NOVEMBER GENERAL MEETING 8pm Wednesday 20th A short walk in the Indian Himalayas Speaker: Roger Farrow

Roger Farrow is a retired CSIRO entomologist with an interest in the Himalayas and particularly in the wildlife there. He will talk about two walks he did there earlier this year, the first up the Singalila Ridge, the border between India and Nepal, and the second up to the Guichela Glacier at the foot of Kanthenjunga.. Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science Gordon Street, Canberra City Make the most of the evening and join other members at 6.00pm for a convivial meal at the Vietnam Restaurant, 8-10 Hobart Place, Canberra City (opposite Canberra House Arcade, next to Aussie Home Loans) Try to be early to ensure there will be ample time to finish and still get to the meeting in good time danger in most of our favourite watercourses of the Cox, Kow- PRESIDENT’S walking areas. On our recent mung, Wollondilly and Nattai, are PRATTLE Barallier walk in the Blue Moun- bone dry. It is still magnificant tains, the impact of the drought was country to walk through, but it is very evident. Apart from certain certainly suffering. Our new committee for 2002/03 pockets near the Cox, there was a You will notice that a number of hope to make this an enjoyable and noticeable lack of spring wildflow- our weekend walks on this program productive year for club members, ers, and much of the bush foliage is are designated as “beginner walks”, and will do our best to maintain a drooping and parched. (We know and we have put these in to encour- good walks program. This will be of course of its natural propensity age those of you who would like to quite a challenge over the next to recover after rain). Many of the branch out and try overnight trips months, as we are likely to face the creeks feeding into the major impact of drought and high fire but haven’t quite known how to go Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 1 about it. Leaders of these walks are Carefully consider where you leave Horsfields’ place in Kambah, the more than happy to give advice your cars, too. Recently, one of other on the northside at the about gear and food to take on such our members helped save a dozen McKones’ in Holt. Leaders who a walk, and the club has gear cars at the entrance to think they may need one for their available for hire as well. We’d the Budawangs where they were programmed walk can inform me love to see lots of newcomers on almost engulfed in flames. when they submit their trip. these walks, though other club EPIRBs will be issued with notes There is a lot of burnt out bushland members are welcome too of detailing their responsible use. which may look devastated at the course. Let’s hope we don’t have to acti- moment. This leaves the soil loose vate them! At our last general meeting the and open to erosion and weed club membership approved the invasion; it may also be dangerous Outdoor . You may have purchase of two Emergency Bea- on steep slopes where boulders can noticed that this magazine has cons, which will be availaable for easily be dislodged with the risk of adopted the commendable policy leaders to borrow free of charge, them falling on anyone below. of encouraging walkers to join with bookings throught the Walks However, (and without going into clubs. As part of this effort they Secretary. One will be kept at the details of a very complicated are publishing one page Walk Meg’s place on the north side, and argument) the bush is resilient, and Profiles along with a conservation one at the Horsfields in Kambah. when the rains do finally come we or safety tip, each prepared by a Such a provision is an important will see a miraculous recovery. bushwalking club. Outdoor are part of the club’s “duty of care” interested in publishing an over- In the case of a total fire ban, towards our membership. night trip in Namadgi N.P. by remember all naked flames are Canberra Bushwalkers. The Our IYM program continues until banned, so this means no fuel Committee is thinking of Orroral March 2003. We would encourage stoves. Anyone got some good Valley - Cotter Gap - Pond Creek - walkers to put a small donation in cold recipes? Creamy Flats and return, with with their petrol money if they are NPWS (Land Management) optional side trips up Coronet Peak going on an IYM walk, and in this Regulation 2002. This Regulation and Cotter Rocks. This would be a way our funds will steadily accu- is now in force, and covers all positive promotion for the Club, mulate. At the Christmas party you national parks in NSW, although and should not result in a stampede will also be able to donate to this variations may occur within the of environmental damage, as there worthy cause by buying fresh Plans of Management of individual are strict limits on the numbers produce which will be on sale parks. We wrote to the Minister camping in the Cotter Catchment there, as well as checking out items last December as we were con- area. for auction- so bring your cheque cerned about limitations on where books or ready cash along! I hope lots of people will make it to we could car camp the night before the Walks Planning BBQ on 19 Jenny Horsfield a walk and where we could park November (see the Activity Pro- President our cars while we were on the gram for details). If you’ve been walk. It looks as if bushwalkers’ hesitant in the past to lead a trip, submissions have been heeded and WALKS WAFFLE here is your opportunity to talk to we should not have any problems. other leaders for general tips and Bushfires. Unless we get some The lighting of campfires is also information about where to go. decent rains, our walking activities permitted, using deadfalls of tim- Meg McKone may be severely curtailed over the ber, as long as allowed by the PoM Walks Secretary coming months. You can check of the park you are in, there is no whether or not particular National total fire ban, flammable material PS I hope lots of people will make Parks are closed on the NSW within 1.5 metres of the fire is it to the Walks Planning BBQ on NPWS website: http://www.npws cleared away and the fire is 4.5 19 November (see the Activity, or metres from any log or stump. Program for details). for the ACT at http://www.enviro More details are available from the Tree Felling - Sat 7 Dec reserves/bushfireinfo.html. How- National Parks and Wildlife web- For all those folk out there who ever, I did find last summer that the site at have chainsaws could they please information on the NSW website EPIRBs. As detailed elsewhere in contact me as I would like lots of was not always correct, and it was this it, the October general meeting help to cut down a large worth phoning the relevant ranger voted to buy two EPIRBs to be backyard tree (with ACT office, where the rangers were very available to club parties free of Environment's blessing, of helpful. charge. For the time being, one course!) - Rene Lays phone 6241 will be kept on the southside at the 7862 or [email protected]

