THE ROLE OF SAMBALPURI HANDLOOM IN THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF BARGARH PJAEE, 18 (1) (2021) DISTRICT ODISHA THE ROLE OF SAMBALPURI HANDLOOM IN THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF BARGARH DISTRICT ODISHA Kunal Mishra, Dr. Tushar Kanti Das, Research Scholar, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration and Department of Business Administration Management, and Management, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla E mail id:
[email protected] E mail id:
[email protected] Kunal Mishra, Tushar Kanti Das, THE ROLE OF SAMBALPURI HANDLOOM IN THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF BARGARH DISTRICT ODISHA-Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 18(1), ISSN 1567-214x Abstract: When Human Beings civilized, handloom has been an integral part of men. In this sense handloom has been an oldest industry of the world. From ancient period to the modern period handloom industry is closely connected with the economic growth of the land. So to say the Handloom Industry has a major role in the economic growth of India also. India has a rich, diverse and unique handloom tradition since long. History speaks that, weaving has been an extremely developed craft since Indus Valley Civilisation. From Historical records it is evident that, India is a country where dyeing, printing and embroidering has been a continuing process. The array of handloom textiles varies in different regions of India because of its Geography, Climate, Local Culture, Social Customs and availability of raw materials. A number of raw materials like cotton, silk, jute and bamboo etc. are used for creating fabrics in India. But silk and cotton predominates the Indian weaving tradition.