Peter Alexander

South African Research Chair in Social Change, Director: Centre for Social Change, Professor of Sociology


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Employment and education

From 2016: Director, Centre for Social Change, University of Johannesburg.

From 2010: South African Research Chair in Social Change (funded by the Department of Science and Technology and administered by the National Research Foundation). Contract until end of 2019.

2007-09: Seconded as Director, Centre for Sociological Research, University of Johannesburg.

From 2005: Professor of Sociology, University of Johannesburg.

2000-05: Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Johannesburg (Rand Afrikaans University until end of 2004).

1999-00: Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg.


1998-99: Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Industrial Sociology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.

1995-98: Research Fellow in Ethnic Relations, University of Oxford. Attached to St. Antony’s College and Queen Elizabeth House.

1995: Lecturer in the Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa, University of Oxford, Oxford. Attached to St. Peter’s College.

1994-95: Lecturer in Social and Policy Studies, University of Westminster, . Also, Lecturer in Sociology, Middlesex University, London.

1993-94: Lecturer in History, Centre for Extra-Mural Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London, London.

1990-94: Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London. Ph.D. on ‘Industrial Conflict, Race and the South African State, 1939-1948.’ Supervised by Prof. Shula Marks. Degree awarded 1995.

1983-89: Full-time member, Central Committee, Socialist Workers’ Party. Included participation in 1984-85 miners’ strike, visit to South Africa in 1985, and organizing Marxism 86, 87, 88 and 89.

1981-83: Student Organiser and, later, Industrial Organiser, Socialist Workers’ Party.

1979-81: National Organiser, Anti Nazi League.

1979: Schoolteacher, Greenford High School.

1977-79: West London Organiser, Socialist Workers’ Party.

1975-76: President, School of Oriental and African Studies Students’ Union, University of London.

1973-77: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. B.A. (Honours) in African History and Social Anthropology. Degree awarded 1977.

1972-73: Schoolteacher (Voluntary Service Overseas), Ngwane Central School, Nhlangano, Swaziland.


2013: with Claire Ceruti, Keke Motseke, Mosa Phadi and Kim Wale. Class in Soweto. Pietermaritzburg: UKZN Press.

2012: with Thapelo Lekgowa, Botsang Mmope, Luke Sinwell and Bongani Xezwi, Marikana: A View from the Mountain and a Case to Answer. Johannesburg: Jacana Media. Revised edition published in 2013. Also published in 2013 by Bookmarks (London); by Ohio University Press (Athens) as Voices from South Africa’s Mining 2

Massacre; and by Mandelbaum - Kritik und Utopie (Vienna) as Das Massaker von Marikana (with two extra chapters and other additional material).

2006: with Marcelle C. Dawson and Meera Ichharam (eds), Globalisation and new Identities: a View From the Middle. Johannesburg: Jacana Media.

2000: Workers, War and the Origins of Apartheid: Labour and Politics in South Africa, 1939-48. Oxford: James Currey; Athens: Ohio University Press; Cape Town: David Philip.

2000: with Rick Halpern (eds), Racializing Class, Classifying Race: Labour and Difference in Britain, the USA and Africa. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press.

1987: Racism, Resistance and Revolution. London, Chicago and Melbourne: Bookmarks Publishing Co-operative.

Journal Articles

2016: with Carin Runciman and Boitumelo Maruping, ‘The use and abuse of police data in protest analysis: South Africa’s Incident Registration Information System (IRIS), SA Crime Quarterly 58.

2016: ‘Marikana Commission of Inquiry: from narratives towards history.’ Journal of Southern African Studies 42(5).

2016: Gavin Andersson and Peter Alexander, ‘The Community Work Programme: Potentials and Problems’. Transformation 91.

2014: ‘Marikana, autopsie d’un massacre de sang-froid’. Journal des Anthropologues 136/137.

2014: ‘Recreación y resistencia: La cultura de los trabajadores negros las minas de carbón de Witbank, 1900-1950’, ISTOR: Revista de Historia Internacional 14(56). English version available from author. The title is ‘Recreation and Resistance: Black Worker Culture, Witbank Collieries, 1900-1950.’

2014: with Peter Pfaffe, ‘Social Relationships to the Means and Ends of Protest in South Africa’s Ongoing Rebellion of the Poor: the Balfour Insurrections.’ Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest.

2013: ‘Marikana, turning point in South African history’, Review of African Political Economy 40(138).

2013: ‘Le context historique de Marikana – un bref aperçu’, Contretemps, 6 December 2013. marikana-–-bref-aperçu-0.

