Q$ooQ§. to n g ft. the stock of a con¬ Instrnclion. Bhrg .vere Imt there is ample testimony- to their purchase tantamount reported, was called SCHUYLER COLFAX. .eniarkable cfie.t. lin WM Be. an orator, in lhe cern for whose interests CengTSM upon For Young Ladies.Country* .oiiventioual aaossofthsl word, hut hardly any to btglslstti Mr. Hollistcr'inaki-s ri grave mistake in FEMALE COLLEGE. out of sieht. DORDENTOWN emu eim-nei- of A BRILLIANT AM> PATHETIC CAKI-:KR. .olitical him in aiiimiitiii his own trying to keep this point Tho energy I> liiaiirpaase.l in lieiuitv amt 'f. ."'_. suSr speaker c'liiullcil (liriatliin. he afterward the charge that Very beautiful, luunelike, tlu.ruiiiili ami Orajlua-willi do- wiii'Yi.iiU COLFAX. Hy ts, J. Hoixansa. and winnini* the dnul.tful. Ho had the great tvith wnieh repels tmrr coorara In Belli-a-1.<-iii ..». Cb.-ra and Musle. mfi: OP jarty anv in tho Credit Mobilier .Ilt-nr Art lat catalog-' _ interest lix. mvo. jip. yjb. Funk IVagnails .rt of dear and stateniont. ¦ He seized Colfax had Krees 'mifi md. Department, impiessive his own of a.t.tieaa Sale Hit" ii-itiuu nf dook married Mr. thiit he does not neiieve tn theory a. ML President, Although Ibis the !h in kb in the -situation by instinct, nnd shows ^^ ^.^ Q |r/Br_f N. J. Clearing litilf-sister. and excellent opportuni¬ IblliBg Put aside from this initial error, and iiui.ieiitaiwa. Colfax's .had no one could present thom m<>re clearly or moro of propriety. ties of knowing bj* private life, he bas written a in his some foolish oboes of those who took an nnfnvor- AND HOME INSTITUTE, them in the same time." Intensely ardent CLASSICALV> riui.i.k.epsi.'. M. v.. etti isl. vuiiii- laiin-s BBfstwrsa ul rather than a P,r' aide view ot Mr. Colfax's conduct. Ins statement of tr.ui.ui-; iq nil braal hem BS.MSBQf tn a jiniiiii pen-muil biegrap.y. Mute, ho pleached it with tho conviction and \ an.urea tor llioniUBh unit CLOTHING. linnie comforts BOTS' bc bas done wisely. Mr. Colfax's character his client, enos is extremely strong. It musi. be preparatory .uni-' fm e.ill.i.'", with Imps i-iitliu-iiasin of BfellfiOM apostle. It Hounds like i.,l ii.'. MliaHAHAII V. II. Itt I KKK, Principal., and well understood. To afat the case careful tfeataient, !,,., was simple greater Mers couimonpliicn to aay that "he carried tue csnfesnsl tani rquired HALI;, Diinluii-v, Conn. most tuen at hosts the lirst disclosures weTS made Mr. Colfax ELMWOOD itul'lnn. decree than sabik hs displayed hut no athaa axpraaaioB so weil When \j ll..nu .-eli.ml i,,i Vonna; I.'lira sail him in people away," as to of bbl MlBS A M; LAWTON, I'i nu-ip.il._ tim same Units which distinguished Con* describes the result of Ilia sneaking. In s joiut was so ilbjndged publish nstntomsnl and .ni thc platform of th-liato; and his re¬ connection with the adair which, although not s-MlEENWHil. CONN.-HOME SCHOOL press eanraas with Jndgs stuart, the latter gentleman MU.M. LADIES. (.oration healthy iiiul brauU; was the [extension untrue, was not and therefore not quite \J lull markable popalarity unly dpening the diacuasioB at Logaaaport, hi* own oomptsto dil l.t.,,.,i. ih. i.uiL-ii. Principals, Milo. DKBBAT tb a wi Ier of Um annie sort of unec* frank. When the officio! btVSatigatiofl iirotight I.dN'iil HAMP, iiml Miss If. Vf. MEAD. ..ugh! sphere lioiue. spoke for aa hoar and .. qaarter sad was which was felt for him in Ihe circle ul In-r fsdS t" light, bs waa Obliged IO explain what IIOMK Tarrytown, N. Y.. tiuiiate regard heard in dead silence until ba attacked Colfax's INSTITUTE.school ladlea soil little atria. ami on A fuller of nts.do- * tried ts back. While thus struggling I 1 lliwrdlna sn I dal forronna; of family fri tis. noeonnl ii) when the crowd That be bsd keep ii, Iii. M,-- M. W. MET! ALF. Principal. LIGHT ( Ol.un COHIU'ROY KILT SUI'S,h*. ll). votes Congroaa. -ried, He,,,,, K.pteinl.er lialiits. S Store ot snecilotes an examination of bis hank .account inestic larger personal wu* right!" Mr. (olfax followed ia a p. edi nf an with suspicion, I INSTITUTE. Meto- NOW HT di m.tile tin tala more sn entry winch seemed to confirm tho IOMK COLLEGIATE mualc, $80 por AM) WHITK KILT st'ITH. mil illustrations, might hara h..ur iind .. Half. "The was a steady revealed I 1 rhrn.N.J Huard and tuition. Incloding BLACK OnCK glgg] applaBM him of (lakes Ames and tho 1.1 tull ni in xpt' inhei NOW lively, nut could nardi* bare added mnohtooor nnd nunn- men w.-pt. John 1». testimony against lll.ll ¦*._ $'. 'JO. roar. H*o_ra_i KILT SI -*_ X(.W of the min. nave little doubt that iiieuniraiuluiii bunk: and unfurttinately bs ui" ¦-*I Tb** -tbaalai HM.I., (trent ll:irritiir>oti. III.IK n.ANXKf. BCITB, $a .;-,. knowledge We Ilefrees BaM lie couldn't keep his ere* dry." famous Ms- ile.sr ehit't. hess- .oiisni. yea for I-dlea amona the *>r_shlro NoXV on a .m.I n la reallj :t lu-.iry t. IIOUSATONiCI Ifaai A rarhool Yoobb QRRV FIANN!:!, KILT BCITA, f4 Mt ti Di in his famish tba sstisinetory *¦ extra, French lu> showed tim whole of himself political fifteen rn in ul e.* to duse, again re¬ wis iinahlo to spot *,,!,...,.. u M reft-si,-.ui- igrreanl* Ililli 'li ti-- 'ino p,-r vi u. Mu-.,, hu,I Painlins ( Stuart, haviog r. *¦ Ni-xl .itri a III i«t'in Ben- ELL-WOOL MIXED UUHUI KOEVOLS BVTTB cai. was true lite. Morsot ar, of tbs eoincidonce. His defence wss un so ,.!i| uii Mr.Hollistersuva tann tV ( OW!