

RINCWOOD MERCERS In addition THE RUSKIN TAILORS MEN'S WEAR to its record of safe

and outstanding *1^

ARROW service, and leader /> AND

The production of this edition of the "All-About," eoveiins the PELACO ship in introducing toeilities end octiyities of the Borough of Ringwood in the comootible with ovoilablc spocc, wos grcotly assisted by the Borough SHIRTS 99 Council with its Officers, end mony office-bearers of other orgonisations and ossociotions. Their support is grotefully ocknowlegded. "PRESSURISED AKUBRA The Ruslcin "Ail-About" Books ore published by m RUSKIN PUBLISHING PTY. LTD., 37 SWANSTON ST., . Cent. 25S1 HATS CON VAIRS All riohts reserved. All enquiries end correspondence should be addressed To ttirMonaging Editor, Ruskin Publishing Pty. Ltd., 37 Swonslon Street, Whlle"e"yeiy endeavour has been mode to publish factual informa STAMINA acceptedtion thot for is oltcrotionscompletely subsequent outhoritotivc. to dote no of respoiisibilitypublicotlon. con.dlfllS be throughout the ensuing yoor will be corrected in the nc*t edition. SPORTS WEAR ■ .^1 ./"■If". CONTENTS Abbrcviotions Used in the Book JANTZEN offersi Boby Health Centres 25 27 KNITWEAR Churches i c i o Clossificd Directory of Trades and Professions ' 5-1« ...... AO. p\an ^Peed, Comfort and Community ActiYities . . . . 1 aV"^^ Doctors'Surgery Hours Electoral Information fnendiy service Friendly Societies ^2 Hospitol 2 3 AGENT which'"""'"'" folif""""""' meals in the air y„^, , Mop of Borough of Ringwood ' ^ FOR looked after for Message from the Moyor Miscellaneous ^ g PRINCES ''b)| fro. .IT!:""-'"' Municipal Section LAUNDRY Postal Information Public Holidays ' AND _k brochure- Public Transport—Time Tobies ' DRY tro«d fr®« Public and Semi-Public Utilities Schools and Kindergartens CLEANING Sporting Clubs Your Moyor Reports

EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS . J.W. ELECTRIC SUPPLY For DOUBLE DEPENDABILITY FIRE (Dependoiile Aircraft—Dependable Pcnonnel) Ringwood Station WU 6106 S-E.C. Ringwood. WU 6621 After hours WU 6404, 6727, GILLESPIE AMBULANCE 1121, 6233 Victorion Civil FB 2222 145 Whitehorse Rd., WATER SUPPLY POLICE Ringwood . WU 6394 TAA -ilve -[vlciwl Ringwood Station WU 6377 Melbourne & Metropoliton City FO 244 Board of Works MY 220 339 SWANSTON STREET, MELBOURNE Telephorte FB023 RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT I SAHCEVJFW tOAO