2010: ‘Class, Subjectivity and Parochialism: A Reflection and an Introduction.’ South 3

African Review of Sociology 41(3).

2010: ‘Rebellion of the poor: South Africa’s service delivery protests – a preliminary analysis.’ Review of African Political Economy 37(123). Also available at and

2009: ‘Location and Orientation: Introducing Indian Sociology,’ South African Review of Sociology 40(1).

2009: with Phil Bonner, Jon Hyslop and Lucien van der Walt, ‘Labour Crossings in Eastern and Southern Africa,’ African Studies 68(1).

2008: ‘Challenging Cheap-Labour Theory: Natal and Transvaal Coal Miners, c1890- 1950,’ Labor History 49(2).

2007: ‘Women and Coal Mining in India and South Africa, c1900-1940,’ African Studies 66(2&3).

2007: ‘History, Internationalism and Intellectuals: the Case of Harold Wolpe,’ Transformation 63.

2006: with Lauren Basson and Prudence Makhura, ‘Sociology Research in Contemporary South Africa,’ South African Review of Sociology 37(2).

2004: with Anita Chan, ‘Does China Have an Apartheid Pass System?’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 30(4).

2004: ‘The National Research Foundation and Priorities for Critical Research.’ Society in Transition 35(2).

2004: with Rick Halpern, ‘Introduction: Comparing Race and Labour in South Africa and the United States,’ Journal of Southern African Studies 30(1).

2004: ‘Race, Class Loyalty and the Structure of Capitalism: Coal Miners in Alabama and the Transvaal 1918-22,’ Journal of Southern African Studies 30(1).

2003: ‘Paternalised Migrants, Policing and Political Economy: Highveld Colliery Strikes, 1925-49,’ Social Dynamics 29(1).

2002: with Tina Uys, ‘AIDS and Sociology: Current South African Research,’ Society in Transition 33(3).

2002: with Meera Ichharam, ‘Spitting for Science at RAU: Quality in Quantitative Research on HIV/AIDS,’ Society in Transition 33(3).

2002: with Lindsey Martin, ‘Getting up to Speed: South Africa’s Tertiary Institutions and HIV/AIDS,’ Society in Transition 33(3).

2001: ‘Globalisation and Discontent: Project and Discourse,’ African Sociological Review 5(1). 4

2001: ‘Oscillating Migrants, “Detribalised Families” and Militancy: Mozambicans on Witbank Collieries, 1918-1927,’ Journal of Southern African Studies 27(3).

2000: ‘Zimbabwean Workers, the MDC and the 2000 Election,’ Review of African Political Economy 85.

1999: ‘Coal, Control and Class Experience in South Africa’s Rand Revolt of 1922,’ Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle-East 19(1).

1996: ‘Collaboration and Control: Engineering Unions and the South African State, 1939-45,’ South African Journal of Sociology 27(2).

1990: ‘The South African Communist Party and the South African Working Class,’ International 51.

Chapters in books

2017: ‘On the road to global labour history - via comparison’. In Karl Heinz Roth, On the Road to Global Labour History: Festschrift for Marcel van der Linden. Leiden: Historical Materialism/Brill.

2017: ‘La doble rebelión de Sudáfrica: Una protesta bifurcada.’ In Breno Bringel y Geoffrey Pleyers (eds) Movimientos Sociales En Los Años 2010: Crisis, Indignación y Polarización. Buenos Aires: Classico and Rio de Janeiro: Faperj.

2012: ‘Barricades, Ballots and Experimentation: Making Sense of the 2011 Local Government Election with a Social Movement Lens,’ in Marcelle C. Dawson and Luke Sinwell (eds), Contesting Transformation: Popular Resistance in Twenty- First Century South Africa. London: .

2006: ‘Globalisation and new Social Identities: a Jig-saw Puzzle from Johannesburg,’ in Peter Alexander, Marcelle C. Dawson and Meera Ichharam (eds), Globalisation and new Identities: a View From the Middle. Johannesburg: Jacana Press.

2005: ‘A Moral Economy, an Isolated Mass and Paternalized Migrants: Transvaal Colliery Strikes, 1925-49,’ in Stefan Berger, Andy Croll and Norry LaPorte (eds), Towards a Comparative History of Coalfield Societies. Aldershot: Ashgate.

2000: with Rick Halpern, ‘Introduction,’ in Peter Alexander and Rick Halpern (eds), Racializing Class, Classifying Race: Labour and Difference in Britain, the USA and Africa. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press.