-, inly. perfect be bold bonOTSblS tn !i;* wife during tins campaign: "I noser knew all, tbemstter .Ol KM, I.AItlt ¦' " ne, Billin ss AI.I. BIRRS, PROM I TO 14. AT II.I* KA) ll. Um, tho history of American issue of between Colfax and Ames. Tba .il Har. lay -(iel, \r tv-York. A h. BENEDICT. his ouldie lifo is virtually ss Inn friendship was Imfore j it guabessnd over¬ veracity LARGE RKDCCTIOKB IN SAILOR r-in* during the most Importanl period officiul Investigations, so far as tin- Vice-President Boarding and Day School in HI ARI VERT DRRIRARIJI QOOM POEM M political nrowroaa flows nie ft.un every aide, old men shake HULKLEVS .IS upon l.iirilnWII ol, the Iill,l,ii||. il. (lp. ISlpt. - Mr. Coifns was always wis wera tefl nf loose ends; as he was g Miss|,,!'..!,,. MK lt WI.'A ll XNI) ARR Ul DI 'ID lo -XliOl I I. f ol our National growth. shed taara; tha ladies Insist on shaking eoncerned, 22 A.I.li. aa l.y li In i until Hejit. of the heal MUM of bands and nf the Bennie nor lbs 1._ PRICE IN ORORR TO CLOSE THEM OUT one of thc lu'-t representatives liiiii.'s sad our voter* ara full nf member neither House, QOTCELT, nol of Us fearless refunua- allround; yeaug bed to into bis Iitttntctton. JIA1SES.S SCHOOL AS XX I, |{Ky| IKK TIIK ROOM. the Bepnhhenn party the most earnest enthusiasm. 1 cannot describe lo neither body SOthority inquire MISS "WOODSIDE," tory arilur. like lin elev and Sumnert not ol its fal confidence condnei Mr. Hollister believes that tbs people lt Mil lilli. COXS. yon what overwhelming tokens of the Both Scxos---City. .,- seeing and prudence, like Seward; but of h.'en accept.ul Ifr.Colfan'i word,and ts tbeendofhis .Foi i:\ti n-ive cri'iii'its. h. ..ni,rui Im on, sagacity ami approval of my c-institaeots have se. i ,,r in, 11 ii. timi in all dcpartim-nla. ot tbe ¦aaeoa npon which the |jii> and loved lum tin- Mme as ever. 1 his ISS WARRKN, i..ii ii, -ui,, aa. the inpulse patriotic showered me the two or three daya lt honored 7! SS'. -1 471!. St., .ii>. mil ..p. -.pt. wu,_T & CO. upon pas! BEST linisl far un.iiediate nctiun. Ile Inn! ll" never recovered from the cruel M,a .-.'. -. di [...rtiiicnis. etatesiii.itl rely i.n* been almoal imnoaaible for mc to get ebon! tbe isndelusion, V: pt 27 ; girls. Hep! panie ROBERT GRISWOLD'S Home School tine inattncl mr rending tbs pnldic blow : and altboush ba was comforted by tbs son MRS.;,.: ..-,,.un- wlii s and blldn n, I vin,. i ono., reoriensHop- Ine politician's ¦tn ita." School...Ot-,-. t,ii,her aa. I nii»ii.il advantages Mu ,. paint mir, modern (>o k 62 west a;tp-sST. tho had nt w'ni kn iv him best, and mani Art umi lo mind.orsa beioro nnblic quitemadeil His natural bonhomie, freak eheerfalneea, aacea- ti.lenee thus.- ny o' Pro'' .'.** l.uiL'uiiL'i, tod i-uiiiiiieii-iv. hji.is iiuu,e tlells-tf.I II. V. LANK.pupil i inion. _, up. Ile siaW hon |be people weis going before they demonstrations of affection by tbs people of lbs Academy, Munich -iB-endinc. to reasaii _ qnerable good nature, and sympathetic tempera¬ MIS..Kelts, naval w.uii.1 like a leo In oil l.ririiiiii: saw it anti to mote than himseil lu the ctn nm lit. tl.e stn,,,.,er. pupil*ut VYACK SEMINARY for pills; 25 Units themselves; gave expression nr bia success as a West, nobody realised perfectly beada- fruin life (por 1. -1: *. 1T111 linnie; OBIS luuir iUiocrllanroca. ment accounted for much popular before i ntii i "r wstarrolors. st.sits ia BoarM Mist _1 pupil-- H,,u,ni:-', ti.iuiii,:r; .; most snd must honorable the position in which he now itood .v Instruction slso « -i Mis. Ii,,..,', h. Ilrrlhidf, IT.K l|»al. theil patriotic pnrposoi a* wall a for the general esteem in windi changed imus fi.,iu piiotogrsp fi. N. uric, Aiiilreaa slow Intelligence of ¦peaker, iv.ifni. Almost at the of ins own ui,-..-,,.i,.!i.r... i,iii,..i...ierate sentiments before Ibe moving he waa held al home aad al Waa'iington. I'olttieal thc beginning i*""";^;;I15ltl.su »'/iN Al.lo."-\ll.*>. MERCERS Bonrdiiiff tbs lind reduced inchoate tendencies to ,li;1| |,e hid s." ti one of bis nhlest and truest \t Krlaad for lllrla, ITinro of Walea n-rraro, Muntre.tl. aWsJorilf i.pp.incuts som lime-, ri lienled h.s genia] manner, V, --.oil li, -ill s. In a tbe calumnies snd cruelties of I-. lite, lilli H( lp' formal opinions. applauding representative ia trtnli t ssas the sincere expreaaioo of a frisnda dsstroysd by and ex bnt and tbe of rI III'. CATHEDRAL SCHOOL OF SAINT WINDSOR wno divined their batt thoughts, preened warfare: during many years sunny diapositiou. He had ¦ great talenl f"r party AHAUY. i..inti-ti ( itv. I on- I-i..ruI. V V. in Hoiuewii.it decorative bet never Borrrw and suspicion that followed bs must often T( mil #3511 la i annum. Ap;.iv to Ibsen langange friendship. Mis nttaebmenta were strong aad Mi-si ll Mil...I li liiiMIl, Iso line for ti.o general relish, people were half eon* fewer enemies than havecompared his own fate with Homes Ureoley'a Principal. liistinc*. and lie bad _ UMBRELLAS, scions nf their own respectability, No probably asked bimsell winch hud tbs bitterer r.-as in lo eesnmending ans other maa who bae tilled sneba prominent and '¦TRINITY HALL, VI.RIr DI Killi.... a hold us than bs is the reward of n. i< 1.1. v Thoron home srhool for allis public man cakes slroogei npon in our A member Of the House know how nnanbotantisl political ill,ts.tn! I Beverly, ah position public lifo. l ur le.! ail', .l-il.ii-ea nf till I, !:'ln -I "I ill Milli! il it il Ie In lillis..-. w ont oar virtues. tbe breath of favor. _, ho cslls heaitating lideiity. hos light popular a and the claaalca collt'Ki' ..ur-,-. nineteenth BELKNAP, JOHNSON KWELL, of Representatives from tbs crisis of slaven .!- and HOME FOR TEN BOYS art, liiiiiriuiti li- in I hetv is sos,otiiuig sn pathetic in theclossof this ACADEMY i-i .! KiKH s(-pteiiii.ci- Iii. rm-i In ulan ul is YOU K I'll 11.AUK. PHIA. Schuyler Colfax was horn Kew-York City in Kte-sii.ti in Kansas to the close of the Rebellioa,)ha At>»» Miaa KAI IIK1.I.E UIBIIONH IIf NT. Prtndfal, \K\V_ his t. patriotic and amiable life that not Thereon- fur i, sin-., at fur coUem 18-3. Hs belonced to n family of aome noto; waa an actor in som ol' th.