Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.2 - Contract Farming (Rs

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Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.2 - Contract Farming (Rs ITEM 1.2 : CONTRACT FARMING As on 31/8/2006 SN Crop 2005-06 2006-07 Kharif 2005 Rabi 2005-06 Kharif 2006 (Target) Rabi 2006-07 (Target) Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 Hyola/Gobhi Sarson 68382 105500 2 Sunflower 17942 75000 3 Malting Barley 4566 15000 4 Winter Maize 5 Spring Maize 6386 15000 6 Durum Wheat 2000 4000 7 Moong 1446 2400 2000 2500 8 Basmati 42259 70000 9 Maize 57,704 75000 10 Guar 1136 2000 11 Castor 12 Mentha 4673 13 Potato/Seed 7289 Total 102545 113638 149000 217000 Grand Total 216183 366000 Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.2 - Contract Farming (Rs. lacs) ITEM 1.6 A : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2005-06 As on 31/8/2006 SN Component Physical Outlay Released by Released by State Govt. Expenditure Remarks Target Achievement GOIS SS GOI GOIS SS 1 CEREAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME a) Strengthening of Seed Testing 2 - 5.40 0.60 5.40 5.40 0.60 80.24 Previous Laboratories (No.) Liabilities cleared only b) Clearance of pending liability - - 90.00 10.00 90.00 90.00 10.00 c) Replacement of wheat Paddy Seed 2000 - 5.40 0.60 5.40 5.40 0.60 (Qtls) 2 IMPROVEMENT OF SOIL HEALTH a) Promotion & Popularization of 140 140 25.20 2.80 25.20 25.20 2.80 39.55 vermiculture (No. of Villages) b) Strengthening of Soil Testing labs(No.) 26 - 14.40 1.60 14.40 14.40 1.60 3 PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION a) Aero Blast Sprayer @ 25% assistance, of 20 - 3.60 0.40 3.60 3.60 0.40 the cost or Rs.20,000/- whichever is less b) Strip-till-Drill 25% assistance, of the cost 10 - 0.90 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.10 or Rs. 10,000/-which ever is less c) Vertical conveyer reaper @ 25% 60 3 2.70 0.30 2.70 2.70 0.30 assistance, of the cost or Rs.5,000/- which ever is less d) Rotavator @ 25% assistance, of the cost 15 - 2.70 0.30 2.70 2.70 0.30 or Rs.20,000/- whichever is less Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.6 A - Macro Mgt Work Plan - Agri 2005-06 (Rs. lacs) ITEM 1.6 A : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2005-06 As on 31/8/2006 e) Tractor drawn implements @ 25% 100 106 9.00 1.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 29.70 assistance, of the cost or Rs.10,000/- whichever is less f) Zero-till-drill @ 25% assistance, of the 200 377 9.00 1.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 cost or Rs.5,000/- whichever is less g) Tractor operated multi- crop Planter @ 20 4 1.80 0.20 1.80 1.80 0.20 25% assistance, of the cost or Rs.10,000/- whichever is less h) II Machinery for demonstration such - - 5.40 0.60 5.40 5.40 0.60 as laser based leveler etc. i) Demonstration Charges - - 2.70 0.30 2.70 2.70 0.30 4 RECLAMATION OF ALKALI SOILS a) Area to be Reclaimed (Hect.) 6500 5986 90.00 10.00 90.00 87.56 5 DEVELOPMENT OF BEE-KEEPING FOR IMPROVING CROP PRODUCTIVITY a) Subsidy on bee-colonies @ 25% or Rs. 3000 - 6.75 0.75 6.75 6.75 0.75 250/- per colony which ever is less. b) Subsidy on Distribution of hive/equipment 2715 - 8.55 0.95 8.55 8.55 0.95 - @ 25% or Rs. 350/- per hive/equipment which ever is less. c) Promotional efforts (Seminars etc.) 18 - 0.90 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.10 6 SCHEME FOR THE PEST AND WEED