Compra de Finca Mejoras a la Finca Inventario de Animales Maquinaria y Equipo

787-753-0579 | www.prfarmcredit.com Lugar: Carretera #14 Km. 27.6 - Barrio Los Llanos, Coamo, PR 00769

Fecha : Miércoles 6 de octubre de 2021

Hora: 12:00 M en adelante

Inspección de Potros: 10:30 am en adelante

Anfitrión:Danny Maldonado

Subastador : Norman H. Dávila

Maestro De Ceremonia : Joe Bruno Dedicatoria

Información y Datos : The Jockey Club Information System

Administración: Eduardo Maldonado | Dennis Ramírez | Sonia Meléndez

Estadísticas: Sr. Héctor Cotto

potrero los llanos potrero1. em

Dirección Postal : P.O. Box 1914 Coamo, PR 00769 Teléfonos: 787-825-0326 Ofic. Email: [email protected] DEDICATORIA

Cuando miro atrás en el tiempo me parece difícil creer que han pasado 50 años desde aquél momento en que decidí emprender camino en lo que fue una aventura de mi parte. Estaba dando un giro totalmente distinto a mi amor por el deporte hípico, que comenzó desde niño cuando mi padre me llevó por primera vez al hipódromo y luego me emancipó para poder tener mi primera licencia como dueño de caballos cuando apenas contaba con 20 años de edad. Mi padre, el doctor Eduardo Maldonado Sierra, fue un exitoso propietario de caballos y criador. Al expresarle mi deseo de seguir sus pasos en la crianza de productos nativos, le compré la finca que poseía y me brindó todo su apoyo en mis primeros pasos. Recibí muchos consejos de su parte y de parte de otros veteranos en las lides hípicas de entonces, que forjaron en mí el carácter, la paciencia y el deseo de desarrollar lo que sería mi compromiso de vida con mi familia y el deporte hípico. Don Francisco González Rivera fue instrumental en mi inicio. Recuerdo nuestras extensas conversaciones sobre genética. Fue de su parte que adquirí un grupo de yeguas madres y sementales, entre los que se encontraba Ribots Verset, que fue nuestro primer gran reproductor. Luego tuvimos el privilegio de contar, entre muchos otros, con padrotes como Tibaldo, Fappiano’s Star, Hockenheim y Myfavorite Place que fueron instrumentales para mantener en alto nuestro nivel de calidad. Han sido cinco décadas en las que hemos disfrutado el éxito de nuestros productos y en las que también hemos compartido las decepciones de las derrotas. Ha sido un camino que no lo he caminado solo. Junto a mí ha estado un excelente equipo de trabajo que desde el primer día, allá para 1971, se comprometió a colaborar fielmente con ayudarme a darle rienda suelta a la aventura que emprendí. Capataces, jauleros, suplidores, encargados de sementales, maquinistas, secretarias, mecánicos, herreros, veterinarios y trabajadores de las subastas, entre muchos otros, son parte del insospechado éxito que hemos vivido durante todos estos años. Fundamental componente de este éxito lo compartimos con los dueños y entrenadores que han creído en nuestro producto y nos han patrocinado consistentemente confiando en la credibilidad que hemos impartido a nuestra labor. Cuando miro atrás en el tiempo, recordando todo lo que hemos vivido en esta encomienda con la que nos comprometimos, definitivamente estoy muy agradecido por lo que ha sido una gran bendición. Continuaremos con el mismo sentido de responsabilidad y amor hacia lo que hacemos. Mi hijo Eduardo y todo el equipo de trabajo actual tienen el entusiasmo que siempre he vivido desde que me inicié en esta aventura. Una que atesoro con todo el corazón. Danny FACILIDADES DE FINANCIAMIENTO


En consideración a la difícil situación por la que atraviesan los dueños de caballos como resultado de COVID-19, hemos decidido ofrecer mejores y más cómodos métodos de financiamiento por este año solamente. Eliminaremos el cargo por intereses a todo cliente que cumpla con los pagos según acordado. Solo se cargara el diez (10) porciento de in- tereses a las cuentas que se encuentren en atraso de 30 días o más. El certificado original del Jockey Club, será entregado al dueño, una vez se realice el saldo total de la deuda. Se considerará la entrega del mismo si el dueño ha cumplido cabalmente con su plan de pago.

PLAN A Pago Total en Efectivo (Antes del 31 de octubre de 2021) 5% de descuento

PLAN B Una Tercera Parte (1/3) de Pronto Pago

Alternativa 1 Restantes dos terceras partes en siete (7) plazos * diciembre 30, 2021 * enero 31, 2022 * febrero 28, 2022 * marzo 31, 2022 * abril 30, 2022 * mayo 31, 2022 * junio 30, 2022


La(s) compra(s) se haran bajo el nombre de

Dirección postal o de facturación

Núm. de Seguro Social

Núm. de Licencia de conducir


Casa Celular

Oficina Fax


Cantidad Aprox. de Compras


Nombre de la Institución


Teléfono Fax

Núm. de Cuenta

Oficial a ser contactado

Al firmar esta forma el solicitante autoriza a el Potrero Los Llanos y a cualquiera de sus consignatarios a realizar una investigación de crédito y si el solicitante no es un Individuo, el firmante acuerda hacerse personalmente responsable con el Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de sus consignatarios por el pago de la deuda adquirida y en acuerdo con las condiciones de venta.



A: Potrero Los Llanos y cualquiera de los consignatarios he asignado a:

Nombre de Agente


Teléfono Fax


Para actuar como mi agente autorizado para todos los asuntos relacionados a la compra de caballos en la subasta 2021 del Potrero Los Llanos, Inc.

La persona aqui designada tendrá todos los poderes necesarios para llevar a cabo la compra de cualquer ejemplar presentado en esta subasta, incluyendo pero sin limitarse a la otorgación de documentos de compraventa, de garantias, pagos de dinero y cualquier otra gestion relacionada con la compra de un ejemplar.

Este poder podrá ser revocado unicamente por escrito a la dirección del Potrero Los Llanos.

Este poder será utilizable solamente en la subasta a celebrarse el 6 de octubre de 2021 en las facilidades del Potrero Los Llanos.



Teléfono Fax

Jurado y Suscrito ante mi por mayor de edad, y vecino de , Puerto Rico, a quien doy fe conocer personalmente en , Puerto Rico, hoy de de 2021.


PRIMERA: Todos los ejemplares en este catálogo serán ofrecidos en subasta y otorgados al mejor postor, de conformidad con las disposiciones del Código Civil de Puerto Rico, la Ley Hípica y el Reglamento Hípico. SEGUNDA: Todos los ejemplares ofrecidos en la presente subasta aparecen debidamente inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club y la Administración de la Industria y el Deporte Hípico. TERCERA: La compañía, entiéndase Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., se reserva el derecho de retirar de la subasta a cualquier ejemplar por considerar que la oferta es insuficiente. De así ocurrir, el ejemplar regresará a su jaula y se considerará no vendido. De la misma manera se reserva el derecho de vender cualquier ejemplar en esta subasta a un comprador que no esté debidamente aprobado por el Potrero Los Llanos, Inc. De esto ocurrir, se anulara la venta de dicho ejemplar y el mismo retornara al “ring” de ventas tan pronto como sea posible para ser vendido nuevamente. CUARTA: El subastador será el juez final en cualquier disputa que pueda surgir entre dos o más licitadores. QUINTA: Todo comprador podrá examinar personalmente o mediante perito a los ejemplares ofrecidos en esta subasta. La compañía sugiere que se realicen dichos exámenes para mayor protección y seguridad del comprador. SEXTA: El título de propiedad de todo ejemplar subastado pasará al comprador desde el momento en que dicho ejemplar le sea adjudicado por el subastador. Desde ese momento el comprador asume toda la responsabilidad y riesgo, y libera a la compañía, al consignatario, a su criador y a su antiguo dueño, según sea el caso, de cualquier reclamación por daño, lesión, enfermedad o muerte relacionada con el ejemplar adquirido. El Certificado Original del Jockey Club no será entregado al comprador hasta que se complete el saldo total de la(s) compra(s). SEPTIMA: Al momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar subastado, el comprador deberá realizar la totalidad del pago correspondiente. El comprador deberá suscribir un Pagaré y un Reconocimiento de Compra a favor de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., del cual podrá obtener una copia y examinar mediante solicitud a la Corporación o a cualquiera de sus oficiales en o antes del día de la subasta. El comprador se compromete a efectuar el pago del compromiso contraído dentro de los términos establecidos por Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., en este mismo catálogo. Se le advierte y apercibe a los compradores de caballos que las condiciones de financiamiento de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., ha expuesto en este catálogo se incorporan por referencia y se hacen formar parte de estas Condiciones de Venta tal cual si las mismas estuvieran aquí literalmente transcritas. En consecuencia de ello, todo comprador deberá darle estricto cumplimiento a estas. OCTAVA: El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro asumirá personal y solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador hasta que éste haya cumplido con el pago total de la compra. Esta condición incluye a corporaciones y/o sociedades. NOVENA: El comprador deberá remover del lugar de la subasta a los ejemplares por él adquiridos en un período de 72 horas a partir del momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar. El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad y costo por la transportación del ejemplar adquirido. Si el comprador no cumple con lo anterior, la compañía transportará al ejemplar adquirido por el comprador a una finca o establo que le sea conveniente a la compañía. El comprador asumirá toda la responsabilidad por cualquier daño que sufra el ejemplar durante este periodo, y se compensará a la compañía por los costos de transportación más veinticinco ($25) por día, por concepto del cuido del ejemplar. DECIMA: No hay garantía implícita de la compañía, ni del consignatario, criador y/o antiguo dueño por la salud, uso o destino para cualquier propósito de los ejemplares vendidos mediante subasta e incluidos en este catálogo. La compañía si tendrá la obligación de anunciar cualquier lesión en los ojos, de cualquier ejemplar subastado, que impida su visión normal. También tendrá la obligación de anunciar cualquier ejemplar que sea “Cribber”, o sea, que trague aire. En adición, es obligación de la compañía, anunciar cualquier ejemplar que sea criptorquido o monorquido. El comprador o nuevo dueño tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas a partir de la fecha de la compra para hacer su reclamo por escrito a la compañía acompañado del informe de su veterinario, por vicio oculto relacionado con el ejemplar adquirido y, a tales efectos, renuncia a los derechos que le concede el Artículo 1388 del Código Civil de Puerto Rico. UNDECIMA: La preparación y redacción de este catálogo y la información que contiene concuerda con los usos y costumbres de la Industria Hípica de Puerto Rico, y puede adolecer de errores u omisiones. DUODECIMA: Cualquier exposición o declaración verbal o escrita de la compañía y/o del consignatario y/o del criador y/o del antiguo dueño, NO ES PARTE DEL CONTRATO DE VENTA. DECIMOTERCERA: Derecho a Devolución. Todo ejemplar que luego de un examen endoscópico practicado por un veterinario, demuestre epiglotis entrampada o parálisis de la laringe será devuelto al consignatario de acuerdo a la decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta. Todo ejemplar con fractura o fragmentación ósea que afecte su habilidad para correr podrá ser devuelto al consignatario sujeto al cumplimiento de la decimocuarta cláusula (#14), más adelante inserta. El consignatario no será responsable ni aceptara devolución por ninguna condición que haya sido anunciada durante la subasta inmediatamente previo a la venta de cada ejemplar. DECIMOCUARTA: El comprador tendrá un término improrrogable de 72 horas, luego de haberle sido adjudicado un ejemplar, para radiografiar y endoscopiar al ejemplar adquirido y darle estricto cumplimiento a esta cláusula y a la décima (#10) y decimotercera (#13) cláusulas de estas Condiciones de Venta. No se aceptara devolución de clase alguna por condiciones que hayan sido debidamente anunciadas. Inmediatamente después de conocer alguna condición que, alegadamente le dé derecho al comprador a la devolución del ejemplar adquirido, el comprador deberá notificar directamente a Potrero Los Llanos, Inc., y, dentro de dicho termino, presentar la reclamación por escrito acompañada por el certificado de su veterinario y entregarla personalmente a la oficina de Potrero Los Llanos, Inc. Nuestra oficina está ubicada en el Barrio Los Llanos, Car. 14 Km. 27.6 en Coamo, PR 00769. DECIMOQUINTA: La compañía, a requerimiento de una devolución según provisto en las cláusulas #13 y #14, tendrá disponible un veterinario de vasta experiencia quien evaluará la reclamación y emitirá su opinión profesional a la compañía. En caso de surgir un conflicto de opiniones veterinarias, la compañía nombrará a un tercer veterinario aceptable tanto para la compañía como para el comprador, cuya opinión será aceptada como final por ambas partes. Todos los gastos veterinarios originados por esta controversia serán pagados por la parte a quien le corresponda finalmente el ejemplar. El derecho a la devolución de acuerdo a lo previsto anteriormente será el único recurso del comprador y ninguna de las partes será responsable por ningún otro daño, sino, solamente por aquellos señalados aquí. DECIMOSEXTA: Con excepción de lo expresado en las cláusulas decimotercera y decimocuarta (#13 y #14) de las Condiciones de Venta, no se admitirá devolución por ningún otro motivo luego de haberse adjudicado un ejemplar. DECIMOSEPTIMA: EN CUANTO A LOS INCENTIVOS POR COMPRA OTORGADOS A LOS DUEÑOS DE CABALLOS POR LA HONORABLE COMISIÓN DE JUEGOS DEL GOBIERNO DE PUERTO RICO PARA ESTE AÑO, SE ADVIERTE QUE SERA RESPONSABILIDAD DE CADA DUEÑO Y NO DEL CRIADOR, SOLICITAR LA CANTIDAD ASIGNADA A TRAVES DE LA PROPIA COMISIÓN.

Sementales 2021

Agro Servicios felicita a la gran familia y equipo del Potrero Los LLanos en su 50 Aniversario, por su excelencia en la crianza de Caballos de Carrera y su contribución en el desarrollo de la Industria Hípica en Puerto Rico.


En Agro Servicios estamos comprometidos con la Industria y la Crianza de Caballos de Carrera Nativos de Puerto Rico.