- moat dramatic acenea hrilhsi useful, praparalioa lia,ne '.tull tin. atost sre lure., BeeltllfUl MMatlM Md i-e.niirie LADIES' SEMINARY. was -otu.- sven those s bn a »co| tical of Schuyler f'oltsx's .-iv. n sad rs rm- i VOUNG N. J. grandfather, William Colfax, Captain-Corn* ot our history. Ile Blade memorable r.iin -.1 .un,.un,nugi. Hfii* st refereai sa 1FKK.KIIOI.il, political can reeist a tenderness lowsrd his (ile IIMfl !.. ("lill. liin 1 l ll. Ciinkere aub Gvolirie. inri!unt nt" 's Life Qnard di,linn the ¦neechca windi had an saormoaa circulation. innocencs J. || ROOT, i'ririe lill, Albinia bia death a letter to his wife end . Kevoluttan, ami on tin* fannie side be was de¬ Once in the coarse of tboKaasss debates, as he memory, After SI.IlOOl-. Tboniiiiri r. ciiAMn.i.it. ii. p., iioV.V BOARUfN-J *- Pu nt. bis where he had - ullfl, rn tat »l huaiiu mil from ihe Schuyler*. De Ls .Miters, and " l:is\s" nt tho Border Kutti.in child won lound in travelling-bag, I) ,.;. narai on !"i college, scended cited tho boga* "i ' .1' a art s lu ii llAltlUMi ION it for nins veera, ts bs delivered ia cass si ,. .,,*! ste.il IS I ipi' boord nnd nut mn. _ouog ladles Strikers, all well-known in tho colonial annals of al hard lal.ur earned ai".--'- Netk. A'eet. hester, S. ii \ t \'-* yal" * imoriaonmenl .. SI.. Prill ...... I .,. r.e.ii-- Homiuar.'; 17V',-".- sad Legislature, imposing takitu: lt was addressed to Mrs. .\' .17 IsJ M-.l i. New-York. He vans prood of the good name of these and one who Ins sadden nany, AND INVALID BOYS..Thi i.-. io. n. Military Academy. Addrcaa Kl-I-¦ with ball chain npon any sbonldaay >*. -I H.|.|,|,'I.tlel.l, N I. nor Fer ber and hui." li rehearsed the |>ACK\YARD v sictao im 'cachet llillil.-. _ ancestors, but they left him neither money " Colfax. ll un,!, isi-.ii...!. _n ripertenced pb that persons h.isoii'il t'.ie n__lit le holdslavsalB in'iiiu tum el lUCil Doria specialty. Ul 1_» Wall. _M IIXKKH.H, (fow-Toi- of hie connection with tbs Credit Mobilier ii ak>s Hie mri mu' in Nra AT MOUN r HOPE LADIES1 SEM- BOJVXMt IMI social advantages. He had very little schooling; be aa iron ball nf tho ¦tory ot,i .if Hie h.uti iud healthful Kng s_'>-_i.- BIV AKD rtTTt STOCK" AND tiiis Territory,*1 exhibited " mir jit.ii delightful A SI** ¦__, Lyme, ( ..nu. '_>-»».H/ inarjr. Mnalc and Art extra MAROTS. of eleven he was as a clerk ll. euterpi iso, ami losed as fellows When little .ami. A.IUesi UR, V, I.I.I i.iii Ina n. New-York. lN'VKMTORM OR ON and at the ai;e placed natatory wcigbt, thirty pounds. Alexsader all i( bs Al-I-O'.S INTUUiCoi' ON UCPO-SITa. in tho store of his stepfather, Mr. Matthew* Two to lill and wonld l.,\ is ..ld enonch to nndcrstand tbs. 1)1.1 I** ACADEMY, Hmmford. Conn, A. M. KUMBA wail-J-d T_____l Stephens aaked to be allowed it, base i;.,..i.:..,..-, i.I of lbs hlghe*! grado, Forty _.' WU I At Vi.uki rs. N. v.. ii boarding nnd l. J. Mcui wm. u na. tim to . Prom knows anything then of tbs snd wicked I> a i'.,,s* il for -!'."¦ -.'.ii. rhonniKhln years later family emigrated then have rcturne.i il; hut Mr. Colfax admit]) i. ut:, ri ii ni i ms i». !¦ iiii-i 15. V'l""« an which h,s father was bj ss st j ni i s, si x (Yali Pt li pa' -ii n t,,ii niel u.-linn,.-i..me Mi,. K.r mu.um.i.k. prim, that tune until he was twenty-one we lind Schuyler left it in the nan,ls of tin* .-mithern statesman calumnies to subjected Mr. Matthews in enemies nnd ingrates, be will realize what a faith* MEN titted tot .>WTII YEAR..LYNDON HALI., Poairh- ass stiiii: heapingncountry-store while in ;i few sentences ba showed tbat Washing* J. and YOUNO privately * ..... :... ladles servant i i ii-iiittiotial rn n ci. indhUt. . |(~ ,,.;,.,,.. m \ \ i.-.-ii, ibm srhool toryonnv & ottiee at New in a faun, ful aud honest public received for twenty HOY..ii,... *.s su* *' ll .-« md branches P. W. 6ALUU0ET CO., find post Curliain, workiog ton, Jeflerson, Weltster and clay, if aiiva Badin buuiuii ur K. liol IB ridge, mnslr, drawlosT, painting, lansuafea Enallali his t.. tbs servi.I t.uij'lii. within I' '.ii tn tin- lliipoil.int in tho -nties of county auditor, sn in rears of tbe prime ol life given Mil llmro'iKlili equally _JA-.___l.ltS aiul dmehnrging Ksns.-is, woald now bs Miring the chain-gang. St Hool, H'U B(»YS7.Ai tuatt. hil hon, ¦¦ .ue ur, li ii lil.-. Addn M ins And all thal sustained ms in thnl |,*l..\l\V(H»D Illili. ll Uti K. A. __*.-.(-1 AL PAFKI-t, MOCKS AND BOND* oflice \.-iiii-li led to his removal to South Bend, the limn, than a million w.-re country. I 4 fol.' ..uti. Pal. ul- -!ni lt" uni..-lill,al. s.\M I 1.1. Kl.I.H M., Principal. COM Ot this spee.-li copies was the !.. "ltI iii tl s«P nil.. thal slmnl ms pr - BANK BUILDING. which was his hume tor tho real ot his life. committees sad other wi (1 storm of calumny raged s. KHAN In M ll"-' ipi UNITED town distribated hy Republican last would make ,,'t, rel hy I For Both 8ex89.Country. these " kuowledge tnnt God at ihe day WaU.-ST.. CORNER BKOAOWAT. He studied luw, in a half-hearted way, during We bave printed your speech in in** 1111 11:. Kiwhoiii, N. _..- lexoia ageociee. known of ill nun. i,*i;i.r.ii"i.D ti .CIRCULARS of schools, both city H. FITCH, Jr.. NRWTORE. snd truthfulness * - roll. ff hut ha novar wea admitted to the bar. Poli- ss mes "us you doubt* my honesty l s. ii Pi. :..:. tint nm ) -.a.ii, nil u to years, Mr. Greeley hun. I l-.J lt s si lil A ... Pi .ti. \ . md courin careful [i -t-__ber N. T. block __r.