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The Newark Post The Newark Post \ 1LUM E XIX NEWARK, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1928 NUMBER 34 POST LAUNCHES GIGANTIC CAMPAIGN $4,000.00 FOR WORKERS IN THE j;-----cle-ars-cor-neJ;- FRESHMAN WEEK Firemen's Services EXTRA TEACHER T he first move to civilize the A special service for fi r emen POST'S SIX· WEEK CAMPAIGN Opera House corner was made on will be conducted on Friday even­ ---..-- Mo naay night, when New Castle STARTS THURS. ing by Dr. Cooke, in t he Metho­ APPOINTED BY County Constable Wideman ar­ dist Gospel Tent, on South Acad­ Every W orker Who Remains Active to End of Campaign rested three youths, who had been Over 200 --New Students Will emy street. The Aetna Fire Co m­ Will Be Rlichly Rewarded For All Work Done acting in a rowdy manner. The pany, as well as other fi re com­ SCHOOL BO_J\RD a rrests were made after a com­ Register At University; panies will be invited to attend. plaint by a citizen , but no charges Other Classes Register Mon­ Chief E llison ,of t he Aetna Com­ New Teacher Will Be Here "HELP YOURSELF TRAVEL CLU'B' were pushed. The boys were Jlany urgently requests t hat a ll lodged in the loc al ja il for a bout day; Convocation Wednes­ members of the company meet at Monday To Relieve Condi­ E,-cry Ambition Can be Relaized. Open to Men, Women and a half hour, and at the end of that day the fi rehouse at 7 o'clock, standar d tions In Grades 2 and 3; time were in a chastened and melt­ time, so that they can go to the Young Folks Who Want to Tum Spare Time Efforts ing mood. One of them, who had Coal Contract Award into Attractive Awards or Cash Freshman Week at both Delawarp tent in a body. T he Laurel Band been particularly tough a nd cocky Co llege and the Women's College will a ttend a nd render selections. in his attitude, had melted to the CONSTITUTION DAY MO IDA Y, SEPTEMBER 24th-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd point of tears. T he police inteJld star ts tomorrow and students enter -I '--------------" I ing t he University of Delaware will to keep this corner clear and a register on that day. Students in the TENT SERVICES At a meeting of t he Board of Edu- war ning is issued that fu rther ar­ Write ~hese dates d ow n~ ·mark them on yo ur calen­ other t hree classes of the both col- J cation, Newark Special School Dis- r ests a re li kely to r esult in more c1 ar--:-anythll1g t<? help you remember them, · for they mark the leges will arrive here Monday fo r t rict, held Monday night, t he Board open Ing and closmg dates of one of the most unusual and inter­ t han a reprimand. registration. Convocation exercises BEGIN 3RD WEEK voted to add an extra teacher for es ting ~·en.ts in the h is~o ry of Northwest Delaware. They mark will be held a week f rom today. _ _ g rades 2 a nd 3. The contract for the begll1n mg and endmg of the most astounding opportunity ,·cr off red to the people of this section to make some REAL BIG FEATURES claI:s ~St ~~ r::t:~e b:~lteg~h ~ iftr~~':n~:~ Attendance Records Grow- ~~:~rl:J t~h ~h:~~a§~ H~~ h~~:w;;~~ MO. 'EY du ring the next six weeks- for these dates mark t he from 120 to 125 and the yearly class ing; Interesting Program Company, on the basis of competi- openi ng and ending of the NEWARK P OST "Help Yourself at the Women's College f rom 102 to This Week tivse u bp~~~~~!~de n t of Schools Brinser, Tra,·el Club" campaign. FOR WIL • FA. ~ IR 110. One hundred and five students have fl lready enrolled at the Women's Tbe t hird week of evangeli stic serv- i n his report to the Board, stres~ed New Circulation Plan Co llege. One hundred and two of ices under t he auspices of the Metho- the pro?lems presented by t he In­ Finest Entertainers In Coun these a re freshmen and 15 a re from dist Episcopal Church, of this town, cr~ase In enroll ment figures. He We know most of our readers a re more or less familiar with Signed ; Democratic Day, out of the state. began Sunday night in the tent on pOin ted o~t that g.rades 2 and 3 had th e "prize contests" frequently employed by newspapers in Dorothy D. Dameron, Willa V. Academy street with a large crowd. many pupils over the average number connection with t heir circulation building programs, but never Big Event; Major Buck­ Dawson, Jennie Hoffman, Martha Tuesday night was men's night and for ?