j6 ,,u,ii ,,.3OJ5ßfJOf)fr,TtI3tSDA%,tM.4RClh59, 1990 u,tAE'l7 o,, s ews st. John Brebeuf MG resident receives George BOWLING basketball team awarded Huff Award Lee Wolochock, of 7044 Pos- ter SI., Morose Grove, has re-st. John Brebeuf crived a1990 George Hoff SJB Holy Name Award that hoeors Uoiversity of Ladies Bowling Society Illieois athletes for outstandiegTeam W-L Scores olMarcis 23, 1990 achievement in both athletics andCoca Cola 62-22 academics. Plaques were present- Sprile 54-30 ed the hoeorees at halftime of theGreen River 51-33 Team lllieois-Perdne mees basketball 50-34 Pointe Sunkist Wiedemann Insurance 51 1/2 game je the Assembly Halbe theJolt 50-34 Chwopaige-Urbaoa campeo. Anderson Secretarial 50 7-Up 47-37 Dr. Tom Drozdz, DDS Lee tottered in mccc gymeas- 47-37 48 1/2 Batrelhead Mrs-wood Federal Sao. 47 tics while studying in the CollegePepsi 40-44 :: Northwest Parishes cr4, ï .#' ofEegieeerieg, where he attained - 39. 50-50 37-47 SkajaTerracepuit,Home35 averages of4.46l and 4.352 dur-Hawaiian Punch 34-50 G GITE Beierwaltes State . 34 iug his past two semesters (basedDiet Rite 33-51 lS Farm Innerance . .I M1fh5,. 005.) 3 1-53 Bubble Up .-- utiu, 29-553&BSheetMetaltsgfg. 31 Scsitl a ' 'a Manischewitz "'f5 Qn Sunday, l-ebruary 18, Si. John Brebeut hoidtheir Mountain Dew 23-61 Mcinischewitz Men's A - - Sports Banquet. The gym was decorated and a catered meal Fruit Flavored I 9 Macaroons was served. A guest speaker was in attendance: Doug Bruno, Basketball High Series Top Bowlers Slices Head Coach ofDePaulUniversityfor Women's Basketball. Helee Groeczewski 558 Scott SulbeCk Streit's Goodman's or Manischewitz GOLF MAINE Barb Beierwalteu 551 717 ,,- The eighth grade boys VarsityBasketbail team were awarded PARK DISTRICT Carl Lindquist Mani"hewitz Matzos Gefilte Fish t6t Caeol Wesson 496 617 oro,LCCO1 . Goodman's or VitoCece , 0 . plaques andteampictures. The team wao coachedbyDan Kosi- March 18, 1990 Helene Jacobson 481 547 I' Streit's Jim Jekot . . I . ,. c'ZLu bu. Team members are: (boitom row) Dave Dura, Don Dura, Team W-L Cathy Cummiags 471 535 Manischewitz ,' Dan Heaty, and Mike Blase; and (top row) Coach Dan Kosiba, Love Pumps 8-0 Tom Drozija 519 Borscht Coke Mixés Brian Kslinowski, Vilo Gattuso, Matt Gawronski and PatShoe- Ridgero 7-t RickSherislan 517 ' b High Game Santo Peerritta L han. Keputees 5-3 Carol Weston 221 506 5-3 Bill Ochab t Trrmieators Helen Gronczewski 209 502 Teen athletes wanted Kuighto 3-5 Verts Koss 498 219 Barb Beierwaltes 202 . ;..139' Marty's Team 2-6 Mel Koenigs 497 A I-7 Estelle Boyk 189 for Maccabi games Cejo Anita Rinuldi 189 Tryouts are cwTeolly coder-March ucd April. They are as fol- Bells t-7 way. je a variety ofathletic cale-lowu: boys xeccer, April 1, 1-3 Nues Senior Men's BowlingLèague gories for teee athleleu betwecep.m. ut Lawler Park, Skokie; the ages of 12 sod 16, to join thetrack, April 8, 1 p.m. at Nitos Youth Team W-L Unknown Stars 30-54 North High School Track; boyo Trident Seniors 56-28 Royal Flesh 29-55 delegation to this year'u 55-29 North American Msccabj Youth softball,April8 and 15, 1 1-2 p.m. Basketball Deilroyees Bodinos 19-65 GOLF MAINE 53-31 Domes. atNies North High School; kara- Moose Buddies HOT SHOTS;- Prunk Voelker PARK DISTRICT Pinbusters 52-32 Athleles may not toco 17 until te, April 22, 10a.m., 5644 Demp. 49-35 639; Stan Shafer 585; Ted Stagg nIer St., Skokie, aed gymnastics, March 18, 1990 Dragon Playboys 583; J. Daly 578; Mike Cohara afterAugust, 1990. Team 49-35 C't2 OP. Costo, Varieties The games will be held in Dc-by arraogement, coniacc Glen Recycled Seniors 561; Ray Mnntges 558; Joe Ku- 1eoa,Pku.,Au,td,Vriutuu, too,. Pka., 5t,eileu, Munisehowite WON bvWnu pon t ib. Stroll's o, Spurs Eqealizers 48-36 3-0 , tryit from August t9 through 26.Murks at (708) 437-3477. Swim- 48-36 can 541; Sidney Coheu 539; Rokeach Matzo Cake Meal Manischewitz Mönischewitz The Chicago delegation in beingming and tennis ttyouts to be an-Celtics 2-1 Fantastic Five Cliff Groncenwski 532; Walter organizedby Ike ChicagoRegion flounced. Knicks 2-t LongShots 48-36 Kubacki 527; Jerry Lieberman Mdcaròons or Matzo Meal CakeMixes Mozos offre Muccabi Association in as- The North Americen Maccabi Lakers 1-2 Sandbaggers 48-36 521; Fred Potra 521; Lou Aqui- Bulls mojados whit the Jewish Cow- -Youth Games are the offspring of 0-4 Niles Playboys 45-39 no 519; Mils Komi 518; Jim Flying Tigers 38-46 Fitzgerald 516; Lurrr Dicristofa- 15 55 mnnityCeolersofChicago. liteIsraeli Maccsbiah Gamos GOLF MAINE The Chicago delegation hasheld every four years in Israel by PARK DISTRICT Magic Machine 37-47 no 515; Al Scartata 514; John hiten graded places for 140 uEb-the Maccabi World Union. The SENIOR LEAGUE Gold Stars 35-49 Oaken 513; Phil Ganczuk 509; fetes, the largest delegation to en-1988 Games were hosled by Ehe Team Luctcyll 35-49 Cliff Nowak 508; Martin Boxer 33-51 ter the competitivo. Between 20Chicago Jewish Community. Bulls 1-1 Ex-Stars 506; Tom Granate 505; Welter Three Plus Two 33-51 Pickulicky 502. , and 30 coachn and niaff will ac- Forinformationabout the Waeriors t-1 l2vpk5.Gevd,nov0 ' company thedelegation. 1200Jor t ou Jot iryoss, cull (708) 5M-0032 or Nets 1-t èschewitz Mafl1S0 Red o, White . Tryouts nrc laking place isyour local 3CC. Catholic Women's Bowling PremiumGold Egg : 'vita Manischewitz Oakton honors . Weekof March 21 502 Gefilte Fish :' ':1 Matzos Horseradish Wed. Evemng 7 pm. M Jacobson The right decision. Raider's 'Most Koch 496 Team W-L t1: Now you can stay Warm at a very R. Paschke 495 comfortable price. Valuable Player' Debbie Temps, Ltd 65-19 M. Kroll 489 385 169 69C Ray OHs Park Ridge 51-33 Thiv Vork Spark ignition Fornece io eut M. Coronaso 475 Ldti Condlelight Jewelers only an eeceptloeal bay, but will save 45-39 M.Sinopti 468 yea plenty et eperetleg dollars. State Fono Insurance High Games A. Beierwalters 41-43 C. Oeloieger 206 SInce lt lIghts with spark lyoltiun, there Winlijominer Travel is eu pIlot tIght te Westa fuel. Just whut 38-46 R.Pasehtce 193 you'd expect from York, the leader In Skaja Terrace 35-49 M. Sinopoli 190 euergy caving feeteres. Classic Bowl 33-51 P.Koch '190 1st Natl. Bank of NOes 28-56 M. Johnson 186 And you cae ceUnf en lt fur quiet High Series operation and Ioe, depeedoble tifa. C. Cummings . 181 C. Oeleinger 536 M. Coronato 181 ReplacIng ari elder furnace wIth our o HIGHEFFICIENCY modet cas really out 27ea. ccv 4 Ct. 24 ou Jo,, Jeiiiy'J''t L!':iu 'j bulb

your gus bill. These new furnaces have , en A.F.U.E. offO%or hlher. Co-Ed Indoor Rokeach Nathan's Manischewitz Gefilte Fish Old Fashioned Herring All Whitefish Call us today andsee how Yo R K0 Soccer Soccer a.:'. you can save. GOLF MAINE PARK DISTRICT GOLF MAINE PARK DISTRICT GAS: YOUR BESTENERGYVALUE 3 March 18 1990 . March 18, 1990 Team W-L-TTeam W-L Dial The Kicked 4-I-tBlusters 4-0 .çsth M.q Hoosiers 4-1-1Crushers 3-I Tomase Gnabel Devils 3-2-1 0-5 Invaders gsst;iiv° : 0050,040 '':°«' o sold. Tomase Goahel was honored Riverrats l-3-1 ube_la . Pole, P0k at ilse ceceas Gakloa Community The Mette 0-5-0 k College winter sports award ban- uwon tstteatf COED. :1e 1tv 5=run Bob Williams, Inc. VAWE qsetss Most Valuable Runner for 7nd Half Hoosiers 2-0-0 Air Conditioning & Heating she Raider indoor back team. VOLLEY 5'S,Soo,WhiO,So'iVie, , Geabel turned in an outstanding Devils 1-1-0 55 Mao, hOOd000,CfliCoso 1CC,. P5g.,5t,ell' O, MovI.cvuelt, 555N. eea.o,cnlCoao Manischewitz 24 HOUR8 performance earlier this month TheKickesl 1-1-0 PaPao,elok esie000 BALL Matzo Fouet . ssno 0: 00k Onoto , hOothov,efllCouo Cookies when he placed second in the The Mette 0-1-0 GOLF MAINE iouo 5.000-meter run at the National Rivereals 0-1-0 . PARK DISTRICT e______L677-17 DAY$ A WEEK85QJ Junior College Athletic Associa- March 18, 1990 P,ICe,OOCd utthu,to,u,Ìated vn hi, pose mlv .li lion (NJCAA) indoor Irack and oeil at, tCso,;uwel ro,oeu,thoiuhtto limit quay' :IW) NILES966-4560 GLENVIEW 724- 2431 Team 11110,0e oliodvortl,ud sndteotorod tun,,. Noose, fieldchampiomhips in Law- Nuke'rm 21-0 todeoiuv,ctCsOJeWelCOmp onisalflC . 7824 N. LINCOLN AVE. S SKOKIE, IL 60077 renco, Kansas. The Oakton fresh- Screw Bulls 10-8 mas was clocked in 14 minutes OddBalls 6-15 16 seconds. Ball Bùiters...... , - 5-16 - PAGE 18 -°: THE RUGLZ'THVRSDAY; MARCff2;O fétVtipS from ÎinBreb 0CC sets blood drive Commonwealth Edison blood drive ¡n Skokie for April 12 Marchinnorthernllflnois ers. On Snnday, April 1, St. John brings wirnis, ad winds suggest Never assume a utility pole isBrebenf Church will sponsor a Students, employees of the col-and promoted by the Board of kites billowing against the sky.carrying only telephone lines.community blooddrive. The lege and members of the Skokie Student Affairs, the student goy- g commnnity ate iuvited But, along with the fun of springTreat all lines as if theycarrydeivewill be held from S am. lo 2 totheerniag and activities body which IdLe flying come a number of pit-electricity, A model airplane canp.m. at the chnrch, 8301 N. llar- Oakton CommnnityCollegemakes the Des Plaines drives so. em fails that can be avoided by fol-drift toward nearby power lines1cm Ave., Niles. Blood drive co- (Skokie cumpas) blood drive onsuccessful. The campas couru- lowing some basic safety guide-because of steong winds, a failed ordinutor Jeanine Lembcke asks April 12, in Support of Life-nutze, Susan Wright, is working lines regarding power lines. eligible donors lo slop in and do- Sooece,illinois'largest bloodwiththeSkokiecommnnity HARDWARE engine or control line, or an un- center. Beware of nSing kites withwary flyerwlsomovesfrom his ornate or to cull 966-8145 for an ap- blood commission, theoldest This will be Oakton East's first metal or wire frames. These ma- heroelginalspot. - pointmenl. commnnity blood program in the Serials arecondnctoes of elecirici- March and April are Jiffy Labe blood drive in five years as thestate. t)' and can comeinto contact with if a kite or model plane does Blood Donor Appreciation carrent enrollment of 2,990 sta- Members of the community power lines. To avoid such a haz-becomeentangledIn powinlines,Months in Chicugoland. Daring dents will now support a success-who would like to donate blood ard altogether, fly your kite in anander no circnmstances shouldthese months every LifeSource ful campus drive. The drive isshonldcallDonna Mohrlein, open area where you can avoid yos try toretrieveit. Do not climbdonor will receive a coupon for scheduled between 8 n.m. andSkokie . Health Department, nl thepote or tower, or use a ropeor$3 off their next Jiffy Labe 14- 1:30 p.m. in the contest gym on(708) 673-0500. ext. 228. Stu- power tines. trees and TV and ra- stick to dislodge it from the tine. dio antennas. pointeervice. campas at 7701 N. Lincoln Ave.dente, faculty and staff of either : - SCOTTS If yonr entangled plane - Weather can also be a factor in or kite The largee campas in Des Plainescampas should ContacE Susan EASYGREEN--SPREADER- creales ahazard forthose walking Itolds threeblood drives per year, .4 STEP. safe kite flying. By all means, WrighE at (708) 635.1419 or (uf- Available with .- - avoid kite flying daring rain, es- nederneath, call yaw local Edi- Kof C Youth yielding l57pintsin 1989. ter I p.m.) Mary Mittler at (708) - 9- COMPLETE pecially a thanderstoem. Ben son office and leave it to the ex- . The blood drive in organized635-1404. Purchase of Scott's perla who have the peoper train- SEASON PROGRAM Franklindidall ofas agreat favor Fund Drive 4 Step Program - BILL RIECK by flying hiskuteand discoveringrug and equipment Irs work with Your Helpful live wires to removeyour man- The North American Martyrs Meeting Hardware Man electricity, bathe was vety lncky.gled flying machine. Kfli$hts of Columbus Conucil FòIk dàflcing Ifa kite is sirack by lightening, #4338 in Nilesisholdingtheiran- ItssL ,. cADets. wet string can conduct electricity on arthritis Finally, when the weather gets nnul Catholic Youth fand drive WO . y°E',::,: - EcA down to the person at the other a bit warmer, sailboats will begin for the underprivileged young- The Northwest Chicugo/ classes y end. Also, a wet kite string con- to er-appear on lakes and rivers. slers. Ssburban Arthritis Action Coun- s- tacting a power line can bejust as cilwill meet on Wednesday, Join us in learning Polk In addition to following the other Chairman Raymond Resturski, Dancing from aroand-the-woeld, dangerons. rules olboating safety, be alert at co-chairman Ken Lee and GrandApril 4 at 7:30 p.m. We meet at Many of these rules appty to Lutheran Geared Medicalwhilemasteringbasicsteps. all times toensore that yoar boat's Knight Tad Lesniuk, arge all. (Parsers are not necessary-men model airptanes, too. Ifa modelmust does not come in contactmembers and friends for theirGronp, S.C., 6000 W. Tonhy -. Enough for 5,000 Sq. Ft. airplane comes into cootact with Ave., Chicago. andwomen invited.) sJn with overheadpowerlines. cooperation and snpport, in male- Specialsix-week beginners SPRING SPAPUG a power line, it can atso canse in- Ing 1990 abanneryear. All meetings are free and are mey or death to people on the open to thepubtic. Inorder lo pro-program is $19 starting Wednes- Alt donations go to the Catho- day, April 4 from 7:45 p.m. to 9 ground below. These hazards are READ lic Youth Organization to be dis- videadeqaute seating, weask that THE BUGLE ADS you rail: 312-763-1800 to hold ap.m., Kaplan JCC, 5050 W. just as great from the lower votE- tribìsted toward youth activities. Church St., Skokir. Por farther SYSTEMIC ROSE & FLOWER CARE agelines fonnd in a back yard, as FOR YOUR Fund drive ends on Friday, seat. Interested persons are inviI- May11. ed to call Susan Weise, RN. atinformation, call DitOlshan 966- they are from the high voltage SHOPPING NEEDS 6888. lines on large transmission tow- 312-763-1800. IORTHOTWO IN ONE- kills bugs end feeds planIs. SystomicRaseu Up Is eweoks prsrectisn. & FlowerCare. Kills sucking i000CIS as it B-124 lerlilizes. u Systerrreho uoriov; sirrrply apply to soil and water. 40 LB. sap system moves chemical tl,rovgh plant. COUPON SAVINGS . pain will nvt 'savhJl.S. . SCOTTS TURF BUILDER -.... - plus.HALTS--. VALUAI& '-.99 7658N.Miiwaukee s LB. EI ,4&t MFG. 51115G. 5.99 NILES967-8282 Nèw Look s T. V. & VIDEO UNISEX - Pluming You -Plawea U, SERVING THE NORTHWEST SUBURBS FOR 35 YEARS I VALUABLE COUPON . 7934 w. Oakton , Nues al Authorized Service Dealers for \ "New Location" RCA - ZENITH - SONY I $2.00 We want to thank all of our clients for their past patronage. SCOTTS SUPER TURF BUILDER r SAVE 1 -We Carry A Large Supply r COUPON SAVE ISpecial Limited NEW CLIENT INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL WnS nrvire AllMken&MndnII 20% OFF ANY SERVICE OR SERVICES I i 1 OFF : Coupon Offer of Easter Baskets,: - pivHALTS I ONTVSERVICECALL I (708) 696-2913 Conlains More Nitrogen e,tesr I 9RONCARRY-INSERVICE ''°s° $2.00 Off On WEAREA FULL SERvICE SALON E5 WITH COUPON ONLY - EXPIRES 4.3U.9U Year INCLUDING PEDICURES & NAILS . - - Cellophane, and FREESt-tOP ESTIMATES-WE SERVICE ALLMAKES & MODELSJ IAOneSubscription Root A Chair . Wanted Operator WIth Foltawing. Coil For loin. VALUABLE COUPON l-V59/,.Wr5yv995'5, \New VALUABLE COUPON Basket Stuffers. oìdliaxnWneEsc. VALUABLE COUPON n5 Sk Subseribérs VALUABLS COUPON-. Only CHICKENSALAD OR We Care About You and About Your Car, Sign Up To Win e4i. !s STUNA SALAD LIMIT We Believe There's More To Service Than Just Talk EASTER for EASTER BUNNY : SANDWICH ONE COUPON 2 World's Largest presents., PER FREECA.W6SHi SEA VIC rdially nailon you In enjay $ATURØA:. BUDDIES - SUBSCRIPTION Easter Bunny nno complimentary chicken salad nr lana GRASS - DISCOUNT Coloring and Activity talud nundwich when a second chicknn No PayAnar NrrtrnaG 0%S.rinrCfte.n.,AIl Paese Labo, Pink, Yellow, Green (To Be Given salud nr tuna solad sandwich plan WE SERVICE ALL MAKESand MODELS Book to Each Child bien and ddnk are purchaned. I DOMESTIC and IMPORTS - Away 4-14) While Supplies Last. Expires Sunday, April 8, 1990 BUGLE NEWSPAPERS 823-9800 8239800 9645 Milwaukee, Nues 965-8708 8746 N.ShernserRd. 