*i»n_» pamphlet,*1 w fe knew it, and contidod tu tbs :.,,- . l:,i t ... UH, M Kaist 1 Ttl, al Neit ticsand journalism claimed all his interest. Ho sass ba eoasiders and thal hiv deal I t-iiVlllKllK.nl Hyphar-S. ins know iiml aa earnest friend Lu nnd devoted busbnod, R. 1..Nen from boyhood, and before bs was we ever uttermost in her mg SCHOOL Providence, BOARDING SCHOOL for Imth had dabbled In both best electioneering document bad." |j-KIENDS' ..'.. s li,, an ,,t:. lille \ ERIEND.H' fruin New it.tlu- I linn Ih J\ -. i. ,*«¦-'-'''.," r i' ir hill .'rv. il'-'miles an op¬ S lilli Iel Colfax. .- .1 .,' ,' twenty John I>. Defrees nave bim excellent bs citod, which of liiir.1 " ll .' h ..,!.-' ii ¦¦¦', i, mil ls,Ul other addresses might proved > '"NI S M Pl Vnrl to hi n h. "". -ti ., _|.n.s IH'-IVll-H. *)l.- with ins elders winn bs years old, wli.it he wu nt.* I. Truthful, self-posaeaaetl, ct i:.i i "iir-i ..r i,*' it.ui .lovnlod K] I KANSAI T A (1KNKHAI. BARKINO politics ... getting DI ll Ali \ Aim "l.l.i . Insti- and at thu same infantile Stags ol (li-velo.'iiiieiit.haa well* ill! SKI ltKTA HY I."!: VNKLIN, \. V.-I>.l:i\v;ii. I.itcriirv POSITS RKCEIVEO and IN ri.HRH1' ALLO-TBDOR cli'.ii-li'-.ulcii, alert,courteous, patient, alwaya M Kl S. Il -ll io, Vs i .-.a.-. . t .,.. u and I ii "\l ML'NI st ntii. Ha I pri |i iti.rjr nalia RM lit . AND -.: II... I'.NMi.M, to gel the -. --.'¦ BA LANI tin- until ... kimi iiiFh moi) hi wait shout pells midnight iiiini tm tl. iiml nut too f.'ii'i "f talking. In- eertaiuly ,i.. ui natl on ,.¦';., pt, DI ( I Mil.*. I I.MI'VI l-.AH INS TITI I.. ll i ,:l - ll VEIlltll.U A M I". 11 Pun, I'd. CITAL AND RAILROAD ¦giiresol a elans district. Ile kept s private dinrr, exerciaed in tbe beal par! ol Ins career more i HOM \ W J .' ;ion far as ll M I- S ll I...Xii N. V in winch a n cord "l ali retnins.no they inrineaee tbaa say otber maa ia tbe |«s|.AVl». "i ACADEMY, Kinjr»ton*on-Hud- fur ail kinds practical "(I U I A\'.I...I» WORLD." ,s inui..ii .,. i-n itiiAlti'IMi ki lim ,; KINGSTON ann ,...,,. mil foi laith ae«es pro. fell in his way, florn all the state*, and Uouse. His election to tbs ol the IIIiM*. Prim ny im lily l. uki normal -rpeakersbip -. lu in W & lui*. .. -].¦ butltl- feature: ho commented ,. -.,.:, ¦; lally n sot" of his ., ., Co., wai tin* i.l ..... of omore," leading WW lllth t'oDgreas by aaaaimoBs .11 -I I.l Si IN .. , ,.. | i. :,, \ ili/llat \, '[. Vermilye ot N i M Pu u -I M Pre*. upon publicaffaira, aad nosed down tbe incidents party, was heartily approved hythe |ieople, uml t: \ N. I- III -, IIAYKS. .. I ll-.III.AND MILITARY ACADEMY. tbs Log Cnbin and Hard Cider campaign, which Ibe two which be was retained ia i iii: KEYNOTE." ll At'LEWOoD INS I ll I I-:, -dr both BANKERS AND BROKERS, re-electipo* bj - \| n n ll mu.I when bs was seventeen. At eighteen bc t.> the Vice- n si i.' s s si 11* rmi .ri .i i,n, ,,itii\'t i.l r. im Yah md 16 ANO IH NAotHAt-*sT_ KEW* YO.tK CIT., was fought that positioa until bis promotioa II.WI'-"M '. II - I. \ lu ,,1'ii i.S'l Ai IN( I ;...ilui. nts. A well was enerirct>i ally sleetiotieering for tbs Whigs; were almost conelaeioua. MINI INO l"N Hil.Il SCH HOI.. ¦¦ Presidency foregone dl'i SS ISO i,I s rn|i> ui i. BK II Xl S 1-1 SI | ur |>I.-I| I -M..|;l I IDHI \ M Pi lu'pit. Dealers in Investment Securities, and lotu* In furs tins date ho nus writing political d Inin. Ks nj hotly trti-r. SCHOOL.- BUY ABDSBLL OX commission pobgaei OR OBI letters for vari.HU newspapera Ms corresponded - ! -. I 1 111 I I " '.ll IPI'I.H'ANTS rh VEW-JERSEY STATE MODEL . LIM KL. Al .N_SV wss ia with Horses i i S I S M Xiv.IN ACL HI' I'Hi Iii*.. Yi'HjC with Tin: XkW-YoRK liiiiti'sK nlmost lii'tii i's Ho frequent eorreepondence .-'.'.I' liesa'. J'.nal KXi'llANQK. far ¦'. .¦ 'I S " '. ," i'i i: tm "¦ ni. lunion. bl'OCk Mr. sol a \; Ine opon (ireeley, wbo had s higli regsnl him, nnd daring yeah ANO IN-KIIK.ST ALI.).__» foundation, snd Greeley great I Ml,). ¦. find fun BEPOWTB RKCEIVEO waa often tha medium cols N A I-. V. his letters, which were briirht sud full of Dears. Mr. Liueola's Presldenc* he III s ii i; 11.111.11-1. i: i: v k. I w ii As,ii ik i| i'K Ti ton, fl ON U1..I.SI': aCUJK.T i > Ct. sri Al il.av. "I ml i ..uni ntin at ions Itel ween Ibe Adm u- >N, -..I.lilli*. when ha waa niue- eonddent ¦' Viailing New-York, however, .\ i Va , \ l l ,.- I.- I ItJ ll I l;I.. I JENNI Nd ION SEMINAUY. l Ii.hun.. ,.-. n mn,, roN n. r. W'.iil,i n ,1 e;i!l upon the fatuous edi istratiou aad the Kditorol ii I .... pi i <-.. N<>. BW S\ t.eri. Sci.iii Ier .. -,, ,¦¦ t\ 60 11. I. un ll midn ,a bi Iwii a Ni « I'lnla PABOO "t Mr. iii., letter*, " '. interesting fragmenta ley's .' >"',;. -S______-___l rerma i ... i. uni... Xyiil.I.**. . wish Mr. to know s i,. ' 1. did not B____^BB_-___Ba'' Ii.i ., .¦ - becssse bo Greeley * tor, S S| \ \ |-h. |». I I'llll.ltl.lt I. -' lettiTot lu Mci (mb, ol Pl nu .a. that the ii'.il... .:. «. ... , had sn extraor¬ by tl.e biographer, arouse regret Hon ii, how vonni; he wa*. Newspapers printed - I- I S Lo- I'll I ltU*> ll I N I.UN. ll. ll., If S IT ll U ll li'N 111'*'If'EM, S .!.:<¦ -.i-n.I a whole bas Bul been preserved. dinary fascination for I tn, md the defeat of correspondence I ARV \l Va ol th* KVrid. Mi. Colfax's i'lu ti,.ns arith l'i, sid< nt 1. un oin wi re I ll IXU ,\Mi CHOCllHf. tlT. 11.1. A-AN I MILI ACADEMY CLIFF, i.. I., oflrrn iiniiMitnl nilvantajrea Locofoce thrilled bim to tm soul Precocious c-u- KN SKA r child e In he ¦-9 nnd lu 1*j07 tl" -.'.' i- \ i -¦ - s Mi -. in \,. si i \, - :¦ u u is common enough tn poetry and the arts, alwaya class eordisL Spesker xi ri-:un*. A l " s l \,. il, .!. I ¦¦!: I.-. lu. ,il,'. tbnslnsm and t" tai liiW.NsKN'H. Principal but it i- rarely sa. marked in politics, Schuyler'! in- undoubtedly boped, perhaps expected, TRIUUSK EXI ltd SIX "fl. a MANUAL si IMi siNii i»X III |,-',s Cittnitioito UJaiitf- .i*ciniilc9. bat lu roon SEMINARY nnd COMMEKClAT to wi.nh hs become Andrew lohuson's aarcesaer; - born upi itads for the twin prof* asions !