T W E N T Y ^ U B

The Department of Connecti­ Members of the Manchester Manchester A b o u t T ow n cut, Daughters of Union Veter­ Emblem Club are reminded of iianrtet^r lEumttm IbraUr ans of the Civil War, will have the "Bajce the Cake” project Hospital Notes n»e Nayaug Tacht Club wUI a convention Monday through for Norwich State Hospital. For Mmnehmter^A City of Vtttage Charm have Ita monthly meeting Satur­ Wednesday at the Hartford Hil­ vnm N o HOCKS further information, members day at 8 p.m. at the Marine ton Hotel. Manchester Depart­ may contact Mrs. Alfred Pon- latoraMdlale Cm « Semi- (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1909 Ooipa League HaU, Glaaton- ment officers and members of ticelll, 30 McKee St., or Mrs. Miss Diane Johnam, daugh­ pHvBte, m m h I p.m.. Mid 4 p.in.- twry. A aprlng dance la ached- Mary C. Keeney Tent planning Charles PontiaeUi, 882 Hackma­ ter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur L. S P.M.; private rooma. I t ajn.>' uled for Saturday, April 36 at to attend are Mrs. James M. tack St, Johnson of S3 Constance Dr., t p.m., aad 4 p.m>« .ne. the Mancheater Country Club. Shearer, past department pre­ Is on thb dean’s list of the Col­ Padlatriea: Pareota aH«irad Cadette Girl Scout Troop 77 Reservationa cloae April 31. sident; Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson, lege of Liberal Arts at Drew any Ikne azoept noon-i pjn.; Members of the Chaminade will sponsor a Garage Sale Sat­ Classes Contiiiiiiiig department chaplain, and Mrs. University, Madison, N.J., Self-Relianee . Cooper Asks etfceia, S p.in.-t ppi. Muplcal Club (^wrua are re­ urday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Membera of Mancheater Robert Schubert, councli mem­ where she is a freshman. SaU Servloe: It a.m.-t p.m., minded to attend rehearsal to­ 100 Fergusoil Rd. Proceeds will MARGUERITES Still a Virtne WATEiS will attend a Good ber. 4 p.m-t p.m. night at 8 at the home o f Mrs. benefit a trip to be taken by the ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)— 'A Will conference Sunday at 3:80 Life Sentence Intenalve Care and Ooronaiy Cyrus Tompkins, 187 Gardner troop. The Womcm’B Auxiliary of the Harvard Students 6-foot, ;300-pound farmer, who p.m. at Reatland Farma, North- St. Garo: Immediate family only, The Mary McClure Group of Mancheater Midget and Pony decided hUdng 38 miles waa ford. Those wlahing further in­ the Won^en’s Fellowship of Sec­ Bunch anytime, limited to five Football Association will spon­ $1*69 better than waiting all night formation may contact Mra. ond Congregational Church will St. John’s Polish National F o r S irh a n mlnatea. The Polish Women’s Alliance, sor a Rummage Sale tomorrow for a bus, has won « rever­ John Pavelack, club preaident, Church will sponsor a paper OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY Mid FRIDAY Ignore Picketing MateiaMy: Fatkera, 11 a

DanoetotoeMuaicof BOD JACKSOM EXCLUSIVE SHOWING FIKSir RUN IN HABTFOBO AREA < < S P E C IA L ” . 1HUnSI»AY--fK;wlAT^-«A'niROAY--SUNDAY I W M M 6 - - h I S i B n F r i.: 8:88 A 8:88 —• SaL-Sun.: 1:80 - 8:48 • 8 :N • 8:80 PARKWAY RESTAURANT m CENTER ST. OPP. CHENEY TECH GRINDERS P I2 Z A ANnr 2 n iM S . Bvety Friday S Saturday p u a OIANT SIZE D>e BESTADRAMT Beat Cooked Solomi SMALL 99c A. BATES BUCKLERS RB6. 91.90 B B 6 .91.16 t Avocado, Putty Shag 6>^-12 B. BATES MONTEREY MEATBALL MEDIUM *1.40 Spanish Moss 6V&-12 RB6. 91.2S BB6 . 91.79 C. BATES MESQUITE SHAG THIS PICTURE PASTRAMI LARGE •1.70 And CACrrUS 6^-12 HAS A MESSAGE: ‘ RB6.91JS ^ R B 6 .9 U 9 D. BATES GOLF;^ Spanish Moss 6^-12 “Watch outr A SPECIALIZtNG IN ITALIAN JN D AMERICAN FOOD • SPAGHETTI • VEAL PARMASAN • SHELLS • MEATBALLS • RAVIOU • LASAGNA • SAUSAGE FOR BIG BIG Eomily Style Serving * 20lh Ctnturyfot prtMntt 100 RIFLES Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents ANY THING ON OUR MENU MAY BE TAKEN OUT A MARVIN SCHWARTZ EVaductnn APPETITES.., a Jerry Gershwin-Elliott Kastner picture starring It'S two patties of pure, lean beef. Cheddar-blend PHONE IN TO PICK UP YOUR ORDER IlM RAQUEL melty cheese. Crisp fresh lettuce. Slices of tanev oickle BROWN WELCH a U on McDonald’s own special gourm eUauce. Richard All on a club-style sesame seed bun. Try Bic Mac onra £tlnl .IMsfY PLENTY OF SEATING FOR THE FAMILY BURT REYNOLDS and you’ll agree more than ever ‘ ^ ’ ’ ’ Barton jfuWMUiW BMOiaum UMCtBUUT Eastwood I Un l‘-rawmtoo*nz ‘^loscao C M M taiSHUnMU-IWEMt "ifK uS' PHONE 643-7676 — *■— Mttiaicun —-oMieueMa •THE MARVEL OK MAIN STREET' ' j a B P B o i Where Eagles Dar m sE S x M ta st f f 801 • 807 MAIN STREET, h^CHESTER > . BUchael Ceine la McDonald’s is your land of piaco. •beam ing Our Motto Is Spend" OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:30 TO 5:30 "DeAMRALL" THURSDAY 0:30 TO 9:00 Ritrick Wymark • Michael Hoidem AfONDAY-THURSDAY S A3L-10 PJM^FRIDAY Mid SATURDAY 5 AJL-2:30 AAU •lory «nd •cteenpUr o r dlnctod by Btwhioed by Open a Regal Charge Account Today OPEN: SUNDAY 4 P Jd.-9 P JL ' AlislairMacLBan • Brian G. Hutton • EUtott Kastner 9 Read Herald Ads 46 WEST CENTER STREET P«»vi.lon*.pdMtoooolor^MOM Mtntor Chargo an

' V M ANCHESPim EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTE3R, CONN., FRIDAY; APR IL 11, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, PRH)AY, APRIL 11, 19(» Manchester I ^ e , W^iping; a daughter to to League of Women Voters Ml*- nnd Mre. Thomas S t Lau­ Andover tax rate from 8li per cent to and tbe surest producer of rev­ wife would apply os well as and cthen last week. A slseable Hospital Notes ren*. ‘ Leimx at; a son to Mr. 6 per cent, as advocoied by the enue. The Rrtter-Beck-Oriswold credit on fedeioi income tax UConn G et* G t «u i and M n . CSiarfes Foed, 7 and icspp-f.ive audlcs"^ heard governor, or to adopt a state UConn Expert bUl, witich starts at 8.6 per tor the amount paid the state. WASHmeraoN (a p ) — n # VlBIiiNO HODB8 S t; a son to Mr. and Mra. Jo­ tax atteTnatives explained on taioome tax Is tbe Mg question. ■The couple with the $6,000 In­ the basts of fairness and ca­ cent o f texahle income, with a OfOee of seph CarilU, East Hartford; a Reviews State’s The speaker pointed out the come would have a net coot of iger Don Rondo To Open SPRING iBtennedlato ckra geni pacity to produce revenua' maximum of 6.8 per cent in the UBivsrsliy of THINK private, noMi-3 p,m„ and 4 p.m.i ■an to Mr. and Mre. Donald difference in various taxes>now high Income brackets, would $28; tbe $10,000 income would $ for wwshmolioB of • Bombard, Cook D r„ Boiton. Miss Goodwin brought out carry a final 'cost of $t49; a 880,000 ■ p.m.; private roama, i# . Tax Alternatives in eftect, wkh the property and produce an estimated $600,000,- now $6 m nilon A m a its that about $866,000,000 in the Voriety Show Tomorrow IHS(31AItOED Y Hari'E R - sates taxes being the most 000 in the next biennium. $20,000 Income would cost Thp governor’s budget tor the projected General Fund budget inir 8b*ts. THINK CASCIO •KlUS.'Kii-’SU, DAT: Dona Bhster, 4» Cedar "regressive.’ ’ in that they take Examples were given of what $891, and $1,000,000 Income 196#-71 btennium end how to of $1,728,400,000 cannot be raised OonnlniotloD ^ utiMfciy fg NaUdnalljr known popular ing amngemsnts with M^le S t; Joyce Chrson, MBs HUl a much higher percentage of a the tax would be for couples would pay a net of $61,000. raise the revenue for it was within the current tax struc­ to Omrt hi Juno wtth oompio itacar Don (tondo will headline Orove to hold the dance there, Kil., Rockvfite; Jonathan Cottle, poor person’s Income. She with a gross Income of $6,000 the subject of UOonn's Mias ture and rates. Whether to get tton by Dseomhor, 1670, Hip. tBBHWroiw variety show, with a tentative date of May 17. M I Barvtoa: 16 a.m.-3 pja.. IB Dogwood Lane, Wapph^; rtrongly advocates a state in­ and up.' In each case a $2,000 Narses'j Scbeol Asststaots 4 p.m.*8 pin. Flomnce Bany, 136 Dorothy Ooodwln in her talk tMs revenue by raising the sales come tme as the most equitahle Tljere are about three and a Wnuam U St OngA DOona., preesnted by the Tolland Junior THINK RED AZALEAS exemifton for both man and half million radios in India. aim ounood Asslating mothers at the Tol­ Intensive Care and Oanonty Spruce at; Patrick Mohan, Woman’s C3ub at Tolland Hlfh land Oo-OperaUve Nursery School. Onre: Immediate family only, Bunker HW Rd., Ooveotry; Min. School next week are, Monday, Rondo, who is best known for ■“ytone, limited to live Xary-Lou Saaitotls, a Mrs. Michael CMdatien, M n. HONEYSUCKLE his reoordlngB o t "Two Differ­ mlnntea. B A ; Mkn. Catherine IHtt, 17# Donald MeVny; Wednesday, ent Worlds" and "White SUver *to*«nilly: Eatileni, 11 aon. . Qraen Rd.; Mra. Therma Her­ Mm. Edward Jesanis, Mrs. Sands.” has afreed to lead off DOGWOODS M ;48 p .m ., and 6 p.m .-3 p jn .; ring, 138 Carver Lane; Mis. the sitow with a benefit per­ Carl Fbttavina, and Friday. THINK WHITE alfcefa, 3 p,m«*4 p ,m ,, 'and d AmeUa Lamarl, 63 Hiokory Dr., formance on behalf of James Mrs. Oeotge Metakaa, Mm. p.m.>8 p.m> Mre. -Carol Taylor, 107 Wem. RfiUlam Summers. Age Umlte: 16 In mntetnlty, Bart IBH Rd., Wapping. West, the youth who remains School Loicbes BIRCH a U M P S It In other areas, no limit la Also, Mks. Marion Menmi, paralysed as the result of an Lutchee in all local schools self-aervloe. Blast Hartford; Peter Sheridan, neoct week are,' Monday, ham- 28 Hmstde D r„ South Windsor; SMILING m SERVICE buig on roll, tossed salad, but­ THINK BLUE HYDRANGEAS Hie administration reminds Mrs. Mary Nelson, 83 ESdrldge tered com, carrot and celery vlsltora that wttfa oonstraotton S t; Mre. E lvel^ BVigdfo, 188 Micks, ice cream (submitted by under way, parking qpaoe la Blrrii at; Joseph Maitoy, Esst Mm. Gayson’s first grade class THINK YELLOW FORSYTHIAS limited. Vlaltoib are asked to Hertford: Mrs. OeMgens Watt, at MeadowbroMc); Tuesday, bear with tbe hoopltal while the HFDS, Coventry; Raymond frosted meat loaf, buttered rice, parking problem exiate. Uuunno, U4i Lyness S t; Mra buttered green beans, peanut Mary RaUey, 86 MUford Rd.; butter sandwich, hoimemade THINK PINK SPIREA Edward T. RaMon, IS DStmotit cookie; Wednesday, hot dog on ADM ITTED YHSSTPERDAY: St Mrs. Kaflierine Bamum, 114 roll, baked beans, sauerkraut, Also, Mre. Harriet Levy, Mueberry crumb cake; Thurs­ Parte 8t.; Mia. Grace Blase, WEEPING CHERRY East Hartfoixl; Mrs. Eunice 'Blast Hartford; Herman Mielan- day, spaghetti with meat sauce, Harvard Militants oon, Meadows Convalescent cheese cube, Vienna bread and BUnn, Boutti Windsor; Mre. <3e- olte Btouln, Grandview St., Tol­ Home; Mre. Lorraine Caron, 192 butter, vegetable pickle slaw, Demenstrators carry strike banner mdiiattlngr acticn taken by miiitant protes­ Wawen Ave., Vernon; B ^ b l Jello with fruit; Friday tuna tet- tors at Harvard University after police forcibly ejected them from University land; Karen Bnooks, Stafford Springs; Arthur Burnap, 96 Mc­ Crawtond, loe Helalne Rd.; Mra. traalnl, buttered vegetable, Hall in Cambridge, Mass., yesterday. About 1200 students voted for the strike Emma Wood, 8 Autumn St.; homemade bread, applesauce Kee St.; Allan Oameron, 168 W. out of a student body of 15,000. (A P Photofax) Center St.; Elisabeth Case, 6 James Foye, 44 HHltop Dr.; blush. Guy Jodoin, tlO Greenwood D r.; Fhahion Show Downey D r.; ChrMUe Deliaripa, charge, and Wltthoeft to seven court Thursday that Phelps had Erwin Konesnl, Pomfret; Mrs. The lateet spring and summer Blast Hartford; Mrs. Dorothy Michigan Youths yearn. been stabbed early in the morn­ Dawn Logue and son, South St, faMiions for womm and child­ Dewar, 184 Summer SL; Jona­ ing of Aug. 8. during a fight on Rockvtite. ren will be modeled before a In addition, both pleaded than Dwelly, Olantanbury; Mrs. Face Sentencing Marlborough Street in Boston. background of large red paper guilty to larceny of a car, for Katherine Fitta, 239 Oak St., whlrii they could be sentenced They said he apparently died Wapping; Irving Ourtofson, 102 D en R on do flowers during Wednesday In Student Death 3 VP# Exceptiono GREATEST while Slmoni and Witthoeft were SiMge St.; Mrs. M^tle Hug- nigtit’s St. Matthew’s Ladies to 10 yearn, and to larceny from WASHDTGTON — Only three driving him to a hospital, and gard, 68 P^rinoeton St.; Allan after school gymnastics acci­ Guild Fashion Show. PLYMOUTH, Mass. (A P ) — a peraon, whh^ carried a maxi­ vice presidents have ever been that the defendants then pan­ Hernian J r„ 202 HoUteter St.; dent, will be on hand tomor­ The show, dubbed, "Popples, mum term of five years. OPEN D A ILY 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. etectod to tbe presidency with­ Two liDcMgan boys faced sen­ icked and fled, leaving the body Mrs. Emma King, 452 W. Mid­ row night to see the show along People and Pretty Things,” will The boys, eons of Detroit area out first serving out the term tencing in Plymouth Superior where it was found. dle ’Tpke.; Mia. AMa Laws, 411 with his mother and other mem­ bo held in St. Matthew’s Parish business execuUves, had been BDd SUNDAY 9 AM. to 5 PJH. of a prasldeiit who died in of­ bers of his family. Court today on charges connect­ The boys were arrested in Nevera Rd., Wapping; <3nipence Center beginning at 8 pm.. charged with murder in the fice. They were Martin Van He will be brought to the Chicago. Lodge, 24 Victoria Rd.; Mra. Fashions from Mam’Selle of ed with the death of a Boston death of Boston (kdlege student Buren, etectod in 1880; John high school and returned home Sharon Mosher, 43 OtoTton St. Vernon and Youth Centre of College student. Robert V. Phelps, 20, of Weth­ Adams, in 1786; and Thomas by the Tolland Volunteer Am­ Also, 'Mra. Helen MuUen, 109D Manchester wUl be modeled by The youths, originally ersfield, Conn. Jefferson, In 1800. bulance Association. charged with murder, interrupt­ Sycamore Lone; Mrs. Dordthy Guild members and their child­ His body was found last Au­ Murphy, 69 Edmund SL; Mi- Rondo has appeared several ren. ed their trial, adUch began Mon­ times on the Ed Sullivan and gust at a rest area along Route ritael Prignano, 92 Lynwood Women’s clothing will be day, to plead guilty to lesser RANGE Dick Clark television shows as 25 in Mlddleboro. Police said he D r.; Paul Rothe, South Wtoid- modeled by Mm. Sandra Lamo, charges Thursday. SPRING had been stabbed 32 times in the well as the Steve Allen and To­ The district attorney’s office sor; Raymond Smdth, 70 R tt^ Mm. Virginia Chessalr, Mm. chest and back. St.; Mra. Ida Sullivan, 74 S. night shows. asked that maximum sentences Dorothea Zabllansky, Mm. Mau­ Defense attorneys told the He appears regulcu-ly on the be imposed. Adams S t ; A pril ’Thomas, 266 FUEL OIL Herb Oscar Anderson radio reen MeWay, Mm. Karen Oak St.; Susan Tucloer, 467 E. Craig Slmoni, 17, of Birming­ show and five weeks a year on Mathews, Mm. Patricia Center St.; Mra. Vkda Waldron, ham, pleaded guilty to man­ * 'i ° " j __i GASOLINE Don McNeill’s Breakfast Club. Jedrslewskl, Mm. Jean Hosa, 869 Caark S t„ Wapping; Mre. He is presently appearing at Mm. Elaine Faucher, Mm. slaughter, and Ross G. W t- fOW RENT Shirfey Weleh, 466 Wbodland S t; Charles Steak House in Hart­ Minnie W(riiollebe, Mm. Lodla thoeflt, also 17, of Beverly Hills, 8 and 16 nun. Movie Pro­ Ian Wright, 76 Mein St.; Jo­ ford. Bertrand, Mm. aalre Velardl, pleaded. guilty to being an ac­ jectors—sound or silent, also seph Wright, 67 (aumbere St.; B A N T L Y OIL The James West Fund pres­ Eileen and Mary Alice Zabllan­ cessory after the fact of man­ 35 mm. slide projectors. Oory Young, Rockville. sky, and Kamn and Kathy La- slaughter. let a win-ner lead the way. ently stands at $3,838, but the BIRTHS YBMTBIRDAY : A Fontaine. WELDON DRUG CO. returns from the variety show Simoni could be sentenced to 767 Main 8fc—^Tel. 643-8331 daughter to Mr. end Mra. Fred­ The children’s fashions will be and Sunday’s house-to-house 20 years imprisonment on the erick Tomaslc, '62 Dodwood canvass are expected to boost modeled by Joan Alderucclo, Mark M u r^ y and Steven and YEARS the fund much nearer the $10,- 000 goal. Nancy Dzladul. Middle school students under Hair styles will be designed the direction of the high school by the (Colonial Beauty Studio YEWS Student Council will cover over in Tolland and make-up will be Upright, 16”-20” High ...... JlSJCn piwidod by a Beauty (Counselor 100 hi4ds and streets in town, Upright, 2r2Vi Ft. H ig h ...... l a r H during Simday's house-to-house representative. Bulletin Board Upright, 2^-3 Ft. H igh ...... (RQ ’Tjt canvass for the West fund. Spreading, 2-2Vg Ft. Wide ...... ] '.Sa SO H ie 4 fifth through eighth Boys between the ages of 9 gradeep will be under the guid­ and 13 who have not previously Spreading, 21/4-8 Ft. W id e ...... mSI t S ance street captains. Trans­ played in the Tolland Boys Spreading (Nigra, Deep Green) mv/ne tdAueMBtrmm ovsptmoYmAS* portation will be provided by League will attend a tryout ses­ 2-2*4 Ft- W id e ...... S 3 .7 5 parents of the students. sion tomorrow at 1:30 at the Hicks ball field. Full and nicely shaped plants, 10 years and ol*der. The 3routhful canvassers will Very reasonable. wear tadges and carry receipt The United Congregatlcmal books during the three-h o u r Church Pilgrim Fellowship will 44 Baldwin Road, Manchester— 644-8049 drive slated for 1 to 8 p.m. Any­ hold a workday tomorrow. The one wishing to verify the Iden­ group will hold a regular meet­ tity of a canvasser may call ing Sunday night at 7 at the 873-0601 after 1 p.m. The pro­ church. St. Matthew’s CYO will meet add ceeds vrlll be returned to Tol­ land High School cafeteria Sunday night at 7 at the church. where they will be checked and deposited in a bank. Manchester Evening Herald Talcottville Recent donations to t h e Tolland correspondent Bette Quatrale, tel. 875-3848. n a room James West fund Include ihl- land County CYO Basketball ft s TO YOUR HOME League, $0; St. Matthew's CYO 72 Drown When Boat Congregational Church basketball game, $121; anony­ mous, $20; Lyman Hartmann of CapsizeB in Indonesia (U N Iim CHURCH OF CHRIST) Rockville, $10; Girl Scout Can- JAKARTA, Indonesia (A P ) — Main St. and Elm Hill Rd., Talcottville Seventy-two persons were nisters, $144.16. Town of Vernon, Oemn. Donations were also received drowned when an overcrowded from Mr. and Mrs. Leo Flaher­ motor launch hit a rope strung ty Sr. of Rockville; Mr. and across the Djuana River by two REV. TRUMAN OAKLEY IRELAND. BA, BD Pastor Mrs. Donald Mason, Rockville; tug-of-war teams, Antara news MRS. ANTHONY URBANETTI, Organist Mr. and Mrs. John Peters, agency reported today. MRS. RUDOLF ROGGENKAMP. Church School Supt. COUGAR SPORTS SPECIAL Rockville; Tolland County Twin Another 30 persons were res­ The Top Cat leads the way with all t ^ ie sporty features: m E78 x 14 white Mothers Club, and for Agnes cued. ^ A b S IS YOUR HOMI TOO SMALLT from Manchester. The donations The accident happened Mon- Each Sunday: sidewalls • Turbine wheel covers-e Remote-control racing mirror • Dis­ raised the total to $3,837.02. day, when 102 persons packed tinctive rocker panel fnolding • Mid-body sports stripe OenY lot crowded living condttloni toko the fun out of The West fund dance sched­ themselves into a launch built to 9:45 A.M.— Church School, nursery thru adult dis­ ^ It'a too oMy and aconemlcal l» odd on to your IH E W A Y ... uled for April 19, sponsored by hold 40 and started on pleasure cussion group. plus everything that has made Cougar America’s best-equipped luxury the Italian American Friendship cruise up the river. sports car: • 351 cubic inch V-8 • Concealed headlamps • Sequential rear Club, is postponed due to t h e The boat’s mast hit the rope 11:00 A.M.— Public worship with sermon. turn signals • Bucket seats • All-vinyl interior • Floor-mounted 3-speed fire which destroyed the club. and the launch capsized, spilling 7:00 ^.M .— Pilgrim Fellowship. manual transmission • Wall-to-wall carpeting • and a very special price! FAMILY ROOM Bill Coro, president .of th e its passengers into the muddy ITAF Club, however is mak­ water.. Many of them could not The hub of modem day family life. swim. Red Carpet Warmth Wo can arrange for your new family Newcomers Especially Welcome The car that's taking New England by storm! Specially equipped with- MERCURY rooip wHh no money ddwn and A Sincerely Friendly Church • White sidewall 7.35 x 14 tires • Montego pleated-vinyl upholstery • Turbine wheel covers • 100% nylon, loop-yarn, color-keyed carpeting tormt,to Hilt your budget. Plenty O f Room For Convenient Parking SPORTS COUPE LAST 2 WEEKS!! ...and all these standard features: • Full 116" wheelbase • Ventless side windows • Short-deck-long-hood design • 250 cu. in. "6 " • 3 -speed ENCLOSED PORCH Where Heaven and Earth meet SPECIAL LOW manual transmission • Color-keyed vinyl headlining • Color-keyed 2-spoke SELLING A T in tune with the 1st and 21st Centuries A.D. steering wheel • Front and rear seat belts • Outside rear view mirror • Two- ■ Olau III winter—Kroon In summer. speed electrical windshield wipers • Much, much more Space-Age Religion: Relevant and dynamic. PRICE NOW I Convert your seasonal porch Into I a yoar 'round extra room. Easy Where your problems, concerns and cares ate * monthly tomw. WHOLESALE understood in the light of faith. Hope amidst anxiety, despair and dread. NEW KITCHEN

Learn to live the 23rd Psalm: One day at a time. An up to dote homo moons on up PRICES to dots kitchen. Lot us show you A church that is interested in you and yours. how you con enjoy the most modem Pine Accessories, Wrought Iron, Brass and kitchen of all designed especially Special prayers for our fighting men in for your homo. Copper Items, Large Asst, of Westmorland South Vietnam. Milk Glass. Also Colored Glass, Victorian Candlelight weddings in aesthetic surroundings. GARAGE Lamps, Large Selection of Pictures, Black and You'll never forget an experience bere. Olv# yourself that extra storage Gold Eagles, Antiques, Large Selection of An­ space you've wanted, protect your Where we understand the New England way. A tique Picture Frames. cor and odd to the value of your A 50-minute worship service, never over an hour. property with a now garage of your cholia. Spiritual truth and down to earth language. 30% OFF Where young people are understood. CASH Mid CARRY ON A U ANTIQUES No Generation (3ap here. C!onfidential counseling interviews by appointment. NWAS mNCMtsnR OMMTM J L-^ FURNITURE REPAIR SERVICE Tel. Nos.: 649-5171 or 875-5088 Specialists concerning Christian marriage. NBXT TO FMEHOUSE TIMJCOTTVIUE Moriarty Brothers Inc. Open Every Day Including 8at. A Bun. Confirmation classes that lead to a lifetime TELEPHONE 443-7448 commitment to Jesus Christ. 801-815 CENTER STREET—MANCHESTER »Manchg6tcA LUMBEEf

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>-«^' ■■■■ MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969 iik ItANCHESmS EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL li; 1969 ra' '* * ■_' r ttouMgr or the uMtinato leaponsUiUlty that is (be pwtogaUvo of trustees. 9 vlUs, sculpture; Carol dottier, Ellington RookviUe, pottery; Ada Christ­ Buffalo Popnlalkiit tJp - “We should Involve atudants In every St. Maurice Unit man, pai^ crafts, Rita Keiv NEW DELHI (AP) — BllA iltiii * 1|prai^ hglMiwata way to the extent (hat they f e . W ': ' - way, W h^lng, enamel Jewelry; taloes era ths mo«t prollfle of one •naiDg to assume responstoUity, aa Plans Fashion Craft Fair Louise McCrady, West Hart­ Indian cattle. Ilialr mnikar la- weU oa to asoert (heir rights. Tire re- .J 'l . Show for Monday ford, nigcraft; Cothlsen McLain, creased by 14 per oaaf over Em JS^ suHa should ultimately be measured by Tomorrow Coventry, ceramics; Maggie last decade against a 10 par their growth in maturity,' tosiglit and at. Miaurte OounoU of Chtho- McKesver, South Glastonbury, cent Increase In the aamlMr s t creativity and the baoic staitdard ebould candles; Sue Woodford, West other cattle. llo Women wIB have « program ‘f h s M oUm t ’ s aub of the i % i a J 8 a i g L Ha______^ Hartford, hand prints; Naomi According to aa otttoial sur­ be educational devetopmsot. on summer fashions st Its meet­ CUnler Sdiool will spoimor a ZIma, Manchester, papier vey, India has a cattla popola- "W e must take some chanoee and have igieagu*’^ ^ «aars ing Kondsy, which storU with Spring Craft Fair tomorrow mache, and Donald Barrows, tlon of US mllllan. Buffaloes ■llwilmUr. Omm.. •■ Swana O u a Xafl mote faith In this younger generation and Mans at 7:$0 p.m. mmm. / _ from 11 o-m. to 6 p.m. Tolland, antiques. number 64 m illion.' have more understanding of their con­ ______■ .'V FuMoas wlH be from P od- r RATBS Artists and craJtsm«n from El- c e rn s.” dora’s Box. In the Notch, owned to Adfanea Hngtnn, RookvUU and ths tao.00 and iterated by Mrs. Florence U.M ’There wUl, of course, be many, If Jones of Manchester, who will Orsater Haitford area will do- ___ ^ ...... 7.80 acatteretl, way-out students who will con­ Om ttoK h ...... AM be the commentator. monstrats and display their sider auch remarks from Father Hes­ ' ' macBBR or MCdeU.wUl be the Mm- tactful version of old-time paternalism. ftnall, Mary aimmons, Janet Baiides ths craft sidilblt there mM i— oredlted (o It or not othenrlaa oredlf. Some, of (he current day extremist In­ Tuohey, ElUabetti Flono, Mary will bs sklU ganoes for children, •a In tkfa pnpor and alao tlie local n o n pul> IMnd boro. surrection on the canipusee has much RaxUon and Renata Patnoe. a cake booth and lunch and O d s i I) An tIAta of repdbUeatloo of apeeial dla- ■oMfaaa naroin aro alao roaorreJ. more enmMy for the apostles of a reason­ Music wUl be provided by mocks during ihs day. Mrs. Irene Kwlatkowski. Mrs. Bbehtbitors from Ellllngtan in­ STORES O f fA S H lO **-— n o Harold Prlnttnr Oompany Ine., aa- able UbeiaUsm then for the repreeatve amnia no financial raaponalbflity for typo s«*»-ODnservs*lveB: the extremlwn wants Margaret Maneggla and Mra. clude Mrs. Harry O. Abom, Afri­ Ciuaksal erron appearing bi adrorUaemenl* Flano are In charge of decora­ can vlolsts; Raymond C3ark, and otbar raaiUng matter In n e Manoheiter no change or progress by evoluUoa or tions. Miw. Re« Jacobs, Mn*. woodworking; MIm N ellie Brentnc HaraM. compromise. It would rather have Father Simmons and Mrs. Oamllle McNight, weaving; Miss Emma Bubaotibai to Loa Ancalea Ttmea-Waatitnc- Hesburgh way over wliere President ton Mat Neva Sarrlce. Mlokewlcs are In chsige of re­ Bats and Mlsia Jennie Bats, Sldl aerrtoe cllant of N. B. A. Serrtce, Inc Nixon’s comroendaition first seemed to freshments. painting; Richard Cyr, carving; PoUUtnm Ropreaonlattvaa — The Julhi* Kathawi Special Afonoy — New York. Chi put him. Since then. Father Heaburgh, M Ito B okss Denlsa Supeli, knitting; Douglas oag D . Detniit and Boaton. and Prasldant Nixon too, have been tak­ At tiw 10:16 Bsrvloe Sunday Part of the Waddell ^Mini Scene^ Sunday Dawson, ceram ic frog ccdleoUon, VBICBBR AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCUI.A ing a position which is bock accentuat­ St et. George’s Episcopal and 441 Glrt’s Club, sewing and TTON8 Photographed By A. E. Buoeivlolua Church the children will pre­ ing the positive posaiUlitles fai presort Annette Packard, second from right, is about to PTA’s production of “Mini Scene" in the school cra fts. Dtolay ndrertlalnn cloainn houri d a y youth. HOWELL CHENEY REGIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL sent their mite boxes and form catch th e belat' o f drum m er W illfam Packard. The Area exhiMtora will Include fVir Monday — l p,m. n-lday. a flowering cross with fresh auditorium Sunday at 3 p.m. The show is planned Star TUeaday — l p.m. Saturday That Is a pleasant thtng to record, for other girls, who have already picked it up, are, Myrtle Ckulson, Bolton, pastiel Ibr wedneillay — l p.m. Ifondat flow ers. and directed by Mrs. Arthur Caine and Mrs. R5^- portraits; Gina Martin, Wap- Ptor Thuraday — l p.m. Tueaday we agree with Preeldent Nixon, In the The mite box gathering wHl from left, Cynthia McPherson, Linda Sperry, De- ard A. Sperry. All proceeds will be used for PTA Ear Friday — 1 p.m. Wedneaday ainna Sylvestelr, and Rita Guimond. This rofk ping, antique decorations; Jeri PVw Saturday — 1 p.m. Thuradiui spirit and language of his Itaaiigural Ad­ bo taken Uter to Christ Church projects. (Heralld photo by Buceivicius) Sohedl, Manchester, Flemish Claailfled deadline — 5 p.m. day before dress, In the estimate that there is in­ Cathedral in Hartford. The group is one of 32 acts in the Waddell Scliooi publlootlon, 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday By Rowland Evans Jr. flowers; ^ella Kunzli, Rock' and Monday pubtlcatloo. finitely more to be said la favor of to­ Inside money will be used to help day’s youth than against » . and inflidtely SpanU h-A m erican p eop les In five gills and four young men, WMiy, ApiM 11 mote ressoti for hope than for Aeepnty Robert D. Novak clUeo and Trinity College, Que- 37th Annual Shrine Circus the “Rodos Troupe.” son, In the Philippine Islands. In Its efforts to com e to meaningful grips Tickets ore on sale at th e Report Honor Guard with the world we are about to hand State Armory on Broad St. In Speakers Booed they may be, at bow, many de­ Photographer’s Mate Airmen In Hartford for Ten Days over to tt. Hartford end there to plaoty o f ‘n at Rchwtant Vote WASHINGTON — The remark­ atrophy of Mack capitalism at Sandoval has Informed them he To the EMltor, grees they may have, how tilgh Ronald A. Georgettl, U8N, son p o ild n g . BITUMINOUS able fact thait a highly political SBA reflects its low priority in wants a strict loan policy based themaedves, they ore still pub­ of Mrs. Barbara E. Georgettl Bengral tigers, trapeze artists, balance and gnace In Ms temous The Board of Dtrecton has llnaUjr YOt- On Monday evening I attend­ priest from Housttxi, Tex., the Nixon administration gen­ on ability to repay. Since SBA lic servants of the taxpayers of of Sunnkigdctie La.', was among clowns, performing pachy­ “One Finger Stand.” ed to enlist Manchester In the Oonunun- named Father Antonio Gonzalez ed tl),e public meeting on the era lly . bureaucrats habitually a h y Manchester. The taxpayers pay the U.8. Navy personnel from derms, and a human projection "The Incomparable MT. Coco Meriden Man Killed tty Develoiimeat Action Plan of the State has been holding down a desk However, the way in which budget at Wculdell School and I their aalartee (and according and Company” presenta three DRIVEWAYS Fortunes Of War away from loans to hlgh-r i a k the Narad Air Station, Patuxent from the mouth of a huge Apol­ In Vietnam Action Parking A rfos « Gas Statlona • Basketball Coarts Department of Oommunity Afteln. In the Small Business Adminis­ Sandoval was finally appointed merchaiVta desperately , in need was shocked and disgusted toe statements made by th River, Md., serving as honor Chimpanzees whose ontdics in­ Now Booking for Spring Work A zoologiat who Just spent two weeks lo Rocket all mean that It’s cir­ The Board hen obvioualy voted th e tration (SBA) the past several by the President only aiSter in­ o f the ma/tby, S andoval‘a ord ers by the actions of the teachera Board of Education, the lowest guards at federal services for clude whipping off a shoe and MERIDEN (AP)—The famUy In Vietnam studying the effects of de­ weeks typifies the new opera­ paid sakuY for teachers Is of Army Spec. 4 Roland A. Rich­ avay it has not because It Ukea the plan, tense maneuvering inside the will be executed In full. attending the meeting. General Dwight D. Elsenhower cus time again. pounding ft on a chair to por­ Early Bird Special foliation there reports that birds are get­ tion there run by Hilary Sando­ Administration helps explain This means SBA loana to ghet­ 'Whenever there was a speak­ $6700.00 pe year, o r approod- In Washington, D.C. ' traying the sloppiest “Willie” ard of Meriden was infoimed or' the state department invtdved, but The 37th annual Sphinx Tem­ PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW BECAUSE

