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-x. :' .Vri. < ■ ■'M ', ■ ' 7 -'I'r.K''’ t- ' -'i \ r ■ v: v.j. '; '■ I, v,.i: 1'- ' V. ‘iy*..- ■ , '/• . ^x"'x V -X A '- .■-■■.''•X'''"V.x;''," -X' ...X 'V''' ' V X ; • . '" ' ■ ' ' ■ *. ; V i'‘ ■ ■ MONDAY, MAR^H 25,11957 PAGE SIXTEEN ' V A^ertsc Daijy Net Pr«K .Run > Tha Weather Forecast of U. S. Weather BoreaU A-. 'f. For the Week Ended . , ■■xrv "X-' ; V March 28. 1957 < ■ ■ i-r- .....-- T T s : Occasional drizzle tenisht. him About 150 ihembersVof Gibbons iristian §cience League Slatej c n in mid SOe. Oool, oceaslei^ drlzale Assembly, Catholic Ladles of Co- EligBgea ri- Engaged 12,545 V.'edneiMlay. nMrnlhg, wanner bn ,\ mtTowrf lumbus./iattended the communion Z- Unit Meet! ics Member of the Aqdlt afternoon. High nestr W ,' breakfast In St. Jhmes’ School hall Lectip^eir^ H eard ' Biireau Circulation The aUnmMtiea clew »t the y a s t^ a y morning. The Rev. John, Manch€»ter-—A City of Village Charm - ‘ Obmmunlty i f tomorrow night will y. Harmon, chaplain of the organ-., Sdi^li Church V O n Home \ be hi(ld from' 7:80 to 8:5,5. This Ization. was present. Guest speak (Clgesifled AdverUsIng on Page 14) change la for thli night only,. , er was the Rev. Beihard Killeen A Science' lecture, un Maficheater’a two represuntS' VOf;.,LXXVl, NO. 149 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. MAJ^CH 26, 1957 PRICE FIVE CENTS of St, Justin s Church, Hartford, lives to ths .Genetal Assembly Nrill S E L F S E R V E der the ices of Phrst.
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