At Vance Facing Your Enemy Mp3, Flac, Wma

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At Vance Facing Your Enemy Mp3, Flac, Wma At Vance Facing Your Enemy mp3, flac, wma DOWNLOAD LINKS (Clickable) Genre: Rock Album: Facing Your Enemy Country: Argentina Released: 2012 Style: Heavy Metal MP3 version RAR size: 1565 mb FLAC version RAR size: 1564 mb WMA version RAR size: 1733 mb Rating: 4.6 Votes: 127 Other Formats: MP2 MP3 MP1 VQF XM MPC DXD Tracklist Hide Credits 1 Heaven Is Calling 4:50 2 Facing Your Enemy 4:31 3 Eyes Of A Stranger 3:43 4 Fear No Evil 3:57 5 Live & Learn 3:32 6 Don't Dream 5:11 7 See Me Crying 6:11 8 Saviour 3:38 9 Tokyo 4:08 10 March Of The Dwarf 1:52 11 Fame And Fortune 4:20 Things I Never Needed 12 3:42 Vocals – Olaf Lenk Companies, etc. Phonographic Copyright (p) – Del Imaginario Discos Copyright (c) – AFM Records Recorded At – Guitarland Studio Recorded At – Above The C Studios Mixed At – Sound Industry Studio Pressed By – Laser Disc Argentina – 63331 Credits Artwork, Layout – Thomas Ewerhard Bass – Chris Hill Drums – Casey Grillo Guitar, Keyboards – Olaf Lenk Mixed By – Arnold Lindberg Photography By [Casey] – Alexandra Dekimpe, Elite Photography Photography By [Rick, Olaf, Chris] – Thomas Weber Recorded By – Olaf Lenk Recorded By [Drums] – Casey Grillo Vocals – Rick Altzi Notes Recorded at Guitarland Studios/Germany. Drums recorded at Above The C Studios in Tampa/Florida. Mixed at Sound Industry Studio. Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode: 8 712725 723349 Matrix / Runout: 63331 - L.D.A. - INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA Other versions Category Artist Title (Format) Label Category Country Year Facing Your Enemy (CD, AFM 366-2 At Vance AFM Records AFM 366-2 Germany 2012 Album) Facing Your Enemy (CD, MICP-11044 At Vance Avalon MICP-11044 Japan 2012 Album) Facing Your Enemy (CD, Evolution L100004475 At Vance L100004475 South Korea 2012 Album) Music Facing Your Enemy (CD, FO912CD At Vance Фоно FO912CD Russia 2012 Album) Related Music albums to Facing Your Enemy by At Vance Ulrike Brand, Olaf Rupp - Shadowscores Olaf Tonstein - Olaf Tonstein Olaf Schubert - Komplette Fragmente Facing New York - Facing New York Olaf Schubert - Ich Bin Bei Dir! Olaf Polziehn Trio & Scott Hamilton - Live At Jazztone Lörrach Vision Divine - Destination Set To Nowhere Labÿrinth - Return To Heaven Denied Pt. II (A Midnight Autumn's Dream) Vision Divine - The Perfect Machine Olaf Rupp - Life Science Timur Lenk M. G. - VinterHicc Olaf Hund - Et Alors?!?.
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