agroserviciospr.com 787.756.8181 Concepto y diseño briosnetwork.com ASTERN (AUS) Bay Horse; foaled 2013 Sadler's Wells El Prado (IRE)...... Lady Capulet Medaglia d'Oro ...... Bailjumper Cappucino Bay ...... Dubbed In ASTERN (AUS) Danehill Exceed And Excel...... Patrona Essaouira ...... (2006) Rory's Jester Alizes (NZ) ...... La Baraka By MEDAGLIA D'ORO (1999). Stakes winner of $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 14 crops of racing age, 2246 foals, 1544 starters, 162 stakes winners, 1000 winners of 2925 races and earn- ing $161,183,337, 7 champions, including Songbird (13 wins, $4,692,000, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Rachel Alexandra ($3,506,730, BlackBerry Preakness S.-G1, etc.), Golden Sixty (17 wins, $9,855,341, Longines Hong Kong Mile-G1, etc.), Vancouver (AUS) [G1] ($1,845,530). 1st dam ESSAOUIRA, by Exceed And Excel. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $20,363(AUS), in Australia. (Total: $13,298). Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners-- ALIZEE (f. by Sepoy). 10 wins, 3 to 5, $3,179,800(AUS), in Australia, cham- pion 3-year-old filly, champion female sprinter, Coolmore Legacy Queen of the Turf S.-G1, Flight S.-G1, Yulong Futurity S.-G1, Aquis Apollo S.-G2, McGrath Estate Agents Tea Rose S.-G2, Tab Light Fingers S.-G2, Ex- pressway S.-G2, Smithfield RSL Missile S.-G2, Christmas Canterbury Classic-L, 2nd 2GB Silver Shadow S.-G2, Tab Expressway S.-G1, Schep- pes Thousand Guineas-G1. (Total: $2,330,676). ASTERN (AUS) (c. by Medaglia d'Oro). Stakes winner, below. Tassort (c. by Brazen Beau). Winner in 2 starts at 2, $130,800(AUS), in Australia, 2nd Chandon S Silver Slipper S.-G2. (Total: $94,086). Mogador (g. by Lonhro (AUS)). 3 wins, 2 to 6, $318,450(AUS), in Australia, 2nd Catanachs Jewellers Blue Sapphire S.-L, etc. (Total: $234,517). Marrakesh (f. by Lonhro (AUS)). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $80,820(AUS), in Aus- tralia. (Total: $62,854). Tangier (f. by Medaglia d'Oro). Winner at 3, $28,125(AUS), in Australia. (Total: $21,455). 2nd dam ALIZES (NZ), by Rory's Jester. 3 wins at 2, $226,250(AUS), in Australia, Magic Night S.-G2, Waltzing Lily S.-L, 2nd Dodo Internet Schillaci S.-G2, Hardy Amies S.-L. (Total: $169,912). Half-sister to Flouze. Dam of-- Peterkin. 3 wins at 2 and 3, £36,107, in England. (Total: $60,819). 3rd dam LA BARAKA, by Euclase. 6 wins in 10 starts at 2 and 3, $641,780(AUS), in Australia, Ansett Australia Galaxy-G1, The Endeavour S.-G3, R. N. Irwin S.-G3, etc. (Total: $429,983). Half-sister to TSUIMAI, Robrick. Dam of-- ALIZES (NZ). Stakes winner, above. RACE RECORD: In Australia. At 2, three wins (Uvex Silver Slipper S.-G2, Wid- den Kindergarten S.-G3) in 4 starts; at 3, two wins (De Bortoli Wines Golden Rose-G1, MTA Run To The Rose-G2), twice 2nd (Coolmore Stud Ascot Vale S.-G1, Star Roman Consul S.-G2). Totals: 5 wins, twice 2nd in 9 starts. Earned $1,179,550(AUS). (Total: $884,734). BRUSILOV Dark Bay or Brown Horse; foaled 2014 Sadler's Wells El Prado (IRE)...... Lady Capulet Medaglia d'Oro ...... Bailjumper Cappucino Bay ...... Dubbed In BRUSILOV Elusive Quality Smarty Jones...... I'll Get Along Smart Woman ...... (2006) Storm Cat Storming Beauty ...... Sky Beauty By MEDAGLIA D'ORO (1999). Stakes winner of $5,754,720, Travers S.-G1, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 14 crops of racing age, 2246 foals, 1544 starters, 162 stakes winners, 1000 winners of 2925 races and earn- ing $161,183,337, 7 champions, including Songbird (13 wins, $4,692,000, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Rachel Alexandra ($3,506,730, BlackBerry Preakness S.-G1, etc.), Golden Sixty (17 wins, $9,855,341, Longines Hong Kong Mile-G1, etc.), Vancouver (AUS) [G1] ($1,845,530). 1st dam SMART WOMAN, by Smarty Jones. 7 wins at 4 and 5, $170,240. Dam of 6 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- Bruntino (g. by Colonel John). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $90,120. Terquito (c. by Orb). 2 wins at 4, $29,500, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $29,727). 2nd dam STORMING BEAUTY, by Storm Cat. Winner at 3, $32,063. Sister to HURRI- CANE CAT. Dam of 3 other foals, including-- Violent Beauty. Winner, $50,999. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners, incl.-- VIOLENCE (c. by Medaglia d'Oro). 3 wins, $623,000, CashCall Futurity- G1, Nashua S.-G2, 2nd Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth S.-G2. Sire. 3rd dam SKY BEAUTY, by Blushing Groom (FR). 15 wins in 21 starts, 2 to 5, $1,336,000, champion older mare, Filly Triple crown, Coaching Club American Oaks- G1, Acorn S.-G1, Mother Goose S.-G1, Alabama S.-G1, Ruffian H.-G1, Go for Wand S.-G1, Hempstead H.-G1, Shuvee H.-G1, etc. Dam of-- HURRICANE CAT. Winner at 2, £23,200, in England, Stan James Horris Hill S.- G3; winner at 2, €26,255, in Ireland, 3rd Rock of Gibraltar E.B.F. Tetrarch S.- G3, Coolmore Stud Home of Champions Concorde S.-G3. (Total: $73,640). Desert Tigress. Winner at 2, €18,007, in Ireland. (Total: $21,922). Dam of-- GROWL. 5 wins, 2 to 7, £387,229, in England, Betfred Mobile Wentworth S.-L, 2nd QIPCO British Champions Sprint S.-G1, etc. (Total: $502,558). Smoke Ring. Unraced. Dam of KARIEGA (in India, Breeders' Juvenile Fillies' Championship-G3), SAKURA (Rajyotsava Trophy-G3, etc.). Sky Legend. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of QUASAR (horse of the year in India, Deccan Bookmakers Golconda Derby-G1, etc.). 4th dam MAPLEJINSKY, by Nijinsky II. 5 wins in 9 starts at 3, $293,196, Alabama S.- G1, Monmouth Oaks-G1. Half-sister to DAYJUR (Total: $750,770, horse of the year in England, sire). Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- SKY BEAUTY. Champion, above. Silence Beauty (JPN). Placed at 2 in Ireland. Dam of TALE OF EKATI, etc. RACE RECORD: At 2 and 3, unraced; at 4, one win, once 2nd; at 5, unplaced in 1 start. Earned $16,520. CARPE DIEM Chestnut Horse; foaled 2012 Storm Bird Storm Cat...... Terlingua Giant's Causeway ...... Rahy Mariah's Storm ...... Immense CARPE DIEM Unbridled Unbridled's Song...... Trolley Song Rebridled Dreams ...... (2000) Corridor Key Key Cents...... Centimeter By GIANT'S CAUSEWAY (1997). European horse of the year, stakes winner of $3,078,989, Esat Digifone Irish Champion S.-G1, etc. Leading sire 3 times, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 2572 foals, 2026 starters, 214 stakes winners, 1367 winners of 4307 races and earning $190,578,597, 10 cham- pions, including Bricks and Mortar ($7,085,650, Pegasus World Cup Turf Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Shamardal (6 wins, $1,931,770, Gainsborough Poule d'Essai des Poulains-French Two Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.). 1st dam REBRIDLED DREAMS, by Unbridled's Song. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $134,663, Money Penny S., 3rd Silverbulletday S.-G2. Half-sister to Stormin Brigade, Get It Got It Gone. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 9 winners, including-- CARPE DIEM (c. by Giant's Causeway). Stakes winner, below. J. B.'S THUNDER (c. by Thunder Gulch). 2 wins at 2, $280,130, Dixiana Breeders' Futurity-G1. FARRELL (f. by Malibu Moon). 8 wins, 2 to 4, $1,098,777, Twinspires.com Fair Grounds Oaks-G2, Rachel Alexandra S.-G2, Golden Rod S.-G2, Chilukki S.-G2, Shuvee S.-G3, Silverbulletday S.-L, Pippin S.-L, 2nd La Troienne S.-G1, Fleur de Lis H.-G2, 3rd Azeri S.-G2, Rags to Riches S. DONCASTER ROVER (c. by War Chant). 5 wins, 2 to 5, £198,107, in Eng- land, Debenhams City of York S.-L, Flight Centre Chester Queensferry S.-L, Novae Bloodstock Insurance Hopeful S.-L, 2nd Timeform Jury John of Gaunt S.-G3, Totesport.com Chipchase S.-G3, J. W. Lees Sandy Lane S.-L, Ian and Kate Hall Macmillan Ganton S.-L, 3rd Shadwell S.-G3 twice, Bet On Breeders’ Cup at Totesport.com Wentworth S.-L, Connaught Ac- cess Flooring Abernant S.-L. (Total: $335,741). Semper Fortis (c. by Distorted Humor). 2 wins at 2, $437,430, 2nd Los Alami- tos Derby S.-G2, Zia Park Derby-L, Shared Belief S.-L, 3rd Curribot H. Cavaradossi (g. by Speightstown). 4 wins, 4 to 6, 2021, $149,977. Regular Guy (c. by Bernardini). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2021, $69,319. Moojab (c. by Smarty Jones). Winner at 2 and 4, $43,700. Sire. 2nd dam KEY CENTS, by Corridor Key. 13 wins, $343,957, Iroquois H.-LR, etc. Dam of-- REBRIDLED DREAMS (f. by Unbridled's Song). Stakes winner, above. Stormin Brigade (f. by Gen Stormin'norman). 2 wins, $56,881, 2nd Permian Basin S. Dam of STORMIN CREEK (f. by Tricky Creek, $192,382). Get It Got It Gone (g. by Euroears). Winner at 3, $5,086, in N.A./U.S.; placed at 3 and 4 in Canada, 2nd Saskatchewan Lotteries H. RACE RECORD: At 2, two wins (Claiborne Breeders' Futurity-G1), once 2nd (Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1) in 3 starts; at 3, two wins (Toyota Blue Grass S.-G1, Tampa Bay Derby-G2) in 3 starts. Totals: 4 wins, once 2nd in 6 starts. Earned $1,519,800. CONSOLE Dark Bay or Brown Horse; foaled 2009 Northern Dancer Danzig ...... Pas de Nom War Front ...... Rubiano Starry Dreamer...... Lara's Star CONSOLE A.P. Indy Pulpit ...... Preach Bema ...... (1999) Icecapade Dhaka...... Cloudy Day Sunny By WAR FRONT (2002). Stakes winner of 4 races, $424,205, Alfred G. Van- derbilt Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 12 crops of racing age, 898 foals, 683 starters, 98 stakes winners, 489 winners of 1353 races and earning $78,984,714, 3 champions, including Lines of Battle (hwt., $2,647,223, Standard Chartered Champions & Chater Cup- G1, etc.), and of U S Navy Flag (hwt., $1,341,752, Darley Dewhurst S.- G1, etc.), Air Force Blue (hwt., $844,919), Declaration of War ($1,847,489). 1st dam BEMA, by Pulpit. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $146,612, Busher S.-L, 3rd Tropical Park Oaks-L. Half-sister to DEODAR, Morada Key. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners, including-- DUE DILIGENCE (c. by War Front). Winner in 2 starts at 2, $58,000, in N.A./U.S.; 2 wins in 4 starts at 3, €59,600, in Ireland, hwt. at 3 on Irish Hand., 5 - 7 fur., Lacken S.-L, 3rd Patton S.-L; placed at 3, £120,568, in England, 2nd Diamond S.-G1. (Total: $343,241). Sire. Ocasta (c. by Cherokee Run). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $84,969, 3rd Bourbon S.-G3. Bemata (g. by Horse Greeley). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $286,359, 2nd Stud Muffin S. Cort (g. by Horse Greeley). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $123,707. Bema's Gold (f. by Out of Place). Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Bobby On Fleek (c. by Frost Giant). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $173,292, 2nd Funny Cide S.-R. 2nd dam DHAKA, by Icecapade. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $186,866, Very Subtle Breeders' Cup H., etc. Half-sister to SIEBE (sire), PUZAR B. Z. Jones. Dam of-- DEODAR (c. by Woodman). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $162,200, Your Host S., etc. BEMA (f. by Pulpit). Stakes winner, above. Morada Key (g. by Carson City). 2 wins at 3, $139,466, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Han- shin Cup H.-G3, etc.; winner at 4, $49,832, in Canada. (Total: $180,462). In Love Again. 3 wins at 3, $89,701. Dam of LITTLE WIDOW MAKER (f. by Orientate, Total: $95,854, Winnipeg Futurity, Debutante S., Osiris S., etc.). Carib Gal. Unraced. Dam of Gold for Cash (c. by Eurosilver, $351,205, sire). Granddam of TIP TWO WIN (c. by Dark Angel, Total: $235,987). Mayan Milagra. Unplaced. Dam of DANCINGINHERDREAMS (f. by Tapit, $328,516, Pocahontas S.-G2, etc.), DOUBLED (f. by Exchange Rate, $159,455, dam of Honorifique, f. by Honor Code, $95,488), Good Pick Nick (r. by Tapit, $82,300). Granddam of TEXAS WEDGE (g. by Colonel John, $482,615), Bankruptonthebeach (f. by Temple City, $49,490). RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, unraced; at 3, two wins in 3 starts; at 4, one win; at 5, one win, twice 2nd, twice 3rd. Totals: 4 wins, twice 2nd, twice 3rd. Earned $182,010. In Canada. At 4, unplaced in 1 start. Earned $1,000. (Total: $182,970). DANZING CANDY Dark Bay or Brown Horse; foaled 2013 Ride the Rails Candy Ride (ARG) ...... Candy Girl Twirling Candy...... Chester House House of Danzing ...... Danzing Crown DANZING CANDY Unbridled's Song Songandaprayer...... Alizea Talkin and Singing...... (2007) Baldski Bendita...... Bonne Note (FR) By TWIRLING CANDY (2007). Stakes winner of $944,900, Malibu S.-G1-ntr, etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 671 foals, 440 starters, 29 stakes win- ners, 329 winners of 993 races and earning $36,041,287, including Con- crete Rose (6 wins, $1,218,650, Belmont Oaks Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Gift Box (6 wins, $1,127,060, Santa Anita H.-G1, etc.), Rombauer (to 3, 2021, $1,040,500, Preakness S.-G1, etc.), Finley'sluckycharm ($928,068, Madi- son S.-G1, etc.), Collusion Illusion ($474,751, Bing Crosby S.-G1, etc.). 1st dam TALKIN AND SINGING, by Songandaprayer. Placed at 3 and 4, $16,172. Half- sister to BETTER TALK NOW, B. A. WAY, Beat the Play. Dam of 7 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners-- DANZING CANDY (c. by Twirling Candy). Stakes winner, below. CEDARTOWN (c. by Candy Ride (ARG)). 4 wins in 7 starts at 3 and 4, $249,200, Zia Park Derby-L, Louisiana S.-L. Karaoke Cat (g. by Tale of the Cat). 5 wins, 2 to 6, $87,772. Starship Skittles (f. by Uncle Mo). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam Bendita, by Baldski. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $89,087, 2nd Bal Harbour S. Dam of-- BETTER TALK NOW (g. by Talkin Man). 13 wins, 3 to 8, $4,195,224, in N.A./U.S., Breeders' Cup Turf-G1, United Nations S.-G1, Man o' War S.- G1, Sword Dancer Invitational S.-G1, Manhattan H.-G1, Comp USA Dixie S.-G2, Knickerbocker H.-G2, Fort Marcy H.-G3, Eight Thirty S., 2nd Breed- ers' Cup Turf-G1, Sword Dancer Invitational S.-G1 twice, Bowling Green H.-G2, Arlington H.-G3, Battlefield S., 3rd United Nations S.-G1, etc.; win- ner at 7, $180,400, in Canada, Sky Classic S.-G2. (Total: $4,356,664). B. A. WAY (c. by Lasting Approval). 5 wins at 4, $320,775, Caesar Rodney H.-L, 3rd Belmont Breeders' Cup H.-G2. Sire. Beat the Play (f. by Defensive Play). 2 wins at 3, $91,136, 2nd Dogwood S.-G3. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-- Medaglia Beat (c. by Medaglia d'Oro). 6 wins, 3 to 5, ¥127,591,000, in , 3rd Marine S.-LR. (Total: $1,521,853). Talkin Indian. 2 wins at 3, $98,225. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, incl.-- Skinner Box (f. by Freud). Winner at 2, $73,729, in N.A./U.S.; placed in 1 start at 2, $20,000, in Canada, 3rd Natalma S.-G2. (Total: $91,759). 3rd dam BONNE NOTE (FR), by Bon Mot (FR). Placed in 2 starts at 3 in France. Dam of-- Bendita. Stakes-placed winner, above. RACE RECORD: At 2, one win in 2 starts; at 3, two wins (San Felipe S.-G2), once 2nd (Affirmed S.-G3); at 4, three wins (San Carlos S.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3), once 3rd (Joe Hernandez S.-L) in 4 starts. Totals: 6 wins, once 2nd, once 3rd in 11 starts. Earned $700,930. DON PACO Chestnut Horse; foaled 2008 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Casanova Star ...... The Minstrel Minstrella...... Flight Dancer DON PACO Nijinsky II Seattle Dancer ...... My Charmer Miss Frisky Dancer ...... (1992) Marsayas Miss Frisky Lady ...... Frisky Flyer By CASANOVA STAR (1996). Winner of $117,970. Sire of 17 crops of racing age, 140 foals, 84 starters, 7 stakes winners, 69 winners of 270 races and earning $2,980,718, including champions Criador (6 wins, $297,253, Copa San Juan-G1, etc.), Don Paco ($464,344, Derby Puertorriqueno- G1, etc.), Yosolita (6 wins, $166,232, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, etc.), and of Kristian Quiles ($206,849, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc.), Satinada ($146,746, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, etc.), Kween C. ($107,395). 1st dam MISS FRISKY DANCER, by Seattle Dancer. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $112,782, Clasico Wiso G.-L, 2nd Clasico Prensa Hipica-L, 3rd Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, including-- DON PACO (c. by Casanova Star). Champion, below. Estopilla (f. by Greedy). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $58,971. Bailarin (c. by Sunshine Jimmy). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $44,909. Gabardina (f. by Casanova Star). Winner at 2, $35,969. Rosaura V. (f. by Sunshine Jimmy). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $31,333. 2nd dam MISS FRISKY LADY, by Marsayas. 2 wins at 2, $12,658. Sister to MISTER FRISKY, half-sister to CROSS CURRENT. Dam of 4 winners, including-- MISS FRISKY DANCER (f. by Seattle Dancer). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam FRISKY FLYER, by Highest Tide. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $18,955. Dam of-- MISTER FRISKY. 16 wins in 20 starts, $689,393, horse of the year in Puerto Rico, champion imported 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Santa Anita Derby-G1, San Rafael S.-G2, Clasico Juan Orlando Herrero-G2, etc. Sire. CROSS CURRENT. 16 wins, 3 to 6, $127,759, Clasico Roberto Clemente- L. Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including-- SATINADA. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $146,746, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, etc. Eager Flyer. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-- UNWRITTEN. 13 wins, 2 to 7, $493,239, John J. Reilly H.-LR, etc. Miss Frisky. Unraced. Dam of FRISKY'S TURN (21 wins, $347,623, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-LR, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Marin-G1, etc.). RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, three wins (Copa Navidad-LR), twice 3rd (Puerto Rico Futurity-LR) in 5 starts; at 3, eleven wins (Derby Puertorriqueno- G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G2, Cla- sico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G2, Copa San Juan-LR) in 11 starts; at 4, champion older horse in Puerto Rico, 5 wins (Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo S.-G2, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin S.-G3) in 6 starts; at 5, one win, once 2nd, once 3rd; at 6, one win, 3 times 2nd, twice 3rd (Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon- G2). Totals: 21 wins, 4 times 2nd, 5 times 3rd in 37 starts. Earned $464,344. In Panama. At 3, unplaced. Earned 11,600 dollars. (Total: $475,944). HOCKENHEIM Chestnut Horse; foaled 2003 Bold Reasoning Seattle Slew ...... My Charmer A.P. Indy ...... Secretariat Weekend Surprise ...... Lassie Dear HOCKENHEIM Mr. Prospector Seeking the Gold ...... Con Game Lady Bonanza...... (1995) Tentam Born a Lady ...... Natalma By A.P. INDY (1989). Horse of the year, classic winner of $2,979,815, Belmont S.-G1, etc. Leading sire twice, sire of 18 crops of racing age, 1224 foals, 947 starters, 164 stakes winners, 693 winners of 2341 races and earning $137,173,713, 12 champions, including Mineshaft (10 wins, $2,283,402, Jockey Club Gold Cup-G1, etc.), Rags to Riches ($1,342,528, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), Bernardini (6 wins, $3,060,480, Preakness S.-G1, etc.), Honor Code (6 wins, $2,518,260, Whitney S.-G1, etc.), Tempera ($770,240). 1st dam Lady Bonanza, by Seeking the Gold. 4 wins at 2 and 3, ¥108,365,000, in Japan, 2nd Flower Cup-G3. (Total: $892,052). Half-sister to ARROW- TOWN. Dam of 6 other foals, 2 to race, including-- August Gale (c. by Storm Cat). Placed at 3, £4,021, in England. (Total: $7,943). 2nd dam BORN A LADY, by Tentam. 4 wins at 3, $57,544, Pearl Necklace S.-R, etc. Half- sister to NORTHERN DANCER ($580,647, horse of the year in Canada, leading sire 5 times in England and U.S.), NATIVE VICTOR, REGAL DANCER, Nostrum, Northern Native, Tai, Arctic Dancer. Dam of-- ARROWTOWN (c. by Mr. Prospector). 7 wins, $330,765, Skip Trial S., etc. Lady Bonanza (f. by Seeking the Gold). Stakes-placed winner, above. Lambada Lady. Winner at 2, $14,280. Producer. Granddam of TAGANO AZAGHAL (c. by Bago (FR), Total: $563,205), Taisei Chevalier (c. by Kurofune, Total: $1,103,695, 2nd Hyogo Championship-LR, 3rd Unicorn S.-G3, Coral S.-L), Little Red Rocket (c. by Explosive Red, $246,460). Deviltante. Winner at 3, $3,900. Producer. Granddam of RIGHT TO DREAM (g. by Oasis Dream (GB), Total: $37,057), SIX HITTER (g. by Boundary, Total: $151,477), Binthebest (g. by Binalong, 5 wins, $350,545), Tinker (c. by Binalong, $109,290, 3rd Spectacular Bid S.-L). Great-granddam of ASUKANO ROMAN (c. by Agnes Digital, Total: $2,532,758). Little Arrow. Unraced. Sent to Japan. Dam of 3 winners, including-- ANTONIO BAROWS (c. by Manhattan Cafe). Winner at 2 and 3, ¥99,521,000, in Japan, Nikkan Sports Sho Shinzan Kinen-G3, 2nd Prin- cipal S.-LR, 3rd Tokyo Yushun-Japanese Derby-LR. (Total: $1,065,916). Timber Nymph. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of BLACKTYPE (FR) (g. by Dunkerque, Total: $973,335), Rosa Sham (f. by Hunter's Light (IRE)). Great-granddam of TOUR TO PARIS (g. by Fuisse, to 6, 2021, Total: $167,485, champion 3 times in Hungary), SHE’S MY TYPE (FR) (f. by Dunkerque, 4 wins in 8 starts to 4, 2021, $225,080, Ginger Brew S.-L, etc.). Natalma's Dream. Unraced. Producer. Great-granddam of AMANPOUR (f. by Northern Meteor, Total: $712,866), TURF EXPRESS (g. by Danehill Dancer, Total: $759,734), SPORTS EDITION (c. by Northern Meteor). RACE RECORD: Unraced. KLIMT Bay Horse; foaled 2014 Gone West Elusive Quality ...... Touch of Greatness Quality Road...... Strawberry Road (AUS) Kobla ...... Winglet KLIMT Dixieland Band Dixie Union ...... She's Tops Inventive...... (2005) Storm Cat Original...... Tennis Lady By QUALITY ROAD (2006). Stakes winner of $2,232,830, Woodward S.-G1, etc. Sire of 8 crops of racing age, 784 foals, 532 starters, 55 stakes win- ners, 387 winners of 1108 races and earning $57,158,769, 3 champions, including Abel Tasman (8 wins, $2,793,385, Longines Kentucky Oaks-G1, etc.), Caledonia Road (3 wins, $1,307,800, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies- G1, etc.), and of City of Light ($5,662,600, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Bellafina ($1,617,975), Dunbar Road (6 wins, $1,210,740). 1st dam Inventive, by Dixie Union. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $134,000, 3rd Pearl Necklace S.- R, Twixt S.-R, Hilltop S. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 4 winners, including-- KLIMT (c. by Quality Road). Stakes winner, below. West Coast Chick (f. by Malibu Moon). 3 wins at 3 and 5, $163,184, 2nd Vagrancy H.-G3. Sweet Invention (f. by Twirling Candy). Winner at 4, $74,156. Naismith (c. by Medaglia d'Oro). Placed in 2 starts at 3, 2021, $10,980. 2nd dam ORIGINAL, by Storm Cat. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to Lady Hokulea. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-- Inventive (f. by Dixie Union). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam TENNIS LADY, by Broad Brush. 7 wins, $283,048, Washington S.-G3, etc. Sister to CONCERN, Lucky Clone, Broad Expectations. Dam of-- Lady Hokulea. Winner at 2 and 3, $53,852, 3rd Seattle H. St. Lucia. 2 wins at 3, $32,562. Sent to Venezuela. Dam of-- TREASURE EACH DAY. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, Lotto Plus Champagne S.-G1. Producer. BLACK WIDOW (VEN). 8 wins, 3 to 5 in Venezuela, Clasico Aviacion Militar Nacional Bolivariana-G2, Clasico Lavandera-G2, etc. Guinevere K. Winner at 3, €3,659, in France. (Total: $3,802). Dam of-- She's Roughin It. Winner at 2 and 3, $82,440, 2nd Colleen S., etc. Dam of The Truth and K G ($216,866, 2nd Java Gold S., 3rd Bay Shore S.-G3), Francesco Appeal (4 wins, $102,280, 3rd Birdonthewire S.). Hot Serve. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, all winners, including-- LOLO FOREVER. 13 wins, 2 to 6, 395,751 new sol, in Peru, champion miler twice, Clasico OSAF-G2, etc. (Total: $135,613). Indy Gold. Unraced. Dam of 5 winners, including-- I Ain't Afraid. Winner at 3, $4,542, in N.A./U.S.; placed at 3 in Canada, 2nd H. Producer. RACE RECORD: At 2, three wins (Del Mar Futurity-G1, Best Pal S.-G2), once 2nd (FrontRunner S.-G1) in 6 starts; at 3, once 2nd (Los Alamitos Derby- G3), once 3rd (Shared Belief S.-L) in 2 starts. Earned $468,960. MYFAVORITE PLACE Bay Horse; foaled 1995 Red God Blushing Groom (FR) ...... Runaway Bride (GB) Runaway Groom ...... Call the Witness Yonnie Girl...... Po' MYFAVORITE PLACE Minnesota Mac Great Above ...... Ta Wee Myfavorite Charity ...... (1985) Tri Jet Jettapart ...... Annulment By RUNAWAY GROOM (1979). Champion 3-year-old in Canada, stakes win- ner of $347,537, Travers S.-G1, etc. Sire of 23 crops of racing age, 1153 foals, 975 starters, 75 stakes winners, 761 winners of 3195 races and earn- ing $62,629,554, 5 champions, including Alex the Groom ($188,058, Cla- sico Prensa Hipica-G1, etc.), Dr. Fox (Clasico de Los Sprinters-G1, etc.), Cherokee Run ($1,531,818, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, etc.), and of Wekiva Springs ($1,512,575, Suburban H.-G1, etc.), Down The Aisle ($1,007,988). 1st dam MYFAVORITE CHARITY, by Great Above. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $124,067, 2nd Azalea H.-L, 3rd Blue Sparkler S., Inaugural S. Half-sister to DASH OF SALT, Jacquelyn's Groom. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-- MYFAVORITE PLACE (c. by Runaway Groom). Stakes winner, below. STARLET IN MOTION (f. by Fappiano's Star). 17 wins, 3 to 6, $287,579, Clasico Dia de las Madres-G1, 2nd Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, Clasico Confedera- cion Hipica de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Dia del Veterano-G2, Clasico Miss Bell-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1 twice. MY FAVORITE DREAM (c. by Runaway Groom). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $119,627, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, Clasico Battle Morn-G3. Sire. Myfavorite Star (g. by Fappiano's Star). 7 wins at 3 and 5, $108,730. Myfavoritepassion (f. by Wekiva Springs). 2 wins at 3, $75,802. Trial Seperation (f. by Runaway Groom). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $47,465. Before the Thunder (f. by Wekiva Springs). Unraced. Dam of-- MY FAVORITE SPIRIT (c. by American Spirit). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $83,- 246, champion imported 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Clasico George Washington-G3, Clasico Jose de Diego-L. 2nd dam JETTAPART, by Tri Jet. Winner at 3, $11,495. Half-sister to Great Ending (12 wins, $97,401). Dam of 19 foals, 16 to race, 13 winners, including-- DASH OF SALT (f. by Salt Lake). 6 wins to 5, $206,261, Marigold S.-L, etc. Jacquelyn's Groom (c. by Runaway Groom). 7 wins, 2 to 7, $164,808, 2nd Roman Brother S.-LR, Marigold S., 3rd Hurricanes H.-L, etc. Sire. Spring Vacation. 2 wins at 3, $41,960. Dam of OBEY (f. by Desert Code, $150,132, CTBA), Comical Vacation (f. by Comic Strip, $48,240), etc. Miss E. 5 wins at 3, $37,508. Dam of I'm Majestic (g. by Idabel, $202,895), Charity Country (f. by Country Store, dam of LEGAL MOVE, c. by Bold Executive, Total: $883,124, sire; ITS LAUNCH TIME, g. by Trajectory). RACE RECORD: At 2, one win, twice 3rd; at 3, one win, twice 2nd; at 4, seven wins, twice 2nd (Clasico Dia del Veterano-G3), once 3rd in 11 starts; at 5, seven wins (Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1), once 3rd (Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G1) in 8 starts; at 6, one win in 2 starts. Totals: 17 wins, 4 times 2nd, 4 times 3rd in 29 starts. Earned $306,852. SIDE ROAD Chestnut Horse; foaled 2009 Mr. Prospector Machiavellian...... Coup de Folie Street Cry (IRE) ...... Troy Helen Street (GB)...... Waterway SIDE ROAD A.P. Indy Pulpit ...... Preach Calla Lily ...... (2003) Housebuster Lillybuster ...... Gilded Lilly By STREET CRY (IRE) (1998). Horse of the year in U.A.E., stakes winner of $5,150,837, Stephen Foster H.-G1, etc. Leading sire in Australia, sire of 12 crops of racing age, 1970 foals, 1522 starters, 143 stakes winners, 1109 winners of 3788 races and earning $173,029,456, 9 champions, in- cluding Winx ($19,726,457, Ladbrokes Cox Plate-G1, etc.), Zenyatta ($7,- 304,580, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1, etc.), Oh Susanna ($446,771, Sun Met Celebrated With G.H. Mumm-G1, etc.), Street Sense ($4,383,200). 1st dam Calla Lily, by Pulpit. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $174,119, 2nd Chelsey Flower S.-LR, 3rd Pebbles S.-L, Marshua's River S.-L, Foresta S.-LR. Half-sister to HARDEST CORE. Dam of 5 foals, 2 to race, both winners-- CRITTENDEN (g. by Distorted Humor). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $188,902, P D J F S., Let It Ride S.-R, 2nd American Derby-G3, Oak Tree H. Side Road (c. by Street Cry (IRE)). Stakes-placed winner, below. Boitano (c. by Nyquist). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LILLYBUSTER, by Housebuster. Winner at 2 and 4, $53,290. Half-sister to GILDED TIME, Valid Advantage. Dam of 6 winners, including-- HARDEST CORE (g. by Hard Spun). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $851,290, in N.A./U.S., Arlington Million S.-G1, Cape Henlopen S., 2nd Stroll S.; placed in 2 starts at 6, $30,400, in Canada, 2nd Singspiel S.-G3. (Total: $874,846). Calla Lily (f. by Pulpit). Stakes-placed winner, above. Hundred Acre. 3 wins at 3, $18,075. Sent to Chile. Dam of 2 winners, incl.-- Donatella War (f. by Declaration of War). Winner at 2 and 3, 14,785,302 pesos, in Chile, 3rd Carlos Valdes Izquierdo-G3. (Total: $19,189). Howaya Lily. Unraced. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-- GOT MY MO (g. by Uncle Mo). 6 wins, $49,610, in Canada, HBPA Starter S.-R-ntr, 7 fur. in 1:21 1/5; placed, $14,910, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $52,562). 3rd dam GILDED LILLY, by What a Pleasure. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $50,235. Half-sister to HIGH ECHELON (sire), Avodire, Epic Journey. Dam of 14 winners, including-- GILDED TIME. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2, $975,980, champion 2-year-old colt, Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, Arlington-Washington Futurity-G2, etc. Sire. Valid Advantage. 5 wins, 2 to 10, $64,950, 3rd Rebel S.-G3. Lill's Cutlass. 3 wins, $54,110. Dam of DAVEY'S CUTLASS (13 wins, $410,- 291, White Oak H.-LR, etc.), MILE ($262,859, Leader of the Band S.). Gilded Moment. 2 wins. Dam of VALID WARNING ($131,369, dam of EX- CLUSIVE WARNING, Total: $487,332, sire), GILDED DIABLO ($97,659). RACE RECORD: At 2, once 3rd; at 3, one win in 2 starts; at 4, one win, 3 times 2nd (Elkhorn S.-G2, John's Call S.-R); at 5, unplaced in 1 start. Totals: 2 wins, 3 times 2nd, once 3rd. Earned $150,074. TIZ SHEA D Bay Horse; foaled 2012 Relaunch Cee's Tizzy ...... Tizly Tiznow ...... Seattle Song Cee's Song...... Lonely Dancer TIZ SHEA D Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Ender's Sister...... (2001) Seeking the Gold Gold Rush Queen...... Fit for a Queen By TIZNOW (1997). Horse of the year, stakes winner of $6,427,830, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1 twice, etc. Among the leading sires, sire of 17 crops of racing age, 1720 foals, 1240 starters, 93 stakes winners, 803 winners of 2463 races and earning $95,821,950, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (14 wins, Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore (4 wins, $945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keene- land Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), and of Well Armed (hwt., 7 wins, $5,179,803). 1st dam ENDER'S SISTER, by A.P. Indy. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $525,048, Florida Oaks-L, Three Ring S.-L, Suncoast S., 2nd Delaware Oaks-G2, Cotillion H.-G2, La Troienne S.-G3, 3rd Vagrancy H.-G2, Dogwood Breeders' Cup S.-G3, Doubledogdare S.-L. Sister to ENDER'S SHADOW. Dam of 11 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners-- A. P. INDIAN (g. by Indian Charlie). 11 wins in 20 starts, 2 to 6, $1,477,434, Priority One Jets Forego S.-G1, Alfred G. Vanderbilt H.-G1, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix S.-G2-ntr, 6 fur. in 1:08 2/5, Belmont Sprint Championship S.-G3, Donald LeVine Memorial H.-L, Donald LeVine Memorial S.-L, De- cathlon S.-L twice, 2nd Commonwealth S.-G3, Maryland Sprint S.-G3, 3rd Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1. TIZ SHEA D (c. by Tiznow). Stakes winner, below. ITS ALL RELEVANT (g. by Hard Spun). 13 wins, 3 to 8, 2021, $454,367, Dads Caps S.-R, 3rd Amsterdam S.-G2. Malthael (g. by Noble Mission (GB)). 2 wins to 4, placed at 5, 2021, $202,148. Ender's Universe (g. by Giant's Causeway). 16 wins, 4 to 9, $143,868. Ender Knievel (g. by Distorted Humor). Winner at 3 and 4, $107,605. 2nd dam GOLD RUSH QUEEN, by Seeking the Gold. Placed at 3, $10,930. Half-sister to ROYAL ASSAULT, Kingsland, Admirality. Dam of 9 winners, including-- ENDER'S SISTER (f. by A.P. Indy). Stakes winner, above. ENDER'S SHADOW (g. by A.P. Indy). 8 wins, $291,612, Tokyo City H.-L, etc. On a Roll. 2 wins at 3, $65,802. Dam of DOCTOR MOUNTY (c. by Street Sense, 9 wins, $592,228), DABSTER (c. by Curlin, 5 wins, $347,656). Arradoul. 2 wins, $81,326. Dam of PANADOL (c. by Flatter, at 3, 2021, Total: $253,479), Backwood Bay (f. by Girolamo, $107,000), Permanent Vaca- tion (f. by Elusive Quality). Granddam of CELANDINE (c. by Street Sense, $73,588, Clasico 4 de Julio S.-G1, etc.), Vallletta (f. by Into Mischief, 3 wins to 4, 2021, $132,270), J. S. Choice (c. by Congrats, $123,854), etc. Prospector's Moon. Winner at 4, $31,064. Dam of Malibu Curl (f. by Curlin). Ender’s Valentine. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of Enders Cat (g. by Giant’s Causeway). Granddam of High Crime (c. by Violence, $227,026). RACE RECORD: At 2, unraced; at 3, two wins (Indiana Derby-G2), twice 2nd (Gotham S.-G3); at 4, unplaced; at 5, once 2nd, once 3rd. Earned $482,197. WATERSHED Bay Horse; foaled 2012 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Bernardini...... Quiet American Cara Rafaela...... Oil Fable WATERSHED Seeking the Gold Dubai Millennium ...... Colorado Dancer (IRE) Thousand Islands (GB) ...... (2002) Deputy Minister Minister Wife ...... Dowery By BERNARDINI (2003). Champion 3-year-old, classic winner of $3,060,480, Preakness S.-G1, etc. Sire of 12 crops of racing age, 1915 foals, 1428 starters, 85 stakes winners, 860 winners of 2332 races and earning $98,- 574,322, 2 champions, including Ruud Awakening ($636,168, Haunui Farm Diamond S.-G1, etc.), and of Boban ($2,434,628, Emirates Cantala S.-G1, etc.), Cavorting (8 wins, $2,063,000, Ogden Phipps S.-G1, etc.), Stay Thirsty (5 wins, $1,936,000, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Alpha ($1,815,667). 1st dam THOUSAND ISLANDS (GB), by Dubai Millennium. 2 wins at 3, €45,400, in France, Prix Occitanie-L. (Total: $56,479). Half-sister to MARIETTA, Min- isterpul. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 3 winners, including-- WATERSHED (c. by Bernardini). Stakes winner, below. Footbridge (c. by Street Cry (IRE)). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $242,836, in N.A./U.S., 2nd San Diego H.-G2, Oak Tree H., 3rd Awesome Again S.- G1; placed at 8, 176,063 dirhams, in U.A.E. (Total: $290,778). 2nd dam MINISTER WIFE, by Deputy Minister. 4 wins at 2, $318,217, Demoiselle S.- G2, Pocahontas S.-L, 2nd Bonnie Miss S.-G2, Davona Dale S.-G3, Bour- bonette S.-L. Dam of 10 foals, 7 winners, including-- MARIETTA (f. by Machiavellian). 3 wins at 3, $271,842, in N.A./U.S., Iowa Oaks- G3, Arlington Oaks-G3-ntr, 1 1/8 mi. in 1:49 1/5, 3rd Indiana Oaks-G3; placed at 3, $27,500, in Canada, 3rd Selene S.-G3. (Total: $297,082). Granddam of Nonsensical (f. by Street Sense, $78,605, 3rd Light Hearted S.). THOUSAND ISLANDS (GB) (f. by Dubai Millennium). Stakes winner, above. Ministerpul (c. by Pulpit). 12 wins, 2 to 7 in Venezuela, 3rd Clasico Derby Guayanes-L. 3rd dam DOWERY, by Full Pocket. 13 wins in 25 starts, 2 to 4, $398,677, Cotillion S.- G3, etc. Half-sister to RELUCTANT GUEST, ENTERTAIN. Dam of-- MINISTER WIFE. Stakes winner, above. Hausman. 2 wins at 3, $38,730. Dam of METER MAID ($557,698, Gardenia H.-G3, etc., dam of LEMON MAID, Total: $262,776, Duchess S.-G3, etc.), BARILKO (Total: $205,957). Granddam of EFFECTUAL ($108,582). Richly Rewarded. Unraced. Dam of BLUE SKY PRINCESS ($253,015, Anne Arundel S.-L, etc., dam of TESSA BLUE, $533,100; etc.; grand- dam of STRIKE UP THE BAND, $75,321), VAGUELY RICH ($134,150). RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, unraced; at 3, two wins in 4 starts; at 4, one win, twice 3rd (Philip H. Iselin S.-G3); at 5, two wins (Ben Ali S.-G3); at 6, unplaced in 2 starts. Totals: 5 wins, twice 3rd. Earned $448,734. In U.A.E.. At 4, once 3rd (EGA Firebreak S.-G3) in 2 starts. Earned 102,827 dirhams. (Total: $476,734). WEST COAST Bay Horse; foaled 2014 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Flatter ...... Mr. Prospector Praise ...... Wild Applause WEST COAST Relaunch Honour and Glory ...... Fair to All Caressing...... (1998) Majestic Prince Lovin Touch ...... Forest Princess By FLATTER (1999). Stakes-placed winner of $148,815, 3rd Washington Park H.-G2. Sire of 15 crops of racing age, 1083 foals, 860 starters, 65 stakes winners, 653 winners of 2453 races and earning $77,293,988, including champions West Coast ($5,803,800, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Avie's Flatter ($678,899, Kentucky Utilities Transylvania S.-G3, etc.), and of Flat Out ($3,- 645,383, TVG Jockey Club Gold Cup Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Taris ($1,- 086,260, Humana Distaff S.-G1, etc.), Search Results (4 wins, $804,000). 1st dam CARESSING, by Honour and Glory. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $955,998, champion 2-year-old filly, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, La Troienne S.-G3, Sin- gapore Plate S.-G3, Bassinet S.-L, 2nd Arlington-Washington Lassie S.- G3, Iowa Distaff S.-L, 3rd Indiana Breeders' Cup Oaks-G3, Chicago Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Bayakoa S.-L. Half-sister to PLATINUM BLONDE ($98,129, Natalma S.-L, etc.), Back Seat Babe ($112,940, 3rd Tizna S.- LR), Touch of Reason ($104,855, 3rd Redbud H., etc.), Calcade ($84,- 250, 3rd Vallejo Day H.). Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-- WEST COAST (c. by Flatter). Champion, below. Gold Hawk (g. by Empire Maker). 12 wins, 2 to 9, placed at 10, 2021, $217,694, 3rd LeComte S.-G3. Juan and Bina (c. by Indian Charlie). Winner at 2 and 7, $209,120, 2nd Smooth Air S., 3rd Carry Back S.-G3. My Goodness (f. by Storm Cat). Winner at 3, $33,460. Dam of-- DANON KINGLY (c. by Deep Impact). 6 wins in 12 starts, 2 to 5, 2021, ¥487,796,000, in Japan, Yasuda Kinen-G1, Mainichi Okan-G2, Naka- yama Kinen-G2, Kyodo News Hai Tokinominoru Kinen-G3, 2nd Tokyo Yushun Japanese Derby-G1, 3rd Satsuki Sho Japanese Two Thou- sand Guineas-G1, Osaka Hai-G1. (Total: $4,469,755). DANON LEGEND (c. by Macho Uno). 14 wins, 2 to 6, ¥367,491,000, in Japan, Capella S.-G3, JBC Sprint-LR, Tokyo Hai-LR, Cluster Cup-LR twice, Tokyo Sprint-LR, Hokkaido Sprint Cup-LR, Kurofune Sho-LR twice, 2nd JBC Sprint-LR, 3rd Tokyo Sprint-LR, Hokkaido Sprint Cup- LR. (Total: $3,324,208). Sire. DANON GOOD (c. by Elusive Quality). 9 wins, 3 to 9, 2021, ¥133,436,- 000, in Japan, Keiyo S.-LR. (Total: $1,206,184). RACE RECORD: In N.A./U.S. At 2, unraced; at 3, champion 3-year-old colt, 6 wins (Travers S.-G1, Pennsylvania Derby-G1, Los Alamitos Derby-G3, Easy Goer S.-L), twice 2nd (Stonestreet Lexington S.-G3), once 3rd (Breeders' Cup Classic-G1) in 9 starts; at 4, twice 2nd (Pegasus World Cup Invitational S.-G1, Awesome Again S.-G1). Earned $3,803,800. In U.A.E.. At 4, once 2nd (Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup-G1) in 1 start. Earned 7,344,840 dirhams. (Total: $5,803,800). INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

