What is a

Continue This article is about the bird. For other purposes, see Broiler. BroilerDistributionWorld-wideUseMeatTraitsSkin colorYellowClassificationPoultry A broiler is any (Gallus gallus domesticus) that is bred and grown specifically for the production of meat. Most commercial reach slaughter weights between the ages of four and seven weeks, although slower growing breeds reach slaughter weights of about 14 weeks. Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. A broiler or sometimes broiler friser is also used sometimes to refer specifically to young under 4.5 pounds, compared to large roasters. Due to extensive breeding for rapid early growth and livestock use to sustain this, broilers are susceptible to several welfare problems, especially skeletal malformations and dysfunction, skin and eye lesions and congestive heart disease. In order to ensure good well-being, the herd needs to be regularly assessed for ventilation, shelter, stocking density and home procedures. Tribal stock (broiler-selectors) grow to maturity, but also have their own welfare problems associated with the frustration of high-motivation feeding and pruning the beak. Broilers are usually grown as mixed sex flocks in large sheds in intense conditions. Modern Breeding Play Media Video chickens are almost ready to be killed in a modern broiler farm before the development of modern commercial meat breeds, broilers were mostly young male chickens taken from farm herds. Pedigree breeding began around 1916. At that time there were magazines for farming. The crossbreeded chicken variety was made from a male naturally bi-breasted Cornish strain and a female of a high, large-gauge strain of white Plymouth rocks. This first attempt at meat interbreeding was made in the 1930s and became dominant in the 1960s. Initially, interbreeding suffered from problems of low fertility, slow growth and susceptibility to disease. Modern broilers have become very different from Cornish/Rock crossing. For example, Donald Shaver (originally an egg-production breeder) began collecting breeding stock for a broiler program in 1950. In addition, breeds usually favored, Cornish Games, Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire, Langshans, Jersey Black Giant and Brahma were included. Cobb acquired a white feathered women's line. A full-scale breeding programme was launched in 1958, with commercial deliveries to Canada and the United States in 1959 and Europe in 1963. As a second example, colored sex broilers were proposed by Shaver in 1973. Genetics was based on the company's egg breeding plan, which was developed in the mid-1960s. The difficulty facing the breeders of the colored broiler lies in the that chicken should be white-haired by the slaughter age. Age. 12 years, the exact color of sexing without sacrificing economic traits has been achieved. Artificial insemination Artificial insemination is the mechanism by which sperm are deposited in the reproductive tract of the female. Artificial insemination provides a number of benefits associated with reproduction in poultry production. Broiler breeds have been chosen specifically for growth, forcing them to develop large pectoral muscles that interfere and reduce natural mating. The amount of sperm produced and deposited in the chicken's reproductive tract may be limited because of this. In addition, men's overall sex drive can be significantly reduced due to growth choices. Artificial insemination has allowed many farmers to incorporate individual genes into their stock, increasing their genetic quality. Abdominal massage is the most common method used to collect sperm. During this process, the rooster is restrained, and the rear area, located to the tail and behind the wings, caressed. It's done gently but quickly. Within a short period of time, the male should get an erection of the phallus. As soon as this happens, the cloaca is compressed and the sperm is collected from the outer dryer of the vessel deferens. During in vitro fertilization, sperm is most often deposited intravaginally with a plastic syringe. In order for the sperm to be deposited here, the vaginal opening is everted through the cloaca. This is simply done by applying pressure on the chicken's stomach. The sperm- containing tool is placed 2-4 cm into the vaginal opening. As sperm is currently deposited, the pressure exerted on the chicken's stomach is being released simultaneously. The person performing this procedure usually uses one hand to move and guide the tail feathers, using the other hand to insert the tool and sperm into the vagina. General Biology Modern commercial broilers, such as Cornish Crosses and Cornish Rocks (citation necessary), are artificially selected and bred for large-scale, efficient meat production. They are marked by very rapid growth, high feed conversion rates and low activity. Modern commercial broilers are bred to reach a slaughter weight of about 2 kg in just 5-7 weeks. As a result, the behavior and physiology of broilers prepared for meat are the behavior of immature birds, not adults. Slow-growing free and organic strains have been developed that reach a killer weight between the ages of 12 and 16 weeks. Typical broilers have white feathers and yellowish skin. A recent genetic analysis showed that the yellow skin gene was incorporated