Sexual AdventurismAdventurism among Sydney gay men Gary Smith Heather Worth Susan Kippax Sexual adventurismadventurism among Sydney gay men Gary Smith Heather Worth Susan Kippax Monograph 3/2004 National Centre in HIV Social Research Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The University of New South Wales Copies of this monograph or any other publication from this project may be obtained by contacting: National Centre in HIV Social Research Level 2, Webster Building The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA Telephone: (61 2) 9385 6776 Fax: (61 2) 9385 6455
[email protected] © National Centre in HIV Social Research 2004 ISBN 1 875978 78 X The National Centre in HIV Social Research is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing and is affiliated with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of New South Wales. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii report summary 1 KEY FINDINGS 1 Part 1 Sexual adventurism and subculture 1 Part 2 Sexual practice and risk 1 Part 3 Drug use 2 RECOMMENDATIONS 3 introduction 5 background and method 7 BACKGROUND 7 Defining ‘culture’ and ‘subculture’ 8 METHOD 9 Recruitment and data analysis 9 The sample 9 thematic analysis 11 PART 1 SEXUAL ADVENTURE AND SUBCULTURE 11 Adventurism as non-normative sex 11 Individual and group change over time 13 Adventurous spaces for sex 15 Transgression 15 A subculture of sexual adventurism 16 PART 2 SEXUAL ADVENTURISM AND SAFE SEX 19 Casual sex, adventurism and risk 20 HIV-negative men and unsafe sex 20 HIV-positive men and unsafe sex 22 Disclosure of HIV status: a double bind 25 PART 3 DRUG USE AND ADVENTUROUS SEX 26 Managing drug use 27 Sexual safety and drug use 29 REFERENCES 31 i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report is the product of the efforts many people.