Give Me F re OR I Die


Copy right © IYKE ORIAKU 2018

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

ISBN 978-978-50822-5-8

Printed And Published By:

Endtime Revival Altar (ERA) Publications I dedicate this book to my late parents, Rev D.U and Rev Lilian Oriaku whose legacy of fire we the ten children they left behind are still keeping till date.

i I acknowledge all the men and women whom God has used to help me come this far. I am passionately grateful for all your gesture of fire. You shall not miss your reward.

ii “Many people have read these messages you are about to read and God used the book to set their hearts ablaze. Today, they are burning for God. May that be your testimony also after reading this book, in Jesus Name, Amen!"

Rev. Stanley Oriaku Grace Tabernacle, Benin Republic (Authors' Elder Brother)

iii Contents Chapter 1 Please, correct me in love if you think I am lying against Late Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa. 1 Chapter 2 This is the 'name' of the man god Revealed that will take the mantle From Papa .” 4 Chapter 3 Before you start praying for Sponsor for your ministry, This is what to do. 7 Chapter 4 This is the message I 'Preached' and They said that I was insulting Bishop David Oyedepo. 9 Chapter 5 Anyone with useful information of How to track this Christ Embassy Pastor down should please tell us. 14 Chapter 6 Lord, give me back my yesterday! 18 Chapter 7 Many of today's churches and bible Schools may never teach you what Prostitutes taught me years ago About the coming worldwide revival! 23 Chapter 8. When will you get tired of depending On men who are depending on men? 33 Chapter 9 Man of god, let us pray! 36 Chapter 10 This might be why you are finding It hard to observe fasting! 39 Chapter 11 That nonsense must stop now! 43 Chapter 12 What Hausa people taught me About the power of God 52

Chapter 13 Before you challenge that witch In your village, read this! 54

Chapter 14 "Teacher, don't teach Me nonsense!” 62

Chapter 15 Incase you inherited ancient Family battles, this is for you! 67

Chapter 16 Any man that did not teach you About spiritual warfare has Not taught you everything yet. 72 iv Chapter 17 Ask the Ooni of Ife, he Can teach us better 75

Chapter 18 Why the chief priest in a village Cursed my late father and gave Him seven days to die! 80

Chapter 19 Be careful before they Steal your fire! 90

Chapter 20 A message to those who wants To become popular in our time. 104

Chapter 21 This is to those genuine born Again believers in church who Have been crying for god to help Them stop falling into the sin of Fornication. (don't read if you Have never fallen before) 108

Chapter 22 This is the message a homosexual Heard and repented. Now, he is on Fire. And false prophets are trying Every way to blackmail him, So that he will stop exposing them... 113

Chapter 23 Ask a false prophet you know Very well, he will also confirm this story. 119

Chapter 24 When a revivalist Needs revival 122

Chapter 25 "Fright newspaper" Published this Week that all the young men of God in are now using juju To do ministry... Please, is it true? 124

Chapter 26 Whatever happened to the message of repentance in our time! 128

Chapter 27 This is a message to David, Papa Oyedepo's son. I pray he doesn't read this and Think that i am envying him. 131

Chapter 28 This is one of the secrets of our Fathers that has made them Phenomenal, which some of them Might never write in their books. 137

Chapter 29 I see men building another Tower of babel? 143

Chapter 30 I wonder why they did not Teach me this in bible school Early enough. 147

Chapter 31 God, please, if you love me, Give me what you did not Give to any man alive now! 150

v Iyke Oriaku Ministering: Eagles Convention, Umuahia under Pastor U.C Ohakam Radical Evangelism in Benin Republic

A Whole Street Renounced Voodoo Worship in Benin Republic During One Of The Evangelisms

Missionary Activity in Mosquitoe Village, Lagos State Chapter 01


bout 85 percent of ministers in Nigeria today have seen late Arch bishop Benson Idahosa in their dreams Aonce or twice? There is hardly a man of God I have met that have not told me the encounters he had with him. I mean, even as he has died many years ago.

My first encounter with him was on my birthday in 2006. I was just getting into Christ newly then. He came with some faces of men and women who have ran their race and left the scene.

He gave me something like a stick and said to me: "HERE IS THE BATON, BUT GET READY FOR THE BATTLES...”

My hands were shaking and he was laughing. As he tapped me at my back, I woke up. Several times after that time, I have also seen him. Last week, a man of God called me for almost one hour, telling me how he has been seeing late Benson Idahosa in his dreams.

And I am asking myself, that: "Among all the anointed men and women of God that lived in his days, why is it him that God chose to be using to encourage young men of God in their dreams or revelations?”

Friends, there must be something this man did that we are not doing. There must be some kind of prayer this man prayed that 1 we are too lazy to pray. This man must have seen some part of God my generation have been so distracted to look for.

Lord, please show me what You showed this man that made him an eternal excellency and the joy of many generations. Many years after he has gone to be with the Lord, his life is still impacting people. Please, Lord, Give me the value my generation alone cannot finish eating from.

Give me OIL that will benefit the generation that will be here 200 years after. Distract every distraction Lord and help my weaknesses. If you used Papa Idahosa in that capacity, I know there is a search in heaven now, for men and women who will pay commensurate price in the place of prayer. To walk in dimensions unknown to men.

Please, Lord, interrupt us from this pursuit of vanities. Bend us at all cost. And please, use us. So that even after we have died, we will still be 'alive'.

I'm one of those praying this prayer. We can't only shout Fire and die and our children will have nothing of eternal value to say about us. There are more prayers to make sir. Some of us, God told us that we are going to become the next Benny Hinn. But because we have gotten tired in prayer, we have settled in the little manifestations we see during our village crusades.

Where is that woman reading this? God told you that He is calling you into ministry to carry the kind of Fire only men have ever carried. You were doing well before. But now, you have grown cold in prayer. Can you go back to those days you used to pray and fast?

Man of God, please, you are too young to enter church politics. Leave them to keep dragging who will carry bags for big men of God in your denomination, so that they will be 2 posted into big churches. Go and hide somewhere and look for God. When you find Him, both those carrying bags and those they are carrying bags for will know that you have found GOD.

Lord, I am ashamed of the times I have wasted defending my doctrines. Let them win the arguments. But please, don't leave us like this. Give us FIRE.

Friend, if that is your prayer too?

Then, let us pray!

3 Chapter 02

THIS IS THE ‘NAME’ OF THE MAN GOD REVEALED THAT WILL TAKE THE MANTLE FROM PAPA UMA UKPAI.” hen Papa Uma Ukpai was at your age, he was praying for 8 to 10 hours everyday. But you can't Weven pray above 1 hour daily. When he was at your level in ministry, he was preaching without sleeping in hotels. And sometimes, without honorarium. But when you preach, you rob people of their cars and landed properties.

You and your host fights in the hotel room everyday while sharing the money you raised from his gullible members. And yet, you want God to make you have weight like Uma Ukpai. And every day, you run to and sow seed into his ministry.

Anywhere he is ministering, you rush and take pictures with him. And come back home and start living a prayerless life. You go to program and still continue to rob people of their salaries. Man of God, stop wasting your fantasy.

The mantle Uma Ukpai is carrying doesn't belong to him. He does not have the right to give it to anyone. That mantle is for separated men and women. The man that will carry that man's mantle in this generation might never meet him till the day he will finish his work and go to be with the Lord.

The person that will carry his healing grace in our time might not even take pictures with him. That man might be 4 somewhere today crying day and night. Not for money, not for fame, nor for members. But for God to use him in any way He wants to.

Others are looking for Uma Ukpai. But that man is looking for the God that made Uma Ukpai. Some are bragging with the pictures they took with UMA Ukpai. But that man is somewhere now, bragging with the bruises he has gotten in the place of prayer, in search of the God of Uma Ukpai.

Don't get it twisted, friends. There is nothing wrong travelling to see a man like Papa Uma Ukpai who God has singled out among his equals. A man that drank raw acid and God converted it to tea, to the amazement of the assassins is not a joker in the game of the spirit.

A man that lost his children in a day and watched them drown to death has paid a price for the grace he is manifesting. There are many demons receiving punishments in hell today because they ran away from communities the day Papa Uma came to minister.

A man that has carried the power of God for decades deserves to be honoured. If you know where I can see him, tell me and I will go there now. But sir, the God that made Papa Uma Ukpai is not in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. That God is not a respecter of persons. That God is everywhere. That God is on our knees.

That same God said that we shall seek Him and find Him when we seek Him with all our hearts. That He will make us an eternal excellency and the joy of many generations. That what bows to Him will bow to us.

That God does not want to make us to be like Papa Uma Ukpai. But greater than him. As that God is in heaven, so shall we be on earth. 5 The greatest joy Papa Uma Ukpai will have is if the coming generations will grow in power and in the love of God more than him. He Will be happy when what could not bow to him will begin to bow to us. But there is a Price to pay. Friends, there are still more prayers to make.

Anybody can carry microphone. But very few among us have touched some parts that has given them pages in the chronicles of God. There is no short cut to power. Forget the gospel of the crown without the Cross. Pentecost without pains is a scam. There is nothing like Majesty if there are no wounds and scars. Let them not promise you power without self abandonment. Any manifestation that did not come from the altar of separation will evaporate when it is needed most.

Lord, please, help us to pay the commensurate price for the OIL You want us to manifest to our generation! Destroy lethargy and laxity. Save us from the comforts of our beds and separate us from appetites that has refused us to fast the way we used to.

Man of God, I am among those praying this prayer. The God that made Papa Uma Ukpai is still looking out for another man to make. Is there anyone ready to pay the price?

Let us pray!

6 Chapter 03 BEFORE YOU START PRAYING FOR SPONSOR FOR YOUR MINISTRY, THIS IS WHAT TO DO. f God brings sponsors to you for worldwide crusade now, do you have the anointing to heal the sick they will bring Ito the crusade ground? Or will you go there to start preaching the messages of Pastor Paul Enenche you listened to?

You don't have money. You don't have anointing. And you don't even have any friend around that motivates you to fast and pray in search for the supernatural. All your close friends are those who hangs around Facebook involving arguments, from morning till night.

The only place they advertise knowledge is when it gets to insulting elders in faith. Is it not better you announce your withdrawal from ministry and face other businesses, so that you will excel there massively? If they bring a dying child to you now, do you have the anointing to save that family from burying the boy? Or will you allow that child to die?

Man of God, the visions God showed you are true, but you have a part to play in bringing it to pass. God is waiting for us to grow in character and in power. The level we are now in the miraculous is not enough for Him to release the financial helpers we need. There is something MORE He expects from us. And there is a price to pay for it.

Now that they are saying that God didn't call you. Some are even saying that God is not with you because your church is still in rented space. Sir, this is time to look for God. 7 If the money comes now the way you want it, you will become too busy to pray. If you are finding it hard to pray now that you have less than 5 people to counsel everyday, what will happen when you will have 100 people to counsel daily?

If you can't pray and fast now that you are not married, what happens when you are married? God can use this time of lack and want to add OIL to your life. Stop celebrating the level of manifestation you have been on since last five years. I don't know about you.

Something is burning in our hearts. There is something some of us are looking for. And I bless God that daily, I meet men who have abandoned all in search of this same thing. They are tired of 'horn speaker' anointing.

How can we watch our neighbors going to native doctors for help because we have nothing that looks like the supernatural to pass across to them? And yet, we are online forming superstars.

May God bring men your way who hates shadows without apology. May He connect you with guys who have no eye on anything less than the power of God. This is time to pray for anointing. Don't bother about your mockers. The shame you are suffering should send you back to your knees.

Not only for God to give you money. But for Him to give you something money cannot buy. Trust me. When the power comes, everything else will follow. That delay is on a mission. May we not misuse it.

In Jesus Name.

Let us pray!

8 Chapter 04

THIS IS THE MESSAGE I 'PREACHED' AND THEY SAID THAT I WAS INSULTING BISHOP DAVID OYEDEPO. ome have read all his books 3 times each. They have been in all his meetings. They were there in Ota, 1999 Swhen Shiloh first started. They have received mantles he prayed on by himself.

They have sown seeds of cars and cash. But yet, there is nothing around them that looks like the glory Papa is effortlessly manifesting. Tell them to go to Proverbs 18:1. That is where the mantle they are looking for is waiting for them.

It says: "Through desire, a man having SEPARATED himself..." You have been in the crowd for a long time. That is why you have not converted all your encounters into realities.

God has been trying to separate you from certain people, so that He can have unhindered access to your life. But you are afraid of what people would say when they see that you and them no more flock together. It means that you are not ready for glory yet. Stop sacrificing your assignment on earth on the platform of ministerial relationships God wants you to suspend or abort.

During ministers conference, you can only get the handkerchief of the man of God. He might call you out of thousands of people there and give you special prophecy. He might even give you his suit to put on. 9 But after that, go inside and hide somewhere and start looking for God. If not, you will not see any trace of glory. I have seen the enlargement picture of you and all the great men of God in our time in your office. But why is it that what bows to them is not bowing to you? Sir, its time to separate yourself.

David prophesied. Saul also prophesied. But the difference between the both of them is that Saul prophesied from the platform of association, while David functioned from the realm of separation.

Saul loved hanging out with happening ministers in town. While David loved being alone with God. You and I knows the result their ministries had. I wish someone reading this will cry to God to help him separate from whatever that is blocking him from God.

During vigils, God releases His fire for everyone. But in the place of separation, God releases Himself to someone. Most of the errors I have recorded in my ministry was due to association when it should have been for me time for separation.

Many times, fear of the cost of separation pins us down in terrible association that breaks God's heart. But sir, whatever shame or hunger that is there to suffer for the sake of separation, suffer it. It will soon pay. It is not everyone that was lucky to survive the banqueting in Egypt.

Many never recovered the OIL on their heads which they sacrificed on the table of 'pleasures of the moment'.

If the OIL will not cost you anything, it will not lead you to anywhere. I am a Price preacher because, I have seen it with my eyes, that truly: "No man taketh this honour unto himself...” 10 There are certain areas of your life that will never encounter glory until you separate. Some of my boys and girls have gone to hide. Some of them have deactivated their Facebook accounts and deleted every number from their phones that is stopping them from encountering God.

To the glory of God, we are not raising people who are online 24hours insulting people hunting for likes and comments, engaging in doctrinal arguments, which ends up in malice and bitterness.

I was taught how to lose argument but not to lose attention in the place of separation. And that is what God is helping us to pass across to our few followers. And the news of the encounters I am hearing from them is too much for this generation not to take note of them in the fullness of time.

I wish you will stop this busy body you do and look for encounters. Because it is no more far when people will get tired of hearing what you are saying now. They would have started looking for where they will listen to men that have listened to God in the place of separation.

Have you not bothered why God did not appear to Jacob while he was with his parents? Why will He wait to meet him in the howling desert before He appeared to him? Why do you think God did not send an angel to go and change his name while he was in the crowd, in Laban's house?

But he waited until he was left alone. Friends, I dont know too many bible verses, but the little ones I know, I try to squeeze out wondrous things out of them. As long as God saw Jacob in the crowd, He didn't show up. There is a level of depth you will never enjoy in Christ until you are left alone.

Shun this cliquing going on these days among unbroken young ministers who are struggling too hard to prove a point 11 that holds no eternal relevance. Go and hide and look for God.

Maybe I should be the one to tell you that why those friends suddenly turned to passionate enemies is because God needs your full attention. Let me now tell you that why some of your helpers suddenly started avoiding you is because God wants to see you more often than men sees you.

Can I tell you that why that relationship did not work out is because God have seen that you have been distracted enough? Now, He wants you to give Him time to fine tune what He has started in your life.

The man you are running after separated himself for months and, if not, for years, before he got what he is carrying for his generation. And one man of God somewhere is telling you to pay him money so that he will lay hands on you to carry what he is carrying.

What a blasphemy!

If you are afraid to lose men, you have already lost God. Until you are ready to be left alone, there is no change of name for you. Network. Make friends. Connect with people of like minds. But you need God more than you need men.

You need encounter more than you need contacts. You need Oil more than you need honorarium. International exposure cannot make you a Voice. But when God makes you a voice, international community will start placing demand on what God has given you for your generation.

There is no man that has ever represented God's unusual dimensions on earth that was not a man of unusual separation. Feeble men like us know not how to go begging men to like us.

We were 'cheated' from the foundation of the world, that we 12 dont know how to do sycophant job for people, so that they will start inviting us following us. But we were blessed to understand early that if you are carrying anything for your generation, you must love separation.

Allow others to keep bragging with how many pulpits they preach on daily. Let them keep boasting with how many likes and comments they have on Facebook. Go and hide and find God. A time is coming when it will be impossible for this generation to ignore you.

I am talking to you, ma. I am talking to men like me whose heads are carrying heavy prophecies that must not be delayed further. I am talking to those who have followed great men and women of God faithfully throughout the years, and it seems, nothing is coming out from it.

Are you ready for separation? May God separate you speedily from whatsoever and whosoever that is separating you from Him. If it takes hunger. If it takes betrayals. If it will take loneliness. Lord, if that is the cost for the OIL You want us to manifest in our time. Please, give us grace to pay it in full.

Bow your head and, let us pray!

13 Chapter 05 ANYONE WITH USEFUL INFORMATION OF HOW TO TRACK THIS CHRIST EMBASSY PASTOR DOWN SHOULD PLEASE TELL US. His name is Amaechi Udeaku. hen he was a campus pastor in university, Uturu, severaly, God used him to heal Wmany students of ashtma, diabetic, partial blindness etc. Many people said he was wasting his time in school, doing church when he should face the studies his parents brought him to school for.

Some said that he was not born again, because he was treating his hair. He was practically the most castigated campus pastor in school then. But yet, he was the only campus pastor in our days in school that cultists were afraid of. Because they have seen several boys who went to attack him with all manner of weapons. Yet, without any arm, he spoke to them and on their own accord, they dropped their guns and began to beg him for forgiveness.

Students who were serial rapists and arm robbers were more afraid of him than they were afraid of the police and school security put together.

If you go to night clubs and bunks where students drink and smoke, they will be talking about him. If you go to those surrounding mountains where cultists keep their bloody meetings, they were talking about him. Some randy lecturers who were victimizing girls who didn't agree to sleep with them were afraid to touch any of the girls that belonged to Believer's Love World. Because they were afraid of the prayers of Pastor Amaechi. 14 Other students were so obsessed, looking for every means to have the highest grades, but he was looking for anointing. Yet, as an architecture student, he graduated with one of the best results in their department.

Who said it is not possible to look for God while looking for good grades in school? Who said those who carry fellowship matters on their heads are carry over - bound students?

I am a witness that God can use a student to manifest incredible glory in the school campus. Ask anyone that was in ABSU from 2003 till 2008, He was the talk of the town. Yet, he didn't allow the praises of men and the aspersions of enemies to deter him. The more people criticised him, the more he grew in power.

I 'lost' one of my guys to Christ Embassy when we went to see with our eyes this Pastor Amaechi everybody was talking about. As we got in, during the ministration, he said:

"There is a banking and finance student here that came to see if what they said about us is true or not... You are having a tooth ache that has lasted for 3days... But God is healing you now...”

Immediately, my friend fell under anointing, stood up 15 minutes after and was totally healed of that tooth ache that has made him not to eat for over 3days. You dont know what it means for a young man that doesn't believe in both God and anointing to stand up, in the midst of service, shouting.

That was how that guy started following Christ Embassy, till today. We never saw him in smoking bunks and drinking joints again. He totally surrendered to Christ.

Still during our first year in the school, I took a girlfriend there for their praise night. As pastor Amaechi was ministering, he

15 said: "There are 30 female students here who have been having severe mensural pains before they came... The power of God is healing you finally now".

Many ladies fell under the power of God. The girl I took to the program didn't fall, but the next day in school, she told me that she followed me to that program with so much pains. But the moment pastor Amaechi made that utterance, she felt a cool breeze all over her body, and that was the end of that pains. And till we graduated from school, she became a pillar of Believer's Love world, the campus ministry of Christ Embassy.

Our set in campus was the most rugged set, because all manner of depraved students were offered admissions who were expelled from their different campuses for cultism and murder cases. They were admitted massively into ABSU that year. Number of female and male cultists were too much.

Guys were competing with the kind of guns and dynamites to bring to school for wars. Every now and then, students were being raped and killed in cold blood. You wake up to see corpses of fellow students littered all over the places. Dynamites and all kinds of explosives were being seen in school that the police had not even seen before.

For a student to stand against cultists and challenge them that time was so risky. But that was when Pastor Amaechi used to challenge them and tell them to come and meet him if they are bold. And severally, when they tried him, both their guns and their juju failed them and they knelt down, begging him for mercy.

He didn't grow in such power and anointing because he was preaching and rapping English language like Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, but because he was looking for God. He was a 16 prayer addict.