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 2 dismembering preceding the The Malevolent March placement on an ant nest. Immola- COOKS’ CORNER Fly tion around the campfire is a favourite. I remember a competi- RICE SALAD These are also known as either tion where cotton thread was Here is a recipe you can pack Horse or Gad flies. In Australia attached and the winner flew with Friday night to eat for tea on Satur- there are some 243 species ranging the heaviest pay load. day to save cooking and help you from 6mm to 25mm in body cope with total fire bans. If you’re length. In the mountains the most worried about it growing bugs, you frequently seen one is about 20 to could omit the mayonnaise. On the 25mm long. The male can be theory that salt is a preservative, I distinguished from the female by add a reasonable amount of this the fact that the eyes meet at the four letter “s” word. front. Both have a fine hair cover- ing over their eyes that often shows Boil and drain 100 or more grams iridescent reflections. of rice. Mix together a drained tin each of corn kernels and three bean In the mountains our “macro-fly” is mix, chopped celery, capsicum, It is a species of fly with the scien- an intelligent tactician. I would carrot and shallots. Carefully mix tific family name, Tabanidae. The suggest the following list as its in the rice and two tablespoons female lays eggs in or near the principles for hunting humans, each of oil, vinegar and mayon- water, some species a small num- naise. Add salt and pepper to taste. • maintain a proximity to the ber, others in the hundreds. The moving prey. young larvae fall into the water and Serve with a small tin of salmon or • don’t generally buzz around as feed on smaller insects. The pupa is a pouch of tuna. There is enough it alerts their defence. formed in damp soil or mud. The rice salad here for two or more adult escapes by a T-shaped slit. people. • approach low and from the Given desirable conditions the rear. Meg McKone cycle can occur in four or five • land on the prey surreptitiously weeks. MEMBERSHIP and secure an initial hold. They torment stock by biting • MATTERS move slowly to a feeding point. around the eyes and can be quite a • pierce the flesh whilst the prey nuisance in the mountains after a Prospective members: is in active movement as the pain wet period. Some people become and its cause may be less obvi- sensitized to their stings but in Andrew Lizzio, Kelly Lizzio, ous. Australia they are not known to Christopher Morris. • be philosophical as to blows transmit any diseases. New member: and slaps; move only if in dire From a human point of view with Jennifer Mahew-Larsen. peril and try again. regard to defence or retribution, the • don’t be distracted by the March Fly’s persistence is a weak- Roger Edwards colour, blue. Move to the edge of ness as they are easily caught and Membership Secretary the fabric and get on with the dispatched. The steel armour of a job. medieval knight would adequately Start Them Young protect one from this creature. An The male is content to sip nectar old Swiss recipe for a repellent is and sap. (Speculatively one won- kerosene and soap applied with a ders whether this is due to or the sponge. Some of the modern lo- cause of the configuration of the tions are probably effective and eyes). Considering the female and some seem only to provide a con- from a human point of view, we diment for the March Fly’s meal. have a Dipterous insect with the predatory character of a vampire, Rob Horsfield known on occasion to have pierced References: Agricultural Zoology, medium-weight garments. Its liking F V Theobold, Blackwood, 1899. for blood is not easily discouraged. Field Guide to Insects Schoolboy rites of retaliation Michael and Isobel introduce in Australia, R Storey, P Zborow- would violate anyone’s sensibili- Anouk to the pleasures (?) of ski, Reed Books, 1995. ties. One has seen gleeful partial reading (?) it.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 3 In Buckenbowra Wilderness, Turtle NSW WILDERNESS Fire Trail between Boundary Fire Last Social Meeting. DECLARATIONS Trail and No Name Mountain Trail and Gollarribee Fire Trail between On 16th October members were able to show their own slides. The NSW Government has recently Boundary Fire Trail and Fire Break However because of the extensive declared as wilderness an addi- Fire Trail are closed. discussion on EPIRBs only a short tional 274,000ha of land in Further information: NPWS time remained to view these. Judith Northern and Southern NSW, 6495 5001 Webster had slides on her Alpine including 123,000ha within our trek forays, Steven Shaw showed part of the world. If you walk in SOUTH KOSCIUSZKO slides on nature studies around any of these areas you will now be (39,000ha) Canberra and a few on NZ. and less likely to encounter vehicles, New Indi Wilderness (centred on Roger Edwards presented slides on bicycles or horses but you may Mt Youngal) Tasmania. It is apparent that we need to check that the fire trail you have many excellent photographers were planning to use to get to the New Western Fall Wilderness in the club and it is planned to have start of your walk is still open. (western face of the Main Range below 1800m) another slide evening next April or The new wilderness areas of most May. Thank you to everyone who interest to us are: Additions to the existing Jagunal took the time to sort out their slides Wilderness, Pilot Wilderness and and phone me. I am sorry that all MORTON-BUDAWANG Byadbo Wilderness. (23,000ha) slides weren't shown. The wilderness declaration has not Janet Edstein Additions to the existing Ettrema resulted in any closures of public Social Secretary Wilderness tracks or trails. The Tolwong Road remains open but Further information: NPWS Xmas Earth Fair the 4WD trail from Tolwong to Tol- Jindabyne 5450 5555 wong Mines via Tryers Ridge is now At the Xmas party we hope to raise closed from Wattle Flat. The Cedar NORTH KOSCIUSZKO- Road is closed between Caoura Ridge SOUTHWEST SLOPES money for the IYM cause. There Fire Trail and Purnoo Lookout. Also (21,000ha) will be a stall set up. I hope that closed are the Wombat Hill Lookout many of you can contribute things Fire Trail from Rebeccas View Fire New Bramina Wilderness (west such as homemade Xmas cakes, Trail to Morton Trig and the 4WD trail of Brindabella) puddings, jams -almost anything in to the east of Wombat Hill between Additions to the existing Bimberi the food/wine area. Griffin Fire Trail and Lake Yarrunga. Wilderness, Bogong Peaks Wil- Other items could also be small Further information: NPWS derness and Goobarragandra plants, herbs or small tomato/veges Nowra 4423 2170 Wilderness ready for planting out. Please FAR SOUTH COAST (40,000ha) Two fire trails within the Bramina phone me if you have any queries. Wilderness are affected by the wilder- Thank you in anticipation to all the New Tuross Wilderness (east of ness declaration – the Cooleman Creek donors. If you wish to sell your old Countegany) Fire Trail between Rocky Flat and bushwalking gear please donate New Buckenbowra Wilderness Wombat Ground and the 4WD trail some of that money to IYM. Last (east of Araluen) that gives access to Mt Bramina and year we had a superb photographic Half Moon Gap. exhibtion and 2 of the photos will Additions to the existing Woila- Two fire trails within the Goobar- be auctioned off. They have been Deua Wilderness ragandra Wilderness are affected – donated by Meg. The new Tuross Wilderness includes Buckleys Fire Trail between Wells Xmas Tickets will be on sale soon. Bumberry Creek and Tuross Gorge Creek and Sawpit Creek and below Tuross Falls. The falls are Boundary Road between Broken Cost $15 outside the new wilderness area and Cart Fire Trail and Dubbo Creek. access to them from the west remains Sunday 15 December Further information: NPWS unchanged. Jillicambra Fire Trail is From 6 pm at the home of Eddie now closed from Conways Gap to its Tumut 6947 7000 Cheetham and Mandy Reynolds intersection with Green Hills Fire Trail. Green Hills Fire Trail is closed Sketch maps of the new wilderness 4 Dirrawan Gardens, Reid areas can be found at: from the park boundary (~1km west of Janet Edstein Wadbilliga Creek) to Tuross Social Secretary (~1.5km west of Barren Jumbo). ife/southwildern.htm