1999: ‘Rising From the Ashes: Alabama Coal Miners 1921-1941,’ in Edwin L. Brown and Colin J. Davis (eds), It Is Union and Liberty: Alabama Coal Miners and the UMW. Tuscaloosa and London: University of Alabama Press.

1997: ‘South African and US Labour in the era of the Second World War: Similar Trends and Underlying Differences,’ in Rick Halpern and Jon Morris (eds), American 5

Exceptionalism: US Working-class Formation in an International Context. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Reports (selection)

2016: Carin Runciman, Peter Alexander, et al, Counting Police-recorded Protests: Based on South African Police Service Data. Johannesburg: Social Change Research Unit, University of Johannesburg.

2015: with Carin Runciman and Boitumelo Maruping, South African Police Service (SAPS) Data on Crowd Incidents: A Preliminary Analysis. Johannesburg: Social Change Research Unit, University of Johannesburg.

2009: Luke Sinwell et al, Service Delivery Protests. Johannesburg: Centre for Sociological Research, University of Johannesburg.

2007: (ed.) et al., ‘Stimulating Sociology: Report of the task team appointed by a national workshop of sociologists, held in October 2006, and sponsored by the South African Sociological Association and the National Research Foundation’. N.p.: South African Sociological Association.

2002: with Hilma Shindondola, ‘Social Security for Non-Citizens in South Africa: A Draft Report on Sociological Research.’ Johannesburg: Centre for Sociological Research, RAU.

2002: Tina Uys, et al ‘HIV/AIDS and Students at RAU: Final Report.’ Johannesburg: Centre for Sociological Research, RAU.

2001: Tina Uys, et al. ‘HIV/AIDS and Students at RAU: Interim Report.’ Johannesburg: Centre for Sociological Research, RAU.

Some television and other media interviews

2017: Debate with Thandeke Ncube (Lonmin) and Jeff Mphahlele (AMCU) on SABC News’s Rights and Recourse, 20 August. 9KyBc

2017: Interview about Marikana on SABC News, 16 August.

2017: Interview with Tariq Ali on ‘Farewell to the ANC?’ for TeleSur’s The World Today. 27 July. 670036/

2015: Discussant for launch of Steven Friedman’s Race, Class and Power – Harold Wolpe and the radical critique of apartheid. 22 April. Available at


2015: Discussant for launch of Jane Duncan’s The Rise of the Securocrats. 26 February. Available at

2014: Interview on ‘The reasons behind protests,’ SABC Digital News, 13 June.

2014: Chair, second public seminar for Phase 2, Marikana Commission of Inquiry. 9 April. Transcript at SeminarPhase02-transcript.pdf

2014: with Carin Runciman and Trevor Ngwane, ‘Community Protests 2004-2013: Some Research Findings’. Media briefing that led to coverage in all South Africa’s daily , many weekly papers, and at least 14 interviews on TV and radio. 12 February. See

2014: Panelist for SABC election broadcast on ‘Creating a climate for free and fair elections’. This was broadcast on various platforms and is one of SABC’s most popular programmes.

Selection of shorter articles, lectures and papers

2017: ‘Op-Ed: Marikana – Five Years of Injustice’, Daily Meverick, 15 August. injustice/#.WaPwzK2B0_U

2017: ‘Cyril Ramaphosa’s Marikana massacre “apology” is disingenuous and dishonest,’ The Conversation, 11 May. marikana-massacre-apology-is-disingenuous-and-dishonest-77485. Reprinted in City Press, 12 May and elsewhere.

2017: ‘Liberate Palestine, bring down the walls of Israel,’ Mail & Guardian 10 May.

2017: ‘Zuma’s failure to fire Phiyega for role in Marikana beggars belief’, Op ed in Business Day, 22 February 2017, p. 12. Also for-role-in-marikana-beggars-belief/

2016: ‘Obituary: Martin Legassick,’ The Socialist.

2016: ‘Op-Ed: Twenty questions for Adam Habib’, Daily Maverick, 20 January. adam- habib/?utm_source=Daily+Maverick+Mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign= FT+20012016& F2016-01-19-op-ed-twenty-questions-for-adam-habib%2F#.VqDWDxGfR0s


2015: ‘Op-Ed: Piketty misses the mark on Marikana’, Daily Maverick, 7 October. on-marikana/#.VhWIG-vleFL

2015: ‘South Africa’s twin rebellions: bifurcated protest’, Open Movements section of Open Debate,6 October. africa’s-twin-rebellions-bifurcated-protest..

2015: ‘John Alexander obituary’, , 7 September. obituary?CMP=share_btn_fb

2015: ‘John Arthur Alexander: an Obituary’, Swyre, Dorset: self-published.

