The Glenville Mercury

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The Glenville Mercury The Glenville Mercury Number 2 Glenville·State College, Glenville, W. Va. Friday, September 9, 1977 Six .Staff Members Begin Duties He,re Six new staff members have vision of Business. She has an A.B. joined the Glenville State College in Business Education from Glen­ community recently. ville State College. She has extensive Mr. B. Michael Bequette has public school teaching experience ,taken the position of Assistant and has had numerous secretarial Professor of Social Work, replacing and administrative jobs. Mr. Gregory Schneider. Mr. Bequet­ Dr. Edward E. Graham has been te received an A.B. degree from hired as Assistant Professor of Music, Missouri Valley College and his replacing Brian E. Bevelander . He M.S.W. from the St Louis Uni­ received his Bachelor of Music De­ versity. Prior t.o coming to GSC he gree from Youngstown State Uni­ ,was employed by the Appalachian versity and his Masters and Doc­ Regional Hospital New Personnel are Left to Right: Mrs. Marthena Gaines, Mrs. Yvonne Gillespie, Mr. Sidney Tedford, Mr. '';;01 . Jo torate in Music from Indiana State Pribble, Ms. Janet Rubbin, Mr. Delbert Conley. Second row· Dr. Jospeh Now, Mr. Rodney Gardner, C· .s. .:'\1~S3.JI Mr. Rodney W. Gardner is an University. He was previously ern­ Sienkiewicz, Mr. George Harper, Mr. Donald Dudas, Ms. ¥~TCn Thorpe, Dr. Irvin Talbott, Mr. Mictaei <:e<:ldte, Dr. Instructor in Land Surveying, re­ ployed at Potomac State in Keyser. I placing Mr. Darrell R. Dean. He has Edward Graham anti ~~s. Chris lIaum. (photo by Hui). Ms. Janet L. Lulich is the Assis­ a B.S. from WVU and previously tant Librarian and Instructor in studied pre-veterinary medicine at School Library/Media. She replaces Potomac State College. He recent­ COURSE OPENS Mary Kennedy who is on a one­ ly received his A.S. in land sur­ year leave of absence for advanced TV Classes Offered Due to unavoidab'le circum­ veying from Glenville State Col­ study. Ms. Lulich has a B.S. from Glenville State College will offer fectiveness (psychology 339 - 01) stances, Journalism 321 was not lege. Pennsylvania State University and four television courses this fall semes- will be broadcast by the state's three closed in Mayas the Registrar's Mrs. Yvonne Gillespie is all- in­ an M.L.S. from the University of ter. The Age of Uncertainty (Social_ public television stations and may be Office . previously announced. structor in Secretarial Science, Di- Pittsburgh. Sciences 339· 01), Anyone for Ten­ taken for course credit at Glenville. Only six cards were issued; 15 Dr. Irvin D. Talbott is now the nyson (English 339 - 01), Art A­ In The Age of Uncertainty noted were lost. Consequently, The director of Community Development merica (Art 330 - 01) and Parent Ef- economist and author John Kenneth Mercury needs reporters. If you Open House Is Set and Research Center and an In­ Galbraith traces the ideas of econ- have some free time, sign up for Open house at LBH will be structor in Histroy. He replaced Dr. lomists and social philosophers from Journalism 321 for three hours every Monday from the hours 7 - 10 Ronald L. Burke who is on a year's Adam Smith and David Ricardo credit, 1 p.m., M-W-F. except the Monday after the Home­ leave of absence. He received his Conley Na m e d through Marx, Lenin and Keynes. Dean Peterson has extended coming game. Starting on the 12th B.A., M.A., M.S. and Ph.D degrees Mr. Delbert Conley has been He illustrates how these ideas and the Drop-Add day until Sept. of September and ending on the from West Virginia Universit.r.. He named Pre-Career Counselor, effect­ their consequences gave shape to both 16 for your convenience. 31st of October, open house is set . was previously employed by the ive Aug. 29. He replaces Mrs. Vickie revolution and nonviolent change up on a two month probationary West Vir~nia University in their Harper. from the agricultural society of the period. Whether or not open house mid - 1700's to the great corporations (iSC Queen Mr. Conley, a 1976 graduate of continues after Odober 31st will Clean Streams Program. and the emerging Third World of Glenville State College, was an Eng­ depend upon the interest shown by the 1970's. Fla. Bound? Chambers Hired lish major while on campus and was the reSidents of LBH. I 1 Anyone for Tennyson features Homecoming is coming! All '1 active in dramatic productions. Form­ Last year only 5 -10% of the a group of highly talented performers girls interested in running for Home­ To Rehtace Ml Is erly, a teacher at Nicholas CountY residents took advantage of the open r tl known as the First Poetry Quartet, coming Queen or attendants can Sandy Chambers has recen y High Schoo~ Conley was a member houses offered. Hope the interest in- . .' C who are joined by guest artists such pick up the forms from Deb Stal­ been hued as the AdmiSSIOns oun­ of the GSC Forensics Team, played creases so we can offer open house as Henry Fonda, Will Geer and naker or in the Student Congress selor of GSC, replacing Sherri Mills. 