ERNESTO ACOSTA 18 ...... b. f...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Isabella Marie

PEDRO AGUSTIN 7 ...... ch. c...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Circular 11 ...... b. f...... 2020 Side Road ...... Successful Talent 16 ...... gr/ro. f...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Okairy M. 28 ...... b. c...... 2020 Danzing Candy...... Blissful Rose 37 ...... ch. c...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Moderadora

HACIENDA DON CARMELO, INC. 8 ...... b. c...... 2020 Astern (AUS)...... Hawn

EDUARDO MALDONADO 26 ...... b. f...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Yarmorka 41 ...... b. c...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Tipsy Tonya

POTRERO LOS LLANOS 1 ...... b. f...... 2020 Myfavorite Place ...... La Inocente 2 ...... b. c...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Eliza D. 3 ...... ch. f...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Seattle Win 4 ...... gr/ro. f...... 2020 Side Road ...... Chavelisa 5 ...... b. f...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... La Eternidad 6 ...... ch. f...... 2020 Side Road ...... Champagne Coolie 9 ...... b. c...... 2020 Don Paco ...... Mi Abuela Josefa 10 ...... ch. c...... 2020 Don Paco ...... La Sibarita 12 ...... b. f...... 2020 Brusilov...... Greatly Blessed 13 ...... b. f...... 2020 Console...... Renewable Energy 14 ...... b. f...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Lanenadepiero 15 ...... b. c...... 2020 Console...... Dance With Another 17 ...... b. f...... 2020 Console...... B. J. Miracle 19 ...... b. f...... 2020 Watershed...... Principessa 20 ...... b. f...... 2020 Watershed...... Sra. Esperanza 21 ...... b. f...... 2020 Console...... Seretaria 22 ...... b. f...... 2020 Don Paco ...... Eager for Action 23 ...... b. c...... 2020 Watershed...... Gold Dance 24 ...... gr/ro. c...... 2020 Console...... Stepha and Carly 25 ...... ch. c...... 2020 Don Paco ...... Kate Is a Ten 27 ...... b. f...... 2020 Console...... Amen Joy 29 ...... b. c...... 2020 Console...... Brave Diva 30 ...... b. c...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Felicidad 31 ...... b. c...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Miss Andrea 32 ...... b. c...... 2020 Console...... Tizzy Beter Run 33 ...... b. c...... 2020 Console...... Peggy Grieves Me 34 ...... b. c...... 2020 Console...... Chica Rican 35 ...... b. f...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Hopespringseternal 36 ...... b. c...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Linda Sara INDEX TO CONSIGNORS Hip Color Year No. Name Sex Foaled Sire Dam

POTRERO LOS LLANOS - Continued 38 ...... b. f...... 2020 Console...... Mayra Virginia 39 ...... ch. c...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Colonial P R 40 ...... b. c...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Johannesboom 42 ...... b. f...... 2020 Console...... Love My Empire 43 ...... ch. c...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Transformadora 44 ...... b. c...... 2020 Console...... Veronica Cotto 45 ...... b. c...... 2020 Tiz Shea D...... Islera 46 ...... b. c...... 2020 Console...... Summer Line 47 ...... b. c...... 2020 Don Paco ...... Metro Gal 48 ...... ch. c...... 2020 Hockenheim...... Taurina 49 ...... b. f...... 2020 Klimt ...... Naples Dream 50 ...... dk. b./br. f...... 2020 West Coast...... Who Is the Dame 51 ...... b. c...... 2020 Carpe Diem ...... Zultanite 52 ...... ch. f...... 2020 Palace ...... Tura Isabel


Astern (AUS)...... 8 Klimt ...... 49

Brusilov ...... 12 Myfavorite Place...... 1

Carpe Diem ...... 51 Palace ...... 52 Console...... 13, 15, 17, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 38, 42, 44, Side Road...... 4, 6, 11 46 Tiz Shea D...... 2, 3, 5, 14, 18, 26, Danzing Candy ...... 28 30, 31, 36, 41, 45 Don Paco ...... 9, 10, 22, 25, 47 Watershed ...... 19, 20, 23 Hockenheim...... 7, 16, 35, 37, 39, West Coast ...... 50 40, 43, 48 INDEX TO DAMS

Amen Joy...... 27 Love My Empire...... 42

B. J. Miracle...... 17 Mayra Virginia...... 38 Blissful Rose ...... 28 Metro Gal ...... 47 Brave Diva ...... 29 Mi Abuela Josefa...... 9 Miss Andrea...... 31 Champagne Coolie...... 6 Moderadora...... 37 Chavelisa ...... 4 Chica Rican ...... 34 Naples Dream ...... 49 Circular...... 7 Colonial P R ...... 39 Okairy M...... 16

Dance With Another...... 15 Peggy Grieves Me ...... 33 Principessa...... 19 Eager for Action...... 22 Eliza D...... 2 Renewable Energy...... 13

Felicidad ...... 30 Seattle Win...... 3 Seretaria...... 21 Gold Dance ...... 23 Sra. Esperanza...... 20 Greatly Blessed...... 12 Stepha and Carly ...... 24 Successful Talent...... 11 Hawn...... 8 Summer Line ...... 46 Hopespringseternal ...... 35 Taurina...... 48 Isabella Marie ...... 18 Tipsy Tonya...... 41 Islera...... 45 Tizzy Beter Run ...... 32 Transformadora ...... 43 Johannesboom...... 40 Tura Isabel ...... 52

Kate Is a Ten...... 25 Veronica Cotto ...... 44

La Eternidad ...... 5 Who Is the Dame...... 50 La Inocente...... 1 Lanenadepiero ...... 14 Yarmorka...... 26 La Sibarita...... 10 Linda Sara ...... 36 Zultanite ...... 51 Ejemplares Nativos nacidos en el Potrero Los Llanos, Coamo, Puerto Rico Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 1 Foaled March 12, 2020 1 Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Groom ...... Yonnie Girl Myfavorite Place ...... Great Above Myfavorite Charity ...... Jettapart BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Munasaaq ...... Nasaayem La Inocente...... (2012) Mt. Livermore Carpa ...... Izana By MYFAVORITE PLACE (1995). Stakes winner of $306,852, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-G1, etc. Sire of 16 crops of racing age, 262 foals, 193 starters, 12 stakes winners, 154 winners of 912 races and earning $7,923,392, in- cluding champions Defensora (29 wins, $822,375, Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1, etc.), Lluvia de Nieve ($403,465, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, etc.), Graciani ($211,300, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Traque- teo ($261,837, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Facturadora ($126,629). 1st dam LA INOCENTE, by Munasaaq. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $25,015. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Noche de Paz (f. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam CARPA, by Mt. Livermore. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to MI AMIGO GUELO, SO ELITE, Tina Bull. Dam of 2 other winners, including-- Chica Loca. 5 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2021, $28,404. 3rd dam IZANA, by Theatrical (IRE). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $74,175. Half-sister to ROCK HARD TEN. Dam of 5 other foals to race, all winners, including-- MI AMIGO GUELO. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $164,450, champion imported 2-year- old colt in Puerto Rico, Clasico Santiago Iglesias Pantin-L, Clasico Manuel Vinas Sorba-L, 2nd Sir Barton S.-L, Clasico Carlos Romero Barcelo-L. SO ELITE. 3 wins at 3, $195,127, in Canada, Charlie Barley S.-L, 2nd On- tario Derby-L; 9 wins, 6 to 9, $137,630, in N.A./U.S., C. J. Hindley Hum- boldt County Marathon H. (Total: $326,270). Tina Bull. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $290,275, 2nd Ellis Park Breeders' Cup S.-L, Pan Zareta H., Fit for a Queen S., 3rd Raven Run S.-G3, Marie G. Krantz Memorial H.-L. Producer. 4th dam TERSA, by Mr. Prospector. 3 wins at 2, €125,434, in France, champion 2-year- old filly, hwt. filly at 2 on European Hand., Prix Morny-G1, Prix du Bois-G3, etc. (Total: $151,850). Half-sister to GATO DEL SOL (sire). Dam of-- ROCK HARD TEN. 7 wins to 4, $1,870,380, Santa Anita H.-G1, etc. Sire. Milva. Winner at 3 and 4, $63,010. Dam of ALL AMERICAN (AUS) (Total: $1,137,321, Emirates Cantala S.-G1, etc., sire), MORE STRAWBER- RIES (Total: $799,165, Sharp Furious S.-G2, etc., dam of Merovee, Total: $109,731, 2nd NBN News NJC 3-Year-Old Spring S.-G3), Connecticut (Total: $19,156). Granddam of Indianapolis (2 wins, Total: $73,455). Connie's Spirit. Placed in 2 starts at 2, $8,800. Dam of EMPRESARIA (19 wins, $144,708), The Black ($102,429), Sumo Power (3 wins, $83,189).

JCC 20004871 - Microchip 981020033769320 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 2 Foaled April 5, 2020 2 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY COLT Harlan's Holiday Majesticperfection ...... Act So Noble Eliza D...... (2013) Carson City Katie Be Quick ...... Mattie Kate By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam ELIZA D., by Majesticperfection. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $43,480. This is her first foal. 2nd dam KATIE BE QUICK, by Carson City. Unraced. Half-sister to Promise One. Dam of 2 other foals, both winners, including-- Fayoum. 2 wins at 3, $82,058. 3rd dam MATTIE KATE, by Major Impact. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $50,710. Half-sister to WIN RIVER WIN, LUCETTE, BABY ZIP. Dam of 9 winners, including-- Promise One. Placed at 2 in N.A./U.S., 2nd Ladnesian S.; winner at 3 and 4, $59,630, in Canada, 3rd Delta Colleen H. (Total: $62,640). Dam of-- TOUCHING PROMISE. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $461,651, in Canada, Ballerina S.-G3 twice, Pacific Customs Brokers Distaff H.-LR, Delta Colleen H. twice, British Columbia Cup Distaff H.-R twice, 2nd Monashee H., Van- couver Sun S., 3rd Ballerina S.-G3 twice, etc. (Total: $380,578). Mattie Camp. Winner at 2 and 3, $33,550. Dam of 5 winners, including-- REALLY MR GREELY. 2 wins at 2, $90,240, Hollywood Prevue S.-G3. 4th dam THIRTY ZIP, by Tri Jet. 13 wins, 2 to 5, $585,970, Virginia H.-L, Melaleuca S.-L, Meadowbrook Farm H.-L twice, etc. Half-sister to CUTTER SAM. Dam of-- WIN RIVER WIN. 26 wins in Turkey, champion imported handicap horse, Acik- G2 three times, 19 Mayis-G2, etc.; winner at 7, 1,143,514 dirhams, in U.A.E., 2nd Jebel Ali International Hotels Godolphin Mile-G2, etc. (Total: $311,500). LUCETTE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $97,043, Majestic Flag S., 3rd Hurricane Bertie S.-L, Nany's Appeal S.-L. Dam of EVERYDAY HEROES (Total: $240,800). BABY ZIP. 4 wins to 3, $60,395, Kattegat's Pride S., etc. Broodmare of the year in 2005. Dam of GHOSTZAPPER ($3,446,120, horse of the year, sire), CITY ZIP ($818,225, Hopeful S.-G1, etc., sire), CITY WOLF (Total: $293,686, sire). Granddam of NORTHERN CAUSEWAY (5 wins, Total: $265,367, sire), etc. Rachel's Halo. Winner, $12,180. Dam of AIR PEGASUS (Total: $54,365). Little Zip. 3 wins, $45,351. Producer. Granddam of MAZUCAMBERA (dam of FULL SALUTE, $482,120; Tripwire, Total: $38,095, 2nd Grey S.-G3).

JCC 20006282 - Microchip 981020033596959 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 3 Foaled February 23, 2020 3 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen CHESTNUT FILLY Dixieland Brass Don Guido ...... Christine Crane Seattle Win...... (2006) Fappiano's Star Estrella Dorada...... Guakia By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam SEATTLE WIN, by Don Guido. 12 wins in 17 starts, 2 to 4, $257,200, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Vi- oleta Ruiz S.-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa Camarero-G1, 2nd Copa San Juan-LR, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-LR. Dam of 6 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- Bronce (c. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 4 and 5, 2021, $23,476. Caratula (f. by Triano). Winner at 3, $11,580. 2nd dam ESTRELLA DORADA, by Fappiano's Star. 7 wins at 2 and 4, $160,321, cham- pion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-LR, Copa Camarero-LR, 2nd Clasico Campeon Nativo-LR, 3rd Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, all winners-- SEATTLE WIN (f. by Don Guido). Champion, above. Creador. 19 wins in 34 starts, 2 to 7, $94,621. Seattle Sixteen. 6 wins, 2 to 6, 2021, $46,656. Lito Magnate. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $37,043. Musicologo. 2 wins at 3, $26,496. Estrella Divina. Winner at 3 and 4, $18,803. Mi Sueno Dorado. Winner at 2, $17,091. Pequena Estrella. 2 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2021, $14,842. El Favorito. Winner at 2 and 3, $8,549. Papacun. Winner at 4, $7,619. El Boricuazo. Winner at 3, $7,177. 3rd dam GUAKIA, by Ribots Verset. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $72,342. Dam of 2 winners-- ESTRELLA DORADA. Champion, above. Miss Tropical. Winner at 3, $10,436. Producer. 4th dam VIRGINIA P. R., by Catullus. 10 wins at 5, $61,776. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Speedy Jet. 3 wins at 2, $23,231. Pidlin. Winner at 2 and 3, $15,182.

JCC 20002180 - Microchip 981020033624573 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. GRAY OR ROAN FILLY 4 Foaled February 24, 2020 4 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster GRAY OR Holy Bull ROAN FILLY Macho Uno ...... Primal Force Chavelisa ...... (2007) Afleet Jackie Ramos...... Silver Clover By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 40 foals, 21 starters, 13 winners of 19 races and earning $210,106, including Side Bella (2 wins, $47,530, 2nd Clasico Ramon Liobet Jr. S.-G2), Magia Blanca ($24,610), Dona Lola (at 2, 2021, $20,060), Pushi Puente (to 3, 2021, $19,332), Barometro ($15,- 094), Talentosa Latina ($15,-012), Dichoso ($12,962), Pecosita (at 4, 2021, $11,508), Contenta Y Relax (at 3, 2021, $9,742), Zagitario ($8,130). 1st dam CHAVELISA, by Macho Uno. 15 wins, 2 to 6, $86,189. Dam of 4 other foals, 1 to race. 2nd dam JACKIE RAMOS, by Afleet. Winner at 3, $42,748. Half-sister to LOVE OF SIL- VER, CLOVER HUNTER. Dam of 5 other winners, including-- Tomorrows Wildcat. 12 wins, 3 to 7, $118,239. 3rd dam SILVER CLOVER, by Secretariat. 3 wins at 4, $26,620. Half-sister to CRICKET CLUB ($21,460). Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, including-- LOVE OF SILVER. 2 wins at 2, £16,761, in England, Butlins Southcoast World Prestige S.-G3; placed at 2, €24,392, in France, 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac Criterium des Pouliches-G1. (Total: $65,464). Dam of-- Silver Bracelet. Winner at 3, £12,300, in England, 3rd Betabet Bet What- ever, Whenever, Wherever Masaka S.-L. (Total: $17,616). Producer. Duquesa. Winner at 2 and 3, £8,093, in England. (Total: $12,822). Dam of Born To Be (Total: $39,982, 2nd Blenheim S.-L). Silver Queen. Placed at 3 in England. Dam of KUAICOSS (Total: $195,- 779, hwt. older mare at 4 on Italian Hand., 5 - 7 fur., Premio Tudini-G3, 2nd Premio Omenoni-G3, Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi-L, etc.). Producer. Ocelot. Placed at 3 in New Zealand. Dam of Ganghae (2nd Seoul Own- ers' Association Chairman's Cup-G3, Segye Ilbo Cup, etc.). Silver Satire. Unraced. Dam of Escala (2nd Threptin Fillies & Mares S.-G3). CLOVER HUNTER. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $288,239, Golden Derby-L, 3rd El Camino Real Derby-G3, Viking Spirit H.-LR. Silverlado. Unplaced. Dam of 3 foals, all winners, including-- AIKENITE. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $875,385, Churchill Downs S.-G2, Common- wealth S.-G2, 2nd Dixiana Breeders' Futurity-G1, The Cliff's Edge Derby Trial S.-G3, Stoll Keenon Ogden Phoenix S.-G3, 3rd Three Chimneys Hopeful S.-G1, Forego S.-G1, Fasig-Tipton Fountain of Youth S.-G2. Mareana. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $51,823. Dam of Blue Magic (7 wins, $123,- 691, 3rd Claiming Crown Distaff Dash S.-R).

JCC 20003127 - Microchip 981020033582061 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 5 Foaled January 22, 2020 5 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY FILLY Salt Lake Ordway...... Priceless Countess La Eternidad...... (2006) Cahill Road Mi Vereda...... Close to Me By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam LA ETERNIDAD, by Ordway. 11 wins at 3 and 4, $67,803. This is her seventh foal. Her fifth foal is a 3-year-old of 2021. Dam of 3 foals to race, 2 win- ners, including-- La Poliza (f. by Roman Scout). 2 wins at 3, $12,508. Tabique (c. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam MI VEREDA, by Cahill Road. 16 wins in 20 starts, 2 to 4, $322,340, horse of the year, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Copa Gober- nador-G1, Copa Criadores-G1, Clasico Camarero-G2, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G3, Clasico Constitucion-G3. Dam of 2 other foals, including-- Don Pepe C. Winner at 2, $6,800. 3rd dam CLOSE TO ME, by What a Pleasure. 5 wins, $105,203, Mongo Queen S. Dam of-- MI VEREDA. Horse of the year, above. Close Enough. Winner at 4, $5,477. Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, including-- I'M IN HEAVEN. 2 wins in 4 starts, $44,169, Toddler S.-L. Dam of Heav- enly Moon ($196,540, 3rd Maryland Million Ladies S.-LR, dam of Moon Virginia, $391,356, 2nd Geisha S.-R, etc.; Chinquapin, $96,741, 3rd Christopher Elser Memorial S.-R). Granddam of Glickman ($268,015, 2nd Ziggy's Boy S.), Impossible Mary ($46,100, 2nd J J'sdream S.). Cometuseibella. Winner at 2, $35,410, 2nd Astoria S.-L. Dam of Freak- stein ($64,815, 2nd Open Mind S.-L, producer). 4th dam NEAR AND DEAR, by Needles. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $23,805. Half-sister to SU- PERBITY, RETURN TO REALITY, IN REALITY ($795,824), REALLY AND TRULY, MY DEAR LADY, WATCHFULNESS, GENTLE TOUCH, Star of the North. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-- CLOSE TO ME. Stakes winner, above. Lady Gueniviere. 2 wins at 3, $19,920. Dam of BIG PARTNER (Premio Ano Nuevo-G2, etc., sire). Granddam of RED ZIPPER (6 wins, $303,935). Nice and Warm. 2 wins to 3, $12,218. Dam of OCALARADO ($83,005).

