Q$ooQ§. to n g ft. the stock of a con¬ Instrnclion. Bhrg .vere Imt there is ample testimony- to their purchase tantamount reported, was called SCHUYLER COLFAX. .eniarkable cfie.t. lin WM Be. an orator, in lhe cern for whose interests CengTSM upon For Young Ladies.Country* .oiiventioual aaossofthsl word, hut hardly any to btglslstti Mr. Hollistcr'inaki-s ri grave mistake in FEMALE COLLEGE. out of sieht. DORDENTOWN emu eim-nei- of A BRILLIANT AM> PATHETIC CAKI-:KR. .olitical him in aiiimiitiii his own trying to keep this point Tho energy I> liiaiirpaase.l in lieiuitv amt 'f. ."'_. suSr speaker c'liiullcil (liriatliin. he afterward the charge that Very beautiful, luunelike, tlu.ruiiiili ami Orajlua-willi do- wiii'Yi.iiU COLFAX. Hy ts, J. Hoixansa. and winnini* the dnul.tful. Ho had the great tvith wnieh repels tmrr coorara In Belli-a-1.<-iii ..». Cb.-ra and Musle. mfi: OP jarty anv in tho Credit Mobilier .Ilt-nr Art lat catalog-' _ interest lix. mvo. jip. yjb. Funk IVagnails .rt of dear and stateniont. ¦ He seized Colfax had Krees 'mifi md. Department, impiessive his own of a.t.tieaa Sale Hit" ii-itiuu nf dook married Mr. thiit he does not neiieve tn theory a. ML President, Although Ibis the !h in kb in the -situation by instinct, nnd shows ^^ ^.^ Q |r/Br_f N. J. Clearing litilf-sister. and excellent opportuni¬ IblliBg Put aside from this initial error, and iiui.ieiitaiwa. Colfax's .had no one could present thom m<>re clearly or moro of propriety. ties of knowing bj* private life, he bas written a in his some foolish oboes of those who took an nnfnvor- AND HOME INSTITUTE, them in the same time." Intensely ardent CLASSICALV> riui.i.k.epsi.'. M. v.. etti isl. vuiiii- laiin-s BBfstwrsa ul rather than a P,r' aide view ot Mr. Colfax's conduct. Ins statement of tr.ui.ui-; iq nil braal hem BS.MSBQf tn a jiniiiii pen-muil biegrap.y. Mute, ho pleached it with tho conviction and \ an.urea tor llioniUBh unit CLOTHING. linnie comforts BOTS' bc bas done wisely. Mr. Colfax's character his client, enos is extremely strong. It musi. be preparatory .uni-' fm e.ill.i.'", with Imps i-iitliu-iiasin of BfellfiOM apostle. It Hounds like i.,l ii.'. MliaHAHAII V. II. Itt I KKK, Principal., and well understood. To afat the case careful tfeataient, !,,., was simple greater Mers couimonpliicn to aay that "he carried tue csnfesnsl tani rquired HALI;, Diinluii-v, Conn. most tuen at hosts the lirst disclosures weTS made Mr. Colfax ELMWOOD itul'lnn. decree than sabik hs displayed hut no athaa axpraaaioB so weil When \j ll..nu .-eli.ml i,,i Vonna; I.'lira sail him in people away," as to of bbl MlBS A M; LAWTON, I'i nu-ip.il._ tim same Units which distinguished Con* describes the result of Ilia sneaking. In s joiut was so ilbjndged publish nstntomsnl and .ni thc platform of th-liato; and his re¬ connection with the adair which, although not s-MlEENWHil. CONN.-HOME SCHOOL press eanraas with Jndgs stuart, the latter gentleman MU.M. LADIES. (.oration healthy iiiul brauU; was the [extension untrue, was not and therefore not quite \J lull markable popalarity unly dpening the diacuasioB at Logaaaport, hi* own oomptsto dil l.t.,,.,i. ih. i.uiL-ii. Principals, Milo. DKBBAT tb a wi Ier of Um annie sort of unec* frank. When the officio! btVSatigatiofl iirotight I.dN'iil HAMP, iiml Miss If. Vf. MEAD. ..ugh! sphere lioiue. spoke for aa hoar and .. qaarter sad was which was felt for him in Ihe circle ul In-r fsdS t" light, bs waa Obliged IO explain what IIOMK Tarrytown, N. Y.. tiuiiate regard heard in dead silence until ba attacked Colfax's INSTITUTE.school ladlea soil little atria. ami on A fuller of nts.do- * tried ts back. While thus struggling I 1 lliwrdlna sn I dal forronna; of family fri tis. noeonnl ii) when the crowd That be bsd keep ii, Iii. M,-- M. W. MET! ALF. Principal. LIGHT ( Ol.un COHIU'ROY KILT SUI'S,h*. ll). votes Congroaa. -ried, He,,,,, K.pteinl.er lialiits. S Store ot snecilotes an examination of bis hank .account inestic larger personal wu* right!" Mr. (olfax followed ia a p. edi nf an with suspicion, I INSTITUTE. Meto- NOW HT di m.tile tin tala more sn entry winch seemed to confirm tho IOMK COLLEGIATE mualc, $80 por AM) WHITK KILT st'ITH. mil illustrations, might hara h..ur iind .. Half. "The was a steady revealed I 1 rhrn.N.J Huard and tuition. Incloding BLACK OnCK glgg] applaBM him of (lakes Ames and tho 1.1 tull ni in xpt' inhei NOW lively, nut could nardi* bare added mnohtooor nnd nunn- men w.