Nthouje Turers Are Doing Their Part
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at the Rolling Orchestra Concert Feature Orchestra At Hamilton Park To-night HOLLYWOOD In The Local Central YMCA at Park To-night Theaters and Louis Chieffo and Singing Famed Saxophonist GOSSIP Band Make Initial PALACE Minstrels Attraction Last Night Showing Here ■> AND Warner Baxter and Myma Loy den Harvest" a dramatic INTIMATE GLIMPSES are the stars that are appearing In Todd Rollins, handsome young Into the and private Louts Chleffo and his singing public INSIDE STUFF ON THE that sensational packed drama orchestra leader, bring* his fsmour t the men who control the "Penthouse” which opened at tho minstrels put on another of their af danoe band to Hamilton park to- pit In the stock markets Palace theater to-day. A Manhat- concerts at Central T.M.C.A. forms the foundation for MOVIE COLONY lobby first time as the mid- tan cocktail of whoopee parties, the night for the "Oolden Harvest" which last night. Among special story. love, hate and disillusion Is mas- week feature attraction at the out ids the State's double feature features were several numbers on terfully mixed for lovers of real east ballroom. * program tomorrow and Fri- Michael today, screen entertainment in this Cos- the piano accordion by day. Intensely Interesting screen Hollywood—It really doesn’t pay This orchestra, comprised of 11 mopolitan production, which no Brunette which were loudly ap- fare, ‘‘Oolden Harvest," boasts a to give a motion ploture director men, Is one of the finest that evei doubt many of you have read the was a cast headed Richard too much time to himself—because Another specialty Broadway, the whole unit sterling by story and now you are given the plauded. of played Chester Morris, Genevieve when that happens it Invariably performance of Walter Herron having played together for th‘e past Arlen, of seeing the living on the Tobin and RoscoS Ates. makes work for someone else. opportunity Charleston, West Virginia, three years. Their triumphs hav« image of it. Hove ever for a The other day Wesley Ruggles French harp. been scored at the beautiful Ar- you longed peep The action of this screen play of Into the lives of those beau- had a couple of hours to himself. Dan Barrett called a meeting oadta In New Tork city, the Flam/ private occurs In the cloud-graxlng heights committee for tiful New York girls who live in So what did he do—play tennis, the lobby concert lngo club at Coral Oabtes, Villi of New York’s tallest buildings, 7 o'clock. This luxurious and never take a swim, go for a drive along Thursday night at Venice at Miami Beacli, Castl< surroundings clubs, office buildings, apartment work? An intimate view Into pri- the ocean? No! None of the usual committee is to make arrange- Cafe in Jersey City and at both v hotels and penthouse roof gardens. musical at vate boudoirs Is provided In ‘‘Lad- methods of whiling away leisure ments for special nights Hoffman's Casino and the Show- Thus, the skylines, to serve as tltp the season. ies Must Love” which la the com- hours appealed to him. He had the T throughout boat on Long Island. backgrounds to the various scenea. feature on this to accomplish something. So he got own band panion program. had to be New York's accurate Before organising his The .cast is headed by June Knight, busy and figured out the five actors Rollins was a featured saxophonist skyline. The view from the pent- of her soreen favorite of the New York and five actresses In the movie moving performance with some of the bands In ravishing house roof garden of Durant, the denunciation direct from the beaatlfal leading and Nell Hamilton. business who possess the best career. Her spirited Todd Rollins and his famous orchestra, has a all hit stage, lawyer, played by Warner and all. Is debut at Ham- the country, lie style furnishes voices. society Of the Hallams, one by Arcadia ballroom on makes his Waterbary In Miss Knight enough speaking had to look out upon the Broadway, own whloh manifests Itself his The he Baxter, far the finest scene this reviewer ilton This band has played the leading colleges In the pulchritude for one picture, but In five actors picked are State park tonight. special arrangements. The mem- Leslie towering Empire building has sen In many a month. It Is country and Is a great radio favorite. this she is aided and nbetted by Howard, William Powell, the bers of the band are All young and down upon surrounding worth standing up and cheering. three other glorious girls in tho Ronald Colman, Robert Montgom- the (or <4 men, each of whom Is an