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The Masonic Orpheus

A collection of Songs, Hymns, Chants, and Familiar Tunes, especially designed to accompany the work of Free and Accepted Masons, in all the various Degrees and Orders apper-

taining to the Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council, and Commandery ; also adapt- ed to all Public and Private ceremonies of the Fraternity, Installa- tion, Dedication, Funeral Obsequies, etc. Arranged for Male Voices,

BIT HOWARD M: DOW, ORGANIST OF THE M. Grand of Massachusetts, Warren Lodge, St. Andrew's Chapter, W. Lodge Joseph ,

and De Molay : Commandery of' Knights Templars.


Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870,


In the Clerk'3 Office of the District Court of Massachusetts.


Music Stereotyper and Eleetrotyper. No. 89 Washington St. , Boston. TO

Right Worshipful Winslow "Lewis, A/L D.

Whose lo?ig and ardent devotion to the cause of Freemasonry, and whose daily life is a practical exemplification of its sublime principles, challenging the love of every member of the Fraternity, and adorning the profession of which he is an honored Brother, this work is fraternally dedicated, by

HOWARD M. DOW. Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Office of the Grand Master, Boston, August 12, 1869.

Brother Howard M. Dow, Grand Organist of our Grand Lodge,

My Dear Frater :•— I have examined the Mss. of your " Masonic Orpheus," which you were kind enough to submit to me. Your experience*!!! the department of song appertaining to our Fraternity has prompted you to a work which will receive the unqualified thanks of the Craft, in all degrees of the so-called York Rite. The selection of the Hymns has been judicious. The arrangement of the Music for male voices supplies a deficiency which has long been apparent.

I most cheerfully recommend the " Orpheus " to the " Craft universal," assembled in Lodge, Chapter, Council, and Commandery, and I sincerely believe that its general use will tend to elevate the work, and render the assemblies of the Brethren both pleasant and attractive.

With Fraternal regards,

Wm. S. Gardner, Grand Master. PREFACE.

Music, like the other Arts, is progressive. In this regard, upon looking over the various collections of Masonic music in use, the standard is neither so high as the progress of the Art demands, nor is the arrangement adapted especially for male voices, as it should be. The Psalmody and iamiliar airs mainly in use were composed and arranged for mixed voices, and so are ineffective and unsuited to choirs necessarily composed of male voices. It was while attempting to remedy these defects in style and arrangement, by consulting the works of the best composers, and re-arranging and adapting them for his own use in the various Degrees and Orders, and his efforts being so favorably received by his Masonic Brethren, that the author was persuaded to enlarge his original design, and prepare a Manual for general use; the present volume, which he hopes will meet the approval of the Fraternity, being the result. It is not too much to assert that there is scarcely a Lodge, Chapter, Council, or Commandery which does not possess within itself the material, which, by proper cultivation, would be enabled to render such music as the occasion requires in an acceptable manner ; and the impressiveness and solemnity of appropriate music, combined with the work of the various degrees, is unquestionable. The majority of pieces contained in these pages the author has endeavored to bring within the ordinary range of male voices, and to that end, has resorted to transpositions in all cases, when deemed necessary. Also, in order to meet all tastes and capacities, a considerable portion of the work has been allotted to familiar tunes.

That his efforts. may result in elevating the standard, and increasing the interest in the musical portion of the work of our much cherished

Fraternity, is the sincere wish of the AUTHOR.


n Allegretto. ISt

Tenor. 1- ^ i 33L 5 0-*- -M^« m EE it i. - - - Now while evening shades are fall ing, Soft ly o ver land and sea' ; While to work the el's call - ing, Gent-ly - 2. Here we meet in peace to geth er, Face to face, and heart to heart ;, Naught on earth can dis - sev - er, Here in 2d. ~ 15= t-= I -i E\ fri Tenor. 1 | — ^£l -> ^^S

ISt. Bass. 2fe £ s ^—^ 1. ^^ - - - Now while evening shades are fall ing. Soft ly o ver land and sea ; While to work the gav el's call - ing, Gent-ly

2. Here we meet in peace to geth - er, Face to face, and heart to heart, Naught earth dis - - on can sev er; Here in, 2d. Bass.

Organ or Piano.

Note.—Throughout this work, except where a star is affixed to indicate the contrary, the upper staff of the accompaniment should be pli octavo lower than it is written. c


- meet in chain un- broken, Here we meet in friendship bright, Kindly gently calling you and me, Gently call ing you and me, Here we part, Loving spir - its hov - er o'er us, Sweetest har-mo - ny is ours, Brightly love we meet, in love we part, Here in love we meet and t=t -•—*—+ SSE3 *=* 9^*=^ iS¥=¥- as !Ee§= P m Gently call-ing you and me, Here we meet in chain un - broken, Here we meet in friendship bright, Kindly Here in love we meet and part, Loving spir its hov-er o'er us, Sweetest har-mo - ny is ours, Brightly & ^^E£j=| -*-"- 3* m^mms^^^^ Here we meet in chain unbroken, Here we meet in friendship bright, Kindly gently calling you and me, Gently calling you and me, part Loving spirits hover o'er us, Sweetest har-mo - ny is ours, Brightly love we meet, in love we part, Here in love we meet and iszN— -fir

" word and friendly to - ken, Waiting here each "son of light." word and friend-ly ken, Waiting here each son of light," Kindly Brightly shines the light be - fore us, As we pass these happy hours. shines the light be -fore us, As we pass these hap- py hours,

word and friendly to - ken, Waiting here each "son of light." word and friend-ly to - ken, Waiting here each "son of light," Kindly word, Kindly Brightly shines the light before us, As we pass these hap-py hours. shines the li°-ht be - fore us, As we pass these hap-py hours, Brightly shines, P - »

INITIATION. HAKSCHNER. 11 Allegro. -9—T-9- -I 9 9- *=^ m -9— =g Mzzg-^-f fcz=z5b==3£:=i r i/ i—=n I. O wel - come broth -er to our band, Though strong its num-bers now, And high its lof - ty pil - lars stand, And

~ d 4 4z -* • d d- —*- -d d d *=#* i -d-Y-d J-M~j «-i-s* • di d mf -0 a- -0 9 9 9

2. Now let our ar - dent prayers a - rise, For bless - ings on his brow, And bear our off'r-ings to the skies, For it 9%?=*=^ *=* 9 9 . 9 9

9 9- i-r-r~? Ff^

9 # #_s g g #_ niitVl—9 9—•- • 9 9 9— — 9 9 9——9 » -7 ^-r-h I I -9—i—9 9- |=f=

r- 1 3f=p • f -»- 9 &- y f ^tz=P= E — : | £ no - ble arch - es bow, O wel - come if thy heart be true, Thou'lt find with us a , We're dai - ly add &-±— S=3J= =«=p_0 F- -*- * d~

-+—i*m—W=F* —0—t— — — 9 0- #-*-»- =i*=^ -~ £ him who joins us now, O wel - come if thy heart be true, Thou'lt find with us a home, We're dai - ly add - in —=1— _ — ly— -j Rf2 - y- —j ~d d h— -j «• * #- * • •— —

—F j_ p i^^&=fi^=sgjS^^gfej^^g^^ ^feE^^^E =a=^ -#— 9—r-G>- T^^P^ -if-s— if- ^=^=^=^rrFr H = — '

12 INITIATION. Concluded. cres. — =r |P^ ^£3 *: -' - T[ I -=£ w^\ col-umns new, Un - to our glorious dome, We're dai - ly add-ing columns new, Un-to our glo-rious dome. S: SEi -' * —e F- * i£=Zt f-a-i—e —i-FJ :=== H

P=P= :p: mmB=^ P s fez==feg==- W iS col - umns new, Un - to our glo - rious dome, We're dai - ly add-ing columns new, Un - to our glorious dome. jc=£= ^1^1==,^===^===^==;=' = z-^ ^=f='==*=:^===^===^==f i^ i =j—tz — i=i3fc=d==adH E=!===Uj__I>z=d===d==3<-Tf P ===a==a dome, We're dai - ly dai - ly, &c.

-*=i=4— e :i=P= P=iii p& m^f:^! J]

\ | cres.

-4 1 — -, h* \-r-0 r fi~ ! =Pt3=^= p=- _*_ E=r- S^F&^~* *==*^_|ZZE^PiEE3 D INVOCATION. BASS solo. Largo. -£?— P- »= i=^===: 5=5=3; :z5<=

Je - ho - vah, Great Je - ho - vah guide us, With faith en-due us on our way, 3Fi—|- 2±=S £ EE :.*- = 2St= -%-2d S*=±S±tf _ -fil-i i a- -J s>—— -J5j-. '^^ -*-•-* :#: #: ^ * « Largo. : fJ d=i=iT 5i ??^= I^= HilSE3 ill <3= ;«*:.=

?- t2fZj£- ©=P— mmm =u= « mtefc*£33 Let thy good an - gel stand be-side us, To hold us through each try - ing day, To hold us through each try - ing day. ^=ri=S==:S=i ^E==|=i==i=|=S=^tii=p • ## '#:S*^=f: r -#. K£ ^=====|BE=^ ^=i=^i|g|==^ 1

INVOCATION. Continued. 13 P =t ^^ =t= I ^ - - Let thy good an gel stand be side us, To hold us through each try ing day. fe ~^=W- m _s>: -P-- 1 rr > -V- wmm $£ m Let thy good an stand be - side To hold us through each try - ing day.

Jj *r-; ZZS=T9 ~JL

I -=5^-^ 9- m ^1*-^= _rP" f- /. Yi fc^^u^u ifcS=E 3; 1 14 INVOCATION. Concluded. K -»—s—e-T-s> P-- :EE± m m i We fear no ill, but on - ward press, For thou art pres-ent us to bless. :p=^ -#= Sa>- f—si ^ fc^t5£==? I II

•—* P—r-P f f—r-& 1-, g-P P—T-& WT^- is I

We fear no ill, but on - ward press, For thou art pres-ent us to bless. 4=

INITIATORY SENTENCE. BEO. AMBROSE DAVENPORT. Andante maestoso. ?=¥=— & ^ -m—0- 0- zjH En - ter thou in the fear of the Lord, ii -*—*- m p&- mz =p=?c 2*=?=^: En - ter thou in the fear of the Lord.

S0L0 - P-&- -» =p=p= ^£E i=t ^=at mm Who madest heaven and earth, and all there-in Andante maestoso. SEE m 3E 3fI -zteat « -«- -p—x- ^=^ *P~t« ,^-s- r ~ :p=^ ^=yr7? 3=3= ffiS- -=ffi 32=5=: :t=E ! ;=Fg§ ^^ -h——zs)- =«= p 1

INITIATORY SENTENCE. Concluded IS ^ p ifez 3=5: See *= 3= iE - - Ma ker, Ru - ler, Might y in ad o - ra - tion, -&-- Z^SC —y- ir- £^£ ? i=t

Ma - ker, Ru ler, Might - y one, ad lib. in ad - o - ra - tion. \>&- 9± ^& wm m^m eS^=e Un Thee we hum - bly bow in ad - o - ra - tion,

p^ p=:^T -&_ -P- m / I fej J- pa ±eb* -£-* *M 31 -zjH -'p * 1f- 16 HEAR MY PRAYER. (Sentence.) r-r.O. C. C. YVEHTWORTH. Andante. V 2 5 Hear my prayer, Hear my prayer, Hear my prayer, Hear my ^ I P §s -V— EE t O Lord, hear my prayer, Hear my prayer, Hear my prayer, Hear my prayer, Hear my prayer, Hear my ,\ ~^m Andante. tt=£ft. .brB^ *m* m ^ ^^iH — — FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY

- And Char - i - ty, whose a bove, Is God's own name, for God is love. cres. f S&EE -*- fe^ The rain - bow pass - es with the storm, And Hope, with sor - rows fa - ding form. & %mm 3=t 1 & *=^* L H Like the blue sky's all - - bound -ing space, Holds Heaven and earth its em - brace.

g ?SE : e J.^=g

J 1 J I 1 1- u m5 £= i &—i cres. f s*5 :a ^—g) z p=3=Q^H —

ON THE SQUARE. (Closing Hymn.) m^mm i. We part up - on the Square to night, Dear brothers ere we go, Dear brothers ere we go, While Faith, and Hope, and Love are — — lia, i fc K r s-t \ ?=?= 9 =p V y—V- ^li^Hsv=fr ?=m It will be bright, it will be fair, If on the Square we act, If on the Square we act; And we shall breathe in freedom's

* >=fr =1: _££—pi=tz—£—p=rzt± ^ =^iS=^=^=^='— 3. Then hand in hand we pledge a - new, Fi - del - i - ty and love, Fi-del- i - ty and love, Up - on the Square, to vir - tue

bright, And Truth beams forth with ho - ly light, Let us our fu - ture know, Let us our fu-tureknow, Let us our fu-tureknow. ^ =d= M i ;© 3SE :'. £ »g^ :«: 31 air, And ev' - ry ho - ly in-fluence share, While vows are kept in - tact, While vows are kept in-tact, While vows are kept in-tact.

£-P- '&-—¥ £_ •-_,»_ r «-£ 15* : t=t £=t v I true, We part, our work out - side to do, And hope to meet a - bove, And hope to meet a-bove, And hope to meet a-bove. ALMIGHTY FATHER. HYMN. (Entered Apprentice.) F, JIOHEIXO.

2. Tho' dark - some skies shall o'er him lower, And dan - gers fill the way, Sup - port him with thy

m M thee a - bove, O may he trust in thee a - bove, Free thou his heart from fear, Free thou his heart from fear.

r -^ c^t±t ^S mf •L".«rf # J -~W- zMi mmm m gra-cious power, Support him with thy gra - cious power, And be his con - stant stay, And be his con-stant stay. =£3 ^S Az~*z? S^lP^l ^ ^^ S^rf I r m £—Jr i^n^nsi i^m^m^ \

20 COME LET US JOIN IN CHEERFUL SONG. F. L. SCHUBERT. f Allegro. mf dz-4 C : ;, i^i Come let us join cheer - ful song, Our es sound - ing free, Let ev' - ry voice u In joy - ful notes loud pro - long, The praise of Ma - son - ry. £ES :*=± M old young,^ all y' ac - cept - ed free, Let nor - tile 2. Come great and small, Come and Come Jew Gen Come ev' ry na - tion ev' ry tongue, And sing of Ma - son - ry.

mf m . —9- *—&££# isteS i=m £==E m I - - - - - 3. Let trust ing Faith, and ho ly Hope, And heaven born Char i ty, Let jus tice cir cle ! In ev' ry heart have larg - est scope, And shine for Ma - son - ry. is* fE^=^5=3EJipg^^ f Allegro. 1=1- Ei _i a a m « mf ^m ^=k -j- m

W^-9—'— 9- I $Z sll^S 1 nite and sing The cho - rus loud and free, And ev' - ry heart just trib ute bring, From mountain, land, and sea. =i=t — ^3=±. ^=£ 10 e'er for - get, Our hon - ors they may claim, We're Brothers on the4- Lev - el met, Whate'er our land, or name. m-f-rff^F^^ --r=.-Xr ±: J]

M - . - vir tue square ! Let friend-ship guide our feet. So that at last like jew els rare, We all in heaven may meet. n 2 y^=p^p 3=E J P=fc fc=S- ^m 2 mm -2--F*- m

B - r h 1 ~d 1=# — —


J) Andante. -=rffl/- «»/ = -r-&~ -#—*" i?« mnhw ¥*=F# f- 1 b fg 3"^- ^EjFE t^ Ssee PHo - ly Fa - ther wilt thou bless us, Lead our ev' - ry thought a-bove, Let no earth-ly care op-press us,

mf ¥Z- mf fg-bi ^^E2- P- m m^m^m^w^ May we all be filled with love, Lov - ing spir - its hov - er o'er us, An - gels bright in truth's ar - ray, *=i- W+ =P=i= -?=*—y- % fcfc* ;st E m/ -fflfc/- 2SE -^-: :P:=T:

May we all be filled with love, Lov - ing spir - its hov - er o'er us, An • Is bright in truth's ar- ray, iQ -P—r-S>— *£ m^m F^T^ ^^gS^PPPPgp^^g^ H-i -mf -


--- &=±. £££ ±=t 1 -*-tt£ m 3mmm& a ^ kindly heart, a -mid the worlds com-mo-tion, Each retires to take apart. Fills each brothers As i. Now we part! What sad e- mo-tion,

- - wa - ver, nev-er fal - ter, Each be steadfast, firm, and true. Let us round this sa cred al tar, All our solemn vows re-new, Never -tr-Cr — »

FELLOW CRAFT. 23 mfModerato. k^r n eves. «»/ -» „ ^ &ZZ3m1 +=£ =*===^=t=£ - I. Broth-ers, faith - ful and de - serv - ing, Broth - ers faith - ful and de serv - ing, Now the sec-ond rank you -dH^g f^f—f\t ^=t

mf *—»- JOZ1 ^PF~ -P—&- -'g ^ - §SS?-JA- =P==t t==J=t IS

2. Thus from rank to rank as - cend - ina Thus from rank to rank as - cend - ing, Mounts the Mason's path of

=t -t- Ss -(^ - m fc£ £=|: Moderate. ?ft/ J: g? ig p- S f- 3£-^& if~ JS» #sfc £* ^=^= X=£X=$=X. §^ mf i, • ^— i »- =?= »&F#z=g=%— H»=f»: S £ i

m/ *-o—& *—•- =p=^ fe i m 4-^=} s ^m m fill, Pur-chased by your fault less ing, Purchased by your fault- less serv - ing, Leading to a high - er still. =±Z E^=^ isq=P=S= 2=2= S t- -C ±==f Is2 ^^ =111 ////,* * * *- ?-» —r—— — i— e 2& =t=t ?=t t m love, Bright its earth - ly course and end - ing, Bright its earth-ly course and end - ing, In the glo-rious Lodge a - bove. 9feUd=J -&—-0- -*+&- ^^Sjj^I

r^ 3*=T ii^ ?^=S=£ £q* ^- «, ^5 1-&—&- ES^ES S>- p§l t=t£»: =F=I= "" =u si/ _uj. 5&= SEE=£g=:*=j=: *=s=r8=?= i^^^^^i A ;

24 CHARITY. P Moderate. mf TH"- '4 5==^= e- £&* i, Meek and low - ly, pure and ho - ly, Chief a - mong the bless - ed three Turn - ing sad - ness 5=P= ^S <2\ 2. Hop - ing ev - er, fail - ing Though de-ceived, be - liev - ing still; Long bi - ding, —==: mf ' SEE f°t&- ±: t=^ f^E 3. Nev - er wea - ry of well do ing, Nev - er fear - ful of the end; Claim - ing all man F 1^ =F=^ ^ i> I . 1

Moderate ^=s im V f^i &&3E z—m. & ^ Vlf ^i&m—Dx^Rfc S^P #=rd 21 £ S=^=#:

«i/ mf =f2C P=R5C -';- W--&- &E£ 1 to glad - ness, Heaven-born art thou Char - i - ty, Heaven-born art thou Char

]2=fe: IS r: 1

all con- fi ding, To thy Heaven-ly Fa ther's will, To thy Heaven-ly Fa - trier's will.

p -== . mf i€= ^ 9!ffi 1= 1 kind as broth Thou dost all a - like be - friend, TKou dost all a - like be - friend. m m n j^- I -Plffr. P=F m 1 ffli/ flfl/ =T^=j: :J a 3^E ^^ ±=g:: 1 — « * — — — MASONIC SONG. 25 JHf Allegretto. / •—ft c*=^ _ft —0=p=_, :p=S: 2± Hi «-J-! F *=t=t: H=§fl £ H I. Let Ma-son-ry from pole to pole, Her sa - cred laws ex - pand, Far as the mighty wa-ters roll, To wash re - mot -est

*=3=t 0- r* f~ *— — =0- :^g=fo=j= =P=E, I >C f— f— ^1^=*=*::

'/#/ 0-r-0 m 31=*: a—g-f-*-^— :p=P=P=p: -#—•-»—p: j£ ^^F? rzr: mg 2. As - cend-ing to her na - tive sky, Let Ma - son - ry in - crease. A glo-rious pil - lar raised on high, In - teg - ri - ty its

See -1 4~ * *^*-+^ SI

— f-?»- ^rtEE £E&EEjS^=?EE*EEsE3 i M^ 4=t T=(: r *n 22/

g J_JJ_J^ I i- — i=± afcnr 4 4- i=0-SS—i=Fg — W-i-q §Se= -•—«—•—»- ^ •—al- j^=* T5h 3=S

r —o- a I :p=Sqq=z *-0-W—0 : : P *=P= -O—P— !=f: ?=t 3 0—tf= -

DjE :P=|0==F m —»—0- ^---^—* —h- -p t=f i^^y=sfe^ -g—g~ =i=FP # ft 10.^0—f*=p= ^— 2S±t =t=t :t=E ffff ^fl base, Peace adds to ol - ive boughs entwined, An emblemat - ic dove, As stamped upon the Ma-son's mind, Are u - ni - ty and love. -fr J F ^ THE LEVEL AND THE SQUARE.

^__?—? p* in=y|=t — i m I. There is a scene of peace-ful life, Where cares obtrude not with their din, Where breaks no note of jarr - ing strife. z\z =t —P— i-F--1 a — »—• * •-+ IS jee .-azzz:

O hap-py tie! that thus can bind In common un - ion man - ly hearts, No mer - cen - a - ry thread en-twined, m^mmmm^M^m/ - 3. As end -less as the hills 'twill last, Sus-tained by Heaven's in- dul gent love, A -round it ra - diance cast,

§*e :i =&=t mm :J: =n: Moderate 3=± F=f= |HFW^f* ^g: ;i: -K-J-J- -JM- ^i^^=F :*=* *=*=f ztzzt

No pact e-volved of hu-man arts; But of the souls free ac - tion wrought, No self ish thought can en - ter there p mf >- ^:: =P EeI§E=SEE That falls in glo - ry from a - bove; And may we in that light be true, While we its ben - e - fac tion share, ^ee —N- ^^m — ap izi&z 4=£ o 1=^ THE LEVEL AND THE SQUARE. Concluded. 27

Jt ±= g^| 31 - to their feet, then to part up - With wis dom's ray guide . And on the Square. 6-Sn :^:: i =£ i the Lev - el men are brought To and part up - on the Square. _ -^crcs. -_ -_ a_ n^

OPENING, METHFESSEI,. / Allegro.- =P=P= 2^ *=t i. Come broth-ers of the Plumb and Square, Come join in cheer -ful song, Let ev' - ry heart and voice pre - pare, The

•- s?=5E^ ^ • g a *- -r— sSfe^i^l 1—*- ^ * |C * ige ~r- J fr— i F T= x±t -#=$.- 2. In love we meet, In love we part, We walk by plummet's line, While friend-ship dwells with - in each heart, That ite -*LM«- ^^ i^ Allegro. J=fs N-4-J-r wmmmm j-f-j- ^_^ It^t -=i==st -^ U^i ) A- -Ui^ 2Z21 — P » M m ? - 28 OPENING. Concluded. 'ZZ ares, f." ; -*-£ *EE& =E=t Si': 1= =P- ^^ - let the glad notes to pro -long, We're brothers by a mys tic tie, We're brothers true and Free. Then song as k=5 C f *- Jt=t --t :' tfl x: E =£= J, SE =t=fe: ^i^s - toils and cares of earth, We stea - dy keep our way; With Faith, and, Hope we owns the craft di vine, 'Mid all the ~ a, , 1 P—r-P-*— f- P-T-JT-. S~= ~~ > FTT^ ^~T~ 1 Z3Z ^B

-P-*-0- : ^=:p: -*- ^: ~&—e>- tt=E ^ggj !] cend on high, God speed Free-ma - son - ry, Then let the song as - cend on high, God speed, God speed Freema-son - ry. » ^- »- : -P — —P- TS^^f" p— —»— -g— fez i t -n-——r^tz -i- C. T-— £ i 0-^^ =P==i=F E^i £= =*=t" mm wait the birth Of an im-mor-tal day, With Faith, and Hope, we wait the birth Of an, of an im - mor-tal day.

: rx: ;:z : :*^: : ? F F =F=r ^=^7-0^—0 * 1- l=S^ li


^-d: i ^gp^~-0^=^=±4zE==p^=^-=f=g:=^ s :i=i- iiSIiSIP±t . < MASONIC HYMN Jlf Andante. —

I. All hail, the mys - tic art, All hail the mys - tic art, U - nit - ing ev' - ry heart By hal - lowed bands z± 1 hail, - - - - - 2. All mys te rious light, All hail, mys te rious light, Which glads the Ma sons sight, From a - o- es past.

bless the - tic - tic - 3, God mys band, God bless the mys band, In ev' ry clime and land, God bless them all - =~ = I i i — N N i T~ . -t-i— fr Nt—V -N-

mf *= He *,- =t= :?: 1=^3 =tz=t= I II Thy glo - rious name we own, Thy truth, in bless - ings strown, From God's e - ter - nal throne, For - ev - er stands m S iE ; Ii.- Borne o'er the of time, While centuries pealed their chime, It - wrecks comes in floods sub lime, On us is^cast.

m& =£==3 E^Hi^l - bless - God bless our un ion sweet, God the friends we meet, And round our al tar greet; God bless us all g^E^^Ed^pZEpEg ', *=p= g^g^ =E£ m

^jj^^jj^PPpst^r mf — i=± a—!- *= ^S^^S .mm m =P a j I



fefebN=E^ -I---J i. Je - ho - vah, God, thy gra - cious pow'r, On ev' - ry hand we O may the bless - ings of each V =£1=, s : - fl ^£ ~d • d d d ^=g=f=# J»/ / i^EE *= *=^£

2. O may we all in love a - bound, And Char - i - ty pur Thus shall we be with glo - ry §3E S^EE :^: ^ m £=E Moderate

hour, O may the bless - ings of each hour, Lead all our thoughts to Thee, Lead all our thoughts to Thee.

: —- 4-- 3E3 P - — iSH l ^ :E==£E_-=E=±t E £= ^HHSeH crown'd, Thus shall we be with glo - ry crown'd, And love as an - gels do, And love an - gels do.

9^— H— m —X «^ #__ g-l u 3==^: -[— SE£9 F 1 £3±ej£ fc£ =t=: :D

- do,

-\p tI-; i =Fb3=3=T=F^=^==F=i: -e——d » e — i- It: —5s— i „ =£ I «

REMEMBER THY CREATOR. 31 'fiAllcgretto moderate. - eyes. rFS»= 1 F--, -r f* SEE -i ^— :^=P £ £ t: =^E I. " Re-mem -ber thy Cre- a-torj' While youth's fair spring is bright, Be - fore thy cares are greater, Be- fore comes age's night -While

j :^S S •^nsnniig^ t=i-. Re-mem -ber thy Cre -a - tor," Ere life re-signs its trust, Ere sinks dis - solv-ing na-ture, And dust re-turns to dust; Be F3 *mttFi^i --&-X-?- sg^fcui^^g 1. While yet Allegretto moderate. 2. Be - fore i=i: jr* :=g=5qP m* -i 1- ; wm f eE ^^^^^igBg^^^^i^i^iMiiigs

Jm ^"— ff?*=^ p^=p= Flo' ^ =*=^i IS m^ f- £ M yet the sun shines o'er thee, While stars the darkness cheer,While life is all be- fore thee.Thy Great Cre-a-tor fear, Thy Great Cre-a - tor fear.

2!&S3i zF^f -f^hC |=±tZ±t=fcE s - - fore with God who gave it, The spir-it shall ap -pear, He cries, who died to save it, Thy Great Cre-a - tor fear, Thy Great Crea - tor fear. •=& *i*-prp :3= ^fflEEEEBE


\ Adagio religioso. t-r^r iJgEgjgJli^l H of death, we yield this fleet ing breath, When we pass the vale When

h^r—S>- iH^i I

^=*z: ~=:=^: as It When we pass the vale of death, When we yield this fleet ing breath,

7 ? & # §3£=s£ m ! Adagio religiose*.

