Adult Immunizations
Guidelines for Clinical Care Ambulatory Immunizations Guideline Team Adult Immunizations Team Leads Susan F Engert, MD, MPH Population: Adults, >18 years old Pediatrics and Communi- cable Diseases Objectives: Implement an evidence-based strategy for routine adult immunizations. Candia B Laughlin, RN, Key Points MS Routine immunizations for adults are: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, herpes zoster, human papilloma virus, Ambulatory Care Nursing Administration influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcal, pneumococcal, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis and Team Members varicella. Below is a summary on priority populations, initial vaccination, and revaccination. Margie C Andreae, MD Use combination vaccines whenever possible to increase the coverage rates for vaccine-preventable Pediatrics and Communi- diseases: Tetanus-diphtheria (Td), Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap), Measles-Mumps- cable Diseases Rubella (MMR), hepatitis A-hepatitis B (Twinrix®). Single antigen vaccines have no safety advantage. Mary K.Barry-Bodine, Live virus vaccines (Herpes Zoster, Measles-Mumps-Rubella, Varicella and Live Attenuated Influenza RN, BSN Vaccine) are contraindicated in persons who are pregnant or may become pregnant in the next four Nursing, Health Centers weeks, or who have immunocompromising conditions. If administering multiple live vaccines, give Susan G Blitz, MD, MPH simultaneously or separate them by 4 weeks. Tuberculosis (PPD) skin test should be administered General Medicine before or on the same day as a live virus vaccine or they need to be spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Katie Barwig, RN, MS This guideline follows recommendations of the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices: Nursing Administration These vaccinations should be performed [strength of recommendation] for indicated populations at risk. Sherry L DeLoach, Evidence for each vaccine is based on randomized controlled trials [level of evidence] in general PharmD population and some subgroups, with findings extrapolated to some subgroups.
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