into poultry by hybridizing with the grey jungle bird (G. sonneratii). Modern crosses are also good for meat production because they lack the typical hair that breed breeds which should be removed by sowing after plucking the carcass. Both men and women broilers grew for meat. Broiler behavior behavior changes in the environment, and changes as broiler age and body weight rapidly increase. For example, the activity of broilers growing outdoors is initially greater than broilers preparing indoors, but from six weeks reduced to comparable levels in all groups. The same study shows that in an outdoor group, surprisingly little benefit is made from extra space and objects such as perches - it was suggested that the main cause of this was foot weakness, as 80 percent of birds were found to have gait abnormalities at seven weeks of age. There is no evidence of a decrease in motivation to expand the behavioural repertoire, as, for example, in outdoor groups, for example, outdoor groups still retained soil, as such behaviour could also be performed from a reclining posture rather than standing. The study of the frequency of all sexual behavior shows a significant decrease with age, which indicates a decrease in libido. Reducing libido is not enough to explain the decline in fertility in heavy cocks at 58 weeks and is probably the result of a large volume or conformation of men at this age of intervention in some way with sperm transmission during copulation, which otherwise look normal. Feeding and converting feed chickens are omnivorous and modern broilers get access to a special diet of high-protein feed, usually delivered through an automated feeding system. This is combined with artificial lighting conditions to stimulate nutrition and growth and therefore desired body weight. In the United States, the average feed conversion rate (FCR) of broilers was 1.91 pounds of feed per pound of live weight in 2011, up from 4.70 in 1925. Canada has a typical FCR of 1.72. New zealand commercial broiler farms recorded the world's best chicken broiler FCR, stable at 1.38 or below. Welfare gives meat birds one-day chicks arriving to unpack and place in the barn. Young birds tucked into a closed broiler house. Artificial selection has led to a significant increase in the speed at which broilers develop and reach a killer weight. The time required to reach 1.5 kg of live weight was reduced from 120 days to 30 days between 1925 and 2005. Selection for rapid early growth and feeding and management procedures to support such growth have led to various social security problems in modern broiler strains. The well-being of broilers is of particular concern, given the large number of people that are produced; for example, in the United States, about 9 broiler chickens. Cardiovascular dysfunction Choice and husband for very rapid growth means that there is a genetically induced discrepancy between the energy-saving organs of broilers and his Bodies. Rapid growth can lead to metabolic disorders such as sudden death syndrome (SDS) and ascites. SDS is an acute heart failure disorder that affects mostly men of fast-growing broilers who appear to be in good condition. Affected birds suddenly start to flap their wings, lose their balance, sometimes scream, and then fall on their backs or sides and die, usually all within a minute. In 1993, broiler manufacturers in the UK reported a 0.8% incidence. In 2000, the mortality rate of VDD in Europe ranged from 0.1% to 3%. Ascites is characterized by hypertrophy and cardiac dilation, changes in liver function, pulmonary insufficiency, hypoxemia and accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ascites develops gradually and birds suffer for a long period before they die. In the UK, up to 19 million broilers die in their sheds from heart failure each year. Skeletal breeding dysfunction for breast muscle enlargement means that the center of gravity of broilers has moved forward and their breasts are wider than their ancestors, which affects the way they walk and puts extra strain on the hips and legs. There is a high frequency of skeletal problems in broilers, mainly in the locomotive system, including deformations of varus and valgus, osteodystrophy, dychondroplasia and femoral head necrosis. These leg abnormalities impair the locomotive abilities of birds, and lame birds spend more time lying down and sleeping. The behavioral activity of broilers decreases rapidly from 14 days. Reduced movement also reduces bone overcomotion and leads to skeletal abnormalities; they are reduced when broilers are carried out under experimental conditions. Most broilers consider walking painful, as evidenced by studies using painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In one experiment, it took healthy birds 11 seconds to negotiate an obstacle course, while lame birds took 34 seconds. After the birds were treated with carprofen, there was no effect on the rate of healthy birds, however, the lame birds now took just 18 seconds to agree on a course, indicating that the pain of lameness is released from the drug. In self-selection experiments, lame birds choose more feed than non-lame birds, leading to the assumption that problems with broilers' leg are painful. Several research teams have developed gait assessment (GS) objectively to