±7-+- $ •*- -*&&T r&- mm =g= T rT- s^;

mf- 2d time pp pg ^i-W 1 Bear, O Lord, Bear thy Lodge bove. S=i 1

2«f time fflf pp *=T=f=z= a t i m 1 Bear, O Lord, Bear thy Lodge bove. ^m =Bfc 3= rd:=-£ 5 2

CLOSING SONG. Scotch Air. "EOBIX ADAIE." 33 Andante. dim. t=t dim. A. j ^E£ -I o i. Broth-ers~ we meet a - gain, Too soon to part; May Friendship bless this hour, And warm each heart ^m- -9 9 a- mim dim. =F=¥= 3E ii=E - - - 2. Broth-ers, once more fare well ! Time bids us part Fond mem' ry long shall dwell, A round each heart ^m :•==* a^E ^Et

Tones that we love to hear, Shall dwell up - on the ear, As we in ac - cents clear, Re - peat good night.

ipzrzp: A*=K -0 * '-g i ^ 47 ! dim. ^=»: g=y= t= 1= Ss =f 31

- - - - - May heav'n its bless ings send, And peace our paths at tend ; Un til we meet a gain, Fare well, good night. £=} S=Sfe lEJEtEt m si *=rfc=f=H ^1p m — N r t

34 BEATI OMNES. {\z%th Psalm.) Ait. from MENDELSSOHN. Indante. N _N fV -»+»- -N

ggJSg^ fe* —V—£±i= 1 ^J±—c— |— Blest are they who fear the Lord,they ev - er walk in the ways, in the ways, the ways of peace. Thro' the darkness ri - seth light, j^^^^^=^^^^J==3gg=g^^p^gg^g £=£=*: mm^&mt=b=& =si=S# £S^ =£* i Blest are they who fear the Lord, they ev - er walk in the ways, in the ways, the ways of peace. Thro' the darkness ri - seth light,

- : i . ISi -N N is Nr . . 1 — —Kr- —ri— — 3E£ =t :»i3t »— -y\^- iz^z5a 3 3£=j£ Andante,

-tsPf ~& CLOSING HYMN, 35 2EP&Moderate. I. Soon we part, let kind af - fee Be all dis - played, Show by Si JtT 3 £ 4= ^ 2. Soon will our Grand Mas ter From this pres - ent of love, And if —\- 1 Moderato. i

36 H YMN . "How vain is all beneath the skies." HOWAIiD M. DOW. Andante.

> > £EEE jJ^E^EE^Ep I£=eE=e=J=j:j<2: - i. How vain is all be - neath the skies, How tran sient ry earth - ly £E :*=£ :5t=r£±= 5^g -t=: m

f--- m^ :c=: iif 2. But though earth's fair - est bios - soms die, And all be - - neath the skies

§*te m -«—: m— !-«— Andante. P^effi=g&s rSaz E^EEEg i 111=1= ^ ^=jj= :^ 3=g= ^EE^ §g^ ^ ^=f=¥ =^==^= HiFf

P^P= ^ -f2"- afcr2t —1= i— ^ :S i=i =ES bliss, How slen - der all the fond - est ties That bind world like :-- -t- H itczis^ -*i ipj=§ 32: s :^=p^ IfefcEEEEfe f^=^=pt I vain, There is bright - er world on high, Be - yond the reach of care and -4—4- -g< s<- m&ir=£: :s?:: —

:^=^fc P jg ^c :=^_-: -i— s<- Hi i^^Sa=p4=i=ai=i=pi^f* fe#=#^ :^ r — * * )

HYMN. Concluded. 37 cres. % *=F r^=:p==p==p= =2E3=f The morn-ing dew, The fad - ing flower, Of » -?—?- I?^^

cres. * »- P^=^= i^W—*-=£ =¥=flP= i^^-^r :* i. i. ( The eve-ning cloud,) Of joys to come, j The with-'ring grass, ) And chase our fears, - 2. 1 Then let the hope, J 2. 1 Dis pel our cares,

: =1' g=i ^=^ -• A— ^-T--- =TT3 - K^BE^ :fat m—gi- ^ 1^ T V V

&*= £==z2 =2=3= ^3^M=H^s ^==e *4==i======g

f- i— — ±=±—± ffafe P5 * r r r= K*±dz V^^?=^3 -*—?—

-do. dim. #==?*=# M- & l^— —&- ?2= =^ mmm ]] earth - ly hopes, are em - blems true, The glo - ry of pass - ing hour. #==P= ^ =s=p= y=M^ ^ 3=S=P =Z2t m w=t^to i <& / dim. W^ P S=^ Jl God be ours, we're trav - 'ling home, Though pass - ing through a vale of tears. =3=^= 3====3 IS :s?j: 2 I

1- =S=3= H 1 ^: =i==^ i a / dim. =fefe==# ?- 1 —3

38 GOD IS LOVE. Bro. C. C. WENTWOIiTII. BASS SOLO. Andante. »- -&>—,- — s &_: m £z=z*=S "m -Kir—. God is love, his mer cy bright - ens All the .path in which we rove;

-T-- :*=*=*=t=f=l= m m* *jB J S -*—r- -*—?- =3=gEEJ=£^E=zz5 S -^=if =?= W

dim. £^ 3E -:&-. mm Bliss he wakes, and woe he light - ens; God is wis - dom, God is love. =£ 3—%—*: -M ^8— -0— —•- mm ^"^#3= 1 dim.

-* *- ?- T- ¥- is — J— r? T- m— -*— V ? -=<—B^ r=^ I£ #=>

i=t 2*3: :?=t ZH: s- zz£.

Bliss wakes, he and woe he light - ens ; God wis - dom, God Love. Ff= IS T^=g4 -*-«/.

t)7 -?—T- -¥—*- fczst 3 zzzj_ -V=t ^F -25^ "*- -3>" ]JZ!^ w S — s

GOD IS LOVE. Concluded. 39

P ZT -»—P-i-s- ^-P: 'j?==?Z=pr o-T^:. »=:^-Fqs -»-fST -i:- m t±4 :c: Chance and change are bu - sy ev - er, Man de - cays and a - ges move, But his mer - cy wan - eth nev-er,

- >- "«-!:• 1 fez=& h^=^ ^=^z=^-^z 70— p-V A—f^ izfc : cres.

•=jc 1 :^=?c -*- -^: l© S> G- &—«zg£ # it: EeF=P=Ee£ Chance and change are bu - sy ev - er, Man de - cays and a - ges move, But his mer - cy wan - eth nev-er, &- $=3sL-=sfc 3=t=5<: 3 -n— 3=* -fi» yj—yj \ a -25* ^

P^3 w-y-1^ J=w IS r*=4 iiis^ii^r 3f>- ^^^ y fif *is^-^r^rf-^e J=i sL_

dim. ir_ - $ rt\ /7\ e-^ i ?2=^ ifsv^ m mmm God is wis - dom, God is Love, God is wis - dom, God is Love, God is Love, God is Love, :kk /rwrvr-zcv =3? ^ *=t =^S=S 3&1.m rr\ ,T\ rr\ ^^ ^f Ff=^ ^—<• = !-_* ^ SH God is wis - dom, God is Love, God is wis - dom, God is Love, God is love, God is Love, God is love, God is Love.

/7\ /T\ ST\

m^^^ii^z^mm^ —


M Adagio e sostenuto, fc w— I Wr Bow down thine ear; m m :pr=*—tizstzr? §Si^c ^ :t=t Solo. Bow down thine ear;

-# I*-t-»- ^=F= -^-?- g§E Bow down thine ear, O Lord, Bow down thine ear; Hear us, for we are poor, 10 e sostenuto. BOW DOWN THINE EAR, O LORD. Concluded. 41 P

do we call; O give ear un -to our prayer; Hear our prayer. Teach us thy \yay, O Lord, Teach us thy m #* 4- s* + J 4- m==?£- i-r- ?:: ^^ &-5=pc £§S t We may walk there - in; ^Teach us thy way, Thy way, O Lord.

" := W^ ^zit F ri- Es:i

- -— . > g S ". ;~-- ^2Tg n 11 way, We may walk there Teach us thy way, Thy way, O Lord.

ffl/ -fi-r-0- ^ t=t '): %<*-<2> ' -0— -&—*- ? &E^ -U ::&: ]] That we may walk there-in, We may walk there in; Teach us thy way, Thy way, O Lord. m t—t- ^ 42 INITIATION HYMN. Andante. =?=^ : EE^ S^=i ^ t=t# I - - - gra - cious - thee bend-ing, nest ly sup pliant for thy - ! fore Ear I. Be- ing of be ing's see be H 1 N— '-f -¥ M u. - - love Broth - er - 2. Here at thy sa - cred al - tar now pre sent ed, Wel-come, In and hood ce _J :£ pil - grim - age is end - ed, Truth, Goodness, Vir tue, in him sweet - ly 3. So when his life's brief fe SPi 3 =1 -I ^ Andante. 53 ^=Efe^=i p=fc :*: 3g PP m ^=£ -^ §m=^^m^0m^i^3=3--

%zi ^-*- £^ _?=*: i 1 j— £ =B I - - ing, him to trust in Thee. bless - ing, Guide Thou his foot steps, all his ways at tend Teach —?- P # m -¥-- i - Thee. ment - ed, May thy kind watch and ward, be now ex - tend ed, So shall he trust in

=t=* :=fZi 2±E?E ~*zzMz m - Thee. blend - ed, And to the Heav'n - ly Lodge a bove as - cend - ed, Make him to trust in

-g) -*- 1^^ Trf -:2==t ^1 rf=*= ^zizit: -J 3^ :&• =§* ^ II T^= ^ 5= =£ ES53E /


JJlf Allegretto. cres. '-*=& -p—f- -x=t 4z=tz: -o±r t=* $=£=&

i. We met in love, we part in peace, Our council la-borso'er, We'll ask ere life's best days shall cease, To meet in time once more, We'll ^E v =P=*=p: S£ s lt=£ mf 9; £S v— v 2. Though changes mark time's onward way, In all we fond ly claim, Fra-ter - nal hopes shall ne'er de - cay, Our land-marks still the same, Fra- *- — S l» s !S i N N N Si

ask ere life's best days shall cease, To meet in time once more, 'Mid fair - est scenes to mem'ry dear, In change of joy and pain, We'll

^5=^- p—ft—^f- 5±t= £=. ?»/ *: 3=3= £=fcp=fc :*: =t=-t0^£

ter - nal hopes shall ne'er de - cay, Our land-marks still the same, Our faith un-moved with truth our guide, As sea-sons mark our clime, Through

I I 1 L_ l_C| . i » ZM ! 1 1 | « - _ 'i _ -f-—-I ! , „ # £

44 MASONIC SONG. (Closing.) Concluded. / • rit.

think of friends as - sembled here, And hope to meet a - gain, We'll think of friends as - sem-bled here, And hope tq meet a - gain, 5=i=. $=jz k=£^EE2 =*=t —£—t*— ^H^s^feJ j-B £3£ ^m^=B* -e cm rrtTE 6=^fogc±±- j P^ winter's chill, or summer's pride, We'll hail the art sub-lime, Thro' win- ters chill or summer's pride, We'll hail the art sub-lime. REST, SPIRIT, REST. Concluded. 45 p_ g^ IS 3 - - realms of end-less day,. . Soar spir it soar way, Soar spir it soar way, I -\- $=£ of end less day. Soar spir - it, soar way,

less day. in m i w^m To realms of^end - less day. I -:>*" ^3= -—*- s m 1 p fc* soar spir - it, soar a - way, soar spir - it, soar a - way, Rest spir- it rest. -N m y S soar spir - it, soar a - way, soar spir - it, soar a - way, Rest spir -it rest. cres. —==d f

soar spir -it, soar a - way, Soar spir - it, soar a - way, Rest spir-it rest, Rest spir - it cres. ad lib. i p t 0- =t==t ISEE^ I]

fcfc ±=&t4 -* O gg0- *=K ^ Cres i - - - do. ad lib. S -J« *- mi g =s= =^SE ^H 46 MASONIC SONG.

Allen-o. <[) i*=t= » £^= £ :P tmm :t tt=5t==t gggg - - I. 'Tis Ma-son - ry unites mankind, Tis Ma-son-ry u-nites mankind, To gen erous ac tions forms the soul, In friendly converse all con- =]==j=g r ^^ T\~^^I j 0-0- S> $**?^^m rztitzfci: *=3 f—rt-'S- |SeS^ 2. Where'er as - pir - ing domes a - rise, Where'er as-pir-ing domes a-rise, Where-ev - er sa - cred al - tars stand.Those al-tars blaze unto the

-0—0—0 0---0- -o—0-\-& -0^-0- P=*=B* -r-f- §5te £33 ESB: £ m Best of so - cial joy and mirth, Until we meet in 3. Sing brethren then the craft we love, Sing brethren then the craft we love, bond Lodge a- a«N3=S p~=p- ±=<5t -r-r- m^mmsmmmmm&mmmm^mmAllegro.

joined, In friend-ly converse all conjoined, One spir -it an - i-mates the whole, One spir i - mates the whole. '&--- rW i* -XX =LS= - m P^^skies, Those al-tars blaze un - to the skies, Those domes proclaim the Mason's hand, Those domes pro claim the Ma - son's hand. JL 0-U-,. «- £=*='£=E

- - - vir - HHH bove, Un til we meet in Lodge a-bove, Proclaim its vir tues o'er the earth, Pro claim tues o'er the earth. «=JE35; M=&EE 3t=fc£ 1 1. One spir-it an - 1 - mates, an-i-mates the whole. 2. Those domes proclaim, proclaim the Ma - sons hand. 3. Pro-claim, pro-claim its vir - tues o'e r _ the earth.

PS>— ^^ x=1= —» 0- =^£ (I&=T ^=pi S =t=t H crcs. I

=^= iz_p: ii * £=F dai 3] 9 P — ^ —^

" I BEHOLD ! SHOW YOU A MYSTERY. Bro. A3IBB0SE DAVENPORT. 47 Adagio, (quasi recit.) 3=2 _E_Mi—*—y=F ^=P=|C =?=P^ -?z=r^z: -"^=-P-^

- I - te - ry. shall Be hold ! show you a mys We not all sleep, But we shall be changed, Shall be changed,

=1= * <*- f-^ * 1 P 9-^-e—o— Tt=BI ^— p- fz-—z}—

-0 o » ff- # *-=-* f . -E £ §S^£ £ - - shall all Be-hold ! I show you a mys te ry, We not sleep, But we shall be changed, Shall be changed, - Sfe » f P • \hm • J -&—-*—-?-_-& a ^ /- i

ffl/ ^ gg=^=S=g: -?—-- *= S7 pi£fof=*)=fc^^^ m ~r - In a mo-raent, in the twinkling of an eye, At the last trump, at the last trump. For the

-a - p~y -- z ^^i |e==S=P- 53 j i «—t— ? =fl^ ?«/ -#-» H*=^=^=^cizji=rrp==p=s: =P 9- ^ :F^= r~r— In a mo-ment, in the twinkling of an eye, At the last trump, at the last trump. For the *-# A—P P ?c -f* — ?z= Ss* = ^S -r- - iz?—~: m -9-.— « i^S

> ^P n=3=^ -V TT '--SS? ^ U i j /_j , j:-- U*kB£B .m^ # f £


-W$i ?*"->?- I — ^=E £ i f f- 2==t isi — F^j=Hi trump -et, the trump - et shall sound. And the dead, the dead shall be rais - ed. We shall be *~- — ^=?= j* <=5 t=i ^m =r= ^3 tS>— :p=P= F=*- :p=p: £— ii*E 4= - - - shall sound. And the dead, the dead shall be rais ed. We shall be trump et, the trump et m M

—c w^F-^-t—0-4— —hS-\—«—11 » — CLOSING HYMN. 49 Moderatep

2lES =E^E ;r> ^=& ±^e i. Now our fes-tive joys are end - ing, And we all a -gain must part,) Of- fer thanks with grateful feel - • ing, For our - - Ere we go our voic es blend-ing, Give the trib ute of the heart. \ m -t=t Let us each the les-sons heed-ing, Of this ho - ly fes - tal time, ) Truth that kin - dies like the shin - ing, Of the ear-nest prayer teach-ing, pos-sess the truth - lime, Strive by and To sub \ s?= • ^=PL i=F §ig«*: 31. = 1=t=: i i~ 3. Now fare-well, but ere re - treat - ing, Let us here in un - ion strong, ) Then at last, on high as - cend ing, Shall our Vow we will not live de - feat - ing, All that prompts to turn from wrong, j

*r7 I ^ * * *=I* ^9 1, Ti—b-ha——F^FF -*-F»— mm t£c »St =P-F#- ^S ^= J=s pE»H5 *W HH fJEE^E^EEJE^ =j=Epg^E 1 1 1 = * * ^$£5 1———— —— — g /* P—»- fci: ^=#: I g S x: ist I Fa-ther's love and grace, For the truths like plants of heal - ing, For the wounds of all our race. ^=* j «-_-—=! : _ ip [ / * I" j^eee=e H stars when eve sets in, Truth far bet - ter for di - vin - ing, Than the rods and charts cres. / fc3 mmmm ->- Em i=fi^^B anthems joy - ous rise, With an VOIC - es blend - ing, Far a - bove yon skies.

i i StpSEis ^ ES F^=E S3-IE 1=1 ^EE^^EeM^ EF §S t*f=i=& 3=fef=i£3 Pp SeeNeS .:.- w — » —

Composed 1 50 MASONIC ANTHEM. "I heard a Voice from Heaven." Bro. JULIUSi u:u EICHBERG.Hen Andante. cres. f

I heard a voice from Heaven saying un-to me write ! I heard a voice from Heaven say-ing un-to me write ! write ! write !

=t=t : rz: 0-^-0 — #— — ^^^^M^EbIMeE^=^^^e^ #-#- ^— 9 : £==£ H f-*-t S3^ iffi f-t c- :t: it I - - I heard a voice from Heaven saying un to me, write ! I heard a voice from Heaven say ing un-to me write ! write ! write ! t±=t=fcfc=t= ^e iiEi W^S^Bf^ni Andante. i 1 1 jj -£;.'- If, 4 -J- j: -^/ PK?S? t- f; PPS

I r=T^ Moderate* « -*=p- I -?-r- =»=F From hence-forth bless'd are the dead Who die in the Lord WhoWJ die ... . in. . . . the

:.=i===j: ;* 0- S=£ --pr a _ fl =P=»= TtZt -*-£ -f-T-Jp-^ B T=P From henceforth bless'd are the dead who die in the Lord From hence - forth, from s -?-?—> SEs^^ From hence - forth bless'd are the dead who die in the ^SEaEJ EfeEEE» ?—£>- 3=i= MEf 1 =P f-?— SEE From hence-forth bless'd are the dead, who die in the Moderate rfzzzz—

-^ - K,-J- ^ J J 2=4= -?—¥- =#=F: a L . «_ gg*=gppj^ - . —

MASONIC ANTHEM. Continued. 31 dim. -*=1- i- £ t=E=t P Lord, from hence - - forth bless'd are the dead who die in the Lord, who die, who die

hence forth bless'd are the dead who die in the Lord who die, who die in the dim.

Lord forth bless'd are the dead who die, who die in the Lord. from ^-fr-y- T=X ^ ©£ B Lord. From hence - forth bless'd are the dead who die in the Lord, dim. m ^ :a:z Lord. who die in the Lord, from hence forth -#- -&- fe- #= :^t: > -iS"— bless'd are the dead hence- forth who die in. . . . the Lord, the Lord,

-e 4 '£—**-- mg=&- ^ES^ mm U=± T W Jfe. Jz as fe # ^^=f^## 35 i^ ^ 1 MASONIC ANTHEM. Continued. cres. MASONIC ANTHEM. Continued. » — o — 64 MASONIC ANTHEM. Continued. — — -\— =— f**~r-fr— a— r ]=£&*: » — -& =t=t %» — », —.**>—- $ES=£m from their la-bors, for they rest .... from their la-bors, and their works do fol - low thm^ and their works do ftJ-Jow

their la - bors die who die in the Lord, for they rest from their la-bors, for they rest from and their ^-W^t- iJl j=i J, J^±*z ^ggjgp-jjzf 3 :-f:

^=fy===== 3=R: ?=^ S«rd=*: f| E* P §g| e**££ ^U *?* Si irks do fol- low them, From hence - forth bles£d are the dead who die „.. who die i n the —i^^

:t MASONIC ANTHEM. Continued.

inf.. . f

* — ^ , MASONIC ANTHEM. Continued.

=3"—p- _ff a»_ *> ^ =t — Zft—0—ji: -e-W- -*—S^jr} t: EEE ^ > HH :t=t=-t the Lord, the Lord, from hence forth bless'd are the dead who die in the =t ~ ?- f- — * -t,— -?— w=v P a— 4 £B s die in the Lord, from hence - - forth. fromm hence - - forth bless'd are the dead, who die in the -* P 15>- §13 I From henceforth bless'd are the dead who die in the Lord.

£=*-*- P- 2p m HSlllHi £: Zt. bless'd are the dead, who the Lord, from hence forth bless'd are the dead who die . .

ti^: :=Jq=J: J=::=^ES|= ±fi :^_- -j^zi J ip ^r-5?- g^-? *-

:p= Jaj ^z=i= & :¥=p= m *= -=J=z£ i

dim. -&- P—?— *-t-al- x: Lord, who die, who die in the Lord, From hence-forth bless'd are the dead who die,.... who die £ : m F- S f-T- :?=?=* 3^3: Lord, who die, who die in the Lord, From hence-forth bless'd are the dead who dim. /


-#-.: IE -?—*- -r—r- MK $m Lord, the Lord. From hence-forth bless'd are the dead who die in the Lord, bless'd are the dead, *=t £ -J- z 1 F=g -^ F^r F^ P-H—•'-^FS gHtyg— h

liigiSSSls^S'nr^r MASONIC ANTHEM. Concluded. Prima tempo.

pk*±pfc =*=fe=El=*±j= =t=b=t=P= =a^fl

FUNERAL HYMN. (Istria.) 10s. Larghetto. ;

FUNERAL HYMN. Concluded. S9 rt ^n=pi 31 !F i Low in the grave we make his nar - row bed, And place th' a - ca - cia bloom - ing at his head.

£=q==|= -*-*-* ^ g ^-t— .^l gl fe^jj^ -& zi gi=r gt=*z im^mm ^ g i While here his form shall moulder in - to dust, His spir - it, free, shall dwell a - mong the just.

-» -»=*- f^- s>- P=^= :^?=. t= I . I =1 * t=F m i Di rect our steps through - out life's de - vious way, And pour up - on our path the light of day.

|J —4 1 r- 3d=e « S 75l I May praise to Thee em - ploy our lat - est breath, As we de - part tri - umph - ant o - ver death

fc jE=£p=3=p=dEf±^£^ pgfpBi ?=F p^i

Hc^iivnsr. 10s.

! I art, God ! South. Thy fervent love Thou art, O God my East. In thee dawned ; Thou O my verdure o'er my life hath shed Within me ever let thy day-spring shine Perennial ; Then, for each night of sorrow I have mourned, And constant sunshine from thy heart of love,

I'll bless thee, Father, since it seals me thine. With wine and oil thy grateful child hath fed.


! West. Into thy arms. Thou art, O God ! my North. My trembling soul, Thou art, O God my setting sun, may I decline charmed needle, points to thee Glad as the ; Like a alone ; Each wave of time, each storm of life shall roll Set free from earthly storms and sin's alarms, My trusting spirit forward to thy throne. Re-born, arise in thy new heavens to shine. — — 4

HYMN. (For various occasions.) BI.l'MENTHAL.

I. Fa - ther of the hu-man race, Wise, be - ne - fi - cent, and kind, Spread o'er na-ture's ample face, Flows thy ness un - con-fined.

u =3=* --X =£r-±=f£=fcl

2. Lord what offering shall we bring, At thine al - tars, when we bow? Hearts, the pure, unsul-lied spring,Whence the kind af-fec- tions flow;

3P=£= 9:^C :>?:: 3=t -^: * =t==t=t E 3=4= :|= £ 3= - 3. Will-ing hands to lead the blind, Heal the wounded, feed the poor ; Love, em-brac ing all our kind; Char-i - ty, with lib-eral store. =t ^—^ 1-T={=t=t=i=t:*— 9M&2 {=F^I &-{-* Ht—J-*— h^— J-\-d— V- i=S Moderate J#fej=3==£=j-Hi— Ji3j=E==fc==t==ta-^-, Fr ==to=»===j=l==t==t==t=J==^ ,— J J J i V ±=± B^§3=3=^=^==^==^4=J ^ :*=*£ -si- 1== i -^P-t-9* :=r. 5 W-iW zet 4= -1= B£ i=t=i==t i Mus - ing in the si-lent grove, Or the bu - sy haunts of men, Still we trace thy wondrous love, Claiming large re-turns a - gain. =4=t ===!=* =t S: -•-#- # , *= > 3] Soft compassion's feeling soul, By the melting eye expressed; Sym-pa - thy at whose con - trol Sor-row leaves the wounded breast. $=t= ±*§. * _?_^_ 3*3=3=3: 4=i=l= ?=S==sS=| =t=t=t -t=: ]] - Teach us, O thou heavenly King ! Thus to show our grateful mind, Thus th'ac-cept-ed of fering bring, Love to thee and all man-kind. ? W=t- j=t _' - mm \ l J =3 1 ^^^E^foE^j =t== I

=Jn —^— n * *~ =3=±==lEE=± 1 -# 4— —0- LET THERE BE LIGHT." 61 u Allegro, f >4: dzr 4: : m =P=t - - " m I. Through the Lodge ce les tial sound ing, Let there be light," " Tells of Faith and Hope a - bound - ing, Let there be light." Faith God, its rays re - veal - ing,

2. With the war of wa ters blend - ing, " Let there be light,") From the grave its ter rors rend - ing, " Let there be light."} Hope in life im - mor - tal beam- ing, Allegro, f _^E_ m :S=v E " 3. To the hearts of man kind steal - ing, Let there be light," 1 - " Wakes a warm, fra ter nal feel - ing, Let there be light") Char - i - ty to all its teach - ing,

9^ p-— tm <5-~f- 1 Allegro. j=^mmmmmm J=i: -s>^^- l 3=t=^PZ

mm- =t --£1 While the glo - rious an them peal - ing, " Let there be light," there be light."

-d —* --;. m o mm HBright and ra - diant by gleam - ing, " Let there be light,' Let there be light."

fefc T: II

Love's pro . tect - ing arm out - - reach ing there be ' light," there be light."

4==^: -T- -&-*-*- afeE^Eg : "11 mmm. £i^£ ^P^B ±*a=^ *: 9A m*m=kmmmm 1: ,

62 HYMN.- Opening or Closing. BEO. AMBROSE DAVENPOBT.

Iflf Maestoso. 22=: :p=; fef3^ y^^m £: :t=f: l^EE - i. From east to west, o'er land and Where broth ers meet and friends . . Let fe P=:=£C I£2=v=p: 32^ :^ :^: "-&' *E ?g :t s£=E 2. Our trust re - posed on God lone. Who ne'er will con - trite hearts. dis - own; Our

§iE 3£ zstr

Maestoso. "PEACE TO THE MEMORY." (Dirge.) Ait. torn " I.UIU.IXE.' 63 Adagio.

- ir-zi j 9 ' + *z± -l-z £ E Peace to the mem - 'ry of the dead, Tran - quil may their slum - bers be, Sweet the re - pose with - in the grave, S =t =t =t

-» 0- :*: -^ r>—4-3 ?=±: -1= e^=fi^i=^=E Peace to the mem - 'ry of the dead, Tran - quil may their slum - bers be, Sweet the re - pose with - in the grave, * ,4 =1= •3 »»: ±±i Adagio.

Peace to the mem-'ry of the dead, of the dead, Peace to the mem - 'ry of the dead, of e dead. rit.

i=—-s- im. :*=< ? *^ bp -*— ^==g^=^g=^ — —


Gent -ly, Lord, O gent-ly lead us Thro' this low-ly vale of tears, Thro' the chan es thou'st decreed us, Till our > -fr-:s— =3= 3I5=S=2 . m m i &m mf dol. ?-?-*?-?= ^£fe$\ < S: S - - - tears, Thro' the chang es thou'st decreed us,& Gent ly, Lord, O gent-ly lead us Thro' this low ly vale of N -• 0- 1 — N i , -FHf- M- - V—V— wmmmm -J—& eee } Andante moderate.

Till our last great change appears; When temp - ta - tions darts assail us, When in devious paths we stray. -g-O-f-B-0 9 x-n-B-P—9-0- 1-?- gg^ *-l^p=«- =s£S==E i GENTLY, LORD, O GENTLY LEAD US. Continued. —

68 GENTLY, LORD, O GENTLY LEAD US. Concluded. /_ r==— pp

pi^i^^ii?!^^!^ i- s^^ not our hearts to Ian - guish, Suf- fer not our souls to fear. And when mor - tal life is end - ed, May we I :*=*: ^mm^^=m=mim^^=3. zmiEEEB £ hearts to Ian - guish, Suf- fer not our souls to fear. And when mor - tal life is end ed, May we 1*=W =t: :S=-t—t £EE$=$E£

:«fcff: _*—^_ i- s -i P — H__0" #-P"^ E3^--^--s afo. — tt£=t=$-f-Prt

_l dim. ^?=E ^=?z ?=*: pi ZtZ 1 SZZISI a: mm wake a - mong the blest; And by all the saints at - tend -ed, Ev - er on thy bo - som rest. Ev - er rest, Ev - er rest,

^: -t- -fr- fflE =E*EFt 3^=ffiE3EE3

/ dim. -1t% ^EfFjfPl wake a-mong the blest; And by all the saints at - tend - ed, Ev-er on thy bos-om rest, rest. Ev - er rest, rest, Ev - er rest. m^sm^H^£ ^m =t

*=*: —j— —^g— -g _£— £=£=£ J S±EEE^ t=S- I=S§1^— ;;

HYMN. "Softly now the Light of Day." (Opening or Closing.) CHWATAL. 67

-r—&—— 8^3

I. Soft - ly now the light of day, Fades up - on our sight a - way, Fades up 5 =t =3 j :E= 9» jp=: *=:=! EfeEzE :r=: 2. Soon for me the light of day, Shall for - ev - er pass a - way, Shall for 3= ^=i; il=EiS^ii -0—g- Andante. *fcfc feS P -^==z_S=:=^ 5= -

* =»=npz ):^ :=t:

- ev - er pass a - way Then from care, from sor - row free, Take us, Lord, 3= ^=^= 9^^ =:=2t: W=* ^^^^^M^^^^^mm;^=^ig^

FP2=t—=z:rpr ^& IEEE 1=E^ —

HYMN. "Softly Now the Light of Day. Concluded

- - ther, our Lord Bless'd thy maj - es - ty for - ev - er, Ev - er i. Bless'd be thou, the God of Is rael, Thou, our Fa and ; s ?z= :d=^T: f_ -»— —»- :p=^: £: s - - it is to us pros-per, - ly 2. Rich - es comemi- of thee, and hon or, Power and might to thee be long ; Thine make On W=V ^m -e 1 P m- & ±: Moderate =t=± »=l=EEg H=3- e -t P t=* pp I I _g v m—r- J-^i T==F :^fe — — j*

HYMN. Concluded. mf -p— £ i= iH9 :E :E S be thy Name a-dored. Thine, Lord, are power greatness, O and Glo-ry, vic-t'ry are thine own ; All is thine in earth and i =i— 3 :4=^ =1= » —#—»- &E S see mf m M EE=S j^g thine to make us strong. Lord, our God, for these, t-hy - i - bounties, Hymns of grat tude we raise ; To thy Name for - ev - er

=t=l= ==^=3—4-0 t=t m^mm 3 . a—0—0 0-

=»P=F 1=fe p=Fg^«z=5— *3=tc { PF -l—tr /»/

0—— 0- :f=f= .SEE! iF=t=p: 3E =t=t±

:E ^=3 HP heav - en, O - ver all thy bound - less throne, All is thine in earth and heav - en, O - ver all thy boundless throne. S^ =|: SI

Sfp= it: £=F :E £ S ££ glo rious, Ev - er we ad - dress our praise, To thy Name for - ev - er glo - rious, Ev - er we ad - dress Sour praise.