¦ pl. '. -! lean ,| i.i ¦.¦!....;-, ,1 ,i un, '. .e inn stn ii waa tossui.l Kat. nrYOMING Hp. w is to devote bimsell « as a special gift akin to tbe ¦aw how civ the tide setting niel lill, liesa ir ml no etloit t" item it. in the HOME WORKERS. Mils. I - KIA a sort of poor Grant and he made ii, ¦¦ A.-A-A-A r of tbe ir- iii Hiram lim endowment Imagination, .'i stu.ty ...ii mi Iii m -. i im ss ii li (.rant ssa* Ki i-i: ¦. winn we this k Vic his InteTconrae fall li ll.i. r.i ,. » ii nfl ..,. rotation to gi nina iee country clei ('residency 'l-i I 1' oi Pi un. paul it. i -ri; lui li. P.. Pi WOitl !¦ l.MI'l "X .11 Ni III ,., xl', -se and calico to rot intimate; in tins casa tbe coolneM s I ! X M Pt tnrnlng from tue strain of cbs exceedingly "i'll K. J...... I .1 11 "SS V 17 ss i -i v-i :i *i the nod taste the which ii-ii:ili.s pres ul* between tbs President sni gS^k_____i tut. ;*:l. .is.-, tu i iii..,,!., .s. in tin- polemics of porty press «>! N I HI. M (»N M .DEMY. .*-.. tu.iil yeal Miscelltinooti?. was near ..ml .urn - of tables of we nra tbe heir apparrn! avoided, at leaat until il OK '- ss -; *.-.. n r. sweet intoxication majorities, M lp J. I ill 1) -Ml 1 ll BRAXi In num¬ the lo*¦ ni Qrant'a Brat term, lu 1-vi General I'l IM IL, ii.in Kiinli o;;ti tin Somnil Srhool.. uiin e. conni .te.1 who '. .. reminded of lbs boy-poets have lisped Jnstviulion, si Hu i. ii .u , i ,i" ', is , t|,e u*e ..f tn Vinci cpl i. _¦ h. IUD sn'-. tbe ¦. .'. * or thc ('ni I Sebastian Bach climbing to tbs Grant aaked Colfax rraign Vice-Presidency I I'*, iniit'iil ii e lr,) lol il |ni Inna I-nilly M i Pl butti nfl bers, VI W rt in IN. J. INSTI ll' E. Ku.,;, un, u \i.u-«.mu .' !;.¦.. th, Hibb ll i.i.f in .* -li ..... i-. .* .:* a in (.in.-: to the .secretaryship of STati\ from X mins ... . . -;... rican 111 ll) cupboard at night and abstracting tough lunsical accept For Youri: _S I.like, n \ cl ..:, Ladlee.City. . -. it s 1 : Kr tl .,o *.. ,, fr.,. .¦.Indi Mi. 1 -li was anxious l" retire. Winn the :. prep **. isrf ,--.: s ,;,;.,. t.r [,),.,( and At th age .ll - Booro to copy study by moonlight. CARLISLE INS ll III-. TM Kifth-ave., be I I ll ARTICULATION CLASS. Nu . ..N S . 1 I i\ SS I 1 ll Ul I I. |. .,. . ,!. rcs-',lt was Kalil i.ul*, |hAF-MH - - na tbe of las >f. Liberal Republican impending, tbe \_j i ... u Ti', uni 6 Uh (Un., tai I'ark. Koa upi lilla* parl 1 ' (lev. (leal lu ll ti i. ,!'. the s -.1. NAME IN .'..1 it of twenty-one began publication i" u I lu ul '¦ "in Mia KKKI.KIt l..p« I -I I I.Y. iu i ,, i. i. ,,. m. ni iii an I'ai uioat ii.t in,,,, ii, and An au u thaala ;_ W Dib MUM I. sion made Mr. Colfax the SM. Pi n. appr, - ,l,.x./ili lelles Register at Soutb Hen Ile made President Intermediary .¦ llr.'ll [ll -I-I'I. I.l* III 111 ,.' J'.,, ill.. 111.. PlU.llU >N (-..I ss. -i _. j.t «r. . - uil,.-i .7. tlrs paper a force in politics, end be retained his . t-i t;» m fotile overturea to Horace Greeley, which 'l .,,,.:.. lilli Ji al Ik l-l- MILITARY ACADEMY Bnjr,Uuid. with it u ntil h.s election us never hud Mrioaa Importance becutise thej pro¬ I .\i ami 110 VRIHNH >< HOOL lor Young PENNSYLVANIA fcc ti>lv..c- i-ontiei-tioii Speaker. -. r ts SCHOOL i.«r HOUSEWORK, -Ilya ll, -:i7 M Ii1ia.il ri! HSTI ll. '.'.'¦!!, rear dim ti* uti mix EDUCATION..FIRST-CLASS pOOK," "1 .': illili, r. |»i,.. - al. iru ("r I's ceeded on U.e wibi idea thal Mr. Grech y sad those - -, li \ \ v I' l f Ml I.A111 KM ,u, ,.' M I he I.I COM MA Mi lt(>1 NIH. I j Vi .- ot. .1 in tbs Stats Constitutional I ,,,., , ll Mire. I Hu |HM MtlHI HITfATHlN Mil ss.. ,-. li a i- is.¦ ..' ,"ti, He miulc bis murk - "- s.ol :. ul | I- " '. < oh Ll ... M Hl'AI 1"! 'i i -i --I \ -,.,t \ui. HltlllllTON, who acted witb biol w.*re moved by personal ., hl-JlU U.!. 117. Ill| ll I'I- -1.II- III ll SS. of 1890; bs waa a delegate to the IIJ.I KVll I I'M KM ni l:l"l: .-I Ul ll"*. IIIOKOL'UU -I KM \. I NUl \ N |, tt \-IIINi..-.. lir-.t-.-la*.* rotorec. Convention es. a mi-sion was """.¦':"" X SI ll ..I.l "I M 1 IN NI I .Hil MU'S 1,* WILY Isis and l-rc, in gi levant bait-offer of thc English M7-AI.IHO.N IVI SUS Ila* ...:.¦ - ...il i.i«i '.is. ri 1. r- Whit; National Conventions.of . Ivll I iigiiieeriug, i !,.a., ii- s . :.,..... ai,.' I int. ii.I, t,. te in N wYi I- i' Brat wei \ it snit to I was em « . liv th,' treek ni iii one of tbe temptations which Mt. Colfax of Writ I'.ilut t.. I'.,- -, .on,I or Ihlnl »> a elite*. to and .ii 1851 he 'J."-''. nilli au-.". Di ul M-c.iud In Hist ta tum miami . ,..., a ..I I <|. lill t.-! I both which In- Scott; I ACKSON SEMINARY. MUUhij parin., mily « s '. lol ., lill supported n lu lui "I "A ll ll .il" ,i.i HYATT, I'M s..!. nt. ... k in ,-,i in ,u- on irrival ii Ni || UH) to dangle before .Mr. Greeley's eyes, bat ths ,1 , |Sm -Jori Km Hali alni li ll |i Addriot* sixtix l. io.mu.n, lj*ss. | ('utimess, di fsated a majority of ployed I ni tullin i ulara '.. tdv. ttiaiini -a. rt* i.l tin .11) lan tot being by - .-.:,!.. au ll i.uk. puru, ipplj it. ... N, aa I. li.. ..".! -I s'.-t.-iiiii editoi uni" s.t.itin-ls' rejected My ,'u-. I' nu- *.¦¦>-' I" '.' " IDI V .1. II. CONVERSE'S Home Settnol I Ul,Ul., lilllie. 300 votes. With tbe Abolitionists, properly _ w mi lindum, only s sst..t" Ill len hoy*at .*.> llamiuir_ii ilia ti.nrniigi .-i thoron-rhly lui inc needi mr," be to Colfax,u and 1 - ,,f li.aii.i llorsEKEkl'KK..By lady but ho fur .-.1.. .-". nit;, careful nvrralgtil s.- ho calle 1, ho hal no sympathy whatever; SI hs, vi.\ am :s 1:1.1.D'S pu |.iii.iii,ui I I ul ..lu ntii. .il ..