rank walking abilities and lameness broilers. In one example of these weights, GS-0 indicates a normal ability to walk, the GS-3 points to an obvious gait anomaly that affects the bird's ability to move and the GS-5 indicates a bird that cannot walk at all. GS'5 birds tried to use wings to help them walk, or crawled along on the shangs. In one study, almost 26% of the birds studied were rated as GS-3 or higher and is therefore believed to have suffered from painful lameness. Compassion in world agriculture wrote about the frequency of foot problems in broilers: ... there is evidence that foot problems may have worsened in the 1990s. Large and representative surveys of commercial broiler herds in Denmark (1999) and Sweden (2002) showed that in Denmark 75% of chickens had some walking disorders and 30.1% were very lame (gait score more than 2). In Sweden, over 72% of chickens had some walking abnormalities and about 20% were very lame. 36.9% of chickens surveyed in Denmark and about half (46.4% and 52.6%, depending on the strain) of chickens surveyed in Sweden had leg deformities (varus/valgus). 57% of chickens surveyed in Denmark and about half of the chickens surveyed in Sweden showed some evidence of tribilary dichondroplasia (Sanotra, Berg and Lund, 2003). The videos below are examples of broilers trying to walk with an increasing level of gait abnormalities and, therefore, increasing gait scores. Play Media Gait score No 0 Play Media Gait score No. 1 Play Media Gait score - 2 Play Media Gait score - 3 Play Media Gait score No. 4 Play Media Gait score No. 5 Integument defeats Sitting and lying behavior in fast-growing strains increase with age from 75% in the first seven days to 90% in 35 days of age. This increased inactivity is associated with an increase in dermatitis caused by a large amount of time when exposed to ammonia in the litter. This contact dermatitis is characterized by hyperkerate and epidermis necrosis in the affected areas; It can take shapes such as hock burns, chest blisters and leg pads lesions. The density of broiler stockings in the growing shed indicates the high density of stockings. Broilers are usually stored on high-density stockings, which vary greatly between countries. The typical stocking density in Europe is between 22 and 42 kg/m2 or 11 to 25 birds per square meter. Reducing feed consumption and reduced growth rates with stocking density exceeds about 30 kg/m2 in deep debris conditions. The slowdown is likely due to a decrease in the ability to lose the heat generated by metabolism. Higher stocking density is associated with increased dermatitis, including leg lesions, chest blisters and contaminated plumage. A large-scale experiment with commercial farms has shown that controls (litter quality, temperature and humidity) are more important than stocking density. Eye dysfunction In an attempt to improve or maintain rapid growth, broilers are stored in different lighting conditions. These include continuous light (fluorescent and incandescent lamps), continuous darkness, or dim light; chickens are kept in these light conditions to develop eye abnormalities such as bird glaucoma, eye extension and shallow front chambers. Ammonia litter in broiler handles can become heavily contaminated from the nitrogen faeces of birds and produce ammonia. Ammonia has been shown to cause increased susceptibility to diseases and other health-related problems such as Newcastle disease, aerosacuritis and keratoconjunctivitis. Respiratory epithelium in birds is damaged by a concentration of ammonia in the air exceeding 75 parts per million (ppm). Concentrations of ammonia by 25 to 50 ppm cause eye lesions in broiler chicks after seven days of exposure. (quote needed) Catching and transporting Once broilers have reached the goal of live weight, they are caught, usually by hand, and packed live in boxes for transportation to the slaughterhouse. They are usually deprived of food and water for hours before catching up to slaughter. The process of catching, loading, transporting and unloading causes serious stress, injury and even death of a large number of broilers. It is estimated that the number of broilers killed in the EU in 2005 while fishing, packaging and transporting is between 18 and 35 million. In the UK, broilers who were found dead on arrival at the slaughterhouse in 2005 have estimated that up to 40% may have died of heat stress or suffocation due to a transporter's chipping. Slaughter is done by hanging birds completely conscious with their feet upside down in shackles on a moving chain, washing them, automatically immersing them in an electrified water bath and exsanguination, slitting their throats. Some studies suggest that chickens may be smarter than previously thought, raising questions about how they are treated. The possible 10-year lifespan was reduced to six weeks for broilers. According to historical data, the mortality rate of broilers in the United States decreased from 18% in 1925 to 3.7% in 2012, but increased from 2013 to 5% in 2018. One sign of the impact of rapid broiler growth on well-being is the comparison of normal mortality rates for standard broiler chickens (1% per week) with those for slower-growing broiler chickens (0.25% per week) and with young hens (0.14% per week); the mortality rate of fast-growing