MANAGEMENT Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.6 A - Macro Mgt Work Plan - Agri 2005-06 (Rs. lacs) ITEM 1.6 A : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2005-06 As on 31/8/2006 a) Farmers Field Schools and 23 - 18.00 2.00 18.00 18.00 2.00 Demonstrations on Cotton & other kharif crops under IPM (Nos.) b) Rat control (Lac hect.) 16.82 17.39 18.00 2.00 18.00 18.00 2.00 53.10 c) Plant protection equipments. @ 25% 10000 11700 18.00 2.00 18.00 18.00 2.00 subsidy (Nos.) d) Strengthening of existing pesticides 3 - 19.20 2.13 19.20 19.20 2.13 testing laboratory & bio control lab.(nos.) 7 DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE a) Strengthening of existing Agmark Labs. 3 - 25.20 2.80 25.20 25.20 2.80 14.44 purchase of equipment Machinery) 8 SCHEME FOR EXTENSION & TRAINING a) Training a. Farmers Training programmes for 17 17 17 3.82 0.43 3.82 3.82 0.43 67.94 districts @ Rs25,000 each. b. Study tour of extension functiona-ries 12 12 6.48 0.72 6.48 6.48 0.72 for 12 districts @ Rs. 60,000 each. b) Exhibition materials a. Preparation of Boards, charts, Crop- - - 9.00 1.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 calendars, etc. costing Rs. 5.00 lakhs for State H.Q. and @ Rs. 5.00 lakhs for 17 district Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.6 A - Macro Mgt Work Plan - Agri 2005-06 (Rs. lacs) ITEM 1.6 A : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2005-06 As on 31/8/2006 b. Printing material i.e. leaflets, folders, pamphlets and other agriculture related publications. c. Charges for displaying exhibition - - 5.13 0.57 5.13 5.13 0.57 materials at camps, seminars, fairs etc for 17 district @ Rs. - - 9.00 1.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 0.50 lac each and for State H.Q. @ Rs. 1.50 lac. c) Interfaces Quarterly interface with district officers, 4 2 3.60 0.40 3.60 3.60 0.40 State level officers and allied line departments @ Rs. 1.00 lakh each. d) Mass Media - a. Monthly Magazine and other Kharif - 4.50 0.50 4.50 4.50 0.50 and Rabi publications, media campaign. b. Internet, cyber and maintenance of - - 1.80 0.20 1.80 1.80 0.20 Agriculture website. c. Sponsored T.V. programmes on DDK’s - - 1.80 0.20 1.80 1.80 0.20 & other T.V. Channels e) Farmers Advisory Information Centers @ 6 6 24.84 2.76 24.84 24.84 2.76 Rs. 4.60 lakh each for 6 districts. f) Plant clinic @ Rs.2.00 lakh per plant 7 7 12.60 1.40 12.60 12.60 1.40 clinic g) Farm Women development programme - i. Re-inforcement Training (No.) 150 - ii. Link worker Training (No.) 2 - iii. Study Tour (No.) 227.43 0.82 7.43 7.43 0.82 iv. Mahila Goshti (No.) 11 Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.6 A - Macro Mgt Work Plan - Agri 2005-06 (Rs. lacs) ITEM 1.6 A : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2005-06 As on 31/8/2006 v. Demonstration plots (No.) 44 vi. Monthly workshop (No.) 12 vii. Fort-nightly meeting (No.) 24 20 9 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY a) Purchase of computer hardware including - - 48.60 5.40 48.60 48.60 5.40 53.96 80 number of computer systems including printers, UPS, modems, other peripherals and setting up of one air conditioned server room at Directorate of Agriculture, Punjab including server, network printers, computer furniture and air conditioners etc. to setup state-of-art IT infrastructure at directorate, state level offices and up to the district level to promote use of IT and its applications b) Purchase of computer software