I am writing to those who are still in the university. You can still manifest the power of God in your Campus. Your fellow students can still be afraid of you because of the tremendous grace you manifest in school. You must not be a pastor. But you can still preach in your department and God will use you to demonstrate incredible dimensions of His power.

I know you have all the powerful and wonderful messages of Apostle Aroma and Joshua Selmain. I know you listen to Pastor Paul Enenche and Apostle Johnson Suleiman. Please don’t stop there. You need a prayer life.

God is looking for someone among all the students in your school that will do mighty things for Him in that school. Will you be available or do you just want to graduate from school and leave without any one saying incredible things about your role in the move of God in that campus?

More than 10 years after, Pastors Amaechi's name is still being remembered in ABSU. Not because he graduated with good grades. But because he stopped the mouth of Lions and by his hands, mighty things were recorded to the glory of God. You can be the 'Pastor Amaechi' of your school.

Are you ready? Then, let us pray!

17 Chapter 06


miss the days when my pastor use to give me assignment to go to Eke Okigwe market and preach for 3hours and Iwarn me not to come back until I convert 10 people to Jesus.

I miss the days when I will be forced to be awake every midnight praying, because if he calls and I didn't pick it on time, he will know that I was sleeping when I should be praying and I will be punished for it.

I miss the days when my pastor will send me to some houses where there are sick people and he will tell me to start praying for all of them one after the other. And I dare not leave there until I call him to tell him that all of them have been healed.

I miss the days when I will be praying and fasting for God to touch my pastor to give me at least 2 days to allow me go see my people during Christmas season, yet, sometimes he will decline.

I miss the days when he will call my name before the few members and pronounce me suspended. I will start sitting at back seat, just because I came to church 10 or 20 minutes late. He knows that I use to wake up very early and come to the church to bring out the generator, the speakers, the musical instruments and chairs, wash the church and still rush back to get ready for service. But he didn't care.

People will come to church to see me sitting at the back seat and they will be wondering what I did. It continued until God will touch his heart to lift the suspension. 18 I miss the days when he will send some youths to me, giving me deadline of when he wants all of them to start speaking in tongues, that the next time he asks me about them, he wants to hear them preach to him. So that he will know how much I have taught them. And that he wants to hear that hey have healed, at least, five sick people each.

Everyday I was labouring in Word and in prayer for God to help me grow so that I will have enough to give those guys. I really miss the days when he will have deliverance cases, and he will call me out and ask me to pray for the people. And if I fail to deliver the people, he will take over and God will use him to deliver them. Then, after service, he will give me punishment, to pray and fast for one week.

And he will start using me to preach for weeks. How Iyke is always the first person to arrive to church and the last person to go, yet, I could not handle small demoned possessed girl.

Friends, many times, I got ashamed. Sometimes, I got angry. If they invite me to preach anywhere, I will happily come to tell him. To my disappointment, he will refuse. And tell me that he want me to follow him to a preaching engagement that same day they booked me for the program.

When that day comes, he will take me to the most interior village in Okigwe, IMO State and we will go and start preaching to people inside their farmlands.

Some time, we will just be preaching into the thin air. Sometimes, we will win one or two people to Christ, after spending a whole day there. When we will be coming back, the kind of happiness on his face will make me wonder if he has mental problem.

But he will tell me: "Iyke, if the trees have not listened to you, 19 nations will not want to listen to you... It is these bushes here that will serve as witness before God that you have paid your dues...Until these leaves of trees hear your voice, you can't be a voice...”

Thank God for the spirit of humility that was baptized on me. If not, I had many times I got tired and wanted to leave. Thank God for my elder brother, Rev Stanley Oriaku, who often calls me from his missionary field in Benin Republic, advising me to remain there and suffer.

Sometimes, when I go into town, people will not recognize me again. Because I had gone lean and unkempt. That Iyke Oriaku that use to wear designers no more see even second handed clothes to put on. I didn't know that God was using that man to kill every trace of pride and vain glory in me.

If I had entered ministry the way I was when I left the streets, trust me, I would have been among the most terrible ninjas on the pulpit today. There are people I see today, I know that they were never under any leadership. There are others I see today, I will know they were boss when they were serving under some authorities. There are other people I see I know that they were mentored by big preachers they see only on television.

Trust me, some men of God might never make impact in ministry. Because they were never broken before they started travelling around for programs. If no one has ever used you, trust me, God will struggle a lot while using you. Unfortunately, some of us thought anointing was enough and we became General Overseers.

Now that we have seen that the chips are down, that is why we have a lot of young boys who are using juju power to do ministry. They want 'mami water' to pay for what they lost in the place of service. 20 If I have my way, I will go back to that church and serve that man again and let him embarrass me before members once again. Speaking with him few days ago, I was almost in tears. Because I realized that if not that man, there is nothing I am becoming today, that would have been possible.

Help me beg that young man that is looking for who will put his face on poster to go inside the bush and preach to animals before he starts looking for governors to preach to. King Saul does not need the music ministry of any man that has never sang to animals inside the bush.

Tell that boy that is looking for big church where he will go and shout fire. Let him go to village stream and shout that fire to people who are going to hell from there. Tell that young lady that wants to start dragging microphone in big cathedrals to go back and start singing in that choir where there are just 3members only.

Forget the noise going on everywhere. There are things God gives a man in the place of service. There is something God makes men in the place of service that Bible Schools can never make that same man.

We have been around for sometime. We have seen men that got anointing, ran into bible schools, came out and became General overseers. Some of them are begging around for pulpits today. They are tired of the 'papa and mama' people call them.

We have seen those that can sing very well, as they grew up waiting for invitations to minister in big churches. They never submitted their voices under a ministry. Today, we can see the difference. They still sing only in wake keeping and burials.

It is not easy to wait. It is not easy to watch those you are older 21 than insult you in the name of choir rehearsals. It is not easy being the only person your pastor will be attacking more when you make any little mistake.

There is grace for that, sir. I know you have prayed for fire and power. Please, also pray for God to give you that grace to wait in the place of service. David had that grace. Joseph had that grace. Moses had that grace.

Elisha had it. It is grace that makes insults to sounds like compliments in your ears. My brother, we need it, else the flesh will push us out of the place of preparation and sponsor us into a ministry of lifetime in error.

I am talking only to those like me who are not in a hurry to 'blow' in ministry. I mean those that wants God to take His time and prepare them, no matter under which condition. If you are among us, may that grace find its way into your life now.

In Jesus Name. Let us pray.

22 Chapter 07

MANY OF TODAY'S CHURCHES AND BIBLE SCHOOLS MAY NEVER TEACH YOU WHAT PROSTITUTES TAUGHT ME YEARS AGO ABOUT THE COMING WORLDWIDE REVIVAL! slept in the bushes for weeks and, sometimes, months. I lived in forests where they buried cursed people. We held Imeetings in burial grounds and cemeteries, under the rain, dancing around naked, not minding mosquitoes and other insects.

Sometimes, some of us were bitten by scorpions and snakes. And for those who were not lucky to survive the poison, a shallow grave of three or four feet was dug and an emergency funeral ceremony organized for them. And the meeting continued as if nothing had happened!

Nobody was paying us for our exertions. All we wanted was to be dreaded in the neighbourhood. And there we were paying demonic prices just to be able to wield demonic powers. We were in every party and club. We were dreaded at home and everywhere. Parents warned their children not to follow us. The police were always looking for us.

Our parents and siblings were always arrested by the police for crimes we committed. By so doing, the police hoped to pressure us to come out of hiding. We were popular in police cells, and yet we did not see anything wrong with that. It all becomes quite clear when the Bible says thus at Isaiah 44:18 – ''He hath shut their eyes that they cannot see and their hearts that they cannot understand...'’ 23 After I gave my life to Christ, I needed to transfer to Jesus the zeal I had for Satan. I needed to be surrounded by men and women as well as boys and girls who were zealous for God's work. Unfortunately, in the church I was attending then, we were gathering every Sundays and midweek to pray for money, to fight our enemies and to sow seed for visas and contracts and marriages.

Everybody needs money, of course, and the good things of life it makes available. But money was the last thing I needed at that time. I needed where someone would give me some exposure and teach me how to look into my friend's faces and tell them: “Jesus loves you; repent!”.

But, alas, all I had around me were people who were attending church only because of what they were expecting from God. They were often afraid to disobey the pastor but not afraid to disobey God. They were ashamed to participate in evangelism. And yet they were respected in the church. For a long time after I joined the church, nobody preached about winning souls, or turning one's office into a healing center. The messages of all the guest ministers were about how to sow and how to reap. And the testimonies all those guest preachers shared were of how people sowed and reaped millions within a few weeks.

As good as these things are, I needed to hear about the power of God. I had seen satanic powers, executed Satan's agenda and seen how far fellow young people could go for demonic activities. I wanted to hear testimonies of how some youths of the church invaded some ghettos and shrines and turned them around for God. I was tired.

I saw the same people whom I met on the streets, and were into prostitution, singing in church choirs. From the choir seats they would go back to their brothels. When they removed their choir robes, they donned prostitution attires. They paid tithes regularly and punctually, bought anointed this and anointed that. Yet, all the messages we were hearing every Sunday were 24 those messages that only centred on money and more money.

They were in church, not because they loved God but because they wanted people to see them as Christians and recommend them for marriage.

There were no messages of salvation. Consequently, there were no penitence, no conviction, no tears, no decision to serve God and no revival. Members went to church with charms in their pockets, went to the well-decorated altars to drop their offerings and went back with their charms because there is was no more any convicting power in the altars.

Sadly, very little has changed since then. The only power we have now is the power to make people to sow all they have, but not to make them forsake their fraudulent businesses and sell out to God.

Shame on all of us! Shame on the churches which people are zealously going to Hell from! Shame on the big churches that runs several services each Sunday, and yet nothing of eternal value is recorded in the lives of any of their members. I am happy that God saved me from Hell. But I am happier that God saved me from such a church that would have preserved me for Hell.

It is obvious that we have come to a point where we will not only be going to clubs and bars to look for sinners, but inside some churches. More people are going to Hell from churches now than in any other generation. It is time to go to our Bible Schools to host crusades because many of the student pastors there are not born again.

They are in ministry work because there is great and widespread unemployment in the country. It is time to look at some General Overseers controlling ten branches or more, and address them: “Bishop, are you born again? If you are not, then repent, for Jesus is coming soon!” Brother, once again, after God saved me from Hellfire, the next place He saved me 25 from was the church that would have led me there.

He saved me from a church that would have made me remain a Kingdom misfit; that would have watched me still carrying about charms and guns and ladies as long as I paid my tithes and offerings.

I love being in the midst of people who are passionate about whatever they are doing, people who love what they are doing to the point that they can die for it. But I did not see people of such calibre in the church where I was. All I saw were people who only attended church on Sundays to shout AMEN and will not be seen again until the next Sunday.

I started missing my passionate friends in the streets who could stay up all night, in the cold and rain, just to rob or rape or kill or even die. Every day, I asked God: “Is this all there is to salvation? I am committed and punctual and regular in church services, but I don't hear anything here that sets my heart on fire for You. Please, help me, I am backsliding. I am going down again!”

That was when God led me to a new church. The pastor and the wife, my friend and I were the only members. In the sun, every day of the week, we were there. When they drove us out, we would locate another tree.

From there, Christ began to be formed in me. It was a poor church but rich in the Word. There were no car parks, rich members or signposts. But from that 'manger' God made Kingdom superstars. Thank God for Rev. Okwandu and his wife whom God used to save me from a church that would have bundled me straight back to Hell!

Brother, on the last day, we all will be surprised that those who built the most beautiful church auditoriums in our cities and were pastors to Governors of states may not be recognized in Heaven. It is not wrong to be a pastor to Governors and even 26 Presidents. The problem is when we begin to water down our messages to make them comfortable in our churches.

Happily, there are men and women who are raising generals that will carry the end-time fire. Nobody may know them in the cities and big towns. But they are among those Heaven will decorate. And those are the ones I want to hear about.

Man of God, you know those who envy your big auditorium. But it is not people like us who were failed by big auditoriums where people gather to contribute money for pastors who are in an unhealthy competition with their mates and friends from their Bible School days. We want to see the impact of your big auditorium on your members. Check the level of the spiritual hunger of your members. How many of them call you to ask you how to grow in love, in obedience and in evangelism?

How many of them come to your office crying because, for over a month, they have not witnessed Jesus to anyone? The only time they come to your office is to tell you about who is pursing them to kill them. They are only telling you about the contract they are going for and the promotion they are praying for.

When will you start raising members who will come to your office every week to carry evangelism tracts and tell you to pray for them, because they are invading some ghettos, and have made up their minds not to come back until they have won many over to Christ? When will you start attracting members who will sow millions into your life and tell you that they just want the work of God in your hands to grow, and don't have any prayer request attached to the seed?

When will you start hearing boys and girls in your church praying and fasting, not for marriages or jobs or visas, but for God to use them to cause revivals in their streets? 27 The only language on your members' lips is jobs and marriage and contracts. None of them even cares to carry the power of God to their neighbourhoods, to make a name for God. And you are celebrating the anniversary of your church's founding?

We have seen the landed properties and cars that you have within one year. You are boasting your services of three sessions every Sunday. But where is your evangelism team? How many of the people following you will say you led them to Christ?

You are celebrating your anniversary of stealing members from other churches and of raising impotent believers who are plagued with itchy ears. It is an anniversary of threatening people with their dead relatives; of competing with your Bible schools friends, to show them that you are doing better than them; of twisting scriptures to suit your avaricious motives; of raising funds from dying sinners without any remorse as to what will happen to their miserable Christ-less souls;

It is an anniversary of bringing your demonic prophet friends to deceive your church members with prophecies, and paying people to pretend they were mad but had been healed by you. Sir, you are celebrating 1year anniversary of Pentecostal fraud and spiritual idiocy. What an ignominious spectacle!

If I cared so much about our relationship, or preaching in your big church, you would have known. There is something we value more than your contact, sir. I remember when I used to kneel down in a public place such as a mall, begging girls to give me their phone numbers. People would laugh at me. To my hearing, everybody around would call me a fool. It is funny, brother. The way you are laughing at me now is the way people were laughing at me then. Yet I never minded.

28 If I could face public ridicule because of girls when I was in the streets, why will I be ashamed to go to the streets and face public ridicule because of Jesus Christ today? If I could sleep in the rain, and in the bush for a secret parole that paid nothing, why will I now want God to bless me with new shoes before I get committed to His work? And why will you expect me to keep quiet when I see how we are celebrating cathedrals filled to capacity with members who are not ready to be laughed at for God's sake?

Apologies to our friends who were born born again! We beg forgiveness of our colleagues who are ashamed to talk about where they are coming from because of the people they have met on the road. We truly understand your position. If you are among them, sir, I apologize.

But there is something we remember. Why now should I be comfortable pastoring members who hide their Bibles and are ashamed to tell their hostel mates that they are born again? The only thing that brings them to church is because of their quest for miracles.

Prostitutes will travel for hours just to be with you. Like Ja Rule sang, they are “always on time.” They do not come because they love you. Prostitutes do not want to know if you are a fine boy. They don't care about your six-pack body. All a prostitute wants is money. Once she sees you, the first place she looks at is your wallet.

That she is laughing inside the room with you is because she knows that you have money to pay her. I know you did not touch a prostitute before you gave your life to Christ. But, please, sir, wait for some of us who touched them to tell you what we learnt from them that is making us touch our generation now that we have sold out to God.

A whore does not care if you have paid your school fees or if any of your relatives is in the hospital. She might have travelled some distance to see you, but it is not to feel the pains 29 you are feeling. Rather, it is because of what you will give her. They can be beautiful; but no matter how pretty they are, no man prides himself in them. Indeed, I have never seen a man boasting of a prostitute.

How can you boast of someone who is only around you when you have money but far when you are mourning?

Friend, how do you think God feels when He sees that the only thing that brings you to Him is your problems? How do you expect Him to be proud of you when He knows that if you were not that you are looking for a husband, a wife, a job or contracts you would not be in church?

Brother, this is the greatest set of prostituting Christians that have ever walked this earth. Many harlots are our ushers: men and women who are only coming because they need jobs and visas and promotions. They have been to over five churches in one year looking for miracles.

They don't care if there is an evangelism group in that church or an intercessions group. But they can buy a bottle of 'anointing' oil at any price. They can buy 'anointed' water for 'assignments.' They can sow any seed. All they want is miracle, not spiritual commitment.

They don't want to lose their fraudulent contacts. They don't want people to laugh at them because of God, yet they want something from the same God. They are spiritual harlots. How can God be proud of such a breed? Now I know why Jesus told the Samaritan woman that: “. . . The hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seekers such to worship him” – John 4:23.

Churches are everywhere; yet the Father is seeking for people 30 who will come to Him, not because of their needs but because of His needs. Unfortunately, many of our Bible Schools are graduating young pastors who are entering the streets to raise more prostitution centres in our generation in the name of church founding.

You will stay with them for one week and all they will be telling you is how much money they raised in seeds when they ministered in some places. But you will never hear from them how many drunkards they converted to Christ in the programme. All the members in their churches have needs. All of them have people that wants to kill them. All of them are looking for jobs and marriages.

They don't have members who are zealously following Christ because of the fact that He hung on the Cross and died for our sins. If there is no spiritual awakening in our time, then I wonder why God brought people like us out in a time like this when, before our eyes, the church is tilting towards Babylon.

Sister, you need a church where they will not only tell you about your needs and nothing about God's needs. Satan protects prostitutes and blesses them daily with customers because they are not ashamed of him. They can dance naked before hundreds of people. They can stand on the road for hours, luring men to their doom, advertising Hell, doing the work of their evil master. But since you gave your life to Christ, where have they laughed at you because of Jesus? Where have you advertised God? Where have they called you a madman because of the gospel?

Prophets have been giving you assignments to buy water, buy apple, buy this and that for your problems to be over. This year, let them start giving you the assignment of preaching in public places. You need an assignment where they will start 31 laughing at you because of the gospel of Jesus.

That's the assignment the early apostles gave their members; yet they lacked nothing. The early church had money, and enough to spare. And they also had passion for winning lost souls, and even the least among them manifested the power of God. But, in our time, we say we are rich; yet, this is the most powerless generation of Christians that has ever carried the Bible.

Brother, you can step up your game this year. If your church is too big, it is not wrong. But there is nothing wrong if you change to a smaller church where you will be relevant to God's work. Why you rise and fall as a Christian is because you have not being going for evangelism.

Thank God that you have a good voice and are needed in the choir; but that's not enough. The Holy Ghost is waiting for you to preach the gospel in your neighbourhood. You only sang in the choir last year, but not this year again. You must step up. You only talked about your pastor and your prophet last year; this year, talk about Jesus. He is the only message.

The end-time army will be a shameless army. Its members will not preach only when they are invited to programmes, hotel reservations made for them and tastefully designed posters and handbills printed. Anywhere they find themselves will be their crusade ground. They will be doctors that will be conducting deliverance in their hospitals.

I know that the person reading now is already one of them. If that person is you, bow your head, and let us pray!

32 Chapter 08


hen Nigerian former President, Olusegun Obasanjo was in the office, no matter what you Wcame to discuss with him, he doesn't give you more than 20 minutes, and some people use to travel from all over the world just to see him.

Some used to lodge in hotels in Abuja, for weeks... While some for months, just to see him. And many people that succeeded in seeing him never remained the same again. That 20 minutes' time with him gave them contracts and offices and some got connections that made them billionaires.

If those that saw him for 20 minutes became as rich as that, what will happen to those that lived with him or stayed with him daily? Imagine how rich they will become. If an ordinary President can change someone's life financially because they spent just 20 minutes with him, what will happen when we spend time with the God that made heaven and earth?

The mistake we are making is that we abandoned God and started looking for men. But sir, it's time to look for God. It pays. If that vision has not driven you down to your knees, it must be a very small vision. If that dream in your heart has not made you to see that you need God alone, please, wake up and dream again. If you are talented enough to do it, God's glory might not speak expressly in that project.

Paul became an eternal excellency and the joy of many 33 generations. Not because he could write or speak well. But because he could pray. Jesus did not fulfil His great future because He was the Son of God. But because He was a praying man. We have been depending on those we know, no wonder we cannot show evidence of the supernatural. Since we began to trust in our smartness or powers, alas, we end up disillusioned.

Sister, there is something God will show you about where He is taking you to that will make you lose appetite for sleep. If the vision of that ministry you have has not made you reject food and fast, you might need to cry to God for a touch in your prayer life.

The first things Nehemiah did was not to design posters and start looking for guest speakers or looking for hall to rent. The first thing he did was to pray and fast for the vision God has given him for his people.