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SCALE mill nil 111 S 4' li MILES ID A CARTER SELLS THE EARTH BY THE FOOT 60 tHAIHS Auctioneer Real Estate, Business C. E. CARTER & SON & Insurance Agents 126 WHITEHORSE RO., RINGWOOD (opp. Town Hall) WU 6024 MAP OF RINGWOOD MUNICIPALITY ^MMTMniiMUiriiuirMurMMiiMmiiMimnMiniiiininMirMniiMniiMniiMHiMUHiiniiiniiiiniiiiniiimiiHniiknnrmiikminmiiMiiniiiiMniiMMiiMimiiiiiiMiiiMiniMiinMMUMiiiinniminMmMiiumMinMiiiMiimiu Uliiliiliiiiiiuillliiiiin mil mill mill niiniilii III ~ 2 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 RINGWOOD EDITION,. 1954 THE RU5KIN ALL-ASOUT Councillors' Responsibilities Councillors are prohibited by law from having any interest, directly or indirectly in any con The Municipality tract which the council may let. They are individually responsible for the actions of the council, so HELP US that, for example, in some cases ThD Borough was severed from is qualified to hold the office of council debts may be recovered the Shire of Lillydale and created councillor. • So is every person from councillors personally. To give you 22nd October, 1924. proclaimed who is the owner of rateable pro Every councillor who behaves 13th December, 1924, and sub perty in the municipal district, in a disorderly manner at coun divided into North, East and of the rateable value of at least cil meetings and who refuses to twenty pounds. South Wards in 1949. withdraw or apologise when A Perfect NORTH WARD is bounded by No person who is insolvent, or called on by the Mayor, is liable has been convicted of felony or to a penalty. Every councillor Dry Cleaning Service Maroondah Highway, Warran- perjury or any infamous crime, dyte Rd., Mullum Rd., Oban who votes on or discusses in the or is of unsound mind, can be council any subject in which he Rd., Wonga Rd., and Municipal elected as a councillor. Nor can Boundary (see map of Bor or his partners has directly or In any person holding any office or directly any financial interest, is ough), place of profit or otherwise par Cr. J. F. Corr. J.P., 29 Bond St., liable to a penalty. Every coun ticipating, directly or indirectly ^ cillor who without reasonable Ringwood. WU 6692. in any contract with any muni- V Cr. B. J. Hubbard, J.P., 62 excuse to the council's satisfac Ringwood St., Ringwood. cipallty, or who Is not a natural tion, fails to attend more than born or naturalised subject of Her 3 consecutive meetings of the A MESSAGE WU 6508. Majesty the Queen, be elected as Cr. D, M. McAlpin, Wonga Rd., council is liable to a penalty, 1. STAINS: State type—ink, grease, liquor, FROM HIS WORSHIP a councillor. Ringwood. WU 6918. The Mayor food, etc. THE MAYOR SOUTH WARD is bounded by Elections and Electors Each year the councillors elect Maroondah Highway, Pitt St., Elections are held on the one of them to be chairman, and It is with pleasure that Bedford Rd., Canterbury Rd., he is known as the Mayor. The and Municipal Boundary (see Saturday following the fourth 1 write this introduction Thursday in August each year, mayor, by virtue of his oIRce, is 2. BUTTONS & BELTS: Ask yourself "Will map of Borough). a magistrate of the city. He is Cr, A. G. Lavis, Canterbury Rd. when one councillor in each ward they dry clean?" and remove if unclean- to the first issue of this also a Justice of the Peace for his Heathmont. WU 6708. retires. publication on the Bor term, and if he remains a coun able. Cr. H. E. Parker, J.P.. Green Councillors are elected by the cillor, for twelve months after. ough of Ringwood, as it wood Avenue, Ringwood. persons inscribed on the Voters' contains information WU 6250. Roll. Every person wlio, on the Councf/ Meetings Cr. A. D. Patterson, Mayor, 10th of June in the current year, which I am sure will be of Canterbury Rd., Heathmont. has reached the age of twenty- The council meets every 1st 3. REMEMBER: it pays to have your clothes value to all citizens, and . WU7324. one, and who is a natural born and 3rd Thursday at 8.15 p.m. gt or naturalised subject of Her ordinary meetings. It is also em- • dry cleaned regularly. more particularly those EAST WARD is bounded by Can powered to hold special meetings, terbury Rd., Bedford Rd., Pitt Majesty and who is liable to be who have only recently rated for property within the The public may attend any meet St., Wan'andyte Rd., Mullum ings. taken up residence in Rd., Oban Rd., Wonga Rd. and municipal district, is entitled to Ringwood. As a book of Municipal Boundary (see map be enrolled. No person is dis 4. DOOR-TG-DOOR PICK-UP AND DE qualified from voting merely be Council Revenue ready reference, regard of Borough) LIVERY AT NO EXTRA COST. Cr. R. A. Hayes. Mt. Dandenong cause of non-payment of rates. Ringwood Council obtains its ing the many community revenue by the Unimproved Capi activities in the borough, Rd., East Ringwood. WU 6139. Where a husband and wife ^ Cr. R, C. Herman, Russet Rd., occupy a house, only one of ^ tal Value system of rating. Un together with public ser East Ringwood. them is liable to be rated in or improved Capital Value of Land vices, 1 feel that it will fill Cr. E. T. Purser. J.P., Henry St., dinary circumstances. The law means that sum which the 5. RING WU 6285 FOR SERVICE. Ringwood. WU6170. makes special provision for pro land, If it were held for an es a long-felt want. tate in fee simple, unencumbered Area — 8-2/3 square miles. perties which are jointly occupied, by any mortgage, might in ordin Your Council has also Distance from Melbourne — 15 or occupied by business corpora tions. ary circumstances, be expected to taken* the opportunity of miles. realise at the time of valuation Population — 12,000. Voters' Rolls are compiled using the book as a if ofiered for sale on such reason RINGWOOD DRY CLEANING Dwellings — 3,616. yearly and are open for inspec able terms and conditions as a medium for presenting its tion throughout the mimlcipallty first annual report on bona fide seller might be expected CouncUlors from 8th to 14th July. Dates and to require and assuming that the SERVICE PTY. LTD. Council activities, and places of inspection are advert improvements, if any, had not Councillors are elected for a ised in the local press, Errors trusts that it will be the been made. Station Entrance, Ringwood period of three years. They do not should be reported to the town MAIN DEPOT: means of fostering a receive any fee. allowance or re Unimproved Capital Value at fACTORY & SHOP; Thgnet St. Ptione WUCZSS hall. closer relationship be ward of any kind for the work 30th September, 1953, was Manager: Mr. J. Giidlev tween (he ratepayers and they do. Rolls are prepared for each £1,233,225. General Rate for ward separately, so a person who 1953-54 is 9d. in £1 of Unimproved OTHER DEPOTS: Burnt Bridge Store, East Ringwood the Council. Every person liable to be rated in respect of property in the is liable to he rated for property Value. Morris' Store, opp. East Ringwood State School municipal district of the rateable in more than one ward can be on Walsh's Newsagency, cr. New St. & Whltehorso value of at least twenty pounds, more than one ward roll. At the Council Committees Rd,, Ringwood 1953 election there were 1,667 R. Fronce, Fruiterer, Main St„ Ringwood and who has been liable for at To help the sound! In the con voters enrolled for North Ward, K, Rees, Tailor, Moln St., Ringwood least three months immediately duct of its business at meetings, before nomination day for the 2,584 for South Ward, 2,160 for and to investigate detailed mat- Moyor, Borough of Ringwood, East Ward, total 6,411. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I l953-5t. election for which he Is standing. RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 4 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT ters, the council appoints these standing committees: Bands Finance City Services Hall and Baths Health and Buildings Legislation Parks and Gardens Town Clerk and Treasurer: Alf permitted to cross channels and Planning red Kelly, P.I.M.A. footpaths without a proper cross Tender Borough Engineer: Frank Russell ing being constructed to the Traffic Lucas, C.E., A.M,I.E, (Aust.). council's approval. If you desire Works a crossing apply to the Borough Committees are responsible to The Ringwood Town Hall is on Maroondah Highway, Ringwood. Engineer's Department. the full council and their deci Telephones WU 6616-7. sions are brought to the Council Rubbish as recommendations which the Ali enquiries and payments for Council adopts, modifies or re municipal services should be Collection from within the de jects as it sees fit. made at the town hall during clared garbage area is weekly. An office hours: 8.40 a.m.-5.15 pm. annual charge is made for collec Monday-Friday. Duty . Officer External Bodies tion, Garbage tins must not hold attends Saturday mornings 8.40 more than 3 cubic feet. They The council has representation a.m.-12 noon. for citizens on these bodies; All correspondence should be must have close fitting fly- and Metropolitan Fire Brigades' m addressed to The Town Clerk, rat-proof lids and proper handles. Board Town Hall, Ringwood. Rubbish may not be dumped on . Municipal Association of Vic vacant land, roads, or rights-of- toria Your Address way. For disposal of rubbish Palrfield Hospital Board other than household garbage, Victorian Baby Health Centres' Within 21 days of becoming the occupier of any premises in the apply to Borough Engineer's Association, East Central Weights and MY ADVICE municipality, you must, as the office; a vehicle for the collection of heavy refuse is at various Measures Union law requires, give the town clerk points in the Borough from time Local Schools' Advisory Coun ON BUYING AND In writing your full name, occu cils. pation, description of the pre to time. The council elects one or more mises. last place of residence, and Although strictly speaking no of its members to represent it on SELLING PROPERTY . . . advice as to whether you are person may light a fire in the these bodies, or in some cases, occupier only, or also owner. open without a permit from the groups of cities elect a represen The occupier is responsible for council, this is not insisted on for tative. "Experience has taught me always to deal with the numbering his house correctly the burning of clean garden rub and legibly on the front gate or bish in a properly made incinera man who has made a deep study of his business, trade gatepost. You may obtain this tor, However, no rubbish may be number from the town hail. burned on Sunday or Monday, or or profession —• such a man's advice is worth listening so as to inconvenience neighbors. Grand United Buildings to. I've bought and sold a lot of property in my time, No person may fire rubbish or Buildings must conform to the grass other than in an incinera Order of and i can tell you it pays to deal with a wise Real Uniform Building Regulations of tor, without first obtaining the . All architects and build necessary permit and notifying Free Gardeners Estate Agent, You can place complete confidence in ers are familiar with these. the Fire Brigade. The borough has zones for BENEFIT SOCIETY the firm of A. T. Miles and Son when buying or sell light industry, homes and shops. Anitna/s When buying land you should The Dog Inspector and Ranger ing a property, land, a house, or a business. check that you will be able to is Mr. L. C. Steeth. The pound is the • use it for your purpose. on Maroondah Highway, Ring- You cannot legally build In the wood. WU 6286. better HOUSES . . . LAND . . . PROPERTIES borough without a permit from You may not keep any animals the council. All building prob frock BUSINESSES .. . contrary to provisions of the Provides Sick Poy lems should be referred to the Health Act or prescribed regula salon Building Surveyor, Mr. D. R. tions. You may not keep noisy Funeral Benefits, Steele, who attends at the town animals or birds likely to annoy See CORSETRY OS well OS hall Monday to Friday, 9-10.30 neighbors. Cattle must be kept a.m. within a substantial fence, and Government Medical SPORTSWEAR The master plan prepared by may not be grazed on roadways & Hospital Benefits A.T.MILES&SON the Melbourne and Metropolitan or open land. SKIRTS & Full detoils from Board of Works is now available Dogs must be registered each for inspection at the town hall. BLOUSES F. J. GREI6 ESTATE AGENTS & AUCTIONEERS year before the I5th March, Grand Secretary Roads, Drains, Etc, Licences are available at the DAY 8, 528 COLLINS ST., MELB. Town Hall for 5/- a year, or All enquiries and complaints MU 3541 175 Whitehorse Rd., Ringwood. WU6215 £2/15/- for Alsatians. Not more EVENING should be made to the Borough than 2 dogs may be kept on any or Engineer's department at the premises without the written con WEAR town nail. After hours Borough RINGWOOO SECRETARY: AGENT FOR THE AUTOMOBILE FIRE & GENERAL sent of the council. Dogs may R. S. GROVE Overseer may be reached at not be taken into any gai'den (so 102 WHITEHORSE RD, 12 GRAY STREET, INSURANCE CO. OF LIMITED. WU 6636. designated by the council) or into WU6t28 RINGWOOD EAST, WU«871 The Local Government Act any shopping area or reserve un prescribes that vehicles are not less on a chain or a leash. Orey- RINGWOOD RINGWOOD EOITION, 1954 6 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, I9S4 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT hounds or whippets must be plants to overhang footpaths so Maroondah Highway, but a free muzzled and on a leash when that passers-by may be' struck. car park is available in the rec taken into any street. Hedges within 10 feet of corners reation reserve behind the town must not be more than 3 ft. 6 ins. hall. The council will remove stray dogs and animals killed in the high. STONEY'S streets. Ring the Dog Inspector. By-laws forbid depositing Posters building or other material on Posting on footpaths, council Pesfs streets. Such material when de buildings or electric light poles livered must be put on the pro is prohibited. So Is wi'lting, paint Householders are urged to con ing or otherwise defacing or HANDYMEN trol as far as possible flies and perty or, if left in the street, SUPER STORE marking such surfaces. rats about their premises. The quickly removed. council will supply rat baits Iree PLUMBERS Reserves and Gardens SEE THE NEW DEPARTMENTS to householders. Parking Vehicles Equipment provided in child BUILDERS The convenient foclUlies of our big new premises Footpath Obsfruetions Do not form a double line. Do ren's playgrounds should not be RADIO not leave vehicles parked on used by other than children. which have been designed to cater for the needs ★ PAINTS Penalties ai'e provided for per roads or nature strips all night. Playing football in gardens is PAINTERS of a rapidly growing community. A cordial invita sons allowing hedges or other Parking is restricted on part of prohibited, and so is the grazing ★ TOYS tion is extended to you to visit our attractive new and riding of horses. Dogs must ★ ELECTRICAL not be taken into reserves unless CARPENTERS showrooms, where upon inspection It will be realised HARDWARE on a chain or leash. that the items usually sought from the city are ★ HOME LOVERS now available right near your own home. GARDENING Street Lights A hearty welcome awaits you where you can if REPAIRS Immediate advice of street browse through the comprehensive range of mer SPORTING lighting faults should be given to ★ chandise and appreciate the advantages of buying the S.E.O, so that they can be ★ RECORD given prompt attention. Ring locally. WU6621,'or after hours WUe727, BAR, ETC. 1121, 6238, or 6404. if TOOLS Diphtheria Immunisation 16? WHITEHORSE RD., RINGWOOD (opp. StaHon) WU6046 if FISHING This service is free, and avail able to children over the age of 6 months. Full information may be obtained from the Health In spector. J. W. FREEMAN • SOIL Removing or Damaging MAROONDAH GARDEN SERVICE STATION 1 Trees • ASHES It is an offence for any per FOR E son to remove or damage any SUPPLIES .• FERTILIZERS tree on streets or roads under Whitehorse Rd. DRIVEWAY SERVICE 1 council control, but when this is • LIME Ringwood. SPECIALISED LUBRICATION = necessary, application should be WE DEEM VEE WU 7012 ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS i made to the council. If permission is granted, the work will be done • GARDEN TOOLS AN INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION| by council employees and at LANDSCAPE FRUIT TREES miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii; council expense. GARDENING All varieties of fruit trees worked • INSECTICIDES on stock suitable for loco! soil Our experts will design and lay conditions. out your new garden, or recon • FUNGICIDES. QUALITY SHOES AT CITY PRICES struct your old garden to a modern ORNAMENTAL design. 25 years of experience, skill TREES & SHRUBS ond practical knowledge ore at • CONCRETE The price and quality of The Windsor your service. A type to suit all positions in the garden. PAVING SLABS Smith Men's Shoe will sur prise and delight you ROSES SEEDLINGS Standard, Climbing, Bush, and Strong, healthy flower ond vege • GARDEN STAKES Polyanthus. table seedlings available. PHONE WU 7492 A. R. WHITE 84 WHITEHORSE ROAD, RINGWOOD PRIVATE WU6S22 217 Whifehorse Rood Opposite Holeproof. Ringwood, WU 6384 RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT 8 THE RU5KIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 Ringwood Borough Council Report—19S3 Inserted by the Ringwood Borough Council for the Information of Ratepayers