740 Busse Hwy., Park Rid9e, IL PIPE THREADiNG - KEYS CUT TRAVELERS EXPRESS ---OUR FULL - CENTEL Nnt voIIdwHh any nth.rntwr 60649 - , . Rilen, tltsnla I OFFER EXP!RES5/3t190 - CARPET CLEANER RENTAL VALBLE COUPON 966-3900 SERVICE: SHADES CUT A PAINT MIXING TELEPHONE MONEY OPDERS' you ces poy soue Nl GAI elLi. COUPON isaea VALUABLE COUPON BILLS . - Serving: - STORE COMMOSWEALTH 515011. WE5TERII aRlen. - Nttn.Merton Grove LOTTERY ASESE. STAMPS. CPlEl NADE 5' EA PAYABLE HERE i European Touch Hair Design Gall Mill' SPRINGGREEN .-- - . OFFERS... (Formerly Aliards) Eont Melon PROFESSIONAL SPRN(i ' 9352 Ballard Rd. ..a. . Den Piamos LAWN &TREE CARE Skokio.Uoeolnwvvd UREEN El DesPlainen Park Ridge. The Profonnmnoaln in Toeni Lawn Curo (708) 635-7820 '--. Went Gionviow' 000bnr 01PROFES'SIONAL ' LAWN CAREA5SN. nl AMERICA . . Nnrthbrnnk . Come in and catch LAWN CARE TREE CARE the excitement of our full service Salon . FERTILIZING . DEEP ROOT FEEDING e CRAB GROSs & WEED CONTROL . TREE SPRAYING RECEIVE 20% OFF s INSECT B DISEAnE CONTROL e FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL SERVICES . CORE CULTIVATION WITHTHISADONLY FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL 863-6255 -J y5yidEhitWW.a WHILE QUAN11TIES LAST s NO RAIN CHECKS jjji COUPON VALUABLE COUPON .eW'dE - PAGE 20 THEBTJGLE,TUUR5DÁY, MARCH29, 5990 'EB1JbLjoTmtRsD..,ttARCi990 Mj Health News Jth News, SCH lecture Free physicals for Gemini donates to Twin' boys and girls Swedish Covenant awards north suburban Cancer Research delivered by grandfather residents Donald G. Haebner, Principal schorner, Don Blitz, Rory Dacks, on cataracts and Jay Alan Smith, AssistantEiden Gleichman, Mark Gott- E ployee of Year Geta freè health physical from Ca1aracisandG1aucoma will .Cataracts develop in almost Principal of Gemini Janior Highlieb, PanlIlalverson, Dennis llar- be 111e topic of the next Sweilish hatfoftheolderpopulation; how- the Cook County Department ofSchool, 8955 No. Greenwood,nack, Don Haebner, Chan7 In- Covenant Ropita1 Frce 1993ever, with advances in laser sur- Publidlletilth (CCDPH), Niles - East Maine School Dis-yost, Brian Jacobi, Mike Johann, Spring Lecture on Tuesday eve-gery, most people can be livated Call (708) 818-2860 formoreleid 63 - are pleased to annoanceKevinJohnson, PatJohnson, Ray 's ning, April 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the and go home the same day. In the information, When you call to setthat $800 was raised for Chil- Ksper, Cart Landis, Ken LePere, Anderson Pavillon Auditorium,case ofgtancoma, itis the leading np an appointment, you wilt bedion's Cancer Research from theBrian Logan, Jsdy Massr, Jim 2751W.Winona. canse ofblindness in people over screened for financialeigibility, charity baskethati game held'osPippen, JimRtynotds, Bob Kzes- Dr. Joseph Fiydman, an oph-40, Amost all blindness dar to Many people with utile orno in- Febrnary22, entiso, Jay Smith, Walter Siekier- thalmotogist on the.SCH medicalglancoma can be prevented. Plan comeqnalify. ThankslotheleamofQlol Q-ski, Don Stetina, Chnck Taylor, staff, and Myra Schultz, clinicalto attend thin free lecture and Whether 100 years old or justBalls: Derick Allen, Pat Baker,Bob Wehber, Tom While, Frank supervisorofoperating mom ser-learn how to care for your pee- entering high school; the AdallPatrick Cattahas, Pat Carey, Ka-Zeiek andBill Gibson, capt. Offi- vices, wifl be the featured speak- cions eyesight, Health Clinic can provide u pre- thy Kartender, Rob Mann, Kaycials for the game were Ed Ose- employment orhigh school phys- Mena, Dave Sonefeld and Jeffdecid md Perry Johnson. Thar.Ls ers. Among the topics to be coy- Registration is not necessary George, cred will be types of cataracts, and free parking will be available ical that includes health counsel- capt.Gemini Juniorto everyone for making this con- when to baye surgery, lens im-in the hospital garage. For more ing; anemia and diabetes tesIs, High School and District 63 stafftribution possible. plants, why people get glaucomainformatisa callthe hospital's blood pressure and choleatrrol team: Luke Alten, Craig Bç- andthetreatmentofglancóma. pabtic relations office, 989-38 t 2. screening, vision und hearing lesta, dental check-ups, TB tesla, Hospital seeks immunizations, urinalysis, breast exams, pap smears andpelvic ex- men over50for study Cholesterol screenings mus for women and prostate and Healthy men over 50 are need- nate blood and complete a qnes- .,, Itisticularexams for men. ed for a stedy at Northwesternfionnalre and will be financially at Cragin Federal The Adult Health Clinic in the Memorial Hospital investigatingcompensated, DonaldFahrenbach, M.D., a chartermemberofthe Resurrec- north suburbs is located at 2121 the relationship between psycho- For more information, please (ion Medical Center medicalanddentalstaff, proudly cheers bio To help combat heart disease, The cholesterol screening tises Euclid Ave, in Rolling Meadows, logicalstemsand hormones.call MarIon Dela Sema at (312) "latestdelivety with his daughter(from left): Margaret Sikes and Cragin Federal Bank for Savings the Eager stick method and is a Parlicipasts are requiredto.do.908-1574. twin gradsons Thomas 'Richard and George Donaldborn March will hold cholesterol screenings painless peocedare. Fasting is not atits new Morton Grove office. reqeirest for a total cholesterol Practitioner 7.At right daughter-in-law Kati Fahrenbach holds twins (from The screening, slated for Fri- reading. Hospitalssponsor left), Anne Elizabeth aedMargaretMarytaomn March 1. doy, April 6 from 9:30 am. soul Participants will receive their earns prosthetics MargaretandRichardSikes are residents ofWestern Springs, 5:30 p.m., is port of dic banks results within three minstes of certification stroke supportgroups and Kati and Paul Fahrenbach reside in Glenview. Paul is the grand opening celebration. The testing and can take honre a writ- Two EVanston and GtenbeookGlenview, thirdson tobecome aphysician andin currenttya residentat the Morton Grove branch is located ten cvataaLion; no appointments Mary Hajdalc, a practitioner at Hospitals sponsor on-going The Evanston Hospital's University oflllinois. Margaret and Richard Sikes ame bothattor- at 9330 Wankegao Rd., between arc necessary. There willhe a the Oakbrook Orthopedic Servie- stroke support groups. Stroke Support Group will meet neys. Beckwith and Emerson. nominal charge of $6 for each The employeesofSwedish Covenant Hoop!- Jeff Zaparof LincolnSquare, the storeroom; The groaps aso open free of tal, 5145 N. California es oetttotics andprosshetics firm on Thursday, April 12, from 7 to Administeredby Medicalscreening. Ave.,recently chose the Rab MalinowskiofPortage Park, speech thera- in Oakbeook Terrace, has earned charge to the public and meet8 p.m. in the Doctor's Dining Forest Hospital Screening Systems, two choleste. For mure information, pease hosp!talh Employeeofthe Year. Dr. James B. py;Edna LaytonofLincolnSquare, environ- herceetification in prosthetics, monthly. A variety of informa-Room, Main Floor, The Evanston rot tests are available: a toed cha- call 889-1000. McCormick, (left).SCHpresident, is seen here mental servicesandengineer!ng; and SyedAh. Hajdnk was graduated from tivetopicsaeeaddreased. Hospital,2650RidgeAve., testerol conte, which indicates appoints director àtand!ngnext to thin year's honoree Ruth Kern-medalsoofLincolnSquare, surgery. Alt re- the University of Wisconsin- The stroke snpport groap will Bvannton. yoareisk for hcarfdisease, andan flitz,RN, ofLiscolnwood, who wo,ks innaming Madison, where she earned afocus on Medicare chmges in For information on stroke sup- Forest Hospital administrator MDL test, a coant of the "good" ceiveda plaque and monetary gift at a coffee rance at the Ten Broeck Hospital service. The other nornineen were (left to right) bachelor'sdegreeinenerciseApril with a discussion of howport groups at either Hospital,Mary Jane Such has announced . cholesterol which is thought to Free heldin their honor. inKentacky. physiology in 1984. After com-these changes will effect stroke contact Sandi Laschober at (708)the appointment of Crystal W. Certifiedasaregistered protectagainst it. dental exam pleting a prosthetics. coarse. at patients. 570-2030 or Nancy Oldenberg atPoppens as Director of Utiliza- records administrator by thn s The Swedish Covenant Hospi-. Free diabetes NorthívèiteeitUniveesityin 1985, TheGlenbrookHospital's (708) 570-2070. ' tian Review and Quality Assu- American Medical Records As- tal Denial Service will conducteducation Hearing loss seminar llajdnk was employed at an or- Stroke Support Groap will ment The stroke support groupa arerance, seciation,Poppensatsoisamem- freedentalenaminationson thotict -and prosthetics funi in on Monday, Aped 9, from 1 to 2partofthe Hospitals' Commnnity Popjarns brings with her a beroftheNational Association of Thsrsday, March 29, learn 9 am. program A free seminar, "Sound Tipsdiologiat at St. Francis Hospital Chicago. She joined Oakbrookp.m. in the enclosed lobby of the Hcaltls Program. strong background in the Utiliza- Qaatily Assurance Professionals WOMEN'S to noon in ils offices in the hospi- AbontHearingLoas" willbepre-oflivanston. Orthopedic as s prosthetist inhospital, 2100 Pfingsten Road, tion review field. Prior to joining and the National Association of . "Living Welt with Diabetes,"a sentad at the Lincolnwoost Put,lic Reservationsarerequested. September, 1988._ tal's Anderson Pavilion,275t W. free program for persons ivith di- Forest, she was Director of Utili- FemaleEnecatives. CLlNlC LTD. Winona. Library on Thursday, April 5 at 7 There is no charge for the pro- hlnjdnkresides inNiles. zation Review and Quality Assa- abates and their familien, will be p.m.. gram, The Lincoinwood Public Leukemia research Ifs-rays are needed, a fee willgiven on Wednesday evenings, 6770 N. Lincoln Ave. be charged. The dental screening Learn more about preventingLibrary is located at 4000 W. April4thrn 25, from6 to8 p.m. athearing Ions, common hearing Pratt, Lincolawood, For reserva- Private practice Esile 205 in open to all age groups. Aj- Swedish Covenant Hospital in groupplans meeting painlments are necessary and disorders and possible solutions lions or more information, call REPLACL YOUIOI.D Lincolrtwood, IL the Anderson Pavilion, 27M W. from David Klodd, Ph.D. an Au- (708)492-7111. doctor joins The next monthly meeting ofChurch, Lakeand Anntin, in Mor- may be made by calling SCH Winona. theGotand-Orcnslein-Shcrmaaten Grove. Meeting time is 8:30 DentalServiceat878-8200, The program will cover sub- medical group chapter of the Leukemia Re-p.m. WATER HEATER GYNECOLOGICAL X5500. search Foundation, will be Salar- The chapter raises fands to ex- jecis of interest to persons willi Mended Hearts support Sharon Spalt-Schreiner, M.D. CARE INCLUDED: day, April 7. , gestite research to eradicate leu- diabetes, nach as, glucose self- in flow associated with the Lu- WITHANEW .Pregnancy Termination monitoring, esleition and meat The meeling will be held at Ilsekemia. Stop group slates meeting thema General Medical Group, Morton Grove Commasily Upto 12 weeks planning, what to do in as emer- S.C., a multi-specialty physician ACE GAS gency and encreise and diabetes The next meeting of the La- . Private and Confidential cantrol. HeartDisease, group practice associated with Counseling Smoking theean General-Park Ridge chap- Mended Hearts offers support Lutheran General Hospital in Mary Ann Lopez, RN, Darse ter ofThe Mended Hearts wiU be WATER N TER . Board Certilied manager, is the coordinator and lo individnalsand family mcm- FarkRidge. heldonmnrsday, AprilS. bers who have had heart disease, Dr. Spak-Schreinerisljoardel- Gynecologists Dubbie Davis, RN, is the nurse Meetings are held in the 3ohn- GAS: YOUR BEST educator for the program, A ther- heatS surgery orother heart prob- igible in Internal Medicine. Prior . Lab on Premises son Auditorinm, Parktide Center, lents. Meetings hngin at7:30p.m, lo joining the Lutheran General ENERGY VALUE apeutic dietician and a pharma- Lutheran General Hospital. 4, citI, both from the hospital staff, Snacks and beveragesare served Medical Group, S.C., she was in NICHOLS Gtiest speaker will be: Richard starting at7 p.m. private practice in the northern s Low BTU pilot saves gas For immediate appt. also will participate. Formore in- Sorkin, M.D., cardiologist, Ls- VAWE formation or to register cati Ms. For more information,call Chicago sabarbs, She completed . Heavy insulated tank CALL: PHYSICIANS CBNTIIRS theran GeneratHospital. His sah-CardioRehab Ltd. at 825-7040, her medical eduation at the Uni- Davis at 878-8200, X5256, orject wiltbe:Cholesteroland keeps water hot longer sue N. Michiear Ave. 989-3823. versity of illinois, During a resi- Onrnw (708) 679-6170 dency al Lutheran General Hos- s Glass lined tank with 24 Haar Annwering Service t2eokbrank Center Obesity in Medifast weight Stop Smoking pilaI in Park Ridge, she served as F hilIci-aft 5 year warranty Onk Brnnks7t-2626 . chief resident. 64 Old Orahard Crater loss plan Clinic Finn nanlnnrnvpon nun DISSRÌMINaTE . i year limited warranty State Licensed Facility Oknkie 679-OScO children and on all component parts A free informational session LEGAL NOTICE P5iues Going Up toan-Orn Us Now! teens A Slop Smoking Clinic will be Notice is hereby given that ReplaceYour Old CooktopWithA NewTinormiadua on theMedifastprograrn, a medi-held at Rash North Shore Medi- the Nile! Park District will re- WE LIKE YOUR catty supervised liquid proteincat Centerfrom 7:30 ta 9:10p.m. Energy-Efficient Gas Ceoktop . 'Overcoming Obesity in Chit- ceive and open sealed bids for PROBLEMS 'THE DIETTHAT DOESNT then and Teenagers" will be theweight reduction plan, has beenTaesday, April 3 through Friday, the parchase of staff and pro- GAS:YOURBEST Geta Family Owned and Managed lopic .faLutheran GeneralHos- scheduled for7 p.m. on Tuesday,April 6; Monday, April '9; tad gram participaats shirts, jer- TASTE LIKE A DIET!'. pilaI (Loti) seminar schedaird April 3, in the Anderson PavilionMonday,April 16, ENERGY VALUE NewFloene That Full Service Hardware Store of Swedish Covenant Hospital, seys and jackets on Monday, . 21 Fresh Meats Per Week from 7 to9 p.m. Tuesday, April 3, Sponsored by the medicalcen- April 9, 1990 at 2:00 p.m. at ,, Demands Lessp Free Delivery inArea- . Lose Weight Deliciously . Low Fat in the tiospilat's OIson Audilori- 2751 W. Winona. tee's Good Health Program, the the Park District Administra- em, 1775 Dempster St,, Park Swedish Covenant Hospital is clinic will be condactedby health Inatallation Available . VarIety of CalorIe Levels Low Cholesterol certified to administer the pro- live Office, 7877 Milwaukee, ap,LEpuIcE Ridge,Thr speaker will be Gamy educator Joel Spilzer. Cost of the Nues IL 60648 . No Contracts or Fees Reduced SodIum Sigman, MD,, medical direejor, gram which is recommended for introdaclory session is $30; the persons who are 40 or more Bidding proposal farms and Located at Dempster and Greenwood Adolescent Medicine and Eating remaining five sessions cost$120 specificationsmaybeob- DeliveryAvailable DisorderPmgram, L011, poandsoverweight. md include both follow-upcourt- tamed from tite Riles Park This program is the fourth in The free meeting is open to allsrltng andamonthlp newsletter, District at the above address. 139 the spring 1990 "Health and Hap. whò ate interested. Por more in- For farther information andto 40GAL. formation or a free brochure call All inquires shoald be ad- MODEL 1501 piness' education series. Upcom- regislcr, call the Good Health dressed lo Ms. Deborah Nel- RA ACE 044718 TANK ' DIET CARRY-OUT ing seminars will deal with such 878-8200, X5660. Program ot6779 es 3588. sos, Seperintendeat of Recre- nao DIET CARRY-OUT topics as planning for pregnancy, adun, 824-8860. angerand stress at home. Patrick J.Duúham 2434 DEMPSTER STREET DES PLAINES, ILLINOIS OF NuES Byorderofthe ACE 7457 N.Milwaukee Tite cost for each program is Navy Fireman Patrick J. Dun. Board of Commissioners 'Ta HAROWAI1E CALL. free, bol attendance is limited, To for duty aboard thecommand 298-3580 barn, son of Artlsar J. and Nancy NILES PARK DISTRICT., 647-0646 malçeresçrsationsor for.m,re in- shipUSS LaSalle,homeportedin , ,NILES r - . : Yl, PO9ft5,9,L9tus,.,ane, (708).803D1ET Philadelphia. . . . - by: Tom LippeD, Sèetàt . - foratahiòin,calt 708696i'l l 'Olehqow,' IL,.reenty.repocd PAGE 29 PAGE 22 . HUGL, THURSDAy, MARCH 2, 1990