According to Hosea 10:12, he sowed to Himself in righteousness and he reaped in mercy. And with those days of groaning and fasting, he was broke the fallow grounds. No wonder favour came from all over the place. No wonder God used even the heathen to sponsor his vision.

Sir, there is a big difference when you depend on your contacts and when you depend on God. He hates it when anyone will say: "I made Abraham rich".

Don't cut down the size of your God given vision because of the number of people in your life now. Go ahead and keep watering that vision with prayer. Go back to that dream you had for that business. You cannot be praying for 2 hours everyday and will not see the strange Hand of God in your life in no long time.

34 God wants to put ideas in your head that will shake the pillars of the earth and return all glory to Him alone. Have the arms of flesh not failed you enough? How long will you keep waiting inside an office, from morning till night, to see men, when God is waiting for you to call upon Him? May God revive your prayer life this night. May He seize every appetite from you until you pray.

That demon of sleep that attacks you anytime you wake to pray is arrested from this night. You will not struggle further in life. Heaven will set you up for divine help. Get ready for an idea that will put your name in the list of relevant men in your community.

May your knee receive help from God now.

In Jesus Mighty Name. Let us pray!

35 Chapter 09

MAN OF GOD, LET US PRAY! heck all the men of God who God is giving nations of the world today, when they were young in ministry, Cthey were praying 6 to 7 hours every day. Ask them. Some of them abandoned their comfortable homes and climbed dangerous mountains. And nobody saw them again, after many days.

They were there crying for God to use them in their generations. Some of them prayed and passed out for long before God revived them again. Some prayed and fasted until their legs could not carry them again. And today, they are reaping the fruits of the prices they paid in the place of prayer.

But unfortunately, my generation of ministers cannot even pray for 1 hour consistently, for one month. We spend more hours searching for scriptures we will use on Facebook for arguments than to kneel down and pray.

If this generation of ministers does not encounter genuine revival, I fear for what the church in the next twenty years will look like when this prayerless generation of ministers would have taken over.

When I see young men who insult great men of God, who have gone through stuff for God, I don't feel too comfortable with it. Whether they are wrong or right. What these men have gone through for the Kingdom, we have not even dared it.

The insults, hunger alienation and loneliness some of them have suffered for God, cannot be told better than themselves alone. Yet, after these years, they are still standing. 36 But just that someone made a comment on our facebook posts and called us fools, imagine how painful it is. And in retaliation, we have made more than 20 posts in one day, directly and indirectly fighting back. Carnality everywhere. Arrogance here and there. Obvious madness and we call it boldness.

If we face half of some of the things these generals have faced before they got this far, some of us would have dropped bible long ago. And that is why the Bible said we should follow men who through faith have obtained good report. When a man cannot pray, Satan can use him at will, to even fight himself.

I don't want to talk about prayer. I don't want to read about prayer. I don't want to be around people that can pray. I want to pray. Prayerlessness is the root of all the criminal activities and rivalries attendant in the church in our days. Why young men go to sleep with queen of the coast to receive power to grow their churches is because they don't want to pray.

A generation of ministers that doesn't have a prayer life cannot do much for God in our time. A generation of preachers that fast and pray only when they have big programs will not lead this generation anywhere. If my late dad could still be praying for four hours daily, at the age of 85, what will be my excuse?

Friends, Facebook, Instagram and twitter can only give you phantom popularity. But Facebook cannot give you power. Popularity does not heal the sick. And popularity does not cast out devils.

The world is plagued with too many questions. Families and destinies are bewitched and attacked before our eyes. Popular men and women will not save the day. We need powerful men. The church once again, needs men that will make a decree and it with stand. 37 There is no other short cut to getting power except in the place of prayer. Man of God, let's go and fall back to God in humility and expose to Him our emptiness. Let's tell God that we are tired of all these packaging. We need the real thing. And we need it desperately.

I thought you have seen the end of those that used juju for ministry. I thought you are seeing the emptiness of those presently using demonic means to grow their churches. I thought you have sworn never to bow to Baal.

I thought God showed you great things about your future when you first began. I thought there are many prophecies hanging over your heads I thought some people have given you a date when they will disgrace you and you will fold up that ministry. I thought you said someone swore that there will never be a trace of glory in your life and ministry.

They saw you shouting fire in church. They came to your house and saw you playing gospel music. Every day they see you going in and out of church. They think you have a prayer altar where you fall back on, without knowing that you only come back from church to sleep, till the next day.

Now, they have gone to fortify their altars. Why are you surprised that things are happening the way they are going around you? There is a price we must pay to carry the power we want to manifest. We don't have any other option. We must pray.

Right now, I judge every spirit of weakness in the place of prayer in your life.

In Jesus Name. In case you are ready, let us pray!

38 Chapter 10

THIS MIGHT BE WHY YOU ARE FINDING IT HARD TO OBSERVE FASTING! ou can stay from morning till evening without feeling hungry, but anytime you make up your mind to Yobserve fasting, hunger will come from nowhere. I don't know about you. But it happens to me severally.

If there is nothing fasting adds to your spiritual life, Satan will not be trying hard to discourage you from fasting. That miracle God uses your pastor to do, you too can do it. You don't need to go to Bible school to begin to prophesy. You can lay hands on your sick mother and she will jump up, healed.

That fibroid can die on its own accord. Juicy contracts and jobs can start looking for you even without you falling prey to a juju preacher, they are hiring to raise funds here and there. Satan knows those that carries only Bible. But he also knows those that carries power.

You pay a lot for things that have been freely given to you because you have been spiritually lazy. The cost of ignorance is alarming. Some people don't recover from it till they die. The greatest lie we have told you is that we alone can be used by God. But you too can carry the power. You too can prophecy. You too can heal the sick. There are little prices to pay. Praying and fasting is one of them. For Jesus, who is God Himself to depend on fasting, it means, you and I have no excuse.

Adam never fasted. He was busy eating all the fufu and Sharwarma in Eden, morning, day and night. If he was 39 spiritual, the same serpent he named would not have being used to drive him out from glory.

When Jesus came, that same Satan rushed Him immediately. And took him to a restaurant. And told him to start making order for food.

But Jesus remembered how the first Adam lost his honour... And he told him: "Man shall not leave by bread alone..." Because the first man that lived by bread alone lost his dominion through food.

Friends, that was the first recorded victory Jesus had over Satan. And Satan has not forgotten what Jesus did to him, because of His ability to fast. Till today, any time he sees God's child making up his mind to fast, he gets afraid and release all his demons to make sure they disrupt the person.

That is why any time you are on a fast, suddenly, you will start remembering the fried rice you ate in a party last year. Sometimes, you even start perceiving the aroma of food, even when there is no kitchen around. (Smiles)

Satan is a bastard. He is a liar. He is wicked. But he is smart. Whatever that made God told us to go to the serpent he cursed and learn must be a serious matter. Which means, even cursed things can be smart. Since you became born again, you struggle to fast, because you don't understand the power in it.

I was not a pastor when different terminal sicknesses started dying by my hands. The day snake choked to death inside my small room by itself, I was just a church member, only singing in the choir, as every other person. When I used to go from Eke Okigwe to Abakpa Market, in Okigwe town, looking for sick people to pray for and God was healing them instantly, then, I have never climbed any pulpit for once to preach.

40 I will gather some secondary school boys and girls and through me God will set them on fire. And they will go back to their houses, looking for sick people to heal. Tomorrow, they will come back with testimonies of different God's manifestations. Then, I was just a cleaner in our small church of less than ten members.

It was a time of hunger, lack and wants. But, I converted it to fasting and God was adding grace, day by day. When they call my pastor for emergency prayer, sometimes, he will send me to represent him whenever he is too busy. And through my feeble hands, to the glory of God, the activities of wickedness will end in those families whenever I enter. Yet, I was 'Brother Iyke... 'Not pastor Iyke.

I don't know about others, but, fasting and praying helped me. And it has not stopped. How can you say you want to carry power in our time and you cannot loose meals?

Being worded is good. But fasting makes the Word of God in your mouth to come alive. Knowing the Truth is good. But fasting sets the Truth in your mouth on fire.

Yes! Fasting is not only for power. But if you have a habit of studying the Word and adding it to a fasting and praying life, snakes will come around you and die by themselves.

We have not arrived yet. We have not even begun. But in our little way, to the glory of His Name alone, we have seen the a little of the power of God. And fasting has helped us. I am only talking to those that wants to grow their game. I mean, those that wants to stay in their houses and set shrines in their Father's houses on fire. Those that are tired of looking for prophets, from one city to the other. Those that have gotten tired of being prayer projects in all the prayer ministries around.

41 I mean those that wants to start manifesting the power of God by their own hands. Iyke Oriaku, I am one of them. It is time to ask God to help us 'hate' food and give us grace to live a fasting life, because we cannot remain like this. We must grow our fire!

Are you ready? Then, let us pray!

42 Chapter 11


ne day I was on my way to the market to buy meat which I needed to cook some jollof rice with. As I got Oto Eke Okigwe, close to where I lived, I suddenly started speaking in tongues.

While still speaking, I broke off briefly to tell the butcher to sell some meat to me. As he was about slicing it, I resumed speaking in tongues and even raised my voice. Immediately, he covered up his meat and would not sell to me again. I moved on to another person. I was still speaking in tongues. He had started slicing the meat when I raised the decibel of my prayer. Again, out of fear, he decided not to sell the meat to me.

I told him that I was just praying and that he should pay no attention to me. He rather accused me of being an occultist on a mission to get some materials for ritual purposes.

He said that he also spoke in tongues sometimes but did so in church. But he was not taught that someone could speak in tongues in the market or on the streets where worship was not going on. While arguing, he raised his voice. This attracted his fellow meat sellers who teamed up to mock me and ended up branding me a member of a notorious cult group in that area known as Pipe Men.

I ended up not cooking with meat as I intended. I had to use frozen fish which I bought elsewhere, away from the market. By then, I had stopped speaking in tongues. As I got to the hostel where I lived, the wife of porter, who was about six months pregnant, started shouting as soon as she sighted me: 43 “Brother Iyke, thank you! Brother Iyke, thank you! If not for you, I would have been killed. How can I thank you enough?”

She shouted this at the top of her voice. The occupants of the building rushed out to find out what the matter was. I was surprised because I had no clue as to what she was talking about even though she thought I knew what she was saying.

She said that after the birth of her first son, all other pregnancies would be terminated in the sixth month as a result of demonic attacks. About seven demons will usually come to her in a dream and hit her abdomen. This had happened twice consecutively, after which the demons told her they would kill her if she got pregnant again.

When she got pregnant again, she went to her church and was given various anointed items to avert the loss of her pregnancy. She also went to a prayer house where she was given similar items which she kept in her room so they would ward off the demons.

That afternoon, exactly six months into her pregnancy, in spite of those anointed materials hanging everywhere, the demons attacked her again. According to her, she was struggling with them and was so weak that she could not even shout.

Nobody could hear her as she had started losing breath gradually and wondered what would become of her son if she passed away. She was certain she would lose her baby and her own life as well.

It was at that time that I got back, still speaking in tongues. The demons fled immediately. According to her, I was only speaking in tongues and they fled. She was revived shortly after they left her. She lost neither her life nor that of the baby.

That was when she ran out and saw me. She held me and started shouting excitedly and thanking me for coming to save her life and that of her unborn child.

44 Friends, I did not have a clue of what she was talking about but people had already joined her in thanking me. They did not know what was going on in my mind while I stood there. When I found out from her the exact time the incident began, I realized it was exactly the same time I was in the market speaking in tongues, the same moment I was labeled an occultist.

Friends, how could I have known that what I while speaking in tongues, some blood-sucking demons were about to snuff life out of a pregnant woman? God suddenly bestowed on me, the gift of bilocation – being in the market and my house at the same time thereby helping avert the disaster that was about to occur.

I lived in that compound until the woman gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. She went on to have a third child by which time I had already moved out of the compound. To the glory of God, that attack was the last one. Hallelujah!

If not that I was not ashamed to speak in tongues in the market, those demons would have killed her and her unborn baby. They would have dead and become the subjects of a colourful obituary poster if not for God's intervention. Maybe her family would have written of her: “To God be the glory”, while others would have written: “God gave and God has taken.” But it would not be true. Indeed, God gave her life, but demons took it.

There are many things that happen to you that are not caused by God. There are several things the devil has stolen from you before now. Last year you were weak in prayer, ashamed to pray or preach in public vehicles, you were not even bold enough to pray in tongues in your office, and you were afraid of being mocked while praying as you strolled on the way to school.

45 No wonder many things died around you. You lost opportunities that would have made your life better. No wonder your relationship has crashed. No wonder you cannot explain why certain things keep reoccurring in your life. Refuse to celebrate spiritual cowardice this year.

I wish you knew how many demons have been mobilized to frustrate your vision this year. All they want to do is to stop you from getting help. They want to make sure you end up suffering in life. If you are truthful to yourself, you will know that you are not where you are meant to be. Demons are getting promotions and being decorated with new ranks because of the many disasters they have caused in your life.

If I were you, I will make a vow now to set my altar on fire again. It's time to be labeled a mad man for the sake of God.

Let your neighbors get used to hearing you speak in tongues to the point that they will mock you as a result. Do not let your Christianity end at claiming divine blessings for yourself or sharing posts online because of the blackmail that accompanies them.

Christianity transcends wearing sacramentals, and expecting miracles. Rather, it boils down to doing good and thwarting the efforts of the devil and his agents. Your shadow falls on the sick and they are healed; demons stop holding meetings in your area because of you; witches sneak out of town anytime they hear you are around; and people come to you to pray for them even when they know you are not a pastor.

Friends, much of this social media Christianity is a scam. There is something more. If the early Christians did it this way, the world would not have christened them 'Christians' at Antioch.

This year, brother, ask God to give you evidence of His fire in 46 your life. I am not talking about material evidence. Cars, good jobs and marriage are not evidence that you are born again. Cult members also have cars as well as good marriages. Some of them are staff of big firms.

Unfortunately for most Christians, they have refused to appreciate the Holy Spirit which sets them apart. How would you feel if you were not on talking terms with someone you were asked to help? How would you feel if no member of your household spoke with you? This is our action towards the Holy Spirit. The same power that disgraced the grave and raised Jesus from the dead is with you right now.

Regrettably, you have neglected Him. What we miss in our time in our pursuit of shadows! The church will never see a genuine revival until it reconciles with the Holy Spirit. This generation of preachers cannot usher in the coming revival until it reckons with the agency of the Holy Spirit. Until the church emphasizes His work, we can as well forget about a global harvest. Without the Comforter, the church is just a place where people gather to exchange ideas.


They were poor, did not build big auditoriums and did not have Bible school degrees. But that generation had the Holy Spirit and because of that shrines did not survive in their environments, and evil forests where villagers buried cursed people were converted to praying camps. Mere church members stopped demons in their tracks and cast them out of their victims. It cannot be compared to what we have today.

The Christianity of today cannot keep Satan at bay. I don't have any problem with the use of sacramentals because God can manifest in various ways; but these are the things I saw did not see in the church in the days of my fathers. 47 That generation of preachers did not sell anointing oil to their members. It did not sell the Holy Communion either. It did not build up the faith of members using anointed objects. Instead, it taught them to stay calm in the face of storms because God had given His angels charge over them.

The generation of my fathers did not teach its members to attribute a bad omen to the mere sighting of a living creature at a particular time of the day. They were taught to calm the storm instead of being troubled by it.

Because of that boldness, the supernatural and the miraculous regularly occurred even in the Children's Department of the church. Witches were afraid of believers anywhere they saw them. This was possible because most people sitting on the pews manifested the power of God.

In our generation, only the pulpit wields that power. We have robbed the pews of the knowledge that should have made them carry the power of God, because we want them to be dependent on us. No wonder we parade a congregation that doesn't know about the promises of God to His children. What a time we are in! If there is any time to preach to preachers, it is now!

Jesus told them: “And you shall receive power . . .” He did not say that you shall receive an anointed item before you receive power – nor did He say the power was available to pastors only. The entire membership of the church waited for it and got it at Pentecost. And, from that day, they began to make news. Today, we enclose the power of God in an item and expect it to manifest without having at least a functional prayer life. What a fraud!

Why do we promise them the power they are not ready to pay a price for? How can they carry what they have not waited for? How long shall we keep deceiving these people? When are we 48 going to tell them that what they possess within them is more powerful than whatever anointed materials they procure from their churches.

I am greater than Moses; so, don't make me bow to him. I am greater than Elijah; don't tell me to reduce myself to his level. These men never possessed the Holy Spirit who only rested upon them occasionally. Yet, they manifested the power of God. What about you and I that have the Holy Spirit living inside of us?

Why do we neglect Him to travel from coast to coast in search of materials anointed by men of God?

I wish you can understand how Moses, Elijah, Elisha and other great prophets envy you and I now. The Bible says that they would have loved to see this day! They would have loved to be alive in an epoch when the Holy Spirit dwelt in them, and not having their faith tied to sacramental. No doubt, they would have achieved far more than they did.

This present generation of Christians cannot withstand the smallest demon if we keep building their faith on anointed objects. I don't how many of such items you have been asked to buy again this year. You can go ahead if you must. And let it be unto you according to your faith. But let it be that you already know that 'HE' that is in you is greater than whatever is in any item you were given.

That pregnant lady would have died at the hands of demons even with all the sacramental she surrounded herself with. They could not prevent the demons from attacking her. Thank God for mercy!

How many automobile accident scenes have you seen that you did not find the anointed stickers of a church on at least one of the totaled cars? Where was the power in the anointed sticker 49 when the accidents that claimed lives happened? Yet more people are still building their faith on anointed church stickers, just because of testimonies, whether true or false, which some people gave about those materials.

By the grace of God, the children we are raising will not buy even one of your anointed materials – not because you are not powerful or anointed enough. But because they will not have any need for it. The children of God in our time may wear your anointed wristbands, but it would strictly be for fashion, not because they depend on it for divine protection.

Anointing embedded in various materials cannot make us giants. It cannot scare our enemies. We are raising men that will possess the power of God.

You may not see them with big and impressive Bibles. But whenever they open their mouths, fire will come forth. You will not hear them shout, “My daddy”, “My bishop” or “My pastor!” But when they act, you will know they are being trained by giants of the faith.

It's shameful that we are bragging about adults that are spiritually immature. I don't understand why we are not ashamed that those buying our anointed materials cannot sleep for a night without using them. The greatest shame some pulpits are suffering in our day is that we don't have any more shame left.

Lord, the pulpit has become the mission field. Where are the few men who still have shame? Everything is wrong with this generation of Christians who depend so much on anointed materials. I don't have a problem with the use of sacramental as I also have mine. But there is something more.

Beside redemption through the blood of Jesus, the greatest gift that God has given to us is the Holy Spirit. He is always with 50 us. I believe in anointing oil; but you don't need to rely so much on it when you have God. Let no man build your spiritual life up with anointed materials.

When you know your position in Christ, you don't need those things. There is power where the word of the King is, and not where there are anointed materials. As one who is born again, you are already a king.

All you need to generate power is to build up yourself in the faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. See Jude 20. That's why Jesus said that men ought always to pray and not to faint. Luke 18:1.

This is because, in the place of prayer, you are building your power bank. Don't let any other thing die around you. Wherever you are right now should be conducive enough for you to pray in tongues. Let them say you are a cultist and let them accuse you of making incantations.

You may not know what the Holy Spirit wants to achieve through you. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” – Romans 8: 26.

This year, make a vow to grow in power. As you sit there now, promise the angels by your side that you must make efforts to start depending on the Holy Spirit henceforth. He is listening to you right now.

Tell Him that you are sorry for not acknowledging Him all this while. Let Him see the fresh determination in you to get Him involved in everything you do henceforth. This is the time He has been waiting for to start a fresh work in your life that will usher you into a lifetime of the supernatural.

I welcome you to the fresh page of your life with the Holy Spirit! Let us pray! 51 Chapter 12


n my country, Nigeria, there are three major tribes: Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba. Igbo men are known for their search Ifor money. And they have it. Yoruba men are looking for education. And they have it. Hausa men are looking for power. And they have it.

But the Hausa men are controlling both the Igbo with money and the Yorubas with certificates, because they have the power. They understood earlier on that a man in power can control a man with money and degrees. You can hate a man with power, but you are still under him. You can speak grammar more than him, but you are still under him. Just one decision he will make can affect your source of money.

If he gets angry and effects a policy, all your degrees might be useless in your hands. That is why all Jesus promised His disciples was not money or scholarships. But He said: "And ye shall receive power..." Because He understands that there are demonic powers.

Don't just pray for promotion in the office. Pray for promotion in the school of Power. They can raise your salary, yet, a 9- year old girl with demonic powers can be controlling how you spend the salary. Your father might have ended the way he did because of powers that fought him.

