m 'L RINCWOOD MERCERS In addition THE RUSKIN TAILORS MEN'S WEAR to its record of safe and outstanding *1^ ARROW service, and leader /> AND The production of this edition of the "All-About," eoveiins the PELACO ship in introducing toeilities end octiyities of the Borough of Ringwood in the comootible with ovoilablc spocc, wos grcotly assisted by the Borough SHIRTS 99 Council with its Officers, end mony office-bearers of other orgonisations and ossociotions. Their support is grotefully ocknowlegded. "PRESSURISED AKUBRA The Ruslcin "Ail-About" Books ore published by m RUSKIN PUBLISHING PTY. LTD., 37 SWANSTON ST., MELBOURNE. Cent. 25S1 HATS CON VAIRS All riohts reserved. All enquiries end correspondence should be addressed To ttirMonaging Editor, Ruskin Publishing Pty. Ltd., 37 Swonslon Street, Whlle"e"yeiy endeavour has been mode to publish factual informa STAMINA acceptedtion thot for is oltcrotionscompletely subsequent outhoritotivc. to dote no of respoiisibilitypublicotlon. con.dlfllS be throughout the ensuing yoor will be corrected in the nc*t edition. SPORTS WEAR ■ .^1 ./"■If". CONTENTS Abbrcviotions Used in the Book JANTZEN offersi Boby Health Centres 25 27 KNITWEAR Churches i c i o Clossificd Directory of Trades and Professions ' 5-1« . .. ... AO. p\an ^Peed, Comfort and Community ActiYities . 1 aV"^^ Doctors'Surgery Hours Electoral Information fnendiy service Friendly Societies ^2 Hospitol 2 3 AGENT which'"""'"'" folif""""""' meals in the air y„^, , Mop of Borough of Ringwood ' ^ FOR looked after for Message from the Moyor Miscellaneous ^ g PRINCES ''b)| fro. .IT!:""-'"' Municipal Section LAUNDRY Postal Information Public Holidays ' AND _k brochure- Public Transport—Time Tobies ' DRY tro«d fr®« Public and Semi-Public Utilities Schools and Kindergartens CLEANING Sporting Clubs Your Moyor Reports EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS . J.W. ELECTRIC SUPPLY For DOUBLE DEPENDABILITY FIRE (Dependoiile Aircraft—Dependable Pcnonnel) Ringwood Station WU 6106 S-E.C. Ringwood. WU 6621 After hours WU 6404, 6727, GILLESPIE AMBULANCE 1121, 6233 Victorion Civil FB 2222 145 Whitehorse Rd., WATER SUPPLY POLICE Ringwood . WU 6394 TAA -ilve -[vlciwl Ringwood Station WU 6377 Melbourne & Metropoliton City FO 244 Board of Works MY 220 339 SWANSTON STREET, MELBOURNE Telephorte FB023 RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT I SAHCEVJFW tOAO POAD fSATHERDALE HIUCCESt ci1 AVE GIENVaIE HTcSr-FS? SANfTArr ttPO\ ^tH\ ^ioiryilwS'l pAVE^ 4a>AVf eOAO ^rtWOOtf'IJ AVE^jg sommS SKERSrOOC AVE. «nn»« north NEW ROAO tUftlOCT Ward SOUTH ROAD _J WARD nsoM ^ \\'*»*Q»22 2 VTHU» J r Hfwooo stRfn ^Y'^ION MAIDSTONt I I y^m STRar % waktirka ROAD "nifF ^ Ringwood wepOGH wantirna roao rREUNO ST ) R ingwop'd t 11—WAflRANDYTI 90A£> VJO©^ ST JOnw MAK10OROU6»' OBflNWOOS— 5*uncu t\\ ■r weUMA ST CUM MO i£4i5^0>7 THOMAS SI »W"ST WATQIOC iwu fl. GREAT RTRI! STREET 'nsef of to smallerAreo SCQ/ VVntPAMS llOMi AVt. &ALFO(/T X BAtKWP' AVt « CAMPeSU ST otoujs on OHO IB S M*irTL£_ST^ / y//—11—'* TIMtAl tfi L§ i BOAS SABNtC fD XT' TiCfU '11111 MninMMiin"iMiliiMiiiiimiiMiii>iMiiH"Uiu ■ikMfn iiiftuejL LIN ROAD ROAD 01 (XJRLIS lalOU A» 5091 '■« WlOOt/i/ auens boa© iMntn Ringwood fEost v««n»*a cv^ »UfH5_ O SDAfi 1 Rin od ^ HfiTH ST sf^Nurr AVt xiNic *y(. d MDItlrWOOC SI wfNWOOfl ftOtV^ TISU GBSTmr*! lOd 'StRCI ii WARD CIWO Vts>v somm si I^mS 5 */1 yi<'em nffH PIMFWOOCI ^USSpnc /'^Nwooo ^ hfghtw snell ISABEL . AYE MoriNDA 9<nr . i / HfMHWCXJO STEEEI ANGUS SCALE mill nil 111 S 4' li MILES ID A CARTER SELLS THE EARTH BY THE FOOT 60 tHAIHS Auctioneer Real Estate, Business C. E. CARTER & SON & Insurance Agents 126 WHITEHORSE RO., RINGWOOD (opp. Town Hall) WU 6024 MAP OF RINGWOOD MUNICIPALITY ^MMTMniiMUiriiuirMurMMiiMmiiMimnMiniiiininMirMniiMniiMniiMHiMUHiiniiiniiiiniiiiniiimiiHniiknnrmiikminmiiMiiniiiiMniiMMiiMimiiiiiiMiiiMiniMiinMMUMiiiinniminMmMiiumMinMiiiMiimiu Uliiliiliiiiiiuillliiiiin mil mill mill niiniilii III ~ 2 THE RUSKIN ALL-ABOUT RINGWOOD EDITION, 1954 RINGWOOD EDITION,. 1954 THE RU5KIN ALL-ASOUT Councillors' Responsibilities Councillors are prohibited by law from having any interest, directly or indirectly in any con The Municipality tract which the council may let. They are individually responsible for the actions of the council, so HELP US that, for example, in some cases ThD Borough was severed from is qualified to hold the office of council debts may be recovered the Shire of Lillydale and created councillor. • So is every person from councillors personally. To give you 22nd October, 1924. proclaimed who is the owner of rateable pro Every councillor who behaves 13th December, 1924, and sub perty in the municipal district, in a disorderly manner at coun divided into North, East and of the rateable value of at least cil meetings and who refuses to twenty pounds. South Wards in 1949. withdraw or