-pt. John 1». testimony against lll.ll ¦*._ $'. 'JO. roar. H*o_ra_i KILT SI -*_ X(.W of the min. nave little doubt that iiieuniraiuluiii bunk: and unfurttinately bs ui" ¦-*I Tb** -tbaalai HM.I., (trent ll:irritiir>oti. III.IK n.ANXKf. BCITB, $a .;-,. knowledge We Ilefrees BaM lie couldn't keep his ere* dry." famous Ms- ile.sr ehit't. hess- .oiisni. yea for I-dlea amona the *>r_shlro NoXV on a .m.I n la reallj :t lu-.iry t. IIOUSATONiCI Ifaai A rarhool Yoobb QRRV FIANN!:!, KILT BCITA, f4 Mt ti Di in his famish tba sstisinetory *¦ extra, French lu> showed tim whole of himself political fifteen rn in ul e.* to duse, again re¬ wis iinahlo to spot *,,!,...,.. u M reft-si,-.ui- igrreanl* Ililli 'li ti-- 'ino p,-r vi u. Mu-.,, hu,I Painlins ( Stuart, haviog r. *¦ Ni-xl .itri a III i«t'in Ben- ELL-WOOL MIXED UUHUI KOEVOLS BVTTB cai. was true lite. Morsot ar, of tbs eoincidonce. His defence wss un so ,.!i| uii<l uiinau a* jr. t-imiiliui.il.i im ! (l.-nnaii apa.ken lanan Uti sasses : ami that bis tn his a Iver*.u s's coarse in and explsnatinn s ll A li il and BA lt!I KN l.l-i nu ip.ils. N..XV *.-, M ine.I Congress, and it coi._m_nb. leinlMI -Jil, ls-.; Ml,., gl.tBl Colfax lanotasao- * slow is not surprising .niiuiK.-s BBUcreiwaa !-, let .ta lillis. _ ) XOItl OIK Ml elthoagh the name of Schuyler :i-'.. Will you vote lor :i man who thoa speaks developed hy degrees: ii Biol old. Ilir ALI.-Wool. MIXKI) Ar-SI.Mllti; ls. of lessellect upon tba excited public, as it nn.l nsrecnhle "lo vining + '.¦!'.: NOW eiated wiib nay groat measure rtateamanabip. rm nie.*" "Yes." I o.iti'd 1 he crowl ; windi so iliat lt had .Itelreshi.iB hi:«s ami 1 SEMINARY. |m to i.iiiui.i um i.it u m»hok(-- I'nti'i fOUOUTON N. V. WODI. MIXKI) Nonidl.K alt hornill it is even ,1,.ni.Uni whether he ought lite stand wis drawn out in Mts, than lt has now in the ii,..I, ead I 1 CLINTON. willi ALE. CAMUfBEE BOTTE, '.is. .mee: ti .1 Mn.nt that he alu-ilpily Iel! C()l.(i(.M' lu foot vu tuns rn ml fottt Beeta |-,,r Youie- Kui.,--. 20til year. lu.'Ti-.'t rnnipli-te *l!«l. NOW Of tue in which review a Mond. After lilli;M**H ula mt i.-¦ a i,ii,ui p.i,,.-,|. Choice ol fell. bs classed With tbe lenders party afr. Colfax wrote forcible and complete by i.l-i I" inn ii ii fm intel*. Rnalern liiipmveineuta ; of and walked sway almoal alone, .i .us, fm Prir* Ihe ii.rai if al baiilUitloo For UlastrBllsl LAROK VARIETY ni' ALL-WOOL KX'IIIA PARTI IX such au position, tin history ii reduced. a> Mr.Hollistersuva tann tV ( OW!-, inly. perfect be bold bonOTSblS tn !i;* wife during tins campaign: "I noser knew all, tbemstter .Ol KM, I.AItlt ¦' " ne, Billin ss AI.I. BIRRS, PROM I TO 14. AT II.I* KA) ll. Um, tho history of American issue of between Colfax and Ames. Tba .il Har. lay -(iel, \r tv-York. A h. BENEDICT. his ouldie lifo is virtually ss Inn friendship was Imfore j it guabessnd over¬ veracity LARGE RKDCCTIOKB IN SAILOR r-in* during the most Importanl period officiul Investigations, so far as tin- Vice-President Boarding and Day School in HI ARI VERT DRRIRARIJI QOOM POEM M political nrowroaa flows nie ft.un every aide, old men shake HULKLEVS .IS upon l.iirilnWII ol, the Iill,l,ii||. il. (lp. ISlpt. - Mr. Coifns was always wis wera tefl nf loose ends; as he was g Miss|,,!'..!,,. MK lt WI.'A ll XNI) ARR Ul DI 'ID lo -XliOl I I. f ol our National growth. shed taara; tha ladies Insist on shaking eoncerned, 22 A.I.li. aa l.y li In i until Hejit. of the heal MUM of bands and nf the Bennie nor lbs 1._ PRICE IN ORORR TO CLOSE THEM OUT one of thc lu'-t representatives liiiii.'s sad our voter* ara full nf member neither House, QOTCELT, nol of Us fearless refunua- allround; yeaug bed to into bis Iitttntctton. JIA1SES.S SCHOOL AS XX I, |{Ky| IKK TIIK ROOM. the Bepnhhenn party the most earnest enthusiasm. 1 cannot describe lo neither body SOthority inquire MISS "WOODSIDE," tory arilur. like lin elev and Sumnert not ol its fal confidence condnei Mr. Hollister believes that tbs people lt Mil lilli. COXS. yon what overwhelming tokens of the Both Scxos---City.
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