VOL. 6, NO. 7 • April 4, 2012 618 Strouds Lane, Pickering, ON L1V 4S9 • Tel: 905.831-4402 • Fax: 416.292.2943 • Email:
[email protected] 360 Degree Financial’s Founder Facing Fraud Charges Toronto police recently announced fraud charg- was also licensed to sell life insurance and accident es against former 360 Degree Financial Services and sickness insurance by the Financial Services Founder and President Wilton Neale. The Finan- Commission of Ontario. cial Crimes Unit announced 10 counts of fraud over Neale incorporated 360 Degree Financial Services $5,000 and one count of fraud under $5,000 against Inc. on Feb. 2, 2005. He was the sole officer and di- Wilton Neale, 50, who headed two investment firms, rector of 360˚, which was also licensed by FSCO to 360 Degree Financial Services Inc. and Multiple sell insurance products. 360˚ was party to a distribu- Streams of Income Inc, and who has already been tion agreement with AGF Trust which enabled 360˚ sanctioned by both the Ontario Securities Commis- to apply on behalf of its customers to AGF Trust for sion and the Financial Services Commission of On- loans which were required to be invested in RSP eli- tario. gible products. FSCO issued a permanent cease and Police say they have been investigating allega- desist order against 360˚ on March 4, 2009 prohibit- tions of fraud involving the two firms since June of ing it from carrying on the business of insurance. last year. In unveiling the charges, they said that be- According to the Securities Commission Reports tween October 2007 and February 2010, Neale “con- during 2007 and 2008, 360˚ was experiencing finan- vinced victims to invest funds in his companies that cial difficulty.