- lam till. I. ti: I I -. me ,t liefer* lu IL c. rotter. ipullli don't think the English miaaion does mach." ,atei _>1 uoAllDIMi i-ni'i. i. for Youns I-mUss, mud Ittsbop Ztatktn. ..I" !.¦ '. 1 1. '¦ 1. 1 - loo Mas from lbs first an emphatic uncompromising (. \ N li s I AM Mill I. ii ;- Uro* 1st iv was » :. Itt, minni.. 1 iu..st ..iii -.- ol tbs extension of and a bold ibero diapoaition among great many Reptin* _:«!. VI tit l'-l "I Si" MUN HAY. Ol I IIOCRLAND COLLEOE NYACK-ON-THl Ts iiiul tc- opponent slavery, I- ni i'-"N Pr. pu.u..rj .uii liiiiiii.st r.ir i.uii. nun iidvt-t'iirssis. Ti'iu-'ii -I'.v a Uiot. stunt" '..iitis iminin.il,- for .11. . Ol I'l.l'.AMMi. to Colfat the Prceidency in ii ie I.,, .., n .ii ii. .. l.t.i. i ,i . I'I,,I.I-..I .,11 lu.ll.|p| ASHING tiio of thc colored people .). A. OALLAHEIf, Kt ul ni.ii Im luilles: \.TUTORS,ll_t.Il ss a I.t Io. .' il >i.» ..:li. .u li ..li :. advoeatsof equal rights RS. si miiali I" k ... nu ai .... i.- ,,i l Ill E. 17th al Nest nypher'a Ur ii ss..!, would ll'll ... linn .1 ii-liuoli M l'llYlllEKE. l *"7-, for believed that bia candidacy I. KUI VOINII *, y s .ii, ... ii. ttl i. II. iu a stato winch treated them ss noxious animals, M"KS I wi r sail hi ss ii i: \ m-i it. x. M Principal. .. m. i.; the ss huh waa inevitable ii .. » Fitttsr** and Govi»rn- one who prevent split obviously ,. ,...:; h. li ii Ina! lamlni In l-'iu.-- .HKST TEACHERS. I.tun.In *-; 'adie , iiul lintels. (1 a nus of *.oo npon every N |-r. a il -¦¦ ¦.- .'¦ et Uv .ir-M-cl-f-s Ui-i mali u.na ii 1)1 H.l.i:** COiXE0~E~0~RAMMARSCi-00i- *. \ . mara il ll ,ul l'EA< .i .i ran Ha would Bot allow tba a ool I,. I, Min| . inn -|.il \ i: ; ii a' Grant again. . i lu v ss mt) ,_ss |. N iai tm Purni foi li un ll UrASHI.SO. -. tia a II. K, ll should give them employment tbe general ta l.tKill lo niliuaiy i luaai'a drill.ra Uisj|m (la I (ri Mauj N ,1 ll I.TIl.t l: ..-un ".'.. ; I 'lr ll'._ Ii I-, .111, eiai thal deserved pr. I...V- and men nu <>i Imslm-a*; li: lui. au i'i at . V. se.I op. ol bia name, however, di lng Great c.".- ymiu-i .-..liege .." -: tl ii organisation which followed tbe ruin the Whig ANO MISS HECK'S *iu,l"i.|s Hi rdi Iii l.a, 'h is i,nil limited l» Al \* th ami most have :t. il" Vt Ititi CROCKER -..nu .m.un..i 01 N ons of tin* constit¬ tin- renomination denied 'll.lt Ol ItlJa, rarpele.1 .uiii h. .1 nu tn suites AMERICAN AND FOREUI ILACllEKS' i ¦i»!«»i4'.l xx nlosv v. be found himseli original Al .. i.h. s lu:.,-- Hut INlt.BV R rt-.pt-fl ititi, part hud :: I u I I ia11 -ii s i.i 14*14 willi two .ingle Indi J\ AOEM'Y suppl;, i-,.,f, ,.,,,,. 'IViu-hera, \\ ASH SS si ll,' .',' I',., i-. committed mi iona M., . ..I .4.I.I1.*-*. VI-' thal the Administration uuy '¦ " lu. ron. - -. au nulli lo fl .1 '., lia ne ill. ol Indiaiia reaching that ,, :. 1**0. < laai xii ninle i..1. l'.,..i.,n. rnotliull, i rm a-, .,, li t.ll. s Iliad Ipplj uents Republicanism, ii lu.ant I'arl n ,.¦ ii - a (inferred, ss ..... M Nu I.l,, >..-.' mini arron; he bad been too fervid party -nan ;., .,i ut ii alli - mia IS li ubi n line lunn fi,,:u Ni S Ml;- 1"l aller sum) dalliance with lbs Know alwaya I,,, ,.,. ll |aila i'i' r position Vet TOMI.I ".-MN. Iii.al Slat, was one of tbe to believe tbat bis party could go far wrong. ol Hie lite IH.lN'i IIAI SHU' WANTED, titi _i un Nothings, lin nine Repnblicnns KEEL, school aa lu mun, nblch ba ia Kl. ,v UHiiVs N aril.I um In - linol al Nu I I MIN c. ACADEMY 1 mar ur vUIuk'-putillc lua.l, jouum UJanufc-iU-ilco. a remarkable letter publiahed Ik* MUlLMolSELLEKl y's. SIIOI.TLIDGK'*, --, i ,-ii, \ \| Icu ra" Giunitiouc to Indiana in tbs first cam¬ u I.. ii 'l .,'. ...ii e .ulii.il, ¦¦¦; M.. t- N,,iiu.it tiui.t, j-ea returned Congress by i, ,i ..ii, .in I .lu, u\, , pa linn; ul Sonni Ml 11 Hld li... ., Miali.,, penn h. kl ¦. hil In hnni.imt iii 1**7I, ix, i."sin' tbe i,..].ulur ...ul. ,,l Ki mia li. ii.. lit..! el phi - nevi v,- ii ni in hial ul lal citj . i,\.i..i of tue new nai tv 1H.*>4), carrying hui district un iii. |ili Twelve antes.u Ipli prl.erovi.r* every lil. 111 ofl'lllu ll ...I I, -tl 11 EN-JAN i. vTiTTTToT~h."uk. '.. -. *. iii, i.l. nl.ili 1 ll,, 1 elli,ll -I,pel 11,1, \ S" i'l. II. all. ...>» paign demand for substantially on tin* linea laid .n "i. I. *". sii.i. Im Nu alor .1 M 'US lia! 1 t'Ml'll .III Ri .1 Kill, |H I. I, t ol I In- reform 1.. tu m.,i. ii. Aiiilreaa IIEMtY, caro V, I) Kerr. D! A pince, I i , |. li li lu i 1. by 1,700 majority ina total poll 19,212. ANNIE BROWN'S SCHOOL FOB ii. nv* No a :i,.i .- uti 1..1 -itmi.s mi. Twelve rtp ii c I. *.*.;.. ak I t.-l. "ll _ll-s s, ii Iel '.I,,,,. I.., il .uni in,Mu,neill.ll uni,1. Vj tii.it "I*' K* candidates amt sash other face face, fight¬ i.i ,.i. .Hi t. »,ii ie..j,... |,t, inii.r _7. Harvard .¦ -111.I1 ni. inn.! .1 Meilla Ars- Ill, is I,,l, lolita si stn. lit tat. s, 1. I,.- .iii.) rival AI Dills Hngim*.it s, is i. eon un. lei, ,1 alu! t.*tu;,i iii aa a bid for the snereasion, Mul >.... », Hoi -, ia.h.'ion roi ll, ni Hali li..,, I.. 1*11 OT M. crowds. Colfax. ally interpreted l-i, |,.u.ii,u emj ire now In ll.ns..nt. Yalu, and ten uthei SurselJ Kovrril llnr 1.. st ..(. tl> ti t'rene, i. well "tun.ul..I in tbe presence of delighted !. lu,., Ul .< si .nut .'.!-i ..t. ing ii.ay have baan tte ol thia I" ,-.¦ rn*! nols ul.:, Tish slilitelilss.nl roUege ,li. ss" SI ...i, J lt. Ilrt-st'-t. ,X:i I.! waa liddy, tho member, tho whatever explanation Il MK. C. MEAR.H. I- 1 Ul 1**1. Ill III I--a. Ill ll, .1. \ ;*l "Illili iii; CIS* FORA GERMAN AMERICAN Dr. sluing '. iii. iii I:.. u. i, ..I VVANTED.III H.I .11. ell, e,| l'e;lel,el ul nil ll,, antagonist it s ems cleat io us that Colfax was ,l| liii'lisli i. ie li .ueI amt lui Hi isits M.11111 Itu- rummer, ial incut. A Physli il au fl Kl Xp.'l iiii«1 (i.\ Ul UN Kl. -i'ikiK.