^VS ! - -\ o 0— 0- S= 3 feiSEE§il 3BE^E £=£ I W^- pa -F tr ¥

tt=m: -J—j. 5£ 0- 3^£ 1= -i&LM fsppia ;


iHSH^^ Send thy bless - ing to each heart Make us lov - ing, true, and kind .... Make us one in heart and mind.

* ' • -•- " +1 - P'^. -T-^ \j « -»t imi —• \j -J-r- CLOSING HYMN. Continued. 71 mf solo. CLOSING HYMN. Concluded. t %


CHANT, No. 1. (Entered Apprentice.) ARR. FROM BEETHOVEN". 7S

-G-.-V #£3=

I. Behold how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell to - gether in unity

£*=r. -& &- §s

2. That went down to the skirts of his garment, As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew ) on the mountains of Zion: that descended up- j BE - & & ^ ill 1=S


IHr <=L U It is like the precious ointment up - on the head, That ran down upon the beard, even Aa - ron's beard. wi& -IS) 7!lr m

^ -f=z==?z ±i: I For there the Lord com - manded the blessing Even Life for - ev er - more. '& BE -& G> S>- 31 =?"- ^=gH 76 CHANT, No. 2. (Entered Apprentice.) HOWARD M. DOW. ^iH i - how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell to gether in unity! I. Behold how good and S m 2. That went down to the skirts of his garment, As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew ) on the mountains of Zion: descended up- that (

m w l&Etz2r «E^

§ i precious ointment up - on the head, That ran down upon the beard, even Aa - ron's beard. It is like the E^ m

s ac =r m For there the Lord com manded the blessing Even. Life for - ev - er - more. 3^ 1 I * S^3E fe=* m ¥ m .

CHANT, No. 3. (Fellow Craft.) HOWARD M. DOW. 77

a plumb-line, i. Thus he showed me, and behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by list: E£E i 2. And the Lord said unto me,. Amos, what seest thou ?

3. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumb-line in the midst of my peo pie Israel,

$ 1 With a plumb-line in his hand. A $ -»- S^l And said a plumb - - - line. A - men.

-ffc- a— r jj ^j^^ I will not again pass by them an more. A - men. n igpEi

(sc=5: I] £ W^^M r . .

78 CHANT, No. 4. (Fellow Craft.) HOWAISD M. DOW. i i . Thus he showed me, and behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumb-line,


i Amos, what seest thou ? 2. And the Lord said unto me,. -o—

3. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumb-line in the midst of my peo - pie Israel,

:p: I =^^

s 1 With a plumb-line in his hand. m -fc— KISS And said a plumb line. ')

I will not again pass by them an m I

rdc E$& «?* a ft II]

--P- as 11 CHANT, No. 5. (Fellow Craft.) HOWARD M. DOW. 79 i

i. Though I speak with the tongues of ... . men and of Angels, And have not charity, I am become as sounding m 3L;=zr«: 2. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, And though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it £

3. Doth not behave it self un - seemly, Seeketh not her own, is not easily pro m "£ m brass, or a tink - ling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, ^fe=g=3=g:

prof - it - eth me nothing, Charity suffereth See£ ZSZ ~fg"T~o

voked doth not think evil. . Rejoiceth not

u± _5L

4. Beareth all things, be ^EgE^gEg£=^Eg^g^E3=

'^fe=^ ^=^ 8C CHANT, No. 5. Concluded. «*=E EE=FEF: mmm - and all knowledge, And though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not chari ty I am nothing.

-g Tir fc_tL =fc 1 long and is kind, Charity envieth not, Charity vaunteth not it self is not puffed up. =P= W- §^=S X- U 9 in in - iquity, But, re joic - eth in the truth. .*=_, pm lieveth all things, Hopeth all things, en dur - eth all things.

gyF._^ JB==3^ 7=^ I

CHANT, No. 6. (Fellow Craft.) HOWARD M. DOW. #f- I I I Though I speak with the tongues of men, and of Angels, And have not Charity, am become as sounding

I not charity, it 2. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, And though give my body to be burned, and have isS

- not her own, is not easily pro - 3. Doth not behave it self un seemly, Seeketh SOLO. —o — 1S3EE= I M£ a

CHANT, No. 6. Concluded. 81 & -

brass, or a tink - ling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, aHt—si- T, ;j 70 prof - it - eth me nothing. Charity suffereth §%S

voked doth not think evil. Rejoiceth not SOLO.

-0 ^S —ri-

4. Beareth all things, be

-^ - Ei^^ fc=£:B|

9*iM>=4= &^ £=z2 rt^^I«=Zfc

-s>—+— IS S 1=^ and all knowledge, And though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not chari - ty, I am nothing. i=gjggg^=!

Plong and is kind. Charity envieth not, Charity vaunteth not it self is not puffed up. Vv' E=E^^ii in in - iquity But, re joic - eth in the truth. 3¥33=£ H =}- fe=3i=^ lieveth all things. Hopeth all things, en dur - eth all - - - things.

IS ^;—3==t=p. :====ttz=a:=JI —

82 CHANT, No. 7. (Master Mason.) IH *- I. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, i I 2. While the Sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened, SE "P- shall - 3. In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men bow them selves, ^BE bt $| IS I When thou shalt say, I have no pleas - ure in them. $

Nor the clouds return after the -0 mt And the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened.

M* m .

CHANT, No. 7. Concluded. 83

4. And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low,

- Us e> rJ they shall afraid of that is 5. Also when be which high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond . . . .tree shall flourish.

F 6. Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken.

7. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it

sP=E ^-=j£

I& And he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low. BE

shall burden, And the grasshopper be a and desire shall fail, because man goeth to his long home, and ) bout the the mourners go a - j IS m Or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. US shall return unto And the spirit God who gave it. ~ :=:sr— Igdz %: ljzz v. -o— m t r 84 CHANT, No. 8. (Master Mason.) Bro. C. C. WENTWOISTII.

t the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, I Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while

In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow them - - selves,

fears shall be in the way, and the almond . . tree shall flourish, 3. Also when they shall be afraid of that. which is high, and SOLO.

T3 m m

When thou shalt say I have no pleas - ure in them,

-3-- -si- ?-

And the orinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened, ^4=~-

And the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail, because mart goeth to his long home, and ) - bout the streets. the mourners go a- ) i? 3=t f^g

m -(St 5&- CHANT, No. 8. Concluded. 85

While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened,

And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, 53_

Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, SOLO. -(2 ^=- m wr- Then shall the dust return to the earth as it m ^fl ^Nor the clouds re------.--. turn .... after the rain. m ^m And he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low. =^ i Or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the , wheel broken at the cistern.

: = 9 : jSt rjr II And the spirit shall re turn unto God who gave it. -=^111 m :r-^ :^ 1 .

86 CHANT, No. 9. ("Our days on Earth are as a Shadow.") beetSovbn! i=i=t= is none a - biding, We are of yesterday, there is but a.... I. Our days on earth are as a shadow, and there =j: i m your Lord may come, Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the 2. Watch ! for ye know not what hour E # -.^=m^m=£

E -s> «- i Man's days are as grass, as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth, step between us and death. I f-* m HHg^H It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good, Son Sman cometh ; =^==^^fe^i

— 1= H CHANT, No. 9. Concluded. 87

m - He appeareth for a little time, and then ish eth

The Lord gave, the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the —O—


Coda, ft ^1 way. A m Lord.

Coda. s

:ifes ~-w- 5S E=E3 EE 88 CHANT, No. 10. (Funeral Chant.) HOWARD M. DOW. HW m^ a=il-Hil - - I. How dark the road we go, to our last .... rest ing place, There all we hold so dear below, is lost in death's em brace,


No proudly-nodding plume, no banner .... wav - ing high, Can stay the sadness of the tomb, or hush a ris - ing sigh, ') imt - - 3. See where a Savior's love, that sacred Hope de creed, That man should live in bliss above, tho' dy ing hear him plead,

=1: §5 -»—*-

I i&zr&i ^jgj m <9=F=P^ M

i r^i Our Father, hear our cry, to Thee, to Thee we pray, Our trusting hearts on Thee rely, when life's best hopes de - cay. Si mm

- shade, finds re - lief in prayef. But Hope with holy aid, 'mid sadness . gath 'ring there, Pours gentle light on grief's deep and

& P- 0- =&F3 D Be that immortal light, still radiant o'er the tomb, The soul upborne to mansions bright, shall find un - dy - ing bloom. — -a n- m

-TJ I _ § m W-Y m §§=^^ m CHANT, No. 11. ("Thy will be done.") 89 _pp_

:t: m^ : - will be done.' In devious way the hurrying stream of i. "Thy life may . run, =t

2. will be done." If o'er us shine a gladdening and a - "Thy pros perous . Sun,

s^ 5- m 4= — 3. "Thy will be done.' Though shrouded o'er our path with gloom,

^=T W-&—l=i

m 1

// Coda, ( a/for 3d verse.)


This prayer shall make it more divine " Thy will be done," "Thy will be done." 23£ iSg " One comfort, one, is ours to breathe, while we adore, " Thy will be done " " Thy will be done ,=mmmmmm r II- s t m .:/ is CHANT, No. 12. MOST EXCELLENT MASTER. (Opening.) HOWARD M. DOW.

I. The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness there of;

-cr- vi 4- m2. Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? He shall receive the blessing from the Lord ? m&& 4. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye ever last - ing doors, - 5. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, even lift them up ye ever last ing doors, r£=—^ = =

')• &

k± itz

The world, and they that dwell there - in. Pfr :v_ *=And who shall stand in his ho - ly place ?

And righteousness from the God of his sal - vation.

§a*m -eh- And the King of . Glo shall come And the King of Glo shall come

M 1 4- &~ m. 3 ;

CHANT, No. 12. Concluded. 91

-XLT- f $r^tzi =H For he hath founded it up the i?3f=%er He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart -g P-£ K^BE This is the generation of them that seek him,

Who is this King, of Glory ? Who is this King. of Glory ? £* fr iP > b i E2 i^ ?*- :pz=^: And established up - on the floods. ss5S -0- Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn de ceit - ful iy-

_a: §&£ II That seek thy face, O Jacob. 2S*a m .... mighty in battle, The Lord strong and mighty ; the Lord The Lord of Hosts, he is the King of Glory. =^==£

:;=3fc=g » 3=1= ^ II 92 CHANT, No. IS. (Most Excellent Master. Work.) i sha11 not want « i. The Lord is my Shepherd ; I


of righteousness, for his name's sake, 2. He restoreth my soul : he leadeth me in the paths


oil runneth enemies thou anointest my head with ; my cup over, 3. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine ;

:^zi: m ^±EEE^& =3=BF

!?=& I t=t m leadeth be side the still waters. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures ; he me mm 3]

art with ) staff they com - fort me. Yea/though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no 'evil ; for thou me; thy rod and thy

=P= &- M '& -&'- 1 life I will dwell in the house of the Lord for - ever. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my ; and


a-^-d T W=& 11

i i is 1 jg4--rf1 -1 -a—^—e__i =a^—-/3 —« U CHANT, No. 14. (Sentences for Knight Templar Ceremonies.) \MI1U0SE DAVEXFOET. 93

i9* § i. We brought nothing into this world, And it is certain we can car - ry noth - ing §i: zG- -©- "2. Lord, thou hast been our refuge from one gene ra - tion to a - nother, Pg^g :£=$^: -^ (2- ZjSZ 1*-

- - 3. I am the res ur rection, And the life. . . . saith the Lord,

The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken a - way, Blessed be the of the Lord. iP ISt Before the mountains were brought forth, or ) earth and the world, even from everlasting, to ever last - ing, Thou art God. ever thou hadst formed the mf \


He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, And whosoever liveth- and believeth in me shall nev - er die. -o.—zi- I iF=f m&

-9- 'm i- ^fc=£ j

94 CHANT, No. 14. Continued.

«=*-P- =sfc

P ', 4. The days of our age are three score years and ) four-score years, Yet is their strength then but labor and way and we are gone. sorrow, so soon passeth it a- ten, and though men be so strong that they come to ) wm £=£: ¥- ife :{ W^

', 4. The days of our age are three score years and ) four-score years, Yet is their strength then but labor and way and we are gone. - .' ten, and though men be so strong that they come to ) sorrow, so soon passeth it a lit ill

Maji-g- P=a:

So teach us to number our days, That we may apply our hearts un - to wis dom. S i gtg^i -

J&ZZ S mf j

CHANT, No. 14. Concluded. 95 -**- *=F H - 5. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, And the Ho ly Ghost. 1

§5E £ ii 5. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, And the Ho - ly Ghost.

<*-$- -O— I Se r^ & :

(full.)/ >«&- 3£ 4 4- §SE — -n f-

— =p3p= s~ I =E ^ t=^t 1 - As it was in the beginning, is now, and .... ev - er. . . . shall be, World with out -0 G O ^=p: W m X—E-4-= I Jraf. -*- -*—«- ^=^ 3E ^E£:

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ev - er shall be, World with - out end §5fe 3=3— =gjE^j£=F HIM

m : <* : I1^=E^ ^^eI=I CHANT No. IS. (I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills.)

" t*i=i=j=f-*- : lift hills, whence mI. I will up mine eyes unto the from cometh my help, i 2. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved, He that keepeth thee will not slumber,


3. The Lord is thy keeper, The Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand,

4. • The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil, He shall pre serve thy soul, £ m

4 ._aa:

i My help cometh from the Lord which made Heaven and earth. A - - men, 3

Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall not slumber nor sleep. A

'*- -?- It 1 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. :± ::i|: n ^ -O- fS- -o 1 The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in, from this time forth, and even for ev - er - more. A - men. =3E % m ?=£ =i^%i3=i

a: -6-

! ;;

OPENING HYMN. L. M. 99 n f Andante. mf -^=^zzfz?.z m ^±ft :s t=t=fe I. How dear the place where broth -ers true Their ho - ly pledge of Faith re - new Let notes of love re Se=^= f=P=S | j=jj3=g m PSi^feg =t= - - 2. While here sweet Hope its pres ence bears, No fear in-dulged, no anx - ious cares ; Let notes of love re

/ mf „ -k §fe - r- s «= \— e 3. May gen - tie Char - i - ty here find nit - ed friends and broth-ers kind Let notes of love re ife 3^ \W=-T-

- ter, throned light, mmev' - ry voice - - 4. To Him, our Mas min Let inmmpraise u nite Let notes of love re

,, .Andante.

- . spon - sive rise From east to west, to thest skies, From east to west, to far thest skies.

t=«t -£_£ ^^^l^n^^i^ ii^i 11 - - . . spon - sive rise From east to west to far thest skies, From east to west, east to west, to far thest skies.

fz^z7± fa%=t^^— S=±4: &£?£:i

=- >- I n ^JJ I , Pi I A a --r- I ;

100 OPENING HYMN. (Hamburg.) L. M. E^E #=T=^= :r: ^ HI I - - - - binds In sweet com ion kin dred. i. How blest the sa cred tie, that. mun minds, 3 ^E tet= Friend - ship smiles 2. To - geth - er oft they. seek the. place Where T face — >3 H 7T3 T ^ §!ee^ HP-

- flame ex pire, dim ly burns frail na - ture s . . , fire 3. Nor shall the glow - ing. When ; : J2ZZ

— 1 ^m=M £f ,« -

Sfe 1=^=^ SP ±^=t q?=z2 ^EE^ I f Pi £3

J: E E 1 - hearts, whose faith, whose hopes are.... one. How swift the heav'n ly. . . . course they.... run, Whose :a= e=Se|e I! 1= :t=: kin dred souls tell. How high, how strong their. , rap swell, There's none but can ~&'- ::a: =E=3 ;t= :E3 1

of joy,. heaven of . . . , love. Then shall they meet in. . . . realms bove, A heaven =j: m$m il z^==zt=±^. m L —zt ±3E«I 1

=2£ :J J^=d3^==J^ =5=e=E3: !H sI 1: ; ; ;; ! ! ; ; ; ! ! ; ; ; ; ; ; j ; ;;


11. 3. OPENING HYMN. 7. CLOSING HYMN. CONSECRATION. sea, 1. Great God! the work in thee begun, CORN. I. From East to West, o'er land and have done Where brothers meet and friends agree, The Craftsmen, in thy faith, 1. Where once of old, in Israel, our labors send, Let intense rise from hearts sincere, Thy blessing on Our early Brethren wrought with toil, begun, in peace to end. The dearest offering gathered here. In hope Jehovah's blessings on them fell, In showers of Corn, and Wine, and On.. fill souls with heavenly light, 2 Let notes of praise united tell, 2. Oh, our mystic Of thoughts most kind where brothers dwell Be present in our rite WINE. when on earth we work no more, Though°clouds may dim our darkened way, And 2. When there a shrine to Him above Celestial Lodge, unbar thy door Some kindly hand shall be our stay. They built, with worship sin to foil, On threshold and on corner-stone 3. Our trust reposed on Him alone 8. SUPER EXCELLENT MASTER. They poured out Corn, and Wine, and Oil. Who ne'er will contrite hearts disown, 1. When we, our wearied limbs to rest, Faith shall mark that Holy Light Our Sat down by proud Euphrates stream, oll. Whose beams our dearest joys unite. We wept with doleful thoughts oppress'd, 3. And we have come, fraternal bands, And Zion was our mournful theme. With joy and pride and prosperous spoil, A. INITIATION. To honor Him by votive hands. the various maze 2. Our harps, that, when with joy we sung, 1. Oh. guide him through With streams of Corn, and Wine, Ott. parts and His doubtful feet are doomed to tread, Were wont their tuneful to bear, neglected hung, And spread thy shield's protecting blaze With silent strings, 13. FUNERAL HYMN. Where dangers press around his head. On willow trees that withered there. 1. Here let the Bacred rites succeed shall we tune our voice to sing, 2. A deeper shade shall soon impend, 3. How In honor of departed friends skillful hands A deeper sleep his eyes oppress, Or touch our harps with With solemn order now proceed, our King, Yet then thy strength shall still defend, Shall hymns of joy to God While living faith with sorrow blends. slaves in foreign lands'? Thy goodness still delight to bless. Be sung by 2. Now let the hymn, — the humble prayer, our once happy seat 3. That deeper shade shall break away, 4. Salem, From hearts sincere, ascend on high That deeper shade shall leave his eyes, When I of thee forgetful prove, And mystic evergreen declare, trembling hand forget Thy light shall give eternal day, Then let my That hope within us cannot die. with art to move. Thy love, the rapture of the skies. The tuneful strings 3. The mortal frame may be concealed 5. If I to mention thee forbear, Within the narrow house of gloom; S. OPENING. MASTER MASON. Eternal silence seize my tongue But God, in mercy, has revealed meet with us here, 1. Great God ! wilt thou Or if I sing one cheerful air, Immortal life beyond the tomb. And bless us in our works of love 1 Till thy deliverance is my song. friends we mourn we still may love : Thy sacred name we all revere 4. The let our aspirations rise Oh, grant us blessings from above ! O. TEMPLAR HYMN. Then To that bright spirit-world above, living stone, 1. As when the weary traveller gains 2. May each be found a Where virtue lives, love never dies. For heavenly mansions, tried and squared The height of some commanding hill, earthly sands are run, His heart revives if o'er the plains When all our 13. INITIATION. The scythe of time find us prepared. He sees his home, though distant still. 1. Far from the world's cold strife and pride, king the Christian pilgrim views, 3. By the strong grip of Judah's 2. So when Come join our peaceful, happy band his mansion in the skies, May we be raised to realms of peace By faith, Come, stranger, we your feet will guide, his fainting strength renews^ There constant songs of praises sing, The si<*ht Where truth and love shall hold command. his speed to reach the prize. In that Grand Lodge of endless bliss. And°wings 2. Although in untried paths you tread, 3. The hope of heaven his spirit cheers O. DEDICATION, OR OPENING. And filled, perhaps, with anxious fear, No more he grieves for sorrows past, A Brother's faithful hand shall lead Pour out thy Spirit from on high; conflict fears, 1. Nor any future doubt and darkness disappear. assembled servants bless Where Lord ! thine So he may safe arrive at last. Graces and gifts to each supply, 3. Then may you in our labors join, Lord ! on thee our hopes we stay And clothe us with thy righteousness. 4. And prove yourself a Brother true lead us on to thine abode, To All sordid, selfish cares resign, Within this temple, where we stand love will far o'erpay 2. Assured thy And keep our sacred truths in view. To teach the truth as taught by thee, The hardest dangers of the road. chosen band, In favor bless this 11. CLOSING. With Wisdom, Strength, and Unity lO. ROYAL ARCH. OPENING. ere to-night part, heart and tongue, 1. Come, Brothers, we impart 1. With all my powers of 3. Fervor and Zeal freely Join every voice and every heart above, I'll praise my Maker in my song Firmness, with meekness from solemn hymn to God we'll raise, Angels shall hear the notes I raise, One That each may with a faithful heart, closing song of grateful praise. Approve the song, and join the praise. One Here labor for the cause of love. mercy, Lord; 2. Here, Brothers, we may meet no more, finished here, 2. I'll sing thy truth and 4. And when our work is But there is yet a happier shore resign I'll sing the wonders of thy word; ; May we in hope our charge And there, released from toil and pain, Not all the works and names below When thou, Grand Master, shalt appear, Brothers, we shall meet agrin. So much thy power and glory show. Dear May we and all mankind be thine. u

102 MARK MASTER. Work. (Old Hundred.) L. M.

ipzz: :f= £: 5: £=2: :t: m - oth six days' work is done ; An - oth - er Sab - bath is be gun,

-JP=\=?£ -fS"

-y-l :^=E=

- 2. In ho du ties, let the day In ho ly pleas ures pass a way, m mei2=:.zzz)~ =£ :See; =^=; £=£W=3FF3 S^E is; ±=l s iE3 ^EEf gl

i - H - turn soul, joy thy rest ; Im prove the day thy God hath bless'd. Re my :

-+-_s£rfc=p 1

est bJ== =^==f=^= ©>- i=i =fez: 1 =t=r =E P :g=__^: I ; ! ; ; ; ; !! ; ! !


1G. DEDICATION OF MASONIC HALL. SO. INITIATION. 3-1. MARK MASTER. CLOSING 1. Genius of Masonry, descend } 1. While journeying on our homeward way. 1. Accept, Great Builder of the skies, with thee And bring thy spotless train By love fraternal gently led, Our heartfelt acts of ! Constant our sacred rites attend, Supreme Conductor! Thee we pray Each brother found a living stone, While we adore thy peaceful reign. To smooth the dangerous path we tread. While bending low before thy throne.

(Dedication to Freemasonry.) 2. No fear shall cross the trusting heart, 2. While craftsmen true their work prepare, Our faith reposed on Him above; 2. Bring with thee virtue, brightest maid With thoughts unstained, and holy care, ; No dearer joy can life impart Bring love, bring truth, and friendship here. May each be fitly formed and placed Than gently breathes in words of love. While lind relief will lend her aid. Where Love Divine his hope had traced. To smooth the wrinkled brow of care. 3. When earthly ties shall fade and die ; 35. DEDICATION. CLOSING. When earthly joys shall come no more, (Dedication to Virtue.) 1. Great Architect of heaven and earth, Supreme Conductor ! then supply To whom all nature owes its birth, 3. Come, Charity, with goodness crowned. Thy holy aid, when time is o'er. Thou spoke, and vast creation stood, Encircled in thy heavenly robe; Surveyed the work — pronounced it good. Diffuse thy blessings all around. 31. CLOSING. To every corner of the globe. 1. Great God, to thee our closing song, 2. Lord, canst thou deign to own and bless With humble gratitude we raise This humble dome, this sacred place ? (Dedication to Universal Benevolence.) ; Oh, let thy mercy tune our tongue, Oh ! let thy spirit's presence shine 4. To heaven's high Architect all praise, And fill our hearts with lively praise. Within these walls — this house of thine. All praise, all gratitude be given. 2. Let Faith and Hope our eyelids close 3. 'Twas reared in honor of thy name deigned the human soul Who to raise, With sleep refresh our feeble frame Here kindle Lord, the sacred flame* By mystic secrets sprung from heaven. j Safe in thy care may we repose, Oh ! make it burn in every heart, And wake with praises to thy name. And never from this place depart. 17. OPENING HYMN. 4. Lord, here the wants of all supply, 1. How dear the place where brothers true 33. HYMN. And fit our souls to dwell Their holy pledge of Faith renew on high; 1. Thou, to whom in ancient time, From service in this humble place, Let notes of love responsive rise, The lyre of Hebrew bards was strung, Raise us to praise thee face to face. From East to West — to farthest skies. Whom kings adored in songs sublime, 36. ROYAL ARCH. 2. While here sweet Hope its presence bears, And prophets praised with glowing tongue.

No fear indulged, no anxious cares, 1. Almighty Father ! heavenly King 2. Not now on Zion's height alone Let notes of love responsive rise, Before whose sacred Name we bend, Thy favored worshipper may dwell, From East to West — to farthest skies. Accept the praises which we sing, Nor where, at sultry noon, thy Son, And to our humble prayer attend. 3. May gentle Charity here find Sat weary, by the Patriarch's well. United friends and brothers kind: 2. Thou, who did'st Persia's king command 3. From every place below the skies, Let notes of love responsive rise, A proclamation to extend, The grateful song, the fervent prayer — From East to AVest — to farthest skies. That Israel's host might quit his land, The incense of the heart — may rise Their holy temple to attend. 4. To Him, our Master, throned in light. To heaven, and find acceptance there. Let every voice in praise unite 3. All hail ! great Architect divine ! ; 4. To thee shall age, with snowy hair, Let notes of love responsive rise, Let heaven's eternal arches ring And strength and beauty bend the knee, From East to West — to farthest skies. This universal frame is thine And childhood lisp, with reverent air, All hail ! thou great, Eternal King 18. CLOSING. Its praises and its prayers to thee. 37. COMMANDERY. OPENING. 1. From all that dwell below the skies, 5. Thou, to whom in ancient time, Let the Creator's praise arise. The lyre of prophet-bards was strung, 1. The peace which God alone reveals, Let the Redeemer's name be sung To thee, at last, in every clime, And by his word of grace imparts, Through every land, by every tongue. Shall temples rise, and praise be sung. Which only the believer feels, Direct, and keep, and cheer our hearts. 2. Eternal are thy mercies, Lord ; S3. PAST Eternal truths attend thy word MASTER. 2. And may the holy Three in One, Father, Thy name shall sound from shore to shore, 1. Come, gather round with hearts sincere, The Word, and Comforter, Till suns shall rise and set While prayers devout are offered here Pour an abundant blessing down no more. j In peace to rule, in truth to guide, On every soul assembled here. lO. OPENING. Let kindness o'er our acts preside. 3S. RED CROSS COUNCIL. 1. Thou ! at whose great name we bend, 2. To Him, our Heavenly Master, now, 1. From hearts sincere, from lips most true, To whom our warmest vows we pay, With thoughts subdued, we humbly bow ; We bring united thanks anew God over all ! in love descend, So, to our chosen Master here Be all our hopes reposed on bless Thee, And the labors of this day. Let true obedience still appear. While time shall last, or Truth shall be. 2. Here Btill, through all succeeding time, 3. "When, all our earthly labors o'er, 2. While humbly now our homage owned May Truth and Love its tribute bring, Our earthly Masters rule no more, To Him, our Sovereign, high enthroned, still the And anthem-note sublime, May each in holier climes rest, find Oh, be our still Thee from footsteps guided To children's children ring. Where cares ne'er come, nor foes molest. Where Truth shall dearest hopes fulfil . , —1 ;

104 HYMN. Fellow Craft. (Missionary Chant.) L. M.

- :^=:: ?z= — m =t—=£: :t i - i. Had the tongues of Greeks and Jews, And no bier speech than s^ :t g ^ 1 P^m^j § :t= hell, 2. Were in - spired preach and tell All that is done in heaven and a s£= m :t £ :t: m - 3. Should dis - trib - ute all my store To feed the crav ings of the poor, =F Hg g^^ i :s£ ^m s- all are vain 4. If love God, and love Be ab sent, my hopes p^ea e± ^ £ 4 j&Z.i^HEEt i3=* t & :pa^: zSEEl: & 3

3C H 31 - If love be ab am found. . . . Like tink ling brass, an emp sound. % t-:^Si i Or could my faith the world re - move. Still am noth - ing with love.

iS I!!! :t: I Or give my bod the flame, To gain tyr's glo

—1 —1—&< =1= ii

Nor tongues, nor gifts, fier zeal, The works of love fill - fil. 3^3= ii l^Edt m 1

—g -~gj~ P=E g^H=E=EE ^ ^ ; ; —; ; ; 105


1. Master supreme ! accept our praise ; 1. " Let there be Light " — the first command 1. We offer, Lord, an humble prayer, Still bless this consecrated band ; That burst from Heaven's exalted throne, And thank thee for thy grace bestowed,

! illume ways, Parent of Light our Jehovah gave the stern decree, In leading us beneath thy care us thy sovereign hand. And guide by And forth immediate radiance shone. Thus far in wisdom's pleasant road. divine, 2. Hay Faith, Hope, Charity 2. there's light, a brighter light But a 2. Whatever to our lot may fall — their undivided reign Here hold ; sun or nature e'er could claim, Than What toilsome duties to fulfil, — Friendship and harmony combine 'Tis shed through all creation's space, do not ; but in all, pain. We know them To soothe our cares, and banish bears a great an(I glorious name. And Be thou our strength and comfort still. disciples find. 3. Hay "Wisdom here 3. Then let us search for this great light Beauty unfold her thousand charms 3. Be thou, God, our constant friend, — ; Which shines with such refulgence broad j hope, our comfort, and our stay Science invigorate the mind, Our ; Its name is Truth ; and that alone warms. And may thy spirit, Lord, descend, Expand the soul that virtue Can bring our wandering souls to God. To bless and guide us day by day. 4. Hay Pity dwell within each breast, suffering poor Belief attend the 3-4. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Thousands by this, our lodge be blest. 38. HYMN. ROYAL ARCH. Till worth, distress'd,shallwant no more. 1. 'Tis by the faith of joys to come We walk through deserts dark as night, 1. All powerful, self-existent God, 31. DEDICATION. Till we arrive at heaven our home, Who all creation dost sustain, Faith is our guide, and faith our bight. Thou wast, and art, and art to come, 1. When God upheaved the pillared earth, light gave birth, And everlasting is thy reign. Hung out the stars to 2. The want of sight well supplies, Opened its deeps, its carpet spread, She makes the pearly gates appear 2. Fixed and eternal as thy days, 'Twas silence all, as chaos fled. Far into distant worlds she pries, Each glorious attribute divine, eternal glories near. 2. "When rose the fane on Zion's hill, And brings Through ages infinite shall still matchless power and skill, undiminished lustre shine. A work of 3. Cheerful we tread the desert through, With there, No axe was heard, no hammer While faith inspires a heavenly ray, 3. Fountain of being, Source of good, But all was still as summer air. Though lions roar, and tempests blow, Immutable thou dost remain And rocks and dangers fill the way. ; 3. Thus, laboring, through life's working-day, Nor can the shadow of a change In gold, or marble, wood, or clay, Obscure the glories of thy reign. Let art through us its empire pure, 35. HYMN. FOR VARIOUS OCCASIONS. By quiet toil and skill secure. 4. Earth may with all her powers dissolve unites mankind, 1. 'Tis masonry If such the great Creator's will; 4. Thus air and flame shall space o'ercome, actions forms the soul; To gen'rous But thou forever art the same And bring the distant near to home, In friendly converse all conjoined, I Am, is thy memorial still. While thought in channels new shall flow, One spirit animates the whole. And round the earth in silence go. 2. Where'er aspiring domes arise,

5. Great God ! thus let the temple rise, altars stand 39. MASTER MASON. Wherever sacred ; "Whose altar-stone within us lies, Those altars blaze unto the skies, of every form Silent and calm with skill divine, Those domes proclaim the Mason's hand. 1. Dangers attend Your steps, as onward you proceed Till light immortal round it shine. j craft — 3. Sing, brethren, then, the we love ; No earthly power can now befriend, 33. INSTALLATION, OR DEDICATION. Best bond of social joy and mirth ; — Or aid you in this time of need. Until we meet in Lodge above, 1. Te happy few, who here extend Proclaim its virtues o'er the earth. 2. Then put your trust in Him alone, In perfect lines, from east to west, Who rules all things above, below; "With fervent zeal the Lodge defend, Send your petitions to his throne, its secrets in each breast, 36. OPENING, OR CLOSING. And lock For he alone can help you now. 2. Since ye are met upon the square, 1. Supreme Grand Master, most sublime, Bid love and friendship jointly reign High throned in glory's radiant clime, Be peace and harmony your care, Behold thy sons on bended knee,. 40 MASTER MASON. Nor break the adamantine chain. Convened, God, to worship thee. 1. Death, like an overflowing stream, 3. Behold the planets, how they move, 2. And as 'tis thine with open ear, Sweeps us away — our life's a dream — Yet keep due order as they run The suppliant voice of prayer to hear, talc morning flower — ; An empty — a Then imitate the stars above, Grant thou, Lord, this one request, Cut down, and withered in an hour. And shine resplendent as the sun. Let Masons be, in blessing, blest. 2. Teach us, Lord, how frail is man Then let us celebrate the praise 3. Oh, give the craft, from pole to pole, 4. And kindly lengthen out our span, Of all who have enriched the art; The feeling heart, the pitying soul, Till, cleansed by grace, we all may be Let gratitude our voices raise, The gen'rous breast, the lib'ral hand, Prepared to die, and dwell with thee. And each true brother bear a part. Compassion's balm, and mercy's band. b . ; 106 OPENING. (Hummel.) C. M.

