
Imperial Rome, Indian

Ocean Regions and Muziris

New Perspectives on Maritime Trade

Edited by K.S. MATHEW

MANOHAR 2015 Contents

Acknowledgements 7 1. Introduction K.S. MATHEW 9 2. Reconstructing Networks of Trade and Exchange in the Indian Ocean during the Early Historie Period: Case Studies from Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka) ROBIN CONINGHAM, MARK MANUEL AND JO SHOEBRIDGE 31 3. Local Networks and Long-distance Trade: The Role of the Exchanges between Sri Lanka and India during the Mediterranean Trade ARIANE DE SAXCE 5 3 4. From the Mediterranean to South Asia: The Odyssey of an Indiana Merchant in Roman Times STEVEN E. SIDEBOTHAM 7 5

5. Wars,Trade and Treaties: New, Revised and Neglected Sources for the Political, Diplomatie, and Military Aspectss of Imperial Rome's Relations with the Red Sea Basin and India, from Augustus to Diocletian MICHAEL A. SPEIDEL 83

6. Roman Ports on the Red Sea and their Contacts with Africa, Arabia and South Asia: Acient Literary and Recent Archaeological Evidence STEVEN E. SIDEBOTHAM 129

7. The Port of Sumhuram (Khor Ron): New Data on its History ALESSANDRA AVANZINI 179 8. South Arabian Pottery outside South Arabia VITTORIABUFFA 207 6 Contents 9. Maritime Trade Contacts of Odisha, East Coast of India, wich the Roman World: An Appraisal SILA TRIPATI, SUNIL KUMAR PATNAIKAND GOPAL CHARAN PRADHAN 215

10. Assessing the Early Historie through Ceramics K. KRISHNAN AND R. BALLAVALLY 231

11. Ancient Ports of : An Overview V. SELVAKUMAR 269

12. International Maritime Trade: Evidences from Vizhinjam Excavations, South Kerala AJIT KUMAR, S.V. RAJESH, ABHAYAN G.S., VINOD V. AND SUJANA STEPHEN 297

13. Examining the Hinterland and Foreland of the Port of Muziris in the "Wider Perspective of the Subcontinents Long-distance Networks RANABIR CHAKRAVARTI 307

14. Muziris and the Trajectories of Maritime Trade in the Indian Ocean in the First Millennium CE Pius MALEKANDATHIL 339

15. A Muziris Export: Schidai or Ivory Trimmings FEDERICO DE ROMANIS 369

16. The Roman Pottery from Roberta Tomber 381

17. Money Matters: Indigenous and Foreign Coins in the (Second Century BCE- Second Century CE) SUSMITA BASU MAJUMDAR 395

Bibliography 425

List of Contributors 461

Index 465