~e teacher and asked t? a.t t he befo re has there been such a broad and liberal plan offered as ingham, Vice-President Mor ris, Shelby Rice, Dorothea Roth- a record attendance of men was pres- conditIOns there be cut to a minimum th " lI'ark Post i now placing before the people of this com­ we il , Phoebe Steele and Jeannette ent. Dr. Cooke spoke on "Throwing more effectively . workable.. T he munity-the " Help Yourself Travel Club" campaign. Thoroug hgood, a ll f rom Newark, Boomerangs." Tonight the Elk Mills Board a ct~d on hi S suggestIOn a~d C. " . Cracroft, manager of the have enrolled in the Arts and Science choir will be present and sing. T hurs- ~ ngaged MISS ~ary Vaughn to assist Magnificant Prizes Wilmington F ai r, has announced ~nurse. Mildred R. Hobson and Mary day night will be lodge night and the In the work .w1th these grades. She H retofore all prize offers have been made with what some of the biggest entertainment a t­ R. Kirk, of Newark, have enroll ed in various fraternities of the community (Co ntlllued on Page 8.) am ounted to "Take it or leave it" written across the face. In tractions in the co untry for the Fair, the Teaeher Training co urse. are invited to be present. They a re other word , the winners were allowed no option but to take which will be held all next week at Classwork in all clas es of both not asked to come in their lodge r e- NEW ICE CREAM PLANT the fairgrounds, at Elsemere. One colleges will start next Tuesday. On galia-just be present that evening. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC one ce rtain prize, so it f requently happened that some of the of the big events of the Fair will be worker, fail ing to win pr izes they reall y desired, would be Wednesday after noon, Professor Wil- The Continental Band will be present Democratic Day, next Wednesday, Iinm Stark Myers, professor of gov- and r ender several selections. Friday Walter Powell Invi tes P ubli c To See comp li ed to take something for which they had no desire. and the Honorable C. Weber W ilson, ernment and political science, at night will be Firemen's night an9 the lnder the new " Help You r elf Travel Club" plan the winners United States Congrpssman from PrincetlJn, will deliver the convoca- local and other Fire Companies are Wor ki ng of l\I odern Plant ha ye a wide selection of award to chose from with the privilege Mi. is ippi, will be the gue t speaker. tion address. expected to be present. The Laurel On F riday of taking the equivalent cost value if none of the other offerings Major Richard G. Buck-ingham, Freshman Week, starting tomor- Band will provide mu ic. The choir The public is invited to visit a new meet their d.esires. What could possibly be more satisfactory? who has a lways had a keen interest row for four days, is a new institu- of Epworth M. E. Church, Wilming- plant, on Friday, and see how ice in fairs given in Delaware, is vice­ tion at Delaware, having been started ton, Delaware, whose leader is Mr . cream is made and handled under the Aut omobile-Tra vel- A via tion president of t he Fair Association. two years ago. Its purpose is to a l- George E. King, will be present and newest and most modern methods of Mr. Chas. C. Speakman is president. Con ider the first or Grand Cap­ low the new students to get settled, sing. Saturday night will be an auc- manufacture. Walter Powell will Among the co ntracts that have ital Prize. The winner of fi r st award and familiar with t hpir Burroundin&"s tion sale of children. open his new plant to public inspec- EXPECT TO GET been made for special features in­ before the other classes are here. Services next Sunday: At 10 tion on that day, and particularly in- will be allowed his or lw!r choice be- clude John Robinson's Military E le­ At Delaware Co ll ege freshman will o'clock Sund~y School in the church vites all Newark to call and see how GERMAN RELICS phants, the Five Flying Melzor , and register f rom 8 to 12 o'clock standard building; 11 o'clock preaching ser v- their favorite blends and flavors are Hi1l's Society Circus, which includes time tomorrow morning. At 2 o'clock ice in the tent; 2 o'clock preaching mixed and hardened and moulded into (1) A beautiful new Silver Anni: 20 dogs, elephants, posing stallions, i· ~ ary model Buick 2-door sedan, Newark Asks For t hey will meet in Wolfe Hall when service in the tent,-Mr .
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