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 4 to the guide) make the summit ery and beautiful flowers. The TRIP REPORT while most of those on the chatter of colobus monkeys was Machame route (“the Whisky heard and we could even see them Kilimanjaro trek route”) succeed. Perhaps this is due through the dense canopies. The to the extra day of acclimatisation, porters with their heavy loads on Aug 10 - 15 2002 perhaps there is a selection effect. their heads went as fast or faster up to the Machame camp where the A climb of Kilimanjaro is a climb Morning of Day One, we hopeful forest thinned out and the moor through seasons from lush rain three and our support staff of seven began. Kutte and Claire insisted we forest through flowering heath were transported to the Machame do our stretching as soon as the country, drier moor country up to gate. To lead us we had Godwin, day’s walk was over and that was the sterile arctic conditions above an experienced guide supported by certainly a good thing as we got 4000 m. Average temperature sinks Vincent, also a qualified guide. We hardly any stiffness during the trip. by 1 degree for every 200 metres of had a cook, and four porters to Around 25 tents were quickly altitude, the air pressure at the peak carry our packs, the tents, cooking erected and the different groups (5896 m) is half of the pressure at stove and all the food. Wood is not arrived, dinner cooking com- sea level. allowed for cooking or for camp- menced and as darkness fell we got fires at all inside the National Park. We - that is myself, my daughter a tasty vegetarian meal and could Claire and her partner Kutte - had The crew was particularly polite curl up in one of the tents for an decided that after seeing the family towards me because of my age, evening game of cards: Hearts and in Sweden we should make an calling me “baba” and looking after Oh Hell were equally popular. attempt on Kilimanjaro, Africa’s my comfort at all times. This seems Day Two saw us climbing over great, white mountain. Pauline to be a cultural feature different flowering heath up onto the Shira decided to go directly on to Aus- from Western views. Another plateau and with early glimpses of tralia and Claire and Kutte went reaction was that of the French girl the great mountain above us. Close ahead to Moshi, Tanzania to pre- who asked my age and responded to the Shira caves was our second pare for the trek. The trip was “Bloody Hell”. arranged by Crown Birds and they camp-site where all the tents were Several other groups with different had arranged to meet us at the again erected. The afternoon had trekking companies had assembled Nairobi Airport. Bus to Moshi been planned for a walk across the at the gate where the fees had to be crossed the Tanzanian border, Shira plateau but a thick fog had paid. We got away with $600 each, where the visa cost me $20 because descended and we preferred to including park fees, tents and all of my Swedish passport. If I had have a restful afternoon, reading food while other companies shown my Australian I would have books, getting those cards out charged considerably more. Park been up for $30 and the Americans again and telling some tall stories. fees are quite high and can be had to pay $50! From 3600 m altitude we climbed a considered as a revenue item for further 800 meters on Day Three to It was great to be taken right to Tanzania. I can think of several the Lava Tower, a monolithic cliff Royal Crown, the comfortable ways in which that money could be that challenged us. Mostly a hotel that had been booked and re-invested in the care of the Na- scramble, handholds were needed find Claire and Kutte relaxing in tional Park, but as in Nepal, this is in a few awkward places, but we the sun. Last dinner sitting on not a priority. chairs and last sleep in a bed for a felt quite safe without ropes. Quite Sleeping bags are for hire and while. an enjoyable distraction from the walking sticks, gaiters and other steady walking. After lunch we There are several routes suitable equipment can also be hired. The descended somewhat to camp at for walking without the use of three Germans with boots, long Barranco on the other side of one rope. The most commonly taken is trousers, walking sticks and all of those fantastic forests of sene- the 5 day Marangu route, the one sorts of equipment wondered how cios. we had chosen was the Machame we would cope: “those gym shoes The forth day took us up into the route, which takes 6 days, costs a would get wet, we would get cold barren landscape around Barafu little more but is more scenic and and scratched in our shorts.” gives that extra day of acclimatisa- Camp at 4800 m. Some rocky In fact, once the steady climb up tion. On our route tents are used pitches had to be negotiated, but through the forest started we kept but on the Marangu route there are again nothing that an average very warm indeed and with the huts. bushwalker would worry about. slippery mud, gym shoes with The three Germans were not feel- It is reported that only about 50% reasonable grip were at least as ing very well and wanted to go of trekkers on the Marangu route good as their boots. Up we went on back but were instead diverted to (“the Coca-Cola route” according a broad path between dense green- the Rau camp where we were to

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 5 meet them on our way down. We Of course, it was cold up there, of circumstances, but I needed both three felt no altitude effects so far. course we were tired from the arms and hands for balance and for The views from Barafu were tre- climb, but the glorious view over grabbing hold of whatever thorny mendous. Above us to the west great distances made it all worth or smooth piece of vegetation I towered the Kibo itself with its while. Down towards the crater on could find. impressive glaciers; across the the one side and down the spec- Down at the gate we were suddenly Saddle to the east rose craggy tacular glaciers with ice turrets and surrounded by crowds of vendors Mawenzie, the more difficult of cracks on the other, it was a glori- who imagined that we had come all Kilimanjaro’s two peaks. Early bed ous sight. It is a sad fact that these that way to buy souvenirs. In fact time this evening: next day was glaciers are shrinking all the time, we were quite hungry at the time Summit Day. mainly due to climate change. and wished that our hands were not Maybe even our grandchildren will At midnight we were woken to tea covered by a 10 mm layer of mud. not be able to see the grandeur of and a biscuit, and then we got all The layers on the shoes were more Kilimanjaro’s several glaciers. our warm cloths on, our head lamp like 20 mm thick but that mattered affixed and started the final ascent. It is interesting to consider the less. The porters rested in camp. The youth of the mountain. It was Our good-bye to the supporter staff dark sky showed up a beautiful formed less than a million years included tipping: $50 to each of the starry display; the Magellanic ago, when there were already two guides, $40 to the cook and Clouds and the Milky Way glis- humans walking over the plains of $30 ($5 per day) to the porters. tened. this part of Africa. They must have This was slightly more than rec- experienced some extraordinary After a few hours of slow and ommended in Lonely Planet, but volcano eruptions. steady walking, I felt quite ex- Crown Birds had given us a cheap hausted and after some discussion, Around 8 am we had looked our deal, so we felt we could afford a the guides agreed that I be allowed fill, taken enough pictures and little more to the guides and por- to turn back. Vincent was to ac- were ready to go down, which ters. company me while Godwin carried turned out to be considerably Back to the comfortable rooms at on with Claire and Kutte, those easier. What took 7 hours to climb, Royal Crown, the showers and a youngsters being as fit as ever. we descended in 3 hours, often dinner eaten from a table while However, going down a steep and sliding as fast in the loose scree sitting on chairs. A great six days rocky route in the darkness turned and sand as our knees would stand. on the trek but civilisation has its out to be tricky as it is hard to Gradually denser air made for merits after all. direct the head light low enough, so easier breathing and it was good to I took a twenty minutes rest. Hav- curl up for a couple of hours sleep We were lucky enough not to ing rested, I got my second wind before getting a plate of soup and experience any serious altitude and decided to go upwards again. continuing on our way down the problems. To be sure, there was the We soon passed a very slow mov- mountain. Those 4 hours to the Rau usual lack of appetite and the need ing group of Frenchmen and with camp at the forest border were to breathe deeply, but other people some help from Vincent he and I marred by the first rain we had on we met had many more problems, watched the sun rise from close to our walk. A bonus to see our some even having to turn back Stella Point, the first contact point porters pass us to get ahead and without reaching the summit. on the crater rim. Up there I again erect the tents. This time dinner However, the varied and beautiful considered turning back, but seeing was eaten inside the tents and we bush on Kilimanjaro would be a the easy walk to Uhuru Peak I were again allowed coffee. The lasting memory to all. It is the mark thought I might as well climb those good guide Godwin had withdrawn of a great mountain that the road to additional 200 m to surprise Claire coffee for a couple of days because the summit is as much of a goal as and Kutte, who had reached the of the altitude and given us Milo the summit itself. summit 20 minutes earlier. instead. Gösta Lyngå In that very thin air, the pace is The last day of descent was one of extremely slow. At normal air mud sliding through the rain forest. Need a house sitter? pressure most bushwalkers struggle The rain had stopped but the Mature reliable bushwalker up Badgery’s Spur or the Bungonia ground was wet and the clay did currently house sitting in Can- ridge in about 1 ½ hours. This was not allow fast run-off. Sometimes berra is available from January twice the climb at about the same knee-deep puddles had to be References on request inclination but we used almost 7 walked through and at any time the hours taking a few steps, resting, mud could shift sideways under Chris Perrers breathing, taking a few steps, foot, with disastrous effects. Some 0427 396 890 resting, … people found sticks useful in those please leave message

