ISSN 1863-2025 June 2007 eco@ work Sustainable reading from the Öko-Institut

With vigour Mission 30 years of the Öko-Institut an anniversary Sustainability With commitment Green Goal for Looking back, moving ahead South Africa

With creativity A portrait of three scientists SMALL MIRACLES Stepping off the trodden path

The Öko-Institut’s unusual route from outsider to established research and consultancy institution

It is 10 a.m. on Tuesday in Berlin, Brussels, Darmstadt and Freiburg. The year is 2007. Scenes from a telephone conference: “Any news from Professor Töpfer?” – “No.” “Who will have another word with him?” – “I’ll do that”, says director Dr Joa- chim Lohse. Preparations for the Öko-Institut’s anniversary conference are in full swing. The Institute has seen the passing of three decades, and it is not only the telephone system that has changed. In the agitated aftermath of the the Darmstadt offices’s phone system still consisted of just one telepho- ne, which rang constantly as worried people sought the advice of the Institute’s staff.

That issue again – . That’s where it all began. “When we dream alo- ne it is only a dream, but when many dream together it is the beginning of a new reality”, said the artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. As they beca- me involved with local campaigns against the planned Wyhl nuclear power plant, many people dreamed of a different future. The idea emerged of an independent institute that could provide scientific backing for the goals and values of the envi- ronmental movement. And so the Öko-Institut was born. But it was not greeted with universal approval in those early years. In the ZDF-Magazin programme on German television Gerhard Löwenthal described it in 1982 as “an institute for the criminal generation of mass psychosis through pseudo-scientific statements”.

Since those days the Öko-Institut has seen many shifts and changes. And it has changed itself; once an outsider, it is now a recognized authority and an establis- hed research and consultancy institution which takes its place at the heart of Eu- ropean society. For example: the nuclear expert and deputy director of the Öko- Institut, Michael Sailer, is now a member of ’s Reactor Safety Commission. Deputy director Dr Rainer Griesshammer sits on the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). It was Öko-Institut experts who drew up the environmen- tal action plan for the 2006 FIFA Football World Cup in Germany.

HISTOR The Öko-Institut’s role is now that of critical partner in IC M IL ES all issues of sustainability. Its staff encourage their TO N E S fellow citizens to be more aware of the consequen- Founding of ces of their everyday actions. At the same time 1977 the Öko-Institut they advise governments, businesses and the 27 committed members on a wide range of matters of the public get together to from chemicals policy to climate and resource oppose the Whyl nuclear power protection. plant; they found the Öko-Institut. Where does the future of the Öko-Institut lie in a globalized world? In more internationalization? In more cooperation with business and industry? These are just some of the hot topics at the time of the thirtieth anniversary. But one thing will not change: behaviour must be driven by the right values if the dream of a sustainable society is to become reality. This remains the Öko-Institut’s vision. Pathways emerge as we travel them! sh/cr

Intense debate at an internal meeting of the info: Öko-Institut. eco@work_02/2007 2 SMALL MIRACLES trodden path

HIST ORIC M ILE ST ON ES Second location 1980 A study in the field of reactor safety gives rise to the setting up of the Darmstadt office.

Demonstrating against the planned nuclear power plant in Wyhl (photo on left). a i l o

1977 t o F - n a h c i n i T 2007 © t u t i t s n I - o k Ö ©

3 02/2007_eco@work EDITORIAL

Dear readers,

“We can only hope if we act ourselves.” Those words were contained in the Öko-Institut’s founding declaration of 1977. Since then important progress for environmental protection in Germany has been made. Much of this progress has been initiated by the Öko-Institut and has been assisted and supported by it. Yet the challenges remain. For the successes of the last 30 years are being t u t

i overlaid by the consequences of globalization. Globalization is having a greater t s n I - o

k impact on our lives in the 21st century than any other strand of development, Ö © and the need for it to take sustainable form has never been as great as it is today.

This means that in the year of its 30th anniversary the Öko-Institut needs to rethink its role as a research and policy consultancy institution. What social challenges do we need to address now and in the future? What should our priorities be? We shall focus on these and other key issues as we formulate an agenda for the future. Read more in our “Big Issue” under the headings of Knowledge, Values and Wishes.

Our annual conference, which we held in Freiburg on Friday, 22 June, was also dominated by our 30th anniversary. There we took stock and joined with high- Dr Joachim Lohse, profile speakers from the fields of politics, business and science in casting a Director of the Öko-Institut critical look at the sustainability issues of today and tomorrow.

We invite you most warmly to continue the debate with us. Above all, though, we ask you to accompany us on the next thirty years’ journey towards a sus- tainable future. We look forward to the pleasure of your company!

Dr Joachim Lohse, Director of the Öko-Institut

mailto:[email protected]

HISTO RIC M ILE ST ON E Towards S 1980 sustainable energy Contents Öko-Institut scientists demonstrate for the first time BIG IDEAS that growth and affluence can be achieved without using oil K N O W L E D G E ______and uranium. Mission Sustainability ...... 8 Towards the Öko-Institut’s agenda for the future The challenges for climate policy ...... 14 Imprint Towards a global reconfiguration of energy systems eco@work – June 2007 Published by: V A L U E S ______Öko-Institut e.V. Two scientists, two perspectives, Edited by: Christiane Rathmann (cr) one institute ...... 18 Katja Kukatz (kk) Interview with Michael Sailer and Dominik Seebach Responsible editor: Christian Hochfeld W I S H E S ______Further authors: Address of editorial office: Portraits ...... 19 Dr. Rainer Grießhammer, P.O. Box 50 02 40, Ralph Harthan, 79028 Freiburg, Germany Three Öko-Institut scientists: Stephan Hoch (sh), Phone: +49 (0) 761/45295-0, Sandra Küchlin (skn), Fax: +49 (0) 761/45295-88 Dr. Ulrike Eberle, Franziska Wolff and Stephan Kurth (sk), [email protected] Beate Kallenbach-Herbert Dr. Joachim Lohse Design/Layout: Printed on 100 percent Hannes Osterrieder recycled paper Technical implementation: Coverphoto: Markus Werz Öko-Institut eco@work_02/2007 4 INHALT a i l a o i l t o o t f o - f - h c H a C b e Y l L h L ü I M © l e i n a D ©

INVESTIGATING: The 2010 Football World Cup in South Africa 20 is to have its own environmental plan. The Öko-Institut is giving a helping hand. t u t i t s n I - o k Ö ©


KNOWLEDGE: 30 eventful years have passed since the found- PROMPTING: What would life ing of the Öko-Institut. In that time much has been done for the en- be like if the Öko-Institut had never vironment, but at least as much still remains to be done. What are 22 been founded? That’s easy, thinks the challenges of today and tomorrow? And what part might the Öko- Dr Rainer Griesshammer; he can Institut play? Director Dr Joachim Lohse describes his standpoint. answer the question in one sen- tence. A column.


