New Jersey Practice Materials: a Selective Annotated Bibliography

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New Jersey Practice Materials: a Selective Annotated Bibliography New Jersey Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ... ............................................ 5 G eneral Publications ......................................... 6 General Reference and Research Sources ...................... 6 Statutory Sources ........................................ 7 Session Law s ............................................ 9 Legislation and Legislative Information ...................... 10 C ase R eports ........................................... 12 Free Case Law and Judicial Information on the Internet ......... 14 D igests and Citators ..................................... 15 C ourt R ules ............................................ 17 Attorney General Opinions ................................ 18 Executive and Administrative Materials ...................... 18 Administrative Rules and Regulations ....................... 18 Administrative Decisions ................................. 19 Ethics Codes and Opinions ................................ 20 D irectories ............................................. 21 Periodicals .... ............................................ 22 A cadem ic Journals ...................................... 22 Bar Association Publications .............................. 24 N ew spapers ............................................ 25 Topical Journals and Newsletters ........................... 26 Internet Resources .......................................... 27 State H om e Page ........................................ 27 Government Offices ..................................... 27 L egislature ............................................ 27 Judiciary .............................................. 27 Governor and State Agencies .............................. 27 C ities and Counties ...................................... 28 Bar A ssociations ........................................ 28 NEW JERSEY-I 2008 STATE PRACTICE MATERIALS Continuing Legal Education ............................... 30 Law L ibraries .......................................... 30 Law Schools and Legal Studies Programs .................... 31 Practice Treatises and M aterials .............................. 32 Administrative Law and Practice ........................... 32 Appellate Practice and Procedure ........................... 32 A utom obile Law ........................................ 33 Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor ........................... 34 B usiness Law .......................................... 34 Civil Practice and Procedure ............................... 35 Com m ercial Law ........................................ 37 Construction Law ....................................... 38 C ontracts .............................................. 38 C orporations ........................................... 38 C ourts ................................................ 38 Criminal Law and Practice ................................ 39 D isability Law .......................................... 40 D iscovery ............................................. 40 E lder L aw ............................................. 4 1 Environm ental Law ...................................... 41 Estate Planning ......................................... 42 E vidence .............................................. 43 Fam ily Law ............................................ 43 Foreclosure ............................................ 45 Insurance .............................................. 46 Jury Instructions ........................................ 46 Labor and Employment Law .............................. 46 L and U se .............................................. 48 Legal Research and W riting ............................... 48 M edical and Health Law .................................. 48 M edical M alpractice ..................................... 49 M unicipal Law ......................................... 49 Personal Injury ......................................... 50 Practice of Law ......................................... 51 Products Liability ....................................... 52 Professional Responsibility ................................ 52 Real Estate and Real Property .............................. 52 School Law ............................................ 54 T axation .............................................. 55 T ort L aw .............................................. 55 2008 NEW JERSEY-2 NEW JERSEY Transactional Law ....................................... 55 T rial Practice ........................................... 56 W ills and Probate ....................................... 57 W orkers' Compensation .................................. 58 Z oning ................................................ 58 Appendix: Publishers of New Jersey Legal Materials ............. 59 NEW JERSEY-3 New Jersey Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography David Hollander* Introduction This annotated bibliography includes both primary and secondary resources commonly used in the practice of law in New Jersey. While certainly not comprehensive, the included resources are intended represent a broad selec- tion of materials covering a wide variety of resource types and practice areas. This bibliography is divided into four main sections: (1) general publications, including primary sources such as case law and legislation along with general secondary resources such as digests and citators; (2) periodicals, including academic and professional publications; (3) Internet resources, listing websites related to New Jersey government, law, legal education and law practice; and (4) practice treatises and materials, listing treatises, looseleafs and other New Jersey practice materials. The appendix provides the addresses, telephone numbers, and websites of all publishers listed in this bibliography. Because every individual New Jersey-related database contained in Westlaw and LexisNexis is not listed in this bibliography, short descriptions of these offerings are provided here. Westlaw: Westlaw offers a large volume of New Jersey materials, inclu- ding digital versions of many of the West-published primary and secon- dary resources listed in the following bibliography. Available New Jersey- related Westlaw databases include materials such as case law, statutes, legislative history, administrative and executive materials, jury instruc- Law and Legal Studies Librarian at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. The author would like to thank Mary W. George for her invaluable support and editorial assistance, and Wayne Bivens-Tatum for his excellent editorial advice. The author is also grateful to Frank G. Houdek forhis consistently-correct advice in all professional matters, not the least of which is writing, and the many others for their support and encouragement, including Robin Schard, Helen Wohl, Sally Wise, Kevin Barry, and John Logan. NEW JERSEY-5 2008 STATE PRACTICE MATERIALS tions, court filings, forms, and a wide variety of secondary resources, including the entire New Jersey Practice Series. Not all databases are included in all subscriptions to Westlaw. For a full listing of available New Jersey-related databases consult the online Westlaw Database Directory ( LexisNexis: Extensive New Jersey-related offerings are also available on Lexis, including many of the primary and secondary sources listed in this bibliography. This material includes case law, statutes, administrative law, court filings, jury instructions, and secondary resources. The available secondary resources include both Lexis-published treatises and a selection of treatises and practice guides published by the New Jersey Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE). For a full listing of Lexis's offerings of New Jersey-related materials consult the Lexis Source Locator ( The New Jersey Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE) also merits special mention here. NJICLE, a joint venture of the New Jersey State Bar Association, Rutgers University, and Seton Hall University, is organized to facilitate professional educational development for members of the New Jersey Bar. In addition to offering more than three-hundred yearly seminars, NJICLE is one of the major publishers of secondary materials on New Jersey law, many of which are included in this bibliography. A full list of their publications is available on NJICLE's website ( The annotations in this bibliography provide short descriptions rather than detailed editorial reviews of each resource. Inclusion in or exclusion from this bibliography is not intended to represent the author's opinion on the value of a resource. General Publications General Reference and Research Sources Alex-Lute, Paul. New Jersey Legal Research Handbook.New Brunswick, N.J.: New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, 1998. 4th ed., updated electronically by the New Jersey Legal Research Handbook 4th Edition Supplement, at [Rutgers-Newark Law Library]. This is a comprehensive guide to New Jersey legal research. Each of its twenty- nine chapters addresses a separate research area, including case law, regulations, legislative history, and much more. Each chapter is written in a clear narrative NEW JERSEY-6 NEW JERSEY format that explains how to conduct research in easy to understand detail. This book is essential for any collection of New Jersey law. Internet Law Guide, at [Rutgers-Newark
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