JCC 20000787 - Microchip 981020033622255 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 6 Foaled February 27, 2020 6 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster CHESTNUT FILLY Phone Trick Zavata...... Pert Lady Champagne Coolie ...... (2005) Mining Love Tunnel ...... Leveraged Buyout By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 40 foals, 21 starters, 13 winners of 19 races and earning $210,106, including Side Bella (2 wins, $47,530, 2nd Clasico Ramon Liobet Jr. S.-G2), Magia Blanca ($24,610), Dona Lola (at 2, 2021, $20,060), Pushi Puente (to 3, 2021, $19,332), Barometro ($15,- 094), Talentosa Latina ($15,-012), Dichoso ($12,962), Pecosita (at 4, 2021, $11,508), Contenta Y Relax (at 3, 2021, $9,742), Zagitario ($8,130). 1st dam CHAMPAGNE COOLIE, by Zavata. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $145,180. Half-sister to Fearless Vision, Divine Angel. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, incl.-- Botafuego (c. by Console). Winner at 2, $9,220. Padre Poderoso (c. by Console). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LOVE TUNNEL, by Mining. Winner at 2 and 3, $59,580. Half-sister to ROSA ETERNA, MEGAN'S MAN. Dam of 6 other winners, including-- Fearless Vision (c. by Vision and Verse). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $248,090, 2nd Challenger S., 3rd Peter Pan S.-G2. Sire. Divine Angel (f. by Matty G). Winner at 2, $49,650, 3rd Sorority S.-G3. Sealed Sweet. Placed in 2 starts at 2, $3,030. Producer. Granddam of Tiz O K (c. by Tiznow, 2 wins in , 2nd Clasico Anahuac-G1). Academie d'Amour. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, including-- COWBOY COOL (g. by Divine Park). 8 wins, 2 to 8, 2021, $248,105, Inau- gural S., 2nd Mine That Bird Overnight S., Budweiser Special H., Duke City Sprint S.-R, 3rd Ft. Bliss S., Governor's Cup S., Roadrunner S.-R. 3rd dam LEVERAGED BUYOUT, by Spectacular Bid. Unraced. Half-sister to SERIOUS SPENDER ($220,222), ALL GONE ($247,716), RUSSIAN ROUBLES, Lost Opportunity. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-- ROSA ETERNA. 7 wins at 3 and 4 in Peru, Premio Hipodromo de Santa Beat- riz-G3, Premio Propina-L, 2nd Premio Augusto N. Wiese-L, Premio Repub- lica de -L. Producer. Great-granddam of BROTHER Z ($53,042). MEGAN'S MAN. 7 wins at 4 and 5, $64,268, Con Jackson Claiming H. Certain Look. Winner at 3, $20,835. Dam of 3 winners, including-- PLAIN OLE JOHN. 8 wins, 3 to 7, $44,628, Baxter S. Key Buy. Placed at 3. Dam of 2 winners, including-- VAL'S PRINCE. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $1,595,045, in N.A./U.S., Turf Classic In- vitational S.-G1 twice, Man o' War S.-G1, 2nd Man o' War S.-G1, Sword Dancer Invitational H.-G1 twice, Belmont Breeders' Cup H.-G2, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 5 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong International Cup-G2.

JCC 20018552 - Microchip 981020031355800 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 7 Foaled March 29, 2020 7 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT COLT Precise End One Way Flight ...... Harps and Wings Circular...... (2013) Graeme Hall Jacaranda Circle ...... Timely Tina By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam CIRCULAR, by One Way Flight. Placed at 3, $4,564. Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race, including-- Unnamed (f. by Finn’s Quest). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam JACARANDA CIRCLE, by Graeme Hall. 4 wins at 5 and 6, $28,692. Sister to Graeme Crackerjack. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, incl.-- Sra. Ivette. Winner in 2 starts at 2, placed in 2 starts at 3, 2021, $8,110. 3rd dam Timely Tina, by Star de Naskra. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $93,511, 3rd Chriscinca S.- R. Half-sister to OLYMPIC ADVICE, DO THE ROAR. Dam of-- Graeme Crackerjack. 7 wins, 3 to 7, $153,270, 3rd C. J. Hindley Humboldt County Marathon Starter H. 4th dam Fair Advice, by Cozzene. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $144,051, 2nd Hannah Dustin H., 3rd Rumson S., Princess Doreen H. Half-sister to CHART THE STARS ($187,600), Starbase Alpha. Dam of 14 foals, 11 winners, including-- OLYMPIC ADVICE. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $199,123, in N.A./U.S., Border Cup S.- R; placed at 5, $8,808, in Canada. (Total: $206,216). Producer. DO THE ROAR. 4 wins, $154,078, Treasure Coast S., 2nd Bonita S., etc. Timely Tina. Stakes-placed winner, above. Ask the Question. Winner at 3, $8,355. Dam of 7 winners, including-- HEART TO HEART. 15 wins, 2 to 7, $1,958,271, in N.A./U.S., Gulfstream Park Turf S.-G1, Maker's 46 Mile S.-G1, Bernard Baruch H.-G2, Ft. Laud- erdale S.-G2, Knickerbocker S.-G3, Canadian Turf S.-G3 twice, Ocean- port S.-G3, Jefferson Cup S.-G3, Commonwealth Turf S.-G3, River City H.-G3, etc.; placed at 2 and 3, $80,500, in Canada, champion 3-year- old colt, 2nd Vandal S.-R, 3rd Toronto Cup S.-L. (Total: $2,035,090). Lady Traveler. Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2021, $125,874, 2nd Forward Gal S.-G3, Rags to Riches Overnight S., etc. Psychic Friend. Winner at 3, $31,434. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Psychic Star. 6 wins, 3 to 8, $109,093, 2nd Gray Pride Starter S.-R.

JCC 20006345 - Microchip 981020033591601 Property of Hacienda Don Carmelo, Inc. Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 8 Foaled May 16, 2020 8 El Prado (IRE) Medaglia d'Oro ...... Cappucino Bay Astern (AUS) ...... Exceed And Excel Essaouira ...... Alizes (NZ) BAY COLT Smart Strike Curlin ...... Sherriff's Deputy Hawn ...... (2015) Ghostzapper Spring Zapper ...... Spring Season By ASTERN (AUS) (2013). Stakes winner of 5 races, $884,734, De Bortoli Wines Golden Rose-G1, etc. His first Northern Hemisphere foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Sire of 11 winners, including Seradess (2 wins in 2 starts, $67,371, Tab Cinderella S.-L), Danger Strykes (in 2 starts, John Turkington Forestry Ltd Castletown S.-L), Sail By ($49,500), Dark Rebel ($35,532), Somewatt Fabulous ($29,880), Divina ($29,798), Mainstay ($28,500), Arnaqueur ($26,117), Zadig ($24,335), Asherla ($19,225). 1st dam HAWN, by Curlin. Placed at 4. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SPRING ZAPPER, by Ghostzapper. Placed at 3. Half-sister to Wide Receiver. Dam of 4 other foals, 2 to race, both winners, including-- Sheesa Pontiac. 4 wins, 2 to 5, 2021, $88,508, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $89,060). 3rd dam SPRING SEASON, by Seeking the Gold. Placed at 3, €17,544, in France, 3rd Prix de Saint-Cyr-L; 5 wins, 4 to 6, $269,342, in N.A./U.S., Dr. James Penny Memorial H.-L, 2nd Modesty H.-G3, John W. Rooney Memorial H.-L, 3rd Princess Mora S., Pleasant Temper S. (Total: $286,405). Dam of-- Wide Receiver. 6 wins, $140,728, 3rd Fitz Dixon Jr. Memorial Juvenile S.-L. El Season. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $144,575. Spring Reason. Winner at 4 and 5, $138,761. Producer. 4th dam ALICE SPRINGS, by Val de l'Orne (FR). Winner at 2, €26,527, in France, 2nd Prix Finlande-L, 3rd Prix Cleopatre-G3; 8 wins at 4 and 5, $734,797, in N.A./U.S., All Along S.-G2, Black Helen H.-G2, Matchmaker S.-G2, Columbiana H.-L twice, 2nd Beverly D. S.-G1, 3rd Caesars International H.-G1, Joe Namath H.-G3, Suwannee River H.-G3, My Charmer H.-L, Sen- sational S.-L. (Total: $768,889). Half-sister to IRISH APPROACH (Total: $333,802), WILLSTOWN (Total: $126,658), TRIBAL CROWN ($82,555), Righteous Man ($136,836), Helen Springs (Total: $38,165). Dam of-- SPRING SEASON. Stakes winner, above. Lucky Strikes Gold. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $91,345. Producer. Spring Star. Placed at 5. Sent to Saudi Arabia. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- SPRING QUALITY. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $968,297, in N.A./U.S., Woodford Re- serve Manhattan S.-G1, Red Smith H.-G3, Robellino S.-R, 2nd Fort Marcy S.-G3, Roanoke S.-R, 3rd Sword Dancer S.-G1. (Total: $980,582). HOLIDAY STAR. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $345,569, Sycamore S.-G3 twice, Cape Henlopen S., 2nd PTHA President's Cup S.-L, John's Call S.-R twice, 3rd Red Smith H.-G3, Cape Henlopen S.

JCC 20020358 - Microchip 981020037824675 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 9 Foaled February 16, 2020 9 A.P. Indy Casanova Star ...... Minstrella Don Paco ...... Seattle Dancer Miss Frisky Dancer ...... Miss Frisky Lady BAY COLT Runaway Groom Myfavorite Place ...... Myfavorite Charity Mi Abuela Josefa...... (2008) Rare Performer Temper Me...... Dusty Irish By DON PACO (2008). Champion older horse in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of $464,344, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 22 foals, 14 starters, 12 winners of 22 races and earning $210,672, in- cluding El Pico de Lesli ($63,076), El Gran Mickey (2 wins, $41,598), Flor Perfumada (at 3, 2021, $35,790), Don Pio ($24,143), Dulce Mariana ($22,- 497), Don Martin de Leon ($21,118), Bolerista ($17,072), Paquita Marie ($9,860), Estamento ($8,958), Ursurpadora ($8,812), Papabuelo ($7,400). 1st dam MI ABUELA JOSEFA, by Myfavorite Place. 11 wins, 3 to 7, $66,725. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Nieve Negra (c. by Finn's Quest). Placed at 3, 2021, $5,974. 2nd dam TEMPER ME, by Rare Performer. Winner at 3, $8,375. Dam of-- Dona Coco. 24 wins, 2 to 8, $120,396. 3rd dam DUSTY IRISH, by Run Dusty Run. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $65,070. Half-sister to YVONNES VICTORY. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 winners, including-- Quilt. 2 wins at 4, $73,091. Dam of 1 foal-- Little Wagon. 19 wins, $387,203, 3rd John B. Connally Turf Cup S.-G3. 4th dam RICH IRISH LASSIE, by Irish Ruler. Unplaced. Half-sister to VISP (2nd hwt. filly at 2 on English Hand.), RUDOMA ($76,642), GOOD INVESTMENT ($71,- 000, sire), Mt. Hope (sire). Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 10 winners, incl.-- YVONNES VICTORY. 3 wins at 3, $117,547, Queen City Oaks-LR, Annie Oakley H.-R. Dam of 10 foals, 9 to race, 8 winners, including-- VICTORIOUS TYPE. 11 wins, 3 to 8, $374,597, Premier's H.-G3, Speed to Spare Championship S.-L, 2nd Speed to Spare S.-G3, Premier's H.-L, Au Revoir H., Sir Winston Churchill H. twice, John Longden 6000 H., etc. YVONS VICTRESS. 5 wins, $134,809, Lady Luck S., etc. Produer. Grand- dam of Flying Frenchman (2 wins, $54,067, 2nd Jim’s Orbit S.-R). VICTORY FOUND. 2 wins at 2, $40,750, Juan Gonzalez Memorial S., 2nd Dramatic Joy S., etc. Set ntr at Golden Gate Fields, 4 1/2 fur. in :50 1/5. Dam of Crowning Victory ($134,659, 3rd Chuck Taliaferro Memorial S.). Rate Rise. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $30,290. Dam of Sophie T (4 wins, $57,376, 2nd CTBA Lassie S.-R, Vannacide S.-R). Force Five. Winner at 2, $6,000. Producer. Granddam of MR. BIGGLES- WORTH (9 wins, $229,823, Horizon S.-LR, Ohio Freshman S.-R, etc.). Great-granddam of COME SUNDAY (8 wins, $270,845, Femme Fatale S., etc., producer), REPENTING (5 wins, $204,000, Tall Ships S.-L, etc.).

JCC 20001118 - Microchip 981020033754715 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 10 Foaled February 11, 2020 10 A.P. Indy Casanova Star ...... Minstrella Don Paco ...... Seattle Dancer Miss Frisky Dancer ...... Miss Frisky Lady CHESTNUT COLT Gone West Proud Citizen ...... Drums Of Freedom La Sibarita ...... (2013) Langfuhr Set Point...... Royal Box By DON PACO (2008). Champion older horse in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of $464,344, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 22 foals, 14 starters, 12 winners of 22 races and earning $210,672, in- cluding El Pico de Lesli ($63,076), El Gran Mickey (2 wins, $41,598), Flor Perfumada (at 3, 2021, $35,790), Don Pio ($24,143), Dulce Mariana ($22,- 497), Don Martin de Leon ($21,118), Bolerista ($17,072), Paquita Marie ($9,860), Estamento ($8,958), Ursurpadora ($8,812), Papabuelo ($7,400). 1st dam La Sibarita, by Proud Citizen. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $39,433, 2nd Clasico Ano Nuevo S.-G3, 3rd Clasico Dia de La Raza S.-G2. Half-sister to Bandit Point. This is her first foal. 2nd dam SET POINT, by Langfuhr. Winner, $39,865. Half-sister to PICAHIELO. Dam of-- La Sibarita (f. by Proud Citizen). Stakes-placed winner, above. Bandit Point (c. by Indy Squall). 4 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2021, $355,027, 2nd Nodouble Breeders' S.-R, 3rd Arkansas Breeders' Championship S.-R, Nodouble Breeders' S.-R twice. 3rd dam ROYAL BOX, by A.P. Indy. Placed at 3, $10,350. Sister to SECRET STATUS, ALUMNI HALL, half-sister to PRIVATE GIFT, State Treasure. Dam of-- PICAHIELO. 5 wins, 3 to 5 in Panama, Clasico Ano Nuevo-G1 twice, etc. 4th dam PRIVATE STATUS, by Alydar. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $146,337, Bourbonette S.-L, 2nd Real Delight S., etc. Half-sister to MARIA CANDELA (CHI) (champion 3-year-old filly in Chile), MISS BRIO (CHI), Mar Del Norte. Dam of-- SECRET STATUS. 8 wins, $1,053,705, Mother Goose S.-G1, etc. Dam of-- Dunkirk. 2 wins at 3, $393,200, 2nd Belmont S.-G1, Florida Derby-G1. Code Book. Winner, $17,496. Dam of Twilight Curfew (at 3, 2021, $53,- 215). Granddam of FAIR MAIDEN (Total: $324,778, La Brea S.-G1, etc.). ALUMNI HALL. 9 wins, $720,987, in N.A./U.S., Ben Ali S.-G3, Fayette S.-G3, etc.; placed, $30,000, in Canada, 2nd Eclipse S.-G3. (Total: $747,756). Sire. PRIVATE GIFT. 5 wins at 3, $212,248, Truly Bound Breeders' Cup H.-L, 2nd Doubledogdare S.-L. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-- SECRET SOMEONE. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $409,301, Kentucky Downs Ladies Turf S.-L, Lady Canterbury S., 3rd Modesty H.-G3. Profetiza. 2 wins at 3, $119,672, 3rd Catinca S., My Flag S.-R. Gift List. Placed, $34,889. Dam of DUNBAR ROAD ($1,210,740, Ala- bama S.-G1, Delaware H.-G2, Mother Goose S.-G2, Shawnee H., etc.). State Treasure. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $111,504, 3rd Ladies H.-L. Producer.

JCC 20001382 - Microchip 981020033568276 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 11 Foaled February 13, 2020 11 Machiavellian Street Cry (IRE) ...... Helen Street (GB) Side Road...... Pulpit Calla Lily ...... Lillybuster BAY FILLY Dixieland Band Dixie Union ...... She's Tops Successful Talent...... (2009) Successful Appeal Ensign Appeal ...... Honorable Ensign By SIDE ROAD (2009). Stakes-placed winner of $150,074, 2nd Elkhorn S.- G2, etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 40 foals, 21 starters, 13 winners of 19 races and earning $210,106, including Side Bella (2 wins, $47,530, 2nd Clasico Ramon Liobet Jr. S.-G2), Magia Blanca ($24,610), Dona Lola (at 2, 2021, $20,060), Pushi Puente (to 3, 2021, $19,332), Barometro ($15,- 094), Talentosa Latina ($15,-012), Dichoso ($12,962), Pecosita (at 4, 2021, $11,508), Contenta Y Relax (at 3, 2021, $9,742), Zagitario ($8,130). 1st dam SUCCESSFUL TALENT, by Dixie Union. 2 wins to 3, $56,118, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G3. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-- Fugitiva (f. by Hockenheim). Winner at 4, $16,100. The King Kian (c. by Hockenheim). Placed at 3, 2021. 2nd dam Ensign Appeal, by Successful Appeal. Winner at 2 and 3, $56,300, 3rd Lind- say Frolic S., Lulu's Ransom S. Dam of 4 winners, including-- SUCCESSFUL TALENT (f. by Dixie Union). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam HONORABLE ENSIGN, by Blue Ensign. 5 wins to 4, $61,562. Half-sister to THUN- DERELLO, MS. DEEP POCKETS, SQUARE UP THE BET. Dam of-- Ensign Appeal. Stakes-placed winner, above. 4th dam ON THE SQUARE, by In Reality. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 7 winners, incl.-- THUNDERELLO. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $388,400, Gallant Bob H.-L, etc. Sire. MS. DEEP POCKETS. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $225,477, OBS Championship S.-LR, 2nd Springtime H.-R. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-- POCKETFUL OF MONEY. 9 wins, 2 to 5 in Republic of Korea, KRA Cup Classic-G3, 2nd Se-Gey Ilbo, etc. Dam of MENI MONEY (8 wins in Republic of Korea, champion 3-year-old filly, Sports Seoul Cup, etc.). Sligovitz. Placed, 2 to 6, $63,201, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Kentucky Cup Classic S.-G2, Pan American S.-G3; 4 wins at 3, $397,683, in Canada, 2nd Breed- ers' S.-R, 3rd Ontario Derby-L, Chief Bearhart S.-L, etc. (Total: $436,864). Witch Woman. 4 wins to 4, $149,540, 3rd Without Feathers S. Producer. Ms. Short Pockets. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $164,743. Dam of Cambia El Paso. SQUARE UP THE BET. 4 wins to 3, $60,480, Notches Trace S. Dam of-- BEAUTIFUL EAST. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $195,405, Queen Lib H.-R, 2nd Goldfinch H.-R, etc. Dam of NUFFSAID NUFFSAID ($417,415). BET A BUCK. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $93,695, Danzig S.-R. Zoey Power. 3 wins, $82,122. Dam of LUNAR SURGE (3 wins, $287,500, Maryland Racing Media S. etc.), Rock Me Mama (3 wins, $190,154).

JCC 20001987 - Microchip 981020033556772 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 12 Foaled March 21, 2020 12 El Prado (IRE) Medaglia d'Oro ...... Cappucino Bay Brusilov ...... Smarty Jones Smart Woman ...... Storming Beauty BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Olmodavor ...... Corrazona Greatly Blessed ...... (2009) Touch Gold Holy Rose...... Holy Blitz By BRUSILOV (2014). Winner of $16,520. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of stakes winner Medaglia d'Oro, among the leading sires, sire of 162 stakes winners, 7 champions, including Songbird (13 wins, $4,- 692,000, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Rachel Alexandra ($3,- 506,730, BlackBerry Preakness S.-G1, etc.), Golden Sixty ($9,855,341, Longines Hong Kong Mile-G1, etc.), Vancouver (AUS) ($1,845,530, Tooheys New Golden Slipper-G1, etc.), and of Elate (7 wins, $2,628,775). 1st dam GREATLY BLESSED, by Olmodavor. Placed in 1 start at 3 in Canada. Half- sister to PARKERS ROSE. This is her seventh foal. Her sixth foal is a 2- year-old of 2021. Dam of 4 foals to race, 2 winners-- Sanjuanera (f. by Tiago). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $86,885, 2nd Clasico Constitucion S.-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet Jr S.-G2. Gran Sabio (c. by Myfavorite Place). 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, 2021, $33,160. Unamed (c. by Myfavorite Place). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam HOLY ROSE, by Touch Gold. Winner at 4, $24,970, in Canada. (Total: $22,910). Half-sister to JUDY THE BEAUTY, Spritz. Dam of 3 winners, including-- PARKERS ROSE (f. by Parker's Storm Cat). 7 wins, 4 to 6, $48,527, TMB Girls S., 2nd Grants Pass Distaff S., Ashland H., etc. 3rd dam HOLY BLITZ, by Holy Bull. 3 wins to 4, $97,080, Wishing Well S.-L. Dam of-- JUDY THE BEAUTY. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $1,696,425, in N.A./U.S., champion fe- male sprinter, Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Sprint-G1, Madison S.-G1, Thoroughbred Club of America S.-G2, Rancho Bernardo H.-G3, Las Flores S.-G3, 2nd Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Sprint-G1, Princess Rooney H.- G1, Prioress S.-G1, etc.; winner in 1 start at 2, $90,000, in Canada, Shady Well S.-LR; winner in 1 start at 2, €17,000, in France. (Total: $1,815,922). Spritz. Winner at 3, 2021, $60,188, 2nd Bourbonette Oaks-L. 4th dam PAGOFIRE, by Island Whirl. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $95,190, Old Hat S.-L, OBS Sprint S.-LR-ntr, Bug Eyed Betty S. Sister to FAN THE FLAME ($388,623, sire), half-sister to INCINERATE ($553,556). Dam of 2 winners, incl.-- HOLY BLITZ. Stakes winner, above. Red Valentine. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including-- GLIB. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $193,160, Maryland Million Nursery S.-LR, Maryland Juvenile Championship S.-LR, 2nd Dave's Friend S., etc. SPOTTED HEART. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $167,692, Maryland Juvenile Filly Championship S.-R. Producer.

JCC 20005046 - Microchip 981020033770612 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 13 Foaled March 24, 2020 13 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Tiznow Colonel John ...... Sweet Damsel Renewable Energy ...... (2013) Belong to Me Estrella de Oro (GB)...... Chelsey Dancer By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam RENEWABLE ENERGY, by Colonel John. Unraced. Half-sister to Lemon de Oro. Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race-- El Guicharo (c. by Console). Placed in 3 starts at 2, 2021, $8,840. 2nd dam ESTRELLA DE ORO (GB), by Belong to Me. Placed at 3 and 5, $36,190. Half- sister to CHELSEY FLOWER, KEY GUY. Dam of 4 winners, including-- Lemon de Oro (f. by Lemon Drop Kid). Winner at 2, $95,690, 3rd Moccasin S.-L. 3rd dam CHELSEY DANCER, by Affirmed. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to LADY TAP, Gorky, Golden Spirit. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, including-- CHELSEY FLOWER. 8 wins to 5, $568,305, Flower Bowl Invitational H.-G1, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2, Miss Grillo S.-G3, 3rd Black Helen H.-G2, New York H.-G2, Sheepshead Bay H.-G2, etc. Dam of KENTUCKY DYNAMITE (Total: $243,796, Prix Paul de Moussac-G3, etc., sire), Wow ($81,855). Granddam of TAPIT GIRL (champion 2-year-old filly in Turkey, SIAY ve S. DER-G2, etc., dam of Zabunhan, to 4, 2021 in Turkey), Gravitational (Total: $191,377, 3rd Chairmans S.-G3). Great-granddam of HEAVENHASMY- NIKKI ($426,730, Vagrancy H.-G3, etc.), DOUGS BUDDY (6 wins, Total: $213,959), FLORAL SKY (Total: $206,732), Fireupthejet ($186,435). KEY GUY. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $160,828, Rushaway S.-L. Sire. Celestina Agostino. Winner at 3, €8,200, in France. (Total: $10,602). Dam of Toruk (Total: $783,215), Vainakh, Calvin (10 wins, Total: $182,766). Crystal Power. Winner at 3, $9,600. Dam of Misdaqeya (Total: $32,983, dam of Qawaasem, Total: $34,001; Mukalal, 5 wins, Total: $74,948). Castellina. Winner at 3, $6,082. Dam of Blaise Castle (Total: $47,394, dam of Blaise Chorus, Total: $20,408), Via Delle Volte (Total: $26,472). Lucky Chelsey. Unraced. Dam of CHELSEY'S IMAGE (2 wins, Total: $136,973; granddam of Hoover Lucy, Total: $42,449, in Australia). Chelsea Ballad. Unplaced in 1 start in England. Dam of Strong Barows (4 wins, Total: $783,596, in Japan, 2nd Unicorn S.-G3, Hyacinth S.-LR).

JCC 20005554 - Microchip 981020033710533 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 14 Foaled April 15, 2020 14 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY FILLY Pioneering Triano ...... So Re So Lanenadepiero ...... (2011) Sejm Lisanix ...... Bionette By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam LANENADEPIERO, by Triano. Unraced. Half-sister to KRISTIAN DETENIDO, Don William R. This is her third foal. Dam of 2 foals to race, including-- Mrs. Jackie V. (f. by Console). Winner at 2, $21,792. 2nd dam LISANIX, by Sejm. Unraced. Half-sister to ALANITA. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- KRISTIAN DETENIDO (g. by Don Guido). 2 wins at 2, $57,947, Copa Navi- dad-G1. Don William R (g. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $79,320, 2nd Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon S.-G2, 3rd Caribbean Cup Speed S.-R. 3rd dam BIONETTE, by Ribots Verset. Winner at 3, $11,528. Sister to Comendador, half- sister to Mabel T. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-- ALANITA. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $157,042, Clasico Dama del Caribe-G1, 2nd Clasico Criadores Hembras-G1. Producer. 4th dam DOROTHY'S LOVE, by Levee Dancer. Unraced. Half-sister to YERBA MORA (26 wins, $148,540, Clasico Constitucion del Estado Libre Asociacion de Puerto Rico, etc.), Tipico ($50,654). Dam of 12 winners, including-- Comendador. 22 wins, 2 to 7, $256,972, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Cla- sico Navidad-G3, 3rd Copa Gobernador-G1, Clasico Dia del Veterano- G1, Clasico Rafael Martinez Nadal-G3. Mabel T. 8 wins at 2 and 3, $30,785, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. Rum Lady. Winner at 3, $3,384. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, incl.-- Flor de La Canela. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $71,335, 3rd Copa Criadores-G1, Cla- sico Entrenadores-G3. Dam of MEDIAVILLA R. (19 wins, $504,883, Puerto Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador- G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Cla- sico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, Clasico Campeon Nativo Princesa de Oro-G1, Copa Camarero-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1). Granddam of JALEEMAR ($147,309, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet-LR).