:,2z=tz— S=l_f2= 3E f=t= 3

heaven, . tim space fined, I. Great Ar chi of earth and By mm 3= pres ence let 2. Wher - e'er what - e'er do. Thy 3= ^EE :=3BC 1" -t: - sci - ence's laws. . . . la bor veal, 3. While na - - ture's works. and We

-_&: 9!e :^zr- -& ¥. Char ty. and Love 4. With Faith our guide. and hum ble Hope Warm

! l^jg^=E =f=S S

:^=3~g- 4=F=^ Hiiii -g>-— Hg |ii

11=311 11 Our breth - ren all man - kind. En large love. . pre hend,.... ^mm I Thine eye, all marks deeds,. . To Thee all thoughts are known. * t~> 1 1 §± =h3£ rpz: nm q= I . - - Zeal. O! be done Thee. . . With Fer ven cy, and

m 3S II - feet light May all last be raised share. . . . Thy per bove.

<=^Ep5 —g=z— ±gz£—r-f" ]] il==i -st- tefc §!: K H f- ; ; ! ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ! ; ;


49. OPENING. 42. ROYAL ARCH. OPENING. 45. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. 1. Within our temple met again, 1. All hail ! the great Immanuel's name 1. Holy and reverend is thy Name, With hearts and purpose strong, Let angels prostrate fall thou Eternal King \ We'll raise our notes of grateful praise, Bring forth the royal diadem, "Thrice holy Lord," the angels cry, With union in our song. And crown him Lord of all. Thrice holy/' let us sing " 2. Around our altar's sacred shrine, 2. Let every kindred, every tribe rise, 2. "With sacred awe pronounce his Name, May Love's pure incense On this terrestial ball. "Whom words nor thoughts can reach Bearing upon its mystic flame To him all majesty ascribe, A holy heart shall please him more Our music to the skies. speech. And crown him Lord of all. Than noblest forms of SO. OPENING SONG. yonder sacred throng 3. Oh, that with 1. Come, Brothers, of the Plumb and Square, 43. OPENING, OR CLOSING. We at his feet may fall Come, join in cheerful song • power And join the everlasting song, 1. Jehovah, God ! thy gracious Let every heart and voice prepare see And crown him Lord of all. The glad notes to prolong. On every hand we ; each hour Oh. may the blessings of 46. MASONIC SONG. 2. We're Brothers by a mystic tie, Lead all our thoughts to thee. We're Brothers true and Free, 1. Let Masonry, from pole to pole, Then let the song ascend on high, — 2. Oh, may we all in love abound, Her sacred laws expand j God speed Freemasonry. And Charity pursue Far as the mighty waters roll, Thus shall we be with glory crowned, To wash remotest land. 3. In love we meet, in peace we part; And love as angels do. We walk by plummet's line 2. That virtue has not left mankind, While Friendship dwells within each heart WM. T. ADAMS. 44. INSTALLATION, WOR. BRO. Her social maxims prove That owns the craft divine. Master.) For, stamped upon the Mason's mind, (Installation of Worshipful 4. 'Mid all the toils and cares of earth Are unity aud love. the East, We steady keep our way 1. Behold ! Master, in j 3. Ascending to her native sky, the birth "What glories greet thee there With Faith, and Hope, we wait Let Masonry increase Eternal day. "What floods of radiance earthward stream, Of an glorious pillar raised on high, The sun is rising there. A 51. ANNIVERSARY ODE. Integrity its base. 1. All hail ! the great mysterious Art, 2. Behold! Master, glorious arts adds to olive boughs entwined Grand offering from above — "Were cradled in the East; 4. Peace An emblematic dove Which fondly twines each genial heart Behold ! what sciences came forth stamped upon the Mason's mind, In harmony and love. Man's waking mind to feast. As Is unity and love. 2. Come, Brothers, join the festive board, Master, wisdom there 3. Behold! Awake the tuneful lay nurtured in her youth 47. INITIATION, OR CRAFTING. ; Was Unite in Friendship, Peace, and Love the glowing Orient brother, to And from 1. welcome, our band, J Tis Mason's holyday. Came God's undying truth. Though strong its numbers now, 3. Come, bring the wreath, the trio bind — And high its lofty pillars stand, 4. Master, in thy symbolled East Faith, Charity, and Love And noble arches bow. ; Seek wisdom from above To great St. John a splendid star And spread the light, which Heaven shall send 2. Now let our ardent prayers arise, In the Grand Lodge above. "Within thy Lodge, with love. For blessings on his brow, 4. With fervent Zeal and pure delight, And bear our offering to the skies, Senior Warden.) We'll wake the joyful strain, (Installation of For him who joins us now. Till in the great Grand Lodge we meet, 1. Warden, with the Level poised, 3. Oh, welcome — if thy heart be true, Where joys immortal reign. What lesson dost thou give % Thou'lt find with us a home 53. CLOSING HYMN. equal! Shall the worm Are all men daily adding columns new We're Almighty Father ! Heavenly King, On king and peasant live! 1. Unto our glorious dome. Who rul'st the worlds above, 2. Warden, where King Hiram stood, Help us our closing hymn to sing, 48. ROYAL MASTER. COMP. H. G. BARROWS. Like him, seek strength above With gratitude and love. East, pay all her due, 1. Now from the sacred archives bring Sustain the 2. Long may we live in union here, in love. The Book of Holy Law Protect the weak In bonds of social bliss, Its sacred pages wide unfold, And many years our hearts to cheer, Junior Warden.) And read with holy awe. {Installation of Return sweet scenes like this. 2. sought for treasures long since 1. Warden, with the Plumb upraised, We've hid 3. Oh, give us wisdom from above, Amid the gloom of night What doth thy emblem teach! j Life's various scenes to meet, pierced the silent, vault, Do all the Craft uprightly walk, We've sacred Let thy right hand direct our ways, And practice what they teach! And brought them to the light. And guide each brother's feet. to " 2. Warden, where the Faithful One 3. Thanks the good, the great I Am," 4. And when before Thee we appear, sun Whose throne is in the skies In our etcrnalliome, Observed the glorious ; like him, adorn with beauty still, By light divine we sought the spot, May faithful hearts still worship thee, The work by bim begun. And bore away the prize. And praise Thee in our room. — — —h I

108 CLOSING SONG. (Auld Lang Syne.) C. M. Double. &&EEE3EE&; =t j^zrziz £ £l±

- I Should auld acquaintance be for -got, And nev er brought to mind, Should auld acquaintance be for -got, And days of auld lang =j: =t fc±&= - -*-* I'- ! * E:#—•—»-T * S•" ffi=ffiE — ^=4= P— 3=_2 ll: fc H*---f— f~ iri :E 1 *=t=t E^ - 2. Then here's 'a hand, my trust - y frien', And gie's a hand of thine, We'll take a cup of kind ness yet, For auld, for auld lang JEEE£E^E^E*SEE§EE*EEi 1 ^ *=t 11 ^==M: —±-«-t -«— I—£ * b £ iii^l 3 — — — F—"-H— — I t I

N s s i I J—d-T-isi-^-•-T-4-^-r — h- *=* H ——^ n— —4-H— .1 ,h——N—I— 35El=£

:fs=t -^ 4= ztE* -;,£. ?J syne; For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup of kind - ness yet. For auld lang syne.

r -x ^ 5-* ?E S~-X II

- t-(S>- :*z=p: -9-P- 3=5

E5. i 1 ' * 1 ' ^ • »•,'.' ' H — r urn syne; For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup of kind - ness yet, For auld lang syne.

-ft---ft *- —^ ^ 3-f £a ife d— IS

z£ig=»:J £=t -Hfr fe=^S=i pL-qe- £3=*e* m 33E ses 1/

i i r ; ; ; ; ; ;


5A. MASONIC PARTING. W3R. BRO. WM. T. ADAMS, 5G. SYMBOLIC STANZAS. BRO. H. G. BARROWS. 59. HYMN. u 1. Our work is done, the pillars raised, 1. Behold ! ascending in the East" 1. Oh, happy is the man that hears ll The temple is complete The Sun " pursues his way; Instruction's warning voice; "We've worked in love, we part in peace, And ushers in with golden beams And who celestial wisdom makes In other scenes to meet. The glorious new-born day. His early, only choice. Farewell our Lodge, we leave thee now, Then on he speeds his brilliant course, For she hath treasures greater far As faithful Craftsmen part, And gilds each dome and tower, Than east and west unfold u " To love and serve both God and man, And at " meridian " in the South And her rewards more precious are "With steadfast hand and heart. Proclaims the noonday hour. Than all their stores of gold.

2. Our work is done, but Faith and Hope 2. Then, rushing down the western sky, 2. She guides the young with innocence. Shall dwell within our souls, He marks the closing day, In pleasure's paths to tread; With Charity that faileth not, When sinking in the mellow light, A crown of glory she bestows As time unceasing rolls. In glory dies away. Upon the hoary head. Farewell, our Lodge, we leave thee now, So when our earthly sun has reach'd According as her labors rise, faithful Craftsmen part, Its setting in the west, So her rewards increase As ; To love and serve both God and man, May we in confidence and trust, Her ways are ways of pleasantness, "With steadfast hand and heart. Sink gently to our rest. And all her paths are peace.

3. Health to all the brethren given, 57. Be HYMN. GO. OPENING HYMN. Their wives and children dear; 1. Blest is the man whose softening heart 1. Come, Brothers of the mystic tie, "Within their homes may Plenty reign. Feels all another's pain ; Our social work begun, — And Peace its altar rear. To whom the supplicating eye AVe'll raise an opening song on high.

Farewell our Lodge, we leave thee now, Was never raised in vain : — To Him, the Holy One ! As faithful Craftsmen part, "Whose breast expands with generous warmth, With hearts united, firm and free, love and serve both God and man, To A stranger's woe to feel; We round our altar stand ; With steadfast hand and heart. bleeds in pity And o'er the wound Who best can work, and best agree, He wants the power to heal. Are dearest in our band. 55. DEDICATION. his 2.He spreads kind, supporting arms, 2. Come, kindle at our holy fire, 1. "Whilst science yields a thousand lights To every child of grief; Fraternal thoughts To irradiate the mind, and kind His secret bounty largely flows, Each worthy act Let us that noblest art pursue, and pure desire And brings unasked relief. Shall kindred wishes "Which dignifies mankind. bind. gentle offices To of love With hearts united, firm and free, The pompous dome, the gorgeous hall, His feet are never slow; round The temple's cloud-capt tower, We our altar stand He views through mercy's meltin^ eye Who best can work, and The Mason's glory shall proclaim best agree, A brother in a foe. Are dearest in our Till Time's remotest hour. band. 5S. CLOSING SONG. 2. Ideal fabrics to uprear, Gl. INSTALLATION. 1. We met in love, we part in Some men think all our art, peace, 1. To him who rules be homage paid, Our council Labors o'er; But Tittle think what plans we draw Where hearts with voice unite We'll ask, ere life's To form an upright heart. best days shall cease, To him we bring fraternal aid, To meet in time once more. Our Plumb we poise, and clear each clo» Who guides in solemn rite. 'Slid fairest scenes to memory That hangs about the string dear, Come, Brothers, bound by kindly ties, ; In change of joy and pain And each unruly passion's flight ; Your notes harmonious bring; We'll friends Within due compass bring. think of assembled here, While acts of generous sacrifice, And hope to meet again. In love 3. The Good Samaritan we prove thoughts of we sing. 2. Though changes To all, and everywhere mark Time's onward way 2. As days and years roll silent by, — ; In all fondly Upon the Level here we meet, we claim, As Time's sad changes rise, Fraternal hopes And part upon the Square. shall ne'er decay, No doubt shall dim the trusting eye, Our landmarks still the Upon this rock we'll stand, when worlds same. AVhere rule the good and wise. Our Faith unmoved, T' oblivion all shall tend with Truth our guide, To Him who rules be homage paid. ; As seasons Our Brethren as ourselves we love; mark our clime Where hearts with voice unite Through winter's To all mankind a friend. chill, or summer's pride Till life shall cease, and time shall fade, We'll hail the Art Sublime. We'll bring our solemn plight. . . .

110 HYMN. Entered Apprentice. (Peterboro'.) C. M,

» i 111111 . mm m i. Be hold how pleas - ant and how good, For Breth ren such :=t ==± t=Bt -* *- 3 11 2. Tis like the oil Aa head, Which his feet dis tills, /TV

^1 *: 3. For there the Lord of light and love A bless - ing sent, with power, ^ a^a ist at :<£:

4. On Friend - ship's here, Our hands plight ed be, IA A !— feted is 2sr :^: J=| £&a £te fes IH^e4 :i

tf BE ^^ :z=t: H Of the ac - cept - ed broth hood, To dwell . . . ty- s =t iHl3 i=a Like Her - mon's dew rich shed On Zi ons sa cred hills. » y=g £==t 1= 1

may all this bless - prove, E'en life. . . for - ev

§Sef3 ~=^r ;n

To live love . with hearts In peac e. . . and u - ty. i=*= ;P^ EfS Pi §$i^i^=^ jEEEfEfcfe-A iEEX=?EEA ± zzzzt: SEE mi -=3=r ; ; ; ;; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ;


63. CHARITY. FELLOW CRAFT. BRO, H. G. BARROWS. ey. SELECT MASTER. 73. MASONIC HYMN. WOR. BRO. WM. T. ADAMS guest. divine, 1. Charity, thou heavenly 1. How precious is the Book 1. Let brethren on the Level meet, above, Descended from That unto us is given As equals should 'fore God; fill hearts Dwell m our souls, and our Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, And when the hour of peril comes, love. "With true fraternal To guide our souls to heaven. Together kiss the rod. 2. Slay we, by thy sweet influence mov'd, our hearts, 2. It sweetly cheers drooping 2. Let brethren by the plummet walk, Be prompt to act our part, — In this dark vale of tears Upright before their kind, To carry messages of peace ' Life, light, and joy it still imparts, That they in dark temptation's night, To every wounded heart. rising fears. And quells our A holy strength may find. G4. OPENING HYMN. all the tedious night 3. This lamp, through 3. Let brethren on the Square still live, shall 1. Parent of all! Omnipotent Of life, guide our way; Though earthly hopes may fade, below Till we behold the clearer light In Heaven and oarth j And sit in glory on the throne Thro' all creations bounds unspent, Of an eternal day. Morality hath made. Whose streams of goodness flow. 6S. INITIATION. 4. Let brethren part upon the Square 2. Teach us to know from whence we rose, When all their is 1. Spirit of power and might ! behold work done And unto what designed ; J Thy willing servant here And part upon the Square at last, No private aims let us propose, ; With thy protection, him enfold, Their work in Heaven begun. Since linked with human kind. And free his heart from fear. 3. Teach us to feel another's grief, 73. MARK MASTER. COMP. H. G. BARROWS. the troubled breast, 2. Tho' darksome skies may o'er him lower, To calm 1. Behold the " stone," — the precious "stone,' And dangers fill the way To suffering man extend relief, The builders did refuse Support him with thy gracious power, And blessing to be blest. A " stone " rejected, cast away, And be his constant stay. to used. 65. BROTHERLY LOVE. Unworthy be 69. INSTALLATION. COUNCIL. SELECT AND ROYAL MASTERS. 1. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, 2. Amid the Temple's rubbish now When those that love the Lord, 1. Look to the East, the source of light, That " stone " neglected lies; In one another's peace delight, Where, like the god of day, But from that rubbish it shall yet, Kises the Master of your choice, And thus fulfil his word ! Triumphantly arise. To bear his gentle sway. 2. When each can feel his brother's sigh, 3. The " hidden name " shall be revealed, And with him bear a part; 2. O'er all your acts he shall preside, Its virtue brought to view When sorrow flows from eye to eye, The ruling gavel hold " Mark well " the mystic circle there, And joy from heart to heart. Poising the scales with even hand, And read the name anew. Like Solomon of old. free from envy, scorn, and pride, iC 3. When 4. This precious stone," although it has -wishes all above, Our 3. Salute him, then, with three times three Rejected been by some. Each can his brother's failings hide, Ask blessings from above : Shall be restor'd, and shall at last, brothers's love. And show a Give him to cheer him on his way, Head Corner Stone become. 4. Love is the golden chain that binds Your confidence and love. souls The happy above ; : 70. CLOSING HYMN. And he s an heir of heaven, that finds His bosom glow with love. 1. Help us to help each other, Lord, other's cares to bear Each 1. God of our fathers, hear the song 66. SUPER EXCELLENT MASTER. Let each his friendly aid afford, Which now to Thee we raise 1. By Babel's streams we sit and weep; And feel a brother's care. An evening offering we bring, tears for Zion flow Our ; grateful praise. 2. Help us to build each other up A song of Our harps on drooping willows sleep; Our little stock improve Our hearts are filled with woe. 2. Impartia.1 Justice, — may it fill Increase our faith, confirm our hope, And actuate each heart (Square.) And perfect us in love. And ever lead us to espouse 2. Our walls no more resound with praise worthy Brother's part. 3. Up into Thee, our living Head, A Our Temple, foes destroy; Let us in all things grow, Judea's courts no more upraise 3. May fortitude undaunted prove, Till Thou hast made us free indeed, In journeying through life Triumphant songs of joy. ; And spotless here below. A power to make us ever bold, Triangle.) ( Midst every worldly strife. 71. MASTER MASON. OPENING. 3. Here, mourning, toiling, captive bands, mercy, brightest of the train, Our feasts and Sabbaths cease 1. Come, Masters of the Art, unite, 4. May Oar tribes dispersed through distant lands, And may this meeting prove Each knightly breast inspire; the altar of each heart And hopeless of . To all th' assembled sons of light, And on Light love's celestial fire. (Circle.) A strengthened bond of love. us, throughout our pilgrimage, 4. But should the ever-gracious Power, 2. May Friendship and Morality, 5. On To us propitious be With true fraternal love, May thy rich blessing rest Chaldeans Hiiall our race restore, Be found in every Mason's heart, Until wc enter Thy abode, Th' asylum of the blest. And Kings proclaim us free ! And all his actions move. ,

112 OPENING, OR CLOSING. (Olmutz.) S. M. s '-<%=- X- ~mm =b w===?=\^= I. Great Source light and love, To Thee feF ii^ii§ :^l=g==t

2. May this fra - - nal band In Faith, and Hope, be bless'd S '#- ?S1=NeI 1 §^=[ 3. May all the of peace Their ev' prove, §4fe 1 :^z==J: i

3E i I *§ l£ $= =it za= it ifc ^

fcq* fe^ I Oh, thy pie, Lord, bove, Hear and cept our praise.

1- -j2z -s>-- 1 ^ - ty thrice bless ed stand, In Pur ty be dress'd. In Char 9^SE £ I 'Till dis - cord through the tions cease, And all the world be love. m "&= :=f2:: i

;i: ^$ i==i ^£ fejt ==£ ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; !;; :



bind 1. 1. Blest are the thoughts that 1. While my Redeemer's near, Companions, we have met, In kind, fraternal ties. My Shepherd and my guide, And passed a peaceful hour shall find Where altars raised to love, I'll bid farewell to every fear These moments may we ne'er forget, ; sacrifice. The heart's best My wants are all supplied. But hope and pray for more.

2. Though dangers mark our way, 2. Through this and every night, 2. To ever-fragrant meads, And darkness dim our course, Lord, grant us sweet repose Where rich abundance grows, ; - Companions see in Truth's fair ray, Now aid us by thy holy light, His gracious hand indulgent leads, Their pleasures 7 dearest source. This Royal Arch to close. And guards my sweet repose. 3. The beauteous arch of night, 85. THE LORD'S PRAYER. 3._Dear Shepherd ! if I stray, With stars all studded o'er. wandering feet restore 1. Our heavenly Father, hear Shall lead the thoughts to that pure Light My ; The offer "Where darkness comes no more. And guard me with a watchful eye, prayer we now ! And let me rove no more. Thy name be hallowed far and near 4. Before our Great High Priest To thee all nations bow. Our offerings now we bear, 81. IN MEMORIAM. BRO. H. G. BARROWS. 2. Thy kingdom come thy will And still, when hopes of time have ceased, ; On earth be done in love We'll pay our homage there. 1. Closed is earth's sad career, As saints and seraphim fulfil And all its sorrows past Thy perfect law above. 77. HYMN.. The soul set free from worldly cares,

1. Blest be the tie that binds Has reached the goal at last. 3. Our daily bread supply,

Our hearts in virtuous love : While by thy word we live 2. No more shall fell disease, The fellowship of kindred minds The guilt of our iniquity In wasting influence reign Is like to that above. Forgive as we forgive. The casket fellj — the jewel rose ' 3 2. Before our Father's throne. For him to die is gain. 4. From dark temptation's power We pour our ardent prayers • Our feeble hearts defend; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, 3. Joy to the conq'ring soul; Deliver in the evil hour, Our comforts and our cares. We'll meet again above And guide us to the end. For though the feeble body die, 3. When we asunder part, 5. Thine, then, forever be There is no death to love.

: Glory and power divine It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be joined in heart, The sceptre, throne, and majesty And hope to meet again. 83. OPENING. Of heaven and earth are thine.

4. This glorious hope revives 1. Blest are the sons of peace, 86. FUNERAL HYMN. Our courage by the way Whose hearts and hopes are " " ; one death! irlwrr is tlnj sting?

While each in expectation lives, Whose kind designs to serve and please, 1 1. Where is thy sting, death ? And longs to see that day. Through all their actions run. 1 Grave, where thy victory ? 5. From sorrow, toil, and pain, 2. Blest is this happy place, The clod may sleep in dust beneath; And sin, we shall be free The spirit will free. ; Where Zealand Friendship meet; be And perfect love and friendship reign, Where Truth and Love, and heav'nly grace, 2. Both man and time have power Through all , Make our communion sweet. O'er suffering, dying men But death arrives, and in that hour 78. ROYAL ARCH. OPENING. 3. Thus on the heavenly hills, The soul is freed again. May we be blest above 1. Thy Name, Almighty Lord ! Shall sound through distant lands Where joy, like morning dew, distills, 3. Then death, where is thy sting? ; Great is thy grace, and sure thy Word And all the air is love. And where thy victory, grave? Thy Truth forever stands. O'er your dark bourn the soul will spring To Him who loves to save. 2. Far be thine honor spread, 83. CLOSING. praise 87. CLOSING. And long thy endure; 1. Now Brothers we must part, Till morning light and evening shade Where we have met in peace 1. Lord, at this closing hour, Establish Shall be exchanged no more. Where harmony its joys impart, every heart And strife and discord cease. Upon thy word of truth and power, TO. KNIGHT TEMPLAR CLOSING. To keep us when we part.

1. Once more before we part, 2. We on the Level meet, 2. Peace to our brethren give bless the Saviour's Upon the Square we part ; O name Fill all our hearts with love Let every tongue and every heart May Truth, and Love, and Friendship sweet, In Faith and Friendship may wc live, Praise and the Pervade each brother's heart. adore same. And seek our rest above. 2. Lord, in thy grace we came; 3. Here, Lord, before we part, 3. Through changes bright or drear, That blessing still impart! Help us to bless thy name ; We would thy will pursue, We met in Jesus' sacred name, Let every tongue, and every heart, And toil like faithful servants here In his dear name wc part. Praise and adore the same. Till we thy glory view. I ;

114 FUNERAL HYMN. (Pleyel's Hymn.) 7s.

te -X)—r E£

i. Sol - emn strikes the fu n'ral chime, Notes of de - part ing time


2. Mor tals in - dulge tear, For tal here. f=^= 3 tz

3. Here oth er guest we bring ! Ser aphs, les tial wing,


4. Lord of all be low, bove, Fill our souls with Truth, and Love : -4- 2—w^sg= i J£:i -i m I =z£

=£ :E= 1 * - mAs jour - ney here be - low, Through Pil - grim age of i m I See how wide her - phies wave O'er the slum bers the grave.

