The Ledger and Times, March 20, 1962
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-20-1962 The Ledger and Times, March 20, 1962 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 20, 1962" (1962). The Ledger & Times. 4058. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •• ' e•:" • 4 +0; _ eeeilleiresa4ae. — NRCTT rot52 Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper FOR The Newspaper Largest CirellletIon In With The Thr Ity JACK Circulation La rgeSt Circulation In The County :TION IN United Press International OUR 83rd YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, March 20, 1962 MURRAY POPULATION io,loo Vol. LXXXIII No. 67 ID VIOLENCE FOLLOWS SIGNING OF TREATY Streamline Atomic Chemical Society )WER Bill To Watery Hello To Meet Tomorrow Local Man Is Secret Army In Algeria Seeks Energy Dies; No Signature Greets Spring The Kentucky Lake Section of ahe American Chemical Society Burned At To Block New Independance with will have its natirrthly meeting at By JOSEPH VARILLA of the House, a prereqisite to its the Cabana Club, Paducah, Ken- By FRANKFORT, Ky. +Vet — A bill becomine, law. This Morning tucky Wednesday. March 21 at Atomic Plant CLAUDE BOURGEOIS 'other security forces have been 6:30 p.m. I •ite.1 InIrroxii designed to otrearnline Kentucky's Thus, even though it passed Following the dinner braced fie weeks for an expected John L. ALGIERS, Algeria IUPti — More present statutes regulating atomic both and Myers of Union Carbide onslaught of terrorism by the OAS the Hmse Senate and - By United Press International Nuclear Co.. than 50 persona were killed in a energy was the victim of adjourn- was signed by the presiding offi- Paducah. Kentucky after the cease-fire. Spring got a watery welcome will speak on clast between Moslem villagers a ment confusion in the General As- cer of the Senate, the measure, , oe _t may the topic Ultra- James C. hleDaniel of Murray Heavily armed troops supported 1100a) mo enam have been senics arid and police near Oran Monday sembly. is dead. Uranium. route three is listed as in fair by tanks and armered cars pa- the worst S. winter in half a • Mr. night and early today, unofficial Gladys Ward, assistant clerk of Killed In Rush Myers is an assistant area condition at the Baptist Hospital trolled etreets and barbed wire century. • supervisor in Chemical reports reaching here said today. the House of Representatives, con- P died the victim of the rush Processing in Paducah following explosion barricades at sensitive points. Rain and snow flurries were the at the ABC's The clash—worst since the Al- firmed Monday that the measure toware adjournment. Mrs. Ward Paducah Gaseous "of a chemical nature" at the A general strike led by the :rule over much of the nation, Diffusiuieltiant, operated gerian ceaseefire was proclaimed J.NCH -never was signed by the speaker said that when the bill was brought by the Pafitwah atomic -energy Nat*. - IOAS.-whiCh crippled Algeria cities Warming ternperat are& raised Union at noon Monday—took place in to the House from the Senate Carbide Nuclear Company. A Palucah man. Norman Wilk- Monday, tapered off today and flood threats in many arras. He the village of St. Denis Du Sig. to be enrolled and get the speak- received a B.S. degree in ins, is in critical condition:at the Algiers cautiously stirred back to Spring was scheduled to arrive 22 miles east of Oran, the reports chamber Chemical Engineering from_ Pura- same hospital.- -- er's. signature. the lower I said. At least 52 persons 'at 9:30 p m. (e.W1) in (Be North- due' were Scouters Here had already- adjourned sine die. University in 1951 and has The two men were working An unidentified gunman fired ern Hemisphere, when the sun's killed, according to thaereports, • This - meant no further action been._ since -sheet 36'feet -nom 3 -ment• Tv: 'Cialerd 'elf Arabs in Algiers path crosses the - Cc:les-hal Equator. He - The first clash was said to have could he taken. prepared and recently present- duction furnace at the time of early today, killing one person But departing winter marks occurred late Monday. It was fol- left ed this paper at the 46th National the explosion at 910 (Continued on.Page 4) J• The Heuse adjourned at 10:05 p. m. Rou- lowed by another 'Receive Award Which will be hard to erase in meeting Miss Joaquin Seltze this morning. p. m last Friday, 25 minutes ef the American Institute tine operations were being carried some areas ee Violence also