HEALTH: PLANT: Your Council has Vaccinotion — During the endeavored to procure year 667 children of modern plont and equip school ond pre-school age ment to keep mointenonce Your Mayor and construction costs ot a were vaccinated for Smallpox, minimum, ond ot present Immuitisotlon—1,133 child owns over £15,000 worth of ren of school age were plant. Reports . . . immunised against Diph BUILDINGS: Including the theria, and 129 children Town Noll and Municipal of pre-school age were Baths, your Land and Build treated. ings are valued ot £116,000, Infant Welfare Centre — For the 12 months end LIABILITIES: Roads, etc. ed 30th September, The post finoncial year hod to bear ever increas 32.1 % 1953, your Infant Wel Your Council's Loan Liability totals .. . £57,000 ing costs, which were beyond the control of your fare Sister dealt with the While the Surplus of Assets over Liabili Council...The basic woge rose 11/- or 4.8%. This Health ties is £87,000 20.5% following number of increase was olso reflected in the services and ma- 4 visits: teriois your Council bought. The present steadying Council PropeA I' Ringwood Centre 5,450 STAFF: of wages is welcome, and should be reflected in 16? .« Heothmont Centre The Council con only hope to progress with the more stable costs during the current year. Other Works opened 24/2/53 239 help and supfwrt of the executives ofwi employees. 3.3% TREES: in the post year, approximately 420 addi It is their loyalty and effort and co-operation that FINANCIAL: Debt Services tional trees were plonted in streets and porks. is making progress and development possible. 7.1% The number of employees at 30th September, INCOME: During the year income was £76,063, Gronh, ete. RECREATION: 1952, ond 1953 was;— and when compored with £66,31 1 received in 195)- BATHS: During the past season 43,438 adults ond 1952 shows on increase of £9,752. The increase : 4.8% • 1952 40 children patronised the boths, of which 4,600 local 1953 44- in costs and additional service supplied to Rate General Eis. school children were gronted free admittance to payers necessitated a greater income. 6.3% gether with 1,108 ottendonces by Swimming Club Poyroll Tax LOOKING AT 1954; Details of the income ore; — Members, who were also admitted free. 1.3% Visits by school children New Shopping Area General Rotes • £47,030 Your Council proposes fo widen the right-of-way Licences and Registration Administration outside the Municipal dis 7.9% trict lotolled 3,408 ond in at the rear of the north side of Moroondah Highway Fees • • between Melbourne and Adelaide Streets. Public Works and Services 2,060 oil representotives of 17 SURPLUS: The year 1952-53 commenced schools patronised the baths, New Infant Welfare Centre Health (including Sanitary with 0 surplus of . £2,421 and Garboge charges) . 12,700 PLAYGROUNDS: The fol As the result of sterling efforts over the years Council Properties 7,195 To which we add — Receipts for the lowing children's playgrounds on the port of the Infont Welfare Centre Auxiliary, Other Works and Services 2,082 year 76,0^ hove been equipped: with the help of the local Militia Unit, in roising funds, your Council is now in o position to proceed Interest 4,518 . 78,484 Knaith Road Ringwood Park with the erection of a new brick Centre. From which is deducted our total ex £76,063 Bedford Rood East Ringwood Community Hall penses for the year '. .. 69,450 Stoiey Park . The East Ringwood Progress Association recently Land reor Muiium Rood. donated to the Council the sum of £600 toward the EXPENDITURE: Your Council ond its Officers ore Surplus carried forward fo 1953-54 .. £9,034 cost of a new hall to be erected on the Knaith most conscious of the necessity to keep costs at a ASSETS: Road Reserve. minimum, ond of the necessity to provide within the . The surplus is indeed grofifying. It has eno|| ' These ore your Assets:— Private Street Construction limit of the funds ovailable the maximum of ser your Council in the coming year to slightly re" PARKS, GARDENS AND RESERVES: 200 acres have With the Ford Street, Thomas Street, group of vices to its ratepayers, The expenditure for the the generol rote in spile of a considerable increase been acquired, being 33% of the oreo of the streets almost completed ond the Eost Ringwood year was as follows:— in costs when compored with a yeor ago ond to Borough, which ho've been or will be developed. group well under woy, your Council now seems as How provide correspondingly greoter focilities during the Total eoch£l These include;— sured of obtolning tinonce for the construction of coming year. the Williom Street (North Ringwood) group of Expenditure was spent • Jubilee Park streets. Roods, Streets, Bridges, ete. Miles Park Generol £21,062 ^ SERVICES AND AMENITIES: Ringwood Recreation Re Rotes — Generol Street Lighting 1,247 4wd, These ore some of the amenities your money serve As previously mentioned, your Council finished its Health 14,194 4/ d. provides:— Ringwood Pork finoncial yeor with a small surplus, which has en- , Council Properties 11,628 ®'4d. ROADS: During 1952-53 Roods and Drainage Heothmont Reserve abled it to reduce the rate in the £ from 9.125d. to Other Works ond Services .. 2,394 6id. Works completed included:— Greenwood Park 9d. on the Unimproved Capital value of rateable property for the yeor 1953-1954, Debt Services 5.2 miles of roods sealed or Bedford Pork Bellbird Pork Generol Redemption and Interest re-surfoced. Bamford Park In conclusion," moy 1 soy that your Council will, on Loons 4,962 l/Sxd. 3 miles of roads groded and during 1954, endeavor to provide its ratepayers with Grants and Contributions North Ringwood Reserve grovelled, such odditlona! amenities and services as it is able Generol 1,301 4-Jd. 11.5 miles of paths con Reserve — Cr, Dublin Rd. Metro. Fire Brigode Board 1,961 7d. and Moroondah High fo supply hoving regard for its overall finoncial structed and gravelled. obligations ond limitations. General Expenses 4,372 l/3d. 4.5 miles of kerbing ond way Poyroll Tax 877 3d chanelling constructed. Af^tlmony Reserve Administrotion 5,452 1/646. Knaith Road Reserve Cheong Wild Flower 3.8 miles of pipe drains. Canterbury Pork Sanctuary . £69,450 £1/-/- 2.4 miles of formation ond Heothmont Hills Park Ringwood Eost Reserve metalling. Stoiey Park Muiium Creek Reserve MAYOR — BOROUGH OF RINGWOOD


Water The councO takes 2d. of every radius each way. and 3/- per mile 15d. (except for excess water) to thereafter. A 24-hour service Is 'k0^T(iUi& The council has an agreement offset costs of collecting the water available. with the Melbourne and Metro rate. The balance goes to the M.M.B.W. in quarterly payments. politan Board of Works whereby Fire Brigade The council has from time to the Board supplies and reticu time conferred with the board Ringwood Station is on Mar- lates water to those parts of the about extension to Ringwood of oondah Highway near Pratt St. iborough needing it. The water the lower Metropolitan water WU6106. It works with the Box rate, but so far without success. rate is 15d. In £1 on the Net An Hill and Croydon Stations, and ia Efforts to obtain this rate are part of the Metropolitan Fire nual Value of assessable pro continuing. perty In the borough supplied Brigade. There is one vehicle at with water from a main or abut Sewerage the station, fitted with two-way In English it's called "know how"; ting on that part of any road or wireless. and it applies to Harcourt's Catering .street in which a main Is laid. Ringwood is in an unsewered Minimum rate payable is 23/-, area, and until the borough is Police Service. You'll find that everything will go except for land abutting as afore sewered by the M.M.B.W., resi without a hitch on that special occasion. said, on which there is no build dents may use pan closets, bac- Ringwood Police Station is in ing, and which is, not supplied tcriolitic or septic tanks (disposal Pratt St. WU6377. Officer in Harcourt's arrange all c'^sses of catering — with water, in which case the area of 5,000 sq. ft. required), sep charge is Senior Constable Esler. anywhere, at any time , ,. for balls, parties, minimum rate payable Is 10/-. tic closets, or chemical closets. smoke socials. Ask us for a quotation, Ringwood soil is unsuitable for Ringwood Court of Petty septic tanks, and the council ad Sessions without obligation. FOR vises the use of the septic closet, which has the approval of the Held in Lower Town Hall, Mel TIMBER Health Department and is work bourne St., Ringwood. ing well in Ringwood, Court of Petty Sessions; 10 am., It is desirable for householders Tuesday. HARDWARE to discuss the matter with the HARCOURTS Health Inspector before installing Stipendiary Magistrate; Attends PRODUCE their sewerage system. A council alternate Tuesdays. permit is necessary before instal Children's Court: Alternate Tues SEE lation. days. CATERING Clerk of Potty Sessions: H. A. Electricity Bennett. A. F. BISSET Electricity in the Borough Is Clerk of Court's Hours; Tuesday, SERVICE & SONS supplied by the State Electricity 10 a.m.-4 pjn. WU6594. Commission. Enquiries should be made at the Ringwood office, Justices of the Peace WU6621; after hours WU6404, TIMBER YARD 6727, 1121, 6238. Beard, A. C., 10 Dickason Rd., H. & PRODUCE STORES Corr, J. P., 29 Bond St., R. Harcourt's are famous for Cakes straight from oven to you. 26 Whitehorse Rd. Ambulance Colquhoun, W, L., Aringa, R. opp. Coach & Horses Hotel Evans, P., Warrandyte Rd., N.R. Block Cake Birthday and Wed All Cakes and It is anticipated that as a re GUlan, H. v.. Heathdale Rd.. R. WU 6736 sult of Croydon, Ringwood and Hawker, G. C., Culverlands, H. ding Cakes — Sponges Nunawading people raising a Small Cakes ♦ Hubbard, B. J., 62 Ringwood St., made to order — substantial sum, the Victorian R. Civil Ambulance Service will soon Fresh Daily SHOP & OFFICE Miles, A. T., Seiangor, R, Special Cakes — heavy or light erect an Ambulance Station on Muller, G. A., Heathmont Rd.. H. 223 Whitehorso Rd. land given by the borough at IjOt McCaskill, J. H., Alexandra Rd., made to order quality Made on Premises Opp- Cloc^ Tower 47 Pitt St., Ringwood. Until this . R. WU6134 service is available the Service Parker, H. E., Greenwood Av., R, may be phoned at FB 2222. Prom Pearson, H. P., Wonga Rd., R. a public telephone and without Purser, E. T., 19 Whitehorse Rd., Wf DELIVER TO charge you may call M 079 Emer R. ALL DISTRICTS gency Service. Trlbolet, R. H. V., Wonga Rd., R. Whitehorse Rd., Ringwobd (opp. Town Hall) Phone WU 6400 Minimum charge for an ambu Walduck, H. E., Canterbury Rd.. lance is £1/5/- within a 4-mlle R.


