2011 Annual Meeting
Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Meeting Abstracts November 10 & 11, 2011 Chattanooga, Tennessee Abstracts are listed alphabetically by presenter in two different sections: Contributed Oral Presentations and Posters. RECOVERY OF A LOWLAND FISH ASSEMBLAGE FOLLOWING LARGE-SCALE ROTENONE APPLICATION IN EASTERN ARKANSAS Ginny Adams, Clint Johnson and S. Reid Adams University of Central Arkansas, Department of Biology In Spring 2009, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service attempted to eradicate northern snakehead, Channa argus, from the Big Piney watershed in eastern Arkansas by applying rotenone to approximately 640 km of streams. To examine long- term fish community recovery, we sampled at 17 sites in Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Spring 2010, and Summer 2010. Although species richness was unchanged (1-way ANOVA, F3,64=2.61, P=0.059) over time, many other community characteristics varied. Fish densities increased significantly after the eradication (1-way ANOVA, F3,64=16, P<0.0001) due to high abundances of YOY. Life history guild was found to significantly affect density (periodic species 1-way ANOVA, F3,64=7.20, P=0.0003; opportunistic 1-way ANOVA, F3,64=9.69, P<0.0001; Tukey HSD) with early recolonizing species possessing traits including mobile adults, high fecundity, and/or early ² reproduction. Trophic structure also changed significantly over time (χ 0.05, 4= 26032.76, P<<0.0001) with variability in proportions of omnivores and invertivores, though piscivores showed relatively little change. Piscivore composition, however, did vary significantly by sample ² (χ 0.05, 4= 1621.47, P<<0.0001) with an increase in small piscivores and a decrease in large- bodied piscivores.
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