Salary Hiked to $36,000 MANGUB91BR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969 Expertly PACK Chotiner Quietly Placed Distinctive GLASSES FITTED News in THINK smut nilUl In White House Position TV-Radio Tonight DeUpered tai with lenthenetta j WASHINOTON (AP) — Mur­ peddling, has no previous sx- , Hartford County’s Most T h eW o rld Chotiner, President Nix­ perience 'in the field of interna­ Modem Eyewear Center NATO Maneuven trie wiper*’’'bentar, on’s longtime and often contro­ tional trade but said he is look­ Television WM aafaty ftaeba versial political mentor, has ing forward to learning about To Start AprU 20 8:00 »om Perry atomaa Ughte, front and renr _ _ i—~ , been appointed to a White trade agreements. Lennd of the NAPUM, Italy (AP) — T tn O W Kike OousUa i) Truth or Omsequences (wtheretto heedreete, • tearing House post with a salary Nixon He lias been seeking a Nixon F O W L E R (12) Merv Q tifto ^UroA HUobcock wheel look and rear wtadetr d £ NoiCIi AtlaaUa TVeoty O igulia- (IS) ^ ya ce to Ute BoUom of Iuntley-Br1nkl» quietly raised to $16,000 a year. administration post since Rep. (tie Bio 7:80 WHd. IWnd West It was announced Thursday Rogers C. B. Morton of Mary- Han amnunrod Tliwatay tint (am n S h tor TMsy , 4) Local ottu ral Aflaira moN tbonao o( itoahlpa and SOO KMenogeite Nelehbor- (102MMQ) High Chapartal TED TRUDON Me. M. TeNaad Tglni Chotiner, squeeaed out of a com­ Isnd, chairman-designate of the — Opticians— I 98) TThe ProtMBloaaJs mand post with the Republican Republican National Commit­ of Ita ptaniw win bo(tn 18 days Mnastere •to) This Is Tom Jones at maneuven April W. , P Troof) 8) Mystery Theater National Committee, was tee, edged him out of a t Night Movie fo or MANGHinm the new chairman made the MMMemuwan. A total o f 16 en- [SO) HcHale’s Navy 94) PliPlayhouse pointed head of the office with Frames adjusted and repaired quickly lAmastag Arlaona I) Let's Mske a Deal the rank of ambaaaador. Gil­ speeches. tMMd W wtaaaday and Thunday, Rifleman 9:80 )) Guns of Will Bonnett 54 McKEG STREET MS49tf bert, chairman of the Gillette But Morton, Nixon’s floor Open brlnclac (he Soviet fleet la flie . foorta Show 10:00 For the Defense Thursdayay 9 A JN. • 9 PJ(. (to) 77 Sunset Strip ______lExpeiimient in Co. executive committee, suc­ manager at the 1968 GOP Na­ Medttecraiwaa to at laaot 46. (90) Lookup ’elevlsiaa Dally 9 A.M. • 6:19 PJML (18) News Now Is the tim e to bring In your eoreesM to be repaired. ceeds William M. Roth. tional Convention, said he would , What’s New (18) Movie not take the committee chalr- — r, . -■ . Phone 949-6678 i-I ) Walter Cnmklte Storm window nqilaiiiiil The White House reported Gil­ Montgomery, 81, Too Itt ) - -Reynolds (M) NET Festival manahlp if Chotiner was In a J ( S-10-1249«0-W) News. bert’s appointment and said the To Attend Rite$ for Ike Bports. Weather otftce will remain part of the comniand post. ^ ) #nin AUTO 8LA88 INSTALLED LONDON (AP) — Poor health ' (90) News 11:80 (1020234(n TVmight Prealdent’a executive office. I News, Sports. (19) Late Movie i Nixon recently quashed a move wUl k e ^ F M d vie- (Sjto) Joey Blalk>p 8LASS FURNITURE TOPS count Monttomery, the peppery (8) D e ^ Ve«ey Days U:« to transfer it to the Department (18) What’s Ky Ltee 12:00 (S) litel^ le of Commence. BiLtWi hero of World Whr n, MIRRORS (Fln,lMe ead Doer) ChoUner’s appointment was NEW! from attending (ha maiaorlal HEE SATDBDAra TV WEEK FOR OOMFLETE U^TINOS announced by Theodore R. eervloe tor former Preeident ^potto iz drew PICTURE FRAMINB (ell Ir m s) ''Gates, acting head of the office PROFESSIONIL Dwight D. BUeenhower in Lon­ These three_ astronauts, two veterans and a rookie, were named yesterday to Radio Bupervialng and coordinating don Monday, an aide aald today. WINDOW eed PUTS OLASS make Anienca’s second planned moon landing fliarht— ApoQo 12 . Prom left: (IM s Uatliig Inolodea only Oioae newe broadcaata of 16 or 16 moat aspects of U.S. foreign Montgomery who ta 81, “te not Alan L. Bean, 37, rookie; d ia ries Conrad Jr., 38, veteran o f two Gernim trade policy, including trade ne- vmy well," the aide aald. "The minnto length. Some etatlona oairv oMior ehort newacaata.) Tub Ekidosnrie from $30 to $45 plus instRUaliim flights and commander o f Apollo 12; and Riichard F. Gordon Jr., 39, who flew gotiatlona. PMt winter faae taken a toll of WRCR-au ' 8:00 News The National Archives’ 'week­ his health and ettengfl) and at into space once in the Omini program. (Ap Phobofax) 5:00 Hartford RiaMlahv «:10 Speak Up m oru (H«rald idioto by Pinto) 7:00 News 8:80 Speak Up Hartfore D. D. EISENHOWER DECANTER R ly compilation of Nixon’s docu­ HARTS his age ti taUqg time to renov- 8:00 (kudlalH il:S0 Berry Feiber ments reported ectrlier this 19:00 Quiet Houn 19;U Blsn Off ABE LINCOLN DECANTER .... er.” w n c —188* P. D. ROOSEVELT...... ft Bug on Its Back— The Driver Slightly Hurt week a little-noticed, v with WABrnNOTON (AP) — Proat- BUFFALO, N.T. (AP) — The S:00 W"' 7:80 News of the World 1967 B&G XMAS PLATES ...... 3 patti from Coburn Rd. yesterday at 12:35 p.m. sustained damage to its top, rear, sMes, and front, $80,000. trapped,” Broughton waa Riot­ TurhoTrain, a Ugfatwelgiit, Mgl>- 6;U Speak Ito Rsrtton 7:55 Joe OeragloU 1968 B&G XMAS PLA T E S...... 3 The report also Includded in the produoera hut only two dent Nixon has told a houao aub- ed aa Baying. “ They were atraf- 6:46 Lowell TTiotnm. 8:06 Pop Osneert Tbe Buick driver, Leonard Desautels, 70, o f WiWi- and was towed from the scene. ahoww got on the air. commtttee only he, not hia ou- speed train billed as the answer 8:66 PhU Rlssuto 9:05 Nlahtbeet small type beneath the text this 8I¥m Yonr Lawn ing some guns and another bat­ to Stow rati eervloe, w ilt make 7:00 The World Tcautn 11:00 News, Weather sentence: ‘Executive Order "We ran out of orltioa" said bordlnatea, will make clainu of tery opened up on them ." 7:90 Frank Glfiord il:15 Sports Final orientation runs from Buffalo to 7:30 Speak Up Bporw held tomorrow at the Commun­ work In checking the campers 1463 was not m ed» public in the producer Poul THer Peteraen. executive privilege to withhold One o f the four BIOS's reacted 19:00 News 8R0W-P0WER! New Tock City AprU 20 and Bolton ity Hall from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. each morning, may sign up at torm of a White House press re­ "Sinoe the Mat program eo few Information requeatod by Con- w ltli 20mm cannon fire "but ap­ The PTA and the BEA wl 11 any time they are avallaUe. people oame up with eertoue greoa. New York to Albany the next lease.” parently there waa aomethlng In day. again Bpcmeor movies at St. The work la for approximately Chotiner, 60, a orfUolam that wo are left wMh Chairman John E. Mo m , D- the w a y," Broughton aald. CalU., o f the lubcommlttoe on James L. Hens, an official of Maurice Church hall from 2 to one-half-hour per day, he ex­ lawyer who figured - In a 1966 nothing tor another program.” "There waa a big ship there." 1 ToDand Tidte. 15-Mill Hike Feared 4 p.m. tomorrow. The animat­ plained. Senate Investigation of Influence The abaenoe of erttios wae at­ gwemment Information made The Washington Star quoted the Brotherhood of Looamotive ed cartoon "Slnbad the Sailor" ALL AROUND tributed to reluotenoe to iqtpear public Thuraday a letter In Broughton aa saying "I de- Engineers, said Thunday night M iaiiciwetir-yciiiosi which Nixon said, "Under thia the gas turtotne-powere^ alu­ Center w ill be shown. Admission Is 60 on the eereen end to the ponoduo- atroyed the film " to protect the Town Line If Budget Isn’t Cut cents. Candy and soda will be HAGHMIST ere* etaU a t debating. admlntatration eKocutive privi- two pilota under hla command. minum train would be b(0(« h t VITTNER'S me. available. Children should be logo will not be aaaerted without Hie Star aald Broughton felt he to Buffalo AprU 19 wtthout pas- Itae lNidg«t requests, tx> be GOP Dinner picked up promptly at 4. BRID8EP0RT Bomb BUuU Entrance ■peclfic presidential approval had to act to prevent them from prannfted to the town at a pub- The Republican Town C o m- ... I want apon government to being court-martialed for firing The next day, he aald, the train will leave Buffalo at 1 pjn. Qo hearing Monday, will re- mittee wlU hold a testimonial Manchester Evening Her­ O f Athene Newe Office bo a reality In every way poaal- on an unauthorised target OPERATORS ble.” with a par^ of government and qtare an Increase of 15 mills dinner for Sel^tman Michael ald Bolton oorreqrandent, ATHENS (AP) i - A home­ The Pentagon Identified the The reasons are in Bolens Executive privilege la haqed buslneM officials aboard. atKiva the ItSB-W tax rate, ac­ Peace April 25 starting at 6:30 Clemewell Young, tel. 648-8981. MACHINE made bomb ODcptoded at the en- two officers Involved In the cording to Board of Finance at Ftono’a Restaurant. Difference Designed Features trenoe to the o tfic e e o f the nawe- on the congtltutional principle S ' flight aa MaJ. Alonso L . Fergu­ It is achsduled to stop at 2-Yeor-O ld chairman Roy Peckbam. Peace is retiring as select­ HITES OPERATORS paper Bletia today, cauatng ■eparatlon of powers among the son and MaJ. Frederick O. Tol- Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, man June SO, when new officers executive, leglelatlve and Judi­ man. They also were tried but Schenectady and Albany. State Peckham estimates an 80-mill •it 7 hp compact with automatic transmission (one ■light dunaga to the bidldiug tax rate for 1960-70 If no reduc­ take over, after serving more Day Camp Ready ITheEMUOGORP. but no Irduilee, cial branches of government. were acquitted. legislators troui each area will tions are made before or at the than 20 years. foot pedal controls forward, reverse and braking) b o ^ the train tor the trip to offers better than aver- The blast - apporentiy was Capital Quote awnsU budget meeting May 5. 'Itckets may be obtained For Sixth Year Pilot CouruMartialed ■Albany, be Said. am pay end kbenal bene­ * 12 volt electric starter standard * Forward plaEltiad tqr opponenta at “We must know the elements H m total budget stands at $1,- from members of the t ow n fits, phis pleasant woiic- Oreeoe’s military diotatorsMp, For Deetroying Film The train will: travel' from Al­ Manchester damp Kennedy speed variable to SVz mph, reverse speed variable of insecurity and how to remove bany to New Yoric with Just the ROSE 160,287. O f ttlto, $010,886 is for committee. Everyone is wel­ Ing oondftfooB. Eetia being a rlght^vlng news- WASHINOTON (AP) — The come to attend. director Harry F. Smith an­ Apply A t to 3V2 mph * 34" turning radius * Eight at­ them. Conferences are useful if crew aboard. ttae Board of Eiducatlon, and paper. Air B\>rce court-martialed a vet­ they deal with concrete tasues, $488,906 for the town. School Menu nounced today that the d a y tachments available for year ’round versatility Athens has had a seites of eran pilot tor destroying combat On AprU 21, the train wiU re­ which means they must ba care­ turn to Albany with another The town budget Includes, for Monday, orange Juice, siosh- camp for the retarded will open TIveEMOO small gomb explosions since the film ahowlng American planea fully prepared.” — Preoident the flnt thne, a contingency burgers on roll, potato chips, July 7, for its sixth consecutive army seised power two years atrating a Sovtot ehip In the party of offioiats, possibly In­ k\ B Nixon on the Communlot pro­ cluding Oov. Nelson RockiefeSer. BUSHES fund of $26,476 to cover ex­ wax beans, pineapple tidbits; year of operation. CORPORATION ago, but this was the ftrot time North Vietnamese port of Cam posal to dlaouH European secu­ Tuesday, hamburg gravy with SEE YOUR BOlLENS DK A l^ y a nefspaper otfioe was the tar- Fha in 1967, the Pentagen Itaa Ths train, hunt by United Air^ penses that ere foiseen but not The camp this smnmer will Loeated Behind Flano’s rity. fUU PlA H roie INSTMICnONS •rice, peas, gingerbread; dlscloaed. craft Ooi^.; in Bast Hartford, iBKiwn at this time. Foremost of operate In three sessions of I Itestaurant on iHoube 44A, „ MyroHESTEB SOUTH WINDSOR those, according to Peckbam, Wednesday, franktorto on roll, two weeks each —Jhly 7 to July Bcttiao, Oonn. Col. Jack Broughton, now re­ Capital Footnote Conn., ban achieved tent speeds Co. South WlndMr EqMp. Oo. of 170 mtiee an bQur^ o a ..w«|di. relates to the renovation of the sauerkraut, carrot sticks, 18, July 21 to Aug. 1, and Aug. Or OaH 38 Main Street n SnlUvaa a Vm m tired) drew a $600 fino and an The government' la reportad elementary school. If the town spiced cookies; Thursday, pork 4 to Aug. 16. BOCKVHAE Blamed in 1-91 Deaths admonUhement tor deatroying considering, tor the first time/ ed track and 16T mUea an hour votes for the renovation project, loaf, mashed potatoes, corn. W. H. PreoM h Sm u official property "with Intent to setting DDT tolerance levels for on standard Jointed rail, but wUl Smith said that applications BE SURE . hat l ^ n ssrving the Hems Ownsr Far Iw th e r Iinifoniia,tion HARTFORD (AP) — Coroner HYBRID bonding expenses wtU be inctnr- Iced cake; Friday, tomato soup, tor volunteer counselors w ill be 18-16 VUIage Steete deprive the United StatM gov­ fish because at dangerous levels travel ootialderaUy dower on for 8? YEARS. Por a complete FREE INSPECTION of Irving L. Aronaon )tas ruled rsd. If it turas the project down, toasted cheese sandwich, peach­ available on or about April 21, ernment of Information to which found In C 5 .Y E A R X > L D dents, of work/study programs. SHRUB & HEDGE TRIMMER Aa advettited im COMMOPOUTAM, QiJUiOaM AMD MMMMMTMMM LAWN With costs rising every year, with more and This IS a series that is must reading for NEW SPREADING UPRIGHT more students applying for college admission, every parent with college-age children and SEED every student seeking higher education and for Black Patent Your ‘ToH Parrot” YEW YEW the answer to that |>ointed question can affect Agency For Childi^ UME - PERT those families who w ill be facing this problem Barlav the present lives o f many parents and the future Lofltiqae LIME 2 la 1 M carieers o f their children. soon. Don’t miss "Can You Afford College?" •1 4 .M * 2 . 4 9 . . *2.49 in Sunday’s Hartford Times. » •4.95 POITS LARGE SaJBCTION ANDROMEDA EXCUJSIVE mKtartg Sunday in The Hartford Ttmog 866e aq. ft.— 69-Ik. bag PUSSYWILLOW RHODODENDRON P i i A H I S AZALEAS VITTNER'S P.t«3.50 •4.50 1. *16.00 EVERGREENS OIAROEN CENTHt 1 Telhind Tomplks Mnn.-Vetnen Town Una PRIVET «id BARBB4RY HEDGE

' ‘‘W ‘r '■‘v'7


to slga up should contact Vernon Coventry Oehmsen o f ICra. Richard >Io- Capt. Thompson Promoted^ Alaskan Tour R IfadUn, both on Mark Dr., no ilA Y It POLtAN- Merger of Post Offices by changing UIKA later than tonigllt. Now on Duty at Pentagon By Kennedy Yo»r OmSfy AcfMtjr Gwid* J y . xn.. M •rf-’ Large Turnout Expe<^ed Dlsplaya can be dropped off Fence ityourseHv AetorJImg to ffc» Ston. ocf. at the library on April 19. Wotdd Ease MaU Problem Capt. Bobert M. Thompaon of To detokjp messoge for Soturdoy, Presses On p our name to 4- 4-16-24^ JWO Treasurer Mrs. RUHam O on fti«k » with legal aditoeoa- the U.8. Navy, formeriy of rtod words corresportding to numbtrs 41-77-78 ^ Eor^Address hy Dr. Ames Ayer haa announoed that the aeked to contact membere of Pick from 89 styles. Manchester, to now serving ae (Continued from Page One) j^TAUtUS of your Zodioc birtfi sigrv club is donating $10 to the aa and maWng addreaaea may the Connecticut COngreaeional Coventry Onunmar School nance and Setectmen, the Cur­ delegation about the matter. the aoetotant for automation to 1 Put 31 Mind ohinonctal James ,Waat Fund. West is the Call Walpole. Choose from a variety of the most be BOlved with tfw ccoaoUda- totle and forceful program" automatic 2Mok* 32 Stroight 62 To Mnol|Ma Oliver ChaMeU ex­ riculum Committee, school ad­ To further complicate the the director of the Joint Chiefs , 7 w MAT M Tolland youth who eras Injured beautiful cedar fencing your money can buy. tten of the town’a throe poet of- aimed at Improving the living 30«onc« 33 About 63 0tdtr pect* a larre turnout of inter- ministrators, the North and mailing problem, rural routes of Staff at the Pentagon, Wash­ ♦TWi 34 Anyone't 64A last winter white practidiM for Each style is built with superb craftamah- caodltians ot toe Alaska natives. eeted dtisenaf, parenta and ed­ South Coventry Cooperative floeo, It waa agreed at a meet- aervlng Ellington and TOlland ington, D.C. SVou 35 Oistonce 65Spec»ol a gymnastics program. shlp... the highest quality cedar, carefully com fort WMIM . ftShOMtd 36You'f« 6 6 ^ ucators Tuesday night for the Nursery Schools, Coventry Day He waa promoted to captain Sen. Ted Stevsns and Rep. 1 SAOITTAIIIUS Several officers and members Ing W towii and poatal ofttclals Ko out, in part, from the 7Up 37 Feelirtn 67 Vitoi special program on reaihneBS Scluxd ataft and several clubs milled and skillfully proportioned. yesterday attenMon. BockvUle post office and soma last October just before com­ Howard Pollock, both R-Alsska, 8Do 38 Socioble 68 Regordiess not members o f Kennedy’s sub­ Fr*rJVM»d(✓!? *"'r *' 39 Psychic 69 In which will feature Dr. Louis an«l other organisationa as well. ^ fotag to attend Build fencing that looks better, lasts Oho of tile main causea of the P®®P^® living in thes6 two towns pleting a tour of duty as execu­ 9Gh OK. II the annuai spring conference of committee on Indian education, corp. Si^lt40 to Not 40 And 70 Use Baites Ames, co-founder oi Yale ChatfieU saM yesterday that longer. And save money by doing It yourself. ocnfuolon la the fact that some BockvlUe mailing addreaa- tive officers on board the attack 11 Endtovor 41 Lucky 71 Recently 19-22-23-50^ respemae by educators outside (Conneetieut Jtmiora, to be held were invited to accompany the 21Zt*oJ 42 With 7201 58-41-74 University’s GeoeU Institute of Budget terms available. So is our free people Uvlng in Venton, which noted it would be transport USS Mathews. This 120f of town has been good, with at Valle’s Steak House on April group and stayed with the toUr. we’re making: it dear iost what it la cA»«en 13 Iniur* 43 Understond 73 Person CAPRICMN (Child Development. booklet "Fencing Tips". Send for It today. la their legal addreae, have 1*^®® dfivlae the poatmastera tour included eight months de­ 14 Arfoirs 44 Note 74 Prorr>ise Project ASK sending represen­ 26. ^ y v l/ « ti Hw program wlU start at BockvEUe o r TaloottvlUe aa their* ! " “ '®*® “ *<> action ployment in Vietnam where he Stevens said that despite the that we deltverl 15 Your 45 Assume 75 Significonce tatives, as weS as 19 teachers Hie April 16 meeting of the jwV M 16 Be 46 By 76 Motives JAM. I» 7:80 and run approodmaMy two maiUng eddrosB. being taken. participated in the delivery of disagreement, he thought the 47 A 77 Mor^ey from Eastern Connecticut State JWO is to be for the election of combat cargo to Cau Viet, Dong trip would be beneficial to Alas­ We need to be called the Americaa Goal Ok, lac.— •-10-IM4 17 At 14-17-21-35#' hours, and Dr. Ames, oo-found- Yeeterday’B meeting waa ar- , Bepalra IB To 46 Somethir>g 78Doy (College in WiUimantic. new officera, and members are Ha and Hue, juet south o f the ka. the oldest, targest, most dependable foel eeivtee in ■4»57 19Be , 49 By 79 Mode er of Yale University’s GeseU rangedi by the Bookvltiie Area . **** merchante remlndsd that attendance at demilitarised zone. For his work TTte split epme after disclo­ Greater Hartford. We’re stil all of tlatt, hot onr u o 20 Brolten SOA 80 Of AQUARIUS brttltute oi Child Devdopment. ChatfieM feels the program Chomiber of Oomraerce. Of the ^ '^ ty Sh<^lng center 21 A 51 You 81 Personal • la of special interest to parenta this meeting Is compulsory. C ham ber M C in thto vital support of Am eri­ sure of a memo from a member -f. juir M 22Wory 52 Someone 82 You JAM. to Ihe program will start at 7:80 three poat cfttcea, only one haa V** •'**“ new name puts the emphaaia where it belonsB . . . S oloist Friendly Circle can troops, the captain was of toe subcommittee staff advis­ ,AU6. II 23 Of 53 Could 83 Seek ni. If and nm approedmately tw o of pre-Bchooi and elementary a poetmatter with permanent permanent re- on YOUR o(MRifgs answer period. (Copies o f her iiear Jesse A. Brainard, South ter of oeramontes at the 68th Thompaon attended Lincoln and and "the afflumce of govern­ , AW. IJ Requiem” to be presented past several w eeks," (Chatfleld _ . further inconvenience. Capt. Robert M. Thompaon 29 PfOmtsei 59 Ber^fit 89 Others book, " Is Your (CMld in the St, apeak on Eariy American ■me major portion of the prob- The wires for th* ii.hf annual '"Cliamber ““w banquetutuiHum. w»to beno Banuud Schools, and waa a sm. M 30 Irwxite 60 Through 90 Controct MAR. 10 next Thursday at 8:1S p.m. at aaid. "M any parents have had ment Installations." Wrong Grade,” on wMch her questions about difficuiUea, gloss makers and their 1942 ' graduate of Manchester administrative officer, and a I M5J0-56 ^ G o o d ^ A d verte ^^N eurnl 2- 7-26J1 i Jorgensen Auditorium, Storrs, talk wilt be based, will be avail­ ^ *^VMnon laid under th. roadway but duu UwLSrMtah'wtSi’^ ’ru ^ Ht patrol plane commander at the Kennedy described the memo >^62-7a«}« 3J4847 f which may be attributed to pos­ products. Members may invite as routine and said he had or­ by the University of (Connecti­ able at a special reduced price. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, sible immaturity, that they have friends to this mtetlng. dered it distributed to all sub­ cut Symphony Orchestra and OhatfM d haa also reported a AUTOMATIC COMFORT (Choral Society, directed by Je­ encountered wUh iheir cMId at oomplatat from Itobert Me- light'kept shortS" out “ca^l^ ^ entering the Navy aa committee members. special, tree baby-sitting serv­ G aiity inv nm hi.m . fi,? P®nwiiiauty, w gi be the rome Lassloffy. Miss Mary (Col­ It is with this isBue that Dr. Jr. oonoemlng that of- ing probYemrto to? m o t o li^ ^ *»* *»« an enltoted man In 1948, Capt. d®P|oyed to Rota S ^ , flying But, Saxbe’s statement aold, BOip. ice in oonjunction wit h the Ames win deal In her talk. floe. e___ ^ e_ c l a l l y ^ e t^ytag t o S Thompson waa employod at both "Everything was geared for the Woods Waives Last Hearing lier will be si^rano soloist RUMMA8E SALE Greater Htortford’s Losgeet evening program, being coor­ toe HUUardvllle and Bast Hart­ located and tracked several newareel press.” The Ohio Re­ Holton, recently named head Hobby Show In a lengthy letter to poqta) ot toe shopping center park- ^r^mdemM Hurt Russian ships carrying supplies Most Experienced Fuel Service dinated by a Mgh schoed stu­ officials in Hartford, MWOeSty ing lot. Landw^ ^ ettra#, Hart- ford plants of P ra tt and WhMney publican said he han’t planned Of the Manchester (Civic (Chorale dent, Sandra Dicherman, Itt co- Mks. Stephen Oehmsen Pub­ and mtoaUea to Cuba during toe After Failing in First Two lic Affairs Chairman of the Jun­ Friday, April IS Itoted the problems he baa been Mayor Grant said toe wires EHvtolon o f United A ircraft to disrupt Ithe tour. "I waa just received his BME from the operatton with the high school, Cuban criato. Thto tour lasted ior Women’s dub, has remind­ Irtving in getting hto mail are being encaaed In permen- ^ ««<» Osao- Ooip. fed up. I realize toe natives of­ Hartt (College of Music and his home economiics department. imtil 1968 when he was assigned A tnielratad Harold Woods, and improvised with a plank to MA from U(Conn. He is soloist ed residents that today la the 8 AJU. at through the Veinon post office. ahella.ahell.. All A1I ofnf toe .hro excavation avriB.vnMrow After speciaUzed training, the ten live in dirty and repulsive Headquarters Company, .'76th to U.S. Naval Postgraduate who had Just seen probahle get the safe down a fire escape at the Immanuel CCongregsdlMi- Several gilts will be available deadline to sign up for the Hob­ Bernard Oowl, executive dl- work la being done by toe town captain served in Would War n conditions, but thto kind ot cir­ Infantry Dlvtoton .(Renerve) will School, Monterey, Oalif. While cause found against him in two briiind the market. Klein said al (Church in Hartford and la al- for baby-sitting, having offered by Show, scheduled for the LuHwr Hal of rector of too chamber, suggest- public works department. The In the Padfle Hieatar as a tur- cus isn't toe answer." '< Woods Imidied that he was their free aervlros in the inter­ provide the (3olor Guard. rot gunner. As the war drew to achool he was promoted aafe thefts, Incidents waived ao a member of the Hartford Booth-Dimock Library April 22 Znraimel Luthoran ed that a letter be written to wiring working to being done by About 25 newsmen and photo- with someone tise, but he could ests of the program being of­ Tickets may be obtained from a close, he was ordered to the commander. THANKS! hlB right to a probable cause Festival of Music Chorus. to 26. C tn ire li poatal authorities listing sugges- a contractor and will cost about graimers accompanied toe tour, not remember the name. When fered, so both father and ­ the Manchester Chamber of Naval PirefUgHt School as a After completing hto school­ hearing In the third safe theft Holton and Miss (Collier were All children In kindergarten tlons for aUeviating toe local $840. * which started Tuesday and ends Thanks to the gentlemen who state: I wotdd hire asked by Asst, prosecutor Lom­ ers may attend. Anyone inter­ (fommerce, 287 iStost Oenter St. Naval AvislUon Cadet. In 1947 he ing he returned to patrol avia­ charge agRinst him, at yester­ guest soloists with the Uhiver- through Grade 0 are invited to M Church St., HanclMstMr problema. The same problem with toe with a hearing in Fairbanks to­ you as a sdeswoman but white people would not L lS r bardo, If Wloods had not men­ ested in using the service was commlssiooed an ensign tion, based at . In day’s sesRion of Circuit Court slty of (Connecticut Bymidiony display any hobby or collection Sponsored by The letter, Crowl said, should wires shorting out exists at toe day. with US. tioned the name of Brian Mc­ should contact Miss Dicker- and received hto gold winga. 1968 he became executive offi­ Woods, 38, of 404 N. Main St, Orchestra and (Chonil Society’s at the exhibit. Anyone wlahtog Emanuel Church Women be accompanied by an endorse- light at Dart HUl Rd. Intersec- Also involved in toe split was Cartan In connection with the P’rom 1947 bo 1661 TTvimpson cer and later served as com­ Thanks to my white aco who have aaid: was bound over to the next see- performance last year of Bach’s man. who Uves on Bread and OPEN SUNDAYS 1-5PM mont by toe Board of Repre- tlon. This la a state Installed a report that toe Republicans theft, Klein said yea, it waa M ilk St. Parents must provide Cancer Society was stationed at the Naval Air manding officer of Patrol We would LIST witti you.i we have to think about elan of the Hartford Superior "Passion According to St. sentatives and he also suggest- light. Mayor Grant aaid he Squadrai 42 s^t Whldbey laland. were upset because toey had not Brian MtOaitan that he men­ the aitters transportation, and Station, Barbena Point, Hawaii. our family and f r i « i « . O coit by Judge Frank Monchun. John.’ ’ ro that the Republican and hopes this situation wlU also be Plans Luncheon Wash. WhUe on deployment been consulted on planning the tioned. are asked to limit the hours of Democratic town chairmen be corrected. Soon ^ e r hto ^iromotian to Woods is accused of commit- overseas he was stationed at tour. Thanks to the newepap reporter who stated: The Woods taking the stand in babysitting tromi 7 to 1():80 p.m. Ueubenant junior grade, be yras On Wednesday night there Uag three breaks where safes The Manchester Unit of the toe large Tan Son Nhut airbase white people of Manchc are not ready for a Negro this hearing also, testified that . Also on Tuesday night's pro­ assigned es a personnti otfUor waa dtoagraement over where ware taken in each instance, (hi both StO TM American Cancer Society wlU in Salg;on and flew coastal anti- busineoB person. he bad never been a close gram wlU be a showing of a and designated an aircraft com- an Air Force (J180, carrying the Oct 36, Woods is accused of Police Log Tar Vernon sponsor a Champagne Lunchecn mander In DC4-type aircraft. Thanks to the landlimds who would rather reht to ' breaking into the home of James friend of Kleki’e, ‘T might have video tape of a kindergarten O f * opon Thursday, May 1 at noon at EI- S‘K e “clT T f“v.rtoaTm played cards with him a cou­ clajsB at 008. The classes shown I Flight operations during tMs along toe coast of VletMm^ta prevented It from reaching a Negro but... Dotty, 303 Henry St and tak­ FAIRWAY fington R idge O xm try Club. ple of times, that’s all” Woods are the youngest Redwing atomic teats at House Oialnnaa Albert - . FOR AN AFFOINTMINT bring in.” 100 Ftrguson Rood which said, In effect, this safe ry A. Tanner, Torrington. Manchester toe buUding and alerted t h e partment andtoe state fire. Rayburn. Blktod El^wltok Islands In bar, D-N#w Haven, said ti»e bUl ROCKVIUI is open and contains no money. Judge Monchun bound Woods custodians who were on duty at marshal’s officeare continuing Membera o f a decorating com- the Paxdtip when the first hyxfeo- —^previously reported favorably over to the Hartford Superior during® ^ 875-4765 Clayton Klein, an employe of COMPLAINTS SAT., A P lU t T2th the time in another part ot toe an Investigation into toe fire. mUtae are Mrs. Jack Hunter, gea was droimed from: an —bad been reoaUed end would Brsm BrM|t M., Toilisf Manoheetf Movers, and a Court on all three oases. Robert Giola, 706 Bush HUl building.. Earlier In the morning yester- chairman; Mrs. WnUam Peck, aircraft, be kUed. from 9 a .m .lo 2 p.m. I s p b j n o s p E O liu r .1 Read Herald Advertisements three-year acquaintance of Rd., complained to police that, seg. 49e—iiinit 3 SP8I8B OFFER Superintendent o f Schools day some 14 or 18 windows were Mra. Kemeth VWgren, Mrs. Ed- Befbra returning from the Woods', testitied that Woods had his mailbox, and a speed Umit Baby carriage, 88-gallon "we feature variety at Its best!” Raymond Ramsdell said today smashed In toe office area of ward Trarea end Mra. MenUl Redwii« teeto, the Curttoe went told him shout, taking a safe Nurse Attending sign, had been knocked down drum, paper flowers, | lW^*.w ai C O V T .V a he hopes to havt toe aultori- toe high school and a fire waa Ruwnow. to MciMurdo Sound ahd LltUe from Henry at. and described by an unidentified car yester­ games, etc. 2 locatlona: main st. and east middle tpke. um repaired as soon as possi­ discovered In a waste basket. Membera of a program com- America in the Antarctic to par- the sign. UofH Seminar day morniiig. Oadstto Troop #77 • both stores open thins, and frt. till 9M p.m. # ble as it caiinot be used until mlttee are Mra. George tlclpate in Operation Deepfreeze Although Woods denied com­ it to. He said he is waiting for Mrs. Isabelle Musihevlk, Gentile, MTb. Joseph Reggetts n. mitting the break on the wit­ Police observed three 'broken iLififiinoii a final report from the insur­ R.N., of the Manchester Public Bidders Sought and Mra. Alfred Werboor. M ». From 1967 to 1969 the captain ness stand, Judge Monchun windows in the bathhouse of the •••Wwkfie hNca$ ance adjusters. Health Nurses Association Is at­ R.V. Gorach to pubUetty chair- served as assistant line officer found probable cause. Robinson School pool, while on man. tending and eight-eeaeioti Dr. Ramsdell hopes to bring For Water Main and peirnonnol officer at toe In the second hearing, held patrol lost night. seminar on "Oontinulty of Care the matter before toe Board of Naval A ir StaiUon, Anaicostia, after the midday recess. Woods' w EX7W GIMR6E1I Education Monday night and to Bids 'Will' be opened April 28 former wife, and the w ife of in Alcoholism” which began W artiligton, D .a WhUe on thto PauUne Merenino, 87 Floretice get approval to go ahead with at 11 a.m. in the Municipal Wild Nuts Harvested Brian R. McCartan, who Is also yesterday at the Univsratty of A w m aasignment be was promoted to Hartford. St., complained that someone toe work,'■Meanwhile, he is lin­ Building for the installation of BELEM — Just about all toe lleutent oommender and then accused of the thefts, testified had backed a car into her cin­ PorticIpanlB are professional ing up carpenters, electricians a 200Hfoot water-main extension Brazil niita harverted in Brazil attended the Uhi'veralty of Mto- that on Nov. 11—the night der block retaining wall yester­ staff members of public and pri­ BEST GUIDE and other workers so toey can In FhUlp Rd., to join with toe grow wild. They are picked on a atoslppl on a Navy-sponsored Woods is accused of having day, knocking loose some cin­ vate community agencies, vol­ ■I ’. : start aa soon as toe approval to main In Walla St. casual basis by workers in toe educational program until June taken a safe from the Man­ der blocks. chester Public Market—Woods unteers, private practitionera, given. The project was approved by Wild rubber harvest. Only about 1961, when he received a From was at Mrs. McCartan’s house business men, members o f Alco­ The superintendent said he the Board of Directors at its one Brazil-nut tree out of eight bachelor o f business admlnis- Mrs. Jenny Nynmn, 47 Rus­ with, his wife. Both women tes­ holics Anonymous and Al-Anon, TO '1 ^ WELL PRICES THAT MAKE YOU BUY, QUALITY thinks toe entire auditorium will April 1 meeting. to visited. Almost a third of toe tratlon degree, apeclaltoing in sell St. reported that a wrist- tified that the three of them and other interested persons. have to be repainted due to toe The water-main extenaton will' output la shipped to toe United personnel management were together from 7:30 p.m. to They will become famUlarised watch had been stolen from her THAT KEEPS YOU COMING BACK.. smoke damage. The backdix^ be an 8-inrii cart iron pipe. States. In July 1961 he became iiome while she was out of the about 3 a.m. that night. with the latest thinking and ex­ DRESSED LOOK bouse Weitoesday nooix perienced n the continuity of Chevy Caprice Mrs. Woods also testified that 6 her husband used ' the term care of the alcoholic. “ratted” “like a five-year-old The course is sponsored by Mrs. Mable Merritt, 80 Church St. told police yester­ ROOFING uses tattled” . She said her ex- the Division of Oontinuing Ekki- JOHN&MANVILLE ASPHALT day that $172 was stolen from husband used the term fre­ cation of the University of Hart­ WOODLAND GARDENS ROOFING... quently and that because some­ ford, the Greater Hartford a pocketbook she had placed in "COME SGE-COME SERVE YOUnSOLF!" . « her bedroom last Monday. to Chrysler one ratted on somebody, that Council on Alcoholism, am the OFFERS THESE ITEMS AT A SAYINGS did not necessarily mean what Alcohol and Drug Dependence Superior qualityfelt bow was said was true. Division o f the Connecticut Damage was done to a con­ saturated with ogihait, vertible owned by Caroline In the first hearing, testimony State Department of Mental TO YOUl 25% OFF REG. PRICE thickly (wotad again with ' was heard that Woods told po­ Health. Krlnjack, 801 (Jenter St. while lice shortly after his arrest that the oar was parked in the drive­ asphalt and then colorfast Newport he thought someone had “ rat­ way sometime last night. The materials. ted” on 'him . Woods said he frame supports were bent and P A IR S O F 6 1 would not have been arrested Public Records the top ripped, peddoe said. Warrantee Deed' 800 SLACKS unless someone had informed. Harold J. Llsk to Lebro T. ASSORTED DRESS & CASUAL He was quoted by Det. Sgt. Jo­ Tools valued at $78 were Urbanetti, property at 28 Mill CUSTOM FINISHED seph Brooks as saying, " I know taken sometime before April 6, for ^2.69* who I pulled the Job with.” Sgt. St.,' conveyance tax $20.38. Carl Rivers, 16 Church St., re­ KITCHENS BASEMENTS Brooks said Woods meant that Mairiage Licensee ported to police yesterday. Brian McCartan was the only Gordon Lee Chamberlain, 200 SPORT COATS one who could have known Rockville, and Shanm Morris, about the safe theft, and there­ Rockville, April 19, Community 2 Escape in Danbury fore McCartan was the one who Baptist (jhurch. » 75 ALL WEATHER COATS a month more. ■ratted” . Tadeusz John Wajda, 12 DANBURY (AP) — Two men Mrs. Veronica McCartan. Bri­ Haynes St., and Janice Frances escaped from the medium se­ an McCartan's wife, gave test- Heal, 193 W. Middle Tpke., April curity Federal Correctional In- mony similar to Mrs. Woods’. 19. stltutlon here Thursday night by ALL SPORI SHIRTS She said that she and Mr. and Building Permits climbing over a buildii« with Mrs. Woods were together from Alexander Jarvis, 81 apart­ a rope made of mattrew cov­ It's New ^emp^ e . Products about 7:30 p.m. on Nov. H into ments in 10 buildings on Thomp­ ers, officials sold. A U SWEATfRS the early hours of the morning son Rd.. $532,000. The men, who had just begun CoarntyoM ba*am*atlntoabeaa(Mhliaeiaatli»wviM. It's Different O New Self Service of Nov, . 12 Jack R. Hunter Inc. for Man­ serving aentencea foi: interstate ModamiwyoaildtciMa. Y o a l gat mon om m 4 ptoMoia (Jlayton Klein, testifying in chester Sand A Gravel Co., ad- transportation of a stolen mo­ Ikom IhMalaiPOrtMithomaliiiMroan a itiaadyiMTWiett It can really happenl this case also, said Woods had dUicos to industrial building at tor vehicle, were identified os wH be wofOi MBdi aNN. SPECIALS! told him that he stole the sale 60 Adams St., $38,000. Robert E. Burke, 21, of St. PANSIES Our 1969 Chiyslere are selling at a record pace. from the Manchester Market. Edward J. Kamls for Rudy Clarie Shores, Mich., and Rich­ Klein told the court that Woods Plerro, new dwelling at 181 ard Newbegin, 22, of Malden, AFTER SIX FORMAL WEAR TURIF BUILDER plus 2« told him how he had strt^jgled PASTORIAL GIANTS! Dartmouth Rd., $26,000. Mass. ADD A DORMER Weeda and Feeds! The price of a haircut. Or a couple tripe throQgh a Efiiiy, Cohafol, Uatful car waah. That's about all the monthly price differenoa for that next Special Occasion. ADD A ROOM ONLY there la between Chrysler Newport and a comparably- HALTS PLUS® equipped Chevy Caprice. Any wonder Chryaler’a PORCHES Weeda out Orabgrass and Feed* ROSES headed toward a record aalea yaar? Teat driva the Begulany 14.i Poaalble Dream. Soon. /•acKMCin uMct V l.arge Stoe! yOMIS H MKMU. N \ NOW Rush and Double OUmbet*. Only Lotesf ASK THE MAN FROM GLOBE BASKET •12.95 AUlNOmZID MAUHM PEiSOttAUZED Largq Bags — Have $2.89! ^SHSSSSliiS Sign of personalized Breosted ALUMINUM WINDOWS. AWNINGS, PATIO Style HAH PLANT FOOD ...... 89 Ibo. O N LY $2.19 HEMLOCKS and JUNIPERS *129 Oft S4>oor Hudtop <(> COVERS AND PORCH ENCLOSURES. HAH LAWN FOOD ...... 89 Um. o n l y $2.46 18" reg. $8.96 NOW $8.98 s fvm* es^ LIME — "DOtX>MEnO".. . .89 Um . S bags $1.96 Buy 1 tor $8.86, Get One nUEBt l|t «4 ie«iH4MMl oevwt md dtocuta ctow. CoMpertMnt « • txui^ oa W down wd M nionSily pwawita, meludlng oOMf opMMi wa4>PEN DAILY TILL 9^H O NE 643-8474 faoUon! CHORCHES MOTORS. Inc. Op*B Mm., ’Rim ., UL 10 A J L - 8d0 P M .< - Wad., Ilm m ., fM . 10 AM. • • P J t. 80 OAKLAND STREET — MANCHESTER

