TRANSLATION LIST OF UNDERWATER LIFE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC NORTHWEST Collected by: Peter Mieras Version: 2010-1 Copyright: © 2010 Rendezvous Dive Adventures Suggestions and corrections can be send to:
[email protected] © 2010 P.Mieras Rendezvous Dive Adventures Ltd Mammalia Mammals Mamifères Saugetiere Zoogdieren Seals and sealions Latin English French German Dutch Danish Phoca vitulina richardsi Pacific Harbour seal Phoque commun Robbe gewone zeehond Mirounga Northern Elephant angustirostris seal Eléphant de mer Seeelefant Zee olifant Otarie Steller, lion de mer Eumetopias jubatus Steller sea lion Steller Steller Seelöwe Steller zeeleeuw Zalophus Otarie Califoniènne, lion de californianus Californian sea lion mer Califoniènne Kalifornische Seelöwe Californische zeeleeuw Callorhinus ursinus Northern fur seal Phoque à forrure du Nord Nördliche Pelzrobbe Noordelijke pelsrob Orca's, Dolphins and Whales Latin English French German Dutch Danish Orcinus orca Killerwhale (orca) Épaulard Schwertwal Orka Lagenorhynchus Pacific white sided Dauphin à flancs blancs du Pazifischer Weiẞseiten obliquidens dolphin pacifique Delphin Pacifische witflank dolfijn Phocoena Phocoena Harbour porpoise Marsouin commun Schweinswal Gewone bruinvis Phoncoenoides dalli Dall's porpoise Marsouin de Dall Dall's Schweinswal Dall's bruinvis Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Baleine grise du pacifique Grauwal Grijze walvis Balaeanoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata Minke Whale Petit rorqual Zwerg Blauwal Dwerg vinvis Megaptera novaeangliae