Thank God for your degrees and business ideas. But sir, look for the Power of God. As you go to church don't ask God for 52 money as usual. Cry to God for His Power. How far could the Apostles have gone in life without the endowment of the Power from on High?

The only language the devil understands is power. May your admission into the school of power be granted this week. May God trust you with the Anointing. May you speak less and Pray more and may the power come.

In Jesus Name.

Let us pray!

53 Chapter 13


ou are in the city sleeping from one man to the other for money, yet, you want to go back to the village and Yfight your uncle who sleeps in burial grounds for power.

Your pastor begs you to attend church every Sunday, and anytime you manage to do so, you would be looking at your watch. Yet, you are challenging the witch in your compound who does not miss her meetings on the high seas every night.

You may not have killed and you don't use charms. But you don't have any covenant with God. Yet you are doing business with men and women who have demonic covenants with pythons which they serve.

You know all the movie actors and actresses and how much they are worth, but you don't know any scripture in the Bible. You can sit down and see movies for eight straight hours; but once it's time to pray, you would start complaining that you want to sleep.

Once you hear, “open your Bible,” you would remember you had a hectic day and need to rest because you'd have to be at work tomorrow. Sister, enemies are using your destiny to play snooker.

When you don't have new shoes and clothes, you don't go to church. When it's raining, you assume your pastor should 54 understand that you cannot let water touch your hair. Yet, the enemies of your glory go about under the sun and in the rain.

Many times, they go naked to fellowship with their kind, and to get more powers from the snake they serve. Yes, a prophet has told you the names of your enemies and given you accurate prophecies. But there is a price to pay. It is time to strike a covenant with God.

Impartation and anointing services start and end as mere rituals when they involve men and women who have no covenant with God. Wearing anointed bangles, anointed this and anointed that is mere fashion when you have not surrendered to the work of Christ on the Cross.

Considering that you are not known in Zion, how dare you point your finger at a man who does not sleep all night but dances naked in graveyards to renew his powers? Do you not know it amounts to suicide?

How dare you question that witch in your office when you know you have no covenant backing you up? Do you want her to send you afflictions the way she sent them to others in that same office?

How can you be in the city, with all your degrees and connections, yet an illiterate witch in the village controls how much enters your hands and what you do with it? The witch did not go to school, but you did. Yet, she has sworn that the certificates you bagged would be useless to you and your family. And, before your eyes, her words are playing out.

The witch has not been to the city, but you are in the city. Yet, from the village, she has sworn that nothing good will come near you in that city. And, evidently, it is working out according to her threats.

55 Sister, this is not just a matter of posting church stickers everywhere in your house or car. This is not a matter of obeying a prophet, by observing days of dry fasting, after which you go back to sleep with other women's husbands. This is time to surrender to God and to enter a covenant with Him!

In the game of the spirit, covenant is the password. What can you let go of for the altar you are bowing to? What kind of painful sacrifice can you make to service the power behind your covenant?

Some people don't have sex with anybody, not even with their wives, for weeks and months. Some sleep with dirty and stinking mad women. Some eat excreta. Some drink the blood from a woman's mensuration – all because they want to grow in their demonic powers.

No wonder when they cast spells, Satan carries it out immediately. They can be far away but monitor you easily. They know when you are about winning a big contract award, and they scatter it. They know when a wonderful man wants to propose marriage to you, and they hijack it.

Sister, without a relationship with Christ, whether you like it or not, they are more powerful than you are. No matter how promising a business proposal is, occult men never miss their cultic meetings. Those of them who are busy politicians won't dare stay away from such meetings because they know that their positions and political powers are at stake with their absence.

Unfortunately, Christians play with God. We play with fellowship days. We prefer travelling to attend programs where they promise they would see visions for us. We go from city to city shopping for answers and miracles.

56 Yet, the Bible tells us: “not forsaking the assembly of ourselves, as manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” – Hebrews10:25.

But we want where they would push us down and bring microphones to start interviewing the demons in us; and the next Friday night, we will be in another night vigil, where they would interview another demon inside us.

You are not committed to any church, but you want power. How can it work? They only go “from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before Zion” – Psalm 84:7.

Brother, come down from that mountain where you have stayed since last year. Go back home, get committed to a church and enter a covenant with God. You alone know those contacts in your phone that are fighting your covenant with God. Delete them and new things will start unfolding in your life.

I know you have tried severally, but still see yourself going back to your vomit. Brother, there is grace on this page now. Cry a new cry today and let fresh tears flow from your eyes. I see God empowering your YES and your NO! You cannot continue living your life without tying it to a covenant.

You are inflicting wounds on your destiny, while the enemies of your father's house are glorying in your stagnation in life. Before they pour another bottle of anointing oil on you, tell them to please reconcile you with God. Before they tell you to buy another mantle and anointed this and that, please tell them that you want to make peace with God first.

Your father did not know this. He was a nice and honest man but he did not have any covenant with God. He thought that the battle of life is won by honest men. He did not know that in the things of the spirit, men with strong altars win the day. No wonder he has nothing to show for his honest life in the city. 57 Naboth was an honest man, but did not have any altar. How can you challenge a Jezebel when you don't have an active altar? How can you stand in the way of such a highly demonic woman that drinks the blood of the old and the young and go home to watch African Magic and Super Sports?

Jezebel gathered her demonic people and they declared a demonic fast over Naboth's head who, not knowing of the forces massed against him, went home and was eating fufu and drinking Shawarma.

Every day he was inside barbing salons and boutiques, doing his best to look hip and trendy, whereas a witch like Jezebel and her dedicated loyalists went foodless, sleepless and sexless for days over his head. No wonder that man was wasted even in his honesty.

Friends, Elijah learnt a lot from Naboth; if he had not, Jezebel would have wasted him too. When he embarrassed Jezebel and Ahab publicly, he became the most wanted man in all of Israel.

In the spirit, a bounty was placed on his head, reward for any witch that would bring him down. But God's general withdrew himself from circulation and hid somewhere. And for three years and a half, he was servicing the covenant altar he had raised for his God.

You cannot imagine all the sacrifices Jezebel made to destroy him. That witch shed the blood of goats, fowls, boys, girls, men and women just to activate her altar against Elijah. And Elijah knew this; that was why he was afraid. He surrendered to his superior altar, the one that created heaven and earth. That was the Altar that took care of Jezebel and her false prophets. Alleluia!

Sister, I want to reconcile you with that same altar now. You don't have a choice. Jezebel is after you. She and her hordes are after your academics and marriage. What is the condition 58 of your altar? Every morning that you dress up, looking more beautiful, it annoys your enemies. And they are going back to provoke their altars against you.

Naboth was only a Sunday morning Christian. But Elijah was always happy when he was told, “let us go to the house of the Lord.” Which of them are you like? Naboth would only go to church when there is a poster and handbill, and when a big prophet is coming to church.

He did not have any personal prayer life. No covenant. He was just there, defending the property of his father, without power from on high. But Elijah knew that you don't handle Jezebel if you depend on the relationship your father has with God. He did not start wearing jeans and shirts going around town, so that Jezebel would see he was doing well.

That would be very dangerous. He went back to his altar, where spiritual wars are fought and either won or lost. He was just one man, but he made a name for God in Israel.

I don't know the witch you pointed a finger at in the village, compound, or office that has made the battle against you to be more fierce. But there is nothing to be afraid of. Go back and repair your broken altar. The stones of Jezebel will not see your head. If your father knew this, he would not have suffered as much as he did.

Your siblings thought that going abroad was the answer. But Jezebel has networks all over the world. If they tell you what they are facing abroad, you will understand really that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

Your destiny is at stake, my brother. It deserves more than typing amen on Facebook to the prayers you see there! You have to enter a covenant with God and mean it that, henceforth, you will go God's way for the rest of your life. 59 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. But how can a carnal man carry weapons he doesn't understand or know how to use? That's suicide. My sister, the “Fire!” You are shouts in church is a suicide attempt. You have been your own enemy all this while. And if that fire comes, it might start from you. God wants you to grow in power before He releases His glory. But, you have remained in the same spiritual spot.

Now that you are still trusting God for a miracle and they are fighting you, what would happen when they see you carrying out big projects in the village?

Is that not why some boys who started building houses in their villages did not live long enough to finish them? They were celebrating in the face of their enemies, mighty witches and wizards, when they did not have any protective covenant with God. And they paid for their folly with their lives. That will not be your portion in Jesus Name!

I understand your struggles. But you have to understand that you wrestle against principalities and powers. Your careless lifestyle is empowering demons over your life. Don't give your enemies the weapons they will use to destroy you. They are not afraid of you when they see you with new shoes, new phones and new shirts. But they are always afraid of you whenever you draw close to God.

They get scared when you make up your mind to maintain your covenant with God. Why? They know that there is no enchantment against Israel or divination against Jacob. That is why they want you to be spiritually weak, so that you will never be powerful enough to neutralize their manipulations against your life.

That is why you don't have a prayer life again. You cannot even tell anybody that you are a born again. Your altar is messed up; and they know how much will happen for you if 60 you start operating from a repaired altar. Restoration, financial and spiritual revival will only answer summons when your altar has been repaired.

Elijah called down fire after repairing the altar. Stop shouting “Fire!” from a scattered altar. God will not show up! Receive grace to rebuild your spiritual altar now. Receive grace to build your prayer life. I cause enmity between you and whatever is distracting your relationship with God. Your phone and your TV will no longer take the place of your Bible.

Receive grace to enter into a covenant with God that will drive you until your dying day.

I see you recovering all that the enemies have stolen from your father's house. What God will do in your life from now on will surprise everyone that used to know you. The testimonies that will be coming out of your mouth daily will choke your enemies and send them to their graves one after another. When you meet your friends again, you will be surprised to see yourself preaching to them to repent.

That street you have not passed through for so long, because of the things you did there in the past, I see you going back there to preach the gospel. Get ready to see your friends coming to apologize to you that they had been the ones using witchcraft to scatter all of your life's efforts.

You will lose some friends who would no longer be comfortable with the fire of God that will be coming out of you from now on. I know you are ready for the next level. I welcome you to a new lease of life.

Let us pray!

61 Chapter 14

"TEACHER, DON'T TEACH ME NONSENSE!” he first speaker came up and told us to stop sitting idle at home in the name of studying the Bible, praying and Tfasting. He said we should start looking for businesses to invest in to raise money to help God's work in our hands.

The second speaker spoke on the need for young ministers to have international exposure early. Accordingly, he advised us to start looking for visa to travel abroad, or people will not respect us.

Friends, I got home and stopped looking for God and started looking for money. I began to get involved in every business that came my way – all to help the vision that God gave me. I started looking for visas and international connections. Every day, I would go online looking for who would invite me abroad.

The money started coming. I began to dress better and more expensively. The international contacts started coming. People began to say that I was doing well. Some began to envy me because of how I used to spend money. They said the Lord was too good to me. But they did not know that the fire had gone. I was no more a problem to Hell.

Apprentice witches and wizards began to toy with people around me. Before then, any time I grabbed the microphone, within minutes, the heavens would open and the presence of God would envelop everywhere. But when I began to have more money, nice shoes and suits, I would have to struggle for a long time before the heavens would open just a little bit. 62 When I used to go out with my simple clothes, I didn't have to preach to a sinner for long before they became broken in spirit and let me lead them to Christ. But after I acquired my big phones, nice perfumes and costly shoes, I began to struggle to win someone to Christ. There was money. There were internationally open doors. But the fire had gone.

I am not talking to those that know what they are doing, but to those like us who do not. If God will not provide for the assignment He has given me, I will not kill myself. If He will not sponsor it, then the vision did not come from Him. I know we need money to build nice auditoriums for God. But we need power more than we need money. A big and beautifully furnished auditorium where there is no power of God would depend on drama groups and dancers to bring people back to church the next Sunday.

Let them keep looking for money. Sir, let's go and look for the power of God. Let them go online every day, begging people to invite them to foreign countries. But let's keep bruising our knees, looking for that thing money cannot buy. When God uses you to heal a known madman in the streets, people will troop to your church the next Sunday, without minding if it has a gallery or not.

Jesus asked them: “When I sent you out, did you lack anything?” They did not go to buy and sell to sponsor the work of God committed into their hands. They went with the power of God. A man who is loaded with power from on high cannot lack anything.

At the last ministers' conference Jesus held with his disciples, He told them: “And ye shall receive power".

He knew they needed money. But He also knew that money would not have helped Philip take revival to heathen Samaria. He knew that the cripple at the beautiful gate had been receiving money from pastors for many years, but was still a burden to his people. He knew that what Peter and John 63 needed to give him to change his story was power.

Jesus remembered that Prophet Jonah did not enter Nineveh with money. He entered with the power of God and a whole city surrendered their shrines. Even newborns and animals prayed and fasted for three days! No amount of money would have brought revival to Nineveh – just like no amount of money can bring revival to our sin-addicted cities today.

The church of our day boasts in money. We make boasts with fireless auditoriums and unction-less titles. But the early church boasted and gloried in the power of God. No wonder even native doctors offered money in exchange for it!

Unfortunately, we now hire native doctors and invite them into our well-decorated auditoriums to raise money for us. If we still had the fire, we would not need boys, that sleep in burial grounds for power, to come to our churches to raise money from our members. Is that not why our members are the ones patronizing all the false prophets in the area?

Is there any secret society in whose register one will not see the names of our committed members? They are looking for answers since there is no more bread in the house of bread.

In churches in America and Europe, they now serve tea and bread so that people will not get bored and leave. In some places, they even pay people to attend church. They worship in beautiful cathedrals with nice interiors; but the fire is gone. What an Ichabod!

That is what happens when a generation of ministers abandons the fire in search of the praises of men. Thank God for degrees, money, titles et cetera. But if these things will quench the little fire I have in my heart now, please, away with them!

Man of God, Apostle Paul had a tent-making business at some point to enable him take care of his needs. But he never 64 depended on it for all his missionary expenses. God raised people that supported the Kingdom work. If you are the one paying the bills of all your meetings, it means God is not with you.

How long and hard would Evangelist Reinhard Bonke have had to work to raise the money for his worldwide crusades that lasted for over three decades? What kind of business can give you such money? But that man beseeched God for power and got it without measure. And God raised men to carry the burden for him.

Apostle Paul went to the mountains of Arabia to look for God. And he grew in power. He had found it before we saw him making tents for a living. He raised the dead, healed sicknesses and brought revival to cities. Meanwhile, you are looking for a big car to drive when you cannot command small demons to run. You have abandoned your prayer altar and, now, you are looking for money to do God's work. Go back to your knees. Heaven will soon show up.

The Bible says that through the greatness of your power your enemies shall submit to you. And one of your enemies is poverty. When that power comes, poverty will be broken – because it is God that gives you the Power to make wealth. Stop being distracted. Look for God. When you find Him, a time will come when you will have so much money that you will start investing in many other businesses. Many politicians, especially those in public offices have a lot of money. Therefore, they won't follow you because of your money, cars or international exposure. But when God uses you to heal their son or daughter of an incurable disease, they will have no choice but to bow to the God you carry inside you.

Such testimonies were everyday occurrences in the days of my fathers. When members, not even their pastors, used to raise the dead everywhere they went. And they were feared everywhere. 65 Unfortunately, we don't hear such testimonies again. This is because all everybody talks about in our churches today is money. And some of us who saw what God used the generation of our fathers to do are now asking: “Where is the power of God? If God is still with us, where are the miracles our fathers told us of?”

Brother, go ahead and start looking for money. You can be online and offline looking for visas. But I know that there are men and women who are crying day and night. They go foodless and sleepless, waiting for the promise of the Father. They don't want to talk too much to this stubborn generation.

Take your church politics away. They don't care about such godless networks. You can transfer them from one small church to an even smaller church. They will not be moved, because they are looking for power.

They want what Peter had that made his shadow heal the sick. Kathryn Khulman carried that same thing. Smith Wigglesworth was a commander of that same thing. Others were looking for big church postings while T. L. Osborn separated himself in search of the same thing. And when he caught it, he carried it to all the continents of the world, raising countless dead and healing all manner of incurable diseases.

Friend, when they bring a dying child to you, your business certificate will not be needed. Jesus was not just the WISDOM of GOD. He was also the POWER OF GOD. Let's look for IT. I am sure that the talkative will not have any place to stand on in this end-time. I am hungry for God's POWER and I am gone in search of it.

If you have already gotten it, congratulations! But, please, remember Iyke Oriaku, your weak friend.

Let us pray!

66 Chapter 15

INCASE YOU INHERITED ANCIENT FAMILY BATTLES, THIS IS FOR YOU! sk your parents about all the money they have been looking for since they were born. If it is by their Astrength, they would have become the richest men in your community.

Many of our parents struggled without knowing that they inherited battles. And those battles swallowed them. That was why they were honest and hardworking, but they had very little or nothing to show for all their sweat.

You have started looking for money the way they did. Waking up very early and sleeping very late. Good as it is. But sir, if you don't conquer the battles in your father's house, you will end up the way they ended up. Jesus spent the early days of His ministry, conquering powers that conquered His father's house. No wonder, He didn't struggle.

I know you want to train your children in the best schools. You want to leave cars and mansions and estates behind for your children before you leave this earth. But make sure you don't leave battles behind for them. If not, those battles will swallow them and all the mansions you will leave behind.

Solomon fought no war, even in his mistakes and vanities. He enjoyed his reign. Because his father David fought all the battles for him. Joab, the potential obstacle that was left, David also told Solomon to eliminate him if he must enjoy his reign. (1Kings 2:5)

67 I hope we are not praying to God for children that will come and suffer shame and delay in every area of their lives? These are some of the things many of our African fathers did not know that is affecting many of their children today. But thank God we now know that every family that has program of glory has exceptional battles.

Why your family seems to be going through this present hardship and delay is because there is glory ahead. It is not a curse. Because Jesus has made a way out. It is rather a curse not to have anything that can make the enemy fight you.

But sir, we must wake up. If not this ancient battle will swallow us. Jesus saw the powers that would have swallowed Him. And He took the war to the corridors of demonic powers. And declared to them: "Lift up your heads oh ye gates and be ye lifted up oh ye everlasting doors. That the king of glory may come in". And those ancient altars replied Him:"Who is this king of God...?" (Psalms 24:9)

Friends, you have gone to church to pray. You have sown seeds. You have made declarations. But hell is asking you questions. "Who is that girl that wants to liberate her family from poverty?"It is in the place of prayer that you send your reply to hell, that God has made you the head and not the tail. Therefore your days of begging to feed your family is over; that God said that it is not good for that man to be alone, therefore your marriage must come.

That God said strangers shall build up thy walls..."That as soon as they hear from you they shall obey you... That a people you know not shall obey you...”

Satan is tired of hearing your words. It doesn't move Him. He only runs when you bring Gods words. I want you to join me everyday of this week to pray for one hour, with any of the scriptures above or any relevant scriptures in your arsenal. 68 Ask your elder ones who are married. After wedding, there are still more battles inside that marriage. Ask those who are gainfully employed. Even in their offices, there are still battles. For Jesus Himself to tell us not to faint, but to pray often, it must be a serious matter. He must have seen obstacles on our ways.

Yes. He must have seen the same things that stopped others positioned to stop us. If you are not aware of it, sir, you will pay for it. When I see young men and women who are hungry for glory but not ready to pay the price in the place of prayer, I shudder. You don't become a voice because of what you do online. But because of what you do offline.

Guys are paying price. With fasting and groaning. Don't let Facebook, Instagram and snapchat distract you. You must have time to hide and cry to God for the oil you want to carry. If talents and beauty were enough, sister, you should have been more than where you are now. The price Jesus paid was to purchase the freedom for us all. But it is in the place of prayer that we make demands for our own share of the Redemption package.

And that's why the writer of Hebrew told us to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may receive help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16. If there is nothing to take from the throne of Grace, the Bible would not invite us there. For "He has not said to the seeds of Jacob, seek ye me in vain.." Isaiah 45:1

I am talking to only those who don't want to be swallowed by the same things that swallowed their parents and elder ones. They carried bible but were still begging for food. They preached to people, but yet, could not pay their children's school fees. They were honest and hardworking. But yet, they had nothing to show. And now you are seeing resistance in every areas of your life. 69 The same things that happened to others seem to be happening to you. My brother, stop pretending that all is well. You need to wake up to your family responsibilities. And stand in the gap, in the place of prayer. I have received testimonies of incredible move of God in many lives and families since we joined faith online to pray together.

Some strong men fighting some people are already in the mortuary now after we prayed together. And we return all the glory to God for the testimonies of miracles jobs started coming in after the death of those evil men. Some marital proposals and wedding preparations are coming in like magic.