• ICANCHBStBR EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1909 tA,m1 m a./ — Section Two FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1909 nUDAY, APRIL 11, 1909 Mrs. Leila Grittln and M is. !Kmtrl)rfitrr Ettrning IfrruUi Paget IS to'lB^ Tolland Laura Htokton. Alteshate drie- Decrease Noted gates are Mrs. June Atfricano, Jordanian Mayor Predicts Mrs. 'Thefana Bujaucius, Mrs. In Idle Oaims FOR SALE n SC News Show WiU FUm BUda Harris and Mrs. Bertha Revolution Against Israel Payne. A 16.T per cent drop fai un- LOAM-FILL-GRAVEL The VFW post wUl meet Mon­ amploymant ^inpenaer BEIRUT, LtMianon (A P ) — maasurss and the hard econom­ Sheep-Raising in Bolton: Twins Are In MacArihur Battoon School tkm claims bos been reported day night at 7:S0 in the Post The mayor of Nablus, a Jorda­ ic condltloiM in which the people o b o ' Tlw AiHMtet BUloonlnc basis, with ten nlasses being Heme to eOeot offleers tor the tor last week In tte Manchester nian town occupied by Israeli live,” he asserted. By CEXaiBWlXl, VODNO Hated in any maiuial—dry braod, obtare, and aba boa two Starop- Coventry. Ibe la now a dinelar looking moumftfljr thamigb fiba coming year. office of the State Labor Depart­ FOR R B IT .'• d fa M hm wlH b* a liMOir*4 held in Qve of the eight class­ ' He pn^etefi that if Israeli oc­ Launtaa earns b i potara thia potabMo, oarrota, lottuoe, coan oU m eiraa, but all bar olbar o8 tha 4-H Fair AaaoclaUoo, fenee, watUng for Ms tUne to Grass Fire ment. troops, predicted t o ^ an Arab '■sstfUmt St mn upoionlnr n «nk rooms to be constructed this cupation continues " I w ill not be niLLD r ZER & VACK HOE for D90GW0 ^ring in BoUon. (bnakad), pumpt^ (hrnlwn), s is rs s are unoaa ttnada. Ona am wUcta plana tha TAO IW r. bo pMted. Tbe gate waa openod summer. The Tolland Volunteer Fire 'resistance moveifirat on the .lnO «» '^Sondajr Repoit” on The totals ware «28 tor th e surprised to see the Arab resla- in bar ofac yaaia oa a 4-H paara and apfdaa. Ona ohaap raoalved tba tltla o f R aaeim A t M ancharter High, where and quIeUy eloaed, and alt On Department extitigulshed a jMBC Father-Danghter Baagnel week ending April B, compared west bank of the River Jordan tance movement develop into a obeep breeder. Ranee OUboun, bad a UtOe proMam with too Ohampton Breeding Bwe at the aha la a tuUlaaad rtudmt, Ronae ttm sp went baek to what tbay A total of 100 Brownies are C A U M3-7172 ; M bQ** M d an MBC tal«Tlaiaa grass ere at 5 a.m. Thurs­ to 780 tor the week ending and In the Oaaa Strip will devel­ full-scale revolutkm.*’ a Manrhiatnr O g b «»"hnni u sa - many green applsa loot year, TolUnd County fair laat year, la a member of the c b o ^ tbe bad been dobig bototw tbe vbd- expected to attend the Father- March 39. .m a r w fll rW t IbHand Monday, day on Goose Lane, and was op aooh into a full-scale revolu­ Canaan charged that by ap­ TALI. AFTSB 3:00 PJL lor, baa never aeen ao many but that waa bla fault tor get- and Ranee baa reoeivad other Round Table ahigere, and tbe t a r s entered. Daughter Banquet to be held TUMday and Wedneaday a t next Uiter called on a mutual aid Statewide eiaims decreased tion ag^ainst Israel. plying harsh measures, Israel nuiHi|iia birtba. m the "lam - ting out o f the pen. A ll he want- awank with her abeep. oU club. Her other aettvHlee— AH except Cbrla. Be had Sunday from 6 to 8 p.m. Mrs. may be aiming at forcing the rm k to Him the operations of fire call at the Rockville High by 1,898 or BA per cent, to a Mayor Hamdl Canaan, whose beiy*’ next to tbe Calhoun taouaa ad to do waa S U e p It off, but the AMioagb ibe hoa always A e la on acoompIbUed drum- learned to aqaeeae bin wsolay Sylvia Tramm of New Rd. wlU School, Araha to flee their homes, thus the loeal hot air ballooning 36,938 total. The figure w ap resignations were turned down on Flora Rd., Renee’e totbar family had to take tuma walk- k>red_anlma]a and ralitad vnrl- mer and humoroua oliigeiv-aire body through the fmee, and ha adiool. serve as mistress of cere­ Members of the department 28,084 tor the correspon^lilg allowing Jewish Immigrants to monies. She serves as executive twice by the Israella, charged had to rurti appUeatfam o f the tnghtan around. Renee eald tbait oua kinda, Renee cxplalned her at least temporarily In abey- toHowed tbe entourage iqr to the nicbts emlnattof from th e were presented wth revisions week last year. ^ that occupation troops in Nablus move in. service director of girl scouting. In fact, he said, a large num­ spota of dye to keep track of if any abeep eomehow gels onto rtieep-rali^ began afac yaaiw ance while abe oompletea her house and In tbe door, sm U Tolland Rich School field wlU to the bylaws at its meeting and the Oaia Strip used harsh The Brownies will entertain Hartford, with 8,883 claims, ber of Arab families had left the wtafash lambs were bom to Ka aide it can’t get up and will ago in the Baa and Kaidda Club, awdor year, flbe baa been oe- he’d alwaya Uvad them. He waa be filmed, aocordlns to Charlea earlier this woek. The revisions q\eaaures to disperse demon- their fathers by perfwmlng was the state leader last week. west bank as a result of Israeli which ewao. dle If aomeone doeont raoeua I t n 4 H ohib in Coventry, o f wblob c^Aed at UConn, where she carried bock to the second t s r I- Mac Arthur, president of the wiU tx! discussed at the May 6 It was Mlowad by Bridgapoit gators and put schoolgirls in ' Renee has seven ewes. Six of Tbe diet must work, beohuee Hw la now n Junior beider. Ranee ptane to major In aoology. closure, from which there la no sduol. skits, dances and singing songs. meeting and voted on at the pressure and bad economic con­ 1966 CHEVROLET VFW Notes wlfli 8,877, Ndw Havan with Jail. these had twine lUa aprtaig, aU Renee t ^ the biAriietw at aaid ebe received a lot of help The frengy of feeding from known eeoape. Renea promlaed The hot air balloons, which annual meeting June 8 at 1 p.m. The harshest of these meas­ ditions. He estimated that about A dinner dance honoring Past 8,192, and Waterbury with 8,- 10,000 persona had migrated wttliln 10 doyo^ aterttng hi mid- UnlvetwHy of Oonneettoot getting otartad from tbe late human handa had ended In the he eraidd be fed agMn, that eve­ have become a familiar sight Eighteen calls were answered ures, he said, is the blowing up BISCATNE STATION WAGON VFW Poet Comander Clarence 000. from Nablus, the largest of the Ibupcb. Tbe aeveottr (and otfil w han ohe ber William R t 44A, Calhoun beniyard. Tha dog w w ning. by the department during of houses of alleged saboteurs to ToUaad residents, remain a Ooets and Past Auxiliary Pre­ Manchester was 18th last west bank towns, with a popula­ • STANDARD TRANS. Uietatteat) ptoduoedan only hi the faU, have com­ curtoslty to most of the nation. sident Lorraine White will be March including two structure week among the state’s 20 Of­ and those suspected of collabo­ child, but one of the wankeot of mented on the tender meat. Of fires at the Rockville Fish and rating with them. He contended tion o f 80,000. MacArtbur operates the only held April 19 at the Post Home fices. It had been 15th the week the twine died, ao an even doaen oouno, the aheap get plenty o f Game Club and the Italian the homes of Innocent people of­ •• VINYL INTERIOR fully licensed school for hot air on. Rt. 74, beginning at 7 p.m. before. gambol about tbe barnyard wHh graoo. TbrnrsTm a lot o f pairtnra American Friendship Club. ten are blown up. ballooalsts tat the country, al­ one idea far their tOM Sf iltOa land. The CaBwon boraa isbaat Among the guests attending Several members of the Tol­ Merger Agreement ^ • RADIO though two others are tat exist­ are diaries Hlrth, past district .Canaan expressed his views In —AxmL on a paetkn o f lira . OaOioun’a ence fat 8 t Paul, Minnesota and land Fire Department are at­ an interview while In Beirut to NEW YORK (AP) — Horttord porenti’ old Hum. commander, and Lucille IBrth tending a firemen's sriwol at Codes Grow Outdated As ooon as anyone approach- in California. pest department president of visit relatives. Fire Irwumnoe Oo. and Inter­ ea the gate they aU come run­ Father from Fans Crystal Lake, sponsored by the WASHINOTON — The Na- *1195.00 MacArthur*s aim is to make the VFW Auxiliary. Florence The 69-year-old mayor said he national Telephone A Telegin{ih ning, motben, ofhprkig, Renee’a tolfaer, Raymond State Ffaemen's Associetton. tioaal Oommiaslon on Urban Tolland the “ hot air balloon cap­ Streeter, past department auxil­ submitted hla latest resignation Ooip. have'formally agreed on wkh more digntty, FYanots. Ita Calhoun, w utto tor P ratt The etandlng committee con­ Problems estimates that 86 per ital of the world" and to revive iary pretodent, will also attend. in March bepause he was "psy­ the merger of Hartford with a bla fln t year o f ow vloe, Frao- Wtaltnay, but he oleo grew up sisting of Gil Ames, Malcolm cent of U.S. cities and towns Interest in the historical sport Dancing to the music of the chologically tired’’ of general wholly owned ITT eubetdlaiy. Matthews, Kenneth LobdeU and over 8,000 population have no os, a two-yearold Souttv'Oaama a n a term —Waranohe Farm of ballooning. Nitecaps will follow the dinner. conditions prevailing in Nablus, The transaction announced ram wfafadi Ranee purchased >n Mancheater, wbere bis fathar Bruce Cropper were named to buUdfav code, do not use a na­ on the Jordan’s west bank. TED TRUDON, Inc. The sport is catching the eye Due to a County Council meet­ Thureday, tar subject to approval last fall, fafiierad 18. raised purwbred Jeiweya, and the nominating ooirnnktee to tionally agre^-on model code " I carmot shoulder m y respon­ TOLLAND TPKB. — TALOOTTVILLB of a large number of celebrities. ing to be held in the local VFW by stockholdera of bdth cempo- Renee agreed aba might cMckeiui for tb a sr. present a slate tor election in or fall to update or enforce their sibilities any longer and remain MacArthur told of arrange­ Poet home tonight,' the kitchen niee, receipt a t a favorable tax hove a good thing gobg beoame Oelbaun enoouroged Renee tai June. code. a spectator fai the midst of these ments to take is> A rt LJnhletter will be cloeed until next Friday. ruling, and other conrtdemticns. of Francis’ apparent genette her rtie^ raWog, and baa tomorraw from the ^tringfield The local post and auxiliary proeUvlty toward air. learned along wMb her all that O o O ^ grounds and o f another will serve as host to Uie County big, but she la more toterested >• bnnAved, offering aoeiitance flight schedided with Mike Council meeting tonight at the fat hla produoiiv Mie^p wMh where masculine muaole la Douglas later next week. Sand­ Post Home. A buffet supper will ehorler legs, a more chunky needed. ISoat of the reoent pop* wiched between the two flights be served following the meet­ body, ilheae ere beat tor th a w - ulofion expkwian took place at is the on location filming here ing. tag, ohe oold. and pointed out uneadeted. but Renee for the Frank McGee program. The Ladles AuxlUary has S ER V K EIS a lamb **»■* appeared to have heard one ewe in dtafloulty and Back in 1987, MacArthur elected Mrs. Louise Lawson to inherited these characterlstton. discovered, on exnmtaation, played host to a visit by the a second term as president of Bejeoled Obtls OM the Iamb was trying- to Fifth Dimensions who record­ the Auxiliary. INC. T o the unsrtiooled eye, aU the emerge wrong end to. She ed the popular "Up, Up and Other officers eleoted include lambs looked very leggy, not called her fotber because tbe Away" song and MBrtha Raye. Mrs. Helen Martin, senior vice OUR BEST PRODUCT dninky. Some had Mock Isn. suddenly realtaed her ftager- Since then he has appeared on president; Mrs. Julie Africano, , Ona bad a Mack q »t cn tala »aila were too long for euoh the natiaowide "To the Junior vice president; M is. rump. from a black-faced delicate work, Tnrth" television show, and Louise Dombeck, treasurer; ewe, ware so wUte they looked Yhe lambs oH must te v e Ws. balloons have been used in Mrs. Steitoanle Ctasnt, ccndiio lUto toy department merchon- elortle bands on their taila several commercials including tiwas; Mrs. Murirt Adams, dha which causes them to drop off. a Hquor ad photographed here guard; Mrs. Bertha Payne, Hoot kept dose to ihatr The same pmoedure In followed, and placed in national maga- chaplain, and Mrs. Edith Har­ (HmWU nntM, By Bucatvtotiu) mottun when the vMtors first ta making wethen out of poten- stans. ris, three-year trustee. Renee OaSioun, 4-H 8hee]>4>reeder in Bolton, doles out the intHc. enfered tbe yard — all eaocept tial rams. AH wethers aro.aold KiBdetgarten BegistnUton Officers appointed by the new Gtets. Poor dula, Renee ea- tor alaugfater In the fall. Renee A kindergarten orientation president are Mrs. Lorraine SPRING” INTO SUMMER Interbated lA Noioottos Treat- drugs in high ooUool plained, bad been rejected by recalled that she grew ao fond and registration meeting will be WMbe, secretary; Mrs. Thdm a his mother (who apparently of one that She kept him unUl held May U at 7:M in the Mea- ihent Organlsatfam In c.) which here. . BuJauctus, historian, and Mrs. O ubs Hear has Juat opened up Ita flrd Hart- The Rev. Mr. Price wlU repre- couldn't count beyond one, be- *»o was mutton, dowbrook Schotd, for aU parents Laura Hicton, patriotic instruc­ ford area office ta the flnrt floor sent DAC at the MSry end Jo- ■!» takes care of her AH the young ewea are aoU, of children eligible tor kinder­ tor. of the St. M ary’s Church WUl- seph MtatbaM Circle m eeting a t utaer tw in). Chris was ready to too, except tor those that look garten in September. ( DAG Story Delegates to the County and lams Building at 87 Pork St 628 St. next Weekwaday devw tha wpplemmAal feedi^ p»d for breeding, if A reglatratlan session will fol­ District Councfl appointed by Three members of the Cham­ It Is open Monday through at 8:80 p.m. of warm inil&, battle and all. The keepa one of tbe current ’crop, low the evening’s program, with ttie president are Mrs. Morraine ber of Commwoe Drug Advis­ Wedneaday nights from 8:80 to other Iambs crowded around. Ranee eald toe wlH have to oeH a follow-up registration session Wht», Mrs. Louise Dombeck, «og;er for a few drops, and a Francis and buy another ram, file next day tor those who . can­ ory OommMtMie (D AC) w ill be 10. DAC also works with the Blue diew (bottom teeth only) on the tor tear of tobreedlng* She not attend the meeting. Regis­ talking about the oommittee’s HUIs CUnlc o f Hartford, the Windsor Wives vtalton’ fingers. laughed at the Idea of a geo- trations will be accepted from COLOR TV & STEREO SPREE woric, when they apeak before State Mental Heoltti Depart­ Tho lambB are given grain, metric pnogreaalon ta births, 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. on May 14 town groups next week. ment and the Community Sing for KofC from a bin Inacoeaalblo to their assuming tfaeit PVancia h as at the Meadowbrook School. TODAY AND SATURDAY ONLY The speideers a re FVank Vo­ HeolUi CUnie. mothera, and some are begin- handed hie muMple-blrth game Parents must present their Appearing tor the firot time gel, Robert Dlgon, and tbe Rev. DAC la preparing a pamphlet. ntaig to browse. Renee alea feeds on to hie chHdien. child’s birth certificates and this year on the Knights of Stephen Price. A speakers bureau has been set her flock a variety of foods not Her former ram was a Shrop- vaccination and polio immunisa­ SOMETHING EXIRAI QUALITY (They ars making Tueodoy ap­ Columbus "Grand Night of tion records. They must be five up. OFF-THE-SHELF MODELS pearances at the Mmi ‘hestor A pilot program tor Individual Mualo’’ wlU be the "SUver years old before Jan. 1, 1070. Obuntry Ckib before the Klwanls Kendrick F. BMIcwa Jr„ trea- ANTENNA INSTAllJLTIONS AT counseling of teen-age "pre-od- Hotea,” group of houaewtvee Particlpenta in the orientation Club a t noon and the Rotary ourer of the haph opd head of meeting are all kindergarten — Fully Guarantssd— C|ub a t 6:80 p.m. X>AC mam- winded who sing profae- C fiT T p H o ld PrandiV'who sired six isets of'-twIoB, rtands proudly with • son. REASONABLE PRICES WITH PURCHASE wlth mlnUAerlol and peyohlntrie ^ its Municipal Ftaottoe Deport- teachers, the school nurse. Prin­ bte R. Bruce Watktaw wUl be meuffa on the subject "Th e Out- cipal Donald Parker and the OF COLOR TV! the twet at Klwanls, and Ly­ Km. victor Dauphlnois, Mn. Sessions 6n look for Interost Rates;” by Dr. reading specialist FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED! man B. Hoops, DAC dialmian,______DAO la oagMnaorIng a; throe- nj^rry EUlngwood, M ». Parker of tha Stata Chamber of Com- Charles L. Sctailtae, natlcnally meroe. Kindergarten children will at­ will be host at the Itatary port seminar on drugs with the mmbaU, Mra. JuUua Caatagno, prominent economist and senkw tend school on double session eAsiff!AacaiciAN RICA 23 " meeting. Mancheater Adult Bvenliig Andrew Moaur and Mra. Qty Finance fellow of the Brooktnga Inatl- The panel moderator wfU be BRAHMS GERMAN REQUIEM ecNBUL euomic Jamea F. KngUah Jr., p r e s e n t 23“ COUOU CONSOU MEDfTERRANEAN MOTORKMA S IM O The apeakera wlU talk about Stoool and the nitag Junior j^mea Tucker. They wUl aing-' tuto, Washington, D.C., on tbe COLOR CONSOLE how and why DAC got atarted. High School PTO at nUng. The «Qonna Build a Mountain,” Over 600 municipal officials. of the Connecticut Bank and Thursday, A pril 17i 1969 10" PORTABLE ■ARLY AMBIICAN sitajact "After Vietnam, What?” Auto. Color, Multi FRENCH PROVINaAL CONSOLE STEREO Also, they will talk about drug lost will be next Weftaeaday at go Nice To Have a Man repreeentlng ^ of ConneoUcut’a and by Robert Tilove, senior Truot. 8tl8 PJM. education and control efforts of 7:80 p.m. with pharmacy Mu- Around the House” and “Down1*8 townand cmee, areaocpected vice preoldent of the natlcn’s Speaker, Pine Cabinet COLOR TV — DELUXE AM/FM. 100 Watt the Bchoola, clergy, doctors, po- deitta from the Unlverafly of 3 y fjijjg Riveraide.” ta attend theConnecticut Bank laigeot actuarial ccnsulttaig JORGENSEN AUDITORIUM Easy Color Tuning AM/FM Radio and Trust Oo.’a 17th annual Record Storage Uoe,'’'ice, anaand omer other a^i^es. agencies. Connecticut. The young phar- Mancheater Scholarahip firm, Martin B. Segal Co., on STOBRS. CONN. DAC supports PINTO (People maoteta have been talking about benefit program wlU Bmploye Univentty of Cona. Symphony OrdMotra A Cftoral Seciaiy SejmeTam Jerome Inosieffy, Mnaic Director and Oandnetor ...... be presentedpresented April April « « « 26ao atw. naretowi Hittaa Hotel. ^ Retlrorn^m System..”Systema.’ AND •499 •476 the East fiAitwoii. Hlah School. 'Hie panel discussion will be Solaiata! Mary Comer. Seprane; Keageih Hottoo, Baritnm *177 ♦287 •281 ouiuuK. The Forum will focus on throe Presented ta Co-operation wHh Tickote for the event may be queations, "How can Connect!- the subject "How to Balance Pluufjd Sintra Student Uaion Board of Geveraere and the Stndent Senate MEDITERRANEAN 23" HI MA1HY. BROIS ABE CHIRPING purchased by contacting John J. cut’s budgM be balanced?” — Connecticut's Budget?” 'MOTOROLA 20" R C A 14 " ALL SEATS RESERVED MAS Twin Spooter CONSOLE «»M C H PROVINCIAL Fttxpatrick of 119 Flaronce SL, <'What Is the predictiaa for ta- The poneliata wHl be: Bice NadijEE GltaEod C O L O R TV LOOKING AT THIS WEEK'S SELECTION! or Charlea Rathbun of SB Stark- terest ratesT” — "What course Clemcw, editor of tbe West Septic Tanka, D ry WeEs, Moil Self-Addressed Envrtepe to Jorge Aadltortmn Bex Office, 8tom , Cona. OOMB. Make cheeks | ayoMe tot UnlveraHar On Casters PORTABLE CONTEMPORARY CONSOLE STEREO weather St Tickets are also wlU the national aconomy take Hartford Newa; C. Penie PhU- Sevwr Unee InatmlhHl—(CM- BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER ON ROLL^MUT Fresh Strawberries, Plums, Peaches, Honeydews, Can- lar Waterpraoflng Dana. of CoonecUcut. Telephone Beeervatiana i 1 488-8811, Ext. Auto. Color STEREO CONSOLE avallable at the K of C Home, after VtatnamT” Ups, otate permmel conuniS' 887. Record Storage taloupeo, watermelons, .Red, White A Blue Orapea, UgU Louver Doors Wood Cabinet C O L O R TV Fndt, Komqaata, Teniple A Navel Onmgea, liniea, Crisp ------The Forum will open at 2:80 Metier; Hubert' W. Stone, ex- AM/FM AM /FM Stereo Aire Macs, Bed A Golden Delicious, Ruaseta, Cortlanda. p.m. with three talks, to be tol- ecutlve director and secrotary of MdCMNEY BROS. March Rainfall lowed by dinner and a panel the Connecticut PUUlc Expendt- lU Peart — MS-n Fresh Aaparagua, Dandelions, Beet Greens, Sptaiach, dlacuasion. turea Council; and Gcrdcn W. Leeks, Shallotx, Green A Yellow Beans, Green Sqiuudi, Sewerage Disposal Oe. *544 *355 *244 Peas, Cherry Tomatoea, Black A WUte Radlihea, Egg Below Average The afternoon talks wUl be by Tasker, chairman of tbe board *354 *294 Plant, Wateroreoa, White Sweet Potatoes, Onion Seta, Bel­ Precipitation laat month ta ADMIRAL 23" gian Xktdlv% Beets, Rhubarb, Bruaaeia Sinouta, BrooooU, CON1EMPORARY SPANISH CONSOLE Cauliflower, Yellow A WUte Turnips, Hot Peppers, Com- Mancheater measured 2.87 NOW THRU SAT., APRIL 12th! OONTBMPORARY C O N S O L E G90IJOR TV «® iC H PROVINCIAL on-Cob, New Fla. Potatotee, Red A WUte Onfams. . New Boauty Idea 18" PORTABLE S T 9 E O Inches, against a March C O LO R TV on CASTERS a p a r t m e n t SIZE from Londonl C O L O R TV • WEEKEND SPECIALS • average of 8.67 inches, accord­ I AM/FM ^lOMSOlE AM/FM ing to a report by Oraytkm The le ^ London look Wood Console Auto. Color FRESH P E A S ...... Ib. 3 S « la in. And thousands of GIGANTIC TROPICAL Wood Cabinet Air Suspension Speakers Lockwood, acting superintw- London girls are wearfiw Stereo— 'Fine Sound Pkg. BUTTERNUT SQUASH ...... * Ibe. “ “ dent of the water department munsinguiear the saiK M la that hialp BANANAS ...... * Ibe. _ _ Precipitation tai Manchester make it such a fashion FISH SALE! NATIVE DANDELIONS...... lb. S 9 « *399 •479 since the first of the year la ANTRON® NYLON sensation. (Sorry N o Splits) *333 ♦455 VINE RIPE TOMATOES...... lb. 9 5 C 44 per cent below the three- Scholi Exerdse Sandals. *209 month anticipated average, the e WE C A R R Y ICE CUBES a .. ' The exclusive toe-grip FRENCH PROVINCIAL report shows — 8.88 Inches re­ # Swords # Angols 18" PORTABLE COLOR gently exerdsea your CONTEMPORARY KLH STEREO "OUR ENLARGED STORE NOW HAS EVZ»YTH INa!» ported and 10.18 inches cuiticl- fedt Tones your S1EREO THEATRE ROA STEREO CONSOLE pated. muscles. Gives you a # M o HIm # Guppies CONSOLETIE 23" We Carry The Mancheater Evening Herald TV W ITH Manchester's tour roservdra . g o lf s h ir t Hveller, lovelier walk. COLOR m o d u l e M ODEL 20 CONTEMPbRARY or COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS Actual^ makes every # Znbros # Ptdties AM/FM Radio (Globa Hollow,^ Roaring Brook, r./ ROLL^A-BOUT STAND * ■toward and Porter) rose by ap­ • Classic styling — fashion knit collar, step you take a beauty 40 Watt, FM Stereo tre atm e n t Auto. Color Swivfil Base e a r l y AM ERICAN proximately 63 million gaUens welt pocket In March, measuring approxi­ o Finest quality — luxury — comfort These are the new Schoff DFD/) m ately 461 million gaUons on • Soft, easy-care Antrbn® knit — ma­ Exerdse Sandals fsstund RIDICULOUS PRICE! I PI^ODUCE" March 81. Full capacity is 479.11 chine washable and dryable on television. i- 5 tOT d d * *318 M19 ♦344 million gallons. The deficit waa • Patented underarm action gusset — Available in bone and red - with flat or raised heel. $10.95 Open 8 A.M. to 8 PJM. Dally tai Howard and Porter Reseiv easy-fitting 878 OAKLAND 8^.-MANCHB8TBR—MS-8884 15" PORTABLE CONTB4PORARY volra. dobeA Hallow and Roar­ e (^lors for NOW — right and ready for PHH.CO ing Brook w e n at fuU capacity. Exm cIm Sandals 2-PIEGE V- coordinating LOOK! F-R-E-E! C O L O R TV CONSOLBVTE wMi LARGE 5CRBN Look for the Penguin Amaion Sword Plant (Reg. $1-49) with any $3.00 Tropical REMOTE CONTROL STEREO OONSOLETTE Fish Purchase^ Walnut Styling COLOR $ C O L O R TV C O N S O L E m Record Storage SIZES S-M-L-XL .. $ 9 . 0 0 AQUARIUM SPECIALS! *258 “DRUGS and NARCOTICS” M78 ♦333 •55 V M O C TU RTLE...... $ 8 .0 0 10 Gal. Sat Up A SEMINAR ON APRIL 16