'Curly' in Of Mice and Men .an.d throughout the entire school )'ear . Claire Bloom. Each week they bring office. The office is located in the Sandy will be joiDi!'6 other college worked on technical crews for var­ Open house dates are: September Pioneer Center next to the book­ representatives thiS .::ll for the an- ious campus productions. He was to life the poetic imaginations of 12, 19, 26 and October 3, 17, 24, and store-the second door on the left. nual tour of College Day programs head residen t assistan t in Pickens Tennyson, Kipling, Whitman and 31. Campus organizations can sponsor in West V irginia high schools. Some Hall and was elected treasurer of the Longfellow, as well as the works During homecoming weekend entrants. of Sandy's other duties will in- dormitory officers. of accomplished poets of more re­ open house will be on Sunday, Octo­ This year there will be an extra c1ude representing Glenville State Mr. Conley resides on Mineral cent times. ber 9th, 12 - 3 p.m. In Art America achievements of atftaction for the Homecoming College at out-of-state college fairs, Road in Glenville. prepare literature for distribu tion, Americans in the visual arts are queen. She will be eligible to oem­ coordinate the activities of visiting traced from colonial times to the pete with queens from all other students and involve herself in other present The series focuses primarily West Virginia campuses. The win­ activities concerning public relations. on painting and sculpture with sup­ ner of this competition will receive A Ripley native, Sandy is a senior plemental architectural and photo­ a six-day all expense paid trip to the graphic materials. With the theme of Orange Bowl on 1anuary r. The at Glenville majoring in early child­ the development of American art trip will be from December 29 to hood. She is the daughter of Mr. within the context of the national January 3. She will ride on a float and Mrs. Carll. C',ambers. Sandy culture, the series emphasizes the in the Orange Bowl Parade with is a member of the Delta Zeta s0- rority, College Choir, Chrisuan Fel­ viewer's response and understand­ queens from all 50 states. One of lowship, and she's been active in ing rather than facts and dates. these girls will become the Orange Student Congress. She has worked Parent Effectiveness is based on Bowl Queen and will receive a $500 for three years as a Student Assist­ the concepts developed by Dr. Thom­ scholarship. This competitiori is being ant in the Admissions Office. as whose best selling book Parent sponsored by the Orange Bowl Com­ Effectiveness Training has been used mittee, of Miami, Florida. by more than 250,000 parents in Voting for the Homecoming The Blood Drive will be on P.E.T. courses across the country. The Queen and attendants from each September l~ in the BaDroom rrom series includes appearances by Dr. class will be held the week before 1 - 5 p_m. It is being sponsored by Gordon and reenacted case studies Homecoming in the lobby in front !FC - Panhellenic Council. Donors using actors to illustrate various of the old cafeteria in the Pioneer Urged! MR. DELBERT CONLEY (continued on page 2) Center. MS. SANDY CHAMBERS .. "'- ..... ,...... ......... ronto;.--:Thn;;.. ~n;:;,,.;;;t;t;~":;;n --==::;:::;;::'j;;;;Jr:I••••••••• CI ••••••• III: :lI!:=:I•• -:- 1f Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Friday, September 9,1977 Entertainment Is Announced "There's never anything to do around here!" So often this com­ plaint is made by students at GSC. However, the coming year offers var­ ious forms of entertainment by the way of movies, plays, sports events, rush parties,.and conoerts. On Saturday, Oct 8, the Stu­ dent Congress will sponsor several events, beginning with the Hom&­ coming dance in the ballroom fea­ turing "Staircase." The dance cul­ minates a weekend of festivities which should offer new excitement Scholarship winners: Lynn Craig, Cindy Balcer, Peggy Bauman, and Sue with the addition of Pioneer Stadium. Bame. Not pictured are Debbie Wildman and Kim Casto. On Sunday, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. in the Gymnasium,.the Pioneer ba.. ketba\l team will play an exhibition game with the Republic of China GSC Alumni Presents Six National Team. Rosey Grier, the former football Scholarships to Students great, will speak in the auditorium Off to a New Start on Friday evening, March 17, 1978.
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