erupted in Or Senate. That was Chemical Engineers in-- Los OUt. at the time of the wen-tent, stead of The and Algiers after a period of It was a winter of misery and Angeles. The paper has ale, been B. N. Stilley, rela- the difference between the bill's manager of the tive c 6 zob tragedy. a winter of record, cold accepted for publication in a for- a I'm which followed the ection From Group life and death. Atomic linergy plena said. Miss Seltzer and snowfall in the Midwest, a, thcoming cease-fire announcement. Speaker Harry Low- issue of Chemical Engi- No radiation hazards exist from House King winter There was ne immediate reports of mudslides and floods in neering Progress. the explosion man said he woulo have signed Mr. Stilley em- on casualties in the Far W. a winter of crop pha.ized. shootings and To the bill if it was brought before Will bembinge Be Held The Four Rivers. Council of Boy killing (melts and deep snows in Address in Oran or Algiers. him. The explosion came as a tre- Scouts of America presented Dis- Dixie. a winter of masisive storms SuPPort OAS -If it was not signed." he said, mendeus flash burning both men linguiehed Service rewards to two along the Atlantic Coast. It was • Civitan Violence erupted in Oran after "it was not the mistake of the on the upper parts of their bodies. Chief Cheentibbs' District Com- a perverse winter if extremes Zeta Here thousands of Europeans waged a Here Tonight speaker, it was the mistake of McDaniel joined the plant in De- mittee meeribers last Friday. R L. Winter To Remember defiant demonstration of support someone else." cember of 1952 as an operator Cooper, Murray, made the presen- It was a winter for the surely- for the extremist Secret Army Two other bills, passed by both Pancake Day trainee and became a fun time The Murray Junior Chamber of tation to Doctors Clegg Austin and ors to tell grandchildren about Miss Jeaquin Seltzer. vice-pre:- Organization 10ASe the Senate and House, were also operator. CmeCommence will meet tonight at The U. S Weather Went. the Peoples First National The OAS, led by renegade James Hart in recognition nit med- Bureau said It was reported the Triangle Inn for the election • killed because of a failure to be that the in- Bank and 'Prow Company of Pa- French generals. has swern ical services rendered the Boy et was the first time since 1910 to of officers of the local group. Don enrolled. Is Saturday juries suffered by the two are ducah. Kentucky, fight to the finish Scout camping program. that abnormal weather was the will be the guest to block Alger- One would have allowed the ac- the most serious operator injuries The trIentherahip Report given pattern from coast to coast speaker at the Zeta Department, ran independence. cused in criminal trails to have received since the plant opened. by Joe Pat James. -showed a total , On the Great Lakes manners Murray W,iman's Club dinner It has its strongest support in such scientific devices as lie de zaGsellet:ceironr(theJaaPrcndkeiT(te;genegnetrAtmfafLaftn.hcke;acickik-141%41)i-l- (if 614 boys enrolled in 9 Cub I called it the wont winter for The Murray Civitan Club 'an- meeting to be held Thursday eve- teeter tests admitted as evidence. .veripurt and Clyde Johnson are Packs, 14 Scout Troops and 2 shipping • 1936, et Lake nounced today that the first one ning. Her subject will be "Whet OEura.rtnip. An.t., n'iNi:nin,msedeverat heeth "ucersiatrnadl The other would have allowed any candidates for the internal vice- Explorer Units in Chennubby Dis- Michigan froze over completely. hundred adult ladies attending W':men Should Know About Bus- Place des Victories thereto hail oI peaseekeree, governmental unit to establieh a . trict In the entire Four Rivers It was (solely mild along the Saturday's "Pancake Day" will re- Style Show ins-es". the OAS. authonty. by! Nat Green and George Hodee Council, riverport Atlantic cetire a one-pound package eg Mee Seltzer is a Uieti. qualified In the square a proclamation there are 2551 boys in Coast, but Iasi- month's • e„grimandelo are candidates for external vice- (Neel Not Disturbed pancake mix free. speaker on this subject having ex-Gen. Raoul Satan, 34 Packs, 57 TroOps and 11 Eeeler-I storm which hit New York. New AAA Jeleena wac or,aaroast_evirle_u ers Ipresident For the pore of treasur- Units. Janes Neel. dreetor of Ihe sDi- Jersey. The event Wel begin Saturday TOIRIght served in the ef Delaware. Maryland. North , banking field for a of.