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 6 • Donation of part of the money Next Month saved by the Club to a conserva- NSW Total Fire Bans tion cause Remember that there will be no it Total fire bans are imposed in on • produced in January. So get all Just the good feeling knowing days of extreme fire danger. This is your walks and other items through you are saving both tress and the determined by weather information to mid-February in for the Decem- Club money. and the dryness of the vegetation ber it - closing date is Tuesday 26 If you have opinions on this, please (the drought factor). November. let me or any member of the Com- Total fire bans are issued in the mittee know. afternoon and come into effect Electronic it Other club documents such as from midnight of that day. They An electronic version of it, Membership Application Form, operate for 24 hours. A total fire identical to the printed version, is Booking Sheet, Disclaimer, Club ban may be declared for particular now produced as an Adobe Rules (constitution) etc are also weather districts, or may apply Acrobat version 4 PDF file. It can available on the web site across the State. be emailed to members or Allan Mikkelsen During a total fire ban, you may (preferably) downloaded from a Editor still be able to use an electric or gas password protected members only barbecue in your back- area of the club website. I usually Buy and Sell yard.However, no fires may be lit upload the it on the Friday before it in national parks and reserves. This collation, so you can get an "early" Wanted: Australis Wildcat white includes: copy. If you want access to the water kayak in good condition. All • fires in designated fire- electronic version, please email me reasonable prices considered. places [email protected] and I will let you know how to access this For Sale: Fairydown Solo one • incinerators and barbeques information. person tunnel tent in as new condi- which use solid fuel such tion. Only used once. $200. as wood or charcoal The Committee is also considering • whether we should offer incentives Contact: Wendy and Michael : stoves which use gas or liquid fuels (such as petrol, to members who obtain their it 6121 6050(w) electronically rather than as a shellite or methylated spir- 6241 2973(h) printed copy via snail mail. Op- its). tions suggested so far include:- 0438 917 814(mob). Penalties for disregarding a total • Reduced subscription fire ban include fines of up to A$5,000 and a maximum of 12 months imprisonment Please take 5 seconds to look at your address label. Does it say Renew Soon, Renew Now or Last It? If the answer is YES, please fill in this form, cut it out and post it with the appropriate amount ($27 single / $40 family) to: The Membership Secretary, Canberra Bushwalking Club, PO Box 160, Canberra ACT 2601.

Please note the change in membership subscription rates I am aware that, though Canberra Bushwalking Club office bearers and activity leaders take all reasonable care, when joining in any activity of the Club I do so as a volunteer in all respects and, as such, accept responsibility for any personal injury or loss incurred.

Name/s: Address: Post Code: Home Phone: Work Phone: E-Mail: I am willing to lead: Day walks YES  NO  ‘’ Weekend walks YES  NO  Renew early. Renewals received after the monthly Committee meeting may not be processed until the next month.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 7 Yerranderie; crossing country and birds each morning – War- TRIP NOTES explored by Myles Dunphy in the wick’s encyclopaedic knowledge 1930s; feeling the social impact of of the history and geography of the Katoomba to Mittagong the flooding of the Burragorang area – exploring Yerranderie – Valley. rockhopping up the Nattai Gorge – 27 September – 7 October Wanganderry Walls and Bonnum Great views – Kanangra Boyd, Pic as a backdrop to the Burrago- The Party ; the volcanic rang Valley – a compatible, cirque from Yerranderie Peak; Jenny Horsfield (Leader), Warwick companionable party with a skilled Wanganderry Tablelands; West Blayden, Eddie Cheetham, Steve leader. Nattai Walls – views in places Galliford, Terence Uren obscured by acacia regrowth and What about the lowlights? The Route other vegetation. The poor state of parts of the lower Katoomba – Narrow Neck – Clear The diminished landscape quality Nattai – the unremitting grind of Hill – Tarro’s Ladder – Mt Derbert of parts of the area – the intrusion the Scotts Main Range fire trail – – Medlow Gap – White Dog Ridge of major infrastructure elements wading through the chest deep – – Wonga Mountain – (power lines, water supply); the stinging nettles found in many – Mt Feld – degradation caused by past land areas downstream from Mittagong Scotts Main Range – Butchers use practices; the weed invasion of – the lack of good quality drinking Creek – Byrnes Gap – Tonalli some of the areas burnt in last water. River – Yerranderie – Twin Peaks year’s bushfires. – Centre Ridge – Joorilands – Would I recommend the The tantalising ‘off-limits’ country – Beloon Pass – trip to others? within Water’s exclusion Wanganderry Tablelands – Travis zone (maximum penalty for unau- Definitely – it is a fantastic intro- Gully – – Swansons thorised entry $11,000). duction and orientation to the Blue Trail – Beasleys Lookout – Gib- Mountains area. bergunyah Creek – Mittagong The impact of the drought – greatly reduced flows in the Coxs, Kow- Would I do the trip again? What is it about the walk mung, Wollondilly and Nattai that sticks in the mind? Probably not – after all there are ; dry side creeks. still lots of walks I’ve yet to do for Eight days of surprisingly varied What were some of the the first time. However, like all walking – excellent off track spurs trip’s highlights? good trips, this one has generated and ridges; great river walking; plenty of ideas for other walks in moderately challenging scrambles Taking a train to the start of the the area – Yerranderie will defi- through cliff line passes; good open walk – watching the sunrise from nitely get a return visit in the near country walking; tedious fire trails. Narrow Neck – getting to the future and a trip from Kanangra bottom of Tarro’s Ladder – getting The richness of the area’s cultural Walls to Katoomba is being to the top of Belloon Pass – heritage – following part of the planned for autumn. watching black snakes swim in the route taken by Francis Barallier in Terence Uren Kowmung – sharing water at the his 1802 attempt to cross the Great Wollondilly ford with kangaroos, Dividing Range; exploring the 19th two emus and a red dingo – listen- century silver mining town of ing to owls and frogs each night

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 8 INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS IN CBC ACTIVITIES

GRADING OF WALKS - Distance/Difficulty BOOKINGS: Distance: Ring the leader early rather than late. Please ring by Thursday 2.00pm for the following weekend (both one day (S) Short - under 12km/day. and two day walks) so the leader has time to arrange (M) Medium - 12-20km/day. transport. (L) Long - over 20km/day. 16 is the maximum, unless a smaller number is advertised in NOTE: In calculating distance, 1 km is added for every the program. 100 metres climbed. Difficulty: Please be specific if the leader asks about your (E) Easy - fire trail, tracks, beaches etc. experience in the activity. Check with the leader about: • the need to carry water, tents/fly, maps, etc (M) Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub. • appropriate clothing, suitable foot-wear, etc; and (R) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles. • any precautions you might need to take for severe (W) Wet - compulsory swims, some river crossings. weather changes, etc. Ask about anything you’re unsure of, especially if you’re new to our Club.. NOTE: Every person taking part in a CBC activity does so as a volunteer in all respects and accepts responsibility for any personal injury or loss incurred. Visitors may join Club trips. However, because of insurance limitations visitors are restricted to a total of 5 trips with the Club. After that visitors MUST join the Club to join more Club trips Prospective participants should check with the leader that they are capable of completing the proposed trip based on their previous experience, fitness and personal capabilities. Participants should also ask the leader what the trip entails and what food, equipment or special skills are required. Conversely, leaders should also ensure these points are checked and may reject an applicant they consider unsuitable for the trip. TRANSPORT: Costs are presently 30¢/km/car, divided equally among ALL participants. This amount may be varied at the discretion of the leader, depending on: the condition of the roads; the number of passengers per car; and other factors. The figures given for individual trips are estimates only, based on four people per car and other factors - costs may rise if cars are only partly filled. Park admission and camping fees are additional costs which leaders should list separately. SEARCH & RESCUE ORGANISATION See separate information provided to all members / leaders. CHECK-IN / CONTACT OFFICER The Check-in /Contact Officer for the Club is Stan Marks Ph: 6254 9568 (h) or 6274 7350 (w). He, or failing Stan, the President (not the Police or other bodies) should be the first point of contact for worried relatives if you are late in returning from a trip. Leaders must also report the safe return OR cancellation of their trip to the Check-in Officer.