SISJW Complete! Behind The Counter O r Behind The Tube [JMiMJKl/iVJMti ___ "Why Young People Get Involved "THE MARVEL OF MAIN BTREET" 901 • 907 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER In Drug Abuse" OPEN MONDAY THRU BATURDAY 9:80 TO 6:80 20 Gal. Sat Up Hie Experts... People You Know You Con Trust. People You Con THURfiDAY 9:80 TO 9:00 r m v i n w w g a U A S Complete! UCONN SCHOOL O f FHARMACY STUOeNTS Indudeei 19 or 28 gallon stalnleM steel tank, gravel, pump, On When It Comes To Service. Yoiir Kind O f People! filter, heater, stalnlees atoei reflector, tubing, glas.wool, spoiiPGiva By choreoal, thermometer, bulb, aiul aquirinni booklet. A T THE MANCHESTER ADULT EVENING SCHOOL A.ILC. REOUTERBD PUPPIES IN STOCK — NEW. SPACKMIS ILLING JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL P.T.O. WhUe They Lost — We Have Only I of Each! SliKG 1939 TV & STEREO CENTER MANCHESTER CHAMDR O f COMMERCE (They’ ve Had 1st Sbet, Oewonned aiwl Guaranteed!) O pM A Regal Charge Account Today s Someyed e Pekingese • Yorkshire Terrier • Maltese h o r m a n s UP TO 36 MONIHS 1)6 PAY WESTOW n e Poodle • Calm Terrier • Chihuahua • Bearie ■ Nnr. I I I I I I’ e wegian Elk Hound INC^ ' RUNG JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL lAUDflORfUM 7:30 P.M. PHARfylACY 445 HARTFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER Master Charge and Hartford National Charges Also Accepted Om iDAILY H U 9 PAI. — SATURDAYS H U 6 PJi. 455 HARTFORD ROAD—443-52M ICANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969

MANORESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969 PAGE Statdi Symbol: ATTUmON PABBNni tlms Into gas chambsni," a Get Your Tbm SUMMER READING CLASSES Coventry Sees Victims Unearthed general officer said, staring tntol Movie Theater ■Sementory, Jr. High, High Sehod and College BlnlMla a 70-yaid long axscutton trenidi.| TWO M U R-W « SESSIONS AlVs Ready for Fife Ball; Militiaman, 26, Describes The mass graves of Dien Ball BOU jTVOOD (A P ) — PIOM- HRST SESSION KOINS JUNE 23 are In srhat allied officials sayl MB on man, Main St., and arrange'to wlU meet Sunday night cut 7 Fifteen trenches have been the other prisoners.” (Mrt roads over which the vie-1 laat. Nwa; eqalpiwd with wida Acadende Rcadinc ImprovMiiient Cmter, fae. pick tq> hia ticketa at the door wiih the new youth dhwetor WU- found in the desolate sand flats Officials say the job of exca­ time of the msasscree etumlded| aetaaao, ataraoi)faaalc ooond and of Ray’s Holler Rink just prior Uam HeOer. The Junior PF eight miles east of Hue and by vating all of the mass graves to their deaths. OaU to the dance. wiU be reactivated on April 27 late today the mimber of bodies CHALLENGE aaats far 90 to SO guaota, tbey'ra fit E. Center S t, Mancheeter will take at least 80 more days. Bach mondng a truck cwivoyl to tha bomoa o( about 00 otora Next to Oavay*a Beatourant MUt Ftyiki’s ISplece orches- P *"’ “ meets also of the victims of Vtet Cong exe­ The scenes of stark horror carrying workers to recover and | and ogsBoaltaea. PBBB PABKDrO tea will play for dancing from Heller. All initererted young cution squads stood at nearly and tragedy that unfolded day Identify the dead rolls past the I ^^compare our Rambler to To noma a fear: Bob Hope, • to 1, and a highlight of the P®®***® ^ attend, 600. after day east of Hue romlnd same green paddies and pago-| Boon ICartbi, DobMe Raybolda, evening wM be crowning this Dien Bai village is one of the senior American offleers of the das that the prisoners saw on I any other car; compare Bdgar Ber|«n, CSiarlton Hwh year's ball queen midway idaces where mass graves have mass murders revealed In Eu­ their death march more than a| tan, produeara Aithur Jacobs tfaou gh the evening. ■Ihe wtn- De-RAT-ification Guest Speaker been uncovered tmd it was near rope at the end of World War n. y e a r ago. our prices to any and liartta Raiwoboff. girl was chosen Tuesday Dr. John Brownstane, medical here that militiaman Phn Duy, "The tfiet Cong murdered the Beo^fdoa landlns atatua, booM night at a special ctrffee hour, In Indianapolis director of the outpatient Men- 26, made his race for life. Duy people of Hue In the same cold other dealer’s—see if Ibaatats sarre a practical pur- but her name wUl not be an- 1VT a. d k O ffn ~ a tal Health Center at Manctoerter was ca{>turedcapi.uniu whenwiwn Viet vwi. Cong blood as Nasi concentratlMi Read Herald Ads. pooa, onahMnd tirad proilucon noimoed until the cermotees. Il6 t8 D O Illlty Memorial Hospital, wlU iq>eak and Norh Vltetnameae overran camp guards drove their vlo- you can buy as to keep 19 ocnifortably The four oontendera, all Coven- *' Monday at 8 p.m. at a meeting pact of Hue in the Tet offensive. with OQOipotltcr products by ox- tey High Ekhool students,______areINDI^APOLIS, IndT (AP) — of the Ladles of St. James' at <

Mmy Blon 1W Chooas Fran EASY PAYMENTS INVITED T^Ahas/erfighters/ FREE INSPECTION FOR HOMEOWNERS • LOW ANNUAL RATES Mfioy Othen ★ Low BfinAItetos i $46'*' >. • '* Bruce-Termlnlx Co. of New England Rt. 44A Bolton Notch, Conn. VKjivenon CHORCHES Manchutor, Conn.: 64 9-5 20 1 De Cormier W. Hartford: 233-9878 TERMINIX OF MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, In c . _____ The Nationwide Pest Prevention Service M Oakhwd Street, Manchester — SU -tltl 285 BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER j e w e l e r s -silversmiths s in c e 1900 CHRYSLBR — DODOS Imewber ML8^ Belote baring a hom e fnafti on competent termite Downtown M anchester a t 958 M ain S tre e t *41V Open Eves. Except Thuraday and Saturday

,!r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. FRIDAY,.APRIL 11, 1969 PAGE NlNVlOUl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 19W ■ ^ I I I '1 I I Ul»tllllg Tolland C o m i t y wait until the Intersection pat- migrant workers unton wages sKy HoU. He praised university teni of Exit 98 and I-M is plus provldtog housing would Mayor, Home officials and police for their PnZG G RALI INC. determined. The intersection al- force the closing mai^ of h&ndBng of th e situation and jr0iB cord Sfioim^ B u ild Houley^ After ready oarrtos 4 project aaalgii- the #m alter tobacco companies said “the entire country MiouKI Traffic Tour^ m ent In the EUlngton-Abmers area. Threatened learn a great lesson from what 1966 YOLKSW Al W hen our auto M .D. puts Among other areas to be happened.” JV«ic England Glacier? Sees Hope for studied by state officials are the 221 OTATION WAGON Improvement area of Vemon Clrole taking in­ Torrington Firm After Sit-In f GOT and a lie # ■lOwfSU started be­ Tte results of a 12 -stof> tour to account the addition to the • ^PASSENGER O .K . on a used car it’s light a t thla pMnt was likely to W ants New Name CAMBRIDOE, Mass. (AP) — MM W itter fore the month was out of hosardous toterStottons in back up ttaiHto to 1-84, Tri-Clty Shopping Plaxa. • RADIO anew depths this qsing are so SPECIALS Oto Vernon, ToUand, EUington Suggestions wUt also be forth­ Mayor Walter J . SuUhran’s fam­ INCOME TAX TORMNOTON, CJonn. (AP)— WARIMCRON, NJL Several other locations will fantasSlo there is talk of reviv­ have tod ToHand County coming tor an Improved traffic The president and directors of ily wtas threaten^ with fire, • VINYL INTERIOR — ZMd the reoord m nrfall D .D .S .* f o r y o u . be the subject of atudlee to be ing the “Inferno” sM race, once Stats Sen. Robert Houtey to ex- made by the highway depeut- pattern In downtown RockvlUe, the Torrington Manufacturing acid and kidnaping Thursday PREPARATION considered the most spectacular • VERY CLEAN ' g ( M MrOi to Now OF THE WEEK prera conshtombls optimism particularly in the Main and Oo. (not to be confused with following the poUce raid which INDIVIDUAL IjlltlowVo Ont glMierT ski extravagansa ever held in over the possibliltles of improve­ Park and IMion and Park St. the Torrington Oo.) have flnaUy broke up a sit-in at Harvard this country. Tbe Intenectton of Rta. 74 ment by ithe State Highway De­ areas and the Intersection by decided on a new name. University. IUSINE55 AND 4mw IB MHmtoa to be at Toni liatt of Austria became and M at WlndaorvOto Rd. la •1495.00 BAY KBRAFflIN partm ent >the Amerbelle miU. A possifaiU- They are asking tbe stock­ Detectives were sent to guard SMALL BUSINESS to u t too to 300 feet dMp in a living legend at the age of 19 given Ugh priority by tbe state, ty here Is the doelng off of holders to approve the name the mayor’s home, and pohee ^intoriltor IttoiMnnan Ravtoe, when he schussed the Headwall Houtey toured the area earl­ according to Houley. A study Brooklyn St. Mgh on tbe aide of Uto hlgheat ier this week with representa­ on traffic aignala for the In- “Torln Omporatlon” at the an­ took his four MiUdrtn, ages 19 to CoN —plunged straight down the An “In-depth review” of the nual meeting A{« 11 22. 9, out of school. TED TRUDON, bic. peak III the nodtieaat 1000-foot pttoh— to set an Infer­ tives of the State Highway De­ teraectlon and a “geometric re­ JASON J. NOVnCH 1966 PONTIAC 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Leonard’s Oomer intersection of “For many years we have not PoUoe said they received a llw threat of aMlandiea la no reoord In 1939 that has never partment the Vernon Traffic working” of the area were sug­ Routes 74 and SO In Tolland will TOLLAND TPKB. — TAL00TTVH1.E OMr until more anoer tails. The gested as posalUUUes. This been entirely happy with our call from a man who threatened 643-19916 been dullenged. AulSiortty and tbe RockvlUe be made Mdth a decision expect­ ftaat akiera aohuaaed tbe high Tempest Custom. Overhead, 6 cyl., White. 2-Door Sedan. Standard Area CSiamber of Commerce. wcxdd involve mlMr construc­ name,” said company president to ’’grab” one of the children. Matt’s time was OH minutes ed in 10 days, according to Hou- Andrew Gagarin in a report to Mrs. SutUvan said a telephone alopaa abore timberline thla for the four^mile plunge from 4 speed, radio, vinyl rooif, wsw transmiesion, radio. This gas saver State cfflcials promlaed to tion roggeations. tey. Weak. tires, dduxe wheel covers. 2-Dr. atookholdera. “It is long and Is caller told her: “We’re on our the Summit house roof to Pink- for Ihstiall a traffic light at the in­ Tbe compScated Interaection The state senator has fUed continually confused with the There is no ski tow ansrwbere H-top. Extra clean. problema at Lafayette Circle way up to throw acid In your ham Notch, a drop of 4,500 feet. tersection of Dobaon Rjd. and senate Mils seeking improve­ Torrington Company.” faces.” on thto S288-foot high toe cube The inferno race has not been Downright Dependably Serviced R t so, within a six to eight- were viewed by the atate of- ments for afl the intersections The pn^weed new mune to and akiera oaed to gondotaa and flclala, who gave Indtcattons And the mayor said a man Lincoln-Mercury Leads The Way! held in reoent years because A l l ® used cars are inspected, road tested, month period. Hoidey added visited by tbe group Wednes­ abort, preeerves a bit of Tor­ who called him said, "W e are dialr lifts find tbemselvea puff­ snows have not covered the •1595 •1395 that flnancing of the light will that a flashing 'beanon might be day. rington, and eUmlnates oonfu- ing every step of the 3H mile installed to control speeds. coming to bum your house huge boulders and stimted cen- reconditioned M^iere necessary. be no problem. The state and Houley wlH testify against aion,” Gagarin said. dotwn." hike from Pinkham Notch in the turles-old trees on the transition the town of Vernon will alxure This area la already recom­ three labor bUla Involvliig the •6 BUIOK S15S5 57 MUATANO 53148 65 RAMBLER $1355 Torrlngtwi Manufacturing Sullivan appeared In Harvard below the headwall. In''Febru­ the coat on a 50-50 basis, with mended for major redesign, but tobacco industry today. He makes air blowers and other Tiud when demonstrating stu­ “There has never been anoth­ Special Deluxe 4-Door. V-8, Fast back Coupe. V-8, auto., Classic '650' Station Wagon. Iba state reeqxmslUe for main­ ary after a big storm, a massive 1966 PICK-llP 1966 FAIRLANE GT auto., power steering, heater, power steering, radio, heater, 6-cyl., auto., power steering, the state feels It necessary to fears the requirement of paying products. . dents were driven out of Univer- er winter like this one” aaye Joe avalanche thundered down the whitevraJls. bucket seats, whitewalls. radio, heater, whMewalls. tenance of the light. He will Dodge, veteran Appelachlan Headwall, buried tbe translthni try to have the Installation date Hountaln Chib hutmaster now Ford Styfeside. 6 foot box, blue, Red. 2-Dr. H-top. Radio, 4 speed, 58 CHEVROLET $2895 55 FORD $1495 SO feet deep and plunged'on to std, trans., radio, 6 cyl. West Coast 390 cu. in. engr., mag wheels, bucket Impala Custom Super Sport Oalaxie '500' 2-Door Hardtop. 67 CHEVROLET $1675 moved up. He has submitted a retired. topple spruces near Hermit Coupe. V-8, auto., power V-8, auto., power steering, Bel Air 4-Door. 5-cyl., auto., Senate BIU 1195 seeking inataUa- “Over 45 feet was recorded by Lake a quarterof-a-mlle below. mirrors. Special price .. seats w/console. This is a hot one! steering, bucket seats, vinyl radio, heater, whitewalls. radio, heater, whltewaUs. tkm of a traffic light at this the Chimmlt Observatory and we Whether the Inferno is held or roof, radio, heater, white­ 68 CAMARO $2290 point. wW probably have a few nmre not, there will definitely be a •1295 •1695 walls. Sport Coupe. 6-cyl., standard, An advance werning Hght will tto rm s" says Dodge who has race on the 4th of July. 55 PONTIAC $1575 radio, heateR bucket seats, TRUCKS be ptaoed at tbe interaecticn of SELECTED USED CARS compiled weather reotuds on Tempest LeMans 2-Dr. Hard- whitewalls. Hbdt 95 at tbe tateraeotlon of Rt. Early tourists to the White tp. V-8, auto., power dteer- tbe mountain (or nearly a hair Mountains are finding the view 55 CHEVEXLE $1795 S and M. An ordbiary (refflo oantury. and brakes, bucket seats, Malibu Sport Coupe. V-8, au- 58 CHEVROLET $3545 from the valley spectacular. radio, heater, whitewalls. ito., buck^ peats, radio, heat­ OADUACS The biggest prevtous snowfall Mrs. Bnioe Sloat, wife of the 1968 VOLKSWAGEN 1965 VOLKSWAGEN H ton, 8’ Fleetslde Pickup. was 37 feet in l«S7-68. 57 CAMARO 52195 er, whitewalls. 6-cyl., 3-speed, Positraction, 1969 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille — Light blue with white padded roof. SHARP CAR — All present A.M.C. hutmaster and 8 The enow blowe off the slopes Sport Coupe. V- , 4-speed, SI CHEVROLET $1195 rear bumper, aux. springs, certainly no tourist, was so over­ White, auto.. Model 1182 2-Dr. Se­ Blue. Modd 113 2-Dr. Sed. Radio. Positraction, radio, heater, 'mpala Sport Coupe. V-8, Cadillac accessories including Air Conditioning. Low, low mileage ___ $A V E— ^ A V E above UmberUne and plles-up in stab, bar, heater, 6.50x16 5- 1969 M ONTEGO come with the view she hiked dan. Radio. Like new! Runs and ^ k s new. bucket seats, whitmans. radio, heater, white­ tito ravine. pr. tires. Paul Dodge 1968 CAOMljAC Eldorado Hardtop Coupe — The personal prestige ear, the popular gold up the trail with her 1 1 -months- 54 PLYMOUTH 51095 walls. 250 Coble Inch, 156 Oeologltta call Tuckennan old son Ben In a pack on her Fury 4-Door. V-8, auto., pow­ .n CHEVROLET $2125 65 INTERNATIONAL $3445 color. All power accessories, factory air conditioning. Ravine a glacial cirque and say hp. onglM, 6-cylliMtor, back. •1895 •1195 er steering and brakes, ra­ Bel Air Station \Yegon. V-8, IH-yard Dump. C1800, V-8, Ponfiac 1968.CADILLAC DeVille Convertible. .Yellow with black top, black leather interior, air con­ Interior, wall-to-wall car­ It was gouged out of the side of "Ben tocAc more interest in the dio, heater, whitewalls. auto., power steering, radio, 4-speed, 7.50x17 8-pr. duals, ditioning, all Cadillac accessories, all new tires. New car condition ...... $5595 peting,' padded dooh and vtoon, the mountain by ice age gla- skiers than the scenery,” Mary heater, whitewalls. heater, aux. iqirings. back-19 Ught, whMtohield w ariien, clera thmssmds of yecuw ago. Sloat reported to her husband. Says: 1968 CAM LLAC Coupe DeVille. Color: Doeskin with beige padded roof, air conditioning, side m arker Ughta, phu FDMOCX) Weather etqierts say even a tilt wheel, all Cadillac accessories...... $5595 ^ 2 3 7 3 ^5-Y ear. 60.00Q-Mile ~ dUght drop in the annual mean MANY PONTIAC 1966 C A D IU jAC Eldorado Convertible — Light blue with black top, all Cadillac accessories ★ ”SAFE.BUY USED OARS i t I temperature of 27 degrees FITZGERALD FORD, including factory air conditioning...... $3495 might cause a carry-over of Carter Chevrolet 1854 BIERCURY 1955 and 1856 PKOJECTOR LAMPS “Tolland County’s Oldest Ford Dealer” DEALERS ARE 1968 FORDS ■low through the summer and An Types Ahraya la Stock “A GoodRkiice To Buy A Oar” 4-Door Hardtop UNOOLN and BOOBCUBYS tbnnation of a glacter. CONTINENTALS "Special Factory Purebas- Windsor Avenue, Rockville—Open E v en in g B 1229 Main St. (Comer Hartford Rd.), Manchester MAKING OLDSMOBILES 8-cyBnder, automatic All €u:e fully equipped, and Dodge recalls that after tbe WODON DRUG CO. TeL 643-2485 875-3369 tronsmiaalon, power steer­ >3” of low mUeage, sUgbt- odd spring of 1925 ice remained 797 Mala gt. Manchester Open EviMiingB till 9, Thursday till 6 ing. moat have air oonditlon- 'y used cars. AH fully 1'968.0LD5 Delta 88 4-Door Sedan— Gold with black vinyl roof, automatic, power steering ing. Reasonably priced, in the ravine isitil S^Aember SA V e S 5886 equipped. Including fac­ SGRVICEI THAT WILD and brakes, low mileage, sold with factory warranty...... $29^^ too! - tory inatalled air condi­ 1967 OLDS Toronado Hardtop Coupe— All Olds' power accessories, factory air conditroning, 1965 MERCURY 1955 BUICK tioning at special prices! sold with full w arranty...... $31,95 - 4-Ooor Hardtop Convertible 1954 M BBCUBY CLAIMS “Montclair.” Vinyl roof, "DeSabre.” Automoltlc, 3-Door Hardtop 1967 OLDS Toronado Hardtop Coupe. Dark green with light vinyl top, all Olds' accessories plus thto car to fully power steering, power ”PaYk Lone.'” Bucket including air conditioning...... $3195 equipped! brakes, radio, wheel cov­ ■Mats wtth conoote, V-5, YOU CAN 51556 ers, whltewalto, plus fac­ tutomatlo, power oteer- anil 1V67 OLDS 98 Hardtop Coupe— -New car condition, all Olds' accessories, sold with factory tory installed air condi­ 'ng, power brakea, one w arranty...... $2795 1555 BUIOK tioning! owner, low mileage carl 4-Door Hardtop $1556 Fantastic Promises 1966 OU)S Toronado Hardtop Coupe — Air conditioning, all power accessories . .. .$2495 $1956 1954 THUNDERBIBD “E lectra 225” ftdly equip­ 3-Door Sedan but 1966 OLDS Dynamic 88 4-Door Sedan. Power steering and brakes...... $1595 ped with factory Installed 1955 MERCURY V-8, autom atic, power >'Wliip-Up” a Real Buy at 1967 OLDS Cutlass 4-Door Sedan— ^Automatic, power steering, blue ...... $1795 air conditioning! Breeseway Sedan “Mmiterey.” A very tow steering, power brakea, Wa Will Meat 1965 OLDSMODHJE Delta 88 4-Door Hardtop— Automatic, power steering and brakes. Real 51756 power windowa, power mileage, one-owner car. seat, tut oteering wheel. clean c a r ...... $1495 1955 O05EET Fully eiquipped. Must be Oompafltion Demonetrator seen. Reasonably priced! $U45 A 1557 JE E P 6 - cylinder, automatic, “W agewer” FORD and power steering, radio, 1957, COUGAR PONIUCS 3-Door Hardti9 4-wheel drive, V-5 engtaw, whltewalto, deluxe iriieel V-8 engliw, power steqr- automatic, power steer­ We Will Service 1965 ORAINO FM X Hardtop Coupe— All blue, automatic, power steering and brakes, con­ covers, plus remainder of Ing, bucket seats, vinyl ing, power brakes. Hera’s What We Sell! sole ...... $1595 factory warranty! root. a bard to find model! Month! 1964 GRAND PRIX Hardtop Coupe— Green, automatic, power steering and brakes . .$1295 $1996 . 1967 FOMHAC ______Ltettig . , . We Havd Many, Many Mongl______( M i t e m l (3TO Hardtop Ooupe. 4-speed, RAH, tan. SCRANTON MOTORS, INC I LOW BANK HNANCtNG WITH UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY! | P 9 2 3 9 5 t iithm t It il I )( ith r I ni R o e V '/ ’" ® CADILLAC - OLDSMOBILE - PONTIAC MORIARTY BROTHERS 1966 CHEVROLET “ON THE LEVEL. AT CEN TEB AND BROAD” Bel Air 4-Door Sedan. V-8, 8 7 5 - 2 5 ^ ’ 166 UNION ST., ROCKVILLE, CONN. ^ ^ 3 - 9 5 3 3 auto, trans., RAH. OF6N BVEMNiGS— lliursday E¥»niwg$ MR 6:88 91395 OPEN 315 CENTER 9IREET. MANCHESTER # FHONE 643-5135 USED CARS and TRUCKS 1965 fXONIIAC star Chief 4-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, auto, trans., power steering and brakes, RAH, blue. 1965 FORD 19(6 LT.D. 1964 FORD F-500 91495 4-Dr. Htp. V-8, auto., PS., Oab and Chassis. 166” WB. i THE “LITTLE PROFIT” DEALER GIVES A lO-Pass. Wasron. S 1 # A E vinyl roof, $ 1 T Q C Ford 12’ body. V-8, V-8, auto., PS. 1O Y D 1965 BUICK M r . ^ farouffham interior. 1 # 4 spd., 2 spd. rear axle. 1 9 7 9 4-Dr. Sedan. V-8, au­ FLittlel to irana., power steering and T jP ro fltV ) bndew, RAH. % - 1967 LT.D. ON ALL SELECT USED CAIS 1967 FORD 1965 LT.D. 91495 100% GUARANTEE 4-Dr. Htp. V-8, auto., PS., PB., air cond., vinyl r o o i , 4 0 IO C Banger 8’ Pickup. 9 1 0 Q C 4-Dr. Htp. 4 1 A O C stereo tape syst. /■ 1 # 9 Automatic trans. 1 0 7 9 Must be seen. 1 0 7 9 1965 PONTIAC BonnevUle Oonv. V-S, auto, trans., poweiiC steering and 1964 OLDS. 1965 FORD brakes, RAH, white. 1968 FORD 1967 CADILLAC 1964 T-BiRD ^ 1S69 CHEV. PICK-UP 1987 FORD Fialrlane Torino Oenv. V-8, auto., ^■Ton Fiarealde. Std. shift, 8 cyl., Execufive Coupe De VUle. Full power, air Custom 4-Door Sedan. V-6, Super 88 Htp. ft 1 #M$B 6-Paas. Otry Sedan. ftl^ A E 91595 rodtoL Ortg. 7,800 mUao. cond. radio, wwa Conv. Maroon, S 1 V-8, auto., PS., PB. 1U 7 D 362 V-8, auto., PS. 19 7 D PS., PB., radio, wws. black top. 1 w # 9 Only St Big CAS Only a t B ig CAS 1964 PONUAC Only a t B ig (3AS Only a t Big CAS Catalina Cionv. V-8, auto, 1967 "LAWMAN SPECIAL” trans., power steering and *2 2 9 5 *“ •2 0 9 5 ““ 1969 •4295** 1967 GALAXIE 500 1988 CHEVROLET brakee, RAH, red. littla Profit Prater •1495** Ford Custom ^Dr. UKUe P ro fit D ealer LItlle Prom Dealer UtUe Profit Orator V-8, auto., radio, new ^ V 9 0 C 4-Dr. Sedan. V-8, auto., PS. SS 896. fO C O C 91095 paint, tires, brak^. 1 fC # 9 Two to choose fixan. 826 HP., PS. and PB. * 0 7 0 FAIRLANE 2-DR HARDTOP 1964 OLDS. 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 19(7 CORVETTE F-85 4-Dr. Sedan.' V-8, auto, 1966 FORD ...fora trans., power steering, RAH. LiTD 4-Door Hardtop. P S., P B ., 1966 PONTIAC 2-Door Hardtop. 4-apeed, V-8, 2 ...... ■ radio, V-8, wwa. GTO. V--8,8. auto., PS..PS., PB., radio, tope. orig. 14,000 cmllea. Contry Wagon. V-8. auto.. WW8. 4-DOOR HARDTOP PS., P B ., ra^ o, wws. 9095 Only a t B ig CAS e Only at Big CAS brand)iew V-8 engine, power steering, radio, Only a t B ig CCAS Only a t Big CAS wsw tires, vinyl roof, deluxe wheel 1964 PONTIAC $ 1 4 9 5 0 0 Vinyl Roof, 390 Engine, Power Steering, Power •3995“* covers, full carpeting, courtesy ClotaJina 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, •1895** Brakes, Radio, Whitewall Tires, Plus Many Extras. •1895** FORD FAIRLANE 8 speeds, RAH, focto^ sir- Uttle Profit Dealer lights, dual mirror, foam padded U t t b Pram DsuOer Littk Prafit Deakr Lilttle Profit Deater 91095 2-DOOR HARDTOP WITH seats, plus all Ford standard equip. YOU SAYE *1185 ^ ^ f i t 1964 PONTIAC 1967 CHEVROLET 1967 PONTIAC Ltot P rice $8555. 1967 FORD 1962 FORD it-,'" Grand P rix Hardtop Ooupe. Country Squire Wagon. Auto., 8- V-8, odto. trans., power Oonvoitlbto Banwvaie. FuO pow­ Custom 2-Door. Auto., V-8, PS., 2-Door BIsoayne. Auto., 6-oyl., WW8. cyl., PS., radio, wws. Excellent steering and brakes, RAH, radio, ww«. er, n d to , wwo. Orig. 17,000 mltoo. condition. bucket seats, (actory air, Only at Big CAS Only a t Big CAS Only a t Big CAS green. Only S t B ig CAS Sale % 91395 • 2 8 9 5 - “ Price •1395** • 1 3 9 5 ^ Uttls Profit Dealer •595** untie ProOt Dealer 1963 PONTIAC Low Mileage Little Prafit Dealer Littk Prafit Dcflin’ OataMnn 4-D r. Sedan. V-8, 2795 auto. tnuM., RAH, power dtsariag and brskeo. THE BIG Ray Smith John AdaoM Phil Tryon 9095 THE "LITTLE PROFIT" DEALER — 423-1634 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE PHONE 54S-2881 C A S FORD PAUL DOUCE PONTIAC, INC THE LITTLE PROLIT DEALER SAVES YOU MORE THAN YOU EVER BARBAINEO LOR R t 6 WILLIMANTIC Warnm Hubbard Tom Hart DILLON SALES & SERVICE 355 klalB M. BUnohseter FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS— YOUR LOCAL REUABLE FORD DEALER Incorporated MANCHESTKB EVENING HERALD,% MANCHESTER, CONN., ' __ FRIDAY:______* APRIL 11. ' 19W MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONI^., FRIDAY, APRIL l l , 1969 PAGE TWENTY-OMB BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDINO HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE IkUtm’ Nluicy ICAoomber'' SporU Editor UMVAOi I PGBSOWALUV PERSUADCPITC AMWW !• FftviMM Fwol* ®Wure Editor Je rry Ratonsi 5 »C e A«NC Y TO'MAKE RIOCK HOOf^E B ^ s y HuntM* Senior Editor AN /'fiTR C IIS M jr.' TMEV WERE SO ANXIO U S Planning a Trip Linde Jacobe TO & er SOME OF MY PESCABCH WW P C . C O B 6 C T H. (SOPOACC? TWB ROWER O F he igh ch o o l o r ld gOCKET FU6HT TIW THEY READUV AOREEP.' ACROSS DOWN T H S W VOL. XXXI, No. 24 O F COURSE THE PIP BEAL. 1 ---- 'With a 1 Social class FRIDAY, APRIL 11 BCN Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Mrs. Joyco Don, F bcoKj Adviaar WELL AFTER 1

