Nonendemic Burkitt's Lymphoma with Jaw Involvement
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PEDIATRICDENTISTRY/Copyright © 1987 by The AmericanAcademy of Pediatric Dentistry Volume 9 Number 2 Nonendemic Burkitt’s lymphoma with jaw involvement: case report Satu Alaluusua, DDS Ulla Donner, DDS Juhani Rapola, MD Abstract frequently involved sites in nonendemic cases are the Toothacheof a lower primarymolar followed by bilateral terminal ileum, cervical lymph nodes, and bone mar- swelling of the lowermolar regions werethe first symptomsof a row (Ziegler et al. 1979). Wheninvolving the jaws, 6-year-old Finnish malewith Burkitt-type malignantlymphoma. the tumor can cause jaw tenderness and loosening Radiographicexamination revealed osteolytic changesin the right and displacement of teeth, coupled with the radio- mandibularand left maxillaryquadrant. The cortical bonearound graphic signs of generalized destruction of tooth the affected teeth wasabsent and someteeth weregrossly dis- placed. Whenthe therapywas started the teeth returnedto their crypts and diffuse disruption of jaw trabeculation. Its normalpositions within a week.Descriptions are given of the jaw rapid expanding growth also causes intra- and ex- lesions, andthe clinical, histological, andradiographic diagnosis traoral swelling and gross distortion of the face (Burk- as well as the clinical courseand treatmentof the tumor. itt 1958; Sariban et al. 1984). Both endemic and nonendemic cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma are very sensitive to chemotherapy (Zieg- Burkitt’s lymphomais a distinct pathologic en- ler et al. 1979). However, in the nonendemic cases two patterns of relapse may be seen. There may be tity characterized as a diffuse undifferentiated malig- an early relapse after a short remission. If this occurs, nant lymphoma of B-lymphocyte origin (Mann et al. the disease is resistant to further treatment and the 1976). The tumor was first described by Dr. Dennis prognosis is poor. A second pattern of relapse after Burkitt in children from regions of equatorial Africa a long remission also may be seen. In this situation, (Burkitt 1958). Following the original reports of en- the response to treatment is comparable to previously demic African lymphoma, similar cases began to be untreated patients (Terrill et al. 1977). identified in other parts of the world, including the In nonendemic cases of the disease, only the ear- United States where this lymphoma is now known ly relapse pattern has been noted (Terrill et aL 1977). as nonendemic or American Burkitt’s lymphoma (Co- In the endemic form an association of Epstein-Barr hen et al. 1969). Endemic and nonendemic Burkitt’s virus and malaria has been linked to the pathogenetic lymphomas are histologically indistinguishable, but mechanism for Burkitt’s lymphoma. Epstein-Barr vi- differences exist with respect to presenting tumor sites, rus-related antigens have been found in about 95% age of onset, patterns of relapse, and immunological of all cases of endemic Burkitt’s lymphomas, but only findings. In endemic areas of Africa, Burkitt’s lym- in about 25% of the cases of nonendemic Burkitt’s phoma is the most common early childhood malig- lymphomas (Pageno et al. 1973). nancy. Its peak age of occurrence is between the 4th In Finland, 4-5 cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma or and 7th years (Hupp et al. 1982). In nonendemic areas, Burkitt’s lymphoma-type tumor are registered an- the mean peak age has been given as around 12 years nually. This report deals with facial and jaw involve- (Huppet al. 1982; Terrill et al. 1977). ment of a young Finnish boy, who had Burkitt-type The predilection for the jaw is typical for endem- malignant lymphoma. ic Burkitt’s lymphoma, but the jaws are involved in only 15-18% of nonendemic cases (Ziegler and Ma- Case Report grath 1974, Adatia 1978, Sariban et al. 1984). The most A 6-year-old Finnish boy complained of tooth- i Hupp et al. 1982; Terrill et al. 1977; Eisenbud et al. 1985. ache in teeth on the mandibular right side. The den- 158 BURKITT’S LYMPHOMA:Alaluusua et al. FIG 1. Orthopantomograph taken 6 days after the first visit to the dentist. Small arrows show the diffuse tumor areas. tist extracted the primary lower right first molar, which had a large carious lesion. This treatment was followed by large swellings on both mandibular mo- lar regions and slight swelling in the left maxillary quadrant. The boy had fever and was placed on pen- icillin treatment. A panoramic film was taken (Fig 1) and on the basis of the radiographic and clinical ex- amination, the dentist and the local physician con- cluded that the lesions of the jaws could have been caused by osteomyelitis or an infected cyst. The phy- sician referred the boy to the local hospital, and from there he was sent to the Children's Hospital, Uni- versity of Helsinki, 2 weeks after the initial symp- toms. At that time the tumor was a firm, slightly tender, egg-sized mass in the right mandibular area. There