, - us, nesse s- 'HEBÓLEikUR5DAy 1Okitk0e29,roso . 4 D I S 4 D A begins "Red Barrel"Liberty Bank Cragin chairman to address

food donationprogram hosts tour to .- House Subcommittee Spring Green Adam A. Jahns, chairman and No changes should be made te .ONCEAYEAR president of Chicago-boned Cm- the present doIIar coverage and Area residents are invited tegin Federal Bank For Savings, strocture of the deposil insurance join Liberty bank for an architec-wilt address the Hanse Subcom- program. Federal deposit insu- toral ontiog to Alex Jordon's milIce on Financial Institutions rance should be simple and corn- FLOORSAMPLE SALE House on the Rock,- and enjoySupervision, Regalation and to- prehensive. laoch at Frank Lloyd Wright- 55050cc, at a hearing in Washing- The integrity of capital ta the designed ecataneant ioSpring too, D.C., oo March 29. Federal Home Lean Bank system Green, Wisconsin on Wednes- Jahss will represent the Ba- mast be preserved and guaran- day,Aprit Il, tins's sacccssfut thrifts to discnss teed throagh reinstatement of The extraordinary Haaseon the impact of recent thrift indus-pre-FIRREA divideods on steck try reforms on healthy sasiogs in- therockisacomplex of buildings .held by thriftsin the Federal aod collections built atepa 450-stïtutioos. Subcommittee Chair- sdome Loan Banks. BI$-$$ foot rock, towering over thc val-mm FsaotsAneanzio,D-III, The toans-to-oue-horrower ley below. After viewiog the iovitcd labos to provide Estimo- tinsitnhontd be rained to the same 9ODAYS SAMEAS CASH!* house and cotlectioos, there wilt ny on how the 1989 Financial In- level as commercial banks, 25% be time to browse throogh thestitatioos Reform, Recovery and ofcapitat,tomccl Amaneas boutiques and crafts workshops Enfoncement Act (FIRREA), isneed for more ufforduble boas- NO PAYMENTS REQUIRED

is theontdoor matt osca. affecting savings institutions thating. - rcmained stroug during recoins Shown above left to right are Jill Christiansen of theGreate Lanch is included io the teur, Johns believes that savings in- at the elegant Spring Green Res- turmoil in the thrift industry. sdtaliOns arc doing all they can lo 0 j a D Chicago FoodDepository andSean Musial, ServiceManager of Jahns plans to address FIR- I D.. the IewelFoodStoreat7536N. WesternAve., Chicago. Garant, the only restaurant in the create a sEong aad secase bank- Alifood world designed by Frank Lloyd REAs effecton the ability of Cra-ing system und that constructive D S donations received there will go to St. Thomas of Canterbu,y Weight. gbaod other saccensful savings reforms will require inpat from Parish panhy. This tripis sponsored by Liber- jostitutiOss te extend modgagehealthy thrifts, by Bank foe Savings and includescredit to hnmebuyers. "Reform needs the guiding "Despite I Jewel Food Stores is proud toCompany. transportation,admissionand- oar financial hand ofeffectiveregutotion to en- I a00000ce a new program de- We havealong-standingrela- lunch forjast $54.50, $52 for Lib strength, certain provisions of the Courage recapitatizatioa of mar- sigoedto help further publictionship with the Chicago Food erty's Silver Citizens Club mcm-baoluing reforms threaten te re- guaI institutions and te peepeta- awarenms ofthepeobtem ofhun-Depository, and are proud to join bers. The tear will travel by de-duro the steady flow of home ate the steuog oues," Johns said, gee. The Red Barrel Progeam. co-with thetmirt this endeavor, said lnxe luotoccoach, departing fromloess nationwide," Satins said. "The goal of tegistaters, regula, ordiaated with the support ofa companyspokesperson. hwel Liberty's main office dt 2392 N."American families, young and tors and bankers atiku should be Jewel and the Chicago Food De-donates over 15 million poands-Milwaukee at 7 am. and retnmold, need more homes of their to better serve the American foes- own, not fewer." pnsaoty, gives people an oppor-of fryyj Lo the Depositoiy each byllp.m, - ily." - Lusity to donate a son-perishableyear. This surplus food results For reservations or more infor- To maintain the viability of -Throughout 1989, Cragia Fed- food item white they do theirgro-from production overruns. dis. mation, caS Susan Andrewsat healthy thrifts in the U.S., Jahns's eral Bank foe Savings was eunked coy shopping. costiused peoducts, shippmg er- (312) 384-4MO. testimony will include the fol- among iltç mosl profitable mv- The progeam began March 22sors, oe damâge lo packaging. towingrecommeadat.ionn; itgs and loans in the U.S. by Na- io 20 Jewel Food Stores. Each jca participating Jewel Food Congress should accelerate the liottalTltriftNews. Ceugin report- store will haveaRed Barrellacat- Storesinclude:52 NorthwestSkokie agency timetable for equalizing premi- ed 1989 earnings of $16 million ed orar the inside front entrance. Hwy., Des Flames; 819 S. Elm- ums for deposit insurance be- on gross income of $222.7 mil- Caotomersareencoaragedtopur-horstRd.,DeoFtaines; ll28Chicacquires Turner twegn savings institutions and lion. Cragin now has $2.37 bit, chmes one extra non-periohoisleago Ave., Evanstön; 1500 5. LeeFinancial Services commercial banks at the earliest lion in nases with nearly $200 Model WWASS000 Model DDE9200G ModelJB55OGJ possible date, , ModelJHP7OVK/NK/ food item when they shop, andSt., DesPlomes; 1509 N. Waake- milionincapilaleeset-ven, - - Extra large capacity for regular Electronic Sensor Control Dryer. Deluxe black cryntal control place It IO the Red Basset. Appro- Berent & Company, Inc., a fast Electronic touch contiols, ¡:4 ru, fr, gas, Glenview; 2722 Green Bay loads, SPOTSCRUBBER cycle for Automatic permanent press and paneL Electronic digital clock, micrnwuve upper Oven, Self- pnate items for donation areRd., Evanston; 2775 Pfingsten,gnawing, Skolde-based insurance small loads of tough stains and knits cycle, 4 dryi.sg selections, . minute timer and oven timer, cleaning lower oven, For vented marked withshelf-talkersignsGltioview; 5l58N. Lincoln, Chi-agency, is pleased to annoance Mini-Wanh'" nyntem. Up-front tint filter, Warehouse Clubopens -Black glass oven door. and hon-vented installations, throaghout the stone. Each Jewelcago; 5657 W. Toutsy, Skokie;acquisition of Turner Financial Food Store is assigned toa local Services. 7536 N. Western; 8203 W. Golf - food pantry, who will collect theRd., Nitos; 8730 E. Dempster, Turner Financial Services, is oil change service food and distribate it to hsngiy 5 Programmed Selections Extra Large Capacity Nues; 9449 W. Skokie Blvd.,an iosarattec and benefits plan- ThnWarehoaneCtub annònnc- people in the area. The barrelsSkokie; 481 Busse Highway,ning fien headed by Faul Turner, bnsinesn arpersonat needs in oir themselves were donated for this es it will offer a 10-point, qnick lO0,000sqsare footfadiity." ParkRidge; and 7900N. Mitwau-an attorney and licensed insu- labe oil change and filter nervier program by the Trilla Drnmkee,Nilea. rance pmdncer. Tinner Financial Businessenandiadividuals to its members. The-service cnn- muy inquire about memberships Services specializes in personal ter will open al 9 am. on March financial planning, business byculting (708) 647-6801, - wth Avondale Federal ap- 29 at the Nites, Ill. Warehouse Based in Skokte, the Ware- . 30'Gas Range Microwave Oven Dishwasher plication of life insurance,em- Club, 7420 North Lehigh Ave- Ice/Water Dispenser ployee and executive benefit pro- house Club sells first quality, .Refrigerator names new manager 0-ama, and pension planning. nun. name brand merchandise to mdc- Chairman Walter H. Teninga pendent hatinessns and individu- . . KarenO'Sheahasjoined O'Shea earned her bachelorsEeicnt 4t Company, Inc.'s life, health, and disability income di- says, "This is another advantage ato. TIte company operates 12 fa- Avondale Federal Savings Bankdegree from Loyola University of membership in the Warehonse vision wiltbe merged into Tunner citities in the Midwest: two in as manager of financial reporting.and became a certified public oc- Club. Our members will benefitIllinots, oua in indiana, four in In this capacity, she will bere-canotant in t9e2. Prior to joiningFinancial Services as part of the acquisition. fromthn opportunity to have theiriOhio, three in Michigan, und two spoosibteforoverseeing the dailyAvoudate, she held the position vehicte's oit changed at very corn- inPennsylvanta. - responsibilities of the accountingof ncconnting officer at TaIman Turner resides in Dea Plaines petitiveprtces white shopping far with his wife, Wendy. department. Home Federnl Notre Dame - graduate promoted REAL ESTATE AGENTS LEGAL NOTICE I rho Villoaosof M050nCr050nvd NjIonul holdaointaso- at Prudential. lionofsurplusmotor uohlolosoftO AM. no saturday,AprIl 7, BECOME ONE I550,attheNibsMotnt onano oCongo,71 54Touhy- Aooruo, Glenn Kosiha of Crystal Lake Nilo a.. has been promoted to sales . man- OFTHE BEST AUCTtON WILL BE BY SEALEDBIDP5OCE5O ONLY, AND sOLD A5 ager io The Pesdential's Palatine to..000Ied BideWillho oouuptodbyIhn Nuco Porchosing Agent districtoffice, 415 CreeksideDr. Model JGBP26GEJ Model JE1465H Model TFX27FL Model GSDZ800L - INilni01110goHall,7501NorthMllwaukoo Aortae,When) 8aO He now hetids a staff of nine Lift-off black glass oven window 1,4 ru. fr, oven cavity. Electronic Built-in compartment door for easy I I performance monitoring pro- JOIN THE BEST OFFICE AM. -5 P.M. Monday - Ftiday nnd until to u.u.. April7,1090. totes representatives. door, Waist-high broiler, Porcelain digital display with clock, Auto- access. Spacemaket'" door with grams, 10-year full warranty on, OnhIulnawillbe nunlinbie orinepootionB 0M.-noon nnd 4 Suce joining The Prudential enameled cooktop. Automatic matic cooking control with Auto extra deep porta-bins. 26.6 cu, ft . Serving Our Area Since 1956 P.M.-O P.M.OttApril 5end 6athoNuco Maint onnnoa Garata. PermaTuf® tub and doorliner as an agent in 1985, Kosiba has pilotless ignition. -. Reheat. Shelf. Temp Cook/Hold, capacity; 9.88 ru. ft. freezer. (ask for details), . Top Real Estate Office LiolInaofunhiolocaso liableand minimum bido atenolollowe: - MORTONGROVE MINIMUM - received many honors for sates In Our Market VFHICIFS Bita aedierviceluadership. . One Of Top 10 ERA Offices tni7ChouyCopriso(4Ott $4,n75 The soin of Elmer and Jose- Self- Cleaning Oven Electronic Controls SpaceCenter 27 POTSCRUBBER Cycle . 1907 Cheoy Caprino50031 4,075 phine Kosiba of Hilen, he is a In Illinois 19B7 Cheoy Captiontut 4,175 - - gradnate of Noten Dame High

I BOOChesy Caprino(t St 5,950 - . One Of Top 200 ERA Offices School. - tsuo Cheoy Caprino 7) '5,550 - - Kosiha and his wife, Christine, Inns Chevy Inrpala (W401 2,000 - In The Nation have two children: Gina, 8, and. IonsC000yImpala (50041 2,100 - Anthony, 6. GE Answer Center800,626 2000 - . - 1504 Chouy lrttpala IV008t 1,925 GETTHE BEST TRAINING . 1902 Chevy Van 5411 1,500 - Convenient Credit FLOYD WICKMANS "SWEATHOGS' MINtMUM I LEGAL NOTICEJ At No Cost To You (For Qualified Agents) titLEsVFHIDIEn ase PLEASE TAKE NOTICE -TO 9.- 4 Written Warranty Protection MORTON 0005E ZONIN5 5OARD The #1 Results Rest Estate 014e Doua OB(4141 17,000 loon 5,350 OF APPEALS publio hnurirst I 0e-Il- Yourself Help 014e Dotta BI4501 enhedsiod Training Program n The Country luto Oldn Delta8814t2) 5,550 to, Mondoy, Aprilts, 99 5,350 1590 ot 7:55p.m. in Ihnnoard of We briny good things to lite. Prompt, Rehable Service itou Olda Dalta On - JOIN THE TEAM THAT HELPS YOU 4041 Trustnen.i, Chomba,n, tono Olda Dolta OB(4051 5,350 RiohordT. BECOME THE BEST YOU CAN BE 5,350 . FlioklnuorMunicipolCnrlor, 51Ot With loon 0140 Dalla at 14071 Approved Credit $300.00 Minimum Purchao - 1905 Olde DoltaIB(4151 5,350 CapsiinoAvenun, Mottnn 5105e, Call Bitt Atston 5350 ihrem,In herob yosnoolinO dun to t ont Olde Dolta 05 14051 - n look b -- . t Bas Olde DallaBO.(41 t t 4,350 nl businunnto050rduoted 9509 (708) 967-6800 or (312) 774-1900 bolotothu une-d. -- w. r Tues,-Wed. 1054 Ford Anrbulansn12001 t 0,000 Lnovnrd A.OloovtiulA, . ERA CALLERO & CATINO REALTORS OtltarInformation may biobtoinad by sahino hoMorton 9 to 6 Vin Chairmon - - OsosoPublioWotilo 01500at7001 470-5243 or m j the NucoPub- TV&Appliances \h TORE® Saturday 7800 MILWAUKEE AVE., NILES JumonKarp - - lin Worko0111es nl 70.0,1 95f-5100. , AntiriO E0000tIs9 aonretnry, 7850 N Milwaukee UP loto 5 . r,; ..- .,. . Sunday , . Nues 470-9500 l2to 4 PAGE22 mEetuGkuTøUlS.,',, DASM6RcH . -TRIsJiUÇLeTHURSDAyMARCtj2Q.nai .. THE IIíJGLO TIIUI15DAY, MARCH29, 1991 PAGE 25 PAGE24 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, MARCH29, 5990 e:ain en ESTAURANT GUIDE

