Propagation of Ornamental Plants Vol. 19, № 1, 2019: 18-23 PLANT REGENERATION FROM NODAL SEGMENTS AND PROTOCORM-LIKE BODIES (PLBS) DERIVED FROM CATTLEYA MAXIMA J. LINDLEY IN RESPONSE TO CHITOSAN AND COCONUT WATER Laura Paris1, Pedro García-Caparrós2, Alfonso Llanderal3, Jaime Teixeira da Silva4, Juan Reca5, and María Teresa Lao2* 1Catholic University of Santiago of Guayaquil Av. C. J. Arosemena Km. 1.5, 09014671 Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2Agronomy Department of Superior School Engineering, University of Almeria, CIAIMBITAL, Agrifood Campus of International Excellence ceiA3, Ctra, Sacramento s/n, La Cañada de San Urbano, 04120 Almería, Spain, *Fax: + 349 500 15939, *E-mail:
[email protected] 3Faculty of Technical Education for Development, Agricultural Engineering Degree, Catholic University of Santiago of Guayaquil. Av. C. J. Arosemena, km 1.5, 09014671 Guayaquil, Ecuador, 4P. O. Box 7, Miki-cho post office, Ikenobe 3011-2, Kagawa-ken, 761-0799 Japan. 5Engineering Department of Superior School Engineering, University of Almeria, CIAIMBITAL, Campus of International Excel- lence ceiA3, Carretera, Sacramento s/n, 04120 La Cañada de San Urbano, Almería, Spain REFERENCES BARKA E. A., EULLAFFROY P., CLEMENT C., VERNET G. (2004). Chitosan improves development, and protects Vitis vinifera L. against Botrytis cinerea. Plant Cell Reports, 22: 608-614. CHUGH S., GUHA S., RAO I. U. (2009). Micropropagation of orchids: a review on the potential of different explants. Scientia Horticul- turae, 122: 507-520. DEWANTY R. (2011). The application of chitosan to the formation of protocorm-like body (PLB) in Phalaenopsis sp. L. orchids. PhD Thesis. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jember, 62 pp. (in Indonesian). DIXON R. A., GONZALE R.