4 T W E N T Y ^ U B The Department of Connecti­ Members of the Manchester Manchester A b o u t T ow n cut, Daughters of Union Veter­ Emblem Club are reminded of iianrtet^r lEumttm IbraUr ans of the Civil War, will have the "Bajce the Cake” project Hospital Notes n»e Nayaug Tacht Club wUI a convention Monday through for Norwich State Hospital. For Mmnehmter^A City of Vtttage Charm have Ita monthly meeting Satur­ Wednesday at the Hartford Hil­ vnm N o HOCKS further information, members day at 8 p.m. at the Marine ton Hotel. Manchester Depart­ may contact Mrs. Alfred Pon- latoraMdlale Cm « Semi- (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1909 Ooipa League HaU, Glaaton- ment officers and members of ticelll, 30 McKee St., or Mrs. Miss Diane Johnam, daugh­ pHvBte, m m h I p.m.. Mid 4 p.in.- twry. A aprlng dance la ached- Mary C. Keeney Tent planning Charles PontiaeUi, 882 Hackma­ ter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur L. S P.M.; private rooma. I t ajn.>' uled for Saturday, April 36 at to attend are Mrs. James M. tack St, Johnson of S3 Constance Dr., t p.m., aad 4 p.m>« .ne. the Mancheater Country Club. Shearer, past department pre­ Is on thb dean’s list of the Col­ Padlatriea: Pareota aH«irad Cadette Girl Scout Troop 77 Reservationa cloae April 31. sident; Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson, lege of Liberal Arts at Drew any Ikne azoept noon-i pjn.; Members of the Chaminade will sponsor a Garage Sale Sat­ Classes Contiiiiiiiig department chaplain, and Mrs. University, Madison, N.J., Self-Relianee . Cooper Asks etfceia, S p.in.-t ppi. Muplcal Club (^wrua are re­ urday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Membera of Mancheater Robert Schubert, councli mem­ where she is a freshman. SaU Servloe: It a.m.-t p.m., minded to attend rehearsal to­ 100 Fergusoil Rd. Proceeds will MARGUERITES Still a Virtne WATEiS will attend a Good ber. 4 p.m-t p.m. night at 8 at the home o f Mrs. benefit a trip to be taken by the ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)— 'A Will conference Sunday at 3:80 Life Sentence Intenalve Care and Ooronaiy Cyrus Tompkins, 187 Gardner troop. The Womcm’B Auxiliary of the Harvard Students 6-foot, ;300-pound farmer, who p.m. at Reatland Farma, North- St. Garo: Immediate family only, The Mary McClure Group of Mancheater Midget and Pony decided hUdng 38 miles waa ford. Those wlahing further in­ the Won^en’s Fellowship of Sec­ Bunch anytime, limited to five Football Association will spon­ $1*69 better than waiting all night formation may contact Mra. ond Congregational Church will St. John’s Polish National F o r S irh a n mlnatea. The Polish Women’s Alliance, sor a Rummage Sale tomorrow for a bus, has won « rever­ John Pavelack, club preaident, Church will sponsor a paper OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY Mid FRIDAY Ignore Picketing MateiaMy: Fatkera, 11 a<m. • meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Group 518, will meet Sunday at at 10 a.m. at Mott’s Community sal of hla oonvlotlon for M- of 88 Radding St. drive at noon on Saturday and LOS ANGBLDS (AP) — Ul4B pJB., aad t p.m.-8 p.m.; church. 3 p.m. at 77 North St. Hall. OAMBREDGB, Maaa. (A P ) — claaarooni attendance wduld be tertng. Wbettier Mr. Slihan Ukaa it or rikwa, t p.m.-4 p.m., and t Hamurd atudanto gemrally ig­ lower than norm’al today. ’Ihe Court of Appeals, In a not," thundered fflrhan Btriiara p.m 4 p.m nored a atrike call and tmtruc- The dissidents called a three- unanimous derision handed SMian’s own lawyer, ’3ie de­ Age Umlta: It In maternity. Uon went forward et the unlver- day boycott starting today. down ’Thursday, said the evi­ It In other arena, no limit In serves to spend the reat cf bis rity today deaptte a claaaroom Hand-lettered signs were t^;ied dence in the case indleated life in a peritenUary." self-aervloe. boycott proclaimed by diaal- around Harvard Ycurd. Two that Donald Schanbaiger was Ignoring Slitian’s hurt gase. dent* In retaliation for a poUce signs were rptped off by unsym­ convicted merely for refus­ The admlnbtrstion reminds to n y that broke up a alt4n pathetic studenta. ing to answer a state tnx^ Grant B. Cooper looked intently visitors that with oonatruetton ’nuirday. Originally, the protest and sit- er’B ({uestlons at three at the jury trying Ms young under way, parking qpaoe la HcheU iqppeaied In front of in were directed againat Har­ o’clock in tile morning. client for murder and aedd; "We Utnltod. Vtattora are aaked to ■ever Hall, cboaen aa the focal vard’s Reserve Officer ’Train­ Schanbarger was In the are not. bare to tree a guilty bear with the hoepttal while the point by Studenta for a Demo­ ing Corps program. But the em­ 25th mile of a hike fn»n man. 