CN5301.b.Net Conf PDF Guide 3/15/01 1:18 PM Page 1

Net Conferencing

QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE CN5301.b.Net Conf PDF Guide 3/15/01 1:18 PM Page 2


Welcome to the world of Net Conferencing from WorldComSM Conferencing. Net Conferencing lets you bring your meeting to the so you can present to hundreds simultaneously or collaborate on meeting materials with others right from your computer – while discussing them via a conference call.

This easy-to-use guide explains how you can: ◗ Share presentations with meeting participants by providing them with a pre-assigned URL ◗ Collaborate, edit, or revise documents or materials over the Internet in real time

This multipoint Internet-based service offers: ◗ Use of your existing Internet access (LAN, dial-up, etc.) ◗ Two levels of password security ◗ The ability to have participants join the meeting with audio-only access, Internet-only access, or a combination of both ◗ The ability to record your Net conferences and provide a replay via the Internet

With Net Conferencing, you can conduct electronic meetings with across the street or around the world – enabling you to increase your company’s productivity, reduce travel costs, and make important decisions faster than ever before.

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Depending upon your needs, you can contact us at the following numbers: ◗ Reservations:

U.S. 1-800-475-5000 Europe +44 (0)20 7950 9700 Hong Kong +852 2802 5100 Japan 81-3-5539-5100 Australia 1800 505 500

– Log on to and use the Online Reservation System

◗ Customer Relations: 1-800-475-0600

◗ For additional information on other conferencing services: 1-800-480-3600

◗ For future reference, please record your authorization code here: ______CN5301.b.Net Conf PDF Guide 3/15/01 1:18 PM Page 4


Planning your Net conference is easy. Before you get started, however, you’ll need to assess your meeting needs to determine which version of Net Conferencing is appropriate for your meeting type.

If you are conducting an interactive session in which you and a few others will be collaborating over the Internet on editing a document, you’ll host an interactive Net conference requiring special software.

Or, your meeting may be a presentation to a large number of participants, which does not require the need to collaborate. In that case, you’ll be interested in features to help you conduct online polling, Q&A, and chat sessions via the Internet with participants while they attend your presentation.

First, you’ll need to ensure that you have the following equipment to participate in a Net conference:

BROWSER: Netscape Navigator® 4.01, ® 4.01 or later

OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft, Windows® 95, Windows® 98, or Windows® NT®

COMPUTER: Pentium®-based PC90 MHz (133 MHz or greater recommended)

MEMORY: 16 MB of RAM (32 MB recommended)

CONNECTION SPEED: 28.8 KB or faster (56 KB or faster recommended)

DISPLAY: 800 x 600 pixel resolution or higher

OPTIONAL: Sound card and speakers (required for Net Replay)

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Next, follow these easy steps:

1. Determine your meeting needs


To host an interactive Net conference, you’ll need to obtain the software that enables you to load your materials onto the Internet. Please download Microsoft NetMeeting® version 2.11 at Click on “Download Utilities.”

After the software is loaded, we strongly recommend that you attend one of our one-on- one training sessions prior to the initial conference. During the session, you will learn how to download materials to the Internet and use the collaborative tools available with your Net conference. Training takes approximately 30-45 minutes.

During a Net conference, the host has the option of allowing other participants to actively participate in the program or keep them in view-only mode. Participants must also have the NetMeeting software in order to collaborate or share your document. This software is complimentary at http:/ Click on “Download Utilities.”


If you are hosting a large presentation, you may want us to control the slides for you so that you can concentrate on delivering your message. If so, just request Operator Hosting when you schedule your Net conference. We can load your materials onto the Internet and, prompted by your verbal commands, we will remotely control your presentation, ensuring optimal viewing for all participants.

To attend your presentation, participants will need to be able to access the Internet at the same time as they listen to your presentation over the phone. They can access the Internet with either Netscape Navigator 4.01 or Microsoft .01 and use the appropriate URL and password to join your conference.