JCC 20008905 - Microchip 981020031369742 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 15 Foaled February 5, 2020 15 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT A.P. Indy Mineshaft...... Prospectors Delite Dance With Another...... (2008) American Chance Chance Dance ...... Dance Moccasin By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam DANCE WITH ANOTHER, by Mineshaft. 7 wins, 2 to 7, $76,429. Half-sister to Gotachancetodance. This is her second foal. Her first foal is a 3-year- old of 2021. 2nd dam CHANCE DANCE, by American Chance. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $339,395, Sum- mer Finale H.-L, Estrapade H.-L, Furl Sail H., 2nd Iowa Distaff Breeders' Cup S.-L, West Virginia Senate President's Cup H.-L, 3rd Argent Mort- gage Distaff Turf Mile S.-G3, Autumn Leaves S.-L. Half-sister to GRAND RAPPORT. Dam of 9 other foals, 7 to race, all winners-- Gotachancetodance (f. by English Channel). 3 wins at 4, $188,720, 3rd Long Island H.-G3. Known Quantity. 4 wins, 3 to 5, 2021, $144,910. About That Base. 3 wins at 2 and 4, $122,229. Another Dancer. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $63,614. Joiner. 2 wins at 4, $50,853. Anychanceatadance. 5 wins at 4, $38,920. Giralda. 6 wins, 2 to 5 in Mexico. 3rd dam Dance Moccasin, by Native Uproar. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $33,927, 2nd Toug- aloo S.-R. Dam of 9 foals, 6 to race, 5 winners-- GRAND RAPPORT. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $547,474, in N.A./U.S., Kent S.-G3, 2nd National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S.-G2; placed in 1 start at 5, $6,853, in Canada. (Total: $554,305). CHANCE DANCE. Stakes winner, above. Dou Temps. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $45,216. Cobble Creek. Winner at 3 and 4, $29,740. In the Teepee. 2 wins at 5, $26,192. 4th dam FULL OF DANCE, by Sovereign Dancer. Unplaced in N.A./U.S. Dam of-- Dance Moccasin. Stakes-placed winner, above. Typhon. Winner at 2 in Mexico.

JCC 20000570 - Microchip 98102003519785 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. GRAY OR ROAN FILLY 16 Foaled February 11, 2020 16 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady GRAY OR Deputy Minister ROAN FILLY Billions...... Silver Valley Okairy M...... (2008) Fit to Fight Wellford ...... Gottagetitdone By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam OKAIRY M., by Billions. 20 wins, 2 to 7, $294,862, champion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Criadores-G3, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G3, Clasico Entrenador-LR, 2nd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-LR. Half-sister to Boricua Bomber, Wellofaprize. Dam of 2 other foals, which have not raced. 2nd dam WELLFORD, by Fit to Fight. Winner at 3, 4, and 5, $31,578. Dam of-- OKAIRY M. (f. by Billions). Champion, above. Boricua Bomber (g. by Tumblebrutus). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $40,494, 3rd Cla- sico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1. Wellofaprize (f. by Pure Prize). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $223,816, 2nd Likely Ex- change S. Producer. Single Factor. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $56,858. Sent to Turkey. Dam of-- TEQUILA FACTOR (g. by Pure Prize). 6 wins, 2 to 7, $216,539, El Joven S.-L, Sunny's Halo S., Tempe H., 2nd Billy Powell H. 3rd dam Gottagetitdone, by Kohoutek. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $402,593, 3rd Vagrancy H.-G3, Chain Bracelet S.-LR. Sister to D. WHITE, half-sister to YOU SNAPPED. Dam of-- I Do. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $82,495. Sent to Mexico. Dam of 9 winners, incl.-- La Condesa. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Aguila de Arazi. Miss Nancy. 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico, 2nd Clasico Asociacion Para El Desarrollo y Fomento de la Hipica Mexicanca A. C. Ojo Bonito. 7 wins, 2 to 5 in Mexico, 3rd I Clasico Nueva Sangre. 4th dam BOMBILONGA, by Best Joy. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $35,795. Dam of-- D. WHITE. 18 wins, 2 to 9, $370,610, Hallandale S., Sam F. Davis S., etc. YOU SNAPPED. 6 wins, $114,600, Grassland H.-L, etc. Dam of RICH- MOND RUNNER ($528,857), MIKE'SGOODANDTOUGH ($139,490). Gottagetitdone. Stakes-placed winner, above. Broom Boss. 3 wins, $31,575. Dam of BROOMESSE (8 wins, $396,434, dam of SMOKIN HERO, 12 wins, $413,235, Noble Nashua S.-R, etc.)

JCC 20001946 - Microchip 981020031335793 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 17 Foaled May 13, 2020 17 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Anasheed ...... Flagbird B. J. Miracle...... (2006) Pentelicus B. J. Telicus ...... Boots 'n Jackie By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam B. J. MIRACLE, by Anasheed. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $63,669. Half-sister to MECKE DAUGTHER. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-- El Mana (c. by Roman Scout). Winner at 3, 2021, $21,956. Clemente Boricua (c. by Side Road). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam B. J. TELICUS, by Pentelicus. Placed at 2. Half-sister to SUPAH BLITZ, Major Mecke. Dam of 12 other foals, all winners, including-- MECKE DAUGTHER (f. by Mecke). 9 wins, 2 to 5, $246,150, champion im- ported 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Dia de la Mujer-G1, Clasico Jinetes-G1, Clasico Angel T. Cordero, Jr.-G1, 2nd Clasico D' Wildcat Speed-G3, 3rd Clasico Ano Nuevo-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, etc. 3rd dam BOOTS 'N JACKIE, by Major Moran. 4 wins at 2, $647,580, Golden Rod S.- G3, Florida Stallion My Dear Girl S.-LR, Florida Stallion Susan's Girl S.- LR, 2nd Forward Gal Breeders' Cup S.-G2, Davona Dale S.-G3, National Jockey Club Oaks-L, etc. Sister to BOOTS 'N BUCK. Dam of-- SUPAH BLITZ. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $1,324,330, Del Mar Breeders' Cup H.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3, Tokyo City H.-G3, Carl G. Rose Classic H.-LR, Jack Price Juvenile S.-LR, Roman Brother S., 2nd Fountain of Youth S.-G1, Texas Mile S.-G3 twice, Skip Away H.-G3, Aventura S.-L, Criterium S.-L, etc. Sire. Major Mecke. 8 wins, 2 to 8, $289,622, 3rd Gate Dancer S. Supah Jackie. 2 wins at 3, $47,490. Dam of 8 foals, 6 winners, including-- Here Comes Jackie. 6 wins, 3 to 5, 2021, $274,285, 3rd Stonehedge Farm South Sophomore Fillies S.-R. Bellazzeria. Winner at 4, $26,539. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-- My Way Out. 10 wins, 3 to 5, 2021, $61,228, 3rd Patti and Dale “Doc” Shirley Memorial S. 4th dam CHEROKEE ACE, by Cherokee Fellow. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $24,243. Dam of-- BOOTS 'N JACKIE. Stakes winner, above. BOOTS 'N BUCK. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $320,417, Memorial Day H.-L, etc.

JCC 20017479 - Microchip 981020031386367 Property of Ernesto Acosta Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 18 Foaled January 24, 2020 18 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY FILLY Runaway Groom Myfavorite Place ...... Myfavorite Charity Isabella Marie...... (2013) Sneaky Solicitor La Abogada ...... Cucha S. By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam ISABELLA MARIE, by Myfavorite Place. Winner at 2, $16,764. Sister to DE- FENSORA, Mi Defensor, half-sister to Sinceridad. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Corazon Noble (c. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LA ABOGADA, by Sneaky Solicitor. 17 wins, 2 to 4, $146,823, Copa Cri- adores-LR, 2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-LR. Half-sister to Agua Viva, Mi Abogada, Illescas. Dam of-- DEFENSORA (f. by Myfavorite Place). 29 wins in 37 starts, 2 to 5, $822,375, horse of the year twice, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, champion older mare twice in Puerto Rico, Clasico Antonio Mongil S.-G1, Copa San Juan- G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos- G1, Criadores de Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, Clasico Ca- marero-G1, Clasico Vuelve Candy B.-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, etc. Mi Defensor (c. by Myfavorite Place). Winner at 3, $17,351, 3rd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1. Sinceridad (f. by Greedy). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $80,184, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-LR, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-LR. 3rd dam CUCHA S., by Levee Dancer. 8 wins to 3, $30,030. Half-sister to Tichy ($118,- 419, sire), La Giralda. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, including-- LA ABOGADA. Stakes winner, above. Agua Viva. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $92,896, 2nd Copa Criadores Hembras-G1, Cla- sico Versets Dancer-G3. Mi Abogada. 16 wins, 3 to 7, $223,138, 2nd Clasico Imbuia Pajoqui-G3, 3rd Clasico Confederacion Hipica-G1, etc. Dam of FACTURADORA (8 wins, $126,629, champion 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Ca- marero S.-G1, etc.), Lcda Rebecca Cotto ($53,939), Catador ($58,602). Illescas. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $60,660, 2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G3. Dam of Verset Solicitor (3rd Copa Criadores-LR).

JCC 20000445 - Microchip 981020031357673 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 19 Foaled March 24, 2020 19 A.P. Indy Bernardini...... Cara Rafaela Watershed ...... Dubai Millennium Thousand Islands (GB) ...... Minister Wife BAY FILLY Deputy Minister Billions...... Silver Valley Principessa ...... (2008) Macavity La Duchessa ...... Madame Lillian By WATERSHED (2012). Stakes winner of 5 races, 3 to 5, $476,734, Ben Ali S.-G3, 3rd Philip H. Iselin S.-G3, EGA Firebreak S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion 3-year-old Bernardini, sire of 85 stakes winners, 2 champions, including Ruud Awakening ($636,168, Haunui Farm Diamond S.-G1, etc.), and of Boban ($2,434,628, Emirates Cantala S.-G1, etc.), Cavorting ($2,063,000, Ogden Phipps S.-G1, etc.), Stay Thirsty (5 wins, $1,936,000, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Alpha ($1,815,667). 1st dam PRINCIPESSA, by Billions. 12 wins, 2 to 8, $112,734, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-LR. Sister to Nihal Star. This is her first foal. 2nd dam LA DUCHESSA, by Macavity. Winner at 3, $9,199. Half-sister to LILLIANS BOY, La Avispa Pica. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners-- PRINCIPESSA (f. by Billions). Stakes winner, above. Nihal Star (f. by Billions). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $39,782, 3rd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G2. Madiva M. Winner at 2 and 3, $14,402. Oscar Lopez. 2 wins at 3, $12,434. Izar Star. Winner at 2, $10,029. El Investigador. Winner at 3, $6,195. Lord Kaufer. Placed at 3. 3rd dam MADAME LILLIAN, by Cagey Bidder. Winner at 3, $10,082. Dam of-- LILLIANS BOY. 31 wins, 2 to 8, $244,231, Clasico The Kid-G3, 3rd Clasico Kilpatrick Aponte-G3. La Avispa Pica. 13 wins in 22 starts at 2 and 3, $86,644, 3rd Clasico Vuelve Candy B.-G1. Srta. Sombra. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,546. Pretty Alyssa. Winner at 4, $19,536. 4th dam MERCEDES VALDES, by Valdez. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $79,840. Dam of-- Alcala. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $67,192. Rosalina Tsamar. 2 wins at 3, $20,630. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-- Atletica. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $25,322. Electrica Mia. 4 wins at 3, $16,901. Electrico. 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, $12,071. Sr. Roque. Winner at 3, $12,628. Chamaquita. Winner at 2, $9,952. La Gran Carla. Placed at 3.

JCC 20005867 - Microchip 981020035732913 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 20 Foaled April 10, 2020 20 A.P. Indy Bernardini...... Cara Rafaela Watershed ...... Dubai Millennium Thousand Islands (GB) ...... Minister Wife BAY FILLY Gulch Tamhid ...... Futuh Sra. Esperanza ...... (2008) Sejm Mediavilla R...... Flor de La Canela By WATERSHED (2012). Stakes winner of 5 races, 3 to 5, $476,734, Ben Ali S.-G3, 3rd Philip H. Iselin S.-G3, EGA Firebreak S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion 3-year-old Bernardini, sire of 85 stakes winners, 2 champions, including Ruud Awakening ($636,168, Haunui Farm Diamond S.-G1, etc.), and of Boban ($2,434,628, Emirates Cantala S.-G1, etc.), Cavorting ($2,063,000, Ogden Phipps S.-G1, etc.), Stay Thirsty (5 wins, $1,936,000, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Alpha ($1,815,667). 1st dam SRA. ESPERANZA, by Tamhid. Winner at 3, $10,047. Dam of 6 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- Cantautora (f. by Hockenheim). 6 wins at 3 and 4, $92,110, 2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2. Kalua (f. by Bugatti Reef (IRE)). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $48,783. Italo (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam MEDIAVILLA R., by Sejm. 19 wins in 23 starts at 2 and 3, $504,883, Puerto Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Copa San Juan-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.-G1, Clasico Campeon Nativo Princesa de Oro-G1, Copa Camarero-G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1. Dam of-- Miss Leiram. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $34,362. Princesita R. 2 wins at 3, $16,720. Milaville. 2 wins at 3, $10,301. 3rd dam Flor de La Canela, by Ribots Verset. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $71,335, 3rd Copa Criadores-G1, Clasico Entrenadores-G3. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners-- MEDIAVILLA R. Stakes winner, above. La Replica. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $34,766. Dam of 4 winners, including-- JALEEMAR. 14 wins, 2 to 6, $147,309, Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet-LR. Cucubano. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $28,623. 4th dam RUM LADY, by Caminero. Winner at 3, $3,384. Half-sister to Comendador ($256,972, 2nd Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, etc.), Mabel T. ($30,785, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3). Dam of 5 winners, including-- Flor de La Canela. Stakes-placed winner, above. Papin A. 20 wins, 2 to 7, $102,885. Cancionero. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $57,619. Don Danny. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $24,713.

JCC 20007358 - Microchip 981020031387225 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 21 Foaled January 30, 2020 21 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Saint Anddan ...... Adoradancer Seretaria...... (2010) Carr de Naskra Your Gorgeous...... Fredaq By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam SERETARIA, by Saint Anddan. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $109,110. Half-sister to BLAZING EXPLOIT. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Hyper Lady (f. by Console). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam YOUR GORGEOUS, by Carr de Naskra. 4 wins at 4, $160,605, Iroquois H.- LR, 3rd Montauk H.-LR, Schenectady H.-LR. Half-sister to FRIENDLY BEAUTY, Heroic Pursuit. Dam of 4 other winners, including-- BLAZING EXPLOIT (c. by Exploit). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $153,173, Bucharest S., Delta Beau S. Danzig's Sparkle. Winner at 2, $17,270. Dam of 3 winners, including-- ADDED SPARKLE (g. by Added Edge). 9 wins, 4 to 8, $69,776, in N.A./U.S., Von Adams Memorial S.; 2 wins at 5, $13,486, in Canada. (Total: $82,077). Way Pretty. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 8 foals to race, 7 winners, incl.-- IFITWASNTFOR TEXAS (c. by Texas Glitter). 7 wins, 4 to 7, $119,948, Reappeal S. 3rd dam FREDAQ, by Raise a Native. Unplaced. Half-sister to Bridle Beauty. Dam of-- YOUR GORGEOUS. Stakes winner, above. FRIENDLY BEAUTY. 3 wins, $156,291, Maid of the Mist S.-LR, etc. Dam of-- FRIENDSHIP. 4 wins at 3, ¥95,759,000, in Japan, Japan Dirt Derby-G1, 2nd Hyogo Championship-G2. (Total: $831,824). Friendly Manner. 4 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3, ¥12,000,000, in Japan. (Total: $101,485). Dam of Not Authority (Total: $773,404, in Japan). Heroic Pursuit. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $173,040, 2nd Sneakbox S.-L. Melody Perfect. Placed in 1 start at 2, $3,420. Producer. Great-granddam of MI DELIRIO P S (in Dominican Republic, Clasico Sprinter-G3, etc.). Delite. Unraced. Dam of Mystical Delite ($60,195, 2nd Roamin Rachel S.). Such Style. Unplaced. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, including-- DO IT FOR DON. 5 wins at 3, $137,575, Oh Say S. Matter of Style. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $127,949. Dam of PARDON MY STYLE (5 wins, Total: $93,701, Michigan Sire S.-R), Downtown Kid ($69,704).

JCC 20000168 - Microchip 981020031378456 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 22 Foaled February 13, 2020 22 A.P. Indy Casanova Star ...... Minstrella Don Paco ...... Seattle Dancer Miss Frisky Dancer ...... Miss Frisky Lady BAY FILLY Storm Cat Roaring Fever...... Pennant Fever Eager for Action ...... (2006) Trempolino Emeralino...... Emerald Landing By DON PACO (2008). Champion older horse in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of $464,344, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 22 foals, 14 starters, 12 winners of 22 races and earning $210,672, in- cluding El Pico de Lesli ($63,076), El Gran Mickey (2 wins, $41,598), Flor Perfumada (at 3, 2021, $35,790), Don Pio ($24,143), Dulce Mariana ($22,- 497), Don Martin de Leon ($21,118), Bolerista ($17,072), Paquita Marie ($9,860), Estamento ($8,958), Ursurpadora ($8,812), Papabuelo ($7,400). 1st dam EAGER FOR ACTION, by Roaring Fever. 18 wins, 3 to 10, $110,012. Half-sister to MISCOE GRAY. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-- Dulce Mariana (f. by Don Paco). Winner at 3, 2021, $22,498. Comisionado (c. by Hockenheim). Placed in 1 start at 2, 2021, $5,236. 2nd dam EMERALINO, by Trempolino. Unraced. Half-sister to FOREST GREEN, PAPER TRAIL. Dam of 8 other foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including-- MISCOE GRAY (g. by Cozzene). 2 wins, $71,512, Rise Jim S.-R, etc. Emerald Belle. Winner at 2, $18,021. Dam of 3 foals, all winners, including-- Spring Valley (f. by American Dance). 2 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Toba- go, 3rd St. Ann's S.-G2. Peanut Butter Man. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $106,140. 3rd dam EMERALD LANDING, by First Landing. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $96,966, Barbara Ann H., etc. Half-sister to ENERGY BOY, Bad Billy M. Dam of-- FOREST GREEN. 5 wins at 3, $141,529, Star Shoot S.-L, Fury S.-LR, 2nd Ontario Damsel S.-LR. Producer. PAPER TRAIL. Winner at 2 and 3, $60,872, Juvenile S.-LR. Soft Spot. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $72,695. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Prep School. 5 wins, 3 to 7, $207,715, 3rd Jonathan Kiser Novice S.-R. Plum Adorable. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of Cake and Candy (3 wins, $71,263, 3rd New Mexico Breeder's Derby-LR, Lineage S.-R). 4th dam FILATONGA, by Count of Honor. Winner at 3, $12,870. Half-sister to SOME BLARNEY ($96,542), Weatherscope ($30,762). Dam of 6 winners, incl.-- EMERALD LANDING. Stakes winner, above. ENERGY BOY. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $66,207, Land of Enchantment Derby. Bad Billy M. 7 wins, 2 to 5, $77,294, 2nd Morven S. Tell Meno Lies. 2 wins to 3, $42,613. Dam of GREEN FOREST (champion twice in France, sire), GREEN PARADISE (sire), HONEST AND TRUE ($108,985, dam of EPITOME, $631,755, champion 2-year-old filly).

JCC 20001340 - Microchip 981020031359662 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 23 Foaled March 11, 2020 23 A.P. Indy Bernardini...... Cara Rafaela Watershed ...... Dubai Millennium Thousand Islands (GB) ...... Minister Wife BAY COLT Smart Strike English Channel ...... Belva Gold Dance ...... (2011) Mr. Prospector Rhineland...... Versailles Treaty By WATERSHED (2012). Stakes winner of 5 races, 3 to 5, $476,734, Ben Ali S.-G3, 3rd Philip H. Iselin S.-G3, EGA Firebreak S.-G3. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of champion 3-year-old Bernardini, sire of 85 stakes winners, 2 champions, including Ruud Awakening ($636,168, Haunui Farm Diamond S.-G1, etc.), and of Boban ($2,434,628, Emirates Cantala S.-G1, etc.), Cavorting ($2,063,000, Ogden Phipps S.-G1, etc.), Stay Thirsty (5 wins, $1,936,000, Travers S.-G1, etc.), Alpha ($1,815,667). 1st dam GOLD DANCE, by English Channel. 4 wins at 3, $15,778. Half-sister to Cologne, St. Hildegard. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, all winners-- Nino de Oro (c. by Console). Winner at 2, $22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1. Comprensiva (f. by Perfect Bullet). 7 wins, 2 to 5, 2021, $47,492. Modelo A (c. by Hockenheim). Winner at 2 and 3, 2021, $29,720. 2nd dam RHINELAND, by Mr. Prospector. Unraced. Half-sister to GEORGE VANCOU- VER, SAARLAND. Dam of 9 other winners, including-- Cologne (f. by Horse Chestnut (SAF)). Winner at 3 and 4, $121,305, 2nd North Broadway S. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-- DRAGON BAY (g. by Parading). 5 wins, 2 to 6, $438,350, in Canada, Eclipse S.-G2, Nijinsky S.-G2, 2nd Ontario Derby-G3, Wando S., 3rd Victoria S.- L; winner at 3, $89,446, in N.A./U.S., English Channel S. (Total: $427,072). St. Hildegard (f. by Arch). 2 wins at 4, $103,941, 2nd Pleasant Temper S. Bourbonesque. Winner at 3, $37,753. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, including-- MONGOLIAN GROOM (g. by Hightail). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $579,141, Awesome Again S.-G1, 2nd San Diego H.-G2, 3rd TVG Pacific Clas- sic S.-G1, Santa Anita H.-G1. 3rd dam VERSAILLES TREATY, by Danzig. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $1,271,154, Alabama S.-G1, Ruffian H.-G1, Gazelle H.-G1, Test S.-G1, Molly Pitcher H.-G2, etc. Half-sis- ter to FOR KICKS, ON RETAINER, Arabian Dancer, Wikki Up. Dam of-- GEORGE VANCOUVER. Winner in 1 star at 2, $540,000, in N.A./U.S., Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf-G1; winner at 2, €7,905, in Ireland; placed in 1 start at 2, €80,010, in France, 2nd Darley Prix Morny-G1; placed at 2, £32,280, in England, 3rd Dubai Dewhurst S.-G1. (Total: $700,282). Sire. SAARLAND. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $595,250, Remsen S.-G2, etc. Sire. Siren Serenade. Placed at 3, $49,217. Dam of Luminance (3 wins, $218,- 858, 2nd Santa Anita Oaks-G1), Stellar Sound (2 wins, $125,800). Palais Versailles. Unraced. Dam of You Know Too (4 wins, $202,375), etc.

JCC 20004753 - Microchip 981020033612625 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. GRAY OR ROAN COLT 24 Foaled April 22, 2020 24 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka GRAY OR Unbridled ROAN COLT Broken Vow ...... Wedding Vow Stepha and Carly ...... (2011) Montbrook Phantom Income ...... Catch the Ghost By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam STEPHA AND CARLY, by Broken Vow. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $78,092. Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race. Convincente (c. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam PHANTOM INCOME, by Montbrook. 2 wins at 2, $169,345, NATC Futurity-LR. Dam of 1 other foal-- Cam and Con's Girl. 3 wins at 3 and 6, $69,997. 3rd dam CATCH THE GHOST, by Silver Ghost. Winner at 3, $8,700. Half-sister to GHOSTZAPPER, CITY ZIP, CITY WOLF. Dam of 7 winners, including-- PHANTOM INCOME. Stakes winner, above. 4th dam BABY ZIP, by Relaunch. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $60,395, Kattegat's Pride S., etc. Half- sister to WIN RIVER WIN (Total; $311,500, champion imported handicap horse in Turkey, sire), LUCETTE. Broodmare of the year in 2005. Dam of-- GHOSTZAPPER. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $3,446,120, horse of the year, champion older horse, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1-ntr, 1 1/4 mi. in 1:59, Metropolitan H.-G1, Vosburgh S.-G1, Woodward S.-G1, Tom Fool H.-G2, etc. Sire. CITY ZIP. 9 wins to 3, $818,225, Hopeful S.-G1, Saratoga Special S.-G2, Am- sterdam S.-G2, Sanford S.-G2, Tremont S.-G3, Jersey Shore Breeders' Cup S.-G3, Bergen County S.-L, Hirsch Jacobs S.-L, 2nd Futurity S.-G1, etc. Sire. CITY WOLF. Placed to 3, $15,335, in N.A./U.S.; 4 wins at 4, $278,615, in Cana- da, Durham Cup S.-G3, 2nd Durham Cup S.-G3, etc. (Total: $293,686). Sire. Getaway Girl. 3 wins in 5 starts at 3, $21,966. Dam of 6 winners, including-- NORTHERN CAUSEWAY. 2 wins at 3, $88,205, in N.A./U.S.; 3 wins to 4, $175,970, in Canada, British Columbia Derby-G3, Richmond Derby Trial H., 3rd British Columbia Premier's H.-G3. (Total: $265,367). Sire. Guiltless. Unplaced in England. Dam of DU JOUR (3 wins in 5 starts at 3, 2021, $375,220, American Turf S.-G2). Zip to the Wire. Placed at 3, $6,260. Producer. Granddam of EYE LOVE JEANIE (3 wins, $184,008), Wirewirewire (6 wins to 6, 2021, $70,965).