apologise when A Perfect NORTH WARD is bounded by No person who is insolvent, or called on by the Mayor, is liable has been convicted of felony or to a penalty. Every councillor Dry Cleaning Service Maroondah Highway, Warran- perjury or any infamous crime, dyte Rd., Mullum Rd., Oban who votes on or discusses in the or is of unsound mind, can be council any subject in which he Rd., Wonga Rd., and Municipal elected as a councillor. Nor can Boundary (see map of Bor or his partners has directly or In any person holding any office or directly any financial interest, is ough), place of profit or otherwise par Cr. J. F. Corr. J.P., 29 Bond St., liable to a penalty. Every coun ticipating, directly or indirectly ^ cillor who without reasonable Ringwood. WU 6692. in any contract with any muni- V Cr. B. J. Hubbard, J.P., 62 excuse to the council's satisfac Ringwood St., Ringwood. cipallty, or who Is not a natural tion, fails to attend more than born or naturalised subject of Her 3 consecutive meetings of the A MESSAGE WU 6508. Majesty the Queen, be elected as Cr. D, M. McAlpin, Wonga Rd., council is liable to a penalty, 1. STAINS: State type—ink, grease, liquor, FROM HIS WORSHIP a councillor. Ringwood. WU 6918. The Mayor food, etc. THE MAYOR SOUTH WARD is bounded by Elections and Electors Each year the councillors elect Maroondah Highway, Pitt St., Elections are held on the one of them to be chairman, and It is with pleasure that Bedford Rd., Canterbury Rd., he is known as the Mayor. The and Municipal Boundary (see Saturday following the fourth 1 write this introduction Thursday in August each year, mayor, by virtue of his oIRce, is 2. BUTTONS & BELTS: Ask yourself "Will map of Borough). a magistrate of the city. He is Cr, A. G. Lavis, Canterbury Rd. when one councillor in each ward they dry clean?" and remove if unclean- to the first issue of this also a Justice of the Peace for his Heathmont. WU 6708. retires. publication on the Bor term, and if he remains a coun able. Cr. H. E. Parker, J.P.. Green Councillors are elected by the cillor, for twelve months after. ough of Ringwood, as it wood Avenue, Ringwood. persons inscribed on the Voters' contains information WU 6250. Roll. Every person wlio, on the Councf/ Meetings Cr. A. D. Patterson, Mayor, 10th of June in the current year, which I am sure will be of Canterbury Rd., Heathmont. has reached the age of twenty- The council meets every 1st 3. REMEMBER: it pays to have your clothes value to all citizens, and . WU7324. one, and who is a natural born and 3rd Thursday at 8.15 p.m. gt or naturalised subject of Her ordinary meetings. It is also em- • dry cleaned regularly. more particularly those EAST WARD is bounded by Can powered to hold special meetings, terbury Rd., Bedford Rd., Pitt Majesty and who is liable to be who have only recently rated for property within the The public may attend any meet St., Wan'andyte Rd., Mullum ings. taken up residence in Rd., Oban Rd., Wonga Rd. and municipal district, is entitled to Ringwood. As a book of Municipal Boundary (see map be enrolled. No person is dis 4. DOOR-TG-DOOR PICK-UP AND DE qualified from voting merely be Council Revenue ready reference, regard of Borough) LIVERY AT NO EXTRA COST. Cr. R. A. Hayes. Mt. Dandenong cause of non-payment of rates. Ringwood Council obtains its ing the many community revenue by the Unimproved Capi activities in the borough, Rd., East Ringwood. WU 6139. Where a husband and wife ^ Cr. R, C. Herman, Russet Rd., occupy a house, only one of ^ tal Value system of rating. Un together with public ser East Ringwood. them is liable to be rated in or improved Capital Value of Land vices, 1 feel that it will fill Cr. E. T. Purser. J.P., Henry St., dinary circumstances. The law means that sum which the 5. RING WU 6285 FOR SERVICE. Ringwood. WU6170. makes special provision for pro land, If it were held for an es a long-felt want. tate in fee simple, unencumbered Area — 8-2/3 square miles. perties which are jointly occupied, by any mortgage, might in ordin Your Council has also Distance from Melbourne — 15 or occupied by business corpora tions. ary circumstances, be expected to taken* the opportunity of miles. realise at the time of valuation Population — 12,000. Voters' Rolls are compiled using the book as a if ofiered for sale on such reason RINGWOOD DRY CLEANING Dwellings — 3,616. yearly and are open for inspec able terms and conditions as a medium for presenting its tion throughout the mimlcipallty first annual report on bona fide seller might be expected CouncUlors from 8th to 14th July. Dates and to require and assuming that the SERVICE PTY. LTD. Council activities, and places of inspection are advert improvements, if any, had not Councillors are elected for a ised in the local press, Errors trusts that it will be the been made.
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