Net Conferencing offers additional control features to help you manage your meeting, such as the ability to:

◗ Lock out or disconnect participants from the call ◗ Monitor the connection status of each participant ◗ Update or modify the details of your call throughout the meeting

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2. Choose the service level for your meeting

You can select either Premier or Standard Service for the audio portion of your conference.

Are you planning a high-visibility conference event, such as an analyst meeting, focus group, press conference, or investor relations meeting? If so, choose Premier Service. ◗ A Meeting Manager is dedicated to the management of your meeting and will work with you before, during, and after.

◗ The Conference Coordinator greets participants and enters them into your meeting while ensuring each participant has successfully joined via the Internet connection.

◗ The Conference Coordinator remains online until the conference is complete.

Suggested Meeting Management Features: • Prenotification • Multipoint Fax • Participant Screening • Audio Question & Answer • Conference Recording • Audio Polling • Instant Replay PlusSM • Participant List • RSVP • Listen Only • Net Replay • Meeting ViewSM

Is your next meeting an internal employee, sales/marketing, project management, or project team meeting? If so, choose Standard Service. ◗ A Conference Coordinator greets each participant while connecting everyone to ensure each participant has successfully joined via the Internet connection.

◗ To request assistance during your meeting, press ■* ■0 on your touch-tone phone. Suggested Meeting Management Features: • Standing Reservation • Multipoint Fax • Instant Replay Plus • Roll Call • Announce Late Participants • Tape Playback • Net Replay

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3. Choose how participants connect to your audioconference

You can select from Dial Out, Toll Free, or Toll for access to the audio portion of your conference.

Need assistance to remind participants of important calls? Would you like a Conference Coordinator to call each participant? If so, choose Dial Out access. ◗ Prior to your meeting, a Conference Coordinator phones and greets each participant.

◗ A Conference Coordinator assists with the Internet connection, if necessary.

◗ The Conference Coordinator notifies the meeting leader when all sites are connected.

◗ Dial Out is not available for the Net portion of your call.

Would you like your participants to have the ease of dialing a toll-free number to join your meeting? If so, choose Toll Free access. ◗ When you schedule your meeting, you’ll be given a toll-free number. You may choose your passcode, or a numeric passcode will be provided for the audio portion of your call.

◗ Share these numbers with your participants so they may join your meeting via audioconference.

◗ A Conference Coordinator notifies the meeting leader when all sites are connected.

Are you inviting international participants or do you want each participant to pay for their own long distance charges?

If so, choose Toll access. ◗ At the time you reserve your meeting, you will be given a Toll number, and you may choose your password for the audio portion of your call.

◗ Share the numbers with your participants so they may join your meeting via audioconference.

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4. Choose features for enhanced meeting management capabilities

Do you want your conference to be efficient and productive? Do you want increased control of the meeting? If so, choose from our features to facilitate pre-planning, conducting your meeting and post-meeting follow-up with participants.


ASAP CALLING. When you need to hold a conference immediately, request ASAP Calling. A conference can typically be arranged in 20 minutes or less.

CUSTOMER REFERENCE CODES. Identify the calls listed on your invoice by name, number, or combination of both. You may choose up to 20 alphanumeric characters to denote customer-specific information for accountability purposes. This feature must be set up at the time your account is established.

MASTER LIST. We’ll keep a file of your call participants. This alleviates the need to repeatedly supply phone numbers.

MEETING MANAGER. Experts to help you find the best meeting solutions throughout the entire planning process.

MULTIPOINT FAX. We can fax information to any or all participants before or after your conference.

PRENOTIFICATION. We will notify participants of the date and time of your meeting (48-hour notice required).

RSVP. Makes retrieving fax and phone responses more convenient.

STANDING RESERVATION. You can make a standing reservation for a regularly scheduled conference call.

NET PARTICIPANT LIST. You can keep track of all participants who attend your meeting via the Internet with online registrations through Net Conferencing. This screen appears before the password is required and prompts the participant for their name and other important information.


