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STREET,!&C. LIST DIRECTORY.] STREET,!&c. LIST. Iv .JohnllOn street, Oo.nnon Itreet Kay's passage, Thomas st. Tipping st. .A King street, Ellesmere street, Crumpsall, Johnson street, Gre"ham street, Bradford Kay's yard, 522 Oldham road now called Witney strecl Johnson street, Wilkinson street, Balford Kay's yard, Ordsal lane, Balford King street, Gravel lane, Balford Johnson street, Smedley la. Cheetham HI Kealey lane, Oldham road, Newton Heath King street, Church lane, Harpurhey Johnson street, Every street, Ancoatl! Kearsley road, Crumpsall King street, Moston Johnson st. Hough lane, Lower Broughton Keats terrace, Keats st. Collyhurst road Ki..-ul' street, Williamson street, Back Irk .Johnson street. Queen's road, Gorton Keats litreet, Collyburst road street, now called Kinman street Johnson's buildings, 42 Spring gardens Kedleston avenue, Victoria road King street, Chester road, HuIme .Tohnson's bldgs. Factory la. Barnes green Kelburne villas, Clarence rd. Victoria pk King street, Droylsden rd. Newton .lohnson's buildings (1 & 2), Shooter st. Kellett street, Eccles New rd. Weaste King Bt. Bolton rd. Irlams-o'-th'-Height Holland street I KelIy's builaings, West Cross st. Salford Kinl!' street, 28 Chancery lane, Ardwick J"ohnson's buildings (or COUrt), Lower KelIy's buildings, Ravald st. Butler st King st. west,from Albert Deansgate Broughton Kelsall street, Clowes street, We. Gorton King Street chambers, 26 King street Johnson's buildings, Tutbury st. Ancoat~ Kelvin grove, Ruskin avenue, Cheetham King Edward street, Levenshulme Johnson's court, Jersey street, Ancoats Kelvin grove, Fitzwarren street, Beedle,. King Edward street, Oxford street, Salfrd Johnson's passage, Lorrg st. Chorlton on M Kelvin street, Turner street King William street, Broadway, Salford ..Johnson's square, Crumpsall Kemp street, Long Millgate King'a avenue, Levenshulme Johmon's square, 425 Oldham road Kemp street, Newton Heath King's avenue, Oak road, Crnmpsall JQhnson's sq. RusselI st. Cheetham Hill Kempster street, Broughton lane, Lower King's Head yard, 30 Ohapel st. Salfocd Johnson's ter. Hilton st. High. BroughtOD Broughton King's avenue, Talbot road, 0 T J" ohlliion's yard, Ohapel street, Salford Kempster terrace, Kempster street King's road, 11 Athol road, M B Johnston street, Duncan street, Salford Kendal road, Irlam-o'-th'-Heights King's road. Chorlton road, Brooks's bar Johnston's place, Green lane, Ardwick Kendall street, George street, Bradford Kingsford street, Seedley Soiner street, Brnham street, Charter st. Kftndray villa, High st. Chorlton on iM: Kingsley place, Moston now called Back Joiner street Kendrew's court, We. Unicn st. Salford Kingston avenue, Didsbury Joiner street, Ohurch street Kendrick ,street, Aneoats Kingston lane, Didsuury Joiner street, Hope street, Salford Kenilworth avenue, West Didsbury Kingston road, Didsbnry J onllS street, Moston Kenmare Btreet, Add:ison street, A Kingston street, Chester street, Hnlme Jonas street, Elton st. Low. Broughton rd Kennedy road, Tootal road, Weaste Kingston street, Glen street, 8alford Jones place, Wilmott street. Hn~me ,Kennedy street, Cooper str"et Kingston villas, North road, Longsight Jones place, 513 Roehdale road Kennedy st.Aneoats,now called Kendriek st KingBwood road, Fallowfleld J ones square, Orumpsall Kennedy street, Lower Broughton road Kingtborpe grove. Nelson 8t. Rusholme Jones street, Bloom street, Salford Kmnedy'. buildings, Birch st. .Ardwick Kingwillstreet, Newton ,fones street, Barlow st. Rochdale road Kenneth street, Olifden lane, HB Kinloch 8treet, Stuart street, Bradford Jones street, Lower Ohatha.m st. C on M Kensington av. Langdale rd. Victoria pk Kinman st-reet, Willia.mson street .Tones street, Wilmott street, Hulme Kellilington road, 0 cum H Kinnaird 't"oll.d, Withington Jones' st. 689 .Ashton Old rd. Opensbaw Kensington road', Dicken<!on rd. Rusholme Kinross terrace, Cleveland rd. Crnmpsall Jones street, 3 Spring gardens, Seedley Kensington street, Hancock 8~. Hulms Kipllng st. Hnd'yard st. Higher BroughtoD Jones street, Highfield road, Seedley Kensington street, Greame street, M S Kippax street, Great Western st.Moss Side 10nes's buildings, Wickham st. Salford Kensington villas, Mary 8t. Harpnrh~,. Kirby street, Cannel street, Ancoats Jones's buildings, Liverpool st. Salford Kent chambers, 80 High street Kirk street, Tutbury street, Ancoata .Tones's court, Briscoe street, Ardwick Kent place, Duke street west, Balford Kirk street, Hyde road, Gorton J onBB' s court, Heath street. Pendleton Kent place, Booth street, Hulme Kirk Braddan st. Liverpool street, Salford Jones's court, Whell.thill street, Salford Kent road, Victoria park Kirkham place, Hyde road Joms's equare, Tyeon st. Cheetham Hill I Kent road west, Victoria park Kirkham place, Clowes