2015: with Carin Runciman, ‘Social Conflict in South Africa: Protests and Police Statistics’, 3rd International Conference on Strikes and Social Conflicts, Barcelona, 16-19 June.

2014: ‘Marikana shows gaps in Piketty’s thesis’, Op ed in Mail and Guardian, 25 July.

2014: ‘The facts about scene two’, letter in Sunday Times, 17 August.

2014: ‘Lonmin’s own fault’, letter in Business Day, 6 August.

2014: ‘Op-ed: AMCU victory is more than just about figures’, Daily Maverick, 29 June.

2014: with Carin Runciman and Trevor Ngwane, ‘Growing civil unrest shows yearning for accountability’, Business Day, 7 March.

2013: ‘From the poverty of class analysis to the class analysis of poverty’. Lecture given at Kiev National University, 19 July.

2013: ‘Denial and division’, Global Labour Institute. Available at:

2013: ‘Marikana: A View from the Mountain and a Case to Answer’, interview for Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Southern Africa) Online. Go to:

2013: ‘Interview: South Africa after Marikana,’ International Socialism 137.

2012: ‘Voices from Marikana’. Amandla 26/27, September.

2012: Thapelo Lekgowa, Botsang Mmope and Peter Alexander, ‘Geography of a massacre’. Socialist Worker, 21 August.

2012: Karl von Holdt and Peter Alexander, ‘Collective Violence, Community Protest and Xenophobia’. South African Review of Sociology 43(1). 8

2012: ‘A massive rebellion of the poor’. Op ed in Mail and Guardian, 13 April, page 34. Also appeared as ‘Protests and Police Statistics: Some Commentary. Available from: Published 28 March.

2012: ‘Unworkable theory’. Letter in Business Day, 22 March.

2011: ‘UJ’s decision was to show solidarity with the oppressed.’ Op ed in Mail & Guardian, 6 May.

2010: Executive Producer, ‘Phakhati – Soweto’s Middling Class’. Film made by Mosa Phadi with Eyelight Productions. In partnership with Centre for Sociological Research, University of Johannesburg. Available on YoutTube. .

2009: ‘It’s not Xenophobia.’ Feature article in Sowetan, 29 July.

2003: ‘Anti-globalisation Movements, Identity and Leadership Trevor Ngwane and the Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee’ (South African Sociological Society, University of Natal, Durban). Available at

2002: ‘Labour, Globalization and a Region in Crisis: The Case of Southern Africa.’ In Colin Barker and Mike Tyldesley (eds), Eighth International Conference on Alternative Futures and Popular Protest Volume 1. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science.

2002: ‘Obituary: Lungelu Sikakane,’ Society in Transition 33 (3).

2001: ‘Gwisai – the MDC’s Socialist MP.’ Debate 6/7.

2000: ‘Zimbabwe – A Different Point of View.’ South African Labour Bulletin 24(4).

1991: ‘Where the Party’s Still in Full Swing,’ New Statesman Society 120: 1504 (13 December).

1991: ‘The 1941-1947 Strike Wave, its Causes and Consequence, Some Preliminary Consideration’ (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, Societies of Southern Africa: Postgraduate Seminar Papers SSA/90/19).

1987: ‘Black Power 20 Years On’, lecture given at the Socialist Workers’ Party’s Skegness Easter Conference. ter+Alexander%2C+%E2%80%98Black+Power+20+Years+On%E2%80%99&oq=Y outube+Peter+Alexander%2C+%E2%80%98Black+Power+20+Years+On%E2%80% 99&gs_l=psy-ab.3...6967.6967.0.8179. ab..0.0.0.IWQkmrwnUdU

1985: Nigel Lambert (pseud), ‘Towards a Workers’ Party: Interview With Moses Mayekiso,’ and commentary on this. Socialist Worker Review 80 (October). 9

1984: ‘Crisis and Coup in Nigeria,’ 62 (February).

1983: ‘Racism – a Parliamentary Pawn,’ Socialist Review 52 (March).

1981: ‘A new Kind of Nazi,’ Socialist Review 6 (June/July).

1981: ‘Organising Asian Workers: Interview with Avtar Jouhl,’ Socialist Review 4 (April/May).

1979: Southall: The Fight for our Future. London: Socialist Worker Party.

1978: ‘Nigeria: A Chance for the “new Left”,’ Socialist Worker Review 7 (November).

1976: with , The Struggle for Angola. London: National Organisation of International Socialist Societies.