Nues North presents 8501 W. DEMPSTER - NILES Pianist performs 692-2748 'Body and Sole' dance show 15% SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNTS Treat The 2 P.M. . B P.M. lin At 2 Oat By 61 at Maine West 'e rV Fa The Community Concert As- prize irr the slate piano competi-there for the neat ten years with I*1 sociation of Maine Township ti05 of Prague, first prize in the,Irma tovelaava. - To Dinner will present the final concert of 04 :5.55 International Competition of the Later Knemin and his famity the 1989-90 series, pianist Leon- American Music Scholarship As-moved to the United States taking Inoludes: Soap, Salad, Patata end DessuS IJolla nr RionPuddisg or lue Cr00951 sociatiou, first prize in tite 1985 MONDAY GRECIAN BTYLE CHICKEN with Gmsian Style Palato id Kuzmin orr Sunday. April 8 at up residence in New York City, .. 7:30p.m. in the Maine West High Stravinsky Awards Internationaland he began further Study at the VEAL PARMESAN with SpaghoSi, No Patata L SchoolAuditorium,1775S. Piano Competition and first prizeManhattan School of Masic,'His TUESDAY BROILEDSKIRTSTEAK ja lh WolfRoad,Des Plaines. 1996 Concerto Competi-mentor there was . the distio- PORK TENDERLOIN, Brows ora ' ' Leonid Kuzmin lays claim to tisa of the Manhattaa School ofgnishcd pedagogoS Nina Svetia- WEDNESDAY SHRIMP IN A BASKET 1211, Cacklail Saune . trulyinsprcssivecredits:first Mysjc. nova and Kuzmiu alan took part GYROS PLATTER , Born in 1964 inConscI, Byelo- 00 a regrilar basis in the series of THURSDAY SHISH-KA.808 with Rise, Bardelaise Saum, Na Patata' rnssia (USSR) Knzmin began advanced master classes offered VEAL CUTLET, Ernwn GraVy stodying the piano when he was 5each semester by the world- A. a years old. Hisparents were teach- renowned pianist John Brown- FRIDAY BROILED RAINBOW TROUT, Loman Essttnr Sanan n' ers of English sod German with, ng. CHICKEN BROCHEITE Rira, Chiuknn GroW, No Pntatn Featuring Classical no formattraininginmnsic; SATURDAY CHOPPED STEAK, Grilled Onions ' Anyone porchasiog 1990-91 , nonethelessit was his fatherCommunity Concert member- BROILED PORK CHOP, Apylesaaon Italian Cuisine from s- whose isteresI in the great pia- ships before April 8 may attend SUNDAY FRIED CHICKEN ojalo of the past had lçd him to the Leonid Kuzmis concert as a LIVER With 00mo nr Banns centuries of culinary read n detail about the lives, ca- bonus. Please. ..No Senior Citizen Dianoaol reers and even practice habits of A membership card is neceo- tradition. Enjoy legendary performers like Boso- stAy Lb attend concerts through- si, Neahans and Hoffmann, who oat the year and no individual an evening of gave yonng Leooid his 'first les- tickels aro sold at the door. Indi- THE ORIGINAL sons. vidant memberships are $20, nIa- Plinto by Mary Hannah ' dining amidst the Italian Art At seven, Began was chosen to dents $10 and family member- Pictored above,Nibs NorthAutorin dance club members re- and Decor. Serving the Culer the preparatory division of ships are $50. For membershipshearse for their latentproduction 'Body andSole." Performances the stato conservatory ofmnsic in or information pleaso colt 824- EAST COAST ; for theshoware Friday,March 30 andSaturday, March31 inthe' finest Northern & Southern Minsk and continued studying 0405 or 825-2982. RESTAURANT-FIZZARIA :- Nues North Auditoriùm. Tickets are $4 for adults and $3.50 for . Italian cuisine! students. All showsstart at8p.m. : BEER.-WINC Nues College Create your own din)ng adventure. Choose Psychic fair & COCKTAILS from antipastos, savory soups, spec)al s. Leonid Kuemin presents Spring Concert + 9003 N. MILWAUKEE + salads, a variety of pastas and sculptured n entrees, and our variety of wines features Irene Hughes SPECIAL 'OFFCR0 . *********** The Nibs Concert Choir and ica,6280N. Sanganash. guarantees the perfect meal) Niles Symphony, directed by The ensemble wilt perform J dc M Enterprises will present cottsnitalions and give the key 44 Psychic Fair a psychic fair on Saturday andlectnneofthepsychic fain. BUY ANY 16" PIZZA Rev. Stanley R. Radcki, willManrice Darnfle's requiem wiIi' . SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 'Sunday, March' 31 and April 1 ksseph DeLonise will be ap- Fina Ristorañte Italiano s. - Meroh31 present their 26th annual Spring Anita BetTy, alto and Richard A11D GET and AprilI (Satarday, 10 n.m. -.8 p.m., Sun-pearing at the psycic fair with a 6913 Milwaukee Ave.. Nues . SATURDAY:15nor. -Op.m. - concert on Sanday, April 1, at7 Cohn, baritone, together with Cn- SUNDAY:lsaw.-Oprn. psa. in Qaeca of All Saints Basil- milleSaint-Saens'Symphony day. 10 n.m. - 6 p.m.) at Days Innlecture and private conssllalions. 0%A 10" CHEESE PIZZA FR 2 BIkS. S. 01 Touhy, Just S. ot Hurls Rd. 55 DAYS INN O'HARE SOUTH No, 3, John Cina, organisL Ad-O'Hare South, 3801 N. Mann- DeLonise is known for hin accu- "C PICK UF or DINE IN ONLY 647-0036 3801N. Mannheim Road CASINO GAMBLING' mission is free. heimRd., SchillenPank. rato 'world and national- psrzdic The fair will fealure Atnerica's Open Loeuh n Glosar Moe-Ri. Schiller Park, IllinoiS lions. Hehasmadeamazing stock Diener 0siy Sat., KWELL-KNOWN PSYCHICS WIN at An Caninoboos best-known psychic The Niles' Concert Choir and Irenemarket predictions. His predic- l . ..DAILY SPECIALS Smeuh 5 Dinner Sunday Staoiog ...nopovially NOT FO DiWRV Blavlsjavk and CrapS. NiIm Symphony are associatedHnghes: nationally-known psy-lions have been pablished on the . IRENEHUGHES - with the Fine At-tn Department ofchic, Joseph DeLouise; meto-flout pagea of The Wail Street. JOSEPHDeLOUtSE .4 ONE 3-hat, ruons inn is Nibs College and present severalphysical historian of gemstones,Jonmnl. He is a regalar guest on oil Ye need...only S5OI majorchoralandorcheslral Marlena, The Rock Lady; psy- popularmadioandTV shows. . WE DELIVER.J - MARLENASNEW AGE (For Wnch and Dinner) STONES&CRYSTALS ACTUAL HANDS-ON PLAY WITH works daring the year on campas chic radio personality, Clwen'Pip- MasIena, The Rock Lady will. VEGAS - LIKE EQUIPMENT. and in charches of the Chicago piS;and top psychic consnitant . RECEIVE $1 OFF present her beautiful display of Sio Cieire Dieqernr ON i CONSULTATION noginnnrs and Eoperievred playors area. The alt-professional sym- Melody Joy with lectures and pri-gemstones, which inclndes astro- 4( Will beneSt Irom our kvswledno. phony inctades members of the vate consultations. logical-bittbstones;new age WITH THIS AD. Chicago Symphony and Lyric The premien guest atleaction 4c 885-1177 CASINO STRATEGIES. INC. stoues and ctystals, with saclt 470-8800 Opera Orchestra. The chon haswill be Irene Hnghcs, one of the popalar gemstones as lapis, tiger' ***********(708) 205-1811 performed in Earope and at Or- most popnlar psychic spokesper- eyemalachite, jade nod ame- chestra Hal! where, together withsons in America. Hughes is ne- thysl, pias gemstones reeom- the Chicago Symphony, it haslanowledged as the foremost as- mended by the lato Edgar Cayce. . . presented several Chicago pro-Ira-psychic and mediom of the Marlena will give lectures on the miUres, including Benjamin Bnl-day. Professional astrologer, par- meanings and legends of gem- "Moo,. Moo!" RESERVATIONS REQUESTED tens 'War Reqsicm" and Bern-apsychologist, researcher in the stones. **** 11:00 AI'1-5:30 PM stein's "ChicheslenFualms." paranormal, còlnmnist, anthor, Also appearing will be Gwen testaren and jonenalist. She has Pippin, who has a weekly psychic CHICAGO DAILY MOOS DINNER INCLUDES: WHITE EASTER SOUP IZUREKI, HOMEMADE BAKED won 15 awards in journalism and radio call-in show' on WFXW- Beau Vine HAM, ROAST PORK LOIN, SMOKED & FRESH POLISH SAUSAGE, BEET . Andres Jacob has columns in many magasines 1480 AM, Geneva, Ill. and Melo- HORSERADISH, PISANKI, FRESH HOMEMADE ROUND RYE, BUTTER nod newspapers in 'various arena dy Joy, one of the most popular LAMB, HOMEMADE BABKA S MAZUREK, AS WELL AS BIGO5, PIEROGI, ' Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class of the coanley. young psychics. "Glub, Glub!!' ' FRESH VEGETABLES, POTATO A COFFEE O TEA Andres Jacob, son of Mr. and Haghes has appeared on many The Psychic Encounter Fair is national and international televi- .*** Mrs. A. Jacob of 8835 N. Oak sponsored by J & M'Enterpnises, . Park, Morton Grove, recently re- sion and radio shows here and in a non-profit orgaulzatian, pee- CHICAGO SEAFOOD REVIEW Canada, Earope and Greece and sentieg these special psychic en- ported for duty aboard the goided , missile destroyer 1355 Barney, appearedon ABC's That's Incred- counter fairs for the enlighten- Redd Fisch homcporied inNorfolk, VA. ible. Hughes will be available for meut, edacation & entertainment Great comssienls like'Ihis are not uncommon from even the' of interested individuals. There harshesl of reslanranl ciVics al Cory's Char House, specializing PER PERSON will be. n nominal admission fee in char-Willed sleaks, chops, and nllra-fresh seafood. PLUS TAX MORTON GROVE THEATRE which includes the leclnres. The private consultations areas entra . Char-grilled Salmon with Grilled Filet' Mignon - 7300 DEIV1PSTER (708) 967-6010 Autolocut wakes sure every shot charge. For details,call (758) mustard glaze . T-Bono, Porlerhonse $9490 it shorp 885-t 177. "AII-Yon-Can-EaI" N.Y. Strip & Bslt Sleak . Filer hOrydI:vO:5 SoIlynvtorryntiv load. odvorce avd rewind HELD OVER STEEL MAGNOLIAS Crab Legs 8 on. lo 24 oz. - BollI-in ovtsrnatie Ilote Sally Field Sat. & Sun.: 1:00, 3:15, Children's theater B.B.Q. Baby Back Ribs Char Grilled Shrimp wilh .: 'SMOKED BUTTS Caflon - Lightweight, vser.Irierdly desigr 5:30. 7:45, 10:00 & Chicken sesnme/soy mace . ROUNDBREADS . Ivoludes Conon U.S.A., Inc., one.year Weekdays: 5:30, 1:45. 10:00 holds auditions BUTTER LAMBS snappyAF limited worrorrtylreglstkot:ov cord UpstngrfDownstage Cbil- "POLISH HORSERADISH J'IELD OVER TANGO & CASH" then's Theater, 441 t Onkton SL, Serving dinner nighily is our "Weslorn Slyle" Chor Honse Din- n ins Room. Corkloils is our anthenlic English Pab and Lounge. BOCZEK So odvanced...it's a lot of Canon for a little money. Sylvester Stallone Sat. & Sun. only: 6:00. 7:55, 9:50 Skokie, will hold auditions for nKAeANOSY young people ages 10 to 18 from , 'THE LITTLE MERMAID" ROUND POLISH SAUSAGE . QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING PASSPORT PHOTOS with 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Taesday, CORYs . . EXPERT REPAIRS VIDEO TRANSFER Sat.. & Sun.: 12:45, 2:25, 4:05 . Wait Dinneys Weekdays: 5:45 'April 3. 6247 N. Milwaukee Av. Cast members will be selected OPEN STARTS FRI. '"MADHOUSE PG-13 for thu cast of Many Moons by CHAR Center Camera Co. Sat. & Sun.: 2:15. 5:50, 9:25 I James Thurber (prodnction dates HOLYTHUR5DAYSAM-g PM MAR. 30th Weekdays: 5:50, 9:25 are Juno l-10). \ GOODFRIDAYil AM - S PM Golf Glen Mart Kirolie Alley . HOLY SATURDAY O AM - S PM ROGER & ME U A feo of$40 forthone cast will and cover coso of costumes, make- 9001 N. Waukegan Road (At Dempster) 9020 W. Golf Rd. Sat. & Sun.: 4:00. 7:35 - Weekdays: 7:35 up, scripts, and professional in- Morton Grove. IL Nues, IL (708) 827-1976 sltaclton. Adult volunteers are Reservations and Parties call (708) 967-7880 ALL MAJOR BANK CARDS ACCEPTED ALL SEATS $1.50 FOR ALL SHOWS ,-weieomn.tas belp...with costumes. aud sceuery. it' «:¿ç;rrçç:':: ' , . , 1iIlJIIjq!E, THURSDAY, MARCH 29 6990


.. -' YourAdAppears '-p . ''SE THE B'''1,zJ'lI E -III, In The Following Editions OIR students . . ;m,tsns::;;;1:::AHwEl Cousteau to speak: Blues and Jazz pianist Classifieds : in Science ms,-can.ss ncIst MORTONGROVEBUGLE SKOKIE/LINCOLNWOOD at Northeastern performs at Qakton Olympics 966-3900 HdBa00555tm5 BUGLE runSotawuee Junior High students at Our S PARK RIDGEIDESPLAINES BUGLE Jean-Michel Cousteau, a 5OO N. SL Louis Ave., il Chica- Calhohc go. Admission is free. Lndy ofRansom s GOLF-MILL/EASTMAINE BUGLE foundingdirectorofthe Cousteau School,Nifes,pIscedfOttEth0Ve Society und sou of explorer and Couslenus lectoreisspun- sorcdbyNortheastoeasCOmmnt all at the Illinoit Regional Set- environmentalist Jacques Cou- eure Olympiad held atBuffalo steau, will discuss "Rediscovery er Center ActivitiesBoard. Por additionnl information call (312) GroneHighchool onMarch3. efthe World" Tuesday. April 3 at Je'nnifer Sass, Michaul Remij- 7:30 p.m. at the Northeastern lili- 583-4050,ext- 3868. (all of UniversityAuditorium, an, Kathryn Kazmierskt fois Park Ridge) and William Glinka (Des Plalnes) received a Gold . Registration for Medal in the Pentatblonc event, Kenneth Mrlendy (Park Ridge) AIR CONDITIONING CARPET SALES EXCAVATING MONNACEP spring courses won the Gold Medal in'Periodic RIITJG Table."Silver Medal wietners Regislratiou hours have beenlowing high schools: Wednes- $10 OFF WITH THIS AD KITCHENCABINETS . . PAUL ENTERPRISES wereStephenKopec(Park All PlumbIng, Hssttng & AfCWnsk expanded os Oakton Community day, April 4, in tIre auditorium ExpertlyRestored - BERNICES . Room Addition Excavoting Ridge) for "Aerodynamics" and -R.sldomt.I/ Cnosrss.rd.t/ Iodn.t,t.I by rateislring NEW YORK College MONNACEJ' adds eve- lobby at Niles North (9800 Lawl- TntI.tslnk a:.on.t R.p.Io. nr by lorrrinaïvg : MAID . Hauling BobcotService Marlene (laliciR Beata Ostrega furnrica nutu0015690 rObinets. : ÇARPET WORLD ning and Saturdayrogistratiou forer, Skokie) ned in Nro. A1O2A at (both ofNilns) and Kathryn Kan- ERVI E Pulvedned Top Soil spriegcontinuing educalionMaine Wmt (1755 5. Wolf, Des 'nnFr.otim.t..,C.ttr JerryLanning AMERICA'S LARGEST ldayolweek mieraki (ParkRidgé) for "Picture A W 59055 I receses which begin the weak ofPlnines); Thursday, April 5, in the (708) 307-0007 (708)634-4728 CARPET RETAILER Insured Nuco This." Bmnzn Meulai winnrrt DADS Plumbing & HVAC yonr April16. Sooth Lobby nl Nilcs West (Oak- wereWilIiamGlinlca(Des SHOP AT HOME tronoportotion, qoipnsont Saturdsy registration will be ton and Edens Expressway, 5ko- (708)823.5762 .Plaioes) for "Astronomy" and - I Call : &suppli.., accepted from 9 am. to noon onkin) and Em. 149 at Maine East Asetoalnn Meceli (Niles) for "Ao- ALUMINUM ' ' . r 967 1150 . Salurday, April 7, at Oakton's (Pottor Rd. at Dempster St., Park tr000my" and "Metric Estima- SIDING waeabdorn '..i HANDYMAN compunto in Des Plaines (Rm.Ridge); and Thursday, April 12, coo. 1411, 1600E. GolfRd.) and Sko-at the Glenbrook District Office Stacietedler(ParkRidge) ram- 6982342 trie (Rm. 160, 7701 N. Lincoln (1835 Lnndwehr Rd., Glenview) poled in "Rocks andFossilo;" SIe- . RICH Ave.). and atMnine South (1111 S. Dee phco Lang (Park Ridge) computi . Aluminum & Vinyl Siding Evening registration is open THE HANDYMAN Rd., Park Ridge). ed in "Hot House" and . Windows, Doors, Repairs . '. from 5 to 7 p.m. ou Tuesdays and For regintradon information, 4, -Building Muinfenanse "Mousetrap Vehicles;" and Mary FreeEstim.tes Insurod . Wednesdays from April 3 to25 at Erwin Helfer, accomplished Chicago blues andjazz pianist, ..aweo call the MONNACEP Office at Peter (Des Plaines) competed in NORWOOD SIDING CO. VAUJABLECOUPON Skokie; and 7 to 9 p.m. at the fol- 982-9888. will present a lecture/concert al7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 5, al 'Science Bowl," Alto ou the CARPET-LAYING CLEANING DISCOUNT Arle Center, 1600 E. 631-1555 Repino,Rostrutuhing. Pridewjtshew Okuton CommunityCollege, Performing teamwereJasonCampbell l jy whenyaa ann sou the Iloishadjeb. $5.00 OFF GdOO Oolfflds.,Des Plaines. (Riles) and Kessar Nachat and 'P 0' QUATRO EUROPEANSTYLE HelferlearnedgeneratiOrtsofjazzandblues styles and classi- New Stainmaster Carpet CLEANINGSERVICE IN5VRED REA500AILE RATEE DON'T MISS THIS! Root Belmont (both of Des FREE ESTIMATES cal music and piano techniques from thegreat piano and jazz Plaines). ,eaa -'.9n' CALL DICK 965-8114 andNew Orleans. Born and raised in Hyde . Three students now advance to COJ1ON maslersinChicago AtnosinsssSiding -,io Wo'8 ofBaby Dodds,the first duro- Ihn otale competition, to be held 4a 253-2645 Way You've Atwnys Wanted Btinga GROCERY SACK ofNON-PERISHABLE foods to the Park,hehung aroundi.iith the likes Sofli-Fomi. 283-4322 merinLouisArmstrong's HotFive;ragtimepianist GloverComp- Saturday, March 31 at Illinois SeomlosoGuttorn . LANDSCAPING State Uninersity, Normal, Their WithÊt,lnnoapoe-Eupinuni3oioo - COGNATO DIAGNOSTIC CENTER across from Ion; and Estella 'Mama Vancey,withwhom Helfer madehis Sturm Windows, Dann L : n Cnnpns PrCsslnss,n .coach añd science teacher is Mrs. Roptnooss,ontwindnws DuouNaSApplyTu caress Coata,s,ns mid '505.Hismentors includedthelate - theLeaning Tower YMCA "on Touhy as a donation to the professionaldebutin the Knthleen Cochrasee, I will - G & S LANDSCAPING Lithe Brother Montgomery, Blind John Davis andSunnyland 775-5757 . . . , Comnsercial & Residential CONSTANCE MORRIS HOUSEfor Victims of . Slim. He has appearedin concertwith suchbluespiano legends Dist.219 