'W e ten ytxi, as we ahvaya parking problem exlato. cratic Society to test their boy­ phasis shifted ’Thursday to the Chatitam to Albany last have, that he IdHed Robert Ken­ cott. Despite their chants, ”On police action In which 200 pro­ April SO when a trooper nedy.” PATUNTS T(H>AT: 276 strike, Shut it dowik” atudanta testors were evicted from Uni­ stopped Mm, aaked him Cooper ttma began UMirsday ADMITTTDD TESTERDAT ; entered the building, the only versity Hall. where he (uune from, where the last peut of a three-noan de­ Mim. IBva BlaalUcn, 364 Union (H ie picketed today. M ore than 80 atudanta and at he was going and who he fense Bummation In Slriiaria St; Gall Boland, 81 Plymouth Sever HaU ie across from Unl- least three policemen were hurt. lengthy trial. He resumes the Lane; BUsabeth Case, 5 Dow- varalty HalL where 400 poUoe- Arrests totaled 189. Schanbarger—who defend­ susMinatlaR today. nsgr Dr.; Robert Duff, 38 Dotver men ejected student proteetors ’The boycott was called for at ed hlmaelf—told tiie Court of "I for one am not going to ask Rd.; ’ntotnaa Fetterman, Elling­ in a brief, bkxody claah ’Thun- a ’Thursday meeting which fol­ Appeals that “K was none of you to do more than bring in a ton; Beulah Godin, 450 Main S t ; day. The actlixi caused an up­ lowed the poUce actl(m, Ihe the trooper’s bUstnesa." venUict of murder in the second BatsatMth Heater, 71 Hansen roar on the (nunpus. atrike reaolutlcm waa cheered by degree," said Cooper. Dr., Vemon; Kristine Hoffman, Harvard Preaident Nattam about 1,500 atudanta, mit o f a Ihe penaKy for se<xxKl.degi«e Old Farm Rd., Tolland; Milton Puaay cipUed a faculty meeting graduate and undergraduate en­ murder in CaUforria is a sen­ Jeneen, BcUon; Guy Jodoin, 110 for 3 p.m. to explain why poUoe rollm ent totaling about 15,000. tence of five years to Ufo, wltit Greenwood Dr.; Erwin Konesni, were caUed to end the ait-ln. ’The students also adopted a Connecticut the eoaact term and parole eligi­ Pomfret; Mrs. Beatrice LaOroix, About BOO persona watched the resolution "to thoroughly con­ bility deterinined later by the 45 Farmstead Dr., Wapplng; picketing in hiatorlo Harvard demn the bringing of police <mto Aidrit Authority. Ihe state is Mrs. Mary McCauley, Etoat Ylard and alao a rally on die this oampua, and the exoeaalve River Near asking a veixUot of ttost-degree Xlaattord; Robert Macatee, 896 atqpa of Wldener Library, be­ use ol violence while they were murder but not neoesaaxUy the Main Paul and John tween Sever and University h e ie .” death penalty, which la the only kfaduilta, Stonw; Frances Ma­ to give you lower prices Hall. The faculty of the Divinity Flood Stage alteniatlve to hfo in prison. loney, 13 Winter S t; Paul Mar­ HARDER Claaaes were held aa uaual in S(dKx>l voted ’Thursday night to The Jury makies the choice on tin. 540 Foster S t, Wai^iing; Sever, aa In other buUdinga. At- auapend all claaaes until Tues­ HARTFORD, Oonn. (AP) — a (xmvlotian of first-degree mur­ Suaan Masse, HaaardvlUe; tondanoe at Harvard la not day afteriMwn, and 500 Law Rainfall emd mriting snow will der and a prisoner sentenced to Louiae MeasMiger, Enfleid; mandatory, and the number of School studenta alao voted to oauM the OonneoUout River to life is not eUgtble for parole for Overwhelmed by Grief Donna Murray, 15 Griswold St.; to give you higher quality atrike. fkxid at prints altmg Ita entire seven yean. atudanta croaainf the picket Une Mira Mary Nelsan, 88 Eldridge could not be determtnecL About KM faculty members leigitii, the U.S. Weatiier Bu­ "I woukhi*t want Shhan Sir­ A South ViBtnaitnese woman walls over the ptastib- the skull of her husband with her conical hat . a t; Mrs. Pearl Poncfaak, Bast reau’s River Forscaat Osnter However, It appeared that (See Page Bight) han turned loose on society wiTapped remains of the body of hbr husband, one first identifying him through his teeth, then sat Hartfortl; Mrs. Ruth PogUtsch, predloted this mondag. when the psychiatrists trit us be Bast Hortfbrd; Mn. Clara HARDER At Hartford, the river may of 47 bodies discovered yesterday in a mass grave dbwn and gave vent to her sorrow. (A>P Photofax) is getting worse and he Is going Bciaiets, 341 lOgh S t; Philip to give you outstanding Servid eocoeed flood stage Sunday by to get worse," Cooper said.
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