£ 3* m !e?=Ie —&— i To fu - n'ral al - - tar come, Waft our friend and broth home. — t

* -St- ii==a As dis - solves our earth mtie, Take thy Lodge on high. P li :=£*=— =sfc': i =F==3 ^3Ei==3=H m m ZtZztZ ill :»=±=z£—=p=±=fi»H ;; ! ;; ; ; ; ; ;;;; ;;; . !; ; ; ; ; ; ; 116

94~ OPENING OR CLOSING. ©8. HYMN. 89. FUNERAL HYMN. * Hallowed be thy JVame." 1. Softly now the light of day 1. Clay to clay,and dust to dust Fades upon our sight away 1. Holy, holy, holy Lord, Let them mingle, — for they must Free from care, from labor free, In the highest heavens adored, Give to earth the earthly clod. Lord, we would commune with thee, Author of all nature's frame, — spirit's fled to God. For the Father, hallowed be thy name. 2. Soon for us the light of day 2. Never more shall midnight's damp Shall forever pass away 2. Though from thee we may depart, Darken round this mortal lamp ; Then, from care and sorrow free, Always thou our Father art; Never more shall noonday's glance Take us, Lord, tp dwell with thee. From thy hand our spirits came Search this mortal countenance. ; Father, hallowed be thy name. 3. Look aloft. The spirit's risen, — ©5. TEMPLAR'S OFFERING. SIR H. G. BARROWS. 3. Born of thee, oh, may we feel Death cannot the soul imprison ; shrine, departed Lord, 1. To thy Filial love, the spirit's seal 'Tis in heaven that spirits dwell, trusting in thy Come we, word Cleansed from guilt, redeemed from shame Glorious, though invisible. J In thy service richly blest, Father, hallowed be thy name, pray thee, let us rest. 4. Thither let us turn our view Here, we 4. When in want, or when in wealth, Peace is there, and comfort too and Love, 2. Strong in Faith, and Hope, Joy or sorrow, pain or health, There shall those we love be found, our thoughts above Lift we now, Still our prayer shall be the same Tracing joy's eternal round. ; To thy service, pure and free, Father, hallowed be thy name. consecrated be. SO. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Let us ©©. OPENING. bend, 1. Lord, before thy throne we 3. Let thy light upon us shine ; 1. Lord, we come before thee now, eyes ascend with love divine Now to thee our ; Fill our hearts At thy feet we humbly bow Servants to our Master true, To thy love we trust our all Oh, do not our suit disdain homage due. fall. ; Lo ! we yield thee Keep us,that we never Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain % we bow 2. Low before thee, Lord, ; ©6. FUNERAL HYMN. 2. Lord, on thee our souls depend We are weak — but mighty thou : Brother, though from yonder sky In compassion now descend Sore distressed, yet suppliant still, 1. neither voice nor cry, Fill our hearts with thy rich grace, Here we wait thy holy will. Cometh Yet we know for thee to-day Tune our lips to sing thy praise. 3. Leave us not beneath the power Every pain hath passed away. those who weep and mourn Of temptation's darkest hour; 3. Comfort Let the time of joy return Heavenly Father, yet be nigh, 2. Not for thee shall tears be given, ; Those that are cast down, Lift up Lord of life and victory. Child of God,and heir of heaven j For he gave thee sweet release Make them strong in Faith and Hope. ©1. MOST EXCELLENT MASTER. Christian's death of peace. Thine the 4. Grant that all may seek and find Suppliant, lo ! we humbly bend, 1. 3. Well we know thy living faith Thee, a God supremely kind Father, for thy blessing now ; Had the power to conquer death Heal the sick, the captive free Thou canst teach us, guide, defend j As a living rose may bloom Let us all rejoice in thee. are weak, but mighty thou. We the border of the tomb. By lOO. HYMN. 2. Shed abroad, in every mind, 4. Brother, in that solemn trust Light celestial from above; 1 Blest Instructor, from thy ways commend thee, dust to dust Chanty for all our kind, We Who can tell how oft he strays % that faith we wait, till, risen, Trusting faith, and holy love. In Purge me from the guilt that lies Thou shalt meet us all in heaven. Wrapt within my heart's disguise ©3. CLOSING. 5. While we weep as Jesus wept, 2. Let my tongue from error free, Brothers, ere to-night we part, 1. Thou shalt sleep as Jesus slept Speak the words approved by thee Join each voice and every heart j With thy Saviour thou shalt rest, To thy all-observing eyes, Grateful songs to God we'll raise, Crowned and glorified and blest. Let my thoughts accepted rise. Hymning forth our songs of praise. 3. While I thus thy name adore, we may meet no more, ©7- CLOSING. 2. Brothers, And thy healing grace implore, there is a happier shore, 1. Thou from whom we never part, Yet Blest Redeemer, bow thine ear; Where; released from toil and pain, Thou, whose love is everywhere, God, my strength, propitious hear. Brothers, we shall meet again. Thou, who seest every hear*, Listen to our evening prayer. lOl. MASTER MASON. ©3. OPENING OR CLOSING.

2. Father, fill our hearts with love, — X. Hear my prayer ! Jehovah hear ! Holy Spirit, from on high, 1. Love, unfailing, full, and free, — Listen to my humble cries; Bend o'er us a pitying eye ; Love, that no alarm can move, — See the day of trouble near, Life and peace to us impart Love that ever rests on thee. Heavy on my soul it lies. Dwell thyself in every heart.

3. Heavenly Father ! through the night 2. Hide not, then, thy gracious face, 2. May we constant grow in grace, run the race Keep us safe from every ill When the storm around me falls. And with vigor ; as the morning light, thou of grace, Trained in wisdom, led by love, Cheerful Hear me, God we wake to do thy will. In the time thy servant calls. Till we reach our rest above. May ± ;; ;

116 OPENING, OR CLOSING. (Telemann's Chant.) 7s. ^~ fe^=E mm - ! - Source of ail the i. Fa - ther glo ry be thee, — — --fr- N- N- *- E^ XT- j HE§I^ 2. Glo for the hopes that come Stream - ing through the drea ry tomb mm^m Hig=gi —*- - - 3- Ho - - ly, Ho - - ly, Ho - Lord ! Be thy glo nous a dored V ^S1=S iiiiel Tz 3 m 4. While earth or - dained stay, Guide foot - - steps thy way —N- 3E mm

N mw. 3= :J=: H

j- i =t= I Glo - ry for the bless ed light, Ris - - ing the an cient night. * =1 4-; I i Glo for the coun sel given, Guid peace to heaven.

: : §5 :£ ;PFT II ^ 1 Lord ! thy cies nev - fail Hail! les tial good ness, Hail. pz==^ m E=5C 5 *=t=t —g<—i— I Then high we'll joy ful raise Songs of last - ing praise. :&=m s ± m m ; ; ;;! ;; ; ; ; !; ; ! !;; ; ; ; ;



1. Lord, what offering shall we bring 1. Lord of glory ! King of power 1. Met in friendship's kindly name, Altar, when we bow this lone silent our altar stand, At thine ; In and hour We around Hearts, the pure, unsullied spring, Bid our feverish passions cease Owning each religion's claim, "Whence the kind affections flow. Calm us with thy promised peace. Bowing at her strict command.

2. "Willing hands to lead the blind, 2. Sweetly may we all agree 2. Here our heartfelt prayers unite, Bind the wounded, feed the poor In fraternal sympathy For each Brother whom we love, Love, embracing all mankind, Kindly for each other care Blest with that pure holy Light, Charity, with liberal store. Every brother do his share. Here reflected from above.

3. Teach us, oh, thou heavenly King, 3. Sweetly may our spirits move 113. OPENING ODE. WOR. BRO. J, K. HALL- Thus to show our grateful mind To the harmony of love 1. In thy Temple met once more, Thus th' ac-cepted offering bring — When our work of life is past, ( Lord, thy blessing we implore Love to Thee and all mankind. Oh ! receive us all at last. On our brethren gathered here, 104:. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. lOS. HYMN FOR INSTALLATION. And our Lodge to us so dear.

! roll the rock away ! 1. Angels 1. Unto thee, Great God, belong 2. We to Thee our voices raise yield thy mighty prey Death I up Mystic rites and sacred song In a song of grateful praise, the tomb, See ! he rises from Lowly bending at thy shrine, That thy kind protecting care immortal bloom. Rises with Hail, thou Majesty divine We have been allowed to share, Saviour seraphs, raise 2. 'Tisthe — 2. Glorious Architect above, 3. As we here before Thee stand^ shouts of praise Your triumphant Source of Light, and source of Love Brother clasping brother's hand, remotest bound, Let the earth's Here thy light and love prevail Let our lives Thy teachings show, Hear the joy-inspiring sound. Hail ! Almighty Master, hail While we journey here below. 3. Praise him, all ye heavenly choirs, 3. Still to us, God ! dispense 4. Wilt thou still our footsteps guide, sweep your golden lyres Praise, and Thy divine benevolence; And for all our wants provide; songs; Praise him in the noblest Teach the tender tear to flow, And may our declining sun him from ten thousand tongues Praise Melting at a brother's woe. Cloudless set, our journey run.

105. ROYAL ARCH. 4. Heavenly Father, grant that we, 113. MARK LODGE. WOR. BRO. J. K. HALL Blest with boundless charity, is found \ 1. Joy ! the sacred Law ; To th' ad-miring world may prove, 1. Let our work performed to-night the temple stands complete Now J Be accepted in thy sight; round, Happy they who dwell in love. Gladly let us gather No imposter here be found, the Pontiff" holds his seat. Where 5. Join on earth ; and as you roll, Harmony our Lodge surround. East to West, from pole to pole, 2. Joy ! the sacred vault is found Lift to him your grateful lays, 2. Though inspectors here reject, Full the sunbeam falls within, the universal Thou Supreme, Grand Architect, darkly under ground Join praise. Pointing Will approve, if earnest we To the treasure we would win. lOO. COMMANDERY. CLOSING. Strive, and put our faith in Thee. shall be the corner stone, 3. This 1. For a season called to part, 3. Called at the eleventh hour, the builders did refuse; Which Let us now ourselves commend If we've done all in our power, the only one But was found To the gracious eye and heart Not the time that we have wrought, for the arch's use. Pitted Of our ever-present friend. It is the result we've brought.

106 RESURRECTION. 2. Saviour ! hear our humble prayer 4. May our work with Thee enrolled

Tender Shepherd of thy sheep ! In thy precious Book of Gold, 1. Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Let thy mercy and thy care Bring the wages that we prize, Sons of men and angels say : All our souls in safety keep. In thy mansion in the skies. Kaise your joys and triumphs high Sing, ye heavens-, and earth reply. 3. In thy strength may we be strong; 114=. HYMN. Sweeten every cross and pain 2. Love's redeeming work is done, 1. Glory be to God on high — Grant, that if we live, ere long, Fought the fight, the victory won : God whose glory fills the sky ! We may meet in peace again. Jesus' agony is o'er, Peace on earth to man forgiven, veils the earth no more. the well-beloved of heaven. Darkness llO. OPENING OR CLOSING. Man watch, the seal, mortals, raise 3. Tain the stone, the 1. When the morning paints the skies, 2. Favored the song; hell; Christ hath burst the gates of When the stars of evening rise, Endless thanks to God belong; Death in vain forbids him rise Hearts o'erflowing with his praise, ; We thy praises will record. Christ hath opened Paradise. Sovereign Ruler, Mighty Lord. Join the hymns your voices raise.

4. Soar we now where Christ hath led; 2. O how blest, how excellent, 3. Mark the wonders of his hand Following our exalted Head 'Tis when heart and tongue consent, Power, no empire can withstand; Made like him, like him we rise — Grateful heart joyful Wisdom, angels' glorious theme ; and tongue, ; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Hymning thee in cheerful song. Goodness, one eternal stream. — ; 118 OPENING. (Sicilian Hymn.) Ss and 7s. ip~t :=P3= =p: ?^b zt=lz -W^¥- It

I. When the light. of day wan ing, To this place oft re - pair thy? #~S ~jll m^ s - 2. While har - ny Are as cend our God.

§33=1= S==g=S - - - - - be fore Let us faith ful - ly : 3- In the^ du m en gagem - - 4. Fa ther ! thus in pure de vo tion, Ev 'ry thought in spired by love, S= fe=fe ^ =fc=£ ^1

T=F=?: :*=£ ^gfc=t: £££ P S S ^^: zj=*z ^ zM-±: ±=f ltd: =3= u Here all nite sing mg, Here de - vout - - ly join in prayer. I =P5|: *E^n= E§ -*—#- I Ev ful heart joic Thus spread his praise a - broad. $=* mm iili May the light of Truth shine o'er us, Bright from the sa - cred page. =fc i ^mm. - Grat tude in each mo - tion, Would lift our souls a bove. -&x ?=? P=S fc=* m IE* m i=t mm tzt- U=f i ^ ?1 s==£ H ;; ; ;; ;;; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ;; ;; ; ; ;;;; ;; , ;


iao. OPENING. us, Heavenly Father, guide us 116. CLOSING. 2. Guide ; thoughts from every stain 1. Heavenly Father, gently bless us, Cleanse our 1. Father, hear the prayer we offer our every thought above Let the grace of thy pure spirit Not alone for peace we cry, Lead ; earthly care oppress us Be our soul's delight and aim. But for grace that we may ever Let no we all be filled with love Live our lives courageously. May ; 3. When our day of life is over dwell with thee above 2. Let no jarring thought divide us May we ; 2. Not within the fresh, green pastures, £ be ours May we join with seraph's hymning Will we ask that we may lie Sweetest harmony richest feast provide us, Praise to thee — thou God of love. But the steep and rugged pathway "Wisdom's pass these happy hours. That we tread rejoicingly. As we 4. There, with angel harps and voices, May we swell the ceaseless song our strength in every weakness; 131. OPENING OR CLOSING. 3. Be holy, guide Ever happy, ever In our doubt be thou our ; Lord, oh! gently lead us 1. Gently, Thou our God, and heaven our home. Through each peril, through each danger Through this lonely vale of tears, Draw us nearer to thy side. Through the changes thou'st decreed ofl, Till our last great change appears. 135. FUNERAL HYMN. 117. CHARITY. 1. Cease, ye mourners; cease to languish 2. When temptation's darts assail us, and lowly, pure and holy, O'er the graves of those you love 1. Meek When in devious paths we stray, Chief among the blessed three, Pain, and night, and death, and anguish, Let thy goodness never fail us Turning sadness into gladness, Enter not the world above. Lead us in thy perfect way. Heaven-born art thou Charity. 2. While in darkness ye are straying, 3. In the hour of pain and anguish, 2. Hoping ever, failing never Lonely in the deepening shade, ; In the hour when death draws near, Though deceived, believing still; Glory's brightest beams are playing Suffer not our hearts to languish, Long-abiding, all-confiding Bound th'im-mortal spirit's head. Suffer not our souls to fear. To thy Heavenly Father's will. 3. Light and grace at once deriving 4. And when mortal life is ended, Never weary of well doing From the land of God on high 3. May we wake among the blest; Never fearful of the end In his glorious presence shining, And, by all the saints attended, Claiming all mankind as Brothers, They shall never, never die. Ever on thy bosom rest. Thou dost all alike befriend. 4. Cease, ye mourners ; cease to languish 133. COMMANDERY. the graves of those you love 118. GOD IS LOVE. O'er 1. Guide me, thou great Jehovah ! Far removed from pain and anguish, love; his mercy brightens 1. God is Pilgrim through this barren land They are chanting hymns above. path in which we rove All the I am weak, but thou art mighty Bliss he wakes, and woe he lightens Hold me with thy powerful hand. 130. CLOSING. God is wisdom, God is love. 2. Open now the crystal fountain, 1. Now we part, what sad emotion change are busy ever 2. Chance and Whence the healing streams do flow Fills each Brother's kindly heart, decays, and ages move Man Let the fiery, cloudy pillar As, amid the world's commotion, his waneth never But mercy Lead me all my journey through. Each retires to take a part. God is wisdom, God is love. 3. Feed me with the Heavenly Manna, 2. Let us, round this sacred altar, the hour that darkest seemeth 3. E'en In this barren wilderness All our solemn vows renew Will his changeless goodness prove Be my sword, and shield, and banner, Never waver, never falter, the gloom his brightness streameth; From Be the Lord, my Righteousness. Each be steadfast, firm, and true. God is wisdom, God is love. 4. When I tread the verge of Jordan, 4. He with earthly cares entwineth fears subside 137. FUNERAL HYMN. Bid my anxious ; Hope and comfort from above through the swelling current Bear me 1. Brother ! rest from sin and sorrow ; Everywhere his glory shineth ; safe on Canaan's side. life is Land me Death is o'er, and won ; is wisdom, God is love. God thy slumber dawns no morrow 133. FELLOW CRAFT. On is run. Best ; thine earthly race lie. CLOSING. 1. Brothers, faithful and deserving, ! night is waning rank you fill, 2. Brother, wake the 1. Soon we part — let kind affection Now the second Endless day is round thee poured Be in all our acts displayed Purchased by your faultless serving, Enter thou, the rest remaining Show by word, and deed, and action, Leading to a higher still. For the people of the Lord. Truth, and love, and friendly aid. 2. Thus from rank to rank ascending, loved thee, Mounts the Mason's path of love; 3. Brother, wake ! for He who 2. Soon will our Grand Master call us Bright its earthly course, and ending He who died that thou mightst live, From this present bond of love ( ; In the glorious Lodge above. who graciously approved thee, And, if wortky, will install us He Waits thy crown ofjoyto give. In the great Grand Lodge above. 13*. ROYAL ARCH. CLOSING. woe is blending 4. Fare thee well ! though 3. Let us then, in bonds fraternal, 1.' Humbly at thine altar kneeling, With the tones of earthly loye, Ever, ever onward move : Hear us, Father, hear, we pray Triumph high, and joy unending Let our ties be the eternal Thou whose eye doth watch us sleeping, Wait thee in the realms above. Chain of Brotherhood and Love. Safely keep us through life's day. — • ; d

120 MARK MASTER. (America). 6s & 4s. =i=t M :J: sm 0_ m ::-st: m m 1. Mark Mas - ters all ap - pear, Be - fore the Chief O'er seer, In con cert move Let him your 2. You who have passed the Square, For your re - wards pre - pare, Join heart and hand. Each with his

work in - spect, For the Chief Ar - chi - tect, If there be feet, He will ap - prove, mark in view, March with the Just and true, Wa ges to you due, At your com - mand. -U =t=± P=F :s_ -jt I pears the name, Which rais - es high the fame Of all whom the same Is tru - ly known. =P=P ii J/C -F g-gj- wm - pos tors are Mixed with the wor - thy there, Cau - tion them to be - ware Of the right hand. ^=Z=^=3$=±=t.-fr mm g "- 5 -t== -~X±Z3>Z t-^-~ ii^ii

- wor - thy three, Who found - ed this de - gree, May all their tues be Deep N_ n -U- 2 T— I a— tt- a 1 r $z±J :fs£ r=- * j— ' ± -U—l -p—^-^ h -r-^l— ai~ aj- —H-T— —ft $JTM , iiH ; ; , !;; ; ! ! ;; ; ;


1. Thou ! who art God alone. 1. Hail! Brother Masons, hail 1. Mark Masters, gather near; Accept before thy throne Let friendship long prevail, Hail our Grand Overseer Our fervent prayer ! And bind us fast With heart and voice To fill with light and grace May harmony and peace Each in his station known This house, thy dwelling-place. Our happiness increase, As some fair corner-stone, And bless thy chosen race, And friendship never cease, Before our Master's throne O God ! draw near. While life doth last. Let all rejoice ! 2. As through the universe 2. Sincerity and love, 2. May the Grand Architect All nature's works diverse. Descending from above, Keep us as sons elect Thy praise accord While time shall stand Our minds employ ; Let Faith upon us shine. Morality our pride, To heaven our prayers shall rise, And Charity combine And truth our constant guide, In grateful sacrifice, "With Hope to make us thine, With us are close allied, All hearts to solemnize Jehovah, Lord. And form our joy. In friendship's band. 3. Spirit of Truth and Love, 3. We on the Level meet, 135. PAST MASTER. Descending from above, And every brother greet, 1. Come, and with generous will, Our hearts iniiame, Skilled in our art Past Master, bring your skill, Till Masonry's control ; And when our labors past. Our work to prove Shall build in one the whole, Each brother's hand well grasp, Calm each invading storm, Temple of the soul A Then on the Square at last, Each erring thought reform, To thy great name. Friendly we'll part. With Truth each bosom warm, Inspired by love. 130. INVOCATION. 4. May Wisdom be our care, 2. Firm as our columns stand, 1. Hail, universal Lord ! And Virtue form the Square By heaven and earth adored, By which we live Be each approved command, Where Brothers dwell All hail, great God ! That we at last may join From heaven thy dwelling-place, The Heavenly Lodge sublime, Let notes of gladness roll Send down thy saving grace, Where we shall perfect shine Over each trusting soul; Remember now our race, With God above. Far as from pole to pole O Lord, our God. Let anthems swell.

2. God of our fathers, hear, 133. NATIONAL HYMN. 136. MOST EXCELLENT MASTER. OPENING, And to our cry be near, 1. See, from the Orient rise, l.My country, 'tis of thee, Jehovah, ! Bright beams to bless our eyes, God Sweet land of liberty, — The heavens eternal bow All hearts to cheer; ; Oftheelsing; Forgive in mercy now, Let all with one consent, Land where my fathers died, Thy suppliants here, thou Impelled by true intent, Land of the pilgrim's pride, Jehovah, God- Become Most Excellent, From every mountain side In love sincere. 131. HYMN. WOR. BRO. WM.T. ADAMS. Let freedom ring 2. Bring songs of joyous sound 1. When Form from Chaos came, ; 2. My native country, thee, — Bring holy thoughts profound And rose Earth's solid frame Land of the noble free, ; — With hearts sincere At God's command; Thy name I love : Long be the Cap-stone found The Architect divine, I love thy rocks and rills, Grateful to all around, Bade heavenly radiance shine Thy woods and templed hills; And notes of joy resound On every rounded line heart with rapture My thrills, In accents clear. Made by his hand. Like that above. 137. ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. 2. And through the endless space 3. Let music swell the breeze, No human thought could trace, And ring from all the trees 1. Where burns the Sacred Fire, The fiat went Each heart with pure desire, Sweet freedom's song ! u " of love ! God said Let there be Light ! Let mortal tongues Bring thoughts awake ; And through the boundless night Let all that breathe partake Who, with affections cold ; Streamed floods of glory bright, Let rocks their silence break, — Would highest praise withhold, In wisdom sent. When hope's best joys unfold The sound prolong ! The bliss above 1 3. All hail, thou holy light 4. Our father's God, to thee, ; 2. While to our Heavenly Kino Whose beams forever bright Author of liberty, — Hearts filled with love we bring, The Craftsmen love ! To thee we sing; Come, join in praise ! O God, this gift of thine Long may our land be bright 'Neath heaven's broad arch of blue, Within these walls inshrine, With freedom's holy light; Where dwell the free and true, On darkened souls to shine, Protect us by thy might, There our best vows anew Pure from above ! Great God, our King. In anthems raise F F F »

122 HYMN. "Remember Thy Creator." (Master Mason,) 7s & 8s. G. J. WEBB. 4 jpgj^j=E i=fl!^=g|^

" - - - m ; - er, - - night. I. Re-mem ber thy Cre a tor," While youth's fair spring is bright Before thy cares are great Be fore comes a ge's -1— 1- 2 :*!=i: =j==F mmmw^mWM £=f=t ^ $r. £§H *=fz=tn=jr «l -t ±± :^==£ ^8 2. "Re-mem -ber thy Cre - a - tor," Ere life re - signs its trust, Ere sinks dis - solv-ing na - ture, And dust re -turns to dust. ^=4: =*=f PSS^J z :^=z=p: ±=fc -*-*-*- m

f- 3=JEEt=fE -S>— 3=t^4=1= ^=^^pi^=Mf^m

3=1 :p=P 1-^- ^=j=± 9\i 3=i=&=£ -r* r=p: fcf: — @ ^g§

acran -j--t :t mm i £ ^n the ^shines o'er thee, stars the darkness cheer, While life is all be -fore thee, "Thy great Cre- a - tor fear." While yet sun While i=$ K- :* -p* 3r=p: - -f*—m- :F=F — £3=3 3d— i mf-tf- m -P- 3t=t ^— =1=2=5= :t=t: fe=E=E t=-p * £ HfeiS - - it, great Cre- - tor fear.' Be - fore, with God who gave it, The spir it shall ap pear ; He cries, who died to save "Thy a =FI=F =F== =F =t=£fc =t=# m ^ *=i=t ISS iiii ^"•q^ 4 #=T=^- F F r^^ffl^^^P^^^^

-j h P 1 bg U ^ h- %=£ ^^Mim^^^mm ; ' ; ; ;; ;; ; ; ; ; ;



1. To thee, my God and Saviour; 1. Oh, that the Lord's salvation 1. In peace and love united. My soul exulting sings, out of Zion come, Our footsteps hither wend Were ; Eejoicing in thy favor^ Our hearts with joy are lighted, To heal his ancient nation, Almighty King of kings ! lead his outcasts home. And in sweet counsel blend. To I'll celebrate thy glory How long the holy city The festal season glowing, With all thy saints above. Befitting note demands. Shall heathen feet profane % And tell the joyful story And pleasure's cup o'erflowing, Return. Lord, in pity, Of thy redeeming love. her walls again. Is sparkling in our hands. Rebuild 2. Thy gracious love possessing 2. Let fall thy rod of terror, 2. 0, dear above all others In all my pilgrim road, saving grace impart, The choral that we raise, — Thy My soul shall feel thy blessing The symphony of brothers, Roll back the veil of terror, In thy divine abode. Release the fettered heart; In effluence of praise ! There, bowing down before thee, Amid these scenes fraternal Let Israel home returning, My every conflict o'er, Their lost Messiah see We pour our votive song, ; My s pirit shall adore thee oil of joy for mourning, While waiting airs supernal Give For ever evermore. bind us all thee. Its jubilance prolong. And to 14=3. 3. Up through the ether o'er us MASTER MASON. 145. OPENING HYMN. Our anthem grand shall rise, 1. From every earthly pleasure, 1. We bring no glittering treasures, And its exultant chorus From every transient joy, No gems from earth's deep mine Re-echo through the skies, From every mortal treasure We come with simple measures, Till angels catch the story, That soon will fade and die To chant thy love divine. And on their harps above, No longer these desiring We come, thy favors sharing Confirm the biding glory Upward our wishes tend, Our thanks to thee we raise That crowns fraternal love. To nobler bliss aspiring, Father, accept our ofPring, joys that never end. Our song of grateful praise. 4. Here may that love attending And tenure frame, A firmer 2. "What though we are but strangers 2. Redeemer ! grant thy blessing! out through time unending And And sojourners below, ! teach us how to pray, Burn with a purer flame; And countless snares and dangers That each thy love possessing, altar-fires far streaming Its Surround the path we go ! May tread life's onward way With true and steady ray, Though painful and distressing, Then where the pure are dwelling, To gladden by their gleaming, Yet there's a rest above We hope to meet again, And light the pilgrim's way. And onward still we're pressing And sweeter numbers swelling, To reach that land of love. Forever praise thy name. 5. Our hearts with deep emotion Go forth in grateful trust, 14=C. INSTALLATION. ROYAL ARCH 143. MASTER MASON. CHAPTER. And, thrilling with* devotion, WOR.BRO. W. T. ADAMS. 1. There is a land immortal, Give God the tribute just. 1. Great God, supreme Grand Master, His smile has failed us never, The beautiful of lands We bow before thy throne, His hand our weakness stayed Beside its ancient portal To bless thy bounteous goodness, forever, A silent sentry stands His be our praise ; Thy holy name to own. In word and deed displayed. He only can undo it, We thank thee that thy mercy open wide the And door Hath spared the Faith we love, mortals And who pass through it sent it o'er the ages, 14=0, KNIGHT TEMPLAR. And Are mortals nevermore. With Light from heaven above. 1. Jerusalem the golden ! 2. Though dark and drear the passage 2. We thank thee for the wisdom With milk and honey blest; That leadeth to the gate, That reared the Temple's walls Beneath the contemplation, ; Yet grace comes with the message, The holy men that gathered Sink heart and voice opprest. To souls that watch wait and Within its sacred halls. I know not, oh ! I know not And at the time appointed We thank thee that they builded What joys await me there, A messenger coiik-s down, What ages could not shake, — What radiancy of glory, And leads the Lord's anointed The Royal Arch of Friendship. What bliss beyond compare. cross glory's From to crown. Which time shall never break. 2. They stand, those hills of Zion, 3. Their sighs arc lost in singing, 3. We thank thee for the fathers All jubilant with song; They're blessed in their tears: Whose names with honor glow And bright with many angels Their journey heavenward winging, May those who wear their jewels And all the martyr throng They leave on earth their fears. Their bright example show. There is my Lord and Saviour, Death like an angel seemeth ; God, may we be faithful And there from toil relcas'd. " We welcome thee," they cry ; To our traditions old, The shout of them that triumph, Their face with glory beameth, — And all new light thou sendest The song of them that feast. 'Tis life for them to die. AVithin our souls enfold. — » ;:;

J24 INSTALLATION. (Lyons.) lis. SSfs=is=^ IBS &-- INSTALLATION OF WOR. MASTER. I. Sup - port to the Mas - ter. who rules by the Square, Let Sons of the Light to the East now re -pair;

: : =t J=t j- F=l=t -X Tn * +—a o 1 -9W- sis? xz- t&=± INSTALLATION OF SENIOR WARDEN. 2. Sup - port to the War - den, in - stalled in the West, Who works by the Lev - el, when sor - rows may rest 1 S^zcs^g^^zzz^^g gX-1—* e a—1~ a* H -^—&—l-h?-V- mi -jc=— I: :p [ INSTALLATION OF JUNIOR WARDEN. - port to the War - den, by Plumb still up - right, Whose sun, in the South, nev - er hides its fair light wmtm3. Sup npf p^^^^^^Si^Ppn

m *: S? m 11 With hearts for his aid, now u - nit - ed and free, O - be - dient we la - bor, and kind - ly a - gree.