While this Directory has been compiled from outheritotive sources, and the greatest cere has been exercised in making it as complete as possible,_ the Publishers do not ossume responsibility for iheccurocies and/or omissions. H •— Heolhmont; R — Ringwood, N, E, S, W — North, Eosr, South, West

• Accountants' & Auditors • Blinds Crittenden, John RELIANCE BUILDING 102 Whitehorse Rd., R. CO. PTY, LTD. Roy, F, D., 124 Whitehorse Rd., R. BLINDS • Agricultural Implement MASTER BUILDERS Distributors Hossett, E., & Sons Ply. Ltd. War Service Homes o speciol- Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6651 ity on Small Deposit. And for • Agents—Business T. & W. DANIELS oil types of homes, contact: Carter, C. E., & Son ALL TYPES MADE TO ORDER 126 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6024 SUN BLINDS; VENETIAN; R. T. JONES HOLLAND; FESTOON; BAMBOO • Agents—Real Estate ALL TYPES CANVAS GOODS LARGE RANGE OF GIFTS fr TOYS St.,Rin9weed WU7159 Corter, C. E,, & Sort 58 Whitehorse Rd., Ringwood. 126 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6024 REAL WU 7322 for the most complete service in Ringzvood DICKSON, A. W. (R.t.S.1.) Mason, R. A. For Complete Real Estate WU 6522 ESTATE Service in Ringwood and 8 Andrew St., R. Surrounding Districts •Boots & Shoes—Retail Main St., R. WU 6868 Purser, E. T. Jewell, Chos. F. 193 .Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 7195 112 Whitehorse Rd., R. - WU 6000 White, A. R. AUCTION 217 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU6384 s SALES Our intimate knowledge of Ringwood and ARRANGED I. P. MARDLING • Builders & Contractors (R.E.S.I.-) For your next RENTS surrounding, districts may be of assistance to CONSTRUCTION JOB COLLECTED Ail types of contract building? VALUATIONS Plons and specifications con MADE you before buying or selling. be arranged. Quotes given without obligotion. Commissioner for Affidavits. Real Estate. Houses. Formtets. Lend SOUND CONSTRUCTION G. A. MOORE Stole Motor Cor ond Workers' Comp. Ins. Q'iand Ins. Co. CoiC' IN ALL S STRATKALLYN RD. WU 6457 donion Ins. Co. BUILDING MATTERS 56 Mt. Dondenong Rd., CONSULT Ringwood Eost. FOR YOUR NEXT A. W. DIGKSON WU 6075 oil hours WU 7426 Elliott & PIttOGk BUILDING JOB 42 Caroline St., Ringwood. R.E.S.I. Miles, A. T,, & Son WU 6930 175 Moin'St., R. WU6215 Oliver St. . . - WU 6724 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT RINSWOOO REAL ESTATE CO. Estate and Business Agents Slotion Entrance, Ringwood 0pp. liingxoood Station' WU6661 All Hours WU 6662 G, C. WILKINS • Baker BUY THE BEST Builder & Contractor WU6007 WU7016 WU6868 All types of Building work Conlon, C. V. undertoken. Estimotes sub 4 Worrondyte Rd., R. "Ail-About" AdvertUert All classes of Insurances effected at Lowest Current Rates. Offer High Quality Goodi mitted. No iob too lorge or • Bicycles & Accessories too small. end Servleei 22 Bourko St., Ringwood. Mothieson, T. WU 7338 128 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6267 15 M THE RUSK1N AU-A60UT RINGWOOD EDITION, igS'l RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT Builders & Contracters— •Chemists— • Fruiterers •Gardener—Landscape Men's Wear • Motor Service Stations Alterations and Repairs. Pharmaceutical GARNER, T. W. Allon Coffey Motors Pty. Ltd. Poving, Rockwofk, Tcrroclng For All Men's Wear 241 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 7165 Bailey, A. S., Main St., R. Complete Garden Layout READ & CARROLL Sports Trousers o Specialty Mathieson, T. All Classes of Villa Wotk Boyd, J. C., R. K. DICKSON All Types Rotary Hoc Contracting Fitted While You Wait, 49 Wontirna Rd., R. WU 6723 128 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6267 W.B„ Brick and Brick Veneer 130 WhiteHorse Rd., R. WU 6227 FRUITERER end Altered Free of Chorgc Quotes Given in Our Own Workroom Von Towsey, A. 5 Lois St;, E.R. WU 7456 •Chiropodist Specialists In all Interstate •Gift Shop Whitehorse Rd., E.R. fruits In season K. REES SHAW, EDWARD, R., M.N.S.Ch., RICHARDS, J. Ringwood Gilts and Radio 100 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU6529 • Motor Towing Service 77 Ringwood St., R. WU 6509 Never buy before obtoining 201 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6194 Builder and Contractor our price for fruit bottling. New Constructions McNomora Motors Alterations and Repairs Corsetry Specialist All cherries, peoches, soft • Gramaphone Records Mercer 49 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 7042 3 Kennedy Av., R. WU 7343 fruits straight from our Ringwood Gifts ond Rodio Gillespie, J. W. Hall, Brendo • Newsagent 102 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU6128 orchards to you, 201 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU6i94 145 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6394 • Builders' Supplies Word, C. v., Moin St., R. WU6220 Phone WU 7207 . Grocers Milk Bar RINGWOOD TIMBER b • Dairy 136 8, 183 Whitehorse Rood. TRADING CO. PTY. LTD. Horcourt, A. H. • Newspaper JERSEY GLEN DAIRY Ringwood Self Service Grocery Far All Your Building Requirements 121 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 7378 ] 18 Main St., R, WU 6400 Ringwood Moil, 11 Adelolde St., R. See Advertisement Poge 20 Melbourne's Cleanest end Mas! Cr. Whitehorse Rd. & New St., R. Modem Dairy,' supplying Sinclair, N. H. Pasteurised and Clortfied Milk wueen Bedford Rd., R. WU 6165 Motor Body Builders & • Nurserymen 23 Wenfirno Rd., R. WU6218 Phone WU 7324 for Repairers • Hairdressers—Ladies DAILY FRESH FRUIT •Cakes—Retail • Dogs & Dogs' Supplies HEATHMONT MOTORS AND VEGETABLES DEMISE BEAUTY SALON - Specialists in All Types of Auto Harcourf, A. H. UPSTAIRS motive Repairs and Servicing for HEALTHY Domestic Animal Fresh Food Supply MOBILUBRICATION 118 Main St., R. WU 6400 9 Adelolde St., R. WU 7076 Over Ringwood Self Service Grocery Cr. Campbell & Canterbury Rds. H. Slee, H. J. QfRUITlRH Whitehorse Rd-. R. WU 6459 WU 6976 SHRUBS TREES Smedley Rd., R.N. WU7151 •Caterer Gillesple, Edna, SEEDLINGS HARCOURT, A. W. Draper Whitehorse Rd., R. SEEDS & All Classes of Catering Arranged Specialising in weekend de FRUIT TREES Bolls, Parties, Socials Ringwood Drapery Store liveries. Our Aim is Satis- • Hardware—Retail 118 Main St., R. ' WU6400 155 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6309 foction 8i Courteous Service BIssetf, A. F., & Sons Open Week-ends A. D. & R. V. 26 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6736 •Dry Cleaning Moyford, P. L E. H. McNAMARA Ringwood . ^ ^ Carriers Ringwood Dry Cleaning Service PATTERSON 102 Rollwoy Av., E.R. Canterbury Rd., WU 7324 MOTORS Nurseries Thonet St., R. WU 6285 Ringwood Timber 8> Trading Co. FOR ALL Pty. Ltd., Cr. Whitehorse Rd. & Specialists in Panel Beating, 375 Whitehorse Rd. CARRYING & CARTAGE •Electrical Contractors New St., R. WU66n Motor Body repairs, Autospray •Furnishings CONTRACTING Godge, Cloude, 49 Springfield Rd., Stoney, Robt. C. painting, Mechanicol repairs. • Paint Supplies Blackburn WX 5494 Nixon Interiors, Whitehorse Rd., R. Main St., R. WU 6046 24 Hour Tawing Service Stoney, Robt, C. 60b Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 7300 WILTON, C. R.A.C.V. Road Service Station Main St., R. WU 6046 Furniture Removals & 73 Bedford Rd., R. WU 7481 49 Whitehorse Rd. WU 7042 Storage Pest Exterminators ELECTRICAL Hatter CONTRACTOR Gillespie, J. W, Motor Cars & Trucks— for 145 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6394 New " PENTOL" Prompt and Efficient Service IPentachlorphenol) Hot Water Systems Allan Coffey Motors Pty. Ltd. P.STEVENSON 241 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU7]65 SORfR & }2 Pratt Street, Ringwood. Gowers, L, F, WH/rf ANT WU 6893 6 Leno Gr., R. WU 7006 Motor Cars & Trucks— SPECIALISTS BAYSWATER P. H. JONES House Plans & Used We go anywhere. Approved TRANSPORT SERVICE by State Savings ond Com ALL CLASSES OF ELECTRICAL Specifications Allan Coffey Motors Ply. Ltd. Furniture Removals monwealth Banks, Inspection INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS REtD, L. H. 241 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 7165 free. Enquire about our ESTIMATES PREPARED From Anywhere'to Anywhere Moderote Fees unique guarantee. 24 HOUR SERVICE Porcel Delivery, city doily. • Motor Engineer WU 73SB In Attendance All Hours PENTOL PTY. LTD. J. WILTON 56 Loughnan Rd., R. WU 6459 8 Freemen St. (off DubNn ftd.l Hendry, A. OFFICE: Ringwood Sott 51 Mt. Dondonong Rood Wontirna Rd., R. WU 7239 14 WHITEHORSE RD.. RINGWOOD Ringwood WU 7354 Jeweller WU7480; AFTER HOURS WU7430 Motor Garages w. M. WEBBER Engineers— Morshall, Kenneth 181 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6553 Freeman, J. W. • Photographers CARTAGE Constructional Furniture—Retail CONTRACTOR Whitehorse Rd., E.R. WU 7012 GALLAGHER, JOHN Buchanan, C. H,, & Co. Lowford, D. E. Joinery Ringwood East Service Station ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION 2 Ringwood St., R. WU 6725 235 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 7235 Old Windmill Joinery Mt. Dandenong Rd., E.R. WU609] Commcrcio! - Induslriol - Generol GENERAL CARRYING 8 Whitehorse Rd., R. 59 Mullum Rd., R. WU722I Frock Salon Garden Furnishings Motor Hire Services 16 Pratt Street •Library Ringwood WU6912 Hall, Brendo Moroondoh Garden Supplies Dondee Hire Cors Kershow, Ivor P. 102 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU6i28 84 '^/hitehorse Rd., R. WU 7492 Word, C. v.. Main St., R. WU6220 Cr, Whitehorse & Lilydole Rds., E-R. Canterbury Rd., H.