Address orPersonaljze CUSTOM TABLE Slsnobs,eor. Domestic Violence endyou wilfreceive at'NO-CHARGE'a ::td asJimmy WalkerandjohflflYWigMoose.' committee :. BLACKTOP Yourinvitaljonn, Etc.; PADS HEALTH SCREENthat includes: Although inhis '505,Helferhas the enthusiasmand curiosity JOF,VSWER ofayoung musician andan unblemishedjoy formusic.His latest Call 966-4567 Custom Table Pads nf tOO oh,abn.sow- record, 'Chicago Piano, displays his considerable rangewith slates meeting Oakton &Milwaukee, The CommunityRelätiont MR.ASPHALT . . NUes .LUNG FUNCTION EXAMINATION Iradilionalblues andjazz laced with romping boogie-woogie eel- Pnd Co, Committee of Niles Townohip PAVING CO. . . QuwuadFrau outimoton . COMPUTERIZED HEALTH PROFILE ebralions andsophisticatedmaterial. High School District 219 will 'Our Name Says lt All' 696-0889 17o8l 676-0446 Admission lo the lecture/concert is free. For information,call You, Noighbonhand Sowor Man Pod fully guaranteed, 3434886 834-410 meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. . Diieowoya. Parking Arnas s BLOOD PRESSURE DETERMINATION (708) 635-t900. April4 in thnboarttroom of Niles We'll measure in your home, .SnotCoating . Rosarfsoirsg All Kinds Of Corpentry Work East High School, 7701 Lincoln -. NowCos.trantien.Pateh,ng No charge. s REPORT OF YOUR TEST RESULTS .ROOFS.PORCJOES.SIDING 80gbPnblinatteon rosnrva tho EMERALD LANDSCAPE Ave., Skokie, FnoaEtoimotoo .DECKS .ADISITIONS right to nlsssify oIt advsrtisn. CONTRACTOR SiB Geography whnr F LEGAL NOTICE Por information,call673- I o d G td Wib Id mt Wklyrot Bee winner ensilo HEAOINS NOTICE 6922.ext.542l, fur saetar S, t,znos , drt mt dsnd DECKSC dosg& "Take advantage of this NO-COST Health Screen and - VILLAGE OF MOflTON ononr I08i 446-9300 CALte abjonttnonhto inst.11stian.Spr,ngnloan-ap Alex moves one step closer to : SEWER 5Y5TEM Prnfomiuoatly instoltod p.uing help Yourself and the Victims of Domestic Violencet" EneloaTlos sannEn I LEGAL NOTICE I 1312) 763-3651 , brick.. Fr00 00t,motou, winning $25,000 college scholar- PLEASE TARE NOTICE - THE CABINET ship from National Geographic ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW (708)69-3O27 CEMENT WOR K Pork Ridge, IL lina)566-5222 a pubfls hnorir,unIIIbu held to MORTON DROVE PLAN COM- REFACERS STYS Society in National Geography upublio hua,- Examination Conducted Friday and SaturdayAPRIL 6 & 7 ob tainci linoninput unpsientiol MI55ION will hold CONCRETE HOME GILBERT Bee. vosotive impaots tu keyanuae et irs onMonday. AprilI6,t 9Vt . CARPET Alex Lee, an 8th grade student the nnvi,enmont ne o rnsult st im-- at7:Stp.m. inIhnnoard -of KITCHEN CABINET IMPROVEMENTS LANDSCAPING at SiB., won the school's grog- pinmsfltuIiOn et thn souet systurn Tnust000 Chomboro, RichsrdT. CLEANING LAaraud000ndsd FOEEEOTIOO5EO Interior Sr Exterior Complote Lewn Service rnphy bee on February 3 and a Eoaiuution sutuey. Flioiiingsn Mucsipal Cuiter, (312) 6t et Copuirno Aennue, Morton Rotosa withnowdnn!nod draw- ' TOUCH OF BEAUTY G & L . Carpentry . DryWall Tnm?h;.1OO. Call Nnw lorYonrAppointmenl: 631.6161 chanceata $23,000 college The sewer systom Esoluatiun sutsey l55E5 loentai ns the nno- 0,050,lllinsioto oonoidei the or fronto in formten or wand and CARPET CLEANING CONTRACTORS . TuTe . Decorating scholarship.Theschool-level nano 00er tuní of now nsbinat POWER RAKING s ommended rehubilitution planten 511am 000SOS: Foil .rok. ea,p.O ntounteg .pmiul. Drivewoys . Patios Wooden Decks bee, at which students answered sompiianon with Cioun Wainn Act cunrPC00-4 mt Frououtlee..t SPRING SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE d nrnl qnmtions on geography, was man detesun den thu cIleni lConrinund mom March rn.rssnl A:i b to d C t :: t0:n,.s Foundations Steps Replacement Back Porch VILLAGE OFMORTON GROVE thofirstronnd in thesecond anna- intiitratisflConneotin e actien Plan Ruqsootinspublic nusiesof 000 Miiw.ak.. Amna. dlhtDnr COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT Tops ooailobla at funtory.tn.yuo Aggregate Brick paving Under $500 yards -$66,00 alNulional Geography Bee that is IICAPI .Appiisotiontaquinnmnnte ihn amsndad root ut ihn Zovins p daosVisitoot showroom oC ClIns. itiinni. Ordinanonofthe nilla5u ut Mur- yordo - $105,00 BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM being sponsored by National Ge- ten low ininnaet i oanssn der ihlili- a27-aoa7 GUY: . A public hearing will be held to obtain citizen input as the fmal nuis Ensitunmen tal Pnetaction ton Onoto au dirastodbytheVil- 654 N. MILWAUKEE F rtilizor With Wood Kiltnr ographic World, the Societys lune 000ndofTnustoou. soon Sq. Ft. tostattnd step in theapplicalion prepatalionprocoss forthe t990 Community magazine for children, Amtrak, A5enciu IIEPAI Wnter Pollution PROSPECT HEIGHTS 966-7980 CuntnOl Resoisinu Fund program CASEPC 80-10 Foam Carpet $18.50 Por Bog DevelopmentBlockGrantProgram. and Kudos Snack. continuos from (Palwaukoo RenIe Pleno) A\ DiV 2 Beg. for $30.00 The Cook Coonty Community Development Stock Grant Pro- requires publio notiou et putantiul The bee was kicked off the onsinonmenta Iimpacts prior toti- Juncar y ts, 155V1 & Upholstery MIKE NITTI ELECTRICIANS gratn will receive approximately $10,398,000 foeProgram Year nr nail funafrna ostimvio tu ynar week oflanoary 29 in thousands nal SnOs- upproual.Prolustspro- Rnquoutingatoot amendment own homo ooytimo without ob- .4flsfi Cleaning CEMENT CONTRACTOR 1990, and these funds will support projects within the following toOuilding Hoiuhr ivho 0.2 $1450 Par B6 of schools around the United posed ten inclusion under the reo- Ogotino. City-wida/sobuibs. .. . Patin Decks categories: emrnendndpl anwilluln o bu Zoning District - snctisn t 25C- . Driveways 2 Bog. For $35.00 Stales, District of Columbia und F,n,un,et oonilobt. to qoohfiod Sidewalks CERTIFIED . HousingandResidential . Capital Improvements S011I by deleting 'two o,d ono- Woll Washint fled Other LOW pRlC FREE EITIMATEro five U.S. territories, The school Citiauns end onganivatiuns ars huit etories' und inroniing'thnen boyero. No poymoot for On days. Rnlstud Sonnions Atoilahio Fron Estimetos ELECTRIC CO. Rehabilitation . RealPmpurty Acquisition winner, AteuLee, under the gnid- ¡7081 459-9897 Economic Development Clearance und Demolition multad to Ott endandoummue r on The Cabinet People 7dayserinioe Unnosod Fallyinsoorod Completo Wiring arce ofMrt. Cárolyn Latee, took a the 55ES, tOPAn Pnuliminuti En- Thu applicant inomonAKatz . Commercial Rehabilitation 965.6606 ROOideIedai.COrnm000iOl written test und qualified as one ultenmentul impuotO Daterminotien and Company, Inc., 4535 Wust (708) 520-4920 phone 967.0924 CANTERBURY Projects proposed for inclusion in the Village of Morton Grove of the 100 top scorers in the slate und promote included inha appli- Oaistsn, Okokin, IllinoiS 6O77. CLEARWATER Application willbereviewedatlhis Public Hearing. Projects are el- of Illinois. He and the other 99 cation. Copino et the 55E5 with CASEPC 06-lt PRESTA CONSTRUCTION .Rosondtisa&p.potm. LANDSCAPE igibteonly ifthny provideprinciplé benefit to low and moderate in- thu onsinenmsntalnssnssm ncr will lcontinsed from CementWork students will compute in their Januuny r s, n tosi SERVICE .N5WCn06m5tao. be usuilublu at the urtino ut the Di- . comeperuonsoraid in theeiminalion ofslnms and blight. stotebeeon March 30, BUCLE CLflSSIFIEO r,.. Salm,,,. .60060 loSs,, d Specializinginconcrete .Sorvtnoloetino&lodot.ttan. nooton etCommun itS Doseiopment, Requestingthen000ninget (708) 470-1313 The Morton Grove Community DevelopnientPlauning Commit- HonesSchool stales,porches,,garage Morton Ihn Property, nDS GETR E S ULTS ! Free Estimates Comploto Luodstapo Snnrtioon tee bas beenauthorized to conduct the public hearing ox toen Bullntunsu, trum R-2 uriola floors.driveways.side- Saturday, April21. l990at9:OO am. Montay College Place u ou r od n o w nod Family Resid0000 District to R-3 Your orodit io gond with us. walks. patios. etc. Coisonoto Onions - Waiho - Stoirs in the :i:la0nr gananal Ranidunon Diotrist. WscensptVimcedMmtor 299-3080 faculty concert ':T 966-3900 708-543-4504 A000n 10% di.00ant BoshPao,ng....Vaoudfmcas Board of Trustees Cbatnbers Moutay College Faculty Con- ment, hus bennuu tironlued to sun- T honpplicon t Io Be,na,d Katz RichardT.FlicldngerMunicipalCenler -«-ur,,,c fu,wilo,jtt dust the publiohuaninten and Company, ins., 403t Wool Sv,s,c.a,c. t'------Tuesday, Apnil 24, t StO Oukion, skokiu, hunos 6tt77. 6101 Capulina be held Sunday, Apnl 1, 2 p.m.: Citizens and organizations are invited toatluud and comment on nl p.m. All Irtanantnd pantlosarn lnsif- INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS Masic of tvlany Lands. ltwill be sd to attnnd and be hnnnd. the projects proposed for inclusion in the Village's Application to in ha lourd et Trustanu Chambons held in the College Audntonum Richard T. Fliokleger Leonurd A. Rloomfiald You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office in Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles, Illinois. CookCounty, Coptesofthe Application willbe available for public Muniolpul Center Chuinmun ,: 3750W.PntrrsonAVe.,ChicagO. . Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. inspection in the Morton Grove Ltbrary and the Richard T, Hick- Free parking. ::aI1 539-1919 for GIOlCroullsa Jamos Corp . tugerMunicipalCefllerbegtflningAPtil 23, 1990. botinn E050utiva 000ratnny mQrgtntormatton. ,-"', ,',, -.---,', -'--"' u PA0529 110E BUGLE, THURSDAYMARCH 29,1990

PAGE THEBUGLTVRSDAYMRCU29, Your Ad Appears LE In The Following'Editions USETHEBUGLE Your Ad Appears USE THE BUG In The Following Editions eNILES BUGLE ' MORTON GROVEBUGLE e NILES BUGLE CIa ssifieds i BUGLE Classifieds a MORTON GROVE BUGLE SKOKIE/LINCOLNWOOD 00x5 i PARKRIDGE/DES PLAINESBUGLE s SKOKIE/LiNCOLNWOOD BUGLE ! . GOLF,MILL/EASTMAINE.BU'GLE 966-3900 e PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINES BUGLE 966-3900 e GOLF-MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE ADS. INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED Road, Hiles, IllinoiS. 966-3900 or Come ToOur Office in Person At:8746 N. Shermer You Can PlaceYour Classified Ads by Calling Our Office IS Open -Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5P.M. Deadline for Placing Adsis Tuesday at 2 P.M. Moving Sale,Personals, SituationWant- Pre-Paid In Advance: BusinessOpportunity, For Sale, MiscellaneouS, Certain Ads Must Be Area. . Bugle's Normal Circulation ed, Or If TheAdvertiser Lives Outside Of The MORTGAGES PAINTING SI .5 FULL IPART TIME FULL I PART TIME & DECORATING FULL I PARTTIME FULL I PART TIME FULL I PART TIME Purchnoa. Rofinenc.. DESIGN DECORATING H. MIONSKÓWSKI BOB FARRELL LOOKIII SALES EqitvMortg.g.. .QUALITYPAINTING SpeciBlizing in: CAMP COUNSELORS DEMONSTRATORS NO EXPERIENCE POSITION TUCKPOINTING . ACCOUNTING Acompl.t. In. to n,c.t . EXPERT PAPER HANGING GENERAL CONTRACTOR e VCR HEAD CLEANING Girls resident camp, Wild : NECESSARYI Your On.noin g t.. . Chimeayn Rsp.ir.d OPEN . WOOD FINISHING . PLASTERING All phases of remodeling &Rebuilt a REPAIRS CLERK Rose.Wi.Cook.Unit Part-Time FLEXIBLE HOURS! Pert time. MORTGAGE INVESTORS CORP. growing FoIlS PFT penicians uneil. fer the lop dollar. Full er 1Waoauuum&runacbe and new work. . Lneks Repuired n HOOKUPS IN HOMES Needed far fast Leaders; 21 & older. As- Sth.ontbo,g. L 60173 (708) 967-9733 ennirnflmefltal testing fInit. Golf Mill Mall Messnue Canter uf eut pngiea Oes Plaines YemeheSuzuki i (708)240.5575 FREE ESTIMATES . Waterpreefing n REASONABLE RATES side sistant Unit Leaders. Wa- service. Gned cammenicatien I 1312)463-3158 Cell Ves Best Prices Free Estimates CönVoeiaflt near north ,eqd. 708-298-3325 Referanom Fraa Estlmatas CALL DAVE: experience . terfront Instructors (ALS. Demonstrators are needed shills & typing 4SWPM Aok for CI.odi. location. Some EXCELLENT PAY & BONUSESI n na 16,19.6.Un.nec 792-2097 (312) 774-2479 LGT. WSI); 18 & older. to work in g well known do- the 965-6725 pretested. Call Sue: 312-774.1190 Buglu Publications rasnrvO 1030 Senior ClIloan Dieneost CuII.Debbie st: Call for application & in- partment store three days adxnrtisa- PRECISION or leave METAGRAM AMERICA.'INC. right to ObasniY all ._ (312) 486-2123 terview. per week. The hour.of loe. etcianbedurd eon muets acri to rosipeor rnjnct MOVING PAINTING ROOFING deemed WOODYS TUCKPOINTING To Schedule Interview (708) 251-7301 werk will be approximately CVAO'aam LIna anyadvertisement . RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL &BRICKWORK ova/wI xhjeotlonebla. Complote Decorating ip.m. -7 p.m.,Friday, and NOTICE TO . Gloss bloch windows AUTO TOW MAN and . WALLPAPERING . . Chimneys Houlthccl noon - S p.m.. Saturday CONSUMER LOW COST WALL WASHING Nights cc Deys Peuï groCY . WOOD REFINISHING . Painting Snlary er nemmipaims. Hire R St. Benedict's Home Sunday. Allloo.l manor. moct holi. . FULLY INSURED if ooncod by the Illinois Controoroc ROOFING Free Estimates rennt epattotost sent to lab 6930 W. Tauhy Nibs Candidates must have an Commission. The license nom. FREE ESTIMATES eeadod. Call: ha. openings for: OMNI SUPERSTORE Complete Quality 283-5Ó24 NORTHWEST REDS TOWING outgoing personality and bermust appear in their aciver. TONY Fall Time end PeeR Timo WE'VE GOT MORE Roofing Service » WALL WASHING Gleeniew the ability to relate to pue. Acing. To b. Iio.nmd. the mover More Qaulity, Mere Valuoend Mora Oppoftuci (708) 259-3878 Walls. Ceilings, Wcodworh 17081 724-SOBe . CNA'S ... must h nvein.ur ano. on filo. Do FREE WRITrEN ESTIMATES CORRECTIONS pie. This position offers SI tiosi We hans intmodinteupanings bat: not plaoe your belongings in washed; Carpe tscleane ri. Spa. .LPN's commissions. 966-9222 Each ad is cerefully preef read. oieliaieg in Residential Cleonicg. per hour plus ! OVERNITE STOCK jooperdy. Use i liooneed mover.! bat errers de coeur. If yac find DENTAL eCertified Food For further information call, For inform,tion call: Free Estimates Inscrod FULL TIME 217.782.4654 e. errer ploasn netify us im- ASSISTANT Service Director 9e.m.-4p.m. . mediately. Errare will b. resti- 13121252.4670 13121252-4674 Locking fer teliubloegpetienmd .5 SocIal Worker .CASIUERS PART liME Red by ropublicatien. Sorry, nssistast ter ese ShoVedental . PLASTERING Designee and TOLL FREE: We offer cempotidnunalary und eucollunt bane- hut if an errer cegtinees after cIlio.. Fell tiene includesSMut- Monday thru Friday MOVING? CeilinRn. Patching. Cones thu first pcblieation and we dey. Gwed henafite. PIcanacull: Consultent I 1800) 5410544 bits. Flenne ipply in purse. CALL ADVERTISE Apply in person weekdays from 9AM t. 4PM ut: Cement Bese. Tub Enelonura en not notified befare the 312.236-9581 VAX APPLIANCES, INC. Road 668-4110 Ram-Rpm or call 7501 N. Waukuane i Pleca orTvukload Drymell. Ceremic Tile nuot insertion, the rnsponsibll. E.noopoauAtyEerlxyer (Wuuk.R.n Rd. & OaktenMl ity in ycors. la no event chall YOUR . Nil... IL 00645 Call Rich the liability for the errer ex- MEDICAL (312) 774-1440 -= cued the nest of the space oc. ASSISTANT (708) 818-1972 BUSINESS HoeftflCale copied bythe amer. AtteectinebusyEvanston clinic has created the I pedielrlu nffioe needs ener- Expansion of our reproductive superstOre AnCqusI Oppurtaclftcmplerst PLUMBING getio.experiencedinredioal following PAINTING ossistagt. Full & Part TimeJob Opportunities & DECORATING Business Duties, include greeting pa- . AdmissionsCounselor MIKES daub.answeringphones. C Receptionist PLUMBING SERVICE givingiejeCtiOns.drawing (3:30PM - 8:00 PM) OFFICE Pluvibing ropuiru A roerodolieg. . Part Time Receptionist GENERAL M. HANDWERKER TIMBER Directory blood. peefolming lab tests . MedicAl Assistants Drain A Sewerlinespower and otherpatientroletud PART TIME pressure . Accounts Receivable Painting & Decorating roddod. Low water TREE SERVICE tasks. Huaro lOam-ßpm. Interested rorrected. Typing & PC experience necessary. Rnvidentiul & Commercial Sxmp pumps Free Estimates Some Saturdays. . Cleaning &Maintenance ixxsallod A ooroicod. THE BUGLES aboEtions. candidates should call: Free Estimates Over 30 Yrs. Experianee IMMEDIATE i Clinic providesfull GYN care including 1-(312)338-3748 .Trenu .Bashes Beeicoss Celliucy Apply in Person Mon. thruSot. (708) 965-6350 965-0413 . Shrubs Remosed ucd Trimmed PRINTING Scenico (708) 869-0892 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Or stop in between Sam- 6pm at PLUMBING . 