It is a disaster to sit under a man that doesn't understand the battles you are into. And he will be telling you not to pray against your unrepentant enemies. That vengeance is of the Lord. You might be there and those that killed your father might kill you and still come to your burial to eat rice.

Anyone sponsoring your tears; fueling the fire of pain and delay in your family, that has refused to repent, I declare again, he will be in the mortuary before the end of this year. It has already begun.

The next witch that will die will be that one that has sworn that none of your siblings will see glory. I raise a war cry against that wicked woman that has refused to die, rather she is renewing her life with that of young people in your compound. This month, she will sleep and not wake up again.

Friends, we are only as far from solutions as far as we are from prayers. It might look as if it not working but that is the best time not to stop praying. Are you ready to give Him no rest this week, till He makes Jerusalem a praise on the earth?

Can you ask God to purge you of any sin that is going to supply evidence to Satan to accuse you before God? Are you ready to 70 pray with relevant scriptures, as it appeals to what you are trusting God for? And I join faith with your prophet that passionately prayed for you yesterday, and I pray that from next week, new things will begin to happen for you.

That testimony you have been believing God for will be handed into your hands. We have already vowed to return all glory to God.

If you are ready, then, let us pray!

71 Chapter 16


have seen houses that they used only human blood to build. Anybody that lived in that house lost someone. IEither their children or spouses. And in some cases, both husbands and wives died, including dogs and other pets.

They didn't know they were living in a house built with human blood for sacrifice. And they didn't have any prayer life. They thought being deacons in church was enough. They thought coming back to play the c.d of their pastors was enough.

When Jesus said: "Men ought always not tofaint, but to pray... Luke18:1. He knew you will have pastors who are powerful. But he also knew that what is looking for your head means business. I hear people say that once you are born again, that you are free from all attacks. And I laugh, because when you hear those who have not seen powers, you will know.

Few of us, in our little level have been privileged to encounter powers in one or two missionary areas. Friend, there are powers. Imagine how many people that were killed to get blood to build a living house. Imagine the wickedness. Imagine the sacrifices. That is why the bible said the dark places of the earth are filled with the habitation of cruelty. Psalm 74:20. And because of that Paul told us to Pray without ceasing.

72 1 Thessalonians 5:17. And Jude told us to be building up ourselves on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. (Verse 20)

Friends, Jesus did not tell us to pray out of fear. He told us to pray, so as to exercise our authority and to enforce our victory in our demonized communities.

This night, as you will be sleeping, a twelve year old demon possessed girl will be sleeping inside an ocean for four hours. You were sleeping when she went and you will still be sleeping when she will be back.

At that meeting, you were the subject matter. How to afflict your business; how to make sure your husband's works suffers; how to bewitch your children to start misbehaving; how to cause confusion in your ministry.

Yet, you will still be sleeping when she will leave for another meeting tomorrow. When she comes back, you will still be sleeping. Could that be reason things are the way they are in your Family? Have you not slept enough?

If your parents knew this, they would not have suffered what they suffered. They carried bible and church Manuals without power. And no prayer life. Will you still recycle the mistakes they made?

The greatest wickedness you will do to yourself is if you think everything happening to you is ordinary. Don't use me to judge your family. We might not have the same challenges and the same kind of enemies. Gone are days when you don't go to church because another sister stops going.

Or you sit at home waiting for church bulk SMS before you take your place. Your friends might have other persons standing in the gap for their family. Stop doing fine boy. Stop 73 pretending that all is well. You need to pray. What if God is waiting for you to set your family free from ancient embargo? Will you continue sleeping like someone without assignment?

This is one of the nights you can wake up and stand in the gap for your family. From 12am or 1am or 2am, me, Iyke Oriaku will continue where I stopped. And to be honest with you, to the glory of God, testimonies are flooding in. Anyone that did not teach you about spiritual warfare did not teach you much things. Jesus said: "And ye shall receive power..." Because He knew that there are powers from your mother's side and father's side. He knew there are powers in your business place. He knew that the demons controlling your village will not want you to rise above your mates who are confused and messed up.

If you are ignorant of it, you do that to your peril. If you can speak in tongues, get ready this night. If you cannot speak in tongues. If you desire it, get ready also. Because something from heaven will enter you. I give the Holy Ghost permission to replace every trace of weakness in your life with supernatural strength, now. Are you ready to stand in the gap for yourself and your family?

Then, let us pray!

74 Chapter 17


sk him, before he took over that office, something else took over him. Before he sat on that throne Apublicly, there were prices he paid secretly. Why everybody in Yoruba land now bows to him is because they know that he has bowed to something. Before you see a young man elders are bowing to, check that young man, he is bowing to something greater than they have seen.

Age does not stop the 'honour' sacrifice brings. If you get too familiar with him, the altar he bows to will give you wound. Men don't bow to men who bows to nothing. Honour has a cost and money cannot buy it. It is paid for by sacrifices. Ask for the price of the OIL you want to carry in our time, sir, and pay for it.

When you see some young men older men are respecting in ministry, don't feel bad, there is something they have paid for. You were on Facebook doing argument, while they were in the secret crying to God for OIL. And when He that sees in secret began to honour them openly, you thought they are the ones looking for men to honour them. Any Christian that feels bad when he sees men honouring the men God Himself has honoured, that believer is a witch. It is eternally dangerous to talk against a man you don't know what price he is paying. Ooni of Ife don't beg people to respect him. And that you are angry with him cannot stop him from what he represents in the 'realm of the spirits'. Because he has paid his price. 75 Man of God, stop fighting people to respect you. If they have seen the OIL, you will not be the one forcing them to honour you. I pity a man who thinks that honour comes by how many comments and likes anyone gets on Facebook. I cry for people who think it is by your degree and connections and grammar and erudition.

Sir, ask questions, something happens after you see him jumping on pulpit that you don't know about. When he goes offline, you don't have idea what he is doing. You cannot be eating the way you do and expect to carry a phenomenal Oil in our generation.

The man you are talking with daily or chatting with online, you don't know the last time he ate food cooked with fire. You don't know the last time he slept with his wife. Sir, ask for the cost of the anointing you want to carry and cry to God to help you to pay for it.

Any glory not gotten in the place of prayer will evaporate. If that vision has not made you to lose appetite for food, it might not take you anywhere. If you cannot give out your food because of what God showed you, sir, your vision must really be very small. Altars controls thrones. And what sustains altars are sacrifices. And sacrifices are made with pains.

Man lost his dominion in the garden through food. That was why Jesus came and started with fasting. Satan understood that Jesus has understood the code, that was why he rushed to tempt Him with the same food. But Jesus disappointed him.

Ah! If Jesus had turned that stone to bread, like one of the fathers of faith in our time, Rev Sam Tukurah said: “The Maker would have ended up as a Baker”. And what an eternal disaster it would have been for humanity. Some people have eaten their family liberation in canteens and restaurants. Many people who are supposed to be handling great power and anointing are still on the dining table morning, afternoon and night, dragging food. 76 If you are afraid to have stomach ulcer out of fasting, there are level of demons that will never be afraid of you. By the grace of God, I am a price preacher, because I grew up seeing over one thousand young men of God everyday of my life, for two decades.

I saw those that depended on 'grace' and never missed any meal. Because to them Christ has paid it all. I also saw the limitation they had in the spirits.

I saw those that depended on degrees and certificates, because to them, Paul was used more by God because he was more educated. But they did not know that there were many people more educated than Paul in his days that also preached the gospel but were never heard of.

Ask questions sir, it was not Paul's education that made him the greatest. It was the price he paid in the place of prayer and fasting and studying. Whatever he went to do in the mount of Arabia for those years, however he fought with the beasts of Ephesus. Those were the edge he had above others. Not the degrees he called dungs.

Don't let men who are tired in the place of prayer talk you out of your prayer room. Certificate would not have helped Paul when the demons in Malta sent vipers to end his ministry. Cobras and vipers don't hear grammar. They obey the voice of Fire. Who knows how successful the vipers sent to our ministries and families has been while we are busy bragging with titles that has no eternal value.

Increase your level of knowledge, sir. Enroll in school, if you can. But don't abandon your prayer altar. Don't let anyone talk down the place of sacrifice of praying and fasting to you. If not, soon, when you speak, newly recruited demons will come and slap you INFRONT of your members. 77 Honour in the Kingdom starts from the knees. If you have to start begging people to be talking good about you, then, it is not honour. If you have to talk others down, so that people will respect you, it is not honour. Honour doesn't shout. It doesn't brag. It doesn't advertise. No matter how much a man God has honoured hides, his generation will look for him.

You may not understand what he is preaching that is making people to rush to his church. But check that guy, there is a price he is paying in the place of prayer. Stop wishing for him to see shame, because he has not even started yet. Because when a man is addicted to the secret place of the Most High, he must abide under the shadows of the Almighty.

Go and revive your prayer altar, sir. If not, you will soon lose alignment. There is a demonic revival going on now. All those who are serving Satan are paying some high level of demonic prices now, more than ever. They are growing in their demonic powers, to frustrate the man that God made. Politically and economically etc.

What we need to combat this demonic program against the end time church are men that are ready to pay the price. If not, in the next few years, many genuine churches will fold. Many genuine men of God will run out of stock and the enemy will drink tea with their souls. If you love me, take me back to my knees. If I can succeed there, I can conquer anywhere else.

If an idol worshipper can wield so much power after hiding himself before dead gods, imagine what will happen when we hide ourselves before the God that made heavens and the earth?

Have you seen why Peter's shadow healed the sick? Have you seen why Paul raised the dead? Have you seen why we should be ashamed of this too much noise we are making and yet no 78 power? Too much packaging, yet, nothing is changing. Have you seen why there are many Christian festivals here and there, yet, no trace of revival. Is it not better we didn't come into the kingdom at all, than being known in history as the generation that spoke only Queen's English to the demons we were supposed to chase away?

Friends, some of us are ashamed of this shamelessness. For once, we accept that we have been carried away. Please, join us in the place of prayer. Because, if we fail there, we have failed everywhere else.

Let us pray!

79 Chapter 18


Late Rev. David & Rev. Mrs. Lilian Oriaku (The Parents of the Author) y father was posted to a village to start a branch of the Assemblies of God Nigeria. And there was no Mclose source of drinking water. People used to walk about two hours to get water to drink.

Actually, there was a close enough source of water. It was the only river in the village and was dedicated to gods. A certain snake lived inside it, a giant snake that was said to have lived there for centuries. Within a few weeks, by the help of the Holy Spirit, my father had preached Jesus in the entire village and had converted a few boys and girls; and they were filled with the Holy Ghost.

One day, in the presence of almost the whole community, he took his boys to that river to pray. People were afraid for them. Because from generation to generation, no one had stepped 80 into that water, except the chief priest who only went there to present sacrifices for the snake to feast on. When they entered, my father took a cup of water from the river, raised it up and declared. “Ye ancient serpent, I curse you! I sack you from this river! In the presence of all these ones you have held bound, I declare that this place shall no more be your residence! I disgrace you out of this community! The last time you came here is the last time anyone will see you here . . . in the name of Jesus!”

When he wanted to drink the water, people shouted in alarm. But he drank it anyway and, one after the other, gave some to all his boys and girls, and they all drank. He turned to the crowd and told them: “Let us see who will pack out of this village: the snake or the children of the Living God.”

The village's chief priest was angry. He performed some rituals and declared to the hearing of everybody that my father and his boys and girls had seven days to live – unless they were ready to make some costly sacrifices. If they did not do so, he said, all of them would die from a runny stomach.

The whole village was tense. Already, by then, people had begun to troop to our house to condole with us. When they saw my siblings, they seemed to be telling themselves: “See those poor children . . . their father will soon die.” Some asked my mother: "How will you train these children when your husband dies?”

But she kept replying them: “My husband will not die. A snake that is cursed from Eden has no power to kill my husband. He that is inside my husband is greater than he that is inside that river.” Hallelujah!

During the seven days, my father and his young converts regularly fetched drinking water from the river. My mother used it to cook at home. Sometimes, they would swim in the 81 same river and the whole village would gather to watch them.

But during those seven days, the snake did not show up again. The sacrifices of goats and chicken the chief priest had made to her every morning and night were all there untouched. And nobody had sighted the snake anywhere.

After ten days, my dad and his young converts were still alive and healthy. People gave them one more month to die, saying, “Maybe the snake wants to take them unawares.” But three months passed, and yet none of them had a runny stomach, a fever or a headache. And during those three months, nobody had sighted the snake in that river. The village head called a meeting one evening and told everyone:

“Whatever power chased this snake away will be worshipped in this village. Whatever power has kept these people alive for three months will also keep us all alive if we start drinking from this river.”

From that day, the whole village started drinking water from that river. And nobody ever saw that snake again. And that was how the village was converted to the living God. Many other churches started coming in. Hallelujah!

Friends, it is not African Magic: this is not a Chinwetalu Agu or Pete Edochie movie. The difference between the early church and the church in our time is that we have lost the Holy Ghost. The emphasis has changed from the Holy Ghost to miracle money and miracle cars and miracle marriages. No more does majority of believers in today's church seek the power of God.

We have replaced Him with our man-made doctrines and dictums. We have choked Him out of our services so that ritualists would be comfortable enough to stay and keep 82 bringing in money. He has gone. And we are happy without Him because we know that if He comes, He will interrupt us and spoil our 'business.' If He comes, He will come as a mighty rushing Wind. He will blow open the eyes of the members we are using threats and charms to keep. And they will start asking one another:

"Now that our eyes are open to see the human skulls buried in this church; now that we have seen that they are pasturing us towards Hell, what shall we do?”

The church was better off when we were 'poorer.' When we used to meet in school classrooms and under trees, occult men in our communities used to fear and respect us. But now that we have moved into our one million-capacity cathedrals, they can see that we are no more who we used to be. In their covens, they refer to us as: 'The generation that sold the Fire they received from their fathers.' And they wonder how we can expect them to follow us to Jesus when we use His name to defraud people.

My heart bleeds whenever I see the powerlessness in some churches. Muslims are looking for both political and spiritual power. But we are gathering people in church every Sunday looking for visas and contracts. Occult men can sacrifice anything to get not just money, but also power. And that is why, with their demonic powers, they are the ones controlling all the money in town. Unfortunately, it is only the church in our time that is sacrificing the power of God for mundane things, no thanks to our greed and lust.

And no wonder with all the money we have gotten, we are now raising kwashiorkor-afflicted members who are being disgraced in their offices by those men with occult powers. Friends, the revival we believe God for is for the return of the Holy Ghost. We must cry to Heaven for Him to come back. We 83 stink without Him, and the odour is putrefying. The church in our hands is in great pains and the poignancy has gotten to an alarming rate! Our ego has failed us. Our packaging has disgraced us.

Let Him come once again and inhabit a few men and women that would give Him space. And then, I am sure the whole world would watch what Heaven will use them to do in just a short time. I don't want to be a spectator anymore. I want to be a player in this soon-coming move of God.

Demons cannot be inside my church dancing , and telling their colleagues that if my late father were the pastor of my church, they would not be comfortable to enter my church because the fire would be too much!

Witches cannot attend my next crusade in the stadiums and start laughing at me, telling themselves that if it had been Benson Idahosah's crusade every chair in the stadium would be too hot for them to sit down on. Oh Lord, who knows if there are demons somewhere celebrating that they have watered down the fire in your mouth?

I don't know if they are drinking beer in Hell now, celebrating the fact that your ministry is no more their problem. And now, they have even sent people to bring you money with which to complete the building of your cathedral – because they know you will never preach against sin from your pulpit. Why don't you join me to pray thus? –

"Lord, show me mercy and set me on fire again. Anybody can go. But, Lord, I don't want to miss out on what You are doing in my generation! I want to see a genuine revival in my time. And, if it pleases You, Lord, I am available. Enlist me in Your army!

"How can You miss my father in my community when I am 84 here! Lord, there are many demonic thrones to uproot in communities close to me! There are many more ancient snakes that must not show up again in some rivers in my time. Lord, please, stop missing the dead when I am alive and available!

My friends, this is my daily plea to Him who called me. I don't know about you. Many people have already gotten tired of hanging around churches, looking for who would mention their names and cases from the pulpit. They are sick of running around, looking for this or that prophet to 'see' for them. Right now, they have gone to surrender at the altar so as to be filled with the Holy Spirit; and so they can go home and settle ancient matters in their families.

My dad and his team defeated that ancient snake. It was not because my father was a pastor but because they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. You cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit and still be subject to the control of evil spirits. Demons cannot 'press' you every night when you have Him. How can you carry fire and demons still sleep with you in your dreams and, each time, you wake up with a cloying mess in your shorts?

Friend, you need the Holy Ghost. You need the fire! Stop playing church. Stop depending on a preacher to call your name from the pulpit. You too can go back home and make a decree in your business and marriage or ministry, and things will turn around. How can you carry the Holy Ghost and be running away from the compound you are living in because secret cult members also live there? Tell those that have not forgotten what they saw in the days of our fathers: God is about to restore His power to his church in our time.

A mighty restoration is coming. All the years the caterpillars and locusts destroyed in the church, will God restore even 85 seven-fold; and, this time, with greater power. I am very sure that God is counting on us to take to our knees to activate the next thing He will do in our time.

How many shrines have caught fire because of you, sir and madam? None? And you are on Facebook looking for who liked or who did not like your pictures or posts? You see, I am done with religion and religiosity. I have separated myself from the gospel of grammar. The wicked demons in our time do not care about men with a dictionary anointing.

There are powers that have sworn that we would not go higher than where we are now. Satan has commissioned his best agents to make sure our voices are not heard in our time. In their last meeting, they vowed to make sure that nobody in your father's house will handle glory. Fresh altars have been erected to stop your church from growing further than it is now.

More blood has been poured on the altar of the coven where they have sworn never to let you carry your miracle. But we cannot remain powerless in the midst of all the schemes of Hell. What we are seeing is not all that God kept for us. There are powers holding us down. Revival meant for our cities are being boycotted by powers that ought to be part of it.

How can we be on Facebook and everywhere fighting ourselves when our villages are being taken over by wicked men and women? Brothers and sisters, we need power to reclaim our cities from ancient evil powers. I don't know about you, sir; I don't know about you, madam. But, for me, I see no other route to ultimate and divine power except through prayer. If we must see revival in our time, we must pray. Nothing else will work!

It is obvious that God is willing to give us back our communities. This is not all that wants for us. Ancient snakes 86 may be getting fatter in our cities, with demonic altars growing stronger in our families. Somebody must stand in the gap to sack demons sitting on the destiny and glory of members of your family.

Enough of speaking in tongues for only five minutes in church and watching TV for five hours at home. If my father did not rise up in that community to disgrace the snake, the villagers might still be trekking two hours to get drinking water because a much nearer water source was declared off-limits by the chief priest and his snake goddess.

Sister, somebody must rise up to take a stand in your father's house. And that person is you. Sit down this weekend and pray to God to help you grow the fire you carry. Some of the prophets you are running to may actually have less fire than you do.

Sit down somewhere and grow your fire! This Christianity of convenience cannot take you to your next level of glory. Unless you want to keep writing down the same prayer topics, from year to year and, yet, with no trace of glory, take out time to work on yourself. You don't know how many live chickens or goats they are feeding the demons fighting your glory every day. You must step up your spirituality.

There are ancient gates that must be lifted for glory to come into our ministries. We are too idle; that is why we notice people who are talking against us online and offline. If you see the ocean where demons and their agents are discussing your matter, planning to stop you and make sure you do not gain any weight on earth, then you would not mind all these domestic backbiters anymore. And that is when you will rekindle the fire of your prayer altar.

In Africa, we inherited demonic thrones. Our fathers bequeathed to us ancient serpents. Americans were lucky to 87 have fathers that served God. And that foundation is still speaking better things for subsequent generations. But our fathers sold us out to wicked deities. They gave us over to pythons and cobras. Some of our communities are under the rulership of vipers. No wonder we are like this: the most hardworking race, yet the most backward in everything.

Brother, why do you still allow brethren to beg you to take God seriously when there are ancient voices speaking that you will never see glory until the day you die? Why are you still playing with your salvation?

You are empowering thrones against your life. Satan wants you to get even weaker than this so that the serpent handling your matter would gain more strength and eventually overpower you. All the demonic inhabitants of Hell know you by name. And they have seen the colourful future God designed for you. That is why they have instituted an altar against you. Satan is afraid of whom God wants to make you into.

The witches in your village are not your problem anymore. They are only powerful because you have lost your own spiritual power. And they don't want to kill you but to make sure your prayers are unanswered. They want you to carry the Bible and still beg for food.

Can you invite someone to church when you owe them money? Can you tell your landlord to repent when you have not paid him any house rents for two years now? These have affected your evangelism life because you cannot be bold enough to tell people to follow you to the God that does not seem to be able to wipe away your own tears. How pathetic! As Jesus said: “An enemy hath done this” – Matthew 13:28.