THEUP6AMP POWNS OF SUCCE&G 4-/I - IF YOU UVEO TM W Ml ^ here y o u 'd Comment Computer Course BE Home how.' SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’N EAL The "World” Stalff wishes to eshend an Invitation to all those * PRiHcei students desiring to send in any edltoriala or letters to the edi­ Proves Beueficial tor. This has always been our One of the hest-llked (by those late") In school — and what the policy. However, the absence of who take tt) Uhtle-known (by coding on them means. editorials Is directly due to the those 'Who don’t ) courses a t It’s also a good course be­ lack of interest Therefore, we cause once every two to three want to state again that aU MHS Is Computer Programming. weeks each student has a chance BesebaU co-captains Whitey Jenkins (le ft) and •Chuck May are seen running edltoriala are welcomed, and Most of the Jimtors who sign up to use the computer In the Board HI batting practice with the help of “Iron Mike.” T^e Diamond Men open the should be turned into The High for their courses have little or of Education building. Every BUZZ SAWYER School World office, room 21B. BY ROY CRANE season next Friday against Bristol Central at home. (Herald photo by Knto) no idea about tt. other week, each student must write a program In Fortran HAPPY CAMPING, 6EMT5. IF WE DON'T COME BACK , In case It’s not too late, hwe’s FOR YOU, YDUM.L KNOW IT'S BECAUSE YOUR FOLKS Ihihrer eduoatton oertlflcates Language to be fed to the Oom- 4 'll an excellent ogK>ortunlty tor all PIDNT COME ACROSS WITH THE DOUGH OR TRIED may 8e pteked up in A9 by atu- puter^Jtt helps to be on the spot TO TRICK US' dents from E one and three Juniors who have taken Math and to see where mistakes have I Mr. Rogers Tells of Negro Past periode am w dl as by other etn- IV on levM one or Honors. It’s been made—or to see that your 'CiMOAl, BOV/ dents who have completed 80 a chance to learn about a field correct answers are printed out! I Mr. John iRogers, an expert in every field of endeavor, Negroes' After the assembly, Mr. Rog­ hours of clasBroom tootructloti that 1s openii^ up all over the One more advantage — this the Held of Negro History, was have made conlributionB on the ers attended separate classes during the tint eemeeter. country, es con be seen by com­ class meets only two times a N- v'^ m P puters centers that are now be­ week. The other two periods are guest speaker at a social stud­ American scene." He went on toev Lewkewb* for energetic question and an­ ing set up. If the oourse''provee optional early die missals if the ies and English assembly on to demonstrate by naming Ut- swer sessions. especially Intereeling or bene­ bomiework has been understood. Tuesday. Ttie assembly was for Ue known histort^ foots con­ Nancy, 'TO Dance Tonight ficial, tt could be an indicatton Sony Guys! Due to the Legion of Honor The teacher, Mrs. Mottle, has cerning Negroes. The first man that here 1s a career opportun- aU Junior homerooms and for fact that it’s Sadie Hawkins small dosses of 8-10 sebedded killed in the Boston Massacre, "I’m not very special, but I It'B a lucky person who dis­ tty. so that she can give extra help CASTAWAYS 1 HA\ any seniors taking history. the hero of Bunker Hill and the Students should refer to the night, no single guys <»■ girls 1 ' , ** ARE STUNNED INTO SILENCE BY THE OMINOUS am 'very sentimental,” Brenda covers his own personal way of Even tor a college-bound stu­ easily and create an informal « i m k, N u . kc. m ■ .» es. M oh. Mr.'Rogers, formerly of Man­ designer of Washington, D.C., handbook concerning the policy will be admitted to the dance ' ROAR OF THE WATERFALL. MattareUi says of herselt. But expressing himself . . . Ste've dent, the course can give you cteasroom fttmo^iiere. And It chester, talked about the were all Negroes. tonight, 'nckets will be on •OQ) on lockers. Under iw circum­ it kindness, warmth and Joy are Lewkowicz is one such very an understanding. You team w orks! “ I understand they’re thinking about giving us stock in achievements of famous Ne­ "The probJem In this country sale to girls In couples at •the stances should students share a measure of one's soul, Bren­ gifted Individual. Music and about the cards and papers that Now is not to late to add this MICKEY FINN the company! What they won’t do to keep ue from groes who helped shape west­ is the threat of the poor south­ door, but only to the girls. BY LANK LEONARD their lockers with anoUter stu­ da la Indeed special. Sincere music-making are Important to are continually given to students course to your schedule. enjoying our coffee breaks!” ern civiUaatlon in Egypt, ern whites seeking help from The price is a mere $1.60 dent. The office does not have Ideals, a strong loving pharac- Steve who plays the saxophone, ("D o not bend, fold, or muti­ I CANT DECIDE WHAT Greece, Rome and Europe. Governor Wallace, and the city with SAA, and $2.00 without. L in d a *70 '^CHKIS— THIS IS WHY CERTAINLY, PHIL— the time nor the personnel to ter, and a sentimental attitude who is student director of the TO 0 0 -6 0 BACK HOME PHIL FINN! CAN t I'LL BE RIGHT HERE IN Negroes also played an Im­ Negroes following such people The doors open at 7:30, so OR STICK AROUND HERE.' be checking locker combina­ toward life are the foundations MHS band, and who is a mem­ COME CH/EP 70 SEE STEVE CANYON portant role In American cul­ as Rap Brown,” reported Mr. get there early and avoid the BY NOW, KEN KEENWAY BY MILTON CANIFF tions for students using th e of her happiness. you RIGHT AWAY? CAN DO ANYTHING FOR ture. Mr. Rogers stated, "In Rogers. ru s h !!! ber of a soul group band. Steve ‘ COULD BE OUT OF THE ir s l/ERY IMPORTANT! lockers offriends. She likes people who are your enjoys listening to the big band COUNTRY' UT'LL BE MY PLEASURE] IT'S A SECRET, ■ I Guidance Notes | , OP course- butponY YVORjiy friends not Just when they see music of Ted Heath, The Brass Winter Sport COPPER/ I'M J B I ABOUT IT... MY MUSCLE BOVS UNDER THE SPELL HEARD WHAT YOU DID TD THE you, but those who 'want to heto Ring, and Sten Getz. Representetlvee visiting the and those who (eel good over OF A DRU6 CALLED PLANT OUARP/..THEYRE JUST Among Steve’s fdeasures, fiy- MHS Guidance Office during the Athletes €^t R.I.H.-MEANINO AFRAID YDUtL OET THEIR JOBS] your achievements." tng, travel, the Smothers Bro­ 'REMEMBER n’t She is equally fond of babies, thers, and B.C. rank high, Steve week of April 14 are as follows: snow, cold, puppies, and walks admires extroverted people with Wednesday — Lebanon Valley Recognition In th4( woods by day, but dis­ a good sense of humor. He be- C ollege, Am 'vlH e, F a ., 1 p.mi. Athletics play an Important likes phony people, candy, dirty Ueves that the student at MHS Thursday — United Aircraft houses and fat {^is to mini­ should be invoived In activities part In high school years, stren- Research Laboratory (Seniors— skirts. and should take pride in what gthenlng^the body and the char­ Career as Ekiglneering Aides, "To move to Switzerland and he does. acter. Receiving a letter award live In a chalet all my life In Research Technicians, Steno- Steve has been active at MHS' la In recognltian of physical and snow, Uue skies, lakes, streams, grapheni and Clerk Typists) 3rd not only In the music depart­ mental fortttudea. BIR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY trees, and green grass" Is Bren­ ment, but also as a member of period. da’s greatest desire. Brenda’s the senior commencement com­ Friday— Pratt A Whitney Air­ The foUowing athletes re­ W HATDOVtXI I SUGGESTTHATYDU ONLY TEN warmth is exemplified in her mittee and as a MHS announcer. craft (Senior boys — Employ­ ceived their awards in last Tues­ PRESCRIBE? )) need tor friendly people cuvl pop­ YOU9HOULO FAR TICtIW E INSOAAE M INUTES He Is proving himself a fins stu­ ment Opportuntties) 3rd period; day’s Winter Awards Assembly. G E T NOPE JDGOtNGFORAN 70 GO, ples. dent in his Math IV, U.S. His­ Middlesex Hospital School ol E Y E X iS E , \HOUREV^tVAY. DODLEY. WINTHROP The adage, “Don’t laugh at Nursing, Middletown, 4th j>er- Basketball Team: Dave Ware, BY DICK CAVALU tory, English, current Issues, AAR. at someone elM ’s mletakee until and band classes. iod. letter, star and captain’s gold ABCRNACTHy you can laugh at your dwn," has Students seeking colleges are r c:4N’r explain it; b u t r have W ELL, r GUESS r Outside MHS, Steve keeps M; Bob Herdlc, letter, star and ‘ A e>TBANGE FEELING OF= helped Brenda to realize herself himself busy as "vice presi­ urged to u se ,th e college j>rot captain’s gold M; Chuck May, CAN RELAX NOW. and to understand others. files, wrhlch Indicate the d^ree IMPENDING CATAEimOPHE. dent" of the Connecticut Bonk letter, star; Whitey Jenkins, let­ At hl$^ school, Brenda will and Trust Company stockroom. of srtectivlty of various cci- ter, star; JcHm QuagUa, letter, remember "pep rallies, games, He plana to attend Norwich Uni­ leges, reference materials such ^ P I A T / crazy cheerleading practices, +-H versity in Northfield, Vermont, as "Choosing a College," "How star; Doug Hansen, letter, star; the dii4jy halls, the ^eep-in, In the fall and to major In to 'Prepare Tour Oollege Appli­ Steve Rascher, letter, star; and the wild and noisy cafe­ Business Administration. cation," and "Guide to CMlege Brian Maher, letter, star; Boir i O teria.” "Care - about your Majors," and a 'wide selection With Steve's personality and Kleman, letter; Ken Tedford, school,” she says and, "I hope ol ooltege catalogs. dedication, perhaps In ten years letter; plus managers Roger all underclassmen take care of NaUonat, reglmwl, and local PRISCILLA’S POP he’ll be ^rtU:»-preeident o f some Melon end John Btckley BY AL VERMEER the old place, I will leave a scholarahipfl are described, and huge corporation. —letters, stars; and statisticians lot behind me when I graduate, students are encouraged to KNOVY WMAT? Steve looks forward to the day Larry Upperman and Jerry O n e p e f but most of all I’U miss cheer- check these sources tor sclwl- I WISH I HAD when "m en can learn to Uve to­ Katana, letters, stars. A BABV in a family leading. AU the girls are like andilpe or financial aid fo r SISTER.'' is e n o u (J h CMCki slaters and we’ve grown-up to­ gether and to communicate with Swimming Team: Doug Pas­ -^aWALU understanding." which they might qualify. «(-M geth er." Students may use these ma­ tel, Captain's gold M and letter, Bealdea being a cheerieoder, Steve’s musical communlca- star; Kevin CenkUn, Captain’s Uon Is certainly instrumental terials and a ^ during study CAPTAIN EASY Brenda is a memlier of Ski periods, and before and after gold M and letter, star; Steve ■/V- BY LESLIE TURNER Oub, and Distributive Educa­ (sorry!!!) to helping him to Dunlop, letter, star; Van Larson, take a very real part In MHS school. In some cases, mater­ EVER'THING I DO s e e m s TO ROB OL0 HBY.mWHO Runs THIS BAKERY? MY HORSE tion Club of America, where letter, star; Beau Thumavor. MAN CRUPPy TH' WRONG WAV. LULU BELIE! NOW HE'S GOT SOME-’ GMUFORP.IAINT life. ials may be borrowed over m e t Nimr, m H one c l ^ ! . ONE TO DOWN she serves as the state secre­ latter, ^ r ; Steve Moore, letter, HELP HIM 5URE YOITRE POIN* Steve lives with his parents night. Students who 'wish to THIE APPReSS ECKtWLEP ON TH' STALL I WITH IT, WE BETTER 601 tary for the Oonnectlcut (Siap- star;- Bob. Synder, letter, star; 4LI. YOU TO Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lewko- make use of the Ouldanoe fa­ ------AMON! tor.^ Fiaft-tfme work at Sears Rusty Hebert, letter; Joe "*A MR. w ics, a t S Bates Rd. culties or to talk with their CRUPPY! w ill g iv e w ay to a fuU-tlme Job LeBlanc, letter; Gene Leecroart, Jan '69 counselors should get a pass be­ CRAZY ABOUT at Aetna Inauraaoe after grad- fore school In the morning. Par­ tetter; Craig Sweeney, letter; NAGS! MUST uatton. Pete Walden, letter, and Jim BE VOURS, ents are also welcome to confer Brenda Is very special, no with oounsetorB and to make NUdnsmi, letter. K-h UP5TAIK5! TlEDIC matter what she or anyone else use of the many source mater­ Rifle Team: Ed StedeeU, dap- may ever say. S. C. Plans ROBIN MALONE ials. tein’s gold M and letter; Pete BY BOB LUBBERS J e rry '70 Lalashlus, letter; Erwin Nash, Exchanges tetter; Stwe Fish, letter; John THANKS FOR HAYIN'FAITH \ 1 \P THAT'S THE WAV TO IN HE, m e. AlALOWe. AH'LL I know y iA C K ' Formosans Go To School Albee, letter, and Jared Stens- h a n d le b a l l players, Computer Just Aureed The MHS Student Council held tleld, letter. TRY NOT r LET /OU POWN. hoU'VL ^ . a bugino** meeting Tuesday, KABUL —A United Nathxw I'LL QUIT THE 6AM0 t-// STBRL i NO, Colo. (AP) — Presentations of awards to VO YOUR AprU 9, during the E period. Eduoationalr^ientific and Cul­ AND OPEN A MAN0O When Sterling High School as a Manchester Athletes making 6TAND IN PAGO-PASO f The main topic for discussion tural Organization study of gag used a computer to pair off the AU-OCIL teams went to Bob was the revlslopB brought forth schooling In Asia found that boys and girls, Steve Burnham Kteman for his basketball per- by John B rig g i, '69. John only 10 per cent of etementary- LITTLE SPORTS had no quarrel with the results. tormonoe and to Doug Rastel tor B Y BOUSON ouUtoed revisions tor study age children In Afghanistan The computer paired him with his swimming abUlty. halls, the cafeteria, next fall’s were in school in 1965 and only Marcia Jones. Steve and Marela T jntL, TO MHS Studeuts Try Teachiug Skills had been steadies for soms cbnrlculam and lastly, the de­ 57 per cent in India, white For­ Ume. merit system. mosa had 96 per cent. Both "tsaioher" Mark Wins- seventh grade at lUing Jisdor teach In olaaarooma In gram­ Next on the agenda was the feels Uke on the otiisr. side of Senior Gtrto: The TravHers ler, '70, and h is class seem to High. , mar and Junior high adbooia In the desk. ■cnlor slgn-up lor the ex­ Students who expect to take change program to East Catho­ The first U.S. patent, which 'vlU bold Intorvlaws for Jobs ol- be endoybig tUs lesson In so­ Mark and the other students the subjects of their choice. A rcgxHl on their experiences tht College Board exanu on lic High this Friday. FoUowlng wos signed In 1790 by George ter grsdustton during vacation who are poiticlpatlng In th e The program is designed to cial atudiea. Mark Is getting his will t^pear in next week’s May 3 are reminded that reg- this was the Junior slgn-up tor Washington, went ' to Samuel week, April 21 tlumigb 26. from annual teacher... recniMment give Juniors who are coneideiv "World" when the teachers Hopkins for his Invention of a 8 a.m. to 4 p.m . Detells a ra (t) IIW br MIA. I«c. TAA l « « U.J OM. Cepr.'M Oea'I Cerp ^ experience in the classroom of 'straUons must be received la the sa^honge to Wethersfield ttLWerM UgkltBwd. program are being given a Ing teaching as a career th e return to MHS as students once Princeton by this Saturday, H igh on A p ril 8, during o u r pearl-ash manufacturing proo- posted on the bulletin board out- Mrs. Wyrot Word, who teadies chance both to obeerve and to opportunity to eee what life more. (Herald Photo by Ptato) AprU 6. spring voootlon. ess. side the Qukdanos Otdoa,

