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INDEX* With the exception of Allee el al. (1949) and Sverdrup et at. (1942 or 1946), indexed as such, junior authors are indexed to the page on which the senior author is cited although their names may appear only in the list of references to the chapter concerned; all authors in the annotated bibliographies are indexed directly. Certain variants and equivalents in specific and generic names are indicated without reference to their standing in nomenclature. Ship and expedition names are in small capitals. Attention is called to these subindexes: Intertidal ecology, p. 540; geographical summary of bottom communities, pp. 520-521; marine borers (systematic groups and substances attacked), pp. 1033-1034. Inasmuch as final assembly and collation of the index was done without assistance, errors of omis- sion and commission are those of the editor, for which he prays forgiveness. Abbott, D. P., 1197 Acipenser, 421 Abbs, Cooper, 988 gUldenstUdti, 905 Abe, N.r 1016, 1089, 1120, 1149 ruthenus, 394, 904 Abel, O., 10, 281, 942, 946, 960, 967, 980, 1016 stellatus, 905 Aberystwyth, algae, 1043 Acmaea, 1150 Abestopluma pennatula, 654 limatola, 551, 700, 1148 Abra (= Syndosmya) mitra, 551 alba community, 789 persona, 419 ovata, 846 scabra, 700 Abramis, 867, 868 Acnidosporidia, 418 brama, 795, 904, 905 Acoela, 420 Abundance (Abundanz), 474 Acrhella horrescens, 1096 of vertebrate remains, 968 Acrockordus granulatus, 1215 Abyssal (defined), 21 javanicus, 1215 animals (fig.), 662 Acropora, 437, 615, 618, 622, 627, 1096 clay, 645 acuminata, 619, 622; facing
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