including - - 3.33 0.37 3.33 3.33 0.37 O.S./ networking software, Software packages, Application Software, Multimedia Software, GIS Software etc. and purchase of computer stationery and consumables c) Cost of consultancy services including - - 1.53 0.17 1.53 1.53 0.17 setting up of LAN/WAN, development of Database, Decision Support System and Web enabled app lications etc. d) Up gradation of farmers training facilities - - 0.54 0.06 0.54 0.54 0.06 provision of computer laptops GIS system aids Audio/Visual Aids to create IT enabled services for the benefit of farmers Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.6 A - Macro Mgt Work Plan - Agri 2005-06 (Rs. lacs) ITEM 1.6 A : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2005-06 As on 31/8/2006 10 POPULARIZATION OF USE OF LIQUID BIO-FERTILIZERS HAVING HIGH COLONY FORMING UNITS (C.F.U.) a) Demonstration of Liquid bio-fertilizers 140 140 252.00 28.00 252.00 252.00 28.00 269.36 for Wheat, Paddy, Sugarcane, etc. ( one villag e in each block) b) State Level seminar Rs.0.50 lac. Per 2 2 0.90 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.10 seminar (Nos.) c) Block Level camp in each block (one 280 280 12.60 1.40 12.60 12.60 1.40 Kharif & one Rabi) @ Rs.5000/- per camp. (Nos.) d) Charges for laying demonstrations - - 4.50 0.50 4.50 4.50 0.50 11 SCHEME FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES a) Demonstration Plots (1.-1.5 ton of 10125 - 135.00 15.00 135.00 135.00 15.00 - Gypsum/ha.) Total: 931.80 103.53 931.80 841.80 93.53 695.85 Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.6 A - Macro Mgt Work Plan - Agri 2005-06 (Rs lacs) ITEM 1.6 B : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2006-07 As on 31/8/2006 SN Component Physical Outlay Released Released Expenditure Remarks Target Achieveme GOIS SS Total by GOI by State Upto 31-08- nt Upto 31- Govt 06 08-06 1 CEREAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME a) Replacement of wheat Seed (Qtls) 12000 - 21.60 2.40 24.00 21.60 - - Sanction amounting to Rs.858.22 lac has been issued on 8-9-2006 and the programmes will be implemented accordingly b) Clearance of pending liability - - 112.50 12.50 125.00 112.50 - - 2 IMPROVEMENT OF SOIL HEALTH a) Strengthening of Soil Testing labs 66 - 30.15 3.35 33.50 30.15 - - b) Distributor of Dhaincha seed for green manuring (in 5000 - 9.00 1.00 10.00 9.00 - - Hects.) c) Strengthening of Fertilizer Testing labs(No.) 2 - 9.00 1.00 10.00 9.00 - - d) Popularization of leaf colour chart 40000 - 10.80 1.20 12.00 10.80 - - 3 PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION a) Aero Blast Sprayer 10 - 2.70 0.30 3.00 2.70 - - b) Pulverizing roller 200 - 2.25 0.25 2.50 2.25 - - c) Self Propelled Reaper Binder 10 2.70 0.30 3.00 2.70 - - d) Sugarcane Cutter Planter 20 - 1.80 0.20 2.00 1.80 - - e) Vertical Conveyer Reaper 50 - 3.60 0.40 4.00 3.60 - - f) Straw Reaper 50 - 11.25 1.25 12.50 11.25 - - g) Maize Thresher 200 - 15.75 1.75 17.50 15.75 - - h) Zero Till Drill 600 - 27.00 3.00 30.00 27.00 - - i) Tractor operated Multi Crop Planter 100 - 4.50 0.50 5.00 4.50 - - j) Raised Bed Planter 100 8.10 0.90 9.00 8.10 - - Annexures - New Dev Initiatives Sept 2006 Annex 1.6 B - Macro Mgt Work Plan - Agri 2006-07 (Rs lacs) ITEM 1.6 B : MACRO MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN - AGRICULTURE 2006-07 As on 31/8/2006 k) Happy Seeder 50 - 6.75 0.75 7.50 6.75 - - l) Forage Chopper Cum
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