accom- buildings, dwarfted by Empire Robert Montgomery, as the Inef- lotto Virginia Honry and Mr* Wal. paper, has been publUhed persons of Dorothy Burgess. Sally ery and Clark Oable. And In the plished musician. State’s enormity. The view from husband who finds his back- Reid. The papar waa O’Neil and Mary Carlisle. feminine division are Helen Hayes. fectual lace oonsecuttve year*. Rollins has been broadcasting tho twenty-sixth story apartment In the place when he Another Strand Auction Basaar Bee how these scheming Ama- Irene Dunne, Ann Harding. Helen bone right established in September, 1170, over 'radio station WMCA and of rfcrtle Waxted, the beautiful to his wife's defense, Is ex- will be held thle evening. aons stalk their prey, always ang- Vinson and Aline MacMahon. springs has had three owners. WOR for the past six years. The night-life girl played by Myma cellent. and only ling for gifts which will enable .. A. Jr, is the present band Is a great favorite among the Loy, had to command a skyline The late Louise Closser Hale Is Q. Miller, them to pay the rent of their Park Getting Up Rarly. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER «B YRS editor. college folk having played proms picture of another section of New also as the selfish mother, Avenue penthouse. After all, lad- Was Joel McCrea born superb OLD at Pdnn, Harvard, University of lucky— York, so here you have a blrdseye her last screen role. les must live. or is he smart? That's what In South A(• Pittsburg, Notre Dame, New Tork Just view of life and strife in the pleas- The feature Is “Man Belleville, Kan. (UP)—The Belle Industrial activity the most novel the companion Princeton and Fordham, Saturday brings other members of the ‘‘A ure of the skies bared on Char- vllle Teleecope, a weekly rica Is Increasing. U., of the musicul palaces Hunt,’ with Junior Durkin, new% and tuneful year’s Chance at Heaven" company are New'York’s skyscraper roofs. "To o Much Har- comedy hits, trying to figure out. Some of the The feature on the same with Jack sharing mony" Bing Crosby, scenes in the picture called for a Is called Trick for Trick, "Skeets" Judith program Oakle, Clallapher, gasoline station was found about starring Ralph Morgan, Victor Allen, Harry Green, Lilyan Tosh- 40 miles from Hollywood. That Jory and Sally Blane In the mys- man and Ned Sparks. Such new meant that Marian Nixon, Ginger tery thriller chock full of laughter aong hits as "Thanks," "The Day Rogers and others In the company as two magicians expose each You Came Along," "Boo-Boo-Boo" had to get up at 4 o'clock In order other vend give you the Inside on “Buskin The Wind," "I Guess It to get there on time. But Joel slept the magic racket. You'll tingle Had to Be That Way” and “Black blissfully until 6:30 each morning, with excitement, your hair will are Introduced In this Moonlight" the gas station being Just three stand on end with terror and your 4 star musical hit. Watch the pap- miles from his ranch. Now he Is sides will ache with laughter In ers for further announcements. being accused of doing a little fix- this mystery thriller "Trick for ing" to have that particular station Trick.” GARDEN picked. The best show In town at the name popular prices. Too Many Initials. Showing today for the laat time* at the New Garden theater la Zane They tell the story of a young STRAND Qray'a "Under the Tonto Rim’’ actor who called for the almost and "The Sphinx” with I/lonel At- divorced wife of a prominent star wlll and Sheila Terry, Alao enter- to take her to a party. When ho Helen Hayes and Robert Mont- 1 tabuing ahort aubjecta. Tho added arrived, he discovered that his gomery are co-starred In "Another attraction tonight la Auction Cir- shirt was torn. So the almost-ex- Language" which heads the cua. husband's shirts. He did. Strand’s double feature program "Captured,” which la one of the When he got to the party It was l MB 1 today and tomorrow. warm so from ! moat Important plcturea of the quite he took oft his coat, The picture, adapted the will year to come out of the Warner only to discover that the Initials of Paulette Goddard, above, famous play by Rose Franken, Is I Broa atudtn, la a powerful drama the woman's nlmost-ex-husband play the leading feminine role truly an epic of the American to with an unuaualy atrong love tale were neatly embroidered on the In a new pantomime picture middle class family and mothers- that la laid In the German military shirt. be produced by Charlie Chaplin. ln-law In particular. It has a moral prlaon campa during the World She la reported engaged to the you will like or dislike, but It Is war.