S M A L L M I R A C L E S ...... 2 E D I T O R I A L ...... 4 HISTO RIC M ILE ST ON I M P R I N T ...... 4 E S F R E S H A C T I O N ...... 6 1981 Breast milk study What VIPs wish us Öko-Institut scientists INVESTIGATING ...... 20 show that breast milk contains a cocktail of Results from our research environmental poisons. P R O M P T I N G ...... 22 What would life be like if ... Eine Kolumne von Dr. Rainer Grießhammer D I S C O V E R I N G ...... 23 Events and more LOOKING TO THE FUTURE ...... 24

5 02/2007_eco@work FRESH ACTION 30 YEARS OF THE ÖKO-INSTITUT What VIPs wish us

Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): Tanja Gönner, Environment Minister for the state of Baden-Württemberg: “Climate change and growing consumption and over exploitation of sometimes scarce and often finite re- “Climate change is the central challenge of environ- sources: these are just two mental policy. This highlights the paradigm shift that is examples of the major taking place in environmen- challenges facing us in the tal policy: it is often not context of sustainability. enough to pursue one envi- But the list could go on, of ronmental goal single-min- course, which is why an in- dedly. Conflicts of interest dependent research institu- with other environmentally tion such as the Öko-Insti- relevant points of view be- tut has such an important come increasingly visible role to play. We urgently and make it necessary to need highly committed ac- deliberate carefully and find compromise solutions. ademics and scientists who are able to contribute Renewable energies are indeed a key to the reduction creative ideas for the solution of these and other of greenhouse gas emissions. In practice, though, dif- pressing problems. For the last 30 years, the Insti- ferent interests collide: tute has played a key role in European sustainability research and consultancy. I am absolutely convinced • increased use of biomass can result in extensive mo- that its influence will increase further in future, for noculture of energy plants and a loss of biodiversity one thing is clear: Even if, as a global community, we • the expansion of hydropower impacts on the ecology can rise to deal with the central challenges of today, of lakes and rivers we know already that we face many challenges in • wind power conflicts with nature conservation and the world of tomorrow." the preservation of the landscape

- to name just a few examples. This opens up many in- teresting and exciting areas of research. Further work in these areas can be most useful in helping to develop an environmental policy based on sustainability.”

Reiner Metzger, deputy editor- in-chief of the taz newspaper:

“After the founding of taz, the Öko-Institut was a cornerstone of its reporting. At last there were ex- perts who were trusted by members of the wide- ranging green movement. In the environment’s great battle year of 1986 the Öko-Institut

was quoted in the newspaper almost HIS TORIC MIL daily – people were concerned about ES TO N E Chernobyl, pesticides in the Rhine Chemicals S and the incineration of hazardous 1984 at home waste. Of course the high level of Öko-Institut authors prominence given to environmental publish a survey of house- issues could not be sustained over hold chemicals, highlighting the risks decades. But now the environment is that they pose to humans and the at the top of the list again – and we environment. The book gains still like to ask the Öko-Institut. Who a place on the bestseller list else?” of the magazine “”.


HIS TORIC MIL ES TO N E Chernobyl S wish us 1986 The Öko-Institut is an important point of contact for members of the public after the nuclear disaster at Cher- Anja Köhne, second spokesperson nobyl. It sets up “energy turnaround” committees, setting in motion the of the Öko-Institut and member development of an anti- of the board of Germanwatch: nuclear network.

“Today the Öko-Institut is supported by a broad re- search family: founder mem- Ernst Schwanhold, head of the bers who have worked at the BASF Competence Center Environ- Öko-Institut for 30 years, the ment, Safety and Energy: generation who have entered the world of work since the “When it was founded in the 1970s the Öko-Institut fall of the Berlin wall, people was ahead of its time: ecological issues were slow to inspired by the spirit of Rio capture the attention of the general public. In the who are younger than the past 30 years the Institute has Institute itself. There are repeatedly led the way in the number crunchers and politi- specialist discussion of a large cal entrepreneurs, business consultants number of issues: often un- and grassroots activists. They are always comfortably, occasionally with dependable, always on the ball, often debatable aims – but always as innovative, ever more international. And an enrichment. there is inspiration and enjoyment in every encounter, whether political or per- My wish is that the Institute sonal. Keep on going, I wish you courage will continue to contribute its and success: the next 30 years of Ger- expertise to society’s dis- man, European and global work on envi- course. A particularly important aspect of this debate ronmental and equity policy promises to is the difficult balance between ecological require- involve much thought, much hard work ments and economic necessity. I am delighted that and a great deal of radical change.” we are working successfully with the Öko-Institut on the development of sustainability instruments such as eco-efficiency analysis. We value the Institute’s know-how, continue to maintain our critical distance and wish the committed staff every success for the future.” a i l o t o F - r e n g a W n a i t s i r h C © Rebecca Harms, member of the :

“It was no mere coincidence that ing the power stations, nuclear consensus or nu- we people of the Wendland got to- clear nonsense, the plan for a single permanent gether in February 1977 to form disposal site for nuclear waste or dumping in the “Lüchow-Dannenberg against Schacht Konrad, autonomy or government con- ” campaign group and trol, nuclear power and climate, fuel from plants, that the Öko-Institut was founded carbon capture, the efficiency revolution: what only shortly afterwards. 1977 was topics those were and what a debate with and the year in which we travelled to about and by and against and for the Öko-Insti- Brokdorf, Grohnde, Kalkar and tut! I would not want to have missed those thirty Malville, the year of the great years with their highs and lows with all you green protests against nuclear madness. Nuclear waste campaigners. And if they are still alive they will casks, rock salt and molasse clay, the pros and cons still be talking and writing in 2020…... I take my of jamming strategies to prevent nuclear waste leav- hat off to you!“

7 02/2007_eco@work BIG IDEAS KNOWLEDGE

HISTORI C MI LES TO N E S Third location 1991 Another Öko-Institut Mission Sustainability office is set up in Berlin. a i l o t o f - t a m z y r p ©

HI STORIC MIL ES TO N E A matter of S 1994 dispute An Öko-Institut study investigates whether the Krümmel nuclear power plant is the cause of cases of leukaemia. eco@work_02/2007 8 KNOWLEDGE a i l o t o F - s u o l e B a v a l S Sustainability ©

Towards the Öko-Institut’s agenda for the future

HI STORIC MIL ES TO N E Sustainable S 1997 Hoechst Öko-Institut scientists work with the Hoechst AG on the creation of a management tool for a sustainability-oriented company strategy. This represents the first step in the development of a critical partnership with industry.

We can only hope if we act ourselves!

Those words were contained in the Öko- Institut’s founding declaration of 1977. Thirty eventful years have passed since then and important progress for environmental protection in Germany has been made. Much of this progress has been initiated by the Öko-Institut and has been assisted and supported by it. But at least as much still remains to be done. What are the chal- lenges of today and tomorrow? And what part might the Öko-Institut play? An article by director Dr Joachim Lohse.