-Uv* hun In 1851. 'I liian.lcs'o, tlrpait n - lenin-1 lu a Normal ( ulleK" eaiiie wiio bad bonton hey n.r a nun I.anil i-.lillillro, No. aaa Maali.arr., will n- I,lilla 1! 1.ll.l. ISL .11, I.s HU,...i'la, llti.l I'..ill I,I..Ililli. I &0 1 ii. m. In s .uni Malhemal one JMOAl'll.MANtuan mul ia.in ...« ...... !.ti .in ..lu! k_r- and I. Mill lie I, ll,,I. Alllll.M _M \_/ a n».-.!is!i Wife; not for tlic- that his inlier lint Milli l.< Ml tlllS. ITllla ." I' 'I I" US Ul ,|l., ililli",1,. niel I. li, I, Isl. Ul, IlIlK Lem Ul pi, si vt |. ui.ii. .4. riding together nearly a Intriguing Presidency ,,,.,, isei.t. illl, l|.I ld .:1,1 1*-.! PIlVSl. Ill ii|.|Ml .l.t.. I, -H. lt nltlli i.Hik i .ni tal null !. trarelied in company, lia* teven 1 1, mi.. 1..ia !..n I. l .lilllie lill, e. 1.1 to Grant was inver sbakea. Home tims iii ISM- Media church. Milli i ai; 11 .iii.rrss ..'p. _t.ist it, BrookIjrn. thousand innes, anting ami often shu pinn together, loyalty liCTHKKS iK.MAI.K COLLKUK, fiH West ulm lt |.iului.I, the M.: all luton. _lln« drinks .mei ..iii multi i. .u m. ,' i,. - -. A bh of netty before thia incident bs had annoum ed bia intention || ,,tii-i I |.l .1 Kal illiistraled *'. in 11 add Un Pi 11 and Pi opt (.-tm IVAN TED.- pusitiiin principal (il.oOM. I SKKll.-MAV- Hy but their daily duels willi nnflngging Hon.i ul Iruate. Atl.tr, aa ..ll.-,;., 1 I fl m-I.I or aa teacher ol a ol tin- lOACHMAN, tttM conducting .1 ,,f.,, ii.ni, li li un .-SS I I ll IN .1*11.11; I I .nun;, A. M il.,is.,1,1 IndUah M-leocea, by Rraduato !ll *t . __M 1 Ml ! I"-Ul tilt'l' IWUMMl* lite at th.- close of oaa term Alt,.un. A.t.it, . (_y vuilliil Oertn*ll of retiring ta private tut Normal st.it.. Sri.I, .s ts ol.l._ 1.1 tunk.! ftiiimati m. in sm h debates,anya Mr. Hollister, s Media, l'i l' I Penn. Ol hort-* .Itu! .III l.llle.H ir.lslil. .11.-lil ll »r\'. OK. and MK.S. C. II. (J A RONER'S ll E. rvi HELL, ackawaiea. "a.. * j .tinily ia tba Tba declaration was car «. li.linell useful _lmul _. lilli place '.one could nut talk tU tho people, ha had to talk Vice-Presidency. 1% bl h.M.I lol VutlOR IjmIIi-i 'I i.tv ninth ye.ll. Rent-mil) tt.ut'n Ik-.I ¦.( i.r.t.n.i' Addi-*** ..i, ..in iva WT. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL 1<~>1 \ uh of tuber, willina iiii.I inui taialr hut u loud demand for tbe renom* u princtnal nrity I'llll. e. .'.' W .-1.....1V. .«>*- u-l'li them. 1'..anions had to ho taken, and not only aloeare; n at). H, ai M til us. n.'.ir-ir.i. ,.¦. N V \\'A.Nir.l».ff arl.I.u ia teacherpositionnf sela-.a. ls .1 ri i.l l.lIlM A N. rrllilllle I l.t..nu lat lu nil, tri ul liuain. - Applicant boon as illation ol the phi ticket, a denian.I linnie c-p.*,-nilly ti .**' miiiiii v, KiTih-st. nnd Ikwtnn- I'rei ires anj lol ran nu nish recommendation a trom Mate Normal . On nate and . *if taken but he'd. Audiences may not have Inn 1 iii-1 .nu i»i*.i -. 1.,. 1, ot, Kn.st-ri I**: xceBenl r l, li- luiiful illual. ,,t particnlsrssddreas ll I. UKI.I, l..u .IWBISB, *» .*¦»» of tbe Admiaistratioo, induced Sn._. ,,..ii-.-. |,i lars*" SMiimia; V.< 1 .1 SS 1: x H..ulm.ml. 1. Minilnis, ,\. Y. Kchiad, Albauy. Ad.Teal fWU l.i*l I. ( ol "I ..! ll. Till- wein intel¬ byreproseatativoo - * li.. / t.-fei.'tui-i Hum eu.1>1">. cultivated as tlmse of Peru les. but they ,'uv'ai..r.ou'i"> ,"l..aii'i|[< Mia HWIN JliHNHON.IVUi , , IN nu. ClOACHMAN. him io recall biadetenniiiatioa ami io leave himaeli J'"-VflT- " 'I' .*. 1 INtlTON, .-. I. I) \tsil_i -11,1 Pim ligent and hnne.st. Tue issues touched their per¬ SCHOOL, ill lil ul I Balee 1. ; all I_uiie_ and in the hands of tho (.'on motion. Under tbeea crilE COMSTOCK ll..1. ..1 " 1 1 OMr-TOi IC. l.t.. I... Vice Pres. el lui.!,ri gradi*. Kiora HM u iii.iiinil niau, nu lainily; at vital the.' bini their ideas WANTED..TenchKi-nit, men Enallah, Herman, Errsch, Musle, AC AN,.By list -its ..ts 1...W l.1 -Wi¬ sonal interests points; c. / I* Inna tt. an lt *ti" ii was a mortifi_*.ion to HO. S3 vS'i-t turn m.. NI W vniiK. lion, et. otlfKes, rn i.is .i lamillea sujiplnsi with CH) lober, ss! ii u t ri r. I> n<. » circumstaoosa groat bim -.s iii my Im i;.*. nj about these issues, ami tiny had their votes. I ssl.a, PmM_sni|iionaBa Roanl CIMMI I ACADEMY, MM Ml I, N. .1. i.-nt and tun Inls. Ml--, UONOYAN'M lli li.n .uni, itui.iin-i liis_t. ll" hu was set that tin* iiitliicnco ol ifjji_s HeastTstr Park), . ' IL a.ll,lill I,,. al|o;, Mil;!,,, s lilli ll,,il,, I,, .,,,'.. p. protraaora still Aiidre** luAt'ilM.t.x, H!i>Ia ami of physical that aside, and the l.-.i-.-. h....l lair \oiili« lai'leaaii.H lillilnu. l-epar.lt- "i.-pl. l kai ll I. Ks ni p.i AU, iiu .iv Eaal ile, at. i-ertlfj 'Stamping1 wnsntrinlof throats .'; .7; JAMKH flK.XItl). A. M., I'rln. Ipal xs, st Ulai ;t. __ Ila I.M .'.. ls-t. _ Whits House, if not openly employed ut-am*! bim, dur.* lol alOSli li")- a.J " J.I ]' Mi¬ endurance as well as of wits lang roads had to bo SHISH IA. Ill In.(lie Hl'|.l B, \V.\Nil".I>..A lady nf experience nnd and UBlHJM. Hs an »x|>.ri- was not used in his favor. I.A R'S I'KKi'ARA mia' SCHOOU ff rm un nt lo take bargoo! s ali ,. hool tua *,i HMAN is i i ik certainly Whatever the j^lU III N ti.l.lt. ,. pru nt Un _i-""!n au.1 .!. s.t. ur row-try travelled an', long speechos le be made. ts, (Surci'MHors to lin O M.SS I-..,. v l-'iu-.li.-ul.us. .?, I.U'' S.I I-f.lei -si |u lillie. I, (all ntl Illunie ..III. e. A. W. CiOAl. iuul I...in i. sit Wilson it is f|MIK MlSSKS OIIAHAM, Ill Mt SS S Pilli, " !.,r -itel lien, Wllll-f reason* for pnferriBg senator (aad not io- I.il' ith ,-*|.,1X1:, \l lYsh I, Ipal, lu Kin l.'.| Naaaau ai ..Ul milk lut-lte-l i.'feieit. tobrl.-t] humor, nu nf SI" sri.. Will Immediately .* .