-X- 3=3£ =t -B-* -l^fea 3S±= II With hearts for his aid, now ed and free, be dient we la bor, and kind a - gree. £=£ te* 1&- With hearts for his aid, now u - nit ed and free, O - be dient we la - bor, and kind gree. 0* 'J- m U =fc=t :i =£ fii E|EESEE£| W^ ^ ie _ -4 -4- —4- J- fch — 1 m^ EEE ffi=E=E ;il *=£=|E . ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; . ; ;; ; ; ; ;; 125

14,S. INSTALLATION ODE. 151. CALL TO LABOR. BRO. H. G. BARROWS. 154. FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY. Faith. ! 1. rouse brethren, labor away 1. Behold in the East our new Master appear, Come, ye, my to ; Come, brothers, we'll greet him with hearts all sincere The sun's in the east, and betokens the day 1. There's a vision once seen never passeth from sight, bring into For it fixeth the eye, fills the soul with delight We'll serve hini with freedom, with fervor and zeal. The Plumb, Square, and Level, now view , It clears all And aid him his duties arfd trust to fulfil. For hearts that are willing, there's plenty to do. obstructions, admits of no shade, Is a light to the mind, — is a beam not to fade. 2. In the West see the Warden with Level in hand, 2. The " pillar of Wisdom," with gavel in hand, Hope. The Master to aid, and obey his command Stands ready to lead, to preside and command 2. There's a glow so seraphic, to gladden the earth, We'll aid him with freedom, with fervor and zeal, The "pillar of Beauty " behold in the light, We feel, while it lingers, its heavenly birth • And help him his duties and trust to fulfil. To watch for the sun at meridian height. It blesses and cheers, soothes and comforts the world, 3. see the by Plumb stand upright, 3. day is far spent, and our labor is done, In the South Warden When Embracing the globe with its bright folds unfurled. Who watches the sun, and takes note of his flight. The " pillar of Strength " sees the setting of sun ; Cliarity. We'll aid him with freedom, with fervor and zeal, Our duties accomplished, — the day at its close 3. There's a joy so absorbing, a rapture so calm, And help him his duties and trust to fulfil. We hail the glad season of rest and repose. It lives while there's impulse, the heart's blood to warm ; 153. MASONIC ODE. R- W. CHAS. W. MOORE. Nor quenched till the spirit shall part from the clay X40. HYMN. MOST EXCELLENT MASTER. j It illumes with its glory life's dreariest day. 1. rains may descend, and the tempests may come, 1. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know; The pastures, safe-folded I rest And beat on our Temple, the Freemason's home; 155. I feed in green ; MASONIC SONG. And envy and malice attack it in vain, He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, 1^ Oh ! think not that life is the time for repose, the fabric sustain. wandering, redeems when oppressed. While Virtue and Firmness the spirit to slumber, eyelids Restores me when For the to close } skilful to plan, Its hour is of actions, for heart and for hand 2. Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray, 2. Oh ! wise were the Craftsmen, and ; Since thou art my guardian, no evil I fear Who laid its foundations in friendship to man No idle delay shall our progress withstand. stall' stay in erst ages, and ne'er will decay Thy rod shall defend me, thy be my 'Twas built 2. True joy will be found as the soul struggles on. befall with Comforter near. shall be closed, and the earth pass away. No harm can my Till time life's glory And wealth of unfading be won ; of affliction my table is spread Grand Master of earth, sea, and sky, And wisdom shall shed o'er the spirit a ray, 3. In the midst ; 3. For when the With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er First spread the bright arch of his power on high. Where beauty and freshness shall ne'er fade away. With oil and perfume thou anointest my head Love smiled at the symbol, and hailed the behest, 15B. CLOSING. what shall I ask of thy providence more % And Faith, Hope, and Charity sought to be blest. 1. Farewell, till again we shall welcome the time

4. Let goodness and mercy my bountiful God, 4. Through earth's wide dominions our precepts abound; Which brings us once more to our fame-cherished shrine

steps till I meet thee above heaven, our secrets are found Still follow my ; In earth, sea, and ; And though from each other we distant may roam. I seek — by the path which my forefathers trod, [love. Go, read their deep wisdom on sky, earth, and sea, Again may all meet in this our dear loved home. Through the land of their sojourn — thy kingdom of And honor the Genius of Freemasonry 2. And when our last parting on earth shall draw nigh, nations, and rivers divide, — And wft shall be called to the Grand Lodge on high, ISO. DEDICATORY HYMN. WOR. BRO. WM. T. ADAMS. 5. While mountains part To Lapland we wander, or Nile's fertile side, — May each be prepared, when the summons shall come, 1 God, thou hast reared in thy glorious might roam, To meet our Grand Master in Heaven,our home. We, Brothers ! devoted, where'er we may The Temple of Nature, whose arch is the sky, Will meet with a Brother, to welcome us home. Exalted its pillars, and covered it o'er 157. FELLOW CRAFT. breaks on our sight, — With starry-decked heavens in beauty on high ! 6. And when the last mystery Eevealed by eternity's ne'er fading light, — 1. Come, Craftsmen, asssembled our pleasure to share, 2. With faith like the Fathers we humbly uprear above, Who walk by the Plumb, and who work by the Square We, Brothers ! united in Grand Lodge This lowlier Temple of Brotherly Love Level of time, Shall meet in Security, Friendship, and Love. While travelling in love on the Thy Book on its altar, thy trust in our hearts, Sweet Hope shall light on to a far better clime. Master above. We consecrate all to the 153. CLOSING SONG. 2. We'll seek in our labors the Spirit Divine, 3. ever may Wisdom be found in its East Brothers accepted, come join in our song; 1. Come, Our temple to bless, and our hearts to refine Contriving for all in true Friendship and Love notes prolong swelling measures the glad ; In soft And thus to our altar a tribute we'll bring, The Strength of King Hiram abound in the West, over, the summons has come, Our labor is While joined in frue Friendship, our anthem we sing. Supporting the fabric with Faith from above ! To lay by the Trowel, and hie to our home. 3. See Order and Beauty rise gently to view, 4. May th' South glow with Beauty the whole to adorn, Friendship we meet, and in Friendship we part, 2. In Each brother a column, so perfect and true ! ever remind us of him who was slain Aud ; purpose, united in heart United in When Order shall cease, and when temples decay. Like him may we suffer ; like him when we die, ever, where'er we may roam, thus be it May each, fairer columns, immortal survey. raised from the grave unto glory again ! our Be Till we meet, ne'er to sever, in Heaven home. —


J—f- 3^3=2 ^ S5* -e 1 » i——s>— & m—W :P=1 1 Our Fa - ther who art in heaven, hal - low - ed be thy name. Thy king-dom come, Thy will be

i §Eg£3EgEE2 -y=^=^ m £=E£: m R^=F

:^ :i==i; ^^^: i f=p done on earth, as is in heaven. Give us this day our dai - ly bread; And for-give us our —j—j- ^=±=± J=^: S :a: ^ff=e f^ r r r~r r

±d=± T=5fc :J=fea^ zd—i=zz J=4 igP*=f J=E£ '------us. And lead us not in to temp-ta tion, but de ^tres-pass es, as we for give them that tres pass a gainst :J=^: *: . y±^. J JfJzakfHJ :E P^E -rrrr r r r

(&. lii^^i^^^j^i'rfariii^iiffii liv- er us from e - vil, For thine is the Kingdom, and the pow-er, and the glo - ry, for-ev-er and ev - er. A-men.

1 I I J: ISt 4JJ=J=i=y=d=J=J J=J=Jpi ^==p=#T —#- w. fff-rr iiH^iiSii

MARK MASTER. (Opening.) 129 mf ¥=*=*=? m =E3 £ g i. Mark Masters gath-er near, Hail our Grand O - ver-seer, Hail our Grand O - ver - seer, With heart and voice. Each in

2. May the Grand Ar - chi - tect, Keep us as sons, e - lect, Keep us as sons e - lect, While time shall stand. To Heaven our

sta-tion known, As some fair cor-ner-stone, Be- fore our Ma s-ter's throne, Be -fore our Mas- ter's throne Let all re - joice.

fe- -fe £=^Hr-5rn m - do. f

x ^=*=P-'^*5 ^ %m -v ^^m- i==g^g3g=^] prayers shall rise, In grate-ful sac - ri - fice, All hearts to sol - emn - ize, All hearts to sol emn - ize, In friendship's hand.

s =t=t s>i 3E:l , ill

S=^F=^^=«F —: ^ 130 PAST MASTER Allegretto, Iflf ^rj=zy- =£ =t: t^^ zzt I - skill, - ter bring your skill, Our work to prove. i. Come, and with gen-erous will, Past Mas ter, bring your Past Mas =t -^—?— - m** !zi==t—

ffl/ rp__*: IS^EeSJ=t £=£EEE 3; - command, Where broth - ers dwell. 2 Firm as our col-umns stand, Be each ap-proved com-mand,J— Be each ap proved Fl — •¥--- w^ -tf-—T a ^0-

m Allegretto. r,: i *+^r^ 4=t=i^sgNa^^ fll/ *=§ =£ — «i -*=i

- - cen - - do.

3E -p p- 3 £- i Calm each in - vad - ing storm, Each err - ing thought re - form, With truth each bo - som warm, In - spired by love.

:4i **=* >: 4 zd^: w ?=fi at 1 do. =£ I Let notes of glad - ness roll O - ver each trust - ing soul, Far as from pole to pole, Let an - thems swell.

1*3 3tz=sl; m 3=3=ii^^B flp|ill*i§i| i=i S^=^Ef=f=s £E$EEf^=^=1

flfe. :£=J= at ^:^g=^ ^=^E 3fcmat= Hi •

CHAPTER HYMN. Closing. M. KELLEB. 131 Andante. OL ^=»-* ?=*=-* £= :S 3= =i=t=t=E :i-f=fetfc= =E=L ^r^ fflEE £ ^gg^pi % - - Now in peace our la-bors closing, Kind Companions, all, a-dieu ! Still our con fi- dence re posing, Friendly thoughts we here re-new.

i- =1= f M 1 ! ^— z^^==t—iri--1=35=4 ^ p$ = =tj 3fii w ^ £= = =§*Ei!=zd==

-9—O^-O » *-*-?- ^f£=P=£ ». ^ ». EE -U --g - - - - Now in peace our la bors clos-ing, Kind Companions, all, adieu ! Still our con fi dence re pos-ing, Friendly thoughts we here renew.

When the changing days before us Bring the last great close of time, May the Great High Priest that's o'er us Gather all in Heaven's own clime. /^ » . 4=4= -* ' — *-7 m*=* P — d—d—* izi r r -d-dm LAjLI £ m

=&*=£ When the changing days be-fore us Bring the last great close of time, May the Great High Priest that's o'er us Gather all in Heaven's own clime. q=M Ft =*=*: m^gi^giiii! m "T5<- £*5£

-^- i lj ' v I* i r 132 CHANT ANTHEM. (The earth is Jehovah's.) HOWARD M. DOW. MOST EXCETJiENT 5U8TEB. Sj-iritcjo. f ?c is^i^ - - ful - there - of, sp- T he earth Je ho vah's and the ness The world and they that dwell there I =f22^ m

2-SeE =p -^ fe*

The earth Je - ho - vah's and the ful - ness there - of, The world and they that dwell there ^i==l==:1=: a o- 9te=t —z£ 1=3= -T- 3E m

Spiritoso. m :«:: 3t m$^ Sg ==j=zt

cfb. r?" -,-#-& " > ?a- r S i *=t 3= 5= 1 For He hath found - ed up - on the seas, And es - tab - lished it up - on the ±* ?tS>— -$&>- m cres cen ffrrs ^EB=± -;*-- :-:

For He hath found - ed up - on the seas, And es - tab - lished it up - on the

=====j=== isH^ 32=2!= 3= =*=#* ^ iiil ^-^ IP -I U «fc. zazrqs:: Bt =sj=====st==:==5t ^^£r =$E m CHANT ANTHEM. Continued. 133

- hovah, shall stand in his ho - ly place. I. Who shall ascend into the mountain of Je Or who -& m m nt£ ~

- - hovah, And righteousness from the . . . ? God his sal vation. 2. He shall receive sblessing from Je

94=^ s=a 1^

sworn de - ceit - ful - ly. He that is clean of hands, and . . pure in heart, Who hath not lifted up his soul to vanity, nor

:?? V Z£L fg 1 fJ.

This is the generation of them that seek him, That seek thy face O Jacob.

-—======^=FF^= H — —

134 CHANT ANTHEM. Continued.

— —o^^2-*-- -^zz=f. S ;* ^—*- NMP=^^=^=f^S -W=& w. ±! :t=F H Lift up your heads O ye gates, And be ye lift - ed up ye ev - er - last - ing doors, And the King of Glo ry shall come in.

Lift up your heads O ye gates, And be ye lift - ed up ye ev - er - last-ing doors, And the King of Glo-ry shall come in.

H 1 1 IjS2=T * *~ m&E^^^3^i3=}=m fe£ i i

:^=^ sq=^ L%--:pi 3=3: &:__ ~-&- wmm m P 1 1- cres. g—fZif Etes^^^=S=li^fefe*^ 13 I I I Jehovah, strong and mighty, Je ho vah mighty in battle. i mm &=&Br =f2q-o- S e==?y : Who, is this King of Glory? Jehovah, strong and mighty, Je - ho - - vah mighty in battle, SOLO. wm ^

: =g= : mm -9i9-

§E CHANT ANTHEM. Concluded. 188

tf/TN ^q:^ r i r- ^^^ pp=^— | I ft :t F^i ^FF=— FF— r- — — f Lift up your heads O ye gates, Even lift up ye ev - er - last ing doors, And the King of Glo - ry shall come in. SEE* (C^T #^ 5^ :*?_ Si ^EFiEE p=^= % St £ :#=*=

Lift up your heads O ye gates, Even lift up ye ev - er - last - ing doors, And the King of Glo - ry shall come in.

H5> P- 73-—1r -r> 3t=*t mm n m ife£

2 i_l 1 1 ^Et ^«^^i 1 u. S Bi

=pt g"~^~I—zri- ^^==d==«=*J=is r(g i=E I i i Je - hovah of Hosts, He the King of Glory. £ 1 -jg gr -ST i

tf^i =^q=^= ::=t I Who, is this King of Glory? Je - hovah of Hosts, He the King of Glory. SOLO. f=§ m^m m d^$E&: :g=:=a

' &-±A *h ! F=Fl: :^=I=a^1 V 136 MOST EXCELLENT MASTER. Opening. / Allegretto.

: ™|E 3!i =i===p hS TT- m i. See from the nent rise Bright beams to bless eyes, All hearts to cheer, — frr I '—9- I

"*" EzSEE 2. Bring songs joy ous sound, Bring ho - ly thoughts pro - found, With hearts sin - cere.

=1: —j ^_.z=q ns 1^ m afc=:=£ =£ ^ —— 9 t~~

Allegretto. \ — * . q

ALL HAIL TO THE MORNING. (Most Excellent Master.) 137 lj/// tenor solo.

,_ . —^_ ^=5 i ±=1 3tf: :t=t= i. All hail to the morn -ing that bids us re - joice, .. The Tem-ple's com - plet - ed, ex - alt high each voice. The Capstone is _ > - _l " rS_ ^ _.3=t— .4—4- =e=3 :?ri: =t= =^=— "p^: -Z5I-S- !--^~ ^; 1F r" =*#—p_ ^=zq


'F g? ^— £ F: =3= iw=* x=x Bmmm•—+- S3 Si SI fin-ished, our la - bor is o'er The Cap-stone is finished, our la - bor is o'er, The sound of the gav - el shall hail us no more.

:i •-e gif^ilbP^^ -*— 3Sffl ki^UllA i^_j ij.j-j. *=F=P= 1 T m -- *--& ¥^-G>G>- m -&-

TENOR AND BASS DUETT. _-£__£ P^=S= ~i—^ h 1 jpls atz*: 2d. To the pow - er Al-might - y who ev er has guid - ed The tribes of old Is - - rael, ex - - alt - ing their =q^pz= -^ -' 3 mW-Ut S£ i^E=E *±t=± 7th. Al - might - y Je - ho - - vah, de - scend now and fill ... . This Lodge with thy glo ry, our hearts with good ==4^: *z±zSd-—j===S=*=: itfcat Ppr-. i § 1 P -*-

8w. J J =^J=J= : :=± tng=J §£ i-ft ig

#If preferred, this " Most Excellent Master's Song ,? can be sung entirely in Chorus, each voice taking lhe melody. — — 133 ALL HAIL TO THE MORNING. Continued. ?=i= =l=± 1 —»-!-• 3 * _^?~ 3£ =±: -•--»-I-*=i£--— — — E fame, To Him who hath gov erned our hearts un - vid - ed, To Him who hath -(2— -» W- =1= : =F * o; =F E*#t

will, Pre- side at our meet find, Pre - side

i 3EE

; S3 ?=F — gg f— *3 r£8^~* — f» —C_^^

gov-erned, our hearts un - di - vid ed, Let's send .... forth our voic praise his great Name.

-#=•• -f^-0 si —T- t= S £ I lS>-T-

meet - ings, as - sist us to find True pleas ure in teach ing Good will to man - kind. 3= :^=^=a

3=£: =P=* _^_ IS 8w. Chorus. MELODY IN UNISON. :W 1 3 £3 ------3. Com pan- ions, as sem ble on this Joy-ful day. . . . Th' oc-ca sion is gio rious the Key-stone to lay, Ful 4. There is no more oc - ca - sion for Lev - el or Plumb-line, For Trow - el or Gav el, for Corn-pass or Square. Our

-si-- ;


(Ceremonies after third verse.)

FIFTH VERSE. BASS SOLO. SIXTH VERSE. CHORUS IN UNISON. Excellent Masters, Now those that are worthy, our toils who have shared, We accept and receive them, Most preside themselves faithful, shall meet their reward Invested with honors, and power to And proved ; wherever assembled, Their virtue and knowledge, industry and skill, Among worthy Craftsmen, assembled, Their virtue and knowledge, industry and skill, Among worthy Craftsmen, wherever spread far and wide. Have our approbation, have gained our good will. The knowledge of Masons to (Ceremonies after sixth verse.)

SEVENTH VERSE. DUETT. TENOR AND BASS. EIGHTH VERSE. CHORUS IN UNISON. Wisdom inspired the great Institution, Almighty Jehovah ! Descend now and fill Thy it till nature expire This Lodge with thy glory, our hearts with good will Thy Strength shall support ; fall into ruin, Preside at our meetings, assist us to find, And when the creation shall ruin, Preside at our meetings, assist us to find And when the creation shall fall into the midst of the fire. True pleasure in teaching good will to mankind. Its Beauty shall rise through — P

140 ROYAL ARCH. Opening. M. KELLEU. Andante, f P i^E^giel :--> T—g?--—J 9 - @ g— — - - i. Where burns the Sa cred Fire, Each heart, with pure de sire, Bring thoughts of love ! Who with af-

- 2. While to our Heaven ly King, Hearts filled with love we bring, Come, join in praise ! 'Neath heaven's broad §3^=^ 3 w==^m •Andante. S5l -»rk -k±Ar-t- f^g^ss^f^ft=!SfgSs' ^1

^.-•-\-i J=J=^ 3S: ±r|=J=± m. IS t^"3

z^zz i ±: & n fee tions cold, Would high - est praise with - hold, When Hope's best joys un - fold The bliss a - bove ? - - fa JS I s T3t £5§2 ^i :>*:: ID «s« §s*te=3 E£ =P=F= I II

arch of blue, Where dwell the free - and true, There our best vows In an - thems raise. ! :zc =t =t ^ : - s$ 01 fci 3=g 3=?=filiillil gp^llil

--I I- _JSL -al — =i=gz= i: d~ ^ig|S -g-j= 3=« :aE £U =* -e—W: ^

ROYAL ARCH. CLOSING. J. G. MULLER. 141 m Jl Andante. Sf EE. ir££=*=z=« sUM^im ther, hear, Thou whose I. Humb-ly thine kneel Hear us, Fa TA m=* :t— w 1 w --- =£ =B *=- m^mmm ±= m - with bove we - dwell Thee May When our day life is o ver, May we ; st ^4 mmmwmmm <# AtzMz O, m :? j^3=

# =1= ^S V: £=£ 3^E SS ^ :£EE£ £ - ther eye doth watch us sleep - ing, Safe - ly keep us through life's day ; Guide us, Heav'nly Fa - N IS ~T 1 fr T ~t*—

- gel harps and Join with ser - aph's hymn - ing, Praise to thee thou God of love ; There with An -is fr-r — [s is- 142 ROYAL ARCH. CLOSING. Concluded.

° W|- H- k- g- _s 6 I s a

voic - es, May we swell the cease - less sons Ev - er hap - py, ev - er ho - ly, Ev - er =£ :*: ^^ £

#-- -•:- IE *

; : _E P 'i- r -:

- «» - - */

=eeS* *^Mfc^ II hap py. er ho - iy. Thou our God, and Heaven our home, Thou our God, and Heaven our home. mi&$£iE=£E$.

i. Let the grace of thy pure spir 2. Ev - er hap-py, Ev - er ho_

— *


--"* :^?- 1=1= i. Hark, the song of Ju - bi - lee, Loud as might - y thun-ders roar, O'er the ful - ness of the sea, When it breaks up-on the shore. =t=jt=l=tp I^^ :z>±± &Et*ESE£e£ tt=

^ifc^f—?— -¥-- fe q^HeeSe&je tz=t=t=bt :t He shall reign from pole to pole With supreme, un-bound-ed sway, He shall reign, when like a scroll, Yonder heavens shall pass away.

i?zV. :ees $=t. -«=F«> i- IL- ^^S^^E^E£ ,— in See Je - ho - vah's banner's furled, Sheathed his sword, He speaks, 'tis done, Now the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. =t Ft \_J=M=j a^-o *-T 4_3 —i-u al-y-^ 6—•- — lfc=3£ IW- Rit. ffl/ -# »- — -*--=—» o —a—»——*—o -W *=*=# 1 2* £ 5?-. -^-F* ^=^ ?=&£ S=B r: 3=4:m Hal - le - lu - jah, for the Lord God om -nip - o - tent shall reign, Hal - le - lu - jah, let the word Ech - o round the earth and main. »-^-» 9 »- o ±=t=E=3t :t £g^ Et z^z m £ m^^^mm^^^m^^t=£ nif S3=^S==eU=H ¥=FS^T- itt^lliJ^^lfc^i^itl j F

146 TO THEE, MY GOD AND SAVIOUR „ f Moderate F v hJ^ --¥=-* ^— —P=T=5=F4=S =*t=¥

gES££3i -L i tz^nz £ T-=t t= - - - sings, - joic - ing in thy fa - vor, Al-might - King of kings I'll To thee, my God and Sa viour, My soul ex ult ing Re y ; zzjEzffiEEz*zz|E^ =4 3^=Sz £e£ :p- >»/ =H=^4- ?cpc F F---F—•— »- -g>—T- *- =t=t2= :t: *=P

2 Thy gracious love pos - sess - ing In all my pil-grim road, My soul shall feel thy bless - ing In thy di - vine a - bode. There 4- • -t- .-- ;e>_: §fe zzlzzzziz m T- ±z^z=±=i± Moderate --]- ^3lt=^==dq-^-.j_-#=p#-j-« g J_TZZgZ=ZZJ ZjgpgtfZZZjZ zSzzS-z 'M lzzJzzzz*zzzzz=ttzzz=t£tzzzzUzz=tzzzzEEt=zz* mf ztazzj=zfszzzzjz=z]zTrd=zz^rTz^izzjzzzz^zzzzg z#hzz* i iz:pg I PS zz1z=zjz i-

mm SzE^zEtzES^EEzESEEzES^ -?£-- eel e - brate thy glo - ry With all thy saints a - bove, And tell the joy - ful sto - ry Of thy re - deem-ing love. I'll =t 3 3- S s tESzzW1

»&/ :f- s F F=F=|=5> .^ 0- ~ — — 5B^§=^ — — zEee«=e5=e*eeEz tr. --T-F bow - ing down be - fore thee, My ev - 'ry con - flict o'er, My spir - it shall a - dore thee For - ev - er, ev - er more. There m ^ii =i= s=s!!N=fe^i§!|tl ^^g^^rf^zzz^^

I I I /I 1 ] | fllf J /111 J s , :z*z^zzzzzzza=dzzzz^zzzzzzzjzzrzzzfczzzi^z1zzzzzzzrTzzzfc^j/zzrzzjzzizzzgzzz^zzzztojz • ZZZZfc fl—— : — 1 — » — » — — — — k


:t it t= E^E IB eel - e - brate thy glo - ry With all thy saints a - bove, And tell the joy - ful sto - ry Of thy re-deem-ing love.

c=i£ fe »—» f—f- «M? I £ii =?— i— II re=ff: -| F F h«-^*—ft- te=J= I bow - ing down be - fore thee, My ev - 'ry con - flict o'er, My spir - it shall a - dore thee, For - ev - er, ev - er - more. * 3=3 !-* 3==J-- ]J

j. J^ ^=p: =P=* F • F F^ m :»^=g: -T- §]

GENITORI. BRO. L. H. SOUTHAKD. Tempo di Marcia. f -**-»- ^i^W J*=t && =t=t^ SM*- **-> M i/ L * / •/-* <7 i m -i— — *B l — / Gen - i - to n, gen i - to - que, laus et Ju - bi - la - ti - o, Sa - lus, hon-or, vir-tus quo que sit et ben - e - dic-ti — rr ^=-f"—»; ijzit 3Sfe =^E*E P=^^ Mile :PP 1*^- -«_F- fee -^-^-^fe &— *^-«—»—»--»-F^ f—#—#4-*- 33^ -*-- m==&~ -?—?- ^—9 Gen - i - to n, gen - i - to - que, laus et Ju - bi - la - ti - o, Sa - lus hon - or, virtus quo que. sit et ben - e - die - ti ±=Z± tfT—g+g a—e.—g-h^ T3r- ~z=*-*^- 47=9- Tcmpo di Marcia. £^ J^ Pi > If if - s==s: \ \ — =g=s- £*±* r-f / PJiEgEtS^i

«• -1-4, T-l It" -•— •- I I » « =»--» C5Q 'if- — -rsl—«-(-••—— »— — e^= =± :t— i i -r — - N »

143 GEN I TOR I. Concluded. mf mf N-N —*— ff-F-0- ; =3-?= Igl EEE=EEEEi|=*E* r|eE Pro-ce-den-ti ab - u-tro-que. Com-par sit lau- da - ti-o Pro-ce-den-ti ab-u- m\ £J|S?P HJiigii (2_c^-p; ^—B- §*S—

—fZ—r—ei 0-±—o-

£ =UJ==^: ill

- - - tro - que. Com - par lau - da - ti - o, Com par sit lau da - ti fe^S^ %2 U =- Rit. -e-'a- -J3^—*- jO.- : p ffl g-T— 5= p *=E §!i $—P=P- Com-par sit lau - da - ti Compar sit lau - da o, Com - par sit lau - da v~* K£E :a

-* ±S: e &=<-&— a -F-»»- iiH =-.# f zV. s #= S3f§f£ » =f=: w- —


1 Alleg

->p- 1 -V- om t IB - - - bright, I. Light! Light! In - fi - nite Light, The mountains melt-ed a way, Ten thou-sand thou sand ser a-phims Were jfc, g m s £r -a^r -f f ** II ------I Lio-ht ' Light! In fi nite Light, The mountains the mountains melt-ed a way, Ten thou-sand thou sand ser a phims bright. • ; |-= r I -9 »•-_ r— 1 i r t—— |-r — .-r— V- &- =!=*= Ei£ m I Allegro. ii f -?• ¥--* f- BSE w — £S t=f=:±=E=t: d: =W ^4=?- W=£d=H: ^a ===!==£ S p^3 ^z=i=J: - - «» do. m 2± $=E fc=?~ £=t Sfc 3td: lost, were lost in a blaze of day, For God was there and be-neath his feet, A pavement of sap-phires =1=4 — - £feJ=jJ=B 3^z:^=S z) * ^ «« - rf-« ^^^^i -aP For God was there, & H=d= i_f_—x s 1: m - - cen 5z^=d=J=ari=S^=4=F=t=M==i =£feffH^3 4»

150 LIGHT. Continued.

-& a- ft—g—e |- f-MzujH I — £ tfc= =P 3=3= glowed, As the mir-rors of glo - ry tran-scend-ent -ly meet, To re - fleet his own, his own bode.

=t *= ::i:7 ifeEEfrc^fcE —•—gi- i^ ^=pc ^

1 1 L_ ttr g -& I glowed, As the mir - rors of glo - ry tran-scend-ent - ly meet, To re - fleet his own, his own a - bode.

- 2. Love ! Love ! In - fi - nite Love, The low - ly La dy of grace,Bowsun-der-neathth'o'er-shadowing dove, Her e-

- =' o- -&=?- -+ gl-— -GH! -?--^ ? P f- # % #——»— m« x: - - - 2. Love ! Love ! In fi - nite Love, The low ly, the low - ly La dy of grace, Bows un-derneath th'o'er-shadowing dove, -I—J— A- __^, —9— :^— m i =ffi Si E^r^jip^gg^igaa :2=>„ iW^ht C_J__JjP-J-B-±± . — — — — —

LIGHT. Continued. 161

»- = lit— G> „ ^ 0--6 T It ==t e ^ W=r-K ?S D 0- -^ ter-nal, e - ter - nal Son to em -brace. For God is there, the An-cient of days. An in - fant in hu - man

=1 j_ I | i i | | h ! T~F=r~lT i^p£zst — I1 *: IS ^I^lllpl

Here -ter - nal Son to em-brace. For God is there, the Ancient of days, An in - fant in hu - man 9&=v=F=F$ 3 2 «-J=^-i For God is there.

— »- -^--j^-i 90 » fe ^h^^^E^^m

=t t^J=d=^ =i= 5fa: ^=^=^. 33 3=* a!=zat &

> f- 3= ^: £ BeE=F= p Whilst - gels a-round in - cess-ant - - wrapt, is years An them ly gaze, And na ture is wrapt =E Tit 1=3 lq^- S JESEi ^-T-i- *--zs'-: w -»_ra= -V^^:. Mi £=E= :t =££ m years.... Whilst An - gels a-round them in - cess-ant - ly gaze, And na - ture is wrapt, is wrapt z^=zt ^ i^=rs^^iij=l=i3=ii-3^i^i=i

(— J -j g"— » — g-i— -*— ! 3& a— t-I I ^-T-* —-8* ;J » — ! — » 8— a— —•-5-B # t3 a fi5- pz=]sz — mei

d " _ ^- 1 — « «-4-«l-—a— —&^ fi f- i — SEE=3 — o-m — — d j i^zt:" f= ^ —

152 LIGHT. Continued. =£ 3-F+f —P- 3^ S - 3. Peace ! Peace ! In - fi - nite Peace, A gold en house hath found, Whose in S 3T m fe r^g

! ! gold - en, en m3. Peace Peace In nite Peace, A house hath it found, Whose^min ^=t j±=±

-j^— mJ—_ J—J~l pm=l=^r

> t SEE EE3: -T -eff ble beau - ty must ev in-crease, With im tal i - ty for - ev - er crowned. =t t=t- £? -0 —^~=± 3fc -? fe§=£ -*T—tiz

S* -*—f- -» p: -r-i eff - a - ble beau - ty must er m-crease, Immor- tal ty for - ev er crowned. =t m m 3* 33 3tT=3t 1 For ?|3=^Eii: lililli^^iii :fc 1!