* ^ m-rwo MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969 PAGE TW BNTMM BDF Howard’s Bat Thundering THE Herald Angle Casper Deliberately Played Safe Round WASHINGTON (AP) — In the spring, thunder roll­ AUGUSTA, On. (A P )— aional poor play on toe course field of seven at 89, three under Palmer had putting woes and tack that knocked him oft the putting. I have i ing off Frank Howard’s EARL YOST Buffalo BHIy Oasper, a one­ that many call a Jinx for him. par. They are Dan Sikes, Aus­ took a 78. Roberto de Vlcenso, tour two weeks ago, said he chance to win this (______big bait is an ominous NsttoiMd Leagae time gamfbliqg Mormon, "1 won’t gamble again. tralian Bruce Crompton, lead­ victim of last year’s celebrated "never felt at ease out there, he said. '1 tbtok yon'R flAl raw but I felt I was going to score warning tor pitchers. East DtvMoa has chang^ bis ways— "I Just tried to play shots Into ing money winner Gene Uttier, scoring error, Mew to a 75. UJB. had some good roundh 1mc« h » well when I got by the third bole ton. A fter four hom e rune In three tV.i'.. W. L. P et O.B. hoTl gamble never mtore. places where I felt I could get Mason Rudolph, ^year-old am­ Open champion Lee Trevino and games, the giant Washington 1 OLflW — At least not in the ICasten. with a bogey and one under. "I think It's hero to stay, W s CMoago ,5?®*** ***® Uttle Black Book them up and down.” ateur Bruce Fletoher, Bert Yan­ slugger Insists he sUll is not hit­ 8 0 a.ooo — PGA champ Julius Boros each "To play well here, I figure I good play. I Jnst ho^ tt eonllto Pittsburgh When. B ast OathoUc High -opened its baseball season "I deUberatety played a safe He got them up and down well cey and Lionel Hebert ting as weU as he did last year. 2 1 .NT 1 had a 72. British Open champion have to hit-a lot of good iron ues another three days.*' New York with la 8 -0 success over Aquinas High in Ne?w Britain round,” the former fatman said enough to score six Mrdlea, not Hed at 70 ore defending Howard belted a pair of home 1 8 J N S Gary Player took a 74. shots and putt very well. And (tosper, Maud and qoM hot Montreal ftfteraoon it kept Jhn Penders’ record intact. after taming the 6,980-yard Au­ a single bogey and establish a champion Bob Ooalby, former' The field o f 88 w ill be this was one of my best putting desperately ottempllag to runs Thursday as the Senators St. Louis 0 8 .000 a gusta National course with a overwhelmed New York S-6 de­ Oouirting nigh school and cotlege games as a player one-stroke lead over Australian champion Art Wall, lefty Bob trimmed to the low 40 and ties, rounds to a long time.” - change bis Image through the Philadelphia 0 a .ON 8 beautiful, Blx-under-par M and Bruce Devlin and lanky George spite Yankee catcher Frank arid 'later m a coath befote coming to East, Penders difertes of New Zealand and Ca­ and all players within 10 shots And the two-time U.S. Open use of a high powered puMle ro- West mvloioB toe first-round .lead In the 83rd Archer, each with a VI, going Fernandes’ two homers, Includ­ was never involved in a losing opening game. . . , For nadian George Knudson. of the leader after today's sec­ champion, who • slimmed down totlans outfit, had hirdto poito of Atlanta 8 0 1.0N — the record, Ted amuanus tipped ------Masters Golf ’Tournament Litd today’s second round of In aU, about one third o f the ond round. from 280 pounds on an exotic 29, 8 and 80 feet, roaehed oon -i* ing a grant slam. Ban Diego 8 0 l.OM - The 6-foot-7 slugger, who his cap last Monday when thou- .... . *T never once gambled as I play. field was at par or better. Casper, who achieved hto re­ diet that Included buffalo par 5 In two and taro-potted, and ■«rA Los Angeles 1 1 -800 IH have done In the p o s t MAybe smashed 44 hom e runs to lead sands stood to cheer his return Big Jack Nlcklous, seeking a But some of the t(q>, pre-tour­ markable round despite numb­ steaks, sounded a warning. put two approach foots to within Cincinnati 1 1 -ON 1% ' the majors In 1988 while setting to baseball and his debut as ? * * ^*** that’s toe difference," he said, fourth green Jacket, was along ney choices had their troubles. ness In two fingers on hto right “If I can keep this combina­ fivs and throo fast for saoy a record with 10 hom ers In six Houston 0 8 .ON 8 - manager of toe Washington 11^ an obvious referenoe to ooca- at 68, but thers was a bulky Four-time champion Arnold hand, the result of an allstgy at­ tion, the good Irons and good birds. games, argued, “I'm not swlng- San Fran 0 8 .ON 8 Senators. The magic name of “ “* Ing the bat as well as I did last nmrsday’s BesoMs Williams helped attract the ^***"®*’®'^ Hamden year.” New York 4, Montreal 3 largest opening day crowd In ii,’ ’ 'J ? ® * ? * iq>ectaIUt Washington history. Sf®?,. ®®“ ‘ <**e Hartford Howard did concede he Is Chicago 0, Phlladelplila 8 PltMxngh 8, 6 t Lotas 8 m » fA. Knights baa been sold to tbs seeing the ball better with f k f t Broncos to the Amerl- coaching tips from the Senators’ Ban Diego 8, Houstiao 0 U flth e '^ ff can Football League.- The celebrated new manager, Ted Today's Ganies Jimmy lyinort eon of Jhn ly - OrambUng OoUege product Is Williams. He added, "He wants St Louis (Carlton 18-U) a t' with the toe thlnl KniSftto fo A me to put a few more balls up in New York (Kooaman 18-18) MBatomfor caj^ptsT’ ooptalns Denver, foUowing Gene the air. And so far It’s working Phlladelidila (Johnsan 4-4) a t' the Rham High baseball team son end TVrni Rowland out pretty weU.” Pittsburgh (M oose 8-18) • ^ aqning. The youngster star- Rooting hoid—but not hard The Yankees were the only Montreal (M orton (Ml) at O b i-, red with Rhom’s finer soccer enougb-«t Shea fo r American League team that cago (Nlekro 14-10) -• team last toll... Newest mem- the Mets In New Yotic opening UP IN ARMS—^That’s the way Manager Dick Williams of the Red Sox fdt went untouched by Howard’s Cincinnati (Merritt 18-10) at., after Ump Emmett Ashford ruled Frank Robinson’s fly ball down the rifirht- ber o f the Manchester CSiapter «toy was Stan Ozlm Hutebtanoo of/ Andover... U-IO, in a wild one . . . w n c Howard tapped a screwball (Badeokl 18-18), Speaking of umpires, the State mdlo will -broadcast ISI Rad 380 feet to opposite field for a at San Diego (Kirby 04» night Board, which comprises 11 local Sox night end weekend fp--— two-run homer off loser Frits GRINS COME EASY—^Manlager Ted Wi'lliams of the Washington Senators, Saturday's Games or area board and chapters. Is season, tite first Sunday af- St Louis at New York ^ \ Ashford Says Fair Peterson in the first Inning and two home run hitting outfieldens big grins yesterday after defeat­ seakliig fun recognition by toe <»«>«*> from (Sevdand . . . Thursday, then rocketed a 410- Philadelphia at 'Pittsburgh ing the New York Yankees, 9-6. Frank How'aird (1) slammed two home runs Oooneoticut InterochoIasUc hand reports on Joisiny foot drive to center with bases Mkmtreal a t CMcago Athletic Oonfersnoe. ftwebsll is -that be adds a tot of em pty In the fifth. bringing his total to four and then Brant Alyea hammered in a home run. Cincinnati at Atlanta sport that Um CIAC does not Box brood- m The slugger said he d 1 d n’ t Los Angeles at Houston, N recognlse... miUngton He succeeded Mel Par- think the Yankee pitchers had New Sound in NL: Chicago’s Bell-Ringers San Francisco at San Diego It win have skiing until -Tim* ® STeat guy but a poor And RSox Explode their best stuff throughout the A total of 292 Inches has fonen ®™Joyn®®r, with toe Boston crew series. But he discounted any American League so far this season. Fbr the last beaded by Ken Otde- hitting advantage from the low- CLEVELAND (AP) — *» take a normal position. He threw the ball wildly In an at Baet Division elgbt years, KUlington was the "*“ * Martto. W. L. Pot. G.B. When is a fcn il baH fair? Ashtord’s call and went tempt to get Conigllaro at third teH^aJJTdl^enM ” last ski area to the East to „ , * * * Pitching Enables Padre Sweep, Detroit 2 0 i.oN — ; When Emmett Ashfoid is ^ Boston slugger scored ^ ..jS“ y b r t h f S X close. The earliest closing In End of the Line 4w !>**•• Chhooii, Joined by Manager with an unearned run. piicnere Washington 2 1 .867 H this time was April 28 and the Yop-fUght basehaU umpire Is ^ WHHams, Joined the argue- With runnere on first and sec- though. „ Boston 1 1 .6N 1 ' latest May 18... Wtontog toe Eortln of RockvUle. He's B o ^ Red S o x . m snt to no avalT ond and two out in the Boston darned out 16 Santo Latest Hero for Chicago Baltim ore 1 1 .6N 1 sportsnumsblp award from the olao active as a lacrosse, soo- Ths Red Soot smarted from a Powell, the next Baltl- Uilrd, the game was delayed 22 i New York 1 2 .333 IH ; Central Omnecticut District ®®>^ basketbaU otficlaL . . oaU hy Ashford as they Invaded ^ ^ ta tter, then drilled a ein- mlnStes ^ min. C o ^ l u o NEW YORK (AP) — ninth before McCool retired over Montreal. Singles by Ken Caevetand 0 2 .ON 2 , Board of BasketbaU Offlclala B®tired Jeff Koelsch to kept Oevetand today for the opener g]g right, scoring Robinson struck out to end the Indng. * Pllchln'g caach Rbger Craig Benia Menke with the bases Boswell, Cleon Jones, Bd Weet Division was "frortlng on the cake” for ’’'‘‘ J hop-acotchlng around the Am ie Palmer Blasts Out of Trap Jack Nicklans Passes for Repairs Roberto deVieenso Check* Cud* oJ®8® basebaU games. Already Ihe Boatan team was an- of the season. but he had cooled Off during the SlTg blftoe S " n lw ^ hit Ws solo shots In ^ a n d light cf the season and we were week he’s seen UConn-Wes- Bruins Blow Early 2-0 Lead giBred^ to iwt it mildly, by an *nie Red Sox, who opened the long intermiaaion. Before he re- cniin/f in fVio homer. the second and seventh. Chicago all proud to receive It,” he add- i®y®**< Yale-Sprlngfleld and Harvard Choice Ashford ruling wfal-UMass. , .First golf OAMBRIDOE, Mtoos. (A P) deebBng nm in a 2-1 d^eat to 12 innings against the Ortotos tor a nin-aad the Orioles left disclaimed credit for the In- those (Uhlcago CUBS-raiU ^ elding John Bateman’s homer, Mtanes^ shifted from toM«lwtball sneak- ” **™*i®®*>t at the Manchester Boston Celtics Hit nmrsdsy's Reeolto — Harvard to the choice to the (Moles ’nanwday In 18 In- Tuesday, deserved a better fate the bases loaded. snlred hltUnr bv the doormat bell-rilTge^. Ernie Banks was Chicago s through eight Innings before sln- ers to baseball cleats with South d ll' wUl be a Four capture the 1986 Ivy League tSaga at Baltimore. as right-hander Rby Culp sur- (Slip, a 16-gaiiie winner last ^ amaz^ Padres kay<^ opening day hero with too ho- ^les by Mack Jones and Bate- Washington 9, New Y ork 6 Windsor and to the Bobcats’ ™ H’ “ • • • football championship in the Backstrom’s Lone TWth the teams booked up in a rendered Just five hits in 10 In- season, was to command after charred un ’’ he said Houston 2-0 in the ma^r mers and WilUams „ian and Jose Laboy’s double Baltim ore 2, Boeton 1 (18 In­ flrat >!■— X)lck Stuart, the former Boston annual poU of the group’s nings 1-1 pftcher’s duel, BaUlmore’s nlngs beforo giving way to PI- that before he was lifted by WU- HSI^,%rikt ^Jea and Del D ^lck^y hurt^ S rT T ^ ^ fy w^ 8^2’®. In the ninth. » • • Bed Sox first baseman who Uves sports Information directors. Ihmnk Roblmon led oft the last mrro. Hams. Pisairo sailed through u„«er each collected thrfo hits. one wl b^^^^ torn. ^ ------Detroit 12, Clevekuid 3 « rm. Greenwich, to the first base- Lasted But One Night The Crimson, co-champions Today’s Games ***“ player to go from toe maj- P^^ S til to » "^hft bid in the^v- "Every day somebody dlffer- RockviUe Nine w(th Yale tost fsll drew tour Goal Try Decides New York (Burbach 0-0) at tor or league to Japan and back to first place votes and 46 the^flrst Inning and Unser drove enth. That enabled San Diego to ent rings the bell for us," the the Men s Town Bowling Tour- the maijors. He recently stoned AngeHes-A-tlanta best-of-7 West­ ley added 18. Robtason sHced a drive to right, to left with one out and took sec- A ^or^ ™°«-e to build a 7^ ^ jhelr three-game set thlfH baseman said. “This is the Detroit (W ilson 18-12) NEW YORK (AP) — points. Princeton received Ashford ruled the ball hit ond on a passed ball. George Bows in Opener Kansas CHty (Morehead 1-4) n ^ ^ tiUe, was credited with with the Los Angeles Aiweto ern Divleton final series, which Bradley also did a fine delen- NEW YORK (A P ) — Ralpfti Backstrom sat in 'the The Red Sox named southpaw lead before Fernandez cracked from____ _ the Astros. big thing on a winning team, to Boston bad 'its -laug’h in, but tiiree first place votes and 48 on the right field foul line and Scott grounded back to the Dick Ellsworth, another 16- his bases-loaded home run into Getting off on the wrong foot Oakland (Hunter 18-18) night ®“™® 1" «i® - . .First time to years that begins tonights Los Angles. slve Job on John Havllo^, hold­ Montreal dressinjg room after the 'third period thSnkins The Cubs, N l^ Tronaky (3tasalic at the the Boston Celtics failed to land the bi-g Celtics’ hit la&ted points, whUe Penn had one RobiHBoa need to secondnd with a mound,mound_but Baltimore pitcher game winner last year, to open the left field bull pen in the d ^'*a„y®®terday afternoon was Rock- Minnesota (Chance 16-16) at only one night, and now the "The loss last night (Wednes­ ing him to eight points. first place ballot and M aSxnit the Boston Brums. After 42 seconds at over­ itoUggy Lanes. Hto 196 score one player on the NBA AU-Star day) was a real Itugh in,” said ”We probably played more doifole. First baseman Ken Har- Mike cQ>llar threw the b^ into Cleveland ^y. TTk^- sixth inning. toeto tol.^ to a row co^^totetolv ““ CaWornla (Brunet 18-17) night New York Kriicks axe kxik- points, one more point than time, the Bruins went back to their dressingg rooms and catcher Rues------Gibson------centoifield------trying to trap------Conlg-- dlans------planned- to,------counter.1-- with ^ williams a f"** c ^ v . t**® ■®“<>n “ Middle- Chicago (Horlen 12-14) at Se- worth gl5 . . . Town cAiam- first team . , .Again, tor the Walt Frazier o f the 112-97 defeat head to heed defense tonight,” rne victory mMc wmiams a Philadelphia 6-2. Santo "AU spring we tolke^^ town High scored an 8 - 8 atlle (BeU 11-11) pfon George Oochran finished record. Approxim ately 15,000 ing ahead to the last Dartmouth. Yale was next thinking aibout R'sdph Backstrom. ware stunned. liaro. the night before when Boston commented Bradley modestly. ■‘It was my first shot cn the ------oto o f (h e m oney. Just mtosing fans hold 66,000 season tickets with 22 points. Hazrclson dkto% even bother Oenterfielder Paul Btair then at chuckle. shot into a 29-point lead as New Flayer-Ooach BUI RusseU, net of the game," the Montreal had a 1210 mark to 1968. manager.______Cardinals to the new dlri- ^ayne Burr of Middletown al- Cleveland (Slebert 12-10) with a 10-game total of 1,322. for footbaU at Shea Stadium In “R was a critical game. If we Coach Harry Stoden bsnad Yoric hit only 33 per cent from who did his best to bring Boston center said ItiuriMlay night after \ Elsewhere. Pittsburgh slonal, setup. We ^knew ^ we had ^ to _____ ^^ly______seven hits___ as the Washington (Moore 4-6) at paying spot wias 1,329 . . . New York fo r the Jets. Another didn’t win, they’d be up S-0. But tho Brutos’ dressliig room to the the field. back wUh 16 of his 16 points in hto sudden death goal cUmaxed stopped the defending champion get off to a good start and we Tigers coasted to victory. Four BalUmore (Hardin 18-18) night Biggest m oney winners from 16,000 control 68,000 tickets for now we’re right back in there,” press and answered newsmen's "Maybe that’s what we need­ the final quarter and a total of Oaks Edged, a rally that carried the Cana- St. Louis Cardinals for the third felt we were enough Improved costly errors by Rockville paved Saturday's Games town wore Geoitge Pelletier and Giants’ games at Yankee Stadl- said a hopeful WUlto Reed o f the questions himself. "I don't want ed to get motivated. We were 26 rebounds, felt the Odtics dlens to a 8-2 victory In the ope­ Sports Slate straight time 8-2 and the New through experience and squad yjg the winners as men- Kansas City at OaMand Hlppo Oorrenti who won 986 and um. Kntcka after tlwy bounced back them bothered right now,” he I Frattaroli To Defend Title embarraased. If -the guys have "Just didn’t play our offense. ner of their Natlmial Hockey ■ V York Meta downed Montreal 4-2. bolstering to make a real nm at j^i lapses afield caused numer- Minnesota at California, N from a humiliating toss Wednes­ any pride, they had to go out ABA Playoff said. "They're pretty down at BASEBALL "We drifted into the same League East Divtolon final play­ Atlanta, (TtoctonaU, Los Angeles them." cjy, Middletown runners to (3hcago at , N day nlg^ with a 161-91 victor there and get them. I know I thing they did last Sunday. Our the moment.” nriday, April II off series. and San Francisco were not Santo’s slugging backed up reach. New York at Detroit Indians Idle Until April 18 over Booton Tliursday nigM in ootSdn’t wait for the game.” guards were our primary of­ Smden said the Brains U«w St. Paul at East Catholic, El- Series Tied “After the third period ended In 10-Pin Tourney Sunday scheduled. xen Holtzman’s clutch pitching, Hugh Campbell was the los- Boston at Cleveland the National Basketball Aaoocla- The Knlcks oertalndy'showed fense. We didn’t work the ball the game when the team gat Hngton at Windsw Locks, Rmky I sat In the room and thought * * * although he was touched for 10 ing pitcher allowing eight runs Washington at Baltimore 'Uon’B Eaatein Division final naotivation Thursday ndgbt,' rac­ Into our front line.” about the fact that I had not had away from its game plan to ftiro- HIU at Coventry, Bolton at DeLucco 173-202-192 The Oakland Oaka led a col- Hot-shooting Mario Frat- T undberg edged Lois John- Nelson Prue of Mid- ______playott seriea ing to a 28-19 first quarter lead But (he rejuvenated New a shot," Backstrom cmitinued. ctaeck the fast • Cana^ Rham. ‘"Ihls sort of beare out what . • • dletown and Don Case of Rock- ¥ lapae of the American Baaket- hamli will spek to become “»e last game Four Veterns Back Tile Knksks atlU trail 2-1 in the by hUtlng a robust 12 o f 22 field York offense stiU had to be the BiU BTett’s goal with five min­ dlena. caroii will seek to oecome semis, Wii- Lindberg 185-248-226 Craig said all spring," said p i r a t e S-CARDS — viue. both catchers, collected U i-'O nil, W eS leV all boU” Aoaoclation’a t four baat-of-7 set as the teams head shots In the period!. Boston nev­ key as the Knlcks rose to a 56 utes left In the secimd period "After Ferguson got that goal GOLF thc first 10-pin bowler in gen beat DeLucco, 2-1, and Lind- Dawood 186-207-166 Manager Pre^n C^mez of toe Pittsburgh broke a 1-1 tie to three hits apiece. R m . t a .— _ J back to Boston tor the national­ teama, which dropped two of Friday, April 11 er caught up, although it did get per cent average from the fidd gave the Los Angeles Kings a 4- everything went bod, and whan Manchester history to win berg eliminated Dawood, also eighth toning against St. Rockville’s next game 1s O O W O il D ia illO llC l ly televtoed fourth game Simday them into a playoff hole. Rocky Hill at Ellington. With CCIL Squad within four at 86-76, 82-78 and fl- by avoiding of Rus­ 3 triumph over the Oakland it does you wind iq> wHh ths town championships back ' ‘ w RlcMe Heibner wialked, against Windsor Monday. Next Thtf university of Ckmneoticul afternoon, but having erased the naBy 84-86. But first D ick Bar­ seU, who intimidated them terri­ The Oaka, runaway winnera of Seals and deadlocked their Weet puck in your end for the rest of Yesterday’ s Stars stigma of a four-game- Boeton , , , L. u £ Tk MEN’ S SCRATCH Roberto Oemente singled, WU- borne game Is Saturday, April lost Its Yankee Conference base- • “ By DEAN YOST nett and then Frazier pulled the bly when he wasn’t blocking the Weatern Divtolon, were Divtolon semifinals at 8-aU. The the game,” be said. “It's no to back when he faces Ray Quarterfinal sweep, the Knicks are fUIed Knlcks out of danger. Shots Wednesday night. deciding game to fot for Sunday good to play a good 50 78 for Siderowf BATTING — BUI Freehan, Tl- r. u n_ ^___ d__ 10 ___ X to toe to^ee »® a-gejl run 1» at i m ______^ Springr is here with flowers blooming: and warm edged 109-109 Thursday night at Rowett Sunday afternoon to the R^y Rowett 192-189 chusetts by a score o f 4-1. again with hope. Frazier finished with 26 "The differenoe was we took night in Oakland. of a game as we played tonight gers, walloped two homers—one games. Houston hasn’t scored to ^ weather ahead, baeeball teams are beginning: to see ac­ Denver, which evened their AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP)—Three- finale at the Parkade Lanes, Lee Meyer 179-186 a grand slam - and a double, the last 26 innings. *'*® pitcher Ray Washburn s Last Nigflt’s Fights Connecticut, now 1-8 tor the The winner of this series points, 15 in the first half when our outslide shots and didn’t The Canadlens trailed the Ug, but not 80 minutes and 43 sso- tion and a few have games already <»mp]eted. The scene moves into the teague final best-of-7 sem ilinal series at 2-2, onds.” ( time Connecticut state amateur The public Is invited, driving in five runs in Detroit’s The Padres’ exhibition earned ‘^ '’® the eventual winner UVBRPOOt.JYBRPOOL, England------— -----Jim ■® ^"’ three Iwe runners at Manchester High School, the home of the Indians, is New Y ork took a 51-41 lead. challenge Rnssell,” Frazier ex­ bad Bruins 2-0 with seven min­ golf champion Dick Siderowf, a The former U(3onn football BUI Malousky 158-203-174 12-3 rout of Cleveland. run average was sky-high and Shannon’s Fletcher, 214, , Los Angeles, another s t o r y . ------!_ against the winner of the Los Barnett had 26 whUe B ill Brad­ plained. whUe fourth-place Dallas cut utes left In the third period. But Los Angeles notched Its beck* stockbroker to Westport, Conn., player averaged 204 to winning Hugo Benson 216-143-167 PITCHING — Dick Ife 11 e y, Gomez was worried. “ But Craig ‘"‘b-inning homer for the stopped Brian London, INH, eight Innings before finally second place New Orleans’ lead Boston’s Eddie Shack drew a tc-Uie-wall triumph over Oak­ fired an opening round 39-39— quarterfinal and semifinal Padrea, allowed only one hit to said our pitching would look a Oards. Dock Ellis went the England, 1, *®® bffl*‘c^Who'^’ ^ to 2-1 with a 180-106 rout over penalty at 13:11 and Jfon Fer­ land alter a wild first parted to 18 Thursday to his first Mas- matches last night, Mario Frattaroli 205-171-211 8 1-3 Innings before needing ipt better once we got out of that route on a seven-hitter. LOS ANGELES — Hedgemon °*“®^r M eM l actiwi, toe the Red and White to a 9-7 CX31L ** Wilt, Russell Among Also-Rans the Bucs In Dallas. guson Ignited the Montreal which each team scored three ters Golf Tournament. Finalists in the Women's Al Hagenow 163-175-163 ninth-inning help as San Diego’s thin air and so far • • • Lewis, 146, Los Angeles, out- University of Hartfort eked out mark, has hto team still practic- c»oyt»i In the Eastern semis, third- com eback 17 seconds later. goals. Flett flipped the wtontog Siderowf, who was Invited to Scratch Division will be Elea- 3xpansion team beat Houston 2- what’s happened has borne him MET8-EXP08 — pointed Oscar "Shotgun” Albai^ “ver Wnlty Col- place Kentucky bounced first Jean Bellveau knotted It on goal over Oakland goatW'Oary the Masters after being low ^or Wilson, town champ in 1966 Carl Kleinstuber 201-158-226 0 and swept a three-game se- out..” Gtomez said. Tommie Agee hit two long ho- Uvalde, Tex., 10. ^ place Indiana 18(^111, and another power play goal with Smith, who qnmwled to the ice amateur in last year's U.S. and runnerup in 1967, and Ter- Clem Quey 190-180-169 Ties. Jim Wynn got toe first Hous- mers and rookie Geiy Gentry PORTLAND, Maine — Irish ' eason and Trtn- fourth-place Minnesota ham­ only 50 seconds rem aining and after blocking ^a foot by Bm MEN’S HANDICAP A pitcher and can play an infield Open, was scheduled to tee off Ltodberg. ------ton hit, a clean single with one won his first major league start „®®“ we.ioJa't, Bristol Central to NBA All-Star Five CHURCH LEAGUBI—Sam Lit­ mered second place Miami 109- sent the Montresil Bhrum crowd White. Jack Nash 188-198 * " poBltlan too. Sophomore Jim today at 6:42 a.m. He is paired Men's Handicap Division Baseball averages were first out to toe seventh, and Doug with ntoto-inntog hplp from (3al outpointed Leo DFIore, _ ^ game. tle 146-384, Bill Carlin 356, Pete 93 as the winners each took 2-1 Into a frenzy. Boston’s record- The Kings wasted two first-pe­ Clay Nlvlson 211-228 Aceto 363, Howie Holmes 185, with Gay Brewer Jr. finalists are Charlie Krybel and compUed to 1866. Rader singled with two away to Koonce to the M ^’ triumph Portland, 10. SS^ag^ to by S we The’ present rituation at the JS S T * leads In their series. breaking scorer Phil Espoelto, riod leads before moving shitsd Herb Sullivan. high school sees 65 boys out on Jim Siriannl 357, Howie Peters Wayne Hightower’s two free who loet the key faceoff Just be­ to Btqy. Ted Irvine gave them a Sophomore Bob Ufer .Ted Best of five m atclies a r e Charlie Krybel 223-201 ------^------^------_ „ A „ run after a ninth toning rally There are a few promising Led by W es Unseld 363, John Brown 139-362, Luddy throws with four seconds left for fore Bellveau’s 71st career play­ made the score 7-6. the field trying to make the 1-0 lead but Mike Laughton Yale’s hockey team to scoring Sunday starting at 2 George Moquin 219-181 College Baseball team. Parks as of yesterday, ■ophomores battling tor varsity Hansen 139-362, Mike Plochar- a 109-106 lead proved decisive off goal, crouched in tears to Rollins. 4-4, F airfield 8-8 Other Connecticut ooUege matched It for Oakland. Biyan during the recent season with 17 o'clock. still hasn’t made any cuts and >>«ths but nothing baa been se- ezyk 137-351. for Denver. front of the Bruins’ bench as the New Haven 7, Sacred Heart 1 baseball scores were: Rollins NEW YORK (AP)—^Wes Unsdd, the man who has Campbell and Lowell Mac­ goals and 10 aaslsts for 27 points xwo years ago Rowett won Herb Sullivan 227-221 ton't definite on>hto startera. ( ®4 ¥•»- Senior Bob Klernan Oakland had overcome an 86- debris was cleared from the ice. Donald made it 8-1 but the Seals Ed Wilson 182-198 Colby 7, W esleyan 6 4-4 , Fairfield 8-8j New Haven ' everything, leii a l^io of newcovers on the National FLORAL — Baihara Caron to 21 games. the Handicap Division. Assistant <^ch Dick (fobb has pitching this year af- 77 deficit entering the final peri­ Derek Ssmderson scored both rallied again on goals by Brian Florida Presbyterian 10, Coast 7. Sacred Heart 1; Florida Prea- Ba&kebbLLl Association’s Al-Star team as only Oscar 265-496, B everiy M aclachlan 186- Last ^ night to the Men's been out tor a week now and the • year’s absence. od to take a five-point lead be­ Boston goals. Perry and Oene Ubriaco. Fred Brown 186-207 Guard 8 byteriaa M, Coast Guard 8; Bt Robertson alrni Elgin Baylor survived 1969’s new look. 464, Doreen Grenua 207-640, Scratch quarterfinals, Frattar- coaching rests with Parks. The outfield to questionable as fore Hightower came of5 the Mark Royce 178-200 Hartford 8, Trinity 1 (11 In- John’s 4, Southern Cfonneoticut Unseld of Baltimore, alrecidy — ------Jean Archamibauft 202-670, Dee oU trimmed Al Hagenow, 2-1; nlngs) 8. Manchester has only fbur to first base. Parks says It to named the league’s Most Valu- ^*>rry Lucas of Gtocinnati oft bench with six points to put WOMEN SCRATCH letterman returning from last too hard now to decide on any- Bender 212«». Denver ahead 108-102. The lead Rowett eliminated Lee Meyer, Marie DeLucco 193-181-201-216 able Player and Rookie of the ^ first or second team for the MonchMlwr Sportsnwn's Assoeiorioii 2-0; BUI Malausky downed Hugh year’s team, seniors Chuck thing definite as our season Year, made the team for the timLttme to their oareem. see-sawed until Lonnie Wright Ginger Yourkas 189-181-206-180 PINNITrrES — Lori Jones Benson, 2-1. Semifinal play May, Dave Ware, Whlty Jenkina opener to still a week away. first time with Billy Cunning- CAmlngheun received the scored for Denver for a 107-106 215-478, Ftayfito UcoeHo 186, LRSSONS FOR NOVICES AND BEGINNERS saw Frattaroli edge Klelstaber, Filly Champ Process Shot^ ham of PhUadelphia and Earl Mghest score In the voting hy a edge. OP MANCHESTER Eleanor Wilson 194-206-189 Jean Burnham 474, RonMe New­ Wright finished with 23 points 2-0, and Rowett topped Ma­ Barbara Higley 198-182-170 Monroe of Baltimore. panel of sports writers oovertrq: IN SKEET SHOOTING lausky, 2-0. berry 468, Lois Laplne 464, while Warren Armstrong had 24 BUDGET TERMS Makes Her Seasonal Dehut East Shooting for Win No. 2 - In adding another homer, Un- **i® NBA. M arilyn M adore 191-498, Wanda NATIONWIDE Over In toe women’s play, for Oakland. A t ManchastBr Sportsman’s Assn. Sfc— f FinM Dolly Dawood 183-172-176 seld bad to beat out such stand------Kasetonricas 194 460, Dottle aUARANTBED SERVICE quarterfinal play saw Marie Dallas ran up a 81-20 first Betty Richardson 188-165-170 Hopefuls tor toe May 8.Ken- Other to the probable field of outs at center os vwteians WUt A R A R n n lrlfk V 'lvsz Whitehead m-192-540, Lee Pope Leaner Cars Free Toerlag DeLucco top defending champ In ^ om e Start with St. PauVs Chamberialii, BUI RumeU end quarter spread and never let up SATURDAY MORNINGS at 10 AJM. tucky Derby will remain to their Include Brandy HIU PYuin’e lAOOKie TIVC 452, Norma ThomiMon 466, R ag aa Clncy Powell scored 26 points Tlsl. 643-2467 Gtoner Yourkas, 2-1; Eleanor Terry Lindberg 193-205-213 dtalla Saturday, leaving the ^®®^** Stitch, 112, winner o f a WUlto Reed along with rookie L c d b y O a k A c C Hannon 488, Janet Keetner 188, and J fo n Beasley 23 In ending From 11 yesn of age and iq> MonolMBtxr, Wilson beat Barbara Higley, Lois Johnson 183-224-212 By DEAN YOST er exploded for five runs In a Elvln Hayea Reed of New York Kay Rincrose '467, Doris Kirt- New Orleans’ 15-game winning Vernon Town Line 2-1; Dolly Dawood nipped The high school baseball sea­ 6-4 win qnd six runs In a 9-6 made the aecoad team. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Warw 44A to No. Blver Bd. Lett on No. Biver Bd. to Metww Bft. Rte. 88, TalcottvlUe, CWu. •"“1“ — ss. zz?: ren Armotrang, who Mcked up lond 483. streak. Red Robbtos had 29 for 114 mile down Merrow Bd. on left hand side. Betty Richardson 2-1, and Ter- SEMIFINAL and Process Shot, who wUl be Mara Lark, 108, end Stud Qul- son is -beginning to pick up loos. RobertKo of CtoclnnaU made Getting off (o a bad start the Bucs. Men’s Scratch havlng her coming out aa a 8- to’s Ambiqua, 110. more momentum as four games M^IRCHANTS — Harry Bemto Kentucky, getting M points For further Intormattoa, call 648-2461 daring the day. appear on today’s schedule. Rham Hgh, had its first game Frattloralli 222-214 year-old. Proceaa 6hot, who «XHin(»d I nine years whUe Baylor of Los Barry In- 140-377, Joe M ayer 141-399, Walt from D orel Carrier and 26 by East (3atlKdlc entertains St. postponed diie to wet oondlUons AmrUM hi., ho... . >®ee and missed more Klelstaber 193-199 Two 150,000-added handicaps five stakes amoiRf her seven Angeles has been a first team Weir 139, Earl Cox 141-880, Char­ Louie Dumpier, also raced Raul’s cf Bristol, -EUUngton at but hopes today -wiU be dif­ than half the season, led the bal- top the national headliners—toe wins In nine starts os a JuvenUe ^ choice 10 times. lie Gilbert 141-156-389, Dave away early and led 64-62 at half­ Windsor Looks, R ocky H!U at ferent as Bolton Invades the .. , loting on the American Basket- Rowett 188-149 Cone 171, Joe Plcaut 138-379, tim e. M el Daniels scored 28 ta t 1%-mile Excelsior at Aqueduct is expected to get her toughest ' Oovenlry and Bolton plays at home grounds. Coach Mike Zot- Jotolng Reed on the aecoad baU Aoooclation’a aU-rooUe FLY CASTING Malousky 145-148 aquad were Jfon Hafooek of John Beretto 854, BUI R iley 352.. Indiana. and toe Pan-American Turf opposition from Helmoie ‘ Rham In Hebron. . ta of Rham has a lot of good team . * ) 'Cap at Oulfotrearo Park. Farm’s Irish Oourae and Mrs. Booton, Oa've DeBunoebere of EXCELLENT OPTORTUNITY .MEN’S HANDICAP East (3a(lioUc, oom ^ oft a players with the desire (o win. Other firot-team oelectiona an- Process Shot, the 1068 2-yeor- John C. Mbberiy’s All Ahead. ‘ CLINIC and Krybel 225-250 nohlt game pttebed by Hike Bolton, suffering a defeat in the New York, Hal Oroer of Phlla- nounced today were torwarda old filly champlena tts first of nine opefwr, to coached by Mike deiphla and Jerzy Wert cf Los Larry MlUer of Los Angeles end For Employment At DEMONSTRATION and Mrs. Sonny Werblln, Is slat- lifetime starts todudli^ the Pa- ' hom e gam es this afternoon. On Landolphl. BoKon plays a nine- ^®S^66- Walt Ptotkewski of Denver, cen-i Sullivan 206-241 ed to make her i960 debut to the tricla A. Stakes. AU Ahead, who the mound for (he Eagles wiU game away schedule before That left Cbambertoto of Los ter Gene Moore of Kentufoyl Brown 188-211 f2S,000-added, slx-furlong FUrta- was second to the Patricia A ' -be Tom JukiUs, a Junior. Only playdng four home games. Angeles, Ruasell of Boaton and and guard Ron Boone of DaUas.! STAFFORD SPRINGS SPEEDWAY ROGERS CORPORATION'S Sunday tton Stakes at Pimlico. has won six of eight In her oa- , three'seniors optoe Coach Jim WOMEN SCRATCH A field of at least seven Is reer. ‘ Penders’ squad (Ms year. Big Wilson 219-197-201 likely for the Bid running of the A field of 17 Is possible for an- guns tor Blast Catholic in the 5 Conn. Plant Locations at Excdslor, with John Heiisber- other handicap—the f25,000-add-' opening gam e w ere John Quinn Sports Viewing SUN, APRIL II ger’s Juvenile John and R.N. ed Berkeley over 1)4 miles at ' and Brian SuMvan. SATURDAY Technicians and Engineering Aaeistanto in ()uaUty (tontrai. Blue Farm’s King n toe eariy Golden Oats Ftol^ VIogray 2:00 r.M . Manchester Sportsmen’s Assn., Coventry Suffering on opening gome' 1:99 ( 8) BaaebaU: Yale Research and Development, Manufacturing Bnifoeeriiig. favorites. Farm’s Estamhul n has been - loss to Rocky HIU, Elhngton va. NYU i lg u t ie Starting salaries as hlfh 'A* |145 per week for Technicians or $165 per week for Engineering Aoslatants. TREMANO SEPTIG Juvenile Jolm -winner of the assigned ft^Smight of 184 - hopes (o gain Its .first vtotory 9rt6 (99,96) BaoeballiSan By Work! Famous Fly Fisiiing Authority John R. CampbOU Handicap at poimds. .‘t High School Graduatea and 2 year college graduates are In a oontest at Wlmtoor Locks. Fnnctooo vs. Son TANK SERVICE Bowie, and Tropic King H, who 1 Other national features In- encouraged to Investigate these career opportuntttaa and WUndsor Locks, with abundance IM ^ o Future Babe Ruths, Mickey Mantles and Bob learn about R(X>ERS Far Out FRINGE BBU4EFIT PRO­ "BILL” CAIRNS raced weU at Gulfstream P ^ , elude the |SO,000-added Inaugu- of power and fine defonslve Si86 ( I) Skllngi Kmy Fellers will have a chance to get (rff on the right GRAM. TEL 742-9770 are th e 00-highweighta at 180 ral Handlcm> to r 8-yearolda , team , wtU be tough fo r Coach Style foot in Manchester Saturday morning when Little Of pounds each, two more than up on opening day at Sportsman ■* Don Thenien’s Khights. ElUlng- 4rt6 ( 8) GoldOolfCaaiwIo League baseball tryouts officially start ^ ^ Tetephona for Appointmomt Gustave Ring’s English-bred Park, toe |20.000-addsd Ashland ^ R C rTA H O l ton kMt a heorCbroaker to Rocky 5rt6 ( 8) Mostera GeU Registration and practice sessions are scheduled ' l l ______Blanquette H, winner of the HI- for S-yearold flUlM at Keane- : HIU, as the gam e went into ex­ ( 8) Wortd of Sports MRS. MARGARET HAMPSON — A434U3 CHARLES ORVIS CO. a le ^ ‘Turf (Tup. land, the f2S,000-addsd Debonair • at WaddeD Field, Verplanck Field and Buckley —OPEN, O OM PEim Ol^ tra InntogB. EUtogton’s next SDNllAY (Herald Fbotoa by Pinto) BArney L obel's French-bred for S-yeaiM>ld colts and g e l d l i ^ .. Field. All win start at 9:30. Sunday practice ift — or apply to — « 44A to No. R iver Rd. L eft on No. River Rd. to M errow Rd. oonforenoe game to April 16 irtt ( 8) NHLi lirtrtroal I >4 mile down Merrow Rd. on left hand vide. THREE-'ITME WINNERS—Army & Navy Club won championship -laurels in also planned, time to be announced at the 'various 504AP FEATURE Taneb, winner of the Son Luis at Hollywood Park and the aapatost Bloat Wtodsor. va. Boston the Y Businessman’s Basketball Leiague for th^ third straight seuson with $, Rey at Santa Anita, Is the early |l0,6oo New England Breeden : fields Saturday. ROGERS CORPORATION For further information, rail 643-3401 during the day. O iv e n try with a 1-1 record SrtS ( ■) NBAi New Yetk 15-0 record. Squad members are, front, Pete Kiro, Eric Hohenthal, Bob CSarl- choice tor toe Pan American for 8-yearolds and qp at f Jmwiw • hosts Rocky HU (2-6) In a Last year there were over 600 youngsters in MUX k OAKLAND STS., MANCHESnOI son. Back, Tom Conran, Roland Ruth^ord, Joe Shea, Ron Stevens, 'Tom Mtoon. va. Boston and will ca rry topw elght o f 118. Downs. CBiarier Oak Conference game. 4rtS ( 8) Msstets GoU the Little League program which includes Little An equal opportunity etnpleyer U m Patrioto to the season open­ League, Farm Leagiie and Rookie L eaj^.