-! figures, argument, rhetoric, satire, pathos, J MlanM rroprB ( .ill "I .i-lli' *i SH _m to badoaisd that wen- Colfsi bad ,l(, j ucllah alni ia i,- )¦ li" ic UK "o' '"SJ .-. I.I lol uhimi; unit "lilntii.*, "J T'-ll'jt carno In and diameter tbey plausible), -' iio. l--i.. ,.t No i.; ..ii, .ne, .Ni « GLUMMER SCHOOL, llistnrv, Mattiemntien, hs a iiiidill.- invictivi', appeal.all play, |_,||,a on 'i Inn-I.ij pt St 1. ,- III .¦111,11 V. A *.iiii.iii.iii xs.iiu.u a to led ill i!*i-d. li be waa to be retiied, at O 1.1... nrANTED.(I-tdiea)Ni ian, ,u. lien, ll Hi.illv.M Musle item, in, IITSWiUK, st' I ." right ill- , I^AHMKli l. Illl.la.in'i rn ol cando! link _ I pin- had its usual weight lt was a hool ll ssi-nrn k x M.. New llruoswick, IT.I, Paint mn. Vocal Mualc, (allatheniea; Klocutlou, Vocal anil ili;.*.! tlii.ll to luke .lieut trerw least he mii-lit have hcon allowed ta go len Uelltlelliell) stitlt tlu* l.tisin.s*. al*" inni Iud orn_n)enUi aa as ol e'oinicmia. gTSeWafally lllslliunillt.il Musle, TWO la lll.leleill .ni.niiie.l -1 ii. ag snd courtesy vail Sincerity, For Boys en'l Yoong Men.City. 1MIECATHEDRAI. SCHOOL OF ST. PAUL Ila *in ul,*, ..ml c..unit) ie', r. mi-* nt htatan ol bbl awn accord, instead of i.ciuk premed logia* un.k. I.,il, n. Presbyterian Pl. and DBM well. ptUt; un,! rttjr M-** fervor of sentiment, geniality, jiower of clear s CIRCULARS OK SCHOOLS, with n- ¦ (I SI! 11 IN ll V, l. I. I n_li-l.. Milllarj Imll WOMAN'S EX! ll INllE il Ai II- letter, P.O. Roi i-'T, Holbraak, and then turned out. fl"- Iii.llli.l tm II l-.M----l.il! A *. I. SI! Xi.1,ls lu I.I-.S III lll.ll, ilj'.l Klfltl ll\e. and SXbaasUssS command of facts, con¬ J\ . Ii.il.le lliti.l mill.Ul. |.osl.u. 1 ll SUI I * HTf KTKV A NI A ll .11 .irs.u.l -.i:ri-L-MAN.-Hv.s.mii"C statement, |( l\ lilli .Mn li h.il Hun.m. a Weal Uh at., JI. Y. \l.il, i 'AUOKNKUatiill _.n.l'linne on in sion itt. vi, -vi xm ut EXCHANGE IT.ACllElW ttlT- \ mau. ,.n i-.iitl.il,un '¦ lilac.; iiii,lei-t.il',l* ian t ".» stituted Colfax's slieiiKth tho stump." Put a fir greater trial tbaa tina waa fm ii* in "til, Mil I.n'" work I 4_|'i,nci.i;ian MEiiioroLi IAN iuhnkss WOMAN'SlUi vt ifoi both s.i, ,,, -lippi,,., i',,,f, ,.,r, reai i. is. I lim mi*.* lil v. keepiBR law. i. I" u,.ik. unit- - A si iiooi. fu stink -timm! .Iris i-t Willi-* him. lu the mi.1st of his negotiatioos with eel lain ..I lal ill! I sal Kl, il III III I -_K>ARl*»i_.u Lol et ll ,..-,, Miulil.lli,. linus, keep. a. I uni p Ullolts. el,- t.l .. tn- nu liol*.** aiel lil.'.i, ia!" Ile was sleeted ls seven successive Congresses j5 lliallliilli.li, Tlil'.l.s<-KinAI,s .,i... sell Useful lt! .ill) Ililli- it hoi I llullie. Willi ia Hu Nallun'a reiitn-uf Imalnrawti taTIIK at-hoola slut (amillea; in.ukk. ,p, is, HtoBoara ol lui: TitiiiiM foi t!i" chief editor* arni N lurk ptn-al In,uini. Ail.tl. rolli-Ki-a. *1 Stoekbobjera !"i ni. i. lu hi ii. i lita to buaiiieaa imus. . Xl. ill III lel.'l.lll,-. A,Lil. (theXXXIVth tolho Xl.th,, and hit popularity bl ||KM i'i \' I lll.li-litaateairiliSB.,|-|, ss Iii s M li. 1: ph, tami copy i .uiin I.".'-J< Hra-tiway. o lillie. SI IMO, it I >ki t i.. iiituine pt,,«n af thia paper after tbs daatbaf Mr. Greeley .n,. |,11-I ll'.Illl-allllll IU III! .!,ol -I Lil,,-. |U| ll Hrs. a D. ia i.n. .U'.i.'tii .ne. Neii YarkCtty. his own party was unbounded, bal every campaign ship a iit-tt 11. *l ,u l.uniii.-ss of which sso need only aay in paaaing COLLEGIA Ih SCHOOL For i -Al'lH-.N Kl. .uni I-'LOUIS I'. By tho same roiitni of labor; being 'IMIK I'AI.K iBoys) Yountr Lt4i«l -vOuntr/. vt .t* pl vail --ni*"** exacted emigration ,,,,;,:. M'bnola Un, h , \ Alu. ti. an mau. uti iiuilutili.it. Mr. Holliiter's .seems to be J |>rr>porra lui rleOllflr ; liaalBHM ncc lit. n len i'i'*' in of about a thiit kaowledge very 'u h...ioInn.' lui,, ii I'S bEMINARY, .uki it.uni. 1st .nts )e_iv riuem ji-»r»in very active that part Indiana, Sept .'s l--i, fnllv ninipp.'.l pupils DRIOHTON HEIGH I.. V I). Bo--ii, til-!-. '- j« caiiic thu Mohllier acaadala which ( h. ulai tal .. uool Int aal Milli -i Ni w ..uk Sf Im iiiuii- .|. ,. .n,,., lirlith.,Hlalen I-l.iii.V, SC. Y. cul po.sitiun. A.r.ll.si W.P., of the voting WM new every d( lectivc, Credit pi.i,, Ouiiciug QVtuiJcniics. quarter population st Ins 1.1 Ml.ll I'll I I.I.I Its, M A I'liiu ip.il '.I. ss. inui.. pu 11. ipal, niau. 17 >.'!-' .asl a cloud n\er all then ol life. Mr. Hol¬ i .AHUKNKH.-Hy ii hiiik'Ii' *. two years, and thoie was, _teroovsr, a Ulong m v. 11 t, " HellCe III Uii* ...||.Itt tl,!!, tl.ea! defence ol' tho is curin-ht ami Till; IIAI.'U.M COLLEGLVl'E BCHOOlT. lHi.Ms'DINt. SCHOOI. Inr iriil-s. DODWORTU, % pi .11 li.ll lp. aiel never his lister'.* Vwe-PlSSldoul ll,,iu ...i i, ll -I I'I lil I..i.-t l-.'iilii SI f..ini.,n, 711, v,.,r nan nial care (isl Ililli WK. ii.l.l I.a, I..-.--II-. a. Ililli *'',"°»j foreign element which forgave Colfax 1 ii,i |,.n opt .-J-.'.i.l Umlte.1 number; ALLEN Mi. liol iiml Kl,.pel "i m. n *',-'t,*4Ina ''. ehtiior.ite. Ho injuris bfaaaM at tba outset by MN V. I',lu,..i, li. p., in,, iii. I'i"' I. Jeal.i,i,l, I'i,ii lenna 11." li rata. Addrrsa .xii-,*, j. 111 xl 1 MANN, i ni-., win commence on Hatnnlay, october ii; Clix-wlan Hun.'iiidily iiu.lci.lan.U Ih. 111,11.14.1,1,1,1 I illunie "".'". ion with Um Know-Nothing*. In the year xs i-i li"* ii, g connect with which Ila. 4,:iul xx .limn st, pbllad, |p___ B lil ipi.i l, ..ll pul ll. ill.us 1,I,1.lu..1 Ailli.-.i(.Alt|.KM*.ll. reaction, 1 Mil', he escaped argniag that the transactions I 'MVI.KSII Y QKAMMAK SCHOOL, N.». >(ol«-liiiian ; a*» pf Democratic barely Iii ....ala* »v. in .ii I'M -'.. tut', m.u nun. 1»RADI'ORD ACADEMY.-Eor the hlirb-S \c-Hy \i I,' pilu.i.rv. IrOttRg . . defendants ware charged wara entirely legitimate, |»i)Uri;U, tu fainll)