EQUIPMENT HIRE Take advantage of the excellent gear that the Club has available for hire before lashing out on your own equipment. The Equipment Officer is Rob Horsfield, who can be contacted on 6231 4535 (h). The equipment available and current rates per weekend/week are set out below. Hirers are responsible for collecting and returning the equipment. The hiring charge (but not the deposit) is waived for members who are 'first time' weekend walkers. A deposit of $20 is required and part or all of this will be refunded, depending on the condition of the items upon return (eg. damaged or dirty) and whether they are returned late. Item w.e./week Item w.e./week Olympus two person tent $15 / $40 Assorted packs $5 / $15 Macpac Microlight one person tent $15 / $40 Trangia and fuel bottle $5 / $15 3 season bag, mat and liner $10 / $25 Long bed compass no charge - just a $5 deposit Snow sleeping bag, mat and liner $15 / $40 Check you have ALL the bits and pieces you need when collecting gear.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 9 ACTIVITY PROGRAM

Arrange for your Club-related activities to be included in the program with Meg McKone (Walks Secretary) Ph: 6254 5902 (h), E-mail: [email protected], Post: 22 Longworth Pl, Holt ACT 2615 Please see " INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS IN CBC ACTIVITIES" in this IT, or on the Club website

Wednesday 13 November: Wednesday Walk 16-17 November: Namadgi N.P. Beginners’ The regular mid-week walk series continues, close Overnight Trip (others also welcome). M / M to Canberra with a destination to be decided. Mt McKeahnie. Orroral Car Park and Valley - Contact the leader before or at the It collation. Sawpit Creek to camp. Climb Mt McKeahnie as a Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 6278 3164(h). medium day trip Sunday. A pleasant introduction to part of the Namadgi. Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Thursday PM 14 November: Mt Majura S / E Corin Dam 1:25 000. Leader: Rob Horsfield Walk on track through bush on the western side of 6231 4535(h). Transport: ~$8:50. Mt Majura. Park at the gate to the horse paddocks on Antill St between the last house in Hackett and 16-17 November: Kosciuszko N.P. M / M the old Health Services Complex. No bookings, Chimneys Ridge, Teddys Hut, Mt Leo. Start and just turn up at 6.45pm. Map: n/a Leader: Stan finish at Dead Horse Gap, on Cascades Firetrail. Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), email: Wander east to spectacular campsite near Teddys [email protected] Transport: n/a. Hut. Off-track with light packs Saturday afternoon & Sunday morning. Saturday, explore Chimneys 14-17 November: Blue Mountains N.P. M / M Ridge country and a cascade. Sunday, visit Mt Megalong Valley, Splendour Rock, Coxs River, Leo and the Brindle Bull area, before returning to Breakfast Creek. A 4 day trip in the scenic heart strike camp and retrace steps to cars. Really of the Blue Mountains. On tracks and river banks, spectacular views in abundance both days, lots of with some easy rockhopping. See the preview in alpine daisies too. Maps: Perisher Valley, Chim- August it. Expressions of interest by 1 Nov. neys Ridge 1:25 000. Leader: James Ashburner Maps: Jenolan, Kanangra, Jamison (mainly the 6254 1666. Transport: ~ $33. first two) 1:25 000. Leader: Meg McKone 6254 5902(h). Transport: $50-60. IYM walk. Tuesday 19 November: Walks Planning BBQ Saturday 16 November: 10th Anniversary From 6pm onwards, at 22 Longworth Place Holt. Broom Clearing Come and help plan a great walks program for This will be a special event. We will travel to Summer. BYO meat, salads and wine; desserts Cotter Hut and work on the removal of the ex- provided. Experienced and new leaders welcome. tremely invasive plant known as English or RSVP to Meg on 6254 5902 by Monday 18 Spanish Broom. At lunchtime we hope the have November. Minister for Urban Services, Bill Wood visit the site so we can brief him on what we have achieved over the past decade and join us in a small cele- Wednesday 20 November - monthly meeting bration. All club members are welcome to attend Roger Farrow and especially those who have volunteered their "A short walk in the Indian Himalayas" services over the years. Leader: John Thwaite 8pm Australian Academy of Science 62543193h email: [email protected] Map: Thursday evening 21 November: Dairy Farm- ACT 1:100 000. Transport: tba. ers Hill and Cork Plantation. S / E Sunday 17 November: Namadgi N.P. M / E Meet at the car park at the Rani Road/Caswell Mt Aggie and Bendora Arboretum. Morning tea Drive intersection about 200m north of the on Mt Aggie with views across the Brindabella junction of Caswell and William Hovell Drives. valley. Then follow fire trails through lovely Walk through the Cork Plantation and Stromlo eucalypt forest to Bendora Arboretum and the car- forest for views of the city and the Brindabellas. park. Short car shuffle. About 15km, 4 ¾ hrs No bookings, just turn up at 6.45pm. Map: n/a actual walking. Map: Tidbinbilla 1:25 000. Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), email: [email protected] Transport: email(w): [email protected] Transport: drive yourself. ~$15. IYM walk.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 10 Saturday 23 November: Brindabella N.P. 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), email (w): S / R [email protected] Transport: ~$15. California Creek. Parking at Top crossing, we IYM walk. walk up to Hume Saw mill, then down to Sunday 1 December: Yaouk Bill Range NSW. California Creek with rapids, rock pools and dense M / M-R bush. 4WD desirable, otherwise length will be Depending on access to the area, I intend to ex- medium. Map: Umburra 1:25 000. Leader: plore the pinnacles to the south of Yaouk Bill Peak Gösta Lyngå 6288 7009. Transport: ~$10. and possibly Black Cow Peak and Jocks Peak. Sunday 24 November: Namadgi N.P. S / E Map:Yaouk 1:25 000. Leader: Roger Edwards Square Rock. A walk in the hills just south of the 6288 7863(h), 6271 1351(w). Transport: ~$15. city from Smokers Trail car park (off Corin Dam Limit of 8. road), through attractive forest to Square Rock. 30 November-1 December: Ben Boyd N.P. / Spectacular views over lunch. Return to car park. () Canoeing All on track, about 3 ½ hrs actual walking. Map: Paddle up the Towamba River from Kiah to Two- Corin Dam 1:25 000. Leader: Rosanne Walker fold Bay, near Eden on Sat. Car based camp 6242 9106(h). Transport: ~$8. overnight in Ben Boyd NP in lovely campsite at 23-24 November: Kosciuszko N.P. M / M Saltwater Creek. Do nice coast walk on Sunday Bimberi, Cave Creek, Cooleman. On Saturday AM. Previous paddling experience necessary. we climb Bimberi from Dunns Flat for views, drop Leaders: Keith / Heather Aubrey 6297 4352 after into Bimberi Gap and make our way to a nice 6pm. Map:?. Transport:?. camp site at Dead Horse Gap. On Sunday we walk 30 November-1 December: Kosciuszko N.P. through the spectacular Cave Creek Canyon and Beginners Trip (but all welcome). E / M return via Cooleman Plain and Pocket Hut. Map: Kianda - Nine Mile Diggings - Tabletop Mtn ACT 1:100 000. Leader: George Carter and return. This is an interesting trip to an old 6251 2130(h). Transport: ~$30. gold-mining area where, hopefully, the climate Tuesday 26 November - Committee Meeting will be a little cooler. Maps: Tantangra, Yarran- and it closing gobilly, Berridale, Kosciuszko 1: 100 000. 8pm at the home of Cynthia Breheny Leaders: Jenny/Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h). 3 Bungey Street, Campbell Transport: ~$30. Thursday evening 28 November: Mulligans 30 November-8 December: Washpool N.P. Flat West. S / E L / R Start from the main Mulligans Flat carpark. Go Route: Either Track (incl. down Gundaroo Road (off Gundaroo Drive then Willowie Scrub) or Lionsville Fire Trail (incl. Horse Park Rd) until you see the Nature Park on Viper Scrub) - Washpool Creek - Coombadjha your right. The car park is there. Nice open bush Road. Combination of old forestry roads, rock and some interesting views from the hills. No hopping / scrambling, and some steep ridges. Su- bookings, just turn up at 6.45pm. Map: n/a perb wilderness area of World Heritage sub- Leader: Stan Marks, 6254 9568(h), tropical rainforest. No fires, stoves only. Maps: 6274 7350(w), email: [email protected] Tenterfield 1:100 000, Washpool & Coombadjha Transport: drive yourself. 1:25 000. Leader: Ian Smith 6282 1226(h), 6242 3248(w). Transport: $lots. Limit of 6. Saturday 30 November: Namadgi N.P. M / R Honeysuckle Creek Rocks. An exploration of the Thursday evening 5 December: Mt Painter. ridge and rock outcrops to the south east of Hon- S / E eysuckle Creek campground. We will return by Meet at the car park at the Rani Road/Caswell climbing to the Spinnaker, a large face to the south Drive intersection about 200m north of the junc- of the campground. Map: Corin Dam 1:25 000. tion of Caswell and William Hovell Drives. Be Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 6278 3164(h). Trans- atop Mt Painter for sunset. No bookings, just turn port: ~ $9. IYM walk. up at 6.45pm. Map: n/a Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), email: Sunday 1 December: Namadgi N.P. M / E [email protected] Transport: drive Mt Gingera. Enjoy Gingera with the wildflowers. yourself. Walk on track from Ginini car park to the summit via Priors Hut. Still a climb of two hundred me- Saturday 7 December: Namadgi N.P. Map tres, but enjoy a spectacular view without bush Reading Practice. M / M bashing. About four hours actual walking. Map: From Honeysuckle Ck carpark, follow the ridges Corin Dam 1:25 000. Leader: Stan Marks off track through fairly open forest and rock out- crops. We may find some ground orchids. Bring