9 02/2007_eco@work KNOWLEDGE I should like to send your Institute my warmest con- »gratulations on its 30th anniversary. In founding the Öko- Institut you have played a part in Twenty-five years ago the Öko- they are beginning to view envi- creating in Germany an issue-led Institut showed that turning ener- ronmental, sustainability and cli- transdisciplinary research environ- gy systems towards sustainability mate protection issues not as a ment – something that we need (an approach that became known risk but as a potential opportunity. more urgently than ever before in in Germany as the Energiewende) On the other hand, the impact of order to meet the challenges of and achieving ambitious climate much of the progress made in en- sustainable social development. change mitigation targets were vironmental protection has been I therefore wish the Institute conti- nuing success for the future.« viable. At the end of the 1980s its diminished by changed patterns scientists, with their scenarios for of production and consumption. a turnaround in chemicals policy For example, the energy con- known as the Chemiewende, pro- sumed to heat a square metre of vided the blueprint for the new floor space fell by 10 percent in REACH chemicals legislation that Germany between 1995 and 2004 has now come into force. Building as a result of the increased ther- on pioneering work on preventing mal performance of houses and waste and recycling it apartments. But the energy thus Much achieved in a closed-loop materi- saved was more than offset by als management sys- the larger size of the average Dr Annette Schavan, Federal Minister for Education tem, the Institute – using the home. At the global level even and Research concept of industrial metabolism less trace remains of the initial – has laid the foundations for the progress made in Germany, for current debate on resources. In environmental performance is be- many areas – for example in the ing overlaid by the consequences ly change the ways that we think intensive debate on pollutant of globalization. Globalization is and act in every aspect of our so- emissions from waste incineration having a greater impact on our cial life. The increasing complexi- plants – it has given major impe- lives in the 21st century than any ty of global trends requires us to tus to environmental and efficien- other strand of development, and adopt new solutions. cy technologies, which are now the need for it to take sustainable regarded as Germany’s market of form has never been as great as This means that in the year of its the future. it is today. 30th anniversary the Öko-Institut needs to rethink its role as a re- The nuclear phase-out in Ger- The problems that arise from search and policy many is now a done deal and Ger- globalization are clear to see. consultancy insti- A new agenda man manufacturers of equipment They relate to climate change and tution and com- for the future for the generation of renewable the consumption of limited re- mit itself to a energies are going from strength sources, the loss of species diver- new agenda for the future, which to strength on the stock market. sity and the introduction of envi- we shall be drawing up in the Environmental protection has be- ronmental poisons into the air, the coming months. For there is no come a task of government that is soil, water, food chains and prod- alternative to the principle of sus- embedded in ministries and envi- ucts. Global tasks include com- tainable development – a princi- ronmental agencies. With- bating disease and poverty, abol- ple that informs and guides our Much to be done in the EU sustainability is ishing inhumane and unhealthy work. – at least in theory – as living and working conditions and important as competitiveness. creating access to education and With the liberalization of world Many large companies that have to fair global trade. trade the flows of goods and serv- in the past been regarded as the ices have increased explosively. cause of problems are now part- We shall not get to grips with At the same time, globalization in ners in the search for solutions; these problems unless we radical- its present form means that na-

HI STORIC MIL ES TO N E A look in S 1997 the larder The study “Global- isierung in der Speisekam- mer” (“Globalization in the larder”), funded through contributions from members, examines global food production.

eco@work_02/2007 10 KNOWLEDGE


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k New research z t i l u a

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t 1999 s a b e The Federal Ministry for S © Education and Research declares social-ecological research to be a new priority area for promo- tion. The ökoforum research net- work plays a leading role in this development.

process. In recent times the de- Sustainable development involves tions can no longer influence bate on the competitiveness of long-term change in society and globally operating corporations to the European economy in connec- its systems. It requires technical the extent that was previously tion with the Lisbon Strategy has and social innovation, changes in possible. threatened the awareness and behaviour and Competition for emergence of an new structural conditions. Gov- Instead the rules of play are laid sustainability ambitious and ernment-funded research plays a down by the World Trade Organi- effective envi- key role; such research is after all zation, for whom sustainability is ronmental policy in Europe. The intended to im- not as yet a major issue. argument is that environmental Research and prove people’s and social standards would have education quality of life, In our view there is therefore an a negative impact on the compet- solve their most urgent need for reform and de- itiveness of the European Eco- important problems and general- mocratization. If is- nomic Area. But that is not true! ly contribute to the welfare of Governance sues of sustainability The challenges of sustainable de- mankind and of nature. It is cru- for change and the environment velopment are also an entrepre- cial that practitioners’ knowledge are to be integrated neurial opportunity. We are con- is taken into account when re- into all important international in- vinced that a well thought-out, search issues and methodologies stitutions and areas of interna- ambitious environmental and sus- are being developed. This is a key tional policy, it is essential that tainability policy can in the long aspect of the German govern- the power of economically orient- term strengthen competitiveness. ment’s new “social-ecological” re- ed institutions such as the WTO We shall therefore be working on search programme, which the and the World Bank is counteract- concrete and suitably ambitious Öko-Institut played a major role ed by the strengthening of insti- sustainability standards for im- in formulating. In future years tutions, such as the United Na- portant sectors of the economy. this research approach will be an tions Environment Programme, At the same time we shall in- important pillar of our internation- which can lend weight to these is- crease the support provided to al cooperation and will exert a sues. leading companies in their devel- stronger influence than in the opment of sustainability strate- past on joint scientific ventures. In future we should like where gies and innovations, particularly possible to make our expertise in the area of products and serv- A curse or a blessing? Whether available for the furthering of this ices. the issue is nuclear energy, nan- a i l o t o f - n o s l i W n a I ©

