Name: ______Date: ______Quiz name: "Renewing the Sectional Struggle" and "Drifting Toward Disunion" Reading Quiz

1. "" was a direct result of the doctrine of A judicial review. B imperialism. C containment. D Manifest Destiny. E .

2. In his opinion on the case v. Sanford A the Supreme Court had the right to rule on the constitutionality of any federal law. B "separate but equal" facilities for people of different races was constitutional.

C corporations were entitled to the same protections guaranteed individuals under the 14th Amendment. D school prayer violated the principle of "separation of church and state." E Congress had no right to regulate slavery in territories.

3. The principle of "popular sovereignty" stated that

A whenever a new area was settled, all United States citizens were required to vote on the slave status of that area. B slavery would not be permitted in any area after 1848.

C the president, after meeting with public interest groups, was to decide on whether slaves would be allowed in a given territory.

D settlers in the Western territories, not congress, would decide whether to allow slavery in their territory. E any settlers disagreeing with federal laws governing slavery were free to ignore those laws.

4. The map illustrates

A the Compromise.

B the Military .

C the Wade-Davis Bill.

D the .

E the .

5. All of the following were prominent antislavery leaders, EXCEPT A Nat Turner. B John Brown. C . D Sojourner Truth. E Preston Brooks.

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6. Both Zachary Taylor and were A Democratic candidates for President. B strongly opposed to slavery. C military leaders in the Mexican War. D former members of Congress.

7. In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, A supported the idea of popular sovereignty. B gained support that helped him defeat Douglas for the Senate in 1858. C insisted that the territories be kept free from slavery. D demanded the abolition of slavery in the United States.

8. Which of the following contributed LEAST to the causes of the Civil War? A slavery. B the industrialization of the North. C the Mexican cession. D immigration to the United States.

9. Which of the following probably had the greatest effect on popular opinions about slavery? A the . B the publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin. C the efforts of . D the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

10. What was the last attempt at compromise before the outbreak of the Civil War? A the Missouri Compromise. B the Compromise of 1850. C the Kansas-Nebraska Act. D the proposed Crittendon amendments to the Constitution.

11. The position of Stephen Douglas on the issue of slavery in the territories was that A the Missouri Compromise should not be changed. B the voters of a territory should decide the issue. C the number of slaves in any territory should be limited. D slavery should be abolished west of the Mississippi.

12. The slavery issue getting most attention in Congress from 1820 to 1860 was A stopping the importation of slaves. B emancipation of slaves. C humane treatment of slaves. D extension of slavery into the western territories.

13. Which of the following was NOT a point made in the Dred Scott decision? A The Missouri Compromise was void.

Page 2 of 4 B Slaves were not citizens. C Congress could not restrict slavery in the territories. D A slave taken into a free state became free.

14. Which of the following was NOT a reaction to John Brown's raid? A southern fear of a slave rebellion. B the execution of John Brown. C the martyrdom of Brown by abolitionists. D the outbreak of a slave rebellion.

The document that advised the United States to seize Cuba from Spain if it could not be 15. purchased was known as A the Compromise of 1850. B The Wilmot Proviso. C The Crittendon Compromise. D The Missouri Compromise. E The .

16. Which event occurred first? A the Compromise of 1850 B the Mexican cession C the gold rush D the Kansas-Nebraska Act

The of 1848 harbored many northerners who stood squarely against slavery in 17. the territories primarily on the grounds that A further expansion of slavery might break up the union. B it destroyed the chances of free white workers to rise up from wage-earning dependence. C slavery was a moral evil contrary to American principles. D slave labor would be unproductive in the West. E the southern fire-eaters were already planning further expansion into Central America.

18. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 included all of the following provisions EXCEPT A the requirement that fugitive slaves be returned from Canada. B denial of a jury trial to runaway slaves. C denial of fleeing slaves’ right to testify on their own behalf. D the penalty of imprisonment for northerners who helped slaves to escape. E a higher payment if officials determined blacks to be runaways.

19. As a result of the , the South A became more economically dependent on the North. B became hostile to Wall Street and the stock market. C believed that it was economically superior to the North. D began planning for an independent southern nation. E saw the need to develop manufacturing.

Page 3 of 4 20. The central plank in the Know-Nothing party in the 1856 election was A popular sovereignty. B expansionism. C proslavery. D abolitionism. E nativism.

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