5^r ±F*l - 3sl =Ei=E^3=g:=id m :E3=E3ES LIGHT. Concluded. 153 cres. =?z=n mz :^: £ =p= For God was there, the Lord of the skies, Whose loud Al - le - lu - las ran From

fczLzzEt 3^S^ :p: » t :E B33 =E m - Heav en to earth as Em - man - u - el lies, In the arms, the arms of Ma - ry, for -:- ^m g=i 3 3= ^=i




: When the matin notes are ringing -^- -»-*?- Hf=? I t Cheerfully, from mount and dell, — =P Efe&a £ ^ n for §= Strength warfare still is springing, ^ - kneel - ing, Round the tri-form al - tar kneel - ing, Whisper each Em-man - u el. Strength for warfare still is springing, SE*E£ From thy name, Emmanuel. Mils! # a 4- I When some deed of empire sharing, Deeds like those traditions tell, * Prompts each Knight to noble daring, £ Prompts each Knight to noble daring, M--¥-. I s ^ 'Tis for thee, Emmanuel. hov - er, Smiles of peace a-round them hov er, At thy name Em-man - u - el. 5- - N N— — When the storm-clouds darkly lower gfc tz=:=st ^^= zstz il On our pathway, dark and fell, Knights heroic will not cower, Knights heroic will not cower, Cheered by thee, Emmanuel.

6. When death's fearful damps are stealing And is breathed the last " Farewell," All the brighter world revealing, All the brighter world revealing, Thou shalt come, Emmanuel. LITANY. (Knight Templar). HOWARD M. DOW. 188 La7'ffO. -&=*-- ?£=£ Z3L1 -&-. tec Hr* T~ i 1. Sa - viour when in dust to thee, Low we bow th'a - dor - ing knee, by all the pains and woe, When re - pent - ant to the skies, Scarce we lift our stream - ing eyes, :£=F=t=- 4=F=t=t 9—»- ±—s£ -P— -O-^- fe^ie - - griefs fears, -vie - 2. By thy birth and ear ly years, By thy hu man and \ By thy tory in the hour - - By thy fast - ing and dis - tress, In the lone ly wil - der ness, } ZgZj mm i m- E^E $=£: E=E £ S - 3. By thine hour of dark des - pair, By thine ag - o - - ny of pray'i By thy cross, thy pangs, and cries, the pur - - pie robe of scorn, By thy wounds, thy crown of thorn,

=n^ ?- o_. -j—t>—0- 1 P— mm, m isi , „ ^^ , m 4. By thy deep ex - - pir - ing groan, By the sealed se - pul - chral stone, Might - y God, as - cend - ed Lord. thy tri - - umph o'er the grave, By thy pow'r from death to save,

Largo. mms&


- - i. Bring your offering to our Temple, Let the in-cense reach the skies, Ju-dah's line no more a stran-ger, See its ho ly al tars

~t- ^ 9 9. 1 * ~-J*F S ia^s^=^fs=Q m*£M t- m - tion, free, in-spir - ing, resolves and ho - ly thought ; Seek to gain^^^mthe - conquest, a Saviour's suff '-rings 2. Bring de-vo High wor thy By

* * —B— —9—

rise. Bring af-fec - tion kindly tempered, Hearts to join a kindred heart, Heav'n-ly truth their worthiest object,Christian faith their worthiest part.

mf > 3 . a . =- / bj-JM^

- - - bought. Bring in hearts of gen'-rous purpose, Chari ty's en dear-ing form ; Love enlarged, mankind embracing, Ev-er ac-tive, ev er warm. — —# a — RED CROSS SONG. HOWARD 31. DOW. 187 / Spiritoso. :p=j= ^SEt tz 3-q=

i. In coun - cil met, we'll ne'er for - get When dark op - pres • sion bound us, Our thanks shall rise to lof - tiest skies For :-= :4=fg- •— ==t =1= =t e 3 — tt^ g P^ g— *— - -* 3=P= F» » *-- -e-l-e> o 0- P—--»- P P= #— -# ? g^ZWZ K5Sfc£ *=t=t 3. Then gath - er near, with - out a fear, Di - vine sup - port im - plor - ing, Our Tem-ple spires, like ho - ly fires To

Spiritoso. 0; Z ZpZZTVZ rs £=£=w* H . h-J- rfcz-tf: » t==t mSE3E S*=i fe^^±3:*e^^^ i^ 3=H >f=F ET

=p—»- i sn: ^fEE^ =t=t EE friends that gath - er round us, What heart would miss An hour like this, That gives to hope its light-ness, For the -0—0- -p =P= ^p=*—0- 3p ifc^^i -m^m^ =t=±=r -b—r -P— 1 trFff ^ Heaven's high arch are soar - ing. What heart would miss An hour like this, That gives to hope its light - mmness, For ~ f- P N-r— T-1 O O 1- —«- ^mm '^^M:-«t-8

^=J=± -'. 3tt t=E ^fe=d=± £e EElEE*^ r=tF=F=F=r±^=F ^EE>^=F ; 1 —1 P1


do, ff Ritard. Fin ^ ±M__ _ . =rjcqg. i ;jnjE=g==p===fn====£r? f p=gq=p ^-•FFir*!—sr-*-r-*—* ———»-!--»-—*-F—»-«-»- t-

pen - nons white Of the Red Cross Knight, Still wave in their star-ry brightness. 2. With Truth to guide, 'Twas ne'er de-nied, Each

i=tz===gsr=l=l=^= 1 —r 0-r— ===E ^^j^^^^^=^g^i^^^ 5=t *• if, m/ BE ignpl =^t pen - nons white Of the Red Cross Knight, Still wave in their star-ry brightness. 2. With Truth to guide/Twas ne'er de-nied, Each

1 1 -^-' 1 — 1 * I —S-r ~l —H-i— -A N—I T-^-,-^-rr 1 N — Nt~ — jy-yg=i— tdat=J=5b=^=imm m s ^m fc^ '2 5=£ r- ^ rf(7. Ritard. Jf m/ ?'=*= d=£ -1 1- :r=t=^ 1 1 —K 1 §§£ .!»- fe££ 3-i= r=F= ?=r=F

a NtF : : $=tt =U== & mfoe must fall be - fore us, A trust - y band, With heart and hand, No ty - rant scep-tre o'er us, When Ju - dah's line, In

-1—O—Jr^Hi- g^»d^p*z£g= j£ :p: f=! -p:

-.-/- ?»/ ¥ * £ =H foe must fall be - fore us, A trust - y band, W ith heart and hand, No ty - rant scep-tre o'er us, When Ju - dah's line, In

==H=====j===3 SEfE 3=E ==r=i==j==y 3t a— —a—-e- :E -^ * =3-

fe =5=?* \ =t=t= t=$z

—0-4—0— 1 =£=* — I r-l »-=-» ^=M?=i! =1=n]= fegi J -M 1 1 -| != H 4=1= e A hr * —- 5 •

RED CROSS SONG. Concluded. 189

=t+=!= S^^P^^fe^^^ di-vine, Be-held the Tem-ple ris-ing, light Each heart most brave An offering gave, Its unmatched glory priz - ing. What heart would miss An

light di-vine, Be-held the Tem-ple ris - ing, Each heart most brave An offering gave, Its unmatched glory priz-ing. What heart would miss An =t t3*^P=PP ± JH~ 3£=r=t-*— t^t=^ #-L-^- \f-*-r*—

:f=tfc# L *-!-*- -%« -% I L — tS #A= P-f— -hs--t

.tfzV. -J ^r— ^^ -» * ttt iEfeW: J=3id=: tp±p=-^: *—jrf" ,^gP

2). C. 3^ F

-9--P—0- i=JS ggg^Egg^ag^ -0-0—o- » «C I tfzV. -#—*- H* (*—»= 42—It ~ 4= j §SfeEE£ I s £ ^Il f hour like this, That gives to hope its lightness, For the pen-nons white Of the Red Cross Knight, Still wave in their star-ry brightness.

9i e — e a Ffr=g- ^as S

g : r~T~T ^T- r-^=gp^=g^q»=f3g-r- H 160 GUIDE ME, O THOU GREAT JEHOVAH.

^g=E= - - I. Guide me, thou great Je ho vah, Pilgrim through this barren land, am weak, but thou art might- y, Hold me with thy powerful

2. Feed me with the heavenly man -na, In this bar-ren wil - der-ness, Be my sword, and shield.and ban-ner, Be the Lord my righteous-

-tal fountain, Whence the living wa-ters flow, Let the fier - cloud - pil-lar Lead me all my ourney through. hand. O-pen now the crys y, y W^^M=^mj mmmm - I the of Bid anx-ious fears subside. Bear me throu h the swelling current, Land me safe on Canaan's side. ness, When tread verge Jordan, my : ==HJEEE: j

HYMN. (Knight Templar.) A. XEITHARDT. 161 fModcrato. wm &*- i. What Christian Knight, though dan-gers press, Un - man- ly fears would eer con-fess, 'Mid gath-'ring storms when tem-pests

2. Still faith - ful and be - liev - ing found, Where clouds and darkness gath er round, The Christian sol dier on - ward

I N- fti :fv -V N i ! S -Jv — 1*— 1 -N — W^» 3== — — =1=3= *— 0- ? §¥ . O O Moderate

P^i=rd==i=^==^=FiJ==ii: -0.—H—0- S3t= a*=*2 =!==== =fc=?

'-&=-- te=; %S=£ M—9- roll No ter - rors shake his trust-ing soul, No ter - rors shake his trust -ing soul; His trust re-posed on Heaven a • m S 2^EEE m$

', -5—1- J 3S£======f-^- ±=t moves, Where du - ty leads, when Heaven ap-proves, Where du - ty leads when Heaven ap-proves; In dark - est hour though death

-ft ft =f=r^ — — — ; 1

HYMN. Concluded. 162 cres.

?=?= eh££=£e£ ££ ' fr=$ !!— 12—? fr — t=l=— — P^M^ 1 lone, No foes a - larm, no fears are known, He sees in Faith, that beaming star, That shone on Bethlehem's plains a - far.

-p-—p-\-& ^m H5 -W=a- 5^=K=? 1

—tz=tz= is^=yi?=sm £ .! : ^l^fili^iil pear, Without a sigh, with-out a tear, Con-fid-ing still in Heaven's de-sign, He calm - ly owns the hand di - vine. gy=N=£=fei

a=Sd-=£H »f=S: 0EE£EEM a**£ g^3=1=1 ?±^^: P THOU KING OF KINGS. (Knight Templar.) Andante. r i= -"!=¥:=E ^±W==^=fe 3B Thou King of kings, Thou sov -'reign Lord, Ac - cept our hum - ble prayer, While travelling on life's dangerous road, O

- ***1 i 1 -\ : 1 1 I -\ —. 1— I-T- 1 — N r St—\ £*P"*". ^ , — — Itet -#-?-! 1^11 fm §5s

Thou King of kings, Thou sov -'reign Lord, Ac - cept our hum ble prayer, While travelling on life's dangerous road, O =1=

=3 : -&:. i^§f=I :J— =^ Andante. SE jE^mm^^m^mmm^nm^mn *t

-s a-l-a—g-^—0—- 0-1^]^^—1*5-=- m :d:- 3=i ==i=!=S=^E * * J ^ H — —

THOU KING OF KINGS. Continued. 163 iffl^a^^^1^^^ta|^&^^^ still pro-tect us there, A ris - en Sa-viour here we own, Who passed the si - lent grave, His love im-mor-tal - (A ris en ) g= -N-^>—p»- ^P=HfS=«= ^=W=$i'fczati f- -W=i—J—?— - EfEES « * =t % -hH7—?- mm ttb* #-*-» a -p - #-*-» T t- g 9 -*-? —»- T— — ^E. 5±fi S still protect us there, A ris - en Sa - viour here we own, Who passed the si - lent grave, His love im - mor - tal -a-*—?—g- .0_i_» —0. ^*1 2 y r : :zfc -0 — ^ 1 1 £rf-—E-fe^ 17~r~t . 0B0- ^ ^4=f

Jf—* —3=£: -0-^-0 0- ^ht fe^fet ^ « #—i— — —Sfe I

*=m =P p ^Fffi* fbi :t l^mmm i=±t -st. i kind-ly shown,Who came a world to save, His love im-mor - tal kind-ly shown, Who came a world to sav e. When wea-ry pilgrims ^^S=gEEg=E=E^Efi?f-h*— —f- Ei^i^S^i^i=Sl #—*—p- :c: ^==P= :t:

kind-ly shown, Who came a world to save, His love im - mor - tal kind-ly shown, Who came a world to save. When wea-ry pilgrims -0 0- *-— — 9^ZZ£Z^4r^£^jl=|=d:=^ =!==t==t=:=J 3=^: J-*- m E -m— —0- t=*E&^

I LiZ L- 1 —"x^F—«* — «- it 1 H -t- ; P —"Nt — mm^ SS | — m ,-^i =£=R=Jz=± r^+m^f^ v- — I — ~ — THOU KING OF KINGS. Concluded. 164 \m ^=&mc tesil&iis^ili 111 trav-'ling far, Shall seek thy ho - ly light, Be thou, God, that guid-ing star, Ne'er dimm'd by shades of night, Be thou, O God, that &=? v^r- -?---- i I Be thou, O

ZSr -?— §» £ trav'ling far, Shall seek thy ho- ly light, Be thou, O God, that guid -ing star, Ne'er dimm'd by shades of night, Be -\ hr— r— ^H*—!>*-

^~ li -—? ?—*- JM* \ ^t&kftfrW£ mm& T'

_(fci: . ?*- t# 1± s^i :t ii=S=i guid - ing star, that guid - ing star, Ne'er dimm'd by shades of night, ne'er dimm'd by shades of night, ne'er dimm'd by shades of night. t=?E -?-»- 3 =1:— =t =E «±3t ii g ±±Bt=Bbs±a God, that guid-ing, guid-ing star, Sc ^=^=j3 -P |T^» 9 »- :t: ^t i* it i ]] thou, O God, that guid-ing, guid - ing star, Ne'er dimm'd by shades of night, ne'er dimm'd by shades of night, ne'er dimm'd by shades of night.

:S —/TV- tel: _ 1==j=z±:: §Se 3 m ?_J=Jt^ IHH Be thou, O God, that guid-ing star, d=r =t a- : -f-p— EfcE >,=^%--jA~ 3-fo i &=& ^=^# ^ZZ"^

±4-- im=x=^tr=xx=. _ —f-« 3=9^ i=zz=^; — i H — m —


-tzar .3 ? , h- P »-T-- —p =p= %=*32uE i=t ^ep £ Glo - ry be to God on high, peace, good will to men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we wor-ship Thee, We -E--E 4--=?Z"- T •- P-PP^ -¥ -e?— — H* ( I BEE And on earth, peace, good will to men.

gfe 3EESE3E »5l5fe£^fe :=t E- Glo - ry be to God on high, peace, good will to men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we wor-ship Thee, We

-$=*- : 9!e d=2=i->q -=--*-»: % E=EgEJjj^g Allegro. « Efe=P S5fc *=M=£ pf=; ^fe^=F=zE=iz^:F=M ^1E pp Em =^=i* §fe s* ^ PIPs^s EE*feSE^=fegJ :-M-=p:

:«?: fefeEN^ SS -5-=*: ri - fy Thee, We give thanks to Thee for Thy great glo - ry. O Lord God, heavenly King, God, the Fa - ther Al -

-*=E- r- J=t =P--=P=»-P= #=-f--— m «* -P ^^ -F V—12=±-1

; ^ fe'=fefE^=PSS=^=^=SPs5a:jz S^=E ;lo - ri - fy Thee, We give thanks to Thee for Thy great glo - ry. O Lord God, heavenly King, God, the Fa - ther Al * —$rz*L dvzzfv] if: ItE^El. S^ ±z&:3 ^ >^ 3B ^§^^E

1- g^J^aJ^-f-M-rr ? ; "I 4 II E^EE^EfE^S^^p^ipp^ , 166 L GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Continued. -, pg^^gjg sn^iiHi^ii^ -mighty. O Lord, the on - ly be - got - ten Son, Je - sus Christ. O Lord God, Lamb of God Son of the Fa - then -m^^H3--m -?-- Ig^le; of ^ ^^^^ Lamb God,

w^r- JZT^Z &3| ^^W- t=t T- -mighty. O Lord, the on - ly be - got - ten Son, Je - sus Christ. Lamb of God, Son of the Fa - ther. £ 2 g^i i=T^: fe^ ?E m^^ & PS dE§ le X f ^gfe^SSE^EpPS3 #E te

-*-#- S 3=3^ 2S3: v- I - Have mercy^up - on us. Have mercy up on us. in I > se r^ggS T=J=E ^F^31?1 m Have mercy up - on us. Have mercy up *=? *=;=t=f :»=i: S S Thou that tak-est a - way the sins of the world, Thou that takest a - way the sins of the world,

m^mm : ^mt n Adagio. --j^- ^=P=P=P=*: 3e^e:e»S rp=p:zp: 3* . * f

GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Continued. 167

w=y = -s-* £5ES ^ «EFEHrlEi3 m mm tt i Receive our prayer. Have mercy up - on us. I 1 ^l^-J-J-f g'—g^ff 32Z=M T-f—f— —1- j=||S|= 1 i=t 1 Receive our prayer, p Have mercy up - on us. m^3tt IS Thou that takest a - way the sins of the world, Thou that sit-test at the right hand of God the Fa - ther,

^EIEg^= JL—+» 1=^1— I w -

Tempo primo. lp=r mmmm Se; i S3

- - - - For thou on ly art ... . ho-ly, Thou on ly art the Lord, Thou on ly, O Christ, with the Ho ly Ghost, art most

s* g g » pi- Ci -f-f—?— — — — —fg^— —s? y g =p 1P i 1R—5l £ * ^=p= *=rpr=p_ :[::: 1 ! ¥-4- 2-ee e^eBSE » —hi TF-££1 fe^s - - - - For thou on ly art ho-ly, Thou on ly art the Lord, Thou on ly, O Christ , with the Ho ly Ghost.

2fe :£ eeS pg-3-iiW^^E^I^E^^ Tempo Primo. ^-r-rf-J^ :J=

it* 3e?ezIeej£EjE3EEpS=lE^ 168 GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Concluded.

HEAVENLY FATHER, WILT THOU LEAD US. Bro. AMBROSE DAVENPORT. A ndante soave. E £53 -f *PK r r ', =^2rT -J- -J- i u , rt , J V f w i=i te^^^yi^ -g-T- m^mm * E ^« f BASS SOLO, « Con express ^m^^^wmm^=^^^^mmffl/ 1. Heavenly Fa - ther, wilt thou lead us Thro' this pil - grim - age of tears, Thro' the chan - ges thou'st de 2. In the hour of pain and an - guish, In the hour when death draws near, Suf- fer not our hearts to i-3=F

pzr -ii,,zizg i_ e:^,..^ 1 ._!+_ i_fz i — d t 1—i_s—^-i-is> —r_^s-^ HEAVENLY FATHER, WILT THOU LEAD US. Continued. 169 i i-Hi w^m I. When temp - ta - tion's darts $- mi

f JW— /9 M T & r S> »-

-creed Till our last great change ap - pears. Ian - Suf fer not our souls to fear. '

170 HEAVENLY FATHER, WILT THOU LEAD US. Concluded. p== —F—f- ?SE^ ?3=E =Pp $B m =E m - - fail Lead us thy per feet way, Lead thy per feet way. H II -»-#- =St=F ^-* -F =t==r==t= £ « g| ¥* =^I qpr=^cqF=?cz-

rest, - - - er thy bo - - m tend ed, Ev er on. thy bo som Ev on som 4 0= F^ap :?—5= i—*-r -f—*—*- r j+ m £=± i§3^ §1^

i±^- i ^§p^=^p ^* pa tr —z£ 4 gfgE 35g -#—#- »-/^ ^


Eill IIH ifiil

- ^T 3: gT-ai - lis ^ r=*t-v§- u =^z- _4f_ m -si- IP ,^K— T r= f ~fT *S^ _J—JT]- '3 §^=^E=^^=lli= =s±: Si -0*7. PILGRIM'S ODE. Words by Sir H. G. BARROWS. 171 mfModerate ?-HM—p—e- S=! ^^g £=£ HS= g I. Fare-well, pil-grim, Heaven protect thee, Guide thy footsteps on the way; Tho' thy path be sad and drear-y, Soon shall rise the light of :- :£ =1=fn= -4=3=3- Let the Saviour's bright ex -am -pie Cheer thy sor - row -burthen'd heart, Trust in God, thy on - ly ref-uge, He will peace and joy im- Rit.

- - shall guide thee, hath never one pilgrim's foot 3. For-ward with thy tonr of pen- once, Cast thou ev 'ry fear a way ; He who Led BS3 =£=£ 3=£ ^-4-02 3 £=£ 3=3= -J-

day. Trust in God, then, He'll defend thee, Bring thee to the light of day, Trust in God, then, He'll defend thee, Bring thee to the light of day. :± x ±=h -ft—p~ -a *? -•/—i/ S±* V—V-- m - part. Be not wea - ry in well-do - ing, God can cheer the sad-dest heart, Be not wea - ry in well-doing, God can cheer the saddest heart. / ~_ dim. ^ =h=#

- stray. Trust in Him, and He will guide thee, Safe-ly guide thee on the way, Trust in Him, and He will guide thee.Safely guide thee on the way, — ! ;

Wor s 172 HIERUSALEM. (Templar Hymn of the 12th Century.) i thX&Musoum!cr,pt lAndaiite.^M^Sm^^m^^m-^^^^^M i. Hie - ru - sa - lem, my hap -pie home, When fhall I come to thee ? When fhall my for -rows have an end, Thy joyes when (hall I fee?

::J- :i a^^g^sg^i^^gfe^g :o 2. Hie-ru - sa - lem! Hie-ru^^- sa - lem! God grant I foon may fee Thy end - lefs joyes,and of the fame - Par- tak er aye to bee ! -+?- 1 J -j: -»-F¥=&30- 3=t •-?r^-m—0— &=&= -p-i If— iSE -££ ^ 3. Thy tur-retes and thy pin - na - cles With car - bun-cles doe fliine, Thy ver - rie ftreets are paved with gould,Sur-paff-inge cleare and fine :j: «zp4 ife -T-i- =t ^g *3 -al aJ~» 4. Ah! my fweetehome,Hie-ru-sa-lem, Would God I were in thee ! Would God my woes were at an end, Thy joyes that I might fee

&3-±- -m tzzz^'z &m=&*=ki^

: — : ^ £ ^T~r~ "f 1 r~f~ ! f - O hap -pie har-bourofir of the faints !0O fweete and pleaf-ant foyle ! In thee noe for row>w may be found, Noe greefe,noegreefe.noe care, noe tovle.toyle. E3 E^E^^^^g^gE^^JE^ji^B

- Thy walls are made of pre-tious ftones, Thy bul-warks diamonds fquare ; Thy gates are of right o rient pearle, Ex-ceed-inge riche and rare

iri 6 fz : cs S=»=Fr H =P^r r f |fE=tEEi £=* m tt :p S ^i g±i - - Thyhouf-es are of y vo rie, Thy win-doWs cryf-tal cleare, Thy tyles are made of beat-en gould ; O God, that I were there ^HSiiiig]

^^^^^g^j^^^^^pj^jfe^i^i t i—4- ^S^ -a- Skfefefebfe -a— t^czz-t i* 1 r *-Cr ^

RED CROSS. WORK. 173 Allegretto. fllf *: ^is: mm :E^EE ?=^- ^3 i. How wel - come the draught of Wine, To cheer de - spond - ing Its m use has been of P3 EpEEEES|E t=t 2. The Kino flu - ence, is far Be - yond the power of wine, He rules the des mf "fZ >- ifet at *=3E EE&fi £ Na - ture, Worn - in - flu - - 3. ads ence, great - er power as signs ! She gives us kings, and 9&- %E =f2=:f=jE £ fail, 7ifz«g- - 4. The Wine may — The may die,— Age blot out IFewz a»'j youth ; But noth - ing ev - er Allegretto. * ^ * &—*- 3E

=W= J— fe§?E3 =F==F=F= 174 JERUSALEM, THE GOLDEN. (Knight Templar.) Allegretto Moderate f —..- Ijlf ~k^ J^-es- £ - tem-pla - tion Sink heartmand voice opprest. I know not, oh! I Beneath the con

- Beneath the con - tem-pla - tion Sink heart and voice opprest.I know, I know not, oh! I 1 Je- ru- sa-lem, thegold-en! With milk and hon ey blest; - - - with - an - gels, And all the martyr throng.There is, there is my Lord and 2. They stand, those hills of Zi on, All ju bi lant with song, And bright man y

Moderato. Allegretto £=5E=f=fcr -^mmm^m^^^m^^^ K- ^^immMmm0^^^^^^ nmmm wml - compare, know not, What joys a - wait me there What ra-diancy of glo ry, What bliss beyond iife=gfg]§i

ra-dian-cy of glo -ry, What bliss beyond compare. know not, What joys a- wait me there; What radiancy of glo - ry, What bliss beyond compare, What shout of them that triumph, The song of them that feast. Sa -viour, And there from toil released. The shout of them that nph,The song of them that feast, The :£p=* zti_ ia %•

EDICATION J. E. FAIKLAMB. 177 178 DEDICATION SONG. Allegretto Moderate, ft=± 5p=EfEEfe3 ^==

the Sab-bath bells In - vite soul, find, ^ - - toil Not where a -lone the our God we But where in gen ious fesNNJ^^^^^^^^^

g^p^pagggg^j 3^EE£=S=J=S= ^ 5* S5B S*E — t

DEDICATION SONG. Continued. 179 Rit. dim. a P-—0 b f—$— —p M 4== T r Tr love, And while we've toiled thy smile hath cheered, Ap - prov - ing from thy throne a bove. :zp=zp 3ee£ fesit i :=z£ m love, And while we've toiled thy smile hath cheered, Ap prov - in from thy throne a bove.

)__ Rit. dim. f - ff - . ~Z==— —#-*-* Fm F F- «-

I •y —I 1 1 EEEbE £ :«: love, And while we've toiled thy smile hath cheered, Ap - - prov - ing from thy throne a bove. =$=$ nn =t 3^ :J=i -O——n. • ^^pts *=^ ^ I

Rit. dim. *^ -#—» 0- 9z¥» ?mEEEtE^E

Andante, tenor solo.

light, we plead thy grace,' To crown our la - bors day by day, That this may *t=4 t *= =t=3. m^m- m igEg tEE^EE* m — » —

180 DEDICATION SONG. Concluded. f=f= mmm P^ a hal - - lowed place, To speed us on our pil grim way.

&& ;± m - r ^ gsS fed: ^f

Tempoprimo. pdi 9-t-m-m-t-i 3L-r«- ±b ^^m *=tz= mmmmmwwn let us wear the trip - le crown Of Faith, Hope, Chari - ty di - vine, That Thou our hum - ble gift will own, While Glory, Honor, Praise, are Thine. jzp—-r=-= --. 1—|-+Trty- y— «rpni- ^a^i^s^i * nfe=4? Siiilia trip-le - - let us wear the crown Of Faith, Hope, Char i ty di vine, That Thou our humble gift , While Glory, Honor, Praise are Thine.

mf / _# rit. —__7J flfo;z. -» -»—9— -ff—» r*- »— —# 9- ~-P=T- — ^5tero FEE :l" n /-/-v- S3 ig^O let us wear the triple crown Of Faith, Hope, Char i - ty di - vine, That Thou humble gift will own While Glory, Honor,Praise, are Thine. n= -r* 9—O- »>-*-*-# ^PSesmi^ii"g~g"? «: zirzM: m=m IB

i i lempoprimo.Tempoprimo. ^^™— i j*» j^

«i/ «*»• / f rit.~==^ndim. ^ feVM- rJ-«- :?£•__«_«_ 2?#2^E3e3e3 g=T=* t=t ±=j£SiiW ^-h *: iS p INSTALLATION. 181 MjL/ Allegretto. _ f =?=$ :t: EE^ 1 e=e=E I i. To him who rules be horn - age paid, Where hearts with voice u - nite; To him we bring fra- —P- —^—•- ZB/ *—»- 3=3=3 =P2= g£ =1= 2. As days and years roll si - lent by, As time's sad chang - es ise, No doubt shall dim the ^ite Allegretto. JTj is9 EH ' I '.-== mf . ^==1= :F—¥= .^ ?=F: ttU

3E -«—»- i i: lfeE^£ 2EE - ter - nal aid, Who guides in sol Come, bro - thers bound by kind - ly ties, Your ^ S fea 3^==£ =t it =J===3===3= =F=#= ^Se :i=i trust -' ing eye, Where rule the and To him who rules be hom - age paid, Where N ^ d. lig^g ?^^ E^E^E 3sg ^=^

^_ n 3g: iffi *==?-- EF- » « »#

182 INSTALLATION. Concluded. £= $^m 3=1=:?—It notes har mo - nious bring, While acts of gen - erous sac - ri fice In thoughts of love we =t sfc Br- EEf: ^M-f^s^m s #—^=E _§i_ -#—#- hearts with voice u nite; Till life shall cease, and time shall fade, We'll bring our sol - emn —!S- i*E§^^ ~-F=^ =!= ,4_± - # * —P- — — «- JEEEt^E *T Efc 3il -B> f— I mf .ri fi S S=¥=t: £b s^£ Efc =f=f ^P^ f=F=F±=F

-#— I -*-£ 1 sing, While acts of gen erous sac - fice, In . . thoughts of love we sing.