11 02/2007_eco@work KNOWLEDGE I should like to thank the Öko-Institut for its com- »mitted and sound advice – which never loses sight of the need Sustainable consumption: to be able to turn suggestions into practical action at policy level. The HISTORI Less is more C MI LES Institute has provided important TO N E support to the Federal Environ- S pattern of “catching up”. In the in- Green TV dustrialized countries too, though, ment Agency. My wish for the Öko- 1999 The “Grüner lifestyles and consumption habits Fernseher” (“Green Institut is that it will are not sustainable. The develop- TV”) study paves the way continue its original ment of sustainable products and for many further electronics philosophy with the projects. the sustainable use of such prod- same commitment ucts are therefore of key impor- and success that tance. At present, products de- have brought it this signed for the mass market are far!« otechnologies or green genetic not required to be ecologically ef- engineering, people’s relationship ficient, nor are they tested for Prof Dr Andreas Troge, to new technologies is ambivalent their social acceptability; efficien- President of the Federal and it is increasingly the case that cy technologies have not been ad- Environment Agency (UBA) new technologies must be viewed equately implemented. and evaluated discriminatingly if we are to benefit from the oppor- In the long term another crucial tunities they offer without ne- issue will be the question of which glecting their risks. In our view a new concepts of “more through greater proportion of the money less” can be realized in practice. HI and effort spent on the relevant We shall be assessing different STORIC MIL ES TO research needs to be invested at product lines for their per- N E the start, in the development formance in this respect. Sustainable S phase, in order to avoid expen- Another of our key tasks 2001 tourism sive dead ends and later accept- will be to help progressive The Öko-Institut sug- ance problems. At the same time companies as well as associations gests way in which the rap- there is a need for governance and environmental and consumer idly growing tourism sector can be mechanisms that promote the use organizations to network their ac- developed sustainably. The study of new technolo- tivities better. This will involve forms the basis of a report by the German government. Technological gies where such better marketing of sustainable innovation use is desirable on products in the retail sector and ecological and so- optimization of product quality cial grounds. In future, therefore, along the value chain. we shall intensify our work on the development of methods and in- A great deal of creativity will be struments that can be used to required in order to attain these analyse and evaluate new tech- goals. But we shall apply our- Dr Joachim Lohse has been Director of the Öko- nologies and focus, too, on devel- selves rigorously to the task. For Institut since 2003. He was oping monitoring and regulatory we believe in the vision of a sus- previously deputy director processes. To this end existing tainable future in a globalized and Prokurist (holder of experience and skills within the world. And we invite all our part- general commercial power Institute’s departments will be ners to join us in discussing the of attorney) of Ökopol, the strengthened and better consoli- Institute’s agenda for the future. Institute for Environmental dated. Strategies in Hamburg, which he co-founded in Dr Joachim Lohse 1989. He has a doctorate in In the medium term large sectors chemistry and his spe- of the world’s population will set cialisms include material their sights on a consumption flow management, pollution prevention and control in industrial facilities, environ- HISTORI C MI mental policy and commu- LES TO N nication. E Green S investment 2000 The Öko-Institut investigates and com- mailto:info: [email protected] pares the environmental funds that are licensed to operate in Germany.

eco@work_02/2007 12 New website marks 30th anniversary

Just a few days before its annual conference and 30-year anniversary celebrations, the Öko-Institut has released its new website. The new version features a fresh design, easy navigation and plenty of new content.

The new design incorporates large, four-colour photographs and a fresh The new website: green colour. In addi- tion, the user will be What has changed? struck by the new con- tent structure. The homepage at provides clear and easy-to-use links to the rest of the site. Service and information are pri- orities for the new website and there is a free download option.

Under Research and Consultancy users can find out more about the Öko-Institut’s work and contact the Institute’s researchers and scientists direct. The current homepage pro- vides information about new studies, research contracts that have been won and events that are taking place. Quicklinks lead to information on the most frequently raised topics and news of past and current projects.

The independent Öko-Institut has al- ways sought to publicize the results of its work. The publications data- base provides users with easy access to the Öko-Institut’s studies, many of which can be downloaded free of charge.

13 02/2007_eco@work KNOWLEDGE The challenges for climate policy

Towards a global reconfiguration of energy systems

According to the UN’s recent In Germany around one billion tonnes of greenhouse gases are report on climate change, the produced each year. Electricity generation, the heating of buil- average temperature of the dings and the use of energy in industry account for more than Earth has risen by around 0.7°C two-thirds of this, while one-fifth of the total comes from cars, over the last 100 years. If this trend is not halted, there is like- lorries and aeroplanes. In many other countries the situation is ly to be an increase in droughts, similar. Large quantities of greenhouse gases are released into floods and tropical storms, and the atmosphere, which heats up as a result.What steps must be in international security prob- taken internationally to counter this? lems and economic crises. To re- duce the risk of uncontrollable world climate problems, experts are calling for the global average temperature rise to be limited to 2°C from pre-industrial levels. HISTORIC MIL ES TO N E For this to be achieved, global S Emissions trading emissions of greenhouse gases 2002 The Öko-Institut partici- must by 2050 be reduced by 50 pates in an advisory capacity in percent from the 1990 baseline. the introduction of emissions trading, For industrialized countries this commenting on the allocation of emis- corresponds to a reduction of sions rights not only from a national between 60 and 80 percent. A point of view but also from the mere ten countries at present European perspective. account for around two-thirds of

eco@work_02/2007 14 a i l o t o f - f f r o t s

g KNOWLEDGE r a J g n a g f l o W

© HISTORIC MIL ES TO N E Donation-funded S 2003 project The Öko-Institut’s study “Pri- vate Altersvorsorge – auf dem Weg 30 years – in the lives of zur Nachhaltigkeit?” (“Private provision for individuals that is when old age – on the path to sustainability?”) things often start to get aims to provide a systematic guide to » quieter and more settled and more the information jungle. The report realistic. That’s all right. But in the is financed through mem- lives of organizations that shouldn’t bers’ donations. happen. My wish for the Öko-Insti- tut is that despite being close to the ground it will not lose its sense of vision; that for all the praise it re- worldwide carbon emissions. ceives it will still have the In only a few years, however, courage to say things that are unpopular; that econo- emergent countries such as Chi- mic success will not stand na, India and Brazil will join the in the way of non-material ranks of the biggest greenhouse goals; that however diverse gas emitters. The per capita its partners may become emissions of these countries, there will always be a spe- though, remain relatively low. cial relationship with the For example, an Indian is re- environmental movement. sponsible for the release of only All best wishes for 30+!« around one tonne of carbon into the atmosphere each year, while a German accounts for around Dr Angelika Zahrnt, Chair of BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany) ten tonnes and a United States citizen for around twenty tonnes. While industrialized nations have been emitting large quantities gas emissions by around five ment, the EU’s target will rise to of greenhouse gases for many percent in the period from 2008 30 percent. Within the EU Ger- decades, the developing coun- to 2012, against the baseline of many is out in front, with a tries have only in recent years 1990 levels. Nevertheless, promise to cut emissions by 40 begun to catch up. Developing worldwide emissions of green- percent. Emissions trading is an countries therefore point out the house gases continue to rise. important part of the scheme. historical responsibility of the in- “Central to a post-2012 agree- “Compared with other instru- dustrialized countries and their ment are therefore clear quanti- ments such as taxes or levies, own right to development. tative targets, the implementa- this system has the best tion of which must be regularly prospect of achieving interna- “A forward-looking climate poli- reviewed. The G8 summit in tional consensus on how green- cy must juggle with the conflict Heiligendamm has paved the house gases can be reduced between the developing coun- way for a global agree- worldwide”, says Dr tries’ legitimate interest in a ris- ment under the um- The EU and Felix Christian Matthes, ing standard of living, the con- brella of the UN and Germany lead coordinator of the En- tinuingly high emissions level in including the USA. This ergy & Climate Protec- the industrialized countries and must now be rigorous- the way tion Division in Berlin. the need for a far-reaching re- ly followed through at the next “In designing the instrument, duction in greenhouse climate conference in Bali and care must be taken to ensure Ambitious climate gases worldwide”, says concretized with quantitative re- that emitting of greenhouse gas- protection goals Anke Herold, expert in duction agreements”, states es comes with a price tag at- international climate Anke Herold. tached – in other words, those policy at the Öko-Institut. “That who pollute the atmosphere requires a binding agreement on Even before any negotiations know that they will have to pay. ambitious climate protection have taken place, the EU has re- This principle must override any goals and a clear political will.” A peatedly declared that the glob- allocation conflicts that arise first step was the Kyoto Protocol, al temperature rise should be within the system.” which came into force in 2005 limited to a maximum of two de- and has been ratified by more grees. It has therefore undertak- Various ways in which emergent than 170 countries worldwide. In en to reduce its emissions by 20 and developing countries could it the industrialized countries un- percent by 2020. If other coun- be involved in climate protection dertake to reduce greenhouse tries make the same commit- are currently being discussed.