<• ytmHwhr<|t>xjR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969 MANCHESTER EVE{nNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969 Tnieli»—Tnfeton 5 B u n d ln 9 — H d p H « l p H«;p Wanta4 M olt 34 PAGE TWENTY-1 1M8 CHEVROLET half-ton van. Controering 1 4 MoftQQQn 27 F o m c d o 3 5 3 5 H d p . BecM ondAccoisorkM 46 Wairtad— To Boy 58 ApewtmaRt*— Fkrt*- H o o m * For Rant 65 W ontod To Roar 68 g ood running oondltton, |180. n e w t o N H. SMITH A SON- SECOND MORTaAOB — UB- CAREER POSITION for a high i CLASSIFIED W A N T E D ■ M a W or Fomola 37 T a n a i w n f * 6 3 649-4880, 64S-4461 Remodeling, repairing, addl- limited funds availaMe for sec­ school graduate, must have 19’ MOLDED flborglas with HOU8EHOUl> loU — AnUquM. TOLLAND — Three-bedroom WAHTED — ‘Iliraa ______MULTI-CIRCUITS Evlnru^ 90 engine, oom- hric-Brbrac, cloc^ frames, 1968 FO RD V an E con olin e, v ery tions, reo rooms, garages, ond mortgages, payments to pleaalng personality and abil­ CLASSIFIED DELUXE 4-room apartment Ranch, basement garage, wall home in Manchester or Vernon mSPEfTTORS for soldering and . plete with aU necessary equip- glassware. We buy 'estates. >fll- g ood condition, g ood tires, $548. porches and roofing. No job suit ytnir budget.' Bbcpedlent ity to meet the public, typing MALE HELP located on West Center St. In to wall carpetlAg, patio, buUt- arsa. Young responsible execu- Rapidly growing Arm in the wiring Inspactton of elaetric ment Coll 646-2871. lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 430 ADVERTISING 649-1286. too small. CaU 6494144. service. J. D. Realty, 641-8129. required. Apply Beneficial Fi­ Manchester. Modern In every In oven and range, garbage Uve, 2 children. 666-8003. electronic fidd extends an oontrola. ^Qood clean working Lake St, Bolton. 649-3247. nance Oo. 886 Main St. Man­ For full-time detail Including fully equipped disposal. Lease and security -— ------CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS RBX3 ROOMS, kitchens, room ------hiviUtion to vlsK our plant 16’ V-BOTTOM boat, eompleto required. $190 per month. CaU WANTED — Reaoonable two- chester. employment in ADVERTISING conditions, day shift. Pay oom- additions, dormers, complete BusillRSS O pportW llty 28 to discuss opportunity in with controls, 18 h.p. Johnson 876-2113 after 6:30 p.m. bedroom apartment tor mothsr 8 AJi. to 4:30 PJ«. Auto Accossorios— home remodeling. Royal C us------:------i ------CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS clerk-typist position. BABYSITTER wanted in my TOYS’ DEPARTMENT and one child. Needed imme­ T ir o s 6 tom B uilders. A46-8434. M ARIN A (m the C onnecticut 8 AJL to 4:80 PJL diately. OzU 648-1488 after River, will lease. Write Box B, home, MOnday-Friday, tw o posit required. Call Hie Jarvis COPY CLOSING TIMK FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. children in school, one pre- Out of Town 6 p .m . PAIR OF premium 900x18 tires, w 6s ROBBINS Oaipentry re- Manchester Herald. A pply 10 a .m .. to 12 noon, A pply: vlUa, rooms for rent. 648-9876, 648- Realty Co., Realtors, 648-1131. 4:M P.M. DAT BEFOBB PUBUGATION 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ask for achoM. Hours 7:80 a.m. to For Rant used 2,000 miles, half price, modeling specialist. Additions, _ ------— ------COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 5909. 66 YOUNG COUPLE needs two- Deadline tor Batorday and Monday is 4:80 p.m. Friday $40 649-1621 room s, d orm ers, p orch es, P A R T-TIM E law n m aintenance Mr. Harvey King. 8:18 p.m. Tnmqwrtatlon pro­ EXPERIENCED nurse’s aides ^Twnee ------WE HAVE tenants waiting tor - 4:86 P.M. HAY BEFORE PUBUOftTION Brand new 8H- bedroom apartment In Mon- ______;______cabtneU, formica, built - ins, business. Locke mower, trail- vided If needed. Write B ox Youth Centre all shifts, full-tinw. RN tor aU many „anv’*xtnui extras, »i$1,460. CaU 876- ROOM tor rent, kitchen privl- your apartment or house. Cllall shifts, fuU-tlme. Porter for day leges, laundry facHUiea, lady room apartment in lovely resi­ cherter. CaU 389-7687. PLEASE READ YOUR AD bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446 *r, 9 lawns. Call 648-2218. "DD”, Manchester Herald. DeadUne tor Saturday and Monday Is 4:36 p.m. Friday 9010 between 6-8 p.m. Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 649- MULTI-CmCUITS Manchester Parkade shift, fuU-Ume. ’Third cook, only. After 4:80 caU 649-6139. 4686. dential area opposite recrea­ fHaslllcd or “ Want Ads*' are taken over the phone as a T r a il e r s — fuU-itlme, 1-9 p.m. Dishwasher, tion park, featuring heat hot LM Lf a a KITCHEN’S Remodeled — ESTABLISHED light equipment 50 HARRISON ST^tBST NA-nONAL oMicem has open- <>TTp«.RTNTicNniCNT------YOVB GOOTBRAA Herme’s Construction, kitchen business. Sales voltune over full-time, days 7-3. Plaascmt Fertilisers 50-A LOOKING for an apartment? water, refrigerator, range, OAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time tor the pleasant, telephone work in BE AFPBBOIATED OIAL 643-2711 working conditions in a modern PLEASANT furnished room tor Have many to choose from, hood, gaihage disposal, master For Salt 70 speclalisto. Recently featured $300,000. Excellent location on MANCHESTER, CONN. reliable, good salary. Some next InserttoB. Hie Herald Is responsible for only ONE in- BOX TRAILER, 48x66, with downtown Manchester. Con­ facility, 8 mUes from East GOOD cow manure exceUent tor gentleman. Apjdy 4 Pearl St. $146. up. Paul W. Dougan Real­ in House And Home and House Route 83, with over BOO foot know’ledge of maintenance re- ’TV antenna and sliding glass c t c n t ic r Street, en eleht earrect or omitted Insertion tor any advertisement and then extra tire and wheel, $20. 646- venient parking. Morning or tor, 649-4686. doors, leading to balcony off CENTBUl Street, an elgM Beautiful magasines for frontage. Existing building of — — qu ired. WlUlnwnecMi t o iMum. Hartford. Meals, Blue Cross ^HE THOMPSON House - Cot. room home with 2-car garage oa|y to the extent of a “ make good” Insertlonl Errors which 8023. Continuod From Prteoding Poga loads dsUvsred. 648-7894, 649- living room. For an appoint­ do not lessen the value of the advertlsemMit will not he conatrucUon and daalgnlng. over 4,600 square feet. Jacqiw-„ PILORDf MH aLS ta expanding ^ ”^6^ h o r n av^lable. |2. resume to Mr. Arthur and CMS available, wages tage St. centraUy located, large TWO-BEDROOM. G arden located in business n zone. 8781. ment to see this beautiful, one- eoiToeted by “ make good” Insertion. Free planning, no obligations, line Roberta Agency, 646-8889. and needs experienced cash- P®*" ■olory. Phone 648- srundrett 6 Downav Dr. Man- comparable to other convales­ Dwelling could be easily con­ CAMPERS HOLIDAY, pleasantly furnished rooms, apartment, stove, refrigerator, story, aU b rick apartm ent I - Surprisingly reasonable rates lers. Apply Mr. Blake, 177 ***«• Swanson, for appolnt- Chester, cent homes. Own tranqxirta- parking. CaU 649-2868 for over- dishwasher, disposal, carpet- verted for professional or com­ INC. Help Wamed—Male 3 4 building. CaU 872-9629 week­ Financing available. 282-6600. Hartford Rd., Manchester. ipent. tton. Apidy In perstxi, Mon- mercial occupancy. Robert J. (Rockville, TMl Free) CURED COW MANURE nl^t and permanent guest ing, heat and gas. $166. 647- days. Rental $186, adults, no Oox Trailers Privatu Instructions 32 PART-’TIME carpenter and day-Friday, 9-8. South Windsor ratas. k b i . Smith, Inc., 968 Main Street, pets. 643-2711 875-3136 CAMPERS HOLIDAY, HOMES, OARAOES, porches, HAIRDRESSER wanted — fuU- MANCJHES’TER — Girl wanted laborer. Apply job alto, Route Convalsscent Home, Inc., 1969 Pick up toad, $28. Half 649-6241. rec rooms, room additions, or part-time. Apply Marlow’s Senei^ office work. Must Bolton, acraaa from OAH Main Bt„ South Windsor. pick up load, $18.69, |4 pick A’rTRACnVE sleeping room, SIX ROOM dujSex, oentral- INC. kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ B eauty Solon, 867 M ain St. type. No Uiorthand. CaU Mr. gentleman, shower bath, ly located, adults only, no ROCTpriL^ — N w 8H-room m ANCMESTBR Prime Broad Teirrv Travel Trailer ■ MOTEL P avin g. COLONIAL BOARD (X). up toad $11. CaU apartment In residential area, eral repair work. Financing Ib o m a a , 646-8050. EXPERIENCED wattreasea, x>r private entrance, free parking, pots. Write Box "OC”, Man- St. location, 4,990 square feet CAMPERS HOLIDAY, MANAGERS WAITRESS wanted, pleasant _ stove, refrigerator, heat, available. No down payment. HElLiPER cn fumltura truck, wUl train. Experienced salad 742-9442 A pp ly 193 Spruce St. Chester H erald. masonary building. 130 x 800’ Tronlile R«aching Our Advertiser? E con om y B u ild ers, In o „ 648- NEEDED surroundings. Good working AOOOUNTINO office A 31at deer of April, A.D. U69 at tea Autom obiles For Solo 4 medical centers, rest homes, MECHANIC 628-6678. 8 6 8 8 . building, 2 bedrooms, center of A / o'clock In the forenoon, and that tric starter, torpedo baskets, 621-0374. Conn. Slurry Pave­ MEAT wrapper wanted, good EXECUTIVE 643-0669. STORE MANAGER F o r R a n t noUce be ztven to all petsons li»- etc. Both part-time end full­ RCXJKVILLiB — fouf-rooms NEEXi CAR? Credit very badT accessory bar, excellent condi-. m ents Ck>rp. working conditions. Apply Ver­ Experienced In repairing Model Home Furniture town, $160. 648-4608. tereeed In laid estate of the pen- time positions. Our home MECHANIC or mechanic’s help­ TRAINEES and maintaining industrial SIAMESE CAT Bluepqjhlt, nlcely fumlahed, appUfmeea in- SUMMER vacation home. Lake dency of said appUcatlon and the HERALD Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ tion. Call 649-4473. non Circle Market, 649-6329. 8 ROOM HOUSEFUL stiKly course fuUy prepares er. Also man for tire service. female, one year old. Make an FTVE-R(X)M flat, second floor, eluded. Security depoalt re- Wi^peaauke^ N. IL New est Douglas accepts lowest Rooftng— Siding 16 SECRETARY Immediate openings in local equipment. Opportunity for 19 PIECES you. Placement service offer. 876-6008. big rooms, exceUent condition, quired.1 J Adults only,- ... $120. .-CaU •> 3 bedroom Chalet, fireplace, (q eome newspaper havlnz a clr- BOX LETTERS down, smallest payments, any CDUNTER-WOMEN • A mature benefits, 46 to 66 area to manage branch re­ advancement to foreman. upon completion of training. $297 $160. per month plus heat, 643-0678. clubhouse, heated pool, tennis culaUoo ta ^ where. Not smaU loan finance 1®®!’ HONDA 60, good condition, ROOFING and Roof Repair, person for part-Ume counter EVENING INTERVIEWS M ust be tail food stores. Union shop with exceUent FOUR KITTENS need a good aeven days before the day of eoid company plan. Douglas Mo- 3J0O. CaU 647-1154. Couglin Roofing Co., Ino., 643- Write: CENTRAL CA­ service in fast food business. steady worker. Apply Nichols benefits. Apply: Interior Designer wants reUable adults preferred. CaU Foul W. courts. Reservations (Ullng wpSu- if tHw see For Your home, free. CaU after 6 p.m., Dougan, Realtor, 640-4686. quickly. 643-0189.143-0180. cause______at ____laid _____time and___ plac pUiC€ M3mI tors, 846 Madn. / ’ ^------7707. REER SCHOOLS, P.O. DOX Housewives who can spare six ARRANGED Manchester Tire, lnc„ 296 NO EXPERIENCE 649-6236. famUy or newlyweds to accept be heard relative thereto, aM to Information 1086, M iddletow n, Conn. hours a day are welcome to Broad St., Manchester. NECESSARY deUvery of complete Model Dis- Businass Locations ______molUnz on or before April 7, Um. ALLIED BUILDING MANCHES’raR One-bed- by certified mail, a copy of this 1965 PONTIAC Tempest, sport HONDA S90, excellent con- BIDWELL Home Improvement 06467. apply. Apply In own handwrit- EXECUTIVE SECREyTARY RE- oTnnr ni-.fi, L,„ a------______play of QuaUty Furniture Just IHE HERALD will not ditlon . CaU 643-4623. room garden type apartment, For Rant 64 ^ ^ w M ^ aa order to all parties in interest and disclose the Identity of coupe, standard transmission, Co. Expert InstaUation of liw P O Box QUIRED FDR CHALLENGING ~ ftUl-time, 9 a.m. Company beneftts Include SYSTEMS FREE KTITENS, oaU 647-1108. removed to warehouses for Pub- W antod To Rant 68 nurn mato to this (taurt. $995. CaU after 4 p.m ., 649-1042. paid Blue Cross-Blue Shield, M r, R eyn olds 646-0124 $146. per month. Including __ JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. any advertiser using box aluminum elding, gutters and nfn.T.irrnr Tt-Ur^tut^ C om er Branch West Hart POS^nON AS ASSISTANT TO ^ *tore Uc Sale. Modem 8 complete heat, hot water and appliances. SMALL STORE near 100 per letters. Reculers answer­ trim. Roofing installation and .^utor West Ha^ DmECTOR OF PERSONNEL, Major medical, Ufe ikisur- 260 T olland ’Tpke., M anchester OBDBB o r NOnOB 1966 C H E V R O LE T Super Sport, rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 Private entrance, first floor. cent Main Street location. Ap- WANTED — 4-bedrooms ing blind box ads who Business Services ance and company paid pc. Convertible Hiring Room, ply Marlow’s, 867 Main Street, large house In Bolton. AT A COURT o r PROBATB. held automatic, power steering. No Available April 20. CUU Paul at Manchester, within and for the desire to protect their SECRETARIAL SKILLS AND profit sharing retirement PUG ipupples, AKC registered, e pc. bedroom, 6 pc. Dinette. 649-4874. District of Manchester, on the 1st money down, take over pay- O f f e r e d 1 3 ROOFINO, aluminum siding, p e r hour. (3aU 1-296-9878. W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4036. m ANCJHESTER —Three new identity can follow :his MA’TURE woman to act os com- BE INTEBES’TED IN PEO- l A’THE ,W « t o r plan. If you are Interested CAREEUt-MINDED individual 6 weeks old, $100. 648-8688. Oav of April, A.D. 1969. gutters, carpenter work, 80 $10 down, you may purchase' Present. Hon. John J. WaUett, p ro ce d u re : menta. CaU 233-8716. Mr. Bake, you ARE A-1. truck is A-1 panion to elderly lady. No PLE- EXCELLENT SALARY ^ J S r s ^ S slSt. ^ in guiding own future then wanted for management posi­ stores for lease. 600x100 square years’ experience. Connecticut BASSE7TT Hound puppy, AKC any room IndivlduaUy. Im­ Judge. CeUars, attics, yards, drive­ heavy work or laundry. Uve In AND BENEFITS. CONTACT fen ced ’ men o^v Lein apply in person. tion for growing (Hartford bas­ feet. Busy location. Reasonable. Estate of Slgfrid Poison, ■ Isfh of K ncktae your reply to 1958 OLDSM OBILE sedan, V a lley C onstruction C o., 643- registered, male, good 'with mediate deUvery or free 474 M AIN St., 8-room heated Manchester, In asld District, d^ the box in an envelope — Help W anted— ed) fast food pervice organiza­ Hayes Agency, 646-0181. INVITATION TO BID black, good running condition. ways sealed and smaU truck­ 7180. Free estimate. for one week, off second week. THE PERSONNEL DEPT., cS> T V u t^ ^ D T ^i48-^ children. CaU 876-6481. stora ge. apartment, $110, 640-2426, 0-6. ceased, address to the Clashed ing done A-1 right. CaU Tre- F e m a l e 3 5 work alternate weeks. Pleas- MANCHESTER MEMORIAL ^ ' ’ 648-2862. CUMBERLAND FARMS tion, 21 or over, capable of as­ (JAP ft (JCP Charge Plans Sealed bids wlU be received —— Upon application— of Carol Ann $100. A fter 4:80 p .m ., caU 646- MANCHESTER — For lease, Adminiatra- M anager, Manchester mano ’Trucking Sendoe toll- ant surroundings, transporta- HOSPITAL, 643-1141, EXT. 243. BAKFUl — Variety of duUes, STORE suming reslwnslbUitles. A per­ Also, our own Instant Credit MANCHESTER —^New 2-bed- XT . A , u MA. »*«tU 8:00 PM. (EJJ.T.) May 1, oa Instrument Evotlng Herald, together 2361. 109 C en ter S t., M ancheoter. New Industrial ^ ^ g , 6,000 1939, by the Housing Authority iihh.“last wUl ______free, 742-9487. Roofing and tion preferred but not neces­ 5 a.m.-l p,m., fuU state bene- manent position with fringe P lan -room apartments. Oven, range, with a memo ^ting the PART-TiME, assdistant to cook. square feet to 60,000 square a t the ’Town'of Manchester, and tastam ^ of said deceased be ad- 1966 VOLKSW AGEN square ------sary. Write Box “AA”, Man­ ------fits, minimum of 8 years sx- benefits. Experience not neces­ Liva Stock 42 refrigerator, wall to waU car­ companies you do NOT Chimnays 16-A CaU 649-4619. feet tailored to your con- tlMn pubUcly opened and re^ back. No money down. take SERVICE (Soucler) - ______chester Herald. TWO LADIES needed immedia- perience as baker’s helper, 86- sary, we wUl train. Successful DISCOUNT FURNITURE peting, heat and hot water in­ want to see your letter. clud ed, $176. 147 E ld rid ge St. venlence, all utilities. Easy ac- aloud for siq^ylng approxl- ^ ed be n^ed m ^ d Suae Tour letter will be de- over payments. Call 233-8716, ^ees cut, building lots clear- r o OFING Speciallzlng re­ tely for part-time work. Earn hour work week, brand new JOURNEYMAN lloensed applicant must have ambition, BEAUTIFUL colt, 3 years old, WAREHOUSE cess to 1-84, 16 minutes to mately 76,000 gallons Bunker as per application on file, it ta Mr. Bake. topped. Got a tree plumber wanted. Good wages, wi w ------a — ~ A i ■> 1 v w . NOW 2 BIO LOCATIONS Wotveiton Agency, Realtors, atroyed if the advertiser pairing roofs of aU kinds, new ^ le you team m a Fashion shop. Apply Personnel Services energy and enthusiasm. Apply very gentle. CaU 643-0130. doWhtown Hartford. For more "C" is one you’ve mentioned. ------problem? Well worth phone roots, gutter work, chimneys Wagw adrisOT. Free starter Division. University of Owm., overtime, paid hoUdaya. (Jail In own handwriting, P.O. Box 3680 Main St. Hartford 649-2818. 1968 VOLKSW AGEN K arm ann ca ll, 742-8252. particulars call Warren E. ^970 Season. mined at the Probate Office In Mon- If not it will be handled cleaned and repaired. 30 years’ Wt. Car and few evening hours North EaglevlUe Rd„ Storrs Ray Boulet Plumbing and 2266, Bishops (Jorner Branch, 622-7249 l^wlAnri ReAltnr 643-1108 Speclflcatkms and Contract cheater in said District, on the 2Btd SECRETARY FOUR ROOM apartment avaU- Howland. Realtor. 648-1108. Documents may be obtained lay of Aprt, A.D.^969, IS t - » in the usual manner. Ghla convertible. No money —------— experience. FYee estimates. H eolitig, 644-1817. (form er F^iUer Brush bldg.) neceesary. Ixils Packard, He- Conn. An equal opportunity West Hartford, Conn. 06117. An Articlas For Sola 45 able May 1st, stove and refrig­ - ...... s\*Al/w«lp Im tasasi down, take over payments. °^T!PS, sidewalks, stone waUs, bran, 1-228-3828. 176 P in e St. M anchester CaU H ow ley 643-6861. 644- RESEARCH aiid DEVELOPMENT em p loyer. equal opportunity employer. erator, no children or pets. FIVE-room suite of front Main A u ^ SiiuS? to ^ven*toTS%!^‘to CaU 233-8718, Mr. Bake. fireplaces, flagstone terraces. CARPENTER — Steady year 1667 E D ITIO N W orld B ook En- 646-2882 at nfflnes 100 naroent InoA. 94 Bluelield Drive, Man- terested tn said estate of the fien- AU concrete repairs, both In- 8383. CaU 649-6182. Chester, .(Joimectlcut. dency of ^ a ^ l c i ^ o a i the LABORATORY LEARN offset prsM ‘round work. Also retired car- COOKS - F\ill or part-time, cyclopedla, mint oondition. (former Norman’s F^irn. tlM near b ^ , air-condition- The Authority reserves the S?* Lost and Found 1 CHEVROLEIT station Wag- side and outside railings. Rea- office in Manchester. Short­ penter for light inside work, nights, Including weekends. OaU 876-1840. W arehouse re se rv e s th e jjy pubii*|flnz a copy of this order ______on, new transmission, clean, aonably priced. Call 643-0861. operation in advertising de­ SIX ROOMS, duplex, central ed, automatic fine sprinkler, rtaht to accept or reject any or rane^*newspa^ M illi n e r y , FuU-tlme poslOon, reporting to Technical Director In cor­ hand required. Hours 8:30 - 4. Good hours. Must have own Apply in person, Howard John- at corner of Pine ft Forest St.s) er havtaz a elr- LOST — Savings Passbook No. .,—$460. CaU™ .. 649-0617.------A-r»r.T/-io .. ------partment of grocery chain, location in Manchester, $126, Apply Mariow’s, 867 Main St all bids. ' culation in said^ didistrict, at least porate R & D Lab. Challenging opportunity for “Girl Salary commensurate with transportation. Apply Globe sons Restaurant, 894 ThUand ALUMINUM SHEETS — Used Mon.-Fri. 9-9, Sat. 6-6 14973 H artford N ational Bank ------ATTICS and cellars cleaned, Dressmaking 1 9 Friday" desiring fuU secretarial responslbUltlee. some typing. Apply alternoona, Hartford National Bank f t ______Housing Authority of the 5 ^ abUity. 843-1186. Home Improvement Cities, Rt. Tpke., Manchester. as printing plates, .009 thick. and Trust Co., First Manchea- 1963 ^ C U R Y Monterey con- odd _ j^s. jight^ _ trucking. d r e SSMAKIN(3 O aer B ros.. 140 R y e St., South Trust Co., Real Estate Dept., VERNW —Brand new mod- Town 5 Manchester 5SS?*ia iSd“ t2ca MLd and altera­ 28x86’’, 26 cents each or 8 for UPHOLSTERED wing chair, ern office with heat and air- ter Offlca AppUcaUon made verOble, very good condition. I®*® dear- WANTED - Reliable old er W indsor. 44-A, Bolton, between 10 a.m. 547-4172. By: to heard relative thereto, and by tions, zippers replaced etc $1. (JaU 648-2711. D anish cou ch and ch a ir, conditioning, In aU modem John E. (Jronln sealUiiz on ot tofore April 8, IfM tor payment. a _ ed. CaU 643-1056.______and 6 p.m. or phone 648-2771. by.... —...—.. reztatered air mall, a copy ^ of CaU 6494811. woin^ to babysit. 4 days DISHWASHER wanted tor Fri- reasonable. 668-4219. BRIOHT, sunny, second-floor C hairm an COLONIAL BOARD OO. Holpup W ontod— S(JREENED loam, processed building, $76. per month. CaU eaid will and of this order to Ons- 1967 PONTIAC convertible, good SHARPENING Service — Saws. weekly, own t ransportation. day and Saturday nights. Ap­ BJCPERIENCED backhoe and apartment of 4 rooms in Man­ 872-0628 week days. April 9, 1969 tof Polaeon, KazUnze, Skone, Sve- gravel, gravel, sand, stone, KENMORE washing macblne, den, and return make to this Oonrt. knives, aces, shears, skates, FOR ALTERA’nONS neatly 816 PARKFUl ST ., M ANCHESTER Call a fte r 6, 640-7026. bull dossr operators, also ex- Mala or Famala 37 chester College area. Adults P e r s o n a l s running condition, good body, ply Cavey’s Restaurant, 46 fill. George H. Grlfflng Inc. 1^ years oldt bronze tone, ask­ JOHN J. WALLETT, Judze. rotary blades. Quick service. and reasonably done in my on ly, monthly, security de­ roR RENT or sale-461 Main g ood tires, $60. 649-2971. Mrs. E. S. Loftus East Center St., Manchester. perienced amesite men. Steady p r i b n d LY Ice (Jream Shop, Andover 742-7886 ing 9176. Hotpoint,. 2-door 9110 Capitol Equipment Co., 38 home, call 643-8760. year«PAA«e ’round UPAielrwork. f^ollCaU offArafter A 6 _ *1 posit required. 643-2210. Street. BuUding and lot next Burnelde A'venue, East Hart' refrigerator - freezer, approxl- 649-4667 SERVICE STATION attendant p.m., 742-6190 to Post Office ExceUent loca­ INCOME TAX service, call Dan CHEVRO^T, 4 - door Main St., Manchester. Hours DRAPERIES made and a ll sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, dally 7:30-5, ’Thursday, 7:30-9, PBX wanted, days, from 10 a.m. to ford U now taking applications mately 14 cubic feet, 3 years VACANT 6-roiim duplex. 8-bed- tion for any uae. 646-2426 from Want Work Near Home? M osler, 649-3329, or 526-8263. types of alterations done. CaU for male and female help, fuU mbwer, good condition, 9176. old, 9176. 872-0061. radio, good running condition, Saturday 7:30-4. 643-7968. 6 p.m. Apply at Contone’s Es­ rooms, convenient location, 9 to 6 p.m 6444)287. (JUSTODIAN tor Sectmd Con­ CaU 649-8807. $200. (3aII 649-3981 a fter 6 p.m . TYPIST t— Speedy and accurate so S erv ice, 308 W est M iddle and part-time work, day and $160 plus heat. Adults pre­ INTERESTING JOBS AVAILABLE FOR gregational Church, fuU-time, USEID UNIVERSAL stove, vety PRIME office for leaae. Excep­ INCOME TAXES prepared by LOCKSMITH — Locks repaired for transcription, electric type­ AVON SAYS IT ALL OPERATOR Tpke., Manchester. night. No experience neces­ SPOTS before your eyes — on ferred. 648-6616. 40-hour week, cleaning and good condition, 980. (JaU 649- ____ g tional location, Medical Phar­ BOTH MEN AND WOMEN M arvin B aker, 643-0267. JEEP CJ3, V-8, flotation and installed. Keys made and writer, wUlhig to learn MP-ST Makeup — fragrances — sary, uniforms and liberal food your new carpet — remove M oving— ^Trucking— light maintenance. CaU IM9- 4192. LOOKINO tor anything in real macy Bldg., Haynea and Main wheels, warn hubs, insulated duplicated. 643-6922. operation. Diversified work, bath powders, shampoos— Opeining tor an experienced GOODYEAR Service Store has allow an ce p rovid ed . (JaU 628- them with Blue Lustre. Rent Experience not necesaary—We train you. S t o r a g * 2 0 an opening for a fuU-tlme tlra 2668 betw een 9 an d 4 p .m . estate rentals — apartments, St. Paneled, aJr-condltioned. metal cab. canvas summer top 37%-hours. Manchester office. deodorants! Everybody uses switchboard operator for 6780 fo r appointm ent fo r Inter­ electric ehampooer 9I- Paul’s STUFFED chair, exceUent oon- Attractive Wages, Group Insurance, In and snow plow . 160 G ardner AN YTH IN G taken t o the dum p homes, midtiple dwellings, no CaU evenings, 646-5820, 643- INCOME TAXES prepared Mrs. Montpetit, 649-5361. them—so why not sell busy board. FUve-day week, changer, some stock room view . Palnt ft Wallpaper Supply. diUen, clean, custom sUp- Profit Sharing Benefits Old appliances, bulky fund- MANCHESTER DeUvery-Ught work and deliveries involved. WANTED — Journeyman fees. Call J. D. Real Estate 6614, 243-1028. you r hom e. CaU 643-5338. St., Manchester. them? Part-time or fuU- Monday - FYlday. Company • ■ covered, green print. Perfect ture. Cellars, attics cleaned. trucking and package delivery. PART-’TIME secretary wanted. Goods tartlng pay and benefits, plumber, • good wages, over­ Aseoctates, Inc., 643-6129. Apfdy in person at tlme. Phone 289-4922. offers good wages, congen­ B ^C B yourself for a thriU ^r playroom, etc. $12. 649-4678. 263 MAIN Street, offices fo r CHARACTER reader and advl- 1966 PONTIAC, Sport Catalina, Light trucking. 289-6866. Refrigerators, wafers and Please write Wapping Post Of­ must have driver’s Ucense. Ap­ time, and paid holidays. A.B. ial co-workers, exceUent flrrit time you use Blue Lustre ______FIVE-ROOM apartment, second rent, $40. m onthly. Ask f o r aor, advice and help on all V-8, automatic, power steer- stove moving, specialty. Fold­ fic e , B ox 126. ply Goodyear Service Store, SJtokPlumWilirHeaU^^^^ FOR YOUR SPARE to clean rugs. Rent electric CL22AN, BOOKKEEPING services in g ch a irs fo r rent. 649-0752. working condition^ and con­ USED refrigerators, floor, gairage, redecorated. Mr. Frechette, 647-0993. THE ALDON SPINNIN8 MILLS CORP. problems of life. AU readings ing, power brakes, console, Vernon Circle, Vernon, Conn. 3936. shampooer $1. Oloott Variety ranges. rendered. AU types of business­ venient free parking. Apply TIME automatic washers Adult famUy, no pets. $120 per - TALOOTTVILLE / (JONNBCTICUT are private and confidential, excellent condition. 875-2997. 646-0101. An equal opportunity Store. es. CaU 643-6338, Bookkeeping HOUSEKEEPERS with guarantees. See them at month. References required. 460 MAIN ST. — Store or office, Open dally from 9 to 8 p.m., ------. , , em p loyer. B .D . P e a rl’ s AppU ances, 649 $180, Includes heat, 046-2426, Painting— Papering 2^ COST CLERK y „Wrlte Box ’’JJ’’, Manchester e x cep t M ondays. CaU 1-237- 327 - 365 h .p .. A ssociates PART-TIME LAUNDRESS KNAPP SHOES pays com- HELP! We are forced to re­ M ain St. CaU 648-3171. 9-6. $2,200. Call between 4:30 and FIRST NATIONAL MACHINISTS H erald. 9746, 91 West Main Street, LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also P.AINTING — interior and ex- Experienced in posting time, ihission up to $6.60 per pair. locate. Removal sale now '6:30 p.m ., 643-0763. to job records. AU Benefits. Meridan, Conn. moving large appliances. Buni- terlor, very reasonable, free Top wages in a pleasant at­ STORES, INC. OUTDOOR WORKERS— IJUTHE OPERATORS You need extra income. going on. Everything in our VANTTY, complete, one fuU wm ouBtomBrs waltlne ’ «**>«*• 8 You can seU Men, Women store reduced. AUAll the latest lanothlength and iHnttwo .riH,.side ...i—w.-.mirrors,, " " MAViu Custom ers w aning rooms and la'vatory. House ft 1961 COMET, good running ing b a rrels d eliv ered . $4. 644- estimates. CaU Richard mosphere. Paid meal time, SHOP WORKERS for the rental of yoilP aj>arb Park A Oakland Aves. T U R R E T LJUTHE O PERA TO R S and Children Shoto. YOU six drawers, walnut, 916. Com- Hale Bldg. CaU 643-4846 after condition, two new tires, $100. 1776 M artin, 849-9285, 649-4411. . DEAN MACHINE free meals, paid holidays model Zenith color TV, black ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ CONCRETE definitely want the KNAPP Autom obiles For Sole 4 CaU 643-1073. PRODUCTS and vacation. Bast HartJford, Conn. BULLARD OPERA’TORS and w h!te TV euid stereos. Low, plete youth bed, French Pro­ tate Associates, Inc., 648-6126. 6 p.m . JOSEPH P. Lewis, custom FABRICATORS Franchise. Contact A. Glon- low, prices. Modem TV Serv­ vincial Maple, 918. T^rpewriter ______1987 F-86 OLDSM OBILE, clu b 1950 CADILLAC, excellent run- GARDENS roto-tlUed with small painting, interior painting, 102 COLONIAL RD. MILLING OPERATORS frdddo, 126 R id g e R oa d , B ris­ ice, 886 Center St„ 648-2206. table, metal, 98. (JaU 648-2981. NEW ONE and two-bedroom de APPROJOM A’TELY 6!6oO MANCHESTER, CONN. square feet in Bolton can be coupe. Excellent condition. Fi- ning condition. Good tires. In- tractor. 649-7184. paper hanging, dry waU In- THE MEADOWS MANCHESTER — Diversified Have many openings for tol—682-2787. luxe garden type apartments steady work, p o experdience VARIOUS SMALL MACHINE SHELVES tor basement^ steam broken down into three, 2,000 nanclng available. Call 649-1452. quire Pizza Ray’s, 130 Spruce 7 7 “lAUed end taped. WaUpaper BIDWELL STREET position for someone with good available now. CaU Paul ------St., Manchester FLAT FIELD stone delivered books on request. Exterior 333 required, year ’round work radiators, girl’s 28’’ bicycle. HOTPOINT electric stove, 80’’, square feet units. Ample park­ typing ability and good figure OPERA’TORS W^ Dougan, Realtor, 649-4686. anywhere, stone walls, paUos, palntlne. aJumlnum gutters PILGRIM MILLS Fabric De- with overtime, top pay Hand lawnmowers, uttUty trail- 928. 649-6680, 648-4461. ing, sensibly priced. T.J. 643-1174. 'aptitude. Apply Manchester 1963 OORVAIR, 4-door, needs comii*ete repairs. 289-7232 eve- leaders. F\Uly Insured. 649- partment Store Is expanding rates, many benefits, union er, outboard motors, 18 and 2 FDUR-R(X>MS, second floor, Crockett Realtor, 648-1677. 1966 FORD P ip e A Supply C o., 180 H art­ AU b e n e fits . including all 36" TAPPEN GAS range, cop­ body w ork, $250. C all 646-0640 9658. If no an sw er, 643-6362. needs experien ced sa les ______shop. An equal opportunity holidays. Day and night h.p. 648-0644. stove, refrigerator. Adults on­ UF 150, B ronco w agon com ­ ford Rd., Manchester. per, 946. Sears gas dryer, 986. after 6 p.m . — UTI T.------r;— ------ladles to be trained for our new OFFICE WOMAN p-etiAmi employer. — shifts. 65-hour week. Out­ BANK ly. CaU 049-6428. plete with 4-way snow plow. DARK RICH stone free loam, CaU 649-3862. ^king L. PELLE’HBR PAINTING - fabric store now under con- flee work w ito^kk«nW standing insurance benefits. 1959 RAMBLER 8, station wear- ^m m er Job, painting houses, interior and exterior painting, structlon on Oakland Street. Derlence and some lj i v u ■ a s 1 five yards, 918. Sand, gravel, Up to 94.20 per hour. HELP FOUR ROOM apartment fo r Call 649-2871 on, runs, good tires, as is, $25. ^^onable rates. CaU 649- Papering and paper L n o^ . Apply Mr. Blake, Pilgrim T lr^ t “ ntrol ALLIED BUILDING stone, fUl, manure, pool and Musical Instrumsnta 53 Call a fter 6. 649-5750. SYSTEMS patio sand. (JaU 648-6604. rent. CaU 648-6341. Free estimates. Workmanship ^ ’ Ing rate, 36-40 hour week (Must PART-’TIME help, evenings, 6 guaranteed. F^iUy Insured. 848- UNIVERSAL MACHINE OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIME 1966 MUSTANG, (one hardtop) CADILLAC, 1966 sedan, private GARDEN and lawn service, ______P '* ""______k include Saturdays). Will teach hours a nigjit, 6 nights a 'week. 260 Tolland ’Tpke., Manchester FOR BETTER cleaning, to keep MANCHESIER - _ Luge _ 4%- 9043, 649-6326. CO. CLERICAL base. 2-plck-up. ExceUent oon- (one convertible). No money oivner. All power, new tires, RototlUing, with tractor. Call DREAM JOB—keep your full- ‘I®*® processing procedure. CaU Call 640-6334. colors gleaming, use Blue room duplex. Heat and hot wa­ dltion . CaU 046-2683 a fte r 6 p .m . IN MANCHESTER — 38 PEARL STREET down, take over payments. mileage, $2,990. Call 649- 672-6569 after 6 p.ntv. time Job as wife and mother 643-2128 between 9 and 12 noon, ------41 Chapel St., M anchester Lustra carpet cleaner. Rent ter, garage. On bus line. Walk­ EDWARD R .' PRICE—Painting, L o(»l J institution. All CaU 233-8716, M r. G rippo. 3589 o r 649-5994. ' ' I and earn a weekly pay check. Oaeual Village Shops, Manches- electric shampooer 91. Pine- ing distance to stores. No chil­ TWO-FAMILY exterior and Interior Paper- replies confidential. hanging. Ceilings, ete. Insured, C all 647-9881 o r 649-2250. wood FJimfture Shop. Offica and Stora dren. No pets. Available May 8 ft 6 Rooms — t-Car Garage — Priced In Middle St’s 1968 TEM PEST station w agon, 1968 PONTIAC T em p est, ex cel- SALES HELP Write Box “C", Man­ 1st Write Box “V", Mancheo- Household Services 649-1003. WINDOW cleaners — exper­ Equipmant 54 Many PoaolMUties — Suitable for ProteMional Offices automatic, power steering. No *el condition,, power brakes, WOMAN to work in small of­ ienced, steady work, good pay. chester Herald. ter Herald. Ideal Location! money down, take over pay- eteering, air - conditioner, ‘ Offered 13-A EXTERIOR painting - Quality 4^WART mUk cans. Call 648- g.C.M. MODEL "ss. Eleotro- SECRETARY fice, must type, 36-hour week. Must be reUable. Call 640-6884. MANCHES’TER Garden Apart- m ents. CJall 233-8715, M r. 12,295. 646-0429. work, quality paint. Don’t set­ WANTED LIGHT Trucking—clean attics, CaU 643-2256 for appointment. static dry office copying ma- menta, 16 Forest St. Apart­ G rippo. — ------— tle for less, get the beet for WANTED chine, very good condition, RUSSEU REAL ESTATE ------612 ENGINE and autom atic cellars. Odd Jobs, mow lawns. PART-TIME’ Hsip Wonlad— Mala or Famala 37 MYERS hydra-tum snow plow, ments for rent. R ea son ab le. CaU 643-6000. less. N ick ’T sapatsaris, 643- 6', used one winter. Oomplate 9400. 64»«SS4. For appointment: Call 949-9969 between 8:99 A.M. and SM 1968 CHEVROLET Impala cus- transmission, good condition 1731, free estimates. EVENING INTERVIEWS PJM. — Evenings coll: l-228-9t34 tom coupe, low mileage, load- wliole car. Best offer. 643-0234 LIGHT TRUCKING, btuic dellv- FIGURE CLERKS with lights. 160 Gardner Street, A pply NEW SHOP OPENING Manchester. ed. one owner. Must sacrifice, 5 p.m. yard.s, attics cellars clean- INSIDE—outside painting. Spe- ARRANGED Wonlad To Buy 58 648-6669 a fte r 6. fS a ' T H T T N r^R r.ror. J,,::. - ” ed and re m o v e d .’ a Iso odd jobs, ^al rates for people over 66. F1iU-t±me day, must have MALE AND FEMALE PERSONNEL **^**®** WANTED — Antique furniture — ------. THUNDERBIRD, good mo- 944.8962 Call my competitors, then call IF YOU HAVE GOOD SEC­ above average figure apti­ Vittner’s Garden Center, Inc. hates hard work so she cleans ^ »uajuiu« i A-1 ALL AROUND MECHANIC IW GTO HARDTOP, 4-speed. 1°*" And transmission, needs______:______me. ELstlmates given. 640-7868. Serve ice cream and sandwiches in our new shop opening RETARIAL SKILLS AND tude. Company offers ex­ the ru g s wlitfa B lue Lustre. glass, pewter, oU paintings or No money down, take over som e w ork. $75. C oll 643-0234 R E W E A V IN G o f burns, m oth- 876-8401 soon. a 6-Day Week • Paid Vacattons ft HoUdaya • Paid Sick L IK E ’TO W ORK WITH ceUent wages and working 1 Tolland Tpke.— ^Manchester Rent Meotric shampooer 91. other antique Itema. Any paym ents. Call 233-8716, Mr. a fter 5 p.m . holes, zippers repaired. Wln- Time a Many Fringe Benefits IncL Life Insurance, Health PEOPLE WE HAVE A conditions, convenient free Flexible shifts to suit your needs: 9-2; 10-2; 11-8; 7-mld- Manchester Hardware ft Sup­ quantity. The Harrison's, 949- Grippo. daw shades made to measure, CONTRACTOR Interior ex- and Accident, Major Medical and Hospltallzatlen. CHALLENGING POSITION parking, subeldized cafe­ night. p ly , 877 M ain S t., 648-4426. 8709, 196 O akland S trest. _ all size Venetian blinds. Keys PaPW hanging. teria and above average CHEVROLET 1963 Bel A ir wag­ AVAILABLE FOR YOU IN Ideal for mothers (school vacations free), college students Trucks——IrOCtorS 5 made while you wait. Tape re- P*®®®!**)* en wallpaper. CaU A BUSY DYNAMIC OF­ benefits. Apply BAKERY porter, go^ wages. GOOD USED red and white C A U IN PERSON ~ SEE EARL IfWIE on, six, automatic, good con­ -s, — . . ------corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 646-3048, Oscar Hebert. and moonlighting hiwbands. dition, $600. CaU 643-9963. FICE PLUS EXCELLENT good hours, steady Jdb. Apply Oose. (3MS. life insurance bricks, one cent apleoe. Idead Main St. 649-6221, ------,------Apply Monday - Friday, 8-7 p.m. for patios, etc. 168 Canter Bt., 1964 PICK-U P, % ton with plow. SALARY AND FRINGE in person. Parkade Bakery, paid vacation. Apply in person' 1964 FORD, rebuilt 890, rebuilt ------Floor Finishing 24 Manoheater. HELP PAUL DODGE PONTIAC, Inc L>w m ileage. C all 647-9696. B E N E F IT S . CXJNTACTT TH E FIRST NATIONAL Parkade Shopping Center, 71 Windsor Avenue, RookvlUe’ automatic transmission, 2-door . ______PERSONNEL DEPART­ Manchester, 640-6820. Conn. ' •76 MAIN ST, MANCBEOnm 649-2881 LOAM, gravel and sand orders ELOOR SANDING and reflnlsh' STORES, INC. FRIENDLY ICE CREAM SHOP OARAGE ’Tag Sale—Furniture, hardtop, new tires, $1,1Q0 649- 1966 DODGE pick-up, C hevrolet MENT MANCHESTER ME­ taken now . T elephone 649-3709. Ing (specializing in older 766 S ilv er Lane, E a st H artford clothing, mower, diohea, WANTED 2^**- V-8 engine, body in v ery good MORIAL HOSPITAL 643- Park ft Oakland Aves., floors). Inside painting. Paper Bkates, heater, much more. condition. CaU after 6 p.m., TWO HANDYMEN want 1141 E X T . 243. WANTED' For full>Nma hanging. No Job too smaU. Eeist Hartford, Conn. April 12 and 18, 10 a.m. to variety of jobs by day or hour. amploymant in 1980 PLYMOUTH Fury, con- '^*^” ” 9. John V ertaiU e, 640-6750. MEN and WOMEN 6 pan., 178 Baalzebub Rd„ vertlble, exceUent condition. R ea son ab le. CaU 643-5306, 648- CASH AND CARRY Wiqiping. 9440146. 8a02. NURSES- •T O Y DEPT. 265 TIMROD RD., MANCHESTER I8M . 648-0043 anytim e. 1986 FORD h alf ton pick-up WAITRESSES and counter girls, Sae us today about a futurei at Cheney Brothers. BOOKKEEPER — Bonds— Stock*— RN’S AND LPN’S fuU-tlme. Also weekend nights, We wlU place you In our tralnliig program end pay yan FOR SALE — Underwood type­ • LUNCHEONEHE 1068 CH EVELLB W agon, pow er a fter 6. - LUMBERYARD . writer. Good oondition. (Jail Selected Prestige Location Building— ^ Mortgogos 27 IN EAST HARTFORD part-time. Apply in person while you leam to oporato our maeMuoa. • HOUSEWARES Fuel oil dealer is seeking experienced general ledger ■tearing, autom atic transm ls- 1968 DODGE D-lOO, half-ton 646-1073. only. Howard Johnson Restau­ Opeolnga on three shifts. bookkeeper, ExceHent w. CHENEY BROTHERS, Inc. |W.T.EIMIITm,| h o r ca ll 848-7008. ^ synskl. Builder. 649-4201. TABLE SAW with motor, 9M. BANTLY OH. CO Inc. nings, 233-6879. Phone M r. A tlas ‘ 289-9671 Shopping P arkade. 266 Pine St., Manchester SI Oeofir HM at. Msanliiistor, c isum iirt ~ Tet'Stt-UAl Power jig saw with motor, 9M. 3 U H AIN ST., MAMCBESTER CHARLES J. MORRISON, Realtor — 643^1015 etsaoso, s4s-44si. BY APPOINTMENT