COORDINATOR REQUEST. A Conference Coordinator is available to fulfill special requests during your call.

INTERNET CHAT. Chat one on one with another meeting participant during your Net conference.

INTERNET POLLING. Allows the host to ask polling questions while simultaneously viewing the results in real time online.

PARTICIPANT SCREENING. We’ll pre-screen participants as they enter the audioconference.

AUDIO POLLING. An instant opinion poll or survey can be conducted by asking participants to signal responses via their touch-tone phones.

MUSIC WHILE ON HOLD. Music can be provided to participants waiting to be entered into the call.

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INTERNET Q&A. Participants can ask the host questions online during the conference.

AUDIO Q&A. You can conduct an orderly question-and-answer session without interruptions while your audience remains in “listen-only” mode. Participants signal their questions via their touch-tone keypads and are entered one-by-one into the interactive mode to ask questions.

OPERATOR HOSTING. We can assist with presentation preparation and also control your slides remotely so you can concentrate on the delivery of your message.

WEB ACTION. The presenter can open a Web site and bring it into the Net conference, providing each participant with full interactivity.

LIVE VIEW. The presenter has the ability to broadcast a software application running on the desktop to everyone in conference.

SUBCONFERENCING. Pre-designated participants may confer privately within a separate audio call and then return to the main audioconference.

MEETING VIEW. Monitor your managed event via the Internet through online polling, Q&A, and chat functions.

CONFERENCE MONITORING. A Conference Coordinator will continuously monitor your call for quality. Dialing ■* ■0 will bring immediate Conference Coordinator assistance.

TONE IN. A tone will be heard for each participant as they enter the call.

ENTER & ANNOUNCE. The Conference Coordinator will enter and announce each participant into the audio call.

LISTEN ONLY. To ensure your call is conducted efficiently when many are in attendance, participants may be placed in “listen-only” mode while the conference leader is speaking.

ROLL CALL. We can conduct a roll call so that all participants know who else is on the line.

ANNOUNCE LATE PARTICIPANTS. We’ll announce late participants as they enter your audio call.

SECURED CALL. To ensure call privacy, this feature allows the conference leader to control the entry of participants into the call.

TAPE PLAYBACK. A Conference Coordinator will play your pre-recorded audiocassette during your meeting (24-hour notice required).

CONFERENCE RECORDING. We’ll record your conference calls on audiocassette.

INTERPRETATION/TRANSLATION SERVICES. We provide online language interpretation services (24-hour notice required).

MUTE/UNMUTE. Participants and/or leader who may be on the phone without mute capability can mute or unmute themselves by using their touch-tone phone.

VIRTUAL AUDITORIUM. Virtual seating chart provides the leader with a list of participants. Using visual cues, participants can ask for clarification or a change of presentation speed.

Net Conferencing offers additional control features to help you manage your meeting, such as the ability to: ◗ Lock out or disconnect participants from the call

◗ Monitor the connection status of each participant

◗ Update or modify the details of your call throughout the meeting 7 CN5301.b.Net Conf PDF Guide 3/15/01 1:18 PM Page 10


NET REPLAY. Participants unable to attend can see and hear the presentation via the Internet.

INSTANT REPLAY PLUS. Participants can listen at their convenience to a digital recording of your audio call.

NET PARTICIPANT LIST. At your request, we will compile a list of participants who attended your conference call.

TRANSCRIPTION. Conference calls can be transcribed to either a paper or electronic file (for audio portion only).

AUDIO PARTICIPANT LIST. Audio participants’ information will be compiled and provided to you.