286-3792286-1767 Dirootory is beckoning DIMENSIONS MEDICALCENTER LORES DECORATING AND HEATING 1455 Golf Rd. - Suite108 Des Plaines COMPANY you te: PHAMOR Qaslity Peietisg e AMERICAN TREE C GENERAL $10 0FF WITH THIS AD L 00K AT THE BUGLER . lotoriur. Exterior SERVICE Ln,n. I curer.. » which ÖFFICE All Plumbing, Heutieg & A/C Work 8901 - A Milwaukee Ave.MIes. IL 60648 . Wood Stelniog . DryWall Repeint ...Low Rates... . . FULl. J PART-TIME Free Estiment.Imured Resldentlel/ CommercIali ledastrial Full TIme 9am-5pm Toilet, Sink & Pincel Ropaim TREE TRIMMING ADVERTISE CALL GUS Water Router Servio. A Part. 965-3900 La Salle St. HOME FURNISHINGS STUMP A TREE REMOVAL rernrdu:wstonm: 965-1339 For Free E.tirnutm, Cull: SHRUBS R RUSHES EXPERIENCED . SALES CONSULTANTS SEÇRETARY (708) 307-0007 Gcorantced Wothmsnship IMMEDIATE Dictaphnne. accurate training to join our DADS Plumbing & HVAC CITY & SUBURBS... uFull Sales /Design We aro seeking an individual Rich The Handymen PRINTING CO. typing.public cuntact. Income PU LLY INSURED. receptian. scheduling ap- C Guaranteed DEPARTMENT PAINTING FOR FREE ESTIMATES... MORTON GROVE REAL ESTATE pointmente. Salary open. . . UnlimitedEarnings Potential This position reports to theVice Presi- Interior . Exterior o Call: 540-0328 e ILLINOIS as secretary. Staining and BU6LE CLASSIFIED Call C $2,000.00Plus Comm. to.Start dent es well as otherofficers and prepares corre- for all areas of the Pressure Treeted Pioneering ADS GET RESULTS Tues.. Wed.. or Thurs If you enjoy making newfriends and talking spondence on a word proceSsor FREE ESTIMATES 1pm . 4pm ONLY work close to home at one Reni Estate Department. Rensoenbla Rate. - lesarod Ploce your od flou.' CONTRACT to people. you can -S FRANK J. TURK (312) 782-3121 convenient showroomsincluding 965-8114 966-3900 CARPETS L SONS., INC. of our 18 The succgssful candidatewill possess moderate typ- 8038 Milwaukee Morton Grove. ing skills (45-55 WPM).excellent phone skills and the MIKWAY winning team: abilityto handle multipleduties simultaneouslY. i to 'WE FIX BRICKS" Niles, III. UNEMPLOYED We offer our 2 years previoussecretarial experience necessary. TUCKPOINTING . ALL NAME BRANDS CALL THE ILLINOIS COUNTY .Management opportunities, e ALL TEXTURES . JOBUNE . Profit Sharing ' BRICKWORK If you believe you possessthe above qualifications . CHIMNEYS REPAIRED Pudding and lnsnallutixn . C HealthInsuranCe enailaklo i8M-4884 and would like to beconsidered for the position... AND REBUILT » AIR CONDITIONING Drivers. werehause Hiring: . PaidVaCation please send resume to: . MASONRY Wn quote prices . SHEET METAL help.mechanic..security DiscoUnts .GLß5BLOCK xonr the phono C Employee PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - guard.. ianitnre end general INSTALLATION . HEATING . FlexibleHours » office help Iwill trainI. $15.00 La Salle Bank LakeView . WINDOW CAULKING consideration. call Sara, . BUILDING CLEANING FAIR PRICES phone fee far calling. Open eOQMPAgE-rHcN SEE USI 647-9612 For immediate 3201 N. Ashland ga.ld.etlsl-Ccnnmercial-Iodustrial 24hours. Mon. throughFri. 8:00 am. .5:00 pm. Chicago. IL 60657 Fally lesured . Free Estimate. 692-4176 7136 TOUHY AVE. ' C.tl Year credit lugond wich an. uni_I eppa,IuIdT Empleym MIFIIIIT 965-2146 282-8575 NILESrILL. 60648 wcaece Pt VInaand Master 1 (800)678-2697 SKOKIE Cerdl CallI 960.3900 ' CLASSIFIED ADS INFORMATION 0)1 Shermer Road, Hiles,Illinois. 966-3900 or Come To OurOffice in Person At: 8746N. INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Place YourClassified Adsby Calling . You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office in Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles, Illinois. Our Office Is OperlMonday thru Friday,ARI. CO D i-en. Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.

o.u»».... "-9 pAGE3I - MARCII2O.199° ' THESUGLE. ThURSDAY,

TIIEBTJGLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1995 Your AAppearS - Your Ad Appears USE THEBUGLE In TheFollowing Editions USE THE BUGLE In The Following Editions a NILES BUGLE . NLES BUGLE . MORTONGROVE BUGLE Classi fieds . MORTON GROVE BUGLE CIa ssifieds a SKOKIE/LINCOLNW000BUGLE . SKOKIE/LINCOLNWOODBUGLE o PARKRIDGE/DES PLAINESBUGLE o PARK RIDGE/DES PLAINESBUGLE . GOLFMILUEASTMAINE BUGLE 966-3900 . GOLF-MILUEAST MAINEBUGLE 966-3900 - INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIEDADS N. Shermer Road,Nues, Illinois. INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS 966-3900 or Come To OurOffice in Person At: 8746 Niles, Illinois. You Can Place YourClassified Ads by Calling You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office in Person At: 8746 N. Shermer Road, - Our Office Is Open -Monday thru Friday, 9A.M. to 5 P.M. Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. - Deadline for PlaCing Adsis Tuesday at 2 P.M. Moving Sale,Personals, SituationWant- Deadline for Placing Ads is Tuesday at 2 P.M. BúsineSs Opportunity,For Sale, Miscellaneous, Situation Want- Certain Ads Mtist BePre-Paid In Advance: Certain Ads Must Be Pre-Paid In Advance: Business Opportunity, For Sale, Miscellaneous, Moving Sale, Personals, Lives Outside OfThe Bugle's NormalCi!culatiOn Area. ed, Or If The Advertiser Lives Outside Of The Bugle's Normal Circulation Area. ed, Or If The Advertiser FULL I PART TIME FULL I PART TIME FULL I PART TIMEFULL I PART TIME FULL I PART TIME ,REAL THECLASSIFIEDS PART TIME ESTATE CUSTOMER SERVICE Interesting Work HELP WANTED GENERAL OFFICE - WEIGHT LOSS Tired Of The Airline Jebe - Pull time. Ecc. RECEPTIONIST! ANTIQUES PERSONALS I WANTED TO BUY Same Old Grind? Mature Person to work Pay and benefits, most will Insurance Service Firm beat- COMPUTER Looking for energetic. articulate part time 2daysa train. Cull 108-823-9090 ecl in Des Plaines is looking OPERATOR APTS. FOR RENT OVER I MILLION self-starters who want to occol week.Thursdayand Genorel Office Werk - No ex- for an individuel with one or Half deys, Motday to Friday. WANTED office Price ectcptict and competer - LBS. LOST with a progretnico fast paco penance fl000ssuly. Pull time more years coped- OLD ORIENTAL JORIE WURLITZERS nct-cntokin9 TRAVEL orgonieo. Sunday at our small ence. Must type 40 wpm. work helpful. aelary cowmeeso- Loca evwonted weight qoiobly, tien. Wo provide: sales inNiles. Eux. pay. Cell 708-823-9050 rote with ecprrievce. Located RUGS JUKE BOXES eily end nafely. Under Drc. ce- office W_P_ e picas. Flexible daytime I Bdrm. Apt. Greatlocation. ALSO . Lucrative Truvol sonoras Hourly rate plus com- Wuroheuse Work - Pta11 time. for North side. near Litcoin- Wotee in- Wanted any size ICONGRATUUTlONS parsicioe.Cell: . Cowpooy Paid Training wood Newly decorated. SLOT MACHINES Neexperiencenecessary. court- ON YOUR Any CeodiriOO . Good Fringo BonoCts mission. Must be out- Please Call Between CALL GEORGE ciudad. View of acre or condition.Call: I (708) 991-8000 suc. pay. Call 708-a23-9090 9 ann. and 4 pm. yerd. Private entance.Rent (lOa) 9BS-2742 . Incentivo 5 Bonus Plan. going or have sales ex- BAT MiTZVAH 5__ - fully (312} 286-1888 I 8OO-322-567O . Spanioh A Pio. perience. Reneevatienist Will (708) 391-6122 $450- TrU classified I . Travel Cectilicata Helpful Bat train.Pleasant porsenality, Malibu Apartmente Not Netonco SECURITY GUARDS - L3-30-90 Yoer credit i. good with as. Maryhill Memorials start right away. Call 708- (708) 391-6124 708-658-8463 BUSINESS Cull today! . Near Woodlield Shopping Mall a23-9090 FULL TIME W aaceO Pt Vina and Mentor Ask for Norma 0PPORrUNITIES Cerdb Cell: 066-3500 966-3900 Cell Patrick O'Connor at 708-966-9003 ConstructionWork-All Must be 21 or older end will. (708) 240-7800 phases.Immediat.open- Your credit is good with ing to trovai botween Oak , :1 Br. Apt. Por Rent. HAPPY 21ST legs. eux. pay. Call 708-823- us we accept visa and Break and Bchaumburg Adults ettly. Call efterB pm. BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN master card ! Call: arCan. Benefit. included. BIRTHDAY - - - Find the help that 9090 775-6225 IN STOCKTON t; Y once's dit i. gcod with es. FactoryiAsoembly work - No 966-3900 Uniforms furnished. CALIFORNIA MARC And Place We uconpt Vioc und Muster OU need in our - eeperiertcemecesnaryrgood Cell Mr. West FOR SALE BY OWNER Corne In Cord! Cell: 96G-3900 classified section. pey. fell time. Call 108-823- CONDOS . Zonadcommnreial/rosideetiai (708) 572-0801 . Oil & gen rightsincluded 9090 WAITRESSES FOR SALE . Roceotig renovatedwlwnny No' an employment agency JI Sale new heme improvemnoto Stuoia T.,,.0Jt-I1iJ - Your Garage edvence fee required FuIlor Pail Time LICENSED bnsinenoihentn HAIR STYLISTS con- . Great buy foe ::' -Dowfl,n THE JOB LIBRARY Gell Mill ateo . i hedreent Experienced. dependa- Full & Part Time dc otean neo to opprociste.By Por iuthar datsun celi214-354. 257-0265. hen expanded & llooking for: ble waitresses can earn Paid holidays. vacations. bono- omeer . $40,500. 110x1 2177 or write no uwnar atP.O. AdToday! fits. iosuronce & comwionion. Roo 25300, Oalla.TX15225.soll- QUIT SMOKING e HOSTSi. HOSTESSES . HOTEL FRONT DEsK CLERKS up to $100 per day. Call Kathleen its prien 5105.1100 nr beet offer. - e FOOD SERVERS ° COAT CHECK . SWITCHROARD/ - - - (708) 9665550 GOVERNMENTH0MES RESERVATIONISTS MAXWELL'S - - Súpsreute - Nil.. - YES YOU CANI o COCKTAIL WAITRESSES . WAITSTAFF from SI lU repaid.Dalieqoent RESTAURANT j EAR BUSINESS - Dcy end Night Ponitionn. Enperionco preferred but will RoponsOnsiOOs. Quit smoking today in1- 4 flamaS Hotel Fell Own rodtien. PAINTER too property. 0PPORTUNlT' Treatment - Pick Up Your trum the right people. accu. Apply In panca Moe..Frl.. 9.5. 6415 W. Dempster, Call i 1/2 hours. - ALaoAuEa's Morton Grove. Illinois OR - WISCONSIN ander Drs. supervision. APPLY IN PERSON AFTER 2 P.M. 2095 N. Milwuekau I (805) Gal-6000- JUST NORTH OFJANESVILLE Nc,thbrook. IL 50062 APPRENTICE Ext. OH-2010 Call: DOC WEED'S 966-1130 Indoor . Outdoor Work Airpert. answitod potentiul. ap- FREE fer current ropa list paco. 54 acree,with eporating (708) 991-8000 8832 W. DEMPSTER 299-6600 Some Carpentry Helpful itOenconeqeipwevt. Across frow Lothoran General Hospitol) and Also inoledas medoro3 bed- GarageSaieSigns - 312-736-1746 within recrea- VACAIION room ranch heme USEDCARS - industrial eren. tiensl and futuro Appearing in -3 lInen $6.50 - RENTAL heol system. -ever 30- POSTAL JOBS Goad each additional lina $1.50 ynara in eperatiovNegotiable - Ford '77 T-Bird 351 oli S editions SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Start $11.41/heir. - and a eItert drive from Chiroge. V8, A/C, Power. AM/FM Cuss, For exam and application Asking prisa $550,600 Coil - PART TIME I I . Bluh, Blab. Blab. Blab FLORIDA RENTAL Croise. 610005/O ÏEWSPAPERS $9.00 to $10.00 Per Hour to Start information call: - Dorothyllu0000k, Keefe Realty 705.967-4720 Doyx THE BUGLE I Blab. Blab. Blob. Blab (219) 769-6649 ext 11174 BOCA WEST 509-756-4156 O 600-756-0239. - Niles Experienced bus drivers may earn 51080 per hour TIRED OF ALL THE HIRING HYPE? - Megnificeetly dcccratedcondo 8746 N. Shermer - 8am-Spm 7 days nroacd apt cc geli o cease , wrap 1995 Deleoe Pontien Firebird. Iafterao days. Welcome Heme to Mario Cnllonders w/d. For rott an- (708) 966-3900 . Fully automatic. 71 passenger busses Just Step in to cheek us out, we know yeull like whet you see Notice se reate d patio, CALLIGRAPHY Ecoellent oenditiet. Low miles. Paid Troining . RegelerRuinen Regla Nowapuparn snare., th. flou 935 566-0225 . I î I . Monthly Bonuses . Guarunteed minimum right at any timo to nasally all HIRING SERVERS and advertisements and to remet I I any adeartining doastod abbe- MINI HOSTS I HOSTESSES - BUS DRIVERS ticonbb.. We cannot b. r.apenai- Equal Housing i will: WAYS TO ADVERTISEIN bio for vorbeI ntatOmonto in sen- I FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Full or Part Time, Days or Nights Opportunities I. - Bist with cae policia.. All Help Ilsncia Con- Address or Personalize THE BUGLEBARGAIN BARN Sl-SG per hr. Perk your vehicle end stert route from 222 E. Algonquin Read Wonted ad. stunt .psx8ytho na- Federal low and cha I Sturt et di.cniminnticn YOUOCHOICE - stitotion prohibit - lJtast East of Arlington Hts. Reed) tern nf th. work aPerad. Bugle home. - - religiont. Your Invitations, Etc.; - Arlington Heights. IL boned on rucó. cele,, 4 CALL US TODAY!! Nawnpapero does net knowing- notiocul origin. $00,hendicap ce TheBugle BargainBarn, If aept Help Wanted .deartia- rentai I ' EVERYDAY. SAM te 5PM ing that io any way violateo the fuocilel atatos in the nula, Call 966-4567 Illinois 60648 Roman Sight. Axt. For forthar er Enactingof kenning. Busle 8746 N. ShermerRoad, Niles, SEPTRAN INC. (708) 437-8885 Nownpnpam do notknowingly $lc.Q? information contact tice Dopart. adsortii5g which i. ia Pvc_PAID accopt POE-PAID - FOR3WEEKSADVETISINc 392-1668 west cf Homes Rightu. 32 W. MISCELLANEOUS % PLAN 3 .1 Rasdeiph St.. chicago. IL 793- niolntiofl oftbu low PLAN FO51WEEKATISel I. FORSALE - 5490. POE-PAID 021.66 PRE-PAD cil_00 FoocwEEKsAovcRT1S:50 CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS 3e" Marble top mmdtable. FOv2WEEKTISIMG PLAN 4 DRIVER TYPIST Each cd is onrcfelly proof read. 90.' SolO. S pieced,nette set. PLAN 2 Eech ed is corofully proof road, Pod hot errors de 000ur. If you Soft bed. - i: Part Time bot errors do occur. If ytu tied . EACH ADD,TIONAL LINE 51.50PER WEEK - Bugle Newspapers on orrarplease notify us im- 17001 567-7514- experience helpful, an error please notify us im- wadiotnly. Errors will ho reati- ADS INCLUDE: Computer butnot modiatoly. Errces will bo reell. Mail adisl togethor withrewitTHE BUGLEBARGAIN BARNS I tied by rcpultlicetioo.Sorry, Bargain Barn. : Seeks Man To Do Light Deliveries necessary. fiad by ropoblicetiot. Sorry, Drem set. Nome b,acd. 5 po. + ronce to Tho Begin PERSONALS but if av arror continuesafter cymbula S hordwera. Worth Sorry no pre.puid ads willbe ac AUTOMOBILES but il on error contitoas after the first poirlicatiannod wo 520.3155. PETS I Work 3 to 5 Days Per Week. the first poblioetioo und rna $760. New $385. cepted by telephoee. Sorry. en POR SALE SITUATION WANTED For 4 Hours Per Week - ere notontiliad hoforo Oho brought GARAGE SALES ero not totifiod before the refunds. Ads way also be SPORTING GOODS BUGLE nest ivscrtjae the rospovsibil Sherwor HOME FURNISHINGS tnxt itsertioe_ the osponsibil- shall into the officc at 8746 N. SWAPS 8- TRADES I Call it? In yours. In no ove-lt 1510+105 . Must Sell Road, Nibs. Illinois 6064$. MISCELLANEOUS II NEWSPAPERS ity is ynorn. lt to nvovt shell tloo liubility ter the orror on- Lowaey Mnyie Genie 44 Otgto the liability for the error co- toed the cost el tho space ev- w/beoch $605.05 (lOBI 966-3900 oecd ihn tosO of tho space oc- lito) 524-0525 - 966-3900 copiad by the errer. 966-3900 cllpied by the orror. ON CLASSIFIEDADS 8746 N. Shermer Road,Nues, Illinois. 966-3900 or Come ToOurOftiCe in Person At: INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS You Can PlaceYour ClassifiedAds by Calling Our Office in Person At: 8746.N. Shermer Road, Nibs, Illinois. A.M. to5 P.M. You Can Place Your Classified Ads by Calling 966-3900 or Come To Our Office Is Open -Monday thru Friday, 9 Our Office Is Open - Monday thru Friday, 9 AM. to 5 P.M. IINFORMATION 29,-i990 .PÁ'òE-3

