
Thursday, May 14

11:00am NOVA “Secrets of the ”: 9th thru 12th + grades

Once upon a time, knighthood was serious business, and for countless medieval fighters, their armor was what stood between life and death. NOVA challenged a blacksmith and master armorer to recreate parts of an elite armor. We trace their journey as they rediscover centuries- old metalworking secrets, then put their new armor to the ultimate test against a period musket.

After watching this episode, choose from the following questions

and/or tasks to extend your learning

Question Box 1

 How was the shining armor of ’s really made?  Did guns usher in the end of the knights in shining armor?  Where did the legend of the knight in shining armor originate? What was their role?  What did a knight’s armor signify?  Why was a knight’s armor considered a suit?  Why is the knowledge of the knight’s armor still a secret in the 21st Century?  Why do scientists and researchers want to reconstruct 16th century armor? What is the purpose? What is the goal?  What was the Rolls Royce of 16th armor?  What was the purpose of chain mail and padding?  How did the steel crossbow change warfare and a warrior’s protection from it?  Describe the science behind the making of steel.  What were handgonnes? How did it work?  What are the secrets of the shining knights?

Question Box 2

 What were the program’s main supporting claims or reasons that support the central message?  What was of most interest to you? Why or why not?  Protective gear is still in existence, although not as armor. Should protective gear/clothing be available to everyone? Why or why not?  What do you think the life of a Knight was like? People continue to be “knighted” today, do you think this should still be a practice? Why or why not?

Continued on the next page…

Box 3 (Tasks)

 The average medieval man weighed approximately 158 pounds. The average suit of armor weighed anywhere between 33 to 55 pounds. What percent of the weight of a medieval man was an average suit of armor? Do you think that affected the ability to fight in battle? Justify your reasoning using mathematics.  Men at arms who wore armor, but were not knights had to pay anywhere from 100-166 days of wages for a suit of armor, or anywhere from $8,000 to $40,000. A knight had to pay for his own suit of armor which could range from $100,000 to $250,000. What is the percent of increase? Why do you think there was such a difference in the cost for both types of suits of armor? Justify your reasoning using mathematics.  An average suit of armor, could not withstand the bullet fired from a musket. The armor for the elite was double plated with an air pocket in between the two breastplates. Using the mathematics from the previous question, does that translate to the value of lives for men at arms compared with knights? Use mathematics to justify your reasoning.  Research and describe the type of materials science used by medieval blacksmiths to create their armor. (ELD) Report your findings orally to someone.

Box 4 (Enrichment)

 Compare and contrast medieval armor to the body armor used today.  Design a of Armor that represents you.

Box 5 (Extend/Real-Life)

 Research and discuss the training programs used by master medieval blacksmiths in order to train and prepare people new to the trade.  Do modern day blacksmiths still exist? Of course they do. Watch this short video featuring a modern day female blacksmith at work:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1B9zd0kVKU  For more resources visit The Artist-Blacksmith’s Association of North America.  Timelines of Blacksmithing- https://abana.org/wall-mural-timeline-of-the-blacksmithing- revival/  School listing- https://abana.org/wall-mural-timeline-of-the-blacksmithing-revival/  YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/ABANAorg/videos  Review the provided resources and write a paragraph explaining what you have learned about the modern day blacksmith and how it has changed. What you found most interesting, if you would consider this as a career option, why or why not?