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ASAP Calling ✓✓ Customer ✓✓ Reference Codes PRE

Master List ✓✓- ETN PLANNING MEETING Meeting Manager ✓ Multipoint Fax ✗✗ Prenotification ✗✗ RSVP ✗✗ Standing ✓✓ Reservation Net ✓ Participant List ✓ Coordinator Request ✓✓ Internet Chat ✓✓ Internet Polling ✓✓ Participant Screening ✓ Audio Polling ✓ Music While ✓✓ On Hold Internet Q&A ✓✓

Audio Q&A ✓ MEETING THE CONDUCTING AND ENTERING Operator Hosting ✗ Web Action ✓✓ Live View ✓✓ Subconferencing ✓ Meeting View ✓ Conference Coordinator periodically monitors the call Coordinator is on the Monitoring to ensure quality line throughout the call Tone In ✓✓ Enter & Announce ✓✓ Listen Only ✓✓ Roll Call ✓✓ Announce Late ✓✓ Participants Secured Call ✓✓ Tape Playback ✓✓ Conference ✗✗ Recording Interpretation/ ✗ Translation Services Mute/Unmute ✓✓ Virtual Auditorium ✓✓ Net Replay ✗✗ POST Instant ✗✗FOLLOW

Replay Plus - MEETING Net Participant List ✓✗ - Transcription ✗✗UP Audio ✓✓ Participant List

✗ Feature is included at a nominal charge. ✓ Feature is included at no additional charge.

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To schedule your meeting, just follow these steps:

1. Contact WorldCom Conferencing via phone, e-, or fax. ◗ Phone: Dial the appropriate number and choose the Net Conferencing option: U.S. 1-800-475-5000 Europe +44 (0)20 7950 9700 Hong Kong +852 2802 5100 Japan 81-3-5539-5100 Australia 1800 505 500 ◗ Reserve online: Use the Online Registration System at ◗ Fax: Send us a fax at 1-800-514-5800. A conference coordinator will call you back to confirm the receipt of your fax and verify your request. 2. Be prepared to provide the following information:

◗ Your name, address, and phone number

◗ Authorization/account code

◗ Name of the person leading the meeting and an address and phone number where he or she can be reached during the call

◗ The date, time (including time zone), and approximate length of the meeting

◗ Total number of participants (include both audio and Net Conferencing)

◗ Service type (Premier or Standard)

◗ Audio password (optional)

◗ Password for your Net conference (optional)

◗ Billing address

◗ Dial-out information

3. Specify how participants will access your electronic meeting:

◗ Dial Out access

◗ Toll Free access

◗ Access may be for audio only, Net only, or a combination of both Dial Out or Toll Free

4. Select features to enhance your meeting management capabilities.

5. When your call confirmation is faxed to you, please verify that all information is correct. If there are any changes, please call WorldCom Conferencing at 1-800-475-5000.

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Our goal is to help you plan and conduct your meeting so you can concentrate on effectively communicating your message. To make sure your meeting runs smoothly, please consider these tips: ◗ Allow 10-15 minutes for all participants to connect before beginning the meeting ◗ Allow 15-30 minutes to upload your presentations ◗ Prepare all documents prior to the call ◗ Use at least a 20-point font size with sans serif typeface and bold it for easy reading by participants ◗ Close all other active applications whenever possible ◗ If participants are “view-only”, select these options: – PC screen size – 800 x 600 – Optimize to 256 colors unless black and white is acceptable Participants should test their access to our servers.

◗ Select maximize for a full screen view and scale to fit your monitor size


◗ Select black or blue for the text and add interest with simple pictures or accents in color. ◗ Simple presentations are better. Visuals should be easy to read and comprehend. Include one concept per slide and no more than six words per bullet point. The presentation is support for the discussion and should not include all possible information. ◗ Evaluate your presentation. Is your presentation easy to understand? Is it clear where the eye should travel? Does it hold your attention to support your message?

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© 2001 WorldCom, Inc. All Rights Reserved. CN5301 The names, logos, and taglines identifying WorldCom’s products and services are proprietary marks of WorldCom, Inc. or its subsidiaries. All third party marks are the proprietary marks of their respective owners. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Net Meeting are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.