TatEnUGLE,THUR5OAY,MARCH 29, 1990 C enSuSu.. Mu1ligan.. Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page i would speak for the Pullen camp. "very interestingelection." From the £* Ikiitd Nues: 'The statement further in- Forherpart,Multigan felt eon- Terry Cmgrove,spokesman Coittlonid from Page 1 dicnted "A separato identifica- fidentofhcrviclory and could see for Personal PAC, apro-chotee tioa number will match each no need for a recount. SIsesaid group, confirmed his groupcou- fine students and model ciii- Demecrals might consider questionnaire to the village of "It's u good presumption the elec- isibuted over $25,000 inprofes- zens you dont read about choosing a guy like Blase Niles. Regardless of the city on Irin totals will hold up; there's no sional services and funda loatti them. But if one goes astray. from thesuburbs, who is the address label, you will be pointin going overit. Mulligan's election camaigt5. his/her name will be embla- while, ami perhaps choose a counted in the village of NiIes. The election was perceived as Noting District 55 isoneof10- zoned in black and white if black man from the city. They According to the directive, a baIlle between ananti-abortion l2disleicliin the state considered theymaketheReport She em- couldact - asco-chairmen this will aso hold true for the stance, as represented by Pallen, selidlyRepublican.Cougrove phasizesthe unfairneusof which might resolve many Nues area west of Greenwood and a pro-choice position, as ad- said theyenpect Mulligan lowin suchapraclice. problems within the party. But Avenue which was identified as vocuted by Mulligan. But Muli- against her Democratic opponent as Blase reminded us,the ties Plaines. gun insists abortion was nottheRoberlMocci. Well always have the di- Cook County Democrats have Niles Mayor Nicholas Blaueonly campaign issue and pointed Mulligan's Democratic open- and lemma of whentoprint a $400,fBO debt which must was miffed over the mishap to other topics addressed such asnent in Park RidgealtorneyRob- names. mut pldnewsie heart be taken care of. And Blase said he would writo every mem- flooding and laxes. She suggest- met Mucci who has workedwith cali be as hard us it can be implied that is one of tise rea- ber of the House congressionaled voters needed lo be informedthe Puhlic Defender's officefor black. But somewhere along sous why so many of the top committee dealing with the sub- os Pullen's voting record, notingthe past five-and-a-half years- the way it's become tempered. Democrats, including Blase, jecl, pointing out "the horren-Pallen voted against drag abupc Mucci declined to single out And we think The Bugle and have hesitated seeking the top duns problem of zip codes." He education in elementary schools abortion as an issue-in the No- the readers it serves are belier post. emphasizedWe're a separate foratleastthreeyears. vembercampaign.Hesaid for thispolicy ofcompmmiue. community and should have a Mulligan defended Ilse beip "There are many, many more is- separare zip code." given her by pro-choice groups. suessuch as properly taxes and Nues and other area commu- assertingPullen received twice as how they're being spelt; flood- - A Nilcuite, Lorraine Bin- FirstNational Bask of nudes aie sieging theircitizens to muchinfundefromultra- ing. education and the environ- lawski, was upset at the Cm- Nitra' Chuck Barbaglia and cooperate with the nation't 1990conservative Republican groups. ment." This will alto be Mucci'u NiIm police chief Ruy Dio- Census ennumrtators April 1. sus Bureau this past week Mulligan describes the primary.firsttry forelectiveofftce. - When she received her census vannelli and their wives were Planners are counting on there- her first try for elective offtce as a fosan,Chicagoinstead of part of a contingent which suits lo help them get their fair Nitra, appeared on She address went lo the Iowa ofpisa, Italy share of slate and federal reve-sus will have major impart on tialqueutionnaire. part of the form. But census lo seal the Sister City program nue. communities, in that federal and Questionnaires are being de- officials said a number on the linking NiIm with Pisa. They. "We're hoping our count willstate funds for schools, health livered this weekby mail undper- formtellscensusofficials paid their own way lo Italy lo be up a little bit," said Nileu Vil- centers, parks. highways, senior sonally.- by census lakers and where the person liver. De- repreuentNilesdnring a week-s. tage Manager Abe Srlman. A services, child care, employment householda are asked lo respond upiseibeChicago, 60648 mail- long get-together. In thir np- message on the police marqueeand training programs rely on the lo questions regarding race, age. ing address, Nilesiteu will be coming months representa- eemrnds citizens of the imper-census tallies. Iivingarrangementsndtheirmar- counled au Nues reuidenls, lives fromtrisa will have a re- lancnofthecensus. Niles' population figures have uni status. just as Lincolnwood residents ciprocal visitherein Nues. -"We need accurate data of thegradually declined since their In addition, one in six house- will be listed as Lincolnwoo- make-up ofourcommanily in or-peak in the 1950's, with current holds are asked additional quer- dians, despite their Chicago Niles administrator Ralph der to help us shapeprograms forestimates in the 30,000 range. tions on ancestry, employment. postai addrrss Bust told us Val Marcheschi, the future and provide for theThevillageissuedaproclamation educatiön,income,typeofhoune- the widow of the lato trustee, needs of our community." Sel- declaring 1990 lo be Censas Par- ing. utilities and the like. Monday. one irate resident Ang Marcheschi, will be in- man added. The informationtiripaúonYearinNilesandurged Residente am asked lo return called The Bugle and said she volved in the upcoming aclivi- gathered from the decennial imn- citizens locomplele the confiden- theircensusformsbyApril I, called village president tim. Ralph said Ang and Vai Blases office. She said he was have family members who Flood relief... Continued from Pagel equally irate over this never- still live in the Tuscan area of ending pest office idenlifica- Italy,which is inthetrisaarea. paument and maintenance gar-hoard for $1. The members fur-nuten of "the great job groups lion problem. But the census age for $8l,7t7 und holiday dcc- thirr agrees!, ifthe village decideslikrthiuuredoiug." orations went toGarland to sell the school for other than Before the official meeting be- t people say they have our num- Corporolion for$40.961. Thevil- -puhlic use, any profits will be di- gun, board members heard win- ber, and it means were from nersofthe l99øjuniortsigh rosay Courses suburbia, and we have Io have While eating lunch at Ir- lage will get salvage value ofvidedbetween the village and the YMCA $2,000 from the decòeations con-schooldistrict. Trustee Bart Mur- contest read their mines in a Fun - enroll ifl faith wbatthey say is correct- ving'nlastweekaMortonGro- yóu mock village board meeting. En- When ver, GeriFreibrun,told me the tract.R.W.HendricksonofphyaukedforacostbenefltanalY- Wheeling was low bidder for vil-sisbefoee theschool isbought. trante wrole on "What is the im- On another note about the concern ofresidrnls about the of Familyinthe census, a Niles resident called frequency of cancer in the - lage tree spraying at $5,670. Lo- Continuing with financial mat- portansce Verdi Construction offeredtees, the hoard agreed lo engage 1990's?" and firstplure wisner, to tell us he received a tele- 7800 block of Maple Street. Beata Astrega, an eighth grade phone call from a woman who $196,147 for replacing defectiveWilkes, Besterfield and Co. as .YouthSports Gen said residents are linking water mains ihmughouttlse vil-auditor& Trustee Murphy citedstudent from Our Lady of Rus-- identified herself na being an a possible causeofthr disease tom Scheel. sat as board presi-.: & Fitness employee of the US. Census lage and Lifetime Supply offeredthem for their 60 years in basi- .AerobicS lo the electrical lines. which $21,860 to emplace the windowsnessandtheirexpertisein servingdent,Coutestcanners-upas- - Burean. She told the Nitra cut through Hiles antI Morton named -thesealsofvillage .First Aid man that she had a few quer- Grove north of Church Street. - uttheHislorical Society. local governments. He noted the .CPR village would save approximute- Inlstees, officaisand staff. Swim lions lo ask him regarding his She said the high wires create In other business, Code En- . Gym & census form. He told her be a magnetic field and she won- forcement Director Joe laternely $10,000 this year and $30,000 Pre-schOOl wasjust mailing his form that drredaioud if the nine cuses of askedtheboardlo allow thePlan-over three years iftheyreceive aAAA-CMC - sWeight Loss day and wouldnotanswrr any cancer which eccurnd among ning Commission to recommendthree-year contract Answeetng a personal questions Over the her neighbors might be asso- zoning variations for front andquestion on cost over-fins, Pt-promótes area . Instruction phone. When be leId her lo rear yarda if they choose tonance Director Gary Karshnu Swim ciated with the power lines. changethem.Preuenlly.atenper-imd, if the situation arose, stresidents submitthem to him in writing, s - She said residents will be would be negotiated at the time Dance slimpolitely told him they meeting with health officials cent variation is allowed. Trastee AAA-Chicago MolorClub him Do.Self Defense wouldn't do that and hang np. ut the Morton Grove village LourlluPeeslon asked forandee-by deciding upon the number ofannounced several employcepro- .JudoTae Kwon He thencalledtheNileu police hailut8p.rn.Tueuday, April 3. ceivedapprnvaloftheNiles 1990personnel and hours involved inmotions. William Kowalezylc, and the local census office, districtzening map. thework. Northbrook, was named vice .CardiacRehab both of whom said no census Assir Dallilva, a public nf- A request by Tire America for After lengthy discussion andpresident of sales and marketing; WaterExercise questions should be answered fairs representative for Corn- achangefromB-landB-2toB-1input from a citizen in the audi-.Jonathan t.elsrer, Lincoinwood, sLifeguarding over the phone. Workers will rnonwealth Edison, told us Special Use lo construct an auto-ence, theboard decided lorecon-was named vice president of pub- beproperly identified and will there have beets studies made, mobile, tire and repair facility atsider ils motion ecquiring a upe-lic affairs; and Steve Daggers. come to your home if quer- but no correlation has been 9005 and 9007 Milwaukee Ave.rifle time schedule fur leaseDes Plaines, was named manag- lions about your census form formt linkingelectricand was refereed to the zoning undlenninatiensin the cane of condo- ingdieectoeofpublicaffaies. prevail. rnagnetic finida to such illness. planningcommitnee. minium conversions. The action He seid anfortuoatrty thrrn In further business, the beardwas necersilated by recent con- are no national standards tu revised action from 1981 prohib-verrions at Highland Towers inBlase... gauge the emission of electric- iling DuPage Die Casting, 6119the northweutpurtofthe comma- Cntinuedfrom Page 1- The downtown Democrats uy. He mentioned there have Howard St, from mortgaging or nity. saiasiedofficeandsaid"1 are having ageeatdeal of trou- been studies made in florida, transferring property. Under the Moving to environmental mat- weulde'tdo thattomy family." new arden, Dutrage could mort-tees, Village Attorney Richard He also thinks the post needs bic finding a chairman foc the Colorado,. Swiizerlandand Cook County Democrats. As Sweden. He is sending us a gage property to gain money loTray described theplight of Prai- "semcone of stature' lo handle ofTuesday morning many of Carnegie-Mellon (university) modernizetlteirequipment. rie Creek. awaterway that mean- lise divrrgentmembersofthepar- the major names in the Party study as well as a Harvard TrusteeAndrewPreybylodaro from the Dempsler Street- ty. bave tamed down offers to Health teller of March, 1990 gained approvai of a motion toGreenwood Avenue intersection He reflected "Something is happcning,.,it's a prelude to som- head the party. regarding this subject. Well put sections of Waukegan Roadthrough parts of Niles, and Des pass along whatever informa- lighting under local municipalPlaines. and ends m'Park Ridge. thing. Thepubliris saying they're Nues' Nick Blase is sahne- tion we derive from these pa- and slate control to facilitateHe said the communities in- tuned ints the quality of the can- banvicechaiemanoftheÇook pers. maintenance, Presently the lightsvolved have been asked to keepdidale" (more than what party are on Civic Center or adjacentthe creek free from debris to they rrpreseat). County Democrats. Monday property. Przybylo also gained avoid flooding. - He analyzed the voting public morning we telephoned him Schoenberg... approvalforinterius fsnancingfor In presentations early in the us40percentlndependentandthe and told him we were going to board meeting, President Blase remaining6Qpercent dividbdbe- be a power broker and make Continued from Page 1 theSolid Waste Agency of Northern Cook CountygaveplaquesloAnthonyllartolo- tween Democrats and Republi' him chairman. We said we village trustee. cans, but he said 'No one has a Gering the campaign, Schoen-(SWANCC), of which Nues is amel and Walter Santi in eecogni- were friends with a guy who lion of their efforts lo join Nitra handle ou it, we may be splinter- knows a guy who knows berg focused on school fundingmember. He noted funds are needed for parchase of the bale- with ils sister city, Pisa, Italy. ing." He suggested candidates Blase thought we were a bit and tax relief for property own- Baetolomei said the associaüoo can find exposure in other ways, wacky. He said ouronly inter- ers. fill project il) Bartlett and for en- station would pay effin the longrun and outride of party endorsementu. eut was Io get him out of Ihr Van Dusrn indicated he wouldgineering and transfer that 'People working together withmoneyandTV,anditmeans - - Niles' Mayor chair We told jnin with Schoenberg in his rice-sludies. President Nicholas Blasemakethe worida little smaller," more tbanpoliticai structure, - him thatwaunt so that isn't tins drive to defeat the Repabli Blase is presently vice chair- con nominer, Eunice Cono r,fasked for and gained board ap- Followingthepresentation, probation of a title transfer forPresident Blase proclaimed May man of the Cook County Demo- - Morton Grove, and to relais thr cratic Party and heads the subw- Mter pondering the prob- 56th District's legislative sert fee05k School when the village3 us Students Against Drunk tern we concluded the Coanty ls, bangronpof3øcommitseemen. - - - ibe peproçras, .