JCC 20009380 - Microchip 981020033610296 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 25 Foaled February 12, 2020 25 A.P. Indy Casanova Star ...... Minstrella Don Paco ...... Seattle Dancer Miss Frisky Dancer ...... Miss Frisky Lady CHESTNUT COLT Smart Strike Tenpins...... Maid's Broom Kate Is a Ten...... (2010) Tabasco Cat Crypto Kate ...... Krypto Katie By DON PACO (2008). Champion older horse in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of $464,344, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 22 foals, 14 starters, 12 winners of 22 races and earning $210,672, in- cluding El Pico de Lesli ($63,076), El Gran Mickey (2 wins, $41,598), Flor Perfumada (at 3, 2021, $35,790), Don Pio ($24,143), Dulce Mariana ($22,- 497), Don Martin de Leon ($21,118), Bolerista ($17,072), Paquita Marie ($9,860), Estamento ($8,958), Ursurpadora ($8,812), Papabuelo ($7,400). 1st dam Kate Is a Ten, by Tenpins. 11 wins, 3 to 8, $408,325, 2nd Clasico Roberto Clemente S.-G3. This is her first foal. 2nd dam CRYPTO KATE, by Tabasco Cat. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $30,602. Half-sister to KRYPTELON. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, including-- Kate Is a Ten (f. by Tenpins). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam Krypto Katie, by Cryptoclearance. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $71,296, 2nd Windy City S.-LR. Half-sister to ATTIVO, MY JENNY. Dam of 5 other winners, incl.-- KRYPTELON. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $296,100(AUS), in Australia, Recruitment Queensland Gai Waterhouse Classic-L, 2nd XXXX Gold Nudgee J. Cadell Garrick H.-L. (Total: $261,944). Dam of 3 winners, including-- Fling. 2 wins at 3, $55,375(AUS), in Australia, 3rd MSS Security Sires Produce S.-G2. (Total: $38,728). 4th dam TING A LING, by Nostrum. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $79,987, Frolic S.-R, 3rd Really Mean S.-R. Half-sister to Ring Me Up ($36,430), Crisp 'n Clear. Dam of-- ATTIVO. 16 wins, 2 to 7, $248,779, Illinois Breeders' Futurity-LR, 3rd Chief Illiniwek S.-LR, August Muckler S.-LR. MY JENNY. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $124,912, Windy City S.-R, 2nd Quick Re- ward S.-L. Producer. Krypto Katie. Stakes-placed winner, above. Ting a Tong. Winner at 2, $10,250. Sent to Argentina. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-- CAMPESINO. 5 wins at 3, 146,638 pesos, in Argentina, Dardo Rocha- G1, etc.; winner at 4, 62,380 riyals, in Saudi Arabia. (Total: $163,336). TING A FOLIE (ARG). 6 wins, 2 to 5, 79,506 pesos, in Argentina, Carlos P. Rodriguez-G2, etc. (Total: $82,784). Dam of Bastakiya (Total: $25,789). Granddam of Tom Tom Chap (2nd Trial S.-G3), Kokkino- laimis (to 6, 2021, Total: $25,417), Tintura de Miel (Total: $19,875). True Reality. Winner at 2 and 3, 65,475 pesos, in Argentina, 3rd Propi- etarios-L. (Total: $21,254). Producer.

JCC 20001621 - Microchip 981020031372896 Property of Eduardo Maldonado Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 26 Foaled January 30, 2020 26 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY FILLY A.P. Indy Indygo Shiner ...... Navarra Yarmorka ...... (2012) Grand Slam Windmill Hill ...... Magical Holiday By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam YARMORKA, by Indygo Shiner. 2 wins to 3, $54,650, in N.A./U.S.; winner at 4, $40,051, in Canada. (Total: $85,577). This is her second foal. Dam of-- Causador (c. by Mucho Macho Man). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam WINDMILL HILL, by Grand Slam. Winner at 2, $18,396. Half-sister to SOR- CERER'S STONE, Holiday Thunder. Dam of 2 other winners, including-- On the List. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $103,207. 3rd dam MAGICAL HOLIDAY, by Slew o' Gold. Winner at 3, $18,950. Sister to DRA- MATIC GOLD. Dam of 10 other foals, 9 to race, 6 winners, including-- SORCERER'S STONE. 3 wins at 2, $180,665, Arlington-Washington Breed- ers' Cup Futurity-G3, Honest Pleasure S. Sire. Holiday Thunder. Winner at 2 and 4, $197,213, 2nd Brown & Williamson Kentucky Jockey Club S.-G2, Kentucky Cup Juvenile S.-G3, 3rd Lane's End Breeders' Futurity-G2. Sire. Devine Beauty. Placed, $11,960. Dam of 4 foals, 2 winners, including-- DEVINE ACTRESS. 3 wins in 6 starts at 4 and 5, $107,300, Santa Lucia H.-R. Dam of OSCAR PERFORMANCE (Total: $2,345,696, Belmont Derby Invitational S.-G1, etc.), AWARD WINNER (4 wins to 5, 2021, $328,474, Charles Whittingham S.-G2, etc.), OSCAR NOMINATED (Total: $1,502,639, Calumet Farm Kentucky Turf Cup S.-G3, etc.). 4th dam AMERICAN DRAMA, by Danzig. 2 wins at 3, $51,000. Half-sister to SHIP'S LOG ($134,003). Dam of 7 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-- DRAMATIC GOLD. 9 wins, 3 to 8, $2,567,630, Buick Meadowlands Cup H.- G1, Molson Export Million S.-G2, Del Mar Breeders' Cup H.-G2, Bradbury S.-LR, 2nd Strub S.-G1, Goodwood H.-G2, San Fernando S.-G2, etc. Seattle Drama. Winner at 2 and 3, $35,175. Producer. Granddam of BOERNE (5 wins to 4, 2021, $206,495, Azalea S.-L, etc.). Modern Drama. Unraced. Dam of HOLLYWOOD DRAMA (6 wins, Total: $126,849, Birdcatcher S., etc.), MODERNOTIS (2 wins, Total: $42,266).

JCC 20000371 - Microchip 981020033570622 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 27 Foaled February 11, 2020 27 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY El Prado (IRE) Kitten's Joy...... Kitten's First Amen Joy...... (2012) Golden Missile Heavenly Oil...... Going Ashore By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam AMEN JOY, by Kitten's Joy. Placed, $14,145. Dam of 2 other foals, 1 to race-- Pushi Puente (c. by Side Road). Winner at 2 and 3, 2021, $31,886. 2nd dam HEAVENLY OIL, by Golden Missile. 2 wins at 2, $33,290. Dam of-- Let Th Kitten Purr. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $33,476, in N.A./U.S.; 3 wins at 3 and 4, $74,241, in Canada. (Total: $106,889). Blast Off. Placed at 4. Sent to Jamaica. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race-- Sky Blast (f. by Sky Hollister). Placed at 3 in Dominican Republic, 3rd Clasico Dia Internacional de la Mujer-G3. 3rd dam GOING ASHORE, by Polish Navy. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $76,284. Half-sister to DANCING SPREE, FURLOUGH, FANTASTIC FIND, DANCING ALL NIGHT. Dam of 3 other winners, including-- Seaside Princess. Winner at 3, $14,700. No Stopping. Unplaced. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including-- Bergeron Rodeo. 5 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd Republic Bank Gold Cup-G1, Chief Secretary Gold Cup-G1, President's Cup-G2. Cool C Note. 9 wins, 2 to 7, $230,321, 3rd Illinois Owners S.-R. 4th dam BLITEY, by Riva Ridge. 8 wins at 3 and 4, $297,746, Maskette S.-G2, Test S.- G2, etc. Half-sister to THE LIBERAL MEMBER ($324,012). Dam of-- DANCING SPREE. 10 wins, 3 to 5, $1,470,484, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, etc. FURLOUGH. 8 wins, $671,844, Ballerina H.-G1, etc. Dam of HAPPY HUNTING ($281,917), PARDON. Granddam of ANNUAL REPORT, etc. FANTASTIC FIND. 6 wins, $335,410, Hempstead H.-G1, etc. Dam of TAX RULING ($469,315), FINDER'S FEE ($708,128), Treasure Island, etc. DANCING ALL NIGHT. 4 wins to 4, $185,420, Long Island H.-G2. Producer. Home Leave. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $105,092. Dam of EXTEND ($436,856). Oh What a Dance. Unraced. Dam of HEAVENLY PRIZE ($1,825,940, cham- pion 3-year-old filly, dam of GOOD REWARD, $1,087,687, sire; PURE PRIZE, $475,459; COSMIC, sire), OH WHAT A WINDFALL ($363,623).

JCC 20001447 - Microchip 981020033577236 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 28 Foaled April 10, 2020 28 Candy Ride (ARG) Twirling Candy...... House of Danzing Danzing Candy ...... Songandaprayer Talkin and Singing...... Bendita BAY COLT Forestry Shackleford ...... Oatsee Blissful Rose ...... (2014) Quiet American Mrs. Coolidge ...... Naughty Natisha By DANZING CANDY (2013). Stakes winner of 6 races, 2 to 4, $700,930, San Felipe S.-G2, San Carlos S.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3, 2nd Affirmed S.- G3, 3rd Joe Hernandez S.-L. Half-brother to stakes winner Cedartown. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Sire of winners Love Candy (in 1 start, $23,400), Redstwirlingdancer (in 1 start, $7,200). Son of stakes win- ner Twirling Candy, sire of 29 stakes winners, including Concrete Rose ($1,218,650, Belmont Oaks Invitational S.-G1, etc.), Gift Box ($1,127,060). 1st dam BLISSFUL ROSE, by Shackleford. Placed at 3, $3,915. Half-sister to NAUGHTY HOLIDAY. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Unnamed (f. by Danzing Candy). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam MRS. COOLIDGE, by Quiet American. Placed at 3, $7,040. Sister to NAUGHTY NEW YORKER, half-sister to PUPIL, Deceived. Dam of-- NAUGHTY HOLIDAY (f. by Harlan's Holiday). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $130,357, OBS Championship S.-R. Dam of 3 foals, 2 winners, including-- STEPHEN (c. by Constitution). Winner at 2, $173,100, in Canada, Coro- nation Futurity-R. (Total: $129,964). 3rd dam NAUGHTY NATISHA, by Known Fact. Placed, $4,886. Half-sister to VICTOR- ICA ($293,067), NOBLE MINSTREL ($22,500, in N.A./U.S.). Dam of-- NAUGHTY NEW YORKER. 12 wins, 2 to 6, $1,089,884, Red Smith H.-G3, Al- bany S.-LR, Gen. Douglas MacArthur H.-LR twice, Mike Lee S.-LR, Damon Runyon S.-LR, Alex M. Robb H.-LR, Saratoga Sunrise S.-LR, Noble Nashua S.-R, Alex M. Robb H.-R, Master Digby S.-R, 2nd Excelsior Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Whirlaway S.-L, Count Fleet S.-L, Sleepy Hollow S.-LR, etc. Sire. PUPIL. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $204,280, Maryland Racing Media H.-L, 2nd Cotil- lion H.-G2, Pennsylvania Oaks-L, 3rd Next Move H.-G3. Dam of-- UNZAPPED. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $161,078, New Castle S.-R. Deceived. 2 wins to 3, $139,000, 3rd Mike Lee S.-R, Damon Runyon S.-R. Thin Disguise. Winner, $45,058. Dam of 6 foals to race, all winners, incl.-- HOLIDAY DISGUISE. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $662,775, Distaff H.-G3, Critical Eye S.-R, Bouwerie S.-R, Biogio's Rose S.-R, Broadway S.-R, Dancin Renee S.-R, 2nd Heavenly Prize Invitational S.-L, Union Avenue S.-R, 3rd Vagrancy H.-G3, Iroquois S.-R, Dancin Renee S.-R. MIDNIGHT DISGUISE. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $449,960, Busher S.-L, Bu- sanda S., Bouwerie S.-R, 2nd Critical Eye S.-R, Biogio's Rose S.-R, East View S.-R, 3rd Dancin Renee S.-R. Forest Caraway. Winner at 2, $87,650, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S.-G1.

JCC 20007526 - Microchip 981020033583869 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 29 Foaled March 20, 2020 29 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Nureyev Theatrical (IRE)...... Tree of Knowledge (IRE) Brave Diva ...... (2006) Quiet American Brave Destiny...... Ruby Ransom By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam BRAVE DIVA, by Theatrical (IRE). Unraced. Sister to ALDOUS SNOW, Born to Act. Dam of 9 other foals, 5 foals to race, including-- Divine Dance (g. by Dance to Destiny). 8 wins, 3 to 7, $247,375, in Canada. (Total: $196,068). Grady's Song (g. by Graydar). Placed at 2 and 3, 2021, $5,220, in Canada. (Total: $4,142). Tiburon de Cana (c. by Mshawish). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam BRAVE DESTINY, by Quiet American. Winner at 4, $16,220. Half-sister to STRUT THE STAGE, SACRED SONG. Dam of 5 winners, including-- ALDOUS SNOW (g. by Theatrical (IRE)). 9 wins, 2 to 8, $813,013, in Cana- da, Singspiel S.-G3 three times, 2nd Breeders' S.-R, Halton S.-LR, 3rd Singspiel S.-G3, Elgin S.-R; placed, $50,513, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Wood- chopper S.-L. Set ntr at Woodbine. Set ncr at Woodbine. (Total: $761,089). Born to Act (g. by Theatrical (IRE)). Winner at 2, $66,000, in Canada, 3rd Toronto Cup S.-L. (Total: $61,959). 3rd dam RUBY RANSOM, by Red Ransom. 2 wins at 3, $60,487, Ontario Colleen H.- LR. Half-sister to CHIEF BEARHART (Total: $3,381,557, horse of the year twice in Canada), EXPLOSIVE RED ($864,931), Memorized (11 wins, $292,184), Sundown Serenade ($33,705). Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- STRUT THE STAGE. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $1,496,986, in N.A./U.S., Niagara Breed- ers' Cup H.-G2 twice, Chinese Cultural Centre S.-G2, etc.; placed at 7, $85,006, in Canada, 2nd Niagara Breeders' Cup H.-G2. (Total: $1,568,555). SACRED SONG. 4 wins in 8 starts, 2 to 4, £115,718, in England, Halliwell Landau Lancashire Oaks-G3, etc. (Total: $167,257). Dam of-- MULTIDIMENSIONAL. 4 wins, 3 to 5, £122,963, in England, Toteswinger Rose of Lancaster S.-G3, etc.; winner in 1 start at 3, €74,100, in France, Prix Guillaume d'Ornano-Haras d'Etreham-G2. (Total: $374,551). Sire. Ruby's Realm. Unraced. Dam of Currency Converter (Total: $274,705). Hills. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of EPICAL (4 wins, $309,980).

JCC 20004039 - Microchip 981020033555575 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 30 Foaled April 9, 2020 30 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY COLT A.P. Indy Munasaaq ...... Nasaayem Felicidad...... (2008) Crown Ambassador Diplomatic Lady...... Nasty Temptation By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam Felicidad, by Munasaaq. 17 wins to 5, $118,703, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr.- G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes-G3. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- SUENO DE AMOR (f. by Myfavorite Place). 2 wins at 2, $101,297, Clasico Camarero S.-G1. Elegida (f. by Console). 2 wins at 2, $63,360, 2nd Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3, 3rd Clasico Ramon Llobet Jr S.-G2. Negociador (c. by Myfavorite Place). Placed in 2 starts at 3, 2021, $924. 2nd dam Diplomatic Lady, by Crown Ambassador. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $58,722, 2nd Evansville S.-R, 3rd Indiana Stallion S.-R, Richmond S.-R. Half-sister to An Ounce of Nasty. Dam of 6 foals, all winners, including-- Felicidad (f. by Munasaaq). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam Nasty Temptation, by Nasty and Bold. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $173,835, 2nd Corte Madera S.-L, Ms. St. Louis Breeders' Cup H., 3rd Camellia S.-R. Dam of-- An Ounce of Nasty. 6 wins, 2 to 6, $84,887, 3rd City of Anderson S.-R. Diplomatic Lady. Stakes-placed winner, above. Alice Newton. Placed at 2. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners, including-- Lucky Newton. Winner at 2 and 3, $91,299, 2nd Crown Ambassador S.-R, Sagamore Sired S.-R. Mor Newtons Please. Winner at 3, $75,181, 3rd Indiana Stallion S.-LR. Dixie Dell. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $67,355, 2nd Merrillville S.-R, 3rd City of Anderson S.-R, Miss Indiana S.-R. Dam of Easter Dell (3 wins, $100,- 557, 2nd Ellen's Lucky Star S.-LR). Party Miss. Winner at 2 and 4, $43,166. Dam of Miss Chatty Cat (10 wins, $161,856, 2nd Indiana Stallion S.-LR, 3rd Richmond S.-R). 4th dam Apple Haven, by Johnny Appleseed. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $51,865, 2nd Pene- lope S. Half-sister to Tell a Secret (9 wins, $288,368, 2nd Ballerina S.- G3, Vagrancy H.-G3, Poinciana H., etc.). Dam of 6 winners, including-- Nasty Temptation. Stakes-placed winner, above.

JCC 20007618 - Microchip 981020033591558 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 31 Foaled January 16, 2020 31 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY COLT Runaway Groom Myfavorite Place ...... Myfavorite Charity Miss Andrea...... (2015) Stephen Got Even Minister Stephania...... Minister Margaret By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam MISS ANDREA, by Myfavorite Place. 4 wins in 7 starts at 3, $66,364. This is her first foal. 2nd dam MINISTER STEPHANIA, by Stephen Got Even. Winner at 5, $7,613. Dam of-- Mi Nieta Danira. 5 wins, 3 to 7, placed at 8, 2021, $37,195. 3rd dam MINISTER MARGARET, by Mane Minister. 34 wins in 65 starts, 3 to 7, $508,009, champion imported older mare 3 times in Puerto Rico, Clasico Prensa Hipica Jaime Andrada-G1, Clasico Roberto Clemente-G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1 twice, Clasico Entrenadores-L, Clasico Prensa Hipica-L, 2nd Clasico Roberto Clemente-L twice, Clasico Prensa Hipica-L, 3rd Clasico Prensa Hipica-L. Half-sister to CASH ON THE RUN. Dam of 1 other foal, which has not raced. 4th dam IN THE LIMELIGHT, by Polish Navy. Unraced. Dam of 8 winners-- MINISTER MARGARET. Champion, above. CASH ON THE RUN. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $180,558, Birdcatcher S.-L, Canadian Juvenile S.-L, Winnipeg Futurity, Stampede Park Sprint Championship H., President's H., 2nd Alberta Derby-G3, 3rd Derby Trial S. Globalization. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $102,972. Princess Rubianna. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $41,003. Spotlightonme. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $21,875, in N.A./U.S.; 4 wins, 5 to 7, $16,- 610, in Canada. (Total: $36,443). Sugar Crystal. Winner at 3, $17,580, in Canada. (Total: $15,463). Runinthesun. 2 wins at 3, $11,427. Wall Light. Winner at 3, $5,627. Dam of 10 foals, 8 winners, including-- Bonacera. 16 wins, 2 to 5, $104,237. El Motivador. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $63,786. Santa Martha. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $57,378. Ladys Cape. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-- Azote. 20 wins, 3 to 10, $94,761.

JCC 20000868 - Microchip 981020033613746 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 32 Foaled April 13, 2020 32 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT City Zip Run Away and Hide ...... Jilted Tizzy Beter Run...... (2010) Tiznow Tizzy Roll ...... Majestic Dy By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam Tizzy Beter Run, by Run Away and Hide. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $57,569, 3rd Clasico Prensa Hipica-G2. This is her first foal. 2nd dam TIZZY ROLL, by Tiznow. Placed at 3. Half-sister to AL QASR, DELICATE DY- NAMITE, XAVERIAN, Redmeansgo. Dam of 2 foals to race, incl.-- Tizzy Beter Run (f. by Run Away and Hide). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam MAJESTIC DY, by Dynaformer. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $285,731, Frances A. Genter Breeders' Cup H.-L, Toga Toga S., 2nd Omnibus S.-L, City of Hialeah S., 3rd Suwannee River H.-G3, etc. Half-sister to BOSTON BULL, FOREST PARK, SKY MYSTIC, Skip a Grade. Dam of 7 winners, including-- AL QASR. 7 wins in 9 starts, 2 to 4, 148,720 new sol, in Peru, horse of the year, champion imported older horse twice, champion imported stayer twice, Clasico Independencia-G2, Clasico Mariano Ignacio Prado-G3, Clasico Enrique Meiggs-G3, etc.; winner at 4, 433,200 pesos, in Ar- gentina, 25 de Mayo-G1, 3rd Republica Argentina-G1; winner at 5, $38,518, in N.A./U.S., Kitten's Joy S. (Total: $190,118). DELICATE DYNAMITE. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $368,404, Goddess S.-L, Truly Bound H., Chou Croute Breeders' Cup H., 2nd Kentucky Cup Distaff S.-G3, Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S.-L, Revidere S.-L, Pago Hop S., Fair- way Fun S., 3rd Matron H.-L. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-- Tiz Dynamic. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $218,080, 2nd Super Bowl Party H. XAVERIAN. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $145,871, Raymond Earl S., 2nd H. Allen Jerkens S., 3rd Gleaming S. Redmeansgo. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $113,680, 3rd E. B. Johnston S. Dam of-- Pappascat. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $165,762, 2nd Cardinal H.-G3. Producer. Tea Lady. Winner at 3, $17,110. Dam of 8 foals, all winners, including-- Trini Aviator. 4 wins, 2 to 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, 2nd National Flour Mills Sian's Gold Sprint-G3, 3rd Champagne S.-G3. Horizonbound. Winner at 3 and 4, $13,527, in N.A./U.S.; 5 wins at 3 and 4, $39,300, in Canada, 3rd Saskatchewan Derby. (Total: $52,669).

JCC 20007462 - Microchip 981020033611039 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 33 Foaled April 12, 2020 33 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Kris S. Rock Hard Ten ...... Tersa Peggy Grieves Me ...... (2012) Smarty Jones Little Green Light ...... Rose Colored Lady By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam PEGGY GRIEVES ME, by Rock Hard Ten. 17 wins, 2 to 5, $87,744. Half-sister to Smart Set. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Biondo (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LITTLE GREEN LIGHT, by Smarty Jones. Unraced. Half-sister to TOO MUCH BLING, BARNSY, READY FOR ROSES, LITTLEBITABLING, Got Bling. Dam of 4 other foals to race, all winners, including-- Smart Set (f. by Into Mischief). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2021, $55,450, 2nd Queen of the Green S. 3rd dam ROSE COLORED LADY, by Formal Dinner. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $139,294, Ohio Dis- covery S.-R. Sister to FOREST PICNIC ($276,283), half-sister to PYRITE SPRINGS (8 wins, $170,471). Dam of 8 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners-- TOO MUCH BLING. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $509,674, Carry Back S.-G2, San Vicente S.-G2, Bay Shore S.-G3, San Miguel S.-L, 2nd Woody Stephens Breeders' Cup S.-G2, 3rd Hopeful S.-G1, Hoover S.-R. Sire. BARNSY. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $154,420, Queen City Oaks-LR, J. William (Bill) Petro Memorial H.-R, etc. Producer. Granddam of LEONA'S REWARD (19 wins, $1,000,556, Best of Ohio Distaff S.-R-ntr, 1 1/8 mil in 1:52). READY FOR ROSES. 4 wins at 3, $136,600, Best of Ohio Endurance S.- LR, Governor's Buckeye Cup S.-LR, 2nd Cleveland Gold Cup S.-LR, etc. LITTLEBITABLING. 4 wins to 3, $117,340, Tah Dah S.-R, etc. Producer. Got Bling. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $98,036, 2nd Tah Dah S.-R, etc. Dam of-- Beth's Bling. 2 wins at 3, $65,810, 3rd Norm Barron Queen City Oaks-R. Great Venue. Unraced. Dam of 2 foals, both winners, including-- EL KABEIR. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $946,557, Kentucky Jockey Club S.-G2, etc. Where Is the Bling. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, all winners, including-- My Ticket Home. Winner at 2, $51,432, 2nd Norm Barron Queen City Oaks-R, 3rd Southern Park S.-R, Tomboy S.-R. Singavictorysong. Unplaced. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners, including-- Big Hit. Winner at 2, $43,890, 3rd Sham S.-G3.

JCC 20007055 - Microchip 981020033567187 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 34 Foaled March 16, 2020 34 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Precise End One Way Flight ...... Harps and Wings Chica Rican ...... (2012) Unbridled Unbridled Night ...... Lost Afternoon By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam Chica Rican, by One Way Flight. 7 wins at 2 and 5, $43,507, 2nd Clasico Eu- genio Maria de Hostos S.-G3. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Dusval J (c. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam UNBRIDLED NIGHT, by Unbridled. Placed at 2, $11,280. Dam of-- Chica Rican (f. by One Way Flight). Stakes-placed winner, above. La Esplendida. Winner at 3, $7,910. Dam of 4 foals, all winners-- ZALAMERA (f. by Billions). 23 wins, 2 to 6, $311,471, champion older mare 3 times in Puerto Rico, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres S.-G2 twice, 2nd Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Consti- tucion S.-G1 twice, Clasico Dia de Las Madres S.-G2, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin S.-G3, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3. Dam of SALEROSA (f. by Hockenheim, $54,032, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3). GARBOSA (f. by Fusaichi Ruler). 35 wins in 65 starts, 3 to 8, $333,723, champion older mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Dia de las Madres S.- G2, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3 twice, 2nd Clasico Constitucion S.- G1, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3 twice. THUNDER AL (g. by Lightning Al). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $159,649, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-LR, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-LR, 2nd Clasico Navidad-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G3, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr.-G1. Islera. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $80,945. Dam of EL SALSERO (c. by Two Step Salsa, 22 wins to 6, 2021, $351,130, champion twice in Puerto Rico, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1, etc.), Operastico (g. by Concerto, 18 wins, $210,021, 2nd Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Soberana (f. by Adios Charlie, $60,459, 2nd Clasico Criadores S.-G3), Suntuosa (f. by Myfavorite Place, 3rd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3). Motivadora. 2 wins at 3, $9,093. Dam of 5 winners, including-- EL MOTIVADOR (g. by Elusive Chris). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $103,610, Copa Gobernador-G1, 2nd Copa San Juan S.-G1, etc. Antipatico (g. by Score High). Winner at 2, $39,247, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1.

