of the leIsure and wadmg pool, a CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 safety department recently cil meetIng was SImple tools (but) not the final arbiter See TRAFFIC, page 20A gymnaSIum, a track, a teen pm In the mumclpal buIld- of how the counCIl bases Its Ing at 20025 Mack Plaza center, a fitness center and (final) deCISIOn(to develop the 7,000 feet of orgamzatlOnal • land>," Gaffney saId "I have a meeting rooms If optIOn two IS responslblhty to the people selected, a scaled down versIOn The Grosse POinte Farms who elected me ThIs commum- WIll be erected alongside of CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 ty ISaging (and) semor housmg 60,000-80,000 square feet pm m CIty hall, 90 Kerby IS a noble goal " devoted to semor hOUSing Gandelot saId the Farms After acqumng the property counCil was unanImous m Its The Grosse POinte school In 1994, the Farms have razed consensus last year that semor a number ofbuJldlngs and pur- board meets at 8 p m In the hOUSing should be bUIlt at Wlcklng LIbrary at Grosse chased some adjacent homes Mack and Morass She saId for the purpose of developing POinte South HIgh School, 11 that perceptIOn changed after Grosse POinte Boulevard the SIte The counCIl last week the last electIOn She remams rezoned the property as a com- adamant that senior housmg mumty seTVlce dlstnct to be placed at the SIte accommodate Its plans Wednesday, Oct. 8 "I think some people are "I would feel bad to go to being narrow In theIr thmk- Wayne County those property owners we Ing," she saId CommIssIoner Chnstopher bought the land from and tell F Cavanagh conducts a town Mayor John Danaher and them we are bulldmg an Ice meeting from 5 to 8 p m at councilman Peter Waldmelr nnk (there)," Gandelot saId the Grosse POinte War Jr, while strongly commItted Danaher saId the final deCI- Memonal, 32 Lakeshore, to semor housmg, saId the sIon of what to do mth the land Grosse POinte Farms Call counCIl should heed the adVIce mIl not be made untIl after the (313) 224-0920 or (313) 224- of experts when developmg the general election In November 7204 for more information land The next counCIl meetmg IS ~Mack and Moross IS not the scheduled for Oct 6 Phol<>sby SUZ)/&nchback be~t Site m the city for semor "Weare Just trying to be good hOUSing,"Waldmelr sllld ~It IS stewards for the property," INSIDE the best SIte for the commumty Waldmelr sllld Opmwn. .6A Obztuarzes . .. lOA SenIOrs ... .11A Autos . 12A Schools. 14A Busmess 18A Home: Grosse Pomte Woods Entertamment .. 7B Age: 47 Sports lC Family: WIfe, Beckl son, Classified ads 5C Family fun BIll,13 More than 1,500 people attended Occupation: Account exec- the Grosse Pomte War Memorial's utIve WIth AT&T annual Family Fun Day on Sept. 2 held along the War Memorial's lake- Claim to fame: Recently front lawn. The event mcluded music completed an 11,000 mIle, by the ShorellDe Concert Band, mid- 11-day motorcycle compe way games and a giant sUde, a swap tltlOn, the Iron Butt Rally and shop, a Bungee Rnn and chU- dren's activities. Conquering her fear Quote: About the Iron Butt of heighta t. City of Grosse Pointe res- Rally "The Journey IS the Ident Kimberly CODely, right, and adventure, the destma- friend. who took a ride ODthe giant tIon IS the excuse" Inflatable sUde. See story, page 4A Bill Kraus I.DlrORI \1 . ~~2-n2')4 • [)IS!'I \'1 \1)\ I rnI">I,,\(,: " ....2- ,;(it) • CI \C,SII ,II I): ' ....2.f,q(lt) • (IRe L L \TlO\,: )4,-0;;-;, • PRODLCTIO,,\ ....."2.hI)4(1 • ~ r- ( C__ .AU •• ng., , l R04 <) Hom.llon e) Ingmow M ~860? 1>11I19)091~ SEQUENCE 4. (ROOj96R 1~56 Inx 1 \ 11119? ?~?3 t'mo omq I@cr!> rom o.nea, o 9)tJ.'.'O".LR'ohhm\ <)utf' :l~:i • • • Q (, ond HCl'o'pn MI 49411 (61111 R~i\ Rnt> In. 16161 8~161A7 ,..mt!IlII ~,.,?8n VoH'V'o~A ...-. 2A October 2, 1997 News Grosse Pointe News 50 years ago this ,veek ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week Within proximity and raised have been scheduled to mform on Jefferson In Grosse Pomte • The Lake Shore Coach concerns about the threat of the pubhc of the particulars of Park, destrOying the two story Lmes rates are to Increase to the lead pellets to water fowl the $86 ml1hon In Improve- storefront and dlsplacmg the 15 cents, effective Nov I, for and fish A gun club represen- ments proposed for the Grosse owner and hiS family The fire fares from Grosse POinte to tative emphaSized the group Pomte Pubhc Llbranes The was called In to the Park pubhc DetrOit Fares from DetrOit has had a perfect safety record bond Issue and I-mIll hike Wlll safety department around (Grrmd ('lrC\!. Park\ to Grosse In Its 16-year hiStory be on the Nov 3 ballot Plans 10 30 p m and brou!(ht under POinte Shores, Grosse Pomte • A proposed Jomt meetmg are to double the shelf capacity control by firefighters around Woods and St Clair Shores of the Grosse Pomte Woods and tnple square footage 3 30 a m Firefighters battled a WlIIbe 20 cents The Increases City Council and the • Neither North nor South hea vy fire load due to all the are necessary, accordmg to the Southeastern Michigan high schools WIll have march- plastic, cleanmg solutions and president of the coach hnes, to Transportation Authonty Ing bands on their football solvents offset raises m wages and oper- (SEMTA) IS scheduled for Oct fields dunng haltbme Interest • Park busmessmBn ating costs.
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