Advances in Engineering Research, volume 177 International Symposium on Engineering and Earth Sciences (ISEES 2018) Tourism and Its Influence on the Environment and Living Standards of the Local Population Rudsky V.V. Dugarskaya Т.А. Department of SKS and tourism Department of general disciplines Gzhel State University Gzhel State University Elektroizolyator, Russia Elektroizolyator, Russia
[email protected] [email protected] Mechkovskaya О.А. Sidorov I.V. Department of SKS and tourism Department of SKS and tourism Gzhel State University Gzhel State University Elektroizolyator, Russia Elektroizolyator, Russia
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract- The studies on tourism activities aim to assess the environmental changes and is one of the primary scale and nature of human impact on the environment of Russian anthropogenic impact on natural landscapes and living regions taking into account the experience of Russian and foreign standards of the population. Tourism can have positive and researchers. It was identified that changes in using natural negative impacts on natural-economic systems. resources, including recreational environmental management, are an important factor influencing regional and global The positive impact is manifested through the system of environmental changes and is one of the primary anthropogenic protected natural territories, some of which, for example, impacts on natural landscapes and living standards of the national parks or UNESCO World Heritage were created for population. establishing an optimal ratio of the categories “use” and “protection” within these objects. It helped solve problems of Keywords-: tourism, recreational nature management, ecological state, living standards, environment, landscape. preserving natural potential of landscapes actively used by humans for recreational purposes.