The Perilous Dialogue
The Perilous Dialogue Laura K. Donohuet Five months before his retirement, Justice William Brennan wrote in a dissent: "the Framers of the Bill of Rights did not purport to 'create' rights. Rather, they designed the Bill of Rights to prohibit our Government from infringing rights and liberties presumed to be pre-existing."1 Professor Stephen Holmes reminds us in his lecture that such rights and liberties do not impede progress: they embody it. 2 The rules preserving rights and liberties can help to focus action by bringing clarity to the present, while still preserving a long- term political perspective. Yet, time and again, both these rights and the rules designed to protect them are sacrificed in the name of national security. The master metaphor in each sacrifice is, indeed, "security or freedom," and it is on this metaphor that I would like to focus. It dominates the counterterrorist discourse both in the United States and abroad.3 Transcripts from debates in Ireland's Ddil 1tireann, Turkey's Bilyilk Millet Meclisi, and Australia's Parliament are filled with reference to the need to weigh the value of liberty against the threat posed by terrorism. Perhaps nowhere is this more pronounced than in the United Kingdom, where, for decades, counterterrorist debates have turned on this framing. 4 However, owing in part to different Copyright © 2009 California Law Review, Inc. California Law Review, Inc. (CLR) is a California nonprofit corporation. CLR and the authors are solely responsible for the content of their publications. t Fellow, Constitutional Law Center, Stanford Law School. Special thanks to the Brennan Institute for their invitation to participate in the series, to Stephen Holmes and Paul Schwartz for their comments at the lecture, and to Aaron Gershbock at the California Law Review for his excellent editorial assistance.
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