broilers is seven times higher than the level of hens (the same subspecies) of the same age. Parental poultry broilers tend to clog around the age of 35 to 49 days, long before they become sexually reproductive between the ages of 5 and 6 months. However, the parents of the bird, often referred to as broiler-breeders, must live up to maturity and beyond so that they can be used for breeding. As a result, they have additional wealth problems. Meat broilers have been artificially selected for extremely high feeding motivation, but are generally not limited in it will delay the time taken for them to reach the killer weight. Broiler breeders have the same high motivation for feeding, but should be limited in nutrition to prevent them from being overweight with all life-threatening problems. An experiment on eating broilers showed that 20% of birds were allowed to eat as much as they wanted to either die or had to be killed due to severe illness between 11 and 20 weeks - either they became so lame they couldn't stand or they developed cardiovascular problems. Broiler breeders, fed by commercial rations, eat only a quarter to half more than with free access to food. They are very motivated to eat at all times, presumably leading to chronic feeding frustration. Because broiler breeders will live to adulthood, they can show pen, pecking or other harmful pecking behavior. To avoid this, they can be trimmed with a beak that can lead to acute or chronic pain. World production and consumption Estimated consumption of chicken per person in 2012. A report published in 2005 stated that about 5.9 billion broiler chickens were produced annually in the European Union for production. Mass production of chicken meat is a global industry, and at that time only two or three breeding companies supplied about 90% of the world's breeder-broilers. The total number of meat chickens produced worldwide in 2004 was almost 47 billion; of these, about 19% were produced in the US, 15% in China, 13% in the EU25 and 11% in Brazil. The consumption of broilers exceeds beef consumption in industrialized countries. Demand in Asia is growing. In 2014, 86.6 million tons of broiler meat were produced worldwide. The global estimated population of broiler chickens is estimated to be about 23 billion. The main article of the industry broiler: Broiler industry Commercial production of broiler chickens for meat consumption is a highly industrialized process. There are two main sectors: (1) the cultivation of poultry for consumption, and (2) the cultivation of maternal composition for the breeding of meat birds. See also the Agriculture and Agronomy Portal for Animal Cruelty Animal Science Chicken Chicken Tax Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Early Feeding Intensive Livestock Chicken Tomorrow Links - Kruchten, Tom (November 27, 2002). American Broiler Industry Structure (PDF). National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agriculture Statistics Council, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Archive from the original (PDF) dated December 29, 2013. Received on June 23, 2012. BESSEY, W. (2006). The welfare of broilers: review. World Journal of Poultry. 62 (3): 455. doi:10.1017/s0043933906001085. Jean Gerrard (January 7, 2019) What are the main types of chicken?. Spruce eats. Received on June 16, 2020. Cite has an empty unknown option: 1 (help) - b Hardiman, J. (May) (May) How 90 years of has shaped today's industry (PDF). Bird International. 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PMID 10766114.CS1 maint: uses authors' parameters (link) - Dawkins, M.S., Donnelly, S. and Jones, T.A. (2004). Chicken welfare is more dependent on housing than on stocking density. Nature. 427 (6972): 342–344. Bibkod:2004Natur.427. 342S. doi:10.1038/nature02226. PMID 14737165.CS1 maint: uses authors' parameters (link) - Lauber, J.K. and Kinnear, A. (1979). Expanding the eyes of birds caused by dim light. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology. 14: 265–269. Carolyn L. Smith; Sara L. Selinski (February 2014). A brain bird. A scientific American. 310 (2): 60–65. Bibkod:2014SciAm.310b. 60S. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0214-60. - Savori, C.J., Maros, K. and Rutter, SM (1993). Assessment of hunger in growing broiler breeders due to the commercial limited feeding program. Animal welfare. 2 (2): 131-152.CS1 maint: uses authors' parameters (link) - Meat Atlas 2014 - Facts and figures about the animals we eat, page 41, pdf - livestock and poultry: World Markets and Trade (PDF) (Report). Usda. October 11, 2018. Carys E., Bennett; Thomas, Richard; Mark Williams; Jan. Egworth, Matt; Holly Miller; Ben Coles; Alison Foster; Emily J. Burton; Marum, Uppenyu (December 2018). Broiler chicken as a signal of a reconfigured human biosphere. Royal Society of Open Science. 5 (12): 180325. doi:10.1098/rsos.180325. PMC 6304135. PMID 30662712. External Links Look Broiler in Wiktionary, a free dictionary. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Broilers (Bird). Extracted from the what temperature is a broiler. what is a broiler chicken. what is a broiler pan. what is a broiler uk. what is a broiler oven. what is a broiler used for. what is a broiler pan used for. what is a broiler farm

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