F18 IRC Web Rev.Pdf
Fall 2018 Guide to Subjects Contact Information African American History 21-3, 26, 34, 41- Studies 1, 49, 53, 60 3, 45-7, 50, 54, 58, 62, If you wish to evaluate our titles for translation, please write to us at American History 9, 71-2 internationalrights@press.uchicago.edu and we will arrange to send a 30-1, 33-5, 45-7, 68 Law 15, 35, 69 PDF for review purposes when available upon publication. Although it is our policy not to grant exclusive options, we will attempt to inform Anthropology 35, 38- Linguistics 29 you as soon as possible if we receive an offer for translation rights into 40 Literary Criticism 57- your language for a book under your consideration. Architecture 21 61 Art 2-3, 18-20, 36 Literature 9-11 For a complete index of our publications and catalogs by subject, Art History 19 Media Studies 26 please visit us at: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/subject.html. Asian Studies 39, 42 Medicine 28 You may also wish to browse our rights catalogs at: Biography 6, 14, 24, Music 6, 14, 18, 48-51 http://bit.ly/UCPrights 66-7 Nature 4, 13, 49 Business 45 Philosophy 18-9, 25, 27- Classics 29, 62 30, 52, 55, 72 Please feel welcome to contact us with any questions about our books – we look forward to hearing from you! Cooking 5 Poetry 10, 16 Cultural Studies 23 Political Science 15, 28, Current Events 7, 12 30-4, 53 With best wishes, Economics 39, 51-2, 57, Reference 70 63, 72 Religion 38, 42, 53-5, Education 1, 7 59, 62 Ethnomusicology 37 Science 5, 8, 21-5, 43-4, Béatrice Bourgogne Eo-Jean Kim 65, 71 International Rights Manager International Rights Consultant European History 40, bbourgogne@uchicago.edu t-9ekim@uchicago.edu 44, 46 Sociology 20, 32, 56-7, internationalrights@press.uchicago.edu internationalrights@press.uchicago.edu 72 Fiction 11 Sports 35 Film Studies 34 Women’s Studies 56 Gay and Lesbian Lucina Schell Studies 45, 52-3, 56 International Rights Associate lschell@uchicago.edu internationalrights@press.uchicago.edu Catalog design by Brian Beerman EVE L.
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