Forget these jeans and shirts we take pictures in. Forget all these stunts we do on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The 88 truth is that we should be beyond where we are now. Others might not know. But we do.

How long will you keep sleeping at night as if you have no enemy to contend with? When will you stop this five-minute prayer you do every day? Friend, you must trust God from today to baptize you afresh with the spirit of grace and supplication.

This is why, long ago, we made up our minds to keep this fire burning! There is a lot we have seen about our future that must not be aborted because of spiritual complacency and lethargy. What we are seeing now is a small slice of what God showed us.

That's why we don't need a preacher to tell us to run away from anything that is separating us from God, because anything that separates you from God blocks the inflow of glory to your life. And we have seen the future. We have seen the glory ahead. We need to carry the power of God if we must make any mark on earth. Therefore, at this juncture, we cannot sacrifice the hunger in our hearts on the table of momentary pleasure.

The altar of our hearts must not be polluted, because a lot depends on it. I don't know if all the dreams God showed you have come to pass. In case there is no altar fighting against your rise anywhere, please note that some of us have many altars that have been mandated to stop us. And if we go to bed now, our lights will be put off.

Please, pray for your friend, Iyke Oriaku, and his kind. Pray for me, brethren. But, in case there are still a few things God has shown you which you have not seen yet, then, from now, it is time to “. . . give him no rest, till he establish, and till he makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth” – Isaiah 62:7.


hey saw him running naked and they went and told the girl he wanted to marry. The girl rushed back the next Tday and returned his engagement ring to him. That he has disgraced her. That her parents will not be proud to have him as son in- law. Because the whole community had seen his nakedness.

Friends, he was heartbroken. The church rejected him. They stopped him from climbing the pulpit. He was deserted. And was living in a psychological prison, worse than the prison of Portiphar.

Nobody cared to Know why he was running naked. They didn't care to know why he lost his cars and investments. They didn't want to know why he was demoted in office. They concluded that God has left him. Just like someone reading this now.

They are saying it's because of your bad character and immoral lifestyles, that is why you are not married yet. They don't want to know how many men that left your life because you said NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE. Sir, they don't care about how many times you rejected to add 0 to figures in office, that would have made him a millionaire. But because they saw you trekking to church, they said they God is not good to you. 90 It happened to Joseph. He is the one we are talking about here. Perhaps, the girl he wanted to marry dumped him because the world has seen his nakedness. If only she had known that the man she was rejecting was going to be the next prime minister in the land. If only she had someone that would have told her to identify with that guy in his days of nakedness. I am sure she would have ended up as the wife of the Prime minister of Egypt.

My sister, that man you rejected because he is trekking might be trekking to Government House, to become the next governor your state will have. That man you don't like his sense of dressing might just be managing, because he is preserving the prophecies on his head from decadence. He has seen shrines to bow to and collect money, but, he is waiting for God's time.

He has seen other General Overseers going to nearby villages to submit their ministries to native doctors to have crowd, but he said over his dead body will he pastor a church powered by queen of the coast. Don't marry a man that can no bear hunger and shame. Don't marry a man that cannot be laughed at. Don't marry a man that is ashamed of being seen naked.

I know your husband will be rich and wealthy. But, if he cannot afford to be poor, for one month, I am afraid, he might use you for rituals tomorrow any time money finishes.

God forbid!

Many churches are no more preaching the message of ‘nakedness'. We are now standing on the pulpit to mock men going 'naked' because of their love for righteousness. We call

91 them hungry and disloyal people. But we praise those that sells human parts and bring the money to pay tithe.

We celebrate those that dedicate 3 cars in 3months, even when we know that they are serial fraudsters.

We say they are doing well because they have sugar daddies all over the places that gives them the money they come to sow into our church cathedral building projects.

Married men will abandon their wives and be carrying them around, and when they come back they mount our pulpits and thank God for providing destiny helpers for them. And we pour them oil, to go and prosper.

Friends, the standard of the world before they respect you is that you must have money. Formerly, the standard of the church for respect was the fear of the Lord. But today, how rich you are determines if some pastor will pick your phone call or not. No wonder, everybody is doing everything to make money, so that when they testify of federal contract in church, they too will be respected, even if they slept with directors brother the contracts.

What a time!

God need to raise a generation of more preachers again in our time that will teach their members how to run 'naked', no matter who is mocking them. All these boys who have rented halls everywhere, rolling out handbills and posters don't understand the cost of glory. 92 They think glory answers to night vigils. They think telling their members to shout Fire 30 times will change anything in the realm of the spirit. No wonder, after shouting Fire for 2years, without seeing the money, marriages and visas we promised them, they will join the other church in the hall next door and start shouting Fire again.

What a cheap Christianity we are presenting to our members, as if Christ died only for us to have money. As if men did not have money before He came. Sister, what Jesus came for is to reconcile you to God. He wants a relationship with you.

Money, jobs and marriage are nothing to Him. He wants to make you something greater than just a bank staff. Being a married woman is not enough. He wants to make you something bigger than that. But He is asking: "What can you let go for my Name sake?”

The code of influence is in desertion. The password to a life of value is in separation. Who you are before heaven is determined what you can let go for Christ's sake. Your value in eternity will be measured, not for the things you got, but the things you lost because of Christ.

There is no church God sent not to preach about hell fire from year to year. No matter your mandate, if men don't hear messages that will open their eyes to know that there is a place called hell fire, something has happened to that mandate.

We cannot gather people who are going to hell from clubs and hotels and bring them inside the hall we call church and not tell them there is life after death. That the real life begins when we all die. 93 And what shall it profit us all to gain the while world and lose our souls in hell. If this scripture is silence in your mandate, sir, something is wrong.

Brother, let them stop laying empty hands on your head. Glory doesn't come by laying of hands. If not, everybody in Africa will be in Guiness Book of Records.

Glory has a path and it is just few people that are ready to toe that road. The cost of majesty is in Proverbs 18:1... "Through desire a man, having SEPARATED himself...”

If the church in my time will go back to the message of SEPARATION, more than this demon hunting we are doing, giants will be raised under us without stress. But we gather them and keep telling them that their problems are enemies in their villages and everyday, they are disturbing their neighborhoods with prayers, cursing some people that did nothing to you.

Sister, forgive us for lying to you. You are still stealing in your place of work and we have never preached against it. You are still living in the apartments rented by married men you are sleeping with. You are the one adding figures in your place of work. Embezzling the company's money. Yet, we only tell you that your enemies are fighting you.

We are encouraging you to keep shouting that your enemies should die. How can you tell God to kill your enemies when you are God's enemies?

94 Please, don't blame us. What do you expect when young men that knows nothing about the Cross rented halls and call it church, and start shouting every Sunday morning? How can a man take you to a place he has not been? And somebody is saying we should stop praying for a revival, that revival has already come.

Is this the revival our fathers cried and died praying for God to give them?

Oh! What a revival championed by some men and women who have no clue of what Calvary is all about. Revival of sound system and big car packs. Revival where people are not challenged to live a better Christian life. Revival of coming to church to copy notes of how to make money and not how to overcome sin. Lord, please, deliver the church in our time from such cosmetic revival!

The fruits of the revival that broke out from Acts 2:2 was the gospel of 'nakedness'. Men chose to starve than to soil their hands in evil. Beautiful ladies looked at their husband's to be and told them: "It is better I lose you than for me to lose my stand with God. Take me to altar, only after then, will I follow you to the bed”.

Many of them lost some 'wonderful and caring' men who could not wait till marriage to have sex. But they never worried, as long as they never lost the joy of their salvation. The pulpit of that time was responsible for that responsible generation of Christians.

Many pulpits in our time today is also responsible for this 95 spiritual decline. A generation of preachers that calls sugar daddies destiny helpers are leading people to hell fire. A generation of preachers that anoints the private parts of prostitutes and tells them that God will be bringing rich men their ways are pastoring people to eternal damnation.

People are making money through abominable ways and when they get to church, we call it EVIDENCE of the Oil we carry. Shame on us! When again will the pastors in my time begin to tell their members who brings big envelopes to: "Consider thy ways"?

Almost everybody is looking for money from their members without minding their miserable Christ less souls.

I rather eat mama put than eat in Sheraton hotel, paid for by the honorarium I got from mami water. I rather enter night bus and sleep in public motor park than to fly first class from the money I used charm to collect from people during ministration.

If you want to invite us to program, sir, make your plans. If there is no money, say it and it will not stop us from coming. Money doesn't move us. What moves us is your burden. There is no place money can drive you to that our burden will not drive us to...

Your packaging can make you gain pulpits, but our burden will make the pulpits you are looking for to look for us...

It is just a matter of time. We love honorarium too. But we dont depend on it. Because honorarium can not make a man a 96 voice. Instead we have seen uncountable men and women who lost their stature in our generation because of honorarium. If there is no money for the kind of publicity you want, then, wait.

Don't go and borrow money and come and put pressure on us to raise funds from your members to cover the cost of the program. Because when we come, we might not play along. Better still, you can look for other preachers who God always tells to raise money in every program they are invited to preach.

Many host pastors spend more time preparing for the money they will spend on a program than preparing for what God wants to do in the program. I hate pressures. If there is no money, post pone the program. You can't be preparing financially for a program you have not prepared prayerfully for.

That is why, the fireful preacher will come and go, yet, the church is still cold. Don't blame the visiting preacher. You are the cause. You spent more time looking for money for the program, thereby, you lost the burden for the program. These are pressures that has sent many genuine boys from Zion to Babylon.

Because they were under pressure to raise funds to cover the cost of the programs where they were invited. That is why they came along with people to testify they have been healed. That is why most of the people they give 'accurate' prophecies to are not seen again in church after the program.

97 Because they came with the guest ministers, to act healed, so as to motivate members to sow seeds. Unfortunately, many of the host ministers knows this game. All they want is to see money coming out. Imagine the nonesense! Imagine the shamelessness!

Yet, during Sunday school, they will still have the guts to preach against false prophets.

Friends, my parents were pastors. I was born inside Assemblies of God Church, 99Umule Road, Aba. My late parents started that particular church, with nine of my elder ones, we grew up in different parsonages, following our parents from one missionary transfer to the other, from village to village. There is something I saw in the pulpit then that is very hard to find on our pulpits today.

I grew up in the time in the church when guest ministers care more about setting hearts on fire than raising funds from members. I saw a time in the church when visiting evangelists preach with tears in their eyes, begging members to accept Jesus and grow in Him.

Then, there host don't use to put pressures on them to raise funds. They were not visiting them in their hotel rooms to tell them the needs of the church, or giving information of the rich people in the church to use as prophecies, so as to dupe them.

If they ever met before the meeting, it was to pray and fast, in deep intercessions, for God to set men ablaze in the meeting. But today, things have changed.

Where are those days when visiting evangelists will not accept to eat at night after a program because many people 98 didn't run to surrender to Jesus in the meeting? Where are the days when they will lock themselves inside the church vestries, from morning till evening?

Crying for God to move again in those communities and give them testimonies that will make people start dropping their charms and start looking for any church to join.

What we have today are many host ministers looking for young preachers that will raise funds for them. And young ministers that will climb the pulpit to use their gifts to steal from gullible members. Revival programs where no message of reconciliation was preached. Instead, it was all about fund raising. Holy Ghost nights where no one received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Instead they all rushed back home to bring their 6 months salary.

Pentecost Nights were nobody climbed that pulpit to preach about evangelism. Instead, everybody was told to come and sow seeds to tap into the grace of the prophet.

Lord, please, give us shame again.

And, don't leave us this way.

Sister, don't let any pastor pasture you to an empty future. If there is a place you need now, it is a place where they will teach you how to be a better born again. Since you have been copying notes in church of 300ways to become a millionaire, where are the millions?

Since you have been copying 200ways to attract your desired man, where is the man? 99 There is no problem with going to church with notes, but it is time to make a decision to grow in Christ. Your throne is empty. God is waiting for you to occupy it. But there is a price to pay. And it is a price of 'nakedness'.

Let them laugh at you now because you are squatting with your cousins. Not because you have not seen rich married men that will rent you a duplex, so that you will be their mistresses. Let them be mocking you because you don't wear expensive cloths.

You are preserving the prophecies on your head that they don't understand. Your throne is more valuable than any rich man anywhere. Don't lose sight of that throne.

Run naked! Starve! Trek! Don't compromise!

The throne is getting closer to you than when you began this Christian race. There might still be little more disappointment on the road. You might still cry again. Those you helped inside the prison might get married or get good jobs and forget you or even betray you and accuse you.

Don't worry. The throne is getting closer. I understand the lonely nights. Leaving alone in a house, from week to week, no one to appreciate your beautiful hairstyles. No one to eat your delicious meals with you. If you start living with a man, nobody will beat you. But the fear of God has restrained you.

Sister, continue in that loneliness. You are qualifying for the throne. If Joseph had fallen with that woman, another man 100 would have taken his throne. And he would have retired as a civil servant, under a miserable pension scheme, and died a wasted man. Many of our uncles who have gotten stranded on the road of destiny also went to church the way we are doing now.

They sang in choir. They also sowed some seeds of money and prayed and shouted Fire the way we are shouting now. But they got discouraged halfway and lost sight of the throne and began to compromise. They resorted to the Christianity of 'God will forgive'.And He kept forgiving, but since heaven doesn't entrust glory in the hands of spiritual imbeciles, their thrones were given to another.

They lived with great prophecies over their heads, but without any result of the prophecies showing on their lives. They carried Bibles but could not manifest glory. They were victims of shortsightedness. It will not be our portion in Jesus Name. Amen!

Friend, you have fallen under the anointing enough. They have prophesied to you enough. They have poured oil on you enough. They have conducted deliverance on you enough. It is time to make a decision.

It is time to look at that man or woman luring you to sin and shout: "How can I do this wicked thing against my God?"

Oh! Empty thrones are everywhere in our days. Where are men and women of strong decisions? Where are those that will pay the price of separation?

101 Are you ready my brother? Remember that when God took Joseph to the throne he has paid for, his face did not change. All the people that saw him when he was running naked still recognized him. But God had already taken him to a level where their local mockery could not mean anything to him again.

Brother, they might not forget that they saw us under sun and rain, trekking. They will still remember when we used to use 1 particular shoe in all the programs in 2years. They will remember when we were squatting everywhere, with friends and even foes.

But very soon, we will ascend the throne of glory. And by then, "Every nation and every kingdom that will not serve (us) shall perish, yea, they shall be utterly destroyed..." (Isaiah 60:12)

Throughout this week, ask God to kill your lust over material things. Cry to Him to save you from yourself. I know there are things you think you can never do without again. I mean, destructive addictions holding you sway.

Yes, you know that you have a throne waiting for you. But you also know that your lifestyle today is not agreeing with the spirit of the throne God has designed for you. And sometimes, you get tired of trying.

There is hope. There is grace on this page now. Wherever you are now, if you mean it, you can quietly cry to God to help you. Tell Him you are tired of falling and rising. You must not wait till old age before you Mount your throne. 102 If Joseph did not climb that throne, his brethren would have died of hunger before their time. And perhaps, there will not be anything like Israel today. Don't wait till your parents suffer and go to the grave before you separate yourself from people and things that are keeping you far from your throne.

Your mind is wandering now. There are people you are thinking about now, how to cut off from them. Don't listen to that voice telling you to postpone that decision till after this coming weekend.

That voice telling you to wait till you graduate from school is the voice that has spoken to many people and they did not become what God created them to be till they grew older and died.

Listen to that voice telling you now to end that relationship now. Obey that voice that is telling you to delete those numbers from your phone. Tell Satan that you are ready to starve, if need be. Let him know that the throne God has prepared for you is too valuable than anything he has for you.

Don't let anything else delay you from making a commitment now. I was at this point you are now, not too long ago. But I cried to God and was determined not to let Him go. He saw my hunger to be a better Christian, and He helped me.

If you too can cry that same cry now. I am sure that He will show up. "Behold Now is the accepted time, behold now is the time of salvation..." If you are ready, let us pray!

103 Chapter 20


ichael Jackson reigned and died. Whitney Houston banged and died. Tupac Shakur reigned Mand died. Many years after, they are still in the grave. But Jesus reigned and died, 3days after, the grave could not hold Him down.

And thousands of years after, He is still alive. Why will I want to be like people that died but could not conquer the grave? Don't mind any youth that is envying because he left the church and now singing in the clubs.

Don't envy and the 30billion in his account. Don't envy and Techno. I love it that they are using their talents to create Mitch for themselves. But there is no reason a young man in the Christ to envy his mates in the streets.

Tuface, Psquare and are the only ones that have reigned longer among their mates that started with them. But like Nicole Gravity sang: "No musician can reign forever. One day Naija go bone their face...”

Few years from now, you won't hear there songs in the clubs. Why will you abandon the choir stand in your church to start running to sing like Techno, so that you will blow We may not have made money enough to buy our fiancé Porsche car like 104 After a Night, at Delta a R.CCG, Asaba, the youths caught the fire and entered the Street the next morning and were blasting in tongues for hours- it was known as Evangelist by Tongues

105 Ministering For “The Awilikis”, His Spiritual Parents

Ministering at Assemblies of God National Camp, Okpoto

106 Davido bought for Chioma his fiancé. But there is something we have that is more than 30 billion...

We don't want to blow. Any man that is in Christ has already blown. You may not hear our songs in all the mix tapes in Alaba Market, Lagos. People may not dance our songs in clubs. But if angels are dancing our songs in heaven, then, we don blow. We may not win Grammy Awards. Our songs may not be nominated in BETAwards. But we are not complaining. What we have is greater than all the awards put together. We might not sign contracts by multi national companies.

Infinix phone might not see our faces worth advertising their phones like Davido. Pepsi might not enter contracts with us like they did to Techno. We are already in a contract with the God that made heaven and earth. Help me ask that young man in your church that wants to start singing dirt songs that: "What shall it profit a man to win the whole musical awards on earth and go to hell?”

The crown God promised us is more valuable. Please, brother, fame or no fame. Shows or no show. Endorsements or no endorsements. We don't want to be like Michael Jackson. We don't want to be like Whitney Houston and Tupac. We want to be like Jesus.

If you are in Christ, I want to encourage you to know that what we have is better than what any man outside Christ has. God will preserve us till we meet Him face to face. In Jesus Name. Let us pray!

107 Chapter 21

THIS IS TO THOSE GENUINE BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS IN CHURCH WHO HAVE BEEN CRYING FOR GOD TO HELP THEM STOP FALLING INTO THE SIN OF FORNICATION. (DON'T READ IF YOU HAVE NEVER FALLEN BEFORE) ven if I carry women and fornicate with them after typing this post, God will still forgive me if I ask Him Efor forgiveness. Even if I sleep with my female church member and ask God for forgiveness before going for program. Once I climb the pulpit, the power of God will still move.

But friends, I don't want to be that kind of preacher. I don't want to be that kind of believer that will keep asking God for forgiveness over a particular thing, day after day.

Lord, help Iyke Oriaku. I don't just want to talk about the grace that forgives sin 200times. I want the grace that empowers a man not to fall to sin, no matter the pressure. Some people will never have erection for any lady if they don't love that lady.

There are some ladies that will never visit a brother, let alone, kissing him, if not that they were already in love. Love takes believers to bed of fornication faster than lust. When both of you will lie down on the remote control of television inside that room, you won't even know.

108 Even the bible you were reading before she came in, you won't know when she will use her left leg to pull it down from the bed. It started with love, from a good heart, but it ended up in fornication... And trust me, the first time is usually not easy to be the last time.

Until many times, it results to abortions and heartbreaks. God will forgive. Yes, He will.

Whether anyone likes it or not. He will. If you do it again, He will still forgive. But in the school of glory, you will remain a fool. Because Nobody promotes a man for failing a particular exam.

Something dies when we sin. More things die again when we sin again. I am not talking to you, sir. I am talking to those like me who wants to grow in Christ. I am talking to those Who have been confessing one particular sin anytime altar call is made. Who don't just want to be known as holy people before others, but inside they are struggling.

It is time to grow.

Lust is strong but love is stronger. Lust can deceive but love can destroy. If they leave you inside a room with a girl you don't love, you might not even remember that you are with a woman. But when you are behind doors with someone you have love for, it will take only God to save you. It was not lust that killed Samson. It was love.

He only lusted for all the ladies he was messing up with, and he never gave them his secrets. That was why the Philistines 109 was happy when they found a girl he could love. Delilah was the only girl that was mentioned that he loved. No wonder, he could not survive it. Beware of that lady you love. He or she can make you fall faster than anybody else.

I have made enough mistakes in my life, both as a member and as a preacher that I can help someone else. You can't continue like this. You are the only one that knows how dirty you feel after the whole thing.