16 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT 17 i Piano Tuner • Refrigeration •Tiinber Merchants . Bomford, P., Pfy. Ltd. Melbourne's Cleanest & Most Modern Dairy IS YOUR Whitehorse Rd., R. REFRIG. WORKING BIssetr, A, F,, & Sons 26 Whitehorse Rd.. R. WU 6736 O.K.? Oberman, Joseph & Associotes We ore experts who specialise in Whitehorse Rd., R. Refrlgerotlon Repairs — Domestic Specialist in Piano and Commcrciol Ringwood Timber & Trading Co- Pty, Ltd., Cr. Whitehorse Rd. & Tuning, Player Repairs 24 HOUR New St„ R. WU 6611 WU 6634 SERVICE and Polishing •Trouser Specialist RINGWOOD Recs, K. W. E. DIXON REFRIGERATION 100 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6529 5 Kemp St., Ringwood SERVICE • Upholsterer WU 7252 28 Caroline St., Ringwood

• Plumbers & Gasfitters • Rotary Hoeing Service Burden, V. G. 164 Whitehorse Rd-, R. WU 6023' 1 RINGWOOD UPHOLSTERY Lounge suites, fireside chairs ROTARY HOEING and rockers recovered and Installation, repairs, main My 12 h.p. moehinc ensures repaired. Bedding remode. Estimotcs given. tenance and gene r Q 1 a good job. Agricultural and storm water draining by on WU 6261 plumbing. Roof Repairs. expert. Labor ond material Modernising Bothrooms. supplied. Sherbrooko, Ave., Ringwood Phone: WU 7006 H. A. HARRIS • Watchmaker CENTREWAY, RINGWOOD Morsholl, Kenneth Pasteurised and Clarified Milk as supplied to: WU 698fi L. F. GOWERS 181 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6553 6 Lena Grove •Sanitary Installations Government House ★ Viet. State Govt. Melb. Hospitals HARDY, K. B. Hancock & Alexander Bros. (lie. M.M.B.W.I 319 Whitehorse Rd., R, Miscellaneous General Plurnbing — H. 0 C. Baby Creches Army & University Schools Woter Instoiiations — • Sports Goods Estimates Available White, A. R. 48 Balfour Av., H. WU 6983 217 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU6384 Political Parties JAMIESON, J. R. •Stationer Labor Party, Ringwood Br.; S. 14 Bond St., R^ WU 6060 LewLs, 18 Charter St., R. Liberal and Country Party, Ring- ORDER YOUR SUPPLIES NOW! wood Br.; Mrs. Parker, Green wood Av., R. Theatre Ringwood Dairy, Thanet St., Ringwood WU6230 In Ringwood Town Hall, Wednes day, Friday and Saturday Jersey-Glen Dairy, Wantirna Rd., Ringwood For all types of general nights and Saturday afternoon. C. V. WARD WU6218 plumbing, maintenance Citixens' Militory Forces and installation 132 WHITEHORSE ROAD, RINGWOOD. 10th Independent Field Squad- SEPTIC TANKS CARDS FOR ALL OCCA . ron R.A.E. meets Batman Av,. Vermont Dairy, Vermont WU146I SEWERAGE SIONS, LATEST NOVELS Melb., Thursday night, Ring- wood Friday night. HOT WATER AND CHILDREN'S BOOKS IN STOCK. FOUNTAIN PENS Newspaper R. J. RICHARDS SOLD AND REPAIRED. Ringwood Mail is published every Thursday by C. E. Sleeman, WU 6220 Licensed by The Vie. Govt. 25 Wiiona St. WU 7384 Adelaide St., R. Price 3d. Clas sified .Advertising 3/- first 12 • Radio Repairs & Service •Tailors words, 2d. each additional word. Godge, Claude, 49 Springfield Rd., Glllespie, J. W. Casual rate for display 7/- per eiockburn WX 5494 145 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU 6394 inch. Deadline for ad. copy 12 Sfoney, Robt. C. VICTORIAN DAIRIES LTD REES, K. noon Wednesday. Main St., R. WU 6046 Practicol Tailor Half • Radio—Retail Every Gorment Guaranteed For Town Hall facilities apply J. Rcgd. Hood Office: 60 Belgrove Rd., East Molvern Godge, Cloude, 49 Springfield Rd., Hond Made in Our Own Workroom , Proudley, General Office, Town 100 Whitehorse Rd., R. WU6529 Blackburn WX5494 Hall. RINGWOOD COITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT 18 THE RUSK1N ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, T954 Friendly Join The Societies Protestant Alliance MANCHESTER Auttrolion Natives Association Friendly Society Schools and Kindergartens Ringwood Lodge. Secretary: Mr. of Australasia Kevin Pratt, 265 Whitehorse Rd., R. WX 1031. FOR PROVISION AGAINST UNITY PAY Grond United Order ot Free FUTURE SICKNESS OR RINGWOOD S.S., Greenwood TINTERN C.E.G.G.S., Knaith Rd., E.R. WU6683. Head: Miss Gardeners ACCIDENT Av., R. WU6047. Head: L, Ed ■Ringwood Lodge. Secretary: Mr. wards. Mothers' Club: Mrs. C. M. Wood. Hospital and Medical Benefit Claims R. S. Grove, 12 Gray St., R.E. Society Approved for Payment of Commonwealth Hospital and Langmire, 1 Munro St., R. ' WINNINGTON GRAMMAR, WU 6871. Medical Benefits NORTH RINGWOOD S.S., Oban Ringwood St., R. WU6q34. independent Order of Rechobltes MEMBERSHIP of Hospital and Rd., R. WU7250. Head: R. T. Principal: R. S. Stiebel. WITHIN 7 DAYS Ringwood Lodge. Secretary: Mr. Medical Funds open to all persona Kaufman. School Committee: PROMPTLY A. J. B. Alrd. 21 WanandytB Rd., under 70 years of age, D. M, Purdie, 57 Loughnan Rd., RINGWOOD PRE-SCHOOL CENTRE, Ringwood St.. R. R. WU 6180. Meets Presbyterian CONTRIBUTIONS from as low as: R. Hall alternate Mondays. Persons without dependents 14/6 Directress: Mrs. B. Douglas. EAST RINGWOOD S.S., Everard Manchester Unity Independent per qr.; approx. 1/1 per wk. Auxiliary: Mrs, D. Saunders, Family units 31/6 per qr.: ap St., R. WU6781. Head: W. L. Loughnan Rd., R. Association: Order ot Oddtellows prox. 5/5 per wk. Cane. School Committee: L: N: Ringwood Lodge No. 6724. Sec Mrs. G. Gunn, 35 Mt. Dande- BENEFITS — Hospital: Society Dow, 5 Mirabel Av., R. Get in touch with your local Secretary retary: Mr. W. J. Moore, 36 and Commonwealth benefit from nong Rd., R. Building Commit Through Rd., Burwood. 18/- per day. C6/6/- per week, for HEATHMONT S.S., Francis St., tee: S. Lewis, 18 Charter St., R. In-patient of Registered Hospital. WM 2606. H. Head: N. Gillham. School Medical: Society and Common Committee: Mrs, R. Sharpe, HEATHERDALE PRE-SCHOOL W. J. MOORE Protestant Allionce Friendly Society wealth benefit up to 90Vo of medi CENTRE, Yalloum Pde., R. 36 Through Road, Burwood. WM 2606 Loyal Ringwood Lodge No. 81. In cal expenses from a Registered Canterbury Rd., H. Practitioner. Directress; Miss V. Yeo. As Manchester Unity Friendly Society, quiries to P.A.F.S. Grand Coun RINGWOOD HIGH, Bedford Rd.. sociation : J, M. Shaw, 22 Waiwa Loyal Ringwood Lodge No. 81 R. Head; J. R. Bennett. Par 105 Swanston St. Central 1662. cil Office, 138 Flinders St., meets St., Mitcham. ents' and Citizens' Provisional Aj>j>iovcd jor (iovcrnmciil Mcdicnl Subsidy Hciielits Melbourne. Cen. 4864. PARISH HALL, RINGWOOD Committee; R. W. Gotts, 12 HEATHMONT PRE-SCHOOL on second lost Monday of each CENTRE, Vivianl Cr., H. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN month Sherbrooke Av., R. Directress: Miss Smith. Ad THIS BOOK Full particulars at Lodge Room or OUR LADY OP PERPETUAL H — Heathmont; R — Ringwood: Grand Council Office, Central SUCCOUR PRIMARY, Wliana vancement League (Kinder N, E, S. W. — North, East, South, 4864, 138 Flinders St., Melbourne St., R. WU6I)56. Conducted by garten Committee): Mrs. P. West. Sisters of Mercy. Sister in Lyall, 31 Balfour Av., R. Auxili charge: Sister Mary De Siles. ary; Mrs. D. Nickels, Bardia St., H. EAST RINGWOOD PRE TIMBER! TIMBER! TIMBER! TIMBER!! SCHOOL CENTRE. Dublin Rd., R. Directress: Miss D. Vail. For all the Committee: Mrs. L. I. Gedge, .'S 6 Wlnwood St., R. Mothers' Red Gum Scantlings, Flooring, Auxiliary: Mrs. J. S. Shum, Family's Footwear Victoria St., R. Weatherboards, Mouldings, Joinery . , and Flush-panel Doors, . . . . and SAVE School Terms BUILDERS' AND HANDYMAN HARDWARE 1954 It's so easy to save pounds ond ^ Special attention paid to child 1st Term: 2nd Feb. 1954- pounds when you buy oil your ren. 14th May. 1954. All building needs Baths and Sinks. Paints, Enamels, Brushes, all family's footwear at Purser's. 2nd Term: 25th May. All women's styles and sizes 1954-27th Al^., 1954. Painting requisites. Domestic Hardware for Careful ond individual fittings of LINLEY, SHARWOOD ond 3rd Term; 7th Sept., 1954- the Kitchen and the Laundry, etc. ensure your comfort and long 17th Dec., 1954, at competitive prices WHYBROW. footweor life. Purser's stock LAST MAIL ond sell GROSBY, MYRL, ^ Men's SPICER golf shoes and KNIGHT SUPPERS. solid working boots. CLEARANCES WU 6611 RINGWOOD TIMBER & Rallwoy Stations: Repair Depot for BIRCHEL'S REPAIR SERVICE Ringwood: Mon.-Fri., 11 p.m.; TRADING CD. PTY. LTD. Sun., 9.25 p.m. Makers and suppliers of all kinds of Ringwood East: Mon.-Fri.: 11.06 FRUIT CASES. Cr. Whitehorse Rd. & New St., Ringwood p.m.; Sun., 9.20 p.m. Heathmont; Mon.-Fri., 8,25 E. T. PURSER p.m.; Sun., 5.05 p.m. 193 WHITEHORSE ROAD. WU7195 Past Offices: TIMBER! TIMBER! TIMBER! TIMBER!! Ringwood: Mon.-Fri.: 5.10 p.m.; Sot,, 12.15 p.m. RINGWOOD EDITION, 1934 20 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT 2) Doctors' Baby Health Centres RINGWOOD PUBLIC Surgery Hours The Sister-in-Charge of both Centres is Sister E. A. Ahlston, who may be contacted at the Ringwood Town Hall, WU 6616; HOLIDAYS Complete pre-natal and post-natal care and guidance is given, PHARMACY HEWnr, W. E., WIDMER, B., and CONE, J-, Warrandyte Rd., 'using modern methods and equipment, R. WU 6002, 6533. After hours WU6002. Mon.-Pri., 9.30-11 a.m., 1.30-3, 6.30-7.30 p.m. Sat. Addresses and Hours of Attendances 9-11 a.m. Sun. 10-11 ajn. FEBRUARY-DECEMBER, RINGWOOD — Melbourne St, (behind Town Holl). WU66I6. MORLET, J., 52 Railway Ave., 1954 E.R. WU70I5. Mon.-Fri, 2-4, Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 7.30 pan,, Sat. 9.30-10.30 a.m. SUSSEX. MARGARET, Winter- 1-4 p.m. 10 o.m, - 12 10 a.m. - 12 10 a.m. - 12 10 a.m. - 12 1st February: Austrolio Doy . hlll, Wonga Rd„ R, WU6319. noon noon noon nooft 24fh Februory: Queen's Arrival Consultation by appointment 1-4 p.m. 1-4 p.m. WHIGHT, GLADYS, Halg St.. R. (Metropoliton Areo). • ■WU6293. Mon.-Pri. 10-11 a.m. Sister visits Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. 8th Morch: Labor Day. Other times by appointment. Don't make 16th April: Good Friday. Dispensing Private Hospital ^ HEATHMONT — Held in Pre-school-Centre, Viviono Cres. 17th April; Eoster Soturday. THE PINES, Adelaide St., R, )9th April: Eoster Monday. a packfiorse Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. • -Fri. WU6173. 20th April: Easter Tuesday.