JCC 20004791 - Microchip 981020033710638 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 35 Foaled March 8, 2020 35 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady BAY FILLY Storm Cat Tiger Ridge...... Weekend Surprise Hopespringseternal ...... (2006) Valid Trefaire Pop Pop's Hope...... Bucks Silver Belle By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam HOPESPRINGSETERNAL, by Tiger Ridge. 27 wins, 3 to 8, $142,236. Half-sis- ter to APPASSIONATA. This is her fourth foal. Her second foal is a 3- year-old of 2021. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Deseo (c. by Hockenheim). Winner at 3, $5,036. Pura Brisa (f. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam POP POP'S HOPE, by Valid Trefaire. 2 wins at 2, $54,695. Half-sister to Supah Avalanche. Dam of 8 other foals, 7 winners, including-- APPASSIONATA (f. by Kantharos). 11 wins in 16 starts, 2 to 4 in Dominican Republic, champion imported older mare, Clasico Dia del Trabajo-G3, Clasico Miderec-G3, Clasico Dia Internacional de la Mujer-G3, 3rd Cla- sico Aniversario-G2. Money Game. 10 wins, 3 to 7, $297,918. 3rd dam BUCKS SILVER BELLE, by Silver Buck. Placed at 3 and 4, $3,665. Half-sister to HARRY 'N BILL, Bill 'n Harry, Supah Syble. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-- Supah Avalanche. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $126,820, 2nd Azalea Breeders' Cup S.- G3, Convenience S.-LR, Hibiscus S. Producer. Bye Bye Katie Pie. Winner at 2, $15,945. Dam of 5 winners, including-- ROLIN WITH OLIN. 9 wins to 6, placed at 8, 2021, $308,733, Danzig S.-R. Magill's Blue. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $153,648. 4th dam IMPATIENT ANN, by Iron Ruler. 2 wins to 3, $15,025. Half-sister to MISS HILL (6 wins, Petite S., 3rd Rhinelander H.). Dam of 13 foals, 12 winners, incl.-- HARRY 'N BILL. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $250,184, Aks-Sar-Ben H.-L, Phoenix H.-L, Joseph M. o'Farrell Memorial Classic-R, 2nd Broward H.-L, Lafayette S.- L, Churchill Downs S., Gasparilla S. Sire. Bill 'n Harry. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $133,911, 2nd Rockingham Juvenile S., 3rd Rollette S., Ocala H.-R. Supah Syble. 2 wins at 2, $56,645, 2nd Old Hat S.-L. Bob Balfe. 23 wins, 3 to 9, $148,974.

JCC 20003993 - Microchip 981020033749133 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 36 Foaled February 4, 2020 36 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY COLT Stephen Got Even First Dude...... Run Sarah Run Linda Sara ...... (2013) Slew Gin Fizz Look to the Stars ...... Wancha By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam LINDA SARA, by First Dude. Unraced. This is her third foal. Her second foal is a 2-year-old of 2021. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Indio Bravio (c. by Console). 2 wins in 3 starts at 3, 2021, $14,848. Unnamed (c. by Tiz Shea D.). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LOOK TO THE STARS, by Slew Gin Fizz. Unplaced. Half-sister to ISITIN- GOOD, Half Mast, Thankyourluckystar. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Tellme All Aboutit. 12 wins, 2 to 6, $180,966. 3rd dam Wancha, by Transworld. 7 wins at 2 and 3, $113,395, 3rd Sailor Princess S. Half-sister to STAR IDOL, Rock Idol, King of Gold, Crooner. Dam of-- ISITINGOOD. 11 wins, $1,219,430, Fayette S.-G2, New Orleans H.-G3-ntr, etc. Half Mast. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $131,091, 2nd Yo Tambien S. Dam of-- GET NOTICED. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $165,982, Clasico Accion de Gracias- G1, etc. Dam of Don't Get Khozy (8 wins to 4, 2021, $281,324). HOWABOUTRIGHTNOW. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $299,889, in Canada, Maple Leaf S.-L, etc. (Total: $264,178). Dam of Honey Graeme (Total: $240,988). R OBSESSION. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $221,662, Frances A. Genter S.-L, etc. Dam of Coco Ecolo (2 wins, $170,222, 3rd Serena’s Song S.-L, dam of O'Keeffe, 6 wins, Total: $183,786, 2nd Northbound Pride Oaks). Urge to Splurge. 2 wins at 3, $40,569, 3rd Green Oaks. Dam of Tecate Time (2 wins to 3, 2021, $92,630, 3rd Louisiana Jewel S.-R, etc.). Thankyourluckystar. Winner at 2, $57,350, 3rd Anoakia S.-L. Producer. Absolutely Amazing. Placed at 2, $7,733. Dam of 9 winners, including-- AMANDA'S CROWN. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $161,152, Miss Indiana S.-LR, Vin- cennes S.-R, etc. Dam of Hoosier Honey (7 wins, Total: $212,538). Amazing Capt. Mike. 2 wins at 2, $49,430, 3rd Indiana Futurity-LR. Wancha Back. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 5 foals, 3 winners, including-- Markum. 2 wins at 4, $141,709, 3rd Prairie Meadows Sprint S.-L. Emerald Gal. Winner at 3, $19,569. Dam of SARAH SIS ($912,667, Presque Isle Downs Masters S.-G2, Lexus Raven Run S.-G2, etc.).

JCC 20000495 - Microchip 981020033769012 Property of Pedro Agustin Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 37 Foaled January 30, 2020 37 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT COLT Storm Cat Newfoundland ...... Clear Mandate Moderadora ...... (2007) Sunny Clime Last Portrait ...... Paint In By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam Moderadora, by Newfoundland. 5 wins in 10 starts, 2 to 4, $42,551, 2nd Copa Criadores-LR. Half-sister to FORBIDDEN QUEEN, FORBIDDEN PRINCE, Forbidden King. Dam of 6 other foals, 2 to race, including-- TEMPORERA (f. by Hockenheim). 4 wins in 7 starts at 2 and 3, 2021, $121,703, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3. Luz Brillante (f. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LAST PORTRAIT, by Sunny Clime. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $19,318. Half-sister to GRANNY'S PORTRAIT. Dam of 9 foals, 8 to race, all winners, including-- FORBIDDEN QUEEN (f. by Halory Hunter). 9 wins at 2 and 3, $142,545, champion imported 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua-G1, Clasico Dia de la Raza-G1, 3rd Clasico Accion de Gracias-G1. FORBIDDEN PRINCE (g. by More Than Ready). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $124,756, champion imported 2-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Clasico Fanatico Hipico-G1, Clasico Jose Coll Vidal-G1. Forbidden King (g. by Halory Hunter). 13 wins, 2 to 6, $144,254, 2nd Clasico Dawn Glory-G3, 3rd Clasico George Washington-G1, Copa 4 de Julio-G1. Moderadora (f. by Newfoundland). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam PAINT IN, by Fool's Paint. Winner at 4. Half-sister to INBALANCE ($182,747), ISADUCHESS ($110,133), IM WILLING. Dam of 12 winners, incl.-- GRANNY'S PORTRAIT. 3 wins at 2, $76,824, Mermaid S., 2nd Colleen S., 3rd Sorority S.-G2, New Hope S. Producer. E. Cee Miss. 3 wins at 3, $16,855. Dam of CREOLE DANCER ($240,044, Ak-Sar-Ben H.-L, etc., sire). Granddam of MICHAEL WAYNE ($74,641). Lyn's . Winner at 3, $4,608. Dam of SEVENTEEN CANDLES ($163,284, Christmas Futurity-L, Rattlesnake S., ATBA Sales S.-R, etc.). Barasheba. Winner at 2, $11,410. Dam of BARASHEBA'S GOLD (10 wins, $36,691). Granddam of John Crainer (10 wins, Total: $77,577). Party Paint. Winner, $4,248. Producer. Granddam of NAMCHON PARTY (in Republic of Korea, Minister's Cup-G2), Rhapsody (3rd Sports Seoul).

JCC 20000904 - Microchip 981020031380277 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 38 Foaled February 12, 2020 38 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Storm Cat Van Nistelrooy ...... Halory Mayra Virginia ...... (2009) Rahy Race With Grace ...... Thwack By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam MAYRA VIRGINIA, by Van Nistelrooy. Unraced. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2021. Dam of 2 foals to race, both winners, incl.-- Justificado (c. by Console). 2 wins at 3, $22,032. Skelletor (c. by Side Road). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam RACE WITH GRACE, by Rahy. Winner at 3, $21,160. Half-sister to J J'S- DREAM. Dam of 5 other foals, all winners, including-- Cooking Up a Storm. 17 wins, 4 to 8, $302,902. 3rd dam THWACK, by Fight Over. Winner at 3, $18,295. Dam of 8 winners, including-- J J'SDREAM. 13 wins, $1,022,217, Barbara Fritchie H.-G2, Genuine Risk H.- G2, Chicago Breeders' Cup H.-G3, Azalea Breeders' Cup S.-G3, Safely Kept S.-G3, Cicada S.-G3, Pan Zareta S.-L, Meritus S.-L, etc. Granddam of Maria's Kitty ($86,257, 2nd OBS Championship S.-LR, etc., dam of MR. L. S. SHOE, $206,205, Louisiana Bred Premier Night Prince S.-R, etc.; Youve Got a Friend, $203,276, 2nd Louisiana Stallion S.-R, Gentilly S.-R). Ice Cream Dream. Winner at 2, $22,918. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, including-- Single Scoop. 6 wins, $254,190, 2nd Mrs. Penny S.-LR, 3rd Lyphard S.-LR. Piano. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 6 winners, including-- AWESOME GEM. 11 wins, 3 to 9, $2,881,370, Hollywood Gold Cup H.- G1, Hawthorne Gold Cup H.-G2, San Fernando Breeders' Cup S.-G2, Lone Star Park H.-G3, Longacres Mile H.-G3, Berkeley H.-G3, 2nd Pa- cific Classic S.-G1, Goodwood S.-G1 twice, Eddie Read S.-G1, etc. T. Swift. Unraced. Dam of My T Swift ($143,161, 3rd Small Wonder S.-LR). 4th dam ROYAL TIES, by Distinctive. Unplaced. Half-sister to DETERMINED KING, Partial Settlement. Dam of 17 foals, 14 to race, 13 winners, including-- ON TO ROYALTY. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $318,539, Bonnie Miss S.-G2, etc. Dam of LOUIS QUATORZE ($2,054,434, sire), ROYAL INDY ($267,805). Other stakes winners: MERITOCRAT (6 wins, Total: $150,749, Boojum H.- G2, sire), SILK STOCKS (4 wins, $93,004, Opa-Locka S., etc.).

JCC 20001435 - Microchip 981020033580209 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 39 Foaled April 7, 2020 39 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT COLT Storm Cat Sudden Thunder ...... Terre Haute Colonial P R...... (2006) Royal Merlot Beatriz Regis ...... Notorious Colony By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam COLONIAL P R, by Sudden Thunder. Winner at 3, $7,445. Dam of 9 other foals, 6 to race, 5 winners-- ESPLENDOROSA (f. by Hockenheim). 31 wins in 45 starts, 2 to 6, $413,- 237, champion 2- and 3-year-old filly, champion older mare in Puerto Rico, Camarero S.-G1, Clasico Constitucion S.-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, Clasico Verset's Dancer S.-G2, Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3 twice, 2nd Clasico Constitu- cion S.-G1. LA IRUNESA (f. by United States). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $120,179, champion 2- year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3, 2nd Clasico Dama del Caribe S.-G1, Clasico Camarero S.-G1, Clasico Ra- mon Llobet Jr. S.-G2. Colonizador (g. by United States). Winner at 2 and 5, $49,856, 3rd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1. Valentino P R (g. by Hockenheim). 6 wins, 2 to 6, $76,858, 2nd Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, 3rd Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon S.- G2, Copa San Juan S.-LR. Esplendoroso Uno (c. by Hockenheim). 2 wins at 4, 2021, $29,420. Estrella de Belen (f. by Side Road). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2021, $6,283. 2nd dam BEATRIZ REGIS, by Royal Merlot. Unraced. Half-sister to Willy G. Dam of 1 other foal to race. 3rd dam NOTORIOUS COLONY, by Pleasant Colony. Unplaced. Half-sister to Native Son. Dam of 8 other foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-- Willy G. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $70,061, 3rd Copa Gobernador S.-G1, etc. 4th dam PRIVATE FAME, by Private Account. Winner at 3, $15,969. Half-sister to Fa- mous Colony ($52,383, 2nd Astoria S.-G3), Famous Speech ($31,888, 3rd Schuylerville S.-G3, etc.), Cherokee Partner ($97,851). Dam of-- Native Son. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $139,863, 3rd St. Patrick's Day S., etc.

JCC 20007609 - Microchip 981020033560179 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 40 Foaled January 18, 2020 40 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady BAY COLT Hennessy Johannesburg ...... Myth Johannesboom ...... (2010) Fusaichi Pegasus Chapena...... La Chaposa (PER) By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam JOHANNESBOOM, by Johannesburg. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $51,405. Half-sister to WHO IS CAMILLE, Malibu King. This is her second foal. Dam of-- El Rosko (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam CHAPENA, by Fusaichi Pegasus. Unraced. Half-sister to CHAPOSA SPRINGS, YOU AND I, Serazzo, Point Gold. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- WHO IS CAMILLE (f. by Dixie Union). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $128,850, OBS Sprint S.-R. Producer. Malibu King (c. by Malibu Moon). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 17,065,000 pesos, in Chile, 3rd Ignacio Urrutia de la Sotta e Ignacio Urrutia Del Rio-G3. (Total: $26,808). 3rd dam LA CHAPOSA (PER), by Ups. 13 wins in 18 starts, 2 to 4 in Peru, champion sprinter, Premio America-G1, Premio Velocidad-G1, Premio Dos de Mayo- G3, etc. Half-sister to LA COLORADA, Fanny, Moradita. Dam of-- CHAPOSA SPRINGS. 14 wins in 23 starts, $762,115, Ballerina H.-G1, etc. Dam of Taelyns Prince ($258,560). Granddam of MENDIP (Total: $895,961), DIG DEEP ($125,600), Paddle Board (Total: $183,774). Great- granddam of KARMI (Total: $52,860, champion older mare in Peru), etc. YOU AND I. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $701,235, Metropolitan H.-G1, etc. Sire. Serazzo. 9 wins, 4 to 8, $304,748, 2nd Meadow Brook Hurdle S.-G1, etc. Point Gold. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $90,505, 3rd World Series of Poker S.-L. Island Rhythm. Winner at 2, $26,600. Dam of Tenfold ($122,021, 2nd San Rafael S.-G2), Cascabella (6 wins, $192,352, 2nd Lighthouse S.-L, etc.). Fiddlin Devon. Winner at 4, $17,020. Dam of Devon Rock ($150,258, 3rd Choice S.-L), Bear's Swan (4 wins, Total: $101,339, 3rd Madamoiselle S.). Peruvian Pride. Unraced. Dam of PALESTINO (champion 2-year-old colt in Peru, Clasico Luis Olaechea du Bois-G3, etc.), RANSOM'S PRIDE ($267,772), NAVAJO. Granddam of MAYORAZGO, Chaposita (in Peru). Toi Et Moi. Unraced. Dam of Sweet Boss (4 wins, $94,470). Granddam of FRENCHIE (Total: $57,153), SOCABAYA, Zaren (in Peru), Exponent. Livia B. Unplaced. Producer. Granddam of RAW (Total: $23,208, in Peru).

JCC 20000804 - Microchip 981020033564026 Property of Eduardo Maldonado Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 41 Foaled April 13, 2020 41 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY COLT Mr. Prospector Our Emblem...... Personal Ensign Tipsy Tonya ...... (2005) Kris S. Issima...... Lake Beauty By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st da TIPSY TONYA, by Our Emblem. 16 wins, 2 to 6, $161,300. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-- CONSOLADOR (c. by Console). 4 wins in 6 starts at 3, 2021, $270,376, Puerto Rican Triple Crown, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador- G1, Copa San Juan-G1. Flor de Azucar (f. by Console). 3 wins to 3, $128,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, Clasico Navidad S.-G1, Clasico Camarero S.-G1. Verdadera (f. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam ISSIMA, by Kris S. 3 wins at 3 and 5, $75,425. Half-sister to Madrina. Dam of-- Divine Master. 12 wins, 2 to 5, $323,280. 3rd dam LAKE BEAUTY, by Sovereign Dancer. Winner in 2 starts at 3, $9,000. Sister to LEO CASTELLI, half-sister to MEADOWLAKE, West Coast Native, Sham- rock McGroder. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-- Madrina. Winner at 3, 4, and 5 in , 3rd Grande Premio Onze de Julho- Taca Hipodromo Brasileiro-G2. Dam of 8 foals to race, 6 winners, incl.-- Spade. Winner at 2 in Brazil, 3rd Emerald Hill-L. Dam of DALHECON- QUISTADORA (Total: $28,002, 25 de Janerio - 464 Aniversario de Sao Paulo-G2, Grande Premio Presidente Antonio Grisi Filho-G2, etc.), DA-LHE SENADORA (Total: $38,316, Emerald Hill-G3, etc.). Tarimbada. 2 wins to 4, 24,735 reals, in Brazil. (Total: $14,015). Dam of EXPLICACION (7 wins, Total: $73,488, Clasico America-L, etc.). 4th dam SUSPICIOUS NATIVE, by Raise a Native. Unraced. Half-sister to SECRET SCHEME, HALF AN HOUR, Blue Coast. Dam of 9 winners, including-- MEADOWLAKE. 3 wins, $308,580, Arlington-Washington Futurity-G1. Sire. LEO CASTELLI. 3 wins at 3, $274,497, Peter Pan S.-G2, etc. Sire. West Coast Native. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $78,860, 2nd Swaps S.-G1. Sire. Shamrock McGroder. 12 wins, 2 to 7, $123,204, 2nd Ak-Sar-Ben Board of Governor's H.-G3, Blue Skies S.

JCC 20008640 - Microchip 981020033759331 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 42 Foaled April 4, 2020 42 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY FILLY Unbridled Empire Maker...... Toussaud Love My Empire...... (2011) A.P. Indy Lovely Rafaela ...... Campagnarde (ARG) By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam LOVE MY EMPIRE, by Empire Maker. Placed at 2 and 3, $21,280. This is her fifth foal. Her third foal is a 3-year-old of 2021. Dam of 2 foals to race, incl.-- Match Captain (c. by Fed Biz). Winner at 3 in Republic of Korea. Preferencia (f. by Cupid). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LOVELY RAFAELA, by A.P. Indy. Winner at 2 and 3, $162,015, Honeymoon Breeders' Cup H.-G2. Half-sister to RIZE, CALLE VISTA, Stratostar, Lu- cien. Dam of 5 winners, including-- Financial Pathway. 13 wins, 3 to 10, $117,374. 3rd dam CAMPAGNARDE (ARG), by Oak Dancer. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Argentina, cham- pion 3-year-old filly, Gran Premio Seleccion-Argentine Oaks-G1, Premio Bolivia-L, 2nd Gran Premio Jorge de Atucha-G1, 3rd Copa de Plata-G1, Premio Francisco J. Beazley-G2; 4 wins at 4 and 6, $499,225, in N.A./U.S., Ramona H.-G1, Honey Fox H.-L, Hurry Countess S.-LR, 3rd Yellow Ribbon Invitational S.-G1, Santa Maria H.-G1, Las Palmas H.-G2, etc. Dam of-- RIZE. 16 wins, 3 to 8, $728,680, Phillip H. Iselin H.-G2, Creme Fraiche S.-L, 2nd Oceanport H.-G3, William Donald Schaefer H.-G3, Skip Away S.-L, 3rd Donn H.-G1, Broad Brush S.-L, Seminole H.-L, Claiming Crown Jewel S.-R. LOVELY RAFAELA. Stakes winner, above. CALLE VISTA. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $200,040, Luther Burbank H. Stratostar. 15 wins, $377,225, 3rd Black Tie Affair H.-L. Set ntr at Keeneland. Lucien. Winner at 2, $39,031, 3rd Hidden Light S.-R. Indy Miss. Winner at 2 and 3, $90,622. Producer. Granddam of Bye Bye Lucia (at 3, 2021, in Mexico, 2nd Clasico Esmeralda-G1, Clasico Olina). Union Camp. Placed at 3, $9,560. Sent to Argentina. Dam of 5 winners, incl.-- BESITOS. 6 wins, 2 to 4, 2,761,059 pesos, in Argentina, General San Martin-G1, Provincia de Buenos Aires-G2, etc. (Total: $213,506). IDALINO. 8 wins at 3 and 4, 1,509,791 pesos, in Argentina, Hipodromo de Palermo-G1, Peru-G2, etc. (Total: $163,103). Union Victory. 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3, $137,730, 2nd Xtra Heat S.

JCC 20006074 - Microchip 981020033625289 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 43 Foaled February 27, 2020 43 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT COLT Storm Cat Van Nistelrooy ...... Halory Transformadora ...... (2006) Peaks and Valleys Meetmeatthegate ...... At the Gate By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam TRANSFORMADORA, by Van Nistelrooy. 11 wins, 3 to 6, $255,950, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres-LR, Clasico Dama del Caribe-LR, 2nd Clasico Dia de las Madres-G2, 3rd Clasico Constitucion- G1. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 winners, including-- REGALADA (f. by Hockenheim). 16 wins in 22 starts, 3 to 6, 2021, $423,728, champion 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Derby Puer- torriqueno S.-G1, Copa San Juan S.-G1, Clasico Constitucion S.-G1, Cla- sico Camarero S.-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G2, Clasico Verset's Dancer-G2, Clasico Dia del Veterano S.-G2, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.- G3, Clasico Verset's Dancer S.-LR, 3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr S.-G2. SANDY REEF (f. by Hockenheim). 2 wins at 2, $70,576, Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3, 2nd Clasico Ramon Llobet Jr S.-G2. Transformada (f. by Myfavorite Place). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $55,028. Taijitu (f. by Hockenheim). Placed at 3, 2021, $4,484. 2nd dam MEETMEATTHEGATE, by Peaks and Valleys. Winner at 4, $21,743. Half-sister to LAUNCH SEQUENCE, GHOSTLY GATE. Dam of 7 winners, including-- TRANSFORMADORA (f. by Van Nistelrooy). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam AT THE GATE, by Hero's Honor. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $64,686. Half-sister to JUST A GAME (IRE) ($391,380, in N.A./U.S., champion grass mare in U.S., Flower Bowl H.-G2, etc.), COURT PLAY, Accipiter. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- LAUNCH SEQUENCE. 12 wins in 18 starts, 2 to 4, $283,795, champion im- ported 2- and 3-year-old filly in Puerto Rico, Clasico Eduardo Cautino Insua- G1, Clasico Wiso G.-G1, Clasico Jinetes-G1, Clasico Dia de la Raza-G1, Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1, 2nd Clasico Prensa Hipica-G1, etc. GHOSTLY GATE. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $252,095, Merry Colleen S., Winnipeg Fu- turity, Minnesota HBPA Mile S., Northbound Pride S., 2nd Lady Canter- bury Breeders' Cup S.-L, Reluctant Guest S., etc. Producer. Ashley At the Gate. Winner at 4, $22,330. Producer. Granddam of CASH OR CARD (Total: $47,419, Winnipeg Futurity, Graduation S., Osiris S.).

JCC 20003799 - Microchip 981020033596144 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 44 Foaled March 6, 2020 44 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Runaway Groom Myfavorite Place ...... Myfavorite Charity Veronica Cotto...... (2013) Crafty Prospector Crafty Spirit ...... Silver Spirit By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam VERONICA COTTO, by Myfavorite Place. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $148,615, Clasico Camarero S.-G1, 2nd Clasico Antonio R. Matos S.-G2. Sister to Eddy Cotto. This is her second foal. Dam of-- Destiny D (F. by Don Paco). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam CRAFTY SPIRIT, by Crafty Prospector. Winner at 2, $14,249. Dam of-- VERONICA COTTO (f. by Myfavorite Place). Stakes winner, above. Eddy Cotto (g. by Myfavorite Place). 2 wins at 2, $39,088, 3rd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2. 3rd dam SILVER SPIRIT, by Silver Buck. Winner at 3, $48,130. Sister to SILVER CHARM. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 winners, including-- Baby Let's Roll. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $41,690. Producer. 4th dam BONNIE'S POKER, by Poker. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $153,960. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-- SILVER CHARM. 11 wins in 22 starts, 2 to 5, $4,444,369, in N.A./U.S., cham- pion 3-year-old colt, Kentucky Derby-G1, Preakness S.-G1, Strub S.-G2, etc.; winner in 2 starts at 4, 9,181,052 dirhams, in U.A.E., hwt. older horse at 4 on U.A.E. Hand., 9 1/2 - 11 fur., Dubai World Cup-G1. (Total: $6,944,369). Sire. Dollar Poker. Winner at 2 and 4, $44,060. Dam of 3 winners, including-- Bada Bam Bada Boom. 13 wins, 3 to 9, $362,668, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Northern Dancer S.-LR, Maryland Million Sweepstakes S.-R; placed at 7 and 8, $29,777, in Canada. (Total: $387,735). Bet Me Up. Unraced. Dam of OLMOSTA (8 wins, $156,165, New Braun- fels S., etc.). Granddam of Everything's a Bet (3 wins, $69,038). Lady Troienne. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of Ohio Silver ($108,765). Elrose. Unplaced. Dam of 12 foals, 11 to race, 9 winners, including-- SUPER FREAKY. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $385,498, Providencia S.-G3, etc. RIGHT THERE. Winner at 2, $182,405, Landaluce S.-L, etc. Fair Rose. Winner at 3, $43,205. Dam of FAIR POINT (5 wins, $491,051, Senator Ken Maddy S.-G3, etc.), Meet At Jakes (Total: $39,621).

