Radical 1850s! Decade before the Civil War Election of 1848

The has renewed the issue of slavery in the west. Democratic Candidate: Lewis Cass Whigs Candidate: Zachary Taylor : (Who are these guys?) The Free Soil Party

Antislavery men in the north were frustrated with both parties.


Against slavery in the territories

Advocated federal aid for internal improvements

Free government homesteads for settlers Who joined the Free- Soilers? Democrats against A large element of slavery “Conscience” Whigs: What is happening to Many northerners this party? who who resented the competition of slave labor in the west Zachary Taylor wins! “Old Rough and Ready” California Gold Rush

Problems escalating in the West Massive migration of people to the west enables California to be ready for statehood by 1850! California wants to enter the Union as a Free state. What about the Compromise Line? There are more Issues!

Northerners wanted an end to slavery in the nation’s capital? Texas laid claim to large area in present day New Mexico The amount of runaway slaves was alarming to the South

Daniel Webster John C. Calhoun The Omnibus Bill

President Taylor Then Taylor dies! threatened to veto this bill.

The debate on this bill engulfed the Senate for the last seven months

It does not look like it is going to pass . . . .

California enters as a Free State

Territories of New Mexico and Utah were open to slavery on the basis of

Texas rescinded its claim in the and was given $10 million in return

The slave trade was declared illegal in the District of Columbia

Fugitive Slave Law!

How happy are the two sides? Democrat Whig Winfield Scott Election of 1852 Kansas-Nebraska Te r r i t o r i e s Kansas-Nebraska Te r r i t o r i e s

Stephen A. Douglass - “The Little Giant” Split Nebraska into two territories Kansas could come in as a slave state Nebraska would come in as a free state Kansas-Nebraska Act

Repealed the Missouri Compromise Line

Popular Sovereignty

Created resentment between the North and South