st. West Gorton Jones's terrace, Ashton Old rd. Openshaw Kent street, Gill street, Pendleton Kirkham street, Ashton road, Open"haw Jones's terrace, .lames street, Salford Kent street, Pall mall Kirkham street, Clowes street, WG Jones's terrace, Newton Heath Kent street, Lower Bronghton Kirldlam street, Rolleston street, .AncoatB .Jones's terrace, Islington grove, 8alford Kent terrace, M0811 lane west Kirkham street, Eccles New rd. Weastll Jordan street, Little Peter street Kent's court, Murray street, Jersey street Kirkham street, Oross lane, Saliord .Jordan st. New Btrawberrv rd. Pendleton Kent's place, Middlewood street, Salford Kirkley street, St. Rtephen st. Salford Jordan's place, Jorrlan street Kenwinstreet, Newton Kirkley terraoe, Smedley I"oad .Ioseph place, Ashton road, Openshaw Kenworthy street, Ashton rd. Opensnaw Kirklington ter. Hendham vale,Queen's rd Joseph street, Liverpool Bt. Pendleton Kenyon lane, Moston Kirkmanshulme lane, Stockport road, L Joseph street, Church street, Bradford Kenyon ,street, Blaekley Kirkstall street, Stockport road, .A Joseph street, Queen's road. Gorton Kenyon street, In.mes street, Barnes green Kitchen bank, Oheetham Hill Josiah street, Oak street, West Gorton Kenyan street, Rochdale road Klondyke s';reet, Openshaw Joule street Bh),('kley Kenyon street, Vine street, I}orton Knaresborough street, Alton street, 0 Joule street', South Short street, Salford Kenyon's court, Henry st. Oldham road Knight street, Did.sbury J oyee street, Sarah Ann street, Beswick Keppel rO:l.d, 0 cum H Knightley street, Paget .treet, Rochdale rd Joynson street, Bury New road Kerr'a buildings, Moston lane, Harpurhey Knoll (The), Albert grove, Longsight Joynson street, Lord street. MP Ker's court, Lomax st. Great Ancoats st Knoll street, Pillillg street, Rochdale mad .Toynson street, Sussex street, LB Ker's plaoe, Store street Knoel street, Bury New road, HB Joynson's huildings, Siroeon st. Gonld st Kersal bank, Radford st.HigherBroughton Knoll terrace. G-reat Clowes st. Broughton .Jnbilee bnildin~s, BlackfriarB st. Salford Kersal clough, Higher Broughton Knott lane, Cheetwood .Jubilee street, Duke st. Lower Broughton Kersal crag, Higher Broughton Knott Mill, end of Deansgatp Jubilee villas, 8tockport rd. Levenshulme Kersal dale, Lower Broughton road, HB Knott Mill viaduct, end of D€ansgate .Tnlia street, Mary street. E'ltran~ew!lys Kersal edge, Bury new rd.High.Broughton Knott street, Well.ste .'fuliet place, Dover st. Higber Crumpsall Kersal moor, Moor lane Knowles street, Bury street, Pendleton Juliet street, Shakspeare st.Chorlton on M Kersal mount, Higher Broughton Knowle's buildings, Brindle Hth. Pendleton .Jnlins street, Levenshulme Kersal terrace, Bury New road Knowsley court, Crown lane, Dantzlc 8t Jnlius street, Rusholme Kersal terrace, Oharles st. Bolton rd. P Knowsley street, West Park street, Salford J lIly street, Upper Brook street Kersal vale, Higher Bronghton Knowsley st. Red bank. Cheetham Hill rd Jnmp's cottages, Eccles New roail Kersal view, Cliff point, Lower Brough- Knowsley terrace, Elizabeth st. Cbeetham Junction crescent, Vine street, Hlllme ton road Knutsford road, 68 Hyde road, Gorton Junction street, Ducie street. London rd Kersal view, Maurice street, Pend1eton Knutsford street, 503 Liverpool street, S Jnnetion street, Oldham road, now called Kersh avenue, Levenshulme Kossuth terrace, Moss lane west, Mose Side Linacre street Kershaw street, Hampden street, A Kyle street, Buckley street, Oollyhnrst road Junction street. Mltchell street, Ancoatil Kershaw atreet, Corporation st. Salford Junction st. Waddington st. Wel\t (lorton Kershaw street, Whit lane, Pendleton LABURNUM cottages, Mon;lall road, iN R Jnnction street, Temperance st. Ardwick Kersoaw's court, Butler st. Oldham road Laburnnm place, Oecil street, Greenheys Junction street, TIp. Jackson st. Hulme Kersley road, Crumpsall Laburnum pI. Hulme Hall la. Newton Hth :Tnnction street, Monsall street. };l!wton Kersley street, 177 HUlme Hall road, M ,p Laburnum road, Brook road, Gorton June st. Upper Brook st. Chorlton on M Kertch street, Grace street, Ancoata Lahurnnm street, E'lmedley road June street, 8 West Dixon street, 8a1£ord Kerhm street, Grace street, Ancoats Labnrnum street, ~or!le street, CH Jnniper street. York street, HuIme Keswick grove, :Spring gardens, Seedley Laburnnm terrace, Hulme Hall lane, N H :runo' street, I,lvesey street Keswick st. Howarth st. Chorlton on M Labllrnum terrace,Rllrlow lane,I.evenshulms luno street, Marsden st. Newton Heath Ketterin~ road, Levens:hulme Labnrnllm villll8, Peel gTove, Longsight Kew place. Bronghton lane Laburnum villas, Kirkmanshnlme lane, L KARA street, Nansen street, ~eedley Kew place, Johnson st. Smedley lsne, C Laburnum villas, Rt. Mary's road, Moston Karn street,
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