15 02/2007_eco@work KNOWLEDGE

Renewable energies are a cornerstone of the global reconfiguration of energy systems.

“This must be done systemati- Herold. “In particular, there is no “To meet the challenges of cli- cally and with discrimination”, feasible way of monitoring com- mate change, we need a differ- says Anke Herold. For example, mitments to the implementation ent energy system from the cur- there could be a multi-level sys- of so-called ‘sustainable policies rent one”, says Christof Timpe, tem, in which industrialized and measures’ at international coordinator of the Öko-Institut’s countries commit themselves to level.” Energy & Climate Protection Di- an absolute reduction in green- vision. “The principal key to this house gases, while transition Ambitious climate protection tar- is greater energy efficiency countries are simply required to gets cannot be met in worldwide, both at the stabilize their emissions. Rela- a hurry; some of them Political will end consumer and in tive targets would apply to require significant fi- is essential the generation of elec- emergent countries; that is, the nancial investment tricity and heat. The production of a particular quan- made with the long-term per- next most important step is the tity of goods must not involve spective in mind. “Policies must comprehensive expansion of re- emissions in excess of a stipulat- create an ambitious framework newable energies. In using bio- ed quantity. Under this system to be adhered to in the long mass, wind and hydropower we the poorest countries in the term, so that business and soci- must, however, meet sustain- world would not ety can adapt to it”, declares Dr ability criteria.” Getting emergent be required to Felix Christian Matthes. “This and developing make any com- must include binding regulations Over against this, fossil fuels mitment. and monitoring of compliance. It must be used in only very limit- countries on board must be based on the ‘polluter ed quantities if Germany is to Another approach pays’ principle – that is, tech- continue to pioneer climate pro- M is based on per capita emissions. nologies and consumers which tection. The important issue is Countries with very low emis- emit large quantities of green- what type of power plants are sions would initially be permitted house gases must incur higher built. Coal-fired power plants to increase their emissions, costs than those who cut back emit two to three times as much while developed countries with their emissions.” More than 60 carbon as the most efficient gas- high per capita emissions would percent of global greenhouse fired ones. If heat for homes and have to reduce their emissions gas emissions come from the industry is generated at the significantly. Eventually every- energy sector and worldwide de- one in the world would be per- mand for energy is continuing to mitted the same quantity of rise sharply. The principle caus- HISTORIC M IL ES TO emissions. Total emissions would es are the increasing con- N E S have to represent a drastic re- sumption of the industri- Genetic duction in current levels. “Over- alized nations, the strong 2004 engineering all it is important to be able to economic growth of the The Öko-Institut produces a measure and check whether emergent countries, and popula- detailed assessment and evaluation commitments are being adhered tion growth. How can the associ- of Germany’s new Genetic Engi- to; this is not possible for all the ated increase in greenhouse gas neering Act and calls for proposals discussed”, says Anke emissions be countered? amendments.

eco@work_02/2007 16 a i l o t o f - n e s s a i

h KNOWLEDGE t t a M n a i r d A ©

All over the world companies such as Henkel are increa- »singly judged by the contribu- tion they make to sustainable deve- lopment. Sustainable development is a global challenge and one that requi- res us to work together with all the different interest groups. Companies need regional solutions for specific needs. Think tanks such as the Öko- Institut play an important part in co- ming up with such solutions. We hope that the Öko-Institut will continue to be organized in quite a different contribute constructive ideas – for a manner to today. The forthcom- future worth living.« ing round of investment in pow- er plants in Germany must measure up to this picture of the future”, says Christof Timpe. Dr Wolfgang Gawrisch, Chief Technology Officer HISTORIC MIL ES (CTO) Research/Technology TO Even if we begin immediately, N E and Chairman of the S the restructuring of energy Emissions trading Sustainability Council, systems worldwide will 2004 in aviation Henkel take decades. In the The study shows that an short term, the greatest emissions trading system in aviation potential for reducing is possible and worthwhile. It is impor- tant, however, to take all of the indus- greenhouse gas emis- sions lies in energy sav- try’s global warming potential into HISTORIC M IL ings made by con- ES account if the situation is to be TO N E appropriately managed. sumers. In Germany The Solar Ship S there is also consider- 2005 building able potential for savings With its move to the Son- in the energy consumption nenschiff (Solar Ship) building same time as electricity, addi- of residential buildings, in the Öko-Institut demonstrates tional emissions are avoided. the electricity consumption of how the shift to sustainable From a longer term perspective households, businesses and in- energy can be achieved. it is being debated whether car- dustry, and in the transport sec- bon can be captured and stored tor. High energy prices mean underground. that a large part of this poten- tial is even now achievable. A energy. By using “green” elec- In addition, the energy infra- cornerstone of German climate tricity every household can structure plays an important protection strategy must there- contribute to the reduction of part. “The energy structure in- fore be the mobilization of this carbon emissions and the ex- novations that can potential. pansion of renewable energies. More efficiency already be realized could represent a Consumers can contribute to the Climate change has already be- plus renewable quantum leap in cli- reductions that need to be made come reality. What we need now energies mate protection. by being aware of the energy is a dedicated climate policy un- These include an costs of heating and air-condi- der the umbrella of the UN. The emphasis on generating power tioning, by buying energy-saving G8 summit in Heiligendamm and heat close to the consumer, electrical appliances and by helped us move towards this. and the decentral coordination of making increased use of public With a bold political framework the generation and consumption transport. Quite apart from oth- and the commitment of every in- of energy. In particular, by 2030 er benefits, people will save dividual the reversal of current the provision of electricity must themselves money if they take trends can succeed. We already energy efficiency into account hold the plans in our hands. Personal profile whenever they make a new pur- Ralph O. Harthan is an energy and chase, whether they choose an Ralph O. Harthan environmental engineer; since 2003 electrical appliance of efficiency he has been a researcher in the En- class A++ or a particularly eco- ergy & Climate Protection Division in Berlin. His research focuses on issues nomical car. It is already possi- ble, too, for everyone to use en- of national and international climate mailto:info: [email protected] policy. vironmentally friendly sources of