• pFt^ \ i

» -(2 %| , r -f *— §a fcf £ HIS plight, Till life shall and shall fade, We'll bring our sol - emn plight. 3= Sfe^ES 5 II t=g -O- m g& .a *- m •p— * ill lis ;


,. jflf Moderate

i. Hail! Broth - er Ma - sons, hail, Hail! Broth- er Ma- sons, hail. Let friendship long pre- vail, And bind us fast

- 3. We on the Lev - el meet, We the Lev - el meet, And ev' ry broth- er greet, Skilled in our art ^=^: =1- <£ > =1- :«*= May Wis - dom be our care, May Wis - dom be our care, And Vir - tue form the Square By which we live 4. ;

., Moderate. ^ -,

And when our la bor's past, Each broth-er's hand we'll grasp, Then on the Square at last Friend - ly we'll part. — -» — n— f 1 1 n -N- =£ ;•:« m , §gp_n§ii That we at last may join The Heaven -ly Lodge sub - lime, Where we shall per- feet shine, With God a - bove. iw-

Jj r~* ?£fo i -r—r—rW — — —

184 INSTALLATION, OR DEDICATION. Allegretto. fflf •--*—0—0- :pz=tFirr-ijn.-zjzzzbz *—e tz^zzfz^tzffzzizzstztt r »-l= — mj0 * rtctstf: tt= d-rJ=-* — *-i«' — E i. Ye happy few who here extend In perfect lines from East to West,With fervent zeal the Lodge defend, And lock its secrets in each breast;Since Zf—zzzzpzzzrrzi:zzz^zjzzz:]zgzzzz|:=z^zrzzzz—^zdzzzizzzjzzizrzzzz^zzjzzzzjzzzpfzzzNzzizzzjzr ^mmf^^M^Bkmm^^ 2, Behold the plan-ets, how they move,Yet keep due or - der as they run/Then imitate the stars above, And shine resplendent as the Sun ; Then x :t zrp =|fc=j=--ir=t= ^=FJ=^=3—a—e jzzjzzfzz _y_g_*__ M-£ SG"! ^ :zzzzzzEEt3z»=f=t:=t*zt=^B^ fo=_, Allegretto.fm^^m^m m^m

ye have met upon the Square.Bid Love and Friendship jointly reign, Be peace and har-mo-ny your care, Nor break the ad - a - mantine chain.

::;- ztzzz^-zjzzzzj: p^sjsiig 3tlt :*::* &±± i=^^s mf it •-r-f* e— J&SeJe m /" ^^&-Fff-s fezSEEffi *= mi let us eel - ebrate the praise Of all who have enriched the Art, Let grat - i - tude our voic - es raise, And each true brother bear a part. ^=t :^=^=^: -*t-#—* 9- =t z3 =£-ZzfczzP- =t =t=t 3E s!zz5<: IB

J=^^^=^=ri==^^=ir=gzr|zp z:*zzzzt ^ZTzzXzzz^zzz^ czzzzz^zzztpzizzzzp^zzz^zzzJzr|zzgziz^zz^o F F ^^iEbz^lzz^g^ESp^S


ANNIVERSARY ODE. 185 fflf Andante. £ i=t B^ l^g i. All hail the great - rious - - ! mys-te Art, Grand offering from a bove, Which fond-ly twines each ge nial heart, In har - mo - ny and love,

B3=B -<©—T-»- jS *=t BFr^^b 2. Come Brothers, join the fes - tive board, A-wake the tune -ful lay, U - nite in Friendship, Peace, and Love,'Tis Ma-son's ho - ly day."

— ' mf ==t . p crcs. m f 9mef dtk t=t 3. Come bring the wreath, the tri-o bind, Faith,Char-i - ty, and Love, To great Saint John, a splen - did star In the Grand Lodge abovem ^e "£ ate -rr :t=F IS 4. With fer- vent zeal, and pure de - light, We'll wake the joy- ful strain Till in the Great Grand Lodge 'we meet.Where joys immortal reign.

N_ J 1 1 4. I 1 — v— .—J I - - 2T 5= N =fet ^E E^g^^^=^jggEfea J^=J lass 1^M ^ ?=e F ir 32 i INSTALLATION, KREUTZEIt.


1. Be - bold in the East our nets Mas-tor ap-pear, Come brothers we'llgreethioi withhearlsallsiacere. Be-bold io the East our oew Mas-tor ap-pear Come

2. In the West see the Warden with Lev - el in hand, The Mas - ter to aid and o - bey his command, In the West see the War-den with Lev - el in hand The

5E >« 3E»-fc»- =F= y—p—I— =»=±

. flii-i .,• I . 3. In the South see the Warden by Plumb stand upright Who watches the Sun andmil takest'lU-i'-; note....!.» of... itsi a flight,.lirrVit T™ the !5i-..i+li oqq +Vm Wi«.1«« 1 M ,, .,, 1. 1 ,.„ _:Ti>j. mrk_ 3 In South see the Warden by Plumb stand up-riSit Who jv-jv :££ l! nmmmmm£ £=J ^fc E 3

-r-^- :^l^^^g3Ej^i^_13

- j f- £ I F— -J— I — . * h4 b —

186 INSTALLATION. Concluded. Ft=$=M=i

^t^^msmmm^m^m$3^£- brothers we'll greet him with hearts— all sincere. We'll serve him with freedom, fervor.and zeal, And aid hi m his du ties and trust to ful-fil, We'll & V =fc=ts =1= ^fc=!= =*F -p-p— *--*-*= ^&^3 + ^ ~r t^H iJf-j?-*! 3 Mas-ter to aid and o-bey his command. We'll aid him with freeddm.fer-vor, and zeal, And help him his du-ties and trust to ful - nl,We'U mmm=m^m^mm^mmm^M^^^m^ watches the Sun and takes noteof its flight..WeWe'll aid him freedom,fer - - - ^^^mmmwith vor, and m^m^zeal, And help him his du ties andm^Mtrust to ful fil, We'll fc« --e~

1=1 ife^gl mm serve him with free-dom,fer - vor, and zeal, aid him his - ties, - fil, - And du and trust toMcful Andaidhimhis du-ties and trust to ful fil. B=E —a—a— — =1: U — ?_ w=+ '?£- a*-^ -a) j *~m+ jtznt 3E=fc 1 V—£ I aid him with free-dom,fer - vor, and zeal, And help him his du- ties and trust to ful - fil, And help him his du - ties and trust to ful - fil.

=P=P= :S4^- W^W ¥— ^=pt4fc=fr=E=t ^ul aid m him with free-dom, fer-vor, and zeal, And help him his du - ties and trust to ful - fil, And help him his du - ties and trust to ful - fil.

—I- * i ±t~. 7* fr— V -0—0- «V -1-J74 SE£ S '-— ±=t: i^m*=$m. far: -g 0- E=^^|=g^^^g=S|^^^fe^i

9 : F3- — 1 <-e— !

COMMANDERY. Installation. 187

j, / Allegretto Moderate* m- d£ ±-_ :(=: m to God on high ! Let earth and skies re - ply, Praise ye his name m^=m. :t: 3=S 2. Join; all ye ran - somed race, Join, all ye ran - somed race, Our Sa - viour, God, to bless; Praise ye his name.

EEg L_E:E:

! Hail Sov-'reign - - 3. Hail! Sov-'reign Prince of . Peace Prince of Peace ! And may we nev er cease Prais ing his name; =|: --v- =P ^^ ii 3 ggg^=g=g^ Allegretto Moderato. %w* =^: ? £=5

His love and grace a - dore, Who all our sor - rows bore, Sing ye for - ev - er - more, Wor - thy the Lamb. -*- m fe iHS ?=3tt il To him our songs we bring, Hail him our gra - cious King, And, with - out ceas - ing, sing, Wor - thy the Lamb.

:•; & -\- t- - - - To him our songs We bring, Hail him our gra cious King, And, with - out ceas ing, sing, Wor thy the Lamb !

HfejEa^p^B 188 Sung at Dedication of tne Masonic Temple, Jxme 34,, 1807. Maestoso. Jft.f See r- fum :=giz^EEE==i^=ii - I. Now pen wide the Tern - pie's doors. On gold - en hing - es mov ing ! Se - cure ly tread the - - 3- But when the con - se - era - ted Fane With time shall be de cay - ing, And un to dust re =1= : -& mm^m //// 2* £ £ Ee=He "J: -\~ I. Now o - pen wide the Tern - pie's doors. On gold - en hing - es mov - ing! Se - cure - ly tread the - 3. But when the con - se - era - ted Fane With time shall be de - cay - ing, And un - to dust re

sol - id floors, The "work" well done ap - prov ing. On firm foun- -turns a - gain, The Mas - - ter's Word o - bey ing. And si - lent

sol - id floors, The " work" well-done ap - prov ing. On firm foun- -turns a - gain, The Mas - ter's Word o - bey ing. And si - lent §jgEE^EEES^E?EEfEEigE#JE3EEEgiPiEEg DEDICATION ODE. "Now Open wide the Temple's Doors." Concluded. 189 / J Fine.

2. From fin - ial to foun -da - tion stone, From floor to groin - ed ceil-ing, It stands un - rivalled and a-lone, Its beauties self - re

=^¥ •= ? — — - ? -* f— —?— fv— —p n h— f i — ^— i 7 =? mm #mf ta §S±§4^ mmmm^^^^mM £ JJ. C. 3« verse. toN^N^^:^ S r: E^gH vealing. Sweet breezes to the sky,^^^^^^^Their o-dors fresh are flinging; summer While swings ourfragrant censer high, Its incense clouds commingling.

_€_ collavocc. D.C.^dvcrsc. -J-Jfi- ai ijp j J

r * 1 — • ^ •- 1^1 1 "-i — t-3=~^r*H — 190 INSTALLATION. Royal Arch Chapter. Mf *==£ Si INSTALLATION OF HIGH PRIEST. I. E'er this vast world was made, E'er this vast world was made, Or its foun - da - tion laid, Our art be - gan. Z* . ± Z=t 1 1 1- m INSTALLATION OF KING. 2. God their Grand Mas - ter was, God their Grand Mas - ter was, Fixed their un - err - ing laws, By his de - cree.

SSIa £-=£ INSTALLATION OF SCRIBE. 3. Oh, may our con - stant theme, Oh, may our con - stant theme, To Heaven's Great King su - preme! Be grate - ful Love. mmm mmm=m =t==i- f p. £ ^j=j=r^3=i==i £3 mf _i: i-=£=± =j=± S!S: "T V

: f l*=i -S—?- f=E ~^mj 9 $mm T-- Cher - ub and Cher - u - bim, Ser - aph and Ser a - phim, Joined in one glo - rious hymn Be - fore the throne. —fr :4=^ =j=d= na Faith, Hope, and Char ty, Friend - ship and U - ty, Truth, Love, and Se - ere - cy,—All laws di - vine. mf / -:- =t= ^~r- §S£=E -T- I May we, when - e'er we meet,mChant hal - le - lu jahs sweet, And, joy - ful, still re - peat - ho - vah's praise. — Je : V -ftr =T- qr==»=ip 2i&Etz=t: m 5 w^m^m &%-- &z g=^^^ggg *=±=t= i mf y=j. i + is ™E=j 1: 3 £_ li^ HEAR, HEAVENLY FATHER. 191 TENOR SOLO. Andante con moto Tranquillo. -mf -•—& ES =r*=^ -£zz£z ~*-»-j-^-*-g-*+:3--?—*-=] —=r-z*—•—«—a t—f w^ZA r-r —

- 1. Hear, Heavenly Fa - ther, hear us while we pray, And guide us while thy praise our tongues em-ploy. Hear, Heavenly Fa ther, . , =4- t-»t 'E= %Zif_J5L

-iS>- -- -s>-

:S£=?2= 3===f=*=iP ^d:=J^=^z,: ^^ B± t=d:


with joy.>y. Thyj-uy mer-cyiuci-«jjc min themc nightuigub our soulssouis shallsnaii keep,.^.eep, Sweetoweei dreamsureams ofoi weethee wiuwill linxin -ger

llfl ' «- ' jg —< ^=— I EEE3E^===l=^i^^EEEEI=E=li

4-IT^ p- -W-WTZjl ,— (*—o—J— =£fc *;=£: :*=2!i jggj :r; *=a -t— «:«t .£?'

. our sleep, . . And when the day shall break, with lips still praising, deign to hear the prayer our hearts are raia - - iDg.

3£j^yzJ^JH : f=r ;

192 HEAR, HEAVENLY FATHER. Concluded. =t=JC==Z= 3=3 -I—^d- =?=¥ S 2. O Ho-ly Fa-ther. .. .thou that lov-est all, With tender Love our humble hearts o'er-flow;


^± 33= fepto±zEfc?5NE3i^feE3^^^^p t= =^ will to thy bright home,Let Faith,Hope, Love, be with us vouchsafe Faith to all, And Chari-ty to all men,may we know ; Then Hope lead us on PPF&5 : : I F w^-^js f i rrn r-r- 5 J- * 5-- ^. ^S ±=,2= -gJ^ZT-

3=. p^m^m^mm^ s^=s &^s=^E HS-f—f—zt-fr £=zt 1 to the tomb O Ho - ly Fa - ther Hear thy chil-dren praying,Love,guard,and guide.and keep our hearts from straying. PRAYER. C. G. LICKL. 193 BASS SOLO. Andante con moto. crcs. ~%=&- §feE -PC: ^=P

- of - fer now, Thou whose doth nev - er sleep, i. At thy al tar low we bow, Hear the prayer we eye - - - more, - - bove, 2. When our day of life is o'er, Dwell ing with thee ev er Joined with ser aph's hymns a

Through life's day us safe - ly keep, Heaven - ly Fa - ther, guide, O'er our ways pre - side, May we praise thee, God of love, Praise thee with harps and songs, To whom all praise be - longs,

;u Then shall our thoughts be cleansed from all stain, Thy grace shall be our soul's de - light and aim. Thus, ev - er hap - py, ho - ly, di - vine, Bright - ly our souls in Heaven, our home, shall shine. =p ^ 3 — ^=3i 1 F^- ES-^IFf

:z222:=zq=t—gznz =3=*==^r*: psn 194 INVOCATION. BASS SOLO. Andante Maestoso. a tempo. Ree. ad lib. £" 3^E Wmmi -Jz^nzzi E3E£EE£3E±EE E=£ Might-y, E - ter - nal, Un-searcha - ble Je - ho - vah. Thou who watch - est o ver thy ser - vants safe - ty

=t ;^i ss-£££^3 If =1=5= m m

V- >t'n Pi =p= ^r^pr^^r_= s-'=ttJ C'g l f gs F^ lfe^ =£}£ :t3= - er, Whose o - pen hand pours forth a - bund-antWmer-cy, O hear us as we pray, low bowed before thee.

^t£&" P

O'er our weakness shed thy power O'er our blind - ness, our blind-ness like a ^a* ?s=' t=M


-•-«-p~ ±=H te«3s 1

INVOCATION. Contiuued. 19S

r ££= ft ^^F ^-E^=±F==F E-fr- show - - er, Pour thy light di - vine up - on us, Pour thy light di-vine up - on us, Scat - - - ter the clouds of sin, the ^ dolcis.


i^=—*? =^3=±tI £= S m £ Xz clouds of sin a - way. Scat - - - te'r the clouds of sin, the clouds of sin a - way. Lead us 4f PH«ii§!ippii^

gig L 1 . J 1 * ^ / IS gent-ly, Lead us gent - - ly Through this pil - grim-age be-low. Lead us gent-ly, Lead us gent - ly Through this fcojaa^^i S ^ *f-=i: saeH $[-^T- -qf i*

1 '~N „ 1 j 1 }-*- =s- 1/ — — — c — —

198 INVOCATION. Concluded.

pc ^=*--^=^=^letzjtj^ r!vz± -frrr-*- « mmm^mmb—V—7- L?=3t pil - grim-age, Thro' this pilgrimage be-low, Thro' this pil-grimage below, Thro' this pilgrimage be


mmm»* e o =J -0. -g- -J

-1-1—5= zabtz & — -0 » 0-*-0—P-I-0-0-0 0-0-0- -»-^»: r S H low.

l _ =B i i p— r——i—i 7=CT ±-te ~\ —* — — —* * * -0« •—a« a*— —#~i-.«—1—0 —--^— -f-~ 'r\ VH I — — — — — — — — — mmt^^&m M— _j—^—j—j—^—j—i— _i m 3=3W*\+- -4'

tf-* *—^ g— --*—• * * — f-? «—?—3— t— ^—*— - t-- V^ — — ^ ?— — ?-H— , ^ 33 s=a HI -*H -01 - FUNERAL MARCH. J 7?- • i — I

^Z_g _ s— -0 £*_,f,_«_._f H -0—0-0—0f0— —

ra i 4- £s=H

I—t=»: 33 : i ^--3-t-3-2~^ l?S^f IP

—0-S--0— —0-T~S>— ^ PRIESTS' MARCH. FTom " Iphigenie auf Tauris." 197 Andante.

m ^=p=g= —^— &- J&T. 53 -&—&-iSlZt :^-=F; 8S3t iii mn rr "(ST Sr P legato. -«i- - -£* -^ J -(2- J-iu -f-e • i _^_g: 1! jgr^^g q==p T~

i*i=i: fc£ fe^E ^=^= *=¥ ^N * j^~^. J- 5- 1^ -£- ^J^ .J. -J. _d. §fc *—

^ ±5* I ^^s^ss^a-f-8-tz^:

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-ys-^m—¥ §n^ g II W~m #

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_jy J -J- J . e^= telll g T — H


- i F- X d_s—-ji. IS 1— f— s -•^J-^ta,: mm%==m =p Ift-iH^l^rf

s- » #a »-=-!— fc* fas— pap^^s^fffri^pi£b( p twte P=^ :*=?= 9ii±=t= ^=5 S S K^i=i=^ ^srs=ff f3? f

:=M= i d i -< 1 |——F-+—F-» na!— fl-aP^— —-^— — « 1 -B *f s fcfEfe*=W f-4— — •-T-n JnH— — — rahd**

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I i I r-ir

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* -is- m m 1^1 m-



Accept, Great Builder of the Skies. Glory be to God on High. 117, 165 Now open wide the Temple's doors. Another six days' work is done. Glory to God on High. 1S7 O, welcome Brother to our band.

1 1 ! Angels ! roll the rock away ! 117 God of our fathers, hear the song. O Thou at whose great name we bend. 103

At thy altar low we bow. {Bass Solo.) •93 God is Love. 38, 119 O Thou ! to whom in ancient time. 103 As when the weary traveller gains. 101 Great God, Supreme Grand Master. 123 God, thou hast reared in thy glorious might 125

Almighty Father ! God of Love. 19 Great God ! wilt thou meet with us here. 10 O Charity, thou heavenly guest. m Almighty Father ! heavenly King. 103 Great God ! the work in thee begun. lor Once more before we part. 113

All powerful, self-existent God. 105 Great God, to thee our closing song. 103 Oh ! guide him through the various maze. IOI

All hail I the great Immanuel's name. 107 Great Architect of Heaven and Earth. 103 Oh ! happy is the man that hears. 109

All hail ! the great mysterious Art 107, 185 Great Architect of Earth and Heaven. 106 Oh ! that the Lord's salvation. 123

All hail to the morning that bids us rejoice. 137 Great Source of Light and Love. 112 Oh ! think not that life is the time for repose. All hail the Mystic Art. 29 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah. 1 19, 160 Our Father, who art in Heaven. 126 Being of beings, see before thee bending. Hail, universal Lord ! 121 Our heavenly Father, hear. 113

! 1 is Behold I show you a mystery. Hail ! Brother Masons, hail 121, 183 Our work done, the pillars raised. 109

Behold ! in the East our new Master appear. Hark, the song of Jubilee. 145 Parent of all ! Omnipotent. III Behold the "Stone"— the precious "Stone." Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews. 104 Peace to the memory of the dead. 63

Behold how pleasant and how good. Hear my prayer ! Jehovah hear. 115 Pour out thy Spirit from on high. IOI Behold 1 O Master, in the East Heavenly Father, gently bless us. 119 Remember thy Creator. 31, 122 " Behold 1 ascending in the East." Here let the sacred rites succeed. 101 Rest, Spirit, Rest. 44 in Blest are the thoughts that bind. Heavenly Parent ! ere we part. 70 Saviour when dust to thee. '55 Blest be the tie that binds. Hear my prayer. 16 Sad are the strains, which speak our present woe. 58 Blest are the sons of peace. Help us to help each other, Lord. in See from the Orient rise. 121, 136 Bless'd be thou, the God of Israel. Hear, Heavenly Father. (Tenor Solo) 191 Should auld acquaintance be forgot. 108 Blest is the man whose softening heart. Heavenly Father, wilt thou lead us. 168 Softly now the light of day. 67, 115 Blest are they who fear the Lord. Hierusalem, my happie home. 172 Solemn strikes the funeral chime. 114 Instructor, Soon we part, let kind affection. Blest from thy ways. How welcome is the draught of Wine. 173 35, 119 Bow down thine ear, O Lord. Holy Father, wilt thou bless us. 21 Spirit of power and might. in Brothers faithful and deserving. How vain is all beneath the skies. 36 Supreme Grand Master, most sublime. 105 Brothers, we meet again. How dear the place where brothers true. 99 Suppliant, lo ! we humbly bend. "5 Brothers, ere to-night we part How blest the sacred tie that binds. too Support to the Master who rules by the Square. 124 Brother, though from yonder sky. Holy Spirit, from on high. 115 There is a land immortal. 123 Brother ! rest from sin and sorrow. Holy, holy, holy Lord. 115 The Lord is my Shepherd. 125 Bring your offering to our Temple. Holy and reverend is thy Name. 107 The rains may descend, and the tempests may come. 125 By Babel's streams we sit and weep. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight. * in There's a vision once seen never passeth from sight. 125 Cease, ye mourners, cease to languish. How precious is the Book divine. in The earth is Jehovah's, and the fullness thereof. 132 Christ the Lord is risen to-day. Humbly at thine altar kneeling. 119, 141 Thou King of Kings, thou Sovereign Lord. 162 Christian warriors to the peahng. I heard a voice from Heaven. 50 Thou ! who art God alone. 121 Closed is earth's sad career. In peace and love united. 123 Thou from whom we never part. "5 Clay to clay, and dust to dust In thy Temple met once more. 117 Thy Name, Almighty Lord. 113

Come, let us join in cheerful song. In council met, we'll ne'er forget . I57 Through the Lodge Celestial sounding. 61 Come, Brothers of the Plumb and Square. Jehovah, Great Jehovah, guide us. 12 The peace which God alone reveals. 103 Come, Brothers, ere to-night we part Jehovah, God, thy gracious power. 30, 107 There is a scene of peaceful life. 26 Come, gather round with hearts sincere. Jerusalem the golden. 123, 174 'Tis Masonry unites mankind. 46, 105 'Tis the faith Come, Masters of the Art, unite. Joy ! the sacred Law is found. 117 by of joys to come. i°5 Companions, we have met Let Masonry from pole to pole. 25, 107 To thee, my God and Saviour. 123, 146 " "~- Come, Brothers of the Mystic Tie. Let there be Light the first command. 105 To him who rules be homage paid. 109, 181 Come, and with generous wilL Let brethren on the Level meet. 1 1 To thy shrine, departed Lord. "5 Come, rouse ye, my brethren, to labor away. Let our work performed to-night. 117 Unto thee, Great God, belong. 117

Come, Brothers accepted, ! ! Infinite Light come join in our song. Light Light 149 We part upon the Square to-night. Come, Craftsmen assembled our pleasure to share. Lord, at this closing hour. 113 in love, We met we part in peace. 43, 109 Dangers of every form attend. 105 Lord, before thy throne we bend. 1 1 We offer, Lord, an humble prayer. 105 Dead), like an overflowing stream. 105 Lord, what offering shall we bring. 117 We bring no glittering treasures. 123 Enter thou in the fear of the Lord. '4 Lord of glory ! King of power ! 117 Where burns the Sacred Fire. 121, 14a Ere this vast world was made. 190 Lord, we come before thee' now. 115 When we pass the vale of death. 32 Faith, Hope, and Charity. Look to the East, the source of light. 1 1 '7 Whilst science yields a thousand lights. IO9 Father of the human race. 60 Master supreme ! accept our praise. 105 While my Redeemer's near. J>3 Far from the world's cold strife and pride. JOI Mark Masters all appear. 1 20 Where is thy sting, O death ? 113 Father, hear the prayer we offer. 119 Mark Masters gather near. 121, 129 When the morning paints the skies. 117 Father ! glory be to thee. 116 Met in friendship's kindly name. 117 When Form from Chaos came. 121 Farewell, till again we shall welcome the time. Meek and lowly, pure and holy. 24, 119 125 What Christian Knight, though dangers press 161 Farewell, pilgrim, heaven protect thee. 171 Mighty, Eternal, Unsearchable Jehovah. (Bass Solo.) 194 When the light of day is waning. 118 For a season called to part My country, 'tis of thee. 121 117 Where once of old in Israel. 101 From every earthly treasure. 123 Now while evening shades are falling. 9 While journeying on our homeward way. 103 From East to West, o'er land and sea. 62, IOI Now we part ! what sad emotion. 22, 119 When God upheaved the pillared earth. 105 From all that dwell below the skies. 103 Now our festive joys are ending. 49 When we, our'wearied limbs to rest. IOI From hearts sincere, from lips most true. Now from the sacred archives bring. 107 103 With all my powers of heart and tongue. IOI Gently, Lord, O gently k-ad us. 64, 119 Now, Brothers, we must part. 113 Within our Temple met again. 107 Genius of Masonry, descend. i°3. '77 Now in peace our labors closing. 131 Ye happy few, who here extend. Genitori. Not where the Sabbath Bells. 178 105, 184 200 CLASSIFIED INDEX BLUE LODGE.

Almighty Father ! God of Love. All hail, the Mystic Art. Being of beings, see before thee bending.

Behold ! I show you a mystery. Bless'd be thou, the God of Israel. Blest are they who fear the Lord. Bow down thine ear, O Lord. Brothers faithful and deserving. Brothers we meet again. Come let us join in cheerful song. Come Brothers of the Plumb and Square. Enter thou in the fear of the Lord. Faith, Hope, and Charity. Father of the human race. From East to West, o'er land and sea. Gently, Lord, O gently lead us. God is Love.

Heavenly Parent ! ere we part. Hear my prayer. Holy Father, wilt thou bless us. How vain is all beneath the skies. I heard a voice from Heaven. Jehovah, Great Jehovah, guide us. Invocation. Jehovah, God, thy gracious power. Let Masonry from pole to pole. Meek and lowly, pure and holy. Now while evening shades are falling.

Now we part ! what sad emotion. Now our festive joys are ending. O welcome Brother to our band. Peace to the memory of the dead. Remember thy Creator. Rest, Spirit, Rest. Sad are the strains, which speak our present woe Soon we part, let kind affection. Softly now the light of day. There is a scene of peaceful life. Through the Lodge Celestial sounding. 'Tis Masonry unites mankind. When we pass the vale of death. We met in love, we part in peace. We part upon the Square to-night. !



Hail, universal Lord ! 130

Hail ! Brother Masons, hail Had I the tongues of Greeks and Jews. Heavenly Father, gently bless us.

Hear my prayer ! Jehovah hear. Here let the sacred rites succeed. Help us to help each other, Lord. How dear the place where brothers true. How blest the sacred tie that binds. Holy Spirit, from on high. Holy, holy, holy Lord. Holy and reverend is thy Name. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight. How precious is the Book divine. Humbly at thine altar kneeling. In peace and love united. In thy Temple met once more. Jehovah, God, thy gracious power. Jerusalem the golden.

Joy ; the sacred Law is found. Let Masonry from pole to pole. " Let there be Light "— the first command. Let brethren on the Level meet. Let our work performed to-night. Lord, at this closing hour. Lord, before thy throne we bend. Lord, what offering shall we bring.

Lord of glory ! King of power ! Lord, we come before thee now. Look to the East, the source of light.

Master supreme ! accept our praise. Mark Masters all appear. Mark Masters gather near. Met in friendship's kindly name. Meek and lowly, pure and holy. My country, 'tis of thee.

Now we part !. what sad emotion.

Now from the sacred archives bring. - Now, Brothers, we must part.

Oh ! guide him through the various maze.

Oh ! happy is the man that hears.

Oh ! that the Lord's salvation.

Oh ! think not that life is the time for repose. O Charity, thou heavenly guest. O God, thou hast reared in thy glorious might. Once more before we part.

O Thou ! at whose great name we bend. O Thou, to whom in ancient time. Our work is done, the pillars raised. Our heavenly Father, hear. Our Father, who art in Heaven. O, welcome Brother to our band.

Parent of all ! Omnipotent. Pour out thy Spirit from on high. Remember thy Creator. See from the Orient rise. Should auld acquaintance be forgot. Soon we part, let kind affection. Sofdy now the light of day. Solemn strikes the funeral chime. Spirit of power and might. Supreme Grand Master, most sublime.

Suppliant lo ! we humbly bend. ! 202 CLASSIFIED INDEX. COMMANDEBY

Bring your offering to our Temple. (Red Cross Council ) Christian warriors to the pealing. Farewell, pilgrim, heaven protect thee. Glory be to God on High. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah. Genitori.

Hark ! the song of Jubilee. Heavenly Father, wilt thou lead us. Hierusalem, my happie home. How welcome is the draught of Wine. In council met, we'll ne'er forget. Jerusalem, the golden.

Light ! Light ! Infinite Light Saviour, when in dust to thee. To thee, my God and Saviour. Thou King of Kings, thou Sovereign Lord. What Christian Knight, though dangers press.

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