was also a swelling in the left orbital area (Fig 2). Intraorally the tumor filled the gingival area around the primary mandibular right second molar, and per- manent first molar and the teeth were extruded. The tumor tissue was firm (Fig 3). Because of the extruded teeth and expansion of the tumor tissue, the tempo- romandibular joints were dislocated and jaw move- ment was extremely difficult. The Orthopantomograph was re-evaluated in the University Hospital (Fig 1). It demonstrated definite changes of the bone in the right mandibular and left maxillary quadrant. The cortical bone was absent around the first and second mandibular right molars, premolars, and canine as well as the second maxillary left molar. The dental papillae at the apices of the developing roots of the first maxillary left and man- FIG 2. Swellings of the right mandibular and left maxillary dibular right molar were without cortical margins. quadrant before the therapy. The lesion is a result of biopsy. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: June 1987/Vol. 9 No. 2 159 Bti&&i^*&Sid^~lk • sL*fi?«3k* «? -*?. FIG 3. The tumor filled the gingival area of the involved segment and the affected molars were extruded. FIG 4. Histologic picture of the tumor. The dense lym- phoblastic infiltrate is mixed with large pale macrophages, some of which contain cytoplasmic cellular fragments (H&E 240 x). The first and the second mandibular right molars and the second premolar and primary molar were dis- placed. Because of the asymmetric form of the lower 14, a finding which has been observed in Burkitt's jaw and the displacement of teeth caused by the ex- lymphoma and in undifferentiated lymphoma pansion of the tumor, the lower right quadrant in the (Knuuttila et al. 1984). Epstein-Barr virus antigens orthopantomograph is not as sharp as the left quad- were not detected by indirect immunofluorescence. rant. Chemotherapy was instituted immediately, in- Hematologic laboratory evaluation at the initial cluding vincristine, methotrexate, cyclophospha- stage showed that Hb was 142 g/1 (normal value 1 ID- mide, and prednisone [protocol 75-6] (Ziegler 1977). 139 g/1) and white cell count was 15.5 x 109/1 (normal The cytostatic treatment was supplemented with local value 4.5-14 x 109/1) of which 6% were blasts, 2% radiation therapy to the right mandibular area. The myelocytes, and 3% metamyelocytes, indicating the tumor responded well to the therapy, and complete presence of immature white cells. The number of clinical remission was achieved after the first treat- bands, segmented lymphocytes, and eosinophils as ment period (Fig 5). Shortly after successful chemo- well as thrombocytes were within normal limits. Ce- therapy and clinical regression of the tumor, the teeth rebrospinal fluid was interpreted as normal. returned to their normal position in the jaws. How- Histological examination of the biopsy specimen ever, the crypts and the lamina dura of the devel- obtained from the intraoral tumor disclosed a poorly oping affected teeth were not fully reformed (Fig 6). differentiated lymphoid neoplasm consisting of atyp- Four months later the boy had varicella infection ical lymphoblasts intermingled with large macro- which was prolonged. However, after recovering from phages. The mixture of lymphoblasts and macro- that, he suffered cerebrospinal fluid relapse with phages formed a "starry sky" pattern, characteristic meningeal involvement. He again was treated with of these tumors (O'Conor et al. 1965, Fig 4). Basophilic an intensive cytostatic program followed by three and pyroninophilic cytoplasm with clear vacuoles additional courses of induction chemotherapy [pro- provided further histological evidence of the Burkitt- tocol 75-6]. Hematologic toxicity from the cytostatic type lymphoma. treatment caused pancytopenia, which at first was When the spreading tumor was examined it was manageable. Four months after the first relapse the found that a bone radionuclide scan was positive for boy suffered a second, hematogenic relapse. The lab- increased activity in the lower ridge of the left orbita oratory test values showed that Hb was 86 g/1, and and the upper diaphysis of the left tibia. There was white cell count 21.2 x 109/1 of which 40% were blasts also some radioactive uptake in the spleen. A bone and thrombocytes were 86 x IO9/I (normal value 250- marrow needle biopsy showed strong myelopoesis, 500 x 109/1). The liver was grossly enlarged and the but otherwise the histologic picture was normal. A boy vomited blood. He had large bruises under the biopsy was taken from bone marrow for cytogenetic skin. He became aciduric, anuremic, and slowly lost studies. A genetic abnormality existed in the cells, consciousness. The boy died approximately 10 months namely a translocation between chromosomes 8 and after having the first symptoms of the disease. 160 BURKITT'S LYMPHOMA: Alaluusua et al. teeth forced the mandible to an opened position and totally prevented normal jaw movement causing con- siderable pain.