— CHEMIST of yourself! — Afternoon , —, . _ — 25th April: Anzac Day. SPORTING CLUBS 14th June; Queen's Birthday ♦ ♦ 30th September: Show Doy. , Cricket Clubs THE QUEEN ELIZABETH MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH Rlngwood; I. Munro, 8 Kirk St., CENTRE AND INFANTS' HOSPITAL 2nd November: Cup Doy. 25th December; Christmos Doy. ALL PRESCRIPTIONS R. 96 Keppol Street, Corltcn. FJ 2519. Ringwood Methodist Church: L. WE CALL AND 27th December: Boxing Day. Every mother should know something of the work of this centre, it is financed Ringrose, 20 Oliver St., R. (26th December is o Sunday). Bedford: E, S. Rawson, 26 Camp from the Voiuntaiy F-unds of the Victorian Baby Health Centres Association so PENSIONER DELIVER WEEKLY mothers everywhere moy benefit from its services when in need of more specific bell St., B. core for their bobies than the local boby heolth centres ore oble to give. REPATRIATION Eaat Ringwood: A, Hann, White- horse Rd., R. ANYWHERE IN FREE MEDICAL Heathmont: A. D. Wallace. 61 Heathmont Rd., R. North Ringwood: A. N. DIckson, RINGWOOD — 151 Whitehorse Rd., R. YARDLEY COSMETICS Football Clubs At No Extra Charge Ringwood; J. Lindsay, 18 Wai-- Cyma Wristlet VETERINARY GOODS randyte Rd„ B, BABY NEEDS East Ringwood; J. Burke, 367 Whitehorse Rd., R, We believe Service in as shown by Kenneth Marshall PHOTOGRAPHY East Ringwood Junior: E, C. Reidy, 25 Patterson St., R. cludes not only cour CITY PRICES Ringwood Soccer Club: J. Travis, Cairncroft, Old Belgrave Rd., tesy and efficiency, but Call in and see these magnificent Cyma FREE DELIVERIES Upwey. quality and value in watches today—just right for style—just Miscellaneous Clubs every item we sell. It Ringwood Croquet: Mrs. J, Knox, right for you. Kenneth Marshall will 1 Wilana St.. R, all adds up to greater show you and demonstrate the advantages Ringwood Swimming & Life- lnfra>red Lomps for Sole or saving; J, Moore, 16 Ktt St„ R, customer satisfaction. of this wonder watch. See that your next Ringwood Anglers: J. Pride, Hire. Try us — "For Service" watch is a Cyma. The watch since Time Beaufort Rd., Croydon, OPEN SUNDAY 10-12 Ringwood Riding: Miss Clarke, — won't you? was Time. Wantirna Rd., R, Ringwood Cycle: J, Williamson, 19 Sherbrooke Av„ R, Ringwood Bowling: A, J, Roberts, J. G. BOYD Campbell St., R. ONLY Cyma watches have Cymaflex Anti-shock — Tennis Clubs N.H.SINCLAIR 130 WHITEHORSE ROAD, Ringwood: D. Broadley, 40 Ar BEDFORD RD. RINGWOOD. WU 6227 lington St., R. but every CYMA has it! . . . East Ringwood: L. M. Cleary, RINGWOOD (opp. Stotien entrance) Lot 16, Talofa Av„ R. Heathmont: Mrs. C. Cutting, WU6I65 KENNETH MARSHALL 181 Whitehorse Rd., Ringwood WU 6553 Stoda St., H,


