Copy of Report Submitted to the Planning Panel at Their Meeting on 16Th April, 2009
PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 16th April 2009 COPY OF REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING PANEL AT THEIR MEETING ON 16TH APRIL, 2009 APPLICATION No: 03/47344/EIAHYB APPLICANT: Peel Investments (North) Limited LOCATION: Land Between Mid-point Of Manchester Ship Canal And Liverpool Road Liverpool Road Eccles PROPOSAL: Multi-modal freight interchange comprising rail served distribution warehousing, rail link and sidings, inter-modal and ancillary facilities including a canal quay and berths, vehicle parking, hardstanding, landscaping, re-routing of Salteye Brook, a new signal controlled access to the A57 and related highway works including realignment of the A57 and improvements to the M60 (Port Salford). Canal crossing and associated roads and other highway improvements as part of the Western Gateway Infrastructure Scheme (WGIS) WARD: Barton EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Introduction 1.1 For ease of reference, this report is split into three sections. Firstly, the background report contains details on the context of this application, a description of the proposed works, along with the consultation exercise undertaken and relevant national, regional and local policies. Secondly, the planning appraisal and thirdly, the Article 10 application and consultation received from Trafford Council concerning the element of the development that falls in Trafford. 2 Site description 2.1 This application relates to an irregular shaped parcel of land of approximately 116 hectares located to the north of the Manchester Ship Canal and approximately 2 km west of the M60 motorway. The site is considered in three broad areas: PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 16th April 2009 2.2 Area A: This is approximately rectangular and is located south of the A57 and north of the Manchester Ship Canal; it is approximately 550m wide and 1.2 kilometres in length.
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