EPIPHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Epiphany’s Epistle April 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: From the Pastor 3 Worship 4-5,18 Council President 6 Stewardship 7 Congregation News 9,14 Bible Study & 8,12 Education Youth Fund Raiser 10,17 Activities 12,13 Support Ministries 15 Birthdays & 16 Anniversaries Thrivent 18,22 Council Minutes & 19-21 Financials We are disciples of Christ We follow Him by leading others to His Grace through Worship, Education, Stewardship and Outreach To those in need And in service To All Special Announcements New reader? Come Visit Us! We’re glad that you picked up this newsletter and hope you will find it interesting and worth your time. If you do not have a church home, please worship with us. Our Sunday worship times are 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM, with Sunday School at 9:45 AM. We are a grow- ing, active church with friendly people who are journeying with God through Jesus Christ. Come join us! Please call us at 770.483.6222 for more information. Pastor David’s Office Hours Monday through Thursday Sunday, April 12th is the 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM deadline for information to be The afternoons he will dedicate to submitted for the May newsletter. You can e-mail hospital or communion visits; please call the office, 770.483.6222, if you wish to your news to the church office make an afternoon appointment. at
[email protected] or place your news in the basket in the Church Office. Thank You! Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM For 20 years, Epiphany has The Altar Flower calendars for the been my extended family, as year 2015 are now available my family lives primarily on in the narthex We have two the West Coast.