Sometimes, you hate the person even more. Unless your conscience has been taken to mortuary. Trust me, we can be better than this. Most people in church that have fallen into some dirty things did not fall into it with prostitutes, but with those they love.

It is hard to see a choir girl sleeping with a boy that sings inside the club, no matter how handsome the guy is. But it is often easy for her to fall for the guy that sings in the same choir with her.

Let us be truthful. Love has made more people in church fall into sin of fornication than lust has done. Satan is not a child. You can call him anything, but don't call him a kid. He knows that you can't fall to those chronic sinners outside church. That is why he uses your love for the guy in church to offend God.

If you will tell yourself the truth, you will know that you only failed to that person because you loved him, not because he was rich or famous. Sir, There are many demands on us. Nations are waiting.

110 What God has shown us in the dream is waiting for us to grow into spiritual maturity before He will confer on us the honour due us. The road to glory is very scanty and lonely, because few pay the price of spotlessness. There is demand for separation, sir. There is a cry of the spirit for holiness. You can still stand again.

Trust me, many are waking up and are going back to who they used to be in Christ before love began to distract them. They are growing. You too can grow. Remember all the rich guys you shunned their sexual offers because you wanted to please God. Why will Satan still get you on the bed of fornication now through that poor guy in church?

Boy, you know how many wealthy ladies coming after you who are ready to buy you houses in choice cities, but you refuse bluntly, even when you don't have money to renew your rent all because you want to please God. Why will you now start falling into that same sin because of the love you have for that lady in your fellowship?

Sister, Forget about those gossiping with your name in the choir. Many times God uses scandals and gossips to put a check on our lives and to put us into the path of holiness. Check all the people that allowed God to use scandals to correct them, they usually turn out better than those scandalizing them.

The Bible said that if you cover your sins, you will never prosper. This is not a call to repackage and change method of operation of your sinful ways. Don't change the address where you guys you to meet to fornicate. Allow God to deal with you.

It is a call to repent and fall to God, asking for mercy. Paul said: "When I was a child, I speak like a child..” 111 It is not a crime to be a child at sometime in your Christian walk, but it is scary when a child refuses to grow. It is scary when it is obvious that once a man mentions love, you open your legs for him. It is scary why you have forgotten that the trumpet can sound while you are in the arms of that person you love that you are not married to yet and you will end in hell if you are found wanting.

It all depends on your vision. There is who you will never become if you continue celebrating sin, calling it weakness. Because the Bible said that: "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways..." And an unstable man cannot handle glory.

Fight that love that is taking you to sin. Stop fighting those that gossip you for what you actually do. They may not be there to see that God has helped you outgrow that level, but the Bible said that: "your light shall suddenly break forth ..”

Isaiah said that "all men shall see it together..." Talk to that your partner. He too has a glorious plan ahead that is on the line if both of you continue like this. What is the need using just 20minutes to destroy a destiny that should resound till eternity?

I cry for my friends who are trying their best to keep Faith, but the only time they struggle is when they are in love. God will help us. If He is helping some people somewhere, He will also help you. That desire will die Until your wedding day, in Jesus Name.

Let us pray! 112 Chapter 22


f God is calling you to get into the revival ministry. Don't wait to be as Holy as Kumuyi. Don't wait to be as humble Ias Papa Adeboye. Don't wait to be as bold as Papa OYEDEPO.

Don't wait to be as spiritually rugged as Pastor Enenche. Don't wait to be as polished as Pst Chris Oyakhilome. Don't wait to have integrity as much as Brother Gbile. Don't wait to be as gifted as Apostle Suleiman.

Start from how you are. God will soon make you how He wants you to be. Start it from that your hostel where they know your history. Don't start a new Facebook account for those that doesn't know you. Don't run to another city to people that are not aware how you have been going to church and still messing up.

Start that revival assignment in that same locality where they know how many times you have gotten pregnant for unknown men and aborted them all. Start in that campus how they know all your fraudulent activities.

113 And please, believe me: You might still make more silly mistakes. You might still see yourself committing different terrible things that even you will hate yourself for. You will lose friends. You will make many enemies. They will give themselves assignments to be telling people that you are a deceiver.

Witches and wizards will not be your problem. Occultic men and women will not be your problem. Marine powers will not be your problem. But Your fellow ministers will be your greatest problems. Your fellow revival preachers or choristers will fight you more than the juju priest in your community.

But don't back out from this assignment. Why I am saying this is for you to get ready.

So that you will not think that your world has finished when you see these days coming. If God can still be using someone like Iyke Oriaku, trust me, He can use you more. Don't listen to those that are custodians of your shameful history. Listen to what God is saying about you now.

Don't hang around guys you cannot be real with. They cannot help you. Run from people who are in secret rivalry with you. They will drown you. When you get close, I will tell you that you might not have been as stupid as I have been since I gave my life to Christ and even since I started this revival assignment.

I have technically ran away from everyone in my cause that is looking at this thing we are doing as if it is by power and by might. You won't see them pray for any man of God. But they 114 are the first to advertise the weakness and faults of fellow preachers.

As if they don't have hidden struggles.

I don't feel comfortable around such people because there is no love in them.

It's all mere bitterness coated with verses of the Bible. If you know what it took God to save a soul. If you know what it took Him to get someone into the ministry. You will know why it is very hard for God to kill even a false prophets.

Everyday, He is waiting for them to come back to their senses. But unfortunately, to the heartbreak of heaven, some of them are getting deeper.

Boy, I don't know that sin you committed in your community that is hunting you. Making it very hard for you to get committed in church. Because you don't want people that knows you to start calling you hypocrite. Please, forget about those memories and move on with your assignment.

Even if you once lived with your boyfriend and everybody knows. Now that God has helped you, still preach against it. Even if you had abortion last week, still raise a voice against it. If God has helped you, He can still help Another man through your ministry.

Go back to that choir seat and sing again. Go back to that fellowship again and hand your struggles over to God. Many who are supposed to be spreading the revival fire are inside 115 some places, cold, because of the fear of what people will say against them because of what they did against God some time ago.

Satan is celebrating that they are missing in action from what God wants to use them for in our time. But God is wondering why they don't want to look unto Him and watch Him make a message out of their mess. If there is anyone that should still be preaching against sin, it is not Iyke Oriaku. Because Satan brings to my memory all the sins I have I sinned since I repented.

And he tries to make me feel inadequate to preach against it. But that is when I usually preach against it very passionately. And God usually gives us massive souls.

In our programs recently, a homosexual heard something like what you are reading now and he ran out to the altar, crying to God for mercy. His pastor sent me his testimony. To the glory of God, that young man is on fire today and he has taken back the spiritual position he has lost in his family because of the stigma that demonic homosexual spirit has given him.

Testimonies are still pouring in from Benin City revivals we just concluded. Some messed up boys and girls have been declared wanted after that program. They have put off their phones. They have gone to hide to let God realign their lives. And settle them with Fire.

What you are reading is the kind of thing they heard us preach and their lives is not the same again.

116 Iyke Oriaku is not like your pastor. That is why I am not eyeing to preach in his church. He might be a man of God that has never made some silly errors since he became a pastor. But I am not like that. But we are waking up daily seeing how God is helping us. And we are getting better day by day.

It is those that have put all their hopes in men that are having sleepless nights because of their numerous atrocities. Why you are using lies to cover lies is because you are afraid to lose the men you used packaging to heap on yourself.

If it is God that raised you up, anybody can go as long as God is still with you. Should all of us go to hell? Is it not better that your sins are exposed and you repent and make heaven, than, faking up realities. And anyone that talks against the areas you are found wanting, you declare war against the person.

Yes, God has been faithful and has not allowed us to see shame. The Bible said that "the goodness of God leads us to repentance "... Not to remain in sin for grace to abound.

What we should be thinking about is how to be getting better instead of protecting our dirty fame and sick reputations. Many people are in hell now that never had any scandal all their lives in ministry. But many who had massive scandals latter made heaven, because they learnt from their mistakes and God helped them to become better people.

Friends, I don't want to make name. I want to make heaven. That is why I have not seen anyone anywhere I am afraid to lose as long as I have not lost God. This journey is personal. All of us will give account of the calling of God upon our lives. 117 What is the need using lies to gather people around you? Your Facebook fans will not be there to speak for you on the judgement day.

Man of God, why we cry everyday for God to help us in the place of, prayer is because that is the only place God helps our infirmities. Jesus said that man must pray daily, not because of miracles. But because he wants our flesh to die. And it is only prayer that can help a man.

Go back to that school where you used to preach before and continue that assignment there. Ask God to set your prayer altar on fire again. No matter how much they know about you, remain there. That is where God changes the verdicts of men. Let them continue writing down all your several errors in that church.

It will not be long, God will use you to show the world that He is still the God of all the flesh. And for your shame, He shall give you glory.

Let us pray!

118 Chapter 23


ou don't want to sell your soul to Satan in exchange of crowd and money and power. You don't want to Yjoin them to start sleeping with their fellow men to start controlling influence.

You don't want to join them to be sleeping inside caskets to have too much fame. You don't want to join them to swallow eggs and to be putting diabolic rings inside their suits while ministering, so as to hypnotise anyone and collect their cars and landed properties.

You don't want to bury anything inside your church to give you crowd in few months and yet, you don't want to pray. Sir, what is your hope? They pay price for what they are controlling. What price are you paying today for what you want to control tomorrow?

Can I tell you that very soon, few of those loyal members will leave your church, in search of men who have paid price for the OIL you are too lazy to pay for? This thing is simple. Its just that my generation loves show more than value.

119 We love empty fame without substance. We prefer running from pulpit to pulpit, than sitting down and growing in power. We love hanging around happening guys even when their is nothing phenomenal happening around us. In the search to become a voice, we have become a noise.

If all we can do is go online and talk against false prophets, yet, with no testimony to show that we are genuine, then, we were not properly tutored. If you say what I am, and if I need to change, I learn from you and change. We don't need to be close for God to use you to help my life. Forget the messenger. Grab the message.

Egypt has failed many. But if our hope must be in God, we must look for Him now that He is near and now that He can be found. The future is going to be filled with emptiness if there is not price we are paying today. When last did you fast the way you used to fast before?

When last did you miss you comfortable bed? But you are competing with that false prophets nearby who buried things in his church to control crowd. Don't be deceived Sir. You can still pull crowd without burying anything.

There are still guys who are stupendously rich who are not using God to dupe people in ministry. But look closely, you will see their prayer altar. The level you want to get to, you cannot wish it into reality. Thank God you are holier than every other man of God in town.

120 But I pray you have not stopped praying the way you used to pray? Holiness alone is not enough. Men ought not to fail, but to PRAY. That is what Jesus said. Why you are dragging attention in your community with men who are using juju is because they pay more price than you. The earth bows to spiritual price.

Don't think false prophets don't fast. Don't think they don't pray. Jezebel had to fast before she and her fellow witches killed Naboth. But unfortunately, Naboth was never recorded to have fasted. He was bragging with his holiness and integrity in ministry, with no single prayer life.

No Wonder he paid for it with his life. Some people have paid for their prayer less ness with their ministries and marriages and businesses. There is an OIL meant for me to manifest to my generation. There is a stature I am meant to occupy in my time.

Number of likes and comments on facebook cannot put crown on my head. God makes men on the roads few men are bold enough to thread. It is because some people have gotten tired of paying the price, that is why they began to look for native doctors that will help them.

I am not ignorant that there are days when Prayer seems like punishment. It happens to all of us. Incase that is the page you are now, may God quicken you again. In Jesus Name. Let us pray!

121 Chapter 24


here is someone of your age that is somewhere looking for the same anointing you are looking for. TYou pray less than 1hour everyday, while he prays for 5hours everyday.

When tomorrow comes, I hope you will not be among those saying that he is using juju to manifest? How can a young man like you with such mighty calling join them in local church politics? Going to headquarters to gossip other men of God, so that they will transfer you to a bigger church? Is this all that God called you for? Is the God that called Benny Hinn not the same God that called you? Why are you ending your ministry as a local church politician?

What happened to those visions you used to have when you were into ministry newly, when God was using you to heal cancer and raising the dead back to life?

What about those days God showed you how you will be carrying the Revival Fire from nation to nation, with massive healings in attendance? How have you decided to end your ministry like this?

Accept that you need revival in your prayer life and you will receive help. 122 Stop hanging around guys that often says: "It is not by prayer..." Someone is praying 7hours for that same anointing you are looking for. The same Holy Ghost working in him can still help your own infirmities. That hunger for prayer can come back this night. Are you ready?

Let us pray!

123 Chapter 25 "FRIGHT NEWSPAPER" PUBLISHED THIS WEEK THAT ALL THE YOUNG MEN OF GOD IN NIGERIA ARE NOW USING JUJU TO DO MINISTRY... PLEASE, IS IT TRUE? hey said that all the young men of God in Asaba has sold their souls to the devil for money and fame. They Tsaid if you go to Abuja, all the prophets there are using water sprits to do ministry.

They said Port Harcourt has become a center of Babylon, that all the young men there are using charms to run their ministries. Some said they will never attend any church in Owerri and Bayelsa, because every church there buried something in their altar. Others said that any church doing well in Enugu, Calabar and Aba are occultic churches.

Some said that it will be hard to see a young man of God in Lagos and Benin that have not soiled his hands in blood, to control crowd. Some said that all the young men and women who prophecies are using familiar spirits to prophecy.

While others said that any young man that is pulling crowd has gone to bow to queen of the coast. But I know those things are lies. I don't know what they are saying about all the young ministers in that city where you are now?

When I was entering Port Harcourt from the missionary fields of Benin Republic last two years, some were crying. They said that Iyke Oriaku will be swallowed by the spirit of Port Harcourt.

124 That this revival cry will dry. That what happened to others that started very well but ended badly in Port Harcourt will happen to me. Some gave me 1 year or less to change my message. They said that there is no young man of God in Port Harcourt whose eyes are not on how to dupe people's properties and money. I told them that they are lying, because there are still remnants in the land.

They argued it, because they have not seen. I told them to watch out, that by the grace of God, heaven will use me to show them example that there are still young men who have not bowed to Baal in my city.

I told them, they will soon become witnesses that in the midst of these decadence, God still has His own. That there are still soldiers of the Cross who have vowed to either die instead of selling out their souls to the devil.

Man of God, can I talk to you? God is looking for someone He will use to show to the world that He still has remnants in your city. Please, don't join them to bow to juju? Don't join those that buries live animals inside their altar, to pull crowd. Don't join those that uses blood pads of ladies who are mensuration to do sacrifices, so as to keep their members ever hypnotized.

Don't join those that robs charms on their microphones before they preach, so that if they tell you to bring your landed properties you will not know when you will give them the documents. God is looking for men that will stand out for Him in that town.

Don't think you are the only one drinking garri sometimes without sugar. There are still guys like you in that same city that have nothing to even eat today, yet, they will rather stay hungry than bow to Baal. They have been invited to be taken 125 to native doctors that will wash their eyes, so that they can start seeing people's details, but they said NO.

Please, don't join the merchants of Babylon littered everywhere today. I have made up my mind that, even if every young man of God sells out in my city, I will never sell out. I want Satan to know that I know that He can not help a man that Christ died for. I want to show Jezebel that there are still young men who are not afraid to trek or to starve, if need be.

Baal is too poor to help any man that is filed with the Holy Ghost. How can a dirty Muslim native doctor give me charm to work for the God that made heaven and earth?

I am of the breed that will stop that insult to God in my time. I have donated my ministry, for God to use me and show to my doubting generation. That there are still guys that can pull crowd without bowing to juju. That a man can still become famous without sleeping with marine spirits.

That a man can still have money without swallowing eggs, as sacrifice to hypnotize people and take their money. This generation is about to see that there are men who will not have to sleep with their fellow men before they get connections.

Sir, Without washing our eyes in juju house, we shall prophesy accurately. Without sleeping inside caskets, we shall see raw miracles with evidences. Without paying people to fake miracles, cancer will die by our hands. Satan will see that every young man in our cities have not gone down to Egypt for help.

Where are those young men and women who wants God to use their ministries to preach a message to Lucifer? That he might have Deceived even some of those that started in Scripture 126 Union and now, they have started singing the Lords song in a strange land. He might have hijacked many that were standing for Jesus without spots before. BUT THAT HE CAN NEVER HIJACK YOU.

Sir, Can you pray more than you used to pray before and keep asking God to use you to show to your generation that every preacher in your city has not bowed to Baal?

It might take a little more patience. There might be some days of mockery and lack. But we will not cast ways our confidence which has great recommence. "My city will change their views concerning men of God because of me”

That is the vow we have made. Can you join us to make such vows?

Let us pray!

127 Chapter 26


hose days, everywhere you hear anyone preaching, the first thing you will be hearing is REPENT. If you Tenter motor park to travel, you will be seeing preachers, shouting REPENT.

Inside the bus, some one will start preaching, and his emphasis would be, REPENT. If you tune into any radio and t.v station, all you will be hearing is REPENT. When you step into any church, no matter the topic the man of God is handling, all his emphasis would be REPENT.

When we want to start mimicking pastors, we would be jumping around the house, shouting REPENT. Even during night vigils, no matter the deliverance going on, the preacher will keep emphasizing on REPENT.

The only message John The Baptist had was REPENT. Jesus came and never missed to say REPENT anywhere He went. The ever first gospel preached by Peter, the end of it was REPENT. But today, my generation has killed that language.

How many churches do you still hear the word REPENT? How many television and radio stations do you still hear REPENT? Even some of our market evangelists no more preach REPENT. Our Bus transportation preachers now 128 hardly preach REPENT. Even some pastors no more host evangelists that preach REPENT.

"Can I prophesy?" has replaced the word REPENT. How can we keeping prophesying to a generation that has not repented from their sins? Of what need is prophecy to a drowning man? What shall it profit a man to know the names of all his enemies but lose his soul to hell?

How long are we going to keep lying to these people?. Why are we entertaining this generation to perdition? Where are those days when evangelists will lock themselves inside church vestries, groaning, crying for souls to repent in their programs?

It has been long I saw an evangelist shedding tears, begging sinners to repent. Friend, there is almost nothing I see now in the church that motivates me. What is driving us till today is the memory of what we saw in the days of our fathers. Thank God for big cathedrals and wealth etc, but it is not moving us.

If you see what we saw you would not be threatened into silence. Many young men in Bible schools today are getting ready to come into the cities. Not to preach REPENTANCE, but to join those shouting CAN I PROPHESY? Spending 5 hours in church, using 4:30hours 30 minutes to prophesy to 8people. Occult men, tired harlots, homosexuals etc came, received prophecies and went back the same way. Lord, will You leave us this way? Will You not raise an army again that will preach REPENTANCE? Please, Lord, remember us!

Friends, this is my morning burden while praying. You too can 129 join us in this prayer anywhere you are. Let God raise more men again that will not fear men. Our generation needs men that will not fear the loss of pulpits. If there is anytime we need such backup, friends it is now and one thing we know is that God will certainly show up...

Let us pray!


s powerful as his father is, if he refuse to pay commensurate price, he will still be there and God Awill raise a young man somewhere to carry the mantle of his father, because God is no respecter of persons.

The cost of glory is the same all over the world. You don't inherit glory. You pay price for it. Isaac didn't inherit the glory of Abraham. Jacob did not inherit the honour God gave Isaac. They had to pay their different prices. If not, God would have abandoned them to look for willing vessels who were ready to pay the price for glory.

Don't follow a man to contact what he is carrying if you are not ready to pay the price. If not, those that never even had opportunity to even shake hands with him might be the ones to carry their mantles.

Now that young ministers are bragging with popular spiritual fathers. Some even use it to intimidate others. Don't be swayed into foolishness, sir. Go and hide somewhere and tell God that you want to carry that same thing He gave to the man others are killing themselves to hang around. He will show up.

131 Since you don't have money enough to sow as seed, to get their attention to lay hands on you, sir, kneel down and pray to the God that anointed them. He will anoint you also.

I am happy to see that papa Oyedepo sons are manifesting wisdom and power. It is evident to many that Pastor David OYEDEPO Junior is carrying unusual power from above. If he had not paid price for the power he is manifesting today, he would have still been very powerless even though he is close to his anointed father, because closeness to the anointing does not make you anointed. Proximity to OIL does not confer that OIL on you.

My father was a preacher that controlled the power of God. God used him to raise many dead people back to life and almost all of them are still alive today. But my elder brother, Rev Stanley Oriaku is not anointed today because of my fathers anointing. The demonic powers in Benin Republic where he is serving God as a missionary are not bowing to him because of our late father's anointing, but because he sought God for the anointing.