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 11 your own map and compass to practise interpreting Contact the leader before or at the It collation. contours and taking bearings. Map: Corin Dam Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 6278 3164(h). 1:25 000. Leader: Meg McKone 6254 5902(h). Thursday evening 12 December: Black Transport: ~$9. Limit of 8. Mountain Reserve. S / E Sunday 8 December: Namadgi N.P. M / M-R Meet in the car park at the Rani Road/Caswell Glendale Circuit. From Glendale Depot CP, over Drive intersection about 200m north of the junc- a spur (~100 m gradual climb) to and up Reedy Ck tion of Caswell and William Hovell Drives for a to a slab of rock in the Billy Range for lunch (350 wander around the Reserve. No bookings, just m climb, the last ~170 m of which is steep), re- turn up at 6.45pm. Map: n/a Leader: Stan Marks turning over a saddle and through the valley SW of 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), Email: Half Moon Ck (~280 m steep descent, followed by [email protected] Transport: drive ~150m gradual climb before a further gradual de- yourself. scent). A mixture of paths, pads, scrub, open Saturday 14 December: Kambah - Urambi forest and grassland. Map: Michelago 1:25 000. Hills - Toads Folly - Red Rocks Gorge - Kam- Leader: Bob Vickery 6251 4528(h), email: bah. E / M [email protected] Transport: ~$9. This is a pleasant country ramble with the oppor- (6)7-8 December: Pine and Burrowa Mtn N.P. tunity for a swim at Red Rock Gorge. Map: L / M. Canoeing. 3 hours Tuggeranong 1: 25 000. Leaders: Rob/Jenny downstream and suitable for novices. Horsfield 6231 4535(h). Transport: N/A Bush Walking and Canoeing. Friday Night: Sunday 15 December: Namadgi N.P. M / E Drive to Walwa on the Murray via Gundagai for Moonlight Hollow and Bendora Arboretum. A dinner, and Tumut. We'll be based in a lodge at the walk through enchanted eucalypt forest, enhanced Upper Murray Resort at Walwa (near Cooryong). by creeks and birds. Lunch at Bendora Arbore- Plan to leave Canberra if possible around 4pm. tum. About 15km, all on good track, 4 1/2 hrs Saturday: Day walk to Mt Burrowa, all on track actual walking. Map: Tidbinbilla 1:25 000. and about 18 kms, with a 500m climb. Mostly Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), through majestic eucalypt forest, some heathland, email (w): [email protected]. Transport: spectacular rock outcrops and temperate rainforest ~$12. at the summit. Sunday: Three hour canoe trip on the mighty Murray River from Neales Reserve to 14-16 December: Rivers and Rainforests of Jingelic. Lunch at the historic pub and return to the Budawangs. L / R Canberra via Khancoban, Thredbo and Cooma. Saturday we follow the tourist trail to Mt Donjon, Maps: Corryong 1:100 000, Guys Forest then drop steeply into Angel Creek to walk 1:25 000. Co Leaders: John Kelly (walking) through the magnificent rainforest to the top of 6241 3814(h), 6206 4659(w) and Donna Wilson Crooked Falls (Camp 1). Sunday we descend into (canoeing). Pls ring John to book in. Transport: Hollands Gorge and stroll down the creek (stop- ~$45, canoe ~$25, Lodge ~$35 per night per per- ping at five star swimming holes) to the Clyde son in cabin. Limit of 8. River junction (Camp 2). Monday we walk down the Clyde to have more swims and admire the gi- (6)7-8 December: Nadgee N.R. S / M ant cliffs that surround the gorge. We exit through Merrika Beach. Drive down Friday evening to a Castle Gap and the fascinating ‘Cathedral Cave’. camp close to the road before moving on to the Maps: Corang 1:25 000; CMW Budawangs. Ranger Station at Nadgee Nature Reserve. Walk 5 Leader: George Carter 6251 2130(h). Transport: kms down an open track to a shady campsite at the ~$28. mouth of the Merrika R. Enjoy a swim before side trips north to Wonboyn Beach or south to Lady Jane Beach. Good trip for beginners. Map: Nar- rabarba 1:25 000. Leader: Mark Hopkins 6282 8481. Transport: ~$40. Tuesday 10 December- IT Collation Christmas Party 8pm at the home of Doug Wright Sunday 15 December 18 Beedham Place, Lyons BYO everything BBQ at 6pm From 6 pm at the home of Eddie Cheetham and Mandy Reynolds Wednesday 11 December: Wednesday Walk 4 Dirrawan Gardens, Reid The regular mid-week walk series continues, close to Canberra with a destination to be decided.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 12 Saturday 21 December: Tidbinbilla N.R. 4-5 January: Kosciuszko N.P. M / M-R M / R Bogong Peaks. A short reconnaisance to look at South of Mt Domain. The last Saturday Xmas these peaks near Tumut with the intention of re- shopping opportunity, it is time to head for the turning for a longer period. Maps: Tumut, hills!! Join me as we climb an unnamed peak due Yarrangobilly, Tantangra, Brindabella 1: 00 000. south of Mt Domain. Maps: Corin Dam & Tid- Leaders: Jenny/Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h). binbilla 1:25 000. Leader: Roger Edwards Transport: ~$45. 6288 7863(h), 6271 1633(w). Transport: ~$6 + 10-13 January: Budawang N.P. M / R park entry. Limit of 8. Wirritin Ridge, , Belowra Creek. Saturday 21 December - Namadgi NP - M/M Friday we descend into the upper Yadboro River Umpteenth Annual avoid the Christmas shop- via an old Aboriginal route from Cockpit Swamp ping rush trip. Walk from the summit of Mount and walk about 3km upstream (Camp 1). Saturday Ginini down a nice open ridge, over Little Ginini we climb Wirritin Mountain via a fairly gradual to Pryors Hut, and then up Gingera for the wild- ridge, follow Wirritin Ridge north east and drop flowers. Return on the Mount Franklin Road and down to a giant pool in Belowra Creek (Camp 2). Ginini ski run. Map: Corin Dam 1:25 000. Sunday we walk down Belowra Creek, swimming Leader: Allan Mikkelsen 6278 3164(h). Trans- through a very long ‘sluice box’ with packs to port: ~ $13 lunch at another giant pool at Yadboro junction. We then walk about 6km up the Yadboro River Saturday 28 December: Kosciuszko N.P. (Camp 3). Monday we exit via the spur to Cockpit M / M Swamp. Map: Corang 1:25 000; CMW Bu- Ramshead Ramble. A scenic circuit from Dead dawangs. Leader: George Carter 6251 2130(h). Horse Gap including several alpine summits: the Transport: ~$20. cathedral-like South Ramshead (2052m), Ram- shead (2193m - just 35m lower than Kosciuszko), and the peaked North Ramshead (2177m). Much January BBQ track or open country but some snowgum wood- Wednesday 15 January land, pockets of mintbush and straightforward rock From 6 pm at Black Mountain Peninsula scrambles. A fair bit of up and down but the pace will be moderate. Maps: Perisher Valley & 18-19 January: Lake Eucumbene. Canoeing Chimneys Ridge 1:25 000, or alternatives. Launch from Braemar for two days exploration of Leader: Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899(h), Lake Eucumbene's islands, inlets and western 6240 9704(w), 0418 662870(m). Transport: shoreline. Overnight camp on Teal Island. Previ- ~$33 + park entry. Please book as early as possi- ous experience and good paddle fitness needed. ble, but no later than Christmas Eve. Limit of 12. Limit of 8. Map: Eucumbene 1:50 000 or CMA Southern Lakes 1:50 000. Leader: Terence Uren 27-29 December: Kosciuszko N.P. Fri S / E, 6282 2403 (h). Transport:? Sat M / M, Sun M / E Thredbo gourmet weekend. Combine some ex- 18-19 January: Kosciuszko N.P. Beginners cellent walking with Xmas cheer. We will drive trip (but all welcome). E / M down Fri morning and do a shortish walk on Fri- Blue Waterholes. This is an idyllic spot- for day afternoon. Some or all of us will probably camping, fishing, swimming, photography, walk- join Jeff Bennetts’ walk on Saturday. The Geehi ing and caving. The waterfall is particularly Walls Trail or the Cascades walk are options for attractive. Maps: Tantangra & Yarrangobilly Sat or Sun. Very nice accommodation, swim in 1:00 000. Leaders: Rob/Jenny Horsfield the pool after the walk and enjoy dinner with your 6231 4535(h). Transport: ~$45. friends each night. Maps: Thredbo & Scammels 25-27 January: Kosciuszko weekend. S/E – Lookout 1:25 000. Leader: Stan Marks L/M 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), email: Check grading of each walk with leader. Leave [email protected]. Transport: ~$50 incl Canberra after lunch on Saturday and do the Wa- park entry (accommodation extra). terfalls walk (1 ½ hrs actual walking) at Sawpit 27 Dec- 1 Jan: Wadbilliga N.P. M / M Creek then on to our accommodation at Southern Six days in the Brogo. A leisurely walk on the Alps Ski Lodge, Charlottes Pass. On Sunday, and Yankees Creek, entering from there will be two walks. I will lead the Blue Lake- and Yankees Flat. Good swimming, re- Kosciuszko circuit (6hrs actual walking) and I am laxing beside the river, or exploring some of the planning another harder walk as well. On Mon- side creeks and points of interest. Maps: Puen day, do the Porcupine Track (2hrs actual walking) Buen, Yankees Gap 1:25 000. Leader: Allan at Perisher then head home. Two 'everyone bring Mikkelsen 6278 3164(h). Transport: ~ $30. something' gourmet meals in the evenings. Map:

