Utah STEM Action Center Annual Report FY2018 60 E. South Temple (T) +1 801 538 8747 Suite 850 (F) +1 801 538 8888 Salt Lake City, UT 84111
[email protected] United States stem.utah.gov Utah STEM Action Center FY2018 UTAH STEM ACTION CENTER | AT A GLANCE Mission: The STEM Action Center is Utah’s leader in promoting science, technology, engineering and math through best practices in education to ensure connection with industry and Utah’s long-term economic prosperity. Vision: • Produce a STEM-competitive workforce to ensure Utah’s continued economic success in the global marketplace • Catalyze student experience, community engagement and industry alignment by identifying and implementing the public- and higher-education best practices that will transform workforce development • Identify and implement STEM education best practices that will help to transform STEM education and workforce development • Increase equity and access to all Utah students, including those in rural communities Professional Learning Grants Awarded Elementary STEM Endorsement First Cohort Begins Micro Grants Grants Open STEM Foundation IRS Letter of Determination Utah STEM Bus First Classroom Visit K-12 Math Initial Math Pilot CS4Utah Grants Awarded 42% July 2017 July 2013 May 2017 May March 2015 March August 2014 August October 2015 October December 2016 December stem.utah.gov 2 Utah STEM Action Center FY2018 FY18 | AT A GLANCE Utah STEM Bus Professional Learning The Utah 58 new grants were awarded, STEM Bus (USB) directly impacting 5,592 educators impacted 8,437 students within pp. 29-37 20 school districts in FY18 Thus far in FY19, the USB has reached 4,021 students in 21 schools CS Utah 4 42% across nine dierent districts 296 schools in pp.