I am not doing the little I do today because of my father's anointing. There are prices to pay, sir. The Bible said that no one can receive anything except it is given from above. Isaiah said that 'He shall see the TRAVAIL of his soul and be satisfied... ". Don't be surprised, sir. Many people hanging around our popular and great spiritual fathers today will not manifest the grace those men carry in the next few years. Those that will manifest the mantle of Papa Adeboye might not be those hanging around him now. It might be some of those serving in some ministries in some villages now faithfully. 132 Some are not even on any social media yet. Some don't even know how to see all these men great men. But they are somewhere, praying for God to see their head and pour OIL on them. Soon, you will begun to hear strange names handling strange moves of God.

I wish you will stop going to scatter the name of another man of God before the man that picked interest in him, so that he will be hated. He might be hated. The Papa might stop picking his calls. He might cancel the programs he wanted to have with him in the young man's ministry. But if that young man is still in contact with God, the anointer, tomorrow will disgrace you and your gang.

If you understand the chemistry of the heart of man and the anatomy of grace, you will stop pulling men down before men, even if you have every right to.

Johnathan never faced lions and bear. Johnathan never sang to sheep in the wilderness. Mosquitoes did not bite Jonathan for God's sake. No wonder, he told himself the truth, that the throne was not meant for his kind.

Yes, Saul was his father, but Saul was not the one to put men on the throne. Johnathan was enjoying proximity to Saul, while David was enjoying closeness to God. And when the chips were down, the throne vomited Saul and began to call the name of another man who has paid commensurate price. Until David paid the price in full, he never sat on that throne.

As you are reading this now, the thrones of the men you are looking up to are still calling out for those that will pay the price. I wish you will stop looking for way to host great men of 133 God, to use to prove a point, and look for way to find God, no matter 'where' He is.

I honour men who God has helped. If they are in town anywhere I am, I travel to go and be in their meetings. To show honour. But, I know that they can not make me who they are. With due respect, they don't have the power to give me a throne in my generation.

Thrones are gotten on the knees. Don't tell me to sit on thrones that did not call my name in demand for a scars and pains. I don't want to sit on a throne that I have not paid any price for.

Man of God, if you have money, sow into the ministry of any man you love his operation and grace, but after sowing, go back to your house and start praying. There are many people that have the picture of Papa Oyedepo in their pulpit that doesn't have any trace of his OIL working for them.

Many have hosted some of our fathers severally, yet, they are still far from the mantles those men carry. I don't need to know if you have a prayer life, how you pull others down to be loved shows how much carnal you are.

Rivalry is the first enemy of glory. The first sin after the fall of Adam was not adultery or fornication. It was the spirit of strife, jealousy and competition spirit. It was found in Cain and it led him to kill his innocent brother. And immediately, Cain lost out of God's plan of glory and became a vagabond. Yet, the man he killed is still speaking.

Many ministers have become spiritual vagabonds today because they have used gossip and bad Belle to kill the 134 ministries of other men of God. That is why they still float from here to here, wandering in the wilderness of purpose.

In every poster, pasturing big churches, preaching in mighty cathedrals. Yet there is nothing phenomenal about them. Massively anointed, yet, not bring noted. Check their records. There is a voice speaking against them. The men they sent their ministries to early grave has not forgiven them.

I rather fight demons than to fight my fellow minister. No rumor against any man of God comes to my office and survive. I have 'anointing' to kill bad rumors. Not because I am guilty of their crimes, but because God is not swayed by rhetorics. If you are looking for a man of God that will help you spread a rumor that will scatter another man of God, don't come to my space, because I will disappoint you.

To the glory of God, I know a lot of dirty rumours I have intercepted, that would have gone viral and destroyed the ministries of many men of God today. They don't know me.. and I don't think its necessary. Some of them even hate me with passion because of the voice God is raising through us. I laugh when I see them. God has helped us to grow over all those local rancour. It is witchcraft to look for opportunity to fight back a man because he doesn't like you.

Whenever I see those men today doing great things, to the glory of God, I would start wondering what would have happened if I didn't stop those rumours. I don't want to Be a vagabond. Yes, Cain build cities. But I prefer to build a city as a beloved of God than to build cities as a vagabond. I don't

135 want my hands to be in the eclipse of a fellow man God called. Any man GOD wants to fight, I wont teach Him how to fight His fight.

Sir, mind your friends. Vain men are every where shouting revival. Angry men are here and there, coating there wickedness with Scriptures. Many of them live on the mountain, praying and fasting, yet, no trace of glory, because their hearts towards other ministers are not right. Brokenness gives you a platform to make demands for eternal things. That is why God said: "Guard your heart. For out of it are all issues of life..." Glory is not cheap. Ask for what to pay and pay for it.

You can use your money and hire all the spiritual fathers you can, yet, God will abandon you and lift a man you think you are better than, to manifest that man's mantle in your generation. Don't let noisy men distract you.

Look for GOD, sir. That God that made Apostle Babalola is still making men. The God of late Archbishop IDAHOSA is will waiting for us to seek Him. Now that the man you want to manifest what He is manifesting is still too far from you, please, join us, lets go and find God, so that another man will not manifest the Oil that is due us in our time ...

He said: "Thou shall seek me and find me when you seek me with all thy heart..”

Are you ready? Then, let us pray!

136 Chapter 28

THIS IS ONE OF THE SECRETS OF OUR FATHERS THAT HAS MADE THEM PHENOMENAL, WHICH SOME OF THEM MIGHT NEVER WRITE IN THEIR BOOKS. hey might even preach for you 10 times in a year, yet, you will still not know their secrets. Stop struggling to Thost them, so as to use them to prove a point to us. If they really love you, they will teach you the things they did that tore the heavens over them.

As beautiful as a car is, you need just one key to use it. If not, without the key, you will have a car in your compound and still be trekking. As beautiful as a house is, you still need a key to enter inside it. If not, without the key, you will be known as that man that owns a house but is still sleeping outside.

God has given us the earth as possession. He has handed this generation over to us, but we need to receive the key to their hearts. If not, they will hang around you, but will not listen to you. Check all the men that have ever commanded the attention of their generation, there are prayer languages they used.

Friends, it is not all about praying from one mountain to another. What is your prayer language? It's nice to pray long. But, sir, it is not enough. What is the content of the desire you took to God?

137 God said: "Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thy inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession..." (Psalms 2:8) Ask God to give you the KEY to your inheritance and your possession.

I know some men who have prayed this prayer for 5years everyday and I am not surprised at the phenomenal impact they are making in our time. I was lucky to stumble into this revelation early enough in ministry, and these were the only prayer request I prayed almost throughout the year 2011.

"Lord, give me the key to the hearts of my generation...”

"Give me a language they will easily understand"... " Show me a path to thread that will be attractive to those you have called me for...”

"I don't want to drag the attention of my generation with Tuface Idibia and Psquare...”

"I don't want my generation to shun my beckoning in search of Beyonce and Jayzee"..

" Make my voice a siren that will draw attention of my generation to the Cross of Calvary..." "As you give me their ears, also give me their tears ..." And so on. Friends, we may not have gotten their yet, but we know what we have bargained for.

When I see anyone fighting men God has raised from the crowd and made names for among men, I wish someone will go and advice him. Because, he will waste his time. You don't 138 know what those men bargained with God in the place of prayer.

You don't know how many years they didn't eat and sleep well on good bed. When they were under chronic fasting, you were eating and dining. You don't know the sacrifices they have made in the place of separation to command the attention of the governors and senators looking for them today. You have no clue what they have lost while on their knees. And you think Facebook or YouTube is enough to pull men down who have found a part of God that is still largely unknown to men.

Friends, can I beg you to stop following men who have not paid any price for a phenomenal OIL. They will teach how to injure yourself. The time you use to envy another man of God, use it to bargain with God, to give you a KEY that will unlock the possession He has given you in this generation.

Have you not wondered why some men say the same things you say, but they have better patronage than you. People are abandoning everything they are doing, in search of them. Sir, it is not the style of English they spoke. It is the result of what they have bargained for in the secret places that God is expressing in their ministries openly.

Don't settle with the terminologies of revival. Don't just start preaching like one man somewhere who God is helping in a particular operation. Don't just pray to be prophesying. There are still many genuine prophets with accurate prophecies that this generation doesn't know they are in town.

They have gifts. But they don't have KEY. The same Jesus that 139 gave gifts unto men also gave us KEY. Because He knows a time will come when we will need KEY, if not, our gifts will not take us far in life.

Sir, you are not the only person operating with that gift, but there is a particular operational KEY God wants to give you to distinguish your ministry. Go and pray, sir...

You live a holy life you sow seed. You preach undiluted gospel. But it is still as if the people you were called for are not receptive to your message. It means there is a KEY you have not received yet. Pray again, sir. But this time with another consciousness. Don't think this is all that God called you to do. No Sir.

What you are doing now is not enough to connect you to the big visions you had when God called you earlier. There can still be something better about your ministry that will make this generation in demand of it. Don't manage that ministry in obscurity when God wants you in the limelight.

The Hebrews are due for deliverance. Families are crying for liberation. Nations and their leaders are confused. Waiting for saviours from Zion. When will they begin to have access to what God has given you for them? Please, don't let your prayerlessness keep you at the back side of the desert. A lot of destinies are tied to your rising. But you must pay the price, sir.

Those God called you to talk to still don't want to listen to you, because you have not taken possession of their hearts in the secret place. Communities and nations are waiting to follow you to God, but you need a KEY that will open their hearts and command their attention. It can only be gotten in the place of prayer. 140 Go and apologise to that man you joined them to mock while he was kneeling down. Because that man is about to rise up with a KEY that will command the nations of the world to him effortlessly.

Don't waste your time around young men of God whose only vision is to be posted to big churches to pastor, so that they will become denominational champions. I thought you said God gave you a global assignment, what then are you doing with guys whose highest breakthroughs is how many pulpits they Mount in a month?

Don't let the men of God who have gotten tired of looking for God make you think that you have found God. Don't let them praise your young ministry into an early grave. If you have lost your hunger for prayer, cry to God to have it back. Pray for God to give you that KEY that will open your generation up to you. Unless you want to remain voiceless and powerless before the people God called you to give direction to.

Some of our fathers prayer this kind of prayers and they got it. No matter how long you hang around them, you will never get your KEY to the heart of your generation. Because "no man can receive anything except it comes from God...”

Many are doing more than what you are doing now that may never be heard by their generation till they die. That is not the will of God. How can we light up a candle and put it under a bushel? Of what use is the salt if it is not accessible to the generation that needs it?

People in many nations are waiting for what God gave you for humanity. Don't blame God if your ministry ends in that little community. You will still make heaven when you die, but when you get there God will show you how massive your 141 impact would have been on earth if only you had prayed more.

I am talking to people like me who still remembers what God showed us in the beginning. Are you ready to lose more meals? Can you still go back to those days you use to speak in tongues while doing anything at all?

Are you ready to start praying for more hours than you used to pray before? Just for that KEY that will give you the attention of your generation to draw them to the Living God. I am already on my knees. In case you are ready, then,...

Let us pray!

142 Chapter 29


ishop Oyedepo took his time to build men before he built that big cathedral in Otta, Ogun State. Stop Bhiring criminal prophets to come and use packaged miracles to raise funds from your unfortunate members. Just because you want to build big cathedral. Build men, sir.

Ask questions, in the early 2000, if you enter any branch of Winners Chapel and come out, you will start looking for a dead man to raise. Every Winner's Chapel member was a terror to the kingdom of darkness. Once you join that church and stay 1 month, you will start manifesting unusual boldness. I don't know what is still happening there now, but when I was there, I was privileged to be thought by men that drank directly from Papa Oyedepo. You can't listen to those men and something will not break out in you.

Ask anyone in Umuahia about Bishop Henry Olisenyenum. Ask those in Port Harcourt about Pastor Dele Bamgboye. Ask those in Owerri about Bishop Dickson. Ask those in Kaduna about Bishop David Abioye. Ask those in Aba about Pastor Chuka.

What about Bishop Aremu? What about Pastor Steve Gbuji? What about Pastor Adebo? Okigwe people will tell you about Pastor Ilani. Asaba people will tell you about and Pastor Ifianga. You can add the men you can remember. 143 These were men that sat under bishop Oyedepo and he raised them and released them to the streets of Africa and hell has not recovered yet from their invasions in those towns and communities. That you are hearing about Papa Oyedepo anywhere in the world today, it is through these men.

You don't need to see Papa. The moment you see them, you have seen Papa. He didn't beg them to talk like him. He didn't force them to command boldness like him. But the more they were close to him, the more they were catching what God deposited in him. Today, to the glory of God and to the expansion of the kingdom, many of them are no more under Winners Chapel.

But if you still go and sit under them, you will still know that you are listening to men God raised under bishop Oyedepo. Friends, that is where we are going. Some of this generation of preachers have seen Canaan land and have started killing themselves to build the biggest capacity church in their town.

Please, help me tell them that papa Oyedepo did not raise his men inside 50,000 capacity church. I have no issue with big beautiful cathedrals. Even if I do, it doesn't change the fact that we still need to build a nice place of worship for the Master. But this on - going cathedral competition is not from God.

None of your choir members still speak in tongues after how many years. Even your assistant pastor still cannot pray for 10 minutes. No evangelism structure. No prayer band. Its only night vigil and shouting fire ministry that you are doing, and you are looking for money to build cathedral. What will you be doing inside there, sir? 144 Today, you are a prophet. Tomorrow, you are an apostle. Next tomorrow, you are an evangelist. When they invite you abroad, you become a bishop. Men that have not been built wants to build men. Sir, stop looking for cathedral to build. You need to start looking for yourself. You have not found yourself yet.

For a whole one year, there is none of your members that can command fire the way you command. All of them still run to you when they see butterfly, so that you will release a word. It is only your anointed sticker and calendar that you give them. I don't blame you, sir. People are still very blind.

But a time is coming when that your big cathedral will begin to run empty. Because people would have known that gathering every service to shout fire is not giving them the fire.

The costly temple Solomon built has been demolished many times since it was built. That was why when Jesus came, He learnt His lesson and He didn't bother looking for land to build big halls, to show people that he too is succeeding. Rather, He began to look for men to build. If He had built cathedrals instead of men, you I and our children would not have known that there is a man that lived called Jesus.

I was not raised inside a big auditorium. I was raised inside a primary school classroom. I grew up spiritually worshipping under trees. And sometimes, there won't even be available tree to worship under. We will sit under sun. And if it rains, it beats us. That was where Christ was formed in us. No matter your defence mechanism in this subject matter, sir, let's not forget that one day anti Christ will take over all these beautiful cathedrals we are building in Nigeria. 145 Late Arch bishop Idahosa is not remembered today because of the cathedral he built, but because of the men he built. Look into your congregation and tell yourself the truth. How many of yours members are growing to become kingdom superstars? I don't mean all those that comes to run around you, asking you for prophecies and miracles.

How many of them can command the supernatural? How many of them can invade communities and preach Jesus until men begins to fear God in the land? Tomorrow, when I buy a private jet for the man God used to build me, ignorant people will start fighting him on social media, without knowing how God has used him to make me what I am becoming today.

May God open the eyes of our understanding.

Let us pray!..


hen I get to heaven, the first person I will want to see is not Paul that wrote almost all the new Wtestament. Not Peter that walked on water. Neither Philip that once disappeared and appeared somewhere else.

The person I will want to see is JOHN THE BAPTIST that folded his ministry for another man's ministry to rise. I will want to see that man that introduced his financial members to another man of God, and he watched them start following the man. And yet, he never came to Facebook to look for stories to make men hate the man.

Jesus said with His own mouth, that John did no miracles, and yet, with His mouth said that no man born of woman is greater than John. Which means working of miracles, preaching in big churches, hanging around big preachers and running 3 times services, submitting under celebrity fathers in ministry. And even giving accurate prophecies does not make heaven to place value on men.

Which means, you can still be an indoor intercessor that never shared pulpit with the strong and mighty and yet heaven will value you more than those that are on every poster and billboards today. 147 I will like to meet John the Baptist and ask him how he killed his flesh, to the extent of pulling down his church sign posts, just to see that another man's church is filled. I want to know how he felt when his big monthly programs began to run empty, and when he looks around, he saw that his choristers were now singing in another man's church.

Friends, I want God to kill my flesh the way He killed that of John the Baptist. Why are we fighting ourselves in ministry today? Is it not because we are afraid that people will laugh at us when they see that many people are now following others we started ministry before?

Why are some young men of God going to bow to juju, to get crowd and wealth and fame? Is it not because we are afraid to see empty seats in our churches and we don't want people to mock us? Why are you blaming some of us that are very uncomfortable around guys who brag with how many thousand members they are controlling?

Don't trust any young man of God that only have celebrity pastors as his spiritual mentors. Don't be comfortable with young ministers that must be heard at all cost. If you are not known, they don't want to know you. They are lusting for vain things. No wonder with all their mighty billboards in all the strategic places in town. Yet, no one knows they are in town.

Man of God, since this year, how many men of God have you advertised their ministries, even if you have to lose your followers? Even to share another man's post on Facebook, you can't do it. You know he will be loved, and you don't want it. You copy the post without mentioning his name and you write 148 ANONYMOUS. When anyone asks you about the man of God, you will say they should not mind those boys that are jobless.

The only thing you have to say about men God is helping is bad testimony. Sir, you are failing the test of glory. You are announcing to angels that you are not ready to walk in glory. No wonder, you are still struggling for people to know that you are around. If you are not ready to decrease for another man to increase, you still have a long way to go.

No man takes the honour unto himself. If you want to shine, hide. If you want God to lift you up, look for those you will lift up. If you want people to see what God is doing with you, refer people to what God is doing through another man. Lord, please, do to me what You did to John the Baptist, that made him chose to hide for another man to shine.

Please, help me, Lord! This is my prayer. I don't know about you. Let us pray!

149 Chapter 31


hank God for papa Oyedepo and Papa Adeboye. We bless God for papa Anselm Madubuko and His grace Ton Papa Uma Ukpai. But there are still some dimensions of God unknown to these generals. There are still things He has not shown to them yet about Himself.

He is looking for a people in my generation that will separate themselves so that He can show them what He has not shown these men. And I know that it will be there greatest desire to see the generation coming behind them to manifest that side of God they have not been given the privilege to handle.

Can I beg you for one thing? Please, ask God to show you what He has hidden from the eyes of your generation. Ask Him to show you that thing your mates are too in a hurry to see. Tell Him to tell you that thing others have refused to wait to hear. There is something God will tell you and you will not lack men.

There is something you will see and you will never hide in your time. What separates men are what they have seen others are too busy to see. If God wants to settle a man, He demands for his attention. And you cannot get God's attention in the place of separation and not enjoy distinction.

150 Don't join them to question a man God Himself has distracted, just to conferee honour on. The noise every where is enough to hide an anointed man. Separate yourself. If it will take you 5 more years, sir, remain in that hiding position. But don't be there criticizing men you don't know how long it has taken them to enjoy the little grace they are enjoying...

If you can, pray for anyone you see manifesting the grace you desire. God looks into the hearts of men before He releases the OIL they crave for. If your eyes are so sharp to see the faults of other men, you will never see God. Nothing distracts a man in the school of value than serving as a referee to men God is helping. If the anointing you are looking for is to use to show your enemies that you too can manifest power, that anointing will hide you.

There is nobody that is walking in glory today that entered that realm by mistake. Glory has many codes. Death to vain glory is one of them. When glory comes, it kills your hunger to be heard. Many have prayed and fasted, but they have no trace of glory. Because they want to use glory to fight their enemies.

Can I beg you to listen?: Don't let your crave for cheap glory rob you of the real glory. When you encounter value, hunger for fame looses grip on you...

This generation is eagerly looking for men that are looking for God, in spirit and in truth. Nobody places demand on a man God has not shown the unusual. There are still many unseen dimensions of God.

151 Preach like Papa Oyedepo. Kneel down before preaching like Papa Adeboye. Shout Fire like Apostle Suleiman. Cry during worship like Papa Paul Enenche. But don't forget to tell God to show you what He has not shown these men.

May God distract us from the vain pursuit of anything that is not unusual in our time. May He give us hunger to kneel down more until we begin to manifest a dimension of Him which He has hidden from the eyes of great kings and prophets.

I am praying for myself. I don't know about you.

Let us pray!

152 Iyke Oriaku Ministering: Abuja Awakening under Apostles Hassy and Oluchi Elkurus 153 Revival at Impart World, Benin City Under Pastor Jude

Youth Revival at Assemblies of God, 22 Nkporo Lane, Umuahia

154 Call Iyke Oriaku +234 8186159484 +234 8145279253

OTHER BOOKS BY IYKE ORIAKU * Imagine a World Without You * You Are Too Young To Die * Imagine Nigeria Without You * Tell Them: This End-Time Revival is Not for Sale!