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 13 Kosciuszko 1:50 000. Leader: Stan Marks the . Map: Caoura 1:25 000. 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), email: Leader: Roger Edwards 6288 7863(h), [email protected]. Transport:~$50 incl 6271 1351(w). Transport: $20. park entry (accommodation extra). 8-9 February: Ettrema. M / R 25-27 January: Kanangra-Boyd N.P. Bullfrog Ck - Ettrema - Gorge - Myall Ck. A M / R / W great summer trip for those who enjoy rockhop- Christys Creek. Drive to Kanangra early Sat ping and swimming in the crystal clear pools of morning, then follow the Uni Rover Track and one of our loveliest “local” creeks. Myall Ck in- Amble Easy Ridge to a pleasant campsite at the volves two fairly exposed scrambles. Maps: junction of Wheengee Whungee and Christys Cks. Nerriga, Touga 1:25 000. Leader: Robert Bibo Rock hop down Christys with an exhilarating wa- 6252 6661(w), email: [email protected] terslide into a delightful compulsory swim, and Transport: ~$24. camp up Arabanoo Ck. Depending on the party, Saturday 15 February: Murrumbidgee Corri- we will exit either by the waterfalls of upper Ara- dor. S / E banoo or take a spur up to Cottage Rock or near Tuggeranong - Red Rocks. Red Rocks Gorge is the Coal Seam Cave. Maps: Kanangra, Yer- a section of the with deep randerie 1:25 000. Leader: Meg McKone pools and rapids. It is about 4km each way along a 6254 5902(h). Transport: ~$39 + NP fees. Limit track from Tuggeranong. We will start walking of 8. about 3pm, have plenty of time for swimming and Sat 1 February: Murrumbidgee River Corridor snacks, and commence walking back around sun- Beginners Trip (but all welcome) E / M set. There is a near full moon but bring a torch just Kambah, New Station Creek, Jews Corner and in case. Map: ACT 1:100 000. Leader: Jeff return. A pleasant country ramble with the op- Bennetts 6231 5899(h), 6240 9704(w). Trans- portunity for a swim. Maps: Tuggeranong, port: <$5. Canberra 1: 25 000. Leaders: Jenny/Rob Hors- 15-16 February: Wadbilliga N.P. M / R field 6231 4535(h). Transport: N/A Queens Pound River. A beautiful wilderness cir- (31Jan)1-2 February: Beginners’ camp near cuit. We walk up Lake Creek, climb 400m over a Murramarang N.P. S / E watershed, then return down the Queens Pound Depot Beach. Enjoy the warmth of summer and River to its junction with the . car camp at this beach, leaving Canberra on Fri- There are many idyllic pools and good views on day if poss. Activities include swimming, the crossover. Map: Yowrie 1:25 000. Leader: snorkelling, exploring the nearby forest walk, George Carter 6251 2130(h). Transport: ~$28. walking to Pebbly Beach and surfing there. Limit of 8. Map: Kioloa 1:25 000. Leader: Janet Edstein 6288 1398(h). Camping fees ~$10. Transport: 15-16 February: Kosciuszko N.P. Beginners ~$25. Trip, all welcome M / M Tantangara (Old Horse Yard) - Oldfields Hut 1-2 February: Kanangra-Boyd N.P. S / M-R (camp) - day trip up Bimberi and return. A Upper Kowmung, Box Ck Falls. Leave Canberra beautiful hut and a great peak. Map: Tantangara early Sat morning. Descend 300 m on track to the 1:00 000. Leaders: Rob/Jenny Horsfield Kowmung R, camp at Box Ck junction. Optional 6231 4535(h). Transport: $37.50. IYM Walk. side trip Sat afternoon to view Tuglow Falls and Sunday 2 March: Namadgi N.P L / M Chardon Canyon. A short scrubby section up Box Mt Gudgenby South. Most people have been to Ck is followed by a scramble up the granite bed- the summit of Mt Gudgenby, but not many have rock beside the spectacular series of waterfalls and been to the unnamed peak to the south on the other plunge pools of Box Ck Falls. Great swimming side of Bogong Creek. Let’s find out why. This is pools both days. This trip would suit beginners my 2nd attempt at this walk, after an earlier at- who enjoy a bit of rock scrambling. Drive out to tempt failed due to restrictions on access to the Kanangra Walls Sun afternoon for those who ha- area. Map: Yaouk 1:25 000. Leader: Roger Ed- ven’t seen the view. Map: Shooters Hill 1:25 000. wards 6288 7863(h), 6217 1351(w). Transport: Leader: Meg McKone 6254 5902. Transport: ~$12.00. Limit of 8. ~$39 + NP fees. Limit of 8. 1-2 March: Budawangs for beginners. Sunday 9 February: Shoalhaven M / M / W? M / M / W Gabion Wall. From the Bungonia Reserve de- Corang Lagoon & Cascades. A pleasant 3 to 4 scend to the Shoalhaven River and then follow hour track walk from the Wog Wog entrance of Barbers Creek upstream to visit Gabion Wall (to through stringybark find out what it is). Steep ascent and descent to woodland to picturesque swimming holes at the