:sc MANOHEejTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , BfANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 19«9 '>SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, COI^., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1969 PAGE TWEMTY^SIVBiri He For Sob 72 ,Hohm8 For Solo 72 Ho— i For Sob 72 kousM For Solo 72 rHBRE WGHTA BE A LAW BT SHORTEN «ad WHIPPLE Homos For Solo 72 # Homos For Sdo 72 Ont of Town Out of Town Oat of Town Woutod KtaH5iat»77 Land For Solo 71 NEW LOTOVO — Would you -______For Solo 75 baUava a gtmotoua, qwetous 9 **ANCHE8TBR — SH room WEST SIDE — 6 rooms, mod­ For Solu 75 For Salt 75 AUi CASH for your property Carpenters 70 APPROXIMATELT 70 acres, OXFORD Street—"A one-car MANCHESTER —. M ini. condl- em Uteben w ith huH(-inB, for­ MANCHESTER and vicinity — bmne.” In these day% you usu­ badroom boma in M anehaatar l»m a. 3 fuU baths. 100x800 lo t BAST HARTFORD -—Four or IGNDON PARK — Pleasant within 24 hours. Avoid rad taps. ktcalMl on Brenvater St.— ion, 2-family. Could sasUy bs CM ba bought to $81,9007 Taa.» location for future apptacto- mal dining room, three bed­ BOLTON — U 9 R buUt Raised — 11,000 aqpiare Swain Road, Covenry. $88,600. For the best in real estate in ally need two cars, but hero is five bedroom Colonial. Two rural atmos|)hsre in congenial Instant service. Hayee Ageney, Set To Vote converted into three. Id es^ lo­ “ P«rtactly Ideal hi- “ «»• A buy a t $33,900. S o i the rooms, large entjosed porch, Ranch, 8 bedrooms, 2 flre- baths, city utlUties, family young neighborhood. Charm­ 8490181. Iwtldini, unllm- Call T4S-8810. all price rangfes call Mitten a nine-roonV home in an sx- cated near bus, lobools, garage, alum inum elding, $34,- clear span, 18* HeaKy, Realtors, 643-6930. (remsly central location where law rttuatkm. too, If naadad. Phllbrick Agency, Raattora. ptaoes, garage, acre lot Ysiy room, double garage. $35,600. ing clean 9room Cty>e. Form al church, shopping. Two-car ga­ TWO lavatoriaa In i , 648-4300. 900. Phllbrick Agency Real- clean honm. H. M. Frechette, Meyer Agency Realtor, 649 dining hxmi, wall to wan. Bx- Contract •nt; afeoro aTvraca atootrl- you can walk to everything- rage, treed lot, high Income. the full, tiled bathroom. Work tore, 846-4200. R ealtors, 647-9998. , Ih ilu a doUar for dollar. Jacqueline- Uon. T. J. Crockstt, Rsaltor, 0181. many extras. A rare find at Is to vote on the pact m ad Wad- within a block of St. James places, all brick construction. appointment, as it is a pleasure cated 9 room Cape with 4 bed- ter? Six-room Cape with ga­ wooded lo t fireplace, $17,500. neoday. R oberta Agency. 048-3839. to diow. T. J. Crockett, Real­ 6191677. $21,900. OaH Dick Zim m er a t Meyer Agency, Realtor, 849 School. Eight rooms in all, Must be seen. Call Paul W. Colonial re­ rage on large well landsctyied The local of the UUtod Bratb- Dougan, Realtor, 649-4636. tor, 6491877. J. D. Real Estate, 048-8129, lot Many extras. Call Inter­ 0600. Wontod—Rool Esloto 77 combination windows, real SIX-ROOM DUtoh Oolonial. production, 2% baths, 3 fire­ erbood at oarpeUan and Joto- big lot vidth plenty of trees. doora, IVi hatha. Assunn«hi« home, 647-1189. national Associatea, 647-1800 InvoMmont Propr ty MANCHESTEOt —Oversized 7- 8 bedroomsb aluminum aiding, ■H per cent mortgagel OoU places, family Toom, recrea­ EAST HARTFORD —WUI you SELLING YOUR HOME? For e n AFlrCUO, covering some 600 Give us a cal| and START tion room, double garage, 3 MANCHESTER — New two- for an appointment today. pay $33,900 for a ttfiOO awlm- prompt courteous service that oaipentera to Now Britain ead rio 7 0 -. RANCH Deluxe — 3 bedrooms. room Cape. Stone exterior, m baths, flreplaos, carpsUng, now! Belflore Agency, 647-141$. PACKINO. T. J. Crockett. double garage, 2-fuU) baths, patloe, trees. Superb landscap­ family duplex in a residential poolT What « we includ­ gets results. Cali Louis DImock liUldlaaex County, struck ityrU R ealtor, 643-1677. This attractive home offers % acre lot New dsvelopnosnt, TOLLAND TBRBB apartments in one proud ownership. Many extra walk-up attic, attached cover­ owner. e47>1738. THE MOST Immaculate Green ing, 200’ frontage. Hutobhu location. Wall to wall car­ ed a three-bedroom Ranch, fuU Realty, 6499828. 8. I t w as Joinsd by th e 1,300 buOding, a cottage with one MANCHESTER — Move right features. Tlmrod Rd. High 30's. ed patio, % acre tree studded Manor Ranch we’ve ever aeenl Agency Realtors, 640-6824. peting, oven and ranges includ­ THREE-GUARTER ACRE basement garage, fenced In men In the Hartford local lost In, 8-bedroom Rsinch, formal Morrison, Recdtor, 643-1016. lot. Realistically priced at$39,- Listen to thla —wall to wall „ ------— ed. Separate utilities, walk-out yard with plenty of shrub# and Mooday. apartment plus 8 house trsdier ceroetlnar In the Uvliur rn«m COBURN R ood.. a fine cuatom Of trees surround this targe parking spaces with excellent dining room, bath smd a half, 900. Call W arren E. Howland, LEGAL carpeting in the living room, basem ent. $88,900. Wolverton traes for privacy. Oonvenlent- The 1,100 strlU qg ra rp iiitata MANCHESTER — $28,000, all dining room, hallway and all built colonial In en srsa of Agency, 8492818. eight-room Oolantal-atyled, ly located with Immediate oc­ Casual Look in the Bridgeport vlctaity, wfx> income. Extremely high poten­ large living room with fire­ R ealtor, 648-1108. oomporable homos. TMs Is one Raised Ranch, tw o fuH- tial on heavily traveled high­ place and bookcases, rec room brick 4-bedroom home. Oa­ NOTICE three bedrooms! Home has cupancy. Why pay rent when struck April 1, ora not Kahided rage, finished basement, trees. $17,900 buys this 9room Cape had tender loving care and of the fineet we have seen. LARGE, clean, attractive 11- baths end two garages and to the praposed cootraet. w ay in a buslnesa sone. $86,000. and basement garage. Prime ..SHORTEN TOWN OF ANDOVER Sunken living room, two fire- room house Including 4-room city w ater, too. All fo r $81,- you can have all this for $28,- PhUbriok Agency, Realtors, location. $27,900. Make this a Highland Park or St. James in Manchester. 4 bedrooms, ahowB it. Belfiore Agency, 647- 9(>0. Call the Phllbrick Agency, Oontractora bod aafd they exr Sfehool, Hutchins Agency, 649- overslsed garage. Char Bon PUBLIC HEARING OF THE 1418. placee, IH baths, threp bed­ ren tal plus excellent barn, 882’ 600. Call M r, Bogdan fo r de­ R ealtora, 6494200. pootod most of ttaoir prajacte 648-4200. m ust to see. International As- ZONING BOARD OF APPEALB rooms, rear porch encloeed, frontage, $28,600. Hutohlns tails, 0496806, 8796611. socUtea, 647-1800. 6324. Agency, 648-0688. to continue without intorrupUca OFF^JE building—Eastern Oon- ■ t—- " ' The Zoning Board of Appeals I WHERE just off Main St can side porch, garage, must be Agency, Realtors, 6496824. SOUTH WINDBOR—Onoe in a this week despito the striloe. KEENEY STREET school area, of Andover, Conn., will hold a you get a six-room home with seen to be appreciated. T. J. nesticut, modem brick mason­ H o u s m For Solo 72 Housos For Solo 72 Housos For Solo 72 Town of Manchester MANCHESTER — 96, two- B (Sl W Blue Moon we list something Other nonstliking unions con- ry, 7 attractive offices, central IMMEDIATE 7-room Cape, 3 full baths, pos­ Public Hearing In the Town Of­ large, clean rooms end alumi­ Crockett, Realtor, 6491677. different and unusual - - priced tinued to work, although they sible 6 bedrooms, 2-8 finished ------LEGAL NOTICE fice Building on Wednesday, numnun. «un«siding u.«and uiummumaliunlniun —------locatton. Recent BARROWS and WALLACE Co. right! Three bedrooms, mod­ aix^condlttoning, plenty ame- OCCUPANCY basement, completely decorat- MANCHESTER — Two family. MANCHESTER — 9 room Cape MANCHESTER —Two fam- The Ztming Board of Appeals storms and screens tor $17,- DELMONT Street — Six-room beating syrtem, new ceramic Manchester Parkade could not prngvsse beyond work slte parkiag, $89,600. Hutchins April 16, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. to ern cabinet kttchen, foyer, oe- that must be dotw by onrpon- New 7-room Raised Ranch ed and landscaped. No agents 6 and 6, good floor plan, with garage, wall to wall carpeting Uy, 6 and 4 in a residential will hold public hearings on hear the following appeals, ask­ SOOT---- Ask • - any of...... the "can do’ - -- fc-—bungalow with four — ------roomsbaths, new oak floors, act., ect. M anriiestor 849-6806 Agency, 649-8834. Monday, April 21, 1969, starting PnoftMolonally appraiiied. Ask ramlo tiled bath, targe heated 2M baths, 2 fireplaces, laun­ please. Call 648-7080. living room dining room an d in spacious living room with neighborhood. Maintenance ing relief from the zoning laws boys from the Belflore A$[en- down and two up. Enclos­ reo room with fimptaoe, —nsii dry room, built-ins, plas­ largfe kitchen, two bedrooms. fireplaces, in formal dining free siding, 2-oar garage, treed at 7:00 P.M. in the Hearing of the Town of Andover: cy, 847-1418. ed front pordi. New wiring. tor Mr. Zlnaser, Belflore Agen­ VERNON — 9raom SpUt taxge MANCHESTER —Center St. Room of the Municipal Building, cy, 647-1418. traed lot prime resldenilal booement den with aeparate tered walls, 2-car garage, May be bought with extra room, on open staircase, in 120 x 216’ lot. $80,600. Wolver- No. 70—Scotte NadolsM, Brown With $7,000 down, you can as­ entranoe, oil hot water heat, ONE SIZE business roned, vacant, value! lot. Wnsider the follow­ THE VBIRT BEST. Twelve sume FHA mortgage and have area, many extras. OsU J. D. Lrnid For Solo 71 city utilities, near school. ing petition: STATE HEARING Drive, Andover, requesting MANGHESTEIR — 2-famUy, dtafawasber, lot ll)o x 201. Im­ (38-40-42) 30-day occupancy. Built by 7 rooms, 2 baths, oil heat, ideal tors, 6492813. cated near ming Junior High variance to use basement of room estate in Manchester. monthly paym ents of $182. T.J. Real Estate Assootaitos, 649 OHARtE YOUR investment for office and ALSO. each apartment has 6 large m ediate occupancy a t $24,900. COVENTRY — Eleven acres Ansaldi. Charles L«sper- School. Char-Bon Agency, 649 Item 1 Don Willis Garage, Inc., house as a kennel area for Belflore Agency, 647-1418. Crockett Realtor, 8491677. 6136, 6U-8779. with road frontage. $6,700. apartm ent. $21,600. Call War- 0688. MANCHE8TEIR — Two-family, rooms, 9car garage, central Won’t taat long. Ken Ostrlnsky, PRESGRimON once. 649-7620, 649-6108. 18 Main Street, Business breeding show dogs. NEW LISTING — Immaculate location, city utilities, new oil R ealtor, 6491B88. Philbrtck Agency Realtors, 646- ren E. Howland, Realtors', 643- 6 and 6, and a five-room sin­ Zwis m Special Excep­ 71—Percy B. Cook, Hebron BOL/TON — 4-room Ranch, de­ 2104 1108. TOP INVESTMENT SIX-ROOM Cape in center of 0% room Ranch, aluminum MUST SEE! burner and siding. Only $28,- tached garage, sttuatafl on ap­ HERE 4200. gle, all on one lot. Both prop­ tion for enlargement of Road, Andover, requesting BOLTON NEIW 6-room Colonial, IH baths, Manchester. City utilities, fire- erties in fine condition and will existing gas station and storms, screens, siding. Wall 900. Keith R eal E state, 649 proximately one acre. Priced TEEAT yourself lor a friend) to a pretty HSSRON -^Route 86, approx- 2 fireplaces, buiR-ins, laundry FLORIST gift shop, beauty HOUSING variance for minimum front­ ' to well carpeting. Beautiful­ 4126, 6491922. placed Uvlng room, alumimim provlds rent free Uvii^ fo r Certificate for Approval age required on the road to Exceptionally clean 9room right as a starter home for a Four-room Ranch with apron for kitchen-duty! This one is WE HONOR tanateiy 60 acres with frontage room, family room, 2-car ga­ salon, etc. Attractive 6 room for same, at above loca­ ly shrubbed and treed lawn. home with an assumable breeseway and one-car ga­ simple to sew and trim with pansy- If Investment housing is storms andl screens. Nicely owner o r occupier. $84,600. build a year round house on young ooupta or os a retire­ on 88. Pond on property. Own­ rage, city utilities, large lot, home, garage, covered psitlo, treed rear yard. Oreat for tion. Special Exception Cannot he shown till April isth. mortgage, modern kitchen, ment botna tor an older couple. rage, fuU basem ent, ar- appliqued pockets! good kication. Charles Liesper- fireplace, 2 acres. Hutdilns your thing, we think we Wolverton Agency, Realtors, for G^ieral Repairer's back land. Ask for Joe Lombardo. Bel­ Lots FoT ^ 73 er wi\l finance. T.J. Crockett, growing fam ilies, $21,900. Keith 6492813. At this hearing Interested per­ aluminum siding, large en- Oonvenlsat to new Route 6. testan well, combination No. 2104 has tissue — fits 38,'40- R ealtor. 648-1677. ance, 649-7620, 649-6108. Agc^y, Realtors, 649-6324. have cornered the market License and Certificate flore Agency, 647-1418. doeed porch. Immediate oc­ windows. Selling for only 42; full sewing end appliqueing direc­ on the very beet. Real E state, 646-4128, 6491922. of Approval for same, at sons may appear and be heard COLUMBIA —BiriWftwg lot w ith $16,000. Call the Gtaal Ageooyr SEVEN-ROOM Colonial, 2H til- cupancy. Only $24,600. lake view,and right of way to 6493882 for an appointm ent $17,900. T. J . Crockett, R eal­ tions. above location. Variance and written communioatlons re­ PORTER ST. AREA — Just tor, 6491677. SEND 504 In co in far esek patten COTTAGE STREET—Con­ MANCHESTER — Move right ed baths, large family room, to erect free-standing ceived. Said appeals are on file I nstod. Six room Colonial with water. Exclusive area. Lot 2 fireplaces, plastered walls, te iMlada (irst-clest u llli veniently located in down­ in! Quiet. Oonvenient. No addi­ sign closer b> stre e t Hne and may be seen in the office 3-car garage. Professleals Andover, Conn. ______1418. MANCHESTER — Four room Just otver Manchester line. Jalouaied, screened porch. Ga­ Theodore Moberg, Contour of land suitable for TRAIL I Spring & Summer ALBUM! Free direc­ Your Home Will OAK STREET—This is a SIX-ROOM "c a p e . Bowers Charles G. Plrle, Warren E. Honriand, Realtor, rage. H. B. Grady, Broker, 643- Chairm an Chairm an TOM CUNNINGHAM has Joined r^r^ent or any style home. For informa­ (Scenic M t Sumner) tions for knitted sweater - bibs; ct9 Jeiwel of a 2-family duplex School, aluminum siding, our expanding sales staff. Call1«tfrt« b^«- ^ t u ^ ^ tion caU Westaide Realty, 649 6491108. cheted doily and crocheted slippefs! 8009. eitorms, walk-out cellar. Asking John A. Osgtonello, Erich Sllamets, Be Sold Twice! style with 6 rooms per Sscre ta ry Secretary Tom for your real estate needs Wteben with dW iw^er, blue 4843. Ansaldl built (1966) brick SOUTH WINDSOR — Dutch EARLY AMERICAN. Generation to Gen­ PINE PHARMACY 6 apartment. 2-oar garage. $18,900. Owner, 643-7888x in the Manoheeter area. Tom fireplace in living room, eration designs fit handsomely Into to­ TWO FAMILY, 4-4, separate WOODS3J building lot, north­ and fi lontal- Cotantal, modern Mtchen with •84 CBNTBB ST. Nicely maintained with heat, aluminum siding, 7-years is a Manchester native and Many features you wiU love, day's decor—Triple Irish Chain; Weath­ — if you get it back when the buyer can't east corner of Olcott Street buUt-dns, form al dining room, er Vane and Basket of Tulipsi Patterni aluminum siding. Selling at olb. Call early. Victor Agency, knows the area well. Belflore Centrally located. Char-Bon large Uvtog room with fire­ ‘ 8198 RiANOHBgTBB, OONN, get a mortgage. Then you must start all over $32,000. Agency, 647-1418. Agency, 648-0088. and Carol Driva. After 0 p.m. pieces, directions for 12 quilts. 90$ f i r ' 648-6700.. 346-4781. raal value a t $28,600. OoU place, breeseway, O-esu* garage, . 10VI-24M I co»y-ai09. \ TEL 649-W14 - again! CENTER STREET—Anoth­ Suzanne Shorts, 643-8283. enclosed patio, large finished OPEN HOUSE ANDOVER — School Rd. buUd- tamUy room, $88,600. PhUbrlck DESIGNED for the half-sizer, this tunic Let us handle the sale. We interview all er fine aluminum sided 2- family with 12 rooms In all. INVITATION ing lot with view of the lake. J. WATSON BEACH & CO. Agency,

' I y l> FRIDAY, APRIL 11, Average MRy Nat Praas Rar ilUmrbrBtfr lEttraing if^rdUt v sr O to Mfota M w Hie Weatlier MuMISS, 1M9 nia Junior Choir of North Mn. Marlon Crothem of 718 Buckley School PTA srlll spon­ RaM» Chapter of the Notth The Hartford Smith College The Young Adults Club of the C kar and cool toniilit, Iowa Mathbdlat Churoh srlU rahaana E. Middle Tpko. recenUy was sor a Mother-Daughter Night American P untly Ohanpera As- ' i8 ‘sponsoring its annual YWCA wni meet tonight at 0 tat Uie NTg to near 40. Sunny Monday at S:18 p.m. a t the appointed a director of the Con­ Monday. Retreahtpenta will be sootstlon wUl msat * Sunday at ’’t sale today untS'S p.m.^and at the Silver Lane Bowling Al­ and mild tomorrow, Metwat _Jd wfll^pqUMT 15,535 near 68. church. Moatlnya scheduled at necticut UcMised Practioal served a t 6 p.m. a t the kcbool 2:80 p.m. a t th e Lottie Fleke lorrow foom 9 a.m. to 4 ley, East Hartford. Those plan­ t^VlIlMgrt Hi«r»«lay the church Monday ara: 7 p.m., cafeteria. A gymnastic program ning to attehd ipay contact kOss IUancheMter— 4 City of Vittage Charm r « t Mail Hitn a t the Nurees Assodafon, at a ' con­ Memorial, Hmry Park, Rock- ..1. at the West Hartford Ar- mlaalnna oonoams ootnmlasion vention a t the Hotel America, wUl he presented at 7 at room ..lory, 838 Farmington Ave. Pro­ Arden Goden, 89 Sycamore VOL. LXXXVIII, NO. 16T wWitac arUcIea Lane. • (FXIURTEI^N PAGEa—TV SBCnON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1969 (Olmlfled AdrortUliif oa Page 11) ^ .-ikHly contact Mrs. and commisolan on worslif^, Hartfoid. GM7, M anchester High School. ceeds benefit a scholarship fund PRICE TEN CENTYt and 8 p.m., ocunell on mlnls- Tickets ax« available at Buck- J - ■ for Smith students from the ttim tp of H M6Km 8 t The Rev. John Hughes of St. Cltiaaa Porter of W triaa. Pvt Richard T. Kusmickaa, ley Bchocl. Qeoige’e Bpieoopal Church, Bd- Greater Hartford area. Mm. Army Spec. 8, Gfuy P. Dor­ 18, aon of Mr. and. Mra. Alfonse ton, will conduct a service Sun­ Horace t«amed of SO FUrest St. sey, 21, son of Mr. and Mm. Savo 20c lb. Sat. at *A reception for the Rev. and Kusmickaa of 178 Cheatnut St The Marins League AtnUUiy day at 8:18 a m . on radio sta­ ./as in charge of book coUec- Philip R. Dorsey of U1 < Womon’a FcUowahip of Mhs. Jam es W. Bottonu wlH be completed reconnataaance train­ will have a slate staff meeting tion WINF. The service la qpon- ‘.'.on in this am . Keeney St received the Jnd Pinehurst whan you Harvard Dropping Proaliyterlan Church wUI held Sunday a t 4 p.m. at Nelli ing recently at the Army Ar­ Sunday at 2 p.m. at tbs Morris sored by Manchester Council Royal Tlial Achievement Award BuUetin '■Met Monday at It at the <^urch. Hall, St Mhiy^ Episcopal mor Center, Ft. Knox, Ky. Ooive Community Club, Cove at, of Churches and the CSergy As- Membem of the Legkm Auxil- recently In Thailand. The award buy Dubuque Kuiaall Taylor sdH speak and Church. The event Is open to the Eaat Haven. sodetion of Manchester. lary WIU be guests of rehraisian among some of the attacks. mUltory spokeomen re- are buried In there,’’ said one maneuvers in CsechoslovaUa ********★ ★ ★ »★ **»**»» »4r*A**A»»A*****kA4r*A***| ^es'!^SZty^^;Sjr^ti^ ^ 10 *®®t I" »he Washington rumor ^^m n^ who use^the m«"®«vsr. LEGS ge were termed light. Associated Preaa Oomq;>ond- were used last year as part of a ed damage for the town of 33,000 muters. Plastic Baby (See Page Six) (See Page Fourteen) organizing efforts to Norwalk to Vtadi Long City, a provincial Twelve peraons were known presaure campaign before the |i FRYERS at 38.20 mlllten. The strike call was issued aft- jj, Mekong Delta 66 dead, and 100 were wounded August Invasion, Chair Swing The Red River, swirling down er the union refused to accept southwest of Saigon, was w**®" enemy rockets slammed Krasnaya Svezda said the from Canada on the North Da­ recommendations mode by an second time to 17 funmuntticn dumps, talks 'with Dzur "were held to a I kota andl Minnesota border, WINGS emergency board set up last Spskeamen said 84 mor- Wowing up more than 200 tons friendly atmosphere.” It said /oroed evacuaticn of 20 families mtmth 'by Prealdetit Nixon. exploded near the city of artillery and amaU arms am- the principal backers of the So- li at Enderlto, N.D. a t Wahpeton, Oonfention is over "ekUl dlf- gfo^on, kUllng three civil- munition. The explosions de- the two leaden "dlscuaaed coo- N.D., the river was six feet i r^ 3 .9 9 Other meat sugges­ ferential. The board reccm- jgog wounding three others, slroyed about 100 btdldhigs. riod aa well as questions of the , Tubular steel frame with vinyl above flood stage with a crest mended that sklUed employes be than 100 mortar rounds Associated Presa Correspond- thrirp eeadera "diwuaaed coo- expected later today one foot '* safety belt. Plated non-tilt support tions for Fri. night and granted a 20-cents-anbour ad- „„ the city early Friday, ®"‘ George McArthur reported Crete meaaures In the field of r q ^ higher than the previous record Justment effective July 1, 1969. S a t... we are open till high set to 1897. klllliig 17 persons and wounding ^rom Tay Ntaih that occasional combat training of troops duiv It also recommended a gmer- 106 rounds were still going off as ing the forthcoming summer pe- Nine Fri... Sat. 8 A.M. al wage inorease for oil olasaifl- RICK BARRY Tay Ninh Ctty. another prov- ^^l^the^SSs. Hod as weU as n^rtlon. of th. I till 6 P.M. cations of 3.6 per cent effective __ __ etrengthenlng of friendly ties Basketball July 1, 1968 ; 2 per cent effective ^ attecks w m unt^hrf ^ American adviser said the between the two aUles’ antriaa.’’ Illuminated Auto Our Rtg. 9.97 ?" ■' S’.fj ““ mw l» cu.< « Kjeldsens Danish lylon weave carcau for Whole Bottom Rounds Air Force fe^ve July 1, 1969. American base camo three *«mewhat confused and faUed to kla’a reform leadens, Tennis Racket they give you the fa­ lai ar lo.mo. ^ Include some peofi'e who were He did not name the leaders, I lb. tin of delicious im­ Our R«g. 4.97 J. P. HUtz Jr., chairman of ' at home and did not attend mus- but his remarks appearod A Hne beginners racket mous Eye of the Round the National RaUway Labor workero probed aimed at national parte^^ ported cookies. strung with nylon. At 8 Schools sl.59 Conference, the management J™ "‘® searching for Elnemy gunners fired three Alexander Dubcek, President S2.99 Laminated construc­ oven roasts.. . bottom bodies. "The ideal companion for beauty on-the tion. 3.88 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Eighty persons were v each round pot or oven cube (See Page Fourteen) missing by official count, but (Dee Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteea) -go.” Attaches to car sun visor. Plugs into a 4.77 Homestyle Cookies Air Force, citing a lack of stu­ .X cigarette lighter ( 12 volt system). Eietach- Large sparkling clear pieces created with Vinyl Rainsuit Our Rag. 1.97 steaks and Ground dent interest and not prgraure able 5 foot cord. Magnifying mirror for Old World Craftsmanship: Vases (2 Round. from antiwar groups, has decid­ ed similar rec­ have always permitted on cam­ during the past week. police were ordered to clear the ommendations which have yet pus. Ready to Finish Unpainted Furniture special on new 89c 16 to be approved by academic Ladies Shavers Mens Shavers oz. 6 pack Coke at 79c Schoola where the ROTC will hall Thursday. To radicals frustrated over be phased out over the next Simultaneously, Just across setmtes and governing boards. the slow-moving Paris peace three years are Boston Univer­ In each case, the militant stu- 9 Drawer Dbl. Dresser ^ R ag. 4 k C Storm Bench or Hope Chest Rag. the Charles River in Bpston,' 4m, talks, ROTC provides an easy, sity, Butler University, Indlan- dents’ opposHton was a factor, Your ^ ^ #936 - 36”W X 15"D x 36”H 37.60 47"W X I6”D X 24”H ».so Gold Medal Flour 49c more than a hundred Boston very visible target. The uni­ ^ Y our 19.95 apolla; Capital Uni verity, Co­ University students who were if not always the determining formed young men marching Choice i • 4 V f each C hoice each Mushrooms 3 for $ 1,00 lumbus, Ohio; Oriiuiell College, also demanding the elimination factor, in the decisions by facul­ across campuses symbolize, ac­ 14.97 Griimell, Iowa; Illinois Institute Contemporary History: Harvard of military tratoing from th e ty members and boards of trus­ cording to the militants, the #CL30 - Remington it modern Princeu in gift cate )I200 - Remington Shaver designed for the younger iwer Night i 2 Drawer Night Stand "**' ~l / I C k C k Bookcase of Technology, Chicago; Kenyon campus voluntarily left an ad­ tees. growing militarism In American man. #215 - 15”W X I IV4”D X 26”H ± ^ ^ ^ 36**H X 30"W 14A0 Scott Jumbo Towals Prof. W. J. Jordan of the Hainrard history department takes assignments out 10.95 College, Gambler, Ohio; Law­ ministration building Wednes­ Attacks on ROTC (which stu­ society and so-called university Il0 8 - Lady Schick with patented Hairbrush guides. #209 - Schick Custom Shaver with Comfort Control. 3 for 95c rence University of Wiroonsto, of his briefcase on steps of Sever Hall in Harvard Yard yesterday after cancel­ day to avoid arrest by poUce dents tamillarly call "rot-Bee” ) ’’OontpUcUy" to the war. Appleton, Wls.; and Tufts Uni­ officers waiting nearby. are nothing new, of course. A Bostdes using ROTC as on belong on ovory list, versity, Medford, Mass. ing class due to studenit picketang. Prof. Jordan passed out worit to any of his The two demonstrations, generation ago, corps members outlet tor

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