Two scientists, two perspectives, one institute

One of them is an old hand. 30 years of the Öko-Institut, what does that The 53-year-old nuclear amount to? technology expert Michael Michael Sailer: Much of what we have said and called for has been taken Sailer has been associated up. It is surely in part due to the Öko-Institut that environmental protection with the Öko-Institut almost now has constitutional status, the environment has its own ministry and from the start; he established businesses are addressing environmental issues. Throughout those years our the Nuclear Engineering & strength has lain in the fact that we have repeatedly and promptly drawn Facility Safety research divi- attention to the consequences of society’s actions and flagged up the rele- vant environmental issues. Of course not all our efforts have resulted in sion, of which he has been the success, but one cannot expect that to be the case. We continue to fulfil our coordinator since 1983. Since role as a challenger of society, perhaps even more forcibly than we have 1999 he has also been deputy done in the past. director of the Institute. The Dominik Seebach: Seeing how the Institute has developed in the course other researcher was born in of 30 years and the impact it has had makes me very much want to work 1977, the year in which the here. It shows me that environmental research has a future that I can con- Öko-Institut was founded; he tribute to and thus achieve something. The Öko-Institut has moved impor- represents the younger genera- tant issues forward; in my view part of the reason for its success is that tion of dedicated scientists. The people can work here with an open mind, without having to see things through a dogmatic lens. geo-ecologist Dominik Seebach has been a researcher in the Energy & What is the position of the Institute today? Climate Protection Division Michael Sailer: We have acquired a name for ourselves and have become since 2005. How do the two an established part of society. We are now respected by all political parties scientists view the last 30 years and business, too, takes us seriously. Our voice carries ever greater weight of environmental research? internationally. We have achieved this while always maintaining our inde- pendence. That is a great success. Katja Kukatz put three ques- tions to them. Dominik Seebach: For me the Öko-Institut is like an individual ecosystem which affects and is affected by society in many ways. We bring together an unusually large number of skills and have at our fingertips a broad range of knowledge that the public can access. With factual arguments we make the t t u different stakeholders in society more aware of environmental and sustain- u t i t i t t s s n n I I - - o ability issues. Our approach is based on creativity rather than the imposition o k k Ö Ö © © of blockades. This reflects our values, which we have formulated in the mis- sion statement that we have drawn up together. I regard this role as very important.

And what will we be celebrating on the 50th birthday?

Michael Sailer Dominik Seebach Michael Sailer: That we are still an important voice within society. It would has worked in the worked initially at the be good if by then we could have fully developed opportunities for us to play Öko-Institut’s Darm- Institute for Energy a direct part in helping to plan for sustainable development on a global scale. stadt office for 27 and Environmental Perhaps by then we shall be celebrating a worldwide reconfiguration of ener- Research (IFEU) in years. He specializes gy systems! That is perhaps a little visionary, but we must have vision! in reactor safety and Heidelberg and the nuclear waste man- Joint Research Centre Dominik Seebach: The greatest success would of course be if through our agement. Sailer sits of the European Com- work at the Öko-Institut we had made ourselves superfluous … but I am not mission in Ispra, Italy. on a number of com- quite that optimistic. Above all my wish is that we can help the present missions and commit- He moved to the Öko- emergent and developing countries to have their piece of the affluence cake tees, including since Institut in 2005. He is 1999 the Reactor based in Freiburg, without this leading to global environmental catastrophe. We could certainly Safety Commission where he specializes do a great deal by helping Germany and Europe to play a pioneering role in (RSK) of the German in issues of sustain- matters of sustainability. This includes, for example, the development of Environment Ministry able electricity gener- technologies that can be offered to countries concerned as a better alterna- and since 2005 the ation and use, and is- tive to increases in the use of fossil and nuclear fuels. It also includes the Euratom Scientific and sues of electricity need for Germany and Europe to lead the way by setting a good example, Technical Committee. disclosure. and for us to stop living at other people’s expense.

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eco@work_02/2007 18 PORTRAITS WISHES

Concrete Creative Concentrated Dr Ulrike Eberle doesn’t Franziska Wolff Beate Kallenbach-Herbert draw up plans to be put has no time for forges solutions away in a drawer easy answers that work

Whether the issue is dying forests, “The political screws must now “I started out quite conventionally anti-nuclear demonstrations or be tightened”, says Franziska as a mechanical engineer at Man- the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior Wolff with reference to the cur- nesmann”, says Beate Kallenbach- – the environment has been a rent interest in ecological issues. Herbert. “But working there I major concern of Ulrike Eberle But she has no patience with missed the links with the environ- since she was a schoolgirl. When easy answers, because “the com- ment and politics and I wanted to she began to get involved with plexity of many problems re- be closer to the decisions.” So in Greenpeace, she finally asked her- quires individual and creative so- 1998 she moved to the Öko-Insti- self the question: “How are the lutions”. Now 34, she began to tut. It was a deliberate choice to environmental goals formulated be interested in environmental join an organization that combined t t t u u u t t t i i i t t t s s s n n n I I I - - - o o o k k k Ö Ö Ö © © ©

that I support?” She found the an- issues while studying politics at ecology, technology and politics swer at the Öko-Institut, working university, because of their within an appropriate framework. as an intern in the Sustainable “great relevance for the future”. At 40 she is now a specialist in is- Products & Material Flows Divi- This was when she discovered sues of nuclear energy, deputy co- sion. That was 13 years ago. Now the Öko-Institut, for which she ordinator of the Nuclear Engineer- 38, the biologist and chemist with has worked since 2001. She is ing & Facility Safety Division; since a doctorate in nutritional science employed in the Environmental 2003 she has been a member of is deputy coordinator and a spe- Law & Governance Division, the Committee on Fuel Supply and cialist in sustainable consumption, working on – among other things Waste Management of the German with a particular focus on nutrition – the management of natural re- environment ministry’s Reactor issues. She would not have got sources (biodiversity, agriculture, Safety Commission. “I should like this far without the Institute’s of- fishing) and on the potential con- to help find the safest possible so- fer in 1999 of a teleworking job in flicts between the environment lutions for the disposal of radioac- Hamburg, which enabled her to and industry. Almost “incidental- tive waste – solutions that are ac- combine family and professional ly” Franziska Wolff obtained a ceptable to people affected by the commitments. “Otherwise I would doctorate in agrobiodiversity, be- issue”, she says. As a researcher have left”, she says, but she is cause “the cultural use of nature she focuses on plans that are im- pleased that she stayed. “The is- and people’s impact on the natu- plementation- oriented, and she sues that the Öko-Institut deals ral resources needed for life” are does that without any “mechanical with are varied and always rele- matters close to her heart. At the engineer’s blinkers”. Her wish is vant. Our interdisciplinary ap- Öko-Institut she is delighted to therefore “that we should get even proach enables us to develop in- be able to develop, implement better at networking the outstand- novative solutions. I appreciate and model critical ideas. In this ing skills that we have at the Insti- that.” Her wish for the future: to way she hopes to contribute to tute across all divisions, in order to be involved more than in the past the awareness “that less but bet- look at the issues that we deal with implementation processes, in ter consumption is not a loss but with from new and enlarged points order to see that “step by step we simply an improvement in the of view and investigative perspec- are getting there”. kk quality of life”. sh tives.” kk mailto:info: [email protected] mailto:info: [email protected] mailto:info: [email protected]


