Unequal in Life has been produced by The Ignatius Centre, the policy and research arm of Jesuit Social Services. Situated in the inner-city Melbourne suburb of Richmond, The Ignatius Centre complements the community service programs of Jesuit Social Services with social action, advocacy and research, as a means of standing in solidarity with those in need. Tony Vinson is an Emeritus Professor of Social Work at the University of New South Wales. He was the Foundation Director of the New South Wales Bureau of Crime and Statistics and Research, a former Chairman of the New South Wales Corrective Services Commission and, as Head of School and Dean of the Department of Social Work at the University of New South Wales for many years, he helped shape a generation of social workers to think about social disadvantage and to discover ways of bringing about change. UnequalUnequal inin LifeLife the distribution of social disadvantage in Victoria and New South Wales Tony Vinson ‘The Ignatius Centre’ P.O. Box 271 Richmond VIC 3121 Tony Tel:03 9427 7388 Fax: 03 9427 1819 The Ignatius Centre for social policy and research August 1999 E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: www.jss.org.au UnequalUnequal inin LifeLife the distribution of social disadvantage in Victoria and New South Wales Tony Vinson The Ignatius Centre for social policy and research August 1999 Unequal in Life ISBN No.: 0 7334 0627 0 Copyright: Jesuit Social Services Ltd. Unequal in Life ii The Ignatius Centre Australians like to think that everyone is given a ‘fair go’ in this country.