Federal Parliament House of Representatives Give Representative; Bt. Hon. B. G. Records Casey, C. H., D^.O., M.O. Anglican Plymouth Brethren GOSPEL CHAPEL, Warrandyte Sub-division of Ringwood ST. PAUL'S, Ringwood St., R. From Vicar; Rev. John Bishop, Ring- Rd., R. Minister: Pastor W. H, Residents of Ringwood, South Dempsey, 18 Rostrevor Pde., of Oban Rd., are within the Sub wood St.. R. WU 6014. Sunday Ringwood's Box HiU. WX 1090. Sunday Ser division of Ringwood. services: Holy Communion 8 a.m., and at 11 a.m. on 2nd vices 11.20 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Leading Sub-division of Croydon Sunday School 3 p.m. Record Residents of Ringwood, East of and 4th Sundays; Matins 11 a.m. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays; Presbyterian Centre MuUum Mulium Creek and North AUSTIN Evensong 7 p.m.; Sunday SCOTS CHURCH, Adelaide St., of Oban Rd. are in the Sub SALES School 10 a.m.; Kindergarten We stock His division of Croydon. R. Minister, Rev. J. C. Jones, 11 a.m.: Holy Communion 10.30 Adelaide St., R. WU6161. Sun Master's Voice & SERVICE a.m. Wednesday. Representative: Hon. F. J. Davis, day Services: 11 a.m. and 7 Records and M.H.R. HOLY TRINITY, Patterson St., p.m.; Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Radios. opp- railway station, E.R. Vicar: Roman Catholic Sub-division of Lilydale Rev. John Bishop. Services are RINGWOOD Residents of Ringwood, North '•^britorium seavici at present held at 71 Mt. Dan- OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL of Oban Rd. and West of Mulium denong Rd.. E.R.: Holy Com SUCCOUR. Wiiana St., R. Muilum Creek are in the Sub munion 9.30 a.m. 2nd Sunday; Parish Priest; Rev. Francis J. GIFTS & RADIO division of Lilydale. Morning Prayer 9.30 a.m. 4th O'Toole, 14 Bedford Rd., R. 201 White- , Federal Parliament Sunday; Sunday School 9.30 WU 6056. Masses: Weekdays horse Rood, q]94 The Senate a.m. every Sunday. 7 a.m.; Sundays 7, 8. 9.30, 10.30 Ringwood Members of the Senate are 58a Mt. Dondenong Rd. HEATHMONT to be built in am,; Confession Saturday 10 elected on a block basis for the RINGWOOD EAST. WU 6041 Canterbury Rd., H. Services at a.m. and 7.30 p.m. State of Victoria. There are no present being held by Rev. (Cr'iilhiui-d on Prigc 27. Coliunn 1) Divisions or Sub-divisions. John Bishop at State School, State Parliament H.: Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Legislative Assembly 4th Sunday; Morning Prayer ASSEMBLY DISTRICT OP 9.30 a.m. 2nd Sunday; Sunday BOX HILL STEEL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS School 9.30 a.m. every Sunday. Representative; Hon. B. J. Gray, Baptist V. G. BURDEN M.L.A. Sub-division of Ringwood RINGWOOD EAST. Dublin Rd., E.R. Minister: Rev. S. McKit- PLUMBER Residents of Ringwood, South COAL HOPPERS of Oban Rd.. are in the Sub trick, 40 Mt. Dandenong Rd., division of Ringwood. E.R. WU6019. Sunday Services: CONVEYORS 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday ASSEMBLY DISTRICT OF School 9.45 a.m. Midweek ser Supplies And Instals EVELYN vice 8 p.m. Wednesday. Representative; Hon. P. P. Con- ICE TANKS nell, M.L.A. Church of Christ SLOW COMBUSTION COOKERS OF ALL MAKES Sub-division of Croydon DUCT WORK Residents of Ringwood, East of- RINGWOOD. Bedford Rd., R. Mulium Mulium Creek and North Minister: W. F. Nankivell, Old of Oban Rd. are In the Sub CHIMNEY STACKS Warrandyte Rd., N.R. WU 6391. Agent For All division of Croydon. Sunday Services: Communion 11 a.m.; evening seiwice 7 p.m.; Sub-division of Lilydale RiVETTING Residents of Ringwood, North Sunday School 9.45 a.m. of Oban Rd. and West of Mulium Mulium Creek are In the Sub WELDING m Methodist division of Lilydale. State Parliament CANTILEVER VERANDAHS RINGWOOD, cr. Greenwood Av. Legislative Council and Station St., R. Minister: APPLIANCES SOUTHERN PROVINCE Rev. R. M. Bandt, 4a Green Representatives; Hon. O. L. wood Av., R WU6033 Sunday Chandler, M.L.C., and Hon. C. H. BUCHANAN Services: 11 am. and 7 p.m.; All types of Domestic and Industrial Installation and R. R. Rawson, MX.C. Sunday School 2.45 p.m. Maintenance undertaken. Tank Makers and Sheet Electoral Offices; 2 RINGWOOD STREET, RINGWOOD HEATHMONT, Canterbury Rd., La Trobe; Princes Highway, Dan- H, Minister:. Rev. R. M. Bandt. denong, Metal Workers. WU 6725 Sunday Services: Morning 9.30 Deakin: 960 Whltehorse Rd.. Box a.m.; no evening service; Sun 164 WHITEHORSE ROAD WU 6023 HUl. day School, Kindergarten, 9.30 a.m.; Upper School 10.45 a.m. 2"? THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION,.195-1 THE RUSkiN ALL-ABOUT 25 RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954- J E. Ringwood P.A.: G, Francis, 6 Knalth Rd.. R. Heatiimont Advancement League: Train Services Community Activities Mrs. A. Lavls, Canterbury Rd., H. Heathmont District P.A.; M. A. Time Tables are correct OS at December, 1953. Charitable Organisations Cultural Organisations Courtenay, Blossom St., Mlt- MELBOURNE TO RINGWOOD RINGWOOD TO MELBOURNE Ringwood Benevolent Society: cham. Ringwood Arts and Crafts So MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS Mrs. A. Colder, 247 Whiteliorse ciety: Mrs. K. Jenkyn, 22 Ringwood Ratepayers' Assn.: Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — Rd., R. Greenwood Av., R. D. J. R. Walker. 18 Junction St., Leave Ringwood: A.M. — 4.59, 5:2, 30, 50, 6.12, 22, 33, 45. 7.0, 10°, 5.27, 59, 6,14, 35°. 45, 52°, 7.2°, 9, Ringwood Old Age & Invalid Pen Ringwood Citizens' Band: C. Raff, R. 21°, 29°. 51°, 57°, 8.10, 25°, 28, 48°, Loughnan Rd., R. Ringwood Chamber of Com 20°, 32°, 40, 45", 8.2°, 10", 15°, sioners Assn.: Mrs. I. De SUva, 9.18°, 54, 10.20°, 53.11.23°, 40,. P.M. 19°, 26, 48°, 54°, 9.6, 30°, 46°, 10.7, Ringwood Horticultural and Agri merce: K. Ward, Whitehorse N I XON 5 Munro St., R. — 12.1. 14, 25, 38, 1,5°, 23°, 53, 30°. 11.4, 32. 51. P.M. — 12.26, 33°, cultural Society: B. Davis, 48 Rd., R. 2.24, 52, 3.23°, 36, 50°, 4.0, 15°, 33°, Ringwood Ambulance Committee; Pitt St., R. 40°. 1.3, 33. 45°, 2.6, 18, 41°, 3.22, Or. A. D. Patterson, Canterbury 35, 46°. 5.0°, 8°, 12, 21, 25, 33, 39, 47, 4,15, 28, 36°. 47°, 5.8°, 30°, 37°, Ringwood and District Philatelic Service Organisations 46. 54, 6.9, 19, 28, 57, 7.10, 18, 34, Rd., R. 6.0", 9, 37, 49, 7.0, 18, 33, 45. 8.3, INTERIORS Society: Mr, E. Miles, 35 Caro 8,5°. 8, 40, 55, 9.10, 35°, 53. 10.10, Ringwood Sub-branch R.S.L.: 18, 27°. 33, 46°. 9.6°, 17, 35, 48, Ringwood Red Cross Emergency line St., R. 25, 55, 11.12, 43, 12.0 midnight. Service Coy.: Mrs. K. Jenkyn, Ringwood Branch Victorian Banjo C. E. Rawson, c/- Robt. O, 10.0°, 14, 37, 48, 11.12, 43, 55. Club: W. H. Robinson, 22 Stoney, Whitehorse Rd., R. SATURDAYS Greenwood Av.. R. Leave Flinders Street: AM. — SATURDAYS Loughnan Rd., R. Ringwood Ladles' Aux. R.S.L.: Ringwood Branch Prince Henry's 5.3, 48, 6.30, 42. 59, 7,10, 53, 59, Leave Ringwod: A.M. — 4.59, 5.28, Hosp. Aux.; Mrs. J. Brown, 5 Mrs, T. J. Geisler, 51 Ford St., Miscellaneous 0' 8.12, 25°, 30, 52. 9.18°, 23, 10.10, 25, 59, 6.16, 48, 59, 73, 29, 42, 8.1". 15°, Kendall St., R. R. Ringwood Women's Christian 11.5, 20, 35, 50. P.M. — 12.4, 15°, 26,' 36, 54°, 9.6, 17, 29°, 48, 10.8, 21, 30, 45, 1.1. 13, 35°, 38°, 2.0, 20, Ringwood Aux. of the Children's Temperance Union: Mrs. A. Ringwood Citizens' Military 30°, 46, 11.31, 51. P.M. — 12.3, 18, Hasp.: Mrs. D. Plynn, 1 Pitt Forces (Social Club): L. Little, 55. 3.40, 52, 4.40, 50, 5.10, 25, 52, 40, 1.8. 30. 45. 2.1, 16. 48. 58°, 3.24, Bond, IS Bourke St., R. 6.10°, 13, 38. 7.10, 40, 8.10, 25, 40, Consult us St., R. Ringwood Branch Country Haig St., R. 49, 4,17, 5.7, 17, 48, 6.18, 26°. 50, Ringwood Infant Welfare Centre Ringwood Mums' Aux. of the 53, 9.10, 28, 40, 10.10, 25, 65, 11.12, 7.1, 15, 34, 8.3. 35, 53, 9.15, 27, 38°, for all your furnishing. Women's Association: Miss J. 30, 43, 12.0 midnight. Aux.; Mrs. H. Austin, 55 Mul- Fathers' Assn.: Mrs.- C. E. 48, 10.3, 14, 33, 48, 11.14, 43. 55. Nicholson, Unsworth Rd., R. ° Not stop certain stations lum Rd., R. E. Ringwood Br. C.W.A.: Mrs. Hover, Wantirna Rd., R. • Not stop certain stations We can supply SUNDAYS St. Paul's Branch League of Buckthorpe, Herbert St., E.R Ringwood Aux. of the Fathers' SUNDAYS all that goes to moke Assn.: W. J. Foreman, Bond Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — Mission Helpers (for St. John's Heathmont Br. C.W.A.: Mrs. D. 8,38B, 48°. 55, 9,40, 48. 10.33°, 40, JefTs, 78 Heatherdale Rd., Mit- St., R. Leave Ringwood: A.M. — 7.51, and St. James' Mission): Mrs. 11.3,35. P.M. — 12,12, 27. 47, l.U, 9.17, 35, 10.27, 11.17. PM. — 12.7, your home o pleasant Hulme, Pine Cr., R. cham. Youth Organisations 30. 50, 2.5°, 10, 23, 54, 3,10, 50. 4.30, 47, 1.11, 24, 47, 2.3, 23, 36, 48, 3.23. place to live in. Ringwood and Surrounding Dis Progress Associations 5.0, 3, 15, 30, 50, 6.10, 30, 50, 7.0, 8, 43, 53, 4,23, 47, 5.3, 19°, 42, 6.6, 23, tricts Aux. of the Animal Wel Ringwood South Ward Progress 1st Ringwood Boy Scouts' Group 30, 48, 8.12, 30, 9.0, 30, 48, 10.10, 37°. 58, 7.10°, 19, 28, 53, 8.6. 24, We can advise fare League: Mrs. H. Allen, 19 Assn.: R, E. Pritchard, Hey- Committee: W. C. Oke, Lilydale 48. B — From Box Hill Only. 52, 9.30, 37, 10.8, 22, 45. 11.17. Lois St., R. wood St., R. Rd., E. R. • Not stop certain stations " Not stop certain stations on color schemes, Dandenong Rd., R. and design your Heathmont Youth League: L. Simmons, 104 Heathmont Rd., built-in furniture. H. DIAL WU 6000 You are 0. of E. Men's Society: J. Barton, Nelson St., R. invited to see C. of E. Ladles' Guild: Ringwood, o' WU 7000 Mrs. J. Tierney, Hobart St., R.; our delightful range E. Ringwood, Mrs. Adams, for solution of your Mirabel St., EJl.; Heathmont. of prints which include Courteous, prompt & energetic Mrs. Fourhurst, Canterbury service is assured when you Rd., H. reproductions of contact C. of E. Mothers' Union: Mrs. R. the old masters. Sobey, 31 Wilana St.. R. No job is toe small REAL ESTATE or or too large for us. CHURCHES (cont'd) INSURAHCE PROBLEMS Loose covers ANDY HENDRY Salvation Army made-to-order. CITADEL, Wai'randyte Rd., R. j CHAS. F. JEWELL Commanding Officer: Envoy T. (Member R.E.S.I.) A" GRADE AUTO ENGINEER Duncanson, Pratt St., R. also Auto Electrical WU6552. Sunday Services: 11 12,1 Whitehorse Road, Ringwood a.m. and 7 p.m.; Young People REPAIRS Specialised repairs and tuning: 2.45 p.m.: Home League Thurs District Agent for; day 2.30 p.m. ON ALL Rolls Royce, Bentley, Rtley, CITY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. LTD. Sevent/i Day Adventists (Inc. in N.S.W.) TYPES OF Woiseley and Packard Cars. CALEDONIAN INSURANCE COMPANY WHiTEHORSE RD., RIKGWOOD CARS BOND STREET. R. Minister: (inc. in U.K. with limited liability) Also Arc and Oxy-Weldlng Pastor L. J. Imrle, Mines Rd., 374 LIT. COLLINS ST., MELBOURNE Providing complete cover for all Fire, Burglory, AND E.E. WU6351, Sabbath Ser Plate Gloss, Workers' Compensation, Personol MU 327$ Wantirna Rd. . , _ TRUCKS vices: Morning 11 a.m.; Sab Accident ond other insurance Risks. Ringwood VV{J 7239 bath School 9.45 a.m.

RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT 27 26 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 SATURDAYS MELBOURNE TO SATUTRDAYS HEATHMONT, BAYSWATER, Leave Heathmont: A.M. — 5.56, Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — 5,3, 48, 6.42, 7.10, 53, 8-25°, 52, BORONIA, LOWER FERNTREE 6.45, 7.26, 58*, 8.33, 9.26*, 10.27°, 1148. P.M. — 12.37, 1.34, 2.49*. lO.iO, 11.5. P.M. — 12.4, 21, 30, GULLY AND UPPER FERN 3.46, 5.4, 6.47, 7.31, 8.31, 9.45, 10.45, 1.1. 35°, 2.20, 55, 3.52, 4.50, 5.25, FOR 6.10°, 38, 8.10, 9.10, 10.10, 55, 11.43C, TREE GULLY 11.40. SUNDAYS 12.0 midnight. MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS Leave Heathmont: AJH. — 9.14, SUNDAYS Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — 10,24. P.M. — 12.4, 1.8, 44, 2.33. Leave Flindtrs Street: A.M. — 6 12, 7.21° 51°, 8.28, 9.18°, 10.20°, 3.50, 4.44, 5.16°, 38, 6.34°, 7.7°, 55, 8.38t, 9.15, 40, 11.3.. P.M. — 12.12, 11.23°. P3I. — 12.14, 1.23°, 2.24, 8.30, 49, 9.34, 10.18. 47. 1.50, 2.23, 3.10, 4.30, 5.0, 50. 3.23°, 4.15°, 46°, 5.8°, 21, 39. 6.19. ° Not stop certain stations 6.50, 7.48, 8.30, 9.30, 48, 10.48. 7.10. 8.5°, 40. 9.35°. 10.25. 11.12, 43. From Box Hill Only. TTrains (Expresses excepted) leave ° Not stop certain stations. SATURDAYS Richmond 3, East Richmond 4, C — Change at Ringwood. Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — Burnley 6, Hawthorn 9, Glenfer- For Mooroolbark and Lilydale 6.30, 59. 7.59, 9,18°, 10.25, 11.20. rie II, Auburn 13, Camberwell 15, MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS P.M. — 12.15*. 45. 1.38°, 2.0, 3.40, East Camberwell 17, Canterbury 19, Chatham 21, Surrey Hills 23. Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — 4.40, 5.52, 7.10, 8.25, 9.28. 10.25, 5.2, 50, 6.33, 7.57°, 8.25°, 48°, 9.54, 0^ 11.12, 43. Mont Albert 25, Box Hill 27, Blackburn 30, Nunawading 33, 10.53. P.M. — 12,25, 1.5°, 53, 2.52, SUNDAYS Mitcham 36, Ringwood 40, Heath 3,50°, 4.33°, 5.0°. 25, 6.9, 7.18. 8.8. d Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — mont 43, Bayswater 47, Boronla 9.10E, lO.lOE, 55E, 11.43C. 8.48°, 55. 9.48, 10.33°, 40, 11.35, SO, and Lower Femtree Gully 53 SATURDAYS P.M. — 1.11, 2,5°, 10, 54, 3.50, 5.15, minutes later, Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — 6-30, 7.8, 8.12, 9.0, 10.10. 5.3 48. 6.42, 7.53, 8.25°, 52, 10,10. ° Not stop certain stations MELBOURNE TO RINGWOOD P.M.—12.4, 30, 1.1, 35°, 2.2GE. 55. EAST, CROYDON. MOOROOL- 3.52, 4.50, 6.10°, 38, 8.10E, 9-lOE, HEATHMONT TO MELBOURNE BARK AND LILYDALE lO.lOE, 55E, 12.0E midnight. SUNDAYS MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS For Ringwood East and Croydon Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — Leave Heathmont: A.M. —5.56, MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS 8.38, 9.15, 40, 11.3. P.M. — 12.47. 6.32°, 49°, 7.17°, 29°, 51°, 8.16°, Leave Flinders Street: A.M. — 1.50. 3.10, 4.30, 5.00, 80, 6.50, 7.48, 45°, 9.26°, 57, 10.27°, 11.29. P.M. — 5.2, 50, 6.33, 7.10°, 57°, 8.25°, 48°, 8.30, 9.30, 48, 10.48. 12.37°, 1.42°, 2.38°, 3.44, 4.33°, 9.54, 10,53. P.M. — 12.1, 25, 1.5°, C — Change at Ringwood 5.28°, 6.57, 7.42, 8.30, 9.14, 57°, 53. 2-52, 3.50*, 4.33°, 5,0°, 25, 46. E — Change at Croydcai 10.45. 11.40. 6.9. 28, 7.18, 8.8, 9.10, 10.10, 55. " Not stop at certain stations ° Not stop certain stations I1.43C, 12.0 midnight. (Coiiliinicd oti I'lige 32, Culumn I) bsuver* van RINGWOOD DRAPERY STDRE


DEPOT FOR RELOVA REDRESSING LAUNDRY FOR® AND BLACKBURN DRY CLEANERS RINGWOOD BOX HILL FERNTREE GULLY 24] Whitehorse Road, 1020 Whitehorse Road, Main Road, Upper F.T.G. WU 6671 (5 lines); WX 6231 F.T.G. 115 and 423 After Hours WU7165 After Hours WX 7478 After Hours, Bel, 198 GENERAL DRAPERS AND MERCERS W U S 3 0 9 155 WHITEHORSE ROAD

28 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALU-ABOUT 29 To Oban Rd.: AM. — 7.12, 8.33, 9.33, 11.0. PM. — 12.0, 1.15, 5.5, 6.10, 11.10. Bus Services To Warrandyte: A.M. — 7.12, 8.33. 9.33, 11.0 P.O. P.M. — 12.0, 1.15, PHONE WU 6267 5.5, 6.10, 11.10. TIME TABLES ARE CORRECT AT DECEMBER, 1953. SUNDAYS To Oban Rd.: A.M. — 9.40, 10.30. WARRANDYTE TO RING- SUNDAYS P.M. — 2-10. 5.10, 6,30, 8.55. WOOD Leave Rcc. Reserve: AM. — 8.55, LUBRICATION SERVICE To Warrandyte: AM. — 9.40 P.O., WEEK DAYS F.M. — 12.50, 4.35, 5.35, 8.15. 10.30. P.M. — 2.10, 5-10. 6.30, 8.55. for ASTOR RADIO I^cave Reserve: A.M. — 6.30, 7.05, Leave Warr. P.O.: A.M. —9,0,10.0. P.M. — 12,55, 4.40, 5.40, 8.20. 5 — Not available during school 7.35, 9,50, 11.10 (from Milne Rd.). holidays P.M. — 12-55, 7.10W. Lcav^ Oban Rd.: A.M.: 9.17,10.17. W — Wednesday only Leave Warr. P.O.: A.M. — 6.15, P.M. — 1,12, 4.57, 5.57, 8.37. • — Not available Wednesday T. MATHIESON'S 35, 7.10, 40. 8.30, 0.55. P.M. — 1,0, Via Warr, Rd.: A.M. — 9,20,10.20. P.M. — 1,15, 5,0, 6.0, 8.40. P.O. — To and from Post Office 3-10, 4.30, 5.10, 50. 7.15W, 8.15*. only Leave Oban Rd.: A.M. — 6.32, 52, FROM RINGWOOD Prams, Pushers carried between SERVICE STATIOiS 7.27. 57, 8.52. 10.12, 11.12. P.M. — WEEK DAYS 1.17, 2.27, 3.27, 50, 4.30S, 47. 5.5, Via Ringwood St.: A.M. — 7.50, 8.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Week Days PUBLIC HOLIDAYS—A Special 27, 45, 6.7, 25, 7.32W, 8.32". 8.35, 9.20, 11.0, 40. P.M. — 1.30, Via Ringwood Street: A.M. — 8.0, 2.40, 3.40, 4.20S, 55, 5.35, 6.15, 35, Timetable is issued for each 55, 10.15, 11.15. P.M. — 1,20, 2.30, 8.50*, ll.lOW. Public Holiday 74 WHITEHORSE RD. 3.30, 4.50, 5.30, 6.10, 7.35W, 8.35*. Via Warr. Rd.: A.M. — 6.40, 7.10, RINGWOOD—BURNT BRIDGE RINGWOOD "Via "Warr. Rd.: A.M. — 6.35, 7.0, 8-5, 11.00 (to Milne Rd.). P.M. — — BRYSONS ROAD 30, 8.0, 50, 10.25. P.M. — 1.35, 3.52, 2,20, 4.0, 40, 5.20, 6.5. WEEK DAYS 4.328, 5.7, 50, 6.27. To Oban Rd.: A.M. — 6.40, 7.10, for SATURDAYS 8.5. 35, 9.20, 11.40. P.M. — 2.20, Leave Ringwood: A.M. — 6.50*, Leave Reserve: A.M. — 7.40, 8.55, 40, 3,40, 4.0, 20S, 40. 55. 5-35, 6.15, 8.20* (Mail), 9.25p, 11.5p. P.M. — 3 WAY PORTABLE 12.10p. 2.15p, 3.35P, 4.35«, 5-50p, A sot you'll be 9.55, P.M. — 12.35, 4.35, 5.35, 7.15. 35, 8.50*. II.IOW. 6,20*. PETROLS OILS be proud to Leave Warr. P.O.: A.M. — 6.35, To Warrandyte: A.M. — 6.40 Rec., own. A.C.-D.C. 7.45, 9.0, 10.0, 11.25. P.M. — 12.40, 7.10 Rec., 8.5 P.O., 0.20 Rec., 11.40 SATURDAYS and bottery. GREASES BATTERIES 4.40, 5.40, 7.20. Rec. P.M. — 2-40 Rec,, 4.0 P.O., Leave Ringwood: AM, — 8.20", An oil purpose 9.25P, 11.25p. P.M. — 12-50p, 1.15". rodio for holi- m Leave Oban Rd.: A.M. — 6.52, 40 Rec., 5.20 Rec., 6.5 Rec., 35 P.O., TYRES ACCESSORIES doys or home a 1 ■ 8.2, 9.17, 10.17, 11.42. P.M. — 12.57, 8.50* P.O., ll.lOW P.O. WEEK DAYS use. • Gns. Leave Terminus: A.M.—7.5", 50d, 4.57, 5.57, 7-37. SATURDAYS 7/6 weekly 8.50", 9.30p, ll.lSp. PM. — 13.15P, MUiiriiiiiinMiifniiimiiMMiiMiuiMHiMuirnniMMiriuiiMUiHUiiruiiMninniMiuiimiiMuiiMUiHMiiiMMli




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