Green Goal for South Africa EU Environmental Data Centre

The 2006 Football World Cup in What happens if the European 30 years of the Öko-Insti- Germany was a complete success Commission wants to optimize tut – that is 30 years of – and not only from a sporting the ecological impact of particular pioneering work in applied » perspective. In terms of the Green products and therefore needs da- environmental research and con- sultancy. The Institute’s work has Goal environmental action plan ta on their environmental impacts paved the way for sustainable drawn up by the Öko-Institut the and the potential for reducing change – in environmental re- event was also a winner. “The those impacts? Up to now the bo- search, politics, and among many scheme will therefore be contin- dy has commissioned and evalua- individuals. On a personal note: ued at the next Football World Cup ted special studies or turned to my career ideas at the end of the in South Africa in 2010”, an- other EU institutions for the infor- 1980s were strongly influenced by nounces Christian Hochfeld, mation. There has been no cen- the model of the committed scien- a a i i l l o o t tists who worked for the Öko-In- t o o f f - - h t c stitut. And so I look forward to the e a n b o e r l i P h ü continuation of their success story r e M i l v e a i X n

– happy birthday!« a © D ©

Thomas Korbun, Scientific Director at the Institute for Ecological Economic Research

30 years of consistently Planned: An environmental action The EU wants to make it easier taking social responsibility plan for the Football World Cup in to access environmental data. »seriously, 30 years of wor- South Africa. king with vigour at the interface of science and politics, 30 years of deputy director of the Öko-Insti- tral contact point at which this in- highlighting practical pathways for tut. Even at this early stage the formation is available. “But that is a sustainable society – from a poli- South African government has al- about to change”, says Stéphanie tical initiative to a prestigious in- ready expressed interest in con- Zangl from the Öko-Institut. stitution. Happy birthday! My wish tinuing to develop Green Goal. is that the Öko-Institut will conti- On behalf of Eurostat, the Statis- nue to be a reliable partner in The South African environment tical Office of the European Com- social-ecological research, a sour- ce of good ideas with sustainable minister has therefore invited a munities, she is investigating impact.« German delegation of representa- what form such a contact point tives of the Öko-Institut to go to could take. The plan is to set up South Africa to help work on the ten data centres. Eurostat has plan. “The Öko-Institut will be been nominated for the setting happy to support the South African up of these centres in the fields of government and the organizers of natural resources, waste and pro- the Football World Cup in their own ducts. “If the setting up of the Dr Thomas Jahn, Green Goal”, says Hochfeld. An- data centres is a success, the EU head of the Institute other “winner” is on the horizon: Commission will have a better da- for Social-Ecological At the 2011 Rugby World Cup in ta basis on which to develop its Research (ISOE) New Zealand the Öko-Institut will environmental goals; it will thus also advise the government on the be able to address priority areas drawing up of a comprehensive more precisely”, says Zangl. sustainability plan. skn skn/kk

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HI STORI C M IL ES TO N Launch of E S Exceptions for nuclear power plants? 2005 EcoTopTen Through its The nuclear phase-out in Germany of electricity quantities from the EcoTopTen consumer infor- is now a done deal. The amended Mülheim-Kärlich nuclear power mation campaign the Öko-Institut German Atomic Energy Act there- plant has been applied for. The provides regular product fore lays down how much electric- Atomic Energy Act names the recommendations. ity can still be generated by each power plants to which the electric- nuclear power plant. These elec- ity quantities from the Mülheim- tricity quantities can be trans- Kärlich nuclear power plant can be ferred from old to new reactors. transferred. The Biblis A reactor is That makes sense, since it enables not among them. This part of the older nuclear power plants to be RWE application has already been shut down sooner. rejected by the Federal Environ- a i l o t o f - t r e p l i H r e n r

e Thirty years ago opposition W

© to the Wyhl nuclear power »station provided the impe- tus for the founding of the Öko-In- stitut. It was an expression of a well-founded distrust of the nuclear lobby and it paved the way for a new field of study that was critical of the nuclear approach.

Freiburg is fortunate to have the Öko-Institut. It acts as an expert adviser to local politicians and con- tributes important new ideas. In the current debate on climate pro- tection the Freiburg action plan be- ars the hallmarks of the Öko-Insti- tut’s influence.

The transfer of residual electricity quantities can extend the I offer my thanks for this collabora- operational life of individual nuclear power plants. tion and wish the Institute every success in its continuing work!« The problem is that in exceptional ment Ministry. The transfer of cases the reverse can occur: elec- electricity quantities from the Em- tricity quantities can be trans- sland nuclear power plant, the ferred from new to old reactors, second youngest nuclear power provided that the German Envi- plant in Germany, has also been ronment Ministry consents and applied for. “This part of the appli- Dr , has the approval of the Chancel- cation gives rise to the sensitive Mayor of the city of lor’s office and the Ministry of Eco- question of how this precedent- Freiburg nomic Affairs. The transfer options setting case is to be decided and enable economically favourable which relevant safety aspects will residual operating times to be be regarded as crucial”, says agreed for the individual nuclear nuclear energy expert Stephan power plants. However, this must Kurth of the Öko-Institut. not be at the expense of safety. HISTORIC The Federal Environment Ministry M IL ES TO N RWE Power AG now wants to ex- has now commissioned a compar- E Green Goal S tend the operational life of Biblis A, ative safety study of the two nu- The world’s first envi- the oldest reactor in Germany, clear power plants Biblis A and 2006 ronmental blueprint for through the transfer of residual Emsland; the Öko-Institut is in- a Football World Cup is suc- electricity quantities. They claim volved in this, having been sub- cessfully implemented. Scientists that the continuing operation of contracted by GRS, the central from the Öko-Institut drew up Biblis A is desirable from an eco- German advisory body for reactor the plan. nomic point of view and would be safety. sk in the public interest. The transfer

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What would life be like if ...... the Öko-Institut had never been founded

In 1980 the Öko-Institut was already proclaiming its vision of the global reconfiguration of energy systems (Energiewende) – a vision which is still defining the course of energy

t policy – and at the same time the Institute worked doggedly at implementing the vision, for ex- u t i t s n I - o k

Ö ample with local-authority energy action plans, Energiewende committees, energy contracting