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 14 base of a small waterfall on the . 22-23 March: Deua N.P. M / R There we can swim and explore the cascades and Details TBA. Leader: Robert Bibo 6252 6661(w), pools downstream of the lagoon. Very suitable email: [email protected] Transport: TBA for those who are beginners and want to try the 4-7 April: Blue Mountains N.P. M / M experience of carrying a weekend pack. Maps: Kananga Walls - Coxs River - Katoomba. A Corang 1:25 000 or CMW Budawangs. Leader: classic and spectacular long weekend trip. Map: Janet Edstein 6288 1398(h). Transport: ~$20. Miles Dunphy’s Gangerang 2"=1mile. Leaders: 8-9 March: Namadgi N.P. Beginners’ Trip, all Jenny/Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h). Transport: welcome E / M TBA Naas car park - Sheep Station Creek - Old 12-13 April: Murramarang N.P. M / M shed- camp - Grassy Creek- Pheasant Hill - Durras to Moloneys Beach. Walk the wonderful car park. A pleasant trip into some of the old beaches, headlands and forests of Murramarang pastoralist world of Daphne Curtis. Map: Yaouk National Park for a whole weekend. Revel in the 1:25 000. Leaders: Jenny/Rob Horsfield surf at its warmest point in the year. Map: Durras 6231 4535(h). Transport: $10. 1:25 000. Leader: George Carter 6251 2130(h). Transport: ~$25. (14)15-17 March: Blue Mountains N.P. M / M-R 12-13 April: Kosciuszko N.P. M / M Mount Solitary, Kedumba Walls, Giant Stair- Mt Morgan, Half Moon Peak. Details later. case. We will stay in Katoomba for early start Maps: Rendezvous Creek, Yaouk 1:25 000. on Saturday. Then walk to via Leader: Robert Bibo 6252 6661(w), email: and Furber Steps. On to Mount [email protected] Transport: TBA. Solitary via the steep and demanding Koorawall 26-27 April: Namadgi N.P. M / M-R Knife-Edge spur and on to camp at Mount Soli- Boboyan car park - Gudgenby saddle - Naas tary. Next day, another early start to walk on to Creek - Sams Creek - Mt Kelly - Bogong Gap - Kedumba Walls and round to base of Leura Falls Lower Burbidge Ridge - Middle Creek - car for a dry camp. Third day is shorter, walking park. A great circuit, mostly on track, very little through Federal Pass and Leura Forest to Giant scrub. Maps: Yaouk, Rendezvous Creek Staircase. Very scenic but demanding walk. 1:25 000. Leaders: Rob/Jenny Horsfield Limited water. Maps: Katoomba, Jamison 6231 4535(h). Transport: ~$8.50 1:25 000. Leader: Ros Woodward 6248 5227(h), email: [email protected] Transport: IT CONTRIBUTIONS ~$45. The closing date for copy for each issue of It is the date of the monthly Committee Meeting (ie .the 15-16 March: Shoalhaven River M / M-R day before the 4th Wednesday. Rainbow Ridge. On Saturday we drop into the I would particularly welcome contributions for Shoalhaven via Badgerys Spur, walk a little way Cooks Corner, Trip Reports, and more in the series upstream and climb a very scenic ridge up Mt "Unforgettable Walks". Pollock (400m). Rainbow Ridge is a narrow hori- Handwritten and posted material is welcome, zontal ridge heading north-west from Mt Pollock but I would prefer to get computer readable files (any for about a kilometre with wonderful views into format but plain text preferred) by email. the gorges on either side. We descend a scree covered ridge to a giant pool with sandy beach un- Photographs enliven the newsletter, so these der the cliffs of Kingpin Mountain to camp. are most welcome, as either image files (most Sunday is an easy 6km walk down the Shoalhaven common formats) or originals for me to scan. before returning up Badgerys Spur. Map: Caoura My contact details are: 1:25 000. Leader: George Carter 6251 2130(h). Transport: ~$20. Ph: 6278 3164 (h) – normally during the day as well 22-23 March: Namadgi N.P. Beginners’ Trip, E-mail: [email protected] all welcome. M / M Post: 8D Century Courts Orroral Valley - Cotter Gap - Pond Creek 4 Beetaloo St Hawker ACT 2614 (camp site) - Coronet Peak and return. This is I also attend almost all it collations and monthly becoming an increasingly popular moderate over- meetings and can accept information there. night trip. Maps: Corin Dam, Rendzvous Creek 1:25 000. Leaders: Jenny/Rob Horsfield 6231 4535(h). Transport: ~$8. Limit of 8. IYM walk.

Canberra Bushwalking Club IT November 2002 page 15 CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB COMMITTEE

Position Name Home Work E-mail PRESIDENT Jenny Horsfield 6231 4535 - [email protected] GENERAL SECRETARY Mark Hopkins 6282 8481 - [email protected] TREASURER/VICE PRES. Michael Sutton 6249 1224 - [email protected] WALKS SECRETARY Meg McKone 6254 5902 - [email protected] EDITOR Allan Mikkelsen 6278 3164 - [email protected] MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Roger Edwards 6288 7863 6271 1351 - TRAINING & SAFETY OFFICER Dave Drohan 6266 4465 [email protected] CONSERVATION OFFICER John Thwaite 6254 3193 - [email protected] PUBLISHER Cynthia Breheny 6247 6857 - - ASSISTANT WALKS SECRETARY Stan Marks 6254 9568 6274 7350 [email protected] SOCIAL SECRETARY Janet Edstein 6288 1398 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES: Ring ROGER EDWARDS on 6288 7863 (h)

For Internet users, the Club Home Page is at: and the latest activity program is at:

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