a r. ueutsee' PA3S Äz4 fl1EBUGLE,THt)RSPAY. MARCJI29.1590

ùnior Parking-1ot Skökiefiréflghtéi..- - : - - Library : - ELECTRONIC Continucd rrom l'age High... Continued from Page 3 -3 Continued fróm Page 3 GARAGE:

Cont'mucd from Page 3 $15) an20 percent ($20) mn split on his award of the issues,tcr - subsequent 30 day increments. concurring with the Village's po- LONGEVITY: The arbitrator Quallrecchi was abseul. LaUyofRansom,TnistecMa1rnn - ey; Maiy Flack, Culver. Trustee Hohn mentioned severalanon- Sitios on two issues and-with theawarded this issue to the Village, In otherbusinms, board mcm- ymous lettera sent:by seniors rel- Usion'spoaitionontwo. Bondi; Tom floño, Culver, Tres- allowing the Village to maintain - bers appnovedplans for a ais fool (Route 12) alive lo the U.S.p05151service - -Following is a uummary ofthe 1272 Rand Rd. teeAmold; Stevejankowski, Our ils long-standing longevity pro- signatacostof$10,900. The sign. und reminded the writers that arbitrator's decisions on the four LadyofRansom.TrusseePi-zyby gram. For enample, this program will read "Nues Public Librai)' lo; Julie Schweigert. St. John postage stamps and other servie- issues: will conBnue topuy $61X3 annual- is letteet 12 inches high and in- es are available through lester - WAGES: Arbitrator Gold-ly to Firefighters with 30 yearn' Brebeuf.Trustee Murphy. clsdrammsageboard. -- carriers, for those whoare in- Stein awarded the Union ils re-longevity and $540 to those with - Aluo,boardmemberssgreed to (708) 827-0060 convenienced by a trip to the -OEFÏCIALS: Ter[Fiemming, questedsaiaiy increase, whichre-25 yearn. By comparison tise Un- hiringRobert Sitien as executive INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Culver. Viflage Attorney; Lora main post cIlice. -salted in a cost adjuslment ofion proposal would have paidsecretary and Patricia l'cray as 1969 Vagisce, Golf, VillageClerk; Four proclamationswere 5.075 prirent to the current bud-$i,500annnailyafter2y years. paet-timereferencelibranian. Sid- - - At this location since KNOW ONE KNOWS GARAGEDOORS Danny Healy, St. John Brebeuf,signed by Hohn proclaiming get forFirefightens' salaries. (The PARAMEDIC STIPEND: en is now an accounting clerk at Des Plaines,IL - LIKE THE GENIE PRO VillageManager. Census Participafion Year Village's proposal offered a sala-The arbitrator concurred with the the library and Perry, formerly a Between Golf &River Rds. (1990), Longue of Women Vol- iT increase which would haveVillage's offer to raise the para- library employee, was on mater- STAFF: telichelle Bacher, St ere Month (March). Girl Scout been acosladjustmentof4,I1 medic stipend from $1,000 to nityleave. - John Beebeuf, Finance Director; Week (March 11 to Maith 17), percent fon theyear.) The arbitra-$1,150 per year. The Union had Again, board members con' Thomas Edison, Our Lady ofand Camp Fire Birthday Week tonagreedwilh theVillagethatitsasked for$1,Süoannnally. sented to install a laser printer in - proposal would maintain salanim Ransom, Family Services Direr- (Maoris 12 lo March 18). RETROACTIVITY: Theax- the computer lab where a charge tot-i Tracy Frey, Culver, Public The president urged all villag- ai-levels Commensurate withbilrator granted the Unionure- of 25-cento per page will be SALE those paid by comparable corn- ServicesDirector;Jim Gresik, St quest f making Ilse payment of - SPECIAL ers to cooperate with the census, made. SPRING Jóhn Biebeuf, Human Services mnnitien-However, he found thatthe reopener tonan retroactive to to make sure the village receivesthere is aime inflationary pmo- - CostelloreportedthatShe Director David Heiser, OurLady itsfairshareof fundsfor May 1, 1989, the beginning of the "NOes Friends of the Libnaiy' of Ransom, Police ie1 Agnes schools,. health centers, parks,sure on Firefighters' salaries andVillage's fiscal year. The Vil- will conduct anolben book sale decided that ihecosi-of-living in- Milewski, Lincoln, Fire Chief; highways, employment, training, lage's proposal was lis make the October3-5.Shesaidihr and Monica Park, Culver, Code day care and modern for the rid-:den lavoro theUnion's final offen.termnretroaciive toJnne 1. "friends" earned $708 -in a five- EnforcementOirector. The top step Firefighter (with 5 The current contract rupines env. month Í,eriOd from an ongoing HorsepoWerScrew-Drive years' enpenience) will be paidApril 30. The Vilageand the Un- sale at the libraiy. The check was 1/3 '-The next regular village meet-$35,93lperyean, $243 more thanion have begun negotiations on a ILEGAL NOTICE in8 will be held March 23. The donated to thehourd. American Made the Village position on this mat- - Bust Maine School District April 9 meeting will be can- uewconlxact. No. 63 will be uccepting bidr celled, due Io the religions boll. for electsoslasic locker refm- Horticultural The Builders Opener ishing ut four (4) schools in day. Oakton College school District No. 63. therapy topic i Year Warranty Specifications may be ob- u . , business of workshop - tamed at 10150 Dee Road, - seminars . . -IiSE.THE, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 or TÙGL The Institute fon Bnsiness and -Outdoor honlictiltural therapy BLUE MAX housing and diutnibulion,and dis-programs will be the focus of a $149.95 by calling Mr. James Re- ProfessionalDevelopmentat cuss the importance of layout, rl Iraitting day April 5. sponsored 1/3HP SCREW DRIVE ynolds, supervisor operations Oakton Coiismnniiy College willlabor productivity, facility cost, by theHorlicultural Therapy Ser- - & maintenance at (708) 299- offerthefollowingsemitecs from i YEARWARRANTY ILEGAL NOTICEI audit aud Computen applications. vices depmniment ut the Chicago 1900 between the hours of 8:30a.m. toS p.m. from April 3 to PUBLIC HEARING thecosiis$183. Botanic Garden from 9 am. io 4 8:00 am. to 4:00 p.m. - BUDGET MEETING 6 at die College; 1600 E. Golf "Effective Plant Layout"a Bids ase due Tuesday, May p.m. on Wednesday, April 5. The Villageof Nues Board Rd.,DesPlamaes. - Thursday, April 5, will provide -1, 1990. The bids wiR be pub- The program will examine the of Trustees will hold a public "Managing the Supply Base"insight into the how's and why'svalue of caliber borticullural tidyopenedat 10150 Dee budget hearing on Thursday, On -Tuesday, Aprii 3, is intesdedof improved plant layout isbieh Road, Des Plaines, Ittioois on lohelp purchasing managers therapy pmgramn in a health care . Lifts any residential garage I April 12, 1990 beginning at iucreasrs productivity, stream- -- May I, 1990 at t:30 p.m. environment and is oriented pri- - _'j:! 5:00 p.m.atthe strengthen their business nela-lines maierial flow and netinces ,:"-- - Council madly to health care profession- - door up to 76" high. Chambers, 7200 Milwaukee tionship with suppliers and to im-invenlOry.Theeostiu$l85. - als, pana-professionals, and: vol-- I LEGAL NOTICE Avenue, Nues, IL. All Citizens prove snpplier performancr by "Designing and Delivering Ef. unteres interested iii therapeutic . Digital transmitterwith per- HILES of the community are invited analyzing costs, quality and prof-lectivo On-The-Job Training" on horticultural therapy. sonal security code. LEGALNOTICE so attend. The porpose of this its. Thecosi is $185. Thursday, April 5, will disensa Sludents and practitioners in- NOTICETO BIDDERS hearing is so review antI thea "The Key to the Maicom Bal-how managers and supervisora'physical, occupational, recrea- . Twin lights with timedelay. TheVitlage ofNiles will be ac- cossider adopting she t990-9I dridgeNational Quality Award"can identify training- needs, de- iional and other adjunctive thera- 8 x7Steel Garage poor ceptisgscaled bids fee fiscat year budget. The per- will be-discussed os Wednesday,velop plass to meet these needs piesmay also find this programa . Auto safety reverse April 4. This pnesiigioas award is REPLACEMENT OF 201X3pose of this notice is to not and present effective training touseful. ' GPMPUMPATRESER VOIR. only infects the public of this pnesenied yearly to industrial and new employees. Tltecoutis $175. Rrgintration is $40 and mnuthe- Model#91 or94 Sealed bids will be accepted session but alto, to inform the service companies in the United "Introduction to WordPerfect" completed by maiL The deadline- until NOON on Tuesday. Aprilpublic that during the course Slates that have achieved a quali-on Friday, April 6, is a hands-os for registration is Mareh 30. Reg- - 17. 1993) at the Village of Niles,of these budget hearingsit ty levelexceedingtheir peerworkshop which wilt demon- islration materials aie available PRO-88 $189.95 with Cathedral Design may be necessary to convene group.Participants willleans Office of the Purchasing Agent, strate commands that aro used lo bycalling(708)835-8250. 1/3 HP SCREW DRIVE 7601 Milwaukee Avenue, Hites, in executive session for the what the qualifications for theproduce specialized und secante The Chicago Botanic Garden Illinois 60648. purpose of discussing policy award are and how to apply. Thedocuments, sud Coven time nay. is located on Lake-Cook Rd. in 3YEARWARRANTV - costis$l85. - - General information and upe- und personnel related matters. inguechniqses.Theeost lu $195. Glencoe, one-half mile east of the elIje bid instructions concerningThe 1990-91 fiseat year bud- "Effective Warehouse Design For iufoemeticon and registro- Edens Expwy.Free parking will these requests for proposals areget document may be inspect- und Management" ca Wednes-lion, cull Neri Thiessea, (708) Instafled As Low As ed by the pnblic from 8:30 day, April 4. will review ware- beavailablefonworkshoppartiei. available at IheOffice ofthr Pur- 635-1932. - powerful pansa. '''''''------. Genie's most chasisg Agent, 7601 Milwaukeeam. until 5:00 p.m., Monday i_ - Avenue, Niles, Illinois. through Friday, ut the Village Nursing info opener. Hall,FinanceDepartnsent, - Center celebrates Bids will be opened on Tues- - .function wall console and tisy. April 17, 1990 at l:0OPMin7601 Milwaukee Ave., Niles, 3 session at- the Conference Room, Admmnis- IL., beginning April 9, 1990. Week of the Young Child' deluxe lighting arestan- $418.00 The Village of Nues encour- - - ration Building, 7601 N. Mil- Oakton dard. waskee Avenue, Niles, Illinois.ages itsresidente lo review The Week ofthe Young Childassislantdireeton, said. Ibis bsdget document and sub- wilibe celebrated bythechildeen, The mutual support between Two free nursing informutioa Afterreview by Ihetrublic Works paresia and staff of Cradles, .Non-Proratedfive year hm- and/Or Finance Committees, Ilsemit Written or oral comments staff and parents has led tomany sessioni will be held at 10 a,m. at the budget hearing. Cribs k Crayons from April 2-9. benefits fortlseeblldren, Theces- and 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 4, ited warranty. bids will be awarded at the Board Varions activities are being SALE ENDS4/30/90 /s/Gary Kursltnu - ter Irles toaecommodate individ- in room2l 19 at Oaklon Commu- of Trastees meeting on Tuesday planned fortheweekmnelutlingan - April24. 1990 Finance Director ual schedules, special dirlo andnity College, 1600 E. Golf Rd., artshow ofchildeen'swonk, upar-personal differences when deten- DesPlumes. enl/cltild luncheon, a visit lo themining activities for thu children. The irisions, led by MartIan PRO-98 village nursing home and aften- The parents reinfoice the sUIts Wasselnk, chuieperson ofthe As- 1/2HP SCREW DRIVE $209.95 noon open house and a careentaught at the reaten, participate in sociate DegrerNarsissgprogram, day. - -Experience field trips, work on fund raising and Karin Eck, admissionseon- 5VEARWARRANTY On Wednesday, April 4, theand are great about having to do stilant for Limited Ereollihent A New Dimension - parents are being asked to take aextra laundry after a spaghetti Programs, will eeview Oakton'a COUPON SALEENDS 4/30/90 in High Efficiency tife-sieeij body ottime of theirlunch on u particularlymessy art two-year associate degree Regis- ENDS 4/30/90 J': Heating ehtdwith them io workasavionalproject, teeed Macsing program, and dis- COUPON SALE w,,,, i,n ,ee son, o hOp neminderof their children. cuss entrance requirensnts, job . . ALL GENIE Cradles,Cribs & Cruyoun - ,O,InflO,, I Opportunities, admissions peace- AVAILABLE$5OO OFF Cares forehildeen from six weeks Montay College dures and fmauciut aid. A ques- : NSTALLATlON ass,,EnssO,g,ro,,h, of age through fonr years. "Most - tion/aeswer session will follow ofour4-year-olds have been with thediscassion. ,nd qu5 ,.tb, ,lh, nu since they were infurIa" says TRANSMITTERS Forislonnation, call 635-1720 - DireeiorBarbTafelsloj. Mossay College Ails Festival se 63 5-1702. $1000 OFFCOUPON Transmitters in Stock. ,, nu, 'nSn pIa, -o 5, Wehave ahi Genie 26.v.- Iit *fl thh..t "We're proud of one facilitylo be held July 14 and 15 is ac- ¡4, ..,_u-. 2n-e.. und of the caer we give Ilse chit- coupon offers.2 limit. Ib. ,..,p.,.Ia. II .S e.v.., cepting applications from fine $85.00 Not good with other -J ." p-'.. .5,0. sv, lOLO ticen. We provide developmentalenlists und quality craftsmen for Normal lnstaliaton a, ,.. - and academic activities for thethe jsried show. There is also JoseA. Mila childeenduring Iheday in acolar- room for additional vendorn. The -JoseA.MiJsonofJoseand d ful earing atmosphere,' Tafelskitheme this year is a Roumssancr Maria Mila of 4737Church St.,- -- said. - $1OooO REBATE Art Festival and wilt include Skolcie, has beenpromoted in Ilse SPRING &CABLEREPLACEMENT 'We also cooperate with themembers ofthe Society for Crea- U.S. AirForeeio therauk of cap- GAS: YOUR BEST ENERGY VALUE VALUE parente in teachinglifeukills such- tive Anachronisms ' dressed in tain. as eating properly, dreusing andmedieval costumes und demon- A 1978 graduale of SERVICEAVAlLABLE : i ò . - Nues North OPENER '- toilet training, sol to mention eu- nlrating crafts and games. Call High School, Skokie, DOOR & DOOR heiss 1982 - - GARAGE conraging their blossoming Ian- Dory for additional infonnation, graduate of the University . - of lili. guage-skills' 'Candy Bregenzer,- ' 539-0948.------nois,Chieugo...... 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