JCC 20003802 - Microchip 981020033617777 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 45 Foaled April 25, 2020 45 Cee's Tizzy Tiznow ...... Cee's Song Tiz Shea D ...... A.P. Indy Ender's Sister...... Gold Rush Queen BAY COLT Cozzene Running Stag...... Fruhlingstag (FR) Islera...... (2005) Pleasant Tap La Esplendida ...... Unbridled Night By TIZ SHEA D (2012). Stakes winner of 2 races at 3, $482,197, Indiana Derby-G2, 2nd Gotham S.-G3. Half-brother to stakes winners A. P. Indian, Its All Relevant. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Son of horse of the year Tiznow, among the leading sires, sire of 93 stakes winners, 5 champions, including Igor (MEX) (Handicap de Las Americas-G1, etc.), Folklore ($945,500, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), Blue Chipper ($90,000, Keeneland Korea Sprint-G1, etc.), Bear Now ($1,153,595). 1st dam ISLERA, by Running Stag. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $80,945. Half-sister to ZALAMERA, GARBOSA, THUNDER AL. Dam of 7 other foals, 5 to race, 4 winners-- EL SALSERO (c. by Two Step Salsa). 22 wins, 2 to 6, 2021, $381,130, cham- pion 2- and 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.- G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon S.-G2, 2nd Copa Gobernador S.-G1, Copa San Juan S.-G1, Clasico Camarero S.-G1, Antonio R. Barcelo- G2, Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr S.-G2, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo S.-G2, Cla- sico Luis Munoz Marin S.-G3 twice, 3rd Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1. Operastico (g. by Concerto). 18 wins, 2 to 9, 2021, $210,021, 2nd Copa Gob- ernador-G1, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon S.-G2, Copa San Juan S.-LR, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin S.-G3. Soberana (f. by Adios Charlie). 7 wins at 3 and 4, $60,459, 2nd Clasico Criadores S.-G3. Suntuosa (f. by Myfavorite Place). Placed at 2 and 3, $12,440, 3rd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3. Fusaichi Islero (g. by Fusaichi Pegasus). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $34,623. Progresista (f. by Tiz Shea D). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam LA ESPLENDIDA, by Pleasant Tap. Winner at 3, $7,910. Half-sister to Chica Rican ($43,507, 2nd Clascio Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3). Dam of-- ZALAMERA (f. by Billions). 23 wins, 2 to 6, $311,471, champion older mare 3 times in Puerto Rico, Clasico Constitucion-G1, Clasico Dia de las Madres S.-G2 twice, 2nd Clasico Camarero-G1, Clasico Constitucion S.-G1 twice, Clasico Dia de Las Madres S.-G2, Clasico Luis Munoz Marin S.- G3, Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race, including-- SALEROSA (f. by Hockenheim). Winner at 2, placed at 3, 2021, $54,- 032, Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico-G3. GARBOSA (f. by Fusaichi Ruler). 35 wins in 65 starts, 3 to 8, $333,723, cham- pion older mare in Puerto Rico, Clasico Dia de las Madres S.-G2, etc. THUNDER AL (g. by Lightning Al). 7 wins, 2 to 5, $159,649, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-LR, Clasico Antonio R. Barcelo-LR, etc.

JCC 20009237 - Microchip 981020031363637 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 46 Foaled February 24, 2020 46 Danzig War Front ...... Starry Dreamer Console ...... Pulpit Bema ...... Dhaka BAY COLT Smart Strike Tenpins...... Maid's Broom Summer Line ...... (2007) Summer Squall Line Squall...... Wee Small Hours By CONSOLE (2009). Winner of $182,970. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 51 foals, 30 starters, 20 winners of 47 races and earning $695,430, including Persistente ($148,248, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Consolador ($209,371, Copa Gobernador-G1, etc.), Criollito ($59,936, Clasico Navi- dad S.-G1), stakes-placed Flor de Azucar ($84,320, 2nd Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity S.-G1, etc.), Tamborero ($44,353, 2nd Clasico Navidad S.- G1), Nino de Oro ($22,340, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera S.-G1), etc. 1st dam SUMMER LINE, by Tenpins. 8 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3, $82,326, Clasico Ano Nuevo-G3. Half-sister to Winter Squall. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, all winners, including-- Summer P. R. (f. by Console). Winner at 3, 2021, $20,480. Testimonio (g. by Hockenheim). 3 wins at 3, $15,164. 2nd dam LINE SQUALL, by Summer Squall. Unraced. Half-sister to J. P. JET. Dam of-- SUMMER LINE (f. by Tenpins). Stakes winner, above. Winter Squall (c. by Unaccounted For). Winner at 2, $57,777, 3rd I'm Smokin S.-LR. 3rd dam WEE SMALL HOURS, by Seattle Slew. Winner at 2 and 3, $41,046, in N.A./U.S.; placed at 4 in France. (Total: $42,539). Half-sister to Moranbon, Blue Saddle. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-- J. P. JET. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $178,231, Fastfunds Northern Lights Futurity-LR, Minnesota Derby-R-etr, 1 mi. 70 yds. in 1:40 1/5, Minnesota Classic Championship S.-R, Victor S. Myers Jr. S.-R, 10,000 Lakes S.-R, etc. 4th dam BEFORE DAWN, by Raise a Cup. 9 wins in 14 starts at 2 and 3, $432,855, champion 2-year-old filly, Matron S.-G1, Spinaway S.-G1, Astarita S.-G2, Fair Grounds Oaks-G3, etc. Half-sister to Before Sundown. Dam of-- Beautiful Gold. 6 wins, $185,932, 2nd Quick Reward Breeders' Cup S., etc. Dam of BIG GOLD (Total: $3,007,019), Big Hunter (Total: $652,529). Moranbon. Winner at 3, €45,735, in France, 2nd Prix Occitanie-L, Prix Car- avelle-L. (Total: $51,057). Dam of Sakura Tairin (Total: $649,752, 3rd New Zealand Trophy-G2). Granddam of MARANILLA (IRE) (Total: $151,244). Blue Saddle. Winner at 3, €30,871, in France, 2nd Prix Charles et Henry Rouher-L; placed at 5, €3,882, in Ireland. (Total: $43,871). Matins. Winner at 3, $9,080. Dam of PROWL (AUS) (Total: $1,082,344, Golden Slipper S.-G1, etc.), I ROCK MY WORLD (Total: $22,825). Granddam of STOKER (Total: $232,093), Pirate Queen (Total: $45,686).

JCC 20003617 - Microchip 981020033549306 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 47 Foaled March 8, 2020 47 A.P. Indy Casanova Star ...... Minstrella Don Paco ...... Seattle Dancer Miss Frisky Dancer ...... Miss Frisky Lady BAY COLT Northern Afleet Afleet Alex ...... Maggy Hawk Metro Gal...... (2010) Unbridled's Song Song...... Script By DON PACO (2008). Champion older horse in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of $464,344, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 22 foals, 14 starters, 12 winners of 22 races and earning $210,672, in- cluding El Pico de Lesli ($63,076), El Gran Mickey (2 wins, $41,598), Flor Perfumada (at 3, 2021, $35,790), Don Pio ($24,143), Dulce Mariana ($22,- 497), Don Martin de Leon ($21,118), Bolerista ($17,072), Paquita Marie ($9,860), Estamento ($8,958), Ursurpadora ($8,812), Papabuelo ($7,400). 1st dam METRO GAL, by Afleet Alex. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $42,097. Half-sister to Jazz. This is her fifth foal. Her fourth foal is a 2-year-old of 2021. Dam of 3 foals to race, all winners, including-- Imparable (c. by Hockenheim). Winner at 2 and 3, 2021, $121,684, 2nd Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Copa Gobernador-G1, Copa San Juan-G1. Convocador (c. by Console). 3 wins in 3 starts at 2, $38,280. Talvez Talvez (c. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam SONG, by Unbridled's Song. Unraced. Dam of 4 other winners, including-- Jazz (f. by More Than Ready). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $110,340, 2nd Judy's Red Shoes S., 3rd Crystal Rail S. 3rd dam SCRIPT, by Storm Cat. Winner at 3, $41,685. Half-sister to ACADEMY AWARD, STATUETTE, GOOD MOOD. Dam of 7 foals to race, 5 winners, incl.-- A Shin Heat. 6 wins, 2 to 5, ¥34,712,000, in Japan. (Total: $325,670). Celestial Empire. Unraced. Dam of 6 foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, including-- Star Empire (GB). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $200,368, 2nd Futurity S.-G3, WEBN S., 3rd Arlington-Washington Futurity-G3, John Battaglia Memorial S.-L. 4th dam MINE ONLY, by Mr. Prospector. Winner at 3, $11,200. Sister to RARE PER- FORMER, half-sister to A SURE HIT, CHANNING ROAD. Dam of-- ACADEMY AWARD. 5 wins, $226,943, Early Times Manhattan H.-G2. Sire. STATUETTE. 6 wins, 2 to 5, $341,664, Nijana S.-G3, etc. Dam of TOMA- HAWK (3 wins, Total: $245,963, hwt. colt at 2 on Irish Hand., sire). GOOD MOOD. 2 wins, $95,760, Miss Grillo S.-G3. Dam of GRAND ROYALE ($62,784), Dubai World (Total: $132,626). Granddam of GOLDEN TICKET ($1,362,924), MAGICAL FEELING ($554,532, dam of EXAULTING, $589,724; MAGICAL, $164,550), STERLING OUTLOOK ($175,812). My Way. Winner, $36,804. Dam of SINATRA ($354,317), J SERINO ($254,329). Chosen Lady. Placed at 3, $11,400. Dam of WELL CHOSEN ($501,330, dam of TELLING, 6 wins, $848,409, sire), IN CONTENTION ($340,824).

JCC 20003523 - Microchip 981020033718663 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT COLT 48 Foaled April 21, 2020 48 Seattle Slew A.P. Indy ...... Weekend Surprise Hockenheim...... Seeking the Gold Lady Bonanza...... Born a Lady CHESTNUT COLT Storm Cat Sudden Thunder ...... Terre Haute Taurina ...... (2009) Rubiano Diamond Ruby...... Indy Flash By HOCKENHEIM (2003). Unraced. Sire of 11 crops of racing age, 177 foals, 117 starters, 11 stakes winners, 87 winners of 340 races and earning $3,- 966,033, 5 champions, including Arquitecto ($666,530, Copa Confrater- nidad S.-G1, etc.), Regalada ($423,728, Clasico Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Esplendorosa ($413,237, Camarero S.-G1, etc.), Mudken- heim ($147,709, Clasico Ramon Llobet, Jr. S.-G2, etc.), and of Rafaelillo ($147,424, Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Papa Candelo ($89,804). 1st dam TAURINA, by Sudden Thunder. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $143,185, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G2, 2nd Clasico Eugenio Maria de Hostos-G3, 3rd Clasico Dia de Reyes S.-G3, Clasico Constitucion S.-LR. Dam of 4 other foals, 2 to race-- El Declamador (c. by Hockenheim). 8 wins, 3 to 5, 2021, $63,631. Placentera (f. by Hockenheim). 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2021, $54,304. Mirame (f. by Hockenheim). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam DIAMOND RUBY, by Rubiano. Unplaced. Half-sister to GALLOPING GAL, Khalila. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-- TAURINA (f. by Sudden Thunder). Stakes winner, above. 3rd dam INDY FLASH, by A.P. Indy. Unraced. Half-sister to BRIGHT AGAIN, BRIGHT ASSET, B. W. Baba. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, including-- GALLOPING GAL. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $348,269, Edgewood S.-L, Jessamine County S.-L, 2nd Darley Alcibiades S.-G2, Virginia Oaks-L. Dam of-- LIAISON. 5 wins at 2 and 4, $767,288, CashCall Futurity-G1, Mervyn LeRoy H.-G2, Real Quiet S.-L, Santana Mile S., 2nd Californian S.-G2, etc. Sire. Khalila. 3 wins at 3, $137,139, 2nd Capote Belle S.-R, etc. Dam of-- MIRACLE. 3 wins in 3 starts at 3, 2021 in India, Poonwalla Breeders' Multi-Million-G1, Panchshil Breeders' Produce S.-G3. Asiya. Winner at 2 and 3, $136,200, 2nd Busanda S., 3rd Dream Rush S.-R. Dam of ZAAJEL (to 3, 2021, $228,640, Mother Goose S.-G2, Forward Gal S.-G3), Ajaaweed ($172,757, 2nd Remsen S.-G2, etc.). Indy Punch. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals to race, 4 winners-- UNITED. Winner at 3, $40,260, in Canada; 7 wins, 4 to 6, 2021, $1,494,891, in N.A./U.S., Charles Whittingham S.-G2, etc. (Total: $1,525,549). HARLAN PUNCH. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $779,058, Philip H. Iselin S.-G3, etc. TENSAS PUNCH. 3 wins at 2, $251,200, Louisiana Jewel S.-LR, etc. Dam of Dharmaster (2 wins, $78,810), Nawlins Kitty ($55,581). Royal Navy Ship. Winner at 2, €34,685, in Ireland, 2nd Killavullan S.- G3. (Total: $55,325).

JCC 20009937 - Microchip 981020033553554 Ejemplares Importados nacidos en Kentuky, EUA Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY FILLY 49 Foaled March 7, 2020 49 Elusive Quality Quality Road...... Kobla Klimt...... Dixie Union Inventive...... Original BAY FILLY Indian Charlie Uncle Mo ...... Playa Maya Naples Dream ...... (2013) Smoke Glacken Glacken's Gal...... Lady By KLIMT (2014). Stakes winner of 3 races at 2, $468,960, Del Mar Futurity- G1, Best Pal S.-G2, 2nd FrontRunner S.-G1, Los Alamitos Derby-G3, 3rd Shared Belief S.-L. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2021. Sire of winners Loveherheart ($43,820), Candy Sim. Son of stakes winner Quality Road, sire of 54 stakes winners, 3 champions, including Abel Tasman ($2,793,- 385, Longines Kentucky Oaks-G1, etc.), Caledonia Road ($1,307,800, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1, etc.), and of City of Light ($5,662,600). 1st dam NAPLES DREAM, by Uncle Mo. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to LIVE LIVELY. Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race-- Alonzo Mosely (g. by Tonalist). Winner at 4, 2021, $39,310. Lichtman (c. by Speightster). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam GLACKEN'S GAL, by Smoke Glacken. 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, $90,180, Astoria S.-L. Half-sister to BANKER'S BUY, CITY DWELLER, Gordon Drive. Dam of 8 other foals, 7 to race, 5 winners, including-- LIVE LIVELY (f. by Medaglia d'Oro). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2 and 3, $280,300, Davona Dale S.-G2, 2nd Gulfstream Oaks-G2. Somes Sound. Winner at 3 and 5, 2021, $72,075. Indian Miss. Placed in 2 starts at 2, $6,380. Dam of 5 winners, including-- MITOLE (c. by Eskendereya). 10 wins in 14 starts at 3 and 4, $3,104,910, champion male sprinter, Breeders' Cup Sprint-G1, Runhappy Metro- politan H.-G1, Forego S.-G1, Churchill Downs S.-G1, Count Fleet Sprint H.-G3, Chick Lang S.-L, Bachelor S.-L, 2nd Gazebo S., 3rd Al- fred G. Vanderbilt H.-G1. HOT ROD CHARLIE (c. by Oxbow). Winner at 2 and 3, 2021, $1,585,- 700, Twinspires.com Louisiana Derby-G2-ntr, 1 3/16 mi. in 1:55, 2nd Belmont S.-G1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, 3rd Kentucky Derby-G1, Robert B. Lewis S.-G3. 3rd dam Lady Diplomat, by Silver Deputy. Winner at 2 and 3, $116,000, 2nd Mom's Command S., 3rd Revidere S.-L. Half-sister to MISSME ($546,899), Miss the Blues ($46,803). Dam of 15 foals, 12 to race, 9 winners, including-- BANKER'S BUY. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $279,958, Reno Miss South Shore S.-R, 2nd Saratoga Dew S.-LR, Nellie Bly S., Real Prize S., Saratoga Dew S.-R. CITY DWELLER. 4 wins, 2 to 6, $144,925, Lost Code S.-L, 3rd Francis 'Jock' LaBelle Memorial S.-L. Sire. GLACKEN'S GAL. Stakes winner, above. Gordon Drive. 8 wins, 3 to 6, $107,571, 3rd HBPA Sprint S.-R. Foaled in Kentucky. JCC 20009957 - Microchip 981020035781078 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. DARK BAY OR BROWN FILLY 50 Foaled February 9, 2020 50 A.P. Indy Flatter ...... Praise West Coast...... Honour and Glory Caressing...... Lovin Touch DARK BAY OR El Prado (IRE) BROWN FILLY Medaglia d'Oro ...... Cappucino Bay Who Is the Dame ...... (2015) Distorted Humor Distracting ...... Teeming By WEST COAST (2014). Champion 3-year-old, stakes winner of $5,803,800, Travers S.-G1, Pennsylvania Derby-G1, Los Alamitos Derby-G3, Easy Goer S.-L, 2nd Pegasus World Cup Invitational S.-G1, Awesome Again S.-G1, Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup-G1, Stonestreet Lexington S.- G3, 3rd Breeders' Cup Classic-G1. His first foals are yearlings of 2021. Son of stakes-placed winner Flatter, sire of 65 stakes winners, 2 champi- ons, including Avie's Flatter ($678,899), and of Flat Out ($3,645,383). 1st dam WHO IS THE DAME, by Medaglia d'Oro. Unraced. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Distracting, by Distorted Humor. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $137,550, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Paseana H. (Total: $141,683). Half-sister to STREAMING, TREAS- URING, CASCADING, Gifting. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Seven Clubs. Winner at 4, 2021, $21,510. 3rd dam TEEMING, by Storm Cat. 2 wins in 3 starts at 4, $60,280, in Canada; winner in 1 start at 4, $19,250, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $67,424). Half-sister to RAGS TO RICHES ($1,342,528, champion 3-year-old filly, Belmont S.-G1, etc.), MAN OF IRON (Total: $336,158, hwt. colt at 3 on Irish Hand., 13 1/2 fur. & up), JAZIL ($890,532), CASINO DRIVE (Total: $904,575). Dam of-- STREAMING. 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $349,000, Hollywood Starlet S.-G1, 2nd Las Virgenes S.-G1. Producer. TREASURING. Winner at 2, $99,880, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Desi Arnaz S.-L; winner at 3, $97,860, in Canada, Star Shoot S.-L. (Total: $175,797). CASCADING. 2 wins at 2, $133,500, in Canada, Glorious Song S.-L. (Total: $126,997). Producer. Distracting. Stakes-placed winner, above. Gifting. 2 wins at 3, $86,530, 3rd Bangles and Beads S. Achieving. Winner at 3, $19,400, in Canada; placed in 2 starts at 3, $10,020, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $30,256). Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners-- CEZANNE. 3 wins in 4 starts at 3 and 4, 2021, $123,000, Kona Gold S.-G3. ARABIAN HOPE. 3 wins at 3, £68,853, in England, Best Western Hotels Ganton S.-L, 3rd Tattersalls Falmouth S.-G1; winner at 3 in Turkey, In- ternational Istanbul Trophy-G3. (Total: $88,556). COUNTERFORCE. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $323,708, Bachelor S., 2nd Chick Lang S.-L, Sam Houston Sprint Cup S., 3rd David M. Vance Sprint S., Zia Park Sprint S. Modeling. Unraced. Dam of 1 foal to race-- Montmartre. Winner at 3, $63,551. Foaled in Kentucky. JCC 20001516 - Microchip 981020035164424 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. BAY COLT 51 Foaled February 21, 2020 51 Storm Cat Giant's Causeway ...... Mariah's Storm Carpe Diem ...... Unbridled's Song Rebridled Dreams ...... Key Cents BAY COLT Mr. Greeley El Corredor...... Silvery Swan Zultanite ...... (2009) Wild Again Roaming Wild ...... Codetogo By CARPE DIEM (2012). Stakes winner of $1,519,800, Toyota Blue Grass S.- G1, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 328 foals, 184 starters, 6 stakes winners, 99 winners of 170 races and earning $6,510,311, including Van Daelen (5 wins, Clasico Francisco Arias Paredes-G1, etc.), Monforte ($279,113, Bear's Den S., etc.), Bella Aurora ($223,140, Interborough S.- L, etc.), Thissmytime ($187,202, Millions Filly And Mare Turf Preview S.-R- ntr, etc.), Historically ($102,265, Daniel Stearns Cleveland Gold Cup S.-R). 1st dam Zultanite, by El Corredor. Winner at 2 and 3, $153,702, 2nd Boiling Springs S.- G3, 3rd Sands Point S.-G2. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners-- Don't Blame Judy (f. by Blame). Winner at 3 and 4, $219,386, 2nd Possibly Perfect S.-L, 3rd Osunitas S.-R. Last First Kiss (f. by Congrats). Winner at 3, $90,031. My Dream Girl (f. by Congrats). Placed at 3, 2021, $7,670. Supreme Law (c. by Constitution). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam ROAMING WILD, by Wild Again. 2 wins at 2, $34,426. Set ncr at Laurel Park. Half-sister to CEDAR KNOLLS. Dam of 7 winners, including-- Zultanite (f. by El Corredor). Stakes-placed winner, above. 3rd dam CODETOGO, by Lost Code. Winner at 3, $11,250. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-- CEDAR KNOLLS. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $312,648, Dearly Precious S., 2nd Gallant Bloom H.-G2, Duchess S.-G3, Klassy Briefcase S.-L, Bouwerie S.-LR, 3rd Blue Sparkler S.-L, Steve Van Buren H.-L, Half Moon S., Smart Halo S. Dam of 8 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including-- Lion of Lone Oak. 3 wins, $114,951, 3rd Oklahoma Classics Juvenile S.-LR. Golden Knolls. 2 wins at 3, $97,305. Dam of Saturday Nthe Park (4 wins, $210,312, 2nd Mardi Gras S., etc., dam of Pilot in Command, $31,167, 3rd West Virginia Vincent Moscarelli Memorial Breeders' Classic S.-R, etc.), Catinatree (5 wins, $168,859, 2nd Miss Shenan- doah S.-L, etc., dam of Lady Bergen, 4 wins, $148,538, 3rd Xtra Heat S.), Offlee Golden (3 wins, $147,630, 2nd Beautiful Day S., etc.). 4th dam COSMIC LAW, by Delta Judge. Winner at 4, $5,635. Half-sister to SILENT WHITE, Bushwood. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, 7 winners, including-- COSMIC TIGER. 6 wins, $182,146, Tempted S.-G3, etc. Dam of CHILITO ($210,030, sire), ONCE A SAILOR ($276,366, sire), EMERY BOARD ($158,290), Embraceable. Granddam of PAYTON D’ORO ($573,035), etc. EL PERICO. 7 wins, $104,005, Biscayne Bay S., 2nd Carry Back S., etc. Foaled in Kentucky. JCC 20017384 - Microchip 981020035705679 Property of Potrero Los Llanos Hip No. Hip No. CHESTNUT FILLY 52 Foaled April 10, 2020 52 Carson City City Zip...... Baby Zip Palace...... End Sweep Receivership...... Alarming Prospect CHESTNUT FILLY Forestry Forest Danger ...... Starry Ice Tura Isabel ...... (2009) Elusive Quality Tap'n Tango ...... Song for Par Ci By PALACE (2009). Stakes winner of $1,586,550, Forego S.-G1, etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 228 foals, 111 starters, 62 winners of 108 races and earning $2,613,482, including Sir Wellington ($209,370, Gazebo S., etc.), Chacha Real Smooth ($127,886, Iowa Cradle S.-R, etc.), stakes-placed Auberge ($130,200, 2nd Santa Ynez S.-G2), Palace Avenger ($215,962, 3rd Thoroughbred Club of America S.-G2), Tensas Weezy (2 wins, $47,- 120, 3rd D. S. Shine Young Futurity-R), Cowboy Casanova ($30,915), etc. 1st dam TURA ISABEL, by Forest Danger. Placed at 2, $11,585. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 3 winners-- Lila Ruth (f. by Sidney's Candy). Winner at 3, $55,000. Alphabetting (f. by Alpha). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $40,537. Scotch Is My Candy (f. by Sidney's Candy). 2 wins at 3, $28,463. My Own Passion (f. by Normandy Invasion). Placed at 3, 2021, $4,003. Unnamed (c. by Normandy Invasion). Two-year-old of 2021. 2nd dam TAP'N TANGO, by Elusive Quality. Placed at 2 and 3, $52,910. Half-sister to SPECIAL PRIZE. Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners, including-- Troubadour Tango. Placed in 1 start at 2, $11,180, in Canada; 2 wins at 4, $32,849, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $44,272). 3rd dam SONG FOR PAR CI, by The Minstrel. Unraced. Half-sister to WIN, GIL BUCK. Dam of 6 other foals, 5 winners, including-- SPECIAL PRIZE. 3 wins in 4 starts to 3, $46,500, No More Hard Times S. Song'n Dance. Placed at 2, $4,720. Dam of 7 foals, 5 winners, including-- MESSAGE. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $154,016, Tranquility Lake S.-R, 2nd Bayakoa S.-G3, 3rd Beverly J. Lewis S.-L. Catsadiva. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $175,715, 2nd Harry Henson H. John's Success. Winner at 2 and 4, $81,230, 3rd Zuma Beach S.-L. 4th dam PAR CI PAR LA, by Buckpasser. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, including-- WIN. 14 wins, 3 to 9, $1,376,700, Man o' War S.-G1, Manhattan H.-G1, Tidal H.-G2, Rutgers H.-G2, Bernard Baruch H.-G2 twice, Shergar S.-L, 2nd Turf Classic-G1 twice, Hollywood Turf Cup-G1, Man o' War S.-G1, Man- hattan H.-G1, Red Smith H.-G2, Lawrence Realization S.-G2, 3rd Ballan- tine's Scotch Classic H.-L. GIL BUCK. 10 wins, 3 to 6, $59,424, Tacoma H., 2nd Seattle Slew H., etc. Cosy Up. Placed at 2. Producer. Granddam of Lacole (19 wins, $53,771, 2nd Coors Light Mile S., 3rd Lone Oak Racing S.). Foaled in Kentucky. JCC 20008699 - Microchip 981020033773937 Notice: © 2021 The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Data provided or compiled by The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc., The Jockey Club, The Daily Racing Form, Inc. and Equibase Company LLC generally are accurate, but occasionally errors and omissions occur as a result of incorrect data received by others, mistakes in processing and other causes. The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. disclaims responsibility for the consequences, if any, of such errors, but would appreciate their being called to their atten- tion.

Information pertaining to pedigrees and production records of North American horses was obtained from The Jockey Club and is used only with the per- mission of the copyright holder, The Jockey Club, who reserves all rights to such data.

Information pertaining to North American races run prior to January 1, 1991 was obtained from The Daily Racing Form, Inc. and is used only with the permission of the copyright holder, The Daily Racing Form, Inc. who reserves all rights to such data.

Information pertaining to North American races run after December 31, 1990 was obtained from Equi- base Company LLC and is used only with the per- mission of the copyright holder, Equibase Company LLC, who reserves all rights to such data.

Pedigrees compiled by: The Jockey Club Information Systems, Inc. 821 Corporate Drive Lexington, Kentucky 40503 787-747-9293 [email protected] 35 AÑOS AL SERVICIO DEL HIPISMO PUERTORRIQUEÑO

Confíe la salud de su ejemplar… en las manos expertas de la única red de servicios veterinarios de Puerto Rico.

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Puerto Rico Horse se enorgullece en celebrar los cincuenta años de Potrero Los Llanos PRHOA se distingue por su servicio de excelencia a los nuevos y actuales dueños .

- Orientación sobre la administración de establos - Informes sobre premios, retroactivos y liquidación. - Informar sobre procesos de subastas y licencias - Servicios legales

Fernando Bonnet Director Ejecutivo 787-717-9057. NOTAS NOTAS

FP-Ram Potrero Los Llanos.indd 2 8/6/21 2:01 PM