© arrangements, energy policy scenarios for many of the German states and the GEMIS inventor- ization software, which, by the way, is free, which was typical of the Öko-Institut’s approach, be- cause it has pursued not only practical projects but also the development of method- ology, such as life-cycle assessment or, four years before the Rio Earth Summit, Product Sus- tainability Assessment (PROSA) and its precursor, Produktlinienanalyse with their integrated Dr Rainer Grießhammer, 53, deputy director, has evaluation of ecological, economic and social aspects, and it was well placed do to this because worked for 27 years at the the Öko-Institut is the only large environmental institute that has enormous? expertise not only Institute in the Sustainable Products & Material Flows in the classical environmental issues and in professional policy consultancy but also in envi- Division. He has a doctorate ronmental law, engineering and risk assessment – or are you aware of any oth- in chemistry and specializes in issues of sustainable er institute that conducts risk studies on nuclear power plants, chemical facilities, chemicals, ge- consumption and product netic engineering, mobile phones, and nanotechnology while also being represented on nation- innovations. Since 2002 Griesshammer has been a al commissions such as the German Commissions on Reactor Safety (RSK) and Process Safety member of the Advisory – while at the same time it has always been available to provide advice to local residents, for Council on Consumer and Nutrition Policy which re- example in connection with planning applications, to companies e.g. in connection with the de- ports to the Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food velopment of a “Green TV”, and to the , for instance in connection with the and Agriculture (BMVEL), RoHS Directive, and so it has gradually grown from being an adviser of environmental associa- and since 2003 a deputy member of the committee tions to being an adviser of environmental players in the whole of society, of the consumer organiza- taking on board many new issues such as the synoptic survey of “green investments”, the study tion Stiftung Warentest. In 2004 the German cabinet of environmental protection in cyberspace and the Green Goal environmental action plan for appointed him to the Advi- the 2006 Football World Cup – which was so successful that it is going to be used for the next sory Council on Global Change (WBGU). Football World Cup in South Africa – which can only happen if, like the Öko-Institut, one has a long history of working at international level and, as well as being involved in many EU projects, one also advises foreign governments on biodiversity or helps CIS states to devel-

H ISTORIC op environmental management capacity or goes to China to analyse the not exactly MIL ES TO N E ideal methods of computer production there, all of which demonstrates that the 30th S 2007 anniversary of Öko-Institut has been conducting trans-disciplinary research for 30 years – the Öko-Institut that is, for about the same length of time that it has taken university aca- The Öko-Institut now employs more than 100 staff at its three sites, demics to define what that is – and it also demonstrates that throughout that working in five research divisions. time the Öko-Institut has kept its feet on the ground and has maintained The Institute is a non-profit-mak- ing association with some the balance between politics, cooperation with companies 3,000 members. and advice to groups and individuals, for example in such forms as the EcoTopTen product initiative or the “Solar Ship” building, which is a symbol of the reconfiguration of energy systems, which the Öko-Institut was proclaiming as far back as 1980 and that brings me back to the initial question of what life would be like if the Öko-Institut had never been founded and I can answer that very briefly –

one would have then had to found it! info:mailto: [email protected] eco@work_02/2007 !22 EVENTS AND MORE DISCOVERING

The new annual report is out! A date for your diary

The Öko-Institut’s new annual report has RARE Conference now been published; it provides an overview of the research projects we Under the management of the Öko-Institut, sci- worked on in 2006 and our current fields entists from the project “Rhetoric and Realities: of activity and research. The report also Analysing Corporate Social Responsibility in Eu- includes information about the acquisi- rope” (RARE) have been investigating the rele- tion of the fifth floor, the “sun piece”, of the “Solar Ship” vance of corporate social and environmental re- building in Freiburg. Two new sections are the chapters sponsibility to sustainable development. The “30 years of the Öko-Institut” and “Land of Ideas 2007”. results of the project will be presented and dis- Here you can read about the anniversary conference and cussed at a conference taking place on Wednes- celebration and the Öko-Institut’s receipt of the “Land- day, 27 June 2007, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., at the Fon- mark 2007” award in Freiburg. Members of the Insti- dation Universitaire, Rue d´Egmont 11, 1000 tute’s staff look forward to the future with articles on is- Brussels. There is no charge for attendance. To sues such as the global reconfiguration of energy register contact Heike Unruh, telephone +49- systems and environmental law. The report can be or- 6151-8191-31. Further information about the ARE ? dered free of charge from [email protected]. skn project is available at skn

“Landmark 2007”

The Öko-Institut has won a prize in the national com- petition “365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas”, which was organized by the German government and part- ners from business and industry. Presentation evening “Landmark 2007” • At a special evening event we shall be presenting a Friday, 19 October 2007, from 7 p.m. selection of our creative research ideas. There will Öko-Institut e.V. then be an opportunity to talk with Öko-Institut staff Sonnenschiff, Merzhauser Strasse 173 and discuss current issues. Guided tours of the eco- 79100 Freiburg, Germany logical building will also be available. Admission free

• Frank Holstein of Deutsche Bank AG will officially The programme, including registration details and present the prize and explain why we were selected other information, will be available shortly at by the jury. cr

Reading resource Diversity worth preserving

“Who misses the aurochs?”, the critical fairs. By showing how cultures and technologies are ul- reader might well ask. Species come and timately dependent on biological diversity he convinc- go, but what effect does their extinction ingly demonstrates why biodiversity is worth protect- or survival have on their ecosystem? In ing. One reason is that because of climate change his introductory survey Bruno Streit ex- plants and animals need to be good at adapting; genet- plains how biological diversity works. ic impoverishment weakens this ability. He therefore de- scribes the most important agreements and measures The author is professor of ecology, evo- relating to a sustainable biodiversity strategy and out- lution and diversity at the university of lines the opportunities, problems and tasks that face us. Frankfurt am Main and he describes the A readable introduction for beginners and experts. current state of research in easy, catchy sh language. He switches deftly between scientific explanations and illustrative ex- Bruno Streit: Was ist Biodiversität? (What is biodiversity?), amples of the most important ecosystems, while nev- February 2007, C.H. Beck Verlag, 125 pages, 7.90 Euro. er losing sight of the issue of relevance to human af- ISBN 978-3406536175

23 02/2007_eco@work LOOKING TO THE FUTURE

New technologies: Use opportunities, reduce risks

Whether the issue is nanotechnology, biotechnology or carbon capture and storage technology (CCS) – from the be- ginning of the nuclear age, if not before, people have realized that the develop- ment of new technologies can have very wide-ranging and often undesirable con- sequences. On the other hand, new technologies often raise great hopes, ranging from the promise of resource and climate protection to the elimination of scourges such as hunger and disease.

Why is there an increasing need for new technologies to be evaluated discrimi- a i l o

natingly? How can we benefit from their t o f


i d

opportunities without neglecting their n a r B

o t r

risks? And what governance mecha- e b l A

nisms are needed to promote the devel- © opment and use of technological innova